Re: Convincing rehab services to purchase a Mac

2013-04-11 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I haven't had time to respond to everyone's individual messages on this topic, 
but I want to thank all who have posted.  You all have raised some great 
points, and given me a lot to proceed with.  Thanks for taking the time to pass 
along your thoughts and experiences.
On Apr 10, 2013, at 7:48 AM, Richard Ring  wrote:

> I have read the responses to this inquiry with great interest. I would like 
> to add a few thoughts.
> First, how well does this student know the Mac?
> The rehab agency for which I once worked would want to know this. The reason? 
> It is fairly likely that the rehab agency in question doesn't have qualified 
> personel that would assist in technical support issues.
> Next, if in fact this student's future employer uses the Mac, that would be a 
> huge step in the positive direction.
> I do agree that the Mac is fairly easy to learn, but rehab agencies (at least 
> Oregon and definitely Iowa) would want to insure that agency personel 
> wouldn't have to provide ongoing tech support. This costs money, and they 
> tend to purchase the same tools for everyone. I know, whatever happened to 
> client choice?
> I have seen Macs get purchased, but I must admit that the justification needs 
> to be thorough in nature.
> That's enough for now.
> Oh, one more thing, the rehab folks may flat ask what a Mac will do for this 
> student that a Windows machine won't?
> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
>  Sent from my Mac Book Pro 
> On Apr 9, 2013, at 8:44 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Thank you, Gigi.  I'm not sure much of this will carry much weight, for the 
>> reasons I just explained.  but I'll try and get them to talk to Texas.  
>> Someday these idiots just have to move into the 21st-century.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Apr 9, 2013, at 5:51 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi there
>>> Although the cost may be a good justification to rehab, I think the second 
>>> option of the employer wanting training and use of Apple products is an 
>>> even better argument in this case. You might want to also get the employer 
>>> on this as well, if it's possible. What they say means a lot.
>>> Also, if they get the three-year warranty with the Mac, then they can be 
>>> given the accessibility number so their consumer can call it. They will 
>>> probably love that part. They will want to slam the case closed as soon as 
>>> they can. You might also point out that other states, such as Texas, have 
>>> in fact bought Macintosh computers for certain consumers. See if you can 
>>> talk the counselor into calling the Chris Cole rehabilitation center in 
>>> Austin, Texas to talk to them about that. 
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> On Apr 9, 2013, at 5:31 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:
 I haven't done so myself, but it is possible.
 The 2 justifications that can be used are:
 1. lower cost of ownership (as accessibility is included)
 2. Greater included feature set for the cost involved (built in camera, 
 bluetooth, wi-fi, firewire, USB 2.x or greater, full apple repair support, 
 minimal training cost and plenty of supported hardware options).
 now, getting an equivalent windows machine involves the acquisition of the 
 machine, additional hardware, cost of the operating system, SMA for jaws 
 ($250 per year), jaws itself ($890 for 2 keys), hardware only support from 
 dell, etc. the cost of the windows machine is actually higher on a total 
 cost of ownership basis than a mac would be. also, voiceover on the apple 
 doesn't require a yearly SMA and OS upgrades are inexpensive. 
 cost of macbook pro with mountain lion OS: $1500 low end
 cost of dell laptop with windows 7, MS Office 2012, jaws, SMA an 
 equivalent hardware options: $1900 low end.
 believe me, I use both here and I much prefer the macbook over the windows 
 machine for sheer usefulness. 
 the best justification that can be made to VR is the cost. the 2nd best is 
 that the employer requires training and use of apple products in their 
 office environment. 
 outside of those, I don't have a clear idea how to convince VR to 
 On Apr 9, 2013, at 11:50 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am trying to advocate for student who is having difficulty getting 
> rehab services to purchase a Mac for her. I would be interested in 
> hearing from those of you who have gotten rehab to purchase a Mac. How 
> did you go about convincing them to do that?
> Best,
> Donna
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Re: keyboard focus with vmware 5/win8

2013-04-11 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi Anouk Control command F is the obscure hockey that will set focus to your 
virtual machine in VMWAre 5.

Hope this helps.

Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-04-09, at 8:59 PM, anouk radix  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am impressed with the narrator version that microsoft put into windows 8. I 
> could install it quickly thanks to vmware and was then able to go right ahead 
> and get nvda with just the narrator.
> So nvda works fine but i have at time sproblems knowing if i am in windows or 
> in vmware. I have had to forcibly shut the app down once already because my 
> keypresses were not put through to windows (possibly because i was not in 
> there) even though i had it at full screen.
> What ar eyour experiences with this and is there a way to keep your focus 
> consistently within windows with the newer fusion versions (i mean at times 
> you will have to access fusion to put through usb devices or cmd-tab to other 
> mac apps and then turn on vo again, it would be nice if there was a consisten 
> tway to make sure that if you return to vmware you have keyboard focus in 
> windows.
> Thanks in advance for any tips or information,
> Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: getting braillant braille display working with vmware win8?

2013-04-11 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi anouk,

Only one environment can have access to the display at a time.  So, check to 
make sure that the brailliant is connected to windows.  You can do that in the 
USB menu under virtual machine.

Then don't forget that the classic brailliant is a serial device.  There's a 
usb to serial adapter built into that unit so it doesn't work like a normal USB 

I haven't tried windows 8 yet, but it may very well have something against 
serial ports since they're 30 or so technology years old.  


