SPSS for mac and other alternatives

2012-06-03 Thread Daniela Rubio
Hello all!
Do you know if there is an alternative to the Statistics Program SPSS for mac, 
or if there is an accessible version of it?

 EN TWITTER: @macneticos

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Alarm Clock?

2012-06-03 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Anyone know of a good alarm clock for the mac that is Lion ready? 
Obviously, i know about the one on the IPhone.  I use it all the time. 
Works like a charm!  I just would like something for the mac as well.  I 
kind a recall seeing something a while back, but that was back when I used 
Tiger, way way way back in the days, and I totally forget the name of what 
it was, or if it would be Lion compatible.


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Re: Mac Mail behaving oddly

2012-06-03 Thread Ronald van Rhijn
Hello Lisette,
First of all I am using the new Mail layout of Lion, for what it's worth. Then 
I just interact with the vertical splitter and arrow up or down to change 
values and stop interacting and it's set, that's all I do. Perhaps you cannot 
get beyond 93 percent because of the values of the second vertical splitter and 
horizontal splitter. Mine are both 0 percent, maybe you need to change these 
first to be able to change the first vertical splitter.
Hope this helps.
good luck

Op 2 jun. 2012, om 22:55 heeft Lisette wesseling het volgende geschreven:

> Ronald
> How did you manage to change the size of the vertical splitter? When I try to 
> go below 93 per cent, mail just says "busy" and I have to close and restart 
> mail for anything to work. I've let it say "busy" for half an hour in case it 
> really was busy doing something, but eventually I closed it. Did you vo down 
> arrow. Then did you uninteract with the splitter, or do something else to 
> save the new size?
> I'm glad this worked for you. This gives me hope that I should keep re trying 
> here.
> Lisette
> On 3/06/2012, at 12:21 AM, Ronald van Rhijn wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> Thanks very much for the info. I had the same issue as Lisette and couldn't 
>> figure it out either. Was beginning to think my Mac was haunted or something 
>> like that;) 
>> Adjusting the vertical splitter to 59% did the trick for me and I can 
>> thankfully now jump with tab and shift tab back and forth again :)
>> the percentage may indeed differ for each person how the rest of the screen 
>> is set.
>> thanks again.
>> regards,
>> Ronald
>> Op 1 jun. 2012, om 17:14 heeft Mark BurningHawk Baxter het volgende 
>> geschreven:
>>> This apparently has to do with the size of the vertical splitter between 
>>> the mailboxes and messages table.  Interact with the vertical splitter and 
>>> adjust it with VO up or down arrows; this apparently fixes it.
>>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>> • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
>>> • My home page:
>>> • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
>>> -- 
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Re: backing up videos

2012-06-03 Thread Tim Kilburn

When the USB cable is connected and you sync to iPhoto, the videos are synced 
as well at the same time as photos come in.  If you've already synced the 
photos through PhotoStream, then only the videos should sync.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-06-02, at 7:09 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> My photos are syncing with iPhoto. I don't see a video section to sync my 
> videos on my phone in iTunes.
> On Jun 2, 2012, at 11:04 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As far as I know, at this point, you need to sync your videos using your 
>> iPhone USB cable.  PhotoStream doesn't support the transfer of video files 
>> yet.  I'm not sure of its accessibility but there is an app called Video 
>> sync that is supposed to make this happen wirelessly and it's received 
>> positive reviews from many frustrated with this situation.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2012-06-01, at 10:27 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> How do I backup videos to my Macbook Pro taken with my iPhone 4? I have 
>>> iPhoto, and have imported all my photos. I also have photo stream enabled.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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Anyone tried to use the FB timeline?

2012-06-03 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

Just wondering if any of you have tried switching to Facebook timeline?  If you 
have, how have you found it in terms of accessibility?

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Convention of the NFB variety

2012-06-03 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi folks,
Just wondering who all is going to Dallas for NFB this year? Would be great to 
meet you guys.

Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692
msn: matt...@live.com
skype: blindman3221

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Re: problem when trying to play apple's keynotes on Mac

2012-06-03 Thread Daniel McGee
Of course, but if I keep getting apple's keynotes downloaded to my computer and 
even if I delete them, would my computer still get slower. 
To give an example, lets say I downloaded 10 videos a bit crazy I know but 
continuing on form there, lets say I have listened to them all and my Mac has 
gotten a bitl slower. Next though lets say I have deleted them would my 
computer be as fast again before I even downloaded them? 


On 3 Jun 2012, at 00:20, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> You can always delete the podcast episode when you finish viewing it.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> "deeds can't dream what dreams can do."--e. e. cummings
> On Jun 2, 2012, at 12:00 PM, Daniel McGee wrote:
>> Hi Recardo and Teresa, first of all thank you for the podcast feed I 
>> downloaded an apple keynote presentation and it worked with no issues at all 
>> but I only see one problem with it. That is to do with memory I checked the 
>> video file and it was well over 1. something GB which is a lot. I've got no 
>> problem with this but if I keep doing this for apple's keynotes I am worried 
>> that my mac book pro will become slower over time. However would it get 
>> faster again if I did a re-install. I noticed as well it said play preview 
>> of the keynote that you want to listen to in iTunes. Rather than having it 
>> downloaded. Would this play the whole video? If so I could listen to it 
>> without having to download it. Never the less I am grateful for the feed. 
>> Now for your question Recardo. 
>> My Mac is connected to wi-fi as for my computer I'm sorry to say that I 
>> don't know the technical term for how this is connected. I have broadband a 
>> Hub if that helps other than that I know nothing. Its no good asking my mum 
>> because she knows nothing about what the computer uses for connectivity for 
>> the internet. However I do know that having wires is technically more 
>> reliable than Wi-FI. I also have a laptop running windows Vista. After you 
>> asked the question I went to the apple site but I think they have removed 
>> the "new iPad" keynote because I was gong to try it on y laptop to see if it 
>> was a WI-FI fault. Unfortunatly I can't use my PC is out of action for the 
>> moment due to a software update being corrupted which basically just keeps 
>> on logging on and re-starting at the log on screen which is pretty annoying 
>> because it requires someone sighted to fix it for me. I basically can get 
>> this done but I can't comment on when I am going to get the sighted person 
>> to do it for me at college. With all this though, When the apple keynote 
>> comes out I can try it on the windows PC I have college cos that's connected 
>> over WI-FI so I can see if that is the problem. I've got the feeling it was 
>> my Mac though. We will se if it happens again in the up coming keynote 
>> though! Smiles. 
>> Sorry for the long post! 
>> Daniel
>> On 1 Jun 2012, at 18:19, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> how were you connecting to the internet on your Mac and PC?  were you using 
>>> wifi for both?
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> rica...@appletothecore.info
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> www.appletothecore.info
>>> On Jun 1, 2012, at 11:11 AM, Daniel McGee  
>>> wrote:
 Hi all, as I'm sure many of you are aware that Apple's WWDC will be 
 happening soon which discusses all new and up coming things in the world 
 of apple. After the live presentation, it is available to listen to on 
 their website however, I have incounted a problem with it. For example 
 when listening to the "new iPad" presentation, that happened around in 
 March, I kept getting freezes when the video was playing. In this case 
 though I would miss a few words and then it will pick up audio again. If 
 any has youtube and have played a video where it keeps freezing and you 
 have to pause it so it can buffer it more quickly then this is basically 
 the same thing but with the addition of losing what Tim Cook has said. I 
 find this strange behaviour because I have a fairly new Mac Book Pro 13 
 inch late 2011 and it has 4GB of Ram so I can't see why it would be doing 
 this. I have come to the conclusion that at the time it could of been that 
 everyone was listening to the video after it was posted therefore that is 
 my theory on why it was doing the above behaviour. It was so annoying and 
 I'm sorry to mention this but I ended up playing it on my windows PC and 
 the odd thing here is that it just played without any issues at all. This 
 was with Safari on the Mac that I was having issues with. 
 So to get to the point, when I next come to listen to WWDC next month on 
 my Mac, if anyone has experienced the problem that I have, I would be 
 grateful if you could offer tips or any theories on why my mac acts the 
 way it did. Just to say one more thing when I play youtube videos I have 
 no p

Re: Alarm Clock?

