Re: Your First Mac App (Voiceover and XCode)

2013-07-06 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux
Hi Barry,

Just as clarification, when you drag, what state is mouse pointer  on? Do you 
go to the unknown, vo command shift space with mouse following voice over 
cursor, then go to the header file, or do you first toggle cursr tracking off 
before moving from unknown to the header file?

Best regards, and thanks a lot for helping out 

"Light has no value without darkness"

On 6/07/2013, at 8:04 AM, Barry Hadder  wrote:

> There has been some discussion recently in regards to whether or not one can 
> use Voiceover with Interface builder.  I'm not sure that this list is the 
> most appropriate place for discussing this, but I feel that there have been 
> some inaccurate assertions made and I wanted to attempt to clear up a few 
> points for the sate of those who are programmers on this list and are 
> interested in learning about developing apps with XCode.
> As the subject implies, I am using the tutorial found at 
> I realize the IOS is the hottest thing, but I think that this example is a 
> little cleaner for the purpose of explaining this.  It works the same for the 
> most part for an IOS app and I will point out the most important differences 
> at the end.  I'm also only going to go over laying out the window and 
> referencing the objects in the xib in your code.  The tutorial explains how 
> to create a project etc.
> Make sure that the xib is opened in the source area and that the utilities 
> are visible with command-option-0.
> First, add the controls to the windows content view:
> 1.  With the mainmenu.xib file opened in the source group, make sure the 
> document outline is visible.  You should see a table with all of the objects 
> in the xib.
> 2.  Find the window object in the table and expand it to expose the content 
> view.
> 3.  Move vo to the library group, interact, and select the object library 
> radio button.
> 4.  Find text field, with vo, rout the mouse to vo, and lock the mouse.
> 5.  Move vo to the windows content view in the outline, then release the 
> mouse.  Now the content view should contain the textfield. (Note that this 
> can be glitchy sometimes and you might have to try it again but not very 
> often.)
> 6.  Repeat for the slider and button.
> Designing the layout:
> I'm going to arrange the controls in a column centered in the window and left 
> justified with the button close to the bottom of the window.  
> 1.  Select the content view and go to the size inspector.  Git the width and 
> height.  I have 480 by 360
> 2.  In the xib, select the text field and.  In the size inspector, make sure 
> layout rectangle is selected and select the origin to be the top left corner.
> 3.  In the origin section, type 20 in the x field and 340 for the y value.  
> Then stretch it across the window until the right side is 20 points from the 
> right edge by selecting the origin in the top left corner and typing a value 
> of 440 in the width field.  Note that you could also resize the window to fit 
> the text field, but this is more simple.
> 4.  Change the origin to the bottom left corner and get the y value.  I have 
> 318.
> 5.  Select the slider and in the size inspector, set the origin to top left, 
> set the x origin to 20 and the y to 308.  That positions the slider 20 points 
> from the left edge of the window and 10 points below the textfield.
> 6.  With the button selected, set the origin to bottom left, set x origin to 
> 20 and the y origin to 20.
> You can build an run at this point, but you can also check your work with out 
> even running the app by choosing "simulate document in the editor menu.  
> Cocoa simulator will open and you should be able to move vo up and down 
> through the lined up controls.
> Create actions and outlets:
> 1.  Select the AppDelegate object in the outline and open the assistant 
> editor.  In the source pain, you should now see the appdelegate.h file opened 
> next to the xib.
> 2.  Select the button in the xib file and in the connections inspector, find 
> the sent actions list.
> 3.  The only item at this point in the list is selector.  Move vo to the 
> unknown item directly to the right of it and drag from it to the area in the 
> header file between the @interface and @end directives.
> 4.  When you release the mouse at this point, a connections dialog will come 
> up where you will type the name of the action..  Type mute then press ok.  In 
> the header file, you will now see the definition of the action.  - 
> (IBAction)mute:(id)sender;
> 5.  Select the text field in the outline and in the connections inspector, 
> find the referencing outlets list.
> 6.  drag from the unknown thing next to "new referencing outlet" to a blank 
> area in the class declaration in the header file.  In the connection dialog 

Re: Evernote?

2013-07-06 Thread Emilio

Hello everyone,

The primary issue with signing into EverNote is something with which 
sighted help will be needed. The “sign in,” button is not visible with 
voiceover, but once this button is pressed, entering the correct 
credentials will make the program as accessible as it will be.

The primary caveat with EverNote is that when scrolling through a list of 
already crated notes, one must return to the “scroll area” to view the note 
in focus.

In most cases I just upload notes using the iPhone, but I would like to 
start uploading notes from the iMac.

Additionally, it does seem that in my experience when uploading notes the 
title is announced by voiceover, but the contents of the note are an image, 
so this is something to contend with.

I hope my feedback has been helpful.

moreover, I would encourage all of those users thereof to write the 
company, so they can have more feedback and suggestions on how to improve 
with application for voiceover users.

Hope this has been helpful.

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Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

2013-07-06 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Danny,
unfortunately I was not ab le to use the described way to get to the Settings. 
When I pressed VO + Shift + Space a new window opened in which I could find two 
links but Settings was not a link so I couldn't click on that. 
I'm using Version 2.0.22. Could you see wether you can find something I did 
wrong to your description?
Thanks and
all the best
Am 06.07.2013 um 02:54 schrieb Danny Noonan :

> It's a Dropbox issue. With VO on the menu opens and then closes again. 
> Instead of VO space do VO shift space and you can get to the settings. 
> Danny. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 06/07/2013, at 9:48 AM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:
>> I have the dropbox folder on an external drive and want to move it back onto 
>> the MacHD. But, I can't seem to get the dropbox menu to open. I am using the 
>> VO+M twice command, then pressing VO+space on the dropbox menu item. I've 
>> also pressed VO+enter, but it just clunks and won't open.
>> How can I get to the dropbox preferences so I can set the dropbox folder 
>> location back onto the main HD?
>> -- 
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Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

2013-07-06 Thread Matt Dierckens
Another way to go into the dropbox menu is to route your mouse to the dropbox 
menu with VO CMD f5, turn off trackpad commander and do OPTN click
On 2013-07-06, at 8:36 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hi Danny,
> unfortunately I was not ab le to use the described way to get to the 
> Settings. When I pressed VO + Shift + Space a new window opened in which I 
> could find two links but Settings was not a link so I couldn't click on that. 
> I'm using Version 2.0.22. Could you see wether you can find something I did 
> wrong to your description?
> Thanks and
> all the best
> Jürgen
> Am 06.07.2013 um 02:54 schrieb Danny Noonan :
>> It's a Dropbox issue. With VO on the menu opens and then closes again. 
>> Instead of VO space do VO shift space and you can get to the settings. 
>> Danny. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 06/07/2013, at 9:48 AM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:
>>> I have the dropbox folder on an external drive and want to move it back 
>>> onto the MacHD. But, I can't seem to get the dropbox menu to open. I am 
>>> using the VO+M twice command, then pressing VO+space on the dropbox menu 
>>> item. I've also pressed VO+enter, but it just clunks and won't open.
>>> How can I get to the dropbox preferences so I can set the dropbox folder 
>>> location back onto the main HD?
>>> -- 
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Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

2013-07-06 Thread Kjsc Radio
Hi I can't get into the settings at all. Even with a mouse click I can't do it. 
What should I do

Sent from my iPhone

On 06/07/2013, at 5:44 AM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Hi
> Another way to go into the dropbox menu is to route your mouse to the dropbox 
> menu with VO CMD f5, turn off trackpad commander and do OPTN click
> On 2013-07-06, at 8:36 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
>> Hi Danny,
>> unfortunately I was not ab le to use the described way to get to the 
>> Settings. When I pressed VO + Shift + Space a new window opened in which I 
>> could find two links but Settings was not a link so I couldn't click on 
>> that. 
>> I'm using Version 2.0.22. Could you see wether you can find something I did 
>> wrong to your description?
>> Thanks and
>> all the best
>> Jürgen
>> Am 06.07.2013 um 02:54 schrieb Danny Noonan :
>>> It's a Dropbox issue. With VO on the menu opens and then closes again. 
>>> Instead of VO space do VO shift space and you can get to the settings. 
>>> Danny. 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 06/07/2013, at 9:48 AM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:
 I have the dropbox folder on an external drive and want to move it back 
 onto the MacHD. But, I can't seem to get the dropbox menu to open. I am 
 using the VO+M twice command, then pressing VO+space on the dropbox menu 
 item. I've also pressed VO+enter, but it just clunks and won't open.
 How can I get to the dropbox preferences so I can set the dropbox folder 
 location back onto the main HD?
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Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

2013-07-06 Thread Phil Halton
Danny's suggestion of routing mouse to VO while on the dropbox menu and 
pressing option click on trackpad worked for me - it brought up the familiar 
dropbox menu with 9 items, One of which was preferences. I was able to navigate 
that dialog and switch my dropbox folder back to my user account on the main HD.

the other way, routing mouse to VO and pressing VO Shift space for a regular 
mouse click brought up a less useful dialog. It has a link to, a 
choice to open the dropbox folder, and a list of recently changed files. Then 
at the bottom of the dialog there is the word "settings", but it appears to be 
just static text that doesn't open anything like settings.

- Original Message - 
  From: Ray Foret jr 
  Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 11:06 PM
  Subject: Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

  That's quite correct.  Even with 2.0.8 this is the case.  I've written to 
them, even opening a ticket and they haven't even had the common curticy to get 
back to me.

  Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
  The Constantly Barefooted Ray
  Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

  On Jul 5, 2013, at 7:54 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

It's a Dropbox issue. With VO on the menu opens and then closes again. 
Instead of VO space do VO shift space and you can get to the settings. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 06/07/2013, at 9:48 AM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

  I have the dropbox folder on an external drive and want to move it back 
onto the MacHD. But, I can't seem to get the dropbox menu to open. I am using 
the VO+M twice command, then pressing VO+space on the dropbox menu item. I've 
also pressed VO+enter, but it just clunks and won't open.
  How can I get to the dropbox preferences so I can set the dropbox folder 
location back onto the main HD?

