Re: Screen Curtain

2012-03-25 Thread Jürgen Fleger
You are right. And unfortunately F/N + F1 doesn't work at all on an iMac since 
10.7.3. For me that's absolutely annoying because I'm light sensitive but can't 
do anything with the screen. Right now - and please don't laugh - I put a 
T-Shirt over the screen of my iMac. . 
All the best

Am 24.03.2012 um 23:55 schrieb Ricardo Walker:

> Hi,
> until the bug is fixed, you can press FN + F1 to turn down the screen 
> brightness and FN + F2 to turn it back up.  Note: if using a Macbook, turning 
> brightness to 0%, will turn off the screen.  No one will be able to see 
> anything.  This is not the case with iMacs and Mac minis.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 24, 2012, at 1:54 PM, Traci  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a bit of vision and I like to use screen curtain from time to time.  
>> I always thought screen curtain turned the screen dark.  Are there options 
>> here?
>> Just recently, I hit screen curtain, and my screen looks white, not dark.  
>> Does anyone know anything about this?  A bug maybe?
>> Thanks,
>> Traci
>> Sent by Macbook Air Mail
>> -- 
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Re: Help with navigon

2012-03-25 Thread James Mannion
It sounds like maybe you don't have it set for voice guidance? I don't
know. I haven't really used it since the version 2 mess. I hear it is
mostly back and a respectable solution again. I downloaded the most
recent update, but haven't used it.

On 3/24/12, Jenny Keller  wrote:
> I tried to use navigon and I used to get turn by turn directions but now it
> only tells me when I'vereached my destination but if I don't know how to get
> there it does me no good. I don't know why it stopped doing what I need it
> to do. It didn't even give me the names of the cross streets.
> Help!
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:19 PM, Sean Murphy  wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> What is the NFB, ACB, and other organisations who support print disable
>> people doing about this?
>> They have the funds and expertise to challenge it in a class action. I
>> In relation to the number of people who have been restricted from reading
>> Ebooks via this method is larger then America. This effects any country
>> that you can buy Amazon books. The DMR also effects purchasing of Audio
>> books from other english speaking country. So the Authors Gill is forcing
>> American law on to other countries which is a bigger problem.
>> The problem has to be fixed within USA. So guys I would suggest you all
>> start talking to your federal members of government, NFB, etc. Get
>> everyone involved who is USA and feels the same. Make this a real big
>> problem. Being quite about it or complaining on this or other list isn't
>> enough.
>> Get out there and do something proactive. I would, but I am not an
>> American citizen. So I cannot even leave base one.
>> Sean
>> On 25/03/2012, at 4:26 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Say Steve, your reply appears to be way at the bottom of the message.
>>> Unless i am mistaken, it seems to be common practice to set one's e-mail
>>> client to set the reply at the top of the message.  Less scroling down.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> Facebook:
>>> On Mar 24, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 07:03:30PM -0700, Jamie Tachiyama wrote:
> They get around it by making the Kindle for PC app accessible.
> On 3/22/12, Hank Smith  wrote:
>> so because of stupid drm copy write crap the blind can't read the
>> ebooks?
>> On 3/22/2012 6:30 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Jeff,
>>> There are a number of ebook apps that specifically disable
>>> VoiceOver's
>>> ability to access the content in order to preserve digital rights
>>> management.  This is also true if you try to use the Barnes & Noble
>>> Nook app, for example.  You'll notice that usually you can access
>>> everything except for the actual content of the text.  That's being
>>> blocked.  You can verify this by taking a screen capture, and sending
>>> the results to an OCR app like Prizmo or TextGrabber.  The OCR app
>>> will tell you what the contents are, but obviously you're not going
>>> to
>>> read the book by screen capturing every page and sending it to an OCR
>>> app.
>>> If you want to read another example of this viewpoint, that the
>>> ability of screen readers to access text would promote copyright
>>> violation, take a look at Greg Kearney's posted response from
>>> Fictionwise in the archives, sent in reply to his inquiry about ebook
>>> accessibility for their ebook reading app just a few months after the
>>> iPhone 3GS was released with VoiceOver support:
>>> • Fwd: Response for Support Ticket #102495
>>> Since this is the Mail Archive post, if you're reading on your
>>> computer, you can also use access key shortcuts of Control-N to read
>>> down the thread for other reader comments.
>>> Best,
>>> Esther
>>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 Forget it.  It ain't gonna happen.

 It ain't accessible at all.

 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

 Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

 Skype name:


 On Mar 22, 2012, at 7:38 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:

> Hi All,
> I downloaded the Kindle app so I can read some of the books that my
> wife is reading.  I can't, however, figure out how to get it to
> work.  Has anybody had success with the Kindle app?  Is it
> accessible?  Any tips?
> It looks li

Re: Screen Curtain

2012-03-25 Thread Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 8:17 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
> You are right. And unfortunately F/N + F1 doesn't work at all on an iMac 
> since 10.7.3.

On a Macbook Pro with 10.7.3 here.

Macs can be configured to activate those functions without or without
"fn" being depressed at the same time as the function key. Have you
tried just F1? (See System Preferences, then Keyboard, then the "Use
all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys" checkbox for your

Failing that, go to System Preferences, then Displays, and change the
Brightness slider to suit.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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Re: Screen Curtain

2012-03-25 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Thanks for your message. But the issue is the iMac not the function keys in 
this case.

All the best

Von meinem iPad gesendet

Am 25.03.2012 um 10:39 schrieb Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis 

> On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 8:17 AM, Jürgen Fleger  
> wrote:
>> You are right. And unfortunately F/N + F1 doesn't work at all on an iMac 
>> since 10.7.3.
> On a Macbook Pro with 10.7.3 here.
> Macs can be configured to activate those functions without or without
> "fn" being depressed at the same time as the function key. Have you
> tried just F1? (See System Preferences, then Keyboard, then the "Use
> all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys" checkbox for your
> settings.)
> Failing that, go to System Preferences, then Displays, and change the
> Brightness slider to suit.
> --
> Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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Re: Screen Curtain

2012-03-25 Thread Lewis Alexander
the other fix for this is to go through the assigned shortcuts in keyboard 
prefs and you should gain access to the various enabled and disabled functions 
for different operations.


