Preview Tables in Mavericks

2013-10-26 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Do tables in Preview work in Mavericks? Given tables work for Pages I'm 
hopeful–this would be a great improvement.

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Re: Downcast Synching

2013-10-26 Thread Nicholas Parsons
HI Bryan,
If you have settings turned off in iCloud Sync preferences on your iPHone 4S 
then I'm not sure what else you could try. I recommend contacting the developer 
of Downcast to ask–I suspect turning off podcast syncing might have undesired 
effects. I was going to contact them on a similar issue to ask how that works 
so I'll let you know if I hear anything useful.

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Re: Gmail Issues in Mavericks, Pretty Major, Folks

2013-10-26 Thread Nicholas Parsons
HI Teresa,
In what ways is gmail still clunky for you? I still haven't upgraded mainly 
because of this supposed Mail issue. Mail is probably my favourite and most 
used app on the Mac, so I'm not sure all the great new features of Mavericks, 
and some of them really sound fantastic, are worth a poorer Mail experience for 
me. So I'd really appreciate any details you can give about how it's working 
for you.
Nic :)

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Re: Mavericks Isn't An Operating System, But An Update, was Re: Can't Download Mavericks

2013-10-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
Also, it is possible to create a bootable install. It’s just not easy to do. 
once it’s downloaded, you have to manipulate the disc image that’s in the apps 
folder or it will “disappear” once it’s installed. I had two download errors 
before the third time became a charm.


"We're made of star stuff."--Carl Sagan

On Oct 25, 2013, at 7:47 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> I think that rep is very mistaken.  I mean, would you call IOS 7 just an 
> update?  That’s free too.  Tell you what though, if it is just an update, 
> it’s the largest update I’ve ever seen at over 5GB. haha.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Oct 25, 2013, at 8:23 PM, BBS  wrote:
>> Hi guys. I kinda figured out why Mavericks was free and that I can’t 
>> re-download it to make a bootable version. I just got off the phone with a 
>> gentleman of Apple and he stated to me that Mavericks isn’t an OS, but an 
>> update. He’s gonna send an article about it to me through email and when he 
>> does, I’ll be sure to pass on the info.
>> Shawn
>> Sent From My White Mac Book
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Re: attachments in mail now more logical

2013-10-26 Thread Nicholas Parsons
The other way you might know there's an attachment is if the person writing the 
email says such and such is attached, or refers to some attachment in another 
way. :) To be honest, that's the only way I notice attachments currently–I 
rarely wait to the very end of the email to see the attachment images or 
interact with the header field.

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Re: In Case Anyone Was Caught Off Guard When Dictating . . . . . .

2013-10-26 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Yeah, I suspect its your region setting causing the issue. I have mine set to 
Australia, as I'm currently living in Australia. You used to need your region 
set to Australia if you wanted the premium Australian English voice, but that's 
no longer necessary in iOS 7 so you're probably best to swap your region back 
to US.

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Re: Gmail Issues in Mavericks, Pretty Major, Folks

2013-10-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
Well, Mail has pretty much cleared up. apparently, the all mail folder has to 
purge its duplicates, and this took a day for me. But now it seems to be 
working fine, aside from some delayed syncing, and inaccurate unread message 
counts in the badges. I’m confident that this issue is significant enough that 
it will probably be fixed at some point, so i’m willing to put up with these 
inconveniences. I’m still able to access this and other lists and respond to 
messages, as you can see. :)


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

On Oct 26, 2013, at 1:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> HI Teresa,
> In what ways is gmail still clunky for you? I still haven't upgraded mainly 
> because of this supposed Mail issue. Mail is probably my favourite and most 
> used app on the Mac, so I'm not sure all the great new features of Mavericks, 
> and some of them really sound fantastic, are worth a poorer Mail experience 
> for me. So I'd really appreciate any details you can give about how it's 
> working for you.
> Thanks,
> Nic :)
> -- 
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Re: os 10.9, is it worth it?

2013-10-26 Thread Chris H
Ok, so does this also affect apps that emulate a bluetooth keyboard, 
such as Type2Phone? Mind you this wouldn't be a dealbreaker as such for 
me since I use Siri and the typing apps out there for the phone.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 26/10/2013 02:50, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

I’d largely agree:  But, I found one really nasty bug when it comes to pairing 
a bluetooth keyboard with the Mac under 10.9.  Instead of the actual password 
asked for by the pairing dialog, Voice Over always reads:

So, if you often pair bluetooth keyboards to your Mac, I’d stay with 10.8 for 
now.  Also be aware that not all third party apps are cought up yet.  However, 
if those things don’t bother you and you are usually what you would consider a 
first adopter by nature, go right ahead and do it.

Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

On Oct 25, 2013, at 5:54 PM, BBS  wrote:

Hi Courtney. That’s a personal preference to update or not so you’d have to 
decide that for yourself. Personally, there are some bugs in Mavericks but 
they’re only tiny ones so it’s not a show stopper for me. But like I said, it’s 
a matter of personal preference and if you find any bugs, don’t hesitate to 
tell us and also send them to

Sent From My White Mac Book

On Oct 25, 2013, at 5:06 PM, Moop Curran  wrote:

I know that os 10.9 mavericks is free, but is it worth the trouble of updating? 
Or is it still not there yet?

Sent from my iMac

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Re: iBooks for MacOS X 10.9 accessibility

2013-10-26 Thread Joanne Chua

I think what Greg trying to say is the different from the visual and what VO 
reads or may not read.

Joanne Chua
The flip side of Inclusion is Exclusion.
Leaders For Tomorrow 2013 Candidate
Send from my iPad

> On 26 Oct 2013, at 13:36, Barry Hadder  wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m not understanding many of the issues you brought up.  I also think that 
> you left some things out.
> 1.  I am able to interact with an entire chapter with Voiceover.  I could be 
> wrong, but The number of pages shown seems to be strictly visual in my 
> experience.  I have not had to scroll to read a page.
> 2.  I have not experienced the situation where vo sees the store window when 
> it couldn’t access it.
> 3.  I’m not sure what you are referring to in regards to the book cover 
> information.  I am able to access title, author, etc.
> 4.  I find the unlabeled buttons annoying, but it’s not as big a deal as some 
> people seem to think it is.  
> I don’t understand how you missed the problems in the library window.¬  Maybe 
> you did mention it and I just couldn’t read through all of the inspector junk.
> 1.  vo can’t read any book information in the authors view.
> 2.  Vo can’t read any book information in the collections view.
> 3.  Vo can’t read any book information in the categories view.
> Those last three things in my opinion are the bad things.  I have also 
> reported them when it was still in beta.
> On Oct 25, 2013, at 8:22 PM, Greg Kearney  wrote:
> I am reporting the following accessibility issues about iBook for MacOS. Not 
> that in the case of some unreachable controls I have enclosed the 
> Accessibility Inspector information which should aid in correcting theses 
> issues. I would point out that the Accessibility Inspector is able to quickly 
> tell a developer if a control is accessible or not.
> 1. VoiceOver reading of a book does not turn the pages of the books as they 
> are read.
> 2. Book cover images do not have title/author information. This could be 
> corrected by implementing IPTC captions on the images. A work around is to 
> insure that the Show Titles option is in the view menu is set.
> 3. The bookstore is listed as a window even when it is not reachable with 
> VoiceOver
> 4. The book reading window has a number of unlabeled buttons which are as 
> follows:
> Library button
> Hierarchy
>   AXApplication
>   AXWindow:AXStandardWindow
>   AXButton
> Attributes
>   AXRoleAXButton
>   AXRoleDescriptionbutton
>   AXHelp
>   AXEnabledYES
>   AXFocused (W)NO
>   AXParent
>   AXWindow
>   AXTopLevelUIElement
>   AXPositionx=291.00 y=68.00
>   AXSizew=16.00 h=25.00
>   AXTitle
> Actions
>   AXPress
> Warnings And Errors
>   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement
> Table of Contents button
> Hierarchy
>   AXApplication
>   AXWindow:AXStandardWindow
>   AXButton
> Attributes
>   AXRoleAXButton
>   AXRoleDescriptionbutton
>   AXHelp
>   AXEnabledYES
>   AXFocused (W)NO
>   AXParent
>   AXWindow
>   AXTopLevelUIElement
>   AXPositionx=177.00 y=120.00
>   AXSizew=20.00 h=25.00
>   AXTitle
> Actions
>   AXPress
> Warnings And Errors
>   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement
> Notes Button
> Hierarchy
>   AXApplication
>   AXWindow:AXStandardWindow
>   AXButton
> Attributes
>   AXRoleAXButton
>   AXRoleDescriptionbutton
>   AXHelp
>   AXEnabledYES
>   AXFocused (W)NO
>   AXParent
>   AXWindow
>   AXTopLevelUIElement
>   AXPositionx=208.00 y=120.00
>   AXSizew=20.00 h=25.00
>   AXTitle
> Actions
>   AXPress
> Warnings And Errors
>   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement
> Type setting button
> Hierarchy
>   AXApplication
>   AXWindow:AXStandardWindow
>   AXButton
> Attributes
>   AXRoleAXButton
>   AXRoleDescriptionbutton
>   AXHelp
>   AXEnabledYES
>   AXFocused (W)NO
>   AXParent
>   AXWindow
>   AXTopLevelUIElement
>   AXPositionx=1011.00 y=120.00
>   AXSizew=29.00 h=25.00
>   AXTitle
> Actions
>   AXPress
> Warnings And Errors
>   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement
> Find button
> Hierarchy
>   AXApplication
>   AXWindow:AXStandardWindow
>   AXButton
> Attributes
>   AXRoleAXButton
>   AXRoleDescriptionbutton
>   AXHelp
>   AXEnabledYES
>   AXFocused (W)NO
>   AXParent
>   AXWindow
>   AXTopLevelUIElement
>   AXPositionx=1011.00 y=120.00
>   AXSizew=29.00 h=25.00
>   AXTitle
> Actions
>   AXPress
> Warnings And Errors
>   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement
> Add/Remove bookmark button
> Hierarchy
>   AXApplication
>   AXWindow:AXStandardWindow
>   AXButton
> Attributes
>   AXRoleAXButton
>   AXRoleDescriptionbutton

voiceover freezing

2013-10-26 Thread May and Noah
Hey there.

Just curious if anyone knows why voiceover would freeze all of a sudden? it 
seems to be happening after my computer is sitting a while and I’m not doing 
anything. I have my screen saver off so that’s not it. I thought it was so 
turned it off, but it’s still happening.

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Google Drive and Mavericks

2013-10-26 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

Upon my installation of Mavericks I have learned that sharing a folder with 
another person using the Google Drive client is no longer possible.
Accessing this “sharing” feature from the web site is proving difficult.
Therefore, does anyone have any viable solution how I can share a newly created 
folder with another person?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

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Re: Finder busy

2013-10-26 Thread Marc Rocheleau
I don't know how much this relates to your problem with finder, but I
cannot use it in column view with Mavericks. Much as you described, I
just get a "Busy" warning the second I do something like, say, type in
characters to skip to a certain file I want to access. The workaround
that I'm using for now is switching to list view instead. I am
thinking your window theory may have some merit.


On 10/23/13, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> Hi guys
> The subject says it all. I am once again getting Finder busy. However, I
> think I have figured out a work around although it's iritating; I'al live
> with it until Apple fixes it, of course.
> I discovered that if I press the control option escape to do a force quit
> that if I press ENTER a couple of times, it recovers most of the time. I
> also think I have discovered that if I keep some of my windows open in Finer
> instead of doing what I've been doing (closing them, a habit from Windows),
> that I don't to get it. Do you guys think it's something creating the
> windows in Finer that is doing this?
> Maybe I'm missing something here, but I thought somebody said there was a
> way to fix this problem. I thought Numbers was going to be my problem when I
> got Mavericks. Numbers is not a problem at all so far.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> --
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Upgrading to mavricks

2013-10-26 Thread ramy moustafa

Hi all:
I downloaded the Mavericks from the appstore, and now I got the screen that 
install mavericks, it told me that it will be installed on hard desk called 
mac, I hit install, and it asked me for a password, I didn’t make passwords for 
my machine, anyway, I tried entering any password, I wrote it, and when I hit 
enter or vo  with space, I went back to the same password screen, vo just says 
confirm, then again to the same screen, when I hit scape, key I got the same 
install screen,
What shall I do to avoid this screen?
Thanks in advance
 Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone

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Software DAISY players that support streaming

2013-10-26 Thread Edward Green

Are there any software DAISY players for the Mac that support the streaming of 
DAISY content?



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Re: voiceover freezing

2013-10-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

When your computer goes to sleep, Voiceover sometimes takes a few seconds 
longer to speak when you wake up the machine.


Ricardo Walker

On Oct 26, 2013, at 6:53 AM, May and Noah  wrote:

> Hey there.
> Just curious if anyone knows why voiceover would freeze all of a sudden? it 
> seems to be happening after my computer is sitting a while and I’m not doing 
> anything. I have my screen saver off so that’s not it. I thought it was so 
> turned it off, but it’s still happening.
> -- 
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Re: attachments in mail now more logical

2013-10-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

it also says there is an attachment in the list of messages.  So for example, I 
would hear something like, Ricardo Walker: Update to Mavericks: 10/25/2013: 
Attachment image.

Ricardo Walker

On Oct 26, 2013, at 4:15 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> The other way you might know there's an attachment is if the person writing 
> the email says such and such is attached, or refers to some attachment in 
> another way. :) To be honest, that's the only way I notice attachments 
> currently–I rarely wait to the very end of the email to see the attachment 
> images or interact with the header field.
> -- 
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preview pain in mavericks?

2013-10-26 Thread Kliphton -------
Has anyone figured out how to turn off the preview pain in mavericks?

~Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype~ kliphton72
~Text only~ 914-820-2298
"Personal blog-read at your own risk!"

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Re: os 10.9, is it worth it?

2013-10-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

No since the code is shown on your IOS device not your Mac.

