Re: Installing OSX on a 2TB WD Drive

2013-11-27 Thread Joseph Norton
I have created USB bootable OS X installs a number of times.  Just for kicks, I 
even install OS X on a USB thumb drive and it booted up.

The USB disk needs to be formatted as MAC OS Extended, Journaled, to make it 

What I've found when using Disk Utility is that, if you are wanting to format 
the whole drive, you don't necessarily need that options menu.  For example, if 
you select the USB drive (not the volumes on it, but, the actual entire drive), 
then select MAC OS Extended, Journaled, it will make sure to use the proper 
partition scheme.  However, when using the partition option in Disk utility, 
you should use that options button to make sure the proper scheme is selected, 
because Disk Utility might use the wrong scheme in some cases.

This has been my experience.

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Re: Discovered weird bug in Numbers

2013-11-27 Thread Chris H
This is also a bug in Pages. Not sure about Keynote. They must use the 
same export interface.

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On 26/11/2013 22:16, Eugenia Firth wrote:

Hi guys
I wanted to tell you all about the latest bug I found. I ended up calling that 
877 number again. They are never going to want to talk to me since I keep 
finding stuff wrong.

We also discovered a workaround, and this is the reason I am writing this. If 
you want to export files from numbers into something else like PDF or Excel 
files, you will find out that voiceover does not tell you what you are on. It 
keeps saying unknown. So when you want to choose the type of file you want to 
export two, you need to interact with it to find out which one you landed on. I 
didn't know this and kept getting PDF files when I wanted Excel files.

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Re: Latest release of Vuescan reprots "busy" all the time

2013-11-27 Thread Andrew Lamanche
Dear Phil,

I’ve checked again, and I’m not having problems with Vuescan any more. The 
version that I have installed is 9.4.02. Please check whether that’s the one 
that you have running. You will b3 able to hear the version installed after you 
launch Vuescan, or else move with vo+left arrow towards the left edge of the 
screen to hear this info spoken.

I find the popup buttons for the file type and the choice for multi-page popup 
under the output tab. Note, that they are now popup buttons whilst in the past 
they were checkboxes which had to be checked or unchecked. 

Once you adjust all your choices, you can always save these settings under file 
menu and give them a meaningful way so that if you ever change them you can 
load them again from the choice in the file menu.

Best wishes


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Re: Discovered weird bug in Numbers

2013-11-27 Thread Jessica D
I use keynote often and have not seen thos bug.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 27, 2013, at 5:18 AM, Chris H  wrote:
> This is also a bug in Pages. Not sure about Keynote. They must use the same 
> export interface.
> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
>> On 26/11/2013 22:16, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> I wanted to tell you all about the latest bug I found. I ended up calling 
>> that 877 number again. They are never going to want to talk to me since I 
>> keep finding stuff wrong.
>> We also discovered a workaround, and this is the reason I am writing this. 
>> If you want to export files from numbers into something else like PDF or 
>> Excel files, you will find out that voiceover does not tell you what you are 
>> on. It keeps saying unknown. So when you want to choose the type of file you 
>> want to export two, you need to interact with it to find out which one you 
>> landed on. I didn't know this and kept getting PDF files when I wanted Excel 
>> files.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
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Re: Installing OSX on a 2TB WD Drive

2013-11-27 Thread Daniel C
I will try again. But, that does not explain when installing never finished.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 27, 2013, at 3:02 AM, Joseph Norton  wrote:
> I have created USB bootable OS X installs a number of times.  Just for kicks, 
> I even install OS X on a USB thumb drive and it booted up.
> The USB disk needs to be formatted as MAC OS Extended, Journaled, to make it 
> work.
> What I've found when using Disk Utility is that, if you are wanting to format 
> the whole drive, you don't necessarily need that options menu.  For example, 
> if you select the USB drive (not the volumes on it, but, the actual entire 
> drive), then select MAC OS Extended, Journaled, it will make sure to use the 
> proper partition scheme.  However, when using the partition option in Disk 
> utility, you should use that options button to make sure the proper scheme is 
> selected, because Disk Utility might use the wrong scheme in some cases.
> This has been my experience.
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Re: probleming reading apple developer documentation

2013-11-27 Thread Venkatesh Potluri
I am getting back to this after a good few months. I ran into another
problem. How do I specify a delegate object for the text field?
according to the guide, one is instructed to control-drag from the
text field to the yellow sphere in the scene doc and select delegate
in the outlets section. I am unable to do this with VO, I tried
following similar techniques suggested in the previous mails in this
thread. Now that I have my winter break, I have decided to get through
the learning process at a good pace :)
 Thanks in advance.
Venkatesh Potluri

On 8/22/13, Barry Hadder  wrote:
> Hi,
> It sounds like you are in the triggered segues.  You want to move down to
> the sent events list and drag from "touch up inside".
> That should work.
> On Aug 22, 2013, at 1:17 AM, Venkatesh Potluri  wrote:
> Hi.
> Thanks for the info :)
> I started reading the tutorial andnow I am facing another problem.
> I am unable to add an action to the button. the tutorial says that I
> have to control-drag the button from the interface builder to the
> method declaration section in the viewControler's header file in the
> assistant  editor. I tried to select the button in the table that
> shows the hierarchy of elements in a view, go to the connections
> inspector, go to the "unknown" next to action, move the mouse pointer
> there, do a mouse down, go to the assistant editor and release the
> mouse at the relevant place. This method works when trying to add a
> referencing outlet but does not seem to work in this case.
> Kindly suggest.
> Cheers
> Venkatesh Potluri
> On 8/20/13, Barry Hadder  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You really don't need to be concerned about the dates of the two
>> documents.
>> Development isn't different at all as far as what you will do in this
>> tutorial.  Unless you role your own UI elements, everything is pretty
>> much
>> accessible out of the box.  The thing they talk about are things you can
>> figure out fairly easily just from perusing around the XCode inspectors.
>> You open the window resize options menu with vo-shift-tilda.  Then go
>> into
>> the resize menu and choose the edge you want to move and press enter.
>> Then
>> move the appropriate arrow keys.  You should hear a s sound and vo
>> will
>> speak information.  If If not, then the edge is as far as it will go.
>> When
>> you're done, press escape.
>> I only put this because knowing how to do this can be helpful in other
>> situations, but I don't think it is necessary here.  I think the pdf is
>> sufficient All though I hope they post the updated one soon.  I also
>> think
>> you need to know that from what I have seen, this problem with Safari is
>> being addressed.
>> On Aug 20, 2013, at 3:26 AM, Venkatesh Potluri 
>> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> thanks for the pdf link :)
>> The only problem is that the PDF was last updated on february 2012,
>> where as the website was last updated on april 2013. most of the
>> documentation seems to be the same, but, some info on making apps
>> accessible seems to be missing at a quick glance. The PDF will also
>> not have information about iOs6. are things significantly different in
>> the initial stage of app development?
>> the zoom in-zoom out does not seem to work for me. could you give more
>> info on how to do the window-resize technique?
>> Thank you
>> Cheers
>> Venkatesh Potluri
>> On 8/20/13, Barry Hadder  wrote:
>>> It looks like they are redoing their doc pages.
>>> Sometimes zooming in or out fixes the mouse routing problem.  Also,
>>> resizing
>>> the window some times helps.  vo-shift-tilda brings up the window resize
>>> menu.
>>> The above was the hard way and it doesn't always work.  The easiest
>>> thing
>>> for you to do for the time being is probably to download the pdf.  For
>>> some
>>> reason I don't find a button to download it on that page, but you can
>>> use
>>> this URL:
>>> Good luck.
>>> On Aug 19, 2013, at 9:09 PM, Venkatesh Potluri 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello all.
>>> I am getting started with iOs app development. I am unable to access
>>> all the text in this link.
>>> voiceover says " bullet image" at some places. when you move the mouse
>>> curser using command-VO-F5, and do a mouse click, the text related to
>>> the specific task is displayed. however, I am able to access just the
>>> first occurrence or a " bullet image" in a page. I end up opening the
>>> apple menu when I attempt to access the second occurrence of the
>>> "bullet image".
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Cheers
>>> Venkatesh Potluri
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Re: Follow-up On s/electing Text With a braille Display

