Re: FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread chris hallsworth

It also works with the iPod as well.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 07/04/2012 04:40, Pam Mathers wrote:

Hi.  Yes the person you are doing facetime with must have an Iphone or an Ipad. 
 They have to be a mac user of some kind.
On Apr 6, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:

hello group;  i was wondering if anyone has any experience with apple's 
FaceTime.  it is installed on my new macbook pro.  does the person you connect 
with have to be running the software too?  do they have to be an iPhone user?  
just wondering if i should try it or just skip it and install Skype.  any help 
would be greatly appreciated.  thanks, max

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2012-04-07 Thread Stacey Robinson
I'm new to this group and recently got a macbook running snow leopard.
I have many many questions.
I'll start with this one.
Is there a way with voiceover to put shortcuts to websites on the dock or 
I read in the VO manual that there was but couldn't get it to work.
Second,Is there a way to read email without having to interact with each 
message? Can you press enter and have the message read?
Finally, I put dropbox on my mac, but don't think I did it right, because it's 
not syncing with my iPhone properly.
How do I remove it and then start over. I don't remember how I got it installed.
Stacey Robinson and GEB Dog Chesley

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Re: FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread Paul Erkens
I use facetime every day to talk to friends who have an iPhone or have a mac. 
Facetime is accessible, and I can confirm it because I use it so often. As soon 
as another friend of ours gets an iphone, we no longer use the regular phones 
anymore. Facetime sounds very good and it's a breeze to use. 
By the way: if you have an iPhone, you use FaceTime and you don't want others 
to see you, although facetime is a video plus audio service, you can still turn 
off your local camera that sends your looks to the other party. Just press home 
on your iPhone. Facetime will continue to go, but from then on, you're only 
transmitting audio, and your receiving party will see a cross through his 
remote camera, which is you. It saves battery. To return to facetime, if you 
want to send video again, look in the status bar on the right. You'll see a 
button called: return to facetime. This also means that you can go to other 
apps, for example to look up an address for your friend if you like, and then 
return to facetime so you can later disconnect your call.
On the mac, I find the interface a little more difficult, but because facetime 
is on every mac and iphone, and on several other i devices, no configuration is 
needed. If your contact list on the phone or on the mac contains the mobile 
number and or the apple ID email address of your other party, then you're good 
to go.

On Apr 7, 2012, at 11:54 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:

> It also works with the iPod as well.
> Christopher Hallsworth
> On 07/04/2012 04:40, Pam Mathers wrote:
>> Hi.  Yes the person you are doing facetime with must have an Iphone or an 
>> Ipad.  They have to be a mac user of some kind.
>> On Apr 6, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
>>> hello group;  i was wondering if anyone has any experience with apple's 
>>> FaceTime.  it is installed on my new macbook pro.  does the person you 
>>> connect with have to be running the software too?  do they have to be an 
>>> iPhone user?  just wondering if i should try it or just skip it and install 
>>> Skype.  any help would be greatly appreciated.  thanks, max
>>> --
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mail sending continuously, we're stuck

2012-04-07 Thread Paul Erkens
Dear listers,
My wife has a mac running Lion with all updates. Her mail started acting 
strangely, and I can't solve it for now so I'm hoping one of you knows what is 
going on.

One of her mail accounts has a problem. If I send a test message from my wife's 
mac to myself, with just test in the subject field and blablabla in the body 
and I send that off, then mail starts sending. But even though this is only a 
very short message, mail keeps transmitting data. Not just for a minute, but 
for an hour, if you leave it running. It keeps transmitting until I cancel it. 
I see the kbps counter change somewhat from time to time, so it looks like a 
transmission of a large message, but it's not. Test is the only message in 
outbox, and her other accounts have no mail waiting to be sent. It says test, 
in the mail activity, which was indeed the subject of the message now being 
sent, and the progress bar hangs at 51 percent. And not just once, but each 
time I try it. I then cancel sending of the outgoing message, I delete the test 
message to be sent from her outbox, I exit and re open mail, I create a new 
message called test2, and try again. Same thing happens. Instead of hearing the 
whoosh sound, meaning the message was sent out correctly, the kpbs counter is 
there, taking up my full outbound bandwidth, the progress bar hangs at 51 
percent, and that's where it remains until canceled. She can't receive new 
mail, and it is becoming rather uncomfortable. 

Any idea what is happening here? Of course, I could back up her machine, 
reinstall Lion from scratch, install all her apps again and then recreate her 
mail accounts, hoping this won't happen again. But it's not Apple like, to do 
that. I reinstalled her windows several times over the years, but I'm hoping 
this belongs to the past.  What may be going on here? Any help is appreciated.


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Re: workbook for beginning mac users and updates

2012-04-07 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Pam,
I got started by listening to Mike Arrigo's podcasts on blind cool tech. They 
have been very very helpful and informative. and then 
search for Mike Arrigo, or just Arrigo. Ay r r i g o.
On Apr 7, 2012, at 3:43 AM, Pam Mathers wrote:

> Hi.  I am a new Mac user and have been at this for six months.  I was 
> wondering if anyone out there knows of a work book that could go in to more 
> detail.  A friend of mine downloaded some papers off from the computer but I 
> think we need something with more detail.  Also I was wondering if anyone 
> knows how to get the computer to do automatic updates so that I don't have 
> to.  Thanks.
> -- 
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Fujitsu SCANSNAP S1100

2012-04-07 Thread Scott Howell
Has anyone used this scanner and can report on the accessibility of the 
included software?


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radio with airplay on the mac

2012-04-07 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi listers,
Itunes is not very easy if you just want to listen to radio stations on the 
mac. I would like to listen to 1 of 3 specific news stations in my country. 
What do you use to hear national radio in your neighbourhood? Can you send any 
audio from the mac over airplay with a trick just like on the iphone, or can 
one only do it from iTunes on the mac?
Curious. Paul.

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Re: FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread Maxwell Ivey
hello; that was very helpful.  so far it seams to me that the mac version of 
FaceTime is less daunting than the mac version of Skype.  but since not 
everyone has an apple of some kind, i guess i'll have to use both.  take care, 
On Apr 7, 2012, at 8:58 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> I use facetime every day to talk to friends who have an iPhone or have a mac. 
> Facetime is accessible, and I can confirm it because I use it so often. As 
> soon as another friend of ours gets an iphone, we no longer use the regular 
> phones anymore. Facetime sounds very good and it's a breeze to use. 
> By the way: if you have an iPhone, you use FaceTime and you don't want others 
> to see you, although facetime is a video plus audio service, you can still 
> turn off your local camera that sends your looks to the other party. Just 
> press home on your iPhone. Facetime will continue to go, but from then on, 
> you're only transmitting audio, and your receiving party will see a cross 
> through his remote camera, which is you. It saves battery. To return to 
> facetime, if you want to send video again, look in the status bar on the 
> right. You'll see a button called: return to facetime. This also means that 
> you can go to other apps, for example to look up an address for your friend 
> if you like, and then return to facetime so you can later disconnect your 
> call.
> On the mac, I find the interface a little more difficult, but because 
> facetime is on every mac and iphone, and on several other i devices, no 
> configuration is needed. If your contact list on the phone or on the mac 
> contains the mobile number and or the apple ID email address of your other 
> party, then you're good to go.
> Hth,
> Paul.
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 11:54 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
>> It also works with the iPod as well.
>> Christopher Hallsworth
>> On 07/04/2012 04:40, Pam Mathers wrote:
>>> Hi.  Yes the person you are doing facetime with must have an Iphone or an 
>>> Ipad.  They have to be a mac user of some kind.
>>> On Apr 6, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
 hello group;  i was wondering if anyone has any experience with apple's 
 FaceTime.  it is installed on my new macbook pro.  does the person you 
 connect with have to be running the software too?  do they have to be an 
 iPhone user?  just wondering if i should try it or just skip it and 
 install Skype.  any help would be greatly appreciated.  thanks, max
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anyone using AT&T U-verse as Imap rather than pop?

2012-04-07 Thread Ray Foret Jr

I'm thinking of setting up my AT&T U-verse as a imap rather than a pop account 
so that I can keep messages on the server even after checking my e-mail on my 
Iphone.  I guess the first question is this.

1.  do I really need to set up AT&T U-verse as an imap rather than a pop 
account to do this?

2.  IF so, what ar the proper imap server designations which I need to use?  I 
know that AT&T has changed there pop 3 server to
and there SMTP to

Any help on this would be appreciated.  Thanks.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


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Re: mail sending continuously, we're stuck

2012-04-07 Thread Lewis Alexander
the issue in question can occur with certain mail servers like gmail, sky, etc 
from my experience. it's not an issue with the macs themselves. there may be a 
settings issue but the likelihood of that is rather minimal.

in your mail system, there will be a folder created called recovered emails or 
something like that. delete it. secondly go to your outbox and delete these 
messages sent. then quit mail, restart mail and this should solve the problem. 
failing this, force quit mail with command option escape.

the likelihood is that the main mail server is having trouble with accounts and 
some puppet on a string type is pushing patch cables around whilst singing from 
Mary Poppins. Don't quote me on that but... Marvelous.

give it a day or so is my best guidance. if this still persists, then the worst 
possible scenario is a rebuild of the OS if there's a setting that has 
corrupted itself.

run disk permissions on both systems.

a tip I should share with you all.

if you're doing a rebuild or fresh install of the OS, after all your apps are 
installed, perform a disk permissions repair then after this, create a time 
machine backup if you have the means to do so.