Ricardo Walker

On Oct 26, 2013, at 4:25 AM, Chris H  wrote:

> Ok, so does this also affect apps that emulate a bluetooth keyboard, such as 
> Type2Phone? Mind you this wouldn't be a dealbreaker as such for me since I 
> use Siri and the typing apps out there for the phone.
> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
> On 26/10/2013 02:50, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> I’d largely agree:  But, I found one really nasty bug when it comes to 
>> pairing a bluetooth keyboard with the Mac under 10.9.  Instead of the actual 
>> password asked for by the pairing dialog, Voice Over always reads:
>> 12345678
>> So, if you often pair bluetooth keyboards to your Mac, I’d stay with 10.8 
>> for now.  Also be aware that not all third party apps are cought up yet.  
>> However, if those things don’t bother you and you are usually what you would 
>> consider a first adopter by nature, go right ahead and do it.
>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 5:54 PM, BBS  wrote:
>>> Hi Courtney. That’s a personal preference to update or not so you’d have to 
>>> decide that for yourself. Personally, there are some bugs in Mavericks but 
>>> they’re only tiny ones so it’s not a show stopper for me. But like I said, 
>>> it’s a matter of personal preference and if you find any bugs, don’t 
>>> hesitate to tell us and also send them to
>>> Shawn
>>> Sent From My White Mac Book
>>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 5:06 PM, Moop Curran  wrote:
 I know that os 10.9 mavericks is free, but is it worth the trouble of 
 updating? Or is it still not there yet?
 Sent from my iMac
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Re: Moderator Note - IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ - Donations for one of our own

2013-10-26 Thread matthew dyer
Hi all,

Sending prares to all in vaulted  hope everything will be ok,.

matthew dyer 
sent from my 27 inch iMac.

facebook, facetime and iMessage:

Skype: graduater2004

On Oct 25, 2013, at 9:38 PM, Cara Quinn  wrote:

> Hi All,
> I normally would never ever allow any messages here about donations. IN this 
> case though, this situation very much warrants this.
> One of our listers and a dear friend of mine, has had an extreme tragedy with 
> a loved one and I am officially asking for donations on his behalf.
> Even a single dollar will be greatly appreciated here.
> Now, before anyone objects to this, there is a time and a place to allow a 
> note like this. This is that time and place. This is simply the right thing 
> to do, and I know that when you read the below account, you will agree with 
> me.
> If anyone takes issue with this then I urge you to write me privately and 
> furthermore I extend my deepest apologies for wasting your time.
> For those who would like to donate, there is a PayPal button on the following 
> page.
> You may read this story at Mark's FaceBook page and I've also pasted it below.
> Again for those for whom this is an issue, remember, your delete key works 
> just fine in this instance. :) thanks for obliging me.
> FaceBook link and story are below this note.
> Thanks to all of you for being here and making these lists what they are.
> I wish you and yours all a wonderful weekend and thank you very much for 
> whatever donations you can share.
> Take care of each other. :)
> Sincerely,
> Cara quinn
> Mark Baxter FaceBook
> The Story
> Last Saturday afternoon, taking advantage of the beautiful weather before the 
> rainy winter arrived, Amy and I decided to go for a short hike.  We drove to 
> the Damnation Creek trail head on HWY 101, near Klamath, CA, and intended to 
> be back at our car within a couple of hours, as it was already late 
> afternoon, and would get dark soon.
> Ezra was guiding me as usual, and Luke was shepherding us all as usual, and 
> we were both enjoying the rugged landscape and giant redwood trees.  Softly 
> scented air was dappled with sun and shade as the trail first descended, then 
> wound up to a narrow wooden bridge, at a fork with the Coastal Loop trail.
> We decided to venture a ways down the Coastal Loop trail, hoping it would 
> "loop," back to the footbridge.  No such luck.
> At first, the trail, mostly composed of an old highway and well maintained, 
> was great for hiking, so we continued.  By the time it got narrow and steep 
> again, and Amy could see the ocean through the trees ahead, we needed to turn 
> back; it was getting dark.
> We tiredly turned and made our way back down the trail, until we were mostly 
> back to the footbridge.  We stopped to catch our breaths and let the dogs 
> pee, and somehow, Amy fell.  I heard her fall, cry out, then a crash, then 
> nothing.  I called out, "AMY!  Amy, can you answer me?"  I heard nothing for 
> a few minutes.
> When I heard a sound, I didn't think it was a human making it.  It was Amy 
> screaming.
> I had to get down the cliff she had fallen over, to ascertain her condition.  
> I somewhat climbed, mostly fell down to where she was.  She had landed badly, 
> on her back, on the rocks at the bottom of an old creek bed.  Luke was with 
> her, and Ezra followed me down.
> Her screams of pain were constant, long and loud.  She kept saying, "NO! NO! 
> NO!" over and over, and told me, "I can't feel my legs!"  I sat for a while, 
> held her hand, listened to her scream.  I knew I had to somehow get help.
> I had my iPhone 5 with me, but when I checked, I had no service.  There was 
> no way I could move Amy; she was far too badly injured to climb up the cliff. 
>  I had to climb up the cliff, helping Ezra up with me, and find a place where 
> I had enough cell service to call 911 and get a rescue team in to get Amy.
> So, as she screamed, I tucked my maroon sweatshirt carefully under her head, 
> and said, "Baby, I love you; I will be back with help, I have to go get 
> help."  She just kept on screaming.
> I found a chimney up the cliff, hauled Ezra up and got back to the trail, 
> which was fortunately very well-defined.  I still had no service.
> I had no choice but to walk with Ezra guiding me down the trail until I could 
> call 911.  Fortunately, Ezra was able to follow the trail, even in the dark.  
> Luke also had come up with us, and stuck close to us.
> We walked about a quarter mile until I got one bar of cell coverage.  With 
> that one bar, having to call back ten or twelve times, I got 911 to contact 
> the sheriff, who sent in the volunteer search and rescue team to find us.
> There was some consternation when I told the sheriff that I couldn't give 

Apple's Safari finally gets sandboxed Flash

2013-10-26 Thread -


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Re: Gmail Issues in Mavericks, Pretty Major, Folks

2013-10-26 Thread Alex Hall
The other problem with mail seems to be that some of the information has moved. 
For example, the unread Notification for a message and the amount of messages 
in the conversation have both moved to the end. Reading messages can also be 
more difficult: pressing vo-j no longer move right to a message if you use the 
preview pane, and pressing enter doesn't always put voiceovers focus on the 
message content.
On Oct 26, 2013, at 4:23 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Well, Mail has pretty much cleared up. apparently, the all mail folder has to 
> purge its duplicates, and this took a day for me. But now it seems to be 
> working fine, aside from some delayed syncing, and inaccurate unread message 
> counts in the badges. I’m confident that this issue is significant enough 
> that it will probably be fixed at some point, so i’m willing to put up with 
> these inconveniences. I’m still able to access this and other lists and 
> respond to messages, as you can see. :)
> Teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 1:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> HI Teresa,
>> In what ways is gmail still clunky for you? I still haven't upgraded mainly 
>> because of this supposed Mail issue. Mail is probably my favourite and most 
>> used app on the Mac, so I'm not sure all the great new features of 
>> Mavericks, and some of them really sound fantastic, are worth a poorer Mail 
>> experience for me. So I'd really appreciate any details you can give about 
>> how it's working for you.
>> Thanks,
>> Nic :)
>> -- 
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> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Upgrading to mavricks

2013-10-26 Thread ramy moustafa
Hi all:
I opened the calculator by mistake, and after that I closed it with command q, 
then I got the busy indicator on the install mavericks window, now I wait  more 
than an hour and I force quit it, now in the app store, I found Downloaded, 
install dembed  buttomn,
What shall I do to active this and to upgrade?
The problem now became 2.
Thanks in advance.

Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 26, 2013, at 2:21 PM, ramy moustafa  wrote:
> Hi all:
> I downloaded the Mavericks from the appstore, and now I got the screen that 
> install mavericks, it told me that it will be installed on hard desk called 
> mac, I hit install, and it asked me for a password, I didn’t make passwords 
> for my machine, anyway, I tried entering any password, I wrote it, and when I 
> hit enter or vo  with space, I went back to the same password screen, vo just 
> says confirm, then again to the same screen, when I hit scape, key I got the 
> same install screen,
> What shall I do to avoid this screen?
> Thanks in advance
>  Ramy moustafa saber
> licturer at:
> faculty of musical education
> music arranger and sound engineer
> Sent from my iPhone

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Adding Items to Doc.

2013-10-26 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

In the recent iteration of Mavericks, the once-before keystroke of “cmd-shit-t” 
appears to know longer work.
Does anyone know how items can be added to the doc?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

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Re: Adding Items to Doc.

2013-10-26 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello emilio,

The new short cut to add an application to the Dock is Cmd-Ctrl-Shift-t.



On 26 Oct 2013, at 16:20, Emilio Hernandez  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> In the recent iteration of Mavericks, the once-before keystroke of 
> “cmd-shit-t” appears to know longer work.
> Does anyone know how items can be added to the doc?
> Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: iBooks for MacOS X 10.9 accessibility

2013-10-26 Thread Barry Hadder

I think you made a good point about the scrolling.  I think after thinking 
about this however, it’s much more complicated.  While a blind person is able 
to read a book, I don’t think that Voiceover is interacting with the scroll 
area properly at all.

I looked at what I wrote, and I realized that it might have come across as 
slightly confrontational.  That was not my intention at all.
I think that iBooks is so ruff at this stage, that Apple has to know that there 
are problems.  The first dp version didn’t work at all.  So it’s actually come 
a long way.It was quite holarious.  I don’t really understand why they 
haven’t spent more time with it sense they had built it up, but I’m sure that 
there will be more done one it soon.
Take care.

On Oct 25, 2013, at 8:22 PM, Greg Kearney  wrote:

I am reporting the following accessibility issues about iBook for MacOS. Not 
that in the case of some unreachable controls I have enclosed the Accessibility 
Inspector information which should aid in correcting theses issues. I would 
point out that the Accessibility Inspector is able to quickly tell a developer 
if a control is accessible or not.

1. VoiceOver reading of a book does not turn the pages of the books as they are 

2. Book cover images do not have title/author information. This could be 
corrected by implementing IPTC captions on the images. A work around is to 
insure that the Show Titles option is in the view menu is set.

3. The bookstore is listed as a window even when it is not reachable with 

4. The book reading window has a number of unlabelled buttons which are as 

Library button

   AXRole   AXButton
   AXFocused (W)NO
   AXPosition   x=291.00 y=68.00
   AXSize   w=16.00 h=25.00
Warnings And Errors
   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement

Table of Contents button

   AXRole   AXButton
   AXFocused (W)NO
   AXPosition   x=177.00 y=120.00
   AXSize   w=20.00 h=25.00
Warnings And Errors
   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement

Notes Button

   AXRole   AXButton
   AXFocused (W)NO
   AXPosition   x=208.00 y=120.00
   AXSize   w=20.00 h=25.00
Warnings And Errors
   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement

Type setting button

   AXRole   AXButton
   AXFocused (W)NO
   AXPosition   x=1011.00 y=120.00
   AXSize   w=29.00 h=25.00
Warnings And Errors
   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement

Find button

   AXRole   AXButton
   AXFocused (W)NO
   AXPosition   x=1011.00 y=120.00
   AXSize   w=29.00 h=25.00
Warnings And Errors
   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement

Add/Remove bookmark button

   AXRole   AXButton
   AXFocused (W)NO
   AXPosition   x=1081.00 y=120.00
   AXSize   w=11.00 h=25.00
Warnings And Errors
   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement

Bookmark list button

   AXRole   AXButton
   AXFocused (W)NO
   AXPosition   x=1097.00 y=120.00
   AXSize   w=9.00 h=25.00
Warnings And Errors
   Missing value for AXTitle, AXDescription, or AXTitleUIElement

The delet

Re: Adding Items to Doc.

2013-10-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Emilio,

It’s command-control-shift-t to add to dock. Command-control-t adds an item to 
the sidebar.


"The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham

On Oct 26, 2013, at 7:20 AM, Emilio Hernandez  

> Hello everyone,
> In the recent iteration of Mavericks, the once-before keystroke of 
> “cmd-shit-t” appears to know longer work.
> Does anyone know how items can be added to the doc?
> Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: os 10.9, is it worth it?

2013-10-26 Thread Courtney Curran
Wait a minute, there are new vo voices?

Sent from my iMac

On Oct 25, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> new

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Re: os 10.9, is it worth it?

2013-10-26 Thread Matt Dierckens
Yes, we get the vocalizer expressive voices now.
Matt Dierckens
Assistive Technology Trainer
IOS and Macintosh User support
Windsor area

On 2013-10-26, at 11:25 AM, Courtney Curran  wrote:

> Hi,
> Wait a minute, there are new vo voices?
> Thanks,
> Courtney
> Sent from my iMac
> On Oct 25, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> new
> -- 
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Re: os 10.9, is it worth it?

2013-10-26 Thread Maggie's Dobermail
Well, for what it’s worth, I don’t think they are really “new”, just improved a 
bit.  For example, you don’t get any new choices to my knowledge other then the 
usual Samantha, Daniel, etc..
I know somebody will correct me if this is off base..

On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Courtney Curran  wrote:

> Hi,
> Wait a minute, there are new vo voices?
> Thanks,
> Courtney
> Sent from my iMac
> On Oct 25, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> new
> -- 
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Re: Moderator Note - IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ - Donations for one of our own

2013-10-26 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Please excuse me if this is out of line, but let this article serve as an 
informative update. It is very well written, and, aside from making me look far 
better than I actually am, tells the story pretty accurately.

Again, apologies if I am taking liberties not mine.

