stopping applications from starting when Mac starts

2013-06-24 Thread shane christenson
How is this done? Thanks.


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how to scan double sided pages with epson wp4535/finereader express

2013-06-24 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi everyone,
I just bought a multifunctional printer/scanner/coppier (epson wp4535) mostly 
for scanning materials. It has adf and should also have auto scan doublesided 
pages (i can select this in the drivers when starting scan) but in finereader 
only one side of the page shows up.
I do get a warning that some app;ications dont support multipage scanning but i 
can choose to start scan anyway.
Greetings, Anouk,

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Re: stopping applications from starting when Mac starts

2013-06-24 Thread Chris H

System Preferences, Users and Groups, Login items.


On 24/06/2013 08:05, shane christenson wrote:

How is this done? Thanks.


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Re: how to scan double sided pages with epson wp4535/finereader express

2013-06-24 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Anouk,

I don't think FineReader can do what you want, but VueScan can. In the Input 
tab of VueScan, you can set Autorepeat which should work for your scanner. If 
you set VueScan to produce TIFF files, then you can set all such files to 
always open with ABBYY FineReader.

In any case, you can try VueScan for free. It leaves a watermark on each 
scanned page, but at least you can find out for nothing whether it works for 

Here's the link to download the DMg:


On 24 Jun 2013, at 09:47, Anouk Radix  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I just bought a multifunctional printer/scanner/coppier (epson wp4535) mostly 
> for scanning materials. It has adf and should also have auto scan doublesided 
> pages (i can select this in the drivers when starting scan) but in finereader 
> only one side of the page shows up.
> I do get a warning that some app;ications dont support multipage scanning but 
> i can choose to start scan anyway.
> Greetings, Anouk,
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Reminder and Calendar Alerts (was: your opinions on what a reminders script should have)

2013-06-24 Thread Nicholas Parsons
HI Chris,

What if you try opening the window chooser while the Finder has focus? This 
usually works for me to get to the Reminder and Calendar alerts. It's odd that 
it doesn't work for you.


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Re: Announcing the Beta of Talking Dashboard

2013-06-24 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Thanks, Alex! These are great. Just two issues to report, and one 
comment/feature request.
1. When I'm not connected to any wifi network the Say Wifi script outputs, "You 
are connected to at DbM". It would be great if you could make this instead say 
something like, "You are not currently connected to any wifi networks." You did 
this with the iTunes song info which is brilliant.
2. I'm also having issues with the RAM status. I've also got 16GB of RAM, and 
the script says I'm using 99.77% of a total of 4.73GB.
3. Re the sound script, it would be great if you could have the $isMuted 
keyword return "System sound is muted", if it is muted, else return "System 
sound is not muted." Also, I really hope you can get it to say the name of the 
output device – this would be fantastic.
Thanks again!

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Re: Announcing the Beta of Talking Dashboard

2013-06-24 Thread Nicholas Parsons
One more issue. The bluetooth script only ever seems to announce the name of 
one paired device, even though I have several paired. The device announced 
changes each time.

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Re: Announcing the Beta of Talking Dashboard

2013-06-24 Thread Alex Hall
My answers are in your original message.
On Jun 24, 2013, at 5:21 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Thanks, Alex! These are great. Just two issues to report, and one 
> comment/feature request.
> 1. When I'm not connected to any wifi network the Say Wifi script outputs, 
> "You are connected to at DbM". It would be great if you could make this 
> instead say something like, "You are not currently connected to any wifi 
> networks." You did this with the iTunes song info which is brilliant.
I believe I have fixed this. I can't get my mac to have wifi on but not connect 
to anything so can't test it, but the change *should* work. Please test it in 
the next release and let me know.
> 2. I'm also having issues with the RAM status. I've also got 16GB of RAM, and 
> the script says I'm using 99.77% of a total of 4.73GB.
I fixed this yesterday; the updated scripts will be out soon.
> 3. Re the sound script, it would be great if you could have the $isMuted 
> keyword return "System sound is muted", if it is muted, else return "System 
> sound is not muted." Also, I really hope you can get it to say the name of 
> the output device – this would be fantastic.
I can add a few more keywords for muted status, like I did with bluetooth, so 
you can better customize your template. I did not do this before because I 
figured, if you heard sound, it was not muted, and if it was muted you would 
not hear the script's output anyway. I am still working on getting the names of 
the active input and output devices.
> Thanks again!
No problem, thanks for the feedback!
> Nic
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Announcing the Beta of Talking Dashboard

2013-06-24 Thread Alex Hall
I only have one device I can pair (my iPhone refuses to pair) so I can't test 
this. However, I temporarily changed the script from reading only connected 
devices to reading all stored devices, and the list was read out as expected. 
Are you sure all your devices are paired and active? The script only reads out 
devices that are set to a status of "connected: yes" in the shell command I 
use, so if a device is set to "no", it is ignored.
On Jun 24, 2013, at 5:25 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> One more issue. The bluetooth script only ever seems to announce the name of 
> one paired device, even though I have several paired. The device announced 
> changes each time.
> Cheers,
> Nic
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: stopping applications from starting when Mac starts

2013-06-24 Thread Tim Kilburn

In addition to the System Preferences option, one of two things is likely 
happening here:

1.  Press VO-d to get to your Dock, press VO-shift-m to bring up the Contextual 
menu, down to Options then over to check status.  One of the options there is 
"Open at Login".  If VO says that it is checked then simply press return on it 
and it will toggle off.  If it is not checked, then press Escape.