On 25 Mar 2012, at 09:39, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 8:17 AM, Jürgen Fleger  
> wrote:
>> You are right. And unfortunately F/N + F1 doesn't work at all on an iMac 
>> since 10.7.3.
> On a Macbook Pro with 10.7.3 here.
> Macs can be configured to activate those functions without or without
> "fn" being depressed at the same time as the function key. Have you
> tried just F1? (See System Preferences, then Keyboard, then the "Use
> all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys" checkbox for your
> settings.)
> Failing that, go to System Preferences, then Displays, and change the
> Brightness slider to suit.
> --
> Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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DAISY Player for the Mac/iPhone

2012-03-25 Thread Jeff Berwick
Any recommendations for a good DAISY player for the Mac and/or the iPhone?


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2012-03-25 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
What do people use to read Bookshare books on the mac? It should work
well with both vo and zoom, and have the ability to let Alex do the
talking (no third-party speech, or at least make that speech
optional). Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Scrween dims during reading

2012-03-25 Thread Garth Humphreys
Hi Jenny 

I am not sure what you were told before, all I can suggest is to go into 
settings and extend the time that it takes for the screen to lock. You can find 
this setting under General. I typically have mine set to 5min. I have it set 
for this period partly to get around the issue you mentioned.

On 25/03/2012, at 12:32 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:

> I know I asked about this before but when I did what I was told it didn't 
> change anything. I use the 2 finger flick to read mail and if the nessage is 
> too long the screen sins in the middle of reading and stops reading. This is 
> a 3GS. 
> Can someone help?
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:27 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think all this really boils down to, does the screen real estate make the 
>> apps more fluid in their use, and you seem to say yes.  Me, I'm not so sure. 
>>  I honestly believe this is completely subjective, and also depends on what 
>> kind of apps your using.  For example, garageband is much more enjoyable on 
>> an iPad, than an iPhone.  But, I've met many blind people who prefer the 
>> smaller screen because its easier to pin point elements on the screen in a 
>> given app.  Honestly, its just all about the screen, price, and the phone 
>> aspect.  If your comparing an iPhone 4s to the New iPad, there is indeed 
>> more RAM but, I doubt this would really make much of a difference for most 
>> users.  IOS manages resources so well, its almost a non issue.  And, if you 
>> were to hold out for the next iPhone, it would almost certainly be running a 
>> similar processor under clocked, with the same amount of RAM.  I think where 
>> the iPad really shines is in that market that use to belong to the netbook.  
>> Its relatively cheap, versatile, and ultra portable, with great battery 
>> life.  I would much rather type out an e-mail on an iPad than an iPhone.  
>> But as a person who owns a Macbook pro and an iPhone 4S, I would never trade 
>> my phone for an iPad for example.  And that being the case, as cool as they 
>> are, I honestly couldn't justify paying for one with my current set up.  I 
>> don't think apps rendered on a large screen, except for a hand full of 
>> exceptions, tips the balance in the iPads favor if you have a Macbook and an 
>> iPhone.
>> JMO. 
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:52 AM, Lewis Alexander  
>> wrote:
>>> let's compare the iPhone 4s against an iPad 3...
>>> first off, the obvious feature is a much larger display on the iPad. this 
>>> as a feature gives you much more room to work on applications. taking into 
>>> an example of pages or anything like that. try performing those tasks on an 
>>> iphone and you'll be interacting with objects you don't want because you 
>>> would require a much higher degree of tactile accuracy to interact with an 
>>> item compared to a larger surface area on the ipad. The available memory, 
>>> processor and GPU  are of a higher specification to my understanding, in 
>>> terms of interconnectivity with 3rd party products, you can add interfaces 
>>> like USB adaptors, audio interfaces, camera adaptors and more as both the 
>>> ipad and OS support those features to work with certain apps.
>>> the list really is endless.
>>> The iPad is an amazing product to work with as a tactile interface. I go 
>>> back to the days of using graphics tablets in my research on Human User 
>>> Interfacing for IT needs in a disabled world and testing the same 
>>> practicalities and adaptations which the iPad and iPhone both give these 
>>> functions straight away.
>>> at the end of the day, what you have to ask yourself is.. Do you want to 
>>> use applications in a more fluid and effective way? if so, the answer is 
>>> "Yes please" and fly out and grab an iPad 3. I'm no salesman. I have 
>>> experience with both iPads and iphones and I'd rather be the owner of an 
>>> iPad to run apps with and use the iphone  as a phone and note taker. simple 
>>> as that my friends. simple as that...
>>> lew
>>> On 24 Mar 2012, at 08:43, David Hole wrote:
 hi folks.
 I just wonder, and many here have asked, so I thought I'd ask you in
 this group.
 What's the benefit for blind people to have an iPad instead of an
 I mean, as far as I can see, the difference is only the screen size...
 Am I right?
 Actually I'd like to have one myself, but I can't find any good
 reasons to have it, since I have both an iPhone and a Mac.
 Hope someone here can give me reasons to get one :p
 Best regards David
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Re: Scrween dims during reading

2012-03-25 Thread Gigi
Are hello guys
I am on my screen on my iPhone set to never lock. I'd rather control it myself. 
That way I don't have to note worry about which way it is.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 25, 2012, at 7:39 AM, Garth Humphreys  wrote:

> Hi Jenny 
> I am not sure what you were told before, all I can suggest is to go into 
> settings and extend the time that it takes for the screen to lock. You can 
> find this setting under General. I typically have mine set to 5min. I have it 
> set for this period partly to get around the issue you mentioned.
> Garth
> @BlindTechMusing
> this 
> On 25/03/2012, at 12:32 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> I know I asked about this before but when I did what I was told it didn't 
>> change anything. I use the 2 finger flick to read mail and if the nessage is 
>> too long the screen sins in the middle of reading and stops reading. This is 
>> a 3GS. 
>> Can someone help?
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:27 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think all this really boils down to, does the screen real estate make the 
>>> apps more fluid in their use, and you seem to say yes.  Me, I'm not so 
>>> sure.  I honestly believe this is completely subjective, and also depends 
>>> on what kind of apps your using.  For example, garageband is much more 
>>> enjoyable on an iPad, than an iPhone.  But, I've met many blind people who 
>>> prefer the smaller screen because its easier to pin point elements on the 
>>> screen in a given app.  Honestly, its just all about the screen, price, and 
>>> the phone aspect.  If your comparing an iPhone 4s to the New iPad, there is 
>>> indeed more RAM but, I doubt this would really make much of a difference 
>>> for most users.  IOS manages resources so well, its almost a non issue.  
>>> And, if you were to hold out for the next iPhone, it would almost certainly 
>>> be running a similar processor under clocked, with the same amount of RAM.  
>>> I think where the iPad really shines is in that market that use to belong 
>>> to the netbook.  Its relatively cheap, versatile, and ultra portable, with 
>>> great battery life.  I would much rather type out an e-mail on an iPad than 
>>> an iPh

