Re: Selecting to End of Line in Safari Edit Fields

2012-09-27 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I have no problem.

On Sep 27, 2012, at 4:57 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Hi,
> Recently I've noticed that the command shift right arrow and command shift 
> left arrow keystrokes to select to the end of the line and beginning of the 
> line respectively are not working properly in text edit fields in Safari. 
> I've only noticed this since upgrading to Mountain Lion, probably only since 
> the 8.2 upgrade. When I press command shift right arrow from within a text 
> edit field in Safari the VoiceOver curser seems to jump somewhere random on 
> the page. It behaves very strangely. The option shift arrow keystrokes work 
> fine, however.
> Is anyone else having this problem? Or is it just me? If it's just me perhaps 
> I should try reinstalling Mountain Lion or something. If other people are 
> having this issue maybe we can report it to Apple accessibility.
> Cheers,
> Nic 
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Re: password after screen saver or sleep.

2012-09-27 Thread Nektarios Mallas
I didn't look there. 


On Sep 27, 2012, at 5:52 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> It's in the Security & Privacy pane of your system Prefs.  Uncheck the box 
> that says something about entering a password after screensaver.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2012-09-26, at 12:46 PM, Nektarios Mallas  wrote:
>> Hi list.
>> I reinstalled my OS and applications completely from scratch, and now every 
>> time my mac goes to screen saver or sleep, after I come back, it asks me for 
>> my admin password. 
>> I remember I did it once, but for the life of me, I can't remember now how I 
>> dsabled this. I don't need to enter password every time this happens.
>> How do I do that?
>> Thanks.
>> Regards.
>> Nektarios.
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Re: Calibres ebook-converter

2012-09-27 Thread sandi sørensen
hi, not sure.
Usually i just do one book at the time, that is more than i need.


On 9/27/12, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
> Hi.
> I have got it to work. Is it really true that you can only do 1 file at a
> time on a mac, I have tried on windows there you can do a folder.
> Do I need to move my files into calibre, or can I do the cd command to
> another folder and then do the convertion?
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Sep 26, 2012 kl. 11:46 AM skrev sandi sørensen :
>> hi, i am not sure you can convert a wholelibrary at a time but
>> single converts, no problem.
>> Usually i do that from the terminal. an example would look something like
>> this.
>> cp file from its start location  too the location where you ahve the
>> app laying, on my box it is /Applications/
>> so the actual command line in the terminal would be: cp file.epub
>> /Applications/
>> after that change too the right folder, location.
>> cd /Applications/
>> okay last, but not least convert the file from one format, for me that
>> might be text files.
>> ./ebook-convert file.epub .txt
>> after that copy the textfile  or just read it as you would usually do
>> with textedit.
>> Congrats, you are now set to read as much as you want.
>> /sandi
>> On 9/25/12, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Can any of you, who are used to use calibres ebook-converter guide me a
>>> little. Maybe it will be easier off list, I simply can not get that to
>>> work.
>>> Here are my questions.
>>> 1. do I need to turn anything on in calibre before the ebook-converter
>>> works?
>>> 2. Can I convert a library of books at a time.
>>> 3. can anyone give me an exact description that will get it to work.
>>> Best regards Annie.
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Re: Instapaper Toolbar Bookmark

2012-09-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thanks for this, Esther. I'd given up figuring out Istapaper, and I don't give 
up easily.. I'm going to try it again with your instructions in hand. :)

On Sep 26, 2012, at 3:01 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Hi Emilio,
> The easiest way to put an Instapaper bookmarklet onto your Safari
> toolbar is to create the bookmark on your Mac, and then sync it to
> Safari on your iOS device.  I should add that I found that the process
> of creating the Instapaper bookmarklet on your iPhone or iPad as
> described at the Instapaper site is also accessible, but it takes more
> steps to do. Start at the Instapaper extras web page:
> Whenever you encounter instructions to drag and drop a bookmark to
> your Safari toolbar, simply use the contextual menu (VO-Shift-M) with
> the option to "Copy Link".  Create a bookmark of the current page with
> the Command-D shortcut, and save it to the "Bookmarks Bar" in the pop
> up menu, with a name of your choice (e.g. "Read Later").  Then,
> navigate to that bookmark in the "Show All Bookmarks" page (brought up
> with Command-Option-B), use the "Edit Address" option of the
> contextual menu, and paste the link you copied into the address field.
> This works for javascript bookmarklets (such as the Instapaper
> Bookmarklet, or Google Translation bookmarklets), as well as regular
> bookmarks.  If you have these as one of the first 9 entries in the
> Bookmarks bar, you can just use Command+1 for the first bookmark,
> Command+2 of the second and so forth.  Using this shortcut will also
> run javascript bookmarklets.
> If you want to read step-by-step directions, I wrote these out in a
> mac-access list post at the end of last year.  Here's the link to this
> post at the Mail Archive site:
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Sep 23, 6:52 am, Emilio Hernandez 
> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> Recently I have become a fan of Instapaper for iOS.
>> How can I drag the Instapaper read later feature to my Safari toolbar for 
>> saving items to my account while using the Mac?
>> Thank you for anyone help.
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Onscreen Keyboard with iPad 3 and iOS 6

2012-09-27 Thread Tim Hornik
Just to clarify, touch typing is enabled. I initially played with this setting 
thinking it would solve the issue. 

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python development on the mac

2012-09-27 Thread Mauricio Almeida
hello all,

For now I have had to run boothcamp on the mac just to develop python
because i have not found any editor that actualy works on the mac.
any ideas?

thank you


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Re: selling my mac

2012-09-27 Thread Tim Mehok

A friend of mine may be interested.  Please let me know how much and
contact me off the list.



On 9/26/12, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
> sorry all.
> It's a macbook pro 2011 13 inch. 4 gb ram, 128 gb samsung ssd, which i
> installed myself.
> I know the macbook air is light. it's been a thought i don't know,
> what are your opinions?
> On 9/26/12, Cameron Strife  wrote:
>> Hi. If you're looking to sell her, it'd be helpful to give age, specs
>> and price etc.
>> Cameron.
>> On 9/26/12, Harry Hogue  wrote:
>>> Chris,
>>> To be honest, I know of no other laptop which would be as light; in
>>> fact,
>>> most are heavier.  Someone feel free to correct me if I am mistaken.
>>> Regards,
>>> Harry
>>> On Sep 26, 2012, at 2:26 PM, Chris Bruinenberg 
>>> wrote:
 Hi all.
 So i'm thinking of selling my macbook pro.
 The only reason i want to sell it is because i want a lighter laptop
 at college.
 I will be commuting for several hours a day and will need a lighter
 My question is, since i purchased the upgrade for the laptop, will i
 to transfer the mountain lion upgrade?
 If somebody were to ever restore it.
 Also, if anybody is interested please feel free to contact me.

 Chris Bruinenberg

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Re: using windows on a mac

2012-09-27 Thread Mauricio Almeida

Once your installation is complete, there is no slowing to your
system, simply because you will always be running one system at once.
the process of switching can be done easily by going to system
preferences>startup disc and selecting windows on boothcamp.
after that, your computer will restart on windows.
to come back on the mac, simply visit the boothcamp control pannel
(type booth on the search box of windows seven's start menu) and ask
it to restart on the mac again.



On 9/27/12, Kimsan  wrote:
> I just completed bootcamp.  I needed assistance for one step and that was
> about it.
> I don't have a pimping system like others on here but I don't find it to
> run
> slow.
> As far as switching back and forth, I just held the option key down once I
> heard the music, I have a little vision, so I saw the different drives and
> new to press right arrow once, then press enter and windows will load.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Michelle Hackman
> Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 10:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: using windows on a mac
> Hi all,
> Does anyone have experience with bootcamp or another windows programming
> running jaws on a mac?  Is this possible? Does it slow down/otherwise
> impact
> the computer?  Is it easy to switch back and forth between operating
> systems?  Any info would be hugely helpful!
> Thanks so much,
> Michelle
> --
> Michelle Hackman
> Staff Reporter | Yale Daily News
> Yale University, BK 2015
> (516) 242-6767
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Re: selling my mac

2012-09-27 Thread Alex Hall
Also, you can use another computer's disk drive remotely if you don't want to 
buy a super drive. I haven't gotten this working yet, but I know it's possible.
On Sep 27, 2012, at 1:35 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Chris,
> I have an 11-inch MacBook Air and it's so light and small I can carry it in a 
> large handbag. It's true that it has no superdrive built in, but you can buy 
> a separate external superdrive for it which is also small and light.
> I've had this MBA for 16 months now and am delighted with it.
> I've been using Macs for 16 years and this MBA is my favourite so far, 
> supplanting the 12-inch PowerBook that was my previous favourite.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Selecting to End of Line in Safari Edit Fields

2012-09-27 Thread Alex Hall
I can confirm this. Very strange!
On Sep 27, 2012, at 4:50 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> I have no problem.
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 4:57 AM, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Recently I've noticed that the command shift right arrow and command shift 
>> left arrow keystrokes to select to the end of the line and beginning of the 
>> line respectively are not working properly in text edit fields in Safari. 
>> I've only noticed this since upgrading to Mountain Lion, probably only since 
>> the 8.2 upgrade. When I press command shift right arrow from within a text 
>> edit field in Safari the VoiceOver curser seems to jump somewhere random on 
>> the page. It behaves very strangely. The option shift arrow keystrokes work 
>> fine, however.
>> Is anyone else having this problem? Or is it just me? If it's just me 
>> perhaps I should try reinstalling Mountain Lion or something. If other 
>> people are having this issue maybe we can report it to Apple accessibility.
>> Cheers,
>> Nic 
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: shortcut keys for vo