Be well.Selected Text: from my 

Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
My home page:

> On Oct 26, 2013, at 6:37 AM, matthew dyer  
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Sending prares to all in vaulted  hope everything will be ok,.
> matthew dyer 
> sent from my 27 inch iMac.
> facebook, facetime and iMessage:
> Skype: graduater2004
>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 9:38 PM, Cara Quinn  wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I normally would never ever allow any messages here about donations. IN this 
>> case though, this situation very much warrants this.
>> One of our listers and a dear friend of mine, has had an extreme tragedy 
>> with a loved one and I am officially asking for donations on his behalf.
>> Even a single dollar will be greatly appreciated here.
>> Now, before anyone objects to this, there is a time and a place to allow a 
>> note like this. This is that time and place. This is simply the right thing 
>> to do, and I know that when you read the below account, you will agree with 
>> me.
>> If anyone takes issue with this then I urge you to write me privately and 
>> furthermore I extend my deepest apologies for wasting your time.
>> For those who would like to donate, there is a PayPal button on the 
>> following page.
>> You may read this story at Mark's FaceBook page and I've also pasted it 
>> below.
>> Again for those for whom this is an issue, remember, your delete key works 
>> just fine in this instance. :) thanks for obliging me.
>> FaceBook link and story are below this note.
>> Thanks to all of you for being here and making these lists what they are.
>> I wish you and yours all a wonderful weekend and thank you very much for 
>> whatever donations you can share.
>> Take care of each other. :)
>> Sincerely,
>> Cara quinn
>> Mark Baxter FaceBook
>> The Story
>> Last Saturday afternoon, taking advantage of the beautiful weather before 
>> the rainy winter arrived, Amy and I decided to go for a short hike.  We 
>> drove to the Damnation Creek trail head on HWY 101, near Klamath, CA, and 
>> intended to be back at our car within a couple of hours, as it was already 
>> late afternoon, and would get dark soon.
>> Ezra was guiding me as usual, and Luke was shepherding us all as usual, and 
>> we were both enjoying the rugged landscape and giant redwood trees.  Softly 
>> scented air was dappled with sun and shade as the trail first descended, 
>> then wound up to a narrow wooden bridge, at a fork with the Coastal Loop 
>> trail.
>> We decided to venture a ways down the Coastal Loop trail, hoping it would 
>> "loop," back to the footbridge.  No such luck.
>> At first, the trail, mostly composed of an old highway and well maintained, 
>> was great for hiking, so we continued.  By the time it got narrow and steep 
>> again, and Amy could see the ocean through the trees ahead, we needed to 
>> turn back; it was getting dark.
>> We tiredly turned and made our way back down the trail, until we were mostly 
>> back to the footbridge.  We stopped to catch our breaths and let the dogs 
>> pee, and somehow, Amy fell.  I heard her fall, cry out, then a crash, then 
>> nothing.  I called out, "AMY!  Amy, can you answer me?"  I heard nothing for 
>> a few minutes.
>> When I heard a sound, I didn't think it was a human making it.  It was Amy 
>> screaming.
>> I had to get down the cliff she had fallen over, to ascertain her condition. 
>>  I somewhat climbed, mostly fell down to where she was.  She had landed 
>> badly, on her back, on the rocks at the bottom of an old creek bed.  Luke 
>> was with her, and Ezra followed me down.
>> Her screams of pain were constant, long and loud.  She kept saying, "NO! NO! 
>> NO!" over and over, and told me, "I can't feel my legs!"  I sat for a while, 
>> held her hand, listened to her scream.  I knew I had to somehow get help.
>> I had my iPhone 5 with me, but when I checked, I had no service.  There was 
>> no way I could move Amy; she was far too badly injured to climb up the 
>> cliff.  I had to climb up the cliff, helping Ezra up with me, and find a 
>> place where I had enough cell service to call 911 and get a rescue team in 
>> to get Amy.
>> So, as she screamed, I tucked my maroon sweatshirt carefully under her head, 
>> and said, "Baby, I love you; I will be back with help, I have to go get 

Re: os 10.9, is it worth it?

2013-10-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

No there are actually new choices.  For example, the new American female 
english voices Ava and Alison.


Ricardo Walker

On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:58 AM, Maggie's Dobermail  

> Well, for what it’s worth, I don’t think they are really “new”, just improved 
> a bit.  For example, you don’t get any new choices to my knowledge other then 
> the usual Samantha, Daniel, etc..
> I know somebody will correct me if this is off base..
> Cait
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Courtney Curran  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Wait a minute, there are new vo voices?
>> Thanks,
>> Courtney
>> Sent from my iMac
>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> new
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: Moderator Note - IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ - Donations for one of our own

2013-10-26 Thread Buddy Brannan
Just to make things a bit easier, here’s the link Mark was trying for:
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Oct 26, 2013, at 12:06 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  


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Re: os 10.9, is it worth it?

2013-10-26 Thread mario navarro

hi guys, sorry for making dynamic reading, but I do not know if my 
messages are reaching the group.

please tell me.
read below.
hi folks.
for those who have already upgraded to the Mavericks:
someone can tell me if the manual VoiceOver Getting Started
is now available for the mavericks?
would be nice to take some questions.
I think it's still a bit early but ...

Em 26/10/2013 16:58, Maggie's Dobermail escreveu:
Well, for what it’s worth, I don’t think they are really “new”, just 
improved a bit.  For example, you don’t get any new choices to my 
knowledge other then the usual Samantha, Daniel, etc..

I know somebody will correct me if this is off base..

On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Courtney Curran > wrote:

Wait a minute, there are new vo voices?

Sent from my iMac

On Oct 25, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall > wrote:


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iPod Nano

2013-10-26 Thread Stacey Robinson
Hi all,
I'm thinking of purchasing an iPod nano. What all can you do with it?
>From what I read online, I know it has voiceover, but what info can you 
>receive from vo with this particular iPod?

Stacey Robinson and GEB dog Gemini

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Re: Moderator Note - IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ - Donations for one of our own

2013-10-26 Thread Maxwell Ivey
i forwarded it to my friends at anarchy entertainment producers of a radio show 
i go on and told them it might make a good story for their video production 
start up.  no money to give, so hope that was okay. take care, max 
On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:06 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Please excuse me if this is out of line, but let this article serve as an 
> informative update. It is very well written, and, aside from making me look 
> far better than I actually am, tells the story pretty accurately.
> Again, apologies if I am taking liberties not mine.
> Be well.Selected Text: 
> from my 
> iPhone
> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
> My home page:
> Facebook:
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 6:37 AM, matthew dyer  
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Sending prares to all in vaulted  hope everything will be ok,.
>> matthew dyer 
>> sent from my 27 inch iMac.
>> facebook, facetime and iMessage:
>> Skype: graduater2004
>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 9:38 PM, Cara Quinn  wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I normally would never ever allow any messages here about donations. IN 
>>> this case though, this situation very much warrants this.
>>> One of our listers and a dear friend of mine, has had an extreme tragedy 
>>> with a loved one and I am officially asking for donations on his behalf.
>>> Even a single dollar will be greatly appreciated here.
>>> Now, before anyone objects to this, there is a time and a place to allow a 
>>> note like this. This is that time and place. This is simply the right thing 
>>> to do, and I know that when you read the below account, you will agree with 
>>> me.
>>> If anyone takes issue with this then I urge you to write me privately and 
>>> furthermore I extend my deepest apologies for wasting your time.
>>> For those who would like to donate, there is a PayPal button on the 
>>> following page.
>>> You may read this story at Mark's FaceBook page and I've also pasted it 
>>> below.
>>> Again for those for whom this is an issue, remember, your delete key works 
>>> just fine in this instance. :) thanks for obliging me.
>>> FaceBook link and story are below this note.
>>> Thanks to all of you for being here and making these lists what they are.
>>> I wish you and yours all a wonderful weekend and thank you very much for 
>>> whatever donations you can share.
>>> Take care of each other. :)
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Cara quinn
>>> Mark Baxter FaceBook
>>> The Story
>>> Last Saturday afternoon, taking advantage of the beautiful weather before 
>>> the rainy winter arrived, Amy and I decided to go for a short hike.  We 
>>> drove to the Damnation Creek trail head on HWY 101, near Klamath, CA, and 
>>> intended to be back at our car within a couple of hours, as it was already 
>>> late afternoon, and would get dark soon.
>>> Ezra was guiding me as usual, and Luke was shepherding us all as usual, and 
>>> we were both enjoying the rugged landscape and giant redwood trees.  Softly 
>>> scented air was dappled with sun and shade as the trail first descended, 
>>> then wound up to a narrow wooden bridge, at a fork with the Coastal Loop 
>>> trail.
>>> We decided to venture a ways down the Coastal Loop trail, hoping it would 
>>> "loop," back to the footbridge.  No such luck.
>>> At first, the trail, mostly composed of an old highway and well maintained, 
>>> was great for hiking, so we continued.  By the time it got narrow and steep 
>>> again, and Amy could see the ocean through the trees ahead, we needed to 
>>> turn back; it was getting dark.
>>> We tiredly turned and made our way back down the trail, until we were 
>>> mostly back to the footbridge.  We stopped to catch our breaths and let the 
>>> dogs pee, and somehow, Amy fell.  I heard her fall, cry out, then a crash, 
>>> then nothing.  I called out, "AMY!  Amy, can you answer me?"  I heard 
>>> nothing for a few minutes.
>>> When I heard a sound, I didn't think it was a human making it.  It was Amy 
>>> screaming.
>>> I had to get down the cliff she had fallen over, to ascertain her 
>>> condition.  I somewhat climbed, mostly fell down to where she was.  She had 
>>> landed badly, on her back, on the rocks at the bottom of an old creek bed.  
>>> Luke was with her, and Ezra followed me down.
>>> Her screams of pain were constant, long and loud.  She kept saying, "NO! 
>>> NO! NO!" over and over, and told me, "I can't feel my legs!"  I sat for a 
>>> while, held her hand, listened to her scream.  I knew I had to somehow get 
>>> help.
>>> I had my iPhone 5 with me, but when I checked, I had no 

Re: Adding Items to Doc.

2013-10-26 Thread Chris H

I thought it was command shift t to add to the dock?

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 26/10/2013 15:57, Teresa Cochran wrote:

Hi, Emilio,

It’s command-control-shift-t to add to dock. Command-control-t adds an item to 
the sidebar.


"The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham

On Oct 26, 2013, at 7:20 AM, Emilio Hernandez  

Hello everyone,

In the recent iteration of Mavericks, the once-before keystroke of “cmd-shit-t” 
appears to know longer work.
Does anyone know how items can be added to the doc?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

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Re: VoiceOver Getting Started

2013-10-26 Thread John Panarese
   The guide can be found here:

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Oct 26, 2013, at 2:25 AM, mario navarro  wrote:

> hi folks.
> for those who have already upgraded to the Mavericks:
> someone can tell me if the manual VoiceOver Getting Started
> is now available for the mavericks?
> would be nice to take some questions.
> I think it's still a bit early but ...
> thanks.
> cheers.
> -- 
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Re: Adding Items to Doc.

2013-10-26 Thread Buddy Brannan
It used to be, but it’s not anymore.
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Oct 26, 2013, at 12:51 PM, Chris H  wrote:

> I thought it was command shift t to add to the dock?
> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
> On 26/10/2013 15:57, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, Emilio,
>> It’s command-control-shift-t to add to dock. Command-control-t adds an item 
>> to the sidebar.
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 7:20 AM, Emilio Hernandez  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> In the recent iteration of Mavericks, the once-before keystroke of 
>>> “cmd-shit-t” appears to know longer work.
>>> Does anyone know how items can be added to the doc?
>>> Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
>>> --
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Re: os 10.9, is it worth it?

2013-10-26 Thread Alex Hall
Yes, if you go into Voiceover’s speech settings and choose customize from the 
default voice popup, or from the same popup in System Preferences > Speech and 
Dictation > Speech tab, you’ll find them. As usual, check the ones you want, 
they will download, and there you go. Off the top of my head, the new voices 
are kate, Ava, Allison, Oliver, Susan, and an India one whose name I don’t 
remember. My personal favorite is Ava, but they are all pretty good.

Mario, your messages are reaching the list. I’m not sure what tutorial you 
mean, though.
On Oct 26, 2013, at 12:23 PM, mario navarro  wrote:

> hi guys, sorry for making dynamic reading, but I do not know if my messages 
> are reaching the group.
> please tell me.
> read below.
> hi folks. 
> for those who have already upgraded to the Mavericks: 
> someone can tell me if the manual VoiceOver Getting Started 
> is now available for the mavericks? 
> would be nice to take some questions. 
> I think it's still a bit early but ... 
> thanks. 
> cheers. 
> Em 26/10/2013 16:58, Maggie's Dobermail escreveu:
>> Well, for what it’s worth, I don’t think they are really “new”, just 
>> improved a bit.  For example, you don’t get any new choices to my knowledge 
>> other then the usual Samantha, Daniel, etc..
>> I know somebody will correct me if this is off base..
>> Cait
>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Courtney Curran  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Wait a minute, there are new vo voices?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Courtney
>>> Sent from my iMac
>>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: vmware fusion

2013-10-26 Thread Andrew Lamanche

Vmware fusion  5 is not compatible with Maverick. Unfortunately, Vmware 6 is a 
paid upgrade. 