2013-11-27 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Teresa.
The rotor kinda sorta works, bu tnot quite. I cannot seem to get space
with dot 3 or space with dot 6 to work. Have you found a way around
this when only using a braille display?

Thanks for any help!

On 11/26/13, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
> Hi, all,
> A few weeks ago, some of us had a discussion about selecting text with a
> Braille display. well, I have created keystrokes in VO Utility, Braille to
> accomplish this. There are two items in the commands menu, “select text” and
> “select text in Voiceover” which pretty much cover everything. You just have
> to make sure you can move to the next rotor category (character, word, line,
> sentence, or paragraph) and then use the “select text” command. I’m not sure
> of the scope of “select text in Voiceover.” For all intents and purposes,
> except for very large documents, I’d assume it works very similarly to
> “selec@t all”.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On the other hand, there are different fingers.
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Re: VMWare questions

2013-11-27 Thread Phil Halton
capslock is not passed to VMWare Fusion as a key press. it is handled more as a 
hardware function by the mac than as a key press. it can be remapped either in 
mac or windows using various key remap programs. I use SharpKeys from within 
windows to swap the functions of the grave accent  and the   caps lock keys 

That way, I use the grave accent key as caps lock (functioning as the jaws and 
NVDA modifiers key), and the caps lock key press produces the grave accent key 
should I ever need it.

Search the archive for macvisionaries for the term 
"shaprkeys", or "caps lock" etc and you'll find a lot to read up on. there are 
also podcasts on the subject at

On Nov 27, 2013, at 1:38 AM, Anouk Radix  wrote:

> Hello, 
> also, caps lock does not seem to work properly in fusion for me either. I 
> mostly try to use insert. I know the map does not have that key by default 
> but within the vmware prefs you can remap another key to act as insert key 
> (for example this one 1
> Greetings, Anouk,
> On 27 Nov 2013, at 06:03, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> thank you, that keyboard setting does seem to help. I have noticed my VM 
>> running at quite a lag, half a second to a second, which really messes up 
>> gameplay. It doesn't always happen, but it is enough that audio games are 
>> nearly unusable. I gave Windows one core and 3gb of ram, so it should be 
>> quite happy. How odd! If anyone has seen this, I'd greatly appreciate a fix. 
>> To be honest, the whole point of this  setup on my personal machine is 
>> gaming, so if I can't use it for that, then I'm stuck with Bootcamp again.
>> On Nov 26, 2013, at 2:43 PM, Caitlyn furness  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi alex,
>>> I’m going to take a crack at some of your questions.
>>> For your problem with vo taking over, and also for some of the key strokes 
>>> not being recognized, you can either turn off vo while in the virtual 
>>> machine or go into the vm prefs and then find the tab called keyboard, I 
>>> think.  In there, there is a check box which tells the vm to ignore all mac 
>>> osx commands. For myself, once I checked that little box, the guest 
>>> operating system acted better!
>>> The volume issue is probably windows volume and you can either turn up your 
>>> mac or go into control panel and turn up the volume in the other OS.
>>> hth,
>>> Caitlyn
>>> On Nov 25, 2013, at 8:28 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Hi all,
 I finally got VMWare Fusion running! I guess I complained enough, because 
 they called me back within an hour, had me set up a remote access program, 
 and did everything for me.  I'm still not overly impressed with 
 their support, but at least they fixed this.
 Now, though, I have some questions. This is on a Macbook Air with 4gb of 
 ram (total, not for the vm only). I will set up Windows on my Mini soon, 
 but want to iron everything out on the Macbook first since my Mini is my 
 primary machine.
 1. According to Fusion's preferences, ctrl-cmd should toggle 
 keyboard/mouse control between Windows and Mac, but that does not always 
 seem to be the case. Voiceover usually grabs keystrokes, almost randomly 
 at times, and the caps lock modifier does not work at all. In addition, 
 keyboard commander keystrokes are grabbed, so windows-b executes my 
 battery script instead of jumping to the Task Bar. This, of course, means 
 I cannot reliably control Windows, and cannot access the NVDA menus.
 2. The default behavior for closing Fusion is to suspend open VMs. Is that 
 okay, or is it recommended that I shut them down instead?
 3. Windows seems quiet relative to OS10. Is there a way to turn it up? It 
 may well be Windows' volume, I haven't managed to check yet (see #1).
 Thank you in advance, and I am sure I will have more questions as time 
 goes on. As I said, I really want to nail down any possible problems 
 before trying this out on my main machine. However, I am demoing Windows 
 to a client tomorrow, using the Macbook, so it would be nice to have 
 better control over Windows before then. (Yeah, I put this one off, but in 
 my defense I never expected so much trouble with VMWare).
 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: safari malfunctioning?

2013-11-27 Thread Phil Halton
I haven't encountered any such behavior, but maybe its time for a safari reset. 
I reset the whole enchilada from time to time and it usually clears up any 
problems or weirdness I am experiencing with safari.

On Nov 26, 2013, at 10:53 PM, eric oyen  wrote:

> hello all.
> has anyone encountered this problem yet?
> the problem: safari refuses to load a page after pressing the login button on 
> a username/password entry point. it just sits there. I have started seeing 
> this on several sites today, including BARD. I have even quit and restarted 
> the browser. also tried webkit (Safari development version) and it does the 
> same thing.
> ANy clues here or am I beating my head against a wall here?
> -eric
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Re: The FN Key

2013-11-27 Thread Traci Duncan
I believe key remap for Mac will do this for you.  On my Macbook Air, I have 
changed the right command key to another control key.

On Nov 25, 2013, at 3:06 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> Hello,
> I have just received my new wireless keyboard that I am loving except for one 
> thing. On the right side of the spacebar the 3 keys are: Command, F/N, and 
> Control. Now me being right handed and all I would prefer to have an option 
> key on the right side of the spacebar so that it would make using VO a bit 
> easier when I need to press a key combination that is on the left side of my 
> keyboard.
> Does anyone know if there is a way to change the F/N key into an option key?
> Thank you,
> Scott Rumery
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Re: The FN Key

2013-11-27 Thread Jessica D
How do i get it?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 27, 2013, at 11:29 AM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
> I believe key remap for Mac will do this for you.  On my Macbook Air, I have 
> changed the right command key to another control key.
> Traci
>> On Nov 25, 2013, at 3:06 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have just received my new wireless keyboard that I am loving except for 
>> one thing. On the right side of the spacebar the 3 keys are: Command, F/N, 
>> and Control. Now me being right handed and all I would prefer to have an 
>> option key on the right side of the spacebar so that it would make using VO 
>> a bit easier when I need to press a key combination that is on the left side 
>> of my keyboard.
>> Does anyone know if there is a way to change the F/N key into an option key?
>> Thank you,
>> Scott Rumery
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Re: safari malfunctioning?