On 7 Apr 2012, at 15:14, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Dear listers,
> My wife has a mac running Lion with all updates. Her mail started acting 
> strangely, and I can't solve it for now so I'm hoping one of you knows what 
> is going on.
> One of her mail accounts has a problem. If I send a test message from my 
> wife's mac to myself, with just test in the subject field and blablabla in 
> the body and I send that off, then mail starts sending. But even though this 
> is only a very short message, mail keeps transmitting data. Not just for a 
> minute, but for an hour, if you leave it running. It keeps transmitting until 
> I cancel it. I see the kbps counter change somewhat from time to time, so it 
> looks like a transmission of a large message, but it's not. Test is the only 
> message in outbox, and her other accounts have no mail waiting to be sent. It 
> says test, in the mail activity, which was indeed the subject of the message 
> now being sent, and the progress bar hangs at 51 percent. And not just once, 
> but each time I try it. I then cancel sending of the outgoing message, I 
> delete the test message to be sent from her outbox, I exit and re open mail, 
> I create a new message called test2, and try again. Same thing happens. 
> Instead of hearing the whoosh sound, meaning the message was sent out 
> correctly, the kpbs counter is there, taking up my full outbound bandwidth, 
> the progress bar hangs at 51 percent, and that's where it remains until 
> canceled. She can't receive new mail, and it is becoming rather 
> uncomfortable. 
> Any idea what is happening here? Of course, I could back up her machine, 
> reinstall Lion from scratch, install all her apps again and then recreate her 
> mail accounts, hoping this won't happen again. But it's not Apple like, to do 
> that. I reinstalled her windows several times over the years, but I'm hoping 
> this belongs to the past.  What may be going on here? Any help is appreciated.
> Paul.
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Re: Introduction

2012-04-07 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Hi, Stacey; it's me again! :)  I can help you out with Snow Leopard and VO; 
maybe we can Skype or something some time and I'll give you some tips.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

Anyone know if there's a way to make Facetime show up on your iPhone screen?  
It seems that the only way I can use it is to open Contacts, select a contact, 
then select FaceTime.  this seems weird, because Facetime does show up on the 
screen of my iPod Touch, so it would seem like you should also be able to have 
it on the screen of your iPhone..
On Apr 7, 2012, at 9:58 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> I use facetime every day to talk to friends who have an iPhone or have a mac. 
> Facetime is accessible, and I can confirm it because I use it so often. As 
> soon as another friend of ours gets an iphone, we no longer use the regular 
> phones anymore. Facetime sounds very good and it's a breeze to use. 
> By the way: if you have an iPhone, you use FaceTime and you don't want others 
> to see you, although facetime is a video plus audio service, you can still 
> turn off your local camera that sends your looks to the other party. Just 
> press home on your iPhone. Facetime will continue to go, but from then on, 
> you're only transmitting audio, and your receiving party will see a cross 
> through his remote camera, which is you. It saves battery. To return to 
> facetime, if you want to send video again, look in the status bar on the 
> right. You'll see a button called: return to facetime. This also means that 
> you can go to other apps, for example to look up an address for your friend 
> if you like, and then return to facetime so you can later disconnect your 
> call.
> On the mac, I find the interface a little more difficult, but because 
> facetime is on every mac and iphone, and on several other i devices, no 
> configuration is needed. If your contact list on the phone or on the mac 
> contains the mobile number and or the apple ID email address of your other 
> party, then you're good to go.
> Hth,
> Paul.
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 11:54 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
>> It also works with the iPod as well.
>> Christopher Hallsworth
>> On 07/04/2012 04:40, Pam Mathers wrote:
>>> Hi.  Yes the person you are doing facetime with must have an Iphone or an 
>>> Ipad.  They have to be a mac user of some kind.
>>> On Apr 6, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
 hello group;  i was wondering if anyone has any experience with apple's 
 FaceTime.  it is installed on my new macbook pro.  does the person you 
 connect with have to be running the software too?  do they have to be an 
 iPhone user?  just wondering if i should try it or just skip it and 
 install Skype.  any help would be greatly appreciated.  thanks, max
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Re: FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread Ricardo Walker

no you can't.  I guess the reason why it shows up on the home screen of your 
iPod is, there is no phone app to put it in like the iPhone.

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:24 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Anyone know if there's a way to make Facetime show up on your iPhone screen?  
> It seems that the only way I can use it is to open Contacts, select a 
> contact, then select FaceTime.  this seems weird, because Facetime does show 
> up on the screen of my iPod Touch, so it would seem like you should also be 
> able to have it on the screen of your iPhone..
> TIA,
> Donna
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 9:58 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> I use facetime every day to talk to friends who have an iPhone or have a 
>> mac. Facetime is accessible, and I can confirm it because I use it so often. 
>> As soon as another friend of ours gets an iphone, we no longer use the 
>> regular phones anymore. Facetime sounds very good and it's a breeze to use. 
>> By the way: if you have an iPhone, you use FaceTime and you don't want 
>> others to see you, although facetime is a video plus audio service, you can 
>> still turn off your local camera that sends your looks to the other party. 
>> Just press home on your iPhone. Facetime will continue to go, but from then 
>> on, you're only transmitting audio, and your receiving party will see a 
>> cross through his remote camera, which is you. It saves battery. To return 
>> to facetime, if you want to send video again, look in the status bar on the 
>> right. You'll see a button called: return to facetime. This also means that 
>> you can go to other apps, for example to look up an address for your friend 
>> if you like, and then return to facetime so you can later disconnect your 
>> call.
>> On the mac, I find the interface a little more difficult, but because 
>> facetime is on every mac and iphone, and on several other i devices, no 
>> configuration is needed. If your contact list on the phone or on the mac 
>> contains the mobile number and or the apple ID email address of your other 
>> party, then you're good to go.
>> Hth,
>> Paul.
>> On Apr 7, 2012, at 11:54 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
>>> It also works with the iPod as well.
>>> Christopher Hallsworth
>>> On 07/04/2012 04:40, Pam Mathers wrote:
 Hi.  Yes the person you are doing facetime with must have an Iphone or an 
 Ipad.  They have to be a mac user of some kind.
 On Apr 6, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
> hello group;  i was wondering if anyone has any experience with apple's 
> FaceTime.  it is installed on my new macbook pro.  does the person you 
> connect with have to be running the software too?  do they have to be an 
> iPhone user?  just wondering if i should try it or just skip it and 
> install Skype.  any help would be greatly appreciated.  thanks, max
> --
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Re: anyone using AT&T U-verse as Imap rather than pop?

2012-04-07 Thread Ricardo Walker

You shouldn't need to switch to IMAP just to do that.  Actually, I think pop 
accounts do this by default.

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 7, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm thinking of setting up my AT&T U-verse as a imap rather than a pop 
> account so that I can keep messages on the server even after checking my 
> e-mail on my Iphone.  I guess the first question is this.
> 1.  do I really need to set up AT&T U-verse as an imap rather than a pop 
> account to do this?
> 2.  IF so, what ar the proper imap server designations which I need to use?  
> I know that AT&T has changed there pop 3 server to 
> and there SMTP to
> Any help on this would be appreciated.  Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> -- 
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Re: iPad losing battery power rapidly

2012-04-07 Thread Keith Watson

I would take it into the Apple store and have them run some diagnostics on it. 
20% overnight is a bit excessive.


On Apr 7, 2012, at 1:35 AM, Andrew Lamanche wrote:

> Dear Listers,
> I am somewhat puzzled as to why my iPad 2 loses power so rapidly. I
> would charge it fully, and then overnight, without even using it, it
> would lose about 20% battery power. I have switched off all the
> unnecessary services except for location servcie. I make sure I remove
> all applications from appswitcher before I lock the screen. Anybody
> has had similar issues? IPad 1 certainly did not used to lose power so
> quickly. Might I have a problem with the battery that needs to be
> sorted by Apple?
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Maybe it's just normal?
> Best wishes
> Andrew
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Re: FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread Donna Goodin
Too bad, I wish they'd change that.
On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:27 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> no you can't.  I guess the reason why it shows up on the home screen of your 
> iPod is, there is no phone app to put it in like the iPhone.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:24 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Anyone know if there's a way to make Facetime show up on your iPhone screen? 
>>  It seems that the only way I can use it is to open Contacts, select a 
>> contact, then select FaceTime.  this seems weird, because Facetime does show 
>> up on the screen of my iPod Touch, so it would seem like you should also be 
>> able to have it on the screen of your iPhone..
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> On Apr 7, 2012, at 9:58 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>>> I use facetime every day to talk to friends who have an iPhone or have a 
>>> mac. Facetime is accessible, and I can confirm it because I use it so 
>>> often. As soon as another friend of ours gets an iphone, we no longer use 
>>> the regular phones anymore. Facetime sounds very good and it's a breeze to 
>>> use. 
>>> By the way: if you have an iPhone, you use FaceTime and you don't want 
>>> others to see you, although facetime is a video plus audio service, you can 
>>> still turn off your local camera that sends your looks to the other party. 
>>> Just press home on your iPhone. Facetime will continue to go, but from then 
>>> on, you're only transmitting audio, and your receiving party will see a 
>>> cross through his remote camera, which is you. It saves battery. To return 
>>> to facetime, if you want to send video again, look in the status bar on the 
>>> right. You'll see a button called: return to facetime. This also means that 
>>> you can go to other apps, for example to look up an address for your friend 
>>> if you like, and then return to facetime so you can later disconnect your 
>>> call.
>>> On the mac, I find the interface a little more difficult, but because 
>>> facetime is on every mac and iphone, and on several other i devices, no 
>>> configuration is needed. If your contact list on the phone or on the mac 
>>> contains the mobile number and or the apple ID email address of your other 
>>> party, then you're good to go.
>>> Hth,
>>> Paul.
>>> On Apr 7, 2012, at 11:54 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
 It also works with the iPod as well.
 Christopher Hallsworth
 On 07/04/2012 04:40, Pam Mathers wrote:
> Hi.  Yes the person you are doing facetime with must have an Iphone or an 
> Ipad.  They have to be a mac user of some kind.
> On Apr 6, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
>> hello group;  i was wondering if anyone has any experience with apple's 
>> FaceTime.  it is installed on my new macbook pro.  does the person you 
>> connect with have to be running the software too?  do they have to be an 
>> iPhone user?  just wondering if i should try it or just skip it and 
>> install Skype.  any help would be greatly appreciated.  thanks, max
>> --
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A question regarding Apple Mail

2012-04-07 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

Apple Mail always takes a long time to update my inbox after I start my Mac.
For a long time, it only displays  the messages that I received when I last 
used my Mac.
For example, I last used my Mac on 3rd April before using it today.
 So, the last message in my inbox is the message that I received on 3rd April.
I will be able to see the messages that I've received after that day only after 
using my Mac for at least 20-25 minutes.
So, what can I do to ensure that my inbox gets immediately updated after I 
start my Mac?

