Re: how to change the mac's keyboard layout?

2012-11-11 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Mauricio,

You can have as many keyboard layouts as you like, but if you only have two, 
Command-Space is the default shortcut to switch between them. Otherwise, you 
have to use the menu in Menu Extras.

You select your keyboards in System Preferences in the Language & Text pane. Go 
to the fourth tab, Input sources, and check the appropriate keyboard layouts in 
the table.

 Check the Show Input menu in menu bar check box to see your keyboards in Menu 



On 11 Nov 2012, at 07:10, Mauricio Almeida  wrote:

> hi guys,
> I've been getting ready to release a brazilian blog for my supporters in the 
> country, yet i have no idea how I did to change my keyboard to international 
> on my other mac so that I can do that on the new one.
> Any ideas?
> I want to make sure i can write special characters.
> thanks
> mauricio

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Timestamping documents in Pages

2012-11-11 Thread Chris Gilland
Is there a way in Pages where every time I open a document, it can insert the 
date/time at the end of the file?  I need it to go into the body, not into the 

I looked in the insert menu up in the menu bar, but didn't see a way to do this 

I'll admit, I didn't look in the pages menu under services.  I wonder if maybe 
I could do it from there.


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Question about browsing dmg images on the mac

2012-11-11 Thread Chris

Hello all.
You know when you open a dmg image in Finder, it mounts the image and 
displays it in a new window in Finder, right? Well what annoys me is 
that I have set Finder to show all in list view, however dmg images are 
always shown in an image browser. This is all fine, however I do prefer 
list view.

So is there any way at all of opening all dmg images in list view?
If not, then I will get used to the image browser, or of course I could 
switch to list view manually, but it would just be easier to have all 
images open in list view.

Thank you in advance for any responses. Greatly appreciated.

Christopher Hallsworth

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Re: Discovered New Voices For Mac

2012-11-11 Thread Steve Holmes
No torrents are not illegal themselves.  It should depend on what is referenced 
by them.  You can use torrents to pull fully legal copies of linux 
distributions for example and there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting 

On Nov 4, 2012, at 10:38 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:

> Hi Chris. Yes, torrents are illegal, but as they say in wrestling, it's only 
> illegal if you get caught, and the law is too concerned about other things to 
> deal with people downloading software or movies. I shouldn't say anymore but 
> you get the picture.
> Shawn
> Sent from my white Mac Book
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Re: Discovered New Voices For Mac

2012-11-11 Thread Michael Babcock
Correct me if I'm wrong, Torrance themselves are not illegal. It is just what 
is contained in the torrent file you are downloading. Additionally, with the 
usage of proxy servers, virtual private networks, and magnet links. It is 
relatively difficult to track an individual downloading software, music, and 
movies a fire tour.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 11, 2012, at 7:38 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:

> No torrents are not illegal themselves.  It should depend on what is 
> referenced by them.  You can use torrents to pull fully legal copies of linux 
> distributions for example and there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting 
> those.
> On Nov 4, 2012, at 10:38 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:
>> Hi Chris. Yes, torrents are illegal, but as they say in wrestling, it's only 
>> illegal if you get caught, and the law is too concerned about other things 
>> to deal with people downloading software or movies. I shouldn't say anymore 
>> but you get the picture.
>> Shawn
>> Sent from my white Mac Book
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Re: mac restarted again...

2012-11-11 Thread Steve Holmes
Just curious, did you get your reboot problem solved yet?  This sounds like an 
interesting problem.  Never had to reset PRAMs yet but wonder.

On Nov 5, 2012, at 4:58 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Okay, I'll put ml on a thumb drive and see what happens. I've never done this 
> before, so it might take me a while, but google and I will get it figured out.
> On Nov 5, 2012, at 7:54 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It doesn't seem like a hardware issue to me if you had Windows running 
>> without any similar issues.  Therefore, I believe that taking it to an Apple 
>> Store would be a waste financially.  My nearest Apple Store is about a 5 
>> hour drive so its not usually in the cards for us either.
>> It does, then, sound like a software issue.  I do suggest, though, for 
>> troubleshooting purposes that you install the OS onto an external HD.  This 
>> problem seems to happen quite often so maybe if you let the Mini run off the 
>> external OS all night and check on it in the morning to see if it has 
>> restarted.  If you leave it logged in when you go to bed, and have it set to 
>> not log in automatically, then it will be sitting at the login screen if it 
>> restarted itself overnight.
>> Give that a try then we can go from there.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2012-11-05, at 10:41 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Well, I did that, though I waited one chime too many. Will that matter? If 
>>> not, let's hope this solves everything... I'll keep you posted. Thanks.
>>> On Nov 5, 2012, at 11:33 AM, Søren Jensen  wrote:
 Keep reparing your permissions until it shows no errors.
 You restart your ram by holding down: p, r, command and option right after 
 you hear the start up chime. Keep holding those keys until the chime has 
 heard the third time, and release the keys and it will boot up.
 Best regards:
 Søren Jensen
 Mail & MSN:
 Den 05/11/2012 kl. 17.29 skrev Alex Hall :
> I did repair permissions, and there were only ten or so errors. I am not 
> sure how to check my power supply, but windows never rebooted 
> mysteriously so I don't think it is that. Remind me how to reset this 
> PRam again? Thanks.
> On Nov 5, 2012, at 11:20 AM, Søren Jensen  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Have you resetted your PR ram? Have you tried to repair your disc  and 
>> permissions? Have you checked your powersupply? Sounds more like your 
>> powersupply is damaged.
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den 05/11/2012 kl. 17.15 skrev Alex Hall :
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have been in windows since Thursday. I booted back into osx yesterday 
>>> and things were fine. I left this morning for a couple hours and came 
>>> back to find my mac had, once again, restarted itself. I did the power 
>>> cord trick suggested last week and had no problems until now, though, 
>>> as I said, I was in windows for a few days. This isn't looking good... 
>>> To remind you all, it's a 2011 Mini with 2gb ram in a cool room. I have 
>>> no Apple Care, and the nearest Apple store is about two and a half 
>>> hours away.
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Flash Player

2012-11-11 Thread Christine Grassman
Teresa, when you say that flash is displayed, you are talking about the 
particular web site, correct? Essentially, if the word flash appears on a web 
site, I should be able to hit vo space, and content should be visible, or begin 
playing? This is only happening about 25 percent of the time. Can anyone give 
me pointers on how to tell whether my click to flash is installed properly? 
On Nov 10, 2012, at 3:39 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Christine,
> If you have the ClickToFlash or ClickToPlugin Safari extension installed, it 
> will display a placeholder with the word "flash". Do a vO-mouse-click on it 
> (VO-shift-space" and the content should start playing. The ClickTo extensions 
> also have a shortcut key to allow flash permanently in particular web 
> domains. You can use command-control-w to do this.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Nov 10, 2012, at 12:12 PM, Christine Grassman  
> wrote:
>> On a related note, I've installed Flash -- at least I believe I have, and it 
>> doesn't always work. Sometimes, I'll see the word "flash" and a video or 
>> text will be accessible, and other times there is nothing. Any 
>> thoughts/suggesitons?
>> Christine
>> On Nov 10, 2012, at 3:07 PM, Ben Constantini  wrote:
>>> Hi, I am kind of new to the mac , but I had to download  FlashPlayer to my 
>>> mac when I first bought it.   Now it is located in my system preferences. 
>>> Every once in a while a window appears and asks me to update.  I hope this 
>>> is some help to you.
>>> Ben Constantini
>>> Sent from my Mac
>>> On Nov 9, 2012, at 10:54 PM, Agent086b wrote:
 Hello, I assume Safari has Adobe Flash Player installed. If this is the 
 case how can I find out what version I have? I am aware Adobe has just 
 released a new version of that program!
 Thanks for any advice.
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Re: how to change the mac's keyboard layout?