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-04-10, at 6:08 PM, anouk radix  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I get my braillant working with os x and ios and pc (bt only with ios and os 
> x, i dont use bt on pc). Now I wanted to get braille with my newly installed 
> win8 64 pro vm using usb. Before I only used windows 7.
> I wanted to try it with nvda so assumed this would need the usb driver. I 
> have set uac notification slider to 0 percent but still the driver wont 
> install.
> I wonder if anyone else has experience with trying to connect the braillant 
> displays to win8 (either with vmware or not)?
> Thanks in advance for any informatio,
> Greetings, Anouk,
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How do I get rid of the toolbar in Quicktime?

2013-04-11 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I need to show a movie in Quicktime and the QuickTime toolbar is blocking the 
movie.  How do I make the toolbar go away?

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Re: How do I get rid of the toolbar in Quicktime?

2013-04-11 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Donna. Did you try fullscreen mode? (command-control-f)

On Apr 11, 2013, at 6:55 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I need to show a movie in Quicktime and the QuickTime toolbar is blocking the 
> movie.  How do I make the toolbar go away?
> thanks,
> Donna
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A couple of questions

2013-04-11 Thread Craig J Dunlop

Sent from my iPhone Is there a way to a sign programs to open certain file 
types? Four instance we would like RTF files to open in text edit instead of 
pages. We just cannot find a spot to assign particular programs to file types! 
Also does anyone know of a way to create envelopes and print them in text edit?

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Re: A couple of questions

2013-04-11 Thread Tim Kilburn

To assign specific apps to specific file types, locate the file you wish to 
assign an app to, in your case, an rtf file.  Once selected, press cmd-i to Get 
Info, navigate to the "open With" area and find the Application pop-up menu.  
choose TextEdit from that pop-up then press on the Change All button to apply 
that to all rtf's.

Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-04-11, at 8:34 AM, Craig J Dunlop  wrote:

> Sent from my iPhone Is there a way to a sign programs to open certain file 
> types? Four instance we would like RTF files to open in text edit instead of 
> pages. We just cannot find a spot to assign particular programs to file 
> types! Also does anyone know of a way to create envelopes and print them in 
> text edit?
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Re: How do I get rid of the toolbar in Quicktime?

2013-04-11 Thread Chris Blouch
In the quicktime player you can turn on full screen mode with control 
command F. After that as long as you leave things alone the controls 
should just go away after a few seconds.


On 4/11/13 9:55 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

Hi all,

I need to show a movie in Quicktime and the QuickTime toolbar is blocking the 
movie.  How do I make the toolbar go away?


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Re: A couple of questions

2013-04-11 Thread Maxwell Ivey
when you are in your finder and have selected the file type you want use 
command i to open the inspector.  Then tab or arrow right until you get near 
the bottom or end.  You will find a place to select what program to use when 
opening that file type.  for example i have mp3's now set to open with vlc 
media player instead of iTunes.  hope this helped, max 
On Apr 11, 2013, at 9:34 AM, Craig J Dunlop wrote:

> Sent from my iPhone Is there a way to a sign programs to open certain file 
> types? Four instance we would like RTF files to open in text edit instead of 
> pages. We just cannot find a spot to assign particular programs to file 
> types! Also does anyone know of a way to create envelopes and print them in 
> text edit?
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apps to talk using google voice and iPod touch?

2013-04-11 Thread Kliphton A M
had to create a new thread since I wasn't clear in my first one.  I am looking 
for an app to call and receive calls with my google voice number on my iPod 
touch 5th gen.  I know talkatone does this, but the sound quality really ain't 
that great.  So if anyone knows, please let me know.  Also, does anyone have 
the info to the jail break list?  Thanks.

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Re: How do I get rid of the toolbar in Quicktime?

2013-04-11 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Teresa,

Not sure why, but when I got into my presentation it went away automatically.  
It hadn't done that earlier this morning.  thanks for the tip.
On Apr 11, 2013, at 9:28 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Donna. Did you try fullscreen mode? (command-control-f)
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Apr 11, 2013, at 6:55 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I need to show a movie in Quicktime and the QuickTime toolbar is blocking 
>> the movie.  How do I make the toolbar go away?
>> thanks,
>> Donna
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Re: How do I get rid of the toolbar in Quicktime?

2013-04-11 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks, Chris, that must be what happened.
On Apr 11, 2013, at 9:41 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> In the quicktime player you can turn on full screen mode with control command 
> F. After that as long as you leave things alone the controls should just go 
> away after a few seconds.
> CB
> On 4/11/13 9:55 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I need to show a movie in Quicktime and the QuickTime toolbar is blocking 
>> the movie.  How do I make the toolbar go away?
>> thanks,
>> Donna
> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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problems with braillant and os x

2013-04-11 Thread anouk radix
Hi, I posted yesterday about my issues whentrying to get my braillant 
running within a vm with win8 (still not sure if that is because of win8 
incompatibility or something to do with vmware, will have to try to get 
my old display working in win8).
Tody however i also found some strange things when just using os x. For 
some reason with my thumb keys i cant pan left and right t1 if go left 
t4 is go right (vo+left vo+right) t2 and t3 by default are assigned to 
go up and go down. I reassign them to pan left an dpan right but this 
does not give the intended result (also they then dont show up anymore 
in keyboard help vo+k) the strange thing is that by default command key 
2 and command key 5 are assigned to pan left and pan right and they do 
it allright.
I personally prefer just using the thum bkeys for scrolling. Does anyone 
else have experience with this problem and can anyone advice me on how i 
can solve this? I can test later today with my old display which is of 
another brand how that works.
Thirdly bluetooth seems inordinately slow with the braillant on the 
macbook pro (i am running mac os x mountain lion fully updated and the 
braillant with the latest firmware). I have used os x with other 
displays and bluetooth before but this just seems rather sluggish in 

Any help, experiences or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Greetings, Anouk,

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Accessibility of iWork

2013-04-11 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hello everyone,

This may have been discussed before, but I want to know if   iWork is
completely accessible with VoiceOver on the Mac or not.
Does it work well on the iPhone as well?
The 2 main applications that I'll be using are Pages and Numbers.
So, do they work well with VoiceOver?
It's actually pretty expensive, so I want to know if it would be worth
spending so much on it.


