Re: Switching Between Alex And Nuisance Voices

2012-01-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
Did you mean to commit a pun? I do like it. :) Are you talking about Nuance 

To switch voices, go to the  VO utility with VO-f8.  Interact with the Speech 
option in the list and choose from the popup menus which voices you would like 
to use. If they aren't in the list, choose "customize". Depending on your 
situation you may have to download a voice, but VO will prompt you for this, 
and you can use the voice as soon as it's downloaded.


"Man is matter's ability to contemplate itself."--Albert Einstein

On Jan 26, 2012, at 9:34 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:

> Hi folks:
> How can I switch to one of the nuisance voices I've set up on my computer for 
> Spanish? I've already got the activity set on my MBP.
> Thank you,
> Ezzie Ez Bueno
> Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
> Got Facebook? Get daily jokes on your newsfeed!
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An Icloud problem.

2012-01-27 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hello Everyone.

Recently I had to reset my I phone 4S and restored from an I Cloud Backup.

Now however, some of my albums which bought from the Itunes store will not play 
or I can't hear the tracks even though they have been loaded from I Cloud.  
Even syncing with Itunes does not help although all music is now synced with 
Icloud rather than Itunes.

If some one could tell me what's wrong I'd be grateful.

Thank you.


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Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

2012-01-27 Thread Jennifer Perdue
The most important thing is that you're trying.  Never forget that.  You are 
doing what people are either not thinking to do or not bothering to do.  You 
are giving people a chance.  There are blessings in that.  Never forget that.  
Even in your most discouraging days.  I can't tell you how proud I am to get to 
know you and how much I would love to get to know you more.  I am honored to 
know someone of your character.  It's people like you that make me believe in 
human kindness again.  

If it weren't for my father I wouldn't have my Mac mini now and I am so 
grateful for him.  My husband Brad and I are very poor, just on the low side of 
disability and you know what that means, barely scraping by, but we are happy 
and for the first time in my life, I am in a relationship that I feel truly 
loved and appreciated.  Even valued.  That is something I'm still not used to 
even after a little over two years.  My parents didn't show me that self worth 
so after 36 years I finally am learning that I have worth.  It's kind of a 
strange feeling but I'm slowly getting use to it.  

I would love to get to know you better.  Do you have a family, children, are 
you married?  Do yu have a guide dog?  I am proud to know you and I admire you 
so much.  Be blessed my new friend.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Jan 26, 2012, at 2:24 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> I'm having the worst time possible and it's under threat of dying.
> though I'm receiving support with equipment needs, etc for emergency work and 
> the workshop end, I'm running out of parts needed and suitable macs. I'm 
> doing everything possible including twitter, advertising in various areas, 
> etc and it's just struggling to move. I've many clients on my books in need 
> and I'm having to contact them to explain that due to difficulties beyond my 
> control, things are going to be difficult, so it's time to roll out the big 
> guns and find some support.
> basically anything from G3 blue and white macs, powerbook / iBook G3's G4 
> macs, etc which can be serviced, custom tuned and upgraded ready to be passed 
> on to recipients will be appreciated.
> not sure what else to do. a number of recipients are already happy and have 
> full support cover provided by me for free. that's parts, time, etc.
> I need a miracle.
> take care my friend and may god keep you safe and happy.
> lew
> On 26 Jan 2012, at 20:19, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> I see, sounds interesting.  Thanks for your answer and it's definitely 
>> something I'll have to consider.  How is your computer business going?  I 
>> really think what you're doing is great and admire and respect you a lot.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 2:15 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> twitter was once new to me lol. There's good and bad points to it.
>>> Good points are straight communication between users, kind of like text 
>>> messaging as there's a character limit of 140 letters. It's a great 
>>> business tool to advertise projects, etc a marketing tool and so much more.
>>> bad points are idiots wasting your time, people sending unsolicited 
>>> messages, etc
>>> Don't worry. there's a useful friend to get to know on twitter. it's called 
>>> report user for spam. this not only reports the user to the system but also 
>>> blocks the person from further contact. make that a useful friend or 
>>> companion. I certainly do.
>>> Sometimes, twitter can be a bit of an annoyance. say as an example in 
>>> timeline view of yurofukuru or however it's spelled, you will receive 
>>> random retweets from followers or followed users filling up your message 
>>> system. then it's the thing of listening to the same old stuff.
>>> anyway once you get a hang of it, it's fairly straight forward.
>>> incidentally if anyone wants to communicate through twitter with me, either 
>>> charity related, work or general please add @macsfortheblind to your list 
>>> and I'll be happy to chat where available.
>>> lew
>>> On 26 Jan 2012, at 20:09, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
 I thought it was just me:)  I hardly understand Facebook but I'm trying it 
 out for the time being.  I kind of think it's stupid so far.  Oh well.  I 
 guess I'm just boring.
 Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
 On Jan 26, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> I do not understand the purpose of Twitter either or what to do with it.
> On 26 Jan 2012, at 03:50 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Could someone explain the purpose of twitter and what it does.  Also, 
>> could someone tell me the easiest ap of whatever you would use to use 
>> twitter.  Who would I follow?  I am not sure what you do with it?
>> Thanks for your patience.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 5:55 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>>> Just for peoples info 

Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

2012-01-27 Thread Jennifer Perdue
Yeah, I feel the same way.  I just don't have that much to say.  Maybe I'm the 
one that's boring:)

Have a great wee end.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Jan 26, 2012, at 3:11 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> I find Face book and the whole social network boring as I can't imagine any 
> one being interested in my little life.
> On 26 Jan 2012, at 08:09 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
>> I thought it was just me:)  I hardly understand Facebook but I'm trying it 
>> out for the time being.  I kind of think it's stupid so far.  Oh well.  I 
>> guess I'm just boring.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> I do not understand the purpose of Twitter either or what to do with it.
>>> On 26 Jan 2012, at 03:50 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
 Could someone explain the purpose of twitter and what it does.  Also, 
 could someone tell me the easiest ap of whatever you would use to use 
 twitter.  Who would I follow?  I am not sure what you do with it?
 Thanks for your patience.
 Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
 On Jan 26, 2012, at 5:55 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:
> Just for peoples info if you have the original facetab that is now 
> menutab and you will have to remove facetab and put in the trash and 
> empty it before getting menutab!
> hth Colin
> On 26 Jan 2012, at 10:12, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I use an app called Menutab pro available from the App store. What's 
>> good with this app is that you can both get the mobile and the desktop 
>> versions of Facebook in the app and toggle between them as you like. The 
>> buttons are now clearly labeled and the app, although in the menus 
>> normally only reachable by using the physical mouse has a short cut key 
>> (by default it's control+f) to reach the app.
>> I like it very much.
>> HTH
>> /Krister
>> 25 jan 2012 kl. 22:32 skrev Kirsten Edmondson:
>>> Hi, 
>>> I have recently discovered the plethora of fb aps for the IPhone, so I 
>>> was wondering are the same aps apply for the Mac, or are there similar 
>>> versions? I just go to the m.facebook webpage currently, but wondered 
>>> if I could make it easier for myself. 
>>> Thanks. 
>>> Kirsten. 
>>> -- 
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Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

2012-01-27 Thread Jennifer Perdue
I agree with you Lou.  The only reason that I participate on Facebook at all is 
to watch from afar, my thirteen-year-old son who lives in a different city and 
who was adopted by my parents.  They bullied me into the adoption and now treat 
me as if I was just the "uterus" from which he came.  I have no contact with 
him so all I can do is watch from afar and pray that he is all right.  Not the 
best situation but it's the best i can do.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Jan 26, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> I never understood the point of facebook either. Still don't. OK there's a 
> business use to it and a marketing resource to it but other than that it's a 
> dangerous tool designed for people with dangerous minds who are capable of 
> inflicting harm on others. It's sad to live in a world where the internet is 
> the latest weapon  in oppression and torture. Why can't people just be 
> reasonable? 
> I openly refuse to use facebook as it's just a waste of time and it's open to 
> abuse.
> as an example, if I advertised my project on facebook, I'd be open to 
> attacks, spam and much more. so it's something I don't need in life where 
> more important things take precedence including the care of my mum who was 
> diagnosed with cancer and the running of my IT services, training  sector and 
> the freemacs for the blind project.
> just my £2.50 + VAT worth lol
> lew
> On 26 Jan 2012, at 21:11, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> I find Face book and the whole social network boring as I can't imagine any 
>> one being interested in my little life.
>> On 26 Jan 2012, at 08:09 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
>>> I thought it was just me:)  I hardly understand Facebook but I'm trying it 
>>> out for the time being.  I kind of think it's stupid so far.  Oh well.  I 
>>> guess I'm just boring.
>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 I do not understand the purpose of Twitter either or what to do with it.
 On 26 Jan 2012, at 03:50 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
> Hi,
> Could someone explain the purpose of twitter and what it does.  Also, 
> could someone tell me the easiest ap of whatever you would use to use 
> twitter.  Who would I follow?  I am not sure what you do with it?
> Thanks for your patience.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Jan 26, 2012, at 5:55 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>> Just for peoples info if you have the original facetab that is now 
>> menutab and you will have to remove facetab and put in the trash and 
>> empty it before getting menutab!
>> hth Colin
>> On 26 Jan 2012, at 10:12, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I use an app called Menutab pro available from the App store. What's 
>>> good with this app is that you can both get the mobile and the desktop 
>>> versions of Facebook in the app and toggle between them as you like. 
>>> The buttons are now clearly labeled and the app, although in the menus 
>>> normally only reachable by using the physical mouse has a short cut key 
>>> (by default it's control+f) to reach the app.
>>> I like it very much.
>>> HTH
>>> /Krister
>>> 25 jan 2012 kl. 22:32 skrev Kirsten Edmondson:
 I have recently discovered the plethora of fb aps for the IPhone, so I 
 was wondering are the same aps apply for the Mac, or are there similar 
 versions? I just go to the m.facebook webpage currently, but wondered 
 if I could make it easier for myself. 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 

Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

2012-01-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
My sympathy is with you good friend.

All I can say is to be strong and treat each day as the last day, do whatever 
you can and achieve a positive way of life.

keep smiling and enjoy life.


On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:26, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> I agree with you Lou.  The only reason that I participate on Facebook at all 
> is to watch from afar, my thirteen-year-old son who lives in a different city 
> and who was adopted by my parents.  They bullied me into the adoption and now 
> treat me as if I was just the "uterus" from which he came.  I have no contact 
> with him so all I can do is watch from afar and pray that he is all right.  
> Not the best situation but it's the best i can do.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Jan 26, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> I never understood the point of facebook either. Still don't. OK there's a 
>> business use to it and a marketing resource to it but other than that it's a 
>> dangerous tool designed for people with dangerous minds who are capable of 
>> inflicting harm on others. It's sad to live in a world where the internet is 
>> the latest weapon  in oppression and torture. Why can't people just be 
>> reasonable? 
>> I openly refuse to use facebook as it's just a waste of time and it's open 
>> to abuse.
>> as an example, if I advertised my project on facebook, I'd be open to 
>> attacks, spam and much more. so it's something I don't need in life where 
>> more important things take precedence including the care of my mum who was 
>> diagnosed with cancer and the running of my IT services, training  sector 
>> and the freemacs for the blind project.
>> just my £2.50 + VAT worth lol
>> lew
>> On 26 Jan 2012, at 21:11, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> I find Face book and the whole social network boring as I can't imagine any 
>>> one being interested in my little life.
>>> On 26 Jan 2012, at 08:09 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
 I thought it was just me:)  I hardly understand Facebook but I'm trying it 
 out for the time being.  I kind of think it's stupid so far.  Oh well.  I 
 guess I'm just boring.
 Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
 On Jan 26, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> I do not understand the purpose of Twitter either or what to do with it.
> On 26 Jan 2012, at 03:50 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Could someone explain the purpose of twitter and what it does.  Also, 
>> could someone tell me the easiest ap of whatever you would use to use 
>> twitter.  Who would I follow?  I am not sure what you do with it?
>> Thanks for your patience.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 5:55 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>>> Just for peoples info if you have the original facetab that is now 
>>> menutab and you will have to remove facetab and put in the trash and 
>>> empty it before getting menutab!
>>> hth Colin
>>> On 26 Jan 2012, at 10:12, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
 I use an app called Menutab pro available from the App store. What's 
 good with this app is that you can both get the mobile and the desktop 
 versions of Facebook in the app and toggle between them as you like. 
 The buttons are now clearly labeled and the app, although in the menus 
 normally only reachable by using the physical mouse has a short cut 
 key (by default it's control+f) to reach the app.
 I like it very much.
 25 jan 2012 kl. 22:32 skrev Kirsten Edmondson:
> Hi, 
> I have recently discovered the plethora of fb aps for the IPhone, so 
> I was wondering are the same aps apply for the Mac, or are there 
> similar versions? I just go to the m.facebook webpage currently, but 
> wondered if I could make it easier for myself. 
> Thanks. 
> Kirsten. 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You recei

RE: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

2012-01-27 Thread Missy Hoppe
I agree with you a zillion percent regarding facebook. I never understood 
the point of it, and especially when one
factors in the accessability issues, it's just a complete waste of time in my 
opinion. I have an account, but haven't logged
in for ages. I think I should just delete it and never give it a second 
thought. I do like twitter, though. It's a fun way to
communicate, especially for someone like me who isn't particularly social and 
just wants to communicate the "essentials."