2012-11-11 Thread Mauricio Almeida
hello ann

it worked perfectly here.

thank you for your time in answering this one for me. it really helped.

On Nov 11, 2012, at 3:59 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Mauricio,
> You can have as many keyboard layouts as you like, but if you only have two, 
> Command-Space is the default shortcut to switch between them. Otherwise, you 
> have to use the menu in Menu Extras.
> You select your keyboards in System Preferences in the Language & Text pane. 
> Go to the fourth tab, Input sources, and check the appropriate keyboard 
> layouts in the table.
> Check the Show Input menu in menu bar check box to see your keyboards in Menu 
> extras.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 11 Nov 2012, at 07:10, Mauricio Almeida  
> wrote:
>> hi guys,
>> I've been getting ready to release a brazilian blog for my supporters in the 
>> country, yet i have no idea how I did to change my keyboard to international 
>> on my other mac so that I can do that on the new one.
>> Any ideas?
>> I want to make sure i can write special characters.
>> thanks
>> mauricio
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Facebook question about liking pages

2012-11-11 Thread Christine Grassman
Hello, everyone. I am quite confused with respect to how to "like" a Facebook 
page. I want to like particular organizations, shows, musical groups, etc., but 
if I click the FB link on their sites, I am taken to the main FB page. Then, 
for the life of me, I cannot figure out where to find the like button for the 
page in question. There is a mass of other pages, ads, etc., and bundles of 
likes for comments, groups, and I get totally list. Any help is appreciate.
(I have tried searching for particular pages on the mobile site, but get a 
bunch of people, not pages, whenever I try.)

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Re: Podcasters Unite!

2012-11-11 Thread Scott Rumery
OK sounds good to me.  I am not sure what other peoples schedules are like but 
for me any time in the afternoon and evening will work.  Just let me know the 
time and I will be there. 
Scott Rumery
Senior Partner
Fedora Outlier, LLC
888-958-6979 ext.5801

Subscribe to our Delivering Access newsletter in the month of November and be 
automatically added into a drawing for a chance to win a $30 iTunes gift card.  
Only available for new  subscribers.  Just go to 
and enter in your email address in the newsletter sign up edit field for a 
chance to win.

On Nov 10, 2012, at 6:20 PM, Mike M  wrote:

> Outstanding,
>   Ok so this is what I am thinking…
>   We all should try to schedule a time to meet up on Skype and nail out 
> some minor detaild like, well, what the show will be about.
>   I am sure it won't be hard to choose a topic that we can all agree on 
> but we can get into details when we all talk.
>   My schedule is pretty open so I am flexible.
>   Let's try to pick a date for sometime next week and talk. I will just 
> throw Tuesday out there and see what happens.
>   Looking forward to it.
> Mike 
> On Nov 10, 2012, at 4:49 PM, Maxwell Ivey  wrote:
>> me too; another one who plans to podcast and would love pointers, max 
>> On Nov 10, 2012, at 4:40 PM, Mauricio Almeida wrote:
>>> I second that entirely, scott.
>>> On Nov 10, 2012, at 5:36 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
 I am not currently a podcaster, but I am very interested in learning all 
 that I can about the production of a podcast.  If you are willing to teach 
 me I would be more than willing to be part of a panel type discussion 
 podcast.  What do you think?
 Scott E. Rumery
 Senior Partner
 Fedora Outlier, LLC
 Telephone:  888-985-6979 ext. 5801
 Twitter: @fedora_outlier
 FaceBook: fedoraoutlierllc
 In the month of November subscribe to our monthly newsletter and be 
 automatically entered into a drawing for a $30 iTunes gift card.  New 
 subscribers only.
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Re: Blocking Email Senders?

2012-11-11 Thread Steve Holmes
It appears to me that most of you who are being bothered by this skumbag are on 
gmail.  Gmail has an excellent setup for rules and such.  Just set up the rule 
as previously suggested but use "mark as spam" as the targetted action.  I love 
the spam filters from gmail.  And if these are all falling into the same 
conversation thread, that should be even easier if they are never changing the 
subject line.  though I would think changing subjects would be a more common 
event than altering email addresses.  Anyway, gmail has good facilities for 
trapping spam IMO. I use gmail here on both my email addresses.

On Nov 7, 2012, at 6:59 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi all,
> My problem has indeed had to do with a spam bot on a list, though in this 
> case, I no longer subscribe to the NVDA list. In any case, spam bots are no 
> doubt making the rounds, and can strike any list, including this one. I've 
> just received word that this bot has been removed from the Blinux list. I 
> don't think it's embarrassing, as it's spam and everyone knows it, so I'm 
> outing it. I think this will be a continuing problem with email lists, so I'd 
> say be prepared for the onslaught.
> Teresa
> On Nov 7, 2012, at 2:01 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  
> wrote:
>> mauricio,
>> I could not agree with you more!  And for all who have helped me, thank you 
>> all immensely!
>> Thank you kindly,
>> Christopher-Mark Gilland.
>> Founder of CLG Productions
>> Blog:
>> Podcast:
>> E-mail:
>> IMessage/Facetime:
>> Windows Live Messenger:
>> Twitter:
>> @gilland_chris
>> Facebook:
>> Skype:
>> twinklesfriend2007
>> Send me a fax from any standard fax machine:
>> 704-697-2069
>> Google Voice: (Please use sparingly):
>> 980-272-8570
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Mauricio Almeida
>> To:
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 10:59 PM
>> Subject: Re: Blocking Email Senders?
>> true that, i was gonna say huh?
>> true that in this list we got the trash talkers who think they are kings 
>> too, but i can say 99,9% of people here have been awesome to me.
>> mauricio
>> On Nov 6, 2012, at 10:58 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>>> Uh, David, perhaps you don't realize; but, this is the Mac Vissionaries 
>>> list, not NVDA.  Seems to me like a misdirected message or something.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> On Nov 6, 2012, at 9:15 PM, "David Tanner"  
>>> wrote:
 This is far from the first time this list has turned into a disgusting 
 place to be.  I have recommended NVDA, I have interviewed Mike several 
 times for MainMenu, and I have a lot of respect for him, and for the 
 entire development team.  But, I have to say that given the ongoing 
 problems with this mailinglist I hesitate to recommend that anyone 
 interested in NVDA subscribe to this list because there is far to high a 
 chance that they will see some of the most disgusting dirt on this list 
 that one could see anywhere.  And, if I were the developers of NVDA they 
 would do well to insist that this list either be cleaned up or go away.
 - Original Message -
 From: Christopher-Mark Gilland
 Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 9:40 AM
 Subject: Re: Blocking Email Senders?
 OK, but this sender, believe me, I have a damn good idea who she's 
 referring to, is persistent!  If he finds you're not answerring him for a 
 reason or another, he'll create a fake e-mail and then harass you with it. 
  I probably have over literally 200 e-mail address he's created which by 
 me reading the e-mail headers, I found out it was actually him.  I wish I 
 could block e-mail regardless the address, coming from a particular I P 
 address, but I don't think that's possible on any! O S.  Even if it was, 
 his I P is not static.  I think it's dynamic, so, there went that idea.  
 Unfortunately, my I S P won't do anything about it either.
 Thank you kindly,
 Christopher-Mark Gilland.
 Founder of CLG Productions
 Windows Live Messenger:
 Send me a fax fro

Re: icloud and iphone5

2012-11-11 Thread William Windels
Hello ll,
My restore was about 3 minutes and it seems I have lost the contents of 
programs like digit-eyes  and some others.
So, I could restore the lost packages from my mac but when the packages have 
contents in it , like list-recorder, digit-eyes, that  contents is lost 
definitely… :(