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Re: Accessibility of iWork

2013-04-11 Thread Michael Babcock
Good afternoon;
I work used to be a $70 product, however I do stand to be corrected, but I 
believe you can purchase both of the referenced applications below, for $40. On 
the App Store, each product in the iWork suite is $19.99 I believe. From what I 
remember, numbers was a very accessible, and that was before the most recent 
update of which I've heard they have added some more accessibility features it 
has been about two years since I last utilize numbers, and as I previously 
stated, it was accessible at that time, but I have heard that they have 
recently added some new accessibility features. I think Mike, over at the 
how-to be blind podcast, did something on numbers! But I don't remember right.
In addition, pages can be used, but you won't be able to edit your documents As 
well as you could Forsaith in Microsoft Word. But, in my opinion the recent 
versions of Microsoft Word, 2007, 2010, and most recently 2013, also have their 
own accessibility issues in and alone.
Anyways, hope this helps a little bit.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 11, 2013, at 11:28 AM, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> This may have been discussed before, but I want to know if   iWork is
> completely accessible with VoiceOver on the Mac or not.
> Does it work well on the iPhone as well?
> The 2 main applications that I'll be using are Pages and Numbers.
> So, do they work well with VoiceOver?
> It's actually pretty expensive, so I want to know if it would be worth
> spending so much on it.
> Cheers,
> Rahul
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Using the Mac for doing legal work

2013-04-11 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

I'm a first-year  law student and intend to work as an associate in a
law firm after completing my education.
I'm not very  proficient in the use of computers; I only know the basics.
   Which applications will  I have to use more frequently for doing my work?
What should I do  to prepare myself for being able to do  legal
research, drafting, etc  effectively on my Mac?

Your views will be really appreciated.


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Re: Accessibility of iWork

2013-04-11 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi Michael,

I know this is a foolish question, but what is the difference between
Text Edit and Pages?

On 11/04/2013, Michael Babcock  wrote:
> Good afternoon;
> I work used to be a $70 product, however I do stand to be corrected, but I
> believe you can purchase both of the referenced applications below, for $40.
> On the App Store, each product in the iWork suite is $19.99 I believe. From
> what I remember, numbers was a very accessible, and that was before the most
> recent update of which I've heard they have added some more accessibility
> features it has been about two years since I last utilize numbers, and as I
> previously stated, it was accessible at that time, but I have heard that
> they have recently added some new accessibility features. I think Mike, over
> at the how-to be blind podcast, did something on numbers! But I don't
> remember right.
> In addition, pages can be used, but you won't be able to edit your documents
> As well as you could Forsaith in Microsoft Word. But, in my opinion the
> recent versions of Microsoft Word, 2007, 2010, and most recently 2013, also
> have their own accessibility issues in and alone.
> Anyways, hope this helps a little bit.
> Michael
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 11, 2013, at 11:28 AM, Rahul Bajaj 
> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> This may have been discussed before, but I want to know if   iWork is
>> completely accessible with VoiceOver on the Mac or not.
>> Does it work well on the iPhone as well?
>> The 2 main applications that I'll be using are Pages and Numbers.
>> So, do they work well with VoiceOver?
>> It's actually pretty expensive, so I want to know if it would be worth
>> spending so much on it.
>> Cheers,
>> Rahul
>> --
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Mail messages not being announced as read or unread

2013-04-11 Thread Steve Vandecar

A friend asked me why their mail messages weren't being marked as read or 
unread and I haven't been able to find an answer.  The status field is blank in 
the messages table.  Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Accessibility of iWork

2013-04-11 Thread Harry Hogue

The main limitation with TextEdit is that it does not support the use of 
headers and footers (for example for use with resumes, cover letters, academic 
papers, memos, etc).  TextEdit also does not allow for the use of templates as 
far as I know, so you could not create your own template or use an existing 

TextEdit does allow you to observe all of the visual formatting such as bold, 
underlining, etc, where as VoiceOver does not announce these features in Pages. 
 I regularly use both applications so as to take advantage of all features.



On Apr 11, 2013, at 11:43 AM, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> I know this is a foolish question, but what is the difference between
> Text Edit and Pages?
> On 11/04/2013, Michael Babcock  wrote:
>> Good afternoon;
>> I work used to be a $70 product, however I do stand to be corrected, but I
>> believe you can purchase both of the referenced applications below, for $40.
>> On the App Store, each product in the iWork suite is $19.99 I believe. From
>> what I remember, numbers was a very accessible, and that was before the most
>> recent update of which I've heard they have added some more accessibility
>> features it has been about two years since I last utilize numbers, and as I
>> previously stated, it was accessible at that time, but I have heard that
>> they have recently added some new accessibility features. I think Mike, over
>> at the how-to be blind podcast, did something on numbers! But I don't
>> remember right.
>> In addition, pages can be used, but you won't be able to edit your documents
>> As well as you could Forsaith in Microsoft Word. But, in my opinion the
>> recent versions of Microsoft Word, 2007, 2010, and most recently 2013, also
>> have their own accessibility issues in and alone.
>> Anyways, hope this helps a little bit.
>> Michael
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 11, 2013, at 11:28 AM, Rahul Bajaj 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> This may have been discussed before, but I want to know if   iWork is
>>> completely accessible with VoiceOver on the Mac or not.
>>> Does it work well on the iPhone as well?
>>> The 2 main applications that I'll be using are Pages and Numbers.
>>> So, do they work well with VoiceOver?
>>> It's actually pretty expensive, so I want to know if it would be worth
>>> spending so much on it.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Rahul
>>> --
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Re: getting braillant braille display working with vmware win8?