2.  The MacOS operates different than what many are used to in the Windows 
world.  When you close the last window in an app in Windows, it usually 
closes/quits the application as well.  In the MacOS, this is not the case.  
Closing windows simply does what it says, closes open windows.  You must Quit 
the app to remove it from memory.  So, when you press cmd-w to close a window 
in TextEdit, the window closes but the app remains open and if you navigate to 
another app TextEdit is out of your mind but still active within the Mac's 
mind.  As well, when you go to Shutdown or Restart your computer, normally a 
dialog will appear.  One of the items in that dialog is a checkbox that asks 
you if you want to re-open windows when you log back in.  If that is checked 
and you've left applications or windows open, they will open again upon startup.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-06-24, at 1:05 AM, shane christenson  wrote:

> How is this done? Thanks.
> Shane
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This makes me laugh.

2013-06-24 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I have to return something to Apple, and I wrote to the representative who is 
meant to be helping me. I got an out of office reply. What made me laugh was 
that here is a company selling their products and here are people using a 
windows environment! After all you get out of office replies when using 
outlook. I wonder if Windows was put on a Mac! haha!

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Re: This makes me laugh.

2013-06-24 Thread Dave

Other mail systems use out of office replies.

It's a feature of most server based email systems, not just Outlook or 

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Re: battery packs

2013-06-24 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav

On the Anker ones you charge it via a USB port, this is true for most other 
brands as well.


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple iOS, 
Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

URL: -
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Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 24 Jun 2013, at 02:52, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> How do you charge the battery itself? Can you use USb for that or does it use 
> a separate wall charger?
> On Jun 23, 2013, at 6:44 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav  
> wrote:
>> I spent a lot of time looking at these, whilst I didn't want to under 
>> purchase, in that I wanted at least 1 full charge+ out of the battery pack, 
>> I did not want to be hulking some hefty block about with me.
>> I found that most of the battery packs that are out there are either single 
>> or below full charges for the iPhone 5, or massively over kill like 5 times 
>> full iPhone 5 charge.
>> As I said though, I didn't want the weight of a huge battery pack weighing 
>> me down.
>> Then quite by accident whilst on Amazon, up popped a message that I'd been 
>> looking at battery packs and I aught to look at the options from Anker.
>> Anker being spelt A N K E R.
>> I had a look and found what I was looking for. Anker make the massive 5+ 
>> charge cycle units for you power crazed individuals who need to keep a 
>> portable power station with you at all times, and they even make a lip stick 
>> sized device good for about 90% charge of an iPhone 5 or a full 4S and below 
>> charge. WOW I'm thinking.
>> So, for the middle of the road option, they do several here too, the model I 
>> opted for was the Anker Astro Mobile unit, 5600MRA, and is good for 2 full 
>> charges of an iPhone 5 with still some juice in it.
>> This suits me perfectly and what I like most, its much smaller and lighter 
>> than a brick.
>> Build quality is very good and I do think that the unit holds up against the 
>> more well established competition. Comes with a nice carry pouch and all the 
>> connectors, bar Apple Lightning, that you'll need.
>> Hope that this helps.
>> Regards,
>> Neil Barnfather
>> Talks List Administrator
>> Twitter @neilbarnfather
>> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple 
>> iOS, Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
>> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
>> URL: -
>> e-mail: -
>> Phone: - +44  844 999 4199
>> On 23 Jun 2013, at 19:50, Krysti  wrote:
>>> What does this pack do? And how much is it ?
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 2013-06-19, at 6:19 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi there
 I have actually used three different ones so far. The first one I got from 
 AT&T, and it costed about $50. I found it unsatisfactory because it did 
 not charge up my iPhone all the way. The second one was a battery pack, 
 and I'm sorry to say I can't remember it's name. The third one I just 
 bought from the Apple store, and it so far seems to be the best one. It is 
 called the juice pack, but it is not the one that is the case for the 
 iPhone. The juice pack people make one that is the case for the iPhone, 
 and they also make another one that is a battery pack. When I went to the 
 Apple Store, They checked and estimated the amount of charge I would get 
 from this thing. He estimated that it would charge the iPhone twice before 
 it ran down. It has two ports on it to plug a device in to itself.
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Jun 19, 2013, at 1:58 PM, jean parker  wrote:
> All:
> I need to purchase a battery pack for my i phone.  Which one's do people 
> on this use?
> Jean
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Re: This makes me laugh.

2013-06-24 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Yes, plus you can get Outlook for the Mac as you can get Office for Mac. And 
then there's Office/Outlook 365 which is their web/cloud based service. But I 
would be really surprised if Apple employees even used Microsoft software on 
the Mac. Surely they'd be using Apple Mail and iCloud out of office replies?

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Recording vinyl records

2013-06-24 Thread Georgina Joyce
Hello All,

I wondered what apps you preferred to record vinyl records into .wav files? I 
am very familiar with making such recordings from the command line within a GNU 
Linux terminal.

Then I'm going to need to split the tracks. I don't intend upon using any of 
the clean up filters some people like to use. So what do you folks use, to copy 
long player records into a digital format?

In respect of the hardware. Would I gain by buying a USB sound interface? Or 
direct into the microphone socket of my Mac Mini, running ML.



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Re: Announcing the Beta of Talking Dashboard

2013-06-24 Thread Nicholas Parsons
HI Alex,

Great to hear about the updated version to be coming out soon.

Re the mute status, you're absolutely right. I was stupidly imagining VoiceOver 
to somehow work when the system sound was muted, but I guess this isn't 
possible. In that case, forget what I said about the system mute.

Re the bluetooth devices, what's happening is this. I press option-b to run the 
script. It says, "Bluetooth is on. Paired devices: Apple Wireless Keyboard." I 
press it again, it says, "Bluetooth is on. Paired devices: Creative WP350 
Wireless Headset." I press it again and get, "Bluetooth is on. Paired devices: 
Nic's iPhone." Each time I press it I get one of these responses, in no 
particular or predictable order. After trying it now many times sometimes I 
even get the following response: "Bluetooth is on. Paired devices: none."