2013-11-27 Thread eric oyen
I may have to do that anyway. it might also take care of the other oddities 
after safari got updated.


On Nov 27, 2013, at 9:18 AM, Phil Halton wrote:

> I haven't encountered any such behavior, but maybe its time for a safari 
> reset. I reset the whole enchilada from time to time and it usually clears up 
> any problems or weirdness I am experiencing with safari.
> On Nov 26, 2013, at 10:53 PM, eric oyen  wrote:
>> hello all.
>> has anyone encountered this problem yet?
>> the problem: safari refuses to load a page after pressing the login button 
>> on a username/password entry point. it just sits there. I have started 
>> seeing this on several sites today, including BARD. I have even quit and 
>> restarted the browser. also tried webkit (Safari development version) and it 
>> does the same thing.
>> ANy clues here or am I beating my head against a wall here?
>> -eric
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Re: Key repeating

2013-11-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
Is it possible you have locked your VO keys? Try pressing VO-semicolon and see 
if it says “control-option lock off”. When VO keys are locked, you can use VO 
functions without pressing control-option.


Slow down; you'll get there faster.

On Nov 26, 2013, at 10:47 PM, Angus MacKinnon  wrote:

> I just upgraded my new 27 inch iMac to Mabravix. Now VO seems to get stuck on 
> anything when Navigating without CMD + Arrow (for example). Anyone know why? 
> Thank you.
> Angus MacKinnon
> Written using a 27 inch iMac
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Re: probleming reading apple developer documentation

2013-11-27 Thread Barry Hadder


First select the text field object in the outline.  Then, in the 
connections inspector move vo to it’s delegate in the list of outlets.

Drag from it to the object in the outline that you want to set as it’s 
delegate.  You will want to turn cursor tracking off for this.

Hope that helps.

On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 7:36:29 AM UTC-6, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
> Hi 
> I am getting back to this after a good few months. I ran into another 
> problem. How do I specify a delegate object for the text field? 
> according to the guide, one is instructed to control-drag from the 
> text field to the yellow sphere in the scene doc and select delegate 
> in the outlets section. I am unable to do this with VO, I tried 
> following similar techniques suggested in the previous mails in this 
> thread. Now that I have my winter break, I have decided to get through 
> the learning process at a good pace :) 
>  Thanks in advance. 
> Cheers 
> Venkatesh Potluri 
> On 8/22/13, Barry Hadder > wrote: 
> > Hi, 
> > 
> > It sounds like you are in the triggered segues.  You want to move down 
> to 
> > the sent events list and drag from "touch up inside". 
> > That should work. 
> > 
> > On Aug 22, 2013, at 1:17 AM, Venkatesh Potluri 
> > > 
> wrote: 
> > 
> > Hi. 
> > Thanks for the info :) 
> > I started reading the tutorial andnow I am facing another problem. 
> > I am unable to add an action to the button. the tutorial says that I 
> > have to control-drag the button from the interface builder to the 
> > method declaration section in the viewControler's header file in the 
> > assistant  editor. I tried to select the button in the table that 
> > shows the hierarchy of elements in a view, go to the connections 
> > inspector, go to the "unknown" next to action, move the mouse pointer 
> > there, do a mouse down, go to the assistant editor and release the 
> > mouse at the relevant place. This method works when trying to add a 
> > referencing outlet but does not seem to work in this case. 
> > Kindly suggest. 
> > Cheers 
> > Venkatesh Potluri 
> > 
> > On 8/20/13, Barry Hadder > wrote: 
> >> Hi, 
> >> 
> >> You really don't need to be concerned about the dates of the two 
> >> documents. 
> >> Development isn't different at all as far as what you will do in this 
> >> tutorial.  Unless you role your own UI elements, everything is pretty 
> >> much 
> >> accessible out of the box.  The thing they talk about are things you 
> can 
> >> figure out fairly easily just from perusing around the XCode 
> inspectors. 
> >> 
> >> You open the window resize options menu with vo-shift-tilda.  Then go 
> >> into 
> >> the resize menu and choose the edge you want to move and press enter. 
> >> Then 
> >> move the appropriate arrow keys.  You should hear a s sound and vo 
> >> will 
> >> speak information.  If If not, then the edge is as far as it will go. 
> >> When 
> >> you're done, press escape. 
> >> 
> >> I only put this because knowing how to do this can be helpful in other 
> >> situations, but I don't think it is necessary here.  I think the pdf is 
> >> sufficient All though I hope they post the updated one soon.  I also 
> >> think 
> >> you need to know that from what I have seen, this problem with Safari 
> is 
> >> being addressed. 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Aug 20, 2013, at 3:26 AM, Venkatesh Potluri 
> >> > 
> >> wrote: 
> >> 
> >> Hi! 
> >> thanks for the pdf link :) 
> >> The only problem is that the PDF was last updated on february 2012, 
> >> where as the website was last updated on april 2013. most of the 
> >> documentation seems to be the same, but, some info on making apps 
> >> accessible seems to be missing at a quick glance. The PDF will also 
> >> not have information about iOs6. are things significantly different in 
> >> the initial stage of app development? 
> >> the zoom in-zoom out does not seem to work for me. could you give more 
> >> info on how to do the window-resize technique? 
> >> Thank you 
> >> Cheers 
> >> Venkatesh Potluri 
> >> 
> >> On 8/20/13, Barry Hadder > wrote: 
> >>> It looks like they are redoing their doc pages. 
> >>> Sometimes zooming in or out fixes the mouse routing problem.  Also, 
> >>> resizing 
> >>> the window some times helps.  vo-shift-tilda brings up the window 
> resize 
> >>> menu. 
> >>> 
> >>> The above was the hard way and it doesn't always work.  The easiest 
> >>> thing 
> >>> for you to do for the time being is probably to download the pdf.  For 
> >>> some 
> >>> reason I don't find a button to download it on that page, but you can 
> >>> use 
> >>> this URL: 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Good luck. 
> >>> 
> >>> On Aug 19, 2013, at 9:09 PM, Venkatesh Potluri 
> >>> > 
> >>> wrote: 
> >>> 
> >>> Hello all. 
> >>> I am getting started with iOs app development. I am unable to access 
> >>> all the text in this link. 
> >>> 

Re: Follow-up On s/electing Text With a braille Display

2013-11-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
The rotor works for selecting text, because in that instance, you don’t have to 
move, say from word to word to select text. As far as moving to rotor items 
within a category, I haven’t found a Braille command to do this, much less a 
keystroke. I set up a key to bring up the web rotor and use it that way, but 
that’s just the web rotor. So no, I really don’t know how to move to the next 
item within a category with a braille display.


On the other hand, there are different fingers.

