Re: Disk Maker X

2013-11-04 Thread Daniela Rubio
You need to start copying from sudo to no interaction
Hope it helps

Daniela Rubio T
 Distinguished Educator
iPhone: +34662328507

El 03/11/2013, a las 20:14, wayne17a  escribió:

> Hello thank you for the command for making a boot drive for 
> mavericks but with the terminal command do I paste where it says start 
> command and end with end command or is the start sudo and the end is no 
> interaction or something like that sorry but this is all new to me as I have 
> had never opened the terminal before now so any advice please thanks in 
> advance
> Wayne cFrom: 
> [] On Behalf Of Daniela Rubio
> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 5:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Disk Maker X
> Hello all!
> I hope I can help you with this, here you have a very easy way to create a 
> Bootable drive for Mavericks. Just, be sure to do exactly as it is and you 
> will be amazed on how nice it is.
> 1. Download the installer for the OS and when prompted to install, just 
> cancel the process. The installer will be an App on your Apps folder.
> 2. Rename the app exactly as:
> See that the name before the extension is in Capital letters.
> 3. Take a flash drive (8 GB minimum)and with Disk Utility, erase it and leave 
> it as Untitled. Erase the name during the formatting  process, or just do so 
> with enter on it when you see it on your desktop. Make sure it is totally 
> erased, no data at all.
> 4. Go to Terminal inside your Utilities folder, open it and paste the 
> following command, making sure that there are not blanck lines or spaces in 
> what you select to copy.
> Start of command*
> sudo /Applications/ --volume 
> /Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/ --nointeraction
> End of command*
> 5. Write your password if you are asked to enter it, and the creation process 
> will start. VoiceOver will read some things during it, and when it is 
> finished, just close Terminal.
> 6. You will see that now your Flash drive will be named as Maverick installer 
> or something like that.
> Ready, you now have your Booth-able drive to install the OS.
> The process is different, but you will magically get a great result without 
> having to use any other resources.
> Please let me know if this works.
> Hope it helps!
> Best
> Daniela Rubio T
> iPhone: +34662328507
> El 30/10/2013, a las 22:13, BBS  escribió:
> Hi Daniel. Unfortunately, if you upgraded to Mavericks and you’re using Disk 
> Maker X, you’ll need sighted assistance because it’s not accessible. I really 
> hope that it’ll be fixed though. I already made my bootable drive last night 
> with sighted help like I said. Sorry.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White Mac Book
> On Oct 30, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Daniel C  wrote:
> Hi,
> I was trying out Disk Maker X, now that I’ve upgraded to Mavericks, and it 
> says that it has no windows. I don’t seem to be able to quit it without going 
> to force quit.
> How am I able to make a boot disk since Disk Maker X won’t work?
> -- 
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Burn App to copy CDs

2013-11-04 Thread Daniela Rubio
My student insists in copying CDs, and I can not find Burn, doe’s anybody have 
a link please?
Thanks so much!

Daniela Rubio T
 Distinguished Educator
iPhone: +34662328507

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Re: Help again! What happened to delete rows in Numbers?

2013-11-04 Thread Tim Kilburn

The Delete Rows and Delete Columns are under the Table menu.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 3, 2013, at 4:57 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi again y'all
> I am in the new numbers, and I like it a lot. There's just one thing. The 
> subject line says it all! What happened to the delete rows option? I found a 
> late alright, but it deletes text. There used to be in the menus an option 
> for delete rows in the week columns. I can't find it now, so is there a 
> different command?
> Regards,
> Gigi
> -- 
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2013-11-04 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

Has anyone on this list used markdown successfully?
If so, would you be willing to write me off -list, so as to minimize  the 
already heavy traffic?
I have just some general questions.


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Re: request. automatic updates. voice over feature.

2013-11-04 Thread Peter Durieux
you have:
-   the accessibility layer itself (compontents of the os that provide 
accessibility information)
-   voiceover screen that interacts with the accessibility layer.

VoiceOver can like other programs have bugs that has nothing to do with the 
underlying accessibility layer of the os.

just my 2 cents

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 07:13:55AM -0600, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> The issue with automatic updates to VoiceOver has been skirted around here 
> but not clearly enough in my opinion.  VoiceOver is not just a bolted on app 
> to the MacOS, it is a part of the OS itself.  While you could update specific 
> code within the screenreader service, the majority of fixes actually are 
> within the coding of the system itself.  That is, the way that either the OS 
> handles a process or the method by which Apple or third party apps handle 
> system resources often cause the problems we have with the VO interface.  The 
> use of custom elements within apps is outside the scope and of VO updates 
> but, when, addressed affect VO accessibility.  So, what I’m saying, is that I 
> don’t believe that updates to VO can necessarily be easily separated from OS 
> updates other than through “Supplemental” sorts of things.
> JMO.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Oct 31, 2013, at 3:17 AM, mario navarro  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > no, what I said, is that the voice over also has bugs independently of apps.
> > sorry but I do not think that way .
> > 
> > I only want the best for the voice over, I'm not comparing windows and mac.
> > please do not misunderstand me .
> > 
> > cheers.
> > Em 31/10/2013 08:49, BBS escreveu:
> >> I can tell you my answer right now. Voiceover doesn’t need to be like Jaws 
> >> or Window-Eyes updating all the time. Even if Voiceover were updated 
> >> constantly, that wouldn’t solve anything. The apps that have been 
> >> inaccessible will remain inaccessible until the app developers fix those 
> >> issues themselves. And as far as Voiceover having bugs in the app, hate to 
> >> say this, but you’ve pretty much said your problem yourself, that the apps 
> >> are the problem and not Voiceover. So no, Voiceover doesn’t need automatic 
> >> updates. We don’t need to go through the same hell we go through with 
> >> Windows screen readers.
> >> 
> >> Shawn
> >> Sent From My White Mac Book
> >> 
> >> On Oct 31, 2013, at 3:29 AM, mario navarro  wrote:
> >> 
> >>> 
> >>> hi nicholas.
> >>> I know that most times the problems are the apps, apps are standard 
> >>> sustema osx, or other companies.
> >>> but the voice over also has some bugs in certain apps that  to be fixed.
> >>> The voice over is not immune to bugs.
> >>> we all know that screen readers have bugs whatever they are.
> >>> and also has voice over.
> >>> It would also automatic updates for new features.
> >>> nicholas ok, if the group agrees with the automatic updates, I want you 
> >>> to write the ticket for me to send.
> >>> I'll be super grateful.
> >>> 
> >>> thanks friend nicholas.
> >>> cheers.
> >>> Em 31/10/2013 06:29, Nicholas Parsons escreveu:
>  Seems to me Apple could push out updates to VoiceOver if they wanted to, 
>  just as they push other updates for raw camera compatibility and the 
>  like, even though those aren't separate applications.
>  More frequent updates to VoiceOver would be good. However, the main 
>  accessibility issues we have are not problems with VoiceOver, but 
>  typically problems in other apps. It's those apps that need to be 
>  updated to improve accessibility, not VoiceOver. For instance, in 
>  Mountain Lion it's iBooks, Pages, Mail, Calendar and Finder which need 
>  updates, not VoiceOver. Well, there are a couple of issues with some of 
>  the voices messing some things up, but that's a different issue as it's 
>  Nuance that needs to address those issues.
>  Having said all this, Mario, I'd be happy to write the email for you if 
>  you like, and then you can send it from your own email account. I'll 
>  wait and hear what other people on this list have to say first, however, 
>  as it's probably wise to take on board other feedback.
>  Cheers,
>  Nic
> >>> -- 
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> > 
> > -- 
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RE: Disk Maker X

2013-11-04 Thread wayne17a
Hello , thanks I will give it , a try and see what happens 


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Daniela Rubio
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 5:02 AM
Subject: Re: Disk Maker X



You need to start copying from sudo to no interaction

Hope it helps


Daniela Rubio T

 Distinguished Educator

iPhone: +34662328507




El 03/11/2013, a las 20:14, wayne17a  escribió:

Hello thank you for the command for making a boot drive for 
mavericks but with the terminal command do I paste where it says start command 
and end with end command or is the start sudo and the end is no interaction or 
something like that sorry but this is all new to me as I have had never opened 
the terminal before now so any advice please thanks in advance



Wayne cFrom: [] On Behalf Of Daniela Rubio
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: Disk Maker X


Hello all!

I hope I can help you with this, here you have a very easy way to create a 
Bootable drive for Mavericks. Just, be sure to do exactly as it is and you will 
be amazed on how nice it is.


1. Download the installer for the OS and when prompted to install, just cancel 
the process. The installer will be an App on your Apps folder.


2. Rename the app exactly as:

See that the name before the extension is in Capital letters.


3. Take a flash drive (8 GB minimum)and with Disk Utility, erase it and leave 
it as Untitled. Erase the name during the formatting  process, or just do so 
with enter on it when you see it on your desktop. Make sure it is totally 
erased, no data at all.