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Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-25 Thread Gigi
Hi guys Karen, doesn't sound like we're talking about what you care. It sounds 
like we're talking about emotions. That's a very difficult thing to come back.
I have you decided decided if I wanted to weigh in on this topic, but I would 
like to say that there's no way I would give people information about my 
blindness just to do business with them. I have to get the government 
information about that occasionally, but I see no reason to do that for those 
who have no business knowing.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 24, 2012, at 8:54 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

> Esther,
> Two questions.
> Does the author's guild have statistical evidence that the average mac 
> product user even knows that voiceover is there let alone that they would opt 
> for this behavior?
> I might point out that audiobooks, commercial ones were not created for the 
> vision challenged population, but for the general public, so the argument 
> that a vision challenged person would opt for a voiceover edition instead of 
> a commercial one, seems well silly.  They have figures to document what 
> percentage of the billions of audiobooks sold are sold to  individuals with 
> vision loss?  After all, that population was serviced via nls and other 
> programs for decades, with commercial audio books selling just fine.
> lastly, would not creating an access specific format not solve that issue 
> then?  there would be no risk of random  audio hungry people learning how to 
> use voiceover just so they can avoid listening to a real person read an audio 
> book.
> Not picking on you, just wanting your thoughts since you understand their 
> logic.
> Karen
> On Sat, 24 Mar 2012, James Mannion wrote:
>> Which is why this stupid nonsense will probably rob us of access in
>> the name of their closed minded greed until the old members of the
>> gild all die and we get minds in there with open minds to a moddern
>> world perspective. The good part is there excessive greed will put
>> them under extra stress which will drive them to the grave sooner.
>> On 3/22/12, Esther  wrote:
>>> Hi Ray,

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Off topic from VO, but hoping someone knows

2012-03-25 Thread John Panarese
 This doesn't relate to VoiceOver, so my apologies to the list.  However, I 
am baffled and am hoping there is someone who knows the answer.  Since the 
10.7.3 update, on my Mac Book Pro, my kernel file, mach_kernel, is now visible 
in my root directory.  This is, obviously, supposed to be a hidden file, but is 
now visible.  I don't know if there is a way to easily hide it again or if it 
is a problem to have it visible.  The system has not seemed to have had any 
issues, but it is one of those cosmetic things that baffles me.

Take Care

John Panarese

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Desktop and Screensaver Preferences "busy"?

2012-03-25 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

Every time I try to adjust the screensaver preferences in System Preferences, 
VO just says busy and I can't access this pane at all. Does anyone else 
experience this issue?


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Re: Help with navigon

2012-03-25 Thread Jenny Perdue Keller
How do I set it for voice guidence and how do I update to the latest version?

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 25, 2012, at 3:01 AM, James Mannion  wrote:

> It sounds like maybe you don't have it set for voice guidance? I don't
> know. I haven't really used it since the version 2 mess. I hear it is
> mostly back and a respectable solution again. I downloaded the most
> recent update, but haven't used it.
> On 3/24/12, Jenny Keller  wrote:
>> I tried to use navigon and I used to get turn by turn directions but now it
>> only tells me when I'vereached my destination but if I don't know how to get
>> there it does me no good. I don't know why it stopped doing what I need it
>> to do. It didn't even give me the names of the cross streets.
>> Help!
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:19 PM, Sean Murphy  wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> What is the NFB, ACB, and other organisations who support print disable
>>> people doing about this?
>>> They have the funds and expertise to challenge it in a class action. I
>>> In relation to the number of people who have been restricted from reading
>>> Ebooks via this method is larger then America. This effects any country
>>> that you can buy Amazon books. The DMR also effects purchasing of Audio
>>> books from other english speaking country. So the Authors Gill is forcing
>>> American law on to other countries which is a bigger problem.
>>> The problem has to be fixed within USA. So guys I would suggest you all
>>> start talking to your federal members of government, NFB, etc. Get
>>> everyone involved who is USA and feels the same. Make this a real big
>>> problem. Being quite about it or complaining on this or other list isn't
>>> enough.
>>> Get out there and do something proactive. I would, but I am not an
>>> American citizen. So I cannot even leave base one.
>>> Sean
>>> On 25/03/2012, at 4:26 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 Say Steve, your reply appears to be way at the bottom of the message.
 Unless i am mistaken, it seems to be common practice to set one's e-mail
 client to set the reply at the top of the message.  Less scroling down.
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
 Skype name:
 On Mar 24, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 07:03:30PM -0700, Jamie Tachiyama wrote:
>> They get around it by making the Kindle for PC app accessible.
>> On 3/22/12, Hank Smith  wrote:
>>> so because of stupid drm copy write crap the blind can't read the
>>> ebooks?
>>> On 3/22/2012 6:30 PM, Esther wrote:
 Hi Jeff,
 There are a number of ebook apps that specifically disable
 ability to access the content in order to preserve digital rights
 management.  This is also true if you try to use the Barnes & Noble
 Nook app, for example.  You'll notice that usually you can access
 everything except for the actual content of the text.  That's being
 blocked.  You can verify this by taking a screen capture, and sending
 the results to an OCR app like Prizmo or TextGrabber.  The OCR app
 will tell you what the contents are, but obviously you're not going
 read the book by screen capturing every page and sending it to an OCR
 If you want to read another example of this viewpoint, that the
 ability of screen readers to access text would promote copyright
 violation, take a look at Greg Kearney's posted response from
 Fictionwise in the archives, sent in reply to his inquiry about ebook
 accessibility for their ebook reading app just a few months after the
 iPhone 3GS was released with VoiceOver support:
 • Fwd: Response for Support Ticket #102495
 Since this is the Mail Archive post, if you're reading on your
 computer, you can also use access key shortcuts of Control-N to read
 down the thread for other reader comments.
 On Mar 22, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Forget it.  It ain't gonna happen.
> It ain't accessible at all.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Mar 22, 2012, at 7:38 PM, Je

Re: Desktop and Screensaver Preferences "busy"?

