Moving through links in an email

2012-07-05 Thread Stacey Robinson
Hi all,
If I'm in an email message, and it has several links, is there a way to move 
easily from one to the other?
Stacey and GEB dog Chesley

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Re: Moving through links in an email

2012-07-05 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Stacey,

VO-Cmd-l to go to next link works for me.



On 5 Jul 2012, at 14:38, Stacey Robinson wrote:

> Hi all,
> If I'm in an email message, and it has several links, is there a way to move 
> easily from one to the other?
> Thanks,
> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
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question about a braille display

2012-07-05 Thread Eugenia Firth
When I went to the exhibit area at NFB, I went fully expecting and maybe 
interested to buy the new Focus 40 Blue. However, I found that my hands are too 
small to type on it comfortably because the spacebar is separated from the 
other keys by the display. I did find another display that I like and doesn't 
have this problem. It is a Braille Edgde 40
from Hims. They told me, after I told them I didn't want any display that 
didn't work under VoiceOver, that it will run under Mountain Kitty and 6.0. It 
also has a note taker option so you can put brf files in it and write files. I 
specifically asked about brf files. It costs the same as the Focus 40 Blue, and 
the Focus 40 Blue doesn't have the ability to take files into itself. Since 
this thing worked first under Windows, has anybody on this list used it before 
and did you like it?

Eugenia Firth

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accessing new window with VO

2012-07-05 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi All,

May i know, what is the vo command for nevigating to new window?

For example, if i've choose a wifi network, and i've click on "join
network", another window pop up for passwords or security code. How
can i using Voiceover, nevigate to the dialog box?

Any help very appreciated.

Thanks very much


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Re: accessing new window with VO

2012-07-05 Thread Matthew Campbell
Press VO F2 to hear the current window. Press it again to open the window 
chooser menu. This menu wil allow you to see any hidden windows.

On 2012-07-05, at 10:10 AM, Joanne Chua wrote:

> Hi All,
> May i know, what is the vo command for nevigating to new window?
> For example, if i've choose a wifi network, and i've click on "join
> network", another window pop up for passwords or security code. How
> can i using Voiceover, nevigate to the dialog box?
> Any help very appreciated.
> Thanks very much
> Cheers
> -- 
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Re: Mac Power Users Podcast Link

2012-07-05 Thread Mary Scott
Is this for users in general or just for VO users?
On Jul 5, 2012, at 1:49 AM, Emilio Hernandez wrote:

> Hello folks,
> Hope everyone has had a great Independence Day.
> Here is the link for those interested:
> Sent from my iMac
> Twitter: TheOrangeCircle
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A question about YoruFukurou

2012-07-05 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

When I interact with the drawer in YoruFukurou, sometimes it displays 
information about the user in question and also allows me to follow/block that 
At other times, it just says n/a.
So, how can I open a particular user's information in the drawer?

Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: VoiceOver saying, "Busy," Formatting in Pages, and recording on the Mac

2012-07-05 Thread Harry Hogue
Anne, thank you very much for your reply.  I haven't looked at Apple Vis.  is 
there a website I could go to?

I've already learned so much from this list; I didn't know, for example, about 
VO+cmd+L for moving to next link within an e-mail, etc.

Thanks, everyone.


On Jul 5, 2012, at 12:36 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Harry,
> On 5 Jul 2012, at 05:10, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> First, has anyone noticed VoiceOver saying "busy" in certain programs, but 
>> when Voiceover is turned off all is fine?  It is as though VoiceOver is 
>> hanging programs, or causing itself to hang.  I have 4gb of RAM, which I 
>> thought would be enough.
> I find that I have to quit Safari regularly to minimise this problem and not 
> have too many windows open at once. I don't have the problem with any other 
> applications.
>> Secondly, I use a BrailleNote 32 cell with Voiceover running Lion 10.7.4, 
>> and I wondered if anyone else has noticed how VoiceOver skips lines when 
>> reading in Pages and Mail, but oddly, not in text edit or on the Internet.  
>> Sometimes it seems as though full screen will help, but since I read on a 
>> daily basis in Spanish, it would be nice if there were a way to stop this 
>> behavior so I could be confident.
> I think a lot of us have weird problems when reading with Braille displays. 
> My Braillino jumps out of the text in Pages regularly and displays the name 
> of the window. I just navigate with the VO keys on my computer and focus is 
> returned to the text.
>> Going back to Pages, I am curious if anyone has had success with creating 
>> tables in pages in order to put information (such as columns with words and 
>> definitions, dates and events, etc)?  It doesn't seem to work for me.  I can 
>> do it in Numbers, but VoiceOver is way too chatty.  I would much rather hear 
>> it say, "a1, b1, c1, etc" instead of "a1, selected cell, blah blah blah, a1."
> VoiceOver users cannot create nice neat tables in Pages. We have to do it in 
> Numbers and paste the table into the Pages document. We can only read them in 
> Pages if we can locate the tables, highlight them and use the Format menu 
> command Convert table to text. I prefer to read documents containing tables 
> in TextEdit. However, we can produce very professional-looking documents with 
> Pages.
> Have you looked at Applevis for information on accessible applications? It's 
> a very useful resource.
> I can't help with the application for recording as I don't do that.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Re: VoiceOver saying, "Busy," Formatting in Pages, and recording on the Mac

2012-07-05 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Harry,

Here is the link for the Applevis site:

You'll find lots of information about IOS and Mac applications there.



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Re: New news about PDF Pen

2012-07-05 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Mary. 
I have PDFpen on my computer. I found it partially inaccessible but I will 
check it out again and see if anything has changed. I will let you guys know 
what I find out, unless of course, someone else finds out sooner. 

Eugenia Firth

On Jul 4, 2012, at 6:16 PM, Mary Scott wrote:

> How can i get this podcast?
> On Jul 4, 2012, at 10:53 AM, Emilio Hernandez wrote:
>> Hello guys,
>> I skimmed through some of the archives discussing PDF pen, which so far 
>> indicate this is a great app to have.
>> GG noted that she had some difficulties completing PDF forms. Is this 
>> something that has been remedied?
>> I encourage you guys to listen to the Mac Power Users podcast if you are not 
>> doing so already. I have found it to be a great podcast, as I begin truly 
>> diving into the wonderful world of Mac.
>> Thanks for any feedback.
>> Sent from my iMac
>> Twitter: TheOrangeCircle
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Re: preview zip archive possible without extracting

2012-07-05 Thread Chris Blouch

If you don't mind playing around in terminal you can do

unzip -l

which will list all the files in the zip file.


On 7/4/12 2:30 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

HI all,
I would love to see contents of zip archive without extracting them. 
Is this possible? I have the unarchiver installed.

Please check out my cd on 
 on iTunes and most online stores.

