Re: Accessible Uninstallation Apps

2013-04-26 Thread Chris H
Google for App Cleaner which does a very good job at removing apps 
cleanly as well as contain some other tools.

Christopher Hallsworth
E-mail and Facebook:
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On 26/04/2013 03:43, Nicholas Parsons wrote:

Hi listers,

I recently tried installing and using CleanApp, which is an app which is meant 
to help remove related files when you trash an application. However, it seemed 
a complete mess to me, at least from a VoiceOver perspective, and so I deleted 

Are there any good and accessible apps similar to this?

Alternatively, I noticed there is a simple way in the Finder to search for 
related system files. I watched a youtube video about it. However, I couldn't 
seem to do with VoiceOver the things the video tutorial were saying to do. Does 
anyone know how to do this in the Finder?


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Re: Slow start-up and log-in

2013-04-26 Thread Esther
Hi Jonathan and Rob,

Alsoft's Disk Warrior can be run from a bootable cloned backup.  It's just that 
running it from the DVD is not accessible because the system can't load 
VoiceOver from the DVD. However, if you've installed a version on your hard 
drive (either from the DVD or, more commonly, from the download) and have made 
a bootable clone with Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper! onto another drive, you 
should be able to run this application without problems. Since you won't be 
able to run these diagnoses on your MacBook hard drive, you attach a cloned 
hard drive, hold down the option key when your press the power on, and then 
after giving your system 20 or 30 seconds to start the boot, press either left 
or right arrow and then return.  You want to have a version of Disk Warrior on 
your bootable clone, too, and then run the program from there.  

Apple Genius bars used to keep Disk Warrior on a separate boot drive to run on 
suspect systems.  I think that most diagnostic programs like Drive Genius and 
Disk Warrior that are run from the DVD won't be accessible, but if they're 
installed on your hard drive and are available on a bootable clone, they can be 
run with VoiceOver.  (Actually, I'm not sure how much of Drive Genius is 
accessible, but I was told that at least some of this program was.  I know that 
Disk Warrior has been usable with VoiceOver, but I haven't had to do this in a 
few years.)

HTH.  Cheers,


On 25 Apr 2013, at 16:44, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> This can sometimes occur with a bad disk partition that is being read from. 
> If this is the case, disk utility will probably not catch it,but disk warrior 
> (which I don't believe is accessible) will. Installing the OS onto an erased 
> hard disk partition did wonders for my system performance. But if you can 
> grab one of the more advanced disk utilities like the above mentioned Warrior 
> and have somebody sighted with you, you might be able to resolve without 
> re-installin 
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan
> On Apr 25, 2013, at 7:33 PM, Rob Bender wrote:
>> Hello.   When I boot from My Mac Book HD, it takes almost 10 minutes to get 
>> to the log in screen and the log in is very slow after entering my password. 
>>  I have a Superdooper backup which I used to restart the system, and 
>> everything works as it should.  I repaired the  disc and permissions on the 
>> Macbook HD and it still takes the same time to restart.  I haven't found 
>> anything strange in the login items either.
>> I also have several time machine backups.
>> I haven't restored from a time machine backup yet, because I am afraid that 
>> I will still have the same problems afterwards.  I have newer files on the 
>> MacBook HD that I want to back up before restoring from the  Superdooper 
>> backup which appears to work well and do not want to corrupt the backup.
>> There is probably something I am missing, but want to check before taking 
>> all the time to try various options.
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks in advance for your help.

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Re: Using the Messages Mac app for Facebook chat

2013-04-26 Thread May and Noah
Now does this mean the steps have to be done again with adium?

Since my Facebook chat was already set up this way but now no longer works.

May and Prince Noah

On 2013-04-25, at 6:48 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Christopher,
> Basically, it involves adding your Facebook account to Messages as a Jabber 
> service. Here's a how-to on doing this:
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Apr 25, 2013, at 3:22 PM, Christopher Kchao  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Recently, I began noticing a problem with the Messages app on my Mac. All 
>> other services (AIM/iMessage) seem to be working just as they once did. 
>> However, the buddy list for Facebook chat is no longer populating. 
>> Typically, the list is completely empty, though I do get 1, no more than 2 
>> names in there occasionally. THis is likely just after they sign in. I 
>> haven't yet heard anyone else express experiencing this issue, so perhaps I 
>> inadvertently clicked something to bring this on.
>> Thoughts?
>> -- 
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Re: Digest for - 25 Messages in 12 Topics

2013-04-26 Thread Helena Fehr
Hi all! I'm wondering how to set up facebook with Adium and/or the messag Mac 
app. I looked at the internet site I found and it said i had to go to my 
profile and change something in my settings, and I have no clue how to do that. 
Can someone give me a step-by-step idea of what I'm supposed to do? I basically 
need to be walked through the whole thing. I'm new at facebook, and I tried 
Trillian, but it doesn't work well and the growl app crashes, and everyone 
always appears offline, so I can't actually chat with anybody. Thanks1
God Bless1!!

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Re: a slight question about buying a mac?

2013-04-26 Thread Tim Kilburn

Much of what I suggest has already been mentioned but I'll chime in anyway.  

• Due to speed and RAM on-board, I suggest you get one of the Retina Display 
units.  It will come with more RAM, usually 8 GB and with the SSD HD which is 
considerably faster for doing the production work of Pro Tools.

• The external SuperDrive is a USB3 model which connects easily with the Retina 
Display models and has very quick transfer speeds.

• The Thunderbolt to Firewire adaptor is available although you may need to 
purchase a Thunderbolt to Firewire 800 as well as the 800/400 Firewire cable to 
make your scenario work.

This would be a very quick machine with the likelihood of being useful longer 
than the older models.

Just my opinion, of course.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-04-25, at 6:14 PM, Cameron Strife  wrote:

> Hi. As previously stated, any of the mac book pros that are non retina
> display models will have the superdrive on board.
> Whether you're talking about the firewire 800 port or the Intel
> Thunderbolt port, the digi 002 would work with both via a reasonably
> priced adapter. (I believe mine cost me around $25US.)
> If you're going to be using it for pt, be sure to get a solid state
> hard drive, or, at least upgrade the stock drive to a 7200rpm drive.
> (A hard drive upgrade is one of the options if you order from the
> online apple store for example.)
> Cameron.
> On 4/25/13, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Only the retina model Macbook pros, and all Macbook airs do not have optical
>> drives.  You can get a non retina 2012 Macbook pro and it will have an
>> optical drive and firewire 800 which is backwards compatible with firewire
>> 400.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Apr 25, 2013, at 7:14 PM, Karen Lewellen 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Granted  I could ask this on the pro tools list too.
>>> Still I really enjoyed the wisdom Anita got when she was putting hers
>>> together, and I have some of the same goals.
>>> Let me ask the more pro-tools like question first however.
>>> My desire will be a laptop.  I want to put things together much the way
>>> people guided Anita to doing, being sure I still has a cd optical drive
>>> being very very sure I can still have firewire 400 access.  I use a digi
>>> 002, and want absolutely to connect this device to the machine.  I think
>>> there is still an adapter for this if needful.
>>> Now, my goal would be if I can to put what I want together, but pick it up
>>> in store, the apple store here in Toronto where I intend taking advantage
>>> of the in store training apple provides.
>>> I want to support this effort with my business.
>>> Assuming I can actually finance the machine in the first place smiles, can
>>> I
>>> 1, still find a laptop with the sort of firewire connection required for
>>> the digi 002?  That one is for those on list here who can answer that.
>>> 2, if I follow the steps in the other thread choosing the size and other
>>> pieces I desire can I indeed place the order  either on the phone, on
>>> line, or in a store with the item going to a store for pick up?
>>> I imagine this will be a unit or so back, which is perfectly okay.
>>> My registered copy of pro-tools goes back a bit.  it is critical that I
>>> can connect the digi if this is impossible, then I will either wait to get
>>> the new mac, or get one still with things like the cd optical drive  and
>>> be sure I can connect other aspects of production to that machine.
>>> I know I will be using the full sized keyboard I have with this older mac
>>> anyway, so I can type normally lol.
>>> I have an older mac here already  that I use for production now.
>>> I know that seems confusing, but trust me lol.
>>> Let me stop here, as I am wanting to be very firm about what I do not wish
>>> to negotiate on smiles.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Karen
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Re: Accessible Uninstallation Apps

2013-04-26 Thread Tim Kilburn

You could try logging in as root which may give you more results in the 
searches although I'm not certain that it actually does.  It does, though, give 
you easier access to normally hidden or inaccessible files.

One thing I forgot in my list of files to delete was to go into 
/Library/Preference Panes and remove any Sophos files from there as well.

Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-04-26, at 12:26 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> HI Tim,
> Thanks for this.
> I used the approach you outlined recently. However, it can be a little time 
> consuming as some of the folders – Application Support in particular, if I 
> remember correctly – have a lot of items. And the names are often a little 
> bit funny and it's hard, without being careful, to locate all the files 
> related to a particular app name. Then add in the fact one may have to check 
> both user specific as well as system wide files.
> Do you know of a way to conduct a search in Finder which will bring up a list 
> of all those kinds of files?
> Thanks again for your input.
> Nic
> On 26/04/2013, at 3:28 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not familiar with the apps you're speaking of but, for the most part, I 
> remove things directly through the Finder fairly often.  For example, if you 
> wish to remove Sophos, do the following:
> • From /Library/Startup Items, remove all Sophos files.
> • From /Library/Application Support, remove all Sophos files.
> • From /Library/Receipts, remove all Sophos files.
> • From /Library/Preferences, remove all Sophos files.
> • From /Applications, remove Sophos.
> You will need to enter the Name and Password of an Administrator in most of 
> these cases.  Also, you will need to Restart your computer before you can 
> Empty the Trash.  Once this is done, Sophos will not be active anymore.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-04-25, at 8:43 PM, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> Hi listers,
>> I recently tried installing and using CleanApp, which is an app which is 
>> meant to help remove related files when you trash an application. However, 
>> it seemed a complete mess to me, at least from a VoiceOver perspective, and 
>> so I deleted it.
>> Are there any good and accessible apps similar to this?
>> Alternatively, I noticed there is a simple way in the Finder to search for 
>> related system files. I watched a youtube video about it. However, I 
>> couldn't seem to do with VoiceOver the things the video tutorial were saying 
>> to do. Does anyone know how to do this in the Finder?
>> Cheers,
>> Nic
>> -- 
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Re: a slight question about buying a mac?

2013-04-26 Thread Chris Blouch
The Digi 002 uses Firewire 400 but the newer Macs come with Firewire 
800. The good news is that it is backwards compatible but you'll need a 
little dongle to change the shape of the plug. I've used these to 
connect older firewire drives to my newer laptop. Something like this:

Or you can get a cable that has a FW400 on one end and 800 on the other 
which does the same thing but you'll pay a bit more. That might be nice 
as it means one less connection to slip apart. Of course that assumes 
the software will run ok on modern OSX. I'm not a protools user these 
days but the Digi 002 specs say they want OSX 10.2 so I'd do some 
checking whether it will work on the current rev. Maybe you've already 
done that. Sounds like these folks have tried it and it worked:

Drivers say they have been updated to add Mountain Lion support so maybe 
it works ok


On 4/25/13 7:14 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Hi folks,
Granted I could ask this on the pro tools list too.
Still I really enjoyed the wisdom Anita got when she was putting hers 
together, and I have some of the same goals.

Let me ask the more pro-tools like question first however.
My desire will be a laptop. I want to put things together much the way 
people guided Anita to doing, being sure I still has a cd optical 
drive being very very sure I can still have firewire 400 access. I use 
a digi 002, and want absolutely to connect this device to the machine. 
I think there is still an adapter for this if needful.
Now, my goal would be if I can to put what I want together, but pick 
it up in store, the apple store here in Toronto where I intend taking 
advantage of the in store training apple provides.

I want to support this effort with my business.
Assuming I can actually finance the machine in the first place smiles, 
can I
1, still find a laptop with the sort of firewire connection required 
for the digi 002? That one is for those on list here who can answer that.
2, if I follow the steps in the other thread choosing the size and 
other pieces I desire can I indeed place the order either on the 
phone, on line, or in a store with the item going to a store for pick up?

I imagine this will be a unit or so back, which is perfectly okay.
My registered copy of pro-tools goes back a bit. it is critical that I 
can connect the digi if this is impossible, then I will either wait to 
get the new mac, or get one still with things like the cd optical 
drive and be sure I can connect other aspects of production to that 
I know I will be using the full sized keyboard I have with this older 
mac anyway, so I can type normally lol.

I have an older mac here already that I use for production now.
I know that seems confusing, but trust me lol.
Let me stop here, as I am wanting to be very firm about what I do not 
wish to negotiate on smiles.



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Re: Using the Messages Mac app for Facebook chat

2013-04-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
I'm noticing that even though my buddies appear to be offline, they're still 
getting messages and chats with the Messages app.

On Apr 26, 2013, at 1:15 AM, May and Noah  wrote:

> Now does this mean the steps have to be done again with adium?
> Since my Facebook chat was already set up this way but now no longer works.
> May and Prince Noah
> On 2013-04-25, at 6:48 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> Hi, Christopher,
>> Basically, it involves adding your Facebook account to Messages as a Jabber 
>> service. Here's a how-to on doing this:
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> On Apr 25, 2013, at 3:22 PM, Christopher Kchao  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Recently, I began noticing a problem with the Messages app on my Mac. All 
>>> other services (AIM/iMessage) seem to be working just as they once did. 
>>> However, the buddy list for Facebook chat is no longer populating. 
>>> Typically, the list is completely empty, though I do get 1, no more than 2 
>>> names in there occasionally. THis is likely just after they sign in. I 
>>> haven't yet heard anyone else express experiencing this issue, so perhaps I 
>>> inadvertently clicked something to bring this on.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> -- 
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Re: USB Headset

2013-04-26 Thread Mike Arrigo
Yes. Once it's connected, open system preferences and choose sound. 
From here, you can set the headset and or microphone as your default 

output and input devices.
Original message:

Hello all:
Can the Mac work with a USB headset, and if so, how does one set this up?

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
Sent from my Mac Book Pro 
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Re: a slight question about buying a mac?

2013-04-26 Thread Richard Ring
I never saw an advantage in buying a Retina display before, but you have 
completely changed my mind!