Best wishes

On 26 Oct 2013, at 01:16, wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
> I fixed my aggregate device problem [1 Update]
> Command-Shift-arrows not Working For Me in iBooks [5 Updates]
> vmware fusion [1 Update]
> os 10.9, is it worth it? [2 Updates]
> Unified Braille. [5 Updates]
> Twitterrific for mac [1 Update]
> Downcast Synching [1 Update]
> Pandora, edit station details [1 Update]
> Discmaker X for creating OS X bootable drives. [2 Updates]
> a showstopper in the latest safari update [1 Update]
> saving mail attachments in OS10.9 [3 Updates]
> Logos progrm on Mac or iPad [1 Update]
> email problems [1 Update]
>  I fixed my aggregate device problem
> Alex Hall  Oct 25 08:12PM -0400  
> Hi all,
> I have fixed my aggregate device problem. Actually, it was not a problem; it 
> was something I was doing wrong. In the program I use to edit sound, 
> Audacity, there is a selection box for how many channels your input source 
> has. I did not realize that, for an aggregate device, I had to select three 
> channels, not two. My thought was that, since my line cable is stereo, I 
> should select to… It never even occurred to me to select three. Now that I 
> have done so, all is working as expected.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>  Command-Shift-arrows not Working For Me in iBooks
> Teresa Cochran  Oct 25 01:27PM -0700  
> Hi, all,
> The shortcut key to switch chapters in iBooks doesn’t seem to be working for 
> me at all. It just highlights a line of text, which is its usual function in 
> text areas. Has anyone else experienced this? I kind of really don’t want to 
> bring up the Table of Contents and the item chooser just to switch chapters. 
> :)
> Thanks,
> teresa
> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
> Barry Hadder  Oct 25 03:36PM -0500  
> Hi,
> I’ve noticed that I have to move keyboard focus away from the scroll area 
> before it works. Also, If the book chapters have several sections, I think it 
> might be treating those as chapters, but I’m not sure.
> I’ve found the keyboard focus following vo to be a problem in iBooks, so I 
> have an activity set where it is turned off.
> Hope that helps.
> On Oct 25, 2013, at 3:27 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
> Hi, all,
> The shortcut key to switch chapters in iBooks doesn’t seem to be working for 
> me at all. It just highlights a line of text, which is its usual function in 
> text areas. Has anyone else experienced this? I kind of really don’t want to 
> bring up the Table of Contents and the item chooser just to switch chapters. 
> :)
> Thanks,
> teresa
> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
> -- 
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> Teresa Cochran  Oct 25 01:45PM -0700  
> Thanks, Barry. I’m trying this now. I hope it changes navigation in the table 
> of contents as well.
> Teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
> Ricardo Walker  Oct 25 05:15PM -0400  
> Hi,
> Yes. Command shift right arrow is pretty inconsistant for me . I usually 
> stick to going to next chapter via the Go To menu.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> Anouk Radix  Oct 26 02:03AM +0200  
> It would be nice if someone could do an (applevis) overview podcast about how 
> to best use ibooks with vo on the mac.
> Greetings, Anouk,
>  vmware fusion
> Sauro Cesaretti  Oct 26 01:52AM +0200  
> Hello all,
> I'm planning to update on Maverics.
> at the moment I have vmware fusion 5 that I bought some months ago.
> I'd like to ask you first if it is compatible with Maverics.
> and then I'd like to know if version 6 of vmware fusion is still included 
> with the license of 6.
> It is not very clear, because in software update it proposes me version 6 but 
> I cannot find any button to update.
> Thanks in advance for all your answers.
> Regards,Sauro
>  os 10.9, is it worth it?
> Moop Curran  Oct 25 06:06PM -0400  
> Hi,
> I know that os 10.9 mavericks is free, but is it worth the trouble of 
> updating? Or is it still not there yet?
> Thanks,
> Courtney

Re: Upgrading to mavricks

2013-10-26 Thread Chris H
If you do not have a password just press enter. Yes I have noticed on Os 
X that even if you do not have a password set it still asks for one but 
pressing enter works. I'm talking about the screens that come up when 
installing software for example.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 26/10/2013 13:21, ramy moustafa wrote:

Hi all:

I downloaded the Mavericks from the appstore, and now I got the screen that 
install mavericks, it told me that it will be installed on hard desk called 
mac, I hit install, and it asked me for a password, I didn’t make passwords for 
my machine, anyway, I tried entering any password, I wrote it, and when I hit 
enter or vo  with space, I went back to the same password screen, vo just says 
confirm, then again to the same screen, when I hit scape, key I got the same 
install screen,
What shall I do to avoid this screen?

Thanks in advance
  Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Gmail Issues in Mavericks, Pretty Major, Folks

2013-10-26 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Sounds like the syncing issue is the most serious one. Is this just with gmail? 
And it is just a matter of a delay, is it, rather than not syncing properly at 

Having the read/unread status and message count announced last would be a 
little annoying. Although, I tend to archive messages once they're read anyway 
so it wouldn't affect me too much. And I don't use the preview pain but just 
open messages with Command-O, so hopefully that wouldn't be a biggie either. I 
appreciate the info though.

As for the inaccurate badge unread count, does rebuilding your mailbox help?


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Re: attachments in mail now more logical

2013-10-26 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Good point, it does, so long as you are patient enough to wait until the end. 
That's kinda creepy when you paste in that text though as it sounds like I've 
been taken back to the messages list. :)

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Re: VoiceOver Getting Started

2013-10-26 Thread mario navarro

ok, confirmed!
waw, nice.
thanks friend.
Em 26/10/2013 17:55, John Panarese escreveu:

The guide can be found here:

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Oct 26, 2013, at 2:25 AM, mario navarro  wrote:

hi folks.
for those who have already upgraded to the Mavericks:
someone can tell me if the manual VoiceOver Getting Started
is now available for the mavericks?
would be nice to take some questions.
I think it's still a bit early but ...


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Re: iPod Nano

2013-10-26 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Basically, you receive info on whatever text or icons are on the screen. It's 
great for listening to audiobooks, music and podcasts. I love my iPod Nano. I 
use it much less now my iPHone is essentially an iPod and more and has a much 
greater storage capacity. The Nano is great when I want to conserve my iPhone 
battery though, for instance when travelling.

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New Voices in Mavericks (was, Re: os 10.9, is it worth it?)

2013-10-26 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Two questions:
1. Are there any new Australian English voices?
2. Do the new voices read out capital letters properly, as does Alex, or do 
they announce both "capital" and change pitch?

On 27/10/2013, at 3:59 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

Yes, if you go into Voiceover’s speech settings and choose customize from the 
default voice popup, or from the same popup in System Preferences > Speech and 
Dictation > Speech tab, you’ll find them. As usual, check the ones you want, 
they will download, and there you go. Off the top of my head, the new voices 
are kate, Ava, Allison, Oliver, Susan, and an India one whose name I don’t 
remember. My personal favorite is Ava, but they are all pretty good.

Mario, your messages are reaching the list. I’m not sure what tutorial you 
mean, though.
On Oct 26, 2013, at 12:23 PM, mario navarro  wrote:

> hi guys, sorry for making dynamic reading, but I do not know if my messages 
> are reaching the group.
> please tell me.
> read below.
> hi folks. 
> for those who have already upgraded to the Mavericks: 
> someone can tell me if the manual VoiceOver Getting Started 
> is now available for the mavericks? 
> would be nice to take some questions. 
> I think it's still a bit early but ... 
> thanks. 
> cheers. 
> Em 26/10/2013 16:58, Maggie's Dobermail escreveu:
>> Well, for what it’s worth, I don’t think they are really “new”, just 
>> improved a bit.  For example, you don’t get any new choices to my knowledge 
>> other then the usual Samantha, Daniel, etc..
>> I know somebody will correct me if this is off base..
>> Cait
>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Courtney Curran  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Wait a minute, there are new vo voices?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Courtney
>>> Sent from my iMac
>>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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mavericks and other imap providers?

2013-10-26 Thread Maggie's Dobermail
How are people using other web based email services finding using mail in 

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Re: Upgrading to mavricks

2013-10-26 Thread ramy moustafa
I did that but nothing changed

Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 26, 2013, at 7:03 PM, Chris H  wrote:
> If you do not have a password just press enter. Yes I have noticed on Os X 
> that even if you do not have a password set it still asks for one but 
> pressing enter works. I'm talking about the screens that come up when 
> installing software for example.
> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
>> On 26/10/2013 13:21, ramy moustafa wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> I downloaded the Mavericks from the appstore, and now I got the screen that 
>> install mavericks, it told me that it will be installed on hard desk called 
>> mac, I hit install, and it asked me for a password, I didn’t make passwords 
>> for my machine, anyway, I tried entering any password, I wrote it, and when 
>> I hit enter or vo  with space, I went back to the same password screen, vo 
>> just says confirm, then again to the same screen, when I hit scape, key I 
>> got the same install screen,
>> What shall I do to avoid this screen?
>> Thanks in advance
>>  Ramy moustafa saber
>> licturer at:
>> faculty of musical education
>> music arranger and sound engineer
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Adding Items to Doc.

2013-10-26 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Funny Apple with its complicated keystroke policy; why make a simple two key 
shortcut when you could make a complicated one involving multiple modifier 
keys. What do plane old Command-T and Command-Shift-T do now? Or why couldn't 
they have used Option-T or Control-T? Sorry for my rhetorical pondering on 
Apple's keystroke philosophy.

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Re: Pandora, edit station details

2013-10-26 Thread Traci Duncan

When you say the web player, do you mean navigating to

Whenever I go there, I can’t get anywhere.  There is a splash screen at the top 
that I’m unable to do anything with.  How do you log in to begin playing?

I don’t have flash installed, do you?

On Oct 25, 2013, at 1:08 PM, Barry Hadder  wrote:

> Traci,
> It has occurred to me that I might should have gone in to a little more 
> detail. I’m assuming you are using the web player.
> Click options then station details.  I’m assuming that at this point what I 
> described earlier is still true.  It looks the same to me anyway.  I also 
> noticed after checking it out jest now, that it isn’t in the profile section 
> as it use to be.
> Hope that helps.
> On Oct 25, 2013, at 2:08 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
> Hello, which app are you using for Pandora?
> On Oct 25, 2013, at 11:32 AM, Barry Hadder  wrote:
>> Hi Traci,
>> There is a button to the right of the heading that it invisible to 
>> Voiceover.  When I used Pandora, the only way I found to delete seeds or 
>> thumbs is to put vo on the heading, route the mouse to it, then move the 
>> mouse over to the right until clicking would remove what I was wanting.  It 
>> takes some trial and error.
>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 10:26 AM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Does anyone know of a way to edit their Pandora stations on the Mac?  I want 
>> to go in and delete some of my station seeds.
>> Thank you,
>> Traci
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Re: Adding Items to Doc.

2013-10-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi Nic,

Well, I generally agree with you. However, in this case, command-t opens a new 
finder tab, so that’s one keystroke that’s spoken for.


On the other hand, there are different fingers.

On Oct 26, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Funny Apple with its complicated keystroke policy; why make a simple two key 
> shortcut when you could make a complicated one involving multiple modifier 
> keys. What do plane old Command-T and Command-Shift-T do now? Or why couldn't 
> they have used Option-T or Control-T? Sorry for my rhetorical pondering on 
> Apple's keystroke philosophy.
> -- 
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Re: Adding Items to Doc.

2013-10-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

command shift T shows/hides the new Tab bar, and command T opens a new tab in 
the finder window.  And option T well, tells you the time. haha.

Ricardo Walker

On Oct 26, 2013, at 1:28 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Funny Apple with its complicated keystroke policy; why make a simple two key 
> shortcut when you could make a complicated one involving multiple modifier 
> keys. What do plane old Command-T and Command-Shift-T do now? Or why couldn't 
> they have used Option-T or Control-T? Sorry for my rhetorical pondering on 
> Apple's keystroke philosophy.
> -- 
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Re: mavericks and other imap providers?

2013-10-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

fine actually. Hotmail works fine, and so is my Apple iCloud e-mail.


Ricardo Walker

On Oct 26, 2013, at 1:28 PM, Maggie's Dobermail  

> Hi,
> How are people using other web based email services finding using mail in 
> mavericks?
> Cait
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Re: Pandora, edit station details

2013-10-26 Thread Barry Hadder
Hey Traci,

It is a very unpleasant sight to deal with.  I don’t understand why you aren’t 
seeing anything however.  You should be able to find a lot of clickable 
elements with vo.  You do have to have flash installed, but if you don’t, I 
would think you would be getting a screen telling you as much.  You might try 
hitting space bar just to see if it stops or starts playing.

I don’t know where you are, but if you can use iTunes radio, I would strongly 
recommend doing that.

On Oct 26, 2013, at 12:47 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:


When you say the web player, do you mean navigating to

Whenever I go there, I can’t get anywhere.  There is a splash screen at the top 
that I’m unable to do anything with.  How do you log in to begin playing?

I don’t have flash installed, do you?

On Oct 25, 2013, at 1:08 PM, Barry Hadder  wrote:

> Traci,
> It has occurred to me that I might should have gone in to a little more 
> detail. I’m assuming you are using the web player.
> Click options then station details.  I’m assuming that at this point what I 
> described earlier is still true.  It looks the same to me anyway.  I also 
> noticed after checking it out jest now, that it isn’t in the profile section 
> as it use to be.
> Hope that helps.
> On Oct 25, 2013, at 2:08 PM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
> Hello, which app are you using for Pandora?
> On Oct 25, 2013, at 11:32 AM, Barry Hadder  wrote:
>> Hi Traci,
>> There is a button to the right of the heading that it invisible to 
>> Voiceover.  When I used Pandora, the only way I found to delete seeds or 
>> thumbs is to put vo on the heading, route the mouse to it, then move the 
>> mouse over to the right until clicking would remove what I was wanting.  It 
>> takes some trial and error.
>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 10:26 AM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Does anyone know of a way to edit their Pandora stations on the Mac?  I want 
>> to go in and delete some of my station seeds.
>> Thank you,
>> Traci
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Re: Upgrading to mavricks

2013-10-26 Thread mario navarro

you have to go walking with tab to the ok button.
if you move only left and right arrows vo you will not be able to find 
the ok button.

you have to use the tab to the ok button.
Em 26/10/2013 18:28, ramy moustafa escreveu:

I did that but nothing changed

Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 26, 2013, at 7:03 PM, Chris H  wrote:

If you do not have a password just press enter. Yes I have noticed on Os X that 
even if you do not have a password set it still asks for one but pressing enter 
works. I'm talking about the screens that come up when installing software for 

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 26/10/2013 13:21, ramy moustafa wrote:

Hi all:

I downloaded the Mavericks from the appstore, and now I got the screen that 
install mavericks, it told me that it will be installed on hard desk called 
mac, I hit install, and it asked me for a password, I didn’t make passwords for 
my machine, anyway, I tried entering any password, I wrote it, and when I hit 
enter or vo  with space, I went back to the same password screen, vo just says 
confirm, then again to the same screen, when I hit scape, key I got the same 
install screen,
What shall I do to avoid this screen?