2012-06-03 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, I use wakeup myself and I'm on SL.  Haven't upgraded to lion and intend to 
wait til mountain lion now.


Erik Burggraaf
Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting at 
$0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com

On 2012-06-03, at 7:52 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> Anyone know of a good alarm clock for the mac that is Lion ready? Obviously, 
> i know about the one on the IPhone.  I use it all the time. Works like a 
> charm!  I just would like something for the mac as well.  I kind a recall 
> seeing something a while back, but that was back when I used Tiger, way way 
> way back in the days, and I totally forget the name of what it was, or if it 
> would be Lion compatible.
> Chris.
> -- 
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Just had a very strange thing happen in iTunes

2012-06-03 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I just tried to import one of my CDs into my iTunes library, and something 
happened that I've never seen before.  iTunes has switched the titles of two of 
the songs, so that when I click on Song A, song B plays and vice versa.  All 
the other titles on the CD are correct. Does anyone know if it is possible to 
edit the song info so that the correct titles display for these two songs?

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Re: Just had a very strange thing happen in iTunes

2012-06-03 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Why not do this after you import the CD, from within the playlist browser or 
music table of Itunes?  Just focus on the song you want to change, press 
command I for INfo, select "information," tab and use the tab key to navigate, 
populate, correlate! 

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
 • My home page:
 • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/

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Re: backing up videos

2012-06-03 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Where will they be on the computer?
On Jun 3, 2012, at 8:26 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi,
> When the USB cable is connected and you sync to iPhoto, the videos are synced 
> as well at the same time as photos come in.  If you've already synced the 
> photos through PhotoStream, then only the videos should sync.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2012-06-02, at 7:09 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> My photos are syncing with iPhoto. I don't see a video section to sync my 
>> videos on my phone in iTunes.
>> On Jun 2, 2012, at 11:04 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> As far as I know, at this point, you need to sync your videos using your 
>>> iPhone USB cable.  PhotoStream doesn't support the transfer of video files 
>>> yet.  I'm not sure of its accessibility but there is an app called Video 
>>> sync that is supposed to make this happen wirelessly and it's received 
>>> positive reviews from many frustrated with this situation.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On 2012-06-01, at 10:27 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 How do I backup videos to my Macbook Pro taken with my iPhone 4? I have 
 iPhoto, and have imported all my photos. I also have photo stream enabled.
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Re: Just had a very strange thing happen in iTunes

2012-06-03 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Mark,

I think I need more info.  I'm in the info Tab, but don't see anything about 
populating, correlating, etc.
On Jun 3, 2012, at 1:39 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Why not do this after you import the CD, from within the playlist browser or 
> music table of Itunes?  Just focus on the song you want to change, press 
> command I for INfo, select "information," tab and use the tab key to 
> navigate, populate, correlate! 
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> • My home page:
> • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> -- 
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Re: Just had a very strange thing happen in iTunes

2012-06-03 Thread Ricardo Walker

on the song with the screwy title, press command I.  Then select the info tab.  
Keep in mind, you need to do this on the imported tracks not the ones on the CD.

Ricardo Walker

On Jun 3, 2012, at 3:04 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> I think I need more info.  I'm in the info Tab, but don't see anything about 
> populating, correlating, etc.
> Thanks,
> Donna
> On Jun 3, 2012, at 1:39 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>> Why not do this after you import the CD, from within the playlist browser or 
>> music table of Itunes?  Just focus on the song you want to change, press 
>> command I for INfo, select "information," tab and use the tab key to 
>> navigate, populate, correlate! 
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
>> • My home page:
>> • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: problem when trying to play apple's keynotes on Mac

2012-06-03 Thread Ricardo Walker

why do you think downloading a few podcasts would make your computer any 
slower?  I mean, thats what hard drives are designed to do.  Store and delete 
information.  Maybe over many years, especially if using a SSD but, these are 
things rated in multiple years of use before meaningful degradation.  Someone 
more knowledgeable about such things can chime in if I'm mistaken but, I don't 
think this is anything to worry about as long as you have the storage space on 
your drive to accommodate.  This will not make your computer any slower.

Ricardo Walker

On Jun 3, 2012, at 1:02 PM, Daniel McGee  wrote:

> Of course, but if I keep getting apple's keynotes downloaded to my computer 
> and even if I delete them, would my computer still get slower. 
> To give an example, lets say I downloaded 10 videos a bit crazy I know but 
> continuing on form there, lets say I have listened to them all and my Mac has 
> gotten a bitl slower. Next though lets say I have deleted them would my 
> computer be as fast again before I even downloaded them? 
> Thanks 
> Daniel   
> On 3 Jun 2012, at 00:20, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> You can always delete the podcast episode when you finish viewing it.
>> HTH,
>> Teresa
>> "deeds can't dream what dreams can do."--e. e. cummings
>> On Jun 2, 2012, at 12:00 PM, Daniel McGee wrote:
>>> Hi Recardo and Teresa, first of all thank you for the podcast feed I 
>>> downloaded an apple keynote presentation and it worked with no issues at 
>>> all but I only see one problem with it. That is to do with memory I checked 
>>> the video file and it was well over 1. something GB which is a lot. I've 
>>> got no problem with this but if I keep doing this for apple's keynotes I am 
>>> worried that my mac book pro will become slower over time. However would it 
>>> get faster again if I did a re-install. I noticed as well it said play 
>>> preview of the keynote that you want to listen to in iTunes. Rather than 
>>> having it downloaded. Would this play the whole video? If so I could listen 
>>> to it without having to download it. Never the less I am grateful for the 
>>> feed. 
>>> Now for your question Recardo. 
>>> My Mac is connected to wi-fi as for my computer I'm sorry to say that I 
>>> don't know the technical term for how this is connected. I have broadband a 
>>> Hub if that helps other than that I know nothing. Its no good asking my mum 
>>> because she knows nothing about what the computer uses for connectivity for 
>>> the internet. However I do know that having wires is technically more 
>>> reliable than Wi-FI. I also have a laptop running windows Vista. After you 
>>> asked the question I went to the apple site but I think they have removed 
>>> the "new iPad" keynote because I was gong to try it on y laptop to see if 
>>> it was a WI-FI fault. Unfortunatly I can't use my PC is out of action for 
>>> the moment due to a software update being corrupted which basically just 
>>> keeps on logging on and re-starting at the log on screen which is pretty 
>>> annoying because it requires someone sighted to fix it for me. I basically 
>>> can get this done but I can't comment on when I am going to get the sighted 
>>> person to do it for me at college. With all this though, When the apple 
>>> keynote comes out I can try it on the windows PC I have college cos that's 
>>> connected over WI-FI so I can see if that is the problem. I've got the 
>>> feeling it was my Mac though. We will se if it happens again in the up 
>>> coming keynote though! Smiles. 
>>> Sorry for the long post! 
>>> Daniel
>>> On 1 Jun 2012, at 18:19, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 how were you connecting to the internet on your Mac and PC?  were you 
 using wifi for both?
 Ricardo Walker
 On Jun 1, 2012, at 11:11 AM, Daniel McGee  
> Hi all, as I'm sure many of you are aware that Apple's WWDC will be 
> happening soon which discusses all new and up coming things in the world 
> of apple. After the live presentation, it is available to listen to on 
> their website however, I have incounted a problem with it. For example 
> when listening to the "new iPad" presentation, that happened around in 
> March, I kept getting freezes when the video was playing. In this case 
> though I would miss a few words and then it will pick up audio again. If 
> any has youtube and have played a video where it keeps freezing and you 
> have to pause it so it can buffer it more quickly then this is basically 
> the same thing but with the addition of losing what Tim Cook has said. I 
> find this strange behaviour because I have a fairly new Mac Book Pro 13 
> inch late 2011 and it has 4GB of Ram so I can't see why it would be doi