So it seems some of my devices must be connected, at least some of the time. I 
don't think the connection is cutting out constantly as I never seem to have 
the problem of losing connection when using any of these devices. And I don't 
think it's just coincidence that only ever one device is said to be paired at a 

That's the best answer I can give you at this stage. Let me know if there's 
anything else I can test for you.


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Re: Recording vinyl records

2013-06-24 Thread Chris Blouch
What is your source? It it just the RCA jack outputs of a phonograph or 
is there already a pre-amp in line before the computer? The original 
output from a phonograph is like a microphone output - very tiny and not 
very good sounding. You need a pre-amp which will boost that up to a 
line-level and apply the proper equalization. Back before the RIAA 
became the internet music piracy police they set up standards like how 
to re-EQ a phonograph output. So you can't record an LP without some box 
to do this. You could go with an Art DJ Pre for about $50:

or go a little higher end to have one that includes USB audio out like 
this one:

Of course some folks skip all this and just get a phono player with USB 
output for about $100

But if you already have a nice turntable then I'd go with one of the 
preamps. The Mac itself only has line inputs, not mic inputs. I think 
it's a good thing because getting a mic preamp right is a non-trivial 
bit of hardware and everybody has their favorite. So leave that to the 
likes of Mackie. In short, you can't just plug your turntable into your 
Mac and record it. Not only is the signal too weak but in needs the RIAA 
EQ applied to sound good.

Once you do have it set up you can record with whatever you like. Some 
like Garageband but if you're ok with terminal stuff you can do it all 
by installing MacPorts and then getting the Sox package.


On 6/24/13 12:34 PM, Georgina Joyce wrote:

Hello All,

I wondered what apps you preferred to record vinyl records into .wav files? I 
am very familiar with making such recordings from the command line within a GNU 
Linux terminal.

Then I'm going to need to split the tracks. I don't intend upon using any of 
the clean up filters some people like to use. So what do you folks use, to copy 
long player records into a digital format?

In respect of the hardware. Would I gain by buying a USB sound interface? Or 
direct into the microphone socket of my Mac Mini, running ML.




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Re: stopping applications from starting when Mac starts

2013-06-24 Thread shane christenson
Hi Tim. The system preferences was what I was after, although I did check the 
dock as you suggested, nothing there that needed to be changed. Thanks.


On Jun 24, 2013, at 8:56 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> In addition to the System Preferences option, one of two things is likely 
> happening here:
> 1.  Press VO-d to get to your Dock, press VO-shift-m to bring up the 
> Contextual menu, down to Options then over to check status.  One of the 
> options there is "Open at Login".  If VO says that it is checked then simply 
> press return on it and it will toggle off.  If it is not checked, then press 
> Escape.
> 2.  The MacOS operates different than what many are used to in the Windows 
> world.  When you close the last window in an app in Windows, it usually 
> closes/quits the application as well.  In the MacOS, this is not the case.  
> Closing windows simply does what it says, closes open windows.  You must Quit 
> the app to remove it from memory.  So, when you press cmd-w to close a window 
> in TextEdit, the window closes but the app remains open and if you navigate 
> to another app TextEdit is out of your mind but still active within the Mac's 
> mind.  As well, when you go to Shutdown or Restart your computer, normally a 
> dialog will appear.  One of the items in that dialog is a checkbox that asks 
> you if you want to re-open windows when you log back in.  If that is checked 
> and you've left applications or windows open, they will open again upon 
> startup.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-06-24, at 1:05 AM, shane christenson  wrote:
>> How is this done? Thanks.
>> Shane
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Re: first time using time machine

2013-06-24 Thread Chris Blouch
Just to be clear, you must dedicate a drive or partition to Time 
Machine. It will take over whatever you give it and keep archiving until 
it uses up all available space on that drive or partition. Once it runs 
out of space it will prune the oldest backups first. As Tim points out, 
if you start putting other stuff on or taking stuff off the Time Machine 
storage space yourself it can cause Time Machine to get confused and 
stop working.


On 6/24/13 12:03 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:


In order for Time Machine to work, the external HD must be formatted 
MacOS Extended Journaled.  You should have either an HD dedicated to 
these backups or a partition on the HD dedicated to the Time Machine 
backup.  There should be about twice as much space available on the 
backup drive as space on your internal HD.  Time Machine does backups 
on this HD and will get rid of older portions of backups as the drive 
gets full.  If there are other things on the drive besides the Time 
Machine backup, it cannot do this properly and thus when it gets full, 
your backups will just stop happening.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-06-23, at 9:46 PM, jean parker > wrote:

I want to use time machine to back up my computer.  I opened it up 
and it wants a disk drive connected.  I have an external disk drive 
for backup files. What is the procedure from there?  What else do I 
need to know?


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Re: finding the bit rate of an mp3 file on the mac

2013-06-24 Thread Chris Blouch
When in the Finder, doing a Get Info (command-I) on an mp3 file will 
give you all kinds of details but some of it is hidden behind a "More 
Info" collapsed disclosure triangle. If you expand that with the space 
bar then VO-right you'll find a bunch of stuff including the sample rate 
and duration.

If you're into the terminal thing the sox package can also get info 
using the "soxi name_of_your_file.mp3" command which will spit out 
everything you might want to know about a file. It can also handle 
batches so if I do "soxi *.mp3" in a particular folder it will display 
all the info about all the files and the very last line will be the 
total playing time and a file count.


On 6/23/13 12:20 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:


You're on the right track.  When in the Get Info window, make sure 
you're on the Summary tab.  Navigate right, the first item after the 
tabs should be the Title of the mp3 file, the next item is the one you 
want.  It will start by saying the Kind of file that it is, mp3, AAC 
and so on.  The Bit Rate and more will be announced there as well.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-06-22, at 9:08 PM, shane christenson > wrote:

Hi, listers. How do I find the bit rate of an mp3 file on my mac? I 
selected a single mp3 file, went into its context menu, and into the 
get info window, and seemingly found everything but the bit rate. Any 
help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Mail Sluggish when Loading

2013-06-24 Thread Chris Blouch
Were you closing the App each time (command-Q) or just the mail window, 
leaving mail running for a long long time? Doing command-Q should leave 
no running process to kill as you did with activity monitor.