4. Go to Terminal inside your Utilities folder, open it and paste the following 
command, making sure that there are not blanck lines or spaces in what you 
select to copy.


Start of command*


sudo /Applications/ --volume 
/Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/ --nointeraction


End of command*


5. Write your password if you are asked to enter it, and the creation process 
will start. VoiceOver will read some things during it, and when it is finished, 
just close Terminal.


6. You will see that now your Flash drive will be named as Maverick installer 
or something like that.

Ready, you now have your Booth-able drive to install the OS.

The process is different, but you will magically get a great result without 
having to use any other resources.

Please let me know if this works.

Hope it helps!



Daniela Rubio T

iPhone: +34662328507




El 30/10/2013, a las 22:13, BBS <> escribió:

Hi Daniel. Unfortunately, if you upgraded to Mavericks and you’re using Disk 
Maker X, you’ll need sighted assistance because it’s not accessible. I really 
hope that it’ll be fixed though. I already made my bootable drive last night 
with sighted help like I said. Sorry.

Sent From My White Mac Book

On Oct 30, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Daniel C <> wrote:

I was trying out Disk Maker X, now that I’ve upgraded to Mavericks, and it says 
that it has no windows. I don’t seem to be able to quit it without going to 
force quit.
How am I able to make a boot disk since Disk Maker X won’t work?

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Re: Disk Maker X

2013-11-04 Thread Daniela Rubio
Good luck, just make sure to copy exactly the content of the command without 
spaces or something else.

Daniela Rubio T
iPhone: +34662328507

El 04/11/2013, a las 16:58, wayne17a  escribió:

> Hello , thanks I will give it , a try and see what happens
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Daniela Rubio
> Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 5:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Disk Maker X
> Hello.
> You need to start copying from sudo to no interaction
> Hope it helps
> Daniela Rubio T
>  Distinguished Educator
> iPhone: +34662328507
> El 03/11/2013, a las 20:14, wayne17a  escribió:
> Hello thank you for the command for making a boot drive for 
> mavericks but with the terminal command do I paste where it says start 
> command and end with end command or is the start sudo and the end is no 
> interaction or something like that sorry but this is all new to me as I have 
> had never opened the terminal before now so any advice please thanks in 
> advance
> Wayne cFrom: 
> [] On Behalf Of Daniela Rubio
> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 5:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Disk Maker X
> Hello all!
> I hope I can help you with this, here you have a very easy way to create a 
> Bootable drive for Mavericks. Just, be sure to do exactly as it is and you 
> will be amazed on how nice it is.
> 1. Download the installer for the OS and when prompted to install, just 
> cancel the process. The installer will be an App on your Apps folder.
> 2. Rename the app exactly as:
> See that the name before the extension is in Capital letters.
> 3. Take a flash drive (8 GB minimum)and with Disk Utility, erase it and leave 
> it as Untitled. Erase the name during the formatting  process, or just do so 
> with enter on it when you see it on your desktop. Make sure it is totally 
> erased, no data at all.
> 4. Go to Terminal inside your Utilities folder, open it and paste the 
> following command, making sure that there are not blanck lines or spaces in 
> what you select to copy.
> Start of command*
> sudo /Applications/ --volume 
> /Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/ --nointeraction
> End of command*
> 5. Write your password if you are asked to enter it, and the creation process 
> will start. VoiceOver will read some things during it, and when it is 
> finished, just close Terminal.
> 6. You will see that now your Flash drive will be named as Maverick installer 
> or something like that.
> Ready, you now have your Booth-able drive to install the OS.
> The process is different, but you will magically get a great result without 
> having to use any other resources.
> Please let me know if this works.
> Hope it helps!
> Best
> Daniela Rubio T
> iPhone: +34662328507
> El 30/10/2013, a las 22:13, BBS  escribió:
> Hi Daniel. Unfortunately, if you upgraded to Mavericks and you’re using Disk 
> Maker X, you’ll need sighted assistance because it’s not accessible. I really 
> hope that it’ll be fixed though. I already made my bootable drive last night 
> with sighted help like I said. Sorry.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White Mac Book
> On Oct 30, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Daniel C  wrote:
> Hi,
> I was trying out Disk Maker X, now that I’ve upgraded to Mavericks, and it 
> says that it has no windows. I don’t seem to be able to quit it without going 
> to force quit.
> How am I able to make a boot disk since Disk Maker X won’t work?
> -- 
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Re: Voiceover and Mailmate somewhat inaccessible

2013-11-04 Thread Andrew Lamanche
Further to my reports on MailMate, I've had some further e-mail exchanges with 
the developer. He is beginning to make some commitments to make improvements in 
the future releases. This is very encouraging.

I also need to correct what I said in my original initial exploration of 
MailMate. I said that the "from" field was not accessible. In fact, the 
developer had corrected me by saying that there is a shortcut key that actually 
opens up the menu and one can choose the "from" alias or another account.

The import process of iCloud account needs some editing because the smtp server 
is not read properly by MailMate due to Apple's coding. The manual details are 
as follows: for outgoing server (which is the problem) the server address is: and the port which needs to be checked is 587.

As for aliases, one has to write them in manually separating them with a coma 
after the main email address.

I hope that the developer will continue improving the product because it is 
quite promising.

On 4 Nov 2013, at 15:50, wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
> request. automatic updates. voice over feature. [1 Update]
> Markdown [1 Update]
> Help again! What happened to delete rows in Numbers? [2 Updates]
> Burn App to copy CDs [1 Update]
> Disk Maker X [2 Updates]
> Showing messages for a single mail account in Lion. [2 Updates]
> External Hard Drive Suggestions [3 Updates]
> Humanware Brailliant display [1 Update]
> maybe a stupid question re Time Capsule [3 Updates]
> Copying files to another mailbox [6 Updates]
> Manually updating iWorks programs in Mavericks [2 Updates]
> Voiceover and Mailmate somewhat inaccessible [1 Update]
>  request. automatic updates. voice over feature.
> Peter Durieux  Nov 04 04:48PM +0100  
> you have:
> - the accessibility layer itself (compontents of the os that provide 
> accessibility information)
> - voiceover screen that interacts with the accessibility layer.
> VoiceOver can like other programs have bugs that has nothing to do with the 
> underlying accessibility layer of the os.
> just my 2 cents
> On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 07:13:55AM -0600, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>  Markdown
> Emilio Hernandez  Nov 04 09:20AM -0600  
> Hello everyone,
> Has anyone on this list used markdown successfully?
> If so, would you be willing to write me off -list, so as to minimize the 
> already heavy traffic?
> I have just some general questions.
> Thanks
>  Help again! What happened to delete rows in Numbers?
> Eugenia Firth  Nov 03 05:57PM -0600  
> Hi again y'all
> I am in the new numbers, and I like it a lot. There's just one thing. The 
> subject line says it all! What happened to the delete rows option? I found a 
> late alright, but it deletes text. There used to be in the menus an option 
> for delete rows in the week columns. I can't find it now, so is there a 
> different command?
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Tim Kilburn  Nov 04 07:45AM -0700  
> Hi,
> The Delete Rows and Delete Columns are under the Table menu.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>  Burn App to copy CDs
> Daniela Rubio  Nov 04 11:24AM +0100  
> My student insists in copying CDs, and I can not find Burn, doe’s anybody 
> have a link please?
> Thanks so much!
> Daniela Rubio T
>  Distinguished Educator
> iPhone: +34662328507
>  Disk Maker X
> Daniel Miller  Nov 03 07:10PM -0600  
> I'd report it to the developer, not apple. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> Daniela Rubio  Nov 04 11:02AM +0100  
> Hello.
> You need to start copying from sudo to no interaction
> Hope it helps
> Daniela Rubio T
>  Distinguished Educator
> iPhone: +34662328507
>  Showing messages for a single mail account in Lion.
> John Schucker  Nov 03 06:13PM -0600  
> Hi all. I updated to Lion, and mail's doing something I find really 
> annoying. It's displaying all mail accounts in the message table. I'd 
> like it to go back to what it did in Leopard, I pick an account/mailbox, 
> and it displays only those messages, not everything all at once. I've 
> looked all around in the menus and preferences and don't see anything 
> that will do it, I've googled and can't find anything about it. So I 
> figured if anybody would know, it would be somebody on this list. It 
> makes it really hard to find specific messages and such. I'm sure there 
> are ways to do that I don't know about, but even if I can find messages 
> quicker, I'd still like to have the accounts separated. Hopefully, 
> somebody knows the secret I'm missing.
> Ricardo Walker  Nov 03 07:33PM -0500  
> Hi,
> This is because your in the unified inbox which is the first thing in the 
> mailbox table. If you press the right arrow on this, your individual inboxes 
> for your different mail accounts will be listed underneath the unified inbox.
> hth

Re: Disk Maker X

2013-11-04 Thread Daniela Rubio
I forgot to tell you, please make a partition inside your pendribe, just one, 
and name it untitled.
sorry if I did not say this before, I forgot. So, Disk Utilities, Select pen 
drive, Partition tab.
Under disposition pup up, select 1, and name it untitled.

