Re: The New Google Groups Site and viewing/changing membership options?

2012-04-25 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thanks for this, Esther. I'm sorry for the long delay in replying; have been 
away from my computer for days.


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Re: Hands on mac experience with google drive

2012-04-25 Thread Buddy Brannan
Initially, this looks accessible.

You won't get a link to download until you sign up for the service with your 
Google ID and then wait for your approval. Mine took about 45 minutes. 

The setup and preferences are accessible, although of course getting to the 
menu item is a trick, as is the case with  a lot of after market things that 
live in your menu bar. 

Haven't put anything up or tried to hare yet though. 
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Apr 25, 2012, at 12:35 AM, Les Kriegler  wrote:

> Hi Maria,
> I have not figured out how to download the software.  I went to the site 
> referenced in the e-mail we received, but could not find the software to be 
> downloaded.
> Les
> On Apr 24, 2012, at 6:34 PM, - wrote:
>> XB
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Re: Mobi to epub or HTML.

2012-04-25 Thread sandi sørensen
hey, thanks works :)
to annie
 see my example below  for instructions .
jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$ ./ebook-convert  sandi
1% Converting input to HTML...
InputFormatPlugin: MOBI Input running
on /Applications/
Parsing all content...
Forcing  test.html into XHTML namespace
Referenced file 'images/7use.jpg' not found
34% Running transforms on ebook...
Merging user specified metadata...
Detecting structure...
Flattening CSS and remapping font sizes...
Source base font size is 12.0pt
Removing fake margins...
Cleaning up manifest...
Trimming unused files from manifest...
Trimming u'images/00016.jpg' from manifest
Trimming u'images/00015.jpg' from manifest
Creating OEB Output...
67% Creating OEB Output
The cover image has an id != "cover". Renaming to work around bug in Nook Color
OEB output written to /Applications/
Output saved to   /Applications/
jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$

On 4/24/12, Tyler Spivey  wrote:
> None of you found ebook-convert which comes with calibre?
> I don't have a mac, but this should work: go to your terminal, cd to the
> right place, and do:
> ebook-convert .epub
> If your shell can't find it, just specify its path. Once done, it'll put
> an epub in the same place you ran it from.
> Obviously, this won't work with drm infested mobi files.
> On 4/24/2012 1:14 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I have tried calibre, it is not accessible.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Apr 24, 2012 kl. 1:27 AM skrev sandi sørensen:
>>> Hey.
>>> The answer too your ebooks needs seems to be a program called calibre.
>>> Not sure if we can use it yet, but just curled it, will write more if it
>>> works.
>>> /sandi
>>> On 4/22/12, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:

 Do any of you know an application for the mac, that can convert mobi to
 epub, html text or rtf. I have tried stanza, but it will not work very
 I have played a little with calibre, but it is inaccessible. Do any of
 know an application that would solve that problem.

 Best regards Annie.

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Re: Setting Sound Output for Log in Screen

2012-04-25 Thread Ricardo Walker

Maybe resetting PRAM will do the trick?  Its worth a shot.

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 24, 2012, at 8:25 PM, James Lee  wrote:

> HI Ricardo,
> I wish it worked that way for Snow Leopard too. Even if I set the sound 
> output to the internal built in speaker and reboot, it goes back to a 
> different output during log in.
> I wonder if there's a way to set it in terminal or something.
> JL
> On 4/24/2012 5:04 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> in my experience, you can't.  Lion will default to the last output you had 
>> set for system audio before restarting.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Apr 24, 2012, at 3:10 PM, James Lee  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> How can I set sound output for internal speaker during log in screen? I 
>>> have more than one output device, internal speaker, sound flower, and 
>>> external sound card.
>>> Sometimes, VoiceOver switches to a different sound output during log in 
>>> screen. I can't hear anything especially when it switches to sound flower.
>>> Once I'm logged in, it switches back to the sound output that I set in the 
>>> user account though.
>>> Thanks,
>>> JL
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tutorial for numbers?

2012-04-25 Thread Kliphton
I'm about to start my vending business here soon, and I use a mac 90 percent
of the time.  Someone says that numbers is just as good as excel, if not
better.  Is there a tutorial available so I can figure out how to create
formulas, and print layouts?  Thanks.

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Re: syncing address book with google help please

2012-04-25 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
I recomend not using google sync.  I found I would get 2 or more copies of 
contacts when I tried this.  I suggest instead that you export your address 
book and then import into Google unless you have a very specific need to keep 
the two in constant sync.

Jonathan C. Cohn

On Apr 19, 2012, at 5:05 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> Hi al,
> Tried everything I can think of and cannot sync my address book to gmail 
> contacts.
> I enabled it in the address book preferences with username and password , 
> etc. I even went to sync menu and pressed sync now. I check in my gmail 
> contacts in safari and no contacts are there.
> Any ideas? I do not have iCloud active so this is not the problem either.
> Thanks,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
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Beta testers needed for Accessible Facebook app

2012-04-25 Thread Ed Worrell
HEllo listers, I am wrighting to let the list know that I have been working 
with an app developer to get his Facebook client app more accessible. He is now 
ready to have the app tested, and is wanting some people in the blind community 
to test it and make sure it works with Voiceover. Here is the link to get 
Please help out this developer and give him some good feedback.

Check out my music at
Follow me on Twitter at
Check out my remixes at

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Re: text documents and auto save

2012-04-25 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
No real need to save,  since every hour or when you close the window with the 
document it will be saved.  To do a save as is now a two step process.