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Re: found scanning program for the Mac

2012-07-05 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Sandi. 
I will tell you that the book page they had scanning was extremely good. I was 
considering going back to the hotel to try it on a textbook, but I never have 
gotten back to do it. The gentleman there, whose name is Igor Feinberg, said 
there is a 30 day money-back return policy. He gave me a card with the 
company's information on it. He was passing them out at the exhibits, so here 
is the information on it. The phone number of the company is 978-635-0202. I 
called this number, and the lady was more than happy for me to tell this list 
the number. 

Eugenia Firth

On Jul 4, 2012, at 2:55 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:

> hi.
> As others have said thanks for the info, what i am more interested in
> though, is the quality of the ocring.
> After my eye operation i got the option to study too become a nurse.
> And let me put it like this, scanning over 4000 pages with a
> optic-book is far from fun. I will keep the whining about that till
> another time, but, this new thing, how good is its quality?
> How huge books can it handle, can it only ocr the text if it is in english?
> I am right now considering a "clear-reader" but am not totally decided.
> have a nice day.
> /Sandi
> On 7/4/12, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> they give you a seven day trial so, you should probably go ahead and try it
>> out.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Jul 3, 2012, at 10:03 PM, erik burggraaf 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Mary,  I don't have docuscan.  I know all there is to know for good or
>>> ill about the EyePal, and there's plenty of both.  I know there are
>>> logistical problems with scanning in the cloud.  Speed, server and
>>> internet dependencies and security issues.  I can't speak to the interface
>>> of docuscan from experience though.
>>> I do have a hovercam demo unit.  It looks pretty nice, which is just as
>>> well since it's completely decorative at the moment.  There's no mac twane
>>> driver that I've found so I can't use it with finereader express.  The
>>> twane driver on windows is pooched and neither omnipage nor kurzweil 12
>>> will use the thing.  Tested on two different machines.
>>> I'd like to buy docuscan and play with it just to use the hovercam if for
>>> no other reason.  Now, if docuscan were able to process ocr locally, it
>>> would be a steel.  It is what it is though, and imho, overpriced on the
>>> basis that it runs in the cloud.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting
>>> at $0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2012-07-03, at 9:18 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
 So what advantage is there to the camera that comes with the Abisee as
 opposed to the 300 dollar Hovercam t5v? I understand that some folks
 might have security issues with scanning into the cloud. Frankly, I don't
 scan anything anywhere that I would worry about somebody else seeing,
 because when it comes to things like bills or other documents that have
 to be perfect, especially those with numbers, I don't trust any ocr, even
 though it has certainly improved. It still makes errors especially in
 anything that has a more complex format.
 Mary Otten
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Re: VoiceOver saying, "Busy," Formatting in Pages, and recording on the Mac

2012-07-05 Thread Daniel McGee
Hi Harry to add to anne's list, check out these two following resources.

Hope these resources help you! 

On 5 Jul 2012, at 17:06, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Harry,
> Here is the link for the Applevis site:
> You'll find lots of information about IOS and Mac applications there.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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most accessible anti virus app out there for Macs

2012-07-05 Thread Ray Foret Jr

I know this has come up before; but, who out there can tell me the most 
accessible anti virus app for the Mac; or, at least, anti virus apps they found 
most useful?


The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

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Re: most accessible anti virus app out there for Macs

2012-07-05 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Hi Ray, I really like, and have used clamxav for quite a while now. Hope this 

Sent from my iPhone

On 2012-07-05, at 1:16 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Hi,
> I know this has come up before; but, who out there can tell me the most 
> accessible anti virus app for the Mac; or, at least, anti virus apps they 
> found most useful?
> Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
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Re: VoiceOver saying, "Busy," Formatting in Pages, and recording on the Mac

2012-07-05 Thread Brandon Olivares

Regarding recording, Garageband does work very well. Once you create a proejct, 
just press r to start recording.

I have also started using Podcast Publisher for simpler things where I don't 
need to mix tracks together, and it is very easy to use.


On Jul 4, 2012, at 11:10 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:

> Hi all,
> This is my first time posting to this list, and it's nice to have a community 
> of users to discuss things with.  Since I have three very distinct areas to 
> discuss, I will divide them up.
> First, has anyone noticed VoiceOver saying "busy" in certain programs, but 
> when Voiceover is turned off all is fine?  It is as though VoiceOver is 
> hanging programs, or causing itself to hang.  I have 4gb of RAM, which I 
> thought would be enough.
> Secondly, I use a BrailleNote 32 cell with Voiceover running Lion 10.7.4, and 
> I wondered if anyone else has noticed how VoiceOver skips lines when reading 
> in Pages and Mail, but oddly, not in text edit or on the Internet.  Sometimes 
> it seems as though full screen will help, but since I read on a daily basis 
> in Spanish, it would be nice if there were a way to stop this behavior so I 
> could be confident.
> Going back to Pages, I am curious if anyone has had success with creating 
> tables in pages in order to put information (such as columns with words and 
> definitions, dates and events, etc)?  It doesn't seem to work for me.  I can 
> do it in Numbers, but VoiceOver is way too chatty.  I would much rather hear 
> it say, "a1, b1, c1, etc" instead of "a1, selected cell, blah blah blah, a1."
> I am also interested in any free recording solutions available for the Mac.  
> I've heard that Garage Band works, but it seems complicated.
> I will apologize in advance for all of my questions; I merely had never had 
> anyone to ask these questions of who may actually know.  Anytime I call Apple 
> Care, it is a struggle to have them transfer me directly to the Accessibility 
> department instead of some specific product area, and no one ever seems to 
> know what I'm even talking about.
> Thanks, guys, and take care.
> Harry
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more on anti virus; want to make my question a little cleror

2012-07-05 Thread Ray Foret Jr

I just took a look at ClamxAV; and, it looks good alright.  I really should 
have said, however, that I'd like the app to remove Spyware also.  Thanks.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

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Re: what Voiceover bugs people want or are hoping will be fixed or squashed in Mountain Lion?

2012-07-05 Thread Blinkin
Here is something I want fixed.
Every now and again when I use the Force Quit Application thing the 
window will stay open after it closes the application.
I can't command tab to the screen and can't interact with it at all but 
my wife will say it is covering my screen. 
Pretty annoying.
On Jul 4, 2012, at 10:23 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:

> jesús, this is a fascinating discussion.  Personally, I use Fred on a daily 
> basis for reading in English, and Paulina when reading in Spanish.  Alex is 
> okay, but I prefer a responsive Voice, and I find that I'm able to move about 
> the Mac more quickly using Fred.  I have tried Javier for Spanish, but find 
> him less understandable.
> On Jul 4, 2012, at 6:49 AM, Jesus Garcia wrote:
>> Same here with regards to male voices rather than female, though I have no
>> major issues with Samantha. Can someone post how to download and install the
>> realspeak voices for the mac?
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Daniel McGee
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 08:26
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: what Voiceover bugs people want or are hoping will be fixed or
>> squashed in Mountain Lion?
>> Interesting, because I'm the opposite. I would rather use eloquence and I
>> would rather use male voices than female. I guess it all comes down to
>> personal taste in the end. 
>> Daniel
>> On 3 Jul 2012, at 14:47, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>>> While I agree 100 percent that Eloquence is the only speech that is 
>>> efficient enough to actually get things done with, I've never been 
>>> particularly fond of it. Not sure that makes sense given that I've 
>>> used Glen more or less exclusively for the past
>>> 12 years or so, but on the whole, I think Eloquence is seriously 
>>> over-rated. True, it's the only thing I use on the PC side, but that's 
>>> out of necessity, not because I find it pleasant or anything. I don't 
>>> use the RealSpeak voices on the mac either, though. I even bought the 
>>> acapella voices, but still find myself only using Alex as a general 
>>> rule. So, while I can see both sides of the coin on the eloquence 
>>> thing, it's nothing I'd get all excited about if Apple ever incorporated
>> it. In most cases, Alex is responsive enough for my needs on the mac. I'd
>> love to see a female equivelent of Alex, though. Alice, perhaps? It's just
>> that when it comes to those higher quality voices, I find the female ones
>> slightly easier to understand in most cases.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Daniel McGee
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 9:39 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: what Voiceover bugs people want or are hoping will be fixed
>> or squashed in Mountain Lion?
>>> eloquence 100% is for me. If I had this, then I wouldn't be using 
>>> windows anymore there's something about the voice that I can listen to 
>>> it and I don't get tired of it. I have a hearing impairment and find 
>>> it is more clear understandable in words than these silly nuance 
>>> voices. I don't want that to be offending to anyone who uses the nuance
>> real speak voices but for me, I just don't understand them clearly, to slow
>> no matter how much I speed them up I can't understand them when they are
>> really fast anyway and lastly too slow even when I can follow them.
>>> Ohand caps lock gets my vote too.
>>> If the day comes where Apple have eloquence added to the list of VO 
>>> voices, will be the day where I differently upgrade my OS!
>>> How do others feel about eloquence being added?
>>> You got me started on this one! LOL
>>> Daniel
>>> On 3 Jul 2012, at 12:47, Chris Moore wrote:
 I guess that makes sense.  I suppose that is the charm of VO, it can be
>> used in so many different ways.
 If I am using my iMac, then I tend to use the numeric keypad., and if 
 I am using my iOS devices I use quick nav via a
>>> bluetooth keyboard, and when using my Macbook I use the track pad.
 Caps lock gets my vote too then if anyone at Apple is listening.
 HOw about built in OCR anyone? or would anyone like to see eloquence
>> added to the voice list too?
 On 3 Jul 2012, at 12:18, Garth Humphreys wrote:
> I prefer not to have to take my fingers off the home keys. It is not 
> so much with the arrow keys that I would want to use
>>> the caps lock key but with the other vo commands. I can't help think 
>>> that the caps lock key is a complete waste of prime keyboard 
>>> real-estate, if you know what I mean. It is much more efficient to my 
>>> way of thinking to just move your little finger to the caps lock key as
>> compared to either removing your left or right hand from it's home keys to
>> press the curr

Re: DVD to mp3

2012-07-05 Thread David Griffith
I saw themessage about using DVD Master but so far I have failed miserably to 
get any mp3 format out of it. I wanted to get the Mp3s to play on my pocket 
plextalk daisy player.

I have found quite a few output formats but none of them are mp3. Does anybody 
know what I am doing wrong?

David Griffith  
On 18 Jun 2012, at 04:30, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> you can use DVD remaster.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jun 17, 2012, at 7:32 PM, Craig J Dunlop  wrote:
>> Sometime back I could see messages about getting MP3 audio off of DVDs. I 
>> did not have the need to do that when the messages came out but now I do 
>> what is the program that people have used that works well with voice over to 
>> strip the MP3 off of a DVD. Thank you for any help
>> Sent from my iPhone 
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transfering podcasts from i-phone to new iTunes

2012-07-05 Thread CKR
hi everybody
because of my space key problem. <ı've created a new user on mac. and
I wanna transfer my podcasts to this iTunes.
as I understood if I sync all the podcast on ıphone will  be deleted.
thanks in advance

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Re: Hazel Help.

2012-07-05 Thread Darcy Burnard
Hi.  Love Hazel, been using it for years.
Basically the way you set up a rule in Hazel is the same way you set up a rule 
in Mail, or a smart playlist in iTunes.  Once you've set up a condition, you 
can press the menu button to add another condition.
You can filter based on the kind of file, or its extension.  

On 2012-07-04, at 6:50 PM, Emilio Hernandez  

> Hello guys,
> I've installed hazel, and all is accessible. However, I am unclear on how to 
> correctly set my rule peramitors to include particular files to be moved, but 
> then to also ignore certain files with certain extensions.
> I have made several attempts, but I am not doing something correctly. I get 
> the overall purpose of a rule, but when adding additional conditions, is 
> where I get lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Sent from my iMac
> Twitter: TheOrangeCircle
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Speeding up internet access in Lion

2012-07-05 Thread Chris Moore
I came across this very useful master class on Macworld UK.  It contains some 
very useful tips.

Macworld Masterclass


Speeding up your systems isn’t just about tweaking the operating system. For 
many of us, the mains applications and storage we use are now in the cloud. 
Whether that’s iCloud, Dropbox, Google Docs or any number of social media and 
productivity services - that’s the direction app provision is going in.

To get the best response from the apps you use, you need a steady, stable 
connection. You need a web browser that’s optimised and running at full speed. 
You need email that’s reliable and quick. You need our tips for making all 
these things work faster.

These three - connection, browser and email - are the trinity of network 
computing. Optimise these for speed and the rest will fall into place.

We show you how to improve the response of these features in Lion. In some 
cases we even suggest faster replacements for the defaults supplied with OS X.

Step 1: Change the Channel

Dropped connections? Channels 1, 6 and 11 are the most widely used wireless 
broadband and conflict between them causes interference. Try another WiFi 
channel to avoid this. Use your ISPs instructions to log in to the 
configuration screen from your web browser and find the wireless settings, then 
select a different channel - 3 or 8 may give better results.

Step 2: Reduce the Guesswork

Don’t want to guess which wireless channel is least cluttered in your area? 
Fair enough. There area a number of apps you can use to determine which WiFi 
channels are active in your vicinity. We currently like AirLock It’s pretty top 
look at, simple and free - but it’ll only work if your Mac, connects to WiFi 
using AirPort.

Step 3: Eke out Speed

Your router is probably configured to work in mixed mode, talking to legacy 
devices as well as those that understand contemporary WiFi protocols. You can 
eke out more speed by logging into your router’s control panel and setting your 
WiFi’s WLAN settings to “G only” - or “N only” if your equipment’s up to it.

Step 4: Fixed IP

You can speed up network connectivity by specifying a fixed IP address for your 
Mac. Go to System Preferences > Networking and select AirPort (or Ethernet if 
the connection is wired).  Click Advanced then TCP/IP. Make a note of the 
currently assigned network settings. Choose “Manually” from the “Configfure 
IPv4” drop down.