On Nov 27, 2013, at 7:29 AM, Scott Davert  wrote:

> Hi Teresa.
> The rotor kinda sorta works, bu tnot quite. I cannot seem to get space
> with dot 3 or space with dot 6 to work. Have you found a way around
> this when only using a braille display?
> Thanks for any help!
> Scott
> On 11/26/13, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> A few weeks ago, some of us had a discussion about selecting text with a
>> Braille display. well, I have created keystrokes in VO Utility, Braille to
>> accomplish this. There are two items in the commands menu, “select text” and
>> “select text in Voiceover” which pretty much cover everything. You just have
>> to make sure you can move to the next rotor category (character, word, line,
>> sentence, or paragraph) and then use the “select text” command. I’m not sure
>> of the scope of “select text in Voiceover.” For all intents and purposes,
>> except for very large documents, I’d assume it works very similarly to
>> “selec@t all”.
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> On the other hand, there are different fingers.
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iMud has been submitted to the mac app store

2013-11-27 Thread Tyler Thompson

For those of you who helped me beta test iMud (the accessible MUD 
client) and for those who are interested iMud has been submitted to the mac app 
store! I haven’t heard yet whether they’re actually going to be putting it on 
but the bulk of the work has been done and it’s  a fully functional client 
(even in mavericks). I’ll keep everybody posted on whether it gets accepted or 

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Re: The FN Key

2013-11-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
I’d love to be able to remap keys. I have an Amazon basics keyboard that has 
two option keys and one command key. I’d love to have two option keys and two 
command keys. I’m definitely looking into this.


Slow down; you'll get there faster.

On Nov 27, 2013, at 8:38 AM, Jessica D  wrote:

> How do i get it?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 27, 2013, at 11:29 AM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>> I believe key remap for Mac will do this for you.  On my Macbook Air, I have 
>> changed the right command key to another control key.
>> Traci
>>> On Nov 25, 2013, at 3:06 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have just received my new wireless keyboard that I am loving except for 
>>> one thing. On the right side of the spacebar the 3 keys are: Command, F/N, 
>>> and Control. Now me being right handed and all I would prefer to have an 
>>> option key on the right side of the spacebar so that it would make using VO 
>>> a bit easier when I need to press a key combination that is on the left 
>>> side of my keyboard.
>>> Does anyone know if there is a way to change the F/N key into an option key?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Scott Rumery
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Re: iMud has been submitted to the mac app store

2013-11-27 Thread Kjsc Radio

Just an idea, if it gets rejected, you should put it on a website. Sent from my 

> On 27 Nov 2013, at 10:39 am, Tyler Thompson  wrote:
> Hello,
>For those of you who helped me beta test iMud (the accessible MUD client) 
> and for those who are interested iMud has been submitted to the mac app 
> store! I haven’t heard yet whether they’re actually going to be putting it on 
> but the bulk of the work has been done and it’s  a fully functional client 
> (even in mavericks). I’ll keep everybody posted on whether it gets accepted 
> or rejected
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Re: Key repeating

2013-11-27 Thread Angus MacKinnon

Thank you. I thought of the Vo keys being locked. I tried both and and it seems 
to be no change unless I use CMD first. One thing I noticed is that the focus 
is always on Close when not using the CMD key.

Angus MacKinnon
Written using a 27 inch iMac

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Re: iMud has been submitted to the mac app store

2013-11-27 Thread Devin Prater
How much will it cost?
Sent from my braille plus 18

Tyler Thompson  wrote:

>   For those of you who helped me beta test iMud (the accessible MUD 
> client) and for those who are interested iMud has been submitted to the mac 
> app store! I haven’t heard yet whether they’re actually going to be putting 
> it on but the bulk of the work has been done and it’s  a fully functional 
> client (even in mavericks). I’ll keep everybody posted on whether it gets 
> accepted or rejected
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Re: iMud has been submitted to the mac app store

2013-11-27 Thread Tyler Thompson
it’ll be $4.99
On Nov 27, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:

> How much will it cost?
> Sent from my braille plus 18
> Tyler Thompson  wrote:
>> Hello,
>>  For those of you who helped me beta test iMud (the accessible MUD 
>> client) and for those who are interested iMud has been submitted to the mac 
>> app store! I haven’t heard yet whether they’re actually going to be putting 
>> it on but the bulk of the work has been done and it’s  a fully functional 
>> client (even in mavericks). I’ll keep everybody posted on whether it gets 
>> accepted or rejected
>> -- 
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Re: safari malfunctioning?

2013-11-27 Thread Daniel McGee
Would repair disc permissions be an idea?
This is what I would do if all else fails. I've found this even speeds up my 
Mac or at least makes its runs more smoothly from time to time when I perform 
this task.
Of course, I'm not certain this will clear up your issue and by the way my 
complete sympathy goes out to you but if clearing out the Safari history etc 
doesn't work maybe and although its not an ideal situation try reseting your 
Voiceover settings in the VO utility and see if that fixes your problem.

So I would do it in this order:

1. Reset settings in Safari
2. Reset Voiceover settings note: you may want to make a backup file of your 
Voiceover preferences in order if the reset doesn't work then at least you can 
restore your VO preps backup rather than having to do it manually.
3. If all else fails, then a disc permissions might be in order. You may want 
to also check/repair your volume start-up disc too see if its ok.

Please bare in mind though, that if you do decide to do this, then I won't be 
responsible for any error/accidents you hopefully won't encounter. I'm just 
providing you with suggestions that I would do so please go ahead at your own 
risk. Just wanted to make that clear you'll understand I'm sure.

I hope I've helped and the very best of luck in getting your Safari problems 
Do let us know how you get on. :)


On 27 Nov 2013, at 17:07, eric oyen  wrote:

> I may have to do that anyway. it might also take care of the other oddities 
> after safari got updated.
> -eric
> On Nov 27, 2013, at 9:18 AM, Phil Halton wrote:
>> I haven't encountered any such behavior, but maybe its time for a safari 
>> reset. I reset the whole enchilada from time to time and it usually clears 
>> up any problems or weirdness I am experiencing with safari.
>> On Nov 26, 2013, at 10:53 PM, eric oyen  wrote:
>>> hello all.
>>> has anyone encountered this problem yet?
>>> the problem: safari refuses to load a page after pressing the login button 
>>> on a username/password entry point. it just sits there. I have started 
>>> seeing this on several sites today, including BARD. I have even quit and 
>>> restarted the browser. also tried webkit (Safari development version) and 
>>> it does the same thing.
>>> ANy clues here or am I beating my head against a wall here?
>>> -eric
>>> -- 
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Re: safari malfunctioning?

2013-11-27 Thread eric oyen
already in the middle of setting this all up as a script. hopefully, it solves 
a number of issues. If not, I may have to backup and then wipe the system and 
reinstall (absolutely last resort there).