1. Slect file->Duplicate 
2. select file->Save 

I suppose one could set up an apple script that would look for the save-as and 
if it was not found then do the listed steps above.  

Best wishes,

Jonathan C. Cohn

On Apr 24, 2012, at 2:51 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:

> Hello List; A while back there was a discussion about auto save in text edit. 
>  I believe people were saying there is no way to do a save as like we used to 
> in leopard.  well, in the menus there is a save file option, but for some 
> reason i can't just use the keyboard commands that are equivalent to it.  I 
> have to go to the menu each time.  but at least I feel more confident that 
> the file i want saved is being saved.  i'm still keeping an updated back up 
> folder for my website, but just not as worried as i was to begin with.  just 
> wanted to share, max 
> -- 
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Menu tab for facebook

2012-04-25 Thread Stacey Robinson
Can someone give me tips on using menu tab with facebook?
I have it installed and can see links for facebook such as friends and the 
status button. Are there settings I need to set to make this app work well with 
Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
(I love my mac)

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Re: Beta testers needed for Accessible Facebook app

2012-04-25 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Ok, i have signed up, now to see if i get accepted.:-)

25 apr 2012 kl. 17:01 skrev Ed Worrell:

> HEllo listers, I am wrighting to let the list know that I have been working 
> with an app developer to get his Facebook client app more accessible. He is 
> now ready to have the app tested, and is wanting some people in the blind 
> community to test it and make sure it works with Voiceover. Here is the link 
> to get registered 
> Please help out this developer and give him some good feedback.
> Thanks
> Ed
> Check out my music at
> Follow me on Twitter at
> Check out my remixes at
> -- 
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Re: Beta testers needed for Accessible Facebook app

2012-04-25 Thread Mika Pyyhkala
I have signed up as well, you may want to post more of a description,
and we could encourage people on Twitter who follow the #a11y hashtag
to sign up also.  Or people on Facebook.


On 4/25/12, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:
> Ok, i have signed up, now to see if i get accepted.:-)
> /Krister
> 25 apr 2012 kl. 17:01 skrev Ed Worrell:
>> HEllo listers, I am wrighting to let the list know that I have been
>> working with an app developer to get his Facebook client app more
>> accessible. He is now ready to have the app tested, and is wanting some
>> people in the blind community to test it and make sure it works with
>> Voiceover. Here is the link to get registered
>> Please help out this developer and give him some good feedback.
>> Thanks
>> Ed
>> Check out my music at
>> Follow me on Twitter at
>> Check out my remixes at
>> --
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Widgets and System Speech Rate Questions.

2012-04-25 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

How can I remove widgets from the dashboard manager? I have reviewed podcasts 
detailing this, but I am not able to uncheck certain widgets.
How can I change the speech rate of the system voice? I have looked through the 
MV archives, but I have not been able to find a solution to this similar 
problem others are having.

Thank you all for your invaluable help and feedback.


Sent from my iMac
Twitter: TheOrangeCircle

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Re: Menu tab for facebook

2012-04-25 Thread Krister Ekstrom
What do you mean by "making the app work well with voiceover"?
What Menu tab does is show you either the mobile or the full facebook site, 
depending on how you've set it. There's a row of buttons if you arrow right 
with vo+right arrow from the html content. In this row you can see things like 
home, back, forward etc. The button that's the second one from the right 
toggles mobile and desktop versions ov the facebook site. This is good because 
if something doesn't work as you want it in one version, it will probably work 
better in the other version.

25 apr 2012 kl. 17:52 skrev Stacey Robinson:

> Hi,
> Can someone give me tips on using menu tab with facebook?
> I have it installed and can see links for facebook such as friends and the 
> status button. Are there settings I need to set to make this app work well 
> with Voiceover?
> Thanks,
> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
> (I love my mac)
> -- 
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Re: Beta testers needed for Accessible Facebook app

2012-04-25 Thread Ed Worrell
The beta test is for a Facebook app called FaceDekk, This was the first app 
that I used outside of the app, I got in touch with the developer 
and he is willing to make the app 100% accessible to the blind, infact this app 
is in the app store, he is currently making a new version of the app for 
everyone else, but he is devoted to making a fully accessible Facebook client 
app with all the features of the app but more straight forward to 
use for the blind.

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Re: Beta testers needed for Accessible Facebook app

2012-04-25 Thread Ray Foret Jr
How you sign up?  I saw the web site but there ain't no edit boxes or links to 
sign up with.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Apr 25, 2012, at 12:22 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Ok, i have signed up, now to see if i get accepted.:-)
> /Krister
> 25 apr 2012 kl. 17:01 skrev Ed Worrell:
>> HEllo listers, I am wrighting to let the list know that I have been working 
>> with an app developer to get his Facebook client app more accessible. He is 
>> now ready to have the app tested, and is wanting some people in the blind 
>> community to test it and make sure it works with Voiceover. Here is the link 
>> to get registered 
>> Please help out this developer and give him some good feedback.
>> Thanks
>> Ed
>> Check out my music at
>> Follow me on Twitter at
>> Check out my remixes at
>> -- 
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Re: Beta testers needed for Accessible Facebook app

2012-04-25 Thread chris hallsworth
I signed up so am just waiting for the build to be made available for my 
device iPhone 4.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 25/04/2012 18:40, Ed Worrell wrote:

The beta test is for a Facebook app called FaceDekk, This was the first app 
that I used outside of the app, I got in touch with the developer 
and he is willing to make the app 100% accessible to the blind, infact this app 
is in the app store, he is currently making a new version of the app for 
everyone else, but he is devoted to making a fully accessible Facebook client 
app with all the features of the app but more straight forward to 
use for the blind.