reading with text edit

2012-06-03 Thread May McDonald
Ok, for the life of me I can't remember how to do this. Shows how often I use 
this program.

How do you get text edit to read from top of the document? Also, once you stop 
it how to resume it from where you left off. Control, command b is not it.

Thanks, May and Prince Noah

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Re: problem when trying to play apple's keynotes on Mac

2012-06-03 Thread Daniel McGee
Hi Ricardo, I was just concerned about taking up too much space when it comes 
to playing youtube videos online. I have had in the past a Windows XP computer 
that I stored a lot of music files on the hard drive I should point out that 
they were WMA or some kid of windows media format anyway this was before I knew 
about MP3 files. To cut a long story short, XP computer was crawling along and 
when it came to playing youtube videos they kept playing a bit then stopped and 
started again. I was just concerned about video files slowing down a computer 
that's all. 
If there are anyone on the list who listen to apple keynotes by iTunes podcasts 
have you ever experienced your mac slowing down on you. 


On 3 Jun 2012, at 20:20, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> why do you think downloading a few podcasts would make your computer any 
> slower?  I mean, thats what hard drives are designed to do.  Store and delete 
> information.  Maybe over many years, especially if using a SSD but, these are 
> things rated in multiple years of use before meaningful degradation.  Someone 
> more knowledgeable about such things can chime in if I'm mistaken but, I 
> don't think this is anything to worry about as long as you have the storage 
> space on your drive to accommodate.  This will not make your computer any 
> slower.
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Jun 3, 2012, at 1:02 PM, Daniel McGee  
> wrote:
>> Of course, but if I keep getting apple's keynotes downloaded to my computer 
>> and even if I delete them, would my computer still get slower. 
>> To give an example, lets say I downloaded 10 videos a bit crazy I know but 
>> continuing on form there, lets say I have listened to them all and my Mac 
>> has gotten a bitl slower. Next though lets say I have deleted them would my 
>> computer be as fast again before I even downloaded them? 
>> Thanks 
>> Daniel   
>> On 3 Jun 2012, at 00:20, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> You can always delete the podcast episode when you finish viewing it.
>>> HTH,
>>> Teresa
>>> "deeds can't dream what dreams can do."--e. e. cummings
>>> On Jun 2, 2012, at 12:00 PM, Daniel McGee wrote:
 Hi Recardo and Teresa, first of all thank you for the podcast feed I 
 downloaded an apple keynote presentation and it worked with no issues at 
 all but I only see one problem with it. That is to do with memory I 
 checked the video file and it was well over 1. something GB which is a 
 lot. I've got no problem with this but if I keep doing this for apple's 
 keynotes I am worried that my mac book pro will become slower over time. 
 However would it get faster again if I did a re-install. I noticed as well 
 it said play preview of the keynote that you want to listen to in iTunes. 
 Rather than having it downloaded. Would this play the whole video? If so I 
 could listen to it without having to download it. Never the less I am 
 grateful for the feed. 
 Now for your question Recardo. 
 My Mac is connected to wi-fi as for my computer I'm sorry to say that I 
 don't know the technical term for how this is connected. I have broadband 
 a Hub if that helps other than that I know nothing. Its no good asking my 
 mum because she knows nothing about what the computer uses for 
 connectivity for the internet. However I do know that having wires is 
 technically more reliable than Wi-FI. I also have a laptop running windows 
 Vista. After you asked the question I went to the apple site but I think 
 they have removed the "new iPad" keynote because I was gong to try it on y 
 laptop to see if it was a WI-FI fault. Unfortunatly I can't use my PC is 
 out of action for the moment due to a software update being corrupted 
 which basically just keeps on logging on and re-starting at the log on 
 screen which is pretty annoying because it requires someone sighted to fix 
 it for me. I basically can get this done but I can't comment on when I am 
 going to get the sighted person to do it for me at college. With all this 
 though, When the apple keynote comes out I can try it on the windows PC I 
 have college cos that's connected over WI-FI so I can see if that is the 
 problem. I've got the feeling it was my Mac though. We will se if it 
 happens again in the up coming keynote though! Smiles. 
 Sorry for the long post! 
 On 1 Jun 2012, at 18:19, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> how were you connecting to the internet on your Mac and PC?  were you 
> using wifi for both?
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Jun 1, 2012, at 11:11 AM, Daniel McGee  
> wrote:
>> Hi all, as I'm sure many of you are aware that 

Easy navigation in ITunes

2012-06-03 Thread Frank Ventura
Does anyone know if there is a shortcut key in ITunes to jump from the sources 
table to the music list to the search field like there is in the Windows 
version. For example in Windows F6 does this. Is there an easy way in OSX 
version of ITunes?

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Re: Just had a very strange thing happen in iTunes

2012-06-03 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks, Ricardo, got it.
On Jun 3, 2012, at 3:15 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> on the song with the screwy title, press command I.  Then select the info 
> tab.  Keep in mind, you need to do this on the imported tracks not the ones 
> on the CD.
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Jun 3, 2012, at 3:04 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> I think I need more info.  I'm in the info Tab, but don't see anything about 
>> populating, correlating, etc.
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> On Jun 3, 2012, at 1:39 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>>> Why not do this after you import the CD, from within the playlist browser 
>>> or music table of Itunes?  Just focus on the song you want to change, press 
>>> command I for INfo, select "information," tab and use the tab key to 
>>> navigate, populate, correlate! 
>>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>> • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
>>> • My home page:
>>> • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
>>> -- 
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Re: reading with text edit

2012-06-03 Thread Daniel McGee
Hi May, first of all I would advise interacting with the document in question 
because if you was going through it line by line, if you did a say all with 
Command A, voiceover will start from the very top. This is why when I'm working 
with documents, I always interact with it 1st because then whenever I do the 
say all command no matter where I am in the document Voiceover will read from 
that current position and will keep track of it when you stop. 