Daniela Rubio T
iPhone: +34662328507

El 04/11/2013, a las 16:58, wayne17a  escribió:

> Hello , thanks I will give it , a try and see what happens
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Daniela Rubio
> Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 5:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Disk Maker X
> Hello.
> You need to start copying from sudo to no interaction
> Hope it helps
> Daniela Rubio T
>  Distinguished Educator
> iPhone: +34662328507
> El 03/11/2013, a las 20:14, wayne17a  escribió:
> Hello thank you for the command for making a boot drive for 
> mavericks but with the terminal command do I paste where it says start 
> command and end with end command or is the start sudo and the end is no 
> interaction or something like that sorry but this is all new to me as I have 
> had never opened the terminal before now so any advice please thanks in 
> advance
> Wayne cFrom: 
> [] On Behalf Of Daniela Rubio
> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 5:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Disk Maker X
> Hello all!
> I hope I can help you with this, here you have a very easy way to create a 
> Bootable drive for Mavericks. Just, be sure to do exactly as it is and you 
> will be amazed on how nice it is.
> 1. Download the installer for the OS and when prompted to install, just 
> cancel the process. The installer will be an App on your Apps folder.
> 2. Rename the app exactly as:
> See that the name before the extension is in Capital letters.
> 3. Take a flash drive (8 GB minimum)and with Disk Utility, erase it and leave 
> it as Untitled. Erase the name during the formatting  process, or just do so 
> with enter on it when you see it on your desktop. Make sure it is totally 
> erased, no data at all.
> 4. Go to Terminal inside your Utilities folder, open it and paste the 
> following command, making sure that there are not blanck lines or spaces in 
> what you select to copy.
> Start of command*
> sudo /Applications/ --volume 
> /Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/ --nointeraction
> End of command*
> 5. Write your password if you are asked to enter it, and the creation process 
> will start. VoiceOver will read some things during it, and when it is 
> finished, just close Terminal.
> 6. You will see that now your Flash drive will be named as Maverick installer 
> or something like that.
> Ready, you now have your Booth-able drive to install the OS.
> The process is different, but you will magically get a great result without 
> having to use any other resources.
> Please let me know if this works.
> Hope it helps!
> Best
> Daniela Rubio T
> iPhone: +34662328507
> El 30/10/2013, a las 22:13, BBS  escribió:
> Hi Daniel. Unfortunately, if you upgraded to Mavericks and you’re using Disk 
> Maker X, you’ll need sighted assistance because it’s not accessible. I really 
> hope that it’ll be fixed though. I already made my bootable drive last night 
> with sighted help like I said. Sorry.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White Mac Book
> On Oct 30, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Daniel C  wrote:
> Hi,
> I was trying out Disk Maker X, now that I’ve upgraded to Mavericks, and it 
> says that it has no windows. I don’t seem to be able to quit it without going 
> to force quit.
> How am I able to make a boot disk since Disk Maker X won’t work?
> -- 
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Re: Burn App to copy CDs

2013-11-04 Thread Chris Blouch

If you google Mac OSX Burn the first link will be


On 11/4/13 5:24 AM, Daniela Rubio wrote:

My student insists in copying CDs, and I can not find Burn, doe’s anybody have 
a link please?
Thanks so much!

Daniela Rubio T
 Distinguished Educator
iPhone: +34662328507


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Re: External Hard Drive Suggestions

2013-11-04 Thread Chris Blouch
I also have used various WD external drives with no issues. The only 
problem with all these external drives is not whether the drive will 
fail, but when. That's why a lot of folks are opting for RAID and mirror 
drive setups. If you're putting stuff worth keeping on a drive then you 
need to be backing up or doing something else to make sure there is 
another copy. I use four external drives and rotate them once a quarter 
to back up several machines. So I'm replacing a drive either in the 
backups or the source machines about once a year on average because with 
about 10 drives in play, the odds are I'll have a failure and just need 
to expect that. Not that big a deal when it's a backup drive since it 
can be reproduced in the next backup run but failure on one of the 
machine means a whole restore process. With a RAID I could avoid all 
that, but so far I haven't gotten around to it.


On 11/3/13 5:05 PM, Kjsc Radio wrote:
I would recommend a Western Digital my book external hard drive. I 
have mine for almost 3 to 4 years, and I never had a problem with it.

Sent from my iPhone

On 3 Nov 2013, at 7:43 am, "Jesus Garcia" > wrote:

See below.  › Home 
› External Hard Drives 


/My Passport/offers high capacity in a sleek portable drive. *...* 
Offering high capacity in a compact drive, /My Passport/is the ideal 
companion for anyone with lots of *...*

[] *On Behalf Of *Kliphton ---

*Sent:* November 03, 2013 09:30

*Subject:* Re: External Hard Drive Suggestions

Does someone have a link for the 2TB USB 3.0 powered drive mentioned 
in this conversation?  I can't seem to find it.



(Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype) kliphton72

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 2, 2013, at 8:15 PM, "Brian Fischler" > wrote:

Thanks I was looking at those. Just wanted to see what the consensus 
is as I don't want to go through what I went through with the lemon 
of a seagate I got. And since on the Amazon reviews it seems like I 
wasn't alone in not being able to get my seagate to mount. I guess 
they are so cheap since they don't work
On Nov 2, 2013, at 7:45 PM, Jesus Garcia > wrote:

Oops my bad sorry not 2 gigs 2 tera man remember I come from the dark 

when 16 K was a big deal. Also, I forgot to mention these drives
are USB

powered so you do not need a external power supply.

-Original Message-


[] On Behalf Of Ray Foret Jr

Sent: November 02, 2013 19:17


Subject: Re: External Hard Drive Suggestions

Gee, only 2 gigs?

Seems a trifle small to me.

Id' want something like at least four teribytes.

Oh, it must have a rotating speed of 72000.

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for
the blind



The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone
5 user!

On Nov 2, 2013, at 3:55 PM, Jesus Garcia>> wrote:

Try the pass port family, I just purchased one 2 gigs from
western digital

if memory serves me right it was around $149.00 It supports
USB 3.0, but


thunderbolt still plenty fast and not a major costly drive.
It comes with

software for both windows and Mac though I have never used
the software I

run time machine. They have smaller sizes if 2 gig is more
then you want.

-Original Message-


[] On Behalf Of Brian

Sent: November 02, 2013 16:37


Subject: External Hard Drive Suggestions

Hey all,

I know we covered this awhile back but amazingly I couldn't
find the


I am finally getting around to getting a external hard drive
as the last


I got wouldn't mount pr

Re: Help again! What happened to delete rows in Numbers?

2013-11-04 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there
Thanks for your answer. Dumb me found it this morning when I wasn't looking for 
it. However, now I'm having trouble finding the inspector menu. I pressed 
option command by and I get the message about showing and hiding the inspector. 
However The menu for the inspector never comes up, at least I couldn't find it. 
Before when you did the command option eye, you got the menu. Is it somewhere 
else to?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 4, 2013, at 8:45 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> The Delete Rows and Delete Columns are under the Table menu.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Nov 3, 2013, at 4:57 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi again y'all
>> I am in the new numbers, and I like it a lot. There's just one thing. The 
>> subject line says it all! What happened to the delete rows option? I found a 
>> late alright, but it deletes text. There used to be in the menus an option 
>> for delete rows in the week columns. I can't find it now, so is there a 
>> different command?
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
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Computer not authorized and Already authorized in iTunes? How to Resolve?

2013-11-04 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

I’m getting a circular set of errors in iTunes. First I get an error that my 
computer is not authorized to play purchases from my iPod. when I try 
authorizing, I get an error saying it’s already authorized. I only have one 

I looked this up and there is a notation on removing the SC info folder in 
/users/shared/SC. This folder is not there. So is there something equivalent i 
can do?

I’m using the same Apple ID for everything, and I’ve done a reset and restore 
on my iPod. So I’m leaning toward resolving a problem somewhere in iTunes user 


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

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Re: Computer not authorized and Already authorized in iTunes? How to Resolve?

2013-11-04 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Would I  be correct in assuming you have tried to look for it in

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

On Nov 4, 2013, at 1:42 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I’m getting a circular set of errors in iTunes. First I get an error that my 
> computer is not authorized to play purchases from my iPod. when I try 
> authorizing, I get an error saying it’s already authorized. I only have one 
> computer.
> I looked this up and there is a notation on removing the SC info folder in 
> /users/shared/SC. This folder is not there. So is there something equivalent 
> i can do?
> I’m using the same Apple ID for everything, and I’ve done a reset and restore 
> on my iPod. So I’m leaning toward resolving a problem somewhere in iTunes 
> user data.
> thanks,
> teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
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my iMac won't stay connected to internet

2013-11-04 Thread Christina C.
Hi all,

I would love some help. I don’t know why but around 2 weeks ago my computer 
won’t seem to stay connected to the internet. The wifi status will say 4 of 4 
bars with name of network but no web pages will load nor will mail work. Then 
if I turn wifi off and then back on, all will work fine for a few minutes. Then 
it all starts all over again. :(  My husbands exact computer right next to mine 
works perfectly fine. I have repaired permissions and I have also run the 
diagnostic and no errors were detected in the wifi/network diagnostics.