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro

On Apr 26, 2013, at 8:06 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> Much of what I suggest has already been mentioned but I'll chime in anyway.  
> • Due to speed and RAM on-board, I suggest you get one of the Retina Display 
> units.  It will come with more RAM, usually 8 GB and with the SSD HD which is 
> considerably faster for doing the production work of Pro Tools.
> • The external SuperDrive is a USB3 model which connects easily with the 
> Retina Display models and has very quick transfer speeds.
> • The Thunderbolt to Firewire adaptor is available although you may need to 
> purchase a Thunderbolt to Firewire 800 as well as the 800/400 Firewire cable 
> to make your scenario work.
> This would be a very quick machine with the likelihood of being useful longer 
> than the older models.
> Just my opinion, of course.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-04-25, at 6:14 PM, Cameron Strife  wrote:
>> Hi. As previously stated, any of the mac book pros that are non retina
>> display models will have the superdrive on board.
>> Whether you're talking about the firewire 800 port or the Intel
>> Thunderbolt port, the digi 002 would work with both via a reasonably
>> priced adapter. (I believe mine cost me around $25US.)
>> If you're going to be using it for pt, be sure to get a solid state
>> hard drive, or, at least upgrade the stock drive to a 7200rpm drive.
>> (A hard drive upgrade is one of the options if you order from the
>> online apple store for example.)
>> Cameron.
>> On 4/25/13, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Only the retina model Macbook pros, and all Macbook airs do not have optical
>>> drives.  You can get a non retina 2012 Macbook pro and it will have an
>>> optical drive and firewire 800 which is backwards compatible with firewire
>>> 400.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Apr 25, 2013, at 7:14 PM, Karen Lewellen 
>>> wrote:
 Hi folks,
 Granted  I could ask this on the pro tools list too.
 Still I really enjoyed the wisdom Anita got when she was putting hers
 together, and I have some of the same goals.
 Let me ask the more pro-tools like question first however.
 My desire will be a laptop.  I want to put things together much the way
 people guided Anita to doing, being sure I still has a cd optical drive
 being very very sure I can still have firewire 400 access.  I use a digi
 002, and want absolutely to connect this device to the machine.  I think
 there is still an adapter for this if needful.
 Now, my goal would be if I can to put what I want together, but pick it up
 in store, the apple store here in Toronto where I intend taking advantage
 of the in store training apple provides.
 I want to support this effort with my business.
 Assuming I can actually finance the machine in the first place smiles, can
 1, still find a laptop with the sort of firewire connection required for
 the digi 002?  That one is for those on list here who can answer that.
 2, if I follow the steps in the other thread choosing the size and other
 pieces I desire can I indeed place the order  either on the phone, on
 line, or in a store with the item going to a store for pick up?
 I imagine this will be a unit or so back, which is perfectly okay.
 My registered copy of pro-tools goes back a bit.  it is critical that I
 can connect the digi if this is impossible, then I will either wait to get
 the new mac, or get one still with things like the cd optical drive  and
 be sure I can connect other aspects of production to that machine.
 I know I will be using the full sized keyboard I have with this older mac
 anyway, so I can type normally lol.
 I have an older mac here already  that I use for production now.
 I know that seems confusing, but trust me lol.
 Let me stop here, as I am wanting to be very firm about what I do not wish
 to negotiate on smiles.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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 email to
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Re: Using the Messages Mac app for Facebook chat

2013-04-26 Thread May and Noah
That doesn't answer my question though.

Yes, they can get messages, but they have to start the conversations. Can't see 
them otherwise.

May and Prince Noah

On 2013-04-26, at 10:37 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> I'm noticing that even though my buddies appear to be offline, they're still 
> getting messages and chats with the Messages app.
> HtH,
> teresa
> On Apr 26, 2013, at 1:15 AM, May and Noah  wrote:
>> Now does this mean the steps have to be done again with adium?
>> Since my Facebook chat was already set up this way but now no longer works.
>> May and Prince Noah
>> On 2013-04-25, at 6:48 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>> Hi, Christopher,
>>> Basically, it involves adding your Facebook account to Messages as a Jabber 
>>> service. Here's a how-to on doing this:
>>> HtH,
>>> Teresa
>>> On Apr 25, 2013, at 3:22 PM, Christopher Kchao  wrote:
 Hi all,
 Recently, I began noticing a problem with the Messages app on my Mac. All 
 other services (AIM/iMessage) seem to be working just as they once did. 
 However, the buddy list for Facebook chat is no longer populating. 
 Typically, the list is completely empty, though I do get 1, no more than 2 
 names in there occasionally. THis is likely just after they sign in. I 
 haven't yet heard anyone else express experiencing this issue, so perhaps 
 I inadvertently clicked something to bring this on.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
 email to
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Re: MP3 amplifier

2013-04-26 Thread Alex Hall
I'm not sure what the original question was, but if it's increased volume you 
want, try VLC ( That app seems to go way above the volume iTunes 
or Quicklook can manage, and I usually leave the volume down some to keep 
things manageable. Sorry if your question was something different.
On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:59 PM, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:

> Don't mean to pester the list but I was REALLY hoping for a response
> to this question. For someone who used a program like this for Windows
> so much, I really need the same for the Mac. Does anyone have any
> recommendations? I'm a bit surprised that no one has responded so far
> given how many people here seem to be manipulating and editing audio.
> Please help! Thanks in advance.
> -Marc
> On 4/23/13, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I found the easy music converter app thanks to a helpful member of the
>> list here and was hoping luck could strike twice.
>> Now that I can convert tracks from flac and other file formats easily,
>> I am in need of a program that can amplify mp3 volume levels. I used
>> to use mp3gain on the PC, which worked perfectly for this, but found
>> that mac mp3gain doesn't actually amplify my mp3 files at all. Does
>> anyone know of a VO friendly mp3 amplifier? I don't want an audio
>> editor with an amplify option, I'd like something specifically for
>> amplifying mp3 files.
>> Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
>> -Marc
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Installing Flashplayer

2013-04-26 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hello everyone,

I've been trying  to install Flashplayer for the last few days
without any success.
I went through the archives and found a post in which someone said
that one can install it by opening the downloaded file and selecting
"resources" by clicking on the'show package contents' option.
According to that post, after selecting "resources", one  gets a list
of options from which one has to select 1 particular option which will
open an accessible version of the installer.
However, I only get the following options after selecting the
"resources" option: app.bundle, app.ICNS and en.lproj.
What should I do to make the FP  installer work?

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Skype on Mac: what should I know?

2013-04-26 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I am about to put Skype on my Mac for the first time. I know the program, but 
have used it only on my iOS devices for a couple years, and on Windows before 
that. Are there accessibility concerns regarding this application on the Mac? 
Is there anything VO-related I need to know? Any settings I should configure a 
certain way? Thanks in advance.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: a slight question about buying a mac?

2013-04-26 Thread Chris Blouch
Need to be careful with the Thunderbolt to Firewire adapter. You device 
shows up as a Thunderbolt device which some software doesn't know what 
to do with:

The retina can go be configed with a 2.8Ghz processor while the regular 
(cheaper) MacBook tops out at 2.7Ghz. Not sure why this is but I'm not 
sure you would really notice a 3.5% speed difference.

That said, it is odd that for a retina and non-retina machine, both with 
8GB RAM, 256GB solid state storage and max CPU speed the retina machine 
was $200 less, so why not spend less to get more? That's assuming you 
can work around the lack of a CD drive, Firewire and wired network 
connection. Ok, maybe there is a reason it's $200 cheaper. Also, the RAM 
is not upgradable on the retina macbook so order all you'll need up 
front since it's soldered in at the factory.


On 4/26/13 10:51 AM, Richard Ring wrote:
I never saw an advantage in buying a Retina display before, but you 
have completely changed my mind!

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of 

 Sent from my Mac Book Pro 

On Apr 26, 2013, at 8:06 AM, Tim Kilburn > wrote:


Much of what I suggest has already been mentioned but I'll chime in 

• Due to speed and RAM on-board, I suggest you get one of the Retina 
Display units.  It will come with more RAM, usually 8 GB and with the 
SSD HD which is considerably faster for doing the production work of 
Pro Tools.

• The external SuperDrive is a USB3 model which connects easily with 
the Retina Display models and has very quick transfer speeds.

• The Thunderbolt to Firewire adaptor is available although you may 
need to purchase a Thunderbolt to Firewire 800 as well as the 800/400 
Firewire cable to make your scenario work.

This would be a very quick machine with the likelihood of being 
useful longer than the older models.

Just my opinion, of course.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-04-25, at 6:14 PM, Cameron Strife > wrote:

Hi. As previously stated, any of the mac book pros that are non retina
display models will have the superdrive on board.

Whether you're talking about the firewire 800 port or the Intel
Thunderbolt port, the digi 002 would work with both via a reasonably
priced adapter. (I believe mine cost me around $25US.)

If you're going to be using it for pt, be sure to get a solid state
hard drive, or, at least upgrade the stock drive to a 7200rpm drive.
(A hard drive upgrade is one of the options if you order from the
online apple store for example.)


On 4/25/13, Ricardo Walker > wrote:


Only the retina model Macbook pros, and all Macbook airs do not 
have optical

drives.  You can get a non retina 2012 Macbook pro and it will have an
optical drive and firewire 800 which is backwards compatible with 



Ricardo Walker 

On Apr 25, 2013, at 7:14 PM, Karen Lewellen 

Hi folks,
Granted  I could ask this on the pro tools list too.
Still I really enjoyed the wisdom Anita got when she was putting hers
together, and I have some of the same goals.
Let me ask the more pro-tools like question first however.
My desire will be a laptop.  I want to put things together much 
the way
people guided Anita to doing, being sure I still has a cd optical 
being very very sure I can still have firewire 400 access.  I use 
a digi
002, and want absolutely to connect this device to the machine.  I 

there is still an adapter for this if needful.
Now, my goal would be if I can to put what I want together, but 
pick it up
in store, the apple store here in Toronto where I intend taking 

of the in store training apple provides.
I want to support this effort with my business.
Assuming I can actually finance the machine in the first place 
smiles, can

1, still find a laptop with the sort of firewire connection 
required for

the digi 002?  That one is for those on list here who can answer that.
2, if I follow the steps in the other thread choosing the size and 

pieces I desire can I indeed place the order  either on the phone, on
line, or in a store with the item going to a store for pick up?
I imagine this will be a unit or so back, which is perfectly okay.
My registered copy of pro-tools goes back a bit.  it is critical 
that I
can connect the digi if this is impossible, then I will either 
wait to get
the new mac, or get one still with things like the cd optical 
drive  and

be sure I can connect other aspects of production to that machine.
I know I will be using the full sized keyboard I have with this 
older mac

anyway, so I can type normally l

Re: Skype on Mac: what should I know?

2013-04-26 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I use Skype on the Mac all the time. While there are no accessibility concerns, 
I would say that some of the command patterns are a little lugubrious, 
involving many keystrokes to accomplish seemingly simple action. Other than 
that, however, it is perfectly accessible in music, and as I said, I use it all 
the time.

If you have specific questions, once you start using it in daily operations, 
feel free to let me know.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 26, 2013, at 8:16 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am about to put Skype on my Mac for the first time. I know the program, but 
> have used it only on my iOS devices for a couple years, and on Windows before 
> that. Are there accessibility concerns regarding this application on the Mac? 
> Is there anything VO-related I need to know? Any settings I should configure 
> a certain way? Thanks in advance.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Re: Skype on Mac: what should I know?

2013-04-26 Thread Alex Hall
Great, thanks. Hopefully the options I use will be in the menus, so I can 
assign my own keyboard shortcuts to them. Well, I'll find out soon. Still, I'm 
glad there are no major problems; I see Skype come up on here every so often, 
but never followed the conversations because I never used it before. I thought, 
due to its coming up so much, that there must be problems with it. I'm glad I 
was wrong!
On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:20 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> I use Skype on the Mac all the time. While there are no accessibility 
> concerns, I would say that some of the command patterns are a little 
> lugubrious, involving many keystrokes to accomplish seemingly simple action. 
> Other than that, however, it is perfectly accessible in music, and as I said, 
> I use it all the time.
> If you have specific questions, once you start using it in daily operations, 
> feel free to let me know.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 26, 2013, at 8:16 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am about to put Skype on my Mac for the first time. I know the program, 
>> but have used it only on my iOS devices for a couple years, and on Windows 
>> before that. Are there accessibility concerns regarding this application on 
>> the Mac? Is there anything VO-related I need to know? Any settings I should 
>> configure a certain way? Thanks in advance.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: a slight question about buying a mac?

2013-04-26 Thread Karen Lewellen

Hi Tim, all.
Because I already have pro tools hardware, including a fast external USB  drive on 
which I do all my production work, some of this is not relevant.
I cannot speak for the music people, but the first thing I was told in 
radio production is never put pro tools  itself and your production on the 
same drive.  therefore drive speed is not an issue the pro tools program 
itself and the stuff it will be working on are not going to be on the same 
hard drive.
second the need for a cd optical drive is critical.  If the retina machines 
do not have a cd  optical drive then they are not options.
so if I understand  the earlier suggestions, I will need to get a macbook 
pro circle 2012 in order to insure the firewire 800 and obtain the 800 to 
400 adapter for this to be workable?
If this machine will have any value to me for production, I must connect my 
already existing several thousand dollar control surface.

If I am incorrect about the earlier model retina  units and the cd optical 
drive  let me know.
 I might compromise slightly on the firewire because I have perfectly 
functional older mac for production in this studio.  However I cannot 
compromise on the cd drive  for transferring things
between the several other pieces of professional production equipment 
Although I might have missed one, no one has addressed the pick up in 
local apple store need, even if basically put together from 
site information so i suppose this is doable.

Thanks all,

 On Fri, 26 Apr 2013, 
Tim Kilburn wrote:


Much of what I suggest has already been mentioned but I'll chime in anyway.

• Due to speed and RAM on-board, I suggest you get one of the Retina Display 
units.  It will come with more RAM, usually 8 GB and with the SSD HD which is 
considerably faster for doing the production work of Pro Tools.

• The external SuperDrive is a USB3 model which connects easily with the Retina 
Display models and has very quick transfer speeds.

• The Thunderbolt to Firewire adaptor is available although you may need to 
purchase a Thunderbolt to Firewire 800 as well as the 800/400 Firewire cable to 
make your scenario work.

This would be a very quick machine with the likelihood of being useful longer 
than the older models.

Just my opinion, of course.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-04-25, at 6:14 PM, Cameron Strife  wrote:

Hi. As previously stated, any of the mac book pros that are non retina
display models will have the superdrive on board.

Whether you're talking about the firewire 800 port or the Intel
Thunderbolt port, the digi 002 would work with both via a reasonably
priced adapter. (I believe mine cost me around $25US.)

If you're going to be using it for pt, be sure to get a solid state
hard drive, or, at least upgrade the stock drive to a 7200rpm drive.
(A hard drive upgrade is one of the options if you order from the
online apple store for example.)


On 4/25/13, Ricardo Walker  wrote:


Only the retina model Macbook pros, and all Macbook airs do not have optical
drives.  You can get a non retina 2012 Macbook pro and it will have an
optical drive and firewire 800 which is backwards compatible with firewire


Ricardo Walker

On Apr 25, 2013, at 7:14 PM, Karen Lewellen 

Hi folks,
Granted  I could ask this on the pro tools list too.
Still I really enjoyed the wisdom Anita got when she was putting hers
together, and I have some of the same goals.
Let me ask the more pro-tools like question first however.
My desire will be a laptop.  I want to put things together much the way
people guided Anita to doing, being sure I still has a cd optical drive
being very very sure I can still have firewire 400 access.  I use a digi
002, and want absolutely to connect this device to the machine.  I think
there is still an adapter for this if needful.
Now, my goal would be if I can to put what I want together, but pick it up
in store, the apple store here in Toronto where I intend taking advantage
of the in store training apple provides.
I want to support this effort with my business.
Assuming I can actually finance the machine in the first place smiles, can
1, still find a laptop with the sort of firewire connection required for
the digi 002?  That one is for those on list here who can answer that.
2, if I follow the steps in the other thread choosing the size and other
pieces I desire can I indeed place the order  either on the phone, on
line, or in a store with the item going to a store for pick up?
I imagine this will be a unit or so back, which is perfectly okay.
My registered copy of pro-tools goes back a bit.  it is critical that I
can connect the digi if this is impossible, then I will either wait to get
the new mac, or get one still with things like the cd optical drive  and
be sure I can connect other aspects of production to that machine.
I know I will be using th

Re: Skype on Mac: what should I know?

2013-04-26 Thread Chris H
I actually think Skype is much better accessibility wise on the mac 
however I do admit to using the client on the other platform but require 
third party software in order for it to be fully accessible. not so on 
the mac. One nice feature in the mac client is the ability to use the 
system voice to announce various events on Skype. It was a while since I 
set up Skype on my mac but it's all there in Preferences, command-comma.

Christopher Hallsworth
E-mail and Facebook:
Find my blog at

On 26/04/2013 16:16, Alex Hall wrote:

Hi all,
I am about to put Skype on my Mac for the first time. I know the program, but 
have used it only on my iOS devices for a couple years, and on Windows before 
that. Are there accessibility concerns regarding this application on the Mac? 
Is there anything VO-related I need to know? Any settings I should configure a 
certain way? Thanks in advance.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Installing Flashplayer

2013-04-26 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
I believe the last couple of times I was able to install directly from the 
downloaded app without first going into the bundle.