This is how I deal with documents and I hope it helps you. LOL I remember what 
it was like in the beginning. I should mention that I don't use Text Edit. I 
use a app called Bean but I'm making an educated guess that it will apply to 
any text/word  

On 3 Jun 2012, at 20:36, May McDonald wrote:

> Ok, for the life of me I can't remember how to do this. Shows how often I use 
> this program.
> How do you get text edit to read from top of the document? Also, once you 
> stop it how to resume it from where you left off. Control, command b is not 
> it.
> Thanks, May and Prince Noah
> -- 
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VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-03 Thread Allison Mervis
Hi everyone.
I have a copy of Windows 7 floating around here, and I was thinking about 
playing with VMWare fusion. I have a few questions before I get started though. 
I understand that when you're setting up the virtual machine, you allocate a 
certain portion of your system resources in order to run it. Let's say, for 
example that I allocate four of my eight gigs of ram and 250 of my 750 gigs of 
hard drive space for the virtual machine. When I shut down the virtual machine, 
will those resources be returned to my mac? That is to say, will I once again 
have all 8 gigs of ram and 750 gigs of hard drive space available for use on my 
mac? I apologize if this sounds basic. Thanks.

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Re: Easy navigation in ITunes

2012-06-03 Thread Daniel McGee
Hi Frank, well I just use the tab key or if I'm really stuck I bring up the 
"item chooser" type whatever I'm looking for hit enter and I'm there. 

Not sure if this is what your looking for but its how I use the programme. I 
hope it helps you. 

On 3 Jun 2012, at 20:43, Frank Ventura wrote:

> Does anyone know if there is a shortcut key in ITunes to jump from the 
> sources table to the music list to the search field like there is in the 
> Windows version. For example in Windows F6 does this. Is there an easy way in 
> OSX version of ITunes?
> Thanks
> Frank
> -- 
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Re: reading with text edit

2012-06-03 Thread May McDonald
Awesome thanks. That will help for now.

May and Prince Noah
On 2012-06-03, at 3:47 PM, Daniel McGee wrote:

> Hi May, first of all I would advise interacting with the document in question 
> because if you was going through it line by line, if you did a say all with 
> Command A, voiceover will start from the very top. This is why when I'm 
> working with documents, I always interact with it 1st because then whenever I 
> do the say all command no matter where I am in the document Voiceover will 
> read from that current position and will keep track of it when you stop. 
> This is how I deal with documents and I hope it helps you. LOL I remember 
> what it was like in the beginning. I should mention that I don't use Text 
> Edit. I use a app called Bean but I'm making an educated guess that it will 
> apply to any text/word  
>  Daniel
> On 3 Jun 2012, at 20:36, May McDonald wrote:
>> Ok, for the life of me I can't remember how to do this. Shows how often I 
>> use this program.
>> How do you get text edit to read from top of the document? Also, once you 
>> stop it how to resume it from where you left off. Control, command b is not 
>> it.
>> Thanks, May and Prince Noah
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-03 Thread Matthew Campbell
Once you shut down the VM, you're Mac will indeed have all of it's resources 
once again.

On 2012-06-03, at 3:51 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> I have a copy of Windows 7 floating around here, and I was thinking about 
> playing with VMWare fusion. I have a few questions before I get started 
> though. I understand that when you're setting up the virtual machine, you 
> allocate a certain portion of your system resources in order to run it. Let's 
> say, for example that I allocate four of my eight gigs of ram and 250 of my 
> 750 gigs of hard drive space for the virtual machine. When I shut down the 
> virtual machine, will those resources be returned to my mac? That is to say, 
> will I once again have all 8 gigs of ram and 750 gigs of hard drive space 
> available for use on my mac? I apologize if this sounds basic. Thanks.
> Allison
> -- 
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Re: reading with text edit

2012-06-03 Thread Daniel McGee
no problem, glad I could help!
On 3 Jun 2012, at 20:59, May McDonald wrote:

> Awesome thanks. That will help for now.
> May and Prince Noah
> On 2012-06-03, at 3:47 PM, Daniel McGee wrote:
>> Hi May, first of all I would advise interacting with the document in 
>> question because if you was going through it line by line, if you did a say 
>> all with Command A, voiceover will start from the very top. This is why when 
>> I'm working with documents, I always interact with it 1st because then 
>> whenever I do the say all command no matter where I am in the document 
>> Voiceover will read from that current position and will keep track of it 
>> when you stop. 
>> This is how I deal with documents and I hope it helps you. LOL I remember 
>> what it was like in the beginning. I should mention that I don't use Text 
>> Edit. I use a app called Bean but I'm making an educated guess that it will 
>> apply to any text/word  
>> Daniel
>> On 3 Jun 2012, at 20:36, May McDonald wrote:
>>> Ok, for the life of me I can't remember how to do this. Shows how often I 
>>> use this program.
>>> How do you get text edit to read from top of the document? Also, once you 
>>> stop it how to resume it from where you left off. Control, command b is not 
>>> it.
>>> Thanks, May and Prince Noah
>>> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Easy navigation in ITunes

2012-06-03 Thread Ricardo Walker

Just press tab or, shift tab to jump to these 3 elements. :).  If you want to 
jump straight to the search field from anywhere in iTunes, press command option 


Ricardo Walker

On Jun 3, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Frank Ventura  

> Does anyone know if there is a shortcut key in ITunes to jump from the 
> sources table to the music list to the search field like there is in the 
> Windows version. For example in Windows F6 does this. Is there an easy way in 
> OSX version of ITunes?
> Thanks
> Frank
> -- 
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Re: Just had a very strange thing happen in iTunes

2012-06-03 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
When the info tab is selected, just use the tab keys and VO navigation to find 
all the various fields you want to populate.  VO should announce such things as 
"artist," "title," "year," "album," etc.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
 • My home page:
 • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/

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New Mac-mini and old printer

2012-06-03 Thread Linda Adams
Hello everyone,
I'm getting a new Mac-mini and wanted to know if I can use an old
printer that had been connected to my PC.  It is a 

Canon Image Class MF4100 Series 


I found a Canon support page on the web with the drivers I would need
but the install CD's that came with the printer are for Windows.


I am just confused enough over peripheral equipment that I don't have a
clue if I can use this printer or not.


Recommendations would be appreciated and thanks in advance.




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Re: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-03 Thread Allison Mervis
Thanks Matt. Right now I'm still unsure as to whether or not I'll set up a 
virtual machine or do a bootcamp install, but this info was very helpful.


From: "Matthew Campbell" 
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion questions

Once you shut down the VM, you're Mac will indeed have all of it's 
resources once again.