Could I restore a backup to my iPhone from a past time (based on my 
time-machine backups)?
I mean: e.g. I restore the iPhone-backup from 2/10/2012 without restoring my 
whole machine to that date.
For that, I should find something like a file "iPhone-copy.*"?

kind regards,
William Windels
Op 11-nov.-2012, om 02:09 heeft Mickey Quenzer  het 
volgende geschreven:

> Hello William:
> Also, if you have many apps, the restore can take time.  I thaught my
> restore was done but all of a sudden, I noticed apps being copied.  I left
> it alone and the next morning, everything was OK.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of James Mannion
> Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2012 2:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: icloud and iphone5
> The backup on your computer should preserve the data and kind of what you
> might think of as the shell of how your apps were configured on your screens
> and or in folders and such. The apps will be put back on from the synchrnize
> process and what came from the backup should preserve and restore the data
> for those apps.
> On 11/10/12, William Windels  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> From today, I have my iphone5 black 64GB.
>> I haven't played with it much but, it's much faster for shore than my 
>> iphone4.
>> I have some questions about moving the data from my iphone4 to my iphone5:
>> I had made a backup with iTunes to my air from my iphone4.
>> When I restore from there, programs like list recordr , with included 
>> records, seems not available on my iPhone5.
>> Also, programs like Skype, Facebook , status report and some others, 
>> aren't transferred, I think.
>> So, some questions:
>> 1. wht's  the difference between a iCloud-backup and a backup on my
> macbook?
>> with itunes
>> 2. should I have normally the saved data in a application (sandbox), 
>> when I do a recovery from iCloud?
>> I mean: I can also re-install the missing apps but then, I will lose 
>> the data from e.g. list-recorder, digit-eyes, usbdisc pro (explorer. 
>> 3. Can I restore my iphone5 from a backup on my macbook with iTunes 
>> from a previous date?
>> I mean: without restoring my hole system from time-machine on a 
>> previous date, can I have a earlier version of the backup of my iphone4?
>> any help would be greatly appreciated,
>> kind regards,
>> William Windels
>> --
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Re: mac restarted again...

2012-11-11 Thread Alex Hall
Well, it restarted after I reset the PRam. However, it hasn't restarted since 
then, so I'm not sure. I'll give it a week or so and then see what happens.
On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:46 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:

> Just curious, did you get your reboot problem solved yet?  This sounds like 
> an interesting problem.  Never had to reset PRAMs yet but wonder.
> On Nov 5, 2012, at 4:58 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Okay, I'll put ml on a thumb drive and see what happens. I've never done 
>> this before, so it might take me a while, but google and I will get it 
>> figured out.
>> On Nov 5, 2012, at 7:54 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It doesn't seem like a hardware issue to me if you had Windows running 
>>> without any similar issues.  Therefore, I believe that taking it to an 
>>> Apple Store would be a waste financially.  My nearest Apple Store is about 
>>> a 5 hour drive so its not usually in the cards for us either.
>>> It does, then, sound like a software issue.  I do suggest, though, for 
>>> troubleshooting purposes that you install the OS onto an external HD.  This 
>>> problem seems to happen quite often so maybe if you let the Mini run off 
>>> the external OS all night and check on it in the morning to see if it has 
>>> restarted.  If you leave it logged in when you go to bed, and have it set 
>>> to not log in automatically, then it will be sitting at the login screen if 
>>> it restarted itself overnight.
>>> Give that a try then we can go from there.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On 2012-11-05, at 10:41 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Well, I did that, though I waited one chime too many. Will that matter? If 
 not, let's hope this solves everything... I'll keep you posted. Thanks.
 On Nov 5, 2012, at 11:33 AM, Søren Jensen  wrote:
> Keep reparing your permissions until it shows no errors.
> You restart your ram by holding down: p, r, command and option right 
> after you hear the start up chime. Keep holding those keys until the 
> chime has heard the third time, and release the keys and it will boot up.
> Best regards:
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> Den 05/11/2012 kl. 17.29 skrev Alex Hall :
>> I did repair permissions, and there were only ten or so errors. I am not 
>> sure how to check my power supply, but windows never rebooted 
>> mysteriously so I don't think it is that. Remind me how to reset this 
>> PRam again? Thanks.
>> On Nov 5, 2012, at 11:20 AM, Søren Jensen  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Have you resetted your PR ram? Have you tried to repair your disc  and 
>>> permissions? Have you checked your powersupply? Sounds more like your 
>>> powersupply is damaged.
>>> Best regards:
>>> Søren Jensen
>>> Mail & MSN:
>>> Website:
>>> Den 05/11/2012 kl. 17.15 skrev Alex Hall :
 Hi all,
 I have been in windows since Thursday. I booted back into osx 
 yesterday and things were fine. I left this morning for a couple hours 
 and came back to find my mac had, once again, restarted itself. I did 
 the power cord trick suggested last week and had no problems until 
 now, though, as I said, I was in windows for a few days. This isn't 
 looking good... To remind you all, it's a 2011 Mini with 2gb ram in a 
 cool room. I have no Apple Care, and the nearest Apple store is about 
 two and a half hours away.
 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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recovering firmware password on the mac without opening the machine

2012-11-11 Thread Mauricio Almeida
dear all,

A friend forgot his firmware password on the mac, and is trying to recover it 
without opening the machine physically and remove the battery.
any ideas on how that's possible?



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Buying Digit-eyes

2012-11-11 Thread Mary Scott
I want to buy this app and I can not figure out how to do that at the App 
Store.  What must I click on to actually buy it?  I have had no trouble buying 
others.  Do I need to do something different for this particular one?  Mel  

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Re: recovering firmware password on the mac without opening the machine

2012-11-11 Thread Daniel C
They will need to take the mac to a mac retail store for them to recover or 
reset the password.
If it'll help, see this article about firmware passwords for Mac:

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Re: recovering firmware password on the mac without opening the machine

2012-11-11 Thread Mauricio Almeida
hello daniel,

Thanks for the info. i'm glad to know they can fix the problem there.
I will also forward them the article.

On Nov 11, 2012, at 3:27 PM, Daniel C  wrote:

> Mauricio,
> They will need to take the mac to a mac retail store for them to recover or 
> reset the password.
> If it'll help, see this article about firmware passwords for Mac:
> -- 
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Re: recovering firmware password on the mac without opening the machine

2012-11-11 Thread Daniel C
Not a problem. Have a good day.

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Sorting mail fields

2012-11-11 Thread Bill Holton
I am running Apple Mail and classic view. I am trying to sort the fields. I was 
able to do this before, by going into the header list, and then dragging the 
fields left or right. But now, when I go to a field and use theVO  command to 
drag, It says item is not draggable may be hidden by… And it doesn't say what 
it may be hidden by.
Anyone have a suggestion what I might be doing wrong?

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CAnnot browse genre stations on the Mac or in Pandora app

2012-11-11 Thread Christine Grassman
I have written to Pandora about this, but would like to find out if others are 
having this issue.
In the past, I could explore dozens of genre stations on my iPhone with the 
Pandora app. This is no longer true. In fact, the "browse genre stations" is 
not showing up at all when I select "new station" -- just a search box for 
song, composer, or artist. My husband says there is a "browse" button below the 
edit box, but it is not being voiced, even as an unlabeled button.
I went to the web site, both on my iPhone 5 and on my white MacBook (both 
devices have the latest software), and except for the basic stations listed on 
the home page, I also cannot browse additional stations there; there is a 
"browse" link, but using vo space or the Enter key is not activating anything, 
and using the WEb items rotor to explore the screen is not revealing any 
further information. Comments? Experiences? Workarounds? Thanks.

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Some questions about Mac Mini.

2012-11-11 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hello All.

As you know I am hoping to sell my Mac Book Pro mid 2010 and two or three 
months after the sale, I am probably going to get a Mac Mini due to the lack of 
space on my desk with a magic track pad.

