
OK, i understand most of this, but if you want caps lock to be a JFW or 
whichever modifier (which is usually insert), why would you change caps lock to 
Windows applications key? If you need a Windows appellation key, would it not 
make more sense to map that to, say, right cmd? And then map caps lock to 
insert? Or am I missing something stupidly obvious?
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Eric Caron <ecar...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Hello Listers,
> Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, Control 
> and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice over user to 
> use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach with the standard 
> Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting now automatically 
> creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  Finally the application 
> creates a number pad on the standard keyboard centered around the letter i.
> This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer of 
> these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much easier to 
> set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
> Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
>  I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks 
> through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast as it 
> is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 minutes long but the 
> last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use the applications and want to 
> update.
> I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to applevis.com in 
> the hope that they will post the update.
> - 
> Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your keyboard, have 
> caps lock work as a Voice Over Key, and have the Caps lock work as the Jaws 
> key or similar modifier in other screen readers used in VM Fusion.
> Go to the developer web site and download and install both  KeyRemap4MacBook 
> and PCKeyboardHack.
>>>>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/pckeyboardhack-usage.html.en
> Be sure you restart your computer at the end of the install.
> Now go to System Preferences and to Keyboard.  Change the behavior of the 
> Caps lock key to no action. 
> Now also in System Preferences under Other you will find both PCKeyboardhack 
> and Keyremap4Macbook.  go to PCKeyboardhack and in the settings tab in the 
> first table interact on the field that currently reads 51.  Press enter after 
> interacting, then change the number to 110.  This changes the caps lock key 
> to the windows Application key. then close the application 
> Still in System Preferences and in the Other category go to KeyRemap4Macbook. 
>  In the Change Key tab move over to the search field and type in "blind voice 
> over" without the quotes.  then arrow right over to the table.  Interact and 
> you should be on the correct setting.  arrow to the check box and select it.  
> Close the application.
>>>> The new setting name is "Use Caps Lock as Voice Over key."
> Now if you press the caps lock key it will act as if you are pressing the 
> Control and Option keys.  You have the original VO keys to use.  as this only 
> changes the caps lock key.  Also If you press the FN key and letter i you 
> will find it is a 5  and the rest of the number pad is there.  If you turn on 
> num pad commander you can now use the Voice Over controls with this number 
> pad.
> For VM Fusion users you have another bonus.  The caps lock key  will now act 
> as the Jaws key if you are using a VM Fusion machine with windows.
> The Keyremap4macbook application can be used instead of sharp keys or the VM 
> fusion key settings.  they should not be used to try to control the same keys 
> at the same time.
> The Keyremap4macbook needs to be version 
>>>>   7.8.17.
> If you want to be sure you have that one here is the direct link.
>>>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/files/KeyRemap4MacBook-7.8.17.dmg
>>>> In VMware Fusion, the Help key will be interpreted as Insert Key.  As this 
>>>> is often the screen reader modifier in Windows screen readers it will now 
>>>> work as the caps lock key.
> for more information here is a helpful link. 
>>>> http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?cmd=displayKC&externalId=1001675
> Here are the steps to update KeyRemap4Macbook if you followed the original 
> podcast and used the Private XML.  this is only for those who want to add the 
> VM Fusion option or simply want the newer application.  The Caps lock key on 
> the Mac and the Num pad behavior will be the same so you may not want to 
> bother to update.
> Those who did a new install as listed above all ready have the VM Fusion 
> option and the other capabilities.
> If for some reason you want the Caps Lock Key to only work as the VO keys and 
> not be available in the VM machine then follow the directions in the original 
> podcast that includes the private xml.  You will find this at applevis.com 
> and all needed text and links are in the Guides section. 
> Steps to update Keyremap4Macbook, for those who used the private xml.
> go into system Preferences and to Keyremap4macbook and uncheck the box for 
> Application key to Control Option.  For me it is the first item in the table 
> when i interact.
> Then close the application.
> Download the new version 7.8.17 link above.
> Be sure to restart the computer after you install.
> Then do the same as above.
> Go to KeyRemap4Macbook and in the search field enter "blind voice over"  then 
> interact with the table and you are on the setting that needs to be checked.
> Thats it.
> Please remember this is donation supported.  You will find the donation link 
> at the same location you downloaded the applications.
> Below is the link to the new podcast. that walks through these steps.
> Eric Caron 
> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5620907/KeyRemap4MacbookUpdate.mp3
> -- 
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