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Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

2013-07-06 Thread Phil Halton
sorry, option click with the mouse routed to the dropbox menu was Mat's 
suggestion, not Danny's. Proper Credit is important - thanks Mat.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Matt Dierckens 
  Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2013 8:44 AM
  Subject: Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

  Another way to go into the dropbox menu is to route your mouse to the dropbox 
menu with VO CMD f5, turn off trackpad commander and do OPTN click
  On 2013-07-06, at 8:36 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

Hi Danny,
unfortunately I was not ab le to use the described way to get to the 
Settings. When I pressed VO + Shift + Space a new window opened in which I 
could find two links but Settings was not a link so I couldn't click on that. 
I'm using Version 2.0.22. Could you see wether you can find something I did 
wrong to your description?
Thanks and
all the best

Am 06.07.2013 um 02:54 schrieb Danny Noonan :

  It's a Dropbox issue. With VO on the menu opens and then closes again. 
Instead of VO space do VO shift space and you can get to the settings. 

  Sent from my iPhone

  On 06/07/2013, at 9:48 AM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

I have the dropbox folder on an external drive and want to move it back 
onto the MacHD. But, I can't seem to get the dropbox menu to open. I am using 
the VO+M twice command, then pressing VO+space on the dropbox menu item. I've 
also pressed VO+enter, but it just clunks and won't open.
How can I get to the dropbox preferences so I can set the dropbox 
folder location back onto the main HD?

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Re: Evernote?

2013-07-06 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi emilio,

I'm a little confused.  You say that when scrolling through the list of titles 
you have to interact with the scroll area to view the note, which makes sense.  
But then you go on to say that the note is an image.  Does that mean that you 
can't actually read the note?
On Jul 6, 2013, at 3:08 AM, Emilio  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> The primary issue with signing into EverNote is something with which sighted 
> help will be needed. The “sign in,” button is not visible with voiceover, but 
> once this button is pressed, entering the correct credentials will make the 
> program as accessible as it will be.
> The primary caveat with EverNote is that when scrolling through a list of 
> already crated notes, one must return to the “scroll area” to view the note 
> in focus.
> In most cases I just upload notes using the iPhone, but I would like to start 
> uploading notes from the iMac.
> Additionally, it does seem that in my experience when uploading notes the 
> title is announced by voiceover, but the contents of the note are an image, 
> so this is something to contend with.
> I hope my feedback has been helpful.
> moreover, I would encourage all of those users thereof to write the company, 
> so they can have more feedback and suggestions on how to improve with 
> application for voiceover users.
> Hope this has been helpful.
> -- 
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What is vo-enter for?

2013-07-06 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
If you start keyboard help and hit vo-enter, you hear "select item, selects the 
current item". What does this do? I have played with it some, but can't work 
out what it is for. thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Evernote?

2013-07-06 Thread Jürgen Fleger
I'm not sure about signing in because I signed in a long time ago and it 
remembers this. But the App itself is very accessible. I'm using it quite a 
while now on two Macs and on my iPhone and it works great for me. Of course 
it's always a question of what to do with it but as far as I use it it's 
completely accessible.
What I don't like about it is using the editor of Evernote in iOS. But the sign 
in process might have changed, I don't know.
All the best

Am 06.07.2013 um 15:44 schrieb Donna Goodin :

> Hi emilio,
> I'm a little confused.  You say that when scrolling through the list of 
> titles you have to interact with the scroll area to view the note, which 
> makes sense.  But then you go on to say that the note is an image.  Does that 
> mean that you can't actually read the note?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> On Jul 6, 2013, at 3:08 AM, Emilio  wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> The primary issue with signing into EverNote is something with which sighted 
>> help will be needed. The “sign in,” button is not visible with voiceover, 
>> but once this button is pressed, entering the correct credentials will make 
>> the program as accessible as it will be.
>> The primary caveat with EverNote is that when scrolling through a list of 
>> already crated notes, one must return to the “scroll area” to view the note 
>> in focus.
>> In most cases I just upload notes using the iPhone, but I would like to 
>> start uploading notes from the iMac.
>> Additionally, it does seem that in my experience when uploading notes the 
>> title is announced by voiceover, but the contents of the note are an image, 
>> so this is something to contend with.
>> I hope my feedback has been helpful.
>> moreover, I would encourage all of those users thereof to write the company, 
>> so they can have more feedback and suggestions on how to improve with 
>> application for voiceover users.
>> Hope this has been helpful.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

2013-07-06 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Didn't work, unfortunately. It's a question of other open Windows I suppose. 
Am 06.07.2013 um 14:44 schrieb Matt Dierckens :

> Hi
> Another way to go into the dropbox menu is to route your mouse to the dropbox 
> menu with VO CMD f5, turn off trackpad commander and do OPTN click
> On 2013-07-06, at 8:36 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
>> Hi Danny,
>> unfortunately I was not ab le to use the described way to get to the 
>> Settings. When I pressed VO + Shift + Space a new window opened in which I 
>> could find two links but Settings was not a link so I couldn't click on 
>> that. 
>> I'm using Version 2.0.22. Could you see wether you can find something I did 
>> wrong to your description?
>> Thanks and
>> all the best
>> Jürgen
>> Am 06.07.2013 um 02:54 schrieb Danny Noonan :
>>> It's a Dropbox issue. With VO on the menu opens and then closes again. 
>>> Instead of VO space do VO shift space and you can get to the settings. 
>>> Danny. 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 06/07/2013, at 9:48 AM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:
 I have the dropbox folder on an external drive and want to move it back 
 onto the MacHD. But, I can't seem to get the dropbox menu to open. I am 
 using the VO+M twice command, then pressing VO+space on the dropbox menu 
 item. I've also pressed VO+enter, but it just clunks and won't open.
 How can I get to the dropbox preferences so I can set the dropbox folder 
 location back onto the main HD?
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

2013-07-06 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Both didn't work on my MacBook Air. But thanks a lot.

Am 06.07.2013 um 15:33 schrieb "Phil Halton" :

> Danny's suggestion of routing mouse to VO while on the dropbox menu and 
> pressing option click on trackpad worked for me - it brought up the familiar 
> dropbox menu with 9 items, One of which was preferences. I was able to 
> navigate that dialog and switch my dropbox folder back to my user account on 
> the main HD.
> the other way, routing mouse to VO and pressing VO Shift space for a regular 
> mouse click brought up a less useful dialog. It has a link to, a 
> choice to open the dropbox folder, and a list of recently changed files. Then 
> at the bottom of the dialog there is the word "settings", but it appears to 
> be just static text that doesn't open anything like settings.
> .
> - Original Message -
> From: Ray Foret jr
> To:
> Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 11:06 PM
> Subject: Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22
> That's quite correct.  Even with 2.0.8 this is the case.  I've written to 
> them, even opening a ticket and they haven't even had the common curticy to 
> get back to me.
> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Jul 5, 2013, at 7:54 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>> It's a Dropbox issue. With VO on the menu opens and then closes again. 
>> Instead of VO space do VO shift space and you can get to the settings. 
>> Danny. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 06/07/2013, at 9:48 AM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:
>>> I have the dropbox folder on an external drive and want to move it back 
>>> onto the MacHD. But, I can't seem to get the dropbox menu to open. I am 
>>> using the VO+M twice command, then pressing VO+space on the dropbox menu 
>>> item. I've also pressed VO+enter, but it just clunks and won't open.
>>> How can I get to the dropbox preferences so I can set the dropbox folder 
>>> location back onto the main HD?
>>> -- 
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Re: What is vo-enter for?

2013-07-06 Thread Jürgen Fleger
you can start highlighting text where it's not possible by simply using Shift + 
arrows by pressing VO + Enter and end it the same way. Then you can press CMD + 
c to copy to the clippboard. It worked fine until Lion. Since Lion and also in 
Mountain Lion I experience it as very unreliable. If I highlight text in a pdf 
file for example and copy it to the clippboard mostly it's a different part of 
the text I actually highlighted.
But that's what it's been supposed to be. So press VO + Enter to start 
highlighting, move the cursor by pressing VO + arrows and press VO + Enter to 
end highlighting.
Am 06.07.2013 um 16:00 schrieb Alex Hall :

> Hi all,
> If you start keyboard help and hit vo-enter, you hear "select item, selects 
> the current item". What does this do? I have played with it some, but can't 
> work out what it is for. thanks.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

2013-07-06 Thread Kjsc Radio
I'll try that

Sent from my iPhone

On 06/07/2013, at 7:13 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Both didn't work on my MacBook Air. But thanks a lot.
> Am 06.07.2013 um 15:33 schrieb "Phil Halton" :
>> Danny's suggestion of routing mouse to VO while on the dropbox menu and 
>> pressing option click on trackpad worked for me - it brought up the familiar 
>> dropbox menu with 9 items, One of which was preferences. I was able to 
>> navigate that dialog and switch my dropbox folder back to my user account on 
>> the main HD.
>> the other way, routing mouse to VO and pressing VO Shift space for a regular 
>> mouse click brought up a less useful dialog. It has a link to, a 
>> choice to open the dropbox folder, and a list of recently changed files. 
>> Then at the bottom of the dialog there is the word "settings", but it 
>> appears to be just static text that doesn't open anything like settings.
>> .
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Ray Foret jr
>> To:
>> Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 11:06 PM
>> Subject: Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22
>> That's quite correct.  Even with 2.0.8 this is the case.  I've written to 
>> them, even opening a ticket and they haven't even had the common curticy to 
>> get back to me.
>> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jul 5, 2013, at 7:54 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>>> It's a Dropbox issue. With VO on the menu opens and then closes again. 
>>> Instead of VO space do VO shift space and you can get to the  settings. 
>>> Danny. 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 06/07/2013, at 9:48 AM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:
 I have the dropbox folder on an external drive and want to move it back 
 onto the MacHD. But, I can't seem to get the dropbox menu to open. I am 
 using the VO+M twice command, then pressing VO+space on the dropbox menu 
 item. I've also pressed VO+enter, but it just clunks and won't open.
 How can I get to the dropbox preferences so I can set the dropbox folder 
 location back onto the main HD?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
 email to
 To post to this group, send email to
 Visit this group at
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> email to
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Re: 2 extremely frustrating problems - please help

2013-07-06 Thread Rahul Bajaj
For some reason, I'm facing the same problem since today morning.
Moreover, sometimes  when I press the letter t while typing, VoiceOver
tells me the time.