Thanks in advance
  Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone

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RE: mavericks and other imap providers?

2013-10-26 Thread Kliphton -------
I am using it with outlook mail just fine.

~Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype~ kliphton72
~Text only~ 914-820-2298
"Personal blog-read at your own risk!"

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Maggie's Dobermail
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2013 12:28 PM
Subject: mavericks and other imap providers?

How are people using other web based email services finding using mail in

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Re: New Voices in Mavericks (was, Re: os 10.9, is it worth it?)

2013-10-26 Thread Alex Hall
No, I don’t think there are new Australian voices. No, that capital letter 
oddity is still present, at least in Ava.
On Oct 26, 2013, at 1:24 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Two questions:
> 1. Are there any new Australian English voices?
> 2. Do the new voices read out capital letters properly, as does Alex, or do 
> they announce both "capital" and change pitch?
> On 27/10/2013, at 3:59 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Yes, if you go into Voiceover’s speech settings and choose customize from the 
> default voice popup, or from the same popup in System Preferences > Speech 
> and Dictation > Speech tab, you’ll find them. As usual, check the ones you 
> want, they will download, and there you go. Off the top of my head, the new 
> voices are kate, Ava, Allison, Oliver, Susan, and an India one whose name I 
> don’t remember. My personal favorite is Ava, but they are all pretty good.
> Mario, your messages are reaching the list. I’m not sure what tutorial you 
> mean, though.
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 12:23 PM, mario navarro  wrote:
>> hi guys, sorry for making dynamic reading, but I do not know if my messages 
>> are reaching the group.
>> please tell me.
>> read below.
>> hi folks. 
>> for those who have already upgraded to the Mavericks: 
>> someone can tell me if the manual VoiceOver Getting Started 
>> is now available for the mavericks? 
>> would be nice to take some questions. 
>> I think it's still a bit early but ... 
>> thanks. 
>> cheers. 
>> Em 26/10/2013 16:58, Maggie's Dobermail escreveu:
>>> Well, for what it’s worth, I don’t think they are really “new”, just 
>>> improved a bit.  For example, you don’t get any new choices to my knowledge 
>>> other then the usual Samantha, Daniel, etc..
>>> I know somebody will correct me if this is off base..
>>> Cait
>>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Courtney Curran  
>>> wrote:
 Wait a minute, there are new vo voices?
 Sent from my iMac
 On Oct 25, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> new
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Maps and Google Maps in Maverick

2013-10-26 Thread Terje Strømberg

I have not uppgraded to Maverick yet. Is Maps and Google Maps in Maverick 
accessible with Voice Over? Does it work for you to send a route from Maps or 
Google Maps to iPhone? 

Take care

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Re: Downcast Synching

2013-10-26 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Nick,

Thanks. Let me know what you hear, been real busy so haven't had a chance to 
contact the developer but will probably do so next week. I have tried multiple 
times turning off settings sync but the individual podcasts still both change 
from stream to download when I change it on one device. 
On Oct 26, 2013, at 4:02 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> HI Bryan,
> If you have settings turned off in iCloud Sync preferences on your iPHone 4S 
> then I'm not sure what else you could try. I recommend contacting the 
> developer of Downcast to ask–I suspect turning off podcast syncing might have 
> undesired effects. I was going to contact them on a similar issue to ask how 
> that works so I'll let you know if I hear anything useful.
> Cheers,
> Nic
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Re: Gmail Issues in Mavericks, Pretty Major, Folks

2013-10-26 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Nick,

You summed up my thoughts exactly. I use email more than anything and am a 
Gmail and Godaddy email user, so this Gmail issue is causing me not to upgrade 
to Mavericks. This has to be a big deal between Apple and Google. It almost 
seems to me that Apple is trying to force people to use their or 
whatever they are calling it these days which I have no interest in doing. At 
least this Gmail bug is not a Voiceover specific bug so I have hope that Apple 
will try and fix it fairly quickly.
On Oct 26, 2013, at 4:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> HI Teresa,
> In what ways is gmail still clunky for you? I still haven't upgraded mainly 
> because of this supposed Mail issue. Mail is probably my favourite and most 
> used app on the Mac, so I'm not sure all the great new features of Mavericks, 
> and some of them really sound fantastic, are worth a poorer Mail experience 
> for me. So I'd really appreciate any details you can give about how it's 
> working for you.
> Thanks,
> Nic :)
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Re: Discmaker X for creating OS X bootable drives.

2013-10-26 Thread Rachel Feinberg
Hi Daniel,

It told you it had no windows, correct? I've also encountered this, the disk 
seemed to be able to be made in spite of this, though. If you can, perhaps give 
it a try and see if, in spite of Voiceover reporting the program had no 
windows, if it still performed as intended.

On Oct 25, 2013, at 1:45 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:

> Hi Rachel, I did try Beta three as well as the official 3.0 release, which is 
> now named disc may correct. It's the same program, just a different name. I'm 
> having trouble with voiceover not seeing any contents of the window at all.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 3:27 PM, Rachel Feinberg  wrote:
>> If you're meaning Lion Diskmaker, beta 3 is out, which let me go through the 
>> process, until it wished to erase my disk. Then it said the operation 
>> couldn't be completed. I tried several times. So, I tried beta 2 as that was 
>> what the read me that came with the program indicated with a link, and that 
>> seems to have completed the install disk.
>> As a disclaimer: I have not clean installed yet. This list has been a very 
>> good resource for the pitfalls and victories Mavericks has been in the first 
>> few days since release. So I think, as others have verbalized, I may wait 
>> until the first major update to see if some of these bugs have been fixed.
>> however, I will paste the web address for lion diskmaker beta 3, and you're 
>> welcome to try it.
>> Rachel 
>>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 12:56 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Has anyone used the new version of Discmaker X, formerly Lion Disc Maker to 
>>> make a bootable install drive of 10.9? I’m having extreme difficulties, 
>>> which is a shame because the previous versions of this app worked 
>>> wonderfully with VoiceOver.
>>> Any help would be appreciated. The app reads nothing with VO, whatsoever.
>>> -- 
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Re: Gmail Issues in Mavericks, Pretty Major, Folks

2013-10-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

I’m pretty sure their trying to fix it quickly.  I’m not sure if their trying 
to force people to use their e-mail service either.  My Microsoft IMAP account 
works just fine after all.  And it’s in Apple’s best interest to have the 
number one mail provider in the world work in their Mail client.  Otherwise, 
people will just use something els not use an .ME account.


Ricardo Walker

On Oct 26, 2013, at 2:45 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey Nick,
> You summed up my thoughts exactly. I use email more than anything and am a 
> Gmail and Godaddy email user, so this Gmail issue is causing me not to 
> upgrade to Mavericks. This has to be a big deal between Apple and Google. It 
> almost seems to me that Apple is trying to force people to use their 
> or whatever they are calling it these days which I have no interest in doing. 
> At least this Gmail bug is not a Voiceover specific bug so I have hope that 
> Apple will try and fix it fairly quickly.
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 4:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> HI Teresa,
>> In what ways is gmail still clunky for you? I still haven't upgraded mainly 
>> because of this supposed Mail issue. Mail is probably my favourite and most 
>> used app on the Mac, so I'm not sure all the great new features of 
>> Mavericks, and some of them really sound fantastic, are worth a poorer Mail 
>> experience for me. So I'd really appreciate any details you can give about 
>> how it's working for you.
>> Thanks,
>> Nic :)
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RE: Gmail Issues in Mavericks, Pretty Major, Folks

2013-10-26 Thread Kliphton -------
I used Gmail on mavericks with an upgrade as well as a clean install.  I use
filters, rules, and my email works just fine.  Maybe this is just for some,
but not for me.

~Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype~ kliphton72
~Text only~ 914-820-2298
"Personal blog-read at your own risk!"

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brian Fischler
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2013 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: Gmail Issues in Mavericks, Pretty Major, Folks

Hey Nick,

You summed up my thoughts exactly. I use email more than anything and am a
Gmail and Godaddy email user, so this Gmail issue is causing me not to
upgrade to Mavericks. This has to be a big deal between Apple and Google. It
almost seems to me that Apple is trying to force people to use their
or whatever they are calling it these days which I have no interest in
doing. At least this Gmail bug is not a Voiceover specific bug so I have
hope that Apple will try and fix it fairly quickly.
On Oct 26, 2013, at 4:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons

> HI Teresa,
> In what ways is gmail still clunky for you? I still haven't upgraded
mainly because of this supposed Mail issue. Mail is probably my favourite
and most used app on the Mac, so I'm not sure all the great new features of
Mavericks, and some of them really sound fantastic, are worth a poorer Mail
experience for me. So I'd really appreciate any details you can give about
how it's working for you.
> Thanks,
> Nic :)
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RE: Discmaker X for creating OS X bootable drives.

2013-10-26 Thread Kliphton -------
Make sure you make the disk before you upgrade, as this program does not
work with mavericks, just mountain lion and below.

~Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype~ kliphton72
~Text only~ 914-820-2298
"Personal blog-read at your own risk!"

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rachel Feinberg
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2013 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: Discmaker X for creating OS X bootable drives.

Hi Daniel,

It told you it had no windows, correct? I've also encountered this, the disk
seemed to be able to be made in spite of this, though. If you can, perhaps
give it a try and see if, in spite of Voiceover reporting the program had no
windows, if it still performed as intended.

On Oct 25, 2013, at 1:45 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:

> Hi Rachel, I did try Beta three as well as the official 3.0 release, which
is now named disc may correct. It's the same program, just a different name.
I'm having trouble with voiceover not seeing any contents of the window at
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 3:27 PM, Rachel Feinberg  wrote:
>> If you're meaning Lion Diskmaker, beta 3 is out, which let me go through
the process, until it wished to erase my disk. Then it said the operation
couldn't be completed. I tried several times. So, I tried beta 2 as that was
what the read me that came with the program indicated with a link, and that
seems to have completed the install disk.
>> As a disclaimer: I have not clean installed yet. This list has been a
very good resource for the pitfalls and victories Mavericks has been in the
first few days since release. So I think, as others have verbalized, I may
wait until the first major update to see if some of these bugs have been
>> however, I will paste the web address for lion diskmaker beta 3, and
you're welcome to try it.
>> Rachel 
>>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 12:56 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Has anyone used the new version of Discmaker X, formerly Lion Disc Maker
to make a bootable install drive of 10.9? I'm having extreme difficulties,
which is a shame because the previous versions of this app worked
wonderfully with VoiceOver.
>>> Any help would be appreciated. The app reads nothing with VO,
>>> -- 
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Re: Gmail Issues in Mavericks, Pretty Major, Folks

2013-10-26 Thread Mary Otten
I agree with you, Ricardo. I'm not generally one to cut Apple or any other big 
company much slack when it comes to buggy software releases. But in this case, 
the article that somebody posted a few days ago about this Gmail problem 
indicates that the real problem is with Gmail, because it does not do things in 
the standard manner. Apple made an attempt to improve how it works with this 
nonstandard implementation by Gmail, and it's not working out so well. What I 
wonder is if there is any way to move a whole lot of messages that I have 
stored in Gmail to another provider, such as Apple. I do have an iCloud email 
account, and it works quite well. Now that I have mountain lion and have access 
to my iCloud mail on the Mac as well as the iPhone and iPad, I would be 
perfectly happy to dump Gmail. It is a pain on the web, so good riddance. But I 
do have a great lot of messages stored in various folders there, and moving all 
that over would be a major pain I fear.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:53 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> I’m pretty sure their trying to fix it quickly.  I’m not sure if their trying 
> to force people to use their e-mail service either.  My Microsoft IMAP 
> account works just fine after all.  And it’s in Apple’s best interest to have 
> the number one mail provider in the world work in their Mail client.  
> Otherwise, people will just use something els not use an .ME account.
> JMO.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 2:45 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey Nick,
>> You summed up my thoughts exactly. I use email more than anything and am a 
>> Gmail and Godaddy email user, so this Gmail issue is causing me not to 
>> upgrade to Mavericks. This has to be a big deal between Apple and Google. It 
>> almost seems to me that Apple is trying to force people to use their 
>> or whatever they are calling it these days which I have no interest in 
>> doing. At least this Gmail bug is not a Voiceover specific bug so I have 
>> hope that Apple will try and fix it fairly quickly.
>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 4:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>  wrote:
>>> HI Teresa,
>>> In what ways is gmail still clunky for you? I still haven't upgraded mainly 
>>> because of this supposed Mail issue. Mail is probably my favourite and most 
>>> used app on the Mac, so I'm not sure all the great new features of 
>>> Mavericks, and some of them really sound fantastic, are worth a poorer Mail 
>>> experience for me. So I'd really appreciate any details you can give about 
>>> how it's working for you.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Nic :)
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RE: Gmail Issues in Mavericks, Pretty Major, Folks

2013-10-26 Thread Kliphton -------
Well, the old saying goes,  "you get what you pay for"  And since mavericks
was free, I am sure they probably didn't make the same effort as in the past
to make sure everything worked.  As for moving your messages, if you have
both iCloud and gmail accounts in apple mail, just select the messages you
want to move, and then do vo shift m and pick the icloud mailbox where you
want them to go.  Icloud will sink it just fine.  I dumped gmail for an
email client, but still use them for google drive since that is 25GB of free
space.  HTH

~Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype~ kliphton72
~Text only~ 914-820-2298
"Personal blog-read at your own risk!"