So, I have  questions to ask.

Does the Mac Mini have batteries inside it?

I know that the Mac Mini has know screen, but does it have speakers?  Also, 
what would any of you advise should I get a USB keyboard as I have an Apple 
keyboard which is bluetooth.  If I were to stick with that and not get a USB 
keyboard, how would one pair the keyboard if the Mac Mini was not set up?

I am wanting the latest one with the fusion drive and a SSD drive and as the 
unit is cheaper than a lap top, will probably go for the highest processor it 
all depends on how much everything will cost.

Any advice is appreciated as I want to do a thorough research on this as I 
don't want to get anything without knowing the facts.  Why do people get Mac 
minis, is it the saving on space or something else?  I need something which 
will take as little room as possible due to having one desk which is cramed 
with wires and as much as I love my Mac Book Pro, I am going to be sorry for 
giving it up as it means a lot to me due to my time in the USA but one can't be 
sentimental I have to think of the practical i.e. no space.

Thank you.


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Re: without passing through router?

2012-11-11 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
Thanks for all your support,
As we speak the backup is going slowly but surely.
Could anyone of you experts suggest a course of action to try to attempt the 
wired connection with a cable without passing through router?  At the moment I 
have the ethernet connected to both macs without a router but I have a feeling 
that the network is still happening over wifi.

It is very slow for now. 2 days for 125 gigs.

Thanks again,


Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Nov 8, 2012, at 4:00 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> I've had pretty good luck with time machine over wifi. I have an old Mac G4 
> running in the basement with a 500GB drive for time machine backups wired to 
> my wifi router. I then have sharing turned on and mounted that drive on a 
> laptop and told time machine to use it. It seems to back up a lot of the time 
> since I'm back on 802.11G since my Airport died. It was much more reasonable 
> with 802.11N. In other words, if you're patient you might be fine just doing 
> time machine backups over wifi and will have no need of a frankencable setup.
> CB
> On 11/7/12 12:31 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You are correct in most accounts.  Time Machine will continue from where it 
>> left off if all things are equal, meaning that you're using the same Backup 
>> location and configuration as well as connection method.  Yes it should be 
>> much quicker on future backups.
>> With respect to the Internet connection being lost when the ethernet cable 
>> is connected.  Try going to the System Prefs, in the Network pane.  In the 
>> Actions pop-up menu, choose "Set Service Order" and then drag the WIFI above 
>> the Ethernet service.  This should allow the WIFI to maintain its Internet 
>> connection but still allow connectivity between computers with the ethernet 
>> cable.  Note that "should" is my favourite word in computer-land so I'm not 
>> promising that it will work perfectly.  I do, in my world, use multiple 
>> network services but these are usually in a Server environment so your 
>> machine may behave differently.
>> Good luck.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2012-11-06, at 12:50 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>>> Thanks for your detailed response.
>>> Like you said, it opens up more questiones than it answers.
>>> I have a sighted husband that could help with non VO friendly solutions. 
>>> Could you mind telling me what those might be?
>>> Also, I am just thinking letting timemachine do its thing although it takes 
>>> forever. I am thinking that for subsequent bakcups it would be faster since 
>>> there is less to update. Do any of you know if timemachine can continue 
>>> backup where it left off if the backup was interrupted? IN this case am I 
>>> risking corrupted data?
>>> hanks very much!
>>> Ioana
>>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>>> stores.
>>> On Nov 5, 2012, at 9:08 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
 Migration Assistant is a different kettle of fish.  Although, the basic 
 answer is yes, sort of.  Some complications will arise though if you are 
 planning to have the units tethered more or less 
 permanently.  Normally, the ethernet connection is a higher priority than 
 the wireless one thus once the connection is made, you will lose your IP 
 address and most likely lose your Internet connection.  There are 
 workarounds for this sort of thing but they are not typically VO friendly.
 The connection speed should be quicker than WIFI and depending on your 
 router, could be slightly quicker then going 
 through it as well.
 The problem I see with your design though is that, unless your other Mac 
 is set up as a server, using it for Time Machine backups is not as easy as 
 it appears.  My suggestions for this would be to either have some sort of 
 network access storage either through your existing router (if it supports 
 it), to use a Time Capsule or Airport Extreme with external HD, or convert 
 your other Mac to a MacOS Server.  Financially, if your router supports 
 NAS, that's the least expensive route, purchasing the MacOS Server is only 
 $20 and the most expensive would be the Airport Extreme or Time Capsule 
 route.  Just because life is never easy, the less expensive routes are not 
 necessarily the easiest methods to configure.
 Sorry, probably just gave you more questions than answers.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On 2012-11-05, at 1:40 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
> Hi,
> Just wondering if it is possible to connect 2 macs on a wired network 
> directly with a cable. THe router is very far away from both to be close 
> to the dsl plug on th

Re: Some questions about Mac Mini.

2012-11-11 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
I do know that the mac mini has a speaker but i don't know how good it is.
I know the mac mini doesn't come with a keyboard, but i'd think you could use 
your bluetooth one.
Can i ask, wouldn't you think the macbook pro would take up less space then a 
mac mini with screen?

Chris Bruinenberg

On Nov 11, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Hello All.
> As you know I am hoping to sell my Mac Book Pro mid 2010 and two or three 
> months after the sale, I am probably going to get a Mac Mini due to the lack 
> of space on my desk with a magic track pad.
> So, I have  questions to ask.
> Does the Mac Mini have batteries inside it?
> I know that the Mac Mini has know screen, but does it have speakers?  Also, 
> what would any of you advise should I get a USB keyboard as I have an Apple 
> keyboard which is bluetooth.  If I were to stick with that and not get a USB 
> keyboard, how would one pair the keyboard if the Mac Mini was not set up?
> I am wanting the latest one with the fusion drive and a SSD drive and as the 
> unit is cheaper than a lap top, will probably go for the highest processor it 
> all depends on how much everything will cost.
> Any advice is appreciated as I want to do a thorough research on this as I 
> don't want to get anything without knowing the facts.  Why do people get Mac 
> minis, is it the saving on space or something else?  I need something which 
> will take as little room as possible due to having one desk which is cramed 
> with wires and as much as I love my Mac Book Pro, I am going to be sorry for 
> giving it up as it means a lot to me due to my time in the USA but one can't 
> be sentimental I have to think of the practical i.e. no space.
> Thank you.
> Kawal.
> -- 
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Re: Question about browsing dmg images on the mac

2012-11-11 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Hi Chris.
Could you try pressing option j and see if that can fix the issue?
Maybe there is an option that says always open in list view when in a dmg?

Chris Bruinenberg

On Nov 11, 2012, at 4:31 AM, Chris  wrote:

> Hello all.
> You know when you open a dmg image in Finder, it mounts the image and 
> displays it in a new window in Finder, right? Well what annoys me is that I 
> have set Finder to show all in list view, however dmg images are always shown 
> in an image browser. This is all fine, however I do prefer list view.
> So is there any way at all of opening all dmg images in list view?
> If not, then I will get used to the image browser, or of course I could 
> switch to list view manually, but it would just be easier to have all images 
> open in list view.
> Thank you in advance for any responses. Greatly appreciated.
> Chris.
> -- 
> Christopher Hallsworth
> -- 
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Re: Some questions about Mac Mini.

2012-11-11 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I wasn't going to get a screen.  At the moment I have to balance the Macbook on 
my lap when I'm scanning and one of these days I'll drop it so as I've seen a 
Mac Mini, I know it's a small box which souldn't take too much space.  I 
understand that Apple have fixed the issue about it not having a screen so I 
have been told.