Best wishes,


On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:15 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I've been trying  to install Flashplayer for the last few days
> without any success.
> I went through the archives and found a post in which someone said
> that one can install it by opening the downloaded file and selecting
> "resources" by clicking on the'show package contents' option.
> According to that post, after selecting "resources", one  gets a list
> of options from which one has to select 1 particular option which will
> open an accessible version of the installer.
> However, I only get the following options after selecting the
> "resources" option: app.bundle, app.ICNS and en.lproj.
> What should I do to make the FP  installer work?
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: Installing Flashplayer

2013-04-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
Also, use tab and spacebar when navigating the install window. VO-arrows will 
not work right. You can also use the trackpad or mouse keys.

On Apr 26, 2013, at 8:25 AM, "Jonathan C. Cohn"  wrote:

> I believe the last couple of times I was able to install directly from the 
> downloaded app without first going into the bundle.
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan
> On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:15 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I've been trying  to install Flashplayer for the last few days
>> without any success.
>> I went through the archives and found a post in which someone said
>> that one can install it by opening the downloaded file and selecting
>> "resources" by clicking on the'show package contents' option.
>> According to that post, after selecting "resources", one  gets a list
>> of options from which one has to select 1 particular option which will
>> open an accessible version of the installer.
>> However, I only get the following options after selecting the
>> "resources" option: app.bundle, app.ICNS and en.lproj.
>> What should I do to make the FP  installer work?
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: MP3 amplifier

2013-04-26 Thread Marc Rocheleau
Sorry, I thought my original e-mail would be included in the last one.
I am looking for a program that can boost the sound volume in mp3
files. On the PC, I used mp3gain because it worked better than
soundcheck does in iTunes and amplifies the file itself instead of
just when you listen on iTunes. You could also decide how much to
increase the volume yourself on an individual track, so quieter
ballads weren't louder than they should be.

There's a mac mp3gain but I found it doesn't do anything to the files
one way or another. I'm going to be putting some albums on an iPod
shuffle for someone as a gift and want them to be at a similar volume

I hope this makes more sense now. Thanks in advance for any help!


On 4/26/13, Alex Hall  wrote:
> I'm not sure what the original question was, but if it's increased volume
> you want, try VLC ( That app seems to go way above the volume
> iTunes or Quicklook can manage, and I usually leave the volume down some to
> keep things manageable. Sorry if your question was something different.
> On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:59 PM, Marc Rocheleau 
> wrote:
>> Don't mean to pester the list but I was REALLY hoping for a response
>> to this question. For someone who used a program like this for Windows
>> so much, I really need the same for the Mac. Does anyone have any
>> recommendations? I'm a bit surprised that no one has responded so far
>> given how many people here seem to be manipulating and editing audio.
>> Please help! Thanks in advance.
>> -Marc
>> On 4/23/13, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I found the easy music converter app thanks to a helpful member of the
>>> list here and was hoping luck could strike twice.
>>> Now that I can convert tracks from flac and other file formats easily,
>>> I am in need of a program that can amplify mp3 volume levels. I used
>>> to use mp3gain on the PC, which worked perfectly for this, but found
>>> that mac mp3gain doesn't actually amplify my mp3 files at all. Does
>>> anyone know of a VO friendly mp3 amplifier? I don't want an audio
>>> editor with an amplify option, I'd like something specifically for
>>> amplifying mp3 files.
>>> Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
>>> -Marc
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: MP3 amplifier

2013-04-26 Thread Chris Blouch
A hacky way is to play with the gain on the iTunes equalizer. With EQ on 
you can up arrow on the pram vertical slider to add 12dB of gain. It 
won't announce the value as you up arrow but 5-6 up arrows should max it 
out and if you VO-right and left it should announce 12dB preamp. In 
addition you can move up each of the EQ sliders for another 12dB. You 
can save this as a preset and if you get info on a track, under the 
Options tab, you can pick that preset to bump up the volume for just 
that track. This is in addition to the Volume Adjustment on the same 
Options tab which will let you double to volume on a track by track basis.


On 4/26/13 11:28 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:

Sorry, I thought my original e-mail would be included in the last one.
I am looking for a program that can boost the sound volume in mp3
files. On the PC, I used mp3gain because it worked better than
soundcheck does in iTunes and amplifies the file itself instead of
just when you listen on iTunes. You could also decide how much to
increase the volume yourself on an individual track, so quieter
ballads weren't louder than they should be.

There's a mac mp3gain but I found it doesn't do anything to the files
one way or another. I'm going to be putting some albums on an iPod
shuffle for someone as a gift and want them to be at a similar volume

I hope this makes more sense now. Thanks in advance for any help!


On 4/26/13, Alex Hall  wrote:

I'm not sure what the original question was, but if it's increased volume
you want, try VLC ( That app seems to go way above the volume
iTunes or Quicklook can manage, and I usually leave the volume down some to
keep things manageable. Sorry if your question was something different.
On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:59 PM, Marc Rocheleau 

Don't mean to pester the list but I was REALLY hoping for a response
to this question. For someone who used a program like this for Windows
so much, I really need the same for the Mac. Does anyone have any
recommendations? I'm a bit surprised that no one has responded so far
given how many people here seem to be manipulating and editing audio.

Please help! Thanks in advance.


On 4/23/13, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:

Hi all,

I found the easy music converter app thanks to a helpful member of the
list here and was hoping luck could strike twice.

Now that I can convert tracks from flac and other file formats easily,
I am in need of a program that can amplify mp3 volume levels. I used
to use mp3gain on the PC, which worked perfectly for this, but found
that mac mp3gain doesn't actually amplify my mp3 files at all. Does
anyone know of a VO friendly mp3 amplifier? I don't want an audio
editor with an amplify option, I'd like something specifically for
amplifying mp3 files.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!


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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: a slight question about buying a mac?

2013-04-26 Thread Karen Lewellen

This is wonderful all around thanks.
As expressed I will make some slight decision changes in some areas but 
not in  others.

Thanks much,

On Fri, 26 Apr 2013, Chris Blouch wrote:

The Digi 002 uses Firewire 400 but the newer Macs come with Firewire 800. The 
good news is that it is backwards compatible but you'll need a little dongle 
to change the shape of the plug. I've used these to connect older firewire 
drives to my newer laptop. Something like this:

Or you can get a cable that has a FW400 on one end and 800 on the other which 
does the same thing but you'll pay a bit more. That might be nice as it means 
one less connection to slip apart. Of course that assumes the software will 
run ok on modern OSX. I'm not a protools user these days but the Digi 002 
specs say they want OSX 10.2 so I'd do some checking whether it will work on 
the current rev. Maybe you've already done that. Sounds like these folks have 
tried it and it worked:

Drivers say they have been updated to add Mountain Lion support so maybe it 
works ok


On 4/25/13 7:14 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

 Hi folks,
 Granted I could ask this on the pro tools list too.
 Still I really enjoyed the wisdom Anita got when she was putting hers
 together, and I have some of the same goals.
 Let me ask the more pro-tools like question first however.
 My desire will be a laptop. I want to put things together much the way
 people guided Anita to doing, being sure I still has a cd optical drive
 being very very sure I can still have firewire 400 access. I use a digi
 002, and want absolutely to connect this device to the machine. I think
 there is still an adapter for this if needful.
 Now, my goal would be if I can to put what I want together, but pick it up
 in store, the apple store here in Toronto where I intend taking advantage
 of the in store training apple provides.
 I want to support this effort with my business.
 Assuming I can actually finance the machine in the first place smiles, can
 1, still find a laptop with the sort of firewire connection required for
 the digi 002? That one is for those on list here who can answer that.
 2, if I follow the steps in the other thread choosing the size and other
 pieces I desire can I indeed place the order either on the phone, on line,
 or in a store with the item going to a store for pick up?
 I imagine this will be a unit or so back, which is perfectly okay.
 My registered copy of pro-tools goes back a bit. it is critical that I can
 connect the digi if this is impossible, then I will either wait to get the
 new mac, or get one still with things like the cd optical drive and be
 sure I can connect other aspects of production to that machine.
 I know I will be using the full sized keyboard I have with this older mac
 anyway, so I can type normally lol.

 I have an older mac here already that I use for production now.
 I know that seems confusing, but trust me lol.
 Let me stop here, as I am wanting to be very firm about what I do not wish
 to negotiate on smiles.


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Re: Encryption Question

2013-04-26 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
I have never seen an option from the finder to encrpt a physical disk. I have 
seen it for disk images.

There are two versions of File Vault full disk encryption and user level 
encryption. Every discussion I have seen recommends using the full disk 
encryption of file vault. One truly amazing part of File Vault full disk 
encryption is that it creates a secondary partition for the encrypted data and 
encrypts in the background providing the user with a merged view of both the 
encrypted and unencrypted partitions. I haven't verified this behavior recently 
but I remember it being discussed after Lion was released.

Best wishes,


On Apr 24, 2013, at 1:02 PM, Richard Ring wrote:

> Greetings:
> Thereseem to be two ways in which one can encrypt a disk. First, one can 
> encrypt a volume from the finder, and of course you can enable filevault. Is 
> there a difference between these two encryption methods? 
> Thanks.
> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
>  Sent from my Mac Book Pro 
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FS:mint mac book pro with I7 quad core processor, 512gb ssd, 8gb ram, extras, and AppleCare...

2013-04-26 Thread Cameron Strife
Hi everybody. I'm putting this on list one more time in case anybody
is interested... I don't use it much and I'd like to use the cash to
upgrade my mac pro desktop and some studio gear etc. Please write me
off list to make an offer. Thanks!

The machine has Applecare until November 30, 2014. (Includes in store
or mail in repairs, e mail support and phone support etc.) It's in
mint condision, has no issues, and has only seen lite use in my smoke
free home. I had Apple upgrade it with a 512gb solid state hard drive
and 8gb of ddr3 ram. It was done by Apple with Apple supplied
hardware, (unlike a lot of upgraded mbps around on e bay and other
places that someone did with inferior ssds etc.) All in all it was
over $3500 from the Apple store.

This machine is very powerful and very fast! it would be great for
pro tools, garage band, logic pro, game design, software design, cad,
video production, graphic design, etc or just entertainment and
general computing/office work.

Includes world wide power supply, firewire 400 to firewire 800
adapter, pouch style protective case, OSX/iLife dvds, documentation,
and a bootable copy of OSX Mountain Lion on a thumb drive. I'll
reformat the machine and do a fresh install of Mountain Lion before
shipping. If you'd rather have OSX 10.6, I could do a fresh install of
that instead.


unibody aluminum design
MagSafe power port
15.4-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit glossy
Supported resolutions: 1440 by 900 (native), 1280 by 800, 1152 by 720,
1024 by 640, and 800 by 500 pixels at 16:10 aspect ratio; 1024 by 768,
800 by 600, and 640 by 480 pixels at 4:3 aspect ratio; 1024 by 768,
800 by 600, and 640 by 480 pixels at 4:3 aspect ratio stretched; 720
by 480 pixels at 3:2 aspect ratio; 720 by 480 pixels at 3:2 aspect
ratio stretched
AMD Radeon HD 6750M graphics processor with 512MB of GDDR5 memory
Intel HD Graphics 3000 with 384MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory5
Automatic graphics switching
Dual display and video mirroring: Simultaneously supports full native
resolution on the built-in display and up to 2560 by 1600 pixels on an
external display, both at millions of colors FaceTime HD camera
Intel quad core I7 2.2gHz processer with four physical cores
8gb of ddr3 ram
512gb solid state hard drive
Gigabit Ethernet port
FireWire 800 port (up to 800 Mbps)
Two USB 2.0 ports (up to 480 Mbps)
Intel Thunderbolt port (up to 10 Gbps)
Audio line in
Audio line out
SDXC card slot
Kensington lock slot
Wi-Fi wireless networking2 (based on IEEE 802.11n specification);IEEE
802.11a/b/g compatible
Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) wireless technology
10/100/1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet (RJ-45 connector)
Stereo speakers with subwoofers
Omnidirectional microphone (located under left speaker grille)
Audio line in minijack (digital/analog)
Audio line out/headphone minijack (digital/analog)
Support for Apple iPhone headset with microphone
8x slot-loading SuperDrive (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW) Maximum write: 8x
DVD-R, DVD+R; 4x DVD-R DL (double layer), DVD+R DL (double layer),
DVD-RW, DVD+RW; 24x CD-R; 10x CD-RW Maximum read: 8x DVD-R, DVD+R,
DVD-ROM; 6x DVD-ROM (double layer DVD-9), DVD-R DL (double layer),
DVD+R DL (double layer), DVD-RW, DVD+RW; 24x CD
Native Mini DisplayPort output
DVI output using Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter (optional)
VGA output using Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter (optional)
Dual-link DVI output using Mini DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI Adapter
supports 30-inch Apple Cinema HD Display (optional)
HDMI audio and video output using a third-party Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter
full size backlit US English keyboard
Multi-Touch glass trackpad for precise cursor control; supports
inertial scrolling, pinch, rotate, swipe, three-finger swipe,
four-finger swipe, tap, double-tap, and drag capabilities
Highly recyclable aluminum and glass enclosure
Mercury-free LED-backlit display
Arsenic-free display glass
Energy Efficient Ethernet
Reduced packaging volume
Meets ENERGY STAR Version 5.2 requirements
Rated EPEAT Gold4

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Re: Installing Flashplayer

2013-04-26 Thread Richard Ring
How do you update it? Sometimes, a dialog pops up asking me to update it, and 
nothing I try seems to initiate the process.

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro

On Apr 26, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Also, use tab and spacebar when navigating the install window. VO-arrows will 
> not work right. You can also use the trackpad or mouse keys.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Apr 26, 2013, at 8:25 AM, "Jonathan C. Cohn"  wrote:
>> I believe the last couple of times I was able to install directly from the 
>> downloaded app without first going into the bundle.
>> Best wishes,
>> Jonathan
>> On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:15 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I've been trying  to install Flashplayer for the last few days
>>> without any success.
>>> I went through the archives and found a post in which someone said
>>> that one can install it by opening the downloaded file and selecting
>>> "resources" by clicking on the'show package contents' option.
>>> According to that post, after selecting "resources", one  gets a list
>>> of options from which one has to select 1 particular option which will
>>> open an accessible version of the installer.
>>> However, I only get the following options after selecting the
>>> "resources" option: app.bundle, app.ICNS and en.lproj.
>>> What should I do to make the FP  installer work?
>>> -- 
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Re: smc fan control for leopard,

2013-04-26 Thread Chris Blouch
Interesting. I wonder if there were some special characters that say 
interpreted as commands rather than stuff to say. Say normally shouldn't 
care what the source of the text is.


On 4/25/13 5:40 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:

hi chris. Yes that is true, that say will speak your ls, so it would
be reasonable too believe it would also speak the temp, right?
But here is the funny thing it wont. I have thankfully forgotten why
it is indeed so, but we had quite a bit of a headache with it when we
had too rewrite the speech system for flightgear. The way the
speechsystem works for flightgear is nearly the same, you pipe stuff
from the simulator into the macs own tts, but that is another storry



On 4/25/13, Chris Blouch  wrote:

No need to install espeak. Just pipe the text into the "say" command.
For example,

ls | say

will speak the current directory contents.


On 4/25/13 3:23 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:

okay, lets take it a step further it is geeky so be warned. You could
read your temps value from ioreg, and pipe its contents out too say,
espeak through grep...



On 4/25/13, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:

Hi. I am pretty sure that will not be an issue, but thank you for the
concern. And i should add that i dont mean that in any sarcastic way,
but the mac mini i use right now usually have its temp maxed out due
too the flightsimulator its normally being tortured with. Also C a
high temperture for a mac is not like a windows computer in its 70 but
closer too its 90's. It all comes down too if you are aware about the
matter or notButt i had forgotten about spoken alerts from
Also, if you try too put load on the cpu you will hear the fan going
up and down long before it becomes an issue.