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mary Otten
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2013 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: Gmail Issues in Mavericks, Pretty Major, Folks

I agree with you, Ricardo. I'm not generally one to cut Apple or any other
big company much slack when it comes to buggy software releases. But in this
case, the article that somebody posted a few days ago about this Gmail
problem indicates that the real problem is with Gmail, because it does not
do things in the standard manner. Apple made an attempt to improve how it
works with this nonstandard implementation by Gmail, and it's not working
out so well. What I wonder is if there is any way to move a whole lot of
messages that I have stored in Gmail to another provider, such as Apple. I
do have an iCloud email account, and it works quite well. Now that I have
mountain lion and have access to my iCloud mail on the Mac as well as the
iPhone and iPad, I would be perfectly happy to dump Gmail. It is a pain on
the web, so good riddance. But I do have a great lot of messages stored in
various folders there, and moving all that over would be a major pain I

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:53 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm pretty sure their trying to fix it quickly.  I'm not sure if their
trying to force people to use their e-mail service either.  My Microsoft
IMAP account works just fine after all.  And it's in Apple's best interest
to have the number one mail provider in the world work in their Mail client.
Otherwise, people will just use something els not use an .ME account.
> JMO.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 2:45 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey Nick,
>> You summed up my thoughts exactly. I use email more than anything and am
a Gmail and Godaddy email user, so this Gmail issue is causing me not to
upgrade to Mavericks. This has to be a big deal between Apple and Google. It
almost seems to me that Apple is trying to force people to use their
or whatever they are calling it these days which I have no interest in
doing. At least this Gmail bug is not a Voiceover specific bug so I have
hope that Apple will try and fix it fairly quickly.
>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 4:09 AM, Nicholas Parsons
>>> HI Teresa,
>>> In what ways is gmail still clunky for you? I still haven't upgraded
mainly because of this supposed Mail issue. Mail is probably my favourite
and most used app on the Mac, so I'm not sure all the great new features of
Mavericks, and some of them really sound fantastic, are worth a poorer Mail
experience for me. So I'd really appreciate any details you can give about
how it's working for you.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Nic :)
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You recei

Solved: Closing Preview Pane in Maverix Mail App

2013-10-26 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
Thanks to a great support rep at Apple, I have a way to close the preview pane 
in mail under OS10.9 Maverix.

1. In Mail, hit cmd-comma to open the Mail preferences. Choose the Viewing 
button from the toolbar, then find and check “use classic layout”.
2. Close the preferences window and find the messages table. Do not interact 
with it; rather, vo-right past it until you find a horizontal splitter.
3. VO does not seem able to close this completely, so you will need a mouse. 
Press vo-cmd-f5 to focus the mouse pointer on the splitter, then click and drag 
as far right as you can. If you are using a trackpad, be sure the Trackpad 
Commander is off.
4. Assuming you went straight right and moved far enough, you should find the 
preview pane gone. Best of all, you can now switch back to Standard View if you 
want to, and the pane will still be hidden!

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Mavericks and Gmail

2013-10-26 Thread Janet Ingber
Hi Everyone,

Since my Gmail address is my primary email address has anyone been able to 
install Mavericks and not have a problem with Gmail? I'd like to update to 
Mavericks and changing my email address would be a real pain.


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Re: Gmail Issues in Mavericks, Pretty Major, Folks

2013-10-26 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Yeah, the ironic thing is that this seems to have happened because Apple made a 
big effort to make Mail work better with gmail. So they had good intentions, 
but just didn't quite pull it off smoothly. If I were CEO of Apple I would've 
delayed the public release of Mavericks until these issues were fixed, but I'm 
not, and perhaps that's why. :)

It also seems as if there's a strong correlation between these issues and 
people with a huge number of emails. The people reporting the biggest problems 
seem to have hundreds of thousands of emails. I have quite a few, but it's 
probably tens of thousands not hundreds of thousands.

Those who are reporting delays in syncing, does it work better if you set Mail 
to check for new emails every minute?

I'd be happy to swap my gmail accounts to iCloud, but I'd probably have to then 
pay for more iCloud storage and the effort of copying emails from one account 
to another isn't so straight forward. The copying process takes a long time in 
the background, and it's possible to lose emails if you're not careful. So 
while it's possible and I'd be happy with the result, I'd prefer to just keep 
things as they are if that's possible.

So, once I understand a little more about making gmail and Mail play nice 
together I'll test Mavericks on my MacBook Air. If it goes well then I'll 
install it on my iMac.

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Re: Adding Items to Doc.

2013-10-26 Thread Chris H
Hey I'm sure this can be changed in System Preferences, Keyboard and in 
the shortcuts tab.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 26/10/2013 18:28, Nicholas Parsons wrote:

Funny Apple with its complicated keystroke policy; why make a simple two key 
shortcut when you could make a complicated one involving multiple modifier 
keys. What do plane old Command-T and Command-Shift-T do now? Or why couldn't 
they have used Option-T or Control-T? Sorry for my rhetorical pondering on 
Apple's keystroke philosophy.

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Re: Adding Items to Doc.

2013-10-26 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Hahaha, okay, good points and good to learn a few more short cuts. I note 
control-T still isn't spoken for. :) (I'm now getting desperate to prove my 
nasty allegations against Apple). ;)

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Re: Mavericks and Gmail

2013-10-26 Thread Chris H
No problem if you use Gmail via Pop3. Just make sure to tell Mail to 
never remove messages from the server if you have multiple devices.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 26/10/2013 20:24, Janet Ingber wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Since my Gmail address is my primary email address has anyone been able to 
install Mavericks and not have a problem with Gmail? I'd like to update to 
Mavericks and changing my email address would be a real pain.


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Re: Solved: Closing Preview Pane in Maverix Mail App

2013-10-26 Thread Jane
Well, everything seems to work until I get to the drag and click. I am using a 
trackpad and just don't seem to have the hang of it. I dont use it very often 
anyway ...

What trricks do ou recomment?


On Oct 26, 2013, at 3:08 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thanks to a great support rep at Apple, I have a way to close the preview 
> pane in mail under OS10.9 Maverix.
> 1. In Mail, hit cmd-comma to open the Mail preferences. Choose the Viewing 
> button from the toolbar, then find and check “use classic layout”.
> 2. Close the preferences window and find the messages table. Do not interact 
> with it; rather, vo-right past it until you find a horizontal splitter.
> 3. VO does not seem able to close this completely, so you will need a mouse. 
> Press vo-cmd-f5 to focus the mouse pointer on the splitter, then click and 
> drag as far right as you can. If you are using a trackpad, be sure the 
> Trackpad Commander is off.
> 4. Assuming you went straight right and moved far enough, you should find the 
> preview pane gone. Best of all, you can now switch back to Standard View if 
> you want to, and the pane will still be hidden!
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Re: Moderator Note - IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ - Donations for one of our own

2013-10-26 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Thank you very much for the exposure. Amy needs all the support she can get 
right now, and I will do anything I can to get her that.

Be well.

Sent from my iPhone

Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
My home page:

> On Oct 26, 2013, at 9:43 AM, Maxwell Ivey  wrote:
> i forwarded it to my friends at anarchy entertainment producers of a radio 
> show i go on and told them it might make a good story for their video 
> production start up.  no money to give, so hope that was okay. take care, max 
>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:06 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>> Please excuse me if this is out of line, but let this article serve as an 
>> informative update. It is very well written, and, aside from making me look 
>> far better than I actually am, tells the story pretty accurately.
>> Again, apologies if I am taking liberties not mine.
>> Be well.Selected Text: 
>> from my 
>> iPhone
>> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
>> My home page:
>> Facebook:
>>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 6:37 AM, matthew dyer  
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Sending prares to all in vaulted  hope everything will be ok,.
>>> matthew dyer 
>>> sent from my 27 inch iMac.
>>> facebook, facetime and iMessage:
>>> Skype: graduater2004
 On Oct 25, 2013, at 9:38 PM, Cara Quinn  wrote:
 Hi All,
 I normally would never ever allow any messages here about donations. IN 
 this case though, this situation very much warrants this.
 One of our listers and a dear friend of mine, has had an extreme tragedy 
 with a loved one and I am officially asking for donations on his behalf.
 Even a single dollar will be greatly appreciated here.
 Now, before anyone objects to this, there is a time and a place to allow a 
 note like this. This is that time and place. This is simply the right 
 thing to do, and I know that when you read the below account, you will 
 agree with me.
 If anyone takes issue with this then I urge you to write me privately and 
 furthermore I extend my deepest apologies for wasting your time.
 For those who would like to donate, there is a PayPal button on the 
 following page. 
 You may read this story at Mark's FaceBook page and I've also pasted it 
 Again for those for whom this is an issue, remember, your delete key works 
 just fine in this instance. :) thanks for obliging me.
 FaceBook link and story are below this note.
 Thanks to all of you for being here and making these lists what they are.
 I wish you and yours all a wonderful weekend and thank you very much for 
 whatever donations you can share.
 Take care of each other. :)
 Cara quinn
 Mark Baxter FaceBook
 The Story
 Last Saturday afternoon, taking advantage of the beautiful weather before 
 the rainy winter arrived, Amy and I decided to go for a short hike.  We 
 drove to the Damnation Creek trail head on HWY 101, near Klamath, CA, and 
 intended to be back at our car within a couple of hours, as it was already 
 late afternoon, and would get dark soon.
 Ezra was guiding me as usual, and Luke was shepherding us all as usual, 
 and we were both enjoying the rugged landscape and giant redwood trees.  
 Softly scented air was dappled with sun and shade as the trail first 
 descended, then wound up to a narrow wooden bridge, at a fork with the 
 Coastal Loop trail.
 We decided to venture a ways down the Coastal Loop trail, hoping it would 
 "loop," back to the footbridge.  No such luck.
 At first, the trail, mostly composed of an old highway and well 
 maintained, was great for hiking, so we continued.  By the time it got 
 narrow and steep again, and Amy could see the ocean through the trees 
 ahead, we needed to turn back; it was getting dark.
 We tiredly turned and made our way back down the trail, until we were 
 mostly back to the footbridge.  We stopped to catch our breaths and let 
 the dogs pee, and somehow, Amy fell.  I heard her fall, cry out, then a 
 crash, then nothing.  I called out, "AMY!  Amy, can you answer me?"  I 
 heard nothing for a few minutes.
 When I heard a sound, I didn't think it was a human making it.  It was Amy 
 I had to get down the cliff she had fallen over, to ascertain her 
 condition.  I somewhat climbed,

Re: Mavericks and Gmail

2013-10-26 Thread Janet Ingber
Hi Chris,

Thanks for your response.  Do I make the changes in Mail preferences or on the 
Gmail website.  Also, since I'd be using a Pop server, would the messages sync 
between my iPhone and Mac?

Thanks again,
On Oct 26, 2013, at 3:31 PM, Chris H  wrote:

> No problem if you use Gmail via Pop3. Just make sure to tell Mail to never 
> remove messages from the server if you have multiple devices.
> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
> On 26/10/2013 20:24, Janet Ingber wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Since my Gmail address is my primary email address has anyone been able to 
>> install Mavericks and not have a problem with Gmail? I'd like to update to 
>> Mavericks and changing my email address would be a real pain.
>> Thanks,
>> Janet
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Re: Moderator Note - IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ - Donations for one of our own

2013-10-26 Thread Buddy Brannan
I’ve passed this note on to both of my twitter followers and Facebook friends 
and asked that they pass it on as well, give as much exposure as possible. 
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Oct 26, 2013, at 3:35 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> Thank you very much for the exposure. Amy needs all the support she can get 
> right now, and I will do anything I can to get her that.
> Be well.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
> My home page:
> Facebook:
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 9:43 AM, Maxwell Ivey  wrote:
>> i forwarded it to my friends at anarchy entertainment producers of a radio 
>> show i go on and told them it might make a good story for their video 
>> production start up.  no money to give, so hope that was okay. take care, 
>> max 
>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:06 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>>> Please excuse me if this is out of line, but let this article serve as an 
>>> informative update. It is very well written, and, aside from making me look 
>>> far better than I actually am, tells the story pretty accurately.
>>> Again, apologies if I am taking liberties not mine.
>>> Be well.Selected Text: 
>>> from 
>>> my iPhone
>>> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
>>> My home page:
>>> Facebook:
>>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 6:37 AM, matthew dyer  
>>> wrote:
 Hi all,
 Sending prares to all in vaulted  hope everything will be ok,.
 matthew dyer 
 sent from my 27 inch iMac.
 facebook, facetime and iMessage:
 Skype: graduater2004
 On Oct 25, 2013, at 9:38 PM, Cara Quinn  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I normally would never ever allow any messages here about donations. IN 
> this case though, this situation very much warrants this.
> One of our listers and a dear friend of mine, has had an extreme tragedy 
> with a loved one and I am officially asking for donations on his behalf.
> Even a single dollar will be greatly appreciated here.
> Now, before anyone objects to this, there is a time and a place to allow 
> a note like this. This is that time and place. This is simply the right 
> thing to do, and I know that when you read the below account, you will 
> agree with me.
> If anyone takes issue with this then I urge you to write me privately and 
> furthermore I extend my deepest apologies for wasting your time.
> For those who would like to donate, there is a PayPal button on the 
> following page.
> You may read this story at Mark's FaceBook page and I've also pasted it 
> below.
> Again for those for whom this is an issue, remember, your delete key 
> works just fine in this instance. :) thanks for obliging me.
> FaceBook link and story are below this note.
> Thanks to all of you for being here and making these lists what they are.
> I wish you and yours all a wonderful weekend and thank you very much for 
> whatever donations you can share.
> Take care of each other. :)
> Sincerely,
> Cara quinn
> Mark Baxter FaceBook
> The Story
> Last Saturday afternoon, taking advantage of the beautiful weather before 
> the rainy winter arrived, Amy and I decided to go for a short hike.  We 
> drove to the Damnation Creek trail head on HWY 101, near Klamath, CA, and 
> intended to be back at our car within a couple of hours, as it was 
> already late afternoon, and would get dark soon.
> Ezra was guiding me as usual, and Luke was shepherding us all as usual, 
> and we were both enjoying the rugged landscape and giant redwood trees.  
> Softly scented air was dappled with sun and shade as the trail first 
> descended, then wound up to a narrow wooden bridge, at a fork with the 
> Coastal Loop trail.
> We decided to venture a ways down the Coastal Loop trail, hoping it would 
> "loop," back to the footbridge.  No such luck.
> At first, the trail, mostly composed of an old highway and well 
> maintained, was great for hiking, so we continued.  By the time it got 
> narrow and steep again, and Amy could see the ocean through the trees 
> ahead, we needed to turn back; it was getting dark.
> We tiredly turned and made our way back down the trail, until we were 
> mostly back to the footbridge.  We stopped to catch ou

Re: Mavericks and Gmail

2013-10-26 Thread May and Noah
How do I switch my gmail to pop3? Whenever I go to reset my gmail since with 
this account I only check it on one computer so don’t need it for imap anymore 
it automatically picks imap again.