2013-04-11 Thread anouk radix
Hi Erik, One strange thingm, when i try to put through the braillant to 
windows, i often accidentally suspend the machine while i am quite sure 
i only het vo space on the relevant device in the usb menu and not again 
when i got back in the window.
I am quite sure that the display is connected to windows (because it 
says disconnect braillant in the usb menu, i dont know how to get to 
device manager yet). I have the second generation braillant (june 2012) 
the one made by humanware not baum.
Interesting that serial to usb convertor, not sure if this is in my unit 
as well. I know it has bluetooth and use it quite often (so quite a 
modern connection standard).
I have asked on another list to se eif anyone has tried the braillant on 
normal win 8 (so not within vmware) but at this moment i am stumped.

Thanks for the vmware5 focus command defenitely will try it.
Greetings, Anouk,
Op 11/04/2013 14:04, erik burggraaf schreef:

Hi anouk,

Only one environment can have access to the display at a time.  So, 
check to make sure that the brailliant is connected to windows.  You 
can do that in the USB menu under virtual machine.

Then don't forget that the classic brailliant is a serial device. 
 There's a usb to serial adapter built into that unit so it doesn't 
work like a normal USB device.

I haven't tried windows 8 yet, but it may very well have something 
against serial ports since they're 30 or so technology years old.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through 
the ontario disability support program at

Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-04-10, at 6:08 PM, anouk radix > wrote:

Hi everyone,
I get my braillant working with os x and ios and pc (bt only with ios 
and os x, i dont use bt on pc). Now I wanted to get braille with my 
newly installed win8 64 pro vm using usb. Before I only used windows 7.
I wanted to try it with nvda so assumed this would need the usb 
driver. I have set uac notification slider to 0 percent but still the 
driver wont install.
I wonder if anyone else has experience with trying to connect the 
braillant displays to win8 (either with vmware or not)?

Thanks in advance for any informatio,
Greetings, Anouk,

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Re: Using the Mac for doing legal work

2013-04-11 Thread Harry Hogue

If I may ask, how are you doing your work at present?  Pages will be important, 
together with creating relevant templates for drafts, motions, billable hours 
perhaps, etc.  Numbers would be useful for basic tracking of financial 
information, although you would probably really want to use an account tool or 
software.  Unfortunately I am unable to recommend one, as I am wondering about 
that myself.

As far as legal research, a solid understanding of VoiceOver skills, including 
an ability to comfortably move about the Internet and access databases such as 
Weslaw are important.  Although many things may be located using Google, 
websites with databases and resources specific to certain fields are always the 
best source for finding specific and detailed information.  You should be 
comfortable accessing PDF files, also.  Although many PDF files are somewhat 
readable and many are not readable at all either because they are hand written 
text or a scanned image, there are some ways to approach these issues.  First, 
PDF files open in an application called Preview.  I recommend you set a short 
cut key for the NewTextEditWindowContainingSelection command, which does the 
following:  After selecting all of the text with command A, press the short cut 
key you have created, and the text in Preview or any other application will be 
copied over to TextEdit.  You will then be able to review all formatting and 
easily move about the text.  The problem with Preview is that you can only 
really read by line, and that isn't even always the most reliable, so I 
regularly use this command to read PDF files.  If the PDF file is a scanned 
image, you will need OCR (optical character recognition) software to access it. 
 Many people use AbbyyFineReader, but I don't know if this works for PDF files, 
and I have never used it.  There is also a program called iSky PDF Converter, 
but again I have not had much experience with that tool.  These are just a few 

To prepare yourself, I would practice all of these skills to get yourself ready 
for legal work.  You will most likely be writing many drafts and things in your 
law school career, and this will give you excellent practice.  Anne Robertson 
offers an excellent Pages course covering topics such as basic formatting, how 
to write a business letter, design a template, and other basic and more 
advanced word processing concepts that would be particularly useful to someone 
doing legal work or any other kind of work involving heavy use of word 
processing tools.

You will be fine; it is a matter of practicing, and practicing, and then 
practicing some more.  You won't learn it over night, but you will look up one 
day and realize you have been doing things with ease you never imagined you 
would be able to.

Best of luck, and please write back if any of us can be of any further help.

On Apr 11, 2013, at 11:40 AM, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm a first-year  law student and intend to work as an associate in a
> law firm after completing my education.
> I'm not very  proficient in the use of computers; I only know the basics.
>   Which applications will  I have to use more frequently for doing my work?
> What should I do  to prepare myself for being able to do  legal
> research, drafting, etc  effectively on my Mac?
> Your views will be really appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Rahul
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Re: Reading List

2013-04-11 Thread Harry Hogue
Thank you; I will give this a try.