2012-03-25 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Nope.  Works fine for me.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Mar 25, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, all,
> Every time I try to adjust the screensaver preferences in System Preferences, 
> VO just says busy and I can't access this pane at all. Does anyone else 
> experience this issue?
> Teresa
> -- 
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Re: Off topic from VO, but hoping someone knows

2012-03-25 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi John,

Try this in Terminal, the stuff in brackets is just for your info, it doesn't 
need typed:

cd / (should put you to the root level)
ls (Will list your files at that level.  Just to ensure ther isn't a double of 
the offending file)
chflags hidden /filename (where "filename" is the exact filename of the 
offending file)

You should be able to Quit Terminal and the file should now be hidden.



On 2012-03-25, at 11:27 AM, John Panarese wrote:

> This doesn't relate to VoiceOver, so my apologies to the list.  However, 
> I am baffled and am hoping there is someone who knows the answer.  Since the 
> 10.7.3 update, on my Mac Book Pro, my kernel file, mach_kernel, is now 
> visible in my root directory.  This is, obviously, supposed to be a hidden 
> file, but is now visible.  I don't know if there is a way to easily hide it 
> again or if it is a problem to have it visible.  The system has not seemed to 
> have had any issues, but it is one of those cosmetic things that baffles me.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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[no subject]

2012-03-25 Thread Graham Roby

Since I updated to Itunes 10.6 on my MBP pro running Snow Leopard 10,6.8, I've 
had problems getting my three Idevices to sync with the Macbook Pro via wifi. 

Has anyone else experienced this issue and if so did you find a solution? 

Thanks in adviance for any help received. 
Kind regards

Wifi sync issues

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Re: Scrween dims during reading

2012-03-25 Thread Jenny Perdue Keller

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Mar 25, 2012, at 7:39 AM, Garth Humphreys  wrote:

> Hi Jenny 
> I am not sure what you were told before, all I can suggest is to go into 
> settings and extend the time that it takes for the screen to lock. You can 
> find this setting under General. I typically have mine set to 5min. I have it 
> set for this period partly to get around the issue you mentioned.
> Garth
> @BlindTechMusing
> this 
> On 25/03/2012, at 12:32 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> I know I asked about this before but when I did what I was told it didn't 
>> change anything. I use the 2 finger flick to read mail and if the nessage is 
>> too long the screen sins in the middle of reading and stops reading. This is 
>> a 3GS. 
>> Can someone help?
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:27 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think all this really boils down to, does the screen real estate make the 
>>> apps more fluid in their use, and you seem to say yes.  Me, I'm not so 
>>> sure.  I honestly believe this is completely subjective, and also depends 
>>> on what kind of apps your using.  For example, garageband is much more 
>>> enjoyable on an iPad, than an iPhone.  But, I've met many blind people who 
>>> prefer the smaller screen because its easier to pin point elements on the 
>>> screen in a given app.  Honestly, its just all about the screen, price, and 
>>> the phone aspect.  If your comparing an iPhone 4s to the New iPad, there is 
>>> indeed more RAM but, I doubt this would really make much of a difference 
>>> for most users.  IOS manages resources so well, its almost a non issue.  
>>> And, if you were to hold out for the next iPhone, it would almost certainly 
>>> be running a similar processor under clocked, with the same amount of RAM.  
>>> I think where the iPad really shines is in that market that use to belong 
>>> to the netbook.  Its relatively cheap, versatile, and ultra portable, with 
>>> great battery life.  I would much rather type out an e-mail on an iPad than 
>>> an iPhone.  But as a person who owns a Macbook pro and an iPhone 4S, I 
>>> would never trade my phone for an iPad for example.  And that being the 
>>> case, as cool as they are, I honestly couldn't justify paying for one with 
>>> my current set up.  I don't think apps rendered on a large screen, except 
>>> for a hand full of exceptions, tips the balance in the iPads favor if you 
>>> have a Macbook and an iPhone.
>>> JMO. 
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Mar 24, 2012, at 4:52 AM, Lewis Alexander 
>>>  wrote:
 let's compare the iPhone 4s against an iPad 3...
 first off, the obvious feature is a much larger display on the iPad. this 
 as a feature gives you much more room to work on applications. taking into 
 an example of pages or anything like that. try performing those tasks on 
 an iphone and you'll be interacting with objects you don't want because 
 you would require a much higher degree of tactile accuracy to interact 
 with an item compared to a larger surface area on the ipad. The available 
 memory, processor and GPU  are of a higher specification to my 
 understanding, in terms of interconnectivity with 3rd party products, you 
 can add interfaces like USB adaptors, audio interfaces, camera adaptors 
 and more as both the ipad and OS support those features to work with 
 certain apps.
 the list really is endless.
 The iPad is an amazing product to work with as a tactile interface. I go 
 back to the days of using graphics tablets in my research on Human User 
 Interfacing for IT needs in a disabled world and testing the same 
 practicalities and adaptations which the iPad and iPhone both give these 
 functions straight away.
 at the end of the day, what you have to ask yourself is.. Do you want to 
 use applications in a more fluid and effective way? if so, the answer is 
 "Yes please" and fly out and grab an iPad 3. I'm no salesman. I have 
 experience with both iPads and iphones and I'd rather be the owner of an 
 iPad to run apps with and use the iphone  as a phone and note taker. 
 simple as that my friends. simple as that...
 On 24 Mar 2012, at 08:43, David Hole wrote:
> hi folks.
> I just wonder, and many here have asked, so I thought I'd ask you in
> this group.
> What's the benefit for blind people to have an iPad instead of an
> iPhone?
> I mean, as far as I can see, the difference is only the screen size...
> Am I right?
> Actually I'd like to have one myself, but I can't find any good
> reasons to have it, since I have both an iPhone and a Mac.
> Hope someone here can give me reasons to get one :p
> Best regards David
> -- 


2012-03-25 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I'm running Lion the latest version and I always have problems syncing my I 
Phone using Wifi.