On Oct 26, 2013, at 3:31 PM, Chris H  wrote:

> No problem if you use Gmail via Pop3. Just make sure to tell Mail to never 
> remove messages from the server if you have multiple devices.
> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
> On 26/10/2013 20:24, Janet Ingber wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Since my Gmail address is my primary email address has anyone been able to 
>> install Mavericks and not have a problem with Gmail? I'd like to update to 
>> Mavericks and changing my email address would be a real pain.
>> Thanks,
>> Janet
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Pages for Mavericks, problems

2013-10-26 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello everyone,

I seriously hope I’m wrong about this, but I can’t find the merge fields 
anywhere in the new Pages. This makes it very complicated, if not impossible, 
to use Pages for mail shots and invoices.

Another problem I’ve found is the lack of hotkeys for setting styles. Where 
have they gone?

I hope we haven’t gained easier access to tables in Pages, which we could 
manage anyway with a bit of messing about, just to lose really important 
features such as merge fields and hotkeys.



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Re: Pages for Mavericks, problems

2013-10-26 Thread Daniel Miller
Unfortunately, you are correct. We have lost all those features, which is 
rather annoying just power users. I also don't like the fact that we can't 
export to RTF files anymore.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 26, 2013, at 3:10 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I seriously hope I’m wrong about this, but I can’t find the merge fields 
> anywhere in the new Pages. This makes it very complicated, if not impossible, 
> to use Pages for mail shots and invoices.
> Another problem I’ve found is the lack of hotkeys for setting styles. Where 
> have they gone?
> I hope we haven’t gained easier access to tables in Pages, which we could 
> manage anyway with a bit of messing about, just to lose really important 
> features such as merge fields and hotkeys.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> -- 
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accessibility features.

2013-10-26 Thread mario navarro

hi all.
 someone tested this features with voice over?
does the voice over gives us feedback when using these features?
the voice over supports these features?

read below:
switch Control
Complete control of the Mac with a single button for people with 
impaired physical and motor skills.

the voice over can give some feedback to this feature?

onscreen keyboard
Automatically scan through and access keys on the keyboard. Built -in 
features such as predictive text and Sticky Keys help Improve typing 

mouse control
Use the cursor to simulate sweeping mouse movements such as moving 
around the screen, clicking, and dragging.

if voice over works with this feature will be fantastic.
does the voice over supports physical mouse with this feature?

Application navigation
Switch Control highlights elements of the active window of the current 
application, including search fields and controls such as scroll bars 
and buttons ( does not apply in web content ).

voice over gives us feedback with this feature?

Menu bar access
Sequentially scan across items in the menu bar. Once you select the one 
you want, click to drill down into menus, and then click again to select 
individual commands and options or navigate menus.

Dock scanning
Cycle through applications in the Dock to launch apps or bring an app to 
the front.

Third -party device support
Control Switch works with a variety of popular USB and Bluetooth 
-enabled switch hardware can generate que mouse buttons, joystick 
buttons, and select key presses. Supports return, space, tab, escape, 
backspace, left arrow, right arrow, down arrow, up arrow, and F1 - F15. 
Other keys will not be Recognized.

waw this is fantastic.

System control
Switch Control makes it easy to navigate and operate basic controls such 
as volume, brightness, eject, and media playback.

nice one.

Switch Control Panel Editor
Create, edit, and share your own onscreen keyboards Commonly Used to 
streamline actions and shortcuts for different applications. With the 
Switch Control Panel Editor, you can position groups of buttons together 
; customize color, text, size, and imagery, and specify the layout. Once 
you've created the perfect keyboard for a specific app or task, sharing 
it with others is easy. The files can be emailed and opened directly 
into the Panel Editor for review and import.

waw love it.

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Re: Mavericks and Gmail

2013-10-26 Thread Chris H
I confused Mail by first entering an incomplete Gmail address then 
completed it later in the setup process. I then had the ability to 
choose either imap or pop.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 26/10/2013 21:02, May and Noah wrote:

How do I switch my gmail to pop3? Whenever I go to reset my gmail since with 
this account I only check it on one computer so don’t need it for imap anymore 
it automatically picks imap again.

On Oct 26, 2013, at 3:31 PM, Chris H  wrote:

No problem if you use Gmail via Pop3. Just make sure to tell Mail to never 
remove messages from the server if you have multiple devices.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 26/10/2013 20:24, Janet Ingber wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Since my Gmail address is my primary email address has anyone been able to 
install Mavericks and not have a problem with Gmail? I'd like to update to 
Mavericks and changing my email address would be a real pain.


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Re: Pages for Mavericks, problems

2013-10-26 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi For RTF, you can copy your text in to text edit and save it to RTF that way 

Ricardo Walker

On Oct 26, 2013, at 4:14 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:

> Hi,
> Unfortunately, you are correct. We have lost all those features, which is 
> rather annoying just power users. I also don't like the fact that we can't 
> export to RTF files anymore.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 3:10 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I seriously hope I’m wrong about this, but I can’t find the merge fields 
>> anywhere in the new Pages. This makes it very complicated, if not 
>> impossible, to use Pages for mail shots and invoices.
>> Another problem I’ve found is the lack of hotkeys for setting styles. Where 
>> have they gone?
>> I hope we haven’t gained easier access to tables in Pages, which we could 
>> manage anyway with a bit of messing about, just to lose really important 
>> features such as merge fields and hotkeys.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
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Re: Mavericks and Gmail

2013-10-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

did you disable IMAP on your gmail account via the web site?

Ricardo Walker

On Oct 26, 2013, at 4:02 PM, May and Noah  wrote:

> How do I switch my gmail to pop3? Whenever I go to reset my gmail since with 
> this account I only check it on one computer so don’t need it for imap 
> anymore it automatically picks imap again.
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 3:31 PM, Chris H  wrote:
>> No problem if you use Gmail via Pop3. Just make sure to tell Mail to never 
>> remove messages from the server if you have multiple devices.
>> E-mail Facebook and iMessage
>> On 26/10/2013 20:24, Janet Ingber wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> Since my Gmail address is my primary email address has anyone been able to 
>>> install Mavericks and not have a problem with Gmail? I'd like to update to 
>>> Mavericks and changing my email address would be a real pain.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Janet
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Re: Pages for Mavericks, problems

2013-10-26 Thread Anne Robertson
Thanks, Daniel, I’ll report this as a problem. This is going to prevent my 
husband from upgrading to Mavericks as he relies on the merge fields for 
invoicing. How very short-sighted of Apple to do this. They seem to have made 
the iWork suite as near to the IOS version as possible. A very bad idea as far 
as I’m concerned.



On 26 Oct 2013, at 22:14, Daniel Miller  wrote:

> Hi,
> Unfortunately, you are correct. We have lost all those features, which is 
> rather annoying just power users. I also don't like the fact that we can't 
> export to RTF files anymore.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 3:10 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I seriously hope I’m wrong about this, but I can’t find the merge fields 
>> anywhere in the new Pages. This makes it very complicated, if not 
>> impossible, to use Pages for mail shots and invoices.
>> Another problem I’ve found is the lack of hotkeys for setting styles. Where 
>> have they gone?
>> I hope we haven’t gained easier access to tables in Pages, which we could 
>> manage anyway with a bit of messing about, just to lose really important 
>> features such as merge fields and hotkeys.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> -- 
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Re: Mavericks and Gmail

2013-10-26 Thread Chris H
The idea of using Pop on your iPhone and Mac is so all mail is 
downloaded locally and not managed on the server. You re-configure your 
mail account in settings on the iPhone and System Preferences on the 
mac. There is also an accounts option in Mail itself so you can do it there.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 26/10/2013 20:36, Janet Ingber wrote:

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your response.  Do I make the changes in Mail preferences or on the 
Gmail website.  Also, since I'd be using a Pop server, would the messages sync 
between my iPhone and Mac?

Thanks again,
On Oct 26, 2013, at 3:31 PM, Chris H  wrote:

No problem if you use Gmail via Pop3. Just make sure to tell Mail to never 
remove messages from the server if you have multiple devices.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 26/10/2013 20:24, Janet Ingber wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Since my Gmail address is my primary email address has anyone been able to 
install Mavericks and not have a problem with Gmail? I'd like to update to 
Mavericks and changing my email address would be a real pain.


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Re: os 10.9, is it worth it?

2013-10-26 Thread BBS
My favorite voice for Vocalizer Expressive is Karen because she sounds more 
human than the rest of them. I kinda find it funny that Nuance put the original 
Loquendo voices, (Alison, Kate, and Susan) into Vocalizer Expressive. Funny and 
a little bit saddened that they didn’t keep the ability for those three to do 
exclamations anymore.

Sent From My White Mac Book

On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Yes, if you go into Voiceover’s speech settings and choose customize from the 
> default voice popup, or from the same popup in System Preferences > Speech 
> and Dictation > Speech tab, you’ll find them. As usual, check the ones you 
> want, they will download, and there you go. Off the top of my head, the new 
> voices are kate, Ava, Allison, Oliver, Susan, and an India one whose name I 
> don’t remember. My personal favorite is Ava, but they are all pretty good.
> Mario, your messages are reaching the list. I’m not sure what tutorial you 
> mean, though.
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 12:23 PM, mario navarro  wrote:
>> hi guys, sorry for making dynamic reading, but I do not know if my messages 
>> are reaching the group.
>> please tell me.
>> read below.
>> hi folks. 
>> for those who have already upgraded to the Mavericks: 
>> someone can tell me if the manual VoiceOver Getting Started 
>> is now available for the mavericks? 
>> would be nice to take some questions. 
>> I think it's still a bit early but ... 
>> thanks. 
>> cheers. 
>> Em 26/10/2013 16:58, Maggie's Dobermail escreveu:
>>> Well, for what it’s worth, I don’t think they are really “new”, just 
>>> improved a bit.  For example, you don’t get any new choices to my knowledge 
>>> other then the usual Samantha, Daniel, etc..
>>> I know somebody will correct me if this is off base..
>>> Cait
>>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Courtney Curran  
>>> wrote:
 Wait a minute, there are new vo voices?
 Sent from my iMac
 On Oct 25, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> new
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Pages for Mavericks, problems

2013-10-26 Thread Daniel Miller
Yes, I agree. Stripping the ability to save in rtf was incredibly shortsided. 
However, yes you can copy your text into text edit and save in rtf. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 26, 2013, at 3:23 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Thanks, Daniel, I’ll report this as a problem. This is going to prevent my 
> husband from upgrading to Mavericks as he relies on the merge fields for 
> invoicing. How very short-sighted of Apple to do this. They seem to have made 
> the iWork suite as near to the IOS version as possible. A very bad idea as 
> far as I’m concerned.
> Cheers,
> Anne
>> On 26 Oct 2013, at 22:14, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Unfortunately, you are correct. We have lost all those features, which is 
>> rather annoying just power users. I also don't like the fact that we can't 
>> export to RTF files anymore.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 3:10 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I seriously hope I’m wrong about this, but I can’t find the merge fields 
>>> anywhere in the new Pages. This makes it very complicated, if not 
>>> impossible, to use Pages for mail shots and invoices.
>>> Another problem I’ve found is the lack of hotkeys for setting styles. Where 
>>> have they gone?
>>> I hope we haven’t gained easier access to tables in Pages, which we could 
>>> manage anyway with a bit of messing about, just to lose really important 
>>> features such as merge fields and hotkeys.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> -- 
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Re: New Voices in Mavericks (was, Re: os 10.9, is it worth it?)

2013-10-26 Thread BBS
Hi Nick. No, there aren’t any new Australian voices, but Karen sounds new and 
improved. More human than she ever was.

Sent From My White Mac Book

On Oct 26, 2013, at 12:24 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Two questions:
> 1. Are there any new Australian English voices?
> 2. Do the new voices read out capital letters properly, as does Alex, or do 
> they announce both "capital" and change pitch?
> On 27/10/2013, at 3:59 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Yes, if you go into Voiceover’s speech settings and choose customize from the 
> default voice popup, or from the same popup in System Preferences > Speech 
> and Dictation > Speech tab, you’ll find them. As usual, check the ones you 
> want, they will download, and there you go. Off the top of my head, the new 
> voices are kate, Ava, Allison, Oliver, Susan, and an India one whose name I 
> don’t remember. My personal favorite is Ava, but they are all pretty good.
> Mario, your messages are reaching the list. I’m not sure what tutorial you 
> mean, though.
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 12:23 PM, mario navarro  wrote:
>> hi guys, sorry for making dynamic reading, but I do not know if my messages 
>> are reaching the group.
>> please tell me.
>> read below.
>> hi folks. 
>> for those who have already upgraded to the Mavericks: 
>> someone can tell me if the manual VoiceOver Getting Started 
>> is now available for the mavericks? 
>> would be nice to take some questions. 
>> I think it's still a bit early but ... 
>> thanks. 
>> cheers. 
>> Em 26/10/2013 16:58, Maggie's Dobermail escreveu:
>>> Well, for what it’s worth, I don’t think they are really “new”, just 
>>> improved a bit.  For example, you don’t get any new choices to my knowledge 
>>> other then the usual Samantha, Daniel, etc..
>>> I know somebody will correct me if this is off base..
>>> Cait
>>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Courtney Curran  
>>> wrote:
 Wait a minute, there are new vo voices?
 Sent from my iMac
 On Oct 25, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> new
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: os 10.9, is it worth it?