On 6/23/13 11:16 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:

Well, I have a theory, not a fact yet.  What I did was I launched Mail.  Then I 
launched Activity Monitor.  I went to the Processes Information section and 
interacted with it.  I found Mail by typing letter M.  I then stopped 
interacting, VO Left Arrow to the Toolbar and interacted with that.  The first 
choice was to close the process which I did.  I thought closing the program was 
the same as closing the process associated with the program, but perhaps not.  
Since doing this, Mail has been much more responsive.  I had similar delays 
with Pages upon loading of the templates.  Did the same thing and now Pages is 
much more responsive as well.  So we'll see how long this lasts.

On Jun 23, 2013, at 10:36 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

Maybe try archiving those messages to free up your inbox.

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Re: finding the bit rate of an mp3 file on the mac

2013-06-24 Thread shane christenson
Thanks, Chris. I've never done anything in a terminal window on the mac. How's 
the best way to pull up a terminal window, from the finder, or anywhere else 
for that matter? Thanks.


On Jun 24, 2013, at 12:25 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> When in the Finder, doing a Get Info (command-I) on an mp3 file will give you 
> all kinds of details but some of it is hidden behind a "More Info" collapsed 
> disclosure triangle. If you expand that with the space bar then VO-right 
> you'll find a bunch of stuff including the sample rate and duration.
> If you're into the terminal thing the sox package can also get info using the 
> "soxi name_of_your_file.mp3" command which will spit out everything you might 
> want to know about a file. It can also handle batches so if I do "soxi *.mp3" 
> in a particular folder it will display all the info about all the files and 
> the very last line will be the total playing time and a file count.
> CB
> On 6/23/13 12:20 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You're on the right track.  When in the Get Info window, make sure you're on 
>> the Summary tab.  Navigate right, the first item after the tabs should be 
>> the Title of the mp3 file, the next item is the one you want.  It will start 
>> by saying the Kind of file that it is, mp3, AAC and so on.  The Bit Rate and 
>> more will be announced there as well.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-06-22, at 9:08 PM, shane christenson  wrote:
>>> Hi, listers. How do I find the bit rate of an mp3 file on my mac? I 
>>> selected a single mp3 file, went into its context menu, and into the get 
>>> info window, and seemingly found everything but the bit rate. Any help 
>>> would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Shane
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Re: does this list support attachments?

2013-06-24 Thread Chris Blouch
Have you tried it? All the stuff I could find elsewhere says you should 
be able to but maybe it is turned off for this mailing list. I'd give it 
a try.


On 6/22/13 2:55 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

Hi all,
I want to release my scripts to you all as a beta, but I still do not have my 
website set up. Instead I want to simply attach a zip file to a message to this 
list. Can I do that? I could provide a Dropbox link, but I'd rather the only 
link floating around be to the official page for these, whenever that is up and 

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)


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Re: Announcing the Beta of Talking Dashboard

2013-06-24 Thread Alex Hall
I added the extra keyword to the mute script anyway. If nothing else, 
deaf-blind users, or those using braille, might find it helpful to know if 
sound is coming from their machines or not, so customizing the template would 
be useful.

As for bluetooth, that's incredibly odd. I'm not happy with the way I currently 
get the device list, but it's the best thing I could come up with. Let's try 
something: open the terminal, and run these two commands:

cd ~
system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType >bt_info.txt

Once that runs, you will have a new text file called bt_info.txt in your home 
folder. Send me that file off-list - its content is what gives me the device 
list, so maybe I can see what's going on. Thanks!
On Jun 24, 2013, at 12:43 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> HI Alex,
> Great to hear about the updated version to be coming out soon.
> Re the mute status, you're absolutely right. I was stupidly imagining 
> VoiceOver to somehow work when the system sound was muted, but I guess this 
> isn't possible. In that case, forget what I said about the system mute.
> Re the bluetooth devices, what's happening is this. I press option-b to run 
> the script. It says, "Bluetooth is on. Paired devices: Apple Wireless 
> Keyboard." I press it again, it says, "Bluetooth is on. Paired devices: 
> Creative WP350 Wireless Headset." I press it again and get, "Bluetooth is on. 
> Paired devices: Nic's iPhone." Each time I press it I get one of these 
> responses, in no particular or predictable order. After trying it now many 
> times sometimes I even get the following response: "Bluetooth is on. Paired 
> devices: none."
> So it seems some of my devices must be connected, at least some of the time. 
> I don't think the connection is cutting out constantly as I never seem to 
> have the problem of losing connection when using any of these devices. And I 
> don't think it's just coincidence that only ever one device is said to be 
> paired at a time.
> That's the best answer I can give you at this stage. Let me know if there's 
> anything else I can test for you.
> Nic
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: does this list support attachments?

