Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-09 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Well,  I didn't know this would be good for Fusion too.  I will download the 
app and install and follow the instructions.  Thank you again.


On 9 Sep 2012, at 03:03 AM, Eric Caron  wrote:

> Hello Listers,
> Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, Control 
> and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice over user to 
> use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach with the standard 
> Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting now automatically 
> creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  Finally the application 
> creates a number pad on the standard keyboard centered around the letter i.
> This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer of 
> these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much easier to 
> set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
> Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
>  I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks 
> through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast as it 
> is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes long but the 
> last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the applications and want to 
> update.
> I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to in 
> the hope that they will post the update.
> - 
> Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard, have 
> caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as the Jaws 
> key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM Fusion.
> Go to the developer web site and download and install both  KeyRemap4MacBook 
> and PCKeyboardHack.
> Be sure you restart your computer at the end of the install.
> Now go to System Preferences and to Keyboard.  Change the behavior of the 
> Caps lock key to no action. 
> Now also in System Preferences under Other you will find both PCKeyboardhack 
> and Keyremap4Macbook.  go to PCKeyboardhack and in the settings tab in the 
> first table interact on the field that currently reads 51.  Press enter after 
> interacting, then change the number to 110.  This changes the caps lock key 
> to the windows Application key. then close the application 
> Still in System Preferences and in the Other category go to KeyRemap4Macbook. 
>  In the Change Key tab move over to the search field and type in "blind voice 
> over" without the quotes.  then arrow right over to the table.  Interact and 
> you should be on the correct setting.  arrow to the check box and select it.  
> Close the application.
 The new setting name is "Use Caps Lock as Voice Over key."
> Now if you press the caps lock key it will act as if you are pressing the 
> Control and Option keys.  You have the original VO keys to use.  as this only 
> changes the caps lock key.  Also If you press the FN key and letter i you 
> will find it is a 5  and the rest of the number pad is there.  If you turn on 
> num pad commander you can now use the Voice Over controls with this number 
> pad.
> For VM Fusion users you have another bonus.  The caps lock key  will now act 
> as the Jaws key if you are using a VM Fusion machine with windows.
> The Keyremap4macbook application can be used instead of sharp keys or the VM 
> fusion key settings.  they should not be used to try to control the same keys 
> at the same time.
> The Keyremap4macbook needs to be version 
> If you want to be sure you have that one here is the direct link.
 In VMware Fusion, the Help key will be interpreted as Insert Key.  As this 
 is often the screen reader modifier in Windows screen readers it will now 
 work as the caps lock key.
> for more information here is a helpful link.
> Here are the steps to update KeyRemap4Macbook if you followed the original 
> podcast and used the Private XML.  this is only for those who want to add the 
> VM Fusion option or simply want the newer application.  The Caps lock key on 
> the Mac and the Num pad behavior will be the same so you may not want to 
> bother to update.
> Those who did a new install as listed above all ready have the VM Fusion 
> option and the other capabilities.
> If for some reason you want the Caps Lock Key to only work as the VO keys and 
> not be available in the VM machine then follow the directions in the original 
> podcast that includes the private xml.  You will find this at 
> and all needed text and links are in the Guides section. 
> Steps to update Keyremap4Macbook, for those who used the private xml.
> go into system Preferences and to Keyremap4macbook an

Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

2012-09-09 Thread erik burggraaf
Have you tried the app yourself?  I think the question everyone is asking is, 
what does it do that the notes app doesn't.  If you've been able to try it and 
you have the answer, we'd all bee much enlightened.  For myself, I own a 
training company and one of my biggest resellers is the local canadian helen 
keller centre.  I can't justify the cost of this though just based on what 
little I know.  Even though it's a tax writeoff for me I still can't swing it.  
I don't think any of my deaf-blind IOS-wielding clients would be the slightest 
bit interested.


Erik Burggraaf
Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting at 
$0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2012-09-08, at 10:07 PM, David Tanner wrote:

> No, you guys don't understand what is going on with this app.  It is 
> primarily an app that most blind folks wouldn't want.  It is so that a 
> deaf-blind can do face-to-face communications with another person.  Yes, it 
> looks pretty simple, but when you look at development costs and realize that 
> you aren't going to sell a whole lot of apps when you are only really selling 
> to a limited size deaf-blind community then the cost is going to be higher 
> than for an app that blind and sighted people would want to purchase.
> Again, it is a great app for those who need it, and actually drops the price 
> for communications for a deaf-blind person by thousands of dollars from the 
> $8,000 price of the deaf-Blind Communicator that Humanware has been selling 
> since 2009.  So, even if you add the cost of the app, a $2,500 or so 
> bluetooth Braille display and an iPhone it cuts the price in half or more.
> - Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 2:44 PM
> Subject: Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS
> Well, this is humanware after all. For those not in the know, let me
> tell you about their latest major keysoft update (which takes one sma
> count). It costs $200 for an sma, giving you two upgrades, or $135 for
> a single upgrade if you do not have an sma. Keeping that in mind,
> here's the long list of features they included in the last paid
> update:
> * a translator that can convert the text in pdf files to .txt files.
> * bug fixes, including a fix for the braille terminal mode on qt units
> (to fix something they broke in the previous update)
> * a way for the bn to automatically use an active internet connection
> without prompting the user to pick one each time (this rarely works as
> advertised)
> ...and that's it. One feature, one interface change that doesn't work
> right, and a fix for a previous mistake, all for the low price of
> $135. Does this explain more about how they can charge $100 for a
> simple app?
> On 9/8/12, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Perhaps the company are strapped for cash hence the new app so they think
>> people like us are made of money and if we are all stupid we'll buy not any
>> one is stupid of course.
>> On 8 Sep 2012, at 20:09, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Um, well, put simply... nothing. True, hooking a display up to an iOS
>>> device hides the onscreen keyboard, but in iOS6 I hear they will offer
>>> a way to show it. Also, you get a buffer of past messages. Basically,
>>> a program any decent coder could put together in, say a few days?
>>> Someone correct me if I'm wrong, though I really don't know if we'll
>>> find anyone willing to throw away... rather, spend $100 on an app that
>>> consists of a text fiel, list of messages, and keyboard.
>>> On 9/8/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
 This really is an honest question, but what does this app have that the
 devices don't have natively. What would I be paying $100 to do?
 On Sep 8, 2012, at 9:53 AM, Maccessibility 
> Maccessibility has posted a new item, 'The Humanware Communicator for
> iOS'
> Humanware has released The Humanware Communicator app for iOS, priced at
> a
> staggering $99.99 US. From the description:
> The HumanWare Communicator application is intended to establish a text
> conversation between a deaf-blind person and a sighted person. All
> interaction appears both on the deaf-blind person’s refreshable Braille
> display, as well as visually on the [...]
> You may view the latest post at
> --
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RE: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

2012-09-09 Thread Jesus Garcia
simple folks they just don't get it. $100.00 give me a break.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Karen Lewellen
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 15:42
Subject: Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

Clearly they are marketing to those who are too uninformed about the
technology to now the difference, that or playing to the rehab market, which
in a sense means the same thing.
rather sad truth be told.  It feels like the sort of thing freedom
scientific would do.

On Sat, 8 Sep 2012, Alex Hall wrote:

> Um, well, put simply... nothing. True, hooking a display up to an iOS 
> device hides the onscreen keyboard, but in iOS6 I hear they will offer 
> a way to show it. Also, you get a buffer of past messages. Basically, 
> a program any decent coder could put together in, say a few days?
> Someone correct me if I'm wrong, though I really don't know if we'll 
> find anyone willing to throw away... rather, spend $100 on an app that 
> consists of a text fiel, list of messages, and keyboard.
> On 9/8/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> This really is an honest question, but what does this app have that 
>> the IOs devices don't have natively. What would I be paying $100 to do?
>> Teresa
>> On Sep 8, 2012, at 9:53 AM, Maccessibility 
>> wrote:
>>> Maccessibility has posted a new item, 'The Humanware Communicator 
>>> for iOS'
>>> Humanware has released The Humanware Communicator app for iOS, 
>>> priced at a staggering $99.99 US. From the description:
>>> The HumanWare Communicator application is intended to establish a 
>>> text conversation between a deaf-blind person and a sighted person. 
>>> All interaction appears both on the deaf-blind person's refreshable 
>>> Braille display, as well as visually on the [...]
>>> You may view the latest post at
>>> ios/
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> --
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-09 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hello Eric.

I'd just like for the key to be changed in VMware Fusion so that I can use the 
caps lock for the insert key in windows.  So is it OK if you just downloaded 
the PC hack or does one have to download both for this thing to work?

On 9 Sep 2012, at 03:03, Eric Caron  wrote:

> Hello Listers,
> Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, Control 
> and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice over user to 
> use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach with the standard 
> Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting now automatically 
> creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  Finally the application 
> creates a number pad on the standard keyboard centered around the letter i.
> This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer of 
> these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much easier to 
> set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
> Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
>  I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks 
> through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast as it 
> is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes long but the 
> last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the applications and want to 
> update.
> I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to in 
> the hope that they will post the update.
> - 
> Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard, have 
> caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as the Jaws 
> key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM Fusion.
> Go to the developer web site and download and install both  KeyRemap4MacBook 
> and PCKeyboardHack.
> Be sure you restart your computer at the end of the install.
> Now go to System Preferences and to Keyboard.  Change the behavior of the 
> Caps lock key to no action. 
> Now also in System Preferences under Other you will find both PCKeyboardhack 
> and Keyremap4Macbook.  go to PCKeyboardhack and in the settings tab in the 
> first table interact on the field that currently reads 51.  Press enter after 
> interacting, then change the number to 110.  This changes the caps lock key 
> to the windows Application key. then close the application 
> Still in System Preferences and in the Other category go to KeyRemap4Macbook. 
>  In the Change Key tab move over to the search field and type in "blind voice 
> over" without the quotes.  then arrow right over to the table.  Interact and 
> you should be on the correct setting.  arrow to the check box and select it.  
> Close the application.
 The new setting name is "Use Caps Lock as Voice Over key."
> Now if you press the caps lock key it will act as if you are pressing the 
> Control and Option keys.  You have the original VO keys to use.  as this only 
> changes the caps lock key.  Also If you press the FN key and letter i you 
> will find it is a 5  and the rest of the number pad is there.  If you turn on 
> num pad commander you can now use the Voice Over controls with this number 
> pad.
> For VM Fusion users you have another bonus.  The caps lock key  will now act 
> as the Jaws key if you are using a VM Fusion machine with windows.
> The Keyremap4macbook application can be used instead of sharp keys or the VM 
> fusion key settings.  they should not be used to try to control the same keys 
> at the same time.
> The Keyremap4macbook needs to be version 
> If you want to be sure you have that one here is the direct link.
 In VMware Fusion, the Help key will be interpreted as Insert Key.  As this 
 is often the screen reader modifier in Windows screen readers it will now 
 work as the caps lock key.
> for more information here is a helpful link.
> Here are the steps to update KeyRemap4Macbook if you followed the original 
> podcast and used the Private XML.  this is only for those who want to add the 
> VM Fusion option or simply want the newer application.  The Caps lock key on 
> the Mac and the Num pad behavior will be the same so you may not want to 
> bother to update.
> Those who did a new install as listed above all ready have the VM Fusion 
> option and the other capabilities.
> If for some reason you want the Caps Lock Key to only work as the VO keys and 
> not be available in the VM machine then follow the directions in the original 
> podcast that includes the private xml.  You will find this at 
> and all needed text and links are in the Guides section. 
> Steps to update Keyremap4Macbook

Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-09 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Eric.

I have just installed PC Hack and have followed your instructions.  However 
after restarting my Mac, my caps lock is not saying caps lock.  Am I missing 
something vital?  I only installed the PC Hack and went to other and changed 
the value from 51 to 110 do I have to check the caps lock key box in there?  
Also I went to key board modifier and changed the capslock to no action.