On 25 Mar 2012, at 08:28 PM, Graham Roby  wrote:

> Hi, 
> Since I updated to Itunes 10.6 on my MBP pro running Snow Leopard 10,6.8, 
> I've had problems getting my three Idevices to sync with the Macbook Pro via 
> wifi. 
> Has anyone else experienced this issue and if so did you find a solution? 
> Thanks in adviance for any help received. 
> Kind regards
> Graham
> Wifi sync issues
> -- 
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2012-03-25 Thread Lewis Alexander
Hi. I've come across this with a few clients and yes there is a bug that needs 
addressing. the only way to do a full sync is to do this by cable. it's the 
most reliable method possible. I never wireless sync. I use the dock and cable.


On 25 Mar 2012, at 20:28, Graham Roby wrote:

> Hi, 
> Since I updated to Itunes 10.6 on my MBP pro running Snow Leopard 10,6.8, 
> I've had problems getting my three Idevices to sync with the Macbook Pro via 
> wifi. 
> Has anyone else experienced this issue and if so did you find a solution? 
> Thanks in adviance for any help received. 
> Kind regards
> Graham
> Wifi sync issues  
> -- 
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Re: Off topic from VO, but hoping someone knows

2012-03-25 Thread John Panarese
Hi Tim,
 That did the trick.  I knew there was a way in terminal to do this, but I 
was having a serious senior day.  Thanks for the info.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Mar 25, 2012, at 3:20 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi John,
> Try this in Terminal, the stuff in brackets is just for your info, it doesn't 
> need typed:
> cd / (should put you to the root level)
> ls (Will list your files at that level.  Just to ensure ther isn't a double 
> of the offending file)
> chflags hidden /filename (where "filename" is the exact filename of the 
> offending file)
> You should be able to Quit Terminal and the file should now be hidden.
> HTH.
> Later...
> On 2012-03-25, at 11:27 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>This doesn't relate to VoiceOver, so my apologies to the list.  However, 
>> I am baffled and am hoping there is someone who knows the answer.  Since the 
>> 10.7.3 update, on my Mac Book Pro, my kernel file, mach_kernel, is now 
>> visible in my root directory.  This is, obviously, supposed to be a hidden 
>> file, but is now visible.  I don't know if there is a way to easily hide it 
>> again or if it is a problem to have it visible.  The system has not seemed 
>> to have had any issues, but it is one of those cosmetic things that baffles 
>> me.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> -- 
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Re: Desktop and Screensaver Preferences "busy"?

2012-03-25 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thanks, Ray. I figured it out, sort of. I had to use the mouse keys to go into 
the actual preference pane. I'm playing around with mouse and VO cursors now to 
see which way I prefer to navigate.


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

On Mar 25, 2012, at 12:18 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Nope.  Works fine for me.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Mar 25, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> Every time I try to adjust the screensaver preferences in System 
>> Preferences, VO just says busy and I can't access this pane at all. Does 
>> anyone else experience this issue?
>> Teresa
>> -- 
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Re: Desktop and Screensaver Preferences "busy"?

2012-03-25 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Now that is odd; since I find I do not have to do this.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Mar 25, 2012, at 3:21 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Thanks, Ray. I figured it out, sort of. I had to use the mouse keys to go 
> into the actual preference pane. I'm playing around with mouse and VO cursors 
> now to see which way I prefer to navigate.
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
> On Mar 25, 2012, at 12:18 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Nope.  Works fine for me.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> On Mar 25, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> Every time I try to adjust the screensaver preferences in System 
>>> Preferences, VO just says busy and I can't access this pane at all. Does 
>>> anyone else experience this issue?
>>> Teresa
>>> -- 
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changing play order in iTunes playlist

2012-03-25 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
Hello everyone,
I have tried looking for resources on thee macvisionaries list about how to 
change playing order of tracks in a playlist manually but could not find 
anything specific. I do not want to do sort by number or alphabetic just 
manually move up or down a certain song in the playlist.

Thanks for any tips!

Best regards,


Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

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Re: Bookshare?

2012-03-25 Thread Greg Aikens
I use Safari.  After unzipping the book, open the .xml file and read away.  

On Mar 25, 2012, at 7:22 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> What do people use to read Bookshare books on the mac? It should work
> well with both vo and zoom, and have the ability to let Alex do the
> talking (no third-party speech, or at least make that speech
> optional). Thanks.
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> -- 
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Help me verify a bug and maybe report to apple

2012-03-25 Thread Ioana Gandrabur

I am trying to create an email from address book. In help I understood that I 
have to click on the email header of the email in the card view and select  
send message from pop-up  menu.However I cannot click with vo space on  that 
header. I could only make it work by routing mouse to vo cursor and performing 
mouse click command vo shift space. Seems a bit lengthy. Any better way? If not 
consider reporting this to apple to make it a bit more streamlined.



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Error with displaying Romanian Braille characters verifiable?

2012-03-25 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
HI all,

I have already reported this to apple but am curious if you have found similar 
things in other languages or on different braille displays. Here is my problem:
I select romanian braille table and input character ț and ș. I have 6dot mode 
on. THe characters appear correctly but followed by a string of characters and 
then again the character. THis makes reading very awkward. Anyone having the 
same or similar problems with unusual characters? Is it Display specific I 
wonder? WOuld assume not.
THanks for your thoughts. 


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Pausing a YouTube video

2012-03-25 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

Is there any way of pausing a YouTube video?
The video takes a long time to load and there are many interruptions, so I 
thought that it would be a better option to pause it until it gets fully loaded.
So, do help me with this if you can.


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Pausing a YouTube video

2012-03-25 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

Is there any way of pausing a YouTube video?
The video takes a long time to get loaded and there are many interruptions, so 
I thought that it would be a good option to pause the video until it gets fully 
So, please help me if you can.


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Re: Pausing a YouTube video

2012-03-25 Thread Jasonlefevers.massage
What device r u watching them on?

Jason LeFevers 
State of Maryland Registered massage practitioner 
Call 443-570-8660 or email to schedule a 
massage today! 
Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 25, 2012, at 5:33 PM, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there any way of pausing a YouTube video?
> The video takes a long time to get loaded and there are many interruptions, 
> so I thought that it would be a good option to pause the video until it gets 
> fully loaded.
> So, please help me if you can.
> Cheers,
> Rahul 
> -- 
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Re: Pausing a YouTube video

2012-03-25 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Oh, I forgot to mention that.
I'm using a MacBook.