On Nov 27, 2013, at 11:13 AM, Daniel McGee wrote:

> Would repair disc permissions be an idea?
> This is what I would do if all else fails. I've found this even speeds up my 
> Mac or at least makes its runs more smoothly from time to time when I perform 
> this task.
> Of course, I'm not certain this will clear up your issue and by the way my 
> complete sympathy goes out to you but if clearing out the Safari history etc 
> doesn't work maybe and although its not an ideal situation try reseting your 
> Voiceover settings in the VO utility and see if that fixes your problem.
> So I would do it in this order:
> 1. Reset settings in Safari
> 2. Reset Voiceover settings note: you may want to make a backup file of your 
> Voiceover preferences in order if the reset doesn't work then at least you 
> can restore your VO preps backup rather than having to do it manually.
> 3. If all else fails, then a disc permissions might be in order. You may want 
> to also check/repair your volume start-up disc too see if its ok.
> Please bare in mind though, that if you do decide to do this, then I won't be 
> responsible for any error/accidents you hopefully won't encounter. I'm just 
> providing you with suggestions that I would do so please go ahead at your own 
> risk. Just wanted to make that clear you'll understand I'm sure.
> I hope I've helped and the very best of luck in getting your Safari problems 
> resolved!
> Do let us know how you get on. :)
> Thanks
> Daniel
> On 27 Nov 2013, at 17:07, eric oyen  wrote:
>> I may have to do that anyway. it might also take care of the other oddities 
>> after safari got updated.
>> -eric
>> On Nov 27, 2013, at 9:18 AM, Phil Halton wrote:
>>> I haven't encountered any such behavior, but maybe its time for a safari 
>>> reset. I reset the whole enchilada from time to time and it usually clears 
>>> up any problems or weirdness I am experiencing with safari.
>>> On Nov 26, 2013, at 10:53 PM, eric oyen  wrote:
 hello all.
 has anyone encountered this problem yet?
 the problem: safari refuses to load a page after pressing the login button 
 on a username/password entry point. it just sits there. I have started 
 seeing this on several sites today, including BARD. I have even quit and 
 restarted the browser. also tried webkit (Safari development version) and 
 it does the same thing.
 ANy clues here or am I beating my head against a wall here?
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Re: iMud has been submitted to the mac app store

2013-11-27 Thread Jessica D
what will it be used for?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 27, 2013, at 1:02 PM, Tyler Thompson  wrote:
> it’ll be $4.99
>> On Nov 27, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>> How much will it cost?
>> Sent from my braille plus 18
>> Tyler Thompson  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>For those of you who helped me beta test iMud (the accessible MUD 
>>> client) and for those who are interested iMud has been submitted to the mac 
>>> app store! I haven’t heard yet whether they’re actually going to be putting 
>>> it on but the bulk of the work has been done and it’s  a fully functional 
>>> client (even in mavericks). I’ll keep everybody posted on whether it gets 
>>> accepted or rejected
>>> -- 
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smart play list question

2013-11-27 Thread Caitlyn furness
I want to make a smart play list for my christmas music.

I am going to set this up so it doesn’t get included in my music when I shuffle 

After I create the list, will songs I add from now on get added to it if they 
meet the criteria?

thanks!  this is all new to me!

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Network Attached storage for sale?

2013-11-27 Thread Kliphton -------
> Please reply off list.

> Okay, I have 2 8TB network attached storage devices.  For those of you who 
> don’t know what this is, it’s a hard drive that is powered by an AC adaptor, 
> and plugs directly in to your router.  That way all computers, and most smart 
> phones, can access the files as long as they are on the same network.  I am 
> selling both of them.  One is loaded with my movie and music collection, that 
> I have no problem leaving on there for whom ever may buy it.  The second one 
> is still in the box unopened.  A terabyte is basically 8 times 1000 
> gigabytes.  So just imagine a very large amount of space to save and backup 
> files.  These are 600 bucks brand new, but I am willing to knock something 
> off both of them depending on whether you want the new one or the one that is 
> barely 6 months old with the movies and music loaded onto it already.  I know 
> some people don’t like western digital drives, but I have had nothing but 
> good experiences with them.  And that’s who these drives are made by.  They 
> even make a streaming media player that works with these devices, to stream 
> media to any television or computer in your home on the same network.  My 
> contact info is below for all who is interested, and if not, pass along to 
> anyone you think may be interested.  Thanks.
> Kliphton
> ~iMessage&Email~
> ~Twitter,Instagram,foursquare&Skype~ kliphton72
> [Text only] 914-820-2298
> (Personal blog-read at your own risk!)

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Re: iMud has been submitted to the mac app store

2013-11-27 Thread Tyler Thompson
It’s a MUD client, (multi user dungeon). To connect to old telnet style games 
(text based)

On Nov 27, 2013, at 11:37 AM, Jessica D  wrote:

> what will it be used for?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 27, 2013, at 1:02 PM, Tyler Thompson  
>> wrote:
>> it’ll be $4.99
>>> On Nov 27, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>>> How much will it cost?
>>> Sent from my braille plus 18
>>> Tyler Thompson  wrote:
   For those of you who helped me beta test iMud (the accessible MUD 
 client) and for those who are interested iMud has been submitted to the 
 mac app store! I haven’t heard yet whether they’re actually going to be 
 putting it on but the bulk of the work has been done and it’s  a fully 
 functional client (even in mavericks). I’ll keep everybody posted on 
 whether it gets accepted or rejected
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Re: smart play list question

2013-11-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

Yes, as long as you have Live Update checked.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 27, 2013, at 11:56 AM, Caitlyn furness  wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to make a smart play list for my christmas music.
> I am going to set this up so it doesn’t get included in my music when I 
> shuffle songs.
> After I create the list, will songs I add from now on get added to it if they 
> meet the criteria?
> thanks!  this is all new to me!
> Cait
> -- 
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Re: Another scan possibility.

2013-11-27 Thread Esther
Hi Annie, John, Jonathan, and Others,

I think that Jon is talking about an organization system for a "Paperless" 
office that is based on a workflow using a fast scanner (the Fujitsu ScanSnap) 
and scanning software that is based on ABBYY FineReader.  A license for ABBYY 
FineReader for the Mac is included in the purchase price of DEVONThink Pro.  
(Note that only the Pro version includes this license.).  The Fujitsu ScanSnap 
itself comes (or came) with a custom version of the ABBYY FineReader Express 
OCR program.  This was just about the time we were first able to purchase ABBYY 
FineReader Express for the Mac some years ago.  The version of ABBYY's OCR 
program that was bundled with the first ScanSnaps was a custom early release 
from ABBYY that could not be used with other scanners.  It was also not fully 
accessible, but was usable, as I recall.  I think some Epson scanners later 
also had early custom versions of the ABBYY FineReader OCR programs bundled in.

DEVONtechnologies built a whole document management system around the Fujitsu 
ScanSnaps because they could do really fast, double-sided scanning in bulk.  So 
their Pro version of the workflow included a license for the regular ABBYY 
FineReader Express license for OCR that could be used generally.  But this 
workflow was, at least for the first few years, and maybe still, based on the 
specific Fujitsu ScanSnap scanner models.  These are not flatbed scanners -- 
they are shaped a bit like FAX machines with their sheet feeders (as are the 
fast Epson scanners).  The DEVONtechnologies GTD (or "getting things done") 
workflow models are based on getting documents into digital formats, and then 
filed in with their databases on your machines.