Step 5: Entering Details

For IP Address, Subnet Mask and Router, enter the numeric addresses you noted 
down at the previous stage. In the DNS section enter, - this 
will use Google’s open DNS lookup service, which is faster than most ISP’s. 
Click Apply to enjoy your new, faster and more stable settings.

Step 6: Corrupt Plug-ins

Safari plug-ins can make your browser slower than a Slow Loris. Conflicts, load 
times, connectivity issues - who needs them? You can troubleshoot plugins by 
going to the Preferences in the Safari menu, clicking the Security tab, then 
unchecking “Enable Plugins”. Restart Safari to see if your slow browsing issues 
have been fixed.

Step 7: Deleting Extensions

Did that work? A plug-in could be the culprit if it did. You’ll find plug-ins 
for Safari in the folder: ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins. This location contains 
plug-ins available to all users. You should also look in the Library/Internet 
Plug-Ins in your user folder.  Trash plug-ins you don’t need first, then 
restart Safari, If you’re in luck, then you should be up to speed.

Step 8: Top Sites

Safari’s Top Site feature creates a screenshot of every site you’ve visited and 
stores. After a while, the footprint of those stored screenshots can get pretty 
big and Safari has to search through the folder every time it starts up, adding 
valuable seconds onto your browser’s boot up time. The solution? Disable 
preview caching.

Step 9: Stop Sites

Open up Terminal and type ‘touch desktop/Webpage\ Previews’. This creates a new 
folder on your desktop. In Finder, browse to ~/library/caches/ 
in your user folder. Delete the Webpage Previews folder that’s currently there 
and replace it with the new version. No more preview caching.

Step 10: Clear Cache

Corrupt cookies, broken cached images, bad passwords - any and all of these can 
slow down your browsing experiences, so why not just zap the lot of them.  Go 
to the Safari menu and choose “Reset Safari”. A menu full of stuff to remove 
appears. Picking “Remove all Website data” deletes cookies and cached files.

Step 11: Change your Browser

Sure, Safari’s fast - but is it as fast as Chrome? Most tests suggest that the 
Google app has a slight edge over Apple’s default Internet browser. They’re 
both similar in terms of HTML and CSS support, but we find Chrome’s a bit 
speedier when it comes to AJAX and JavaScript powered sites. Give it a try.

Step 12: 32 Bit Mail

Mail causing problems post-Lion? Here’s a widely reported fix. Find the Mail 
app in

one to one

2012-07-05 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Guys. 
I didn't know you could do this. I just got an email from Apple saying I could 
renew you One to One for another year. Say, with Mountain Kitty coming out, do 
you guys think it's worth doing it or not? I have until July 19. They taught me 
so well this year and I learned so much from this list, that I don't need it in 

Eugenia Firth

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Burning playlist to disc in iTunes keeping original order

2012-07-05 Thread Nickus de Vos
Hi all
I'm trying to burn a playlist to disc in iTunes but each time it burns
the mp3 disc with the songs in alphabetical order and not the order of
my original playlist. I googled it and it looks like there's a way to
let it burn in the original order but problem is the post is not verry
helpfull. It says you must click on the sort by songs button or
something, but I'm not seeing a option like that anyware, I even asked
some sighted assistance to look but they also can't find it. O and I
have the latest iTunes version.

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Re: embossing on the mac with lion

2012-07-05 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

I found an artickle on that describes how to imboss in 
lion. I was very glad, that I have found it. But e2u and the other tool, that 
we will have to use from libre office was both inaccessible. E2u is not 
accessible at all. That is really anoying, because if that had worked, we could 
use a danish service called for preparing our documents 
that could be used for english, danish, german, french and many other languages.

Now to my question. Would it be possible to print a pef file by using the 
command line.

I hope someone can help.

Best regards Annie.
Den Jul 4, 2012 kl. 11:36 AM skrev julieledingham:

> Hello,
> I am hoping someone can help me. I have a mac running lion and I want to get 
> it working with my index basic D braille embosser. I downloaded Louis and 
> also Ibraille but can't seem to get either of them to work properly. Not sure 
> why - it could be something I am doing or how I have them setup but just not 
> sure. can anyone help please
> thanks
> Julie Sent from my iPad
> -- 
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Re: embossing on the mac with lion

2012-07-05 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, what about braille blaster?  That has an emboss command I do believe.


Erik Burggraaf
Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting at 
$0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2012-07-05, at 4:39 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

> Hi.
> I found an artickle on that describes how to imboss in 
> lion. I was very glad, that I have found it. But e2u and the other tool, that 
> we will have to use from libre office was both inaccessible. E2u is not 
> accessible at all. That is really anoying, because if that had worked, we 
> could use a danish service called for preparing our 
> documents that could be used for english, danish, german, french and many 
> other languages.
> Now to my question. Would it be possible to print a pef file by using the 
> command line.
> I hope someone can help.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Jul 4, 2012 kl. 11:36 AM skrev julieledingham:
>> Hello,
>> I am hoping someone can help me. I have a mac running lion and I want to get 
>> it working with my index basic D braille embosser. I downloaded Louis and 
>> also Ibraille but can't seem to get either of them to work properly. Not 
>> sure why - it could be something I am doing or how I have them setup but 
>> just not sure. can anyone help please
>> thanks
>> Julie Sent from my iPad
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: Changing list email address and subscription options [was Re: How to stop receiving mail from the list without unsubscribing?]

2012-07-05 Thread Daniel McGee
Hi Esder, this is all wonderful information but I was just wondering how can I 
get to that page manually? Ie starting from scratch using a browser with 
The page I am referring too is.

Thank you very much. 

DanielOn 5 Jul 2012, at 18:37, Esther wrote:

> Hi Daniel and Others,
> On Jul 4, 2012, Daniel McGee wrote:
>> Hi all, subject explains it all. 
>> Can anyone tell me how to do this either by the actual website or creating a 
>> new message with the approupate command and of course tell me how to undo it 
>> so I can get back to getting messages again. Just want to know the prosidure 
>> in case for example I went on holiday and didn't want to get mail for the 
>> duration of my absence.
> I'm pasting in the reply I gave Teresa three months ago about how to change 
> all membership options, including your mail preferences, nickname, and the 
> email address you want to use for receiving list subscriptions for all 
> mailing lists that you subscribe to via Google Groups.  This and related 
> questions have come up frequently enough of late to warrant a full post, but 
> I personally use the search facility of the Mail Archive site to find these 
> and other answers, including my own previous posts. I'm cc'ing this post to 
> the viphone list, since it has the information on changing email subscription 
> options, too.
> The mail-archive page for groups that are archived there is simply the 
> posting address appended to the "" address, so for 
> macvisionaries the URL is:
> and for the viphone list the URL is:
> I also use these web pages to read the list contents if I am traveling.  If I 
> am using an iOS device, I can type my search term in to the text box and 
> press enter to find results, and then copy the URL of the relevant post to an 
> email reply.  If I am at my computer, I can read up and down the threads with 
> access key combinations (Control-n for next message and Control-p for 
> previous message in Safari on a Mac; for other browsers and platforms 
> substitute the appropriate access key prefix -- such as Alt-n and Alt-p for 
> Internet Explorer, or I think it is Alt-Shift-n and Alt-Shift-p for Firefox, 
> etc.) 
> Instructions on changing membership options follow:
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Esther 
> Subject: Re: The New Google Groups Site and viewing/changing membership 
> options?
> Date: April 19, 2012 
> To:
> Hi Teresa,
> You can find a single page listing of all the Google Groups you belong to 
> using the URL:
> This page has the entries for "Manage My Memberships".   There's a link to 
> "My Google Account" that will let you change your email address, password, or 
> nickname.  Continue to navigate through the page to find your entries, which 
> are form controls, for each one of the Google Groups you subscribe to, with 
> your nickname, and pop up menus for your email address and subscription type. 
>  Here you can change your subscription options, for example, to "No email", 
> "Digest email", "Abridged email", or "Unsubscribe".  For some of the other 
> options, you have to use the "My Google Account" link.  The pop up menu for 
> changing your email to an alternate email address on this page only works if 
> those alternate email addresses are available from your main "My Google 
> Account" settings -- you can't type in a new option directly on this page for 
> managing your settings if you're entering completely new information for your 
> account.  But you can visit this page to turn off email temporarily while 
> you're away on vacation, or opt for the digest format.  And if you want to 
> shift the list subscription email to a different email, you can visit the "My 
> Google Account" link, make the changes and add other valid email addresses, 
> and then come back to this page and set the pop up menu for that address.
> If you are not logged into your Google Groups account, when you try to use 
> the URL link for managing your membership settings, you'll be prompted to log 
> in with your email address and password.  The email address you type in here 
> is the email address you used when you created your Google Groups account.  
> It does not have to be a gmail address, and it may not be your current email 
> address.  The current email that you want to use by default is one of the 
> account settings that you can change in this process, if you use the "My 
> Google Account" link on the page for managing your membership settings.  
> To log out from your Google account, you need to navigate to the menu pop up 
> link that has your name.  (This is in the old Google Groups page layout, so 
> it might be different for you.)   You could use ite

Spodify app

2012-07-05 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Is the Spodify app accessible? I have a 48 hour demo. Trying to log in, and 
access preferences with no luck.

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Re: Spodify app

2012-07-05 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

Mot on the mac. Spotify can be used on IPhone, but there are some accessibility 
problems too.

Best regards Annie.
Den Jul 5, 2012 kl. 11:24 PM skrev Sarai Bucciarelli:

> Hi:
> Is the Spodify app accessible? I have a 48 hour demo. Trying to log in, and 
> access preferences with no luck.
> -- 
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Re: embossing on the mac with lion

2012-07-05 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Eric.

I tried this app too, but I do not seem to be able to open this app too.

We need a mac app, that makes embossing possible.

I will try to contact both braille blaster and e2u, to find out if I can solve 
the problems.

Best regards Annie.
Den Jul 5, 2012 kl. 10:48 PM skrev erik burggraaf:

> Hi, what about braille blaster?  That has an emboss command I do believe.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting at 
> $0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2012-07-05, at 4:39 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I found an artickle on that describes how to imboss in 
>> lion. I was very glad, that I have found it. But e2u and the other tool, 
>> that we will have to use from libre office was both inaccessible. E2u is not 
>> accessible at all. That is really anoying, because if that had worked, we 
>> could use a danish service called for preparing our 
>> documents that could be used for english, danish, german, french and many 
>> other languages.
>> Now to my question. Would it be possible to print a pef file by using the 
>> command line.
>> I hope someone can help.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Jul 4, 2012 kl. 11:36 AM skrev julieledingham:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am hoping someone can help me. I have a mac running lion and I want to 
>>> get it working with my index basic D braille embosser. I downloaded Louis 
>>> and also Ibraille but can't seem to get either of them to work properly. 
>>> Not sure why - it could be something I am doing or how I have them setup 
>>> but just not sure. can anyone help please
>>> thanks
>>> Julie Sent from my iPad
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Changing list email address and subscription options [was Re: How to stop receiving mail from the list without unsubscribing?]

2012-07-05 Thread Esther
Hi Daniel,

If you're reading my post in mail on your Mac, when you're focused on any part 
of the link that I gave:
bring up your contextual message with VO-Shift-M, arrow down to the "Open Link" 
option and select it by pressing return.  This will open the linked web page in 
Safari and change your focus to that application. You can Command-Tab to switch 
back to the Mail app if you want to keep reading your mail, or you can choose 
one of the other contextual menu options, such as "Open link in background" 
which will open Safari at the linked address but not switch your focus to 
Safari, or "Copy link" which will let you paste in the link with Command-V into 
another location, such as your own notes.  You could also create a bookmark of 
the location in Safari with the Command-D shortcut.

Remember if you are not already logged into your Google Groups account that you 
will first be taken to a login page, and will need to enter your login (which 
is the email address you used to create your Google account) and password.  You 
should leave QuickNav mode so you can enter your login and password information 
in the text boxes. 

HTH.  Write back if you have questions.  It's also possible to do this from an 
iOS device -- if you're reading mail on an iPhone or iPad, just double tap on 
the link or activate it with your Bluetooth keyboard to bring up the link in 
Safari, and follow the instructions for changing your mail options.  You just 
get a picker item instead of a pop up button, and change the value from "Email" 
to "No mail" for your macvisionaries settings. 



On Jul 5, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Daniel McGee wrote:

> Hi Esder, this is all wonderful information but I was just wondering how can 
> I get to that page manually? Ie starting from scratch using a browser with 
> The page I am referring too is. 
> Thank you very much. 
> DanielOn 5 Jul 2012, at 18:37, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Daniel and Others,
>> On Jul 4, 2012, Daniel McGee wrote:
>>> Hi all, subject explains it all. 
>>> Can anyone tell me how to do this either by the actual website or creating 
>>> a new message with the approupate command and of course tell me how to undo 
>>> it so I can get back to getting messages again. Just want to know the 
>>> prosidure in case for example I went on holiday and didn't want to get mail 
>>> for the duration of my absence.
>> I'm pasting in the reply I gave Teresa three months ago about how to change 
>> all membership options, including your mail preferences, nickname, and the 
>> email address you want to use for receiving list subscriptions for all 
>> mailing lists that you subscribe to via Google Groups.  This and related 
>> questions have come up frequently enough of late to warrant a full post, but 
>> I personally use the search facility of the Mail Archive site to find these 
>> and other answers, including my own previous posts. I'm cc'ing this post to 
>> the viphone list, since it has the information on changing email 
>> subscription options, too.
>> The mail-archive page for groups that are archived there is simply the 
>> posting address appended to the "" address, so for 
>> macvisionaries the URL is:
>> and for the viphone list the URL is:
>> I also use these web pages to read the list contents if I am traveling.  If 
>> I am using an iOS device, I can type my search term in to the text box and 
>> press enter to find results, and then copy the URL of the relevant post to 
>> an email reply.  If I am at my computer, I can read up and down the threads 
>> with access key combinations (Control-n for next message and Control-p for 
>> previous message in Safari on a Mac; for other browsers and platforms 
>> substitute the appropriate access key prefix -- such as Alt-n and Alt-p for 
>> Internet Explorer, or I think it is Alt-Shift-n and Alt-Shift-p for Firefox, 
>> etc.) 
>> Instructions on changing membership options follow:
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Esther 
>> Subject: Re: The New Google Groups Site and viewing/changing membership 
>> options?
>> Date: April 19, 2012 
>> To:
>> Hi Teresa,
>> You can find a single page listing of all the Google Groups you belong to 
>> using the URL:
>> This page has the entries for "Manage My Memberships".   There's a link to 
>> "My Google Account" that will let you change your email address, password, 
>> or nickname.  Continue to navigate through the page to find your entries, 
>> which are form controls, for each one of the Google Groups you subscribe to, 
>> with your nickname, and pop up menus for your email address and subscription 