On 29/06/2013, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Glad that it worked for you.  I hate being without my computers so taking it
> to the shop is a last resort.
> Later...
> On 2013-06-28, at 10:41 AM, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> Actually, I decided to reset my  PRAM once again, and that seems to
>> have done the trick.
>> I haven't faced any problems ever since.
>> Thanks so much; you are a true saviour. :)
>> Best,
>> Rahul
>> On 26/06/2013, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> If it's an electronic thing, then you won't see any physical problems.
>>> A
>>> short in an IC or some other little glitch with the controller board for
>>> the
>>> keyboard is likely the problem.  Nothing much to do but take it to an
>>> authorized service provider in my opinion.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On 2013-06-25, at 12:26 AM, Rahul Bajaj 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Tim,

 I did exactly what you instructed me to do, but that also doesn't seem

 If there's an actual electronic  issue with the keyboard, then
 shouldn't the key appear  damaged/broken/stiff, etc.
 The funny thing is that the option  key is otherwise working perfectly

 On 20/06/2013, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe try a reset of your PRAM.
> 1.  Restart or Shutdown your Mac.
> 2.  As soon as the Startup chime sounds, hold down the Command, the
> Option,
> the "r" key and the "p" key.
> 3.  Keep the key combination down for two more Startup Chimes past the
> first
> one then release everything.
> See if that makes a difference.  The key combination is awkward but
> totally
> doable.  Normally, I put my left thumb across the left cmd and option
> keys,
> and my left index on the "r" and right pinky on the "p".  If that
> doesn't
> really do anything, then it may be an actual electronic issue with the
> keyboard.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-06-19, at 1:57 PM, Rahul Bajaj 
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Thanks a million for the quick responses.
>> I guess the problem is with the option key because this gets fixed as
>> soon as  I press the option key after those weird symbols start
>> appearing.
>> But nothing seems to be physically  wrong with the  option key. I
>> mean, it's not like it's stuck or anything. It's  working  perfectly
>> otherwise.
>> So, what should I do?
>> This problem is occurring more frequently now  than ever before.
>> Furthermore, the web inspector thingy also gets automatically enabled
>> from time to time. I have to hide the web inspector in order to
>> restore things back to normal.
>> On 16/06/2013, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Me too. Option-cmd-l opens downloads; option-m, if you enabled the
>>> keyboard
>>> commander, opens mail; option with most characters types an
>>> alternate
>>> character, like option-8 for a bullet. So, check the physical key on
>>> your
>>> keyboard and be sure it is working correctly. If it is not a
>>> Macbook,
>>> you
>>> might want to replace the keyboard.
>>> On Jun 15, 2013, at 5:03 PM, Maria & Joe Chapman
>>> wrote:
 HI.  yep i thought that too.
 Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
 Email/ I Message: &fb
 twitter: bubbygirl
 skype: bubbygirl1972

 On 16/06/2013, at 6:57 AM, Maxwell Ivey 

> Hello; i think your option key may be sticking.  because command
> option
> l
> is the key sequence for opening the downloads manager.  hope that
> helps,
> max
> On Jun 15, 2013, at 3:33 PM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm facing 2 weird and frustrating  challenges while using
>> Safari
>> on
>> my
>> Mac.
>> 1. Sometimes, when I press command-l, instead of being directed
>> to
>> the
>> address bar, I am directed to the downloads folder in Safari.
>> Similarly,
>> when I press M in Safari, it opens Apple Mail even when I am in
>> Safari.
>> This gets automatically fixed when I restart my Mac a couple of
>> times.
>> 2. Sometimes, when I use the keyboard to type something, instead
>> of
>> showing the letters that I  type, it shows weird symbols like
>> "Ó´".
>> Have I inadvertently enabled or disabled something?

Re: What is vo-enter for?

2013-07-06 Thread Alex Hall
Okay, thanks. I wondered if it was something like that, but I couldn't get it 
to work. My problem, though, was using arrows instead of vo-arrows.
On Jul 6, 2013, at 10:18 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hi,
> you can start highlighting text where it's not possible by simply using Shift 
> + arrows by pressing VO + Enter and end it the same way. Then you can press 
> CMD + c to copy to the clippboard. It worked fine until Lion. Since Lion and 
> also in Mountain Lion I experience it as very unreliable. If I highlight text 
> in a pdf file for example and copy it to the clippboard mostly it's a 
> different part of the text I actually highlighted.
> But that's what it's been supposed to be. So press VO + Enter to start 
> highlighting, move the cursor by pressing VO + arrows and press VO + Enter to 
> end highlighting.
> Jürgen
> Am 06.07.2013 um 16:00 schrieb Alex Hall :
>> Hi all,
>> If you start keyboard help and hit vo-enter, you hear "select item, selects 
>> the current item". What does this do? I have played with it some, but can't 
>> work out what it is for. thanks.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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RE: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

2013-07-06 Thread Jed Barton
how do you route the mouse to vo, never had to do this


[] On Behalf Of Jürgen Fleger
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2013 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

Both didn't work on my MacBook Air. But thanks a lot. 

Am 06.07.2013 um 15:33 schrieb "Phil Halton" :

Danny's suggestion of routing mouse to VO while on the dropbox menu and
pressing option click on trackpad worked for me - it brought up the familiar
dropbox menu with 9 items, One of which was preferences. I was able to
navigate that dialog and switch my dropbox folder back to my user account on
the main HD.
the other way, routing mouse to VO and pressing VO Shift space for a regular
mouse click brought up a less useful dialog. It has a link to, a
choice to open the dropbox folder, and a list of recently changed files.
Then at the bottom of the dialog there is the word "settings", but it
appears to be just static text that doesn't open anything like settings.
- Original Message - 

From: Ray Foret jr   
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

That's quite correct.  Even with 2.0.8 this is the case.  I've written to
them, even opening a ticket and they haven't even had the common curticy to
get back to me. 

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jul 5, 2013, at 7:54 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

It's a Dropbox issue. With VO on the menu opens and then closes again.
Instead of VO space do VO shift space and you can get to the settings. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 06/07/2013, at 9:48 AM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

I have the dropbox folder on an external drive and want to move it back onto
the MacHD. But, I can't seem to get the dropbox menu to open. I am using the
VO+M twice command, then pressing VO+space on the dropbox menu item. I've
also pressed VO+enter, but it just clunks and won't open.
How can I get to the dropbox preferences so I can set the dropbox folder
location back onto the main HD?

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Re: 2 extremely frustrating problems - please help

2013-07-06 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
If you typpe right control T with keyboard commander on, the default is to tell 
you the time. I would suggest trying to clean your keyboard by turning it 
upside down and shaking. also, do any of the keys feel like they are sticking?

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 6, 2013, at 12:22 PM, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:

> For some reason, I'm facing the same problem since today morning.
> Moreover, sometimes  when I press the letter t while typing, VoiceOver
> tells me the time.
> On 29/06/2013, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Glad that it worked for you.  I hate being without my computers so taking it
>> to the shop is a last resort.
>> Later...
>> On 2013-06-28, at 10:41 AM, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:
>>> Hi Tim,
>>> Actually, I decided to reset my  PRAM once again, and that seems to
>>> have done the trick.
>>> I haven't faced any problems ever since.
>>> Thanks so much; you are a true saviour. :)
>>> Best,
>>> Rahul
>>> On 26/06/2013, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
 If it's an electronic thing, then you won't see any physical problems.
 short in an IC or some other little glitch with the controller board for
 keyboard is likely the problem.  Nothing much to do but take it to an
 authorized service provider in my opinion.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On 2013-06-25, at 12:26 AM, Rahul Bajaj 
> Hi Tim,
> I did exactly what you instructed me to do, but that also doesn't seem
> to
> work.
> If there's an actual electronic  issue with the keyboard, then
> shouldn't the key appear  damaged/broken/stiff, etc.
> The funny thing is that the option  key is otherwise working perfectly
> normally.
> On 20/06/2013, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Maybe try a reset of your PRAM.
>> 1.  Restart or Shutdown your Mac.
>> 2.  As soon as the Startup chime sounds, hold down the Command, the
>> Option,
>> the "r" key and the "p" key.
>> 3.  Keep the key combination down for two more Startup Chimes past the
>> first
>> one then release everything.
>> See if that makes a difference.  The key combination is awkward but
>> totally
>> doable.  Normally, I put my left thumb across the left cmd and option
>> keys,
>> and my left index on the "r" and right pinky on the "p".  If that
>> doesn't
>> really do anything, then it may be an actual electronic issue with the
>> keyboard.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-06-19, at 1:57 PM, Rahul Bajaj 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Thanks a million for the quick responses.
>>> I guess the problem is with the option key because this gets fixed as
>>> soon as  I press the option key after those weird symbols start
>>> appearing.
>>> But nothing seems to be physically  wrong with the  option key. I
>>> mean, it's not like it's stuck or anything. It's  working  perfectly
>>> otherwise.
>>> So, what should I do?
>>> This problem is occurring more frequently now  than ever before.
>>> Furthermore, the web inspector thingy also gets automatically enabled
>>> from time to time. I have to hide the web inspector in order to
>>> restore things back to normal.
>>> On 16/06/2013, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Me too. Option-cmd-l opens downloads; option-m, if you enabled the
 commander, opens mail; option with most characters types an
 character, like option-8 for a bullet. So, check the physical key on
 keyboard and be sure it is working correctly. If it is not a
 might want to replace the keyboard.
 On Jun 15, 2013, at 5:03 PM, Maria & Joe Chapman
> HI.  yep i thought that too.
> Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
> Email/ I Message: &fb
> twitter: bubbygirl
> skype: bubbygirl1972
> On 16/06/2013, at 6:57 AM, Maxwell Ivey 
> wrote:
>> Hello; i think your option key may be sticking.  because command
>> option
>> l
>> is the key sequence for opening the downloads manager.  hope that
>> helps,
>> max
>> On Jun 15, 2013, at 3:33 PM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm facing 2 weird and frustrating  challenges while using
>>> Safari
>>> on
>>> my
>>> Mac.
>>> 1. Sometimes, when I press command-l, instead of being directed
>>> to
>>> the
>>> address bar, I am

Help Setting a Location Reminder

2013-07-06 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey all,

I have listened to a few podcasts on setting a location reminder, but can't 
seem to do it either through Siri or manually. With Siri, it keeps saying she 
doesn't understand when I say when I arrive at Family Dollar Store, and I have 
put the store into my contacts. Manually there just seems to be an address 
field with no way to enter a contact name. Has anyone done this?