The bundles go on sale periodically -- sometimes as part of other software 
bundles, where the price of the bundle has been less than the list price of an 
ABBYY FineReader Express license.  most of the sales involve lower versions of 
their workflow software -- not the Pro version -- that don't include an ABBYY 
FineReader license.  They also have educational discount pricing at their web 

The next big sale, according to their blog, will be between Black Friday and 
Cyber Monday with a 25 per cent discount on all their apps.  The freeware 
downloads page at DEVONtechnologies has previously been linked to for the 
WordService download.  This was especially useful back in Tiger and Leopard 
when the Services menus on the Mac weren't used or accessed very much, and you 
could set up neat shortcuts for text manipulation.  (My only warning was that 
some of the shortcut assignments in those early version overrode standard 
shortcuts that I used for things like moving back and forward in web pages, so 
I had to sort which ones to disable of reassign shortcuts to.  Again, this was 
back in Tiger (10.4) and Leopard (10.5)

Their main web site is:

This information is all written up from memory, so someone might want to check 
this.  Jon was referring to a Take Control eBook (think the title was about 
"your Paperless Office"?) that described how to use the third-party apps from 
DEVONtechnologies.  One comment: it is really confusing to read about 
DEVONthink Agent, Express, Personal, etc.  I think you need either Pro or Pro 
Office to get the license for ABBYY's OCR program included, so check this 
before you buy! As I said, this is written up from memory.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 11:29:37 AM UTC-10, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
> Hi.
> I can still not figure out what you are talking about. Please forgive me and 
> give me a link.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den 26 Nov 2013 kl. 21:25 skrev John Panarese:
>    OK, there is several versions of this product.  Any idea which one I 
> should try?  There are professional, personal and additional ones.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> On Nov 25, 2013, at 9:53 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
> Sorry about being vague yesterday. I was thinking of DEVONthink but I did not 
> know how to spell it. There is a Take Control book on the product that came 
> out at the same time as Take Control of Your Paperless Office. Both books 
> were by the same author and shortly after they came out I got DEVONthink as a 
> demo and found the scanning worked but was confused as to how to actually 
> organize things. There have been several releases since. Also, I believe it 
> is one of the products that you can get a discount for if you are a 
> paid subscriber.
> Can you let the list and myself know how  well your trial with this wo

Re: smart play list question

2013-11-27 Thread Caitlyn and Maggie
Oh, way cool!
thanks, Tim!

On Nov 27, 2013, at 2:54 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> Yes, as long as you have Live Update checked.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 27, 2013, at 11:56 AM, Caitlyn furness  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to make a smart play list for my christmas music.
>> I am going to set this up so it doesn’t get included in my music when I 
>> shuffle songs.
>> After I create the list, will songs I add from now on get added to it if 
>> they meet the criteria?
>> thanks!  this is all new to me!
>> Cait
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Re: Another scan possibility.

2013-11-27 Thread Esther
Correction on my last post: I believe you need to purchase DEVONthink Office 
Pro (not just DEVONthink Pro) for an ABBYY FineReader Express OCR license to be 
included in the package.  Of course, you may already have such a license from 
previous usage.  Just to summarize, this is a scanning solution based on 
ABBYY's OCR, and I believe it is centered for most purposes around the Fujitsu 
ScanSnap line of scanners.



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Re: Network Attached storage for sale?

2013-11-27 Thread Littlefield, Tyler
The RIAA might have a problem with you leaving this collection on the 
drive and reselling it though, especially if you're asking for a higher 
price for your music/movie collection...

On 11/27/2013 2:20 PM, Kliphton --- wrote:

Please reply off list.

Okay, I have 2 8TB network attached storage devices.  For those of 
you who don’t know what this is, it’s a hard drive that is powered by 
an AC adaptor, and plugs directly in to your router.  That way all 
computers, and most smart phones, can access the files as long as 
they are on the same network.  I am selling both of them.  One is 
loaded with my movie and music collection, that I have no problem 
leaving on there for whom ever may buy it.  The second one is still 
in the box unopened.  A terabyte is basically 8 times 1000 gigabytes. 
 So just imagine a very large amount of space to save and backup 
files.  These are 600 bucks brand new, but I am willing to knock 
something off both of them depending on whether you want the new one 
or the one that is barely 6 months old with the movies and music 
loaded onto it already.  I know some people don’t like western 
digital drives, but I have had nothing but good experiences with 
them.  And that’s who these drives are made by.  They even make a 
streaming media player that works with these devices, to stream media 
to any television or computer in your home on the same network.  My 
contact info is below for all who is interested, and if not, pass 
along to anyone you think may be interested.  Thanks.

~iMessage&Email~ kliphton.a.m@
~Twitter,Instagram,foursquare&Skype~ kliphton72
[Text only] 914-820-2298
(Personal blog-read at your own risk!) 

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Take care,
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.
Sent from my Toaster (tm).

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LastPass nor working properly on the iPhone

2013-11-27 Thread Agent086b
I sent this message to the viphone list the other day with no luck so am trying 
does anybody use LastPass on there iPhone? I have been using it for some years 
with not much of a problem.
The latest version just released I am no longer able to read the list of sites.
Does anybody else have this problem before I Write to the developer.

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Re: Another scan possibility.

2013-11-27 Thread John Panarese
   Oops. Wrong recipient.  I am tired .

Sorry folks

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Nov 27, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Correction on my last post: I believe you need to purchase DEVONthink Office 
> Pro (not just DEVONthink Pro) for an ABBYY FineReader Express OCR license to 
> be included in the package.  Of course, you may already have such a license 
> from previous usage.  Just to summarize, this is a scanning solution based on 
> ABBYY's OCR, and I believe it is centered for most purposes around the 
> Fujitsu ScanSnap line of scanners.
> Cheers,
> Esther 
> -- 
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Re: Another scan possibility.

2013-11-27 Thread John Panarese
   You will see the preview pane if you stop interacting with the messages and 
go right.  If there is a horizontal splitter and then the content area, the 
preview pane is not collapsed.

Again, I use the Standard view in Mail.  There are definitely a few bugs in 
Mavericks Mail, so keep that in mind.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Nov 27, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Correction on my last post: I believe you need to purchase DEVONthink Office 
> Pro (not just DEVONthink Pro) for an ABBYY FineReader Express OCR license to 
> be included in the package.  Of course, you may already have such a license 
> from previous usage.  Just to summarize, this is a scanning solution based on 
> ABBYY's OCR, and I believe it is centered for most purposes around the 
> Fujitsu ScanSnap line of scanners.
> Cheers,
> Esther 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Another scan possibility.

2013-11-27 Thread John Panarese
   Yes, this might be over my head.  I will research it, but I have an HP 8500. 
 I also don't know the cost of this and do not want to purchase a product that 
turns out to not be usable with VO.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Nov 27, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Correction on my last post: I believe you need to purchase DEVONthink Office 
> Pro (not just DEVONthink Pro) for an ABBYY FineReader Express OCR license to 
> be included in the package.  Of course, you may already have such a license 
> from previous usage.  Just to summarize, this is a scanning solution based on 
> ABBYY's OCR, and I believe it is centered for most purposes around the 
> Fujitsu ScanSnap line of scanners.
> Cheers,
> Esther 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Can't Expand Conversations in Mail

2013-11-27 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Thanks Robert, this one fixed it on her computer. A very handy trick to know if 
it ever happens again. Really appreciate everyone's help with this.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

On 27/11/2013, at 8:11 am, ROBERT CARTER  wrote:

> Hi Jonathan,
> Simply hold down the command key and tap the left or right arrow a couple of 
> times. For some reason, this makes the expansion start working again.
> Robert Carter
> On Nov 25, 2013, at 9:27 PM, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:
>> Hi everyone, I'm stumped by an issue my partner is having on her Macbook Air 
>> and wonder if anyone can tell me what I'm missing?
>> When I'm in a list of email messages grouped by conversation, pressing 
>> right-arrow on my Air expands that conversation and lets me down-arrow 
>> through the individual messages. But on my partner's computer, group by 
>> conversation is selected in the View Menu, and conversations are collapsed. 
>> When we press right-arrow to expand the conversation, we get the error ding. 
>> I've tried enabling and disabling the toolbar, hiding and showing the 
>> mailbox list, and all kinds of other stuff, but no matter what I do I can't 
>> get right-arrow to expand the conversations. Yes, quick-nav is definitely 
>> off, and I've tried both interacting with the table and not. I can't 
>> immediately see a difference between my system and hers and it works for me 
>> and not for her. We're both running Mavericks.
>> Anyone got any ideas?
>> Thanks.
>> Jonathan Mosen
>> Mosen Consulting
>> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
>> -- 
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Re: Another scan possibility.