2013-06-24 Thread Alex Hall
I just went with the dropbox link option, so never had a need to try it.
On Jun 24, 2013, at 1:45 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Have you tried it? All the stuff I could find elsewhere says you should be 
> able to but maybe it is turned off for this mailing list. I'd give it a try.
> CB
> On 6/22/13 2:55 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to release my scripts to you all as a beta, but I still do not have 
>> my website set up. Instead I want to simply attach a zip file to a message 
>> to this list. Can I do that? I could provide a Dropbox link, but I'd rather 
>> the only link floating around be to the official page for these, whenever 
>> that is up and running.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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battery packs

2013-06-24 Thread jean parker
Hi Neil:
Yes this helps a lot.
A couple of questions:
How much does it weigh, what are the approximate dimensions and how much does 
it cost?
Many thanks,

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Re: Mail Sluggish when Loading

2013-06-24 Thread Les Kriegler
I always use command cute close any program I run.c

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 24, 2013, at 1:33 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Were you closing the App each time (command-Q) or just the mail window, 
> leaving mail running for a long long time? Doing command-Q should leave no 
> running process to kill as you did with activity monitor.
> CB
> On 6/23/13 11:16 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> Well, I have a theory, not a fact yet.  What I did was I launched Mail.  
>> Then I launched Activity Monitor.  I went to the Processes Information 
>> section and interacted with it.  I found Mail by typing letter M.  I then 
>> stopped interacting, VO Left Arrow to the Toolbar and interacted with that.  
>> The first choice was to close the process which I did.  I thought closing 
>> the program was the same as closing the process associated with the program, 
>> but perhaps not.  Since doing this, Mail has been much more responsive.  I 
>> had similar delays with Pages upon loading of the templates.  Did the same 
>> thing and now Pages is much more responsive as well.  So we'll see how long 
>> this lasts.
>> Les
>> On Jun 23, 2013, at 10:36 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
>>  wrote:
>>> Maybe try archiving those messages to free up your inbox.
>>> -- 
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> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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need help with twitterific

2013-06-24 Thread shane christenson
Hi listers. When I open the twitterific app, I get the window that says 
authenticate with twitter, but I can't seem to find where you enter the 
appropriate log-in credentials. Anyone know a trick for doing this? Thanks as 


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RE: need help with twitterific

2013-06-24 Thread Tommy Craig
This is a link that will take you to the twitter website where you enter
your twitter login. There is then a button to authorize the app. 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of shane christenson
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 1:21 PM
Subject: need help with twitterific

Hi listers. When I open the twitterific app, I get the window that says
authenticate with twitter, but I can't seem to find where you enter the
appropriate log-in credentials. Anyone know a trick for doing this? Thanks
as always.


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LookTel would like your feedback on VoiceOver Tutorial

2013-06-24 Thread Cara Quinn
Are You a LookTel VO Tutorial Customer?

If so, we would like to hear from you about your personal experiences with the 
LookTel VO Tutorial app.  We especially want to hear from people who are new to 
IOS, and who have tried the app.  We hope to hear from instructors who have 
used the app to teach students VoiceOver, and who may have ideas or concerns 
about the future of the app.

If you wish to offer us your perspective on VO Tutorial, please contact us 
through Thank you in advance for your assistance.
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

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Re: Mail Sluggish when Loading

2013-06-24 Thread Chris Blouch
Weird. So even after you quit mail, when you went to activity monitor it 
still had an instance of mail running which you then killed? Maybe 
sometime in the past it hung up and never fully quit. Whatever happened 
it's not normal :)


On 6/24/13 2:18 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:

I always use command cute close any program I run.c

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 24, 2013, at 1:33 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

Were you closing the App each time (command-Q) or just the mail window, leaving 
mail running for a long long time? Doing command-Q should leave no running 
process to kill as you did with activity monitor.


On 6/23/13 11:16 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:

Well, I have a theory, not a fact yet.  What I did was I launched Mail.  Then I 
launched Activity Monitor.  I went to the Processes Information section and 
interacted with it.  I found Mail by typing letter M.  I then stopped 
interacting, VO Left Arrow to the Toolbar and interacted with that.  The first 
choice was to close the process which I did.  I thought closing the program was 
the same as closing the process associated with the program, but perhaps not.  
Since doing this, Mail has been much more responsive.  I had similar delays 
with Pages upon loading of the templates.  Did the same thing and now Pages is 
much more responsive as well.  So we'll see how long this lasts.

On Jun 23, 2013, at 10:36 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

Maybe try archiving those messages to free up your inbox.

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Re: Mail Sluggish when Loading

2013-06-24 Thread Les Kriegler
Actually, I close the process well mail was running. Sorry if that was 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 24, 2013, at 4:14 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Weird. So even after you quit mail, when you went to activity monitor it 
> still had an instance of mail running which you then killed? Maybe sometime 
> in the past it hung up and never fully quit. Whatever happened it's not 
> normal :)
> CB
> On 6/24/13 2:18 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> I always use command cute close any program I run.c
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 24, 2013, at 1:33 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> Were you closing the App each time (command-Q) or just the mail window, 
>>> leaving mail running for a long long time? Doing command-Q should leave no 
>>> running process to kill as you did with activity monitor.
>>> CB
>>> On 6/23/13 11:16 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
 Well, I have a theory, not a fact yet.  What I did was I launched Mail.  
 Then I launched Activity Monitor.  I went to the Processes Information 
 section and interacted with it.  I found Mail by typing letter M.  I then 
 stopped interacting, VO Left Arrow to the Toolbar and interacted with 
 that.  The first choice was to close the process which I did.  I thought 
 closing the program was the same as closing the process associated with 
 the program, but perhaps not.  Since doing this, Mail has been much more 
 responsive.  I had similar delays with Pages upon loading of the 
 templates.  Did the same thing and now Pages is much more responsive as 
 well.  So we'll see how long this lasts.
 On Jun 23, 2013, at 10:36 AM, Nicholas Parsons 
> Maybe try archiving those messages to free up your inbox.
> -- 
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>>> -- 
>>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: finding the bit rate of an mp3 file on the mac

2013-06-24 Thread Chris Blouch
There are two part. First, you need to get Terminal itself running. 
Terminal is in your utilities folder which you can get to quickly from 
the Finder by hitting Command-Option-U and typing T should jump you to 
terminal (unless you have a bunch of utilities that all start with T). 
Then you can just hit command-O to open it.