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Re: Same Page Links In Emails

2013-07-06 Thread Vic
Hi Shawn, 
Unfortunately, this has been the problem for as long as I remember on both the 
Mac and the iPhone. I am not exactly sure if this is a VoiceOver problem or of 
the webkit engine, but most likely it's the former. 
Anyways, this has been annoying me for quite some time and its about time I let 
apple know about this as well. On Thursday, July 4, 2013 6:27:24 PM UTC-7, 
Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
> Hey Alex. Will do. Apple Accessibility will hear about this. Also, I did that 
> stuff you said to do with the mouse and still no result.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White Mac Book
> On Jul 4, 2013, at 4:43 PM, wrote:
>  Same Page Links In Emails

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Re: 2 extremely frustrating problems - please help

2013-07-06 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi Jonathan,

No, they don't. That's the funny thing. This is driving me nuts. Will
take it  to the Apple store tomorrow.
I have a funny feeling that this problem won't come up when they'll
be inspecting my machine.

On 06/07/2013, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
> If you typpe right control T with keyboard commander on, the default is to
> tell you the time. I would suggest trying to clean your keyboard by turning
> it upside down and shaking. also, do any of the keys feel like they are
> sticking?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 6, 2013, at 12:22 PM, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:
>> For some reason, I'm facing the same problem since today morning.
>> Moreover, sometimes  when I press the letter t while typing, VoiceOver
>> tells me the time.
>> On 29/06/2013, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Glad that it worked for you.  I hate being without my computers so taking
>>> it
>>> to the shop is a last resort.
>>> Later...
>>> On 2013-06-28, at 10:41 AM, Rahul Bajaj 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Tim,

 Actually, I decided to reset my  PRAM once again, and that seems to
 have done the trick.
 I haven't faced any problems ever since.
 Thanks so much; you are a true saviour. :)


 On 26/06/2013, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> If it's an electronic thing, then you won't see any physical problems.
> A
> short in an IC or some other little glitch with the controller board
> for
> the
> keyboard is likely the problem.  Nothing much to do but take it to an
> authorized service provider in my opinion.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-06-25, at 12:26 AM, Rahul Bajaj 
> wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> I did exactly what you instructed me to do, but that also doesn't
>> seem
>> to
>> work.
>> If there's an actual electronic  issue with the keyboard, then
>> shouldn't the key appear  damaged/broken/stiff, etc.
>> The funny thing is that the option  key is otherwise working
>> perfectly
>> normally.
>> On 20/06/2013, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Maybe try a reset of your PRAM.
>>> 1.  Restart or Shutdown your Mac.
>>> 2.  As soon as the Startup chime sounds, hold down the Command, the
>>> Option,
>>> the "r" key and the "p" key.
>>> 3.  Keep the key combination down for two more Startup Chimes past
>>> the
>>> first
>>> one then release everything.
>>> See if that makes a difference.  The key combination is awkward but
>>> totally
>>> doable.  Normally, I put my left thumb across the left cmd and
>>> option
>>> keys,
>>> and my left index on the "r" and right pinky on the "p".  If that
>>> doesn't
>>> really do anything, then it may be an actual electronic issue with
>>> the
>>> keyboard.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On 2013-06-19, at 1:57 PM, Rahul Bajaj 
>>> wrote:
 Hi all,

 Thanks a million for the quick responses.
 I guess the problem is with the option key because this gets fixed
 soon as  I press the option key after those weird symbols start
 But nothing seems to be physically  wrong with the  option key. I
 mean, it's not like it's stuck or anything. It's  working
 So, what should I do?
 This problem is occurring more frequently now  than ever before.
 Furthermore, the web inspector thingy also gets automatically
 from time to time. I have to hide the web inspector in order to
 restore things back to normal.

 On 16/06/2013, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Me too. Option-cmd-l opens downloads; option-m, if you enabled the
> keyboard
> commander, opens mail; option with most characters types an
> alternate
> character, like option-8 for a bullet. So, check the physical key
> on
> your
> keyboard and be sure it is working correctly. If it is not a
> Macbook,
> you
> might want to replace the keyboard.
> On Jun 15, 2013, at 5:03 PM, Maria & Joe Chapman
> wrote:
>> HI.  yep i thought that too.
>> Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
>> Email/ I Message: &fb
>> twitter: bubbygirl
>> skype: bubbygirl1972
>> On 16/06/2013, at 6:57 AM, Maxwell Ivey 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello; i think your option key may be sticking.  because command
>>> option
>>> l
>>> is the key seque

Re: Help Setting a Location Reminder

2013-07-06 Thread Alex Hall
I just use Siri. For arrivals, try the keyword "get", as in "remind me to so 
something when I get home", or "remind me to buy something when I get to Family 
Dollar Store". You can also replace "get" with "leave", as in "remind me to 
pick up my prescription when I leave here".
On Jul 6, 2013, at 12:47 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey all,
> I have listened to a few podcasts on setting a location reminder, but can't 
> seem to do it either through Siri or manually. With Siri, it keeps saying she 
> doesn't understand when I say when I arrive at Family Dollar Store, and I 
> have put the store into my contacts. Manually there just seems to be an 
> address field with no way to enter a contact name. Has anyone done this?
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Odd Problems with Focus 40 Blue in USB Mode; Firmware Update?

2013-07-06 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

I'm increasingly having some problems when I charge my Focus 40 and use it with 
my Mac in USB mode. It seems that now, I have to first load the Bluetooth 
display, then switch to USB, otherwise, keystrokes aren't recognized.

This is a lot like the behavior I saw before Firmware Update 4.57 came out. Is 
there now a firmware update from Freedom Scientific?


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Re: Help Setting a Location Reminder

2013-07-06 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Alex,

Not sure what the issue is with my phone, as I just tried both Remind me to buy 
soap when I get to the Family Dollar, and remind me to buy soap when I leave 
the Family Dollar, and then Siri says ok, when would you like to be reminded. 
It doesn't seem to understand the Family Dollar is a location and in my 
contacts, it seems to think get and leave are part of the reminder. Any ideas?
On Jul 6, 2013, at 1:17 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I just use Siri. For arrivals, try the keyword "get", as in "remind me to so 
> something when I get home", or "remind me to buy something when I get to 
> Family Dollar Store". You can also replace "get" with "leave", as in "remind 
> me to pick up my prescription when I leave here".
> On Jul 6, 2013, at 12:47 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I have listened to a few podcasts on setting a location reminder, but can't 
>> seem to do it either through Siri or manually. With Siri, it keeps saying 
>> she doesn't understand when I say when I arrive at Family Dollar Store, and 
>> I have put the store into my contacts. Manually there just seems to be an 
>> address field with no way to enter a contact name. Has anyone done this?
>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

2013-07-06 Thread Phil Halton
VO+Command+F5 routes the mouse pointer to the VO cursor, and conversely, 
VO+Shift+F5 routes the VO cursor to the mouse (if possible)

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jed Barton 
  Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2013 12:32 PM
  Subject: RE: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

  how do you route the mouse to vo, never had to do this

[] On Behalf Of Jürgen Fleger
  Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2013 10:13 AM
  Subject: Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

  Both didn't work on my MacBook Air. But thanks a lot. 

  Am 06.07.2013 um 15:33 schrieb "Phil Halton" :

Danny's suggestion of routing mouse to VO while on the dropbox menu and 
pressing option click on trackpad worked for me - it brought up the familiar 
dropbox menu with 9 items, One of which was preferences. I was able to navigate 
that dialog and switch my dropbox folder back to my user account on the main HD.

the other way, routing mouse to VO and pressing VO Shift space for a 
regular mouse click brought up a less useful dialog. It has a link to, a choice to open the dropbox folder, and a list of recently 
changed files. Then at the bottom of the dialog there is the word "settings", 
but it appears to be just static text that doesn't open anything like settings.

- Original Message - 
  From: Ray Foret jr 
  Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 11:06 PM
  Subject: Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

  That's quite correct.  Even with 2.0.8 this is the case.  I've written to 
them, even opening a ticket and they haven't even had the common curticy to get 
back to me. 

  Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
  The Constantly Barefooted Ray
  Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

  On Jul 5, 2013, at 7:54 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

It's a Dropbox issue. With VO on the menu opens and then closes again. 
Instead of VO space do VO shift space and you can get to the settings. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 06/07/2013, at 9:48 AM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:

  I have the dropbox folder on an external drive and want to move it 
back onto the MacHD. But, I can't seem to get the dropbox menu to open. I am 
using the VO+M twice command, then pressing VO+space on the dropbox menu item. 
I've also pressed VO+enter, but it just clunks and won't open.
  How can I get to the dropbox preferences so I can set the dropbox 
folder location back onto the main HD?

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Re: Any Good Replacement for Newsrack?

2013-07-06 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Feeddler on iOS is supporting 3 cloud-based RSS services and plans to add more. 
I really hope there's a Mac client that will support at least one of the 
services Feeddler does. For me, syncing across devices is important.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