On Nov 11, 2012, at 10:58 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> I do know that the mac mini has a speaker but i don't know how good it is.
> I know the mac mini doesn't come with a keyboard, but i'd think you could use 
> your bluetooth one.
> Can i ask, wouldn't you think the macbook pro would take up less space then a 
> mac mini with screen?
> Chris Bruinenberg
> On Nov 11, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Hello All.
>> As you know I am hoping to sell my Mac Book Pro mid 2010 and two or three 
>> months after the sale, I am probably going to get a Mac Mini due to the lack 
>> of space on my desk with a magic track pad.
>> So, I have  questions to ask.
>> Does the Mac Mini have batteries inside it?
>> I know that the Mac Mini has know screen, but does it have speakers?  Also, 
>> what would any of you advise should I get a USB keyboard as I have an Apple 
>> keyboard which is bluetooth.  If I were to stick with that and not get a USB 
>> keyboard, how would one pair the keyboard if the Mac Mini was not set up?
>> I am wanting the latest one with the fusion drive and a SSD drive and as the 
>> unit is cheaper than a lap top, will probably go for the highest processor 
>> it all depends on how much everything will cost.
>> Any advice is appreciated as I want to do a thorough research on this as I 
>> don't want to get anything without knowing the facts.  Why do people get Mac 
>> minis, is it the saving on space or something else?  I need something which 
>> will take as little room as possible due to having one desk which is cramed 
>> with wires and as much as I love my Mac Book Pro, I am going to be sorry for 
>> giving it up as it means a lot to me due to my time in the USA but one can't 
>> be sentimental I have to think of the practical i.e. no space.
>> Thank you.
>> Kawal.
>> -- 
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Re: Some questions about Mac Mini.

2012-11-11 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
Hi.  when I got mine at the end of 2011 it ran ok without a screen but seemed 
to run better with one.  Apparently you can get something that will simulate a 
screen though.

can't think  of what they are called now.  I got a little screen as sometimes i 
want to show my husband things etc. the screen fits in a big backpac if i need 
to take it somewhere.

Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music

On 12/11/2012, at 10:12 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> I wasn't going to get a screen.  At the moment I have to balance the Macbook 
> on my lap when I'm scanning and one of these days I'll drop it so as I've 
> seen a Mac Mini, I know it's a small box which souldn't take too much space.  
> I understand that Apple have fixed the issue about it not having a screen so 
> I have been told.
> Kawal.
> On Nov 11, 2012, at 10:58 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> I do know that the mac mini has a speaker but i don't know how good it is.
>> I know the mac mini doesn't come with a keyboard, but i'd think you could 
>> use your bluetooth one.
>> Can i ask, wouldn't you think the macbook pro would take up less space then 
>> a mac mini with screen?
>> Chris Bruinenberg
>> On Nov 11, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> Hello All.
>>> As you know I am hoping to sell my Mac Book Pro mid 2010 and two or three 
>>> months after the sale, I am probably going to get a Mac Mini due to the 
>>> lack of space on my desk with a magic track pad.
>>> So, I have  questions to ask.
>>> Does the Mac Mini have batteries inside it?
>>> I know that the Mac Mini has know screen, but does it have speakers?  Also, 
>>> what would any of you advise should I get a USB keyboard as I have an Apple 
>>> keyboard which is bluetooth.  If I were to stick with that and not get a 
>>> USB keyboard, how would one pair the keyboard if the Mac Mini was not set 
>>> up?
>>> I am wanting the latest one with the fusion drive and a SSD drive and as 
>>> the unit is cheaper than a lap top, will probably go for the highest 
>>> processor it all depends on how much everything will cost.
>>> Any advice is appreciated as I want to do a thorough research on this as I 
>>> don't want to get anything without knowing the facts.  Why do people get 
>>> Mac minis, is it the saving on space or something else?  I need something 
>>> which will take as little room as possible due to having one desk which is 
>>> cramed with wires and as much as I love my Mac Book Pro, I am going to be 
>>> sorry for giving it up as it means a lot to me due to my time in the USA 
>>> but one can't be sentimental I have to think of the practical i.e. no space.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Kawal.
>>> -- 
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Re: Some questions about Mac Mini.

2012-11-11 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
HI.  the speaker isn't too bad.  Here at home though I have some computer 
speakers but I can live without my speakers if i'm away sometimes.  You can get 
screens that are pretty small now days.

God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 

On 12/11/2012, at 9:58 AM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> I do know that the mac mini has a speaker but i don't know how good it is.
> I know the mac mini doesn't come with a keyboard, but i'd think you could use 
> your bluetooth one.
> Can i ask, wouldn't you think the macbook pro would take up less space then a 
> mac mini with screen?
> Chris Bruinenberg
> On Nov 11, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Hello All.
>> As you know I am hoping to sell my Mac Book Pro mid 2010 and two or three 
>> months after the sale, I am probably going to get a Mac Mini due to the lack 
>> of space on my desk with a magic track pad.
>> So, I have  questions to ask.
>> Does the Mac Mini have batteries inside it?
>> I know that the Mac Mini has know screen, but does it have speakers?  Also, 
>> what would any of you advise should I get a USB keyboard as I have an Apple 
>> keyboard which is bluetooth.  If I were to stick with that and not get a USB 
>> keyboard, how would one pair the keyboard if the Mac Mini was not set up?
>> I am wanting the latest one with the fusion drive and a SSD drive and as the 
>> unit is cheaper than a lap top, will probably go for the highest processor 
>> it all depends on how much everything will cost.
>> Any advice is appreciated as I want to do a thorough research on this as I 
>> don't want to get anything without knowing the facts.  Why do people get Mac 
>> minis, is it the saving on space or something else?  I need something which 
>> will take as little room as possible due to having one desk which is cramed 
>> with wires and as much as I love my Mac Book Pro, I am going to be sorry for 
>> giving it up as it means a lot to me due to my time in the USA but one can't 
>> be sentimental I have to think of the practical i.e. no space.
>> Thank you.
>> Kawal.
>> -- 
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Re: Some questions about Mac Mini.

2012-11-11 Thread Maria & Joe Chapman
Hi.  no batteries as far as I know.  YOu need power to run the mini.  I use a 
blue tooth keyboard, I did use a usb keyboard to turn voice over on though.  it 
might be handy to get a cheap usb keyboard until you get your bluetooth 
keyboard paired.  As I've said in previous posts it does have a speaker and 
it's not too bad.  I have the trackpad sitting on top of the mini which saves a 
bit of space.  I hope I've answered all your questions.

God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 

On 12/11/2012, at 9:34 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Hello All.
> As you know I am hoping to sell my Mac Book Pro mid 2010 and two or three 
> months after the sale, I am probably going to get a Mac Mini due to the lack 
> of space on my desk with a magic track pad.
> So, I have  questions to ask.
> Does the Mac Mini have batteries inside it?
> I know that the Mac Mini has know screen, but does it have speakers?  Also, 
> what would any of you advise should I get a USB keyboard as I have an Apple 
> keyboard which is bluetooth.  If I were to stick with that and not get a USB 
> keyboard, how would one pair the keyboard if the Mac Mini was not set up?
> I am wanting the latest one with the fusion drive and a SSD drive and as the 
> unit is cheaper than a lap top, will probably go for the highest processor it 
> all depends on how much everything will cost.
> Any advice is appreciated as I want to do a thorough research on this as I 
> don't want to get anything without knowing the facts.  Why do people get Mac 
> minis, is it the saving on space or something else?  I need something which 
> will take as little room as possible due to having one desk which is cramed 
> with wires and as much as I love my Mac Book Pro, I am going to be sorry for 
> giving it up as it means a lot to me due to my time in the USA but one can't 
> be sentimental I have to think of the practical i.e. no space.
> Thank you.
> Kawal.
> -- 
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Re: CAnnot browse genre stations on the Mac or in Pandora app