2012-09-27 Thread Alex Hall
Short of commandders, is it possible to change these assignments? In particular 
I'd like to modify some of the vo-cmd keystrokes to make them more useful.
On Sep 27, 2012, at 1:44 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:

> The best way to review current VO key assignments is to do VO-H twice and you 
> will be in the Commands menu with 14 sub menus. Just drill down into all of 
> these and you will see all possible VO commands and what keys are assigned to 
> them.  there are even some commands which are probably less often used which 
> do not have keys assigned.
> On Sep 26, 2012, at 10:44 AM, "Kimsan"  wrote:
>> Hi Again,
>> I was reading through this tutorial that someone posted many moons ago and I 
>> was reading the commands and gestures section and most of these didn’t sound 
>> familiar to me, not because I am not a full time mac user but the dozens of 
>> times I have used this machine, I don’t remember these keystrokes.  Now my 
>> question is with every upgrade do the keystrokes change as in version 10 3 
>> or what ever, the same will work in 10.7?
>> Thanks.
>> Kimsan Song
>> Online Access Technology Trainer
>> Phone:
>> 1-877-774-7670
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: shortcut keys for vo

2012-09-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Alex,

You can't change the shortcuts for VO commands, the idea is that at least one 
basic set of commands will remain consistent on every machine, no matter what 
the user does. The commanders give us the flexibility to assign commands to 
shortcuts that suit our personal needs.



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Bootcamp again

2012-09-27 Thread Phil Halton
Okay, I'm gonna do it - I'm gonna install windows7 on my iMac! But, My sighted 
assistant is a extremely technically challenged person, so I would like to know 
the level of difficulty they will encounter. I can get them to read the screen 
and help me select combo boxes and buttons etc, as long as they don't have to 
do any thinking or require any technical skills.

Also, I have a wired keyboard, but no mouse. Can I get through the install 
process without a mouse?

Finally, I assume loading a screen reader, like JAWS, will simply be a matter 
of inserting a CD with the installer package and running the setup? Once I have 
speech in windows I should be okay from there.

Any help, info, or suggestions greatly appreciated - and please don't skimp on 
the details.



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Re: python development on the mac

2012-09-27 Thread rashantha de silva
The premiere editor for programmers is TextMate and now they have released the 
source as well.

If you use this you will never use anything else.

Rashantha De Silva
Mac Consultant

On Sep 27, 2012, at 5:54 AM, Mauricio Almeida wrote:

> hello all,
> For now I have had to run boothcamp on the mac just to develop python
> because i have not found any editor that actualy works on the mac.
> any ideas?
> thank you
> mauricio
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Re: shortcut keys for vo

2012-09-27 Thread Alex Hall
Thanks. I didn't think it ible, but you never know until you ask. I have 
re-enabled the keyboard commander now and am busy modifying and building useful 
scripts which I'll share once I am happy with them. I also had a problem with 
the keyboard commander when I first started out since I thought it would get in 
the way of other, application-specific commands, but I don't think I have ever 
seen an application use just the option key as a modifier yet.
On Sep 27, 2012, at 10:06 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Alex,
> You can't change the shortcuts for VO commands, the idea is that at least one 
> basic set of commands will remain consistent on every machine, no matter what 
> the user does. The commanders give us the flexibility to assign commands to 
> shortcuts that suit our personal needs.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Selecting to End of Line in Safari Edit Fields

2012-09-27 Thread Kevin Shaw
I'm having the same issue in Safari. I figured it was a quirk of VO and ML, but 
it appears to be a bug.


On 2012-09-26, at 11:57 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Hi,
> Recently I've noticed that the command shift right arrow and command shift 
> left arrow keystrokes to select to the end of the line and beginning of the 
> line respectively are not working properly in text edit fields in Safari. 
> I've only noticed this since upgrading to Mountain Lion, probably only since 
> the 8.2 upgrade. When I press command shift right arrow from within a text 
> edit field in Safari the VoiceOver curser seems to jump somewhere random on 
> the page. It behaves very strangely. The option shift arrow keystrokes work 
> fine, however.
> Is anyone else having this problem? Or is it just me? If it's just me perhaps 
> I should try reinstalling Mountain Lion or something. If other people are 
> having this issue maybe we can report it to Apple accessibility.
> Cheers,
> Nic 
> -- 
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Re: Selecting to End of Line in Safari Edit Fields

2012-09-27 Thread Richard Ring
I was surprised to learn that I'm having the same problem.

"It's not enough to have every intelligent person in the country voting for me. 
I need a majority."  Adlai Stevenson

On Sep 27, 2012, at 9:39 AM, Kevin Shaw  wrote:

> I'm having the same issue in Safari. I figured it was a quirk of VO and ML, 
> but it appears to be a bug.
> Kevin
> On 2012-09-26, at 11:57 PM, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Recently I've noticed that the command shift right arrow and command shift 
>> left arrow keystrokes to select to the end of the line and beginning of the 
>> line respectively are not working properly in text edit fields in Safari. 
>> I've only noticed this since upgrading to Mountain Lion, probably only since 
>> the 8.2 upgrade. When I press command shift right arrow from within a text 
>> edit field in Safari the VoiceOver curser seems to jump somewhere random on 
>> the page. It behaves very strangely. The option shift arrow keystrokes work 
>> fine, however.
>> Is anyone else having this problem? Or is it just me? If it's just me 
>> perhaps I should try reinstalling Mountain Lion or something. If other 
>> people are having this issue maybe we can report it to Apple accessibility.
>> Cheers,
>> Nic 
>> -- 
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Re: i o s and visually impaired users

2012-09-27 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hi Ed and others. I actually answered my own dumb A** question last night. I 
went into the App Store, changed the roter to headings, and sure enough, I was 
able to navigate the search results properly. Before I did this, I used to 
press and or hold down either side of the screen to navigate it, but 99% of the 
time Voiceover didn't read the next or previous search result. So thanks. It 
would be nice if we could tell our iPhones to keep it on headings when we're in 
the App Store. Or like on the Mac, set an activity so that the roter is 
automatically on headings. Thanks again.

Sent from my white Mac Book

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Re: Bootcamp again

2012-09-27 Thread Mauricio Almeida

you can definitely do that without a mouse because you can still click
with the mac one.
they will encounter no difficulty.

here is how this will go (number is below, you may call during installation)

1: run boothcamp utility from utilities folder.
2: select download apple support software, as well as install windows 7.
3: insert a usb drive and save the folder it downloaded. you will need
it, i promise.
it should move on to installing windows:
4: insert your disc, and click on continue.
4: it will restart.
that is where you need a sighted person.
they should select the following screens according to your preference:
type of installation (go on the normal one and select boothcamp)

wait the installation to finish.
install the boothcamp software you saved (basic setup)
install speech

enjoy your new life.


number: 517 899-4969

On 9/27/12, Phil Halton  wrote:
> Okay, I'm gonna do it - I'm gonna install windows7 on my iMac! But, My
> sighted assistant is a extremely technically challenged person, so I would
> like to know the level of difficulty they will encounter. I can get them to
> read the screen and help me select combo boxes and buttons etc, as long as
> they don't have to do any thinking or require any technical skills.
> Also, I have a wired keyboard, but no mouse. Can I get through the install
> process without a mouse?
> Finally, I assume loading a screen reader, like JAWS, will simply be a
> matter of inserting a CD with the installer package and running the setup?
> Once I have speech in windows I should be okay from there.
> Any help, info, or suggestions greatly appreciated - and please don't skimp
> on the details.
> thanks
> .
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Re: python development on the mac

2012-09-27 Thread Mauricio Almeida

thank you so much. I will definitely give this a try!


On 9/27/12, rashantha de silva  wrote:
> The premiere editor for programmers is TextMate and now they have released
> the source as well.
> If you use this you will never use anything else.
> Rashantha De Silva
> Mac Consultant
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 5:54 AM, Mauricio Almeida wrote:
>> hello all,
>> For now I have had to run boothcamp on the mac just to develop python
>> because i have not found any editor that actualy works on the mac.
>> any ideas?
>> thank you
>> mauricio
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RE: Bootcamp again

2012-09-27 Thread Kimsan

I am not saying my wife is stupid with computers but she just told me what
was on the screen when I had no speech and we just followed the prompts.

A fello list member posted steps, on how to do this.

If you would like the steps, I can post them to the list.



Description: blind access training logo

Kimsan Song

Online Access Technology Trainer




[] On Behalf Of Phil Halton
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 7:18 AM
To: Macvisionaries
Subject: Bootcamp again


Okay, I'm gonna do it - I'm gonna install windows7 on my iMac! But, My
sighted assistant is a extremely technically challenged person, so I would
like to know the level of difficulty they will encounter. I can get them to
read the screen and help me select combo boxes and buttons etc, as long as
they don't have to do any thinking or require any technical skills.


Also, I have a wired keyboard, but no mouse. Can I get through the install
process without a mouse?