On 4/25/13, Chris Blouch  wrote:

As it says in the article, be careful not to melt your mac by turning
down the fans when you really should have them up. You can use
like Temperature Monitor to check how things are going:

UI is pretty accessible and you can set it up to speak any alerts when
something gets too hot.


On 4/25/13 11:45 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:

The last one was exactly what i was after. And whats more it works
beautifully. I have always been tired of hearing my computer, and this
is just working.
Even under load it works  adoringly. So once again thanks :)

best sandi

On 4/25/13, Chris Blouch  wrote:

I haven't been following this very close but if SMC Fan Control is
accessible, is FanControl? I've never used but maybe they got it

This article has a shell script and compiled binary that lets you
control fan speed manually:


On 4/24/13 5:11 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:

hi, i properly should have been more clinical in my mail. Sorry
What i need smc fan control for is too raise the fans rpm, i could
it from the kernel extensions, but it is rather geeky, and i need
mini too last at least till 44 days out in the future.
Tim, i can quite happily reset my smc sensors, that is not going too
help on the lack of ventilation, though.


On 4/24/13, Tim Kilburn  wrote:


To reset the SMC on an Intel based Mac:

1.  Shutdown the computer.
2.  Unplug the power cord.
3.  Leave it unplugged for 15 to 30 seconds.
4.  Plug it back in.
5.  Wait about 10 seconds.
6.  Press the power button to turn the machine back on.

That should do the trick.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-04-23, at 2:41 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 

smc fan control how did you do it with vo?
Thing is, i have had too whip out my trusty leopard mini again,
runs hot like 85 deg c hot, and well it is not healthy in the long
I could be like i dont care, but well since it is one of the mac
that runs perfectly with out a monitor, i do care quite a bit


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 ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄

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Re: a slight question about buying a mac?

2013-04-26 Thread Cameron Strife
Hi. Regarding audio work, yes, of course you want to have all your
sessions on an external hard drive. Upgrading the internal drive is
still a good idea though. The likelihood of a mechanical drive failing
is far higher than that of a solid state drive failing. so, for peace
of mind, it's a good idea if you can afford it. (This can always be
done later in any case.)

Having an ssd moves things along a lot quicker with everyday tasks
too;software updates, backing up, restoring if need be etc.

Also, for critical recording, a machine with a solid state drive is
going to be far quietter than one with a mechanical drive.

And just a note on pro tools for anybody who may not know already...
Pro tools under mountain lion has some accessibility setbacks that
have not been resolved yet. Edit fields being read as "blank" and
certain menus and plugs not being accessible being some of them. The
best course of action for now is to stay with the latest versions of
pt8 or pt9 under OSX 10.6 or 10.7.

Finally, there are no gains with the new version of pt10 that was just
released, or in pt11 so for now, save your pennies. Hopefully these
issues will be resolved but Apple aren't very open with progress or
any sort of time table as is the case with the lack of logic
accessibility. We shall see...


On 4/26/13, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
> This is wonderful all around thanks.
> As expressed I will make some slight decision changes in some areas but
> not in  others.
> Thanks much,
> Karen
> On Fri, 26 Apr 2013, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> The Digi 002 uses Firewire 400 but the newer Macs come with Firewire 800.
>> The
>> good news is that it is backwards compatible but you'll need a little
>> dongle
>> to change the shape of the plug. I've used these to connect older firewire
>> drives to my newer laptop. Something like this:
>> Or you can get a cable that has a FW400 on one end and 800 on the other
>> which
>> does the same thing but you'll pay a bit more. That might be nice as it
>> means
>> one less connection to slip apart. Of course that assumes the software
>> will
>> run ok on modern OSX. I'm not a protools user these days but the Digi 002
>> specs say they want OSX 10.2 so I'd do some checking whether it will work
>> on
>> the current rev. Maybe you've already done that. Sounds like these folks
>> have
>> tried it and it worked:
>> Drivers say they have been updated to add Mountain Lion support so maybe
>> it
>> works ok
>> CB
>> On 4/25/13 7:14 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>>>  Hi folks,
>>>  Granted I could ask this on the pro tools list too.
>>>  Still I really enjoyed the wisdom Anita got when she was putting hers
>>>  together, and I have some of the same goals.
>>>  Let me ask the more pro-tools like question first however.
>>>  My desire will be a laptop. I want to put things together much the way
>>>  people guided Anita to doing, being sure I still has a cd optical drive
>>>  being very very sure I can still have firewire 400 access. I use a digi
>>>  002, and want absolutely to connect this device to the machine. I think
>>>  there is still an adapter for this if needful.
>>>  Now, my goal would be if I can to put what I want together, but pick it
>>> up
>>>  in store, the apple store here in Toronto where I intend taking
>>> advantage
>>>  of the in store training apple provides.
>>>  I want to support this effort with my business.
>>>  Assuming I can actually finance the machine in the first place smiles,
>>> can
>>>  I
>>>  1, still find a laptop with the sort of firewire connection required
>>> for
>>>  the digi 002? That one is for those on list here who can answer that.
>>>  2, if I follow the steps in the other thread choosing the size and
>>> other
>>>  pieces I desire can I indeed place the order either on the phone, on
>>> line,
>>>  or in a store with the item going to a store for pick up?
>>>  I imagine this will be a unit or so back, which is perfectly okay.
>>>  My registered copy of pro-tools goes back a bit. it is critical that I
>>> can
>>>  connect the digi if this is impossible, then I will either wait to get
>>> the
>>>  new mac, or get one still with things like the cd optical drive and be
>>>  sure I can connect other aspects of production to that machine.
>>>  I know I will be using the full sized keyboard I have with this older
>>> mac
>>>  anyway, so I can type normally lol.
>>>  I have an older mac here already that I use for production now.
>>>  I know that seems confusing, but trust me lol.
>>>  Let me stop here, as I am wanting to be very firm about what I do not
>>> wish
>>>  to negotiate on smiles.
>>>  Thanks,
>>>  Karen
>> --
>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>> --
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Re: smc fan control for leopard,

2013-04-26 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
The say command certainly has some special processing when encounterring 
information in double brackets. That is why you can change the speed when using 
the save text as MP3 contextual menu. 
Best wishes,


On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:49 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Interesting. I wonder if there were some special characters that say 
> interpreted as commands rather than stuff to say. Say normally shouldn't care 
> what the source of the text is.
> CB
> On 4/25/13 5:40 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:
>> hi chris. Yes that is true, that say will speak your ls, so it would
>> be reasonable too believe it would also speak the temp, right?
>> But here is the funny thing it wont. I have thankfully forgotten why
>> it is indeed so, but we had quite a bit of a headache with it when we
>> had too rewrite the speech system for flightgear. The way the
>> speechsystem works for flightgear is nearly the same, you pipe stuff
>> from the simulator into the macs own tts, but that is another storry
>> intirely
>> best
>> sandi
>> On 4/25/13, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> No need to install espeak. Just pipe the text into the "say" command.
>>> For example,
>>> ls | say
>>> will speak the current directory contents.
>>> CB
>>> On 4/25/13 3:23 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:
 okay, lets take it a step further it is geeky so be warned. You could
 read your temps value from ioreg, and pipe its contents out too say,
 espeak through grep...
 On 4/25/13, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
> Hi. I am pretty sure that will not be an issue, but thank you for the
> concern. And i should add that i dont mean that in any sarcastic way,
> but the mac mini i use right now usually have its temp maxed out due
> too the flightsimulator its normally being tortured with. Also C a
> high temperture for a mac is not like a windows computer in its 70 but
> closer too its 90's. It all comes down too if you are aware about the
> matter or notButt i had forgotten about spoken alerts from
> temp-monitor.
> Also, if you try too put load on the cpu you will hear the fan going
> up and down long before it becomes an issue.
> best
> sandi
> On 4/25/13, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> As it says in the article, be careful not to melt your mac by turning
>> down the fans when you really should have them up. You can use
>> something
>> like Temperature Monitor to check how things are going:
>> UI is pretty accessible and you can set it up to speak any alerts when
>> something gets too hot.
>> CB
>> On 4/25/13 11:45 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:
>>> hi.
>>> The last one was exactly what i was after. And whats more it works
>>> beautifully. I have always been tired of hearing my computer, and this
>>> is just working.
>>> Even under load it works  adoringly. So once again thanks :)
>>> best sandi
>>> On 4/25/13, Chris Blouch  wrote:
 I haven't been following this very close but if SMC Fan Control is
 accessible, is FanControl? I've never used but maybe they got it
 This article has a shell script and compiled binary that lets you
 control fan speed manually:
 On 4/24/13 5:11 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:
> hi, i properly should have been more clinical in my mail. Sorry
> about
> that
> :)
> What i need smc fan control for is too raise the fans rpm, i could
> do
> it from the kernel extensions, but it is rather geeky, and i need
> the
> mini too last at least till 44 days out in the future.
> Tim, i can quite happily reset my smc sensors, that is not going too
> help on the lack of ventilation, though.
> sandi
> On 4/24/13, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> To reset the SMC on an Intel based Mac:
>> 1.  Shutdown the computer.
>> 2.  Unplug the power cord.
>> 3.  Leave it unplugged for 15 to 30 seconds.
>> 4.  Plug it back in.
>> 5.  Wait about 10 seconds.
>> 6.  Press the power button to turn the machine back on.
>> That should do the trick.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-04-23, at 2:41 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 
>> wrote:
>>> smc fan control how did you do it with vo?
>>> Thing is, i have had too whip 

VmWare, screen raiders, and the apple keyboard with numeric keypad.

2013-04-26 Thread Daniel Miller

I'm wondering if anyone has used any screen reader running under Windows and 
VmWare with the apple keyboard with numeric keypad?
My question is this. Where that keypad provide you with a JAWS/NVDA key, like a 
normal PC keyboard with a keypad does? Or are their differences with the apple 
keyboard that don't allow for that function? I'm asking because I want to have 
access to such a key for the little time I need to run Windows on my mac, and 
with my Macbook Air not having said key, it makes things quite difficult.
Any help on this would be appreciated.

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Re: Hi some font advice!

2013-04-26 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

The shortcut key you are missing is control-F6 Move focus to floating window. 
This can also be used for the Help window.

This is set in systempreferences keyboards  keyboard shortcuts  keyboard and 
text input.

Best wishes,


On Apr 23, 2013, at 3:14 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Not sure you need a special font for this. Shadows are just another standard 
> font effect like bold or underline. For example, in text edit you can type 
> some text and then do a select all. Then choose Format->Font->Show Font from 
> the menu or just hit command-T. The tricky bit is that the font box doesn't 
> always appear wide enough to house all the options and so it hides the lesser 
> used ones. To fix this find the Zoom control in the window chrome and action 
> that to make the Fonts window bigger. Then you'll discover text shadow is a 
> checkbox right after the document color button and a 'dimmed image'.
> There are more controls after that. First will be three more dimmed images 
> followed by a 'shadow angle circular slider' which sets which direction the 
> shadow is to be cast. 50% is where the shadow is south of the text, 0% is 
> north of the text, 25% is east of the text and 75% is west. You can pick 
> anything inbetween so to have the shadow to the southeast you would want 
> about 37%. After that control is the same information in degrees. Its a 
> little odd because you can still arrow to adjust the value but it will only 
> read off the % as you adjust and you'll have to VO left and right to have it 
> read the degrees again. Same kind of thing but 180 degrees is west and 360 or 
> 0 degrees is east. Anyway, once your shadow is on and you've picked the angle 
> you can VO right to set the opacity, blur and offset sliders. This is where 
> I'm not clear what the normal values are since I've now played with 
> everything. I suspect the initial opacity is 33%, blur is 0% and offset is 
> about 15% (mine says 14.3%).
> One other annoying thing is that the font menu is one of those 'not really a 
> window' windows so if you command tilde away to go back to the document you 
> can't command tilde back to the font window. You either have to do VO-F2 
> twice to pick it again from the window chooser or command-T twice, once to 
> hide it and once to open and move focus to it. The second solution though 
> faster to type will not put focus back where you left it since the window was 
> closed and re-opened.
> Hope this helps.
> CB
> On 4/23/13 11:42 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>> OK I'm not familiar with font names and do not know if this is available and 
>> I'll try my best to describe it!
>> The font I wish to find when looked at visually looks like the letters stand 
>> out from the page so the letters have a shadow but have no clue what name 
>> that font will have if it even exist's!
>> Any help welcome!
>> Colin
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Good speakers for mac mini

2013-04-26 Thread Marc Rocheleau
Hi all,

I've been making due with my mac mini's internal speaker since my old
PC speakers, a 5.1 set that hadn't worked properly in years, went
kaput. After grieving the loss for months (not really,) I think I'm
finally ready to move on and get a nice set of speakers.

Now I throw it to you for any recommendations you may have. I do have
a certain criteria though:

- I listen to music... a lot. I want it to sound good coming out of
these things.
- I will most likely be setting this up to watch DVDs since, when I
move out eventually, we'll be hooking up a TV as a display with HDMI.
We're getting a futon so our office will double as a movie room.
- I'm moving into an apartment building and don't want something too
bass heavy because of that. I don't think the neighbours would
appreciate it. ;)
- The less space it takes up, the better. I am not opposed to 5.1 but
don't want huge speakers since we'll have other stuff taking up space.
- I don't want to spend tons of money on these. $500 is my absolute
limit but I'd like to keep it quite a bit lower than that if possible.
- I'm in Canada... any links provided would be even more useful if
they're from Canadian sites.
- I want something easy to set up on the mac mini... I don't want to
mess with a bunch of adapters.

I think that's about it. There's a couple of two-speaker sets from
Bosse on the apple store but reviews are so varied that it leaves me
unsure. Many say that it has tons of bass too so I am reluctant to put
out the cash for one of those. I have had a hard time finding other
options though so I am hoping some of you may have recommendations
and/or experience that could help me make a decision.

Either way, thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer!


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Re: MP3 amplifier

2013-04-26 Thread Alex Hall
If you are looking for file modification instead of presets, try Audacity. Just 
open your file, install the MP3 encoder as described in the documentation, and 
then open your file. Go to effects, then amplification, and make your changes, 
then export the file to MP3.
On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:34 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> A hacky way is to play with the gain on the iTunes equalizer. With EQ on you 
> can up arrow on the pram vertical slider to add 12dB of gain. It won't 
> announce the value as you up arrow but 5-6 up arrows should max it out and if 
> you VO-right and left it should announce 12dB preamp. In addition you can 
> move up each of the EQ sliders for another 12dB. You can save this as a 
> preset and if you get info on a track, under the Options tab, you can pick 
> that preset to bump up the volume for just that track. This is in addition to 
> the Volume Adjustment on the same Options tab which will let you double to 
> volume on a track by track basis.
> CB
> On 4/26/13 11:28 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:
>> Sorry, I thought my original e-mail would be included in the last one.
>> I am looking for a program that can boost the sound volume in mp3
>> files. On the PC, I used mp3gain because it worked better than
>> soundcheck does in iTunes and amplifies the file itself instead of
>> just when you listen on iTunes. You could also decide how much to
>> increase the volume yourself on an individual track, so quieter
>> ballads weren't louder than they should be.
>> There's a mac mp3gain but I found it doesn't do anything to the files
>> one way or another. I'm going to be putting some albums on an iPod
>> shuffle for someone as a gift and want them to be at a similar volume
>> level.
>> I hope this makes more sense now. Thanks in advance for any help!
>> -Marc
>> On 4/26/13, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> I'm not sure what the original question was, but if it's increased volume
>>> you want, try VLC ( That app seems to go way above the volume
>>> iTunes or Quicklook can manage, and I usually leave the volume down some to
>>> keep things manageable. Sorry if your question was something different.
>>> On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:59 PM, Marc Rocheleau 
>>> wrote:
 Don't mean to pester the list but I was REALLY hoping for a response
 to this question. For someone who used a program like this for Windows
 so much, I really need the same for the Mac. Does anyone have any
 recommendations? I'm a bit surprised that no one has responded so far
 given how many people here seem to be manipulating and editing audio.
 Please help! Thanks in advance.
 On 4/23/13, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I found the easy music converter app thanks to a helpful member of the
> list here and was hoping luck could strike twice.
> Now that I can convert tracks from flac and other file formats easily,
> I am in need of a program that can amplify mp3 volume levels. I used
> to use mp3gain on the PC, which worked perfectly for this, but found
> that mac mp3gain doesn't actually amplify my mp3 files at all. Does
> anyone know of a VO friendly mp3 amplifier? I don't want an audio
> editor with an amplify option, I'd like something specifically for
> amplifying mp3 files.
> Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
> -Marc
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>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: VmWare, screen raiders, and the apple keyboard with numeric keypad.