I’d appreciate any help,

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Re: Computer not authorized and Already authorized in iTunes? How to Resolve?

2013-11-04 Thread Teresa Cochran
That was a good thought, but I didn’t find anything with that name in this 
folder. If there’s anything else that might do for it in there, I wouldn’t 
know, and I don’t want to snarl stuff up any further unless I have a good idea 
of what to delete.


"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
dark to read."--Groucho Marx

On Nov 4, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Would I  be correct in assuming you have tried to look for it in
> ~/Library/Preferences/
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 1:42 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> I’m getting a circular set of errors in iTunes. First I get an error that my 
>> computer is not authorized to play purchases from my iPod. when I try 
>> authorizing, I get an error saying it’s already authorized. I only have one 
>> computer.
>> I looked this up and there is a notation on removing the SC info folder in 
>> /users/shared/SC. This folder is not there. So is there something equivalent 
>> i can do?
>> I’m using the same Apple ID for everything, and I’ve done a reset and 
>> restore on my iPod. So I’m leaning toward resolving a problem somewhere in 
>> iTunes user data.
>> thanks,
>> teresa
>> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
>> Feynman
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Re: request. automatic updates. voice over feature.

2013-11-04 Thread Tim Kilburn

You are correct in that VoiceOver can have bugs that are independent of the 
Accessibility layer.  The issue, in my opinion, though is that VoiceOver is not 
really an app in the same sense as iTunes or Microsoft Office etc.  The MacOS 
is not available without VoiceOver.  You do not install VoiceOver after the 
fact. You cannot install your MacOS without VO being there as well.  VoiceOver 
is a screenreader service woven into the MacOS thus difficult to independently 


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 4, 2013, at 8:48 AM, Peter Durieux  wrote:

> you have:
> - the accessibility layer itself (compontents of the os that provide 
> accessibility information)
> - voiceover screen that interacts with the accessibility layer.
> VoiceOver can like other programs have bugs that has nothing to do with the 
> underlying accessibility layer of the os.
> just my 2 cents
> On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 07:13:55AM -0600, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The issue with automatic updates to VoiceOver has been skirted around here 
>> but not clearly enough in my opinion.  VoiceOver is not just a bolted on app 
>> to the MacOS, it is a part of the OS itself.  While you could update 
>> specific code within the screenreader service, the majority of fixes 
>> actually are within the coding of the system itself.  That is, the way that 
>> either the OS handles a process or the method by which Apple or third party 
>> apps handle system resources often cause the problems we have with the VO 
>> interface.  The use of custom elements within apps is outside the scope and 
>> of VO updates but, when, addressed affect VO accessibility.  So, what I’m 
>> saying, is that I don’t believe that updates to VO can necessarily be easily 
>> separated from OS updates other than through “Supplemental” sorts of things.
>> JMO.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Oct 31, 2013, at 3:17 AM, mario navarro  wrote:
>>> no, what I said, is that the voice over also has bugs independently of apps.
>>> sorry but I do not think that way .
>>> I only want the best for the voice over, I'm not comparing windows and mac.
>>> please do not misunderstand me .
>>> cheers.
>>> Em 31/10/2013 08:49, BBS escreveu:
 I can tell you my answer right now. Voiceover doesn’t need to be like Jaws 
 or Window-Eyes updating all the time. Even if Voiceover were updated 
 constantly, that wouldn’t solve anything. The apps that have been 
 inaccessible will remain inaccessible until the app developers fix those 
 issues themselves. And as far as Voiceover having bugs in the app, hate to 
 say this, but you’ve pretty much said your problem yourself, that the apps 
 are the problem and not Voiceover. So no, Voiceover doesn’t need automatic 
 updates. We don’t need to go through the same hell we go through with 
 Windows screen readers.
 Sent From My White Mac Book
 On Oct 31, 2013, at 3:29 AM, mario navarro  wrote:
> hi nicholas.
> I know that most times the problems are the apps, apps are standard 
> sustema osx, or other companies.
> but the voice over also has some bugs in certain apps that  to be fixed.
> The voice over is not immune to bugs.
> we all know that screen readers have bugs whatever they are.
> and also has voice over.
> It would also automatic updates for new features.
> nicholas ok, if the group agrees with the automatic updates, I want you 
> to write the ticket for me to send.
> I'll be super grateful.
> thanks friend nicholas.
> cheers.
> Em 31/10/2013 06:29, Nicholas Parsons escreveu:
>> Seems to me Apple could push out updates to VoiceOver if they wanted to, 
>> just as they push other updates for raw camera compatibility and the 
>> like, even though those aren't separate applications.
>> More frequent updates to VoiceOver would be good. However, the main 
>> accessibility issues we have are not problems with VoiceOver, but 
>> typically problems in other apps. It's those apps that need to be 
>> updated to improve accessibility, not VoiceOver. For instance, in 
>> Mountain Lion it's iBooks, Pages, Mail, Calendar and Finder which need 
>> updates, not VoiceOver. Well, there are a couple of issues with some of 
>> the voices messing some things up, but that's a different issue as it's 
>> Nuance that needs to address those issues.
>> Having said all this, Mario, I'd be happy to write the email for you if 
>> you like, and then you can send it from your own email account. I'll 
>> wait and hear what other people on this list have to say first, however, 
>> as it's probably wise to take on board other feedback.
>> Cheers,
>> Nic
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Bard mobile saying "request timed out, "

2013-11-04 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Hi, all.

When I try to use bard mobile, over Wi-Fi, with mobile data running at the same 
time, I get a lot of alerts which say they request timed out. That is all they 

Also, when using Wi-Fi while cellular data is on at the same time, I think it 
be having conflict where mail cannot be sent or received, I get this weird 
request timed out thing, dictation sometimes takes forever, etc.

I am running a Netgear 32 cable modem with a Netgear 32 wireless router behind 
it. I have just upgraded to iOS 7 .0 .3.

Any ideas why I seem to be having conflicts between the cellular data and Wi-Fi 
data, when accessing the Internet?

Be well.

Sent from my iPhone

Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: Bard mobile saying "request timed out, "

2013-11-04 Thread Jane
I think it can't decide which to use. Actually, when you are at home your 
cellular data thing should turn off. Accepting phone calls is one thing, but 
the rest of it should be going over the wireless.


On Nov 4, 2013, at 3:52 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> Hi, all.
> When I try to use bard mobile, over Wi-Fi, with mobile data running at the 
> same time, I get a lot of alerts which say they request timed out. That is 
> all they say.
> Also, when using Wi-Fi while cellular data is on at the same time, I think it 
> be having conflict where mail cannot be sent or received, I get this weird 
> request timed out thing, dictation sometimes takes forever, etc.
> I am running a Netgear 32 cable modem with a Netgear 32 wireless router 
> behind it. I have just upgraded to iOS 7 .0 .3.
> Any ideas why I seem to be having conflicts between the cellular data and 
> Wi-Fi data, when accessing the Internet?
> Be well.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
> My home page:
> Facebook:
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Sending I messages and looking for Contacts on the Mac.

2013-11-04 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I am unable to write I messages on the Mac as when I pick Add Recipient, (like 
I use to) I can’t pick the name as Voice Over does not read the Contact Group 
if you Type a name in the search field.  In Mountain Lion, you could put a 
person’s name and the list of numbers and I message details would come up.  I 
have no problem doing this an the I Phone but you can’t easily get to the 
message field.

Has anyone sent I messages on the Mac.  If so, how did one pick a mobile 
number, an e-mail or anything else for an I message please?



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Re: Bard mobile saying "request timed out, "

2013-11-04 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Mark
I got this message when BARD was down, and my iPhone kept wanting to go online. 


On Nov 4, 2013, at 2:52 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> Hi, all.
> When I try to use bard mobile, over Wi-Fi, with mobile data running at the 
> same time, I get a lot of alerts which say they request timed out. That is 
> all they say.
> Also, when using Wi-Fi while cellular data is on at the same time, I think it 
> be having conflict where mail cannot be sent or received, I get this weird 
> request timed out thing, dictation sometimes takes forever, etc.
> I am running a Netgear 32 cable modem with a Netgear 32 wireless router 
> behind it. I have just upgraded to iOS 7 .0 .3.
> Any ideas why I seem to be having conflicts between the cellular data and 
> Wi-Fi data, when accessing the Internet?
> Be well.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
> My home page:
> Facebook:
> -- 
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Re: Bard mobile saying "request timed out, "

2013-11-04 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I usually end up turning off Wi-Fi, instead of mobile data, but I have to turn 
it off manually from settings.

I agree, Wi-Fi should get precedents, but for some reason there seems to be a 
conflict. Is there any other setting on my router, or some other way to deal 
with this, other then manually turning off and on mobile data or Wi-Fi on the 

Be well.