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RE: Beta testers needed for Accessible Facebook app

2012-04-25 Thread Missy Hoppe
I was going to sign up, but then I saw this was for Ios only, so I can't use it 
on my macbook, which is currently the only
apple device I own.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of chris hallsworth
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: Beta testers needed for Accessible Facebook app

I signed up so am just waiting for the build to be made available for my device 
iPhone 4.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 25/04/2012 18:40, Ed Worrell wrote:
> The beta test is for a Facebook app called FaceDekk, This was the first app 
> that I used outside of the app, I
got in touch with the developer and he is willing to make the app 100% 
accessible to the blind, infact this app is in the app
store, he is currently making a new version of the app for everyone else, but 
he is devoted to making a fully accessible
Facebook client app with all the features of the app but more 
straight forward to use for the blind.
> Ed

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Re: Beta testers needed for Accessible Facebook app

2012-04-25 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I second that confusion; I even got the Confirm Email, but since I don't have 
an IOD device to log in with, I bailed at that point.  This message is really 
better suited to the VIPhone list.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Menu tab for facebook

2012-04-25 Thread Stacey Robinson
That's what I needed to know.
On Apr 25, 2012, at 12:29 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi,
> What do you mean by "making the app work well with voiceover"?
> What Menu tab does is show you either the mobile or the full facebook site, 
> depending on how you've set it. There's a row of buttons if you arrow right 
> with vo+right arrow from the html content. In this row you can see things 
> like home, back, forward etc. The button that's the second one from the right 
> toggles mobile and desktop versions ov the facebook site. This is good 
> because if something doesn't work as you want it in one version, it will 
> probably work better in the other version.
> /Krister
> 25 apr 2012 kl. 17:52 skrev Stacey Robinson:
>> Hi,
>> Can someone give me tips on using menu tab with facebook?
>> I have it installed and can see links for facebook such as friends and the 
>> status button. Are there settings I need to set to make this app work well 
>> with Voiceover?
>> Thanks,
>> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
>> (I love my mac)
>> -- 
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Re: Mobi to epub or HTML.

2012-04-25 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Sandi.

Great. Will you not need sighted assistance to turn on the command line in 

Best regards Annie.

Den Apr 25, 2012 kl. 1:14 PM skrev sandi sørensen:

> hey, thanks works :)
> to annie
> see my example below  for instructions .
> jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$ ./ebook-convert  sandi
> 1% Converting input to HTML...
> InputFormatPlugin: MOBI Input running
> on /Applications/
> Parsing all content...
> Forcing  test.html into XHTML namespace
> Referenced file 'images/7use.jpg' not found
> 34% Running transforms on ebook...
> Merging user specified metadata...
> Detecting structure...
> Flattening CSS and remapping font sizes...
> Source base font size is 12.0pt
> Removing fake margins...
> Cleaning up manifest...
> Trimming unused files from manifest...
> Trimming u'images/00016.jpg' from manifest
> Trimming u'images/00015.jpg' from manifest
> Creating OEB Output...
> 67% Creating OEB Output
> The cover image has an id != "cover". Renaming to work around bug in Nook 
> Color
> OEB output written to /Applications/
> Output saved to   /Applications/
> jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$
> On 4/24/12, Tyler Spivey  wrote:
>> None of you found ebook-convert which comes with calibre?
>> I don't have a mac, but this should work: go to your terminal, cd to the
>> right place, and do:
>> ebook-convert .epub
>> If your shell can't find it, just specify its path. Once done, it'll put
>> an epub in the same place you ran it from.
>> Obviously, this won't work with drm infested mobi files.
>> On 4/24/2012 1:14 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I have tried calibre, it is not accessible.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Den Apr 24, 2012 kl. 1:27 AM skrev sandi sørensen:
 The answer too your ebooks needs seems to be a program called calibre.
 Not sure if we can use it yet, but just curled it, will write more if it
 On 4/22/12, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
> Hi.
> Do any of you know an application for the mac, that can convert mobi to
> epub, html text or rtf. I have tried stanza, but it will not work very
> well.
> I have played a little with calibre, but it is inaccessible. Do any of
> you
> know an application that would solve that problem.
> Best regards Annie.
> --
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Re: Mobi to epub or HTML.

2012-04-25 Thread Lewis Alexander
I too can confirm that calibre is completely inaccessible. other than 
commandline tools, this software is unusable. probably as the app is written 
with JAVA. even the installer wizard has no interaction.. that is a shame.

are there any other suitable ebook apps here we can use?