2013-04-26 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
I regularly plug my apple USB keyboard with numeric pad into a windows system.
1. The numeric keypad works mostly as expected, though they keys used for 
left/right mouse buttons are shifted one position clockwise from my PC 
2. The insert key in the 6 pack is described on my mac as "Help" and does not 
work directly as an insert key.
3. The keys that are used for "Windows" and "alt" are reversed.
4. There is no application key on the right side.

Best wishes,


On Apr 26, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm wondering if anyone has used any screen reader running under Windows and 
> VmWare with the apple keyboard with numeric keypad?
> My question is this. Where that keypad provide you with a JAWS/NVDA key, like 
> a normal PC keyboard with a keypad does? Or are their differences with the 
> apple keyboard that don't allow for that function? I'm asking because I want 
> to have access to such a key for the little time I need to run Windows on my 
> mac, and with my Macbook Air not having said key, it makes things quite 
> difficult.
> Any help on this would be appreciated.
> -- 
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Re: VmWare, screen raiders, and the apple keyboard with numeric keypad.

2013-04-26 Thread Daniel Miller

I suppose I should've phrased my question about the insert key a little bit 
better. I meant to ask if that keyboard when running under windows allows the 
numlock to be turned off, therefore allowing the use of the numpad 0 as an 
insert key for jaws and/or NVDA?

On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:25 AM, "Jonathan C. Cohn"  wrote:

> I regularly plug my apple USB keyboard with numeric pad into a windows system.
> 1. The numeric keypad works mostly as expected, though they keys used for 
> left/right mouse buttons are shifted one position clockwise from my PC 
> keyboards.
> 2. The insert key in the 6 pack is described on my mac as "Help" and does not 
> work directly as an insert key.
> 3. The keys that are used for "Windows" and "alt" are reversed.
> 4. There is no application key on the right side.
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan
> On Apr 26, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm wondering if anyone has used any screen reader running under Windows and 
>> VmWare with the apple keyboard with numeric keypad?
>> My question is this. Where that keypad provide you with a JAWS/NVDA key, 
>> like a normal PC keyboard with a keypad does? Or are their differences with 
>> the apple keyboard that don't allow for that function? I'm asking because I 
>> want to have access to such a key for the little time I need to run Windows 
>> on my mac, and with my Macbook Air not having said key, it makes things 
>> quite difficult.
>> Any help on this would be appreciated.
>> -- 
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Re: mint mac book pro with I7 quad core processor, 512gb ssd, 8gb ram, extras, and AppleCare...

2013-04-26 Thread Kristeen Hughes
How much do you want for this machine? It sounds absolutely awesome!

On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:42 AM, Cameron Strife  wrote:

> Hi everybody. I'm putting this on list one more time in case anybody
> is interested... I don't use it much and I'd like to use the cash to
> upgrade my mac pro desktop and some studio gear etc. Please write me
> off list to make an offer. Thanks!
>   The machine has Applecare until November 30, 2014. (Includes in store
> or mail in repairs, e mail support and phone support etc.) It's in
> mint condision, has no issues, and has only seen lite use in my smoke
> free home. I had Apple upgrade it with a 512gb solid state hard drive
> and 8gb of ddr3 ram. It was done by Apple with Apple supplied
> hardware, (unlike a lot of upgraded mbps around on e bay and other
> places that someone did with inferior ssds etc.) All in all it was
> over $3500 from the Apple store.
>   This machine is very powerful and very fast! it would be great for
> pro tools, garage band, logic pro, game design, software design, cad,
> video production, graphic design, etc or just entertainment and
> general computing/office work.
>   Includes world wide power supply, firewire 400 to firewire 800
> adapter, pouch style protective case, OSX/iLife dvds, documentation,
> and a bootable copy of OSX Mountain Lion on a thumb drive. I'll
> reformat the machine and do a fresh install of Mountain Lion before
> shipping. If you'd rather have OSX 10.6, I could do a fresh install of
> that instead.
> Specs:
> unibody aluminum design
> MagSafe power port
> 15.4-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit glossy
> Supported resolutions: 1440 by 900 (native), 1280 by 800, 1152 by 720,
> 1024 by 640, and 800 by 500 pixels at 16:10 aspect ratio; 1024 by 768,
> 800 by 600, and 640 by 480 pixels at 4:3 aspect ratio; 1024 by 768,
> 800 by 600, and 640 by 480 pixels at 4:3 aspect ratio stretched; 720
> by 480 pixels at 3:2 aspect ratio; 720 by 480 pixels at 3:2 aspect
> ratio stretched
> AMD Radeon HD 6750M graphics processor with 512MB of GDDR5 memory
> Intel HD Graphics 3000 with 384MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory5
> Automatic graphics switching
> Dual display and video mirroring: Simultaneously supports full native
> resolution on the built-in display and up to 2560 by 1600 pixels on an
> external display, both at millions of colors FaceTime HD camera
> Intel quad core I7 2.2gHz processer with four physical cores
> 8gb of ddr3 ram
> 512gb solid state hard drive
> Gigabit Ethernet port
> FireWire 800 port (up to 800 Mbps)
> Two USB 2.0 ports (up to 480 Mbps)
> Intel Thunderbolt port (up to 10 Gbps)
> Audio line in
> Audio line out
> SDXC card slot
> Kensington lock slot
> Wi-Fi wireless networking2 (based on IEEE 802.11n specification);IEEE
> 802.11a/b/g compatible
> Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) wireless technology
> 10/100/1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet (RJ-45 connector)
> Stereo speakers with subwoofers
> Omnidirectional microphone (located under left speaker grille)
> Audio line in minijack (digital/analog)
> Audio line out/headphone minijack (digital/analog)
> Support for Apple iPhone headset with microphone
> 8x slot-loading SuperDrive (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW) Maximum write: 8x
> DVD-R, DVD+R; 4x DVD-R DL (double layer), DVD+R DL (double layer),
> DVD-RW, DVD+RW; 24x CD-R; 10x CD-RW Maximum read: 8x DVD-R, DVD+R,
> DVD-ROM; 6x DVD-ROM (double layer DVD-9), DVD-R DL (double layer),
> DVD+R DL (double layer), DVD-RW, DVD+RW; 24x CD
> Native Mini DisplayPort output
> DVI output using Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter (optional)
> VGA output using Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter (optional)
> Dual-link DVI output using Mini DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI Adapter
> supports 30-inch Apple Cinema HD Display (optional)
> HDMI audio and video output using a third-party Mini DisplayPort to HDMI 
> Adapter
> full size backlit US English keyboard
> Multi-Touch glass trackpad for precise cursor control; supports
> inertial scrolling, pinch, rotate, swipe, three-finger swipe,
> four-finger swipe, tap, double-tap, and drag capabilities
> Highly recyclable aluminum and glass enclosure
> Mercury-free LED-backlit display
> Arsenic-free display glass
> BFR-free
> PVC-free3
> Energy Efficient Ethernet
> Reduced packaging volume
> Meets ENERGY STAR Version 5.2 requirements
> Rated EPEAT Gold4
> -- 
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Re: mint mac book pro with I7 quad core processor, 512gb ssd, 8gb ram, extras, and AppleCare...

2013-04-26 Thread Cameron Strife
Hi. I'd accept $2179 and that would include shipping with tracking and
full insurance to anywhere in the continental USA. Shipping to Canada,
the Uk, and Europe will cost extra. Yes, it is an amazing machine! I'm
just not doing any on location work and the money could be used



On 4/26/13, Kristeen Hughes  wrote:
> How much do you want for this machine? It sounds absolutely awesome!
> Kristeen
> On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:42 AM, Cameron Strife 
> wrote:
>> Hi everybody. I'm putting this on list one more time in case anybody
>> is interested... I don't use it much and I'd like to use the cash to
>> upgrade my mac pro desktop and some studio gear etc. Please write me
>> off list to make an offer. Thanks!
>>  The machine has Applecare until November 30, 2014. (Includes in store
>> or mail in repairs, e mail support and phone support etc.) It's in
>> mint condision, has no issues, and has only seen lite use in my smoke
>> free home. I had Apple upgrade it with a 512gb solid state hard drive
>> and 8gb of ddr3 ram. It was done by Apple with Apple supplied
>> hardware, (unlike a lot of upgraded mbps around on e bay and other
>> places that someone did with inferior ssds etc.) All in all it was
>> over $3500 from the Apple store.
>>  This machine is very powerful and very fast! it would be great for
>> pro tools, garage band, logic pro, game design, software design, cad,
>> video production, graphic design, etc or just entertainment and
>> general computing/office work.
>>  Includes world wide power supply, firewire 400 to firewire 800
>> adapter, pouch style protective case, OSX/iLife dvds, documentation,
>> and a bootable copy of OSX Mountain Lion on a thumb drive. I'll
>> reformat the machine and do a fresh install of Mountain Lion before
>> shipping. If you'd rather have OSX 10.6, I could do a fresh install of
>> that instead.
>> Specs:
>> unibody aluminum design
>> MagSafe power port
>> 15.4-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit glossy
>> Supported resolutions: 1440 by 900 (native), 1280 by 800, 1152 by 720,
>> 1024 by 640, and 800 by 500 pixels at 16:10 aspect ratio; 1024 by 768,
>> 800 by 600, and 640 by 480 pixels at 4:3 aspect ratio; 1024 by 768,
>> 800 by 600, and 640 by 480 pixels at 4:3 aspect ratio stretched; 720
>> by 480 pixels at 3:2 aspect ratio; 720 by 480 pixels at 3:2 aspect
>> ratio stretched
>> AMD Radeon HD 6750M graphics processor with 512MB of GDDR5 memory
>> Intel HD Graphics 3000 with 384MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory5
>> Automatic graphics switching
>> Dual display and video mirroring: Simultaneously supports full native
>> resolution on the built-in display and up to 2560 by 1600 pixels on an
>> external display, both at millions of colors FaceTime HD camera
>> Intel quad core I7 2.2gHz processer with four physical cores
>> 8gb of ddr3 ram
>> 512gb solid state hard drive
>> Gigabit Ethernet port
>> FireWire 800 port (up to 800 Mbps)
>> Two USB 2.0 ports (up to 480 Mbps)
>> Intel Thunderbolt port (up to 10 Gbps)
>> Audio line in
>> Audio line out
>> SDXC card slot
>> Kensington lock slot
>> Wi-Fi wireless networking2 (based on IEEE 802.11n specification);IEEE
>> 802.11a/b/g compatible
>> Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) wireless technology
>> 10/100/1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet (RJ-45 connector)
>> Stereo speakers with subwoofers
>> Omnidirectional microphone (located under left speaker grille)
>> Audio line in minijack (digital/analog)
>> Audio line out/headphone minijack (digital/analog)
>> Support for Apple iPhone headset with microphone
>> 8x slot-loading SuperDrive (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW) Maximum write: 8x
>> DVD-R, DVD+R; 4x DVD-R DL (double layer), DVD+R DL (double layer),
>> DVD-RW, DVD+RW; 24x CD-R; 10x CD-RW Maximum read: 8x DVD-R, DVD+R,
>> DVD-ROM; 6x DVD-ROM (double layer DVD-9), DVD-R DL (double layer),
>> DVD+R DL (double layer), DVD-RW, DVD+RW; 24x CD
>> Native Mini DisplayPort output
>> DVI output using Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter (optional)
>> VGA output using Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter (optional)
>> Dual-link DVI output using Mini DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI Adapter
>> supports 30-inch Apple Cinema HD Display (optional)
>> HDMI audio and video output using a third-party Mini DisplayPort to HDMI
>> Adapter
>> full size backlit US English keyboard
>> Multi-Touch glass trackpad for precise cursor control; supports
>> inertial scrolling, pinch, rotate, swipe, three-finger swipe,
>> four-finger swipe, tap, double-tap, and drag capabilities
>> Highly recyclable aluminum and glass enclosure
>> Mercury-free LED-backlit display
>> Arsenic-free display glass
>> BFR-free
>> PVC-free3
>> Energy Efficient Ethernet
>> Reduced packaging volume
>> Meets ENERGY STAR Version 5.2 requirements
>> Rated EPEAT Gold4
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email t

Re: Good speakers for mac mini

2013-04-26 Thread Chris Gilland
I can't give you an exact model, but have you looked at any of the stuff 
from Altech Lanzing?  I have a set connected to my windows computer, and 
believe me, all else considered, they sound amazing.  I can get them so basy 
you'd blow the roof off the place, but! I also! can make them so tinny 
sounding that it's almost ear piercingly trebbly.  these things have quite! 
a dynamic range.  Frankly, I don't think any of the two speaker+sub woofer 
sets I've seen that were manufactured by them have been bad.  Most of them 
are extremely good for what they do, not to mention very very reasonably 
priced.  I'd say check those out.  Granted the set I have was around $300, 
which I know is upwards of your budget, but trust me, you get what you pay 
for.  Take it from a guy who is a certified/qualified sound engineer who 
does audio production 8 hours a day 5 days a week for a living profession.

I don't know if they ship to Canada, though I see absolutely no reason they 
wouldn't... I'd check out

They have some amazing! and I do mean amazing! audio hardware gear!


- Original Message - 
From: "Marc Rocheleau" 

To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 12:13 PM
Subject: Good speakers for mac mini

Hi all,

I've been making due with my mac mini's internal speaker since my old
PC speakers, a 5.1 set that hadn't worked properly in years, went
kaput. After grieving the loss for months (not really,) I think I'm
finally ready to move on and get a nice set of speakers.

Now I throw it to you for any recommendations you may have. I do have
a certain criteria though:

- I listen to music... a lot. I want it to sound good coming out of
these things.
- I will most likely be setting this up to watch DVDs since, when I
move out eventually, we'll be hooking up a TV as a display with HDMI.
We're getting a futon so our office will double as a movie room.
- I'm moving into an apartment building and don't want something too
bass heavy because of that. I don't think the neighbours would
appreciate it. ;)
- The less space it takes up, the better. I am not opposed to 5.1 but
don't want huge speakers since we'll have other stuff taking up space.
- I don't want to spend tons of money on these. $500 is my absolute
limit but I'd like to keep it quite a bit lower than that if possible.
- I'm in Canada... any links provided would be even more useful if
they're from Canadian sites.
- I want something easy to set up on the mac mini... I don't want to
mess with a bunch of adapters.

I think that's about it. There's a couple of two-speaker sets from
Bosse on the apple store but reviews are so varied that it leaves me
unsure. Many say that it has tons of bass too so I am reluctant to put
out the cash for one of those. I have had a hard time finding other
options though so I am hoping some of you may have recommendations
and/or experience that could help me make a decision.

Either way, thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer!


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Re: Tricking the Mac Mini into thinking it has a display

2013-04-26 Thread Kristeen Hughes
Just so I'm clear on all of this. The DVI to VGA converter is the one that 
makes it possible to hook up a PC-style monitor, right? Where do I get the 
second converter?