On 9 Sep 2012, at 03:03, Eric Caron  wrote:

> Hello Listers,
> Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, Control 
> and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice over user to 
> use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach with the standard 
> Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting now automatically 
> creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  Finally the application 
> creates a number pad on the standard keyboard centered around the letter i.
> This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer of 
> these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much easier to 
> set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
> Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
>  I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks 
> through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast as it 
> is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes long but the 
> last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the applications and want to 
> update.
> I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to in 
> the hope that they will post the update.
> - 
> Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard, have 
> caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as the Jaws 
> key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM Fusion.
> Go to the developer web site and download and install both  KeyRemap4MacBook 
> and PCKeyboardHack.
> Be sure you restart your computer at the end of the install.
> Now go to System Preferences and to Keyboard.  Change the behavior of the 
> Caps lock key to no action. 
> Now also in System Preferences under Other you will find both PCKeyboardhack 
> and Keyremap4Macbook.  go to PCKeyboardhack and in the settings tab in the 
> first table interact on the field that currently reads 51.  Press enter after 
> interacting, then change the number to 110.  This changes the caps lock key 
> to the windows Application key. then close the application 
> Still in System Preferences and in the Other category go to KeyRemap4Macbook. 
>  In the Change Key tab move over to the search field and type in "blind voice 
> over" without the quotes.  then arrow right over to the table.  Interact and 
> you should be on the correct setting.  arrow to the check box and select it.  
> Close the application.
 The new setting name is "Use Caps Lock as Voice Over key."
> Now if you press the caps lock key it will act as if you are pressing the 
> Control and Option keys.  You have the original VO keys to use.  as this only 
> changes the caps lock key.  Also If you press the FN key and letter i you 
> will find it is a 5  and the rest of the number pad is there.  If you turn on 
> num pad commander you can now use the Voice Over controls with this number 
> pad.
> For VM Fusion users you have another bonus.  The caps lock key  will now act 
> as the Jaws key if you are using a VM Fusion machine with windows.
> The Keyremap4macbook application can be used instead of sharp keys or the VM 
> fusion key settings.  they should not be used to try to control the same keys 
> at the same time.
> The Keyremap4macbook needs to be version 
> If you want to be sure you have that one here is the direct link.
 In VMware Fusion, the Help key will be interpreted as Insert Key.  As this 
 is often the screen reader modifier in Windows screen readers it will now 
 work as the caps lock key.
> for more information here is a helpful link.
> Here are the steps to update KeyRemap4Macbook if you followed the original 
> podcast and used the Private XML.  this is only for those who want to add the 
> VM Fusion option or simply want the newer application.  The Caps lock key on 
> the Mac and the Num pad behavior will be the same so you may not want to 
> bother to update.
> Those who did a new install as listed above all ready have the VM Fusion 
> option and the other capabilities.
> If for some reason you want the Caps Lock Key to only work as the VO keys and 
> not be available in the VM machine then follow the directions in the original 
> podcast that include

Problem panning through email text with Brailliant 40 anyone else?

2012-09-09 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
HI all,

I tried to read through an email with my Brailliant 40 and I found that the 
display is jumping text when panning write to read. I find I then have to pan 
left to read the skipped text. 

Did anyone notice something similar? IS this a bug or is there a tracking 
setting I have to be aware of?



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Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-09 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I had to remove the PC hack as my Mac was behaving very strangely. Just glad 
everything is back to normal.

On 9 Sep 2012, at 05:25 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Hi Eric.
> I have just installed PC Hack and have followed your instructions.  However 
> after restarting my Mac, my caps lock is not saying caps lock.  Am I missing 
> something vital?  I only installed the PC Hack and went to other and changed 
> the value from 51 to 110 do I have to check the caps lock key box in there?  
> Also I went to key board modifier and changed the capslock to no action.
> Kawal.
> On 9 Sep 2012, at 03:03, Eric Caron  wrote:
>> Hello Listers,
>> Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, Control 
>> and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice over user to 
>> use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach with the standard 
>> Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting now automatically 
>> creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  Finally the application 
>> creates a number pad on the standard keyboard centered around the letter i.
>> This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer of 
>> these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much easier to 
>> set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
>> Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
>> I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks 
>> through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast as 
>> it is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes long but 
>> the last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the applications and want 
>> to update.
>> I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to in 
>> the hope that they will post the update.
>> - 
>> Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard, have 
>> caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as the Jaws 
>> key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM Fusion.
>> Go to the developer web site and download and install both  KeyRemap4MacBook 
>> and PCKeyboardHack.
>> Be sure you restart your computer at the end of the install.
>> Now go to System Preferences and to Keyboard.  Change the behavior of the 
>> Caps lock key to no action. 
>> Now also in System Preferences under Other you will find both PCKeyboardhack 
>> and Keyremap4Macbook.  go to PCKeyboardhack and in the settings tab in the 
>> first table interact on the field that currently reads 51.  Press enter 
>> after interacting, then change the number to 110.  This changes the caps 
>> lock key to the windows Application key. then close the application 
>> Still in System Preferences and in the Other category go to 
>> KeyRemap4Macbook.  In the Change Key tab move over to the search field and 
>> type in "blind voice over" without the quotes.  then arrow right over to the 
>> table.  Interact and you should be on the correct setting.  arrow to the 
>> check box and select it.  Close the application.
> The new setting name is "Use Caps Lock as Voice Over key."
>> Now if you press the caps lock key it will act as if you are pressing the 
>> Control and Option keys.  You have the original VO keys to use.  as this 
>> only changes the caps lock key.  Also If you press the FN key and letter i 
>> you will find it is a 5  and the rest of the number pad is there.  If you 
>> turn on num pad commander you can now use the Voice Over controls with this 
>> number pad.
>> For VM Fusion users you have another bonus.  The caps lock key  will now act 
>> as the Jaws key if you are using a VM Fusion machine with windows.
>> The Keyremap4macbook application can be used instead of sharp keys or the VM 
>> fusion key settings.  they should not be used to try to control the same 
>> keys at the same time.
>> The Keyremap4macbook needs to be version 
>  7.8.17.
>> If you want to be sure you have that one here is the direct link.
> In VMware Fusion, the Help key will be interpreted as Insert Key.  As 
> this is often the screen reader modifier in Windows screen readers it 
> will now work as the caps lock key.
>> for more information here is a helpful link. 
>> Here are the steps to update KeyRemap4Macbook if you followed the original 
>> podcast and used the Private XML.  this is only for those who want to add 
>> the VM Fusion option or simply want the newer application.  The Caps lock 
>> key on the Mac and the Num pad behavior will be the same so you may not want 
>> to bother to update.
>> Those who did a new instal

Re: Speaking rate in Voiceover

2012-09-09 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
However this will not work in the changes made  on the fly with VO command left 
and right to adjust VO atributes. I suppose one could aldways go to the VO 
utility and interact with the sliders there or actually write the desired value 
for the setting.

Hope this made sense.

Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Aug 23, 2012, at 4:38 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> It used to be that holding down the shift key as well would act as a modifier 
> to slow down the adjustment rate of various items such as volume, rate, etc.  
> This was a general Mac feature, not just for adjustments in the VO controls.  
>  I'm not sure this works now with the plethora of shortcut key controls and 
> QuickNav, but somebody else may be able to tell you how to do this.  It could 
> just be that my current setup conflicts with being able to do this, or maybe 
> you can still do this on a full size keyboard?  It was certainly a feature in 
> older versions of the Mac OS X operating system.  One of the gruesome details 
> of inadvertently pressing the Exposé key shortcuts back instead of the F key 
> combination you really wanted in Leopard was, that not only could you not 
> tell what was going on (e.g. visual windows moving for selection -- analogous 
> to using Window chooser menu but turning your screen into a kind of icon view 
> of windows) -- but if you happened to hold down the Shift key as well, this 
> would all happen in slow motion, and it would take even longer to recover 
> response.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Aug 23, 2012, at 10:08, Christopher-Mark gilland wrote:
>> OK, I know about using vo+command+left and right arrow then when on rate, I 
>> can move it up or down with vo+command+up and down arrows, but here's the 
>> thing...
>> It's moving in 5% increments.  I kind of remember a while back, it's been 
>> quite a while, but I vaguely remember someone saying that there was a little 
>> trick to actually adjust that in finer notches, where I literally could move 
>> it just a percentage at a time.
>> Can someone refresh my noggin on how to do that?  LOL!
>> Chris.
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making remixes on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Timothy Clark Music
hello - 
 you can make remixes on your mac just by using garageband. 
 check this out. 
  Your Friend in the music industry

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Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-09 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Kawal,

I think you have missed a few steps in the process.  perhaps it would 
be better if you listened to the podcast before following the written steps.

Also, I've not seen any strange behavior in this very stable application.  
However, the application comes with a easy to use uninstall option.

PCKeyboardHack is designed to work with KeyRemap4macbook.  It is not a stand 
alone application.  it's purpose is to make the caps lock key available for the 
other application KeyRemap4macbook to be able to map the Caps Lock key.  Apple 
has the caps lock key working in a way that makes it unavailable for most 
applications to change but this developer created a solution.

I'm doing a lot of writing today on both the mac and in my VM windows 7 machine 
and the caps lock modifier is working perfectly.  I use it on two macs with the 
same excellent results my 2012 mac Book Pro and my 2011 mac mini both running 
mountain Lion. 

Again please consider listening to the podcast.  I think i do a better job with 
that then with my write ups. 
You will only need the first 20 minutes.
In reality the process is very easy. 


 Eric Caron 

On Sep 9, 2012, at 1:08 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> I had to remove the PC hack as my Mac was behaving very strangely. Just glad 
> everything is back to normal.
> Kawal.
> On 9 Sep 2012, at 05:25 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Hi Eric.
>> I have just installed PC Hack and have followed your instructions.  However 
>> after restarting my Mac, my caps lock is not saying caps lock.  Am I missing 
>> something vital?  I only installed the PC Hack and went to other and changed 
>> the value from 51 to 110 do I have to check the caps lock key box in there?  
>> Also I went to key board modifier and changed the capslock to no action.
>> Kawal.
>> On 9 Sep 2012, at 03:03, Eric Caron  wrote:
>>> Hello Listers,
>>> Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, 
>>> Control and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice over 
>>> user to use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach with the 
>>> standard Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting now 
>>> automatically creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  Finally 
>>> the application creates a number pad on the standard keyboard centered 
>>> around the letter i.
>>> This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer of 
>>> these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much easier 
>>> to set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
>>> Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
>>> I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks 
>>> through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast as 
>>> it is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes long 
>>> but the last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the applications and 
>>> want to update.
>>> I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to 
>>> in the hope that they will post the update.
>>> - 
>>> Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard, have 
>>> caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as the Jaws 
>>> key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM Fusion.
>>> Go to the developer web site and download and install both  
>>> KeyRemap4MacBook and PCKeyboardHack.
>>> Be sure you restart your computer at the end of the install.
>>> Now go to System Preferences and to Keyboard.  Change the behavior of the 
>>> Caps lock key to no action. 
>>> Now also in System Preferences under Other you will find both 
>>> PCKeyboardhack and Keyremap4Macbook.  go to PCKeyboardhack and in the 
>>> settings tab in the first table interact on the field that currently reads 
>>> 51.  Press enter after interacting, then change the number to 110.  This 
>>> changes the caps lock key to the windows Application key. then close the 
>>> application 
>>> Still in System Preferences and in the Other category go to 
>>> KeyRemap4Macbook.  In the Change Key tab move over to the search field and 
>>> type in "blind voice over" without the quotes.  then arrow right over to 
>>> the table.  Interact and you should be on the correct setting.  arrow to 
>>> the check box and select it.  Close the application.
>> The new setting name is "Use Caps Lock as Voice Over key."
>>> Now if you press the caps lock key it will act as if you are pressing the 
>>> Control and Option keys.  You have the original VO keys to use.  as this 
>>> only changes the caps lock key.  Also If you press the FN key and letter i 
>>> you will find it is a 5  and the rest of the number pad is there.  If you 
>>> turn on num pad commander you can now use the Voice Over c

Re: making remixes on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Scott Davert
Hmm. This seems rather basic. How well does Garage band work with the
layering of mixing tracks? I no longer actively mix, but used to, so
it's a matter of interest to me. Using a few different programs on
Windows back in 2009, I was able to remix 65 tracks in to a 10 minute
window of audio. It took several hours, but the end result was
something I'm proud of. I've also done a lot of mixing of Trance
stuff, and the layering was always an challenge because of having to
get gains set properly and such.