Finally, I assume loading a screen reader, like JAWS, will simply be a
matter of inserting a CD with the installer package and running the setup?
Once I have speech in windows I should be okay from there.


Any help, info, or suggestions greatly appreciated - and please don't skimp
on the details.





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Selecting to End of Line in Safari Edit Fields

2012-09-27 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Thanks all for the feedback. I've passed the report on to Hopefully this can get fixed in the next upgrade.

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RE: using windows on a mac

2012-09-27 Thread Kimsan
Let's get this straight because I have been rebooting to switch between the
two lol.
System preferences and start up disc when I am using the mac and windows
seven, I can click computer and look for the boothcamp control pannel type
booth, bring up the context menu and click um, from there I don't know.
If you have boot camp set up can you send the list steps on how to do this
for the benefit of all users.

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RE: Bootcamp again

2012-09-27 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello everyone. Please be careful. Part of the process is formatting your
partition. You must choose bootcamp and never change the partitions from
Windows. If you make any changes to your partitions you could wipe out Lion.
You won't know this unless you read the Bootcamp installation guide which is
the first step in the process. Since you will need sighted assistance to
install Windows with Bootcamp anyway, I recommend that you print the
installation guide and ask him or her to read it before you start the
process. The installation is straightforward and is well documented in the
installation guide. I did it with my son-in-law for my wife's computer.
Since I didn't have sighted assistance available when I needed to install
Windows 7 on my mac, I downloaded and save the support files without
installing Windows.
Since I have Apple Care, I scheduled a Genius Appointment at an apple store
and they did it for me. We're fortunate in Austin because we have an Apple
store and a Microsoft store. Since the Mini is so small, I can take it to
the store and they will do this for me. It's also an opportunity to point
out to the Microsoft staff that their OS installations are not accessible.
By the way, Microsoft recommends that bootcamp partitions be used. Also,
both Microsoft and Apple personnel understand that people run Windows on
macs all the time and they will make reasonable efforts to help.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mauricio Almeida
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: Bootcamp again


you can definitely do that without a mouse because you can still click with
the mac one.
they will encounter no difficulty.

here is how this will go (number is below, you may call during installation)

1: run boothcamp utility from utilities folder.
2: select download apple support software, as well as install windows 7.
3: insert a usb drive and save the folder it downloaded. you will need it, i
it should move on to installing windows:
4: insert your disc, and click on continue.
4: it will restart.
that is where you need a sighted person.
they should select the following screens according to your preference:
type of installation (go on the normal one and select boothcamp)

wait the installation to finish.
install the boothcamp software you saved (basic setup) install speech

enjoy your new life.


number: 517 899-4969

On 9/27/12, Phil Halton  wrote:
> Okay, I'm gonna do it - I'm gonna install windows7 on my iMac! But, My 
> sighted assistant is a extremely technically challenged person, so I 
> would like to know the level of difficulty they will encounter. I can 
> get them to read the screen and help me select combo boxes and buttons 
> etc, as long as they don't have to do any thinking or require any
technical skills.
> Also, I have a wired keyboard, but no mouse. Can I get through the 
> install process without a mouse?
> Finally, I assume loading a screen reader, like JAWS, will simply be a 
> matter of inserting a CD with the installer package and running the setup?
> Once I have speech in windows I should be okay from there.
> Any help, info, or suggestions greatly appreciated - and please don't 
> skimp on the details.
> thanks
> .
> --
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Re: using windows on a mac

2012-09-27 Thread Cameron Strife
Hi. You don't need to go through all of that to reboot in a different
OS. Just restart your mac and when you hear the startup sound, hold
down the option key for a few seconds. This will bring up a list of
operating systems which will allow you to choose the one you'd like to
boot into. Hitting the left arrow once should select OSX and the right
arrow should select windows. Just hit enter once you make your
selection and it will boot into the chosen OS. If you have more than
two operating systems installed, you'll be able to arrow through the
list as above, but, you might want to get a sighted person to tell you
the layout on the screen.

Hope that helps,


On 9/27/12, Kimsan  wrote:
> Let's get this straight because I have been rebooting to switch between the
> two lol.
> System preferences and start up disc when I am using the mac and windows
> seven, I can click computer and look for the boothcamp control pannel type
> booth, bring up the context menu and click um, from there I don't know.
> If you have boot camp set up can you send the list steps on how to do this
> for the benefit of all users.
> Thanks.
> --
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Re: Bootcamp again

2012-09-27 Thread Phil Halton
Thanks kimsan,

I think I'll be fine. I've read the installation and setup guide and have 
downloaded the support drivers. All I need is a copy of windows7 which I'll 
order from microsoft. I think I'm going to hire a sightet, tech minded person 
to go through the install with me. I'm still wondering if I need a mouse for 
the install, or if the apple wired keyboard will suffice. Is a wired mouse 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Kimsan 
  Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 11:01 AM
  Subject: RE: Bootcamp again


  I am not saying my wife is stupid with computers but she just told me what 
was on the screen when I had no speech and we just followed the prompts.

  A fello list member posted steps, on how to do this.

  If you would like the steps, I can post them to the list.



  Kimsan Song

  Online Access Technology Trainer




[] On Behalf Of Phil Halton
  Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 7:18 AM
  To: Macvisionaries
  Subject: Bootcamp again


  Okay, I'm gonna do it - I'm gonna install windows7 on my iMac! But, My 
sighted assistant is a extremely technically challenged person, so I would like 
to know the level of difficulty they will encounter. I can get them to read the 
screen and help me select combo boxes and buttons etc, as long as they don't 
have to do any thinking or require any technical skills.


  Also, I have a wired keyboard, but no mouse. Can I get through the install 
process without a mouse?


  Finally, I assume loading a screen reader, like JAWS, will simply be a matter 
of inserting a CD with the installer package and running the setup? Once I have 
speech in windows I should be okay from there.


  Any help, info, or suggestions greatly appreciated - and please don't skimp 
on the details.





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Re: Selecting to End of Line in Safari Edit Fields

2012-09-27 Thread Kimberly thurman
Make sure quick nav is off.
On Sep 27, 2012, at 4:50 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> I have no problem.
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 4:57 AM, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Recently I've noticed that the command shift right arrow and command shift 
>> left arrow keystrokes to select to the end of the line and beginning of the 
>> line respectively are not working properly in text edit fields in Safari. 
>> I've only noticed this since upgrading to Mountain Lion, probably only since 
>> the 8.2 upgrade. When I press command shift right arrow from within a text 
>> edit field in Safari the VoiceOver curser seems to jump somewhere random on 
>> the page. It behaves very strangely. The option shift arrow keystrokes work 
>> fine, however.
>> Is anyone else having this problem? Or is it just me? If it's just me 
>> perhaps I should try reinstalling Mountain Lion or something. If other 
>> people are having this issue maybe we can report it to Apple accessibility.
>> Cheers,
>> Nic 
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Re: python development on the mac

2012-09-27 Thread Bejarano, Rafael P.
I use TextEdit, although my programs are relatively simple, so I haven't really 
had a need for a full-fledged editor.

I haven't found an easy-to-use python GUI solution for the Mac, so if you know 
of one, please let me know what it is.

Rafael Bejarano
On Sep 27, 2012, at 7:54 AM, Mauricio Almeida wrote:

> hello all,
> For now I have had to run boothcamp on the mac just to develop python
> because i have not found any editor that actualy works on the mac.
> any ideas?
> thank you
> mauricio
> -- 
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Re: Trouble Interacting with the HTML Area in Messages

2012-09-27 Thread Chris
Thanks for duplicating the same problem I had and I think still having 
despite a reinstall of Mountain Lion. No solution I have here. Sorry!

On 27/09/2012 05:00, Nicholas Parsons wrote:


Just today I started having a problem with the Messages app. I'm running the 
latest version of Mountain Lion.

When I first start messaging someone, I'm able to interact with the HTML 
conversation area fine. However, after carrying on the conversation for 
sometime, VoiceOver suddenly refuses to interact with the HTML area.

The only solution I've found for this so far is to quit Messages and re open 
it. This works for a short time and then I am unable to interact again.

Is anyone else having this problem?


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RE: using windows on a mac

2012-09-27 Thread Kimsan
My wife told me the lay out and its OSX, windows and recovery something.
The reason why I want to find out another way, unless someone can clarify
this but when rebooting and pressing option, will it be focused on the last
OS you were on or in my case will it be on mac OSX.
Since we are on this topic, how do I boot from windows or the mac by
Someone mentioned this but I lost it.

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iPad and iOS 6

2012-09-27 Thread Chris

Hello all.
Are there any iPad users on here? If so how well is iOS 6 running on yours?

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Re: using windows on a mac

2012-09-27 Thread Ricardo Walker

It will be focused on whatever is the default OS at start up.  If you have the 
Mac OS set, it will always be on the Mac OS by default even if you just 
restarted your computer from windows.

Ricardo Walker

On Sep 27, 2012, at 3:25 PM, Kimsan  wrote:

> My wife told me the lay out and its OSX, windows and recovery something.
> The reason why I want to find out another way, unless someone can clarify
> this but when rebooting and pressing option, will it be focused on the last
> OS you were on or in my case will it be on mac OSX.
> Since we are on this topic, how do I boot from windows or the mac by
> default?
> Someone mentioned this but I lost it.
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: using windows on a mac

2012-09-27 Thread Rodney Haynie
If you use the press and hold the Option key method, every time you
will land on the OSX option, which is the first option. That is

Personally, I do not use the other methods.