On 26/03/2012, Jasonlefevers.massage  wrote:
> What device r u watching them on?
> Jason LeFevers
> State of Maryland Registered massage practitioner
> Call 443-570-8660 or email to schedule a
> massage today!
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 25, 2012, at 5:33 PM, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is there any way of pausing a YouTube video?
>> The video takes a long time to get loaded and there are many
>> interruptions, so I thought that it would be a good option to pause the
>> video until it gets fully loaded.
>> So, please help me if you can.
>> Cheers,
>> Rahul
>> --
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Re: Bookshare?

2012-03-25 Thread Alex Hall
Interesting idea. Do you get heading navigation for all marked
sections using this method? Is there a program that will let you keep
your place? I'll have to look into this for myself.

I am asking on behalf of someone who is not very used to vo, so
hotspots, finding xml files, and so on might be a bit much. A simple
program to read bookshare's files and keep your place would be
perfect, if such a thing exists.

On 3/25/12, Greg Aikens  wrote:
> I use Safari.  After unzipping the book, open the .xml file and read away.
> -Greg
> On Mar 25, 2012, at 7:22 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> What do people use to read Bookshare books on the mac? It should work
>> well with both vo and zoom, and have the ability to let Alex do the
>> talking (no third-party speech, or at least make that speech
>> optional). Thanks.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Bookshare?

2012-03-25 Thread Greg Aikens
If the headings are marked in the file, then yes.  If not, I set web spots 
where I stop reading.  Sometimes these are saved across VO sessions and 
sometimes they aren't.  The find feature also works well if you remember the 
name of the chapter you stopped reading, and some books have a table of 
contents with links.  

Hope this helps.

On Mar 25, 2012, at 7:28 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Interesting idea. Do you get heading navigation for all marked
> sections using this method? Is there a program that will let you keep
> your place? I'll have to look into this for myself.
> I am asking on behalf of someone who is not very used to vo, so
> hotspots, finding xml files, and so on might be a bit much. A simple
> program to read bookshare's files and keep your place would be
> perfect, if such a thing exists.
> On 3/25/12, Greg Aikens  wrote:
>> I use Safari.  After unzipping the book, open the .xml file and read away.
>> -Greg
>> On Mar 25, 2012, at 7:22 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> What do people use to read Bookshare books on the mac? It should work
>>> well with both vo and zoom, and have the ability to let Alex do the
>>> talking (no third-party speech, or at least make that speech
>>> optional). Thanks.
>>> --
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>>> --
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> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> -- 
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Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-25 Thread Adie
Hi all

Well I am not in the US either and I can tell you that the BBC has
featured a piece on the American Authors' Guild and their dog in the
manger attitude to this.

Some authors have been mentioned in the course of this discussion. Can
any of them be persuaded to speak out against this publicly? Can we
start a Twitter campaign? Unless we all suddenly win the Lottery, a
court case would be difficult and adverse publicity for these people
may be another way of approaching it. You have elections coming up  in
the US, could any candidates be persuaded to speak out against this?
How about letters to  the NYT and so forth? Does anyone know any
journalists who might take this up?

I'm sure many of us outside the US would be happy to follow up in our
respective countries in any way we can.

Do you know, I remember hearing of the Kindle and how many books would
be available through it and that it would make such a huge difference
to most of our lives overnight, I was literally, bouncing up and down
with excitement. Believe me, that doesn't happen very often. Seems to
me that the dashing of hopes is one of the cruellest things you can do
to people. Hope they sleep nights.



Karen Lewellen wrote:
> Esther,
> Two questions.
> Does the author's guild have statistical evidence that the average mac
> product user even knows that voiceover is there let alone that they would
> opt for this behavior?
> I might point out that audiobooks, commercial ones were not created for the
> vision challenged population, but for the general public, so the argument
> that a vision challenged person would opt for a voiceover edition
> instead of a commercial one, seems well silly.  They have figures to
> document what percentage of the billions of audiobooks sold are sold to  
> individuals with vision
> loss?  After all, that population was serviced via nls and other programs
> for decades, with commercial audio books selling just fine.
> lastly, would not creating an access specific format not solve that issue
> then?  there would be no risk of random  audio hungry people learning how
> to use voiceover just so they can avoid listening to a real person read an
> audio book.
> Not picking on you, just wanting your thoughts since you understand their
> logic.
> Karen
> On Sat, 24 Mar 2012, James Mannion wrote:
> > Which is why this stupid nonsense will probably rob us of access in
> > the name of their closed minded greed until the old members of the
> > gild all die and we get minds in there with open minds to a moddern
> > world perspective. The good part is there excessive greed will put
> > them under extra stress which will drive them to the grave sooner.
> >
> > On 3/22/12, Esther  wrote:
> >> Hi Ray,
> >>
> >> You're correct that the policy of blocking VoiceOver access to eBook 
> >> content
> >> in the Kindle app arises from the Author's Guild suit, but the guild is
> >> mostly worried about readers who are not visually impaired making use of
> >> these text-to-speech capabilities to listen to ebooks instead of buying
> >> audiobooks.  It's the very fact that Apple has been building in VoiceOver
> >> capabilities into every iOS device and computer that constitutes the 
> >> danger,
> >> from their point of view.  That's why a Kindle app for the PC, that can be
> >> used with screen readers like JAWS, has been released, but there is no
> >> similar application for the Mac.  If the only way that you could access the
> >> Kindle ebook content on your computer was by investing in 
> >> blindness-specific
> >> software that equals or exceeds the cost of your computer, it's pretty hard
> >> to argue that you configured your machine this way just to avoid buying the
> >> audiobook versions.  But the fact that every iPhone, iPod Touch, an iPad 
> >> now
> >> support VoiceOver, and that the same is true for every Mac, means that any
> >> user of an iPhone, Mac, etc. could enable VoiceOver functionality in 
> >> reading
> >> Kindle ebooks, if this capability were not explicitly blocked.
> >>
> >> And so, if you carry the argument of the Author's Guild to its natural
> >> conclusion, non-visually impaired Kindle customers who find VoiceOver's
> >> reading "good enough" to listen to, will turn on this feature instead of
> >> buying audiobook versions that they would otherwise purchase.
> >>
> >> HTH.  Cheers,
> >>
> >> Esther
> >>
> >> On Mar 22, 2012, at 4:03 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> >>
> >>> That's not quite true.  It's not because of copy right.  The truth is
> >>> this.  It's because of the Author's guild.  They don't want the blind to
> >>> be able to read their books without extra costs.  Their twisted reasoning
> >>> is that the text to speech tecnhology will rob them of sales.  Every
> >>> single organization of the blind is fighting this stipid infantile logic.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Sincerely,
> >>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> >>>
> >>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> >>>
> >>> Skype name:
> >


2012-03-25 Thread Ricardo Walker
I wonder what cause this bug.  I use wireless syncing reliably.  I've been 
doing so since IOS 5.0, with few instances of trouble.  Usually, just closing 
iTunes and launcing it, along with a restart of my 4S fixes the issue.