 Your help would be really appreciated.


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Re: iPad losing battery power rapidly

2012-04-07 Thread Ricardo Walker

before doing that, I would check to see if the device is properly going into 
standby.  The bug effects iPhones and iPod touches so, why not iPads?  Leave 
your device locked for about 2 minutes then press the up or down volume.  If 
you hear the little popping noise VO makes when volume keys are pressed, your 
device isn't going into standby properly.  The first thing I would do is plug 
your iPad to you computer and just do a sync with iTunes, and just leave it 
there until the device is fully charged again.  Believe it or not, this often 
does the trick.  If that doesn't work, do a soft reset by pressing the power 
button 5 times.  If that doesn't work, hold down the power and home button for 
about 10 seconds.  You device will restart.  Lastly, do a factory restore.  If 
all of the above fails, then take the device to an Apple store.


Ricardo Walker

On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:33 PM, Keith Watson  wrote:

> Andrew,
> I would take it into the Apple store and have them run some diagnostics on 
> it. 20% overnight is a bit excessive.
> Keith
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 1:35 AM, Andrew Lamanche wrote:
>> Dear Listers,
>> I am somewhat puzzled as to why my iPad 2 loses power so rapidly. I
>> would charge it fully, and then overnight, without even using it, it
>> would lose about 20% battery power. I have switched off all the
>> unnecessary services except for location servcie. I make sure I remove
>> all applications from appswitcher before I lock the screen. Anybody
>> has had similar issues? IPad 1 certainly did not used to lose power so
>> quickly. Might I have a problem with the battery that needs to be
>> sorted by Apple?
>> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Maybe it's just normal?
>> Best wishes
>> Andrew
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Re: FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread Ricardo Walker

When you use the facetime app on the touch, what is the difference?  I've never 
used it on one so was just curious.  I mean, wouldn't you have to search 
through your contacts for the person you would like to facetime on that too?


Ricardo Walker

On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:38 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Too bad, I wish they'd change that.
> Donna
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:27 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> no you can't.  I guess the reason why it shows up on the home screen of your 
>> iPod is, there is no phone app to put it in like the iPhone.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:24 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Anyone know if there's a way to make Facetime show up on your iPhone 
>>> screen?  It seems that the only way I can use it is to open Contacts, 
>>> select a contact, then select FaceTime.  this seems weird, because Facetime 
>>> does show up on the screen of my iPod Touch, so it would seem like you 
>>> should also be able to have it on the screen of your iPhone..
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 7, 2012, at 9:58 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
 I use facetime every day to talk to friends who have an iPhone or have a 
 mac. Facetime is accessible, and I can confirm it because I use it so 
 often. As soon as another friend of ours gets an iphone, we no longer use 
 the regular phones anymore. Facetime sounds very good and it's a breeze to 
 By the way: if you have an iPhone, you use FaceTime and you don't want 
 others to see you, although facetime is a video plus audio service, you 
 can still turn off your local camera that sends your looks to the other 
 party. Just press home on your iPhone. Facetime will continue to go, but 
 from then on, you're only transmitting audio, and your receiving party 
 will see a cross through his remote camera, which is you. It saves 
 battery. To return to facetime, if you want to send video again, look in 
 the status bar on the right. You'll see a button called: return to 
 facetime. This also means that you can go to other apps, for example to 
 look up an address for your friend if you like, and then return to 
 facetime so you can later disconnect your call.
 On the mac, I find the interface a little more difficult, but because 
 facetime is on every mac and iphone, and on several other i devices, no 
 configuration is needed. If your contact list on the phone or on the mac 
 contains the mobile number and or the apple ID email address of your other 
 party, then you're good to go.
 On Apr 7, 2012, at 11:54 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
> It also works with the iPod as well.
> Christopher Hallsworth
> On 07/04/2012 04:40, Pam Mathers wrote:
>> Hi.  Yes the person you are doing facetime with must have an Iphone or 
>> an Ipad.  They have to be a mac user of some kind.
>> On Apr 6, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
>>> hello group;  i was wondering if anyone has any experience with apple's 
>>> FaceTime.  it is installed on my new macbook pro.  does the person you 
>>> connect with have to be running the software too?  do they have to be 
>>> an iPhone user?  just wondering if i should try it or just skip it and 
>>> install Skype.  any help would be greatly appreciated.  thanks, max
>>> --
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Re: A question regarding Apple Mail

2012-04-07 Thread Ricardo Walker

do you have a lot of mail in your inboxes?  I know it sounds crazy but, I've 
none people who keep tens of thousands of messages just sitting there.

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:59 PM, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Apple Mail always takes a long time to update my inbox after I start my Mac.
> For a long time, it only displays  the messages that I received when I last 
> used my Mac.
> For example, I last used my Mac on 3rd April before using it today.
> So, the last message in my inbox is the message that I received on 3rd April.
> I will be able to see the messages that I've received after that day only 
> after using my Mac for at least 20-25 minutes.
> So, what can I do to ensure that my inbox gets immediately updated after I 
> start my Mac?
> Your help would be really appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Rahul
> -- 
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dropbox question.

2012-04-07 Thread Ricardo Walker

I'm running dropbox 1.2.52 and I've noticed that the dropbox sub menu, in the 
context menu when brought up in the public folder, is missing.  Again!  Can 
others confirm this?  I would like to be able to get the public links for some 
files in my public folder and I can't.  To make matters worse, I can't retrieve 
them from the dropbox site either.

Ricardo Walker

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Re: FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread Hank Smith

On 4/7/2012 10:04 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:


When you use the facetime app on the touch, what is the difference?  I've never 
used it on one so was just curious.  I mean, wouldn't you have to search 
through your contacts for the person you would like to facetime on that too?


Ricardo Walker

On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:38 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

Too bad, I wish they'd change that.
On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:27 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:


no you can't.  I guess the reason why it shows up on the home screen of your 
iPod is, there is no phone app to put it in like the iPhone.

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:24 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

Hi all,

Anyone know if there's a way to make Facetime show up on your iPhone screen?  
It seems that the only way I can use it is to open Contacts, select a contact, 
then select FaceTime.  this seems weird, because Facetime does show up on the 
screen of my iPod Touch, so it would seem like you should also be able to have 
it on the screen of your iPhone..
On Apr 7, 2012, at 9:58 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

I use facetime every day to talk to friends who have an iPhone or have a mac. 
Facetime is accessible, and I can confirm it because I use it so often. As soon 
as another friend of ours gets an iphone, we no longer use the regular phones 
anymore. Facetime sounds very good and it's a breeze to use.
By the way: if you have an iPhone, you use FaceTime and you don't want others 
to see you, although facetime is a video plus audio service, you can still turn 
off your local camera that sends your looks to the other party. Just press home 
on your iPhone. Facetime will continue to go, but from then on, you're only 
transmitting audio, and your receiving party will see a cross through his 
remote camera, which is you. It saves battery. To return to facetime, if you 
want to send video again, look in the status bar on the right. You'll see a 
button called: return to facetime. This also means that you can go to other 
apps, for example to look up an address for your friend if you like, and then 
return to facetime so you can later disconnect your call.
On the mac, I find the interface a little more difficult, but because facetime 
is on every mac and iphone, and on several other i devices, no configuration is 
needed. If your contact list on the phone or on the mac contains the mobile 
number and or the apple ID email address of your other party, then you're good 
to go.