On 9/9/12, Timothy Clark Music  wrote:
> hello -
>  you can make remixes on your mac just by using garageband.
>  check this out.
> Timothy
>   Your Friend in the music industry
> --
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Re: making remixes on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Timothy Clark Music
oh you can do it greatly in garageband. that was yes a basic nix. i was board 
and had 2 minutes to spar so i mixed that down. 
 strange sounding remix but hey, the point of remixing a song is to have fun 
and to make it sound different. 
  Your Friend in the music industry

On Sep 9, 2012, at 1:47 PM, Scott Davert wrote:

> Hmm. This seems rather basic. How well does Garage band work with the
> layering of mixing tracks? I no longer actively mix, but used to, so
> it's a matter of interest to me. Using a few different programs on
> Windows back in 2009, I was able to remix 65 tracks in to a 10 minute
> window of audio. It took several hours, but the end result was
> something I'm proud of. I've also done a lot of mixing of Trance
> stuff, and the layering was always an challenge because of having to
> get gains set properly and such.
> Scott
> On 9/9/12, Timothy Clark Music  wrote:
>> hello -
>> you can make remixes on your mac just by using garageband.
>> check this out.
>> Timothy
>>  Your Friend in the music industry
>> --
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Re: making remixes on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Scott Davert
Ah cool. Wish I could have had access to this even a year ago, but I'm
done with the music scene now. Yes, I always enjoyed mixing, because
it allowed you to take a series of seemingly unrelated ideas, combine
them, and produce something entirely new. Or at the very least, put
something together with a different spin on it than the original idea.
I think the last mainstream thing I did was combine a Eurythmics track
with an Adel track, which people scoffed at until they heard it.
Anyway, this is going to start straying off topic, so I'm ending my
part of this discussion here.


On 9/9/12, Timothy Clark Music  wrote:
> oh you can do it greatly in garageband. that was yes a basic nix. i was
> board and had 2 minutes to spar so i mixed that down.
>  strange sounding remix but hey, the point of remixing a song is to have fun
> and to make it sound different.
> Timothy
>   Your Friend in the music industry
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 1:47 PM, Scott Davert wrote:
>> Hmm. This seems rather basic. How well does Garage band work with the
>> layering of mixing tracks? I no longer actively mix, but used to, so
>> it's a matter of interest to me. Using a few different programs on
>> Windows back in 2009, I was able to remix 65 tracks in to a 10 minute
>> window of audio. It took several hours, but the end result was
>> something I'm proud of. I've also done a lot of mixing of Trance
>> stuff, and the layering was always an challenge because of having to
>> get gains set properly and such.
>> Scott
>> On 9/9/12, Timothy Clark Music  wrote:
>>> hello -
>>> you can make remixes on your mac just by using garageband.
>>> check this out.
>>> Timothy
>>>  Your Friend in the music industry
>>> --
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Re: making remixes on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Ricardo Walker
It works extremely well.  You just got to learn some tricks and work arounds.  
Here is an example of something I just worked on.

Here is the original sample, And here is 
my version.

Ricardo Walker

On Sep 9, 2012, at 1:47 PM, Scott Davert  wrote:

> Hmm. This seems rather basic. How well does Garage band work with the
> layering of mixing tracks? I no longer actively mix, but used to, so
> it's a matter of interest to me. Using a few different programs on
> Windows back in 2009, I was able to remix 65 tracks in to a 10 minute
> window of audio. It took several hours, but the end result was
> something I'm proud of. I've also done a lot of mixing of Trance
> stuff, and the layering was always an challenge because of having to
> get gains set properly and such.
> Scott
> On 9/9/12, Timothy Clark Music  wrote:
>> hello -
>> you can make remixes on your mac just by using garageband.
>> check this out.
>> Timothy
>>  Your Friend in the music industry
>> --
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Automatic language detection on Mac

2012-09-09 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
On the ios devices VO detects language on web pages or in nails. Does this work 
on the Mac? 
If not, it seems strange that it was not implemented. 
All the best, 


Typed with Fleksy

Please check out my cd on, on iTunes or most online 
Sent from my phone

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Re: making remixes on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Hank Smith

can u do a podcast on how u did this? this is totally awesome.
On 9/9/2012 10:25 AM, Timothy Clark Music wrote:

hello -
 you can make remixes on your mac just by using garageband.
 check this out. 

  Your Friend in the music industry

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personal email:
Amateur radio call sign:
check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
also you can find my youtube channel at:

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just learned something; making •points on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Michael Babcock
For those of you looking to make a bullet point on the Mac using the keyboard, 
if you use a option +8, you can make a bullet. I'm example of this is below.
•I figured that someone might enjoy this knowledge. I needed it for an 

Michael Babcock, Assistive Technology And Braille Instructor

Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Equipping Alaskans for success

Phone: 907-771-4303

fax 907.248.7517

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Re: time short Cut Key [Snowy kitty script and Apples notes]

2012-09-09 Thread Harry Hogue

I just wanted to let everyone know that I was able to successfully use the 
right option + T command to get the current date and time in Mountain Lion, but 
I, too, would like to have it in 24h format.

Does anyone know the best way to modify the script so this is possible?  I'm 
not sure how flexible VoiceOver is with scripting language and assigning 
commands (if you can only use the keyboard commander or if you can assign other 
key combinations for Voiceover to run scripts), but I love being able to get 
the time at the press of a button, which is a feature I loved in JAWS and 
missed ever since switching.



On Sep 8, 2012, at 7:02 AM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:

> thanks for the help.
> From: 
> []On Behalf Of Red.Falcon
> Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 08:12
> To:
> Subject: Re: time short Cut Key [Snowy kitty script and Apples notes]
> Hi again!
> Well under Snowy Kitty and thanks to Esther's directions I've found the Apple 
> Script that is the one that VO use's with Right option key and T So I will 
> post just below what Apple says about using the script and the Script itself 
> [but I do not know if it is different under Lion or Mountain Lion]
> (* 
>  Speaks the  date and time of day
>  Copyright 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
>  You may incorporate this Apple sample code into your program(s) without
>  restriction.  This Apple sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
>  responsibility for its operation is yours.  You are not permitted to
>  redistribute this Apple sample code as "Apple sample code" after having
>  made changes.  If you're going to redistribute the code, we require
>  that you make it clear that the code was descended from Apple sample
>  code, but that you've made changes.
>  *)
> on isVoiceOverRunningWithAppleScript()
>set isRunning to true
>-- is AppleScript enabled on VoiceOver --
>tell application "VoiceOver"
>set x to bounds of vo cursor
>on error
>set isRunning to false
>end try
>end tell
>return isRunning
> end isVoiceOverRunningWithAppleScript
> set currentDate to current date
> set amPM to "AM"
> set currentHour to (currentDate's hours)
> set currentMinutes to currentDate's minutes
> if (currentHour ≥ 12 and currentHour < 24) then
>set amPM to "PM"
> else
>set amPM to "AM"
> end if
> --  make minutes below 10 sound nice
> if currentMinutes < 10 then
>set currentMinutes to ("0" & currentMinutes) as text
> end if
> --  ensure 0:nn gets set to 12:nn AM
> if currentHour is equal to 0 then
>set currentHour to 12
> end if
> --  readjust for 12 hour time
> if (currentHour > 12) then
>set currentHour to (currentHour - 12)
> end if
> set currentTime to ((currentDate's month) as text) & " " & ((currentDate's 
> day) as text) & ", " & (currentHour as text) & ":" & ((currentMinutes) as 
> text) & " " & amPM as text
> if isVoiceOverRunningWithAppleScript() then
>tell application "VoiceOver"
>output currentTime
>end tell
> else
>say currentTime
> end if
> Cheers
> Colin
> On 8 Sep 2012, at 01:52, Jesus Garcia wrote:
> Evening list members does anyone know if there is a way to get the time
> announcement key right command T to announce the time as set on the clock? I
> have my clock set to 24 hour time, but get standard A.M. P.M. time when I
> press the time short cut keys.
> thanks
> -- 
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Re: just learned something; making •points on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Harry Hogue

yes, this is a very helpful and useful ability.  It saves much time.  I've 
noticed that some people will tab after the bullet point and others will just 
put a space or two.  I decided that a space works just fine, but it's really 
all about visual layout.  Regardless, I think it's easier than any automatic 
bullet pointing.


On Sep 9, 2012, at 1:59 PM, Michael Babcock  wrote:

> For those of you looking to make a bullet point on the Mac using the 
> keyboard, if you use a option +8, you can make a bullet. I'm example of this 
> is below.
> •I figured that someone might enjoy this knowledge. I needed it for an 
> assignment.
> Michael Babcock, Assistive Technology And Braille Instructor
> Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
> Equipping Alaskans for success
> Phone: 907-771-4303
> fax 907.248.7517
> -- 
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Re: just learned something; making •points on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Wow thanks. 
Will make outlines easier to write. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 9, 2012, at 12:59 PM, Michael Babcock  

> For those of you looking to make a bullet point on the Mac using the 
> keyboard, if you use a option +8, you can make a bullet. I'm example of this 
> is below.
> •I figured that someone might enjoy this knowledge. I needed it for an 
> assignment.
> Michael Babcock, Assistive Technology And Braille Instructor
> Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
> Equipping Alaskans for success
> Phone: 907-771-4303
> fax 907.248.7517
> -- 
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Re: just learned something; making •points on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Scott Rumery
•Now this is a great tip•

Thank you
On Sep 9, 2012, at 3:59 PM, Michael Babcock  wrote:

> For those of you looking to make a bullet point on the Mac using the 
> keyboard, if you use a option +8, you can make a bullet. I'm example of this 
> is below.
> •I figured that someone might enjoy this knowledge. I needed it for an 
> assignment.
> Michael Babcock, Assistive Technology And Braille Instructor
> Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
> Equipping Alaskans for success
> Phone: 907-771-4303
> fax 907.248.7517
> -- 
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Re: Problem panning through email text with Brailliant 40 anyone else?

2012-09-09 Thread Andrew Lamanche
Dear iona,

I've always had this problem since Snow Leopard in Mail using Focus 40 usb 
display. I guess I've been too tired of all other issues to give this one too 
much energy. Under Mountain Lion, the problem persists. I guess I was reluctant 
to fuss about it partly because I thought it might be my not knowing some 
important settings in voiceover utility, and secondly, focusing on other 
important issues to me - putting up with Mail behaviour. But maybe it is time 
to report to Apple. Mind you, somehow I feel that Braille access is not a 
priority of Apple's. I've reported a few things in the past, and they are still 
waiting to be resolved a couple of years later. Forgive the rant. I deal with 
the problem by using my arrow keys as soon as I get to the end of the line of 
text to move to the next one.

With best wishes

On 9 Sep 2012, at 17:51, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

> HI all,
> I tried to read through an email with my Brailliant 40 and I found that the 
> display is jumping text when panning write to read. I find I then have to pan 
> left to read the skipped text. 
> Did anyone notice something similar? IS this a bug or is there a tracking 
> setting I have to be aware of?
> Thanks,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> -- 
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Re: just learned something; making •points on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Michael Babcock
Yes, typically I put a space, but if I am doing reports for work I have to put 
a tab. I just found that it was even more easier to do on the Mac then anything 
in Windows. At least that I know of.

Michael Babcock, Assistive Technology And Braille Instructor

Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Equipping Alaskans for success

Phone: 907-771-4303

fax 907.248.7517

On Sep 9, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Harry Hogue  wrote:

> Michael,
> yes, this is a very helpful and useful ability.  It saves much time.  I've 
> noticed that some people will tab after the bullet point and others will just 
> put a space or two.  I decided that a space works just fine, but it's really 
> all about visual layout.  Regardless, I think it's easier than any automatic 
> bullet pointing.
> Harry
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 1:59 PM, Michael Babcock  
> wrote:
>> For those of you looking to make a bullet point on the Mac using the 
>> keyboard, if you use a option +8, you can make a bullet. I'm example of this 
>> is below.
>> •I figured that someone might enjoy this knowledge. I needed it for an 
>> assignment.
>> Michael Babcock, Assistive Technology And Braille Instructor
>> Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
>> Equipping Alaskans for success
>> Phone: 907-771-4303
>> fax 907.248.7517
>> -- 
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Dumb VO question

2012-09-09 Thread Bill Holton
For the life of me, I can't remember how to find the spelling options once 
autocorrect engages and I here the little bloop  and I know their are options 
below me I think I tried every key except the right one. Any help appreciated.