On Apr 25, 2013, at 2:51 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Definitely possible and comes up on this list every now and then. Let me 
> paste a previous thread (August 2011) here:
> On 8/3/11 1:55PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> I have a DVI to VGA and then a VGA to NTSC converter on my Mini and it always 
> thinks there is a screen hooked up. Works well and it connects to our old TV 
> so the kids can watch DVDs on it or whatever. Since NTSC doesn't provide a 
> way to detect if you're hooked up the Mac always thinks it is. The mini is 
> the hub of the home theater setup since it outputs fiber optic audio which 
> goes into an AV receiver. Added an Apple wireless keyboard/mouse for couch 
> use.
> CB
> On 8/3/11 2:14 PM, John Panarese wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> With this set up of adaptors, can you use the Mini without actually 
> connecting a monitor for daily, computer use. I am seriously considering 
> buying a new Mini, and I'd like to be able to do so with the minimum of 
> extras beyond a keyboard and Magic Trackpad.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On 8/3/11 4:41PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Right, as far as the Mini knows it is hooked up to a monitor, which happens 
> to be the VGA to NTSC adapter. I think I paid about $30 for the VGA to NTSC 
> box. Yup, it was this one:
> It does take a USB port for power but my Mini has four so that was fine. I 
> also already had an HDMI or displayport to VGA adapter from somewhere or 
> other. I think they only ship with HDMI to DVI these days.
> The end result is the mini stops its fruitless search for a monitor that 
> isn't there so it can move on to more important things like doing your work.
> CB
> On 4/25/13 1:17 PM, Kristeen Hughes wrote:
>> I have heard that there is an article on the Applevis site on how to do 
>> this, but I am having some trouble locating it. Could someone send me a link 
>> or describe how this is done? I desperately need to know if this is possible.
>> Kristeen
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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Re: Sophos Anti Virus and VirusBarrier Express

2013-04-26 Thread Terje Strømberg

I read in macroumors forum that Sophos is regarded by some peaple to be a bad 
antivirus software. 

I am just an average computer user and not an expert myself, but it seems like 
Webroot SecureAnywhere works fine here so far. Cloud based. Google it and see 
if you can try it.

Take care

26. apr. 2013 kl. 04:39 skrev Nicholas Parsons :

> HI listers,
> I've been having a recurring problem with a Microsoft Exchange email account 
> in Mail on Mountain Lion. Every so often the account kinda dies on my Mac, 
> even though it works fine on my iPhone. If I delete it and re-add it, it 
> works fine. For a while. And then the problem reoccurs.
> Apple Care were a little perplexed with this, but suggested I disabled any 
> third party anti virus applications, re-add the account and wait to see if 
> the problem reoccurs.
> I have two anti virus applications on my Mac. Sophos Anti Virus and 
> VirusBarrier Express. VirusBarrier Express seems pretty accessible, but I 
> can't see any preferences or options for disabling or enabling. In fact, I 
> can't tell whether it has any real time protection or firewall or whether 
> it's just a scan on request type thing. Sophos has lots of preferences but 
> they seem completely invisible to VoiceOver.
> Does anyone know of any way to configure these apps with VoiceOver? Or should 
> I just uninstall them completely?
> Sophos usefully comes with what I think is an uninstallation app. 
> virusBarrier was purchased through the Mac App Store and does not. So should 
> I just trash the VirusBarrier Express app in the Utilities folder?
> Thanks for any help you can give.
> Best,
> Nic
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Re: Good speakers for mac mini

2013-04-26 Thread Marc Rocheleau
Just to double-check, these speakers you're talking about should run
on the mac mini with no problems? I like that they have that kind of
range, being able to adjust the sound like that is a major plus for


On 4/26/13, Chris Gilland  wrote:
> I can't give you an exact model, but have you looked at any of the stuff
> from Altech Lanzing?  I have a set connected to my windows computer, and
> believe me, all else considered, they sound amazing.  I can get them so basy
> you'd blow the roof off the place, but! I also! can make them so tinny
> sounding that it's almost ear piercingly trebbly.  these things have quite!
> a dynamic range.  Frankly, I don't think any of the two speaker+sub woofer
> sets I've seen that were manufactured by them have been bad.  Most of them
> are extremely good for what they do, not to mention very very reasonably
> priced.  I'd say check those out.  Granted the set I have was around $300,
> which I know is upwards of your budget, but trust me, you get what you pay
> for.  Take it from a guy who is a certified/qualified sound engineer who
> does audio production 8 hours a day 5 days a week for a living profession.
> I don't know if they ship to Canada, though I see absolutely no reason they
> wouldn't... I'd check out
> They have some amazing! and I do mean amazing! audio hardware gear!
> Chris.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Marc Rocheleau" 
> To: "MacVisionaries" 
> Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 12:13 PM
> Subject: Good speakers for mac mini
>> Hi all,
>> I've been making due with my mac mini's internal speaker since my old
>> PC speakers, a 5.1 set that hadn't worked properly in years, went
>> kaput. After grieving the loss for months (not really,) I think I'm
>> finally ready to move on and get a nice set of speakers.
>> Now I throw it to you for any recommendations you may have. I do have
>> a certain criteria though:
>> - I listen to music... a lot. I want it to sound good coming out of
>> these things.
>> - I will most likely be setting this up to watch DVDs since, when I
>> move out eventually, we'll be hooking up a TV as a display with HDMI.
>> We're getting a futon so our office will double as a movie room.
>> - I'm moving into an apartment building and don't want something too
>> bass heavy because of that. I don't think the neighbours would
>> appreciate it. ;)
>> - The less space it takes up, the better. I am not opposed to 5.1 but
>> don't want huge speakers since we'll have other stuff taking up space.
>> - I don't want to spend tons of money on these. $500 is my absolute
>> limit but I'd like to keep it quite a bit lower than that if possible.
>> - I'm in Canada... any links provided would be even more useful if
>> they're from Canadian sites.
>> - I want something easy to set up on the mac mini... I don't want to
>> mess with a bunch of adapters.
>> I think that's about it. There's a couple of two-speaker sets from
>> Bosse on the apple store but reviews are so varied that it leaves me
>> unsure. Many say that it has tons of bass too so I am reluctant to put
>> out the cash for one of those. I have had a hard time finding other
>> options though so I am hoping some of you may have recommendations
>> and/or experience that could help me make a decision.
>> Either way, thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer!
>> -Marc
>> --
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Re: Good speakers for mac mini

2013-04-26 Thread Chris Gilland
Well, here's the thing, some of them might have an equalizer, but mine for 
example doesn't.  Mine basically has 3 buttons on a little box which is 
connected to the two satelite speakers.  The set I have actually was meant 
for a gaming system type computer, but yes, one of the settings makes it 
really really tinny, one makes it about middle of the road, and the other 
makes it extremely basey.  I usually keep it on the middle preset.  I may 
not have spelled lanzing correctly, so you probably're gonna wanna google. 
As for the compatibility, abg, suh, lootly! they'll run on the Mini.  I 
myself have actually done it.  Granted, I normally don'[t.  Normally, I have 
it connected to my JVL studio monitors, which is then being fed through a 
send bus, then fed back through a receive on my 24 channel board, but for 
you, that would probably be over kill!  Yes, most Altech speakers I have do 
have either nickle, or gold tipped stereo 3.5MM male plugs.  The nice thing 
too is that the cords all are balanced, so your ends and outs give you the 
same wattage both ways a-syncronously.  Again, I can't tell you the exact 
model of these speakers.  I doubt this exact model is even being made 
anymore being they're several years old, but man are they worth it! 
Frankly, I'm probably just biased, but I l'l'luv! my Altechs.  Again, as I 
said initially, in my book, I don't think I've yet seen a single bad Altech 
speaker setup yet.

You really honestly can't go wrong with them.  I still do however strongly! 
encourage you to look on the Sweet Water web site.

Again, I'm not totally sure if they ship outside the US, but I would think 
they'd at least! ship to Canada.  Hold on let me call and I'll ask 'em.
So, ok, I just spoke to a guy there named Dan.  He said it depends on what 
your'e looking for if they can ship outside the states or not.  He said 
they're not an Altech dealer, so the answer there would be no, but, he did 
say they offer tons of good speaker systems and that he did based on your 
requirements have a few ideas.

So, you may wanna give him a call.


If that number doesn't work, being it's a US based toll-free number, then 
try their local number which is:


and Dan is at extention 1253.

Either that, or you can try talking to the guy who I normally deal with in 
sales who is one of the nicest! gentlemen I've ever had the pleasure in a 
sales situation with working with.  I'd strongly suggest talking to him, if 
you can't get Dan.  Ironically, his name is also! Christopher.  More 
specifically, Christopher Geissler, pronounced Ggighssler.  Gice, ler.

Same number as above, and he's at extension 1297.  You can tell him your 
visually impaired friend who he should know well, Christopher Gilland 
recommended him.  I think he'll be very pleased to talk to you.

Anyway, I really hope I'm being helpful.  I'm sorry I can't give you more 
specific information/models to look at.

If you need any further help, you also can call my company and speak to the 
tech support department.  We don't directly sell speakers, but we could 
probably help you with your research to find a good set.

our number is:

704-256-0067, then choose option 2 from the main menu for tech support.  Or, 
you can reach me, directly at extension 401.


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Re: Good speakers for mac mini

2013-04-26 Thread Chris H

Try the Beatbox portable wireless speaker system from
$70 is the price, they work either via bluetooth or via a simple line in 
cable that connects to a standard 3.5 mm audio out socket, doesn't sound 
too basy from what I have heard, and as the name suggests portable, in 
fact very portable.

Good luck.

Christopher Hallsworth
E-mail and Facebook:
Find my blog at

On 26/04/2013 17:13, Marc Rocheleau wrote:

Hi all,

I've been making due with my mac mini's internal speaker since my old
PC speakers, a 5.1 set that hadn't worked properly in years, went
kaput. After grieving the loss for months (not really,) I think I'm
finally ready to move on and get a nice set of speakers.

Now I throw it to you for any recommendations you may have. I do have
a certain criteria though:

- I listen to music... a lot. I want it to sound good coming out of
these things.
- I will most likely be setting this up to watch DVDs since, when I
move out eventually, we'll be hooking up a TV as a display with HDMI.
We're getting a futon so our office will double as a movie room.
- I'm moving into an apartment building and don't want something too
bass heavy because of that. I don't think the neighbours would
appreciate it. ;)
- The less space it takes up, the better. I am not opposed to 5.1 but
don't want huge speakers since we'll have other stuff taking up space.
- I don't want to spend tons of money on these. $500 is my absolute
limit but I'd like to keep it quite a bit lower than that if possible.
- I'm in Canada... any links provided would be even more useful if
they're from Canadian sites.
- I want something easy to set up on the mac mini... I don't want to
mess with a bunch of adapters.

I think that's about it. There's a couple of two-speaker sets from
Bosse on the apple store but reviews are so varied that it leaves me
unsure. Many say that it has tons of bass too so I am reluctant to put
out the cash for one of those. I have had a hard time finding other
options though so I am hoping some of you may have recommendations
and/or experience that could help me make a decision.

Either way, thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer!


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Re: Skype on Mac: what should I know?

2013-04-26 Thread Rachel Feinberg
Vo+J is your friend when accessing chat history and when going from table to 
Also, keep in mind that when you're sitting in a chat window on skype, it won't 
make the sound to let you know a new message has come in. So you'll probably 
want to command+tab away from the application while waiting for a new message, 
then skype will make the alert.
Other than that, and if you remember to be out of the application when waiting 
for a message, it's a pretty good experience.
Have fun, and shout if you have questions!
On Apr 26, 2013, at 8:24 AM, Chris H  wrote:

> I actually think Skype is much better accessibility wise on the mac however I 
> do admit to using the client on the other platform but require third party 
> software in order for it to be fully accessible. not so on the mac. One nice 
> feature in the mac client is the ability to use the system voice to announce 
> various events on Skype. It was a while since I set up Skype on my mac but 
> it's all there in Preferences, command-comma.
> Christopher Hallsworth
> E-mail and Facebook:
> Skype:
> chrishallsworth7266
> Twitter:
> Find my blog at
> On 26/04/2013 16:16, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am about to put Skype on my Mac for the first time. I know the program, 
>> but have used it only on my iOS devices for a couple years, and on Windows 
>> before that. Are there accessibility concerns regarding this application on 
>> the Mac? Is there anything VO-related I need to know? Any settings I should 
>> configure a certain way? Thanks in advance.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Good speakers for mac mini

2013-04-26 Thread Chris Blouch
Just an FYI, if you really are doing a 5.1 surround sound setup you can 
run the optical output from your mini to a standard 5.1 decoder receiver 
so when you play a DVD you get all the surround-sound goodness. Other 
than that, what speakers sound good is a pretty subjective thing. 
Personally I like my old JBL 4408 studio monitors.


On 4/26/13 12:13 PM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:

Hi all,

I've been making due with my mac mini's internal speaker since my old
PC speakers, a 5.1 set that hadn't worked properly in years, went
kaput. After grieving the loss for months (not really,) I think I'm
finally ready to move on and get a nice set of speakers.

Now I throw it to you for any recommendations you may have. I do have
a certain criteria though:

- I listen to music... a lot. I want it to sound good coming out of
these things.
- I will most likely be setting this up to watch DVDs since, when I
move out eventually, we'll be hooking up a TV as a display with HDMI.
We're getting a futon so our office will double as a movie room.
- I'm moving into an apartment building and don't want something too
bass heavy because of that. I don't think the neighbours would
appreciate it. ;)
- The less space it takes up, the better. I am not opposed to 5.1 but
don't want huge speakers since we'll have other stuff taking up space.
- I don't want to spend tons of money on these. $500 is my absolute
limit but I'd like to keep it quite a bit lower than that if possible.
- I'm in Canada... any links provided would be even more useful if
they're from Canadian sites.
- I want something easy to set up on the mac mini... I don't want to
mess with a bunch of adapters.

I think that's about it. There's a couple of two-speaker sets from
Bosse on the apple store but reviews are so varied that it leaves me
unsure. Many say that it has tons of bass too so I am reluctant to put
out the cash for one of those. I have had a hard time finding other
options though so I am hoping some of you may have recommendations
and/or experience that could help me make a decision.

Either way, thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer!



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Re: Tricking the Mac Mini into thinking it has a display

2013-04-26 Thread Chris Blouch
Right. Then you hook that to the VGAtoNTSC converter I linked to from further down in the messages.


On 4/26/13 1:17 PM, Kristeen Hughes wrote:

Just so I'm clear on all of this. The DVI to VGA converter is the one that 
makes it possible to hook up a PC-style monitor, right? Where do I get the 
second converter?


On Apr 25, 2013, at 2:51 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

Definitely possible and comes up on this list every now and then. Let me paste 
a previous thread (August 2011) here:

On 8/3/11 1:55PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

I have a DVI to VGA and then a VGA to NTSC converter on my Mini and it always 
thinks there is a screen hooked up. Works well and it connects to our old TV so 
the kids can watch DVDs on it or whatever. Since NTSC doesn't provide a way to 
detect if you're hooked up the Mac always thinks it is. The mini is the hub of 
the home theater setup since it outputs fiber optic audio which goes into an AV 
receiver. Added an Apple wireless keyboard/mouse for couch use.


On 8/3/11 2:14 PM, John Panarese wrote:
Hi Chris,
With this set up of adaptors, can you use the Mini without actually connecting 
a monitor for daily, computer use. I am seriously considering buying a new 
Mini, and I'd like to be able to do so with the minimum of extras beyond a 
keyboard and Magic Trackpad.

Take Care

John Panarese

On 8/3/11 4:41PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Right, as far as the Mini knows it is hooked up to a monitor, which happens to 
be the VGA to NTSC adapter. I think I paid about $30 for the VGA to NTSC box. 
Yup, it was this one:

It does take a USB port for power but my Mini has four so that was fine. I also 
already had an HDMI or displayport to VGA adapter from somewhere or other. I 
think they only ship with HDMI to DVI these days.

The end result is the mini stops its fruitless search for a monitor that isn't 
there so it can move on to more important things like doing your work.


On 4/25/13 1:17 PM, Kristeen Hughes wrote:

I have heard that there is an article on the Applevis site on how to do this, 
but I am having some trouble locating it. Could someone send me a link or 
describe how this is done? I desperately need to know if this is possible.