On Apr 7, 2012, at 11:54 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:

It also works with the iPod as well.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 07/04/2012 04:40, Pam Mathers wrote:

Hi.  Yes the person you are doing facetime with must have an Iphone or an Ipad. 
 They have to be a mac user of some kind.
On Apr 6, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:

hello group;  i was wondering if anyone has any experience with apple's 
FaceTime.  it is installed on my new macbook pro.  does the person you connect 
with have to be running the software too?  do they have to be an iPhone user?  
just wondering if i should try it or just skip it and install Skype.  any help 
would be greatly appreciated.  thanks, max

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Re: FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread Donna Goodin
Hey Ricardo,

IDK, maybe it's psychological, but it seems easier to me.  If you FaceTime from 
your phone, you have to open Contacts, go to the contact you want, select 
FaceTime, then select the number or email address. If you do it from the Touch, 
when you open FaceTime, you're already in your contacts, so you just select the 
one you want.  You're also already in FaceTime, so you don't have to select 
that either, so you just tap the number or email you want.  It's only a couple 
of steps, but it feels less cumbersome.
On Apr 7, 2012, at 1:04 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> When you use the facetime app on the touch, what is the difference?  I've 
> never used it on one so was just curious.  I mean, wouldn't you have to 
> search through your contacts for the person you would like to facetime on 
> that too?
> TIA.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:38 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Too bad, I wish they'd change that.
>> Donna
>> On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:27 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> no you can't.  I guess the reason why it shows up on the home screen of 
>>> your iPod is, there is no phone app to put it in like the iPhone.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:24 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
 Hi all,
 Anyone know if there's a way to make Facetime show up on your iPhone 
 screen?  It seems that the only way I can use it is to open Contacts, 
 select a contact, then select FaceTime.  this seems weird, because 
 Facetime does show up on the screen of my iPod Touch, so it would seem 
 like you should also be able to have it on the screen of your iPhone..
 On Apr 7, 2012, at 9:58 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> I use facetime every day to talk to friends who have an iPhone or have a 
> mac. Facetime is accessible, and I can confirm it because I use it so 
> often. As soon as another friend of ours gets an iphone, we no longer use 
> the regular phones anymore. Facetime sounds very good and it's a breeze 
> to use. 
> By the way: if you have an iPhone, you use FaceTime and you don't want 
> others to see you, although facetime is a video plus audio service, you 
> can still turn off your local camera that sends your looks to the other 
> party. Just press home on your iPhone. Facetime will continue to go, but 
> from then on, you're only transmitting audio, and your receiving party 
> will see a cross through his remote camera, which is you. It saves 
> battery. To return to facetime, if you want to send video again, look in 
> the status bar on the right. You'll see a button called: return to 
> facetime. This also means that you can go to other apps, for example to 
> look up an address for your friend if you like, and then return to 
> facetime so you can later disconnect your call.
> On the mac, I find the interface a little more difficult, but because 
> facetime is on every mac and iphone, and on several other i devices, no 
> configuration is needed. If your contact list on the phone or on the mac 
> contains the mobile number and or the apple ID email address of your 
> other party, then you're good to go.
> Hth,
> Paul.
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 11:54 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
>> It also works with the iPod as well.
>> Christopher Hallsworth
>> On 07/04/2012 04:40, Pam Mathers wrote:
>>> Hi.  Yes the person you are doing facetime with must have an Iphone or 
>>> an Ipad.  They have to be a mac user of some kind.
>>> On Apr 6, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
 hello group;  i was wondering if anyone has any experience with 
 apple's FaceTime.  it is installed on my new macbook pro.  does the 
 person you connect with have to be running the software too?  do they 
 have to be an iPhone user?  just wondering if i should try it or just 
 skip it and install Skype.  any help would be greatly appreciated.  
 thanks, max
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Using Siri to activate FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

this discussion has gotten me curious, so I've been playing around a bit.  It 
would seem that you can use Siri to make a FaceTime call.  At least, if you say 
"FaceTime Donna Goodin"  Siri gets that you want to place a FaceTime Call, and 
prompts you to select the phone number or email you want.  But then the call 
never goes through.  Just curious, has anyone else been able to use Siri to 
place a FaceTime Call?

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Re: Using Siri to activate FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread Ryan Mann
I have been using Syri to make Face Time calls for a few weeks.  I just say 
Face Time name mobile.  For example, I would say "Face Time Pamela Mann mobile" 
and the call goes through.  Sometimes it takes a minute.
Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 7, 2012, at 1:22 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi all,
> this discussion has gotten me curious, so I've been playing around a bit.  It 
> would seem that you can use Siri to make a FaceTime call.  At least, if you 
> say "FaceTime Donna Goodin"  Siri gets that you want to place a FaceTime 
> Call, and prompts you to select the phone number or email you want.  But then 
> the call never goes through.  Just curious, has anyone else been able to use 
> Siri to place a FaceTime Call?
> Cheers,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: radio with airplay on the mac

2012-04-07 Thread chris hallsworth
Not sure if this would work but you can try Airfoil and use its Speaker 
application to receive audio from your iPhone to your mac. Any 
application for the iPhone that can use Airplay should suffice to 
receive audio from the application to the mac.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 07/04/2012 15:24, Paul Erkens wrote:

Hi listers,
Itunes is not very easy if you just want to listen to radio stations on the 
mac. I would like to listen to 1 of 3 specific news stations in my country. 
What do you use to hear national radio in your neighbourhood? Can you send any 
audio from the mac over airplay with a trick just like on the iphone, or can 
one only do it from iTunes on the mac?
Curious. Paul.

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Re: Introduction

2012-04-07 Thread Stacey Robinson
I don't have skype yet.

On Apr 7, 2012, at 11:05 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Hi, Stacey; it's me again! :)  I can help you out with Snow Leopard and VO; 
> maybe we can Skype or something some time and I'll give you some tips.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: dropbox question.

2012-04-07 Thread Stacey Robinson
I've had lots of trouble with dropbox. I have no context menu either.

On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:10 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm running dropbox 1.2.52 and I've noticed that the dropbox sub menu, in the 
> context menu when brought up in the public folder, is missing.  Again!  Can 
> others confirm this?  I would like to be able to get the public links for 
> some files in my public folder and I can't.  To make matters worse, I can't 
> retrieve them from the dropbox site either.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> -- 
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Re: Introduction

2012-04-07 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Oh; well, I could call you if you like, or we can talk via Mail or whatever 
works; I'd be glad to help if I can.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Using Siri to activate FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread Donna Goodin
Hey Ryan, you're right, that worked perfectly.  I guess Siri only hangs if you 
don't specify which number you want when you speak the command.
On Apr 7, 2012, at 1:52 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:

> I have been using Syri to make Face Time calls for a few weeks.  I just say 
> Face Time name mobile.  For example, I would say "Face Time Pamela Mann 
> mobile" and the call goes through.  Sometimes it takes a minute.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 1:22 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> this discussion has gotten me curious, so I've been playing around a bit.  
>> It would seem that you can use Siri to make a FaceTime call.  At least, if 
>> you say "FaceTime Donna Goodin"  Siri gets that you want to place a FaceTime 
>> Call, and prompts you to select the phone number or email you want.  But 
>> then the call never goes through.  Just curious, has anyone else been able 
>> to use Siri to place a FaceTime Call?
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: anyone using AT&T U-verse as Imap rather than pop?

2012-04-07 Thread M. Taylor

As I understand it, A T & T uVerse does not offer iMap.

On Apr 7, 2012, at 7:36 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm thinking of setting up my AT&T U-verse as a imap rather than a pop 
> account so that I can keep messages on the server even after checking my 
> e-mail on my Iphone.  I guess the first question is this.
> 1.  do I really need to set up AT&T U-verse as an imap rather than a pop 
> account to do this?
> 2.  IF so, what ar the proper imap server designations which I need to use?  
> I know that AT&T has changed there pop 3 server to 
> and there SMTP to
> Any help on this would be appreciated.  Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> -- 
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Pages and Braille Display

2012-04-07 Thread Michael Malarsie
Hey all,
 Can someone tell me if a braille display can be used with Pages? I 
have never tried one before so I don't know how it works. Thanks.

Mike Malarsie 

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Re: Pages and Braille Display

2012-04-07 Thread Lewis Alexander
yep it can.

the braille display is system wide and as long as voiceover can see what's 
there and understands it, it's converted to braille output.

if you're looking for a really mobile and trustworthy braille display that's 
sharp, check out the humanware brailliant 40 cell or above. I used one for a 
short while before my fingers lost the degree of sensitivity for braille. but I 
have to say, it was a really nice display and gave me a decent heads up when I 
needed it for previewing or editing.


On 7 Apr 2012, at 19:40, Michael Malarsie wrote:

> Hey all,
>Can someone tell me if a braille display can be used with Pages? I 
> have never tried one before so I don't know how it works. Thanks.
> Mike Malarsie 
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Re: dropbox question.

2012-04-07 Thread Esther
Hi Ricardo,

I'm running Dropbox 1.2.52 on Lion, and I don''t have this problem.  When I put 
across the stanza.dmg file in my public folder and used the context menu for 
the link, I found under the "Dropbox" submenu the options for "Browse on 
Dropbox Website", "View Previous Versions", and "Copy Public Link" -- which is 
what I used to send you the original link in Stanza.

The Dropbox directory is set up as a symbolic link on your system.  Is it 
possible there is something wrong with the disk that stores your account on the 
Dropbox site?  If I log into Dropbox at:
I can view my Public folder items, and use the context menu. But I notice that 
navigation order is weird on the Public page after I bring up the context menu. 
 What happens is that you only get to the context menu options after you 
navigate through all the items listed in your folder.  To get around that, 
after you do your VO-Shift-M, bring up item chooser menu (VO-I), and type 
"Copy" so you can navigate to the first of the context menu options.  Them you 
can either VO-Space on the copy option, or continue to navigate to the other 
context menu items.  Alternatively, use the "Search Dropbox" text box to type 
in part of the file name.  That should filter what is displayed on the page.  
That's how I discovered that when you use the context menu shortcut, then 
navigate the files on the Dropbox web page, you get all the files in your 
folder announced by VoiceOver before you get the announcement of the list of 
items in your context menu.

I don't keep lots of items in my Dropbox Public folder.  You probably need 
someone who uses Dropbox a lot to help you troubleshoot.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Apr 7, 2012, at 7:10 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm running dropbox 1.2.52 and I've noticed that the dropbox sub menu, in the 
> context menu when brought up in the public folder, is missing.  Again!  Can 
> others confirm this?  I would like to be able to get the public links for 
> some files in my public folder and I can't.  To make matters worse, I can't 
> retrieve them from the dropbox site either.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore

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Re: Introduction

2012-04-07 Thread Stacey Robinson
Any help you can give is greatly appreciated.
On Apr 7, 2012, at 1:17 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Oh; well, I could call you if you like, or we can talk via Mail or whatever 
> works; I'd be glad to help if I can.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread Ricardo Walker

I see what you mean.