Sent from my iPhone

Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
My home page:

> On Nov 4, 2013, at 1:09 PM, Jane  wrote:
> I think it can't decide which to use. Actually, when you are at home your 
> cellular data thing should turn off. Accepting phone calls is one thing, but 
> the rest of it should be going over the wireless.
> Jane
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 3:52 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  
>> wrote:
>> Hi, all.
>> When I try to use bard mobile, over Wi-Fi, with mobile data running at the 
>> same time, I get a lot of alerts which say they request timed out. That is 
>> all they say.
>> Also, when using Wi-Fi while cellular data is on at the same time, I think 
>> it be having conflict where mail cannot be sent or received, I get this 
>> weird request timed out thing, dictation sometimes takes forever, etc.
>> I am running a Netgear 32 cable modem with a Netgear 32 wireless router 
>> behind it. I have just upgraded to iOS 7 .0 .3.
>> Any ideas why I seem to be having conflicts between the cellular data and 
>> Wi-Fi data, when accessing the Internet?
>> Be well.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
>> My home page:
>> Facebook:
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Help How to expand Favorites in side bar

2013-11-04 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey all,

I had a buddy using my computer and he collapsed the favorites in the side bar 
where all of my folders I quickly use are. I am still on Mt. Lion and nothing I 
seem to do will expand this folder. I have tried interacting with it nope VO 
right bracket doesn't work VO right arrow, and command with the right bracket 
and right arrow and the folder just won't expand. Is there a way to get it to 
expand when using VO? Thanks,

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Re: Help How to expand Favorites in side bar

2013-11-04 Thread Agent086b
try right arrow.
On 05/11/2013, at 9:08 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey all,
> I had a buddy using my computer and he collapsed the favorites in the side 
> bar where all of my folders I quickly use are. I am still on Mt. Lion and 
> nothing I seem to do will expand this folder. I have tried interacting with 
> it nope VO right bracket doesn't work VO right arrow, and command with the 
> right bracket and right arrow and the folder just won't expand. Is there a 
> way to get it to expand when using VO? Thanks,
> -- 
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Re: Help How to expand Favorites in side bar

2013-11-04 Thread Teresa Cochran
If right-arrow doesn’t work, use VO-backslash. Backslash is usually above the 
enter key on most keyboards.


"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
dark to read."--Groucho Marx

On Nov 4, 2013, at 2:11 PM, Agent086b  wrote:

> Hi,
> try right arrow.
> Max.
> On 05/11/2013, at 9:08 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I had a buddy using my computer and he collapsed the favorites in the side 
>> bar where all of my folders I quickly use are. I am still on Mt. Lion and 
>> nothing I seem to do will expand this folder. I have tried interacting with 
>> it nope VO right bracket doesn't work VO right arrow, and command with the 
>> right bracket and right arrow and the folder just won't expand. Is there a 
>> way to get it to expand when using VO? Thanks,
>> -- 
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Re: Bard mobile saying "request timed out, "

2013-11-04 Thread Jane
Hi, Mark.

I actually don't know. Sorry! I always manually turn it off whenever I need to.


On Nov 4, 2013, at 5:00 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> I usually end up turning off Wi-Fi, instead of mobile data, but I have to 
> turn it off manually from settings.
> I agree, Wi-Fi should get precedents, but for some reason there seems to be a 
> conflict. Is there any other setting on my router, or some other way to deal 
> with this, other then manually turning off and on mobile data or Wi-Fi on the 
> iPhone?
> Be well.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
> My home page:
> Facebook:
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 1:09 PM, Jane  wrote:
>> I think it can't decide which to use. Actually, when you are at home your 
>> cellular data thing should turn off. Accepting phone calls is one thing, but 
>> the rest of it should be going over the wireless.
>> Jane
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 3:52 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, all.
>>> When I try to use bard mobile, over Wi-Fi, with mobile data running at the 
>>> same time, I get a lot of alerts which say they request timed out. That is 
>>> all they say.
>>> Also, when using Wi-Fi while cellular data is on at the same time, I think 
>>> it be having conflict where mail cannot be sent or received, I get this 
>>> weird request timed out thing, dictation sometimes takes forever, etc.
>>> I am running a Netgear 32 cable modem with a Netgear 32 wireless router 
>>> behind it. I have just upgraded to iOS 7 .0 .3.
>>> Any ideas why I seem to be having conflicts between the cellular data and 
>>> Wi-Fi data, when accessing the Internet?
>>> Be well.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
>>> My home page:
>>> Facebook:
>>> -- 
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Re: Help How to expand Favorites in side bar

2013-11-04 Thread Brian Fischler
Yes, I have tried right arrow with VO and command and then just right arrow 
alone which does nothing. Nothing seems to expand it
On Nov 4, 2013, at 5:11 PM, Agent086b  wrote:

> Hi,
> try right arrow.
> Max.
> On 05/11/2013, at 9:08 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I had a buddy using my computer and he collapsed the favorites in the side 
>> bar where all of my folders I quickly use are. I am still on Mt. Lion and 
>> nothing I seem to do will expand this folder. I have tried interacting with 
>> it nope VO right bracket doesn't work VO right arrow, and command with the 
>> right bracket and right arrow and the folder just won't expand. Is there a 
>> way to get it to expand when using VO? Thanks,
>> -- 
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Re: Help How to expand Favorites in side bar

2013-11-04 Thread Brian Fischler
Thanks back slash was it. It was VO back slash. I guess the lesson is don't let 
sighted people use your computer. Of course they were helping me relabel a ton 
of photos and guess they just decided to collapse the favorites for some 
reason. Thanks again
On Nov 4, 2013, at 5:18 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> If right-arrow doesn’t work, use VO-backslash. Backslash is usually above the 
> enter key on most keyboards.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 2:11 PM, Agent086b  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> try right arrow.
>> Max.
>> On 05/11/2013, at 9:08 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> I had a buddy using my computer and he collapsed the favorites in the side 
>>> bar where all of my folders I quickly use are. I am still on Mt. Lion and 
>>> nothing I seem to do will expand this folder. I have tried interacting with 
>>> it nope VO right bracket doesn't work VO right arrow, and command with the 
>>> right bracket and right arrow and the folder just won't expand. Is there a 
>>> way to get it to expand when using VO? Thanks,
>>> -- 
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trouble with inaccessibility of pages after mavricks update

2013-11-04 Thread Brooke Jostad
I am new to this list, it's nice to meet you all.
I recently got the new mavricks update, and since then I've had a lot of 
problems with using Pages. It seems that the curser doesn't always stay in 
one place when I'm writing, and often I have to close and reopen the file 
in order to get it to actually enter the text. Voiceover doesn't always 
speak when I'm entering text even though I have it set to do so. Finally, 
when I create a table, voiceover doesn't read it, it simply sees it as a 
blank line even though I've asked sighted people who say that the table is 
there. Have any of you encountered these problems? Any suggestions?
Much thanks,

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Re: Sending I messages and looking for Contacts on the Mac.

2013-11-04 Thread Daniel C
I have trouble with it too.

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Re: Help again! What happened to delete rows in Numbers?

2013-11-04 Thread Devin Prater
Yes, that would be amazing! Also, can you email me the vocab words for English? 
T'd make things easier for us and Mrs. Uptain. 
Sent from my braille plus 18

Tim Kilburn  wrote:

>The Delete Rows and Delete Columns are under the Table menu.
>Tim Kilburn
>Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>On Nov 3, 2013, at 4:57 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi again y'all
>> I am in the new numbers, and I like it a lot. There's just one thing. The 
>> subject line says it all! What happened to the delete rows option? I found a 
>> late alright, but it deletes text. There used to be in the menus an option 
>> for delete rows in the week columns. I can't find it now, so is there a 
>> different command?
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> -- 
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Re: Help again! What happened to delete rows in Numbers?