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Re: Dumb VO question

2012-09-09 Thread Harry Hogue

Be sure you're not using QuickNav.  You can then press down arrow to go through 
the list of spelling suggestions.  it isn't an option I have to use a lot, but 
if there is more than one spelling suggestion, continuing to press down arrow 
should do the trick.  Also, pressing space will select the one you're currently 
sitting on, i I'm not mistaken.



On Sep 9, 2012, at 2:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:

> Hi.
> For the life of me, I can't remember how to find the spelling options once 
> autocorrect engages and I here the little bloop  and I know their are options 
> below me I think I tried every key except the right one. Any help appreciated.
> -- 
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Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-09 Thread Buddy Brannan

OK, i understand most of this, but if you want caps lock to be a JFW or 
whichever modifier (which is usually insert), why would you change caps lock to 
Windows applications key? If you need a Windows appellation key, would it not 
make more sense to map that to, say, right cmd? And then map caps lock to 
insert? Or am I missing something stupidly obvious?
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:

> Hello Listers,
> Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, Control 
> and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice over user to 
> use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach with the standard 
> Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting now automatically 
> creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  Finally the application 
> creates a number pad on the standard keyboard centered around the letter i.
> This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer of 
> these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much easier to 
> set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
> Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
>  I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks 
> through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast as it 
> is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes long but the 
> last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the applications and want to 
> update.
> I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to in 
> the hope that they will post the update.
> - 
> Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard, have 
> caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as the Jaws 
> key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM Fusion.
> Go to the developer web site and download and install both  KeyRemap4MacBook 
> and PCKeyboardHack.
> Be sure you restart your computer at the end of the install.
> Now go to System Preferences and to Keyboard.  Change the behavior of the 
> Caps lock key to no action. 
> Now also in System Preferences under Other you will find both PCKeyboardhack 
> and Keyremap4Macbook.  go to PCKeyboardhack and in the settings tab in the 
> first table interact on the field that currently reads 51.  Press enter after 
> interacting, then change the number to 110.  This changes the caps lock key 
> to the windows Application key. then close the application 
> Still in System Preferences and in the Other category go to KeyRemap4Macbook. 
>  In the Change Key tab move over to the search field and type in "blind voice 
> over" without the quotes.  then arrow right over to the table.  Interact and 
> you should be on the correct setting.  arrow to the check box and select it.  
> Close the application.
 The new setting name is "Use Caps Lock as Voice Over key."
> Now if you press the caps lock key it will act as if you are pressing the 
> Control and Option keys.  You have the original VO keys to use.  as this only 
> changes the caps lock key.  Also If you press the FN key and letter i you 
> will find it is a 5  and the rest of the number pad is there.  If you turn on 
> num pad commander you can now use the Voice Over controls with this number 
> pad.
> For VM Fusion users you have another bonus.  The caps lock key  will now act 
> as the Jaws key if you are using a VM Fusion machine with windows.
> The Keyremap4macbook application can be used instead of sharp keys or the VM 
> fusion key settings.  they should not be used to try to control the same keys 
> at the same time.
> The Keyremap4macbook needs to be version 
> If you want to be sure you have that one here is the direct link.
 In VMware Fusion, the Help key will be interpreted as Insert Key.  As this 
 is often the screen reader modifier in Windows screen readers it will now 
 work as the caps lock key.
> for more information here is a helpful link.
> Here are the steps to update KeyRemap4Macbook if you followed the original 
> podcast and used the Private XML.  this is only for those who want to add the 
> VM Fusion option or simply want the newer application.  The Caps lock key on 
> the Mac and the Num pad behavior will be the same so you may not want to 
> bother to update.
> Those who did a new install as listed above all ready have the VM Fusion 
> option and the other capabilities.
> If for some reason you want the Caps Lock Key to only work as the VO keys and 
> not be available in the VM machine then follow the direct

RE: time short Cut Key [Snowy kitty script and Apples notes]

2012-09-09 Thread Jesus Garcia
If you get a procedure answer in private please share. thanks


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Harry Hogue
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2012 16:02
Subject: Re: time short Cut Key [Snowy kitty script and Apples notes]




I just wanted to let everyone know that I was able to successfully use the 
right option + T command to get the current date and time in Mountain Lion, but 
I, too, would like to have it in 24h format.


Does anyone know the best way to modify the script so this is possible?  I'm 
not sure how flexible VoiceOver is with scripting language and assigning 
commands (if you can only use the keyboard commander or if you can assign other 
key combinations for Voiceover to run scripts), but I love being able to get 
the time at the press of a button, which is a feature I loved in JAWS and 
missed ever since switching.






On Sep 8, 2012, at 7:02 AM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:

thanks for the help.


[mailto:macvisionaries@]On Behalf Of 
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 08:12
Subject: Re: time short Cut Key [Snowy kitty script and Apples notes]


Hi again!

Well under Snowy Kitty and thanks to Esther's directions I've found the Apple 
Script that is the one that VO use's with Right option key and T So I will post 
just below what Apple says about using the script and the Script itself [but I 
do not know if it is different under Lion or Mountain Lion]



 Speaks the  date and time of day


 Copyright 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.


 You may incorporate this Apple sample code into your program(s) without

 restriction.  This Apple sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the

 responsibility for its operation is yours.  You are not permitted to

 redistribute this Apple sample code as "Apple sample code" after having

 made changes.  If you're going to redistribute the code, we require

 that you make it clear that the code was descended from Apple sample

 code, but that you've made changes.



on isVoiceOverRunningWithAppleScript()

   set isRunning to true


   -- is AppleScript enabled on VoiceOver --

   tell application "VoiceOver"


   set x to bounds of vo cursor

   on error

   set isRunning to false

   end try

   end tell

   return isRunning

end isVoiceOverRunningWithAppleScript


set currentDate to current date

set amPM to "AM"

set currentHour to (currentDate's hours)

set currentMinutes to currentDate's minutes


if (currentHour ≥ 12 and currentHour < 24) then

   set amPM to "PM"


   set amPM to "AM"

end if


--  make minutes below 10 sound nice

if currentMinutes < 10 then

   set currentMinutes to ("0" & currentMinutes) as text

end if


--  ensure 0:nn gets set to 12:nn AM

if currentHour is equal to 0 then

   set currentHour to 12

end if


--  readjust for 12 hour time

if (currentHour > 12) then

   set currentHour to (currentHour - 12)

end if


set currentTime to ((currentDate's month) as text) & " " & ((currentDate's day) 
as text) & ", " & (currentHour as text) & ":" & ((currentMinutes) as text) & " 
" & amPM as text


if isVoiceOverRunningWithAppleScript() then

   tell application "VoiceOver"

   output currentTime

   end tell


   say currentTime

end if





On 8 Sep 2012, at 01:52, Jesus Garcia wrote:

Evening list members does anyone know if there is a way to get the time
announcement key right command T to announce the time as set on the clock? I
have my clock set to 24 hour time, but get standard A.M. P.M. time when I
press the time short cut keys.

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Re: time short Cut Key [Snowy kitty script and Apples notes]

2012-09-09 Thread Harry Hogue
I certainly will.



On Sep 9, 2012, at 2:57 PM, "Jesus Garcia"  wrote:

> If you get a procedure answer in private please share. thanks
> From: 
> []On Behalf Of Harry Hogue
> Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2012 16:02
> To:
> Subject: Re: time short Cut Key [Snowy kitty script and Apples notes]
> Hi,
> I just wanted to let everyone know that I was able to successfully use the 
> right option + T command to get the current date and time in Mountain Lion, 
> but I, too, would like to have it in 24h format.
> Does anyone know the best way to modify the script so this is possible?  I'm 
> not sure how flexible VoiceOver is with scripting language and assigning 
> commands (if you can only use the keyboard commander or if you can assign 
> other key combinations for Voiceover to run scripts), but I love being able 
> to get the time at the press of a button, which is a feature I loved in JAWS 
> and missed ever since switching.
> Thanks,
> Harry
> On Sep 8, 2012, at 7:02 AM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:
> thanks for the help.
> From: 
> []On Behalf Of Red.Falcon
> Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 08:12
> To:
> Subject: Re: time short Cut Key [Snowy kitty script and Apples notes]
> Hi again!
> Well under Snowy Kitty and thanks to Esther's directions I've found the Apple 
> Script that is the one that VO use's with Right option key and T So I will 
> post just below what Apple says about using the script and the Script itself 
> [but I do not know if it is different under Lion or Mountain Lion]
> (* 
>  Speaks the  date and time of day
>  Copyright 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
>  You may incorporate this Apple sample code into your program(s) without
>  restriction.  This Apple sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
>  responsibility for its operation is yours.  You are not permitted to
>  redistribute this Apple sample code as "Apple sample code" after having
>  made changes.  If you're going to redistribute the code, we require
>  that you make it clear that the code was descended from Apple sample
>  code, but that you've made changes.
>  *)
> on isVoiceOverRunningWithAppleScript()
>set isRunning to true
>-- is AppleScript enabled on VoiceOver --
>tell application "VoiceOver"
>set x to bounds of vo cursor
>on error
>set isRunning to false
>end try
>end tell
>return isRunning
> end isVoiceOverRunningWithAppleScript
> set currentDate to current date
> set amPM to "AM"
> set currentHour to (currentDate's hours)
> set currentMinutes to currentDate's minutes
> if (currentHour ≥ 12 and currentHour < 24) then
>set amPM to "PM"
> else
>set amPM to "AM"
> end if
> --  make minutes below 10 sound nice
> if currentMinutes < 10 then
>set currentMinutes to ("0" & currentMinutes) as text
> end if
> --  ensure 0:nn gets set to 12:nn AM
> if currentHour is equal to 0 then
>set currentHour to 12
> end if
> --  readjust for 12 hour time
> if (currentHour > 12) then
>set currentHour to (currentHour - 12)
> end if
> set currentTime to ((currentDate's month) as text) & " " & ((currentDate's 
> day) as text) & ", " & (currentHour as text) & ":" & ((currentMinutes) as 
> text) & " " & amPM as text
> if isVoiceOverRunningWithAppleScript() then
>tell application "VoiceOver"
>output currentTime
>end tell
> else
>say currentTime
> end if
> Cheers
> Colin
> On 8 Sep 2012, at 01:52, Jesus Garcia wrote:
> Evening list members does anyone know if there is a way to get the time
> announcement key right command T to announce the time as set on the clock? I
> have my clock set to 24 hour time, but get standard A.M. P.M. time when I
> press the time short cut keys.
> thanks
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email 
> For more options, visit this group 
> at
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou

Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-09 Thread Buddy Brannan
Hi again,

Well, never mind. Even if it says applications key, it must not really be. 
Because it really does work a treat. Now I'll have to untrain myself and learn 
to use the easier keys now ;-)
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:

> Hello Listers,
> Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, Control 
> and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice over user to 
> use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach with the standard 
> Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting now automatically 
> creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  Finally the application 
> creates a number pad on the standard keyboard centered around the letter i.
> This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer of 
> these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much easier to 
> set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
> Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
>  I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks 
> through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast as it 
> is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes long but the 
> last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the applications and want to 
> update.
> I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to in 
> the hope that they will post the update.
> - 
> Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard, have 
> caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as the Jaws 
> key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM Fusion.
> Go to the developer web site and download and install both  KeyRemap4MacBook 
> and PCKeyboardHack.
> Be sure you restart your computer at the end of the install.
> Now go to System Preferences and to Keyboard.  Change the behavior of the 
> Caps lock key to no action. 
> Now also in System Preferences under Other you will find both PCKeyboardhack 
> and Keyremap4Macbook.  go to PCKeyboardhack and in the settings tab in the 
> first table interact on the field that currently reads 51.  Press enter after 
> interacting, then change the number to 110.  This changes the caps lock key 
> to the windows Application key. then close the application 
> Still in System Preferences and in the Other category go to KeyRemap4Macbook. 
>  In the Change Key tab move over to the search field and type in "blind voice 
> over" without the quotes.  then arrow right over to the table.  Interact and 
> you should be on the correct setting.  arrow to the check box and select it.  
> Close the application.
 The new setting name is "Use Caps Lock as Voice Over key."
> Now if you press the caps lock key it will act as if you are pressing the 
> Control and Option keys.  You have the original VO keys to use.  as this only 
> changes the caps lock key.  Also If you press the FN key and letter i you 
> will find it is a 5  and the rest of the number pad is there.  If you turn on 
> num pad commander you can now use the Voice Over controls with this number 
> pad.
> For VM Fusion users you have another bonus.  The caps lock key  will now act 
> as the Jaws key if you are using a VM Fusion machine with windows.
> The Keyremap4macbook application can be used instead of sharp keys or the VM 
> fusion key settings.  they should not be used to try to control the same keys 
> at the same time.
> The Keyremap4macbook needs to be version 
> If you want to be sure you have that one here is the direct link.
 In VMware Fusion, the Help key will be interpreted as Insert Key.  As this 
 is often the screen reader modifier in Windows screen readers it will now 
 work as the caps lock key.
> for more information here is a helpful link.
> Here are the steps to update KeyRemap4Macbook if you followed the original 
> podcast and used the Private XML.  this is only for those who want to add the 
> VM Fusion option or simply want the newer application.  The Caps lock key on 
> the Mac and the Num pad behavior will be the same so you may not want to 
> bother to update.
> Those who did a new install as listed above all ready have the VM Fusion 
> option and the other capabilities.
> If for some reason you want the Caps Lock Key to only work as the VO keys and 
> not be available in the VM machine then follow the directions in the original 
> podcast that includes the private xml.  You will find this at 
> and all needed text and links are in the Guides section. 
> St

Re: Problem panning through email text with Brailliant 40 anyone else?

2012-09-09 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
Nice to know in a way that it is not an isolated behavior. So I will report 
this and not hold my breath. 
Does this happen in all text areas or just mail? 


Please check out my cd on, on iTunes or most online 
Sent from my phone

On Sep 9, 2012, at 4:05 PM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

> Dear iona,
> I've always had this problem since Snow Leopard in Mail using Focus 40 usb 
> display. I guess I've been too tired of all other issues to give this one too 
> much energy. Under Mountain Lion, the problem persists. I guess I was 
> reluctant to fuss about it partly because I thought it might be my not 
> knowing some important settings in voiceover utility, and secondly, focusing 
> on other important issues to me - putting up with Mail behaviour. But maybe 
> it is time to report to Apple. Mind you, somehow I feel that Braille access 
> is not a priority of Apple's. I've reported a few things in the past, and 
> they are still waiting to be resolved a couple of years later. Forgive the 
> rant. I deal with the problem by using my arrow keys as soon as I get to the 
> end of the line of text to move to the next one.
> With best wishes
> Andrew
> On 9 Sep 2012, at 17:51, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>> HI all,
>> I tried to read through an email with my Brailliant 40 and I found that the 
>> display is jumping text when panning write to read. I find I then have to 
>> pan left to read the skipped text. 
>> Did anyone notice something similar? IS this a bug or is there a tracking 
>> setting I have to be aware of?
>> Thanks,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>> stores.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
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> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: just learned something; making •points on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Tim Kilburn

The Option key is actually really useful, there are all kinds of characters you 
can type all with the addition of the Option key.  Some examples are below:

Option+Less than (<) gives you less than or equals
Option+greater than (>) gives you greater than or equals
Option+slash (the forward slash) gives you a divided by symbol
Option+0 gives you a degree sign
Option+equals sign gives you  not equals sign
Option+p gives you pi (π)
Option+4 gives you the cents sign
Option+g gives you the Copyright sign
Option+1 gives you the upside down exclamation like the one in the singer Pink 
Option+8 gives you the bullet as mentioned

For other languages such as French, you use the following:

Option+e then press the "e" a second time gives you é (e with acute accent)
Option+`(accent key to the left of the number 1) followed by "e" gives you è 
("e" with accent grav)
Do the same but use the letter "a" to get à.
Option+c gives you ç ("c" cedilla)

Play with it and you'll find lots of other mappings as well.  Most you'll never 
need but they're fun anyway.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-09-09, at 1:59 PM, Michael Babcock  wrote:

> For those of you looking to make a bullet point on the Mac using the 
> keyboard, if you use a option +8, you can make a bullet. I'm example of this 
> is below.
> •I figured that someone might enjoy this knowledge. I needed it for an 
> assignment.
> Michael Babcock, Assistive Technology And Braille Instructor
> Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
> Equipping Alaskans for success
> Phone: 907-771-4303
> fax 907.248.7517
> -- 
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Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

2012-09-09 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi guys
Did I just dream this, or July not remember that when you're using your 
keyboard or a black braille display that the on screen keyboard is not 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 8, 2012, at 5:42 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Why would someone wish to hide the keyboard when using a braille display or 
> bluetooth keyboard?
> Kawal.
> On 8 Sep 2012, at 10:44 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> Besides which, you can show or hide the keyboard with a Braille display in 
>> most cases by pressing dots 1-4-6 chord. I believe there's a bluetooth 
>> keyboard equivalent for that, too.
>> Teresa
>> Winging its way from my iPod
>> On Sep 8, 2012, at 12:09 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Um, well, put simply... nothing. True, hooking a display up to an iOS
>>> device hides the onscreen keyboard, but in iOS6 I hear they will offer
>>> a way to show it. Also, you get a buffer of past messages. Basically,
>>> a program any decent coder could put together in, say a few days?
>>> Someone correct me if I'm wrong, though I really don't know if we'll
>>> find anyone willing to throw away... rather, spend $100 on an app that
>>> consists of a text fiel, list of messages, and keyboard.
>>> On 9/8/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
 This really is an honest question, but what does this app have that the IOs
 devices don't have natively. What would I be paying $100 to do?
 On Sep 8, 2012, at 9:53 AM, Maccessibility 
> Maccessibility has posted a new item, 'The Humanware Communicator for
> iOS'
> Humanware has released The Humanware Communicator app for iOS, priced at a
> staggering $99.99 US. From the description:
> The HumanWare Communicator application is intended to establish a text
> conversation between a deaf-blind person and a sighted person. All
> interaction appears both on the deaf-blind person’s refreshable Braille
> display, as well as visually on the [...]
> You may view the latest post at
> --
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>>> -- 
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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iPhone news

2012-09-09 Thread Chris
Apple to retire iPhone 3GS with low-end 8GB iPhone 4S debuting at next 
week’s iPhone 5 event

By Raymond Wong | BGR News – Thu, Sep 6, 2012

We already know that next week’s September 12th Apple (AAPL) event will 
bring the announcement of the iPhone 5, but rumor has it the 8GB iPhone 
3GS will finally be retired. The Telegraph reports that sources close to 
retailers say Apple will replace the entry-level iPhone 3GS with the 8GB 
iPhone 4 and a new 8GB iPhone 4S to its lineup. Essentially, the 8GB 
iPhone 4 will be offered free on contract as the 3GS has been, and the 
8GB iPhone 4S will become a new mid-point offering. Naturally, the new 
iPhone 5 will sit at the top of the totem pole and will come in 
capacities of 16GB , 32GB and 64GB. It can be argued that the 3GS has 
been a boon in emerging markets, especially because Apple will continue 
to support it in iOS 6, but we think it’s time to let the three-year-old 
device go. After all, it is the only iPhone that still doesn’t support 
Retina display apps.

[Via MacRumors

Sent from my Windows laptop.

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Accessible Widgets

2012-09-09 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

Outside of the standard widgets already preinstalled on the Mac, what other 
accessible Apple or third-party widgets have proven to be VO compatible?

Thank all of you.

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About sticky notes

2012-09-09 Thread Daniela Rubio
Hello all:
Hoy can I visual ice a sticky note? Is it possible to few them on the desktop 
in some way? or how can I few them, thanks!

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Re: time short Cut Key [Snowy kitty script and Apples notes]

2012-09-09 Thread Tim Kilburn

In the AppleScript provided, there is a section where it reads "Readjust for 12 
hour clock", or something like that.  You'll note that in that section, the 
script takes the current time and subtracts 12 from it, thus satisfying the 12 
hour time mode.  I expect that you could simply remove the lines pertaining to 
that section.

That is, the Comment line that gives the title for the area. The "iF" line, the 
"set" line and the "end if " line.  By removing these lines, VO should announce 
things in 24 hour mode and you shouldn't cause any problems in your script.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-09-09, at 3:00 PM, Harry Hogue  wrote:

> I certainly will.
> Regards,
> Harry
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 2:57 PM, "Jesus Garcia"  wrote:
>> If you get a procedure answer in private please share. thanks
>> From: 
>> []On Behalf Of Harry Hogue
>> Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2012 16:02
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: time short Cut Key [Snowy kitty script and Apples notes]
>> Hi,
>> I just wanted to let everyone know that I was able to successfully use the 
>> right option + T command to get the current date and time in Mountain Lion, 
>> but I, too, would like to have it in 24h format.
>> Does anyone know the best way to modify the script so this is possible?  I'm 
>> not sure how flexible VoiceOver is with scripting language and assigning 
>> commands (if you can only use the keyboard commander or if you can assign 
>> other key combinations for Voiceover to run scripts), but I love being able 
>> to get the time at the press of a button, which is a feature I loved in JAWS 
>> and missed ever since switching.
>> Thanks,
>> Harry
>> On Sep 8, 2012, at 7:02 AM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:
>> thanks for the help.
>> From: 
>> []On Behalf Of Red.Falcon
>> Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 08:12
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: time short Cut Key [Snowy kitty script and Apples notes]
>> Hi again!
>> Well under Snowy Kitty and thanks to Esther's directions I've found the 
>> Apple Script that is the one that VO use's with Right option key and T So I 
>> will post just below what Apple says about using the script and the Script 
>> itself [but I do not know if it is different under Lion or Mountain Lion]
>> (* 
>>  Speaks the  date and time of day
>>  Copyright 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
>>  You may incorporate this Apple sample code into your program(s) without
>>  restriction.  This Apple sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
>>  responsibility for its operation is yours.  You are not permitted to
>>  redistribute this Apple sample code as "Apple sample code" after having
>>  made changes.  If you're going to redistribute the code, we require
>>  that you make it clear that the code was descended from Apple sample
>>  code, but that you've made changes.
>>  *)
>> on isVoiceOverRunningWithAppleScript()
>>set isRunning to true
>>-- is AppleScript enabled on VoiceOver --
>>tell application "VoiceOver"
>>set x to bounds of vo cursor
>>on error
>>set isRunning to false
>>end try
>>end tell
>>return isRunning
>> end isVoiceOverRunningWithAppleScript
>> set currentDate to current date
>> set amPM to "AM"
>> set currentHour to (currentDate's hours)
>> set currentMinutes to currentDate's minutes
>> if (currentHour ≥ 12 and currentHour < 24) then
>>set amPM to "PM"
>> else
>>set amPM to "AM"
>> end if
>> --  make minutes below 10 sound nice
>> if currentMinutes < 10 then
>>set currentMinutes to ("0" & currentMinutes) as text
>> end if
>> --  ensure 0:nn gets set to 12:nn AM
>> if currentHour is equal to 0 then
>>set currentHour to 12
>> end if
>> --  readjust for 12 hour time
>> if (currentHour > 12) then
>>set currentHour to (currentHour - 12)
>> end if
>> set currentTime to ((currentDate's month) as text) & " " & ((currentDate's 
>> day) as text) & ", " & (currentHour as text) & ":" & ((currentMinutes) as 
>> text) & " " & amPM as text
>> if isVoiceOverRunningWithAppleScript() then
>>tell application "VoiceOver"
>>output currentTime
>>end tell
>> else
>>say currentTime
>> end if
>> Cheers
>> Colin
>> On 8 Sep 2012, at 01:52, Jesus Garcia wrote:
>> Evening list members does anyone know if there is a way to get the time
>> announcement key right command T to announce the time as set on the clock? I
>> have my clock set to 24 hour time, but get standard A.M. P.M. time when I
>> press the time short cut keys.
>> thanks
>> -- 
>> You recei

Re: Accessible Widgets

2012-09-09 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
the delivery notification was very accessible last time i tried it.