Thanks.  You should drop apple a e-mail requesting this as a feature.

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 7, 2012, at 1:18 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hey Ricardo,
> IDK, maybe it's psychological, but it seems easier to me.  If you FaceTime 
> from your phone, you have to open Contacts, go to the contact you want, 
> select FaceTime, then select the number or email address. If you do it from 
> the Touch, when you open FaceTime, you're already in your contacts, so you 
> just select the one you want.  You're also already in FaceTime, so you don't 
> have to select that either, so you just tap the number or email you want.  
> It's only a couple of steps, but it feels less cumbersome.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 1:04 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When you use the facetime app on the touch, what is the difference?  I've 
>> never used it on one so was just curious.  I mean, wouldn't you have to 
>> search through your contacts for the person you would like to facetime on 
>> that too?
>> TIA.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:38 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Too bad, I wish they'd change that.
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:27 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 no you can't.  I guess the reason why it shows up on the home screen of 
 your iPod is, there is no phone app to put it in like the iPhone.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Apr 7, 2012, at 12:24 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Anyone know if there's a way to make Facetime show up on your iPhone 
> screen?  It seems that the only way I can use it is to open Contacts, 
> select a contact, then select FaceTime.  this seems weird, because 
> Facetime does show up on the screen of my iPod Touch, so it would seem 
> like you should also be able to have it on the screen of your iPhone..
> TIA,
> Donna
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 9:58 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> I use facetime every day to talk to friends who have an iPhone or have a 
>> mac. Facetime is accessible, and I can confirm it because I use it so 
>> often. As soon as another friend of ours gets an iphone, we no longer 
>> use the regular phones anymore. Facetime sounds very good and it's a 
>> breeze to use. 
>> By the way: if you have an iPhone, you use FaceTime and you don't want 
>> others to see you, although facetime is a video plus audio service, you 
>> can still turn off your local camera that sends your looks to the other 
>> party. Just press home on your iPhone. Facetime will continue to go, but 
>> from then on, you're only transmitting audio, and your receiving party 
>> will see a cross through his remote camera, which is you. It saves 
>> battery. To return to facetime, if you want to send video again, look in 
>> the status bar on the right. You'll see a button called: return to 
>> facetime. This also means that you can go to other apps, for example to 
>> look up an address for your friend if you like, and then return to 
>> facetime so you can later disconnect your call.
>> On the mac, I find the interface a little more difficult, but because 
>> facetime is on every mac and iphone, and on several other i devices, no 
>> configuration is needed. If your contact list on the phone or on the mac 
>> contains the mobile number and or the apple ID email address of your 
>> other party, then you're good to go.
>> Hth,
>> Paul.
>> On Apr 7, 2012, at 11:54 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
>>> It also works with the iPod as well.
>>> Christopher Hallsworth
>>> On 07/04/2012 04:40, Pam Mathers wrote:
 Hi.  Yes the person you are doing facetime with must have an Iphone or 
 an Ipad.  They have to be a mac user of some kind.
 On Apr 6, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
> hello group;  i was wondering if anyone has any experience with 
> apple's FaceTime.  it is installed on my new macbook pro.  does the 
> person you connect with have to be running the software too?  do they 
> have to be an iPhone user?  just wondering if i should try it or just 
> skip it and install Skype.  any help would be greatly appreciated.  
> thanks, max
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Re: Introduction

2012-04-07 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Okay, well how do you want to go about it?  Shall I call you at a time, or do 
you want to ask a question at a time in E-mail, or shall I send a helicopter to 
fly you away to lovely rural Oregon for a week? *grin*

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Is XCode accessible?

2012-04-07 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello. So you are developing APPS for IOS devices and the MAC platform using 
Xcode? Where did you start learning the Xcode IDe, the APIS and the deployment 
process? Can you point me to the appropriate Apple documentation? Are there 
other resources to use, especially developing the User Interface without the 
interface builder?

Thanks so much. 
On Apr 6, 2012, at 9:13 AM, Jonathan Chacón wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> Xcode has some accessibility bugs but you can develop apps for iOS and OSX.
> most of the buttons in Xcode have a text label or hind information for 
> VoiceOver.
> There are big accessibility problems in interface builder features and other 
> tools for debugging as Instruments or debug console.
> Regards
>  Jonathan Chacón
>  Accessibility, usability and new technologies consultant
> Accessibility should be a base of the project, it should not be a patch of 
> the product
> Phone:
> +34 679953948
> eMail:
> eMail:
> Facetime:
> Skype:
> Tyflos_
> G-Talk:
> El 06/04/2012, a las 13:30, Frank Ventura escribió:
>> Hi all, can anyone comment on the accessibility of Apple’s XCODE?
>> Thanks
>> Frank
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Re: navigation and formatting questions

2012-04-07 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
Thanks very much Chris. I shall try out the bullet points thing and see if it 
works for me. Really I was looking for like how in word for Windows you can 
write your list, then select it and then select bullet points. With your 
command here, do I need to do that before I write each part of the list, or if 
I select them and then press the command will that make them all bullets? 

On 7 Apr 2012, at 04:18, Chris Blouch wrote:

> The paging keys are just the arrow keys with the Function key added. So 
> function+up/down is page up/down while function+left is home and 
> function+right is end.
> Are you asking about how to type bullets or how to make a bulleted list. I 
> don't use Pages all that much but generally typing Option+8 make a bullet 
> character.
> CB
> On 4/6/12 7:00 PM, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I ask the below questions because I can find no answer in the keyboard help, 
>> the VO help or the Pages help. Though I'm sure they're there somewhere, I'm 
>> just not looking in the right place.
>> 1. General navigation question: Where are the page up/down and home/end keys 
>> located on the MBP keyboard?
>> 2. A pages specific question: how do I insert bullet point markers?
>> Many thanks.
>> Kirsten.
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Re: navigation and formatting questions

2012-04-07 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Kirsten,

In Pages, you set the type of bullets you want for your bulleted list in the 
Text inspector, List tab. Unfortunately, you won't be able to read the bullets 
with VoiceOver, however, you can check that they're there by using the very 
handy "New TextEdit window with selection" service item as they show up just 
fine in TextEdit.

I have short cuts for several useful service commands which make using the 
iWork suite much more practical.



On 7 Apr 2012, at 21:48, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:

> Thanks very much Chris. I shall try out the bullet points thing and see if it 
> works for me. Really I was looking for like how in word for Windows you can 
> write your list, then select it and then select bullet points. With your 
> command here, do I need to do that before I write each part of the list, or 
> if I select them and then press the command will that make them all bullets? 
> Thanks. 
> Kirsten. 

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Any cheaper way to get a new charger that works with my somewhat older Macbook?

2012-04-07 Thread Brent Harding
Hi there. I have this Mac Book that I bought for a good deal some time in 
2008 or 2009, that was upgraded and was only 6 months used at that time, if 
the guy ever did much with it besides keeping it around to sell. When I took 
it home to my parents' place once, I never noticed that the charger got in 
front of the car door, and some bracket snapped off. My dad was able to 
super glue it back together and it works here, but I might be getting a work 
experience where I might need to move it around from one outlet to another 
since it only goes about 90 minutes in Windows, and maybe a little more in 
Snow Leopard. From what I've read, a new one of these costs around $80 and 
may not work, depending if my machine successfully took a certain firmware 
update. Is there cheaper places to get one like the original one that I have 
so I don't find myself in a situation that a different kind doesn't charge 
the battery?


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Re: FaceTime

2012-04-07 Thread chris hallsworth
Wow, thanks for the information regarding not showing the local camera. 
Very useful.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 07/04/2012 14:58, Paul Erkens wrote:

I use facetime every day to talk to friends who have an iPhone or have a mac. 
Facetime is accessible, and I can confirm it because I use it so often. As soon 
as another friend of ours gets an iphone, we no longer use the regular phones 
anymore. Facetime sounds very good and it's a breeze to use.
By the way: if you have an iPhone, you use FaceTime and you don't want others 
to see you, although facetime is a video plus audio service, you can still turn 
off your local camera that sends your looks to the other party. Just press home 
on your iPhone. Facetime will continue to go, but from then on, you're only 
transmitting audio, and your receiving party will see a cross through his 
remote camera, which is you. It saves battery. To return to facetime, if you 
want to send video again, look in the status bar on the right. You'll see a 
button called: return to facetime. This also means that you can go to other 
apps, for example to look up an address for your friend if you like, and then 
return to facetime so you can later disconnect your call.
On the mac, I find the interface a little more difficult, but because facetime 
is on every mac and iphone, and on several other i devices, no configuration is 
needed. If your contact list on the phone or on the mac contains the mobile 
number and or the apple ID email address of your other party, then you're good 
to go.

On Apr 7, 2012, at 11:54 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:

It also works with the iPod as well.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 07/04/2012 04:40, Pam Mathers wrote:

Hi.  Yes the person you are doing facetime with must have an Iphone or an Ipad. 
 They have to be a mac user of some kind.
On Apr 6, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:

hello group;  i was wondering if anyone has any experience with apple's 
FaceTime.  it is installed on my new macbook pro.  does the person you connect 
with have to be running the software too?  do they have to be an iPhone user?  
just wondering if i should try it or just skip it and install Skype.  any help 
would be greatly appreciated.  thanks, max

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Re: Any cheaper way to get a new charger that works with my somewhat older Macbook?