Re: Hazel Help.

2012-07-05 Thread Emilio
For those unfamiliar with Hazel, it is a file manager application.
Like Darcy indicated, you can set various conditions for particular
files or folders, and once those conditions are met, the specified
result will be automatically executed.
I understand the concept of assigning particular conditions to certain
folders. However, I am slightly confused when assigning certain
conditions because either my rules are not performed, or my rules are
performed, but include other data that is not desired.
For example, I select my downloads folder as the source from which
Hazel will monitor and move only .mp4 files to the automatically add
to iTunes folder, but this does not happen, or when changing the "all"
to "any" conditions includes other data. This similar result occurs
when attempting to set certain conditions that deal with time limits
on particular folders either within the downloads folder or within
particular folders within dropbox. Searching for tutorials has been
semi-fruitful, but I guess I am needing a step-by-step guide because
while I understand the ease of this program, it is proving most
Any other feedback or sites where detailed explanations are provided
would be greatly appreciated - sorry for the length.


Darcy Burnard wrote:
> Hi.  Love Hazel, been using it for years.
> Basically the way you set up a rule in Hazel is the same way you set up a 
> rule in Mail, or a smart playlist in iTunes.  Once you've set up a condition, 
> you can press the menu button to add another condition.
> You can filter based on the kind of file, or its extension.
> HTH.
> Darcy
> On 2012-07-04, at 6:50 PM, Emilio Hernandez  
> wrote:
> > Hello guys,
> >
> > I've installed hazel, and all is accessible. However, I am unclear on how 
> > to correctly set my rule peramitors to include particular files to be 
> > moved, but then to also ignore certain files with certain extensions.
> > I have made several attempts, but I am not doing something correctly. I get 
> > the overall purpose of a rule, but when adding additional conditions, is 
> > where I get lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Sent from my iMac
> > Twitter: TheOrangeCircle
> >
> >
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "MacVisionaries" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> >
> > For more options, visit this group at 
> >

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RE: Hazel Help.

2012-07-05 Thread Daniel Miller
Where do you obtain said program, and is it paid?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Emilio
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2012 5:30 PM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: Hazel Help.

For those unfamiliar with Hazel, it is a file manager application.
Like Darcy indicated, you can set various conditions for particular files or
folders, and once those conditions are met, the specified result will be
automatically executed.
I understand the concept of assigning particular conditions to certain
folders. However, I am slightly confused when assigning certain conditions
because either my rules are not performed, or my rules are performed, but
include other data that is not desired.
For example, I select my downloads folder as the source from which Hazel
will monitor and move only .mp4 files to the automatically add to iTunes
folder, but this does not happen, or when changing the "all"
to "any" conditions includes other data. This similar result occurs when
attempting to set certain conditions that deal with time limits on
particular folders either within the downloads folder or within particular
folders within dropbox. Searching for tutorials has been semi-fruitful, but
I guess I am needing a step-by-step guide because while I understand the
ease of this program, it is proving most challenging.
Any other feedback or sites where detailed explanations are provided would
be greatly appreciated - sorry for the length.


Darcy Burnard wrote:
> Hi.  Love Hazel, been using it for years.
> Basically the way you set up a rule in Hazel is the same way you set up a
rule in Mail, or a smart playlist in iTunes.  Once you've set up a
condition, you can press the menu button to add another condition.
> You can filter based on the kind of file, or its extension.
> HTH.
> Darcy
> On 2012-07-04, at 6:50 PM, Emilio Hernandez 
> > Hello guys,
> >
> > I've installed hazel, and all is accessible. However, I am unclear on
how to correctly set my rule peramitors to include particular files to be
moved, but then to also ignore certain files with certain extensions.
> > I have made several attempts, but I am not doing something correctly. I
get the overall purpose of a rule, but when adding additional conditions, is
where I get lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Sent from my iMac
> > Twitter: TheOrangeCircle
> >
> >
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > For more options, visit this group at

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Re: more on anti virus; want to make my question a little cleror

2012-07-05 Thread Krysti .Power
Have you tried MacKeeper
On 2012-07-05 3:31 PM, "Ray Foret Jr"  wrote:

> Hi,
> I just took a look at ClamxAV; and, it looks good alright.  I really
> should have said, however, that I'd like the app to remove Spyware also.
>  Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
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Re: more on anti virus; want to make my question a little cleror

2012-07-05 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Never heard of it.  Is it accessible?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Jul 5, 2012, at 8:12 PM, Krysti .Power wrote:

> Have you tried MacKeeper
> On 2012-07-05 3:31 PM, "Ray Foret Jr"  wrote:
> Hi,
> I just took a look at ClamxAV; and, it looks good alright.  I really should 
> have said, however, that I'd like the app to remove Spyware also.  Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> -- 
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Re: what Voiceover bugs people want or are hoping will be fixed or squashed in Mountain Lion?

2012-07-05 Thread Harry Hogue
You can VO+F2 twice go go to the window chooser menu, select "force quick 
applications," and arrow over to close.