On Apr 10, 2013, at 8:07 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:

> THere is a button in the bookmarks bar, you might need to enable it in 
> preferences first.  Also your reading list should be synchronized between all 
> iCloud systems except those running Lion.
> -- 
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RE: Convincing rehab services to purchase a Mac

2013-04-11 Thread David Tanner


I am an assistive technology specialist for Minnesota State Services for the
Blind and have been with them for 17 years.  Over the past two to three
years we have purchased a number of MacBook Pros and a few iMaccs.   And,
none of our counselors object to purchasing Macs so long as they receive a
recommendation for it from one of us in the tech department.


We would be more than happy to assist if we can.


By the way, we do have a trainer certification test designed in-hous by
members of our team that are blind Mac users that have to be passed with a
score of 80 percent or better in order for us to contract with them to train
our clients on the Mac.


So, if it helps, please feel free to have your rehab folks contact me at or our Chief Technology Officer, David Andrews at



[] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 6:08 AM
Subject: Re: Convincing rehab services to purchase a Mac


Hi all,


I haven't had time to respond to everyone's individual messages on this
topic, but I want to thank all who have posted.  You all have raised some
great points, and given me a lot to proceed with.  Thanks for taking the
time to pass along your thoughts and experiences.



On Apr 10, 2013, at 7:48 AM, Richard Ring  wrote:

I have read the responses to this inquiry with great interest. I would like
to add a few thoughts.

First, how well does this student know the Mac?

The rehab agency for which I once worked would want to know this. The
reason? It is fairly likely that the rehab agency in question doesn't have
qualified personel that would assist in technical support issues.

Next, if in fact this student's future employer uses the Mac, that would be
a huge step in the positive direction.

I do agree that the Mac is fairly easy to learn, but rehab agencies (at
least Oregon and definitely Iowa) would want to insure that agency personel
wouldn't have to provide ongoing tech support. This costs money, and they
tend to purchase the same tools for everyone. I know, whatever happened to
client choice?

I have seen Macs get purchased, but I must admit that the justification
needs to be thorough in nature.

That's enough for now.

Oh, one more thing, the rehab folks may flat ask what a Mac will do for this
student that a Windows machine won't?


You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of

 Sent from my Mac Book Pro


On Apr 9, 2013, at 8:44 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

Thank you, Gigi.  I'm not sure much of this will carry much weight, for the
reasons I just explained.  but I'll try and get them to talk to Texas.
Someday these idiots just have to move into the 21st-century.
On Apr 9, 2013, at 5:51 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

Hi there
Although the cost may be a good justification to rehab, I think the second
option of the employer wanting training and use of Apple products is an even
better argument in this case. You might want to also get the employer on
this as well, if it's possible. What they say means a lot.

Also, if they get the three-year warranty with the Mac, then they can be
given the accessibility number so their consumer can call it. They will
probably love that part. They will want to slam the case closed as soon as
they can. You might also point out that other states, such as Texas, have in
fact bought Macintosh computers for certain consumers. See if you can talk
the counselor into calling the Chris Cole rehabilitation center in Austin,
Texas to talk to them about that. 

On Apr 9, 2013, at 5:31 PM, Eric Oyen  wrote:

I haven't done so myself, but it is possible.

The 2 justifications that can be used are:
1. lower cost of ownership (as accessibility is included)
2. Greater included feature set for the cost involved (built in camera,
bluetooth, wi-fi, firewire, USB 2.x or greater, full apple repair support,
minimal training cost and plenty of supported hardware options).

now, getting an equivalent windows machine involves the acquisition of the
machine, additional hardware, cost of the operating system, SMA for jaws
($250 per year), jaws itself ($890 for 2 keys), hardware only support from
dell, etc. the cost of the windows machine is actually higher on a total
cost of ownership basis than a mac would be. also, voiceover on the apple
doesn't require a yearly SMA and OS upgrades are inexpensive. 

cost of macbook pro with mountain lion OS: $1500 low end
cost of dell laptop with windows 7, MS Office 2012, jaws, SMA an equivalent
hardware options: $1900 low end.

believe me, I use both here and I much prefer the macbook over the windows
machine for sheer usefulness. 

the best justification that can be made to VR is the cost. the 2nd best is
that the employer requires training and use of apple products

Re: Using the Mac for doing legal work

2013-04-11 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi Harry,

That was an extremely detailed post; thanks a million. :)
That is exactly what I was looking for.
Right now, I'm able to use the internet pretty well. Or that is at
least what I think. I also use Preview for reading novels; TextEdit
for writing essays and assignments; Mail for corresponding with others
and a few other apps  and  games.
I'll actually be doing my first legal internship this summer.
I'll  be required to draft legal notices and to  do some basic legal research.
I want to be well prepared for performing all these tasks.

Thanks again for your help; I'll definitely implement all your suggestions.