2013-11-27 Thread Esther
Hi John,
You can download fully working free trial versions of any of the DEVONthink 
products from their web site downloads page.  I think they will work up to 30 
days, but that the DEVONthink Office Pro version also has a limit on the total 
number of imported scans you can run.

i first came upon their pages maybe 6 or 7 years ago in connection with the 
free Word Services download that can be used for handy Text Editing functions 
in various apps.  There may be differences between the product as sold through 
the Mac App Stire and through their web site, which also offers educational 
discounts, as well as trial downloads.



On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 10:43:16 AM UTC-10, John wrote:
> Yes, this might be over my head.  I will research it, but I have an HP 8500.  
> I also don't know the cost of this and do not want to purchase a product that 
> turns out to not be usable with VO.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> On Nov 27, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Esther wrote:
> > Correction on my last post: I believe you need to purchase DEVONthink 
> > Office Pro (not just DEVONthink Pro) for an ABBYY FineReader Express OCR 
> > license to be included in the package.  Of course, you may already have 
> > such a license from previous usage.  Just to summarize, this is a scanning 
> > solution based on ABBYY's OCR, and I believe it is centered for most 
> > purposes around the Fujitsu ScanSnap line of scanners.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> > Esther 
> > 
> > -- 
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Re: Network Attached storage for sale?

2013-11-27 Thread Erik Heil
Well, they may not have a problem with it, it depends. If for instance, you 
don't have any video, then they may have a problem with it. Because it's videos 
left out, isn't as valuable as having video within the collection. So, we don't 
know what is actually decoded. It may just be transcoder audio probably know. 
Anyways, just my thoughts

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 27, 2013, at 3:36 PM, "Littlefield, Tyler"  wrote:
> The RIAA might have a problem with you leaving this collection on the drive 
> and reselling it though, especially if you're asking for a higher price for 
> your music/movie collection...
>> On 11/27/2013 2:20 PM, Kliphton --- wrote:
>>> Please reply off list.
>>> Okay, I have 2 8TB network attached storage devices.  For those of you who 
>>> don’t know what this is, it’s a hard drive that is powered by an AC 
>>> adaptor, and plugs directly in to your router.  That way all computers, and 
>>> most smart phones, can access the files as long as they are on the same 
>>> network.  I am selling both of them.  One is loaded with my movie and music 
>>> collection, that I have no problem leaving on there for whom ever may buy 
>>> it.  The second one is still in the box unopened.  A terabyte is basically 
>>> 8 times 1000 gigabytes.  So just imagine a very large amount of space to 
>>> save and backup files.  These are 600 bucks brand new, but I am willing to 
>>> knock something off both of them depending on whether you want the new one 
>>> or the one that is barely 6 months old with the movies and music loaded 
>>> onto it already.  I know some people don’t like western digital drives, but 
>>> I have had nothing but good experiences with them.  And that’s who these 
>>> drives are made by.  They even make a streaming media player that works 
>>> with these devices, to stream media to any television or computer in your 
>>> home on the same network.  My contact info is below for all who is 
>>> interested, and if not, pass along to anyone you think may be interested.  
>>> Thanks.
>>> Kliphton
>>> ~iMessage&Email~
>>> ~Twitter,Instagram,foursquare&Skype~ kliphton72
>>> [Text only] 914-820-2298
>>> (Personal blog-read at your own risk!)
>> -- 
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> -- 
> Take care,
> Ty
> He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
> dares not reason is a slave.
> Sent from my Toaster (tm).
> -- 
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Re: Network Attached storage for sale?

2013-11-27 Thread Kliphton -------
First of all, I asked to please reply off list.  Second, I didn't say I was 
charging extra for my movie and music collection.  Most of it I didn't pay for, 
so I am not charging for it.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 27, 2013, at 2:36 PM, "Littlefield, Tyler"  wrote:
> The RIAA might have a problem with you leaving this collection on the drive 
> and reselling it though, especially if you're asking for a higher price for 
> your music/movie collection...
>> On 11/27/2013 2:20 PM, Kliphton --- wrote:
>>> Please reply off list.
>>> Okay, I have 2 8TB network attached storage devices.  For those of you who 
>>> don’t know what this is, it’s a hard drive that is powered by an AC 
>>> adaptor, and plugs directly in to your router.  That way all computers, and 
>>> most smart phones, can access the files as long as they are on the same 
>>> network.  I am selling both of them.  One is loaded with my movie and music 
>>> collection, that I have no problem leaving on there for whom ever may buy 
>>> it.  The second one is still in the box unopened.  A terabyte is basically 
>>> 8 times 1000 gigabytes.  So just imagine a very large amount of space to 
>>> save and backup files.  These are 600 bucks brand new, but I am willing to 
>>> knock something off both of them depending on whether you want the new one 
>>> or the one that is barely 6 months old with the movies and music loaded 
>>> onto it already.  I know some people don’t like western digital drives, but 
>>> I have had nothing but good experiences with them.  And that’s who these 
>>> drives are made by.  They even make a streaming media player that works 
>>> with these devices, to stream media to any television or computer in your 
>>> home on the same network.  My contact info is below for all who is 
>>> interested, and if not, pass along to anyone you think may be interested.  
>>> Thanks.
>>> Kliphton
>>> ~iMessage&Email~
>>> ~Twitter,Instagram,foursquare&Skype~ kliphton72
>>> [Text only] 914-820-2298
>>> (Personal blog-read at your own risk!)
>> -- 
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> -- 
> Take care,
> Ty
> He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
> dares not reason is a slave.
> Sent from my Toaster (tm).
> -- 
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Re: Another scan possibility.

2013-11-27 Thread John Panarese
   I downloaded the office pro version.  The application is pretty accessible.  
I just can't figure out, at the moment, how you actually use OCR with it.  