On 2012-06-03, at 3:51 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:

Hi everyone.
I have a copy of Windows 7 floating around here, and I was thinking about 
playing with VMWare fusion. I have a few questions before I get started 
though. I understand that when you're setting up the virtual machine, you 
allocate a certain portion of your system resources in order to run it. 
Let's say, for example that I allocate four of my eight gigs of ram and 
250 of my 750 gigs of hard drive space for the virtual machine. When I 
shut down the virtual machine, will those resources be returned to my 
mac? That is to say, will I once again have all 8 gigs of ram and 750 
gigs of hard drive space available for use on my mac? I apologize if this 
sounds basic. Thanks.


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Re: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-03 Thread Brent Harding
I would think some of the disk space would be used up to store the VM image 
on the mac. Whether it's the 250 gig you make for it, or only a portion 
depends on whether fusion can grow the file as needed, or if it fills all 
250 gigs with nothing before formatting for the Windows install. I like boot 
camp better, but wish I could have the best of both worlds, but I would have 
to come up with more JFW keys and another XP license, most likely, even if I 
import my boot camp into fusion.

- Original Message - 
From: "Allison Mervis" 

Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion questions

Thanks Matt. Right now I'm still unsure as to whether or not I'll set up a 
virtual machine or do a bootcamp install, but this info was very helpful.


From: "Matthew Campbell" 
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion questions

Once you shut down the VM, you're Mac will indeed have all of it's 
resources once again.


On 2012-06-03, at 3:51 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:

Hi everyone.
I have a copy of Windows 7 floating around here, and I was thinking 
about playing with VMWare fusion. I have a few questions before I get 
started though. I understand that when you're setting up the virtual 
machine, you allocate a certain portion of your system resources in 
order to run it. Let's say, for example that I allocate four of my eight 
gigs of ram and 250 of my 750 gigs of hard drive space for the virtual 
machine. When I shut down the virtual machine, will those resources be 
returned to my mac? That is to say, will I once again have all 8 gigs of 
ram and 750 gigs of hard drive space available for use on my mac? I 
apologize if this sounds basic. Thanks.


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Re: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-03 Thread Matthew Campbell
A couple of things to keep in mind.
1. If you do go the boot cam route, you will need sighted assistance to get 
windows installed. Also, you'll be able to have Fusion treat the bootcamp 
partition as a virtual machine. This has some advantages such as being able to 
utilized all of the Mac's resources when you need to do something that needs a 
lot of them but still able to boot in to windows quickly through fusion when 
you don't need to do something system intensive.
2. The quick install option in fusion will have fusion install windows without 
sighted assistance. The only thing you need do after installation is install 
you're screen reader of choice.

On 2012-06-03, at 5:26 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:

> Thanks Matt. Right now I'm still unsure as to whether or not I'll set up a 
> virtual machine or do a bootcamp install, but this info was very helpful.
> Allison
> --
> From: "Matthew Campbell" 
> Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 1:11 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion questions
>> Hi.
>> Once you shut down the VM, you're Mac will indeed have all of it's resources 
>> once again.
>> HTH,
>> On 2012-06-03, at 3:51 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:
>>> Hi everyone.
>>> I have a copy of Windows 7 floating around here, and I was thinking about 
>>> playing with VMWare fusion. I have a few questions before I get started 
>>> though. I understand that when you're setting up the virtual machine, you 
>>> allocate a certain portion of your system resources in order to run it. 
>>> Let's say, for example that I allocate four of my eight gigs of ram and 250 
>>> of my 750 gigs of hard drive space for the virtual machine. When I shut 
>>> down the virtual machine, will those resources be returned to my mac? That 
>>> is to say, will I once again have all 8 gigs of ram and 750 gigs of hard 
>>> drive space available for use on my mac? I apologize if this sounds basic. 
>>> Thanks.
>>> Allison
>>> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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Re: New Mac-mini and old printer

2012-06-03 Thread Matthew Campbell
OS X usually has great printer support built in. THe best thing you can do is 
just to plug it in and see if it shows up under print and fax in system 

On 2012-06-03, at 5:16 PM, Linda Adams wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm getting a new Mac-mini and wanted to know if I can use an old printer 
> that had been connected to my PC.  It is a
> Canon Image Class MF4100 Series 
> I found a Canon support page on the web with the drivers I would need but the 
> install CD's that came with the printer are for Windows.
> I am just confused enough over peripheral equipment that I don't have a clue 
> if I can use this printer or not.
> Recommendations would be appreciated and thanks in advance.
> Linda
> -- 
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RE: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-03 Thread Missy Hoppe
Hi! I'm by no means an expert, but thought I'd share my two cents worth on this 
topic. I had a friend set up bootcamp and vm
fusion for me. VM fusion ended up being too sluggish to use, and I found that 
bootcamp meets my needs much better. I know a
lot of people like the virtual machine, and I suppose there's a chance that my 
friend set it up incorrectly, but my humble
opinion is that bootcamp is a much better option over all. Granted, it requires 
sighted assistance to set up, but since I
wouldn't have known what I was doing setting up a VM, I would have required 
sighted assistance no matter which option I went
Good luck, no matter what you choose, and I hope that this ends up helping a 

-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 5:26 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion questions

Thanks Matt. Right now I'm still unsure as to whether or not I'll set up a 
virtual machine or do a bootcamp install, but this
info was very helpful.

From: "Matthew Campbell" 
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion questions

> Hi.
> Once you shut down the VM, you're Mac will indeed have all of it's
> resources once again.
> HTH,
> On 2012-06-03, at 3:51 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:
>> Hi everyone.
>> I have a copy of Windows 7 floating around here, and I was thinking
>> about playing with VMWare fusion. I have a few questions before I get
>> started though. I understand that when you're setting up the virtual
>> machine, you allocate a certain portion of your system resources in order to 
>> run it.
>> Let's say, for example that I allocate four of my eight gigs of ram
>> and 250 of my 750 gigs of hard drive space for the virtual machine.
>> When I shut down the virtual machine, will those resources be
>> returned to my mac? That is to say, will I once again have all 8 gigs
>> of ram and 750 gigs of hard drive space available for use on my mac?
>> I apologize if this sounds basic. Thanks.
>> Allison
>> --
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> --
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Re: any way to show hidden files on mac lion

2012-06-03 Thread Caitlyn and Nickels
thanks for the reminder about tinker tools. I'd forgotten about that app, have 
to go get it before I forget about it again!


On 2012-05-30, at 7:59 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> There is a defaults command for doing this in the terminal. Or you could 
> download  the tintertool application.  In the finder area of that tool is a 
> checkbox to allow viewing of hidden files.  
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> jon.c.c...@gmail.com
> +1 *(703) 573-6956
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/JCCohn
> On May 28, 2012, at 2:30 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> SUbject says it. I am deleting files on a removable usb flash drive and 
>> unless I empty trash I don't gain disk space. I do not always want to empty 
>> trash since there are items I want to keep in the main trash and they get 
>> dumped also. In   windows I see some files .trashes that I can delete since 
>> I have the option to show hidden files turned on.
>> Can something similar be done in the mac?
>> THanks,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online 
>> stores.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-03 Thread Allison Mervis
Thanks. The  quick install option sounds particularly appealing, as we don't 
generally  have a lot of sighted help around.