On 11/04/2013, Harry Hogue  wrote:
> Hello,
> If I may ask, how are you doing your work at present?  Pages will be
> important, together with creating relevant templates for drafts, motions,
> billable hours perhaps, etc.  Numbers would be useful for basic tracking of
> financial information, although you would probably really want to use an
> account tool or software.  Unfortunately I am unable to recommend one, as I
> am wondering about that myself.
> As far as legal research, a solid understanding of VoiceOver skills,
> including an ability to comfortably move about the Internet and access
> databases such as Weslaw are important.  Although many things may be located
> using Google, websites with databases and resources specific to certain
> fields are always the best source for finding specific and detailed
> information.  You should be comfortable accessing PDF files, also.  Although
> many PDF files are somewhat readable and many are not readable at all either
> because they are hand written text or a scanned image, there are some ways
> to approach these issues.  First, PDF files open in an application called
> Preview.  I recommend you set a short cut key for the
> NewTextEditWindowContainingSelection command, which does the following:
> After selecting all of the text with command A, press the short cut key you
> have created, and the text in Preview or any other application will be
> copied over to TextEdit.  You will then be able to review all formatting and
> easily move about the text.  The problem with Preview is that you can only
> really read by line, and that isn't even always the most reliable, so I
> regularly use this command to read PDF files.  If the PDF file is a scanned
> image, you will need OCR (optical character recognition) software to access
> it.  Many people use AbbyyFineReader, but I don't know if this works for PDF
> files, and I have never used it.  There is also a program called iSky PDF
> Converter, but again I have not had much experience with that tool.  These
> are just a few suggestions.
> To prepare yourself, I would practice all of these skills to get yourself
> ready for legal work.  You will most likely be writing many drafts and
> things in your law school career, and this will give you excellent practice.
>  Anne Robertson offers an excellent Pages course covering topics such as
> basic formatting, how to write a business letter, design a template, and
> other basic and more advanced word processing concepts that would be
> particularly useful to someone doing legal work or any other kind of work
> involving heavy use of word processing tools.
> You will be fine; it is a matter of practicing, and practicing, and then
> practicing some more.  You won't learn it over night, but you will look up
> one day and realize you have been doing things with ease you never imagined
> you would be able to.
> Best of luck, and please write back if any of us can be of any further
> help.
> Harry
> On Apr 11, 2013, at 11:40 AM, Rahul Bajaj 
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm a first-year  law student and intend to work as an associate in a
>> law firm after completing my education.
>> I'm not very  proficient in the use of computers; I only know the basics.
>>   Which applications will  I have to use more frequently for doing my
>> work?
>> What should I do  to prepare myself for being able to do  legal
>> research, drafting, etc  effectively on my Mac?
>> Your views will be really appreciated.
>> Cheers,
>> Rahul
>> --
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> --
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Re: Becoming a qualified Apple technical support agent/p trainer

2013-04-11 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi Brand.
Yes being able too work outside the house is a good option, but
sometimes we gotta make compromises.
Tell me again, because it is not totally clear too me why you need too
be a professional too help others?
Okay so as you said your self SA's blind organization may be 10 years
set back, that is not the same as they wont listen if you start
talking. I will tell you how i got about it in denmark when i started
using a mac.
At this time i do believe i had gotten me a few vista boxes, you know
the typical hype about how we could install the os our self totally
free of sighted eyes, yada, yada, yada.
Of course it turned out, as is always the case with microsoft that it
did not hold in court. So i got out and got my self a mac book, some
of you  girls, and guys too for that matter, might remember the mac
book with its uniformly cutesy plastic body.
Anyway. I remember my bf at that time was like, you should go and show
it too And that was basically what i did. They did not go
all for it too start with, but they have caught up at long last.
Brand, If you dont have the money or time to be a professional, find a
few blind friends, give it your best go, show them all you can, but
what is the most important thing, tell them that you with the mac can
install it your self should it crash, and what might be more important
too some if you really need it you could install windows in a virtual
computer along site the mac.
I know that i have yet too see my book-scanner work properly in osx,
and i really need that, so well before that works properly i am not
getting rid of my last working vista box. But it is a thing i can live
with happily.
John D thanks for the mail I may as well take the exams. One question
though, why would you need a exam on the hardware?
have a good day yall


On 4/11/13, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> But couldn't you say the same for everywhere? I mean, after all, most blind
> people are unemployed.  As far as blind Apple employees, very few, probably.
>  But, none?  Definitely not.  I know 4 or 5 myself.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 10, 2013, at 5:29 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>> Very few if any people work for Apple at this time.
>> On 4/10/13 13:14, Jed Barton wrote:
>>> I'd like to find out about this as well.
>>> I love my mac, and although, somewhat new, have taught myself an awful
>>> lot.
>>> Do you know if there are a lot of blind people working for apple?
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Brandt
>>> Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 2:10 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Becoming a qualified Apple technical support agent/p
>>> trainer
>>> Hi there,
>>> I could do it using Skype, but I would prefer being able to work outside
>>> the
>>> house as well, for example, for one of our local blindness
>>> organizations.
>>> Trying to break the Windows stranglehold on our local blind community,
>>> will
>>> need qualifications. Generally, over here the blind community is
>>> approximately 10 years behind the time. That needs rectifying as soon as
>>> possible, and somebody has to do it, why not me?
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> Contact me:
>>> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013
>>> Email:
>>> My ring to Skype:
>>> California, United States
>>>   +(1)760-5140161
>>> Extension 512
>>> Cape Town, South Africa
>>> Extension 161
>>> Johannesburg, South Africa
>>> +(27)105-002316
>>> Extension 170
>>> Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007
>>> SIP:
>>> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp
>>> On 10 Apr 2013, at 2:26 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 
>>> wrote:
 hi brand.
 Why not just start over skype, as far as i know unless you have other
 rules in sa, you dont need too be certified too help other human


 On 4/10/13, Eric Oyen  wrote:
> well,
> if you were in the states, it would be easier. I know of several
> totally blind people who do such work for apple (generally in apple
> stores). 2 are in phoenix arizona. If you have a strong local blind
> organization (like the US NFB) then you might be able to convince
> apple locally that it would be in their best interests to help. you
> might also contact the apple HQ here in the states.
> -eric
> On Apr 10, 2013, at 5:54 AM, Brandt wrote:
>> Hi there folks,
>> I am working to become a fully qualified Apple support
>> agent/trainer, however, the local representatives of Apple (Core
>> group) refuse to give the necessary training unless you work for
>> them. I have supplied them with my curriculum vitae several months
>> ago, b