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 25, 2012, at 3:58 PM, Lewis Alexander  

> Hi. I've come across this with a few clients and yes there is a bug that 
> needs addressing. the only way to do a full sync is to do this by cable. it's 
> the most reliable method possible. I never wireless sync. I use the dock and 
> cable.
> lew
> On 25 Mar 2012, at 20:28, Graham Roby wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> Since I updated to Itunes 10.6 on my MBP pro running Snow Leopard 10,6.8, 
>> I've had problems getting my three Idevices to sync with the Macbook Pro via 
>> wifi. 
>> Has anyone else experienced this issue and if so did you find a solution? 
>> Thanks in adviance for any help received. 
>> Kind regards
>> Graham
>> Wifi sync issues 
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Re: Help me verify a bug and maybe report to apple

2012-03-25 Thread Ricardo Walker

This indeed sounds like a bug but, would it not be easier to actually initiate 
the new e-mail from the Mail app?  Open Mail, press command N for a new 
message, in the to field, type the first few letter of the contacts name, or, 
e-mail address and the field will populate with the information.

Ricardo Walker

On Mar 25, 2012, at 4:57 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

> Hi 
> I am trying to create an email from address book. In help I understood that I 
> have to click on the email header of the email in the card view and select  
> send message from pop-up  menu.However I cannot click with vo space on  that 
> header. I could only make it work by routing mouse to vo cursor and 
> performing mouse click command vo shift space. Seems a bit lengthy. Any 
> better way? If not consider reporting this to apple to make it a bit more 
> streamlined.
> THanks,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> -- 
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Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-25 Thread Ricardo Walker

Isn't this getting a bit out of hand?  Your asking this 1 person to defend 
himself?  IDK, either he's telling the truth, or he's not, either way, what 
does it change?  Sounds like your trying to put the guy up on perjury charges. 
lol. Documentary evidence? come on.


Ricardo Walker

On Mar 25, 2012, at 6:30 PM, Sean Murphy  wrote:

> Hi Ray,
> If the NFB is a a posed to this. Then what supporting documentation do you 
> have to support this and what actually are they doing to try and resolve the 
> issue. The issue also effects Braille readers from my understanding.
> since this issue is not new and has been around for years. I would have 
> expected a more proactive approach to the whole issue. But nothing has 
> changed. Can this be done via the ADA? 
> Another question, can this be enforced in other countries?
> Sean 
> On 25/03/2012, at 10:11 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> In defense of the NFB, we do in fact oppose the Author's guild in this 
>> matter.  any implication otherwise is simply in error.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> On Mar 24, 2012, at 5:33 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> not sure what they are, or are not,  doing. I am thinking that they may 
>>> think the case may be hard to win. personally, it may be about the cost the 
>>> lawyers are going to extract before any monies get paid to the recipients 
>>> of the class. 
>>> anyway, I really hate to have to use the hammer of the law, but what else 
>>> can one do against a privately held LLC like the American Author's Guild.
>>> -eric
>>> On Mar 24, 2012, at 2:19 PM, Sean Murphy wrote:
 Hi all.
 What is the NFB, ACB, and other organisations who support print disable 
 people doing about this?
 They have the funds and expertise to challenge it in a class action. I
 In relation to the number of people who have been restricted from reading 
 Ebooks via this method is larger then America. This effects any country 
 that you can buy Amazon books. The DMR also effects purchasing of Audio 
 books from other english speaking country. So the Authors Gill is forcing 
 American law on to other countries which is a bigger problem. 
 The problem has to be fixed within USA. So guys I would suggest you all 
 start talking to your federal members of government, NFB, etc. Get 
 everyone involved who is USA and feels the same. Make this a real big 
 problem. Being quite about it or complaining on this or other list isn't 
 Get out there and do something proactive. I would, but I am not an 
 American citizen. So I cannot even leave base one.
 On 25/03/2012, at 4:26 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Say Steve, your reply appears to be way at the bottom of the message.  
> Unless i am mistaken, it seems to be common practice to set one's e-mail 
> client to set the reply at the top of the message.  Less scroling down.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Mar 24, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 07:03:30PM -0700, Jamie Tachiyama wrote:
>>> They get around it by making the Kindle for PC app accessible.
>>> On 3/22/12, Hank Smith  wrote:
 so because of stupid drm copy write crap the blind can't read the 
 On 3/22/2012 6:30 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> There are a number of ebook apps that specifically disable VoiceOver's
> ability to access the content in order to preserve digital rights
> management.  This is also true if you try to use the Barnes & Noble
> Nook app, for example.  You'll notice that usually you can access
> everything except for the actual content of the text.  That's being
> blocked.  You can verify this by taking a screen capture, and sending
> the results to an OCR app like Prizmo or TextGrabber.  The OCR app
> will tell you what the contents are, but obviously you're not going to
> read the book by screen capturing every page and sending it to an OCR 
> app.
> If you want to read another example of this viewpoint, that the
> ability of screen readers to access text would promote copyright
> violation, take a look at Greg Kearney's posted response from
> Fictionwise in the archives, sent in reply to his inquiry about ebook
> accessibility for their ebo

Re: copying a wedding dvd

2012-03-25 Thread Michael Huckabay
e-male me off list at and I'll see if I can give you some 
help with your dvd problems.
On 2012-03-24, at 6:30 AM, wayne coles  wrote:

> Hello all because this is my first time at trying this can somebody please
> give me step by step instructions on how to copy the dvd wich is only
> pictures of the wedding but as a newbe I am not sure on how to do it so
> thanks in advance for any help 
> -- 
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Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-25 Thread Eric Oyen
I have a nice solution if someone wants to know how I lost my sight. I simply 
explain it. I give them the short story and let them fill in the blanks from 

now, if a prospective employer were to ask me about how I handle my blindness, 
I can tell them "easily enough". if they press the issue, I would be polite but 
would ask why it bothers them. from my experience, most people just aren't 
aware of what we can do, and most times, they aren't comfortable dealing with 
us either. considering that we areabout as common as 1 in 12 people in the US, 
it still surprises me how little contact the general public has with us.