2013-11-04 Thread Devin Prater
Oh, I'm sorry. I must have replied to the wrong email. 
Sent from my braille plus 18

Devin Prater  wrote:

>Yes, that would be amazing! Also, can you email me the vocab words for 
>English? T'd make things easier for us and Mrs. Uptain. 
>Sent from my braille plus 18
>Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>The Delete Rows and Delete Columns are under the Table menu.
>>Tim Kilburn
>>Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>On Nov 3, 2013, at 4:57 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi again y'all
>>> I am in the new numbers, and I like it a lot. There's just one thing. The 
>>> subject line says it all! What happened to the delete rows option? I found 
>>> a late alright, but it deletes text. There used to be in the menus an 
>>> option for delete rows in the week columns. I can't find it now, so is 
>>> there a different command?
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> -- 
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develop menu in Safari

2013-11-04 Thread Christina C.
Hi all,

I started having this problem after I updated to Maverick. I was wondering if 
anyone else was experiencing this problem or if anyone had a fix. I cannot get 
my user agent settings to stick. I use these settings under the develop menu of 
Safari to help me access certain websites better, especially with the faceBook 
mobile website. I used to be able to keep the setting I chose as long as I 
wanted in a particular Safari window. Now, anytime the page changes the 
settings revert back to the default. :(

Thanks for any help,

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Re: my iMac won't stay connected to internet

2013-11-04 Thread Tim Kilburn

I just started experiencing something similar this past weekend while using a 
hotel wireless and also while using the wireless service at the Airport.  I 
just got home an hour or so ago and everything is fine on my Apple Airport 
network.  I was thinking that it likely is a bug in Mavericks but if your 
husband is not having any issues and he’s running the same OS as you, then that 
may not be the case.  This has happened in previous versions of the MacOS and 
subsequently fixed.  I’ll do some searching on the Internet and see if anyone 
else is having the same problem.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 4, 2013, at 1:02 PM, Christina C.  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would love some help. I don’t know why but around 2 weeks ago my computer 
> won’t seem to stay connected to the internet. The wifi status will say 4 of 4 
> bars with name of network but no web pages will load nor will mail work. Then 
> if I turn wifi off and then back on, all will work fine for a few minutes. 
> Then it all starts all over again. :(  My husbands exact computer right next 
> to mine works perfectly fine. I have repaired permissions and I have also run 
> the diagnostic and no errors were detected in the wifi/network diagnostics.
> I’d appreciate any help,
> Christina
> -- 
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Re: Computer not authorized and Already authorized in iTunes? How to Resolve?

2013-11-04 Thread Tim Kilburn

Was your iPod previously connected to a different Apple ID?  Go into iTunes, 
into the Store and check both the list of Authorized Computers and the list of 
devices connected to your Apple ID for the iTunes Store.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 4, 2013, at 12:42 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I’m getting a circular set of errors in iTunes. First I get an error that my 
> computer is not authorized to play purchases from my iPod. when I try 
> authorizing, I get an error saying it’s already authorized. I only have one 
> computer.
> I looked this up and there is a notation on removing the SC info folder in 
> /users/shared/SC. This folder is not there. So is there something equivalent 
> i can do?
> I’m using the same Apple ID for everything, and I’ve done a reset and restore 
> on my iPod. So I’m leaning toward resolving a problem somewhere in iTunes 
> user data.
> thanks,
> teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
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Re: my iMac won't stay connected to internet

2013-11-04 Thread Christina C.
Thanks! :) I changed the settings on my time capsule and changed the channel 
from auto to a specific channel that was not currently being used in my 
neighborhood. I used some built in wifi diagnostic tool/utility to see what 
channels my neighbors were using.So far, I have been on for an hour without 
disruption. I am currently monitoring my wifi connection through wireless 
diagnostics to see if there are any interruptions.  I am keeping my fingers 

Now that you brought it up, my husband has not updated his computer yet. I 
forgot about that. However, my problem started before the update. His computer 
will lose the connection sometimes but mine was barely staying on for five 
minutes at a time.

Sent from Christina's iMac :)

On Nov 4, 2013, at 5:27 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> I just started experiencing something similar this past weekend while using a 
> hotel wireless and also while using the wireless service at the Airport.  I 
> just got home an hour or so ago and everything is fine on my Apple Airport 
> network.  I was thinking that it likely is a bug in Mavericks but if your 
> husband is not having any issues and he’s running the same OS as you, then 
> that may not be the case.  This has happened in previous versions of the 
> MacOS and subsequently fixed.  I’ll do some searching on the Internet and see 
> if anyone else is having the same problem.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 1:02 PM, Christina C.  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I would love some help. I don’t know why but around 2 weeks ago my computer 
>> won’t seem to stay connected to the internet. The wifi status will say 4 of 
>> 4 bars with name of network but no web pages will load nor will mail work. 
>> Then if I turn wifi off and then back on, all will work fine for a few 
>> minutes. Then it all starts all over again. :(  My husbands exact computer 
>> right next to mine works perfectly fine. I have repaired permissions and I 
>> have also run the diagnostic and no errors were detected in the wifi/network 
>> diagnostics.
>> I’d appreciate any help,
>> Christina
>> -- 
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Re: Computer not authorized and Already authorized in iTunes? How to Resolve?

2013-11-04 Thread Teresa Cochran
No, it wasn’t. I checked in the app info and iCloud info and everything is 
under the same Apple ID.


"The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham

On Nov 4, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> Was your iPod previously connected to a different Apple ID?  Go into iTunes, 
> into the Store and check both the list of Authorized Computers and the list 
> of devices connected to your Apple ID for the iTunes Store.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 12:42 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> I’m getting a circular set of errors in iTunes. First I get an error that my 
>> computer is not authorized to play purchases from my iPod. when I try 
>> authorizing, I get an error saying it’s already authorized. I only have one 
>> computer.
>> I looked this up and there is a notation on removing the SC info folder in 
>> /users/shared/SC. This folder is not there. So is there something equivalent 
>> i can do?
>> I’m using the same Apple ID for everything, and I’ve done a reset and 
>> restore on my iPod. So I’m leaning toward resolving a problem somewhere in 
>> iTunes user data.
>> thanks,
>> teresa
>> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
>> Feynman
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MacBook questions

2013-11-04 Thread Rob

I cant seem to find where to disable the MacBook going to sleep when  I 
close the lid.

I looked in power and battery settings but couldn't find it.
My other question is about the touch pad.
I  have seemed to found a bar that presses down on the left and right 
ends. I believe this is the mouse buttons.

above this bar is a square place but it dont feel like a glass touch pad.
so if there is no touch pad, how would someone move the mouse pointer?
I connected a USB mouse but didn't hear Voice Over speak as I moved the 
mouse around.

Iam trying to get voice over to find the DropBox on the status menu.
My last question is is there a hotkey to announce time and date?
You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
"God is good all the time, & All the time God is good"

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external disk drives

2013-11-04 Thread jean parker
Hello All:
First of all, I want to thank everyone for your help on my various computer 
restoration issues over the weekend.  I am happy to report that everything is 
now back to normal.

A big part of the reason why it is back to normal relates to the discussion on 
external drives.  I have them of course, including one I purchased from the 
Apple store.  I carry two with me when traveling as one is only for time 
machine.  The drives are very small so don't take up much room.  My Seagate 
drive is more of a desktop size and stays at home.  

The reason for all this explanation is to say that my time machine restoration 
was not perfect.  For whatever reason it would not restore bookmarks, contacts, 
settings, program files  or several other necessary elements.  It was only 
because I had iCloud and Carbonite that everything got restored.  This 
three-pronged backup strategy worked well for me as this was the smoothest 
computer recovery I have ever had.  
All of this is to say that I would not be comfortable with data backups only on 
hard drives.  Things go wrong and they certainly did in my situation.  In the 
end, each of the three backups had part of what I needed and the Apple programs 
I had purchased were conveniently available on the Apple web site.  I am very 
glad I utilised all of these strategies.  As I have said on this list before, 
Carbonite gets my last dime.  They have always been there for me, have 
outstanding customer service and provide a lot of peace of mind.  

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Re: MacBook questions

2013-11-04 Thread Alex Hall
1. You can’t, at least not easily, if at all. The Mac will sleep when the lid 
is closed and that’s that.

2. The whole trackpad is touch-sensitive. The bottom half clicks down and is 
one button (to right click, hold control as you click anywhere on the pad). The 
top half, while not clickable, is still touch-sensitive.

3. If you have Mountain Lion or above, just press vo-m twice to go to the 
status menus, and find Dropbox in there. If not, open the Voiceover Utility 
with vo-f8 and find the navigation item in the categories table. In there 
should be all the different cursors, mouse included. Set the vo cursor to 
follow the mouse cursor, or just tell vo to speak what is under the mouse at 
whatever delay you want.

4. Also in the VO Utility, go to the Commanders category and enable the 
Keyboard Commander. By default, this should set up option-t to be time and 
date, but you can modify that if you want to or even set it to be part of a 
different commander.
On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:55 PM, Rob  wrote:

> Hi,
> I cant seem to find where to disable the MacBook going to sleep when  I close 
> the lid.
> I looked in power and battery settings but couldn't find it.
> My other question is about the touch pad.
> I  have seemed to found a bar that presses down on the left and right ends. I 
> believe this is the mouse buttons.
> above this bar is a square place but it dont feel like a glass touch pad.
> so if there is no touch pad, how would someone move the mouse pointer?
> I connected a USB mouse but didn't hear Voice Over speak as I moved the mouse 
> around.
> Iam trying to get voice over to find the DropBox on the status menu.
> My last question is is there a hotkey to announce time and date?
> Thanks,
> Rob
> You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
> 206-426-3505
> "God is good all the time, & All the time God is good"
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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RE: Disk Maker X

2013-11-04 Thread wayne17a
Hi I cant seaem to get it to work but it is more like operater 
error and not the command but because I am new at this I am not sure that I am 
copy the command right so if you could please sent just the command so I can 
select all with command a and then just use command c to copy so again thanks 
for all the help 


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Daniela Rubio
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: Disk Maker X


Good luck, just make sure to copy exactly the content of the command without 
spaces or something else.