On 9/27/12, Kimsan  wrote:
> My wife told me the lay out and its OSX, windows and recovery something.
> The reason why I want to find out another way, unless someone can clarify
> this but when rebooting and pressing option, will it be focused on the last
> OS you were on or in my case will it be on mac OSX.
> Since we are on this topic, how do I boot from windows or the mac by
> default?
> Someone mentioned this but I lost it.
> Thanks.
> --
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Re: selling my mac

2012-09-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Chris. 
I just talked to a lady who might be interested in a used Mac Book Pro. She 
would need VoiceOver and possibly she would want screen magnification. How much 
were you wanting to sell your computer for? 

On Sep 26, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> Hi all.
> So i'm thinking of selling my macbook pro.
> The only reason i want to sell it is because i want a lighter laptop for at 
> college.
> I will be commuting for several hours a day and will need a lighter computer.
> My question is, since i purchased the upgrade for the laptop, will i have to 
> transfer the mountain lion upgrade?
> If somebody were to ever restore it.
> Also, if anybody is interested please feel free to contact me.
> Thanks.
> Chris Bruinenberg
> -- 
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Re: iPad and iOS 6

2012-09-27 Thread David McLean
Very well. The Focus 40 commands seemed to have changed a bit but nothing else 
On Sep 27, 2012, at 3:31 PM, Chris  wrote:

> Hello all.
> Are there any iPad users on here? If so how well is iOS 6 running on yours?
> Thanks!
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Re: iPad and iOS 6

2012-09-27 Thread Timothy Emmons
Hey, runningn IOS 6 on my iPad 2 Chris and it's not having any issues. there 
were a few kink it needed to work out but it is fine now, no sluggishness, no 
stuttering or anything like that. Hope that helps. 
On Sep 27, 2012, at 2:31 PM, Chris wrote:

> Hello all.
> Are there any iPad users on here? If so how well is iOS 6 running on yours?
> Thanks!
> -- 
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Re: selling my mac

2012-09-27 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
i was thinking 1050?
It has a case and the updated ssd.

Chris Bruinenberg

On Sep 27, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi Chris. 
> I just talked to a lady who might be interested in a used Mac Book Pro. She 
> would need VoiceOver and possibly she would want screen magnification. How 
> much were you wanting to sell your computer for? 
> Gigi
> On Sep 26, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> So i'm thinking of selling my macbook pro.
>> The only reason i want to sell it is because i want a lighter laptop for at 
>> college.
>> I will be commuting for several hours a day and will need a lighter computer.
>> My question is, since i purchased the upgrade for the laptop, will i have to 
>> transfer the mountain lion upgrade?
>> If somebody were to ever restore it.
>> Also, if anybody is interested please feel free to contact me.
>> Thanks.
>> Chris Bruinenberg
>> -- 
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DVD Player Again

2012-09-27 Thread Mary Scott
My yoga disk is in my computer and it is stuck saying "busy" no matter what I 
do.  It won't eject or quit.  What to do?  Mel 

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Re: Trouble Interacting with the HTML Area in Messages

2012-09-27 Thread Gavin Grundlingh

What seemed to resolve that issue for me is moving the VoiceOver cursor to the 
html content area and pressing Control-Option-A. This should automatically 
interact with the html content area and start reading whatever is in it. I 
sometimes have this problem in Skype, too.


Gavin Grundlingh
Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
Secondary Email:
Skype: Batworx

On 27 Sep 2012, at 8:52 PM, Chris  wrote:

> Thanks for duplicating the same problem I had and I think still having 
> despite a reinstall of Mountain Lion. No solution I have here. Sorry!
> On 27/09/2012 05:00, Nicholas Parsons wrote:
>> HI,
>> Just today I started having a problem with the Messages app. I'm running the 
>> latest version of Mountain Lion.
>> When I first start messaging someone, I'm able to interact with the HTML 
>> conversation area fine. However, after carrying on the conversation for 
>> sometime, VoiceOver suddenly refuses to interact with the HTML area.
>> The only solution I've found for this so far is to quit Messages and re open 
>> it. This works for a short time and then I am unable to interact again.
>> Is anyone else having this problem?
>> Cheers,
>> Nic
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RE: using windows on a mac

2012-09-27 Thread Paul Hunt
The order is OSX on the left, Windows in the middle and the recovery
partition on the right. If you have your system set up to boot in OSX by
default and press and hold the Option key then you press the right arrow
then the enter key to boot into Windows. On the other hand, if you have your
system set up to boot in Windows by default, then press your option key hold
it down then press the left arrow to boot into OSX.



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kimsan
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 2:25 PM
Subject: RE: using windows on a mac

My wife told me the lay out and its OSX, windows and recovery something.
The reason why I want to find out another way, unless someone can clarify
this but when rebooting and pressing option, will it be focused on the last
OS you were on or in my case will it be on mac OSX.
Since we are on this topic, how do I boot from windows or the mac by
Someone mentioned this but I lost it.

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Re: shortcut keys for vo

2012-09-27 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Alex,

If you are wanting to change the key assignments to make the commands 
easier why not use the key
remap4macbook application to do this?  You could either make the caps lock key 
into a Voice Over Key or add a control key to the right side of your keyboard 
giving yourself another set of VO keys.

Eric Caron 

On Sep 27, 2012, at 9:30 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Short of commandders, is it possible to change these assignments? In 
> particular I'd like to modify some of the vo-cmd keystrokes to make them more 
> useful.
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 1:44 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>> The best way to review current VO key assignments is to do VO-H twice and 
>> you will be in the Commands menu with 14 sub menus. Just drill down into all 
>> of these and you will see all possible VO commands and what keys are 
>> assigned to them.  there are even some commands which are probably less 
>> often used which do not have keys assigned.
>> On Sep 26, 2012, at 10:44 AM, "Kimsan"  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Again,
>>> I was reading through this tutorial that someone posted many moons ago and 
>>> I was reading the commands and gestures section and most of these didn’t 
>>> sound familiar to me, not because I am not a full time mac user but the 
>>> dozens of times I have used this machine, I don’t remember these 
>>> keystrokes.  Now my question is with every upgrade do the keystrokes change 
>>> as in version 10 3 or what ever, the same will work in 10.7?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Kimsan Song
>>> Online Access Technology Trainer
>>> Phone:
>>> 1-877-774-7670
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: shortcut keys for vo

2012-09-27 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
i really do like using the caps lock.
It does make somethings quite a bit faster.
One thing to note: if you use the keyboard commander, you will have to change 
the right command in the options.

Chris Bruinenberg

On Sep 27, 2012, at 1:49 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:

> Hi Alex,
>   If you are wanting to change the key assignments to make the commands 
> easier why not use the key
> remap4macbook application to do this?  You could either make the caps lock 
> key into a Voice Over Key or add a control key to the right side of your 
> keyboard giving yourself another set of VO keys.
> Eric Caron 
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 9:30 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Short of commandders, is it possible to change these assignments? In 
>> particular I'd like to modify some of the vo-cmd keystrokes to make them 
>> more useful.
>> On Sep 27, 2012, at 1:44 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>>> The best way to review current VO key assignments is to do VO-H twice and 
>>> you will be in the Commands menu with 14 sub menus. Just drill down into 
>>> all of these and you will see all possible VO commands and what keys are 
>>> assigned to them.  there are even some commands which are probably less 
>>> often used which do not have keys assigned.
>>> On Sep 26, 2012, at 10:44 AM, "Kimsan"  
>>> wrote:
 Hi Again,
 I was reading through this tutorial that someone posted many moons ago and 
 I was reading the commands and gestures section and most of these didn’t 
 sound familiar to me, not because I am not a full time mac user but the 
 dozens of times I have used this machine, I don’t remember these 
 keystrokes.  Now my question is with every upgrade do the keystrokes 
 change as in version 10 3 or what ever, the same will work in 10.7?
 Kimsan Song
 Online Access Technology Trainer
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: shortcut keys for vo

2012-09-27 Thread Alex Hall
I have remapped my caps lock key, I did that almost as soon as you first 
emailed us the directions. My only thought was that the vo-cmd commands, like h 
for heading or t for table, are not fully used (there are letters and 
characters unassigned) and some are useless to me, so I'd like to modify them 
to make more sense for my situation. Still, the keyboard commander is really 
helpful and does what I want. What's this about changing the right command key? 
I selected the right option key as the modifier and all is working as expected.
On Sep 27, 2012, at 4:55 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> i really do like using the caps lock.
> It does make somethings quite a bit faster.
> One thing to note: if you use the keyboard commander, you will have to change 
> the right command in the options.
> Thanks.
> Chris Bruinenberg
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 1:49 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>>  If you are wanting to change the key assignments to make the commands 
>> easier why not use the key
>> remap4macbook application to do this?  You could either make the caps lock 
>> key into a Voice Over Key or add a control key to the right side of your 
>> keyboard giving yourself another set of VO keys.
>> Eric Caron 
>> On Sep 27, 2012, at 9:30 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Short of commandders, is it possible to change these assignments? In 
>>> particular I'd like to modify some of the vo-cmd keystrokes to make them 
>>> more useful.
>>> On Sep 27, 2012, at 1:44 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
 The best way to review current VO key assignments is to do VO-H twice and 
 you will be in the Commands menu with 14 sub menus. Just drill down into 
 all of these and you will see all possible VO commands and what keys are 
 assigned to them.  there are even some commands which are probably less 
 often used which do not have keys assigned.
 On Sep 26, 2012, at 10:44 AM, "Kimsan"  
> Hi Again,
> I was reading through this tutorial that someone posted many moons ago 
> and I was reading the commands and gestures section and most of these 
> didn’t sound familiar to me, not because I am not a full time mac user 
> but the dozens of times I have used this machine, I don’t remember these 
> keystrokes.  Now my question is with every upgrade do the keystrokes 
> change as in version 10 3 or what ever, the same will work in 10.7?
> Thanks.
> Kimsan Song
> Online Access Technology Trainer
> Phone:
> 1-877-774-7670
> -- 
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>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: iPad and iOS 6

2012-09-27 Thread Lisette Wesseling
I am using in iPad 2 and all is running fine including the onscreen keyboard. 
The only thing which is not working so far is the full Karen voice. I choose to 
turn compact voice off, and it stays on. I'm not greatly bothered by this. 
Everything else is working fine for me.