On 6/07/2013, at 10:45 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Just checked out Luck News. At first glance it is very accessible. I will 
> need to play around with it a little, as it looks like there is an extra step 
> to open a link than there was in Newsrack. Also if you want to import more 
> than 8 feeds, it will cost you .99 not bad at all just wanted to mention this 
> to the board. I also haven't noticed if there is a direct way to post to 
> Facebook or Twitter, but that can be done easy enough by opening the article 
> in safari and doing so. Thanks for mentioning this again.
> On Jul 5, 2013, at 6:28 PM, Nektarios Mallas  wrote:
>> Ok no problem.
>> Actually, about news rack, You know that you can use it in standalone mode 
>> and not depend on syncing with Google reader. Don't you? 
>> That's another possibility as well.
>> Regards.
>> Nektarios.
>> On Jul 6, 2013, at 1:25 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Thanks for the suggestion Nek, and thanks for letting us know Alex. I will 
>>> probably check it out this weekend. Bummed about Newsrack, but Newsrack 
>>> wasn't a hundred percent accessible. Ideally, would love to find something 
>>> that syncs, but that could take awhile.
>>> On Jul 5, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 It's free, so I gave it a look. I have not added any subscriptions yet 
 (I'm really, really hoping that it and Lire will one day support the same 
 syncing service) but it seems fine. You have two tables, I assume one for 
 folders and one for articles in the selected folder, then an HTML content 
 area where the article is shown. There are hotkeys for a lot of things, 
 though there could be more, and nothing is unlabeled. There are even 
 keystrokes for next and previous article, so you could probably skip 
 through articles very quickly without leaving the HMTL content. Give it a 
 shot, at least - as I said, it's free, so you have nothing to lose. Thank 
 you, Nektarios, for the great suggestion. I've been looking for an 
 easy-to-use, free RSS reader for the mac for a while, and this one seems 
 to fit the bill beautifully. As I said, I am not just hoping it and Lire 
 will one day sync with the same service so I can keep all my feeds up to 
 date across devices.
 On Jul 5, 2013, at 6:06 PM, Nektarios Mallas  wrote:
> Hello.
> Try luck news. I haven't tried it personally, but from the description I 
> have read must be accessible. 
> A blind mac user from the Greek mac community told me about this.
> Here is the description.
> LuckNews is a fully featured, easy to use, fast, news reader for your 
> Mac. Try out LuckNews - you'll appreciate its elegance. Some of its 
> features are: folders, search, notification center, easy navigation, full 
> screen. There is much, much more. LuckNews does not use Google Reader. 
> (Google has announced that they are going to retire the Google Reader 
> service in July 2013.) Selected features: • Article navigation is very 
> easy - use the swipe gesture to advance to the next article. Navigating 
> through articles in LuckNews is a pleasure • Enhanced for Retina display 
> • Organize your subscriptions into folders • Article Search. Quickly 
> search for articles that contain keywords • Retrieve RSS subscriptions 
> that were in Mail before Mountain Lion (prior to 10.8) • Supports 
> Notification Center • Read articles offline • Import/Export of OPML files 
> (OPML is a subscription interchange format) • Able to display RSS content 
> in any language • Online help is available at the support site LuckNews 
> has many additional features and nice touches which need to be used to be 
> appreciated. LuckNews has been designed to provide a quality news reading 
> experience 
> On Jul 5, 2013, at 8:00 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey all, As an avid RSS user, I just found out that Newsrack is going 
>> bye bye. I mostly follow my RSS feeds on my iPhone now with Lire, but 
>> would like to have the option to go through them on the mac as well. I 
>> don't believe any app on the mac will sync up with Lire, so I guess just 
>> find a cheap accessible mac rss client would be the way to go. Any 
>> suggestions? 
>> I also have Newsify on the iPhone, but haven't really used it lately as 
>> I am enjoying using Lire.
>> Thanks
>> -- 
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Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22

2013-07-06 Thread Matt Dierckens
On 2013-07-06, at 12:32 PM, "Jed Barton"  wrote:

> how do you route the mouse to vo, never had to do this
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Jürgen Fleger
> Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2013 10:13 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22
> Both didn't work on my MacBook Air. But thanks a lot.
> Am 06.07.2013 um 15:33 schrieb "Phil Halton" :
>> Danny's suggestion of routing mouse to VO while on the dropbox menu and 
>> pressing option click on trackpad worked for me - it brought up the familiar 
>> dropbox menu with 9 items, One of which was preferences. I was able to 
>> navigate that dialog and switch my dropbox folder back to my user account on 
>> the main HD.
>> the other way, routing mouse to VO and pressing VO Shift space for a regular 
>> mouse click brought up a less useful dialog. It has a link to, a 
>> choice to open the dropbox folder, and a list of recently changed files. 
>> Then at the bottom of the dialog there is the word "settings", but it 
>> appears to be just static text that doesn't open anything like settings.
>> .
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Ray Foret jr
>> To:
>> Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 11:06 PM
>> Subject: Re: accessing DropBox settings V 2.0.22
>> That's quite correct.  Even with 2.0.8 this is the case.  I've written to 
>> them, even opening a ticket and they haven't even had the common curticy to 
>> get back to me.
>> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Jul 5, 2013, at 7:54 PM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>>> It's a Dropbox issue. With VO on the menu opens and then closes again. 
>>> Instead of VO space do VO shift space and you can get to the settings. 
>>> Danny. 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 06/07/2013, at 9:48 AM, "Phil Halton"  wrote:
 I have the dropbox folder on an external drive and want to move it back 
 onto the MacHD. But, I can't seem to get the dropbox menu to open. I am 
 using the VO+M twice command, then pressing VO+space on the dropbox menu 
 item. I've also pressed VO+enter, but it just clunks and won't open.
 How can I get to the dropbox preferences so I can set the dropbox folder 
 location back onto the main HD?
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Re: Your First Mac App (Voiceover and XCode)

2013-07-06 Thread Barry Hadder
First, just to be clear I never have mouse follows vo turned on in the utility.
Put vo on the unknown and then rout the mouse.  Make sure the mouse is where 
you want it with vo-f5.  If it isn't, some times the splitters can inter fear 
so you might need to try moving them around.  Same thing in the header file.
I lock the mouse with shift-vo-command-space then move vo to the header file.  
I've noticed that starting in Lion, the mouse follows vo when the mouse is 
locked and cursor tracking is on.  I have cursor tracking when I drag to a 
header file.  There are other situations when you will need to turn it off.

Last but not least, XCode can be buggy.  You just have to learn to deal with it 
if you use it.

On Jul 6, 2013, at 2:27 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:

Hi Barry,

Just as clarification, when you drag, what state is mouse pointer  on? Do you 
go to the unknown, vo command shift space with mouse following voice over 
cursor, then go to the header file, or do you first toggle cursor tracking off 
before moving from unknown to the header file?

Best regards, and thanks a lot for helping out 

"Light has no value without darkness"

On 6/07/2013, at 8:04 AM, Barry Hadder  wrote:

> There has been some discussion recently in regards to whether or not one can 
> use Voiceover with Interface builder.  I'm not sure that this list is the 
> most appropriate place for discussing this, but I feel that there have been 
> some inaccurate assertions made and I wanted to attempt to clear up a few 
> points for the sate of those who are programmers on this list and are 
> interested in learning about developing apps with XCode.
> As the subject implies, I am using the tutorial found at 
> I realize the IOS is the hottest thing, but I think that this example is a 
> little cleaner for the purpose of explaining this.  It works the same for the 
> most part for an IOS app and I will point out the most important differences 
> at the end.  I'm also only going to go over laying out the window and 
> referencing the objects in the xib in your code.  The tutorial explains how 
> to create a project etc.
> Make sure that the xib is opened in the source area and that the utilities 
> are visible with command-option-0.
> First, add the controls to the windows content view:
> 1.  With the mainmenu.xib file opened in the source group, make sure the 
> document outline is visible.  You should see a table with all of the objects 
> in the xib.
> 2.  Find the window object in the table and expand it to expose the content 
> view.
> 3.  Move vo to the library group, interact, and select the object library 
> radio button.
> 4.  Find text field, with vo, rout the mouse to vo, and lock the mouse.
> 5.  Move vo to the windows content view in the outline, then release the 
> mouse.  Now the content view should contain the textfield. (Note that this 
> can be glitchy sometimes and you might have to try it again but not very 
> often.)
> 6.  Repeat for the slider and button.
> Designing the layout:
> I'm going to arrange the controls in a column centered in the window and left 
> justified with the button close to the bottom of the window.  
> 1.  Select the content view and go to the size inspector.  Git the width and 
> height.  I have 480 by 360
> 2.  In the xib, select the text field and.  In the size inspector, make sure 
> layout rectangle is selected and select the origin to be the top left corner.
> 3.  In the origin section, type 20 in the x field and 340 for the y value.  
> Then stretch it across the window until the right side is 20 points from the 
> right edge by selecting the origin in the top left corner and typing a value 
> of 440 in the width field.  Note that you could also resize the window to fit 
> the text field, but this is more simple.
> 4.  Change the origin to the bottom left corner and get the y value.  I have 
> 318.
> 5.  Select the slider and in the size inspector, set the origin to top left, 
> set the x origin to 20 and the y to 308.  That positions the slider 20 points 
> from the left edge of the window and 10 points below the textfield.
> 6.  With the button selected, set the origin to bottom left, set x origin to 
> 20 and the y origin to 20.
> You can build an run at this point, but you can also check your work with out 
> even running the app by choosing "simulate document in the editor menu.  
> Cocoa simulator will open and you should be able to move vo up and down 
> through the lined up controls.
> Create actions and outlets:
> 1.  Select the AppDelegate object in the outline and open the assistant 
> editor.  In the source pain, you should now see the appdelegate.h file opened 
> next to the xib.
> 2.  Select the button in the xib file and in the connections inspector, fi

Re: Help Setting a Location Reminder

2013-07-06 Thread Alex Hall
It might not matter, but if your contact is "Family Dollar", don't say "the". 
So, try "remind me to buy soap when I get to Family Dollar". This seems odd at 
first, but it makes sense in many cases - you would not say "when I get to the 
Wal-Mart", for instance.

As I said, I have no idea if it will work better, but give it a shot. Also be 
sure to look at the text Siri transcribes so you are sure every word is being 
interpreted correctly.
On Jul 6, 2013, at 1:52 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey Alex,
> Not sure what the issue is with my phone, as I just tried both Remind me to 
> buy soap when I get to the Family Dollar, and remind me to buy soap when I 
> leave the Family Dollar, and then Siri says ok, when would you like to be 
> reminded. It doesn't seem to understand the Family Dollar is a location and 
> in my contacts, it seems to think get and leave are part of the reminder. Any 
> ideas?
> On Jul 6, 2013, at 1:17 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I just use Siri. For arrivals, try the keyword "get", as in "remind me to so 
>> something when I get home", or "remind me to buy something when I get to 
>> Family Dollar Store". You can also replace "get" with "leave", as in "remind 
>> me to pick up my prescription when I leave here".
>> On Jul 6, 2013, at 12:47 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> I have listened to a few podcasts on setting a location reminder, but can't 
>>> seem to do it either through Siri or manually. With Siri, it keeps saying 
>>> she doesn't understand when I say when I arrive at Family Dollar Store, and 
>>> I have put the store into my contacts. Manually there just seems to be an 
>>> address field with no way to enter a contact name. Has anyone done this?
>>> -- 
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Help Setting a Location Reminder