From: "Matthew Campbell" 
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion questions

A couple of things to keep in mind.
1. If you do go the boot cam route, you will need sighted assistance to 
get windows installed. Also, you'll be able to have Fusion treat the 
bootcamp partition as a virtual machine. This has some advantages such as 
being able to utilized all of the Mac's resources when you need to do 
something that needs a lot of them but still able to boot in to windows 
quickly through fusion when you don't need to do something system 
2. The quick install option in fusion will have fusion install windows 
without sighted assistance. The only thing you need do after installation 
is install you're screen reader of choice.


On 2012-06-03, at 5:26 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:

Thanks Matt. Right now I'm still unsure as to whether or not I'll set up 
a virtual machine or do a bootcamp install, but this info was very 


From: "Matthew Campbell" 
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion questions

Once you shut down the VM, you're Mac will indeed have all of it's 
resources once again.


On 2012-06-03, at 3:51 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:

Hi everyone.
I have a copy of Windows 7 floating around here, and I was thinking 
about playing with VMWare fusion. I have a few questions before I get 
started though. I understand that when you're setting up the virtual 
machine, you allocate a certain portion of your system resources in 
order to run it. Let's say, for example that I allocate four of my 
eight gigs of ram and 250 of my 750 gigs of hard drive space for the 
virtual machine. When I shut down the virtual machine, will those 
resources be returned to my mac? That is to say, will I once again have 
all 8 gigs of ram and 750 gigs of hard drive space available for use on 
my mac? I apologize if this sounds basic. Thanks.


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Question about ripping Cd's

2012-06-03 Thread Stacey Robinson
Is there a way I can use iTunes to import cd's but put them in a different 
If this is possible how do I do it?
Stacey and Chesley.

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Re: Question about ripping Cd's

2012-06-03 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hi. You'll first have to create the new library. Then when you're in that 
library, rip away.

On 2012-06-03, at 9:34 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a way I can use iTunes to import cd's but put them in a different 
> library?
> If this is possible how do I do it?
> Thanks,
> Stacey and Chesley.
> -- 
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Re: Question about ripping Cd's

2012-06-03 Thread Stacey Robinson
How do I create the new library?
On Jun 3, 2012, at 8:39 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hi. You'll first have to create the new library. Then when you're in that 
> library, rip away.
> On 2012-06-03, at 9:34 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a way I can use iTunes to import cd's but put them in a different 
>> library?
>> If this is possible how do I do it?
>> Thanks,
>> Stacey and Chesley.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Valiantly Trying -- And Miserably Failing -- To Post on Wordpress.com

2012-06-03 Thread Christine Grassman
Good day/night to all. I have a blog on wordpress.com, and typically, every few 
months, I have to experiment to figure out how to post because of changes made 
to the layout of the add new post screen. With some trial and error, I have 
been able to do this for several iterations of wordpress.com "upgrades". 
However, tonight I am stumped.
Where most recently, there was an edit box under "Enter title here," and then 
another right afterwards into which either one wrote or inserted a prewritten 
post, I cannot for the life of me locate the proper editing field for the post 
contents. I have tried several edit boxes, and all result in the appearance of 
the text, but a word count of zero, and no appearance of the post except for 
the title upon  publication.
I do notice one edit box that is dimmed, and I refreshed the screen, left 
Safari and came back in and started things up again, and tried clicking on the 
dimmed edit box several times. 
If anyone is on wordpress and can give me a clue as to what to do, I would 
appreciate it oh so much. I am using a Macbook with Snow Leopard. 

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Re: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-03 Thread Brent Harding
Oh, cool! I have my mac already set up with boot camp. Would I likely have 
activation issues with JFW going back and forth between these 2 methods? 
Would I have to take up 2 keys, or is Fusion smart enough to deal with it?

- Original Message - 
From: "Matthew Campbell" 

Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion questions

A couple of things to keep in mind.
1. If you do go the boot cam route, you will need sighted assistance to get 
windows installed. Also, you'll be able to have Fusion treat the bootcamp 
partition as a virtual machine. This has some advantages such as being able 
to utilized all of the Mac's resources when you need to do something that 
needs a lot of them but still able to boot in to windows quickly through 
fusion when you don't need to do something system intensive.
2. The quick install option in fusion will have fusion install windows 
without sighted assistance. The only thing you need do after installation is 
install you're screen reader of choice.


On 2012-06-03, at 5:26 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:

Thanks Matt. Right now I'm still unsure as to whether or not I'll set up a 
virtual machine or do a bootcamp install, but this info was very helpful.


From: "Matthew Campbell" 
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion questions

Once you shut down the VM, you're Mac will indeed have all of it's 
resources once again.


On 2012-06-03, at 3:51 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:

Hi everyone.
I have a copy of Windows 7 floating around here, and I was thinking 
about playing with VMWare fusion. I have a few questions before I get 
started though. I understand that when you're setting up the virtual 
machine, you allocate a certain portion of your system resources in 
order to run it. Let's say, for example that I allocate four of my eight 
gigs of ram and 250 of my 750 gigs of hard drive space for the virtual 
machine. When I shut down the virtual machine, will those resources be 
returned to my mac? That is to say, will I once again have all 8 gigs of 
ram and 750 gigs of hard drive space available for use on my mac? I 
apologize if this sounds basic. Thanks.


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question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting with items

2012-06-03 Thread Chris Gilland
okay… I really could use you awls help.

I myself am also a Mac voiceover trainer. I have a student who is starting from 
ground one. to the best of my knowledge, I do not believe that she even knew 
what voiceover was left alone how to use it until I told her of its existence. 
she is doing great, however now we're to the point where I am trying to help 
her learn the concept of interacting with certain items. at this point, she is 
following behind miserably. I'm not saying that it's her fault, it's probably 
the way that I am presenting it to her. I honestly am not sure how else to make 
this easier. I have tried literally almost every analogy underneath the sun. I 
tried explaining to her that voiceover works very hierarchically. to her, that 
made entirely no sense. she somewhat gets the concept when interacting with 
tables, but that's about as far as it goes. even then, I can tell that her 
concept on the matter is very hazy. I told her also to think of a bookshelf 
with three or four ring binders if she wanted to get to the third binder, and 
then look at the 15th page within that binder, she would first have to cross 
over the first and second binder without even looking inside of them. then, 
once at the third binder, she could then open it up, and then flip to the 15th 
page. I tried explaining to her that interacting with items on voiceover is 
much the same. you have an item where your voiceover cursor sits. you can 
either use voice over navigation to pass right over the items, or you can climb 
a level down and see what is underneath that item, by interacting with it. her 
exact words when I said this work: "okay, now you really lost me! " I am pretty 
much out of options. I don't know what else to tell her to try. I am determined 
to help her. However, it seems like until we get past this concept, voiceover 
is going to be very hard for her to use. whether she uses keyboard commander, 
trackpad commander, or for that mind, even quick nap, she's going to need to 
know the concept of what it means to interact. There's just no other way around 
it. she does not have any learning disabilities, so it kind of surprises me 
that all of my other students catch on to this pretty quickly, yet she is not. 
I have asked her specifically to tell me what she does not understand about the 
concept, however she is not able to articulate what exactly it is that she does 
not understand about the concept. I think a lot of it too, is the fact that she 
is barely even practicing. I give her certain exercises to try throughout the 
day, and every time I do, next time we get together, I asked her if she 
practiced, and she very truthfully tells me know. I have had absolutely nothing 
to practice with, even though she is fully aware that I gave her an assignment. 
I do not know how she ever is going to learn if she keeps not practicing. I 
understand her getting frustrated, but when I am genuinely trying to help her 
in any way form or shape that I can, I would expect for her to at least have 
enough respect to put forth a bit of effort. I just wonder how much of this is 
that she really doesn't understand, versus how much of it is she really 
seriously is just not trying. I do not want to be rude to her, however when I 
see that she is making no progress at all, and that it's obvious by her 
admission, that she is not practicing, what the hell more am I supposed to do? 
pardon the language, but this is extremely frustrating. what do you all who are 
also trainers do when you have students like this, is simply either one do not 
get the concept of something, or simply click do not try and it's very obvious 
that they are illustrating their lack of effort. this student has had her state 
lend her a MacBook for three weeks. This means she only has that amount of time 
to learn. We are extremely early in the three-week process, however, I won't 
hurt to get the most out of this that she possibly can. most of the things that 
we already have learned, she is also forgetting almost constantly. No, I do not 
expect for her to learn all of these things in one night, absolutely not! 
however, I know that she would be remembering way more than she is if she were 
willing to sit down for at least 15 minutes a day in practice. She does not 
seem to even be given me that much. what would be the best thing to do? I do 
not want to be rude to her, but I also need to let her know I'm very certain 
terms, but I cannot continue this training with her, if she is not going to do 
her part. my responsibility is to train and be patient, her responsibility is 
to practice. maybe I am very strict of a teacher, but I know her potential. I 
know that she can get this. She just has to be willing to try. don't get me 
wrong, I am seeing some effort, just not very much. when we stepped a bit out 
of her comfort zone, she refuses to continue. 