The second part is to install Mac Ports. Instructions are here:

You'll need to install Apple's xcode first and then you can install 

With Macports installed you can now choose from a huge number of 
available unix packages which have been ported to the Mac. I set mine up 
ages ago so I don't recall the exact setup but I don't think required 
much more than downloading the installer for my flavor of OSX and 
running that. Then I can do the rest from terminal. First I usually do a

sudo port selfupdate

which updates it's internal database of available ports and versions. 
Then I do

sudo port upgrade outdated

which grabs any updates for anything I have installed in macports. To 
install something like sox I would do

sudo port install sox

which will fetch and install sox along with any other things sox depends on.


On 6/24/13 1:39 PM, shane christenson wrote:
Thanks, Chris. I've never done anything in a terminal window on the 
mac. How's the best way to pull up a terminal window, from the finder, 
or anywhere else for that matter? Thanks.


On Jun 24, 2013, at 12:25 PM, Chris Blouch > wrote:

When in the Finder, doing a Get Info (command-I) on an mp3 file will 
give you all kinds of details but some of it is hidden behind a "More 
Info" collapsed disclosure triangle. If you expand that with the 
space bar then VO-right you'll find a bunch of stuff including the 
sample rate and duration.

If you're into the terminal thing the sox package can also get info 
using the "soxi name_of_your_file.mp3" command which will spit out 
everything you might want to know about a file. It can also handle 
batches so if I do "soxi *.mp3" in a particular folder it will 
display all the info about all the files and the very last line will 
be the total playing time and a file count.


On 6/23/13 12:20 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:


You're on the right track.  When in the Get Info window, make sure 
you're on the Summary tab.  Navigate right, the first item after the 
tabs should be the Title of the mp3 file, the next item is the one 
you want.  It will start by saying the Kind of file that it is, mp3, 
AAC and so on.  The Bit Rate and more will be announced there as well.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-06-22, at 9:08 PM, shane christenson > wrote:

Hi, listers. How do I find the bit rate of an mp3 file on my mac? I 
selected a single mp3 file, went into its context menu, and into 
the get info window, and seemingly found everything but the bit 
rate. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: fan issue solved

2013-06-24 Thread Chris Blouch
Another trick is to create a new clean account, log out of your current 
one, log into the new one and see if you can trigger the fan ramping up. 
If not then it's something with the account. Maybe there is a corrupt 
preference file or the like.


On 6/22/13 9:54 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

You might try reinstalling again, perhaps something happened during the 
install. Here's another thought, does this happen if you boot in to the 
recovery and do something like surf the internet from that?
On Jun 22, 2013, at 12:21 AM, Ray Foret jr  wrote:

No.  My Apple Care expired this past November.  This didn't start to happen 
until the latest OS reinstall.  Also, the machine is sitting on a hard surface; 
a desk with nothing soft on top or beneeth.

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jun 21, 2013, at 10:31 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

You don't happen to have Apple Care do you? I've had one laptop with a 
'defective heat pipe' which Apple replaced for free under warranty a couple 
years ago now. Also, just to check the obvious, but you don't have the machine 
nestled down in anything soft like a couch cushion or pillow that might be 
blocking the heat vents right?


On 6/21/13 10:14 PM, Ray Foret jr wrote:

Actually, it turned out not to do the trick after all.  I think something else 
is going wrong here because something's really pulling hard on the GPU:  but, 
doesn't show up in the Activity monitor.  I think that what ever's going on is 
producing a lot of heat and making the chip set much hotter than it really 
should be.  I'll look again but can't find anything.

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jun 21, 2013, at 8:52 PM, Ray Foret jr  wrote:

Many thanks to John and Mike for reminding me about the SMC.  A reset of the 
SMC did the trick and now all is well again.   Thanks.

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

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Re: need help with twitterific

2013-06-24 Thread shane christenson
Hey there, Tommy. I think you forgot the link. Lol. Thanks.


On Jun 24, 2013, at 1:40 PM, "Tommy Craig"  wrote:

> This is a link that will take you to the twitter website where you enter
> your twitter login. There is then a button to authorize the app. 
> Tommy
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of shane christenson
> Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 1:21 PM
> To:;
> Subject: need help with twitterific
> Hi listers. When I open the twitterific app, I get the window that says
> authenticate with twitter, but I can't seem to find where you enter the
> appropriate log-in credentials. Anyone know a trick for doing this? Thanks
> as always.
> Shane
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first time using time machine

2013-06-24 Thread jean parker
Ok this helps a lot.  So to be clear, I can partition my drive for time 
machine.  Then once it is backed up I can use the rest of the drive as usual?  
In other words, time machine doesn't prohibit me from backing up and retrieving 
files from the rest of the drive, right?

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RE: need help with twitterific

2013-06-24 Thread Tommy Craig

The link is the text that says authorize with twitter. 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of shane christenson
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: need help with twitterific

Hey there, Tommy. I think you forgot the link. Lol. Thanks.


On Jun 24, 2013, at 1:40 PM, "Tommy Craig"  wrote:

> This is a link that will take you to the twitter website where you 
> enter your twitter login. There is then a button to authorize the app.
> Tommy
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of shane 
> christenson
> Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 1:21 PM
> To:;
> Subject: need help with twitterific
> Hi listers. When I open the twitterific app, I get the window that 
> says authenticate with twitter, but I can't seem to find where you 
> enter the appropriate log-in credentials. Anyone know a trick for 
> doing this? Thanks as always.
> Shane
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Help with DNS settings please!