Daniela Rubio T

iPhone: +34662328507




El 04/11/2013, a las 16:58, wayne17a  escribió:

Hello , thanks I will give it , a try and see what happens


[] On Behalf Of Daniela Rubio
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 5:02 AM
Subject: Re: Disk Maker X



You need to start copying from sudo to no interaction

Hope it helps


Daniela Rubio T

 Distinguished Educator

iPhone: +34662328507




El 03/11/2013, a las 20:14, wayne17a <> escribió:

Hello thank you for the command for making a boot drive for 
mavericks but with the terminal command do I paste where it says start command 
and end with end command or is the start sudo and the end is no interaction or 
something like that sorry but this is all new to me as I have had never opened 
the terminal before now so any advice please thanks in advance



Wayne cFrom: [] On Behalf Of Daniela Rubio
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: Disk Maker X


Hello all!

I hope I can help you with this, here you have a very easy way to create a 
Bootable drive for Mavericks. Just, be sure to do exactly as it is and you will 
be amazed on how nice it is.


1. Download the installer for the OS and when prompted to install, just cancel 
the process. The installer will be an App on your Apps folder.


2. Rename the app exactly as:

See that the name before the extension is in Capital letters.


3. Take a flash drive (8 GB minimum)and with Disk Utility, erase it and leave 
it as Untitled. Erase the name during the formatting  process, or just do so 
with enter on it when you see it on your desktop. Make sure it is totally 
erased, no data at all.


4. Go to Terminal inside your Utilities folder, open it and paste the following 
command, making sure that there are not blanck lines or spaces in what you 
select to copy.


Start of command*


sudo /Applications/ --volume 
/Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/ --nointeraction


End of command*


5. Write your password if you are asked to enter it, and the creation process 
will start. VoiceOver will read some things during it, and when it is finished, 
just close Terminal.


6. You will see that now your Flash drive will be named as Maverick installer 
or something like that.

Ready, you now have your Booth-able drive to install the OS.

The process is different, but you will magically get a great result without 
having to use any other resources.

Please let me know if this works.

Hope it helps!



Daniela Rubio T

iPhone: +34662328507




El 30/10/2013, a las 22:13, BBS <> escribió:

Hi Daniel. Unfortunately, if you upgraded to Mavericks and you’re using Disk 
Maker X, you’ll need sighted assistance because it’s not accessible. I really 
hope that it’ll be fixed though. I already made my bootable drive last night 
with sighted help like I said. Sorry.

Sent From My White Mac Book

On Oct 30, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Daniel C <> wrote:

I was trying out Disk Maker X, now that I’ve upgraded to Mavericks, and it says 
that it has no windows. I don’t seem to be able to quit it without going to 
force quit.
How am I able to make a boot disk since Disk Maker X won’t work?

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Re: external disk drives

2013-11-04 Thread Agent086b
Hello Jean,
how easy was the Carbonite restore? I have done it on a PC but not a Mac.

On 05/11/2013, at 2:22 PM, jean parker  wrote:

> Hello All:
> First of all, I want to thank everyone for your help on my various computer 
> restoration issues over the weekend.  I am happy to report that everything is 
> now back to normal.
> A big part of the reason why it is back to normal relates to the discussion 
> on external drives.  I have them of course, including one I purchased from 
> the Apple store.  I carry two with me when traveling as one is only for time 
> machine.  The drives are very small so don't take up much room.  My Seagate 
> drive is more of a desktop size and stays at home.  
> The reason for all this explanation is to say that my time machine 
> restoration was not perfect.  For whatever reason it would not restore 
> bookmarks, contacts, settings, program files  or several other necessary 
> elements.  It was only because I had iCloud and Carbonite that everything got 
> restored.  This three-pronged backup strategy worked well for me as this was 
> the smoothest computer recovery I have ever had.  
> All of this is to say that I would not be comfortable with data backups only 
> on hard drives.  Things go wrong and they certainly did in my situation.  In 
> the end, each of the three backups had part of what I needed and the Apple 
> programs I had purchased were conveniently available on the Apple web site.  
> I am very glad I utilised all of these strategies.  As I have said on this 
> list before, Carbonite gets my last dime.  They have always been there for 
> me, have outstanding customer service and provide a lot of peace of mind.  
> Jean

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Re: MacBook questions

2013-11-04 Thread Chris Blouch
According to Apple's article you have to have the AC plugged in, a 
monitor and an external keyboard/mouse attached before closing the lid 
will not put the mac to sleep.


On 11/4/13 9:55 PM, Rob wrote:

I cant seem to find where to disable the MacBook going to sleep when I 
close the lid.

I looked in power and battery settings but couldn't find it.
My other question is about the touch pad.
I have seemed to found a bar that presses down on the left and right 
ends. I believe this is the mouse buttons.

above this bar is a square place but it dont feel like a glass touch pad.
so if there is no touch pad, how would someone move the mouse pointer?
I connected a USB mouse but didn't hear Voice Over speak as I moved 
the mouse around.

Iam trying to get voice over to find the DropBox on the status menu.
My last question is is there a hotkey to announce time and date?
You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
"God is good all the time, & All the time God is good"


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How To sync Apps Manually in iTunes?

2013-11-04 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi all,

My authorization seems to be broken on my Mac, and it’s just for one app, Papa 
sangre II! Either Papa’s giving me a hard time, :) or I just had a glitchy 
thing happen with the computer not knowing whether it’s authorized or not. So 
I’d like to be able to sync selected apps or sync apps manually in iTunes, at 
least until I can find a way to fix this. Is there a way to do this?


On the other hand, there are different fingers.

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Re: Bard mobile saying "request timed out, "

2013-11-04 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
What I would also like to know, is what requests, since I did not send one?

It seems that this is the first symptom of a conflict between mobile data and 
Wi-Fi data. I guess I will just have to turn one or the other off. I have 
unlimited mobile data at 3G speed, so I really don't notice that much of a 

Sent from my iPhone

Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
My home page:

> On Nov 4, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Jane  wrote:
> Hi, Mark.
> I actually don't know. Sorry! I always manually turn it off whenever I need 
> to.
> Jane
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 5:00 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  
>> wrote:
>> I usually end up turning off Wi-Fi, instead of mobile data, but I have to 
>> turn it off manually from settings.
>> I agree, Wi-Fi should get precedents, but for some reason there seems to be 
>> a conflict. Is there any other setting on my router, or some other way to 
>> deal with this, other then manually turning off and on mobile data or Wi-Fi 
>> on the iPhone?
>> Be well.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
>> My home page:
>> Facebook:
>>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 1:09 PM, Jane  wrote:
>>> I think it can't decide which to use. Actually, when you are at home your 
>>> cellular data thing should turn off. Accepting phone calls is one thing, 
>>> but the rest of it should be going over the wireless.
>>> Jane
 On Nov 4, 2013, at 3:52 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter 
 Hi, all.
 When I try to use bard mobile, over Wi-Fi, with mobile data running at the 
 same time, I get a lot of alerts which say they request timed out. That is 
 all they say.
 Also, when using Wi-Fi while cellular data is on at the same time, I think 
 it be having conflict where mail cannot be sent or received, I get this 
 weird request timed out thing, dictation sometimes takes forever, etc.
 I am running a Netgear 32 cable modem with a Netgear 32 wireless router 
 behind it. I have just upgraded to iOS 7 .0 .3.
 Any ideas why I seem to be having conflicts between the cellular data and 
 Wi-Fi data, when accessing the Internet?
 Be well.
 Sent from my iPhone
 Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
 My home page:
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Re: Computer not authorized and Already authorized in iTunes? How to Resolve?

2013-11-04 Thread Tim Kilburn

I would clear the authorizations then.  When you’re in the My Account Info area 
of the iTunes Store, there will be a “De-Authorize All” button.  This will 
clear all records of your computers on Apple’s end allowing you to re-authorize 
things and possibly get around that error.  If you choose to attempt this, 
you’ll simply need to authorize any computers you want attached to that Apple 
ID.  The iPod should remain attached as those devices are not considered part 
of the Authorization group.  If the problem persists even after that, you 
should check the Apple ID info in the iPod itself.  Disconnect then reconnect 
it to your Apple ID.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 4, 2013, at 7:39 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> No, it wasn’t. I checked in the app info and iCloud info and everything is 
> under the same Apple ID.
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Was your iPod previously connected to a different Apple ID?  Go into iTunes, 
>> into the Store and check both the list of Authorized Computers and the list 
>> of devices connected to your Apple ID for the iTunes Store.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 12:42 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> I’m getting a circular set of errors in iTunes. First I get an error that 
>>> my computer is not authorized to play purchases from my iPod. when I try 
>>> authorizing, I get an error saying it’s already authorized. I only have one 
>>> computer.
>>> I looked this up and there is a notation on removing the SC info folder in 
>>> /users/shared/SC. This folder is not there. So is there something 
>>> equivalent i can do?
>>> I’m using the same Apple ID for everything, and I’ve done a reset and 
>>> restore on my iPod. So I’m leaning toward resolving a problem somewhere in 
>>> iTunes user data.
>>> thanks,
>>> teresa
>>> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
>>> Feynman
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Re: Computer not authorized and Already authorized in iTunes? How to Resolve?