On Jul 5, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Blinkin wrote:

> Here is something I want fixed.
>   Every now and again when I use the Force Quit Application thing the 
> window will stay open after it closes the application.
>   I can't command tab to the screen and can't interact with it at all but 
> my wife will say it is covering my screen. 
>   Pretty annoying.
> On Jul 4, 2012, at 10:23 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
>> jesús, this is a fascinating discussion.  Personally, I use Fred on a daily 
>> basis for reading in English, and Paulina when reading in Spanish.  Alex is 
>> okay, but I prefer a responsive Voice, and I find that I'm able to move 
>> about the Mac more quickly using Fred.  I have tried Javier for Spanish, but 
>> find him less understandable.
>> On Jul 4, 2012, at 6:49 AM, Jesus Garcia wrote:
>>> Same here with regards to male voices rather than female, though I have no
>>> major issues with Samantha. Can someone post how to download and install the
>>> realspeak voices for the mac?
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Daniel McGee
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 08:26
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: what Voiceover bugs people want or are hoping will be fixed or
>>> squashed in Mountain Lion?
>>> Interesting, because I'm the opposite. I would rather use eloquence and I
>>> would rather use male voices than female. I guess it all comes down to
>>> personal taste in the end. 
>>> Daniel
>>> On 3 Jul 2012, at 14:47, Missy Hoppe wrote:
 While I agree 100 percent that Eloquence is the only speech that is 
 efficient enough to actually get things done with, I've never been 
 particularly fond of it. Not sure that makes sense given that I've 
 used Glen more or less exclusively for the past
 12 years or so, but on the whole, I think Eloquence is seriously 
 over-rated. True, it's the only thing I use on the PC side, but that's 
 out of necessity, not because I find it pleasant or anything. I don't 
 use the RealSpeak voices on the mac either, though. I even bought the 
 acapella voices, but still find myself only using Alex as a general 
 rule. So, while I can see both sides of the coin on the eloquence 
 thing, it's nothing I'd get all excited about if Apple ever incorporated
>>> it. In most cases, Alex is responsive enough for my needs on the mac. I'd
>>> love to see a female equivelent of Alex, though. Alice, perhaps? It's just
>>> that when it comes to those higher quality voices, I find the female ones
>>> slightly easier to understand in most cases.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Daniel McGee
 Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 9:39 AM
 Subject: Re: what Voiceover bugs people want or are hoping will be fixed
>>> or squashed in Mountain Lion?
 eloquence 100% is for me. If I had this, then I wouldn't be using 
 windows anymore there's something about the voice that I can listen to 
 it and I don't get tired of it. I have a hearing impairment and find 
 it is more clear understandable in words than these silly nuance 
 voices. I don't want that to be offending to anyone who uses the nuance
>>> real speak voices but for me, I just don't understand them clearly, to slow
>>> no matter how much I speed them up I can't understand them when they are
>>> really fast anyway and lastly too slow even when I can follow them.
 Ohand caps lock gets my vote too.
 If the day comes where Apple have eloquence added to the list of VO 
 voices, will be the day where I differently upgrade my OS!
 How do others feel about eloquence being added?
 You got me started on this one! LOL
 On 3 Jul 2012, at 12:47, Chris Moore wrote:
> I guess that makes sense.  I suppose that is the charm of VO, it can be
>>> used in so many different ways.
> If I am using my iMac, then I tend to use the numeric keypad., and if 
> I am using my iOS devices I use quick nav via a
 bluetooth keyboard, and when using my Macbook I use the track pad.
> Caps lock gets my vote too then if anyone at Apple is listening.
> HOw about built in OCR anyone? or would anyone like to see eloquence
>>> added to the voice list too?
> Chris
> On 3 Jul 2012, at 12:18, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>> I prefer not to have to take my fingers off the home keys. It is not 
>> so much with the arrow keys that I would want to use
 the caps lock key but with the other vo commands. I can't help think 
 that the caps lock key is a complete waste of p

two wordpress questions

2012-07-05 Thread Maxwell Ivey
Hello Group;  I have two questions. first, can someone remind me how i turn on 
the accessibility features?  second, my new webmaster wants me to use wordpress 
as a key part of my new site. she used a theme called thesis.  can someone 
please tell me how to add a page and have it show up on the nab bar?  she gave 
me the instructions, but i'm missing something.  someone please help.  everyone 
likes the sample of the new site and i really need to be able to update it 
myself.  thanks, max 

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VMWare Help Please

2012-07-05 Thread
Hello list,

I am a new mac user--so I am not at all familiar with VO commands or gestures, 
but am learning as I go. My mac is two weeks old and I have just installed 
Fusion in virtual machine with Windows 7 with a screen reader. I am having lots 
of difficulties and am  hoping for any help. I have lots of questions, but I 
will keep them to a minimal. I apologize for any silly questions. Here are my 

1. Is there a specific command or gesture to startup Windows? I can sometimes 
get it to start by muddling around, but I am hoping for a specific command to 
save time and  frustration.
2. When I do get Windows to start, VO often speaks over my screen reader. What 
can I do to avoid VO to speak in Windows.
3. When I am in Windows, I cannot  use any of my arrow keys. If I do press any 
of the four arrows, VO speaks such options as: Suspend, Snapshot, Enter Unity, 
etc. What should I do to have full function of the arrows when in Windows with 
a screen reader?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Re: VMWare Help Please

2012-07-05 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I can answer some of your questions.

1.  When starting VMWare, turn voice over off.

2.  I do not know of any gesture to start VMWare.  I just go into my 
application folder or if VMWare is in the Doc Hit the letter V and press VO 
space bar.  When VMWare is loaded, VO right until you hear Button Button and 
press VO Space Bar.

3.  You need to map your keys depending on what screenreader you are using in 

Now you may have more questions.

Just write back to the list and anyone can help I'm sure.


On 6 Jul 2012, at 05:12 AM, ""  

> Hello list,
> I am a new mac user--so I am not at all familiar with VO commands or 
> gestures, but am learning as I go. My mac is two weeks old and I have just 
> installed Fusion in virtual machine with Windows 7 with a screen reader. I am 
> having lots of difficulties and am  hoping for any help. I have lots of 
> questions, but I will keep them to a minimal. I apologize for any silly 
> questions. Here are my questions.
> 1. Is there a specific command or gesture to startup Windows? I can sometimes 
> get it to start by muddling around, but I am hoping for a specific command to 
> save time and  frustration.
> 2. When I do get Windows to start, VO often speaks over my screen reader. 
> What can I do to avoid VO to speak in Windows.
> 3. When I am in Windows, I cannot  use any of my arrow keys. If I do press 
> any of the four arrows, VO speaks such options as: Suspend, Snapshot, Enter 
> Unity, etc. What should I do to have full function of the arrows when in 
> Windows with a screen reader?
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> -- 
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Re: VMWare Help Please

2012-07-05 Thread Maria Chapman
HI.  if vo is turned off once in the virtual machine, does that mean if  
keyboard layout is set to laptop the caps lock key wil work as normal?  What is 
the keystroke to switch from windows to the mac and visa versa?