On 28/09/2012, at 7:31 AM, Chris  wrote:

> Hello all.
> Are there any iPad users on here? If so how well is iOS 6 running on yours?
> Thanks!
> -- 
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Re: iPad and iOS 6

2012-09-27 Thread Scott Berry

On 9/27/2012 01:31 PM, Chris wrote:

Hello all.
Are there any iPad users on here? If so how well is iOS 6 running on 


Hey Chris,

I run Ios 6 and it runs beautifully for me.  I use the mode where you 
type and then you touch the letter you like.

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Finally!: An Audio Action/Adventure Game on the Mac!; BlindSide

2012-09-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, guys,

I just played this on the Mac, because I have an IPod Touch 4 and it is very 
sluggish. On the Mac, the game window stays on top and VO is automatically 
disabled. you just use the arrow keys to navigate, and the spacebar to shoot.

It's not available on the Mac app store. It's on the Desura game portal.

This game reminds me a lot of Terraformers, as far as the interface is 
concerned. However, it's a horror game with shades of Day of the Triffids. The 
game is $2.99 US, and it is apparently Episode 1, which leads me to believe 
there will be more episodes to come. In that sense I'd say it's similar to Soul 

Here's the home page, which has download links and info:

Have fun. I did. :)


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Re: Finally!: An Audio Action/Adventure Game on the Mac!; BlindSide

2012-09-27 Thread Timothy Clark Music
is it worth the 2 dollars? 
God Bless. 
 Your friend in the music industry 

On Sep 27, 2012, at 5:34 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, guys,
> I just played this on the Mac, because I have an IPod Touch 4 and it is very 
> sluggish. On the Mac, the game window stays on top and VO is automatically 
> disabled. you just use the arrow keys to navigate, and the spacebar to shoot.
> It's not available on the Mac app store. It's on the Desura game portal.
> This game reminds me a lot of Terraformers, as far as the interface is 
> concerned. However, it's a horror game with shades of Day of the Triffids. 
> The game is $2.99 US, and it is apparently Episode 1, which leads me to 
> believe there will be more episodes to come. In that sense I'd say it's 
> similar to Soul Trapper.
> Here's the home page, which has download links and info:
> Have fun. I did. :)
> Teresa
> -- 
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Re: iPad and iOS 6

2012-09-27 Thread Chris

Ok what were the kinkies?

On 27/09/2012 20:51, Timothy Emmons wrote:

Hey, runningn IOS 6 on my iPad 2 Chris and it's not having any issues. there 
were a few kink it needed to work out but it is fine now, no sluggishness, no 
stuttering or anything like that. Hope that helps.
On Sep 27, 2012, at 2:31 PM, Chris wrote:

Hello all.
Are there any iPad users on here? If so how well is iOS 6 running on yours?

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Re: selling my mac

2012-09-27 Thread Pam Francis
I have both an air & a macbook pro. They both have their place. However the 
pro, especially the 2011 edition is the last one upgradable. The air is 
completely sealled as are the new macbook pros. I am going to hang on to my 
2011 macbook pro as long as software upgrades will allow. The air is lighter, 
but there is a definite trade off.

Pam Francis

On Sep 27, 2012, at 2:56 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

i was thinking 1050?
It has a case and the updated ssd.

Chris Bruinenberg

On Sep 27, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi Chris. 
> I just talked to a lady who might be interested in a used Mac Book Pro. She 
> would need VoiceOver and possibly she would want screen magnification. How 
> much were you wanting to sell your computer for? 
> Gigi
> On Sep 26, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> So i'm thinking of selling my macbook pro.
>> The only reason i want to sell it is because i want a lighter laptop for at 
>> college.
>> I will be commuting for several hours a day and will need a lighter computer.
>> My question is, since i purchased the upgrade for the laptop, will i have to 
>> transfer the mountain lion upgrade?
>> If somebody were to ever restore it.
>> Also, if anybody is interested please feel free to contact me.
>> Thanks.
>> Chris Bruinenberg
>> -- 
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Re: Finally!: An Audio Action/Adventure Game on the Mac!; BlindSide

2012-09-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
Absolutely. Most games of this type have been priced at $20 to $30. The price 
of this game frankly surprised me.


On Sep 27, 2012, at 2:36 PM, Timothy Clark Music  

> is it worth the 2 dollars? 
> God Bless. 
> Timothy. 
> Your friend in the music industry  
> 7244011224
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 5:34 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, guys,
>> I just played this on the Mac, because I have an IPod Touch 4 and it is very 
>> sluggish. On the Mac, the game window stays on top and VO is automatically 
>> disabled. you just use the arrow keys to navigate, and the spacebar to shoot.
>> It's not available on the Mac app store. It's on the Desura game portal.
>> This game reminds me a lot of Terraformers, as far as the interface is 
>> concerned. However, it's a horror game with shades of Day of the Triffids. 
>> The game is $2.99 US, and it is apparently Episode 1, which leads me to 
>> believe there will be more episodes to come. In that sense I'd say it's 
>> similar to Soul Trapper.
>> Here's the home page, which has download links and info:
>> Have fun. I did. :)
>> Teresa
>> -- 
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re-ordering columns in Mail

2012-09-27 Thread Agent086b
Hi all, can I change the order of items read when arrowing down through a list 
of messages? I would like to have the subject read first. 
Just to let those know who gave me tips on getting rid of the preview pane. It 
is now gone.
Thanks again.

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Re: selling my mac

2012-09-27 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Hi Pam.
What kind of tradeoffs do you feel you have with the macbook air?
I have already stuck a samun sad in mine so the hard drive really isn't an 
DO you notice that the macbook air runs cooler then the pro?
It's small things such as the usb's on opposite sides.
Ha ha, i know i may sound crazy i'm sure.
Thanks for any help.

Chris Bruinenberg

On Sep 27, 2012, at 3:05 PM, Pam Francis  wrote:

> I have both an air & a macbook pro. They both have their place. However the 
> pro, especially the 2011 edition is the last one upgradable. The air is 
> completely sealled as are the new macbook pros. I am going to hang on to my 
> 2011 macbook pro as long as software upgrades will allow. The air is lighter, 
> but there is a definite trade off.
> Pam Francis
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 2:56 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
> i was thinking 1050?
> It has a case and the updated ssd.
> Thanks.
> Chris Bruinenberg
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi Chris. 
>> I just talked to a lady who might be interested in a used Mac Book Pro. She 
>> would need VoiceOver and possibly she would want screen magnification. How 
>> much were you wanting to sell your computer for? 
>> Gigi
>> On Sep 26, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> So i'm thinking of selling my macbook pro.
>>> The only reason i want to sell it is because i want a lighter laptop for at 
>>> college.
>>> I will be commuting for several hours a day and will need a lighter 
>>> computer.
>>> My question is, since i purchased the upgrade for the laptop, will i have 
>>> to transfer the mountain lion upgrade?
>>> If somebody were to ever restore it.
>>> Also, if anybody is interested please feel free to contact me.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Chris Bruinenberg
>>> -- 
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MBA versus MBP (was selling my mac)