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Nov 27, 2013, at 4:08 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Hi John,
> You can download fully working free trial versions of any of the DEVONthink 
> products from their web site downloads page.  I think they will work up to 30 
> days, but that the DEVONthink Office Pro version also has a limit on the 
> total number of imported scans you can run.
> i first came upon their pages maybe 6 or 7 years ago in connection with the 
> free Word Services download that can be used for handy Text Editing functions 
> in various apps.  There may be differences between the product as sold 
> through the Mac App Stire and through their web site, which also offers 
> educational discounts, as well as trial downloads.
> Cheers,
> Esther 
> On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 10:43:16 AM UTC-10, John wrote:
>> Yes, this might be over my head.  I will research it, but I have an HP 8500. 
>>  I also don't know the cost of this and do not want to purchase a product 
>> that turns out to not be usable with VO.
>> Take Care
>> John D. Panarese
>> Director
>> Mac for the Blind
>> Tel, (631) 724-4479
>> Email,
>> Website,
>> On Nov 27, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Correction on my last post: I believe you need to purchase DEVONthink 
>>> Office Pro (not just DEVONthink Pro) for an ABBYY FineReader Express OCR 
>>> license to be included in the package.  Of course, you may already have 
>>> such a license from previous usage.  Just to summarize, this is a scanning 
>>> solution based on ABBYY's OCR, and I believe it is centered for most 
>>> purposes around the Fujitsu ScanSnap line of scanners.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther 
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>>> email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> Visit this group at
>>> For more options, visit
> -- 
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Re: Latest release of Vuescan reprots "busy" all the time

2013-11-27 Thread Phil Halton
I do have 9.4.02. I have found the tif multipage popup which has options for 
on, off, and auto. in auto mode, Vuescan stops scanning after one scan and then 
opens up preview. With it set to on, it appears to let me keep pressing the 
scan button for multipage scans, and then I can press save when done.

in prior versions (9.2 and 9.3)  I could specify ABBYY Fine Reader Exress as 
the external viewer. in 9.4.02, I can only check the checkbox for external 
viewer, but there's no way to specify ABBYY. Before it would open the scan 
directly in ABBYY, now it opens them in preview, and I can't specify any other 

Any idea how to specify a viewer other then preview?

On Nov 27, 2013, at 6:16 AM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

> Dear Phil,
> I’ve checked again, and I’m not having problems with Vuescan any more. The 
> version that I have installed is 9.4.02. Please check whether that’s the one 
> that you have running. You will b3 able to hear the version installed after 
> you launch Vuescan, or else move with vo+left arrow towards the left edge of 
> the screen to hear this info spoken.
> I find the popup buttons for the file type and the choice for multi-page 
> popup under the output tab. Note, that they are now popup buttons whilst in 
> the past they were checkboxes which had to be checked or unchecked. 
> Once you adjust all your choices, you can always save these settings under 
> file menu and give them a meaningful way so that if you ever change them you 
> can load them again from the choice in the file menu.
> Best wishes
> Andrew
> -- 
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A FaceTime question

2013-11-27 Thread Angus MacKinnon
Using OS 10.9, is it possible to phone 1-866-222-3456 (TD Bank) and enter 1305 
380 612  039 (Bank Card) with FaceTime? I have my pin covered. Or is a Skype 
script needed?

Angus MacKinnon
Written using a 27 inch iMacD

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Re: Network Attached storage for sale?

2013-11-27 Thread Littlefield, Tyler
The RIAA is music, MPAA is movies. Regardless how you transcode it, 
there usually are warnings about not reproducing the material in any 
form. Regardless, it's a bit stupid to try to sell something on a public 
list with that kind of material, especially if you want to charge more.

On 11/27/2013 8:09 PM, Erik Heil wrote:

Well, they may not have a problem with it, it depends. If for 
instance, you don't have any video, then they may have a problem with 
it. Because it's videos left out, isn't as valuable as having video 
within the collection. So, we don't know what is actually decoded. It 
may just be transcoder audio probably know. Anyways, just my thoughts


Sent from my iPad

On Nov 27, 2013, at 3:36 PM, "Littlefield, Tyler" > wrote:

The RIAA might have a problem with you leaving this collection on the 
drive and reselling it though, especially if you're asking for a 
higher price for your music/movie collection...

On 11/27/2013 2:20 PM, Kliphton --- wrote:

Please reply off list.

Okay, I have 2 8TB network attached storage devices.  For those of 
you who don’t know what this is, it’s a hard drive that is powered 
by an AC adaptor, and plugs directly in to your router.  That way 
all computers, and most smart phones, can access the files as long 
as they are on the same network.  I am selling both of them.  One 
is loaded with my movie and music collection, that I have no 
problem leaving on there for whom ever may buy it.  The second one 
is still in the box unopened.  A terabyte is basically 8 times 1000 
gigabytes.  So just imagine a very large amount of space to save 
and backup files.  These are 600 bucks brand new, but I am willing 
to knock something off both of them depending on whether you want 
the new one or the one that is barely 6 months old with the movies 
and music loaded onto it already.  I know some people don’t like 
western digital drives, but I have had nothing but good experiences 
with them.  And that’s who these drives are made by.  They even 
make a streaming media player that works with these devices, to 
stream media to any television or computer in your home on the same 
network.  My contact info is below for all who is interested, and 
if not, pass along to anyone you think may be interested.  Thanks.

~iMessage&Email~ kliphton.a.m@
~Twitter,Instagram,foursquare&Skype~ kliphton72
[Text only] 914-820-2298
(Personal blog-read at your own risk!) 

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Take care,
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.
Sent from my Toaster (tm).
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Take care,
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.
Sent from my Toaster (tm).

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Re: Anyone know of a bluetooth earpiece that works with Downcast

2013-11-27 Thread Nicholas Parsons
HI Bryan,
I have two that work well with Downcast. At least they certainly don't cut in 
and out. The first is from Bose, I think it's called Bose Bluetooth 2 or 
something like that. It's a small earpiece that just fits in one ear. The sound 
quality is good, it's highly portable, but the controls don't work for 
stopping/starting playback, skipping forward/back etcetera. It does have 
controls for answering and hanging up calls though, and for Siri.
I don't have the details of the other headphones here—I'll have to give them to 
you when I'm on my other Mac. They are on-ear design, and have controls for 
starting/stopping playback and skipping forward/back.

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Re: Latest release of Vuescan reprots "busy" all the time

2013-11-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Phil,

It’s often been impossible to specify ABBYY FineReader as the external viewer, 
which is why, in my set up guide, I say to create a TIFF file, then use Cmd-i 
to set all TIFF files to open with FineReader by default..



On 28 Nov 2013, at 04:17, Phil Halton  wrote:

> I do have 9.4.02. I have found the tif multipage popup which has options for 
> on, off, and auto. in auto mode, Vuescan stops scanning after one scan and 
> then opens up preview. With it set to on, it appears to let me keep pressing 
> the scan button for multipage scans, and then I can press save when done.
> in prior versions (9.2 and 9.3)  I could specify ABBYY Fine Reader Exress as 
> the external viewer. in 9.4.02, I can only check the checkbox for external 
> viewer, but there's no way to specify ABBYY. Before it would open the scan 
> directly in ABBYY, now it opens them in preview, and I can't specify any 
> other viewer.
> Any idea how to specify a viewer other then preview?

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Steve Jobs comeback 1997 at Boston Macworld.

2013-11-27 Thread Terje Strømberg

Just a little bit history for fun and those should have an interest in watching 
15 minutes of famous computer history.

Take care

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Re: A FaceTime question

2013-11-27 Thread Chris H
FaceTime is not designed to make such calls. You will need a Skype 
subscription instead. FaceTime allows you to make calls to other Apple 
devices, both Mac and iOs only.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 28/11/2013 03:25, Angus MacKinnon wrote:

Using OS 10.9, is it possible to phone 1-866-222-3456 (TD Bank) and enter 1305 
380 612  039 (Bank Card) with FaceTime? I have my pin covered. Or is a Skype 
script needed?

Angus MacKinnon
Written using a 27 inch iMacD

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