2013-07-06 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Alex, Yeah I already had tried it with and without the the in my dictation. 
I even deleted the contact for Family Dollar and found all the info again and 
manually entered it as a contact, this time adding the zip code, still it 
doesn't work. Just tried arrive at Family Dollar, Arrive Family Dollar, and 
Siri still says it doesn't understand. Even tried doing this with another store 
down the street, and it didn't work either. Amazingly, I tried setting a 
location reminder for my Mom's which is in another state, and of course that 
worked fine. I have also tried just listing Family Dollar as a store in 
contacts, and then with a First name of Family and last name Dollar so it would 
look like a person and neither works, very frustrating
On Jul 6, 2013, at 2:35 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> It might not matter, but if your contact is "Family Dollar", don't say "the". 
> So, try "remind me to buy soap when I get to Family Dollar". This seems odd 
> at first, but it makes sense in many cases - you would not say "when I get to 
> the Wal-Mart", for instance.
> As I said, I have no idea if it will work better, but give it a shot. Also be 
> sure to look at the text Siri transcribes so you are sure every word is being 
> interpreted correctly.
> On Jul 6, 2013, at 1:52 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey Alex,
>> Not sure what the issue is with my phone, as I just tried both Remind me to 
>> buy soap when I get to the Family Dollar, and remind me to buy soap when I 
>> leave the Family Dollar, and then Siri says ok, when would you like to be 
>> reminded. It doesn't seem to understand the Family Dollar is a location and 
>> in my contacts, it seems to think get and leave are part of the reminder. 
>> Any ideas?
>> On Jul 6, 2013, at 1:17 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> I just use Siri. For arrivals, try the keyword "get", as in "remind me to 
>>> so something when I get home", or "remind me to buy something when I get to 
>>> Family Dollar Store". You can also replace "get" with "leave", as in 
>>> "remind me to pick up my prescription when I leave here".
>>> On Jul 6, 2013, at 12:47 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 Hey all,
 I have listened to a few podcasts on setting a location reminder, but 
 can't seem to do it either through Siri or manually. With Siri, it keeps 
 saying she doesn't understand when I say when I arrive at Family Dollar 
 Store, and I have put the store into my contacts. Manually there just 
 seems to be an address field with no way to enter a contact name. Has 
 anyone done this?
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>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Any Good Replacement for Newsrack?

2013-07-06 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Jonathan, I haven't tried it yet, but have heard good things about Read 
Kit. With the demise of Newsrack, I have decided in order for me to buy 
anything, that synching is also important to me. I bought Lire on IOS a month 
ago, and do really like it, but it doesn't seem to sync with anything on the 
desktop, so please do let us know if you discover a good synching across 
platforms. People seem to also like Feed Wrangler, and I have heard that all of 
these are pretty accessible.
On Jul 6, 2013, at 2:23 PM, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:

> Feeddler on iOS is supporting 3 cloud-based RSS services and plans to add 
> more. I really hope there's a Mac client that will support at least one of 
> the services Feeddler does. For me, syncing across devices is important.
> Jonathan Mosen
> Mosen Consulting
> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
> On 6/07/2013, at 10:45 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Just checked out Luck News. At first glance it is very accessible. I will 
>> need to play around with it a little, as it looks like there is an extra 
>> step to open a link than there was in Newsrack. Also if you want to import 
>> more than 8 feeds, it will cost you .99 not bad at all just wanted to 
>> mention this to the board. I also haven't noticed if there is a direct way 
>> to post to Facebook or Twitter, but that can be done easy enough by opening 
>> the article in safari and doing so. Thanks for mentioning this again.
>> On Jul 5, 2013, at 6:28 PM, Nektarios Mallas  wrote:
>>> Ok no problem.
>>> Actually, about news rack, You know that you can use it in standalone mode 
>>> and not depend on syncing with Google reader. Don't you? 
>>> That's another possibility as well.
>>> Regards.
>>> Nektarios.
>>> On Jul 6, 2013, at 1:25 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 Thanks for the suggestion Nek, and thanks for letting us know Alex. I will 
 probably check it out this weekend. Bummed about Newsrack, but Newsrack 
 wasn't a hundred percent accessible. Ideally, would love to find something 
 that syncs, but that could take awhile.
 On Jul 5, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> It's free, so I gave it a look. I have not added any subscriptions yet 
> (I'm really, really hoping that it and Lire will one day support the same 
> syncing service) but it seems fine. You have two tables, I assume one for 
> folders and one for articles in the selected folder, then an HTML content 
> area where the article is shown. There are hotkeys for a lot of things, 
> though there could be more, and nothing is unlabeled. There are even 
> keystrokes for next and previous article, so you could probably skip 
> through articles very quickly without leaving the HMTL content. Give it a 
> shot, at least - as I said, it's free, so you have nothing to lose. Thank 
> you, Nektarios, for the great suggestion. I've been looking for an 
> easy-to-use, free RSS reader for the mac for a while, and this one seems 
> to fit the bill beautifully. As I said, I am not just hoping it and Lire 
> will one day sync with the same service so I can keep all my feeds up to 
> date across devices.
> On Jul 5, 2013, at 6:06 PM, Nektarios Mallas  wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Try luck news. I haven't tried it personally, but from the description I 
>> have read must be accessible. 
>> A blind mac user from the Greek mac community told me about this.
>> Here is the description.
>> LuckNews is a fully featured, easy to use, fast, news reader for your 
>> Mac. Try out LuckNews - you'll appreciate its elegance. Some of its 
>> features are: folders, search, notification center, easy navigation, 
>> full screen. There is much, much more. LuckNews does not use Google 
>> Reader. (Google has announced that they are going to retire the Google 
>> Reader service in July 2013.) Selected features: • Article navigation is 
>> very easy - use the swipe gesture to advance to the next article. 
>> Navigating through articles in LuckNews is a pleasure • Enhanced for 
>> Retina display • Organize your subscriptions into folders • Article 
>> Search. Quickly search for articles that contain keywords • Retrieve RSS 
>> subscriptions that were in Mail before Mountain Lion (prior to 10.8) • 
>> Supports Notification Center • Read articles offline • Import/Export of 
>> OPML files (OPML is a subscription interchange format) • Able to display 
>> RSS content in any language • Online help is available at the support 
>> site LuckNews has many additional features and nice touches which need 
>> to be used to be appreciated. LuckNews has been designed to provide a 
>> quality news reading experience 
>> On Jul 5, 2013, at 8:00 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Hey all, As an avid RSS user, I just found out that Newsrack is

Re: Help Setting a Location Reminder

2013-07-06 Thread Alex Hall
I'm out of ideas, sorry. Maybe Google can help more - you can't be the only one 
to ever experience this problem.
On Jul 6, 2013, at 2:48 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey Alex, Yeah I already had tried it with and without the the in my 
> dictation. I even deleted the contact for Family Dollar and found all the 
> info again and manually entered it as a contact, this time adding the zip 
> code, still it doesn't work. Just tried arrive at Family Dollar, Arrive 
> Family Dollar, and Siri still says it doesn't understand. Even tried doing 
> this with another store down the street, and it didn't work either. 
> Amazingly, I tried setting a location reminder for my Mom's which is in 
> another state, and of course that worked fine. I have also tried just listing 
> Family Dollar as a store in contacts, and then with a First name of Family 
> and last name Dollar so it would look like a person and neither works, very 
> frustrating
> On Jul 6, 2013, at 2:35 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> It might not matter, but if your contact is "Family Dollar", don't say 
>> "the". So, try "remind me to buy soap when I get to Family Dollar". This 
>> seems odd at first, but it makes sense in many cases - you would not say 
>> "when I get to the Wal-Mart", for instance.
>> As I said, I have no idea if it will work better, but give it a shot. Also 
>> be sure to look at the text Siri transcribes so you are sure every word is 
>> being interpreted correctly.
>> On Jul 6, 2013, at 1:52 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Hey Alex,
>>> Not sure what the issue is with my phone, as I just tried both Remind me to 
>>> buy soap when I get to the Family Dollar, and remind me to buy soap when I 
>>> leave the Family Dollar, and then Siri says ok, when would you like to be 
>>> reminded. It doesn't seem to understand the Family Dollar is a location and 
>>> in my contacts, it seems to think get and leave are part of the reminder. 
>>> Any ideas?
>>> On Jul 6, 2013, at 1:17 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 I just use Siri. For arrivals, try the keyword "get", as in "remind me to 
 so something when I get home", or "remind me to buy something when I get 
 to Family Dollar Store". You can also replace "get" with "leave", as in 
 "remind me to pick up my prescription when I leave here".
 On Jul 6, 2013, at 12:47 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Hey all,
> I have listened to a few podcasts on setting a location reminder, but 
> can't seem to do it either through Siri or manually. With Siri, it keeps 
> saying she doesn't understand when I say when I arrive at Family Dollar 
> Store, and I have put the store into my contacts. Manually there just 
> seems to be an address field with no way to enter a contact name. Has 
> anyone done this?
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: iPhone orientation

2013-07-06 Thread Beefcakes
Hi Gigi, thanks for the heads up on this! I'll give it a go, thanks again



On Jul 5, 2013, at 2:48 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> You have to go into the app switcher. Suppress your home key twice, and when 
> you hear the app switcher, you have to go, I believe, to the second page. I 
> got there by taking three fingers and swiping from left to right on the 
> screen then you get the choice to lock your screen. I keep mine blocked, 
> because I can't stand  To have the screen jumping around all the time.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 5, 2013, at 12:04 PM, Beefcakes  wrote:
>> Hi everyone, can someone please tell me how to lock my phone orientation so 
>> that it only stays in the portrait? Thanks so much,
>> Blessings,
>> John
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need a skype help on using mac

2013-07-06 Thread ramy moustafa
Hi all:
i got a mac mini computer with track pad, and i opened it today i started voice 
over, but don't know what to do, how to open another window, how to navigate, i 
need someone to sett with me on skype 
just to guide me  to know how to use the machine.

please, i need help urgently.
Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone

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Re: need a skype help on using mac

2013-07-06 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Ramy,

There is a tutorial built into the Mac. Press Control-Option-Command-F8 and it 
will start walking you through the basics of how to use your Mac with VoiceOver.

Good luck!


On 6 Jul 2013, at 22:12, ramy moustafa  wrote:

> Hi all:
> i got a mac mini computer with track pad, and i opened it today i started 
> voice over, but don't know what to do, how to open another window, how to 
> navigate, i need someone to sett with me on skype 
> just to guide me  to know how to use the machine.
> please, i need help urgently.
> Ramy moustafa saber
> licturer at:
> faculty of musical education
> music arranger and sound engineer
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: a piculiar problem getting Vue Scan to sequence file names

2013-07-06 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Ray,

The filename should not have .tiff at the end of it. Try removing that and see 
what happens.