On 25 Apr 2012, at 21:10, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

> Hi Sandi.
> Great. Will you not need sighted assistance to turn on the command line in 
> calibre?
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Apr 25, 2012 kl. 1:14 PM skrev sandi sørensen:
>> hey, thanks works :)
>> to annie
>> see my example below  for instructions .
>> jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$ ./ebook-convert  sandi
>> 1% Converting input to HTML...
>> InputFormatPlugin: MOBI Input running
>> on /Applications/
>> Parsing all content...
>> Forcing  test.html into XHTML namespace
>> Referenced file 'images/7use.jpg' not found
>> 34% Running transforms on ebook...
>> Merging user specified metadata...
>> Detecting structure...
>> Flattening CSS and remapping font sizes...
>> Source base font size is 12.0pt
>> Removing fake margins...
>> Cleaning up manifest...
>> Trimming unused files from manifest...
>> Trimming u'images/00016.jpg' from manifest
>> Trimming u'images/00015.jpg' from manifest
>> Creating OEB Output...
>> 67% Creating OEB Output
>> The cover image has an id != "cover". Renaming to work around bug in Nook 
>> Color
>> OEB output written to /Applications/
>> Output saved to   /Applications/
>> jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$
>> On 4/24/12, Tyler Spivey  wrote:
>>> None of you found ebook-convert which comes with calibre?
>>> I don't have a mac, but this should work: go to your terminal, cd to the
>>> right place, and do:
>>> ebook-convert .epub
>>> If your shell can't find it, just specify its path. Once done, it'll put
>>> an epub in the same place you ran it from.
>>> Obviously, this won't work with drm infested mobi files.
>>> On 4/24/2012 1:14 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
 I have tried calibre, it is not accessible.
 Best regards Annie.
 Den Apr 24, 2012 kl. 1:27 AM skrev sandi sørensen:
> Hey.
> The answer too your ebooks needs seems to be a program called calibre.
> Not sure if we can use it yet, but just curled it, will write more if it
> works.
> /sandi
> On 4/22/12, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Do any of you know an application for the mac, that can convert mobi to
>> epub, html text or rtf. I have tried stanza, but it will not work very
>> well.
>> I have played a little with calibre, but it is inaccessible. Do any of
>> you
>> know an application that would solve that problem.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>> Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the

Re: Mobi to epub or HTML.

2012-04-25 Thread sandi sørensen
hi annie, nope i thought about that when i wrote it , since i can see
what is on the monitor now. I turned the monitor off so i was sure
that the instructions i gave you would work with voiceover.
If it is too geeky for you i might be able too make a script for you
so you can say stand in your "download" folder and just have the books
made there, instead of coding and copying the files too the other
location like i did in the last mail, but if you have any problems let
me know and i will happily help you.
Note, it seems that epub files are split into chapters where mobi
files are just one huge html  file.
here is a better example, and if you follow that it should work,
however if it don't, you are welcome too mail again.
in this example i am assuming that your books are in your download folder
1: stand in your books folder with the epub file or mobi file and type
the following.
cp /Applications/
2: type ebook-convert file and a name of the folder for the book.
ebook-convert sandi
Okay that was the hard part, of course now i am not sure how much bash
or as it is called on a mac terminal you are used to use, but this is
relatively easy, i believe i have made it so if all goes wrong and you
are suffering from an anxiety attack you can just paste the commands
in. :)
at least that  is my intention by writing it as i do.
I have used it on 2 books so far and it seems to work okay, to be
really honest i was about to find a hack so i could extract the files
from the books i have bought before i read about the program on
google, so thank you for getting me a kick where it counted:)
but again write if it don't work, if you want me to explain it in
danish just write me privately and ill happily do so. :)

/sandi  who is not in the least a geek  just cause she got 8 macs in
one huge cluster.

On 4/25/12, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
> Hi Sandi.
> Great. Will you not need sighted assistance to turn on the command line in
> calibre?
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Apr 25, 2012 kl. 1:14 PM skrev sandi sørensen:
>> hey, thanks works :)
>> to annie
>> see my example below  for instructions .
>> jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$ ./ebook-convert  sandi
>> 1% Converting input to HTML...
>> InputFormatPlugin: MOBI Input running
>> on /Applications/
>> Parsing all content...
>> Forcing  test.html into XHTML namespace
>> Referenced file 'images/7use.jpg' not found
>> 34% Running transforms on ebook...
>> Merging user specified metadata...
>> Detecting structure...
>> Flattening CSS and remapping font sizes...
>> Source base font size is 12.0pt
>> Removing fake margins...
>> Cleaning up manifest...
>> Trimming unused files from manifest...
>> Trimming u'images/00016.jpg' from manifest
>> Trimming u'images/00015.jpg' from manifest
>> Creating OEB Output...
>> 67% Creating OEB Output
>> The cover image has an id != "cover". Renaming to work around bug in Nook
>> Color
>> OEB output written to /Applications/
>> Output saved to   /Applications/
>> jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$
>> On 4/24/12, Tyler Spivey  wrote:
>>> None of you found ebook-convert which comes with calibre?
>>> I don't have a mac, but this should work: go to your terminal, cd to the
>>> right place, and do:
>>> ebook-convert .epub
>>> If your shell can't find it, just specify its path. Once done, it'll put
>>> an epub in the same place you ran it from.
>>> Obviously, this won't work with drm infested mobi files.
>>> On 4/24/2012 1:14 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

 I have tried calibre, it is not accessible.

 Best regards Annie.
 Den Apr 24, 2012 kl. 1:27 AM skrev sandi sørensen:

> Hey.
> The answer too your ebooks needs seems to be a program called calibre.
> Not sure if we can use it yet, but just curled it, will write more if
> it
> works.
> /sandi
> On 4/22/12, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Do any of you know an application for the mac, that can convert mobi
>> to
>> epub, html text or rtf. I have tried stanza, but it will not work very
>> well.
>> I have played a little with calibre, but it is inaccessible. Do any of
>> you
>> know an application that would solve that problem.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>> Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups

Re: Mobi to epub or HTML.