any advice on how to handle this from a trainer's perspective would be most 
greatly appreciated. I

Re: Question about ripping Cd's

2012-06-03 Thread Chris Blouch
Hold down Option while launching itunes. So folks do this accidentally 
if they are using some VO keys to launch since you might already holding 
down the option key while it launches if you're not quick enough.


On 6/3/12 10:19 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

How do I create the new library?
On Jun 3, 2012, at 8:39 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

Hi. You'll first have to create the new library. Then when you're in that 
library, rip away.

On 2012-06-03, at 9:34 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

Is there a way I can use iTunes to import cd's but put them in a different 
If this is possible how do I do it?
Stacey and Chesley.

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Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting with items

2012-06-03 Thread Maria Chapman
HI.  i find interacting for me was learned through trial and error.  
 but then i am a very hands on person.   after all your student can't hurt 
anything by interacting with stuff and seeing what happens.

just a thought.

Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb  bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl 
skype: bubbygirl1972


On 04/06/2012, at 1:47 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:

> okay… I really could use you awls help.
> I myself am also a Mac voiceover trainer. I have a student who is starting 
> from ground one. to the best of my knowledge, I do not believe that she even 
> knew what voiceover was left alone how to use it until I told her of its 
> existence. she is doing great, however now we're to the point where I am 
> trying to help her learn the concept of interacting with certain items. at 
> this point, she is following behind miserably. I'm not saying that it's her 
> fault, it's probably the way that I am presenting it to her. I honestly am 
> not sure how else to make this easier. I have tried literally almost every 
> analogy underneath the sun. I tried explaining to her that voiceover works 
> very hierarchically. to her, that made entirely no sense. she somewhat gets 
> the concept when interacting with tables, but that's about as far as it goes. 
> even then, I can tell that her concept on the matter is very hazy. I told her 
> also to think of a bookshelf with three or four ring binders if she wanted to 
> get to the third binder, and then look at the 15th page within that binder, 
> she would first have to cross over the first and second binder without even 
> looking inside of them. then, once at the third binder, she could then open 
> it up, and then flip to the 15th page. I tried explaining to her that 
> interacting with items on voiceover is much the same. you have an item where 
> your voiceover cursor sits. you can either use voice over navigation to pass 
> right over the items, or you can climb a level down and see what is 
> underneath that item, by interacting with it. her exact words when I said 
> this work: "okay, now you really lost me! " I am pretty much out of options. 
> I don't know what else to tell her to try. I am determined to help her. 
> However, it seems like until we get past this concept, voiceover is going to 
> be very hard for her to use. whether she uses keyboard commander, trackpad 
> commander, or for that mind, even quick nap, she's going to need to know the 
> concept of what it means to interact. There's just no other way around it. 
> she does not have any learning disabilities, so it kind of surprises me that 
> all of my other students catch on to this pretty quickly, yet she is not. I 
> have asked her specifically to tell me what she does not understand about the 
> concept, however she is not able to articulate what exactly it is that she 
> does not understand about the concept. I think a lot of it too, is the fact 
> that she is barely even practicing. I give her certain exercises to try 
> throughout the day, and every time I do, next time we get together, I asked 
> her if she practiced, and she very truthfully tells me know. I have had 
> absolutely nothing to practice with, even though she is fully aware that I 
> gave her an assignment. I do not know how she ever is going to learn if she 
> keeps not practicing. I understand her getting frustrated, but when I am 
> genuinely trying to help her in any way form or shape that I can, I would 
> expect for her to at least have enough respect to put forth a bit of effort. 
> I just wonder how much of this is that she really doesn't understand, versus 
> how much of it is she really seriously is just not trying. I do not want to 
> be rude to her, however when I see that she is making no progress at all, and 
> that it's obvious by her admission, that she is not practicing, what the hell 
> more am I supposed to do? pardon the language, but this is extremely 
> frustrating. what do you all who are also trainers do when you have students 
> like this, is simply either one do not get the concept of something, or 
> simply click do not try and it's very obvious that they are illustrating 
> their lack of effort. this student has had her state lend her a MacBook for 
> three weeks. This means she only has that amount of time to learn. We are 
> extremely early in the three-week process, however, I won't hurt to get the 
> most out of this that she possibly can. most of the things that we already 
> have learned, she is also forgetting almost constantly. No, I do not expect 
> for her to learn all of these things in one night, absolutely not! however, I 
> know that she would be remembering way more than she is if she were willing 
> to sit down for at least 15 minutes a day in practice. She does not seem to 
> even be given me that much. what would be the best thing to do? I do not want 
> to be rude to her, but I also need to let her know 

Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting with items

2012-06-03 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
The way I explain VoiceOver's interacting with an object or region is to think 
of what a sighted person does with their eyes when they want to focus in on a 
small region of the screen.  They squint their eyes a bit and narrow their gaze 
and focus in on a region of the screen that might have small details.  It's 
also akin (sort of) to the zoom feature of a camera; when in zoom mode, you can 
only see certain elements at a time, but you can see great detail.


 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
 • My home page:
 • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/

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2012-06-03 Thread Walter Harper
Hello all,
Is there a template in pages for writing resumes?  Also I'm looking for some 
podcast on pages as well.