On 6 Jul 2013, at 05:14, Ray Foret jr  wrote:

> Okay,
> Following the instructions for setting up Vue Scan, I have the file naming 
> set up so that the first scan is saved with the file name of 
> "Image+.tif"  and I believe that should cause VUE  Scan to make the second 
> file "Image1.tif and the third Image2.tif.  However, with each subsequent 
> scan, VUE Scan asks me if I want to override Image.tif and tells me about 
> sequencial renaming with a file name like Crop001+.tif.
> I'm using the latest version of the app.  Am I doing something wrong maybe?
> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
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Re: need a skype help on using mac

2013-07-06 Thread ramy moustafa
ok thanks so much. i got today to something called vo training, i walked 
through it but suddenlly i can not find it.
any ideas?

Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 6, 2013, at 10:35 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Ramy,
> There is a tutorial built into the Mac. Press Control-Option-Command-F8 and 
> it will start walking you through the basics of how to use your Mac with 
> VoiceOver.
> Good luck!
> Anne
> On 6 Jul 2013, at 22:12, ramy moustafa  wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> i got a mac mini computer with track pad, and i opened it today i started 
>> voice over, but don't know what to do, how to open another window, how to 
>> navigate, i need someone to sett with me on skype 
>> just to guide me  to know how to use the machine.
>> please, i need help urgently.
>> Ramy moustafa saber
>> licturer at:
>> faculty of musical education
>> music arranger and sound engineer
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: need a skype help on using mac

2013-07-06 Thread Phil Halton
Ramey, there is an extensive help system that you can access by pressing 
Control+Option+H. The first item in that list is the online version of the 
VoiceOver manual. Try Ann's suggestion of using the VoiceOver tutorial 
first - it's at the end of that list.

- Original Message - 
From: "ramy moustafa" 

To: "mac mailing list" 
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2013 4:12 PM
Subject: need a skype help on using mac

Hi all:
i got a mac mini computer with track pad, and i opened it today i started 
voice over, but don't know what to do, how to open another window, how to 
navigate, i need someone to sett with me on skype

just to guide me  to know how to use the machine.

please, i need help urgently.
Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone

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RE: need a skype help on using mac

2013-07-06 Thread harryhogue1

That is the control option command f-8 that will start the VO training.
Anytime you accidentally close it out, etc. you can press that command to
have it start again.

Hope this helps!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of ramy moustafa
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2013 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: need a skype help on using mac

ok thanks so much. i got today to something called vo training, i walked
through it but suddenlly i can not find it.
any ideas?

Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 6, 2013, at 10:35 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Ramy,
> There is a tutorial built into the Mac. Press Control-Option-Command-F8
and it will start walking you through the basics of how to use your Mac with
> Good luck!
> Anne
> On 6 Jul 2013, at 22:12, ramy moustafa  wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> i got a mac mini computer with track pad, and i opened it today i 
>> started voice over, but don't know what to do, how to open another
window, how to navigate, i need someone to sett with me on skype just to
guide me  to know how to use the machine.
>> please, i need help urgently.
>> Ramy moustafa saber
>> licturer at:
>> faculty of musical education
>> music arranger and sound engineer
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Any Good Replacement for Newsrack?

2013-07-06 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Thanks I have heard good things about Feed wrangler too. 

I also like Lire and the developer has really put a lot of work into VO support 
on iOS. But I find it slow to load my very large number of feeds, and the 
syncing is a biggy.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

On 7/07/2013, at 6:51 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey Jonathan, I haven't tried it yet, but have heard good things about Read 
> Kit. With the demise of Newsrack, I have decided in order for me to buy 
> anything, that synching is also important to me. I bought Lire on IOS a month 
> ago, and do really like it, but it doesn't seem to sync with anything on the 
> desktop, so please do let us know if you discover a good synching across 
> platforms. People seem to also like Feed Wrangler, and I have heard that all 
> of these are pretty accessible.
> On Jul 6, 2013, at 2:23 PM, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:
>> Feeddler on iOS is supporting 3 cloud-based RSS services and plans to add 
>> more. I really hope there's a Mac client that will support at least one of 
>> the services Feeddler does. For me, syncing across devices is important.
>> Jonathan Mosen
>> Mosen Consulting
>> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
>> On 6/07/2013, at 10:45 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Just checked out Luck News. At first glance it is very accessible. I will 
>>> need to play around with it a little, as it looks like there is an extra 
>>> step to open a link than there was in Newsrack. Also if you want to import 
>>> more than 8 feeds, it will cost you .99 not bad at all just wanted to 
>>> mention this to the board. I also haven't noticed if there is a direct way 
>>> to post to Facebook or Twitter, but that can be done easy enough by opening 
>>> the article in safari and doing so. Thanks for mentioning this again.
>>> On Jul 5, 2013, at 6:28 PM, Nektarios Mallas  wrote:
 Ok no problem.
 Actually, about news rack, You know that you can use it in standalone mode 
 and not depend on syncing with Google reader. Don't you? 
 That's another possibility as well.
 On Jul 6, 2013, at 1:25 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion Nek, and thanks for letting us know Alex. I 
> will probably check it out this weekend. Bummed about Newsrack, but 
> Newsrack wasn't a hundred percent accessible. Ideally, would love to find 
> something that syncs, but that could take awhile.
> On Jul 5, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> It's free, so I gave it a look. I have not added any subscriptions yet 
>> (I'm really, really hoping that it and Lire will one day support the 
>> same syncing service) but it seems fine. You have two tables, I assume 
>> one for folders and one for articles in the selected folder, then an 
>> HTML content area where the article is shown. There are hotkeys for a 
>> lot of things, though there could be more, and nothing is unlabeled. 
>> There are even keystrokes for next and previous article, so you could 
>> probably skip through articles very quickly without leaving the HMTL 
>> content. Give it a shot, at least - as I said, it's free, so you have 
>> nothing to lose. Thank you, Nektarios, for the great suggestion. I've 
>> been looking for an easy-to-use, free RSS reader for the mac for a 
>> while, and this one seems to fit the bill beautifully. As I said, I am 
>> not just hoping it and Lire will one day sync with the same service so I 
>> can keep all my feeds up to date across devices.
>> On Jul 5, 2013, at 6:06 PM, Nektarios Mallas  wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> Try luck news. I haven't tried it personally, but from the description 
>>> I have read must be accessible. 
>>> A blind mac user from the Greek mac community told me about this.
>>> Here is the description.
>>> LuckNews is a fully featured, easy to use, fast, news reader for your 
>>> Mac. Try out LuckNews - you'll appreciate its elegance. Some of its 
>>> features are: folders, search, notification center, easy navigation, 
>>> full screen. There is much, much more. LuckNews does not use Google 
>>> Reader. (Google has announced that they are going to retire the Google 
>>> Reader service in July 2013.) Selected features: • Article navigation 
>>> is very easy - use the swipe gesture to advance to the next article. 
>>> Navigating through articles in LuckNews is a pleasure • Enhanced for 
>>> Retina display • Organize your subscriptions into folders • Article 
>>> Search. Quickly search for articles that contain keywords • Retrieve 
>>> RSS subscriptions that were in Mail before Mountain Lion (prior to 
>>> 10.8) • Supports Notification Center • Read articles offline • 
>>> Import/Export of OPML files (OPML is a subs

cycling bitween lion and mountain lion.

2013-07-06 Thread ramy moustafa
Hi all:
i got my mac mini with mountain lion, but i asked the apple to install lion 
system for mez, they do it for me on a seprate hd. but how can i choose the 
system to use it to start?
thanks so much

Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone

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RE: cycling bitween lion and mountain lion.

2013-07-06 Thread harryhogue1

Why would you need Lion if you have Mountain Lion?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of ramy moustafa
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2013 4:01 PM
Subject: cycling bitween lion and mountain lion.

Hi all:
i got my mac mini with mountain lion, but i asked the apple to install lion
system for mez, they do it for me on a seprate hd. but how can i choose the
system to use it to start?
thanks so much

Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone

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Re: cycling bitween lion and mountain lion.

2013-07-06 Thread ramy moustafa
because i need to use the protools for audio work. and it's working better on 
thanks so much

Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 6, 2013, at 11:02 PM,  wrote:

> Hello,
> Why would you need Lion if you have Mountain Lion?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of ramy moustafa
> Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2013 4:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: cycling bitween lion and mountain lion.
> Hi all:
> i got my mac mini with mountain lion, but i asked the apple to install lion
> system for mez, they do it for me on a seprate hd. but how can i choose the
> system to use it to start?
> thanks so much
> Ramy moustafa saber
> licturer at:
> faculty of musical education
> music arranger and sound engineer
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: a piculiar problem getting Vue Scan to sequence file names

2013-07-06 Thread Ray Foret jr
The thing is that my file name does not have .tif at the end of it.  I was just 
using that to show what extention I was using.  The file name actually looks 
like this without the quotes:

"Image+"  OF course, the quotes are not there so it really really looks like 


Any further thoughts?

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jul 6, 2013, at 3:40 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Ray,
> The filename should not have .tiff at the end of it. Try removing that and 
> see what happens.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 6 Jul 2013, at 05:14, Ray Foret jr  wrote:
>> Okay,
>> Following the instructions for setting up Vue Scan, I have the file naming 
>> set up so that the first scan is saved with the file name of 
>> "Image+.tif"  and I believe that should cause VUE  Scan to make the second 
>> file "Image1.tif and the third Image2.tif.  However, with each subsequent 
>> scan, VUE Scan asks me if I want to override Image.tif and tells me about 
>> sequencial renaming with a file name like Crop001+.tif.
>> I'm using the latest version of the app.  Am I doing something wrong maybe?
>> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> -- 
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Re: iPhone orientation

2013-07-06 Thread Scott Berry
I don't think there is a way. To get it to go back to portrait just take 
the top and stand it up and shake towards the botom and it should go 
back in to


On 7/5/2013 11:04 AM, Beefcakes wrote:

Hi everyone, can someone please tell me how to lock my phone orientation so 
that it only stays in the portrait? Thanks so much,



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Re: iPhone orientation

2013-07-06 Thread Danny Noonan
Go to the app chooser by double tapping the home button. Now 3 finger swipe 
left and you will find an option to lock in portrait mode. When iOS 7 comes out 
it will be a little easier. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 07/07/2013, at 10:41 AM, Scott Berry  wrote:

> I don't think there is a way. To get it to go back to portrait just take the 
> top and stand it up and shake towards the botom and it should go back in to
> Portrait.
> On 7/5/2013 11:04 AM, Beefcakes wrote:
>> Hi everyone, can someone please tell me how to lock my phone orientation so 
>> that it only stays in the portrait? Thanks so much,
>> Blessings,
>> John
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Weird Issue with Moving Files

2013-07-06 Thread shaf
Got a strange issue over here. Command+x won't put anything in the
clipboard, it just moves the file to the trash. There's no keyboard
mapping in System Preferences to suggest that it's a keyboard mapping
issue. Any suggestions?