2012-04-07 Thread Lewis Alexander
hi, the apple charger is pretty much a standard unit and there are no 
compatible products due to patent applications from apple preventing clones.

an option or two open to you is ebay for a refurb or used pack or even an apple 
refurb company depending on where you are in the world.


On 7 Apr 2012, at 21:21, Brent Harding wrote:

> Hi there. I have this Mac Book that I bought for a good deal some time in 
> 2008 or 2009, that was upgraded and was only 6 months used at that time, if 
> the guy ever did much with it besides keeping it around to sell. When I took 
> it home to my parents' place once, I never noticed that the charger got in 
> front of the car door, and some bracket snapped off. My dad was able to super 
> glue it back together and it works here, but I might be getting a work 
> experience where I might need to move it around from one outlet to another 
> since it only goes about 90 minutes in Windows, and maybe a little more in 
> Snow Leopard. From what I've read, a new one of these costs around $80 and 
> may not work, depending if my machine successfully took a certain firmware 
> update. Is there cheaper places to get one like the original one that I have 
> so I don't find myself in a situation that a different kind doesn't charge 
> the battery?
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: Introduction

2012-04-07 Thread Stacey Robinson
Mark,Lets do it by email first.
What's your address so I don't clog up the list.

On Apr 7, 2012, at 2:11 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Okay, well how do you want to go about it?  Shall I call you at a time, or do 
> you want to ask a question at a time in E-mail, or shall I send a helicopter 
> to fly you away to lovely rural Oregon for a week? *grin*
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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getting Mac Book keyboard fixed

2012-04-07 Thread Brent Harding
Hi there. I have an older Mac Book, the one I posted about getting its plug 
in the car door, and at times, I think some of the keys don't register as I 
think the keyboard may be starting to wear out. One problem I have is kind 
of self-inflicted, but this thing has probably been out of warranty for a 
couple years now. When I got it, there were what felt like those stickers 
you might use to put prices on items on each key, and those got slippery and 
yucky feeling over time so I removed them, but the left arrow came with it's 
sticker, and I couldn't get it back down. Unfortunately, in Wisconsin, the 
Apple Stores there are would be several hours of driving, so I'm not sure 
how one could put a new left arrow on. I think the little rubber thing came 
up with it when removing the paper thingies, but it kind of works just 
resting there. Is this easily fixed, and what would something like that cost 
if I took it to some generic place that happens to work with Mac stuff? I 
never used to type a real lot with this thing, but having a work experience 
coming up, a bad keyboard might not be such a good thing.

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Re: Any cheaper way to get a new charger that works with my somewhat older Macbook?

2012-04-07 Thread Brent Harding
Yeah, I just knew that there were L shaped and T shaped ones, and if you 
don't have the correct one, depending on the firmware in the machine, if you 
originally had the older one, that's all you could charge with, and I heard 
Apple doesn't make the old one now. Maybe I can get by with that plug, but 
there's probably plenty of them on Ebay.

- Original Message - 
From: "Lewis Alexander" 

Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: Any cheaper way to get a new charger that works with my 
somewhat older Macbook?

hi, the apple charger is pretty much a standard unit and there are no 
compatible products due to patent applications from apple preventing clones.

an option or two open to you is ebay for a refurb or used pack or even an 
apple refurb company depending on where you are in the world.


On 7 Apr 2012, at 21:21, Brent Harding wrote:

Hi there. I have this Mac Book that I bought for a good deal some time in 
2008 or 2009, that was upgraded and was only 6 months used at that time, 
if the guy ever did much with it besides keeping it around to sell. When I 
took it home to my parents' place once, I never noticed that the charger 
got in front of the car door, and some bracket snapped off. My dad was 
able to super glue it back together and it works here, but I might be 
getting a work experience where I might need to move it around from one 
outlet to another since it only goes about 90 minutes in Windows, and 
maybe a little more in Snow Leopard. From what I've read, a new one of 
these costs around $80 and may not work, depending if my machine 
successfully took a certain firmware update. Is there cheaper places to 
get one like the original one that I have so I don't find myself in a 
situation that a different kind doesn't charge the battery?


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Re: getting Mac Book keyboard fixed

2012-04-07 Thread Lewis Alexander
I've serviced older systems like this in my time and it's a little fiddly, 
depending on how the key came off, the mounting bosses may have bent or been 

as it's an early macbook, the best thing is a keyboard replacement. if you were 
in the UK I could source a replacement keyboard for about £35 and thin 
installing it, besides further testing and cleaning of the fans, etc.

a macbook strip down is not as easy as it may look as you have to use special 
apple tools for certain areas including spreading the case and disconnecting 
certain parts to remove the keyboard.

you have to look after kit like this as even when second hand, it's still worth 
a lot of money and apple parts still command a high price tag.

an option for you would be to acquire an apple USB keyboard or apple bluetooth 
keyboard and use that as the primary keyboard.

On 7 Apr 2012, at 21:39, Brent Harding wrote:

> Hi there. I have an older Mac Book, the one I posted about getting its plug 
> in the car door, and at times, I think some of the keys don't register as I 
> think the keyboard may be starting to wear out. One problem I have is kind of 
> self-inflicted, but this thing has probably been out of warranty for a couple 
> years now. When I got it, there were what felt like those stickers you might 
> use to put prices on items on each key, and those got slippery and yucky 
> feeling over time so I removed them, but the left arrow came with it's 
> sticker, and I couldn't get it back down. Unfortunately, in Wisconsin, the 
> Apple Stores there are would be several hours of driving, so I'm not sure how 
> one could put a new left arrow on. I think the little rubber thing came up 
> with it when removing the paper thingies, but it kind of works just resting 
> there. Is this easily fixed, and what would something like that cost if I 
> took it to some generic place that happens to work with Mac stuff? I never 
> used to type a real lot with this thing, but having a work experience coming 
> up, a bad keyboard might not be such a good thing.
> -- 
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Re: Any cheaper way to get a new charger that works with my somewhat older Macbook?

2012-04-07 Thread Lewis Alexander
from the early intel macbooks, they were the same as the recent ones, with 
exception of wattage ratings.

where abouts are you? I can look up a specialist refurbs place in the USA who 
carries older components.

what I could do with is the machine serial number and then go from there.

the system serial can be found through going to about this mac in the apple 
manu and then going to more info, this opens system profiler and you can get 
the system serial number and model from there.



On 7 Apr 2012, at 21:44, Brent Harding wrote:

> Yeah, I just knew that there were L shaped and T shaped ones, and if you 
> don't have the correct one, depending on the firmware in the machine, if you 
> originally had the older one, that's all you could charge with, and I heard 
> Apple doesn't make the old one now. Maybe I can get by with that plug, but 
> there's probably plenty of them on Ebay.
> - Original Message - From: "Lewis Alexander" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 3:25 PM
> Subject: Re: Any cheaper way to get a new charger that works with my somewhat 
> older Macbook?
> hi, the apple charger is pretty much a standard unit and there are no 
> compatible products due to patent applications from apple preventing clones.
> an option or two open to you is ebay for a refurb or used pack or even an 
> apple refurb company depending on where you are in the world.
> lew
> On 7 Apr 2012, at 21:21, Brent Harding wrote:
>> Hi there. I have this Mac Book that I bought for a good deal some time in 
>> 2008 or 2009, that was upgraded and was only 6 months used at that time, if 
>> the guy ever did much with it besides keeping it around to sell. When I took 
>> it home to my parents' place once, I never noticed that the charger got in 
>> front of the car door, and some bracket snapped off. My dad was able to 
>> super glue it back together and it works here, but I might be getting a work 
>> experience where I might need to move it around from one outlet to another 
>> since it only goes about 90 minutes in Windows, and maybe a little more in 
>> Snow Leopard. From what I've read, a new one of these costs around $80 and 
>> may not work, depending if my machine successfully took a certain firmware 
>> update. Is there cheaper places to get one like the original one that I have 
>> so I don't find myself in a situation that a different kind doesn't charge 
>> the battery?
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: dropbox question.

2012-04-07 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Esther,

It was my fault.  lol.  I restored from a time machine backup and, Dropbox 
wanted me to setup again.  Since this is not visible to voiceover, I didn't 
realize there was something on the screen that needed to be addressed.


Ricardo Walker

On Apr 7, 2012, at 2:45 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Hi Ricardo,
> I'm running Dropbox 1.2.52 on Lion, and I don''t have this problem.  When I 
> put across the stanza.dmg file in my public folder and used the context menu 
> for the link, I found under the "Dropbox" submenu the options for "Browse on 
> Dropbox Website", "View Previous Versions", and "Copy Public Link" -- which 
> is what I used to send you the original link in Stanza.
> The Dropbox directory is set up as a symbolic link on your system.  Is it 
> possible there is something wrong with the disk that stores your account on 
> the Dropbox site?  If I log into Dropbox at:
> I can view my Public folder items, and use the context menu. But I notice 
> that navigation order is weird on the Public page after I bring up the 
> context menu.  What happens is that you only get to the context menu options 
> after you navigate through all the items listed in your folder.  To get 
> around that, after you do your VO-Shift-M, bring up item chooser menu (VO-I), 
> and type "Copy" so you can navigate to the first of the context menu options. 
>  Them you can either VO-Space on the copy option, or continue to navigate to 
> the other context menu items.  Alternatively, use the "Search Dropbox" text 
> box to type in part of the file name.  That should filter what is displayed 
> on the page.  That's how I discovered that when you use the context menu 
> shortcut, then navigate the files on the Dropbox web page, you get all the 
> files in your folder announced by VoiceOver before you get the announcement 
> of the list of items in your context menu.
> I don't keep lots of items in my Dropbox Public folder.  You probably need 
> someone who uses Dropbox a lot to help you troubleshoot.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 7:10 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm running dropbox 1.2.52 and I've noticed that the dropbox sub menu, in 
>> the context menu when brought up in the public folder, is missing.  Again!  
>> Can others confirm this?  I would like to be able to get the public links 
>> for some files in my public folder and I can't.  To make matters worse, I 
>> can't retrieve them from the dropbox site either.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
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Re: Remoting two Macs

2012-04-07 Thread Steve Holmes
I know, this is a really old thread but I'm going through my folder
here and thought I would comment on dropbox if you haven't already
figured this out.  I saw a dropbox folder on my new mac mini but I
have no idea what it was for because there was no dropbox app
installed.  When I installed the dropbox app downloaded from the
dropbox website, it created a different dropbox folder and Oh, I did
not have any accessibility issues with the client.