2012-11-11 Thread Michael Babcock
I used to using application called slacker for Internet radio. My cousin 
however suggested that I try out Pandora. To be honest, I thought the only way 
that I could access radio stations was by searching for an artist, composer, or 
track title. I didn't even know that browse button was there and tell you said 
something. So, yes I am having this issue as well.
Thank you

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 11, 2012, at 2:18 PM, Christine Grassman  wrote:

> I have written to Pandora about this, but would like to find out if others 
> are having this issue.
> In the past, I could explore dozens of genre stations on my iPhone with the 
> Pandora app. This is no longer true. In fact, the "browse genre stations" is 
> not showing up at all when I select "new station" -- just a search box for 
> song, composer, or artist. My husband says there is a "browse" button below 
> the edit box, but it is not being voiced, even as an unlabeled button.
> I went to the web site, both on my iPhone 5 and on my white MacBook (both 
> devices have the latest software), and except for the basic stations listed 
> on the home page, I also cannot browse additional stations there; there is a 
> "browse" link, but using vo space or the Enter key is not activating 
> anything, and using the WEb items rotor to explore the screen is not 
> revealing any further information. Comments? Experiences? Workarounds? Thanks.
> Christine
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Re: Buying Digit-eyes

2012-11-11 Thread Michael Babcock
If I remember correctly, this is now an in app purchase. You must download the 
free version of dishes, and follow the directions in the application in order 
to upgrade to the paid version.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 11, 2012, at 1:02 PM, Mary Scott  wrote:

> I want to buy this app and I can not figure out how to do that at the App 
> Store.  What must I click on to actually buy it?  I have had no trouble 
> buying others.  Do I need to do something different for this particular one?  
> Mel  
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RE: Some questions about Mac Mini.

2012-11-11 Thread Jesus Garcia
You can use a Bluetooth keyboard the one that apple sells will work just
fine. I assume you can use another if you wish. The speaker is not bad
though I would not say it would be suitable for playing music, but for voice
over it should be adequate. Keep in mind this machine does require a power
outlet this is not a portable machine.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kawal Gucukoglu
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 18:12
Subject: Re: Some questions about Mac Mini.

I wasn't going to get a screen.  At the moment I have to balance the Macbook
on my lap when I'm scanning and one of these days I'll drop it so as I've
seen a Mac Mini, I know it's a small box which souldn't take too much space.
I understand that Apple have fixed the issue about it not having a screen so
I have been told.


On Nov 11, 2012, at 10:58 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> I do know that the mac mini has a speaker but i don't know how good it is.
> I know the mac mini doesn't come with a keyboard, but i'd think you could
use your bluetooth one.
> Can i ask, wouldn't you think the macbook pro would take up less space
then a mac mini with screen?
> Chris Bruinenberg
> On Nov 11, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Hello All.
>> As you know I am hoping to sell my Mac Book Pro mid 2010 and two or three
months after the sale, I am probably going to get a Mac Mini due to the lack
of space on my desk with a magic track pad.
>> So, I have  questions to ask.
>> Does the Mac Mini have batteries inside it?
>> I know that the Mac Mini has know screen, but does it have speakers?
Also, what would any of you advise should I get a USB keyboard as I have an
Apple keyboard which is bluetooth.  If I were to stick with that and not get
a USB keyboard, how would one pair the keyboard if the Mac Mini was not set
>> I am wanting the latest one with the fusion drive and a SSD drive and as
the unit is cheaper than a lap top, will probably go for the highest
processor it all depends on how much everything will cost.
>> Any advice is appreciated as I want to do a thorough research on this as
I don't want to get anything without knowing the facts.  Why do people get
Mac minis, is it the saving on space or something else?  I need something
which will take as little room as possible due to having one desk which is
cramed with wires and as much as I love my Mac Book Pro, I am going to be
sorry for giving it up as it means a lot to me due to my time in the USA but
one can't be sentimental I have to think of the practical i.e. no space.
>> Thank you.
>> Kawal.
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shout cast broadcasting on the mac?

2012-11-11 Thread Mauricio Almeida
hi all,

I'm looking for an alternative to programs such as sam broadcaster, which allow 
me to connect to a shout cast server, while allowing me to stream for example, 
my voice and songs at the same time.
i know ladiocast seems prett good, but i don't think it supports shout cast 
any other ideas?


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Re: shout cast broadcasting on the mac?

2012-11-11 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Nicecast.  It's $40.00 but I believe it will do what you want.  I know as a 
fact that it supporst shoutcast servers.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Nov 11, 2012, at 7:23 PM, Mauricio Almeida  

> hi all,
> I'm looking for an alternative to programs such as sam broadcaster, which 
> allow me to connect to a shout cast server, while allowing me to stream for 
> example, my voice and songs at the same time.
> i know ladiocast seems prett good, but i don't think it supports shout cast 
> servers.
> any other ideas?
> Mauricio
> -- 
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Re: shout cast broadcasting on the mac?

2012-11-11 Thread Mauricio Almeida
the apple store found no results for nice cast.
could you provide the name again?


On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:13 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Nicecast.  It's $40.00 but I believe it will do what you want.  I know as a 
> fact that it supporst shoutcast servers.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Nov 11, 2012, at 7:23 PM, Mauricio Almeida  
> wrote:
>> hi all,
>> I'm looking for an alternative to programs such as sam broadcaster, which 
>> allow me to connect to a shout cast server, while allowing me to stream for 
>> example, my voice and songs at the same time.
>> i know ladiocast seems prett good, but i don't think it supports shout cast 
>> servers.
>> any other ideas?
>> Mauricio
>> -- 
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Re: shout cast broadcasting on the mac?

2012-11-11 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Don't look in the Apple store.  Everybody looks there first supposing 
everything to be there, but, not everything is.  Try google for a change, and, 
you might find it.  Meanwhile, here's the link:

Rogue Amoeba | Nicecast: Broadcast Any Audio To The Internet …

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Nov 11, 2012, at 8:24 PM, Mauricio Almeida  

> the apple store found no results for nice cast.
> could you provide the name again?
> thanks
> mauricio
> On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:13 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Nicecast.  It's $40.00 but I believe it will do what you want.  I know as a 
>> fact that it supporst shoutcast servers.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Nov 11, 2012, at 7:23 PM, Mauricio Almeida  
>> wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> I'm looking for an alternative to programs such as sam broadcaster, which 
>>> allow me to connect to a shout cast server, while allowing me to stream for 
>>> example, my voice and songs at the same time.
>>> i know ladiocast seems prett good, but i don't think it supports shout cast 
>>> servers.
>>> any other ideas?
>>> Mauricio
>>> -- 
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A Free Windows 8 eBook for those running windows on their Macs

2012-11-11 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Everyone,

There is a free eBook entitled Windows 8 for Dummies eBook that was
sponsored by Dell computers.  

While there are several sites from which you can download the book, they can
be somewhat challenging for screen readers, in my opinion.  

So, I have decided to make it available via the following link.  

Again, this is a free eBook so no copyright problems exist.  

The file has a .zip extension to facilitate a more convenient download
experience.  After downloading, remember to remove the .zip extension and
you should be good to go.



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Re: Music notation app

2012-11-11 Thread Frank Tom
Unfortunately there are no programs that are voice over accessible. If you have 
low vision, your friend might be able to use Sibelius First, but you absolutely 
have to have some usable vision.  
Tom Frank

On Nov 10, 2012, at 4:38 PM, Christine Olivares wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I have a friend who just got a Mac, and he is a music major in college. He 
> would like to know if there are any apps for music composition. He has to 
> compose music notes and share them with others.
> Thanks so much and have a great day.
> Christine
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Re: shout cast broadcasting on the mac?