2012-04-25 Thread sandi sørensen
Lew, but honestly, who the heck would wanna use anything else than
bash for things like that?
Fine it is not perfect but as a certain person says in star wars… it
got it where it counts, you could blame that we have many users who
might find it a little too geeky, but we surely have geeks enough too
be able too explain the proper operation of the program for these who
needs more help:)
and aint that what the life is about if you are a geek helping others? :)

On 4/25/12, sandi sørensen  wrote:
> hi annie, nope i thought about that when i wrote it , since i can see
> what is on the monitor now. I turned the monitor off so i was sure
> that the instructions i gave you would work with voiceover.
> If it is too geeky for you i might be able too make a script for you
> so you can say stand in your "download" folder and just have the books
> made there, instead of coding and copying the files too the other
> location like i did in the last mail, but if you have any problems let
> me know and i will happily help you.
> Note, it seems that epub files are split into chapters where mobi
> files are just one huge html  file.
> here is a better example, and if you follow that it should work,
> however if it don't, you are welcome too mail again.
> in this example i am assuming that your books are in your download folder
> 1: stand in your books folder with the epub file or mobi file and type
> the following.
> cp /Applications/
> 2: type ebook-convert file and a name of the folder for the book.
> ebook-convert sandi
> Okay that was the hard part, of course now i am not sure how much bash
> or as it is called on a mac terminal you are used to use, but this is
> relatively easy, i believe i have made it so if all goes wrong and you
> are suffering from an anxiety attack you can just paste the commands
> in. :)
> at least that  is my intention by writing it as i do.
> I have used it on 2 books so far and it seems to work okay, to be
> really honest i was about to find a hack so i could extract the files
> from the books i have bought before i read about the program on
> google, so thank you for getting me a kick where it counted:)
> but again write if it don't work, if you want me to explain it in
> danish just write me privately and ill happily do so. :)
> /sandi  who is not in the least a geek  just cause she got 8 macs in
> one huge cluster.
> On 4/25/12, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>> Hi Sandi.
>> Great. Will you not need sighted assistance to turn on the command line
>> in
>> calibre?
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Apr 25, 2012 kl. 1:14 PM skrev sandi sørensen:
>>> hey, thanks works :)
>>> to annie
>>> see my example below  for instructions .
>>> jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$ ./ebook-convert  sandi
>>> 1% Converting input to HTML...
>>> InputFormatPlugin: MOBI Input running
>>> on /Applications/
>>> Parsing all content...
>>> Forcing  test.html into XHTML namespace
>>> Referenced file 'images/7use.jpg' not found
>>> 34% Running transforms on ebook...
>>> Merging user specified metadata...
>>> Detecting structure...
>>> Flattening CSS and remapping font sizes...
>>> Source base font size is 12.0pt
>>> Removing fake margins...
>>> Cleaning up manifest...
>>> Trimming unused files from manifest...
>>> Trimming u'images/00016.jpg' from manifest
>>> Trimming u'images/00015.jpg' from manifest
>>> Creating OEB Output...
>>> 67% Creating OEB Output
>>> The cover image has an id != "cover". Renaming to work around bug in
>>> Nook
>>> Color
>>> OEB output written to /Applications/
>>> Output saved to   /Applications/
>>> jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$
>>> On 4/24/12, Tyler Spivey  wrote:
 None of you found ebook-convert which comes with calibre?
 I don't have a mac, but this should work: go to your terminal, cd to
 right place, and do:
 ebook-convert .epub
 If your shell can't find it, just specify its path. Once done, it'll
 an epub in the same place you ran it from.
 Obviously, this won't work with drm infested mobi files.

 On 4/24/2012 1:14 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
> Hi.
> I have tried calibre, it is not accessible.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Apr 24, 2012 kl. 1:27 AM skrev sandi sørensen:
>> Hey.
>> The answer too your ebooks needs seems to be a program called
>> calibre.
>> Not sure if we can use it yet, but just curled it, will write more if
>> it
>> works.
>> /sandi
>> On 4/22/12, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Do any of you know an application for the mac, that can convert mobi
>>> to
>>> epub, html text or rtf. I have tried stanza, but it will not work
>>> very
>>> well.
>>> I have played a little with calibre, b

Re: Mobi to epub or HTML.

2012-04-25 Thread Lewis Alexander
very true in deed.

it's useful for users to understand the methods, functions and outputs of 
scripting for specific purposes and there's nothing better than listening to 
apple script lol.


On 25 Apr 2012, at 21:43, sandi sørensen wrote:

> Lew, but honestly, who the heck would wanna use anything else than
> bash for things like that?
> Fine it is not perfect but as a certain person says in star wars… it
> got it where it counts, you could blame that we have many users who
> might find it a little too geeky, but we surely have geeks enough too
> be able too explain the proper operation of the program for these who
> needs more help:)
> and aint that what the life is about if you are a geek helping others? :)
> On 4/25/12, sandi sørensen  wrote:
>> hi annie, nope i thought about that when i wrote it , since i can see
>> what is on the monitor now. I turned the monitor off so i was sure
>> that the instructions i gave you would work with voiceover.
>> If it is too geeky for you i might be able too make a script for you
>> so you can say stand in your "download" folder and just have the books
>> made there, instead of coding and copying the files too the other
>> location like i did in the last mail, but if you have any problems let
>> me know and i will happily help you.
>> Note, it seems that epub files are split into chapters where mobi
>> files are just one huge html  file.
>> here is a better example, and if you follow that it should work,
>> however if it don't, you are welcome too mail again.
>> in this example i am assuming that your books are in your download folder
>> 1: stand in your books folder with the epub file or mobi file and type
>> the following.
>> cp /Applications/
>> 2: type ebook-convert file and a name of the folder for the book.
>> ebook-convert sandi
>> Okay that was the hard part, of course now i am not sure how much bash
>> or as it is called on a mac terminal you are used to use, but this is
>> relatively easy, i believe i have made it so if all goes wrong and you
>> are suffering from an anxiety attack you can just paste the commands
>> in. :)
>> at least that  is my intention by writing it as i do.
>> I have used it on 2 books so far and it seems to work okay, to be
>> really honest i was about to find a hack so i could extract the files
>> from the books i have bought before i read about the program on
>> google, so thank you for getting me a kick where it counted:)
>> but again write if it don't work, if you want me to explain it in
>> danish just write me privately and ill happily do so. :)
>> /sandi  who is not in the least a geek  just cause she got 8 macs in
>> one huge cluster.
>> On 4/25/12, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>>> Hi Sandi.
>>> Great. Will you not need sighted assistance to turn on the command line
>>> in
>>> calibre?
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Den Apr 25, 2012 kl. 1:14 PM skrev sandi sørensen:
 hey, thanks works :)
 to annie
 see my example below  for instructions .
 jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$ ./ebook-convert  sandi
 1% Converting input to HTML...
 InputFormatPlugin: MOBI Input running
 on /Applications/
 Parsing all content...
 Forcing  test.html into XHTML namespace
 Referenced file 'images/7use.jpg' not found
 34% Running transforms on ebook...
 Merging user specified metadata...
 Detecting structure...
 Flattening CSS and remapping font sizes...
 Source base font size is 12.0pt
 Removing fake margins...
 Cleaning up manifest...
 Trimming unused files from manifest...
 Trimming u'images/00016.jpg' from manifest
 Trimming u'images/00015.jpg' from manifest
 Creating OEB Output...
 67% Creating OEB Output
 The cover image has an id != "cover". Renaming to work around bug in
 OEB output written to /Applications/
 Output saved to   /Applications/
 jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$
 On 4/24/12, Tyler Spivey  wrote:
> None of you found ebook-convert which comes with calibre?
> I don't have a mac, but this should work: go to your terminal, cd to
> the
> right place, and do:
> ebook-convert .epub
> If your shell can't find it, just specify its path. Once done, it'll
> put
> an epub in the same place you ran it from.
> Obviously, this won't work with drm infested mobi files.
> On 4/24/2012 1:14 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I have tried calibre, it is not accessible.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Apr 24, 2012 kl. 1:27 AM skrev sandi sørensen:
>>> Hey.
>>> The answer too your ebooks needs seems to be a program called
>>> calibre.
>>> Not sure if we can use it yet, but just curled it, wi

Re: Mobi to epub or HTML.

2012-04-25 Thread Tyler Spivey
There's one minor change you can make, to avoid copying the book.
>From your example, ebook-convert is in 
>/Applications/, so in your downloads folder you can 

/Applications/ .epub

(or .txt or whatever format you want it in). This avoids cluttering up 
calibre's directory with your books.

If you do this often and don't want to type that long path, just symlink 
ebook-convert to somewhere on your $PATH (e.g. /usr/bin).

sudo ln -s /Applications/ /usr/bin

On 4/25/2012 1:37 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
> hi annie, nope i thought about that when i wrote it , since i can see
> what is on the monitor now. I turned the monitor off so i was sure
> that the instructions i gave you would work with voiceover.
> If it is too geeky for you i might be able too make a script for you
> so you can say stand in your "download" folder and just have the books
> made there, instead of coding and copying the files too the other
> location like i did in the last mail, but if you have any problems let
> me know and i will happily help you.
> Note, it seems that epub files are split into chapters where mobi
> files are just one huge html  file.
> here is a better example, and if you follow that it should work,
> however if it don't, you are welcome too mail again.
> in this example i am assuming that your books are in your download folder
> 1: stand in your books folder with the epub file or mobi file and type
> the following.
> cp /Applications/
> 2: type ebook-convert file and a name of the folder for the book.
> ebook-convert sandi
> Okay that was the hard part, of course now i am not sure how much bash
> or as it is called on a mac terminal you are used to use, but this is
> relatively easy, i believe i have made it so if all goes wrong and you
> are suffering from an anxiety attack you can just paste the commands
> in. :)
> at least that  is my intention by writing it as i do.
> I have used it on 2 books so far and it seems to work okay, to be
> really honest i was about to find a hack so i could extract the files
> from the books i have bought before i read about the program on
> google, so thank you for getting me a kick where it counted:)
> but again write if it don't work, if you want me to explain it in
> danish just write me privately and ill happily do so. :)
> /sandi  who is not in the least a geek  just cause she got 8 macs in
> one huge cluster.
> On 4/25/12, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>> Hi Sandi.
>> Great. Will you not need sighted assistance to turn on the command line in
>> calibre?
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Apr 25, 2012 kl. 1:14 PM skrev sandi sørensen:
>>> hey, thanks works :)
>>> to annie
>>> see my example below  for instructions .
>>> jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$ ./ebook-convert  sandi
>>> 1% Converting input to HTML...
>>> InputFormatPlugin: MOBI Input running
>>> on /Applications/
>>> Parsing all content...
>>> Forcing  test.html into XHTML namespace
>>> Referenced file 'images/7use.jpg' not found
>>> 34% Running transforms on ebook...
>>> Merging user specified metadata...
>>> Detecting structure...
>>> Flattening CSS and remapping font sizes...
>>> Source base font size is 12.0pt
>>> Removing fake margins...
>>> Cleaning up manifest...
>>> Trimming unused files from manifest...
>>> Trimming u'images/00016.jpg' from manifest
>>> Trimming u'images/00015.jpg' from manifest
>>> Creating OEB Output...
>>> 67% Creating OEB Output
>>> The cover image has an id != "cover". Renaming to work around bug in Nook
>>> Color
>>> OEB output written to /Applications/
>>> Output saved to   /Applications/
>>> jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$
>>> On 4/24/12, Tyler Spivey  wrote:
 None of you found ebook-convert which comes with calibre?
 I don't have a mac, but this should work: go to your terminal, cd to the
 right place, and do:
 ebook-convert .epub
 If your shell can't find it, just specify its path. Once done, it'll put
 an epub in the same place you ran it from.
 Obviously, this won't work with drm infested mobi files.