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 06:36:40AM -0600, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
> Good morning Ricardo. Unfortunately, Dropbox wasn't already installed on 
> here. I don't know if it comes standard on the plastic MacBooks but I heard 
> that the MBP has it on there standard. Perhaps it may have been on here, I 
> don't know. I've had to reformat this thing twice last year to get Windows on 
> here and to get it off but before reformatting this thing the first time I 
> never noticed Dropbox on here. Hope your day goes well.
> Shawn
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Re: Pages and Braille Display

2012-04-07 Thread Gigi
Hi Mike
Yes, a brails play does work with pages. I do it on the Mac with pages, 
although these days I use TextEdit more.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 7, 2012, at 1:40 PM, Michael Malarsie  wrote:

> Hey all,
> Can someone tell me if a braille display can be used with Pages? I have 
> never tried one before so I don't know how it works. Thanks.
> Mike Malarsie 
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Adding contacts to my mail program

2012-04-07 Thread Beefcakes
Hi guys, I really need your help. I'm trying to figure out how to do this on my 
iPhone 4S for my mail program. I want to be able to start typing in addresses 
and then the address field automatically populates itself. Can anyone help me 
with this? Thanks, Johnny see


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Very odd mail server issue

2012-04-07 Thread Christine Grassman
Happy holidays to all those celebrating. I am perplexed about something which 
has been happening almost every time I try to send mail for the first time 
after a significant inactive period -- say a few hours. I write a message from 
within Apple mail, and when I send it, a dialog comes in telling me I must 
enter my password. It has a box to check for "keep this password in my 
keychain" which I always check. Then everything is fine for a while. This 
happens both at work and at home. It started  a few weeks ago for no apparent 
reason. My settings have not been changed. Any ideas?

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Re: Very odd mail server issue

2012-04-07 Thread Ricardo Walker

I've been seeing this from time to time the last couple of weeks as well.

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 7, 2012, at 7:58 PM, Christine Grassman  wrote:

> Happy holidays to all those celebrating. I am perplexed about something which 
> has been happening almost every time I try to send mail for the first time 
> after a significant inactive period -- say a few hours. I write a message 
> from within Apple mail, and when I send it, a dialog comes in telling me I 
> must enter my password. It has a box to check for "keep this password in my 
> keychain" which I always check. Then everything is fine for a while. This 
> happens both at work and at home. It started  a few weeks ago for no apparent 
> reason. My settings have not been changed. Any ideas?
> Thanks.
> Christine
> -- 
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Re: Adding contacts to my mail program

2012-04-07 Thread Ricardo Walker

on the iphone, start typing a few letters and the results are displayed 
underneath the edit field.  Just double tap on the correct name/e-mail address.


Ricardo Walker

On Apr 7, 2012, at 7:26 PM, Beefcakes  wrote:

> Hi guys, I really need your help. I'm trying to figure out how to do this on 
> my iPhone 4S for my mail program. I want to be able to start typing in 
> addresses and then the address field automatically populates itself. Can 
> anyone help me with this? Thanks, Johnny see
> Cakes
> -- 
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Re: Adding contacts to my mail program

2012-04-07 Thread Beefcakes
Hi Ricardo, well that's not happening for me. I think because I don't have the 
email addresses in my contact list. And that's what I'm having a problem I 
don't know how to get people into the contact list so that their addresses show 
up in the edit fields. Thanks anyway if you have any other ideas let me know. 


On Apr 7, 2012, at 8:27 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> on the iphone, start typing a few letters and the results are displayed 
> underneath the edit field.  Just double tap on the correct name/e-mail 
> address.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 7:26 PM, Beefcakes  wrote:
>> Hi guys, I really need your help. I'm trying to figure out how to do this on 
>> my iPhone 4S for my mail program. I want to be able to start typing in 
>> addresses and then the address field automatically populates itself. Can 
>> anyone help me with this? Thanks, Johnny see
>> Cakes
>> -- 
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Re: Adding contacts to my mail program

2012-04-07 Thread Ricardo Walker
Open the contacts app and double tap the add button.  What part of the process 
are you having trouble with?

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 7, 2012, at 8:54 PM, Beefcakes  wrote:

> Hi Ricardo, well that's not happening for me. I think because I don't have 
> the email addresses in my contact list. And that's what I'm having a problem 
> I don't know how to get people into the contact list so that their addresses 
> show up in the edit fields. Thanks anyway if you have any other ideas let me 
> know. John
> Cakes
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 8:27 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> on the iphone, start typing a few letters and the results are displayed 
>> underneath the edit field.  Just double tap on the correct name/e-mail 
>> address.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Apr 7, 2012, at 7:26 PM, Beefcakes  wrote:
>>> Hi guys, I really need your help. I'm trying to figure out how to do this 
>>> on my iPhone 4S for my mail program. I want to be able to start typing in 
>>> addresses and then the address field automatically populates itself. Can 
>>> anyone help me with this? Thanks, Johnny see
>>> Cakes
>>> -- 
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2012-04-07 Thread Joseph Norton

I have 2 issues I am curious about.   Well, only one of them is an issue.

I have some old Infocomm games I'd like to play.  The games are mostly in .dat 
files on the CD's.  They will work with Frotz.

The issue involves compiling with Xcode.

I wanted to compile Frotz, an infocomm Z-code game interpreter.  I got the tar 
ball and was able to successfully compile it, (at least it seems to work) using 
the Xcode package that came with my Snow Leopard disc.

However, when I get the newest version of Xcode from the App store, I am no 
longer just able   to go to a terminal window and use the "make" command as I 
did with the earlier version of Xcode.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong with the newer version of Xcode? How 
can i still compile this program with the newer version of Xcode?

Also, has anyone written or compiled a version of Frotz, or another Z-code 
interpreter that works well with VoiceOver?


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Re: Adding contacts to my mail program

2012-04-07 Thread Beefcakes
Hi Ricardo, thanks for replying so quickly. At least I think that would you 
that replied to me. I inadvertently deleted the email that you sent or someone 
sent on this subject. Whoever sent the message the last message on this subject 
could you please resend it to me? Thanks a lot I appreciate it, Johnny


On Apr 7, 2012, at 8:54 PM, Beefcakes  wrote:

> Hi Ricardo, well that's not happening for me. I think because I don't have 
> the email addresses in my contact list. And that's what I'm having a problem 
> I don't know how to get people into the contact list so that their addresses 
> show up in the edit fields. Thanks anyway if you have any other ideas let me 
> know. John
> Cakes
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 8:27 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> on the iphone, start typing a few letters and the results are displayed 
>> underneath the edit field.  Just double tap on the correct name/e-mail 
>> address.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Apr 7, 2012, at 7:26 PM, Beefcakes  wrote:
>>> Hi guys, I really need your help. I'm trying to figure out how to do this 
>>> on my iPhone 4S for my mail program. I want to be able to start typing in 
>>> addresses and then the address field automatically populates itself. Can 
>>> anyone help me with this? Thanks, Johnny see
>>> Cakes
>>> -- 
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Re: Very odd mail server issue

2012-04-07 Thread Kimberly thurman
This happens to me using hotmail but not gmail.  I'm still using SL.  I 
upgraded to Lion, but hated it and went back to SL.
On Apr 7, 2012, at 7:58 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Happy holidays to all those celebrating. I am perplexed about something which 
> has been happening almost every time I try to send mail for the first time 
> after a significant inactive period -- say a few hours. I write a message 
> from within Apple mail, and when I send it, a dialog comes in telling me I 
> must enter my password. It has a box to check for "keep this password in my 
> keychain" which I always check. Then everything is fine for a while. This 
> happens both at work and at home. It started  a few weeks ago for no apparent 
> reason. My settings have not been changed. Any ideas?
> Thanks.
> Christine
> -- 
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Itines downloaded album and can't find it

2012-04-07 Thread Jennifer Perdue
I downloaded an album from iTunes and looked in the downloads folder, no dice, 
the music folder, no dice, and the iTunes thing on the Doc, don't have a clue.  


Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Apr 7, 2012, at 6:58 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Happy holidays to all those celebrating. I am perplexed about something which 
> has been happening almost every time I try to send mail for the first time 
> after a significant inactive period -- say a few hours. I write a message 
> from within Apple mail, and when I send it, a dialog comes in telling me I 
> must enter my password. It has a box to check for "keep this password in my 
> keychain" which I always check. Then everything is fine for a while. This 
> happens both at work and at home. It started  a few weeks ago for no apparent 
> reason. My settings have not been changed. Any ideas?
> Thanks.
> Christine
> -- 
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Re: Itines downloaded album and can't find it

2012-04-07 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Try searching for it from within the Itunes app; vis the playlist browser or in 
the search box.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Itines downloaded album and can't find it

2012-04-07 Thread Jennifer Perdue
What is the playlist browser and how do I get to it?