On Mar 25, 2012, at 9:57 AM, Gigi wrote:

> Hi guys Karen, doesn't sound like we're talking about what you care. It 
> sounds like we're talking about emotions. That's a very difficult thing to 
> come back.
> I have you decided decided if I wanted to weigh in on this topic, but I would 
> like to say that there's no way I would give people information about my 
> blindness just to do business with them. I have to get the government 
> information about that occasionally, but I see no reason to do that for those 
> who have no business knowing.
> Regards
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 24, 2012, at 8:54 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>> Esther,
>> Two questions.
>> Does the author's guild have statistical evidence that the average mac 
>> product user even knows that voiceover is there let alone that they would 
>> opt for this behavior?
>> I might point out that audiobooks, commercial ones were not created for the 
>> vision challenged population, but for the general public, so the argument 
>> that a vision challenged person would opt for a voiceover edition instead of 
>> a commercial one, seems well silly.  They have figures to document what 
>> percentage of the billions of audiobooks sold are sold to  individuals with 
>> vision loss?  After all, that population was serviced via nls and other 
>> programs for decades, with commercial audio books selling just fine.
>> lastly, would not creating an access specific format not solve that issue 
>> then?  there would be no risk of random  audio hungry people learning how to 
>> use voiceover just so they can avoid listening to a real person read an 
>> audio book.
>> Not picking on you, just wanting your thoughts since you understand their 
>> logic.
>> Karen
>> On Sat, 24 Mar 2012, James Mannion wrote:
>>> Which is why this stupid nonsense will probably rob us of access in
>>> the name of their closed minded greed until the old members of the
>>> gild all die and we get minds in there with open minds to a moddern
>>> world perspective. The good part is there excessive greed will put
>>> them under extra stress which will drive them to the grave sooner.
>>> On 3/22/12, Esther  wrote:
 Hi Ray,
> -- 
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Re: Kindle App on iPhone

2012-03-25 Thread Eric Oyen
I would have asked a bit more abruptly than he did. the problem I have is that 
I do not know if the NFB, ACB or any of the other blindness ors even support or 
oppose litigation against the AAG (American Author's Guild). I am an NFB member 
and if litigation is the tool to use, then I would use it.

one of the things we need to establish is:
1. who owns the AAG
2. who funds it
3. who manages it.

question #2 is the important one as the money they get is the key to answering 
1 & 3. follow the money and you find out who is behind the organization. Now I 
realize that the NFB does market their own gadgets, but, they also need to 
allow other technologies to compete. this is the way of the market. competition 
fosters innovation. an accessible kindle device/app and books would force them 
to innovate to make something better. right now, the market is being 
artificially limited by a confluence of ignorance, financial barriers to entry 
and simple fear. 

they say knowledge is power, and so is information. since we are being 
restricted from gaining information, we need to forcefully acquire it. one way 
is to vote with our wallets. failing that, litigation is the second route. 
protests and the court of public opinion can also work but have been 
increasingly ineffective given the dirty of news on everything else of late.

I know! lets pull a page right out of the progressive playbook. start an occupy 
movement in front of the American Author's Guild and any of the publishing 
houses in NYC. I know the last protest lasted a single day. what we need is a 
multiday event. at the end of business each day, we go to our hotels, homes or 
other living quarters and then show up bright and early the next day.  if we 
are persistent enough, they will get the message and back off. things like this 
do take time though.

just some thoughts on how to get what we legally paid for (and cannot use).


On Mar 25, 2012, at 7:36 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> lol,
> Isn't this getting a bit out of hand?  Your asking this 1 person to defend 
> himself?  IDK, either he's telling the truth, or he's not, either way, what 
> does it change?  Sounds like your trying to put the guy up on perjury 
> charges. lol. Documentary evidence? come on.
> JMO.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Mar 25, 2012, at 6:30 PM, Sean Murphy  wrote:
>> Hi Ray,
>> If the NFB is a a posed to this. Then what supporting documentation do you 
>> have to support this and what actually are they doing to try and resolve the 
>> issue. The issue also effects Braille readers from my understanding.
>> since this issue is not new and has been around for years. I would have 
>> expected a more proactive approach to the whole issue. But nothing has 
>> changed. Can this be done via the ADA? 
>> Another question, can this be enforced in other countries?
>> Sean 
>> On 25/03/2012, at 10:11 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> In defense of the NFB, we do in fact oppose the Author's guild in this 
>>> matter.  any implication otherwise is simply in error.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> Facebook:
>>> On Mar 24, 2012, at 5:33 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
 not sure what they are, or are not,  doing. I am thinking that they may 
 think the case may be hard to win. personally, it may be about the cost 
 the lawyers are going to extract before any monies get paid to the 
 recipients of the class. 
 anyway, I really hate to have to use the hammer of the law, but what else 
 can one do against a privately held LLC like the American Author's Guild.
 On Mar 24, 2012, at 2:19 PM, Sean Murphy wrote:
> Hi all.
> What is the NFB, ACB, and other organisations who support print disable 
> people doing about this?
> They have the funds and expertise to challenge it in a class action. I
> In relation to the number of people who have been restricted from reading 
> Ebooks via this method is larger then America. This effects any country 
> that you can buy Amazon books. The DMR also effects purchasing of Audio 
> books from other english speaking country. So the Authors Gill is forcing 
> American law on to other countries which is a bigger problem. 
> The problem has to be fixed within USA. So guys I would suggest you all 
> start talking to your federal members of government, NFB, etc. Get 
> everyone involved who is USA and feels the same. Make this a real big 
> problem. Being quite about it or complaining on this or other list isn't 
> enough.
> Get out there and do something proactive. I would, but I am not an 
> American citizen. So I cannot even leave base