 On 4/24/2012 1:14 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
> Hi.
> I have tried calibre, it is not accessible.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Apr 24, 2012 kl. 1:27 AM skrev sandi sørensen:
>> Hey.
>> The answer too your ebooks needs seems to be a program called calibre.
>> Not sure if we can use it yet, but just curled it, will write more if
>> it
>> works.
>> /sandi
>> On 4/22/12, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Do any of you know an application for the mac, that can convert mobi
>>> to
>>> epub, html text or rtf. I have

Re: Mobi to epub or HTML.

2012-04-25 Thread sandi sørensen
tyler, you learn something new everyday, blush i had totally forgotten
about that option.
Don't it need more than just the soft link?


On 4/25/12, Tyler Spivey  wrote:
> There's one minor change you can make, to avoid copying the book.
> From your example, ebook-convert is in
> /Applications/, so in your downloads folder you
> can do:
> /Applications/ .epub
> (or .txt or whatever format you want it in). This avoids cluttering up
> calibre's directory with your books.
> If you do this often and don't want to type that long path, just symlink
> ebook-convert to somewhere on your $PATH (e.g. /usr/bin).
> sudo ln -s /Applications/ /usr/bin
> On 4/25/2012 1:37 PM, sandi sørensen wrote:
>> hi annie, nope i thought about that when i wrote it , since i can see
>> what is on the monitor now. I turned the monitor off so i was sure
>> that the instructions i gave you would work with voiceover.
>> If it is too geeky for you i might be able too make a script for you
>> so you can say stand in your "download" folder and just have the books
>> made there, instead of coding and copying the files too the other
>> location like i did in the last mail, but if you have any problems let
>> me know and i will happily help you.
>> Note, it seems that epub files are split into chapters where mobi
>> files are just one huge html  file.
>> here is a better example, and if you follow that it should work,
>> however if it don't, you are welcome too mail again.
>> in this example i am assuming that your books are in your download folder
>> 1: stand in your books folder with the epub file or mobi file and type
>> the following.
>> cp /Applications/
>> 2: type ebook-convert file and a name of the folder for the book.
>> ebook-convert sandi
>> Okay that was the hard part, of course now i am not sure how much bash
>> or as it is called on a mac terminal you are used to use, but this is
>> relatively easy, i believe i have made it so if all goes wrong and you
>> are suffering from an anxiety attack you can just paste the commands
>> in. :)
>> at least that  is my intention by writing it as i do.
>> I have used it on 2 books so far and it seems to work okay, to be
>> really honest i was about to find a hack so i could extract the files
>> from the books i have bought before i read about the program on
>> google, so thank you for getting me a kick where it counted:)
>> but again write if it don't work, if you want me to explain it in
>> danish just write me privately and ill happily do so. :)
>> /sandi  who is not in the least a geek  just cause she got 8 macs in
>> one huge cluster.
>> On 4/25/12, Annie Skov Nielsen  wrote:
>>> Hi Sandi.
>>> Great. Will you not need sighted assistance to turn on the command line
>>> in
>>> calibre?
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Den Apr 25, 2012 kl. 1:14 PM skrev sandi sørensen:
 hey, thanks works :)
 to annie
 see my example below  for instructions .
 jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$ ./ebook-convert  sandi
 1% Converting input to HTML...
 InputFormatPlugin: MOBI Input running
 on /Applications/
 Parsing all content...
 Forcing  test.html into XHTML namespace
 Referenced file 'images/7use.jpg' not found
 34% Running transforms on ebook...
 Merging user specified metadata...
 Detecting structure...
 Flattening CSS and remapping font sizes...
 Source base font size is 12.0pt
 Removing fake margins...
 Cleaning up manifest...
 Trimming unused files from manifest...
 Trimming u'images/00016.jpg' from manifest
 Trimming u'images/00015.jpg' from manifest
 Creating OEB Output...
 67% Creating OEB Output
 The cover image has an id != "cover". Renaming to work around bug in
 OEB output written to /Applications/
 Output saved to   /Applications/
 jadzias-MacBook-Air:MacOS jadzia$

 On 4/24/12, Tyler Spivey  wrote:
> None of you found ebook-convert which comes with calibre?
> I don't have a mac, but this should work: go to your terminal, cd to
> the
> right place, and do:
> ebook-convert .epub
> If your shell can't find it, just specify its path. Once done, it'll
> put
> an epub in the same place you ran it from.
> Obviously, this won't work with drm infested mobi files.
> On 4/24/2012 1:14 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I have tried calibre, it is not accessible.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Apr 24, 2012 kl. 1:27 AM skrev sandi sørensen:
>>> Hey.
>>> The answer too your ebooks needs seems to be a program called
>>> calibre.
>>> Not sure if

RSS feeds that have made new and duplicate mailboxes in my list

2012-04-25 Thread Jenny Keller

I have subscribed to several email lists which have made separate email boxes 
in my mailbox list.  I would like them all to come to my in box and I would 
like to delete the duplicates.