I also want to delete some things that I know are on iTunes from my playing 
them from another website.  how do I delete everything at one time instead of 
having to delete 25 files one by one.


Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Apr 7, 2012, at 9:08 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Try searching for it from within the Itunes app; vis the playlist browser or 
> in the search box.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: Itines downloaded album and can't find it

2012-04-07 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Open Itunes, and use VO navigation to explore; you'll find the playlist browser 
and the music table as well as the search box.  If you put the right terms in 
the search box, you should be able to group all the files you want to delete 
together, provided they're all in your Itunes library.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Itines downloaded album and can't find it

2012-04-07 Thread Ricardo Walker

items you download from the iTunes store are added to iTunes.  In the sources 
table, navigate to music.  It should be the first item.  Now press command 
option F to bring you to the search field.  Type in the name of the artist and 
or  album.  Now press VO command T twice to jump to the music table and there 
you should have the songs in the album you purchased. 

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 7, 2012, at 10:05 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:

> I downloaded an album from iTunes and looked in the downloads folder, no 
> dice, the music folder, no dice, and the iTunes thing on the Doc, don't have 
> a clue.  
> Help!
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 6:58 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> Happy holidays to all those celebrating. I am perplexed about something 
>> which has been happening almost every time I try to send mail for the first 
>> time after a significant inactive period -- say a few hours. I write a 
>> message from within Apple mail, and when I send it, a dialog comes in 
>> telling me I must enter my password. It has a box to check for "keep this 
>> password in my keychain" which I always check. Then everything is fine for a 
>> while. This happens both at work and at home. It started  a few weeks ago 
>> for no apparent reason. My settings have not been changed. Any ideas?
>> Thanks.
>> Christine
>> -- 
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Re: Frotz

2012-04-07 Thread Greg Aikens
I have played with Zoom some.  There are a handful of resources for mac on the 
interactive fiction archive page.  Some of the mac resources work better than 
others with VO.  Unfortunately it has been months since I have tried so I can't 
remember specifics.


On Apr 7, 2012, at 9:39 PM, Joseph Norton wrote:

> Hi:
> I have 2 issues I am curious about.   Well, only one of them is an issue.
> I have some old Infocomm games I'd like to play.  The games are mostly in 
> .dat files on the CD's.  They will work with Frotz.
> The issue involves compiling with Xcode.
> I wanted to compile Frotz, an infocomm Z-code game interpreter.  I got the 
> tar ball and was able to successfully compile it, (at least it seems to work) 
> using the Xcode package that came with my Snow Leopard disc.
> However, when I get the newest version of Xcode from the App store, I am no 
> longer just able   to go to a terminal window and use the "make" command as I 
> did with the earlier version of Xcode.
> Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong with the newer version of Xcode? How 
> can i still compile this program with the newer version of Xcode?
> Also, has anyone written or compiled a version of Frotz, or another Z-code 
> interpreter that works well with VoiceOver?
> Thanks!
> -- 
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Re: Frotz

2012-04-07 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, I have zoom interpreter here and it searches the IF archive, but I've never 
been able to automatically load a game.  Of course, they have like 250 eamon 
adventures none of which seem to load into zoom.


Erik Burggraaf
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On 2012-04-07, at 9:39 PM, Joseph Norton wrote:

> Hi:
> I have 2 issues I am curious about.   Well, only one of them is an issue.
> I have some old Infocomm games I'd like to play.  The games are mostly in 
> .dat files on the CD's.  They will work with Frotz.
> The issue involves compiling with Xcode.
> I wanted to compile Frotz, an infocomm Z-code game interpreter.  I got the 
> tar ball and was able to successfully compile it, (at least it seems to work) 
> using the Xcode package that came with my Snow Leopard disc.
> However, when I get the newest version of Xcode from the App store, I am no 
> longer just able   to go to a terminal window and use the "make" command as I 
> did with the earlier version of Xcode.
> Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong with the newer version of Xcode? How 
> can i still compile this program with the newer version of Xcode?
> Also, has anyone written or compiled a version of Frotz, or another Z-code 
> interpreter that works well with VoiceOver?
> Thanks!
> -- 
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Re: workbook for beginning mac users and updates

2012-04-07 Thread Pam Mathers
Hi.  Thank you for the information.  I have started listening to some of this 
first one and will continue on with it.  Thank you.  
On Apr 7, 2012, at 10:21 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Pam,
> I got started by listening to Mike Arrigo's podcasts on blind cool tech. They 
> have been very very helpful and informative. and then 
> search for Mike Arrigo, or just Arrigo. Ay r r i g o.
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 3:43 AM, Pam Mathers wrote:
>> Hi.  I am a new Mac user and have been at this for six months.  I was 
>> wondering if anyone out there knows of a work book that could go in to more 
>> detail.  A friend of mine downloaded some papers off from the computer but I 
>> think we need something with more detail.  Also I was wondering if anyone 
>> knows how to get the computer to do automatic updates so that I don't have 
>> to.  Thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: Adding contacts to my mail program

2012-04-07 Thread Ricardo Walker

double tap on the contacts app then double tap on the add button.  Then, its 
just a matter of filling out the appropriate fields.

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 7, 2012, at 9:48 PM, Beefcakes  wrote:

> Hi Ricardo, thanks for replying so quickly. At least I think that would you 
> that replied to me. I inadvertently deleted the email that you sent or 
> someone sent on this subject. Whoever sent the message the last message on 
> this subject could you please resend it to me? Thanks a lot I appreciate it, 
> Johnny
> Cakes
> On Apr 7, 2012, at 8:54 PM, Beefcakes  wrote:
>> Hi Ricardo, well that's not happening for me. I think because I don't have 
>> the email addresses in my contact list. And that's what I'm having a problem 
>> I don't know how to get people into the contact list so that their addresses 
>> show up in the edit fields. Thanks anyway if you have any other ideas let me 
>> know. John
>> Cakes
>> On Apr 7, 2012, at 8:27 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> on the iphone, start typing a few letters and the results are displayed 
>>> underneath the edit field.  Just double tap on the correct name/e-mail 
>>> address.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Apr 7, 2012, at 7:26 PM, Beefcakes  wrote:
 Hi guys, I really need your help. I'm trying to figure out how to do this 
 on my iPhone 4S for my mail program. I want to be able to start typing in 
 addresses and then the address field automatically populates itself. Can 
 anyone help me with this? Thanks, Johnny see
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Re: A little spellcheck before pressing send please?

2012-04-07 Thread Steve Holmes
Sorry for digging up this thread so late but I have over a thousand
messages to look through and there is valuable information I might
miss since I'm new to the Mac.

Now, I have just discovered another probable source for gross
miss-spellings.  I am a recent owner of a new Refreshabraille display
and while on my IOS device, I can tweet in contracted Braille; problem
is, sometimes, VO takes what I intend to be a punctuation mark and
makes it a second word or something.  In any case, my text gets
garbled.  Thus I find these errors while proof reeding what I just
entered with the Braille display's keyboard.  I hadn't realized this
could happen so easily so Braille users, be careful when using
contracted Braille.  No criticism here but just a warning that you
might get bit like I almost did.  Also, word mode is a good help that
helps with quick and dirty spell checking.  At least, I can be
reasonably sure that my message will sound right with speech:).

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 10:00:16PM +0200, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
> Hello. 
> I find more important people to read their manual a little before posting 
> questions than their spelling mistakes. 
> Many of us don't speak English very well but we still need to ask for help. 
> On the other hand, I am sick and tired of reading the same questions again 
> and again, especially those questions that are clearly answered in the voice 
> over user guide. 
> Also, a little Google research wouldn't be a bad idea before posting 
> something obvious. 
> Well, I better be careful when I ask something next time, so I will not do 
> the same.  
> Kind regards.
> Nektarios.
> On Mar 2, 2012, at 11:21 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> > I'd like to take issue on this to say that as long as one can make 
> > themselves understood, then the person is on the right track. You are very 
> > wrong to say  people do not review their messages before sending as I know 
> > that people do that, I being for one. 
> > 
> > Thank you.
> > 
> > Kawal. 
> > 
> > On 2 Mar 2012, at 03:22 AM, Emrah  wrote:
> > 
> >> Guys,
> >> 
> >> For some reason, ever since I upgraded to Lion, VO announces me misspelled 
> >> words when I read emails, not just when composing.
> >> 
> >> I guess it's ok not to always start with some sort of a polite greeting... 
> >> I don't always do it when replying to messages. However, I think we should 
> >> dedicate a bit more attention to our spelling. Some emails on the list are 
> >> really creepy!
> >> 
> >> Please make a little effort to improve your spelling please. I am not 
> >> talking about people with English difficulties. I am referring to people 
> >> that sound like native American / English and do not review their emails 
> >> before sending. English is my 4th language and I do try to sound coherent 
> >> and use the right punctuation. It looks and plays nicer when using a text 
> >> to speech!
> >> 
> >> Thanks!
> >> 
> >> -- 
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> >>
> >> 
> > 
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Re: managing mail on the IPhone.

2012-04-07 Thread Steve Holmes

I think your mail problem may not relate specifically to the mail
iPhone app but maybe you're just getting too much mail! perhaps you
subscribed to too many high volume email lists? I mean, you said the
stuff you deleted isn't coming back but you're getting more new
stuff.  In other words, it's coming in faster than you can go through
it! No mailer can really help with that.

One thing I do with the mail lists is to create labels on the gmail
site and set up filters to sort incoming messages out to these
separate folders.  Note that gmail labels become folders with IMAP
clients like mail on the Mac or the iPhone.  This way, your inbox will
hopefully keep itself down to a dull roar and you can go into the
various folders when you are ready and willing.

Hope this all helps.

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