2012-09-27 Thread Alex Hall
I think what is being pointed to is the inability to update the insides. On the 
2011 pros and earlier, you could, say, put in more ram or a bigger hard drive. 
With the Air line, and the 2012 Pros, that is no longer possible. You must get 
the computer with the internals you want when you first buy a machine, because 
there is no way to upgrade or replace anything as all parts are meshed with the 
motherboard instead of being the plug-in type many of us are used to. Of 
course, the Airs also have less ports, and only the 13-inch ones have a line-in 
jack, so that's something else to think about.
On Sep 27, 2012, at 6:47 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> Hi Pam.
> What kind of tradeoffs do you feel you have with the macbook air?
> I have already stuck a samun sad in mine so the hard drive really isn't an 
> issue/
> DO you notice that the macbook air runs cooler then the pro?
> It's small things such as the usb's on opposite sides.
> Ha ha, i know i may sound crazy i'm sure.
> Thanks for any help.
> Chris
> Thanks.
> Chris Bruinenberg
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 3:05 PM, Pam Francis  wrote:
>> I have both an air & a macbook pro. They both have their place. However the 
>> pro, especially the 2011 edition is the last one upgradable. The air is 
>> completely sealled as are the new macbook pros. I am going to hang on to my 
>> 2011 macbook pro as long as software upgrades will allow. The air is 
>> lighter, but there is a definite trade off.
>> Pam Francis
>> On Sep 27, 2012, at 2:56 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> i was thinking 1050?
>> It has a case and the updated ssd.
>> Thanks.
>> Chris Bruinenberg
>> On Sep 27, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi Chris. 
>>> I just talked to a lady who might be interested in a used Mac Book Pro. She 
>>> would need VoiceOver and possibly she would want screen magnification. How 
>>> much were you wanting to sell your computer for? 
>>> Gigi
>>> On Sep 26, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
 Hi all.
 So i'm thinking of selling my macbook pro.
 The only reason i want to sell it is because i want a lighter laptop for 
 at college.
 I will be commuting for several hours a day and will need a lighter 
 My question is, since i purchased the upgrade for the laptop, will i have 
 to transfer the mountain lion upgrade?
 If somebody were to ever restore it.
 Also, if anybody is interested please feel free to contact me.
 Chris Bruinenberg
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: MBA versus MBP (was selling my mac)

2012-09-27 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Ah. Thank you! 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 27, 2012, at 4:13 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I think what is being pointed to is the inability to update the insides. On 
> the 2011 pros and earlier, you could, say, put in more ram or a bigger hard 
> drive. With the Air line, and the 2012 Pros, that is no longer possible. You 
> must get the computer with the internals you want when you first buy a 
> machine, because there is no way to upgrade or replace anything as all parts 
> are meshed with the motherboard instead of being the plug-in type many of us 
> are used to. Of course, the Airs also have less ports, and only the 13-inch 
> ones have a line-in jack, so that's something else to think about.
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 6:47 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> Hi Pam.
>> What kind of tradeoffs do you feel you have with the macbook air?
>> I have already stuck a samun sad in mine so the hard drive really isn't an 
>> issue/
>> DO you notice that the macbook air runs cooler then the pro?
>> It's small things such as the usb's on opposite sides.
>> Ha ha, i know i may sound crazy i'm sure.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Chris
>> Thanks.
>> Chris Bruinenberg
>> On Sep 27, 2012, at 3:05 PM, Pam Francis  wrote:
>>> I have both an air & a macbook pro. They both have their place. However the 
>>> pro, especially the 2011 edition is the last one upgradable. The air is 
>>> completely sealled as are the new macbook pros. I am going to hang on to my 
>>> 2011 macbook pro as long as software upgrades will allow. The air is 
>>> lighter, but there is a definite trade off.
>>> Pam Francis
>>> On Sep 27, 2012, at 2:56 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>>> i was thinking 1050?
>>> It has a case and the updated ssd.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Chris Bruinenberg
>>> On Sep 27, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi Chris. 
 I just talked to a lady who might be interested in a used Mac Book Pro. 
 She would need VoiceOver and possibly she would want screen magnification. 
 How much were you wanting to sell your computer for? 
 On Sep 26, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
> Hi all.
> So i'm thinking of selling my macbook pro.
> The only reason i want to sell it is because i want a lighter laptop for 
> at college.
> I will be commuting for several hours a day and will need a lighter 
> computer.
> My question is, since i purchased the upgrade for the laptop, will i have 
> to transfer the mountain lion upgrade?
> If somebody were to ever restore it.
> Also, if anybody is interested please feel free to contact me.
> Thanks.
> Chris Bruinenberg
> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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> "

Re: selling my mac

2012-09-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
I just thought of something. Is the issue is wagging your Mac around, you might 
consider what I do a lot when I have a lot of stuff, including my back, that I 
want to carry around. I got myself a rolling backpack. I have a case for my 
mac, but when I want to add a braille display including the stand, into the 
mix, I put it in my rolling backpack. Just a thought.
On Sep 27, 2012, at 5:05 PM, Pam Francis  wrote:

> I have both an air & a macbook pro. They both have their place. However the 
> pro, especially the 2011 edition is the last one upgradable. The air is 
> completely sealled as are the new macbook pros. I am going to hang on to my 
> 2011 macbook pro as long as software upgrades will allow. The air is lighter, 
> but there is a definite trade off.
> Pam Francis
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 2:56 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
> i was thinking 1050?
> It has a case and the updated ssd.
> Thanks.
> Chris Bruinenberg
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi Chris. 
>> I just talked to a lady who might be interested in a used Mac Book Pro. She 
>> would need VoiceOver and possibly she would want screen magnification. How 
>> much were you wanting to sell your computer for? 
>> Gigi
>> On Sep 26, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> So i'm thinking of selling my macbook pro.
>>> The only reason i want to sell it is because i want a lighter laptop for at 
>>> college.
>>> I will be commuting for several hours a day and will need a lighter 
>>> computer.
>>> My question is, since i purchased the upgrade for the laptop, will i have 
>>> to transfer the mountain lion upgrade?
>>> If somebody were to ever restore it.
>>> Also, if anybody is interested please feel free to contact me.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Chris Bruinenberg
>>> -- 
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Create folders in Finder

2012-09-27 Thread Agent086b
Hello, I would like to create some more folders  in the side bar of Finder. 
When I go to file and create folder I am not able to do this. 
Also could somebody please explain what a smart folder is and the difference 
between a folder and a smart folder?
Thanks you again.

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Re: selling my mac

2012-09-27 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
I might start doing that.
Ha, with lots of books and other stuff, it weighs down your back.
Thanks for the tip

Chris Bruinenberg

On Sep 27, 2012, at 4:54 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> I just thought of something. Is the issue is wagging your Mac around, you 
> might consider what I do a lot when I have a lot of stuff, including my back, 
> that I want to carry around. I got myself a rolling backpack. I have a case 
> for my mac, but when I want to add a braille display including the stand, 
> into the mix, I put it in my rolling backpack. Just a thought.
> Gigi
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 5:05 PM, Pam Francis  wrote:
>> I have both an air & a macbook pro. They both have their place. However the 
>> pro, especially the 2011 edition is the last one upgradable. The air is 
>> completely sealled as are the new macbook pros. I am going to hang on to my 
>> 2011 macbook pro as long as software upgrades will allow. The air is 
>> lighter, but there is a definite trade off.
>> Pam Francis
>> On Sep 27, 2012, at 2:56 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> i was thinking 1050?
>> It has a case and the updated ssd.
>> Thanks.
>> Chris Bruinenberg
>> On Sep 27, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi Chris. 
>>> I just talked to a lady who might be interested in a used Mac Book Pro. She 
>>> would need VoiceOver and possibly she would want screen magnification. How 
>>> much were you wanting to sell your computer for? 
>>> Gigi
>>> On Sep 26, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
 Hi all.
 So i'm thinking of selling my macbook pro.
 The only reason i want to sell it is because i want a lighter laptop for 
 at college.
 I will be commuting for several hours a day and will need a lighter 
 My question is, since i purchased the upgrade for the laptop, will i have 
 to transfer the mountain lion upgrade?
 If somebody were to ever restore it.
 Also, if anybody is interested please feel free to contact me.
 Chris Bruinenberg
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: selling my mac

2012-09-27 Thread Esther
Hi Chris, Alex, Pam, and Others,

Just a small correction: the 2012 models of the MacBook Pro in 13"
size are upgradable in the same way that the 20122 MacBook Pros are.
It is only the 15" MacBook Pros with Retina graphics that can't be
upgraded among the 2012 MacBook Pro line.  Like the MacBook Air,the
memory on these units is soldered onto the logic board, so you need to
decide how much memory you want when you purchase your system.  The
15" Retina models also use proprietary SSD drives, and are hard to
open up.  While the Unibody MacBook Pros use small screws, and are not
as easy to open and upgrade as the earlier models, there are standard
kits for this available from Other World Computing and other sources,
and you can upgrade both memory and hard drives.

Anne's correct that the MacBook Air models are very nice to use, and I
don't miss the lack of an optical drive in the MBA, but I can use the
optical drive of another Mac if I need this.  I will point out that
you can use the SD slot on the MacBook Air (or on the MacBook Pro, for
that matter), to add some additional storage capacity.  There's a
Kickstarter project called "The Nifty Mini-Drive" that has designed a
MicroSD card adapter for the SD card slot in these devices.  The idea
is that it would sit flush with the side of your laptop, and you could
insert micro SD cards that you purchase into the adapter to use as
additional storage. This is more significant if you have a MacBook Air
with an SSD drive that is only 128 GB or 256 GB than if you have a
MacBook Pro, because being able to add a 64 GB (or larger, in future)
micro SD card has more of an impact for storage, even if it's not
giving you the SSD drive access speeds.