2012-11-11 Thread Krysti .Power
Google it although I couldn't get nice cast to work
On 2012-11-11 10:24 PM, "Mauricio Almeida" 

> the apple store found no results for nice cast.
> could you provide the name again?
> thanks
> mauricio
> On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:13 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> Nicecast.  It's $40.00 but I believe it will do what you want.  I know as
> a fact that it supporst shoutcast servers.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Nov 11, 2012, at 7:23 PM, Mauricio Almeida 
> wrote:
> hi all,
> I'm looking for an alternative to programs such as sam broadcaster, which
> allow me to connect to a shout cast server, while allowing me to stream for
> example, my voice and songs at the same time.
> i know ladiocast seems prett good, but i don't think it supports shout
> cast servers.
> any other ideas?
> Mauricio
> --
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Re: shout cast broadcasting on the mac?

2012-11-11 Thread Mauricio Almeida
will be playing around with it as i just found it.

On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:49 PM, "Krysti .Power"  wrote:

> Google it although I couldn't get nice cast to work
> On 2012-11-11 10:24 PM, "Mauricio Almeida"  
> wrote:
> the apple store found no results for nice cast.
> could you provide the name again?
> thanks
> mauricio
> On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:13 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Nicecast.  It's $40.00 but I believe it will do what you want.  I know as a 
>> fact that it supporst shoutcast servers.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Nov 11, 2012, at 7:23 PM, Mauricio Almeida  
>> wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> I'm looking for an alternative to programs such as sam broadcaster, which 
>>> allow me to connect to a shout cast server, while allowing me to stream for 
>>> example, my voice and songs at the same time.
>>> i know ladiocast seems prett good, but i don't think it supports shout cast 
>>> servers.
>>> any other ideas?
>>> Mauricio
>>> -- 
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Re: without passing through router?

2012-11-11 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
This will just work on most Macintoshes without any special configurations.  
You might need to turn off wireless, since the two machines will see each other 
over both wireless and direct cable.  I believe that some OS versions will 
prefer the wireless to the wired even though that is not sensible in my opinion.

Also, if both your machines are Apple airDrop cabable then AirDrop provides a 
direct connection rather then going over the router.

Jonathan Cohn
(703) 573-6956

On Nov 5, 2012, at 7:39 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> Could you give me more details or point me where I should look up info?
> THanks,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> On Nov 5, 2012, at 3:50 PM, Brian Moore  wrote:
>> HI.  you can do this with ethernet cable but you will have to statically 
>> assign ip addresses and such to both machines I think.
>> Brian.
>> Contact me on skype: brian.moore
>> follow me on twitter:
>> On 05/11/2012 3:47 PM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
>>> What exactly are you trying to do? Do you just want the two computers 
>>> hooked together to transfer files or are you trying to connect them both to 
>>> the internet?
>>> -- 
>>> Cheryl
>>> May the words of my mouth
>>> and the meditation of my heart
>>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
>>> On Nov 5, 2012, at 2:40 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
 Just wondering if it is possible to connect 2 macs on a wired network 
 directly with a cable. THe router is very far away from both to be close 
 to the dsl plug on the wall. I thought that just connecting with a cable 
 should do it since I did this with pc for migration assistent. 
 If it is indeed possible, how do I make sure the connection works and is 
 it slower than passing through a router?
 Thanks for your help.
 Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: shout cast broadcasting on the mac?

2012-11-11 Thread Esther
Hello Mauricio,

To add to what Ray said, you can find most Mac software by adding
"MacUpdate" along with the name of the software to a Google search
because the web site contains listings for most Mac
software. This site uses a standard layout format with a brief
description of the software, whether it is paid or free, the latest
version and links to both the download for the app and the home page
maintained by the developer, and the system requirement, if any.  This
can be very helpful, because even if you have the URL for an
application, finding the same information concisely stated, or trying
to navigate to the download link can sometimes be difficult.  In
addition, some apps, even those that are sold both at the Mac App
store and from the developer's web page may have free, trial downloads
that you cannot access from the Mac App Store, and this information
will be listed at MacUpdate's site. (The reason for this is that
developers are not allowed to put apps up on the Mac App store that
stop working unless the user pays more money at a later time.  They
can develop and offer a lite, trial version of their app, but that
takes more work, and many developers will not do this.)

In addition, you can read suggestions for alternative apps with
similar functions, and users can post comments or short reviews on the
application on the Macupdate page for an app.

I'll just repeat the link Ray gave to the Nicecast trial download at
Rogue Amoeba's web pages, since his link will not work from the Mail
Archive pages or the Google Groups web pages -- only from emails:

HTH.  Cheers,


On Nov 11, 4:27 pm, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> Don't look in the Apple store.  Everybody looks there first supposing 
> everything to be there, but, not everything is.  Try google for a change, 
> and, you might find it.  Meanwhile, here's the link:
> Rogue Amoeba | Nicecast: Broadcast Any Audio To The Internet …
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Nov 11, 2012, at 8:24 PM, Mauricio Almeida  
> wrote:
> > the apple store found no results for nice cast.
> > could you provide the name again?
> > thanks
> > mauricio
> > On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:13 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> >> Nicecast.  It's $40.00 but I believe it will do what you want.  I know as 
> >> a fact that it supporst shoutcast servers.
> >> Sincerely,
> >> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> >> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> >> Skype name:
> >> barefootedray
> >> On Nov 11, 2012, at 7:23 PM, Mauricio Almeida 
> >>  wrote:
> >>> hi all,
> >>> I'm looking for an alternative to programs such as sam broadcaster, which 
> >>> allow me to connect to a shout cast server, while allowing me to stream 
> >>> for example, my voice and songs at the same time.
> >>> i know ladiocast seems prett good, but i don't think it supports shout 
> >>> cast servers.
> >>> any other ideas?
> >>> Mauricio

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Re: shout cast broadcasting on the mac?

2012-11-11 Thread Mauricio Almeida
hello esther.

Thank you for this information.

I will definitely play around with the searches and the website and see what I 
come across.

thanks again

On Nov 11, 2012, at 10:05 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Hello Mauricio,
> To add to what Ray said, you can find most Mac software by adding
> "MacUpdate" along with the name of the software to a Google search
> because the web site contains listings for most Mac
> software. This site uses a standard layout format with a brief
> description of the software, whether it is paid or free, the latest
> version and links to both the download for the app and the home page
> maintained by the developer, and the system requirement, if any.  This
> can be very helpful, because even if you have the URL for an
> application, finding the same information concisely stated, or trying
> to navigate to the download link can sometimes be difficult.  In
> addition, some apps, even those that are sold both at the Mac App
> store and from the developer's web page may have free, trial downloads
> that you cannot access from the Mac App Store, and this information
> will be listed at MacUpdate's site. (The reason for this is that
> developers are not allowed to put apps up on the Mac App store that
> stop working unless the user pays more money at a later time.  They
> can develop and offer a lite, trial version of their app, but that
> takes more work, and many developers will not do this.)
> In addition, you can read suggestions for alternative apps with
> similar functions, and users can post comments or short reviews on the
> application on the Macupdate page for an app.
> I'll just repeat the link Ray gave to the Nicecast trial download at
> Rogue Amoeba's web pages, since his link will not work from the Mail
> Archive pages or the Google Groups web pages -- only from emails:
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Nov 11, 4:27 pm, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Don't look in the Apple store.  Everybody looks there first supposing 
>> everything to be there, but, not everything is.  Try google for a change, 
>> and, you might find it.  Meanwhile, here's the link:
>> Rogue Amoeba | Nicecast: Broadcast Any Audio To The Internet …
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Nov 11, 2012, at 8:24 PM, Mauricio Almeida  
>> wrote:
>>> the apple store found no results for nice cast.
>>> could you provide the name again?
>>> thanks
>>> mauricio
>>> On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:13 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
 Nicecast.  It's $40.00 but I believe it will do what you want.  I know as 
 a fact that it supporst shoutcast servers.
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
 Skype name:
 On Nov 11, 2012, at 7:23 PM, Mauricio Almeida 
> hi all,
> I'm looking for an alternative to programs such as sam broadcaster, which 
> allow me to connect to a shout cast server, while allowing me to stream 
> for example, my voice and songs at the same time.
> i know ladiocast seems prett good, but i don't think it supports shout 
> cast servers.
> any other ideas?
> Mauricio
> -- 
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Re: Podcasters Unite!