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Re: Same Page Links In Emails

2013-07-06 Thread BBS
Hi Vick. I haven't been running into the problems you say you're having on your 
iPhone. Last time I read an email on it and clicked a same page link, which was 
last year on iOS5, Voiceover jumped to the thread I wanted to read. The only 
annoying issue I'm having is when I do the 2-finger swipe down to read all, it 
registers the gesture as the three finger swipe left to go back which is not 
what I want to do. I only have two fingers on the iPhone, not three.

Sent From My White Mac Book

On Jul 6, 2013, at 2:03 PM, wrote:

> Same Page Links In Emails

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Re: What is vo-enter for?

2013-07-06 Thread Mike Arrigo
Actually this command starts selecting something such as text. You then move 
the cursor to the end of what you want to select and press the command again, 
it should select all items between the start and end point.
On Jul 6, 2013, at 9:00 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> If you start keyboard help and hit vo-enter, you hear "select item, selects 
> the current item". What does this do? I have played with it some, but can't 
> work out what it is for. thanks.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Any Good Replacement for Newsrack?

2013-07-06 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey Jonathan, Glad you mentioned the slowness of LIRE loading, I thought it was 
just me being to impatient with it. I have been impressed with the developer's 
improvements with VO, but I to don't like that it doesn't sync with a desktop 
client and the slowness of opening folders and feeds is going to get old pretty 
soon. Please do let us know if you come across anything else with speed and 
that syncs. Thanks
On Jul 6, 2013, at 4:57 PM, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:

> Thanks I have heard good things about Feed wrangler too. 
> I also like Lire and the developer has really put a lot of work into VO 
> support on iOS. But I find it slow to load my very large number of feeds, and 
> the syncing is a biggy.
> Jonathan Mosen
> Mosen Consulting
> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
> On 7/07/2013, at 6:51 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey Jonathan, I haven't tried it yet, but have heard good things about Read 
>> Kit. With the demise of Newsrack, I have decided in order for me to buy 
>> anything, that synching is also important to me. I bought Lire on IOS a 
>> month ago, and do really like it, but it doesn't seem to sync with anything 
>> on the desktop, so please do let us know if you discover a good synching 
>> across platforms. People seem to also like Feed Wrangler, and I have heard 
>> that all of these are pretty accessible.
>> On Jul 6, 2013, at 2:23 PM, Jonathan Mosen  wrote:
>>> Feeddler on iOS is supporting 3 cloud-based RSS services and plans to add 
>>> more. I really hope there's a Mac client that will support at least one of 
>>> the services Feeddler does. For me, syncing across devices is important.
>>> Jonathan Mosen
>>> Mosen Consulting
>>> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
>>> On 6/07/2013, at 10:45 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 Just checked out Luck News. At first glance it is very accessible. I will 
 need to play around with it a little, as it looks like there is an extra 
 step to open a link than there was in Newsrack. Also if you want to import 
 more than 8 feeds, it will cost you .99 not bad at all just wanted to 
 mention this to the board. I also haven't noticed if there is a direct way 
 to post to Facebook or Twitter, but that can be done easy enough by 
 opening the article in safari and doing so. Thanks for mentioning this 
 On Jul 5, 2013, at 6:28 PM, Nektarios Mallas  wrote:
> Ok no problem.
> Actually, about news rack, You know that you can use it in standalone 
> mode and not depend on syncing with Google reader. Don't you? 
> That's another possibility as well.
> Regards.
> Nektarios.
> On Jul 6, 2013, at 1:25 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Thanks for the suggestion Nek, and thanks for letting us know Alex. I 
>> will probably check it out this weekend. Bummed about Newsrack, but 
>> Newsrack wasn't a hundred percent accessible. Ideally, would love to 
>> find something that syncs, but that could take awhile.
>> On Jul 5, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> It's free, so I gave it a look. I have not added any subscriptions yet 
>>> (I'm really, really hoping that it and Lire will one day support the 
>>> same syncing service) but it seems fine. You have two tables, I assume 
>>> one for folders and one for articles in the selected folder, then an 
>>> HTML content area where the article is shown. There are hotkeys for a 
>>> lot of things, though there could be more, and nothing is unlabeled. 
>>> There are even keystrokes for next and previous article, so you could 
>>> probably skip through articles very quickly without leaving the HMTL 
>>> content. Give it a shot, at least - as I said, it's free, so you have 
>>> nothing to lose. Thank you, Nektarios, for the great suggestion. I've 
>>> been looking for an easy-to-use, free RSS reader for the mac for a 
>>> while, and this one seems to fit the bill beautifully. As I said, I am 
>>> not just hoping it and Lire will one day sync with the same service so 
>>> I can keep all my feeds up to date across devices.
>>> On Jul 5, 2013, at 6:06 PM, Nektarios Mallas  wrote:
 Try luck news. I haven't tried it personally, but from the description 
 I have read must be accessible. 
 A blind mac user from the Greek mac community told me about this.
 Here is the description.
 LuckNews is a fully featured, easy to use, fast, news reader for your 
 Mac. Try out LuckNews - you'll appreciate its elegance. Some of its 
 features are: folders, search, notification center, easy navigation, 
 full screen. There is much, much more. LuckNews does not use Google 
 Reader. (Google has announced that they are going to retire the Google 
 Reader se

Re: what about Idrive

2013-07-06 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't use dropbox but their help section says dropbox throttles its 
uploads so as to not interfere with anything else you are doing on the 
internet. According to their docs going to Preferences then Network then 
Bandwidth will give you options including turning on "don't limit" for 
your upload or download speeds.


On 7/2/13 2:06 PM, Ray Foret jr wrote:

Hi there,

A few weeks ago, I asked this and never got a reply of any sort.  Has anybody 
tried Idrive?  IF so, is it accessible?  I ask because I find Drop Box becoming 
more and more an issue.  Not being able to access the preferences on the latest 
version, and, the extremely slow upload speeds make me want something faster.  
My upload speed is measured at about 1MBPS;  but, I'm lucky if Drop Box lets me 
upload faster than about 164KBPS.  That's unacceptible in my book.

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!


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Re: cycling bitween lion and mountain lion.

2013-07-06 Thread Chris Blouch
Haven't tried this for a while but you should be able to go to Startup 
Disk is System Preferences and choose which drive to boot from.


On 7/6/13 5:01 PM, ramy moustafa wrote:

Hi all:
i got my mac mini with mountain lion, but i asked the apple to install lion 
system for mez, they do it for me on a seprate hd. but how can i choose the 
system to use it to start?
thanks so much

Ramy moustafa saber
licturer at:
faculty of musical education
music arranger and sound engineer
Sent from my iPhone


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Re: Any Good Replacement for Newsrack?

2013-07-06 Thread Nicholas Parsons
ReadKit on the Mac is completely accessible, supports syncing with Feed 
Wrangler, FeedBin, and about half a dozen other services. It is very similar to 
NewsRack, even costs about the same. Only criticism I have is that it doesn't 
support feed management with Feed Wrangler from within the app itself. However, 
I'm hopeful this will change in future updates.
One fantastic feature of ReadKit is that it allows you to view articles in 
Readability mode by simply pressing the letter G. This presents you with the 
full text of the article minus all the annoying junk such as links to share 
etcetera. Readability mode is thus a lot like Lire on the iPhone.
There are a number of RSS readers for iOS that can sync with ReadKit using some 
of the services I mentioned earlier such as Feed Wrangler, FeedBin, Feva, 
etcetera. Personally I'm using Feed Wrangler on the iPhone, which is accessible 
and free. I've heard Mr Reader for iPad is also highly accessible and easy to 

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Re: VO-J

2013-07-06 Thread Nicholas Parsons
If the preview pane is turned off as Tim says, you can simply use command-o to 
open the message and read the text. Press command-w to close it and return to 
the message list.

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2013-07-06 Thread Nicholas Parsons

I'm using ReadKit on the Mac. When I use the down arrow to navigate down the 
list of articles in a smart folder or feed, VoiceOver begins reading the title 
of the article and then, after a second or so, cuts itself off and starts 
reading the title again from the beginning.

This is a little annoying. Does anyone know why this might be and if there is a 
way to fix it?

Also, I'd love to set up shortcut keystrokes for sharing to Facebook or 
Twitter, and for marking all as read. Does anyone know how I might do this? So 
far as I know these options don't appear in the menu bar so I don't think I 
could use the normal shortcut key options in system preferences.


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Creating M4B Audiobooks

2013-07-06 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Hi list,

Esther gave me a lot of info on this list a while back about sample rates, bit 
rates and creating M4B audiobooks with apps like AudiobookBinder and 
AudiobookBuilder. I've searched for this thread in Mail and on Google but can't 
find it. So sorry for asking for old info.

What's the significance of the sample rate and bit rate when I'm creating M4B 
audiobooks, particularly their effect on the maximum length of one file? And do 
you have any tips for how I could know whether I'll be able to bind all files 
into one audiobook or whether I'll need to create multiple audiobooks?


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Re: what about Idrive

2013-07-06 Thread Ray Foret jr
I have the limit set to 9KBPS which is the fastest I can put it.  I believe 
I have the radio button for do not limit as the choice I set.

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jul 6, 2013, at 10:37 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> I don't use dropbox but their help section says dropbox throttles its uploads 
> so as to not interfere with anything else you are doing on the internet. 
> According to their docs going to Preferences then Network then Bandwidth will 
> give you options including turning on "don't limit" for your upload or 
> download speeds.
> CB
> On 7/2/13 2:06 PM, Ray Foret jr wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> A few weeks ago, I asked this and never got a reply of any sort.  Has 
>> anybody tried Idrive?  IF so, is it accessible?  I ask because I find Drop 
>> Box becoming more and more an issue.  Not being able to access the 
>> preferences on the latest version, and, the extremely slow upload speeds 
>> make me want something faster.  My upload speed is measured at about 1MBPS;  
>> but, I'm lucky if Drop Box lets me upload faster than about 164KBPS.  That's 
>> unacceptible in my book.
>> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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