Re: Convincing rehab services to purchase a Mac

2013-04-11 Thread Des Delgadillo
An argument I presented in my proposal to California Rehab was the
added accessibility for Mac as compared to a machine running Windows
and Jaws. I'm a broadcast journalism major, so a Mac just made sense
in my case, because I'd need to do a lot of audio editing and
occasional video and photo work. Programs like that which also work
well with Jaws are hard to come by.
Although maybe your student isn't a broadcast major, but if you could
brainstorm some programs that would work better for them on Mac as
compared to Jaws, that may help to sway your Rehab people for the long
Also present the other arguments shared here, though. My proposal used
a variety of arguments.
Also remember some counsellors have no idea about technology and how
far it has come. Sometimes this could be used to your advantage, but
sometimes it could also make it difficult to present your case. It's
about finding a balance.
Best of luck with this,

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Re: Advice on live streaming a podcast

2013-04-11 Thread Des Delgadillo
BTR is a good option, but as I recall, it got pretty pricey if you
wanted a longer show, which is why I ultimately decided against it.
I'm not sure how accessible with VO the online switchboard would be,
but it allows you to see who's calling and basically screen your own
calls. If you manage to get it working, do drop us a line and let us
know how it went.
Another option I've tried is Spreaker radio. U-Stream is another
option. You can stream for as long as you'd like there, but your
viewers will see occasional ads during the broadcast.
What i ended up doing was found someone who didn't mind allowing me
access to his internet radio server and used NiceCast. Eventually I'll
link people to the stream on my site, but I haven't had the time to
actually organize a weekly live show as of yet. But it's nice to have
the option now.
Let me know if you have any more questions about the logistics of
doing the live setup.

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Couple iWorks Questions

2013-04-11 Thread des delgadillo
Hello, all:
Few questions for you guys regarding accessibility and whatnot.
First, concerning Pages: As a broadcast journalism student we're required to 
start writing our news scripts in a two-column format, meaning I'll have to 
create a table and write certain information in each column. Thankfully I 
practiced before I got assigned an actual script, because when I tried this in 
Pages last night, I couldn't fill in the table at all. I couldn't even interact 
with it. Am I doing something wrong or do tables just not work with Pages? And 
if not, is there any other word processor I can check out that does support 
tables with VO?

Second, concerning Keynote: I love it a whole lot more than I liked Powerpoint. 
But I haven't created a presentation yet and I'll have to create one soon. Does 
anyone have a comprehensive list of shortcuts or tutorial handy? That could 
save me some time.
Thanks in advance,


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Re: Mail messages not being announced as read or unread

2013-04-11 Thread Kerri
I am experiencing the same issue,
On 2013-04-11, at 10:53 AM, Steve Vandecar  wrote:

> Hello,
> A friend asked me why their mail messages weren't being marked as read or 
> unread and I haven't been able to find an answer.  The status field is blank 
> in the messages table.  Any help would be appreciated.
> Steve
> -- 
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Re: Becoming a qualified Apple technical support agent/p trainer

2013-04-11 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi there,

I'm seriously looking in to doing the Apple professional qualification corse.
Why? First at all, if nothing, it will be for my personal development purposes.
Of course, i believe that will also allow more opportunities my way,
and have a better understanding of Apple products and framework.

Joanne (Australia)

On 12/04/2013, Sandi Jazmin Kruse  wrote:
> hi Brand.
> Yes being able too work outside the house is a good option, but
> sometimes we gotta make compromises.
> Tell me again, because it is not totally clear too me why you need too
> be a professional too help others?
> Okay so as you said your self SA's blind organization may be 10 years
> set back, that is not the same as they wont listen if you start
> talking. I will tell you how i got about it in denmark when i started
> using a mac.
> At this time i do believe i had gotten me a few vista boxes, you know
> the typical hype about how we could install the os our self totally
> free of sighted eyes, yada, yada, yada.
> Of course it turned out, as is always the case with microsoft that it
> did not hold in court. So i got out and got my self a mac book, some
> of you  girls, and guys too for that matter, might remember the mac
> book with its uniformly cutesy plastic body.
> Anyway. I remember my bf at that time was like, you should go and show
> it too And that was basically what i did. They did not go
> all for it too start with, but they have caught up at long last.
> Brand, If you dont have the money or time to be a professional, find a
> few blind friends, give it your best go, show them all you can, but
> what is the most important thing, tell them that you with the mac can
> install it your self should it crash, and what might be more important
> too some if you really need it you could install windows in a virtual
> computer along site the mac.
> I know that i have yet too see my book-scanner work properly in osx,
> and i really need that, so well before that works properly i am not
> getting rid of my last working vista box. But it is a thing i can live
> with happily.
> John D thanks for the mail I may as well take the exams. One question
> though, why would you need a exam on the hardware?
> have a good day yall
> sandi
> On 4/11/13, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> But couldn't you say the same for everywhere? I mean, after all, most
>> blind
>> people are unemployed.  As far as blind Apple employees, very few,
>> probably.
>>  But, none?  Definitely not.  I know 4 or 5 myself.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Apr 10, 2013, at 5:29 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>>> Very few if any people work for Apple at this time.
>>> On 4/10/13 13:14, Jed Barton wrote:
 I'd like to find out about this as well.
 I love my mac, and although, somewhat new, have taught myself an awful
 Do you know if there are a lot of blind people working for apple?