Maria Chapman

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
Mahatma Gandhi

On 06/07/2012, at 2:53 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Hello.
> I can answer some of your questions.
> 1.  When starting VMWare, turn voice over off.
> 2.  I do not know of any gesture to start VMWare.  I just go into my 
> application folder or if VMWare is in the Doc Hit the letter V and press VO 
> space bar.  When VMWare is loaded, VO right until you hear Button Button and 
> press VO Space Bar.
> 3.  You need to map your keys depending on what screenreader you are using in 
> windows.
> Now you may have more questions.
> Just write back to the list and anyone can help I'm sure.
> Kawal.
> On 6 Jul 2012, at 05:12 AM, ""  
> wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I am a new mac user--so I am not at all familiar with VO commands or 
>> gestures, but am learning as I go. My mac is two weeks old and I have just 
>> installed Fusion in virtual machine with Windows 7 with a screen reader. I 
>> am having lots of difficulties and am  hoping for any help. I have lots of 
>> questions, but I will keep them to a minimal. I apologize for any silly 
>> questions. Here are my questions.
>> 1. Is there a specific command or gesture to startup Windows? I can 
>> sometimes get it to start by muddling around, but I am hoping for a specific 
>> command to save time and  frustration.
>> 2. When I do get Windows to start, VO often speaks over my screen reader. 
>> What can I do to avoid VO to speak in Windows.
>> 3. When I am in Windows, I cannot  use any of my arrow keys. If I do press 
>> any of the four arrows, VO speaks such options as: Suspend, Snapshot, Enter 
>> Unity, etc. What should I do to have full function of the arrows when in 
>> Windows with a screen reader?
>> Any help is greatly appreciated.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: more on anti virus; want to make my question a little cleror

2012-07-05 Thread Krysti .Power
On 2012-07-06 12:26 AM, "Ray Foret Jr"  wrote:

> Never heard of it.  Is it accessible?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Jul 5, 2012, at 8:12 PM, Krysti .Power wrote:
> Have you tried MacKeeper
> On 2012-07-05 3:31 PM, "Ray Foret Jr"  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just took a look at ClamxAV; and, it looks good alright.  I really
>> should have said, however, that I'd like the app to remove Spyware also.
>>  Thanks.
>>   Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> --
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Re: Burning playlist to disc in iTunes keeping original order

2012-07-05 Thread Maria Chapman
Hi.  if you get an answer to this i would be interested.  
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb
twitter: bubbygirl 
skype: bubbygirl1972

On 06/07/2012, at 6:29 AM, Nickus de Vos wrote:

> Hi all
> I'm trying to burn a playlist to disc in iTunes but each time it burns
> the mp3 disc with the songs in alphabetical order and not the order of
> my original playlist. I googled it and it looks like there's a way to
> let it burn in the original order but problem is the post is not verry
> helpfull. It says you must click on the sort by songs button or
> something, but I'm not seeing a option like that anyware, I even asked
> some sighted assistance to look but they also can't find it. O and I
> have the latest iTunes version.
> -- 
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Re: more on anti virus; want to make my question a little cleror

2012-07-05 Thread Les Kriegler
I use MacKeeper to maintain our Mac.  The virus component is just one module, 
you can clean your system of wasted files in order to optimize performance.  
Once purchasing the package, I think it's $10 annually to maintain and continue 
to use the virus protection module.

On Jul 5, 2012, at 11:26 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Never heard of it.  Is it accessible?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Jul 5, 2012, at 8:12 PM, Krysti .Power wrote:
>> Have you tried MacKeeper
>> On 2012-07-05 3:31 PM, "Ray Foret Jr"  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just took a look at ClamxAV; and, it looks good alright.  I really should 
>> have said, however, that I'd like the app to remove Spyware also.  Thanks.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> -- 
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Re: more on anti virus; want to make my question a little cleror

2012-07-05 Thread Maria Chapman
ouch just went and had a look at the mac keeper website.  is that price correct?

is there something that will protect our macs for a lower price?  the price I 
saw was $510.


God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 

On 06/07/2012, at 3:26 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> I use MacKeeper to maintain our Mac.  The virus component is just one module, 
> you can clean your system of wasted files in order to optimize performance.  
> Once purchasing the package, I think it's $10 annually to maintain and 
> continue to use the virus protection module.
> Les
> On Jul 5, 2012, at 11:26 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Never heard of it.  Is it accessible?
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Jul 5, 2012, at 8:12 PM, Krysti .Power wrote:
>>> Have you tried MacKeeper
>>> On 2012-07-05 3:31 PM, "Ray Foret Jr"  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I just took a look at ClamxAV; and, it looks good alright.  I really should 
>>> have said, however, that I'd like the app to remove Spyware also.  Thanks.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> -- 
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Re: what Voiceover bugs people want or are hoping will be fixed or squashed in Mountain Lion?

2012-07-05 Thread Maria Chapman
Hi.  i kind of agree with you.  lol 

Maria Chapman

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
Mahatma Gandhi

On 04/07/2012, at 1:33 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> Boo Eloquence! If I wanted to listen to that stupid robotic voice drone on 
> and on, I'd switch back to PC and install Jaws or Window-Eyes. But I don't 
> want to do that because I'm a Mac user, and I like listening to 
> human-sounding voices. If I had to pick voices to be added to the Mac, I'd 
> pick the Loquendo voices just because they do good inflections with 
> exclamations. And sorry, but I don't think Ivona will ever come to Apple 
> because I'm sure they don't want to follow Apple's speech API.
> Shawn
> -- 
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Re: VMWare Help Please

2012-07-05 Thread Harry Hogue
If you are in VMWare Fusion, you can simply command tab between VMWare Fusion 
and the other Mac applications, as usual.  To move within windows, press 
option+tab, which is the alt+tab equivalent.



On Jul 5, 2012, at 11:08 PM, Maria Chapman wrote:

> HI.  if vo is turned off once in the virtual machine, does that mean if  
> keyboard layout is set to laptop the caps lock key wil work as normal?  What 
> is the keystroke to switch from windows to the mac and visa versa?
> thanks
> Maria Chapman
> "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - 
> Mahatma Gandhi
> On 06/07/2012, at 2:53 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I can answer some of your questions.
>> 1.  When starting VMWare, turn voice over off.
>> 2.  I do not know of any gesture to start VMWare.  I just go into my 
>> application folder or if VMWare is in the Doc Hit the letter V and press VO 
>> space bar.  When VMWare is loaded, VO right until you hear Button Button and 
>> press VO Space Bar.
>> 3.  You need to map your keys depending on what screenreader you are using 
>> in windows.
>> Now you may have more questions.
>> Just write back to the list and anyone can help I'm sure.
>> Kawal.
>> On 6 Jul 2012, at 05:12 AM, ""  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello list,
>>> I am a new mac user--so I am not at all familiar with VO commands or 
>>> gestures, but am learning as I go. My mac is two weeks old and I have just 
>>> installed Fusion in virtual machine with Windows 7 with a screen reader. I 
>>> am having lots of difficulties and am  hoping for any help. I have lots of 
>>> questions, but I will keep them to a minimal. I apologize for any silly 
>>> questions. Here are my questions.
>>> 1. Is there a specific command or gesture to startup Windows? I can 
>>> sometimes get it to start by muddling around, but I am hoping for a 
>>> specific command to save time and  frustration.
>>> 2. When I do get Windows to start, VO often speaks over my screen reader. 
>>> What can I do to avoid VO to speak in Windows.
>>> 3. When I am in Windows, I cannot  use any of my arrow keys. If I do press 
>>> any of the four arrows, VO speaks such options as: Suspend, Snapshot, Enter 
>>> Unity, etc. What should I do to have full function of the arrows when in 
>>> Windows with a screen reader?
>>> Any help is greatly appreciated.
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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