Here's the Kickstarter link:

The estimated delivery date is November.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Sep 27, 1:54 pm, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> I just thought of something. Is the issue is wagging your Mac around, you 
> might consider what I do a lot when I have a lot of stuff, including my back, 
> that I want to carry around. I got myself a rolling backpack. I have a case 
> for my mac, but when I want to add a braille display including the stand, 
> into the mix, I put it in my rolling backpack. Just a thought.
> Gigi
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 5:05 PM, Pam Francis  wrote:
> > I have both an air & a macbook pro. They both have their place. However the 
> > pro, especially the 2011 edition is the last one upgradable. The air is 
> > completely sealled as are the new macbook pros. I am going to hang on to my 
> > 2011 macbook pro as long as software upgrades will allow. The air is 
> > lighter, but there is a definite trade off.
> > Pam Francis
> > On Sep 27, 2012, at 2:56 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
> > i was thinking 1050?
> > It has a case and the updated ssd.
> > Thanks.
> > Chris Bruinenberg
> >
> > On Sep 27, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> >> Hi Chris.
> >> I just talked to a lady who might be interested in a used Mac Book Pro. 
> >> She would need VoiceOver and possibly she would want screen magnification. 
> >> How much were you wanting to sell your computer for?
> >> Gigi
> >> On Sep 26, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
> >>> Hi all.
> >>> So i'm thinking of selling my macbook pro.
> >>> The only reason i want to sell it is because i want a lighter laptop for 
> >>> at college.
> >>> I will be commuting for several hours a day and will need a lighter 
> >>> computer.
> >>> My question is, since i purchased the upgrade for the laptop, will i have 
> >>> to transfer the mountain lion upgrade?
> >>> If somebody were to ever restore it.
> >>> Also, if anybody is interested please feel free to contact me.
> >>> Thanks.
> >>> Chris Bruinenberg

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Re: Facebook and the messages app

2012-09-27 Thread Mauricio Almeida
hello guys.

how did you even set messages to work with Facebook/twitter?
i could not see an option for those under accounts.


On Sep 26, 2012, at 10:35 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> open messages and go to preferences.  In the toolbar, select alerts.  In the 
> first pop up button, I believe you would select active chat messages or, just 
> chat messages.  Then check speak alert.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Sep 26, 2012, at 9:34 AM, William Windels  
> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am trying to chat on Facebook with the built in messages app in 10.8.2 and 
>> it works.
>> The only thing I would like to have is that the incoming messages should be 
>> spoken to me.
>> IN the message centre, I have set announcements on , not batches but, the 
>> incoming text is not poping up like the agenda is doing when a appointment 
>> arrives.
>> Is it possible to read out automatically the incoming messages of Facebook / 
>> twitter with the message app?
>> kind regards,
>> William Windels
>> -- 
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Re: Create folders in Finder

2012-09-27 Thread Esther
Hi Max,

Usually you can create new folders with the Command-Shift-N shortcut
in Finder, unless you are in a directory where you don't have
permission to do this -- like under an account that somebody else
owns, or a directory that is limited to System files and folders.
When you use this shortcut, or equivalently, when you navigate to the
File menu after going to the Finder menu bar with VO-M or COntrol-F2,
your new folder gets created in your current directory. So if I've
navigated to my home directory with Command-Shift-H, using that
shortcut will create a new folder under the top level of my user
account, while if I use Command-Shift-O to navigate to my Documents
folder before issuing that shortcut, the new folder will be created in
my Documents folder.  (I can also navigate with my arrow keys in
Finder to subfolders if I want to create the new folder somewhere

If you want to place a folder in the Finder sidebar, first create it
in the location that you want, then select it and use the Command-T
shorcut for "Add to Sidebar".  You can also find this option under the
"File" menu as "Add to Sidebar" if you don't remember the shortcut.
To remove an item from the sidebar, when you're focused on that item
bring up the Contextual menu with VO-SHift-M, and select the "Remove
from Sidebar" option.

Smart folders are folders whose contents are specified by rules rather
than by selecting specific items.  They can also be the saved results
of specific searches that you do in Finder.



On Sep 27, 2:01 pm, Agent086b  wrote:
> Hello, I would like to create some more folders  in the side bar of Finder. 
> When I go to file and create folder I am not able to do this.
> Also could somebody please explain what a smart folder is and the difference 
> between a folder and a smart folder?
> Thanks you again.
> Max.

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Re: Create folders in Finder

2012-09-27 Thread Alex Hall
You seem quite knowledgeable about finder, so perhaps you can explain this? 
Why, when I paste items, do they sometimes paste into the folder I am in, and 
sometimes into the folder I am pointing to? If I am in my home folder and 
paste, for instance, I might get the item in home. However, say I'm sitting on 
the documents folder when I paste, sometimes the item goes into home and 
sometimes it goes into documents. I usually use list view if that makes a 
On Sep 27, 2012, at 9:31 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Hi Max,
> Usually you can create new folders with the Command-Shift-N shortcut
> in Finder, unless you are in a directory where you don't have
> permission to do this -- like under an account that somebody else
> owns, or a directory that is limited to System files and folders.
> When you use this shortcut, or equivalently, when you navigate to the
> File menu after going to the Finder menu bar with VO-M or COntrol-F2,
> your new folder gets created in your current directory. So if I've
> navigated to my home directory with Command-Shift-H, using that
> shortcut will create a new folder under the top level of my user
> account, while if I use Command-Shift-O to navigate to my Documents
> folder before issuing that shortcut, the new folder will be created in
> my Documents folder.  (I can also navigate with my arrow keys in
> Finder to subfolders if I want to create the new folder somewhere
> else.)
> If you want to place a folder in the Finder sidebar, first create it
> in the location that you want, then select it and use the Command-T
> shorcut for "Add to Sidebar".  You can also find this option under the
> "File" menu as "Add to Sidebar" if you don't remember the shortcut.
> To remove an item from the sidebar, when you're focused on that item
> bring up the Contextual menu with VO-SHift-M, and select the "Remove
> from Sidebar" option.
> Smart folders are folders whose contents are specified by rules rather
> than by selecting specific items.  They can also be the saved results
> of specific searches that you do in Finder.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Sep 27, 2:01 pm, Agent086b  wrote:
>> Hello, I would like to create some more folders  in the side bar of Finder. 
>> When I go to file and create folder I am not able to do this.
>> Also could somebody please explain what a smart folder is and the difference 
>> between a folder and a smart folder?
>> Thanks you again.
>> Max.
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Saving Place in PdF In iBooks

2012-09-27 Thread Jane
How do I save my place in a PDF in iBooks? I am looking at some materials and I 
have to be able to pick up where i left off. I was on page 290 or so. Now I am 
back at the beginning of the document. How can I prevent this the next time I 
leave the book and come back to it??


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Re: DVD Player Again

2012-09-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

If you can Shutdown your Mac, do so.  Then when you start it up again, hold 
down the trackpad button while the startup chime is sounding.  Hold it down 
until the DVD ejects, usually it ends up taking about 5 seconds.  If it does 
not eject in a reasonable amount of time, release the mouse/trackpad button, 
let it start up and then try again.  Sometimes, if you are too quick (before 
the chime) or too late after the chime, it will not eject.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-09-27, at 1:59 PM, Mary Scott  wrote:

> My yoga disk is in my computer and it is stuck saying "busy" no matter what I 
> do.  It won't eject or quit.  What to do?  Mel 
> -- 
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Re: Create folders in Finder

2012-09-27 Thread Ricardo Walker

Interesting, I use column view, and I don't have this inconsistency when 
pasting or moving items into a folder.  I just navigate to the folder I want to 
place the item without actually entering it, and then pasting..

Ricardo Walker

On Sep 27, 2012, at 9:36 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> You seem quite knowledgeable about finder, so perhaps you can explain this? 
> Why, when I paste items, do they sometimes paste into the folder I am in, and 
> sometimes into the folder I am pointing to? If I am in my home folder and 
> paste, for instance, I might get the item in home. However, say I'm sitting 
> on the documents folder when I paste, sometimes the item goes into home and 
> sometimes it goes into documents. I usually use list view if that makes a 
> difference.
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 9:31 PM, Esther  wrote:
>> Hi Max,
>> Usually you can create new folders with the Command-Shift-N shortcut
>> in Finder, unless you are in a directory where you don't have
>> permission to do this -- like under an account that somebody else
>> owns, or a directory that is limited to System files and folders.
>> When you use this shortcut, or equivalently, when you navigate to the
>> File menu after going to the Finder menu bar with VO-M or COntrol-F2,
>> your new folder gets created in your current directory. So if I've
>> navigated to my home directory with Command-Shift-H, using that
>> shortcut will create a new folder under the top level of my user
>> account, while if I use Command-Shift-O to navigate to my Documents
>> folder before issuing that shortcut, the new folder will be created in
>> my Documents folder.  (I can also navigate with my arrow keys in
>> Finder to subfolders if I want to create the new folder somewhere
>> else.)
>> If you want to place a folder in the Finder sidebar, first create it
>> in the location that you want, then select it and use the Command-T
>> shorcut for "Add to Sidebar".  You can also find this option under the
>> "File" menu as "Add to Sidebar" if you don't remember the shortcut.
>> To remove an item from the sidebar, when you're focused on that item
>> bring up the Contextual menu with VO-SHift-M, and select the "Remove
>> from Sidebar" option.
>> Smart folders are folders whose contents are specified by rules rather
>> than by selecting specific items.  They can also be the saved results
>> of specific searches that you do in Finder.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Sep 27, 2:01 pm, Agent086b  wrote:
>>> Hello, I would like to create some more folders  in the side bar of Finder. 
>>> When I go to file and create folder I am not able to do this.
>>> Also could somebody please explain what a smart folder is and the 
>>> difference between a folder and a smart folder?
>>> Thanks you again.
>>> Max.
>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Calibres ebook-converter

2012-09-27 Thread Cheryl Homiak
i saw these posts about calibre. I had tried it once before but found it 
inaccessible and didn't know it could be run from the commandline. I just 
reinstalled it and still find it pretty much inaccessible with voiceover though 
I did manage to select a location for the folder. But everything in the menus 
is dimmed. I read in the information about calibre that you need to go into 
Preferences to install command line tools but this also looks inaccessible to 
me. Am I missing something here or can somebody tell me what to do? I do have 
the posts giving the terminal commands to use to convert a book. Also where can 
I find a list of what file types it will convert.