Sent from my Macbook Pro.
Chris Bruinenberg

On Sep 9, 2012, at 3:00 PM, Emilio Hernandez  

> Hello everyone,
> Outside of the standard widgets already preinstalled on the Mac, what other 
> accessible Apple or third-party widgets have proven to be VO compatible?
> Thank all of you.
> -- 
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Re: iPhone news

2012-09-09 Thread James Malone
Ah. R.I.P to the 3GS. I'm still not entirely sure why they're even
supporting iOS 6, but there you have it. Certainly an interesting

On 9/10/12, Chris  wrote:
> Apple to retire iPhone 3GS with low-end 8GB iPhone 4S debuting at next
> week’s iPhone 5 event
> By Raymond Wong | BGR News – Thu, Sep 6, 2012
> We already know that next week’s September 12th Apple (AAPL) event will
> bring the announcement of the iPhone 5, but rumor has it the 8GB iPhone
> 3GS will finally be retired. The Telegraph reports that sources close to
> retailers say Apple will replace the entry-level iPhone 3GS with the 8GB
> iPhone 4 and a new 8GB iPhone 4S to its lineup. Essentially, the 8GB
> iPhone 4 will be offered free on contract as the 3GS has been, and the
> 8GB iPhone 4S will become a new mid-point offering. Naturally, the new
> iPhone 5 will sit at the top of the totem pole and will come in
> capacities of 16GB , 32GB and 64GB. It can be argued that the 3GS has
> been a boon in emerging markets, especially because Apple will continue
> to support it in iOS 6, but we think it’s time to let the three-year-old
> device go. After all, it is the only iPhone that still doesn’t support
> Retina display apps.
> [Via MacRumors
> --
> Sent from my Windows laptop.
> --
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Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-09 Thread Ioana Gandrabur

Thanks so much  for the procedure. IT worked perfectly for me.
I would point out 2 things I had problems with.
1. On the download page I could not download the 8.0 PCKeyboard hack without 
sighted assistance. FOr some reason clicking on the link downloaded  the 7.x.
2. In the PCKeyboard hack preferences changing 51 to 110 worked but one has to 
check the checkbox to enable the changing of caps lock. Pretty obvious but 
thought I'd point it out.

Amazing improvement!



Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:

> Hello Listers,
> Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, Control 
> and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice over user to 
> use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach with the standard 
> Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting now automatically 
> creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  Finally the application 
> creates a number pad on the standard keyboard centered around the letter i.
> This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer of 
> these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much easier to 
> set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
> Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
>  I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks 
> through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast as it 
> is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes long but the 
> last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the applications and want to 
> update.
> I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to in 
> the hope that they will post the update.
> - 
> Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard, have 
> caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as the Jaws 
> key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM Fusion.
> Go to the developer web site and download and install both  KeyRemap4MacBook 
> and PCKeyboardHack.
> Be sure you restart your computer at the end of the install.
> Now go to System Preferences and to Keyboard.  Change the behavior of the 
> Caps lock key to no action. 
> Now also in System Preferences under Other you will find both PCKeyboardhack 
> and Keyremap4Macbook.  go to PCKeyboardhack and in the settings tab in the 
> first table interact on the field that currently reads 51.  Press enter after 
> interacting, then change the number to 110.  This changes the caps lock key 
> to the windows Application key. then close the application 
> Still in System Preferences and in the Other category go to KeyRemap4Macbook. 
>  In the Change Key tab move over to the search field and type in "blind voice 
> over" without the quotes.  then arrow right over to the table.  Interact and 
> you should be on the correct setting.  arrow to the check box and select it.  
> Close the application.
 The new setting name is "Use Caps Lock as Voice Over key."
> Now if you press the caps lock key it will act as if you are pressing the 
> Control and Option keys.  You have the original VO keys to use.  as this only 
> changes the caps lock key.  Also If you press the FN key and letter i you 
> will find it is a 5  and the rest of the number pad is there.  If you turn on 
> num pad commander you can now use the Voice Over controls with this number 
> pad.
> For VM Fusion users you have another bonus.  The caps lock key  will now act 
> as the Jaws key if you are using a VM Fusion machine with windows.
> The Keyremap4macbook application can be used instead of sharp keys or the VM 
> fusion key settings.  they should not be used to try to control the same keys 
> at the same time.
> The Keyremap4macbook needs to be version 
> If you want to be sure you have that one here is the direct link.
 In VMware Fusion, the Help key will be interpreted as Insert Key.  As this 
 is often the screen reader modifier in Windows screen readers it will now 
 work as the caps lock key.
> for more information here is a helpful link.
> Here are the steps to update KeyRemap4Macbook if you followed the original 
> podcast and used the Private XML.  this is only for those who want to add the 
> VM Fusion option or simply want the newer application.  The Caps lock key on 
> the Mac and the Num pad behavior will be the same so you may not want to 
> bother to update.
> Those who did a new install as listed above all ready have the VM Fusion 
> option and the other capabilities.
> If f

Re: Accessible Widgets

2012-09-09 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi Emilio,

What sort of accessible apps and programs out there for your Mac, is
also sort of like asking how long is a piece of string Smiles.
What about you give us an idea as to what you need to do, hope to
achieve, might able to suggest some programs and apps along the way?


On 10/09/2012, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
> the delivery notification was very accessible last time i tried it.
> Sent from my Macbook Pro.
> Chris Bruinenberg
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 3:00 PM, Emilio Hernandez 
> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> Outside of the standard widgets already preinstalled on the Mac, what
>> other accessible Apple or third-party widgets have proven to be VO
>> compatible?
>> Thank all of you.
>> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

2012-09-09 Thread Alex Hall
Yes it is. I thought the same thing, but it turns out that space-1-4-6
shows and hides the onscreen keyboard. There's also an option for the
same thing on bluetooth keyboards if the user can read braille but is
better at typing on a qwerty keyboard.

On 9/9/12, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> Hi guys
> Did I just dream this, or July not remember that when you're using your
> keyboard or a black braille display that the on screen keyboard is not
> available?
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 8, 2012, at 5:42 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Why would someone wish to hide the keyboard when using a braille display
>> or bluetooth keyboard?
>> Kawal.
>> On 8 Sep 2012, at 10:44 PM, Teresa Cochran 
>> wrote:
>>> Besides which, you can show or hide the keyboard with a Braille display
>>> in most cases by pressing dots 1-4-6 chord. I believe there's a bluetooth
>>> keyboard equivalent for that, too.
>>> Teresa
>>> Winging its way from my iPod
>>> On Sep 8, 2012, at 12:09 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Um, well, put simply... nothing. True, hooking a display up to an iOS
 device hides the onscreen keyboard, but in iOS6 I hear they will offer
 a way to show it. Also, you get a buffer of past messages. Basically,
 a program any decent coder could put together in, say a few days?
 Someone correct me if I'm wrong, though I really don't know if we'll
 find anyone willing to throw away... rather, spend $100 on an app that
 consists of a text fiel, list of messages, and keyboard.

 On 9/8/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
> This really is an honest question, but what does this app have that the
> IOs
> devices don't have natively. What would I be paying $100 to do?
> Teresa
> On Sep 8, 2012, at 9:53 AM, Maccessibility
> wrote:
>> Maccessibility has posted a new item, 'The Humanware Communicator for
>> iOS'
>> Humanware has released The Humanware Communicator app for iOS, priced
>> at a
>> staggering $99.99 US. From the description:
>> The HumanWare Communicator application is intended to establish a
>> text
>> conversation between a deaf-blind person and a sighted person. All
>> interaction appears both on the deaf-blind person’s refreshable
>> Braille
>> display, as well as visually on the [...]
>> You may view the latest post at
>> --
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 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from GMail website)

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Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-09 Thread Eric Caron
hi Iona, buddy and others,

Below is the permanent link to the podcast for KeyRemap4macbook.

It is great to hear that some of you are fining this capability 
helpful.  Like Buddy I'm having to relearn muscle memory but in most cases it 
is now natural for me to use the caps lock rather then the VO keys.  I now use 
commands like caps lock a and caps lock b a lot more because they y are so much 
easier now.

Thanks Iona for pointing out that people need to press a check box in 
PCKeyboardhack. For changing the Caps Lock   I suspect i didn't notice because 
once I checked it it remained checked even when I reinstalled it to demonstrate 
for the podcast.

I'm not sure why you downloaded the wrong PCKeyBoardhack.  that doesn't seem to 
have been a problem for others.

Thanks to those letting me know that you have found this useful.  and pleas 
keep the helpful tips coming.

here's the link:

 Eric Caron 
On Sep 9, 2012, at 7:32 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks so much  for the procedure. IT worked perfectly for me.
> I would point out 2 things I had problems with.
> 1. On the download page I could not download the 8.0 PCKeyboard hack without 
> sighted assistance. FOr some reason clicking on the link downloaded  the 7.x.
> 2. In the PCKeyboard hack preferences changing 51 to 110 worked but one has 
> to check the checkbox to enable the changing of caps lock. Pretty obvious but 
> thought I'd point it out.
> Amazing improvement!
> Best,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:
>> Hello Listers,
>> Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, Control 
>> and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice over user to 
>> use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach with the standard 
>> Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting now automatically 
>> creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  Finally the application 
>> creates a number pad on the standard keyboard centered around the letter i.
>> This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer of 
>> these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much easier to 
>> set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
>> Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
>>  I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks 
>> through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast as 
>> it is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes long but 
>> the last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the applications and want 
>> to update.
>> I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to in 
>> the hope that they will post the update.
>> - 
>> Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard, have 
>> caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as the Jaws 
>> key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM Fusion.
>> Go to the developer web site and download and install both  KeyRemap4MacBook 
>> and PCKeyboardHack.
>> Be sure you restart your computer at the end of the install.
>> Now go to System Preferences and to Keyboard.  Change the behavior of the 
>> Caps lock key to no action. 
>> Now also in System Preferences under Other you will find both PCKeyboardhack 
>> and Keyremap4Macbook.  go to PCKeyboardhack and in the settings tab in the 
>> first table interact on the field that currently reads 51.  Press enter 
>> after interacting, then change the number to 110.  This changes the caps 
>> lock key to the windows Application key. then close the application 
>> Still in System Preferences and in the Other category go to 
>> KeyRemap4Macbook.  In the Change Key tab move over to the search field and 
>> type in "blind voice over" without the quotes.  then arrow right over to the 
>> table.  Interact and you should be on the correct setting.  arrow to the 
>> check box and select it.  Close the application.
> The new setting name is "Use Caps Lock as Voice Over key."
>> Now if you press the caps lock key it will act as if you are pressing the 
>> Control and Option keys.  You have the original VO keys to use.  as this 
>> only changes the caps lock key.  Also If you press the FN key and letter i 
>> you will find it is a 5  and the rest of the number pad is there.  If you 
>> turn on num pad commander you can now use the Voice Over controls with this 
>> number pad.
>> For VM Fusion users you have another bonus.  The caps lock key  will now act 
>> as the Jaws key if you are using a VM Fusion machine 

Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

2012-09-09 Thread David Tanner
That's my point.  The notes app certainly will work, and I have used it with 
deaf-blind clients in the past, but this app will make it better because it 
is designed to work better for them in seeing the conversation and knowing 
what they said and what the other person said.  They aalso can save the 
conversation if they wish.

I am not a Humanware employee either, but I was on the betateam for this 
app, and it is nice for those who need it.  But, that isn't the average 
blind person.

I wish the price was lower, but I do understand why they need to charge what 
they are with the hope of recovering at least some of the cost of research 
and development.

- Original Message - 
From: "Lisette Wesseling" 

Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

Yes but we're not deafblind so we wouldn't see the point in paying for it. 
It is a significant reduction to their stand alone device.
If this app encourages more deafblind people to get iPhones, and use texting 
etc, and discover how easy email is, it may encourage more use of braille 
and greater literacy among deafblind people.
No, I don't work for Humanware, and would use the notes app myself if I were 
communicating with a deafblind person, but I think it's not aimed at us. 
Slagging off another company without really knowing about the issues is not 

On 9/09/2012, at 2:25 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

Let me ask this then: how is this so different from using the notes
app? Also, the cost per year for being an apple developer is $100. Do
they really plan on selling so few that they have to charge as much as
they pay apple for a year for just one app purchase? Yes, I realize
they get only 66% of the cost, but still... $100 for a text entry app?
I really don't see it.

