Thanks kimsan,

I think I'll be fine. I've read the installation and setup guide and have 
downloaded the support drivers. All I need is a copy of windows7 which I'll 
order from microsoft. I think I'm going to hire a sightet, tech minded person 
to go through the install with me. I'm still wondering if I need a mouse for 
the install, or if the apple wired keyboard will suffice. Is a wired mouse 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kimsan 
  Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 11:01 AM
  Subject: RE: Bootcamp again


  I am not saying my wife is stupid with computers but she just told me what 
was on the screen when I had no speech and we just followed the prompts.

  A fello list member posted steps, on how to do this.

  If you would like the steps, I can post them to the list.



  Kimsan Song

  Online Access Technology Trainer




[] On Behalf Of Phil Halton
  Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 7:18 AM
  To: Macvisionaries
  Subject: Bootcamp again


  Okay, I'm gonna do it - I'm gonna install windows7 on my iMac! But, My 
sighted assistant is a extremely technically challenged person, so I would like 
to know the level of difficulty they will encounter. I can get them to read the 
screen and help me select combo boxes and buttons etc, as long as they don't 
have to do any thinking or require any technical skills.


  Also, I have a wired keyboard, but no mouse. Can I get through the install 
process without a mouse?


  Finally, I assume loading a screen reader, like JAWS, will simply be a matter 
of inserting a CD with the installer package and running the setup? Once I have 
speech in windows I should be okay from there.


  Any help, info, or suggestions greatly appreciated - and please don't skimp 
on the details.





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