May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Sep 26, 2012, at 6:54 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen  

> Hi.
> I have got it to work. Is it really true that you can only do 1 file at a 
> time on a mac, I have tried on windows there you can do a folder.
> Do I need to move my files into calibre, or can I do the cd command to 
> another folder and then do the convertion?
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Sep 26, 2012 kl. 11:46 AM skrev sandi sørensen :
>> hi, i am not sure you can convert a wholelibrary at a time but
>> single converts, no problem.
>> Usually i do that from the terminal. an example would look something like 
>> this.
>> cp file from its start location  too the location where you ahve the
>> app laying, on my box it is /Applications/
>> so the actual command line in the terminal would be: cp file.epub
>> /Applications/
>> after that change too the right folder, location.
>> cd /Applications/
>> okay last, but not least convert the file from one format, for me that
>> might be text files.
>> ./ebook-convert file.epub .txt
>> after that copy the textfile  or just read it as you would usually do
>> with textedit.
>> Congrats, you are now set to read as much as you want.
>> /sandi
>> On 9/25/12, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Can any of you, who are used to use calibres ebook-converter guide me a
>>> little. Maybe it will be easier off list, I simply can not get that to
>>> work.
>>> Here are my questions.
>>> 1. do I need to turn anything on in calibre before the ebook-converter
>>> works?
>>> 2. Can I convert a library of books at a time.
>>> 3. can anyone give me an exact description that will get it to work.
>>> Best regards Annie.

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making midi

2012-09-27 Thread Timothy Clark Music
 i want to record a note of an instrument and then turn that note into a midi. 
 i want their to be an on screen keyboard so as when i hit a key on my keyboard 
then another, 2 different notes will come out. 
 basically a note for each key. all done from one little recorded note. 
 anyone know how to do this? 
God Bless. 
 Your friend in the music industry 

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Re: Create folders in Finder

2012-09-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

When in List View, I've found that things get pasted into the level of the 
Window title.  That is, for example, if I press cmd-shift-h to go into my Home 
directory then create a new folder or paste an item, the item is put into the 
Home directory level.  Even if folders are expanded or you've navigated within 
an expanded folder, because the window title is my Home directory, the item is 
placed in my Home Directory.  Therefore, the best way to ensure that things are 
placed where you wish when in List View, navigate to the desired folder and 
cmd-o (Open) the folder and then paste or create the item.  In this case, 
because you've opened the given folder, the window title is now changed and 
whatever is placed there will, guaranteed, be placed in the desired location.  
This has been the behaviour in List view from way back in the Classic OS 
versions of the MacOS.

Save dialogs act a little different than this when in List view but This works 
every time when in the Finder itself.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-09-27, at 8:34 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> Interesting, I use column view, and I don't have this inconsistency when 
> pasting or moving items into a folder.  I just navigate to the folder I want 
> to place the item without actually entering it, and then pasting..
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 9:36 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> You seem quite knowledgeable about finder, so perhaps you can explain this? 
>> Why, when I paste items, do they sometimes paste into the folder I am in, 
>> and sometimes into the folder I am pointing to? If I am in my home folder 
>> and paste, for instance, I might get the item in home. However, say I'm 
>> sitting on the documents folder when I paste, sometimes the item goes into 
>> home and sometimes it goes into documents. I usually use list view if that 
>> makes a difference.
>> On Sep 27, 2012, at 9:31 PM, Esther  wrote:
>>> Hi Max,
>>> Usually you can create new folders with the Command-Shift-N shortcut
>>> in Finder, unless you are in a directory where you don't have
>>> permission to do this -- like under an account that somebody else
>>> owns, or a directory that is limited to System files and folders.
>>> When you use this shortcut, or equivalently, when you navigate to the
>>> File menu after going to the Finder menu bar with VO-M or COntrol-F2,
>>> your new folder gets created in your current directory. So if I've
>>> navigated to my home directory with Command-Shift-H, using that
>>> shortcut will create a new folder under the top level of my user
>>> account, while if I use Command-Shift-O to navigate to my Documents
>>> folder before issuing that shortcut, the new folder will be created in
>>> my Documents folder.  (I can also navigate with my arrow keys in
>>> Finder to subfolders if I want to create the new folder somewhere
>>> else.)
>>> If you want to place a folder in the Finder sidebar, first create it
>>> in the location that you want, then select it and use the Command-T
>>> shorcut for "Add to Sidebar".  You can also find this option under the
>>> "File" menu as "Add to Sidebar" if you don't remember the shortcut.
>>> To remove an item from the sidebar, when you're focused on that item
>>> bring up the Contextual menu with VO-SHift-M, and select the "Remove
>>> from Sidebar" option.
>>> Smart folders are folders whose contents are specified by rules rather
>>> than by selecting specific items.  They can also be the saved results
>>> of specific searches that you do in Finder.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Sep 27, 2:01 pm, Agent086b  wrote:
 Hello, I would like to create some more folders  in the side bar of 
 Finder. When I go to file and create folder I am not able to do this.
 Also could somebody please explain what a smart folder is and the 
 difference between a folder and a smart folder?
 Thanks you again.
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Calibres ebook-converter

2012-09-27 Thread Cheryl Homiak
Never mind. I tried the directions that had been posted (like I should have 
done in the first place) and they work. I didn't have to install anything or 
open the application. Would be nice if it was accessible from within the 
application itself but I'm glad it can still be used.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Sep 27, 2012, at 10:36 PM, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> i saw these posts about calibre. I had tried it once before but found it 
> inaccessible and didn't know it could be run from the commandline. I just 
> reinstalled it and still find it pretty much inaccessible with voiceover 
> though I did manage to select a location for the folder. But everything in 
> the menus is dimmed. I read in the information about calibre that you need to 
> go into Preferences to install command line tools but this also looks 
> inaccessible to me. Am I missing something here or can somebody tell me what 
> to do? I do have the posts giving the terminal commands to use to convert a 
> book. Also where can I find a list of what file types it will convert.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

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Re: Facebook and the messages app

2012-09-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
I don't know about Twitter, but with Facebook, you use the Jabbr protocol and 
put along with your credentials in the username and password 


On Sep 27, 2012, at 6:15 PM, Mauricio Almeida  

> hello guys.
> how did you even set messages to work with Facebook/twitter?
> i could not see an option for those under accounts.
> thanks
> mauricio
> On Sep 26, 2012, at 10:35 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> open messages and go to preferences.  In the toolbar, select alerts.  In the 
>> first pop up button, I believe you would select active chat messages or, 
>> just chat messages.  Then check speak alert.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Sep 26, 2012, at 9:34 AM, William Windels  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I am trying to chat on Facebook with the built in messages app in 10.8.2 
>>> and it works.
>>> The only thing I would like to have is that the incoming messages should be 
>>> spoken to me.
>>> IN the message centre, I have set announcements on , not batches but, the 
>>> incoming text is not poping up like the agenda is doing when a appointment 
>>> arrives.
>>> Is it possible to read out automatically the incoming messages of Facebook 
>>> / twitter with the message app?
>>> kind regards,
>>> William Windels
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Re: Facebook and the messages app

2012-09-27 Thread Mauricio Almeida

That definitely does help.
I will take a closer look on how jabber works as well, it seems to be useful.

thanks again

On Sep 28, 2012, at 1:29 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> I don't know about Twitter, but with Facebook, you use the Jabbr protocol and 
> put along with your credentials in the username and 
> password fields.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 6:15 PM, Mauricio Almeida  
> wrote:
>> hello guys.
>> how did you even set messages to work with Facebook/twitter?
>> i could not see an option for those under accounts.
>> thanks
>> mauricio
>> On Sep 26, 2012, at 10:35 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> open messages and go to preferences.  In the toolbar, select alerts.  In 
>>> the first pop up button, I believe you would select active chat messages 
>>> or, just chat messages.  Then check speak alert.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Sep 26, 2012, at 9:34 AM, William Windels  
>>> wrote:
 Hello all,
 I am trying to chat on Facebook with the built in messages app in 10.8.2 
 and it works.
 The only thing I would like to have is that the incoming messages should 
 be spoken to me.
 IN the message centre, I have set announcements on , not batches but, the 
 incoming text is not poping up like the agenda is doing when a appointment 
 Is it possible to read out automatically the incoming messages of Facebook 
 / twitter with the message app?
 kind regards,
 William Windels
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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PDFPen for iPhone Now Available

2012-09-27 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

First, than you Esther for replying to my post inquiring about dragging & 
dropping a bookmark into the toolbar for Instapaper.
Smile Software just released PDFPen for iPhone. We are unfortunately going to 
assume that it is not voiceover compatible? Want to try it at the introductory 
price, but fear it will be like the Mac client.
Just my thoughts.


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