2013-06-24 Thread Mike

Hi everyone, 
I need help with fixing a broken website. 
My domain name is registered through but self hosted at dream 
Well apparently my automatic renewal of the domain name wasn't set up after all 
and it expired last night. 
I've since renewed it but when the url is visited it takes me back to the old 
Wordpress blog I was using originally not the self hosted site. 
I am guessing that the dns settings pointing the domain name to dream host 
broke when the domain expired and now I don't know how to fix it. 
I refreshed the domain on dream host but it hasn't helped. 
Can anyone give me some other things to try here? I am lost now. 
Feel free to email me off list. 
Skype or facetime are options too it they're needed. 
Thanks for any help. 


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Re: battery packs

2013-06-24 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav

The Anker 5600 Astro Mobile that I bought is apx 0.8 x 1.4 x 4 inches give or 
take and weighs no more than the iPhone itself, I'd guess less.

I bought from Amazon in the UK, which lists Anker Direct as the seller 
fulfilled by Amazon. The recommended list price is £50 but it costs just £20 on 
Amazon, that's about US$30 or so.



Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple iOS, 
Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

URL: -
e-mail: -
Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 24 Jun 2013, at 18:52, jean parker  wrote:

> Hi Neil:
> Yes this helps a lot.
> A couple of questions:
> How much does it weigh, what are the approximate dimensions and how much does 
> it cost?
> Many thanks,
> Jean
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Help with Special Characters

2013-06-24 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Listers,

I'm trying to insert EMOJI into a document and I'm drawing a blank as to what 
to do once I have the character selected in the Special Characters window. 

I've tried copying and pasting. Nothing.
I've tried clicking and dragging with VO. Nothing (Does this work for anyone, 
I've tried just closing out the window once the character is selected, and 
nothing appears in my mail message.

Any help right away would be appreciated.


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Re: Help with Special Characters

2013-06-24 Thread Devin Prater
Press vo space on it, then press enter. Where your curser is, is where the 
emojy should be. This doesn't seem to work when you're not at the beginning of 
a line though for some reason.
sent from my Mac Mini with iCloud.
Devin prater
email and iMessage: or

On Jun 24, 2013, at 10:01 PM, Kevin Shaw  wrote:

> Hi Listers,
> I'm trying to insert EMOJI into a document and I'm drawing a blank as to what 
> to do once I have the character selected in the Special Characters window. 
> I've tried copying and pasting. Nothing.
> I've tried clicking and dragging with VO. Nothing (Does this work for anyone, 
> ever?)
> I've tried just closing out the window once the character is selected, and 
> nothing appears in my mail message.
> Any help right away would be appreciated.
> Kevin
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Re: first time using time machine

2013-06-24 Thread Tim Kilburn
Yes, sort of.  If you wish to use your drive for other backup purposes as well, 
then you should have two or more partitions on the drive.  One for Time Machine 
backup purposes and the other can be for other backups of whatever you wish.  
The problem with putting other files on the same partition as the Time Machine 
backup is that Time Machine will not properly clear up things when it needs 
more backup space.

Hope this makes sense.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-06-24, at 5:19 PM, jean parker  wrote:

> Ok this helps a lot.  So to be clear, I can partition my drive for time 
> machine.  Then once it is backed up I can use the rest of the drive as usual? 
>  In other words, time machine doesn't prohibit me from backing up and 
> retrieving files from the rest of the drive, right?
> Jean
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Re: finding the bit rate of an mp3 file on the mac

2013-06-24 Thread shane christenson
Hi Chris. I did everything you suggested in getting Xcode and macports, and got 
them installed The only thing i did differently, was install x ports, with is 
supposed to be the new x11. When I tried to do the 

sudo port upgrade outdated

I got some sort of error message I can't remember right now. When I did the 
self update, everything seemed to go smoothly. Any ideas? Thanks again.


On Jun 24, 2013, at 3:28 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> There are two part. First, you need to get Terminal itself running. Terminal 
> is in your utilities folder which you can get to quickly from the Finder by 
> hitting Command-Option-U and typing T should jump you to terminal (unless you 
> have a bunch of utilities that all start with T). Then you can just hit 
> command-O to open it.
> The second part is to install Mac Ports. Instructions are here:
> You'll need to install Apple's xcode first and then you can install Macports.
> With Macports installed you can now choose from a huge number of available 
> unix packages which have been ported to the Mac. I set mine up ages ago so I 
> don't recall the exact setup but I don't think required much more than 
> downloading the installer for my flavor of OSX and running that. Then I can 
> do the rest from terminal. First I usually do a 
> sudo port selfupdate
> which updates it's internal database of available ports and versions. Then I 
> do
> sudo port upgrade outdated
> which grabs any updates for anything I have installed in macports. To install 
> something like sox I would do
> sudo port install sox
> which will fetch and install sox along with any other things sox depends on.
> CB
> On 6/24/13 1:39 PM, shane christenson wrote:
>> Thanks, Chris. I've never done anything in a terminal window on the mac. 
>> How's the best way to pull up a terminal window, from the finder, or 
>> anywhere else for that matter? Thanks.
>> Shane
>> On Jun 24, 2013, at 12:25 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> When in the Finder, doing a Get Info (command-I) on an mp3 file will give 
>>> you all kinds of details but some of it is hidden behind a "More Info" 
>>> collapsed disclosure triangle. If you expand that with the space bar then 
>>> VO-right you'll find a bunch of stuff including the sample rate and 
>>> duration.
>>> If you're into the terminal thing the sox package can also get info using 
>>> the "soxi name_of_your_file.mp3" command which will spit out everything you 
>>> might want to know about a file. It can also handle batches so if I do 
>>> "soxi *.mp3" in a particular folder it will display all the info about all 
>>> the files and the very last line will be the total playing time and a file 
>>> count.
>>> CB
>>> On 6/23/13 12:20 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
 You're on the right track.  When in the Get Info window, make sure you're 
 on the Summary tab.  Navigate right, the first item after the tabs should 
 be the Title of the mp3 file, the next item is the one you want.  It will 
 start by saying the Kind of file that it is, mp3, AAC and so on.  The Bit 
 Rate and more will be announced there as well.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On 2013-06-22, at 9:08 PM, shane christenson  wrote:
> Hi, listers. How do I find the bit rate of an mp3 file on my mac? I 
> selected a single mp3 file, went into its context menu, and into the get 
> info window, and seemingly found everything but the bit rate. Any help 
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Shane
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>>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: Help with DNS settings please!