On 9/8/12, David Tanner  wrote:

No, you guys don't understand what is going on with this app.  It is
primarily an app that most blind folks wouldn't want.  It is so that a
deaf-blind can do face-to-face communications with another person.  Yes, 

looks pretty simple, but when you look at development costs and realize 

you aren't going to sell a whole lot of apps when you are only really
selling to a limited size deaf-blind community then the cost is going to 

higher than for an app that blind and sighted people would want to

Again, it is a great app for those who need it, and actually drops the 

for communications for a deaf-blind person by thousands of dollars from 

$8,000 price of the deaf-Blind Communicator that Humanware has been 

since 2009.  So, even if you add the cost of the app, a $2,500 or so
bluetooth Braille display and an iPhone it cuts the price in half or 

- Original Message -
From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

Well, this is humanware after all. For those not in the know, let me
tell you about their latest major keysoft update (which takes one sma
count). It costs $200 for an sma, giving you two upgrades, or $135 for
a single upgrade if you do not have an sma. Keeping that in mind,
here's the long list of features they included in the last paid
* a translator that can convert the text in pdf files to .txt files.
* bug fixes, including a fix for the braille terminal mode on qt units
(to fix something they broke in the previous update)
* a way for the bn to automatically use an active internet connection
without prompting the user to pick one each time (this rarely works as

...and that's it. One feature, one interface change that doesn't work
right, and a fix for a previous mistake, all for the low price of
$135. Does this explain more about how they can charge $100 for a
simple app?

On 9/8/12, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
Perhaps the company are strapped for cash hence the new app so they 

people like us are made of money and if we are all stupid we'll buy not
one is stupid of course.
On 8 Sep 2012, at 20:09, Alex Hall  wrote:

Um, well, put simply... nothing. True, hooking a display up to an iOS
device hides the onscreen keyboard, but in iOS6 I hear they will offer
a way to show it. Also, you get a buffer of past messages. Basically,
a program any decent coder could put together in, say a few days?
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, though I really don't know if we'll
find anyone willing to throw away... rather, spend $100 on an app that
consists of a text fiel, list of messages, and keyboard.

On 9/8/12, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
This really is an honest question, but what does this app have that 

devices don't have natively. What would I be paying $100 to do?


On Sep 8, 2012, at 9:53 AM, Maccessibility 


Maccessibility has posted a new item, 'The Humanware Communicator for

Humanware has released The Humanware Communicator app for iOS, priced
staggering $99.99 US. Fro

RE: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-09 Thread wayne coles
Hello sorry if this queston is stupid but if i installed this app
would i still be able to use the caps lock key for making a capital thanks
in advance

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Eric Caron
Sent: 09 September 2012 18:32
Subject: Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

Hi Kawal,

I think you have missed a few steps in the process.  perhaps it
would be better if you listened to the podcast before following the written

Also, I've not seen any strange behavior in this very stable application.
However, the application comes with a easy to use uninstall option.

PCKeyboardHack is designed to work with KeyRemap4macbook.  It is not a stand
alone application.  it's purpose is to make the caps lock key available for
the other application KeyRemap4macbook to be able to map the Caps Lock key.
Apple has the caps lock key working in a way that makes it unavailable for
most applications to change but this developer created a solution.

I'm doing a lot of writing today on both the mac and in my VM windows 7
machine and the caps lock modifier is working perfectly.  I use it on two
macs with the same excellent results my 2012 mac Book Pro and my 2011 mac
mini both running mountain Lion. 

Again please consider listening to the podcast.  I think i do a better job
with that then with my write ups. 
You will only need the first 20 minutes.
In reality the process is very easy. 


 Eric Caron 

On Sep 9, 2012, at 1:08 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> I had to remove the PC hack as my Mac was behaving very strangely. Just
glad everything is back to normal.
> Kawal.
> On 9 Sep 2012, at 05:25 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Hi Eric.
>> I have just installed PC Hack and have followed your instructions.
However after restarting my Mac, my caps lock is not saying caps lock.  Am I
missing something vital?  I only installed the PC Hack and went to other and
changed the value from 51 to 110 do I have to check the caps lock key box in
there?  Also I went to key board modifier and changed the capslock to no
>> Kawal.
>> On 9 Sep 2012, at 03:03, Eric Caron  wrote:
>>> Hello Listers,
>>> Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys,
Control and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice over
user to use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach with the
standard Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting now
automatically creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  Finally
the application creates a number pad on the standard keyboard centered
around the letter i.
>>> This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer
of these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much easier
to set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
>>> Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
>>> I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks
through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast as
it is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes long but
the last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the applications and want
to update.
>>> I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to in the hope that they will post the update.
>>> - 
>>> Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard,
have caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as the
Jaws key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM Fusion.
>>> Go to the developer web site and download and install both
KeyRemap4MacBook and PCKeyboardHack.
>>> Be sure you restart your computer at the end of the install.
>>> Now go to System Preferences and to Keyboard.  Change the behavior of
the Caps lock key to no action. 
>>> Now also in System Preferences under Other you will find both
PCKeyboardhack and Keyremap4Macbook.  go to PCKeyboardhack and in the
settings tab in the first table interact on the field that currently reads
51.  Press enter after interacting, then change the number to 110.  This
changes the caps lock key to the windows Application key. then close the
>>> Still in System Preferences and in the Other category go to
KeyRemap4Macbook.  In the Change Key tab move over to the search field and
type in "blind voice over" without the quotes.  then arrow right over to the
table.  Interact and you should be on the correct setting.  arrow to the
check box and select it.  Close the application.
>> The new setting name is "Use Caps Lock as Voice Over key."
>>> Now if you press the caps lock key it will act as if you are pressing
the Control and Option keys.  You have the original VO 

Re: making remixes on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Timothy Clark Music
Skype me for those interested. 
 djtimothy1 is my Skype id. 
  Your Friend in the music industry

On Sep 9, 2012, at 3:06 PM, Hank Smith wrote:

> can u do a podcast on how u did this? this is totally awesome.
> thanks
> Hank
> On 9/9/2012 10:25 AM, Timothy Clark Music wrote:
>> hello - 
>>  you can make remixes on your mac just by using garageband. 
>>  check this out. 
>> Timothy 
>>   Your Friend in the music industry 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> -- 
> websites:
> personal email:
> twitter:
> @hanksmith2011
> facebook:
> zello:
> hanksmith5
> Klango:
> hanksmith
> Skype:
> hank.smith966
> Amateur radio call sign:
> ke7ief
> check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
> also you can find my youtube channel at:
> -- 
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Re: About sticky notes

2012-09-09 Thread Timothy Clark Music
i believe you can use the application stickies and save a note and then view it 
on your desktop. 
  Your Friend in the music industry

On Sep 9, 2012, at 6:04 PM, Daniela Rubio wrote:

> Hello all:
> Hoy can I visual ice a sticky note? Is it possible to few them on the desktop 
> in some way? or how can I few them, thanks!
> -- 
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Re: Accessible Widgets

2012-09-09 Thread Timothy Clark Music
twijit is pretty nice to have if you are going to send a quick tweet. 
  Your Friend in the music industry

On Sep 9, 2012, at 6:27 PM, Chris Bruinenberg wrote:

> the delivery notification was very accessible last time i tried it.
> Sent from my Macbook Pro.
> Chris Bruinenberg
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 3:00 PM, Emilio Hernandez  
> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> Outside of the standard widgets already preinstalled on the Mac, what other 
>> accessible Apple or third-party widgets have proven to be VO compatible?
>> Thank all of you.
>> -- 
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Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-09 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Wayne,

No the caps lock key would become the VO keys you would only have the 
shift keys for capitals.

Also, In the VM Fusion area the Caps Lock Key would become the Jaws key but you 
can't press it twice quickly to get the caps lock back like you can on a PC.

I'm sure some people rely on the caps lock for capitals so this is important to 

On the other hand I regularly see posts from listers who inadvertently press 
the caps Lock key and hear the warning sound that occurs every time a letter  
key is pressed.  They use the Caps lock so seldom they don't know that the 
sound means the Caps Lock key is on.  Ok, I admit it I was one of those posters 
when I first got my Mac.

The point is that for many of us the caps lock key will not be missed and the 
location is ideal  for the VO modifier.

Eric Caron 

On Sep 9, 2012, at 8:52 PM, "wayne coles"  wrote:

>   Hello sorry if this queston is stupid but if i installed this app
> would i still be able to use the caps lock key for making a capital thanks
> in advance
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Eric Caron
> Sent: 09 September 2012 18:32
> To:
> Subject: Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update
> Hi Kawal,
>   I think you have missed a few steps in the process.  perhaps it
> would be better if you listened to the podcast before following the written
> steps.
> Also, I've not seen any strange behavior in this very stable application.
> However, the application comes with a easy to use uninstall option.
> PCKeyboardHack is designed to work with KeyRemap4macbook.  It is not a stand
> alone application.  it's purpose is to make the caps lock key available for
> the other application KeyRemap4macbook to be able to map the Caps Lock key.
> Apple has the caps lock key working in a way that makes it unavailable for
> most applications to change but this developer created a solution.
> I'm doing a lot of writing today on both the mac and in my VM windows 7
> machine and the caps lock modifier is working perfectly.  I use it on two
> macs with the same excellent results my 2012 mac Book Pro and my 2011 mac
> mini both running mountain Lion. 
> Again please consider listening to the podcast.  I think i do a better job
> with that then with my write ups. 
>   You will only need the first 20 minutes.
> In reality the process is very easy. 
> Best.
> Eric Caron 
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 1:08 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> I had to remove the PC hack as my Mac was behaving very strangely. Just
> glad everything is back to normal.
>> Kawal.
>> On 9 Sep 2012, at 05:25 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> Hi Eric.
>>> I have just installed PC Hack and have followed your instructions.
> However after restarting my Mac, my caps lock is not saying caps lock.  Am I
> missing something vital?  I only installed the PC Hack and went to other and
> changed the value from 51 to 110 do I have to check the caps lock key box in
> there?  Also I went to key board modifier and changed the capslock to no
> action.
>>> Kawal.
>>> On 9 Sep 2012, at 03:03, Eric Caron  wrote:
 Hello Listers,
 Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys,
> Control and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice over
> user to use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach with the
> standard Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting now
> automatically creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  Finally
> the application creates a number pad on the standard keyboard centered
> around the letter i.
 This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer
> of these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much easier
> to set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
 Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
 I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks
> through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast as
> it is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes long but
> the last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the applications and want
> to update.
 I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to
> in the hope that they will post the update.
 Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard,
> have caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as the
> Jaws key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM Fusion.
 Go to the developer web site and download and install both
> KeyRemap4MacBook and PCKeyboardHack.
 Be sure you restart your computer at the end of t

Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-09 Thread Bart Bunting

Interestingly this almost works perfectly but not quite in fusion.

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong.

I'm seeing the following:
- VO remap to capslock works fine.
- Jaws is set to laptop layout in fusion
- some commands work well e.g. capslock t to read title capslock f12 to
  read time etc.
- Things that do not work are the capslock p for jaws cursor for example
  and caps semi for virtual cursor.

Anyone else seeing this?  Perhaps I have an old setting hanging around
but it would seam strange that it works for some keys and not others.