2013-10-26 Thread Matt Dierckens
Well, it makes sense, as Nuance bought Loquendo a few years ago.

Matt Dierckens
Assistive Technology Trainer
IOS and Macintosh User support
Windsor area

On 2013-10-26, at 4:34 PM, BBS  wrote:

> My favorite voice for Vocalizer Expressive is Karen because she sounds more 
> human than the rest of them. I kinda find it funny that Nuance put the 
> original Loquendo voices, (Alison, Kate, and Susan) into Vocalizer 
> Expressive. Funny and a little bit saddened that they didn’t keep the ability 
> for those three to do exclamations anymore.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White Mac Book
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Yes, if you go into Voiceover’s speech settings and choose customize from 
>> the default voice popup, or from the same popup in System Preferences > 
>> Speech and Dictation > Speech tab, you’ll find them. As usual, check the 
>> ones you want, they will download, and there you go. Off the top of my head, 
>> the new voices are kate, Ava, Allison, Oliver, Susan, and an India one whose 
>> name I don’t remember. My personal favorite is Ava, but they are all pretty 
>> good.
>> Mario, your messages are reaching the list. I’m not sure what tutorial you 
>> mean, though.
>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 12:23 PM, mario navarro  wrote:
>>> hi guys, sorry for making dynamic reading, but I do not know if my messages 
>>> are reaching the group.
>>> please tell me.
>>> read below.
>>> hi folks. 
>>> for those who have already upgraded to the Mavericks: 
>>> someone can tell me if the manual VoiceOver Getting Started 
>>> is now available for the mavericks? 
>>> would be nice to take some questions. 
>>> I think it's still a bit early but ... 
>>> thanks. 
>>> cheers. 
>>> Em 26/10/2013 16:58, Maggie's Dobermail escreveu:
 Well, for what it’s worth, I don’t think they are really “new”, just 
 improved a bit.  For example, you don’t get any new choices to my 
 knowledge other then the usual Samantha, Daniel, etc..
 I know somebody will correct me if this is off base..
 On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Courtney Curran  
> Hi,
> Wait a minute, there are new vo voices?
> Thanks,
> Courtney
> Sent from my iMac
> On Oct 25, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> new
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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opening folders in finder

2013-10-26 Thread alia robinson
okay, I have a drive on my desktop with lots of folders in it. I used to open 
the drive, go into my folders and when I hit command w it closed only the 
window I was in leaving me on the main folders of my drive, but now when I do a 
command w it closes the entire drive and brings me back to the desktop. I used 
to have to do command/option/w to do that. I have put the finder in open in 
tabs, and unchecked the in tabs, and it does the same both times. what am I 
missing here? 


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Re: iPod Nano

2013-10-26 Thread Stacey Robinson
I'm looking for something mainly to play music on.

Stacey Robinson and GEB dog Gemini

On Oct 26, 2013, at 12:20 PM, Nicholas Parsons wrote:

> Basically, you receive info on whatever text or icons are on the screen. It's 
> great for listening to audiobooks, music and podcasts. I love my iPod Nano. I 
> use it much less now my iPHone is essentially an iPod and more and has a much 
> greater storage capacity. The Nano is great when I want to conserve my iPhone 
> battery though, for instance when travelling.
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Classic Versus Current view in Mail

2013-10-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
hi, all,

I’m in a quandary now. If I enable classic view in Mail and Mavericks, I get 
columns that can be sorted, and I get a conversation indicator, albeit without 
a number, which VO announces first, as i assume it’s at the far left. however, 
I’ve gotten used to previewing messages, so I’m not sure which is the lesser of 
two evils. I think i’ll just have to play with it some more and see what I like.


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

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Re: Classic Versus Current view in Mail

2013-10-26 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Teresa,

I’ve always preferred classic view with the preview pane turned off. That way, 
I can decide not to read a message until later and it stays marked as unread.

In Mavericks, Mail is rather more verbose than it was, so after pressing Return 
to open a message, I press VO-End to skip all the “embedded” garbage and get 
straight into the text of the message.

Attachments show up as embedded items on which I can get a contextual menu and 
as you point out, I can sort the columns as I wish.



On 26 Oct 2013, at 23:03, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> hi, all,
> I’m in a quandary now. If I enable classic view in Mail and Mavericks, I get 
> columns that can be sorted, and I get a conversation indicator, albeit 
> without a number, which VO announces first, as i assume it’s at the far left. 
> however, I’ve gotten used to previewing messages, so I’m not sure which is 
> the lesser of two evils. I think i’ll just have to play with it some more and 
> see what I like.
> teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
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Re: Classic Versus Current view in Mail

2013-10-26 Thread Ricardo Walker
I know How you feel.  lol.

I ultimately stuck with the standard view because I’ve grown so accustom to the 
preview.  75% of the time, I don’t even need to open the message.  I just find 
this ultra efficient.

Ricardo Walker

On Oct 26, 2013, at 5:03 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> hi, all,
> I’m in a quandary now. If I enable classic view in Mail and Mavericks, I get 
> columns that can be sorted, and I get a conversation indicator, albeit 
> without a number, which VO announces first, as i assume it’s at the far left. 
> however, I’ve gotten used to previewing messages, so I’m not sure which is 
> the lesser of two evils. I think i’ll just have to play with it some more and 
> see what I like.
> teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
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Re: Closing Preview Pane in Mavericks Mail App

2013-10-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
I use mouse keys a lot, which you can enable in the accessibility dialog, 
command-option-f5. I put the mouse pointer on the horizontal slider, then 
pressed the 0 key on the keypad, pressed and held right arrow till VO began 
reading something else, then pressed the period key to release the mouse. You 
have to have mouse keys on for this. You can also try toggling mouse keys by 
pressing option key five times quickly. There’s usually a little mouse-click 
sound, and VO will indicate the status of the toggle.


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

On Oct 26, 2013, at 12:33 PM, Jane  wrote:

> Well, everything seems to work until I get to the drag and click. I am using 
> a trackpad and just don't seem to have the hang of it. I dont use it very 
> often anyway ...
> What trricks do ou recomment?
> Jane
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 3:08 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Thanks to a great support rep at Apple, I have a way to close the preview 
>> pane in mail under OS10.9 Maverix.
>> 1. In Mail, hit cmd-comma to open the Mail preferences. Choose the Viewing 
>> button from the toolbar, then find and check “use classic layout”.
>> 2. Close the preferences window and find the messages table. Do not interact 
>> with it; rather, vo-right past it until you find a horizontal splitter.
>> 3. VO does not seem able to close this completely, so you will need a mouse. 
>> Press vo-cmd-f5 to focus the mouse pointer on the splitter, then click and 
>> drag as far right as you can. If you are using a trackpad, be sure the 
>> Trackpad Commander is off.
>> 4. Assuming you went straight right and moved far enough, you should find 
>> the preview pane gone. Best of all, you can now switch back to Standard View 
>> if you want to, and the pane will still be hidden!
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Classic Versus Current view in Mail

2013-10-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
Yeah, Ricardo, I think I’m leaning in that direction. I’m trying with the 
preview pane off, so I can tab between mailbox lists and message tables more 
efficiently. I’d forgotten that there’s an accessibility option, control-f-7, 
that changes how the tab key works. One mode tabs between toolbar items in 
addition to everything else, and the other mode tabs between items in the main 
window. Anyway, I have that set now, and things are working quite well.


"The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham

On Oct 26, 2013, at 2:31 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> I know How you feel.  lol.
> I ultimately stuck with the standard view because I’ve grown so accustom to 
> the preview.  75% of the time, I don’t even need to open the message.  I just 
> find this ultra efficient.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 5:03 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> hi, all,
>> I’m in a quandary now. If I enable classic view in Mail and Mavericks, I get 
>> columns that can be sorted, and I get a conversation indicator, albeit 
>> without a number, which VO announces first, as i assume it’s at the far 
>> left. however, I’ve gotten used to previewing messages, so I’m not sure 
>> which is the lesser of two evils. I think i’ll just have to play with it 
>> some more and see what I like.
>> teresa
>> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
>> Feynman
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Lots of frouble installing Mavericks but solved but not my mail problem.

2013-10-26 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hello All.

I have had lots of problems installing Mavericks.

A friend helped me over Skype and as he’s extremely familiar with Terminal, I 
downloaded Mavericks three days ago and so today, I had to install it.

First we had to go into Terminal and make sure that Mavericks was moved to my 
Rugged Media stick.

Once that was done, I wiped my I Mac and so started the process.

Each time, Mavericks would hang and refuse to install.

Finally, as I use Ethernet, I got Mountain Lion installed on the USB stick.  So 
after skipping a few steps, downloaded Mavericks from the App store and onto 
the USB stick and when it prompted that it needed to be installed, we went 
through the process again but chose my SSD drive to install Mavericks and it 
finally installed.

So after playing with Mail and changing a few things so that it almost looks 
like how it was in Mountain Lion, I now keep getting favourite and tool bar in 
the way.  I don’t like it saying embedded or for the fact that Voice Over does 
not read mail automatically at times.


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Re: Classic Versus Current view in Mail

2013-10-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

Instead of tab you can also use the jump to next/previous table command VO 
command T.  This is what I used in Mountain Lion when I couldn’t get tab to 
work for the life of me. haha.


Ricardo Walker

On Oct 26, 2013, at 5:46 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Yeah, Ricardo, I think I’m leaning in that direction. I’m trying with the 
> preview pane off, so I can tab between mailbox lists and message tables more 
> efficiently. I’d forgotten that there’s an accessibility option, control-f-7, 
> that changes how the tab key works. One mode tabs between toolbar items in 
> addition to everything else, and the other mode tabs between items in the 
> main window. Anyway, I have that set now, and things are working quite well.
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 2:31 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> I know How you feel.  lol.
>> I ultimately stuck with the standard view because I’ve grown so accustom to 
>> the preview.  75% of the time, I don’t even need to open the message.  I 
>> just find this ultra efficient.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 5:03 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>>> hi, all,
>>> I’m in a quandary now. If I enable classic view in Mail and Mavericks, I 
>>> get columns that can be sorted, and I get a conversation indicator, albeit 
>>> without a number, which VO announces first, as i assume it’s at the far 
>>> left. however, I’ve gotten used to previewing messages, so I’m not sure 
>>> which is the lesser of two evils. I think i’ll just have to play with it 
>>> some more and see what I like.
>>> teresa
>>> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
>>> Feynman
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Re: os 10.9, is it worth it?

2013-10-26 Thread Brian Fischler
As someone who has read everyone of these Mavericks post, and has yet to 
update, the answer to this question for a gmail user seems to be No. I usually 
upgrade to the new operating systems in the first week or two, but from what I 
have read, I can't seem to find one thing that makes Mavericks worth the 
upgrade. Please do correct me if I am wrong, but since I would list email and 
mammal towards the top of what I use my computer for, it sounds like either 
Apple or Gmail dropped the ball somewhere big time. I don't plan on using 
Ibooks and I am disappointed to hear that Apple failed miserably when building 
the accessibility in to it. As a die hard Apple fan, iMac, Mac Air, iPhone 3S, 
4S, and 5S, I feel Apple has really been slipping in testing accessibility for 
releases. Considering how buggy IOS 7 is, and now Mavericks, I might have to 
start paying more attention to what the other guys are doing. I have gotten rid 
of anything running Windows in my house so am disappointed by the results to 
Apple's latest releases. Hopefully the bug improvement schedule won't be on the 
same schedule fixing numbers has been, 8 years.
On Oct 26, 2013, at 4:51 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Hi,
> Well, it makes sense, as Nuance bought Loquendo a few years ago.
> Matt Dierckens
> Assistive Technology Trainer
> IOS and Macintosh User support
> Windsor area
> On 2013-10-26, at 4:34 PM, BBS  wrote:
>> My favorite voice for Vocalizer Expressive is Karen because she sounds more 
>> human than the rest of them. I kinda find it funny that Nuance put the 
>> original Loquendo voices, (Alison, Kate, and Susan) into Vocalizer 
>> Expressive. Funny and a little bit saddened that they didn’t keep the 
>> ability for those three to do exclamations anymore.
>> Shawn
>> Sent From My White Mac Book
>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Yes, if you go into Voiceover’s speech settings and choose customize from 
>>> the default voice popup, or from the same popup in System Preferences > 
>>> Speech and Dictation > Speech tab, you’ll find them. As usual, check the 
>>> ones you want, they will download, and there you go. Off the top of my 
>>> head, the new voices are kate, Ava, Allison, Oliver, Susan, and an India 
>>> one whose name I don’t remember. My personal favorite is Ava, but they are 
>>> all pretty good.
>>> Mario, your messages are reaching the list. I’m not sure what tutorial you 
>>> mean, though.
>>> On Oct 26, 2013, at 12:23 PM, mario navarro  wrote:
 hi guys, sorry for making dynamic reading, but I do not know if my 
 messages are reaching the group.
 please tell me.
 read below.
 hi folks. 
 for those who have already upgraded to the Mavericks: 
 someone can tell me if the manual VoiceOver Getting Started 
 is now available for the mavericks? 
 would be nice to take some questions. 
 I think it's still a bit early but ... 
 Em 26/10/2013 16:58, Maggie's Dobermail escreveu:
> Well, for what it’s worth, I don’t think they are really “new”, just 
> improved a bit.  For example, you don’t get any new choices to my 
> knowledge other then the usual Samantha, Daniel, etc..
> I know somebody will correct me if this is off base..
> Cait
> On Oct 26, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Courtney Curran  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Wait a minute, there are new vo voices?
>> Thanks,
>> Courtney
>> Sent from my iMac
>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> new
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Re: Classic Versus Current view in Mail

2013-10-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
As an additional note, I notice that with the preview pane disabled and with 
five preview lines of message text enabled, VO sure reads a lot more than five 
lines. It’s almost like having the preview pane available without having to 
switch to it. pretty cool. :)


"The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham

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