2012-11-11 Thread Mike M
Sounds like a good starting point.
I am in central time so let's shoot for 7pm central so my little ones 
will be heading to bed and I will be able to chat in relative peace.
If people are going to be late that is ok just add me to your Skype and 
shoot me a message and I will get you added.
My Skype username is Howtobeblind so shoot me an invitation when you 
can. Scott I believe you and I are already connected if I remember correctly.
I am looking forward to it! Take care guys!

On Nov 10, 2012, at 7:47 PM, Mauricio Almeida  

> i'm free tuesdays after 6:30 eastern time.
> mauricio
> ps: Skype if you wish is mauriciopma10.
> On Nov 10, 2012, at 6:20 PM, Mike M  wrote:
>> Outstanding,
>>  Ok so this is what I am thinking…
>>  We all should try to schedule a time to meet up on Skype and nail out 
>> some minor detaild like, well, what the show will be about.
>>  I am sure it won't be hard to choose a topic that we can all agree on 
>> but we can get into details when we all talk.
>>  My schedule is pretty open so I am flexible.
>>  Let's try to pick a date for sometime next week and talk. I will just 
>> throw Tuesday out there and see what happens.
>>  Looking forward to it.
>> Mike 
>> On Nov 10, 2012, at 4:49 PM, Maxwell Ivey  wrote:
>>> me too; another one who plans to podcast and would love pointers, max 
>>> On Nov 10, 2012, at 4:40 PM, Mauricio Almeida wrote:
 I second that entirely, scott.
 On Nov 10, 2012, at 5:36 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
> Mike,
> I am not currently a podcaster, but I am very interested in learning all 
> that I can about the production of a podcast.  If you are willing to 
> teach me I would be more than willing to be part of a panel type 
> discussion podcast.  What do you think?
> Scott E. Rumery
> Senior Partner
> Fedora Outlier, LLC
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Re: Podcasters Unite!

2012-11-11 Thread Michael Babcock
What day is this going to be on? I will you to Skype today.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:22 PM, Mike M  wrote:


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Re: Podcasters Unite!

2012-11-11 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Hi mike.
I think they agreed on Tuesday 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 11, 2012, at 8:32 PM, Michael Babcock  

> What day is this going to be on? I will you to Skype today.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:22 PM, Mike M  wrote:
> -- 
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Re: Podcasters Unite!

2012-11-11 Thread Michael Babcock
Awesome thanks Chris. By the way nice seeing you again.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:35 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> Hi mike.
> I think they agreed on Tuesday 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 11, 2012, at 8:32 PM, Michael Babcock  
> wrote:
>> What day is this going to be on? I will you to Skype today.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:22 PM, Mike M  wrote:
>> -- 
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Re: Podcasters Unite!

2012-11-11 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
You too. Don't quote me but at 7:00 on Tuesday. Hoping mike can confirm. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 11, 2012, at 8:37 PM, Michael Babcock  

> Awesome thanks Chris. By the way nice seeing you again.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:35 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> Hi mike.
>> I think they agreed on Tuesday 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 11, 2012, at 8:32 PM, Michael Babcock  
>> wrote:
>>> What day is this going to be on? I will you to Skype today.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:22 PM, Mike M  wrote:
>>> -- 
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Re: Podcasters Unite!

2012-11-11 Thread Mike M
Hey all,
Yes the plan is 7pm central time. 
Please send me a request on Skype before then if possible. My username 
again is 
Looking forward to it!

On Nov 11, 2012, at 10:39 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> You too. Don't quote me but at 7:00 on Tuesday. Hoping mike can confirm. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 11, 2012, at 8:37 PM, Michael Babcock  
> wrote:
>> Awesome thanks Chris. By the way nice seeing you again.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:35 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>>> Hi mike.
>>> I think they agreed on Tuesday 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 11, 2012, at 8:32 PM, Michael Babcock  
>>> wrote:
 What day is this going to be on? I will you to Skype today.
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Nov 11, 2012, at 9:22 PM, Mike M  wrote:
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Question about browsing dmg images on the mac

2012-11-11 Thread Tim Kilburn

I'm not sure that this can really be changed.  The DMG files are "read Only" 
files and are set by the builder of the image file thus if they create and save 
the DMG file with Icon view settings, that is the way it will appear.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-11-11, at 3:59 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> Hi Chris.
> Could you try pressing option j and see if that can fix the issue?
> Maybe there is an option that says always open in list view when in a dmg?
> Chris Bruinenberg
> On Nov 11, 2012, at 4:31 AM, Chris  wrote:
>> Hello all.
>> You know when you open a dmg image in Finder, it mounts the image and 
>> displays it in a new window in Finder, right? Well what annoys me is that I 
>> have set Finder to show all in list view, however dmg images are always 
>> shown in an image browser. This is all fine, however I do prefer list view.
>> So is there any way at all of opening all dmg images in list view?
>> If not, then I will get used to the image browser, or of course I could 
>> switch to list view manually, but it would just be easier to have all images 
>> open in list view.
>> Thank you in advance for any responses. Greatly appreciated.
>> Chris.
>> -- 
>> Christopher Hallsworth
>> -- 
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Re: Some questions about Mac Mini.

2012-11-11 Thread Kliphton
Hello Kawal, Kliphton here.  You and I have chatted over the years, and I did 
the same thing you are going to do.  Sold my iMac, and bought me a mini.  Here 
is what I know.  The mini can be pared with a bt keyboard, you do not need a 
screen for voice over to work properly, and it does take up less space.  I 
found a company that will give you credit towards the purchase of a new mac, 
they will even custom build one for you.  If you can give me a little idea of 
what you would like in your mini, I can give you more of a price range.  My 
info is below if anyone would like more information.  There prices are much 
cheaper then apples, and even offer the same worentee, and customer support.  
Put it like this.  I had a 2011 iMac 27 inch, with a 3.4 quad core i7 
processor, with 1TB of hard drive space, and they gave me $1000 for it towards 
the price of my mini.  Like I said, my info is below if anyone would like  to 
know more.  HTH

(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
)(iMessage, FaceTime&Email)
(life journal)
Sent from Minister Miller's iPhone5

On Nov 11, 2012, at 4:34 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

Hello All.

As you know I am hoping to sell my Mac Book Pro mid 2010 and two or three 
months after the sale, I am probably going to get a Mac Mini due to the lack of 
space on my desk with a magic track pad.

So, I have  questions to ask.

Does the Mac Mini have batteries inside it?

I know that the Mac Mini has know screen, but does it have speakers?  Also, 
what would any of you advise should I get a USB keyboard as I have an Apple 
keyboard which is bluetooth.  If I were to stick with that and not get a USB 
keyboard, how would one pair the keyboard if the Mac Mini was not set up?

I am wanting the latest one with the fusion drive and a SSD drive and as the 
unit is cheaper than a lap top, will probably go for the highest processor it 
all depends on how much everything will cost.

Any advice is appreciated as I want to do a thorough research on this as I 
don't want to get anything without knowing the facts.  Why do people get Mac 
minis, is it the saving on space or something else?  I need something which 
will take as little room as possible due to having one desk which is cramed 
with wires and as much as I love my Mac Book Pro, I am going to be sorry for 
giving it up as it means a lot to me due to my time in the USA but one can't be 
sentimental I have to think of the practical i.e. no space.

Thank you.


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