Eric Caron  writes:

> hi Iona, buddy and others,
> Below is the permanent link to the podcast for KeyRemap4macbook.
>   It is great to hear that some of you are fining this capability 
> helpful.  Like Buddy I'm having to relearn muscle memory but in most cases it 
> is now natural for me to use the caps lock rather then the VO keys.  I now 
> use commands like caps lock a and caps lock b a lot more because they y are 
> so much easier now.
> Thanks Iona for pointing out that people need to press a check box in 
> PCKeyboardhack. For changing the Caps Lock   I suspect i didn't notice 
> because once I checked it it remained checked even when I reinstalled it to 
> demonstrate for the podcast.
> I'm not sure why you downloaded the wrong PCKeyBoardhack.  that doesn't seem 
> to have been a problem for others.
> Thanks to those letting me know that you have found this useful.  and pleas 
> keep the helpful tips coming.
> here's the link:
>  Eric Caron 
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 7:32 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks so much  for the procedure. IT worked perfectly for me.
>> I would point out 2 things I had problems with.
>> 1. On the download page I could not download the 8.0 PCKeyboard hack without 
>> sighted assistance. FOr some reason clicking on the link downloaded  the 7.x.
>> 2. In the PCKeyboard hack preferences changing 51 to 110 worked but one has 
>> to check the checkbox to enable the changing of caps lock. Pretty obvious 
>> but thought I'd point it out.
>> Amazing improvement!
>> Best,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>> stores.
>> On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:
>>> Hello Listers,
>>> Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, 
>>> Control and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice over 
>>> user to use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach with the 
>>> standard Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting now 
>>> automatically creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  Finally 
>>> the application creates a number pad on the standard keyboard centered 
>>> around the letter i.
>>> This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer of 
>>> these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much easier 
>>> to set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
>>> Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
>>>  I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks 
>>> through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast as 
>>> it is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes long 
>>> but the last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the applications and 
>>> want to update.
>>> I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to 
>>> in the hope that they will post the update.
>>> - 
>>> Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard, have 
>>> caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as the Jaws 
>>> key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM Fusion.
>>> Go to the developer web site and download and install both  
>>> KeyRemap4MacBook and PCKeyboardHack.
>>> Be sure you restart your computer at the end of the install.
>>> Now go to System Preferences and to Keyboard.  Change the behavior of the 
>>> Caps lock key to no action. 
>>> Now also in System Preferences under Other you will find both 
>>> PCKeyboardhack and Keyremap4Macbook.  go to PCKeyboardhack and in the 
>>> settings tab in the first table interact on the field that currently reads 
>>> 51.  Press enter after interacting, then change the number to 110.  This 
>>> changes the caps lock key to the windows Application key. then close the 
>>> application 
>>> Still in System Preferences and in the Other category go to 
>>> KeyRemap4Macbook.  In the Change Key tab move over to the search field and 
>>> type in "blind voice over" without the quotes.  then arrow right over to 
>>> the table.  Interact and you

New Tech Doctor podcast entitled: 1Password and VoiceOver

2012-09-09 Thread Robert Carter

In this just published Tech Doctor podcast, Robert describes the 1Password 
password manager and demonstrates how to use the software with VoiceOver. He 
ends the podcast by discussing his approach to general Mac security.

The Tech Doctor podcast is available via iTunes, iBlink radio and on the web at

Robert Carter

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Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-09 Thread Rodney Haynie
Sounds like you are getting the Insert key instead of  the Caps  Lock key for 
Jaws. You already know in laptop keyboard mode, that the Insert key and Caps 
Lock key are treated differently. So of what you wrote, it sounds like the same 
thing I would get if I were holding the Insert key down.

For example: CapsLock H and Insert H are two different commands for JAWS in 
laptop keyboard mode.

I use bootcamp, so I can not test any of this for you.


On Sep 9, 2012, at 9:36 PM, "Bart Bunting"  wrote:

> Eric,
> Interestingly this almost works perfectly but not quite in fusion.
> I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong.
> I'm seeing the following:
> - VO remap to capslock works fine.
> - Jaws is set to laptop layout in fusion
> - some commands work well e.g. capslock t to read title capslock f12 to
>  read time etc.
> - Things that do not work are the capslock p for jaws cursor for example
>  and caps semi for virtual cursor.
> Anyone else seeing this?  Perhaps I have an old setting hanging around
> but it would seam strange that it works for some keys and not others.
> Cheers
> Bart
> Eric Caron  writes:
>> hi Iona, buddy and others,
>> Below is the permanent link to the podcast for KeyRemap4macbook.
>>  It is great to hear that some of you are fining this capability 
>> helpful.  Like Buddy I'm having to relearn muscle memory but in most cases 
>> it is now natural for me to use the caps lock rather then the VO keys.  I 
>> now use commands like caps lock a and caps lock b a lot more because they y 
>> are so much easier now.
>> Thanks Iona for pointing out that people need to press a check box in 
>> PCKeyboardhack. For changing the Caps Lock   I suspect i didn't notice 
>> because once I checked it it remained checked even when I reinstalled it to 
>> demonstrate for the podcast.
>> I'm not sure why you downloaded the wrong PCKeyBoardhack.  that doesn't seem 
>> to have been a problem for others.
>> Thanks to those letting me know that you have found this useful.  and pleas 
>> keep the helpful tips coming.
>> here's the link:
>> Eric Caron 
>> On Sep 9, 2012, at 7:32 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks so much  for the procedure. IT worked perfectly for me.
>>> I would point out 2 things I had problems with.
>>> 1. On the download page I could not download the 8.0 PCKeyboard hack 
>>> without sighted assistance. FOr some reason clicking on the link downloaded 
>>>  the 7.x.
>>> 2. In the PCKeyboard hack preferences changing 51 to 110 worked but one has 
>>> to check the checkbox to enable the changing of caps lock. Pretty obvious 
>>> but thought I'd point it out.
>>> Amazing improvement!
>>> Best,
>>> Ioana
>>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>>> stores.
>>> On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:
 Hello Listers,
 Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, 
 Control and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice over 
 user to use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach with the 
 standard Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting now 
 automatically creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  Finally 
 the application creates a number pad on the standard keyboard centered 
 around the letter i.
 This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer 
 of these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much 
 easier to set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
 Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
 I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks 
 through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast as 
 it is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes long 
 but the last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the applications 
 and want to update.
 I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to 
 in the hope that they will post the update.
 Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard, 
 have caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as 
 the Jaws key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM Fusion.
 Go to the developer web site and download and install both  
 KeyRemap4MacBook and PCKeyboardHack.
 Be sure you restart your computer at the end of the install.
 Now go to System Preferences and to Keyboard.  Change the behavior of the 
 Caps lock key to 

Deleting mail from server

2012-09-09 Thread agent086b

Hi all,
I have set up a couple of mail accounts. They appear to be working ok 
except they are not deleting mail from the server.
I have been through the help but can't find anything about deleting mail 
from the server.
Also thanks to the people who helped with getting my apps from the phone 
in to iTunes. They all work well now.


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unblocking someone on Facebook?

2012-09-09 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

A few days ago, for reasons I won't go into, I blocked one of my friends on 
Facebook.  Now I want to unblock her, but it's like FB has erased her from the 
universe.  Does anyone know how to do this?

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Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-09 Thread Bart Bunting

Appears you are correct.  I had use capslock as jaws key set in the jaws
settings, changed to insert and all works as expected now.

Kind regards

Rodney Haynie  writes:

> Bart,
> Sounds like you are getting the Insert key instead of  the Caps  Lock key for 
> Jaws. You already know in laptop keyboard mode, that the Insert key and Caps 
> Lock key are treated differently. So of what you wrote, it sounds like the 
> same thing I would get if I were holding the Insert key down.
> For example: CapsLock H and Insert H are two different commands for JAWS in 
> laptop keyboard mode.
> I use bootcamp, so I can not test any of this for you.
> HTH.
> Rodney
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 9:36 PM, "Bart Bunting"  wrote:
>> Eric,
>> Interestingly this almost works perfectly but not quite in fusion.
>> I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong.
>> I'm seeing the following:
>> - VO remap to capslock works fine.
>> - Jaws is set to laptop layout in fusion
>> - some commands work well e.g. capslock t to read title capslock f12 to
>>  read time etc.
>> - Things that do not work are the capslock p for jaws cursor for example
>>  and caps semi for virtual cursor.
>> Anyone else seeing this?  Perhaps I have an old setting hanging around
>> but it would seam strange that it works for some keys and not others.
>> Cheers
>> Bart
>> Eric Caron  writes:
>>> hi Iona, buddy and others,
>>> Below is the permanent link to the podcast for 
>>> KeyRemap4macbook.
>>> It is great to hear that some of you are fining this capability 
>>> helpful.  Like Buddy I'm having to relearn muscle memory but in most cases 
>>> it is now natural for me to use the caps lock rather then the VO keys.  I 
>>> now use commands like caps lock a and caps lock b a lot more because they y 
>>> are so much easier now.
>>> Thanks Iona for pointing out that people need to press a check box in 
>>> PCKeyboardhack. For changing the Caps Lock   I suspect i didn't notice 
>>> because once I checked it it remained checked even when I reinstalled it to 
>>> demonstrate for the podcast.
>>> I'm not sure why you downloaded the wrong PCKeyBoardhack.  that doesn't 
>>> seem to have been a problem for others.
>>> Thanks to those letting me know that you have found this useful.  and pleas 
>>> keep the helpful tips coming.
>>> here's the link:
>>> Eric Caron 
>>> On Sep 9, 2012, at 7:32 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
 Thanks so much  for the procedure. IT worked perfectly for me.
 I would point out 2 things I had problems with.
 1. On the download page I could not download the 8.0 PCKeyboard hack 
 without sighted assistance. FOr some reason clicking on the link 
 downloaded  the 7.x.
 2. In the PCKeyboard hack preferences changing 51 to 110 worked but one 
 has to check the checkbox to enable the changing of caps lock. Pretty 
 obvious but thought I'd point it out.
 Amazing improvement!
 Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
 On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:
> Hello Listers,
> Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, 
> Control and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice 
> over user to use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach 
> with the standard Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting 
> now automatically creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  
> Finally the application creates a number pad on the standard keyboard 
> centered around the letter i.
> This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer 
> of these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much 
> easier to set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
> Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
> I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks 
> through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast 
> as it is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes 
> long but the last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the 
> applications and want to update.
> I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to 
> in the hope that they will post the update.
> - 
> Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard, 
> have caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as 
> the Jaws key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM 
> Fusion.
> Go to the developer web site and download and inst

Re: Deleting mail from server

2012-09-09 Thread Tim Kilburn

If your account is a pop account, then go into Mail Prefs under the Accounts 
pane then select the Advanced tab.  You can check the box accordingly and set 
when they should be deleted from the server, ie Immediately, after a week or a 
month.  If these are iMap accounts, then those options are not available due to 
the nature of the iMap configuration.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-09-09, at 7:55 PM, agent086b  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have set up a couple of mail accounts. They appear to be working ok except 
> they are not deleting mail from the server.
> I have been through the help but can't find anything about deleting mail from 
> the server.
> Also thanks to the people who helped with getting my apps from the phone in 
> to iTunes. They all work well now.
> Max.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: making remixes on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Emrah
All my congrats Ricardo! Real good sound there.
On Sep 9, 2012, at 2:21 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> It works extremely well.  You just got to learn some tricks and work arounds. 
>  Here is an example of something I just worked on.
> Here is the original sample, 
> And here 
> is my version.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 1:47 PM, Scott Davert  wrote:
>> Hmm. This seems rather basic. How well does Garage band work with the
>> layering of mixing tracks? I no longer actively mix, but used to, so
>> it's a matter of interest to me. Using a few different programs on
>> Windows back in 2009, I was able to remix 65 tracks in to a 10 minute
>> window of audio. It took several hours, but the end result was
>> something I'm proud of. I've also done a lot of mixing of Trance
>> stuff, and the layering was always an challenge because of having to
>> get gains set properly and such.
>> Scott
>> On 9/9/12, Timothy Clark Music  wrote:
>>> hello -
>>> you can make remixes on your mac just by using garageband.
>>> check this out.
>>> Timothy
>>> Your Friend in the music industry
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
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>>> For more options, visit this group at
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Automatic language detection on Mac

2012-09-09 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Ioana,

No, automatic language detection is not available on the Mac.



On 9 Sep 2012, at 21:01, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

>  hi, 
> On the ios devices VO detects language on web pages or in nails. Does this 
> work on the Mac? 
> If not, it seems strange that it was not implemented. 
> All the best, 
> Ioana 
> Typed with Fleksy
> reply://
> Please check out my cd on, on iTunes or most online 
> stores.
> Sent from my phone
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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