How do I do both?

thanks in advance and have a great night.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: RSS feeds that have made new and duplicate mailboxes in my list

2012-04-25 Thread John Panarese
 On the RSS mailbox, do a VO-shift-m.  The context menu has a, show in 
inbox, item.  Hit enter on that and I believe that will have the feeds go into 
your inbox.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Apr 25, 2012, at 7:06 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:

> Hi,
> I have subscribed to several email lists which have made separate email boxes 
> in my mailbox list.  I would like them all to come to my in box and I would 
> like to delete the duplicates.
> How do I do both?
> thanks in advance and have a great night.
> Jenny
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
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apps that help with putting references in to APA

2012-04-25 Thread Becky Knaub
Hi All,
So here is the question. I stink at doing references in APA format and I have 
to write a 15 page paper with references in APA. Is there an app that you can 
put the info in and it would format it properly.
No worries if not but thought why not ask.


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OT: Any Web Designers Out Here?

2012-04-25 Thread Christine Grassman
Hi there, everyone. I'm hoping someone can assist with something. In a 
nutshell, there is a site, which enables you to take 
surveys on fascinating and intriguing aspects of morality. After you take the 
surveys, there are often color-coded and otherwise graphical representations of 
your scores as compared to others who took the surveys. Most results are 
therefore inaccessible.
I wrote to the webmaster and received no reply, and I wrote to the man many of 
whose studies are discussed at this site, Professor John Haidt. He did respond, 
stating that it had never occurred to him that people with "limited sight" 
would be able to take their surveys, that it is an interesting consideration, 
but that he does not think anything can be changed until they get more money 
for updated web design. Is this the sort of thing which is really that 
expensive and time-consuming? I don't know enough about it, so would appreciate 
off-list feedback -- I can send anyone who wants more information the 
correspondence in question. It's one of those things that really could be, and 
should be, open to us, with the technology which is at our disposal.

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Re: OT: Any Web Designers Out Here?

2012-04-25 Thread Clinton Waterbury
That depends on who you go through for your web design.
Their web designer and/or web design company could be quite expensive.
In that case though, I would switch companies/designers, but I guess that's 
just another blind guy talking.
On Apr 25, 2012, at 6:03 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Hi there, everyone. I'm hoping someone can assist with something. In a 
> nutshell, there is a site, which enables you to 
> take surveys on fascinating and intriguing aspects of morality. After you 
> take the surveys, there are often color-coded and otherwise graphical 
> representations of your scores as compared to others who took the surveys. 
> Most results are therefore inaccessible.
> I wrote to the webmaster and received no reply, and I wrote to the man many 
> of whose studies are discussed at this site, Professor John Haidt. He did 
> respond, stating that it had never occurred to him that people with "limited 
> sight" would be able to take their surveys, that it is an interesting 
> consideration, but that he does not think anything can be changed until they 
> get more money for updated web design. Is this the sort of thing which is 
> really that expensive and time-consuming? I don't know enough about it, so 
> would appreciate off-list feedback -- I can send anyone who wants more 
> information the correspondence in question. It's one of those things that 
> really could be, and should be, open to us, with the technology which is at 
> our disposal.
> Christine
> -- 
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Re: apps that help with putting references in to APA

2012-04-25 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
there is an app called bookends. I think you can use that program. You will 
need sighted assistance to register the program, but I think some of the 
program is accessible.

best regards annie.  

Sendt fra min iPad

Den 26/04/2012 kl. 01.24 skrev Becky Knaub :

> Hi All,
> So here is the question. I stink at doing references in APA format and I have 
> to write a 15 page paper with references in APA. Is there an app that you can 
> put the info in and it would format it properly.
> No worries if not but thought why not ask.
> Becky
> -- 
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Re: RSS feeds that have made new and duplicate mailboxes in my list

2012-04-25 Thread Jenny Keller

also, how do you delete boxes that are the same thing just duplicates?

On Apr 25, 2012, at 6:15 PM, John Panarese wrote:

> On the RSS mailbox, do a VO-shift-m.  The context menu has a, show in 
> inbox, item.  Hit enter on that and I believe that will have the feeds go 
> into your inbox.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Apr 25, 2012, at 7:06 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have subscribed to several email lists which have made separate email 
>> boxes in my mailbox list.  I would like them all to come to my in box and I 
>> would like to delete the duplicates.
>> How do I do both?
>> thanks in advance and have a great night.
>> Jenny
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Re: RSS feeds that have made new and duplicate mailboxes in my list

2012-04-25 Thread John Panarese
It's the same process.  Open the context menu when you are on the mailbox 
you want to remove with VO-shift-m.  There should be a, delete mailbox, item.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Apr 25, 2012, at 9:40 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:

> thanks,
> also, how do you delete boxes that are the same thing just duplicates?
> Jenny
> On Apr 25, 2012, at 6:15 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>On the RSS mailbox, do a VO-shift-m.  The context menu has a, show in 
>> inbox, item.  Hit enter on that and I believe that will have the feeds go 
>> into your inbox.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Apr 25, 2012, at 7:06 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have subscribed to several email lists which have made separate email 
>>> boxes in my mailbox list.  I would like them all to come to my in box and I 
>>> would like to delete the duplicates.
>>> How do I do both?
>>> thanks in advance and have a great night.
>>> Jenny
>>> -- 
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