2013-11-04 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Tim,

I don’t have a “deauthorize all” option, because I only have one computer 
authorized. I’ve tried deauthorizing and reauthorizing it several times, to no 

I will try the iPod connection and see how that goes. Thanks.


Slow down; you'll get there faster.

On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:08 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> I would clear the authorizations then.  When you’re in the My Account Info 
> area of the iTunes Store, there will be a “De-Authorize All” button.  This 
> will clear all records of your computers on Apple’s end allowing you to 
> re-authorize things and possibly get around that error.  If you choose to 
> attempt this, you’ll simply need to authorize any computers you want attached 
> to that Apple ID.  The iPod should remain attached as those devices are not 
> considered part of the Authorization group.  If the problem persists even 
> after that, you should check the Apple ID info in the iPod itself.  
> Disconnect then reconnect it to your Apple ID.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 7:39 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> No, it wasn’t. I checked in the app info and iCloud info and everything is 
>> under the same Apple ID.
>> Teresa
>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Was your iPod previously connected to a different Apple ID?  Go into 
>>> iTunes, into the Store and check both the list of Authorized Computers and 
>>> the list of devices connected to your Apple ID for the iTunes Store.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 12:42 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>>> wrote:
 Hi, all,
 I’m getting a circular set of errors in iTunes. First I get an error that 
 my computer is not authorized to play purchases from my iPod. when I try 
 authorizing, I get an error saying it’s already authorized. I only have 
 one computer.
 I looked this up and there is a notation on removing the SC info folder in 
 /users/shared/SC. This folder is not there. So is there something 
 equivalent i can do?
 I’m using the same Apple ID for everything, and I’ve done a reset and 
 restore on my iPod. So I’m leaning toward resolving a problem somewhere in 
 iTunes user data.
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Re: MacBook questions

2013-11-04 Thread Tim Kilburn

It sounds like you have an older MacBook since you mentioned the button bar. 
I’ll answer what I can between your questions below:
> I cant seem to find where to disable the MacBook going to sleep when  I close 
> the lid.
> I looked in power and battery settings but couldn't find it.

• You won’t find it anywhere.  I believe that I heard mention of a third party 
add-on that made that happen but that was quite a few years ago and can’t 
recall anything about it.  Also, in my opinion, that is a very problematic 
thing to do.  It could cause overheating which could lead to other technical 
issues as well.  I’m sure that Apple doesn’t put it in the modifiable settings 
for good reason.

> My other question is about the touch pad.
> I  have seemed to found a bar that presses down on the left and right ends. I 
> believe this is the mouse buttons.
> above this bar is a square place but it dont feel like a glass touch pad.
> so if there is no touch pad, how would someone move the mouse pointer?

• That area is the touchpad or Trackpad and is used for exactly what you say.

> I connected a USB mouse but didn't hear Voice Over speak as I moved the mouse 
> around.

• That could be because of certain settings within the VoiceOver Utility.  
These should be in the Verbosity pane in the Announcements tab.  The section 
says something about speaking what’s under the mouse after a delay.  If that is 
not checked, VO won’t say what’s under the mouse when you move it.  Or, if the 
delay is after a few seconds, then moving around the mouse too quickly will not 
give VO enough time to say anything.

> Iam trying to get voice over to find the DropBox on the status menu.

• If you’re running a MacOS prior to 10.7 Lion, I don’t believe that the 
DropBox menu is accessible to VO.

> My last question is is there a hotkey to announce time and date?

• That depends on the version of MacOS you’re running.  I believe that it is 
built-in now under the Keyboard commander.  right Option key plus t will do it. 
 Older versions of VO required extra steps to perform this task.

> Thanks,
> Rob
> You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
> 206-426-3505
> "God is good all the time, & All the time God is good”
> Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Computer not authorized and Already authorized in iTunes? How to Resolve?

2013-11-04 Thread Tim Kilburn

>From within the iTunes window, not the menubar, you press the iTunes Store 
>button then navigate to the pop-up button that says “your Apple ID - View my 
>iTunes Store Account”.  You may be asked to re-enter your Apple ID and 
>password since this is a secure area.  Then Interact with the HTML area and 
>navigate through it.  You’ll notice stuff about your credit card, attached 
>devices, latest purchases and Authorized computers.  The De-Authorize All 
>button is there.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 4, 2013, at 10:22 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Tim,
> I don’t have a “deauthorize all” option, because I only have one computer 
> authorized. I’ve tried deauthorizing and reauthorizing it several times, to 
> no avail.
> I will try the iPod connection and see how that goes. Thanks.
> Teresa
> Slow down; you'll get there faster.
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:08 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would clear the authorizations then.  When you’re in the My Account Info 
>> area of the iTunes Store, there will be a “De-Authorize All” button.  This 
>> will clear all records of your computers on Apple’s end allowing you to 
>> re-authorize things and possibly get around that error.  If you choose to 
>> attempt this, you’ll simply need to authorize any computers you want 
>> attached to that Apple ID.  The iPod should remain attached as those devices 
>> are not considered part of the Authorization group.  If the problem persists 
>> even after that, you should check the Apple ID info in the iPod itself.  
>> Disconnect then reconnect it to your Apple ID.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 7:39 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>>> No, it wasn’t. I checked in the app info and iCloud info and everything is 
>>> under the same Apple ID.
>>> Teresa
>>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
 Was your iPod previously connected to a different Apple ID?  Go into 
 iTunes, into the Store and check both the list of Authorized Computers and 
 the list of devices connected to your Apple ID for the iTunes Store.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On Nov 4, 2013, at 12:42 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> Hi, all,
> I’m getting a circular set of errors in iTunes. First I get an error that 
> my computer is not authorized to play purchases from my iPod. when I try 
> authorizing, I get an error saying it’s already authorized. I only have 
> one computer.
> I looked this up and there is a notation on removing the SC info folder 
> in /users/shared/SC. This folder is not there. So is there something 
> equivalent i can do?
> I’m using the same Apple ID for everything, and I’ve done a reset and 
> restore on my iPod. So I’m leaning toward resolving a problem somewhere 
> in iTunes user data.
> thanks,
> teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
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síri accessible. speakable workflows

2013-11-04 Thread mario navarro

hi all .

who wants Siri on your computer?
Now we have a Siri accessible.
speakable workflows
Automator workflows can be saved the Speakable Items So They can be 
executed as a voice command is activated When Speakable Items in 
Accessibility preferences.

I have tested it and loved it because now I have a Siri accessible on my 

god. I love it.
this is fantastic!
Siri  accessible now does everything for me!
Siri accessible? ... yes that's what I want to call!

have doubts? try it!

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Re: MacBook questions

2013-11-04 Thread Red.Falcon
OK to make the time shortcut work properly you also need to check the [allow 
voiceover to be controlled by apple scripts] check box in the General section 
of voiceover utility!
HTH Colin

On 5 Nov 2013, at 03:19, Alex Hall  wrote:

> 1. You can’t, at least not easily, if at all. The Mac will sleep when the lid 
> is closed and that’s that.
> 2. The whole trackpad is touch-sensitive. The bottom half clicks down and is 
> one button (to right click, hold control as you click anywhere on the pad). 
> The top half, while not clickable, is still touch-sensitive.
> 3. If you have Mountain Lion or above, just press vo-m twice to go to the 
> status menus, and find Dropbox in there. If not, open the Voiceover Utility 
> with vo-f8 and find the navigation item in the categories table. In there 
> should be all the different cursors, mouse included. Set the vo cursor to 
> follow the mouse cursor, or just tell vo to speak what is under the mouse at 
> whatever delay you want.
> 4. Also in the VO Utility, go to the Commanders category and enable the 
> Keyboard Commander. By default, this should set up option-t to be time and 
> date, but you can modify that if you want to or even set it to be part of a 
> different commander.
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:55 PM, Rob  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I cant seem to find where to disable the MacBook going to sleep when  I 
>> close the lid.
>> I looked in power and battery settings but couldn't find it.
>> My other question is about the touch pad.
>> I  have seemed to found a bar that presses down on the left and right ends. 
>> I believe this is the mouse buttons.
>> above this bar is a square place but it dont feel like a glass touch pad.
>> so if there is no touch pad, how would someone move the mouse pointer?
>> I connected a USB mouse but didn't hear Voice Over speak as I moved the 
>> mouse around.
>> Iam trying to get voice over to find the DropBox on the status menu.
>> My last question is is there a hotkey to announce time and date?
>> Thanks,
>> Rob
>> You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
>> 206-426-3505
>> "God is good all the time, & All the time God is good"
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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