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Re: question for all voice over trainers: trouble interacting with items

2012-06-03 Thread Veronica Elsea

Hi there!
Well, I am not a trainer, but I thought I'd 
describe my difficulties understanding the 
interactive concept and see if it helps at all. I 
do understand your bookshelf analogy except for 
one thing. If I'm in the finder and come upon a 
folder name, I just issue an open command to go 
into it. If I don't want to open the folder, I 
just hit the arrow key to move to the next folder 
title. So, I didn't have to do anything there 
with VoiceOver. I'm really baffled by things like 
sometimes having to interact with a table and 
sometimes just arrowing down, as I do in the 
messages table in mail. So, what did I finally do 
for me? Gave up on trying to get the concept. 
I did better with rote learning. Interact here. 
Don't interact here. Try something and if it 
doesn't work, try interacting. I can't think of 
anything in the Windows screen-reader world that 
is like this. So the best phrase I was able to 
offer myself was this, some things just don't 
happen automatically in VoiceOver and you have to 
tell VoiceOver what you want it to look at. 
That's the only thing that allowed me to deal 
with what seems like inconsistencies in when one 
does or does not need to interact with something. 
It is kind of a goofy thing and I can see why some people would struggle.
And you're right. The only real answer is 
practice, trial and error. See if it helps to 
tell your student that other people have trouble 
figuring this out too and we all just try things 
together. Maybe if your student can then relax a 
bit about it, not getting to that brain ache 
place trying to understand something, he or she 
may start practicing again. I know I've given 
myself breaks, just to let my own frustration wind down.
And good for you for continuing to try to reach 
this person. Keep it up.  Hope this helps.


At 09:10 PM 6/3/2012, you wrote:
The way I explain VoiceOver's interacting with 
an object or region is to think of what a 
sighted person does with their eyes when they 
want to focus in on a small region of the 
screen.  They squint their eyes a bit and narrow 
their gaze and focus in on a region of the 
screen that might have small details.  It's also 
akin (sort of) to the zoom feature of a camera; 
when in zoom mode, you can only see certain 
elements at a time, but you can see great detail.


 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
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Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a 
Soldier at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFoIhWrBHFI

Then learn about Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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Re: VMWare Fusion questions

2012-06-03 Thread Maria Chapman

I am also thinking about setting up a virtual machine.  Is there a recommended 
amount of resources the virtual machine needs to run properly but leaving 
enough for the mac? Will a virtual machine run ok on a mac mini with 8 gigs of 
ram? And, how do I run a screen reader with an apple bluetooth keyboard? Is 
there a way to make this work? Or would i be better plugging in a standard usb 

Is there anywhere i can go to read a tutorial or guide about setting up a 
virtual machine to run windows?


God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 

On 04/06/2012, at 12:46 PM, Brent Harding wrote:

> Oh, cool! I have my mac already set up with boot camp. Would I likely have 
> activation issues with JFW going back and forth between these 2 methods? 
> Would I have to take up 2 keys, or is Fusion smart enough to deal with it?
> - Original Message - From: "Matthew Campbell" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 4:44 PM
> Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion questions
> Hi.
> A couple of things to keep in mind.
> 1. If you do go the boot cam route, you will need sighted assistance to get 
> windows installed. Also, you'll be able to have Fusion treat the bootcamp 
> partition as a virtual machine. This has some advantages such as being able 
> to utilized all of the Mac's resources when you need to do something that 
> needs a lot of them but still able to boot in to windows quickly through 
> fusion when you don't need to do something system intensive.
> 2. The quick install option in fusion will have fusion install windows 
> without sighted assistance. The only thing you need do after installation is 
> install you're screen reader of choice.
> HTH,
> On 2012-06-03, at 5:26 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:
>> Thanks Matt. Right now I'm still unsure as to whether or not I'll set up a 
>> virtual machine or do a bootcamp install, but this info was very helpful.
>> Allison
>> --
>> From: "Matthew Campbell" 
>> Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 1:11 PM
>> To: 
>> Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion questions
>>> Hi.
>>> Once you shut down the VM, you're Mac will indeed have all of it's 
>>> resources once again.
>>> HTH,
>>> On 2012-06-03, at 3:51 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:
 Hi everyone.
 I have a copy of Windows 7 floating around here, and I was thinking about 
 playing with VMWare fusion. I have a few questions before I get started 
 though. I understand that when you're setting up the virtual machine, you 
 allocate a certain portion of your system resources in order to run it. 
 Let's say, for example that I allocate four of my eight gigs of ram and 
 250 of my 750 gigs of hard drive space for the virtual machine. When I 
 shut down the virtual machine, will those resources be returned to my mac? 
 That is to say, will I once again have all 8 gigs of ram and 750 gigs of 
 hard drive space available for use on my mac? I apologize if this sounds 
 basic. Thanks.
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Re: Valiantly Trying -- And Miserably Failing -- To Post on Wordpress.com

2012-06-03 Thread Maria Chapman
Hi.  YOu could try mars edit.  I am using it to post to the blogger site as i 
was having the same problem.  You can get mars edit for a 30 day trial, so it 
shouldn't cost anything to try.  Just google for trial version of mars edit.

Sorry i can't help with the word press site as I don't have an account with 
them.  I'd love to see your blog though.

Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb  bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
twitter: bubbygirl 
skype: bubbygirl1972


On 04/06/2012, at 12:41 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Good day/night to all. I have a blog on wordpress.com, and typically, every 
> few months, I have to experiment to figure out how to post because of changes 
> made to the layout of the add new post screen. With some trial and error, I 
> have been able to do this for several iterations of wordpress.com "upgrades". 
> However, tonight I am stumped.
> Where most recently, there was an edit box under "Enter title here," and then 
> another right afterwards into which either one wrote or inserted a prewritten 
> post, I cannot for the life of me locate the proper editing field for the 
> post contents. I have tried several edit boxes, and all result in the 
> appearance of the text, but a word count of zero, and no appearance of the 
> post except for the title upon  publication.
> I do notice one edit box that is dimmed, and I refreshed the screen, left 
> Safari and came back in and started things up again, and tried clicking on 
> the dimmed edit box several times. 
> If anyone is on wordpress and can give me a clue as to what to do, I would 
> appreciate it oh so much. I am using a Macbook with Snow Leopard. 
> TIA.
> Christine
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Re: backing up videos

2012-06-03 Thread Tim Kilburn

The videos are kept within iPhoto as well as your photos.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-06-03, at 12:50 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Where will they be on the computer?
> On Jun 3, 2012, at 8:26 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When the USB cable is connected and you sync to iPhoto, the videos are 
>> synced as well at the same time as photos come in.  If you've already synced 
>> the photos through PhotoStream, then only the videos should sync.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2012-06-02, at 7:09 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> My photos are syncing with iPhoto. I don't see a video section to sync my 
>>> videos on my phone in iTunes.
>>> On Jun 2, 2012, at 11:04 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
 As far as I know, at this point, you need to sync your videos using your 
 iPhone USB cable.  PhotoStream doesn't support the transfer of video files 
 yet.  I'm not sure of its accessibility but there is an app called Video 
 sync that is supposed to make this happen wirelessly and it's received 
 positive reviews from many frustrated with this situation.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On 2012-06-01, at 10:27 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Hi:
> How do I backup videos to my Macbook Pro taken with my iPhone 4? I have 
> iPhoto, and have imported all my photos. I also have photo stream enabled.
> Thanks,
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