2013-06-24 Thread Scott Berry
You should allow up to 72 hours and see what happens then.  Remember 
this has to go world wide.

On 6/24/13 19:16, Mike wrote:

Hi everyone,
I need help with fixing a broken website.
My domain name is registered through but self hosted at dream 
Well apparently my automatic renewal of the domain name wasn't set up after all 
and it expired last night.
I've since renewed it but when the url is visited it takes me back to the old 
Wordpress blog I was using originally not the self hosted site.
I am guessing that the dns settings pointing the domain name to dream host 
broke when the domain expired and now I don't know how to fix it.
I refreshed the domain on dream host but it hasn't helped.
Can anyone give me some other things to try here? I am lost now.
Feel free to email me off list.
Skype or facetime are options too it they're needed.
Thanks for any help.


Scott berry
Facebook:  sb356607

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Nisus writer pro 2.4 for sale today.

2013-06-24 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

Nisus writer pro 2.4 is for sale only today for dollar 39 as a macupdate promo.

Best regards Annie.

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notes not syncing

2013-06-24 Thread Traci Duncan
Hi all,

Ok, I'm feeling so frustrated.  :)

For some reason, in just the last couple days, my notes are not syncing.  I was 
occasionally getting this error on my iPhone about my gMail account user name 
or password being incorrect.  Well, this was not true, but somehow I was locked 
out of my account.  So I went to the gmail accounts page to unlock it.  I 
successfully did this, and things worked fine for a day, but then this morning 
I noticed the notes I edited on my Touch weren't matching up with my Mac & 

I did the unlock thing again, but nothing has changed.  I've created and edited 
notes on my Mac, but they are not showing up on my iDevices?

Any suggestions here.  The notes app have been working out pretty well as a 
daily food journal, but not right now.  Lol!

Thank you,

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Re: 2 extremely frustrating problems - please help

2013-06-24 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi Tim,

I did exactly what you instructed me to do, but that also doesn't seem to work.

If there's an actual electronic  issue with the keyboard, then
shouldn't the key appear  damaged/broken/stiff, etc.
The funny thing is that the option  key is otherwise working perfectly normally.

On 20/06/2013, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe try a reset of your PRAM.
> 1.  Restart or Shutdown your Mac.
> 2.  As soon as the Startup chime sounds, hold down the Command, the Option,
> the "r" key and the "p" key.
> 3.  Keep the key combination down for two more Startup Chimes past the first
> one then release everything.
> See if that makes a difference.  The key combination is awkward but totally
> doable.  Normally, I put my left thumb across the left cmd and option keys,
> and my left index on the "r" and right pinky on the "p".  If that doesn't
> really do anything, then it may be an actual electronic issue with the
> keyboard.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-06-19, at 1:57 PM, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Thanks a million for the quick responses.
>> I guess the problem is with the option key because this gets fixed as
>> soon as  I press the option key after those weird symbols start
>> appearing.
>> But nothing seems to be physically  wrong with the  option key. I
>> mean, it's not like it's stuck or anything. It's  working  perfectly
>> otherwise.
>> So, what should I do?
>> This problem is occurring more frequently now  than ever before.
>> Furthermore, the web inspector thingy also gets automatically enabled
>> from time to time. I have to hide the web inspector in order to
>> restore things back to normal.
>> On 16/06/2013, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Me too. Option-cmd-l opens downloads; option-m, if you enabled the
>>> keyboard
>>> commander, opens mail; option with most characters types an alternate
>>> character, like option-8 for a bullet. So, check the physical key on
>>> your
>>> keyboard and be sure it is working correctly. If it is not a Macbook,
>>> you
>>> might want to replace the keyboard.
>>> On Jun 15, 2013, at 5:03 PM, Maria & Joe Chapman
>>> wrote:
 HI.  yep i thought that too.
 Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
 Email/ I Message: &fb
 twitter: bubbygirl
 skype: bubbygirl1972

 On 16/06/2013, at 6:57 AM, Maxwell Ivey  wrote:

> Hello; i think your option key may be sticking.  because command option
> l
> is the key sequence for opening the downloads manager.  hope that
> helps,
> max
> On Jun 15, 2013, at 3:33 PM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm facing 2 weird and frustrating  challenges while using  Safari on
>> my
>> Mac.
>> 1. Sometimes, when I press command-l, instead of being directed to
>> the
>> address bar, I am directed to the downloads folder in Safari.
>> Similarly,
>> when I press M in Safari, it opens Apple Mail even when I am in
>> Safari.
>> This gets automatically fixed when I restart my Mac a couple of
>> times.
>> 2. Sometimes, when I use the keyboard to type something, instead of
>> showing the letters that I  type, it shows weird symbols like  "Ó´".
>> Have I inadvertently enabled or disabled something?
>> I'm completely baffled. Please help.
>> Best,
>> Rahul
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Vmware Fusion Advice Requested

2013-06-24 Thread Les Kriegler
I ordered and just received a copy of Windows 8 System Builder which I 
understand I need for a successful installation of Windows with Fusion.  I also 
ordered Fusion version 5 from Dell, but was notified that there has been a 
delay and I may not receive this software until July 11.  I have Fusion version 
4 which I could install.  I'm wondering if I should wait for version 5 and then 
do the install followed by the installation of Windows 8?  My inclination is to 
wait even though I'm anxious to set up Windows on our iMac.  Thanks for 
suggestions on whether to wait or go ahead with an older version of Fusion.


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