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Brandt
 Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 2:10 PM
 Subject: Re: Becoming a qualified Apple technical support agent/p

 Hi there,

 I could do it using Skype, but I would prefer being able to work
 house as well, for example, for one of our local blindness

 Trying to break the Windows stranglehold on our local blind community,
 need qualifications. Generally, over here the blind community is
 approximately 10 years behind the time. That needs rectifying as soon
 possible, and somebody has to do it, why not me?

 Warm regards,

 Brandt Steenkamp

 Sent from my macbook pro

 Contact me:

 Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27781205013


 My ring to Skype:
 California, United States
 Extension 512
 Cape Town, South Africa
 Extension 161
 Johannesburg, South Africa
 Extension 170

 Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007


 Twitter: brandtsteenkamp

 On 10 Apr 2013, at 2:26 PM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse 

> hi brand.
> Why not just start over skype, as far as i know unless you have other
> rules in sa, you dont need too be certified too help other human
> beings.
> sandi
> On 4/10/13, Eric Oyen  wrote:
>> well,
>> if you were in the states, it would be easier. I know of several
>> totally blind people who do such work for apple (generally in apple
>> stores). 2 are in phoenix arizona. If you have a strong local blind
>> organization (like the US NFB) then you might

Re: Convincing rehab services to purchase a Mac

2013-04-11 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks, Des.  Great points.
On Apr 11, 2013, at 4:59 PM, Des Delgadillo  wrote:

> Hi:
> An argument I presented in my proposal to California Rehab was the
> added accessibility for Mac as compared to a machine running Windows
> and Jaws. I'm a broadcast journalism major, so a Mac just made sense
> in my case, because I'd need to do a lot of audio editing and
> occasional video and photo work. Programs like that which also work
> well with Jaws are hard to come by.
> Although maybe your student isn't a broadcast major, but if you could
> brainstorm some programs that would work better for them on Mac as
> compared to Jaws, that may help to sway your Rehab people for the long
> term.
> Also present the other arguments shared here, though. My proposal used
> a variety of arguments.
> Also remember some counsellors have no idea about technology and how
> far it has come. Sometimes this could be used to your advantage, but
> sometimes it could also make it difficult to present your case. It's
> about finding a balance.
> Best of luck with this,
> --Des
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Re: Couple iWorks Questions

2013-04-11 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
I have herd that table are not usable. Try using textedit to view the tables 
you created in pages. Also is there a two column mode that does not use tables. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 11, 2013, at 6:21 PM, des delgadillo  wrote:

> Hello, all:
> Few questions for you guys regarding accessibility and whatnot.
> First, concerning Pages: As a broadcast journalism student we're required to 
> start writing our news scripts in a two-column format, meaning I'll have to 
> create a table and write certain information in each column. Thankfully I 
> practiced before I got assigned an actual script, because when I tried this 
> in Pages last night, I couldn't fill in the table at all. I couldn't even 
> interact with it. Am I doing something wrong or do tables just not work with 
> Pages? And if not, is there any other word processor I can check out that 
> does support tables with VO?
> Second, concerning Keynote: I love it a whole lot more than I liked 
> Powerpoint. But I haven't created a presentation yet and I'll have to create 
> one soon. Does anyone have a comprehensive list of shortcuts or tutorial 
> handy? That could save me some time.
> Thanks in advance,
> --Des
> -- 
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Re: iTunes odd way of organizing music?

2013-04-11 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
There should be a flag in iTunes that marks the song as a collaboration This is 
how Chicago was inserted into the system for me when I bought the soundtrack. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 10, 2013, at 11:53 PM, "Kliphton"  wrote:

> Okay, windows media got this right.  When iTunes see’s that someone is 
> featured in a song or 2 on someone’s album, it chooses to break the album up 
> in to different sections.  Has anyone found a layout or method that corrects 
> this?  Windows media player keeps the albums in the right order like it 
> should, no matter how many people are featured on it.  Does anyone know an 
> app, or a way to keep the albums together in iTunes?
> Kliphton Senior
> (iMessage&Email)
> (Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
> (Personal blog-read at your own risk!)
> (Life Journal)
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Re: Couple iWorks Questions

2013-04-11 Thread Anne Robertson

In Pages, you can read tables if you go to the Inspector and, using the Wrap 
Inspector, select Floating. Tables wil now appear as separate objects from the 
main body of the text. They are also completely editable.



On 12 Apr 2013, at 05:34, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:

> I have herd that table are not usable. Try using textedit to view the tables 
> you created in pages. Also is there a two column mode that does not use 
> tables. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 11, 2013, at 6:21 PM, des delgadillo  wrote:
>> Hello, all:
>> Few questions for you guys regarding accessibility and whatnot.
>> First, concerning Pages: As a broadcast journalism student we're required to 
>> start writing our news scripts in a two-column format, meaning I'll have to 
>> create a table and write certain information in each column. Thankfully I 
>> practiced before I got assigned an actual script, because when I tried this 
>> in Pages last night, I couldn't fill in the table at all. I couldn't even 
>> interact with it. Am I doing something wrong or do tables just not work with 
>> Pages? And if not, is there any other word processor I can check out that 
>> does support tables with VO?
>> Second, concerning Keynote: I love it a whole lot more than I liked 
>> Powerpoint. But I haven't created a presentation yet and I'll have to create 
>> one soon. Does anyone have a comprehensive list of shortcuts or tutorial 
>> handy? That could save me some time.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> --Des
>> -- 
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Refresher needed please

2013-04-11 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi all,

Would someone please remind me how I find a dmg file I downloaded to my mbp?  
Then, please also remind me how I go about installing that downloaded dmg 

Thank you,


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