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Re: MP3 amplifier

2013-04-26 Thread Chris Blouch
True, but each time you re-encode an mp3 the sound quality gets a little 
worse. The iTunes method is non-destructive but that also means it only 
works inside the player. Have to pick the lesser of two evils.


On 4/26/13 12:22 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

If you are looking for file modification instead of presets, try Audacity. Just 
open your file, install the MP3 encoder as described in the documentation, and 
then open your file. Go to effects, then amplification, and make your changes, 
then export the file to MP3.
On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:34 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

A hacky way is to play with the gain on the iTunes equalizer. With EQ on you 
can up arrow on the pram vertical slider to add 12dB of gain. It won't announce 
the value as you up arrow but 5-6 up arrows should max it out and if you 
VO-right and left it should announce 12dB preamp. In addition you can move up 
each of the EQ sliders for another 12dB. You can save this as a preset and if 
you get info on a track, under the Options tab, you can pick that preset to 
bump up the volume for just that track. This is in addition to the Volume 
Adjustment on the same Options tab which will let you double to volume on a 
track by track basis.


On 4/26/13 11:28 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:

Sorry, I thought my original e-mail would be included in the last one.
I am looking for a program that can boost the sound volume in mp3
files. On the PC, I used mp3gain because it worked better than
soundcheck does in iTunes and amplifies the file itself instead of
just when you listen on iTunes. You could also decide how much to
increase the volume yourself on an individual track, so quieter
ballads weren't louder than they should be.

There's a mac mp3gain but I found it doesn't do anything to the files
one way or another. I'm going to be putting some albums on an iPod
shuffle for someone as a gift and want them to be at a similar volume

I hope this makes more sense now. Thanks in advance for any help!


On 4/26/13, Alex Hall  wrote:

I'm not sure what the original question was, but if it's increased volume
you want, try VLC ( That app seems to go way above the volume
iTunes or Quicklook can manage, and I usually leave the volume down some to
keep things manageable. Sorry if your question was something different.
On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:59 PM, Marc Rocheleau 

Don't mean to pester the list but I was REALLY hoping for a response
to this question. For someone who used a program like this for Windows
so much, I really need the same for the Mac. Does anyone have any
recommendations? I'm a bit surprised that no one has responded so far
given how many people here seem to be manipulating and editing audio.

Please help! Thanks in advance.


On 4/23/13, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:

Hi all,

I found the easy music converter app thanks to a helpful member of the
list here and was hoping luck could strike twice.

Now that I can convert tracks from flac and other file formats easily,
I am in need of a program that can amplify mp3 volume levels. I used
to use mp3gain on the PC, which worked perfectly for this, but found
that mac mp3gain doesn't actually amplify my mp3 files at all. Does
anyone know of a VO friendly mp3 amplifier? I don't want an audio
editor with an amplify option, I'd like something specifically for
amplifying mp3 files.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!


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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)


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Re: MP3 amplifier

2013-04-26 Thread Marc Rocheleau
That's why I liked mp3 gain on the PC, it just boosted the file's
volume without requiring a re-encode. I am lucky though, I can get wav
files of these particular tracks, amplify them and then encode to
mp3... so it works as a stopgap solution for now. I really wish I had
something like what I had with mp3gain on Windows though.


On 4/26/13, Chris Blouch  wrote:
> True, but each time you re-encode an mp3 the sound quality gets a little
> worse. The iTunes method is non-destructive but that also means it only
> works inside the player. Have to pick the lesser of two evils.
> CB
> On 4/26/13 12:22 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> If you are looking for file modification instead of presets, try Audacity.
>> Just open your file, install the MP3 encoder as described in the
>> documentation, and then open your file. Go to effects, then amplification,
>> and make your changes, then export the file to MP3.
>> On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:34 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>>> A hacky way is to play with the gain on the iTunes equalizer. With EQ on
>>> you can up arrow on the pram vertical slider to add 12dB of gain. It
>>> won't announce the value as you up arrow but 5-6 up arrows should max it
>>> out and if you VO-right and left it should announce 12dB preamp. In
>>> addition you can move up each of the EQ sliders for another 12dB. You can
>>> save this as a preset and if you get info on a track, under the Options
>>> tab, you can pick that preset to bump up the volume for just that track.
>>> This is in addition to the Volume Adjustment on the same Options tab
>>> which will let you double to volume on a track by track basis.
>>> CB
>>> On 4/26/13 11:28 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:
 Sorry, I thought my original e-mail would be included in the last one.
 I am looking for a program that can boost the sound volume in mp3
 files. On the PC, I used mp3gain because it worked better than
 soundcheck does in iTunes and amplifies the file itself instead of
 just when you listen on iTunes. You could also decide how much to
 increase the volume yourself on an individual track, so quieter
 ballads weren't louder than they should be.

 There's a mac mp3gain but I found it doesn't do anything to the files
 one way or another. I'm going to be putting some albums on an iPod
 shuffle for someone as a gift and want them to be at a similar volume

 I hope this makes more sense now. Thanks in advance for any help!


 On 4/26/13, Alex Hall  wrote:
> I'm not sure what the original question was, but if it's increased
> volume
> you want, try VLC ( That app seems to go way above the
> volume
> iTunes or Quicklook can manage, and I usually leave the volume down
> some to
> keep things manageable. Sorry if your question was something
> different.
> On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:59 PM, Marc Rocheleau 
> wrote:
>> Don't mean to pester the list but I was REALLY hoping for a response
>> to this question. For someone who used a program like this for
>> Windows
>> so much, I really need the same for the Mac. Does anyone have any
>> recommendations? I'm a bit surprised that no one has responded so far
>> given how many people here seem to be manipulating and editing audio.
>> Please help! Thanks in advance.
>> -Marc
>> On 4/23/13, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I found the easy music converter app thanks to a helpful member of
>>> the
>>> list here and was hoping luck could strike twice.
>>> Now that I can convert tracks from flac and other file formats
>>> easily,
>>> I am in need of a program that can amplify mp3 volume levels. I used
>>> to use mp3gain on the PC, which worked perfectly for this, but found
>>> that mac mp3gain doesn't actually amplify my mp3 files at all. Does
>>> anyone know of a VO friendly mp3 amplifier? I don't want an audio
>>> editor with an amplify option, I'd like something specifically for
>>> amplifying mp3 files.
>>> Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
>>> -Marc
>> --
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>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>> an
>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> --
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> Groups
> "MacVisiona

Re: MP3 amplifier

2013-04-26 Thread Chris Blouch

So is this the ReplayGain stuff?

If so then using SoundCheck in iTunes should give you something similar. 
There is no data field in the MP3 standard which specifies how loud the 
file is but there are some 'conventions' which do so. Apple has their 
convention through SoundCheck and anything that uses the baked in 
playback engine (Mac, iOS) should work just fine.

If you're really curious you could also use mac ports to install aacgain 
which is based off mp3gain which you can then operate through the terminal:


On 4/26/13 5:08 PM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:

That's why I liked mp3 gain on the PC, it just boosted the file's
volume without requiring a re-encode. I am lucky though, I can get wav
files of these particular tracks, amplify them and then encode to
mp3... so it works as a stopgap solution for now. I really wish I had
something like what I had with mp3gain on Windows though.


On 4/26/13, Chris Blouch  wrote:

True, but each time you re-encode an mp3 the sound quality gets a little
worse. The iTunes method is non-destructive but that also means it only
works inside the player. Have to pick the lesser of two evils.


On 4/26/13 12:22 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

If you are looking for file modification instead of presets, try Audacity.
Just open your file, install the MP3 encoder as described in the
documentation, and then open your file. Go to effects, then amplification,
and make your changes, then export the file to MP3.
On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:34 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

A hacky way is to play with the gain on the iTunes equalizer. With EQ on
you can up arrow on the pram vertical slider to add 12dB of gain. It
won't announce the value as you up arrow but 5-6 up arrows should max it
out and if you VO-right and left it should announce 12dB preamp. In
addition you can move up each of the EQ sliders for another 12dB. You can
save this as a preset and if you get info on a track, under the Options
tab, you can pick that preset to bump up the volume for just that track.
This is in addition to the Volume Adjustment on the same Options tab
which will let you double to volume on a track by track basis.


On 4/26/13 11:28 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:

Sorry, I thought my original e-mail would be included in the last one.
I am looking for a program that can boost the sound volume in mp3
files. On the PC, I used mp3gain because it worked better than
soundcheck does in iTunes and amplifies the file itself instead of
just when you listen on iTunes. You could also decide how much to
increase the volume yourself on an individual track, so quieter
ballads weren't louder than they should be.

There's a mac mp3gain but I found it doesn't do anything to the files
one way or another. I'm going to be putting some albums on an iPod
shuffle for someone as a gift and want them to be at a similar volume

I hope this makes more sense now. Thanks in advance for any help!


On 4/26/13, Alex Hall  wrote:

I'm not sure what the original question was, but if it's increased
you want, try VLC ( That app seems to go way above the
iTunes or Quicklook can manage, and I usually leave the volume down
some to
keep things manageable. Sorry if your question was something
On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:59 PM, Marc Rocheleau 

Don't mean to pester the list but I was REALLY hoping for a response
to this question. For someone who used a program like this for
so much, I really need the same for the Mac. Does anyone have any
recommendations? I'm a bit surprised that no one has responded so far
given how many people here seem to be manipulating and editing audio.

Please help! Thanks in advance.


On 4/23/13, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:

Hi all,

I found the easy music converter app thanks to a helpful member of
list here and was hoping luck could strike twice.

Now that I can convert tracks from flac and other file formats
I am in need of a program that can amplify mp3 volume levels. I used
to use mp3gain on the PC, which worked perfectly for this, but found
that mac mp3gain doesn't actually amplify my mp3 files at all. Does
anyone know of a VO friendly mp3 amplifier? I don't want an audio
editor with an amplify option, I'd like something specifically for
amplifying mp3 files.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!


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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Installing Flashplayer

2013-04-26 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Yes, I have always ben able to update Adobe FlashPlayer normally. You open the 
disk image, open the app, then, as Teresa said, you navigate with tab and press 
space bar to activate the relevant buttons. If you navigate with VoiceOver you 
just here "image", and are not able to see the buttons. But, if you tab, you'll 
here the buttons and be able to activate them by just pressing space bar. 
VO-Space will not work. If you press VO-F4 you will here that keyboard curser 
is not focused on the same thing as VO curser. Pressing space bar activates 
what is in the keyboard curser.

On 27/04/2013, at 1:44 AM, Richard Ring  wrote:

How do you update it? Sometimes, a dialog pops up asking me to update it, and 
nothing I try seems to initiate the process.

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro

On Apr 26, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Also, use tab and spacebar when navigating the install window. VO-arrows will 
> not work right. You can also use the trackpad or mouse keys.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Apr 26, 2013, at 8:25 AM, "Jonathan C. Cohn"  wrote:
>> I believe the last couple of times I was able to install directly from the 
>> downloaded app without first going into the bundle.
>> Best wishes,
>> Jonathan
>> On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:15 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I've been trying  to install Flashplayer for the last few days
>>> without any success.
>>> I went through the archives and found a post in which someone said
>>> that one can install it by opening the downloaded file and selecting
>>> "resources" by clicking on the'show package contents' option.
>>> According to that post, after selecting "resources", one  gets a list
>>> of options from which one has to select 1 particular option which will
>>> open an accessible version of the installer.
>>> However, I only get the following options after selecting the
>>> "resources" option: app.bundle, app.ICNS and en.lproj.
>>> What should I do to make the FP  installer work?
>>> -- 
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Re: Sophos Anti Virus and VirusBarrier Express

2013-04-26 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Thanks. Actually, my question was how to disable or get rid of all anti virus 
software on my Mac, not to get new ones. :) But I'll keep your recommendation 
in mind if I decide to get anti virus software again in the future.

On 27/04/2013, at 3:20 AM, Terje Strømberg  wrote:


I read in macroumors forum that Sophos is regarded by some peaple to be a bad 
antivirus software. 

I am just an average computer user and not an expert myself, but it seems like 
Webroot SecureAnywhere works fine here so far. Cloud based. Google it and see 
if you can try it.

Take care

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frontstage and vo?

2013-04-26 Thread anouk radix
Hi, I installed the frontstage app yesterday to get the garageband 
jampacks but I am not able to interact with the app at all. Do i need 
sighted help for this or should i just let it run longer till i can 
access its menu and download the packs?

Greetings, Anouk,

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Installing Mountain Lion on Partition (Probably a very basic question)

2013-04-26 Thread des delgadillo
Hi, all:
This might be a very basic question, but I've never done this before. I want to 
install Mountain Lion on another partition of my internal hard drive. I'll try 
my best to detail my situation.
What I want to do is install Mountain Lion, but have lion around in case I ever 
decide to get ProTools. Right now, the hard drive has about 350 GB full and I 
have about 400 GB of free space left on it. So what I want to do is get 
mountain Lion installed on the second partition and get all my Lion settings 
restored onto the second partition from my Time Machine backup. I want the 
first partition, the one still running Lion, to take up as little space as 
possible, since I won't be using Lion for a while.

Does this make sense to everyone, and if not, please let me know what questions 
you have and I'll try and clarify. This is my first time doing this so I'm not 
sure what information is necessary to help.

Thanks very much in advance,


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Re: frontstage and vo?

2013-04-26 Thread Michael Babcock
What I did, is left the application open for the evening while I slept. This is 
then downloaded all of the GarageBand jam packed files, it looks like it takes 
about 3-4 hours. That's what my cited fiancé had said. When I installed it. You 
won't be able to use this application with voiceover, but the loops will become 
available in GarageBand when they are completed.

Need a ripple code? Text me, 406-212-8503 visit 

On Apr 26, 2013, at 3:45 PM, anouk radix  wrote:

> Hi, I installed the frontstage app yesterday to get the garageband jampacks 
> but I am not able to interact with the app at all. Do i need sighted help for 
> this or should i just let it run longer till i can access its menu and 
> download the packs?
> Thanks
> Greetings, Anouk,
> -- 
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Re: Mountain Lion and music software

2013-04-26 Thread Kjsc Radio
Hi, there is GarageBand for mac and its accessible with VO

Sent from my iPhone

On 25/04/2013, at 12:42 PM, "Christian"  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Haven't been on this list for some time, so I don't know how things have 
> progressed, but, is there now any musical software that is accessible with 
> VoiceOver?
> Like MIDI sequencing software.
> Many thanks for any info,
> Christian
> -- 
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pitch and speed changing was: Re: Mountain Lion and music software

2013-04-26 Thread Michael Marshall

is there a good pece of softwhere to quickly change the pitch and speed 
of mp3 files on the fly?

thanks for any help.
On 27/04/2013 10:29 AM, Kjsc Radio wrote:

Hi, there is GarageBand for mac and its accessible with VO

Sent from my iPhone

On 25/04/2013, at 12:42 PM, "Christian"  wrote:

Hi all,
Haven't been on this list for some time, so I don't know how things have 
progressed, but, is there now any musical software that is accessible with 
Like MIDI sequencing software.
Many thanks for any info,

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drop box

2013-04-26 Thread Mike Arrigo
Hey everyone, I know a recent version of drop box had some accessibility 
issues. Does anyone know if the newest version can be used? Wanted to check 
before I updated it.

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Re: drop box

2013-04-26 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Not sure.  Isn't the latest version 2.0 or something?  I hope they fixed it if 
indeed a new version has come out.  I remember we kept contacting them and they 
kept saying they knew about and would fix the accessibility issues we had at 
the time but they never did.  It took Apple to fix things.  Now, I guess maybe, 
with the latest version, things seem to be broken again.  
Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Apr 26, 2013, at 7:52 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> Hey everyone, I know a recent version of drop box had some accessibility 
> issues. Does anyone know if the newest version can be used? Wanted to check 
> before I updated it.
> -- 
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Re: Good speakers for mac mini

2013-04-26 Thread Chris Gilland
Huh?  the mini as an optical audio out?  OK?  Where is it located.  I've 
never seen it.  I know it's got h d m i, but...


- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Blouch" 

Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: Good speakers for mac mini

Just an FYI, if you really are doing a 5.1 surround sound setup you can
run the optical output from your mini to a standard 5.1 decoder receiver
so when you play a DVD you get all the surround-sound goodness. Other
than that, what speakers sound good is a pretty subjective thing.
Personally I like my old JBL 4408 studio monitors.


On 4/26/13 12:13 PM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:

Hi all,

I've been making due with my mac mini's internal speaker since my old
PC speakers, a 5.1 set that hadn't worked properly in years, went
kaput. After grieving the loss for months (not really,) I think I'm
finally ready to move on and get a nice set of speakers.

Now I throw it to you for any recommendations you may have. I do have
a certain criteria though:

- I listen to music... a lot. I want it to sound good coming out of
these things.
- I will most likely be setting this up to watch DVDs since, when I
move out eventually, we'll be hooking up a TV as a display with HDMI.
We're getting a futon so our office will double as a movie room.
- I'm moving into an apartment building and don't want something too
bass heavy because of that. I don't think the neighbours would
appreciate it. ;)
- The less space it takes up, the better. I am not opposed to 5.1 but
don't want huge speakers since we'll have other stuff taking up space.
- I don't want to spend tons of money on these. $500 is my absolute
limit but I'd like to keep it quite a bit lower than that if possible.
- I'm in Canada... any links provided would be even more useful if
they're from Canadian sites.
- I want something easy to set up on the mac mini... I don't want to
mess with a bunch of adapters.

I think that's about it. There's a couple of two-speaker sets from
Bosse on the apple store but reviews are so varied that it leaves me
unsure. Many say that it has tons of bass too so I am reluctant to put
out the cash for one of those. I have had a hard time finding other
options though so I am hoping some of you may have recommendations
and/or experience that could help me make a decision.

Either way, thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer!



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Re: drop box

2013-04-26 Thread Kerri
I'm using the latest which  is 2.0.8 and it seems fine, totally accessible 
On 2013-04-26, at 5:57 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Not sure.  Isn't the latest version 2.0 or something?  I hope they fixed it 
> if indeed a new version has come out.  I remember we kept contacting them and 
> they kept saying they knew about and would fix the accessibility issues we 
> had at the time but they never did.  It took Apple to fix things.  Now, I 
> guess maybe, with the latest version, things seem to be broken again.  
> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Apr 26, 2013, at 7:52 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>> Hey everyone, I know a recent version of drop box had some accessibility 
>> issues. Does anyone know if the newest version can be used? Wanted to check 
>> before I updated it.
>> -- 
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Re: drop box

2013-04-26 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Ah, good.  Well, I'll go get it then.


Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Apr 26, 2013, at 8:38 PM, Kerri  wrote:

> I'm using the latest which  is 2.0.8 and it seems fine, totally accessible 
> again.
> On 2013-04-26, at 5:57 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Not sure.  Isn't the latest version 2.0 or something?  I hope they fixed it 
>> if indeed a new version has come out.  I remember we kept contacting them 
>> and they kept saying they knew about and would fix the accessibility issues 
>> we had at the time but they never did.  It took Apple to fix things.  Now, I 
>> guess maybe, with the latest version, things seem to be broken again.  
>> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Apr 26, 2013, at 7:52 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>>> Hey everyone, I know a recent version of drop box had some accessibility 
>>> issues. Does anyone know if the newest version can be used? Wanted to check 
>>> before I updated it.
>>> -- 
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Re: frontstage and vo?

2013-04-26 Thread Danny Noonan
To start the downloads it's a menu option and the menus are accessible. The 
download progress window can also be read and gives status of each pack. Also 
if you have to stop dl just open the app and you'll get a notification to 
continue the download. 

I assume once you have the packs you can remove the front stage app but I'm 
afraid to try. I also want to know how to backup all the packs incase I ever do 
a fresh install.  


Sent from my iPhone

On 27/04/2013, at 10:28 AM, Michael Babcock  wrote:

> What I did, is left the application open for the evening while I slept. This 
> is then downloaded all of the GarageBand jam packed files, it looks like it 
> takes about 3-4 hours. That's what my cited fiancé had said. When I installed 
> it. You won't be able to use this application with voiceover, but the loops 
> will become available in GarageBand when they are completed.
> Need a ripple code? Text me, 406-212-8503 visit 
> Http://
> On Apr 26, 2013, at 3:45 PM, anouk radix  wrote:
>> Hi, I installed the frontstage app yesterday to get the garageband jampacks 
>> but I am not able to interact with the app at all. Do i need sighted help 
>> for this or should i just let it run longer till i can access its menu and 
>> download the packs?
>> Thanks
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> -- 
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Safari and Amazon Video

2013-04-26 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I purchased an Amazon video that I can Stream. I can start the video, but 
cannot figure how to make it full screen, nor find the controls to play stop 
fast forward,etc.

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Re: Safari and Amazon Video

2013-04-26 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Wow.  I can't even work out how to start the video.

They really need to do something about their layout in that respect.

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Apr 26, 2013, at 9:21 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli  

> Hi:
> I purchased an Amazon video that I can Stream. I can start the video, but 
> cannot figure how to make it full screen, nor find the controls to play stop 
> fast forward,etc.
> -- 
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Re: Good speakers for mac mini

2013-04-26 Thread shane christenson
The audio jacks are located on the very back bottom panel of the mac mini. I 
believe from what I've read, the jacks are capable of accepting optical cables, 
provided they have the correct tips to correspond with the jacks. The left most 
jack, if you're looking at the mac mini, reaching around to the back, are, 
going from left to right, audio out, then audio in. They are located below the 
SD card slot. HTH


On Apr 26, 2013, at 8:16 PM, "Chris Gilland"  wrote:

> Huh?  the mini as an optical audio out?  OK?  Where is it located.  I've 
> never seen it.  I know it's got h d m i, but...
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Chris Blouch" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 4:14 PM
> Subject: Re: Good speakers for mac mini
> Just an FYI, if you really are doing a 5.1 surround sound setup you can
> run the optical output from your mini to a standard 5.1 decoder receiver
> so when you play a DVD you get all the surround-sound goodness. Other
> than that, what speakers sound good is a pretty subjective thing.
> Personally I like my old JBL 4408 studio monitors.
> CB
> On 4/26/13 12:13 PM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been making due with my mac mini's internal speaker since my old
>> PC speakers, a 5.1 set that hadn't worked properly in years, went
>> kaput. After grieving the loss for months (not really,) I think I'm
>> finally ready to move on and get a nice set of speakers.
>> Now I throw it to you for any recommendations you may have. I do have
>> a certain criteria though:
>> - I listen to music... a lot. I want it to sound good coming out of
>> these things.
>> - I will most likely be setting this up to watch DVDs since, when I
>> move out eventually, we'll be hooking up a TV as a display with HDMI.
>> We're getting a futon so our office will double as a movie room.
>> - I'm moving into an apartment building and don't want something too
>> bass heavy because of that. I don't think the neighbours would
>> appreciate it. ;)
>> - The less space it takes up, the better. I am not opposed to 5.1 but
>> don't want huge speakers since we'll have other stuff taking up space.
>> - I don't want to spend tons of money on these. $500 is my absolute
>> limit but I'd like to keep it quite a bit lower than that if possible.
>> - I'm in Canada... any links provided would be even more useful if
>> they're from Canadian sites.
>> - I want something easy to set up on the mac mini... I don't want to
>> mess with a bunch of adapters.
>> I think that's about it. There's a couple of two-speaker sets from
>> Bosse on the apple store but reviews are so varied that it leaves me
>> unsure. Many say that it has tons of bass too so I am reluctant to put
>> out the cash for one of those. I have had a hard time finding other
>> options though so I am hoping some of you may have recommendations
>> and/or experience that could help me make a decision.
>> Either way, thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer!
>> -Marc
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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Re: Good speakers for mac mini

2013-04-26 Thread Chris Gilland
oh, you mean 3.5MM optical.  ok.  I thought you were saying it had the big 
square shaped optical port.  ok, I'm on the same page now.  I was about to 
say.  LOL!


- Original Message - 
From: "shane christenson" 

Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: Good speakers for mac mini

The audio jacks are located on the very back bottom panel of the mac mini. I 
believe from what I've read, the jacks are capable of accepting optical 
cables, provided they have the correct tips to correspond with the jacks. 
The left most jack, if you're looking at the mac mini, reaching around to 
the back, are, going from left to right, audio out, then audio in. They are 
located below the SD card slot. HTH


On Apr 26, 2013, at 8:16 PM, "Chris Gilland"  wrote:

Huh?  the mini as an optical audio out?  OK?  Where is it located.  I've 
never seen it.  I know it's got h d m i, but...


- Original Message - From: "Chris Blouch" 
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: Good speakers for mac mini

Just an FYI, if you really are doing a 5.1 surround sound setup you can
run the optical output from your mini to a standard 5.1 decoder receiver
so when you play a DVD you get all the surround-sound goodness. Other
than that, what speakers sound good is a pretty subjective thing.
Personally I like my old JBL 4408 studio monitors.


On 4/26/13 12:13 PM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:

Hi all,

I've been making due with my mac mini's internal speaker since my old
PC speakers, a 5.1 set that hadn't worked properly in years, went
kaput. After grieving the loss for months (not really,) I think I'm
finally ready to move on and get a nice set of speakers.

Now I throw it to you for any recommendations you may have. I do have
a certain criteria though:

- I listen to music... a lot. I want it to sound good coming out of
these things.
- I will most likely be setting this up to watch DVDs since, when I
move out eventually, we'll be hooking up a TV as a display with HDMI.
We're getting a futon so our office will double as a movie room.
- I'm moving into an apartment building and don't want something too
bass heavy because of that. I don't think the neighbours would
appreciate it. ;)
- The less space it takes up, the better. I am not opposed to 5.1 but
don't want huge speakers since we'll have other stuff taking up space.
- I don't want to spend tons of money on these. $500 is my absolute
limit but I'd like to keep it quite a bit lower than that if possible.
- I'm in Canada... any links provided would be even more useful if
they're from Canadian sites.
- I want something easy to set up on the mac mini... I don't want to
mess with a bunch of adapters.

I think that's about it. There's a couple of two-speaker sets from
Bosse on the apple store but reviews are so varied that it leaves me
unsure. Many say that it has tons of bass too so I am reluctant to put
out the cash for one of those. I have had a hard time finding other
options though so I am hoping some of you may have recommendations
and/or experience that could help me make a decision.

Either way, thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer!



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Re: Good speakers for mac mini

2013-04-26 Thread John Panarese
   This is correct.  That's how the jack works.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479




On Apr 26, 2013, at 10:31 PM, shane christenson  wrote:

> The audio jacks are located on the very back bottom panel of the mac mini. I 
> believe from what I've read, the jacks are capable of accepting optical 
> cables, provided they have the correct tips to correspond with the jacks. The 
> left most jack, if you're looking at the mac mini, reaching around to the 
> back, are, going from left to right, audio out, then audio in. They are 
> located below the SD card slot. HTH
> Shane
> On Apr 26, 2013, at 8:16 PM, "Chris Gilland"  wrote:
>> Huh?  the mini as an optical audio out?  OK?  Where is it located.  I've 
>> never seen it.  I know it's got h d m i, but...
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message - From: "Chris Blouch" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 4:14 PM
>> Subject: Re: Good speakers for mac mini
>> Just an FYI, if you really are doing a 5.1 surround sound setup you can
>> run the optical output from your mini to a standard 5.1 decoder receiver
>> so when you play a DVD you get all the surround-sound goodness. Other
>> than that, what speakers sound good is a pretty subjective thing.
>> Personally I like my old JBL 4408 studio monitors.
>> CB
>> On 4/26/13 12:13 PM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've been making due with my mac mini's internal speaker since my old
>>> PC speakers, a 5.1 set that hadn't worked properly in years, went
>>> kaput. After grieving the loss for months (not really,) I think I'm
>>> finally ready to move on and get a nice set of speakers.
>>> Now I throw it to you for any recommendations you may have. I do have
>>> a certain criteria though:
>>> - I listen to music... a lot. I want it to sound good coming out of
>>> these things.
>>> - I will most likely be setting this up to watch DVDs since, when I
>>> move out eventually, we'll be hooking up a TV as a display with HDMI.
>>> We're getting a futon so our office will double as a movie room.
>>> - I'm moving into an apartment building and don't want something too
>>> bass heavy because of that. I don't think the neighbours would
>>> appreciate it. ;)
>>> - The less space it takes up, the better. I am not opposed to 5.1 but
>>> don't want huge speakers since we'll have other stuff taking up space.
>>> - I don't want to spend tons of money on these. $500 is my absolute
>>> limit but I'd like to keep it quite a bit lower than that if possible.
>>> - I'm in Canada... any links provided would be even more useful if
>>> they're from Canadian sites.
>>> - I want something easy to set up on the mac mini... I don't want to
>>> mess with a bunch of adapters.
>>> I think that's about it. There's a couple of two-speaker sets from
>>> Bosse on the apple store but reviews are so varied that it leaves me
>>> unsure. Many say that it has tons of bass too so I am reluctant to put
>>> out the cash for one of those. I have had a hard time finding other
>>> options though so I am hoping some of you may have recommendations
>>> and/or experience that could help me make a decision.
>>> Either way, thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer!
>>> -Marc
>> -- 
>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>> -- 
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Re: drop box

2013-04-26 Thread Gerry Cook
Hi mike i've noticed that the menue extras don't work like they use to and to 
quit dropbox, is a little more difficult, because you may have to use the 
trackpad, like you use to, rather than vo m twice which made it easier. I found 
this out last week with the 205 version. I can get in to dropbox by vo spacebar 
when in menu extras however, if you want to quit dropbox you may have to go in 
to users and groups, and login items and uncheck dropbox from your mac when it 
starts, up! that's how i've found it anyway. Thanks and all the best.
cheers gerry have a great day
skype: gerry.cook1

On Apr 27, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Not sure.  Isn't the latest version 2.0 or something?  I hope they fixed it 
> if indeed a new version has come out.  I remember we kept contacting them and 
> they kept saying they knew about and would fix the accessibility issues we 
> had at the time but they never did.  It took Apple to fix things.  Now, I 
> guess maybe, with the latest version, things seem to be broken again.  
> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Apr 26, 2013, at 7:52 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>> Hey everyone, I know a recent version of drop box had some accessibility 
>> issues. Does anyone know if the newest version can be used? Wanted to check 
>> before I updated it.
>> -- 
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Re: drop box

2013-04-26 Thread Kerri
I find on further practice that I am able to use the VO m twice and it will 
read the status but I cannot copy public links anymore.
On 2013-04-26, at 7:52 PM, Gerry Cook  wrote:

> Hi mike i've noticed that the menue extras don't work like they use to and to 
> quit dropbox, is a little more difficult, because you may have to use the 
> trackpad, like you use to, rather than vo m twice which made it easier. I 
> found this out last week with the 205 version. I can get in to dropbox by vo 
> spacebar when in menu extras however, if you want to quit dropbox you may 
> have to go in to users and groups, and login items and uncheck dropbox from 
> your mac when it starts, up! that's how i've found it anyway. Thanks and all 
> the best.
> cheers gerry have a great day
> skype: gerry.cook1
> email:
> On Apr 27, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Not sure.  Isn't the latest version 2.0 or something?  I hope they fixed it 
>> if indeed a new version has come out.  I remember we kept contacting them 
>> and they kept saying they knew about and would fix the accessibility issues 
>> we had at the time but they never did.  It took Apple to fix things.  Now, I 
>> guess maybe, with the latest version, things seem to be broken again.  
>> Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
>> On Apr 26, 2013, at 7:52 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>>> Hey everyone, I know a recent version of drop box had some accessibility 
>>> issues. Does anyone know if the newest version can be used? Wanted to check 
>>> before I updated it.
>>> -- 
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