From: [] 
On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

My sympathy is with you good friend.

All I can say is to be strong and treat each day as the last day, do whatever 
you can and achieve a positive way of life.

keep smiling and enjoy life.


On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:26, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

I agree with you Lou.  The only reason that I participate on Facebook at all is 
to watch from afar, my thirteen-year-old son
who lives in a different city and who was adopted by my parents.  They bullied 
me into the adoption and now treat me as if I
was just the "uterus" from which he came.  I have no contact with him so all I 
can do is watch from afar and pray that he is
all right.  Not the best situation but it's the best i can do. 

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Jan 26, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

I never understood the point of facebook either. Still don't. OK there's a 
business use to it and a marketing resource to it
but other than that it's a dangerous tool designed for people with dangerous 
minds who are capable of inflicting harm on
others. It's sad to live in a world where the internet is the latest weapon  in 
oppression and torture. Why can't people just
be reasonable? 

I openly refuse to use facebook as it's just a waste of time and it's open to 

as an example, if I advertised my project on facebook, I'd be open to attacks, 
spam and much more. so it's something I don't
need in life where more important things take precedence including the care of 
my mum who was diagnosed with cancer and the
running of my IT services, training  sector and the freemacs for the blind 

just my £2.50 + VAT worth lol


On 26 Jan 2012, at 21:11, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

I find Face book and the whole social network boring as I can't imagine any one 
being interested in my little life.

On 26 Jan 2012, at 08:09 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:

I thought it was just me:)  I hardly understand Facebook but I'm trying it out 
for the time being.  I kind of think it's
stupid so far.  Oh well.  I guess I'm just boring.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Jan 26, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

I do not understand the purpose of Twitter either or what to do with it.

On 26 Jan 2012, at 03:50 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:


Could someone explain the purpose of twitter and what it does.  Also, could 
someone tell me the easiest ap of whatever you
would use to use twitter.  Who would I follow?  I am not sure what you do with 

Thanks for your patience.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Jan 26, 2012, at 5:55 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:

Just for peoples info if you have the original facetab that is now menutab and 
you will have to remove facetab and put in the
trash and empty it before getting menutab!

hth Colin

On 26 Jan 2012, at 10:12, Krister Ekstrom wrote:


I use an app called Menutab pro available from the App store. What's good with 
this app is that you can both get the mobile
and the desktop versions of Facebook in the app and toggle between them as you 
like. The buttons are now clearly labeled and
the app, although in the menus normally only reachable by using the physical 
mouse has a short cut key (by default it's
control+f) to reach the app.

I like it very much.



25 jan 2012 kl. 22:32 skrev Kirsten Edmondson:


I have recently discovered the plethora of fb aps for the IPhone, so I was 
wondering are the same aps apply for the Mac, or
are there similar versions? I just go to the m.facebook webpage currently, but 
wondered if I could make it easier for myself.




You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.

To post to this group, send email to

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

For more options, visit this group at


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.

To post to this group, send email to

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 

Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

2012-01-27 Thread Søren Jensen
Well, the point of Facebook is the same as the point of Twitter: Sharing what 
you're doing and keep in touch with your friends. :)
I don't  like Facebook for lots and lots of reason, but I really like Twitter 
cause it's simple and accessible. I love how my Mac and iPhone works together 
with twitter, and I like the fast way to read the news. I haven't got used to 
all twitters features yet though.
If Facebook was more accessible, I might use it just a bit, since all people 
here in my country use it all the time. Some peoples life is even stored on 
Facebook and they can't live without it. I wish people here would switch to 
Twitter or something more accessible, but Facebook is what people enjoy here, 
because all their friends are on Facebook and just because others enjoy it 
without many reasons.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den 27/01/2012 kl. 16.47 skrev Missy Hoppe:

> I agree with you a zillion percent regarding facebook. I never understood 
> the point of it, and especially when one factors in the accessability issues, 
> it's just a complete waste of time in my opinion. I have an account, but 
> haven't logged in for ages. I think I should just delete it and never give it 
> a second thought. I do like twitter, though. It's a fun way to communicate, 
> especially for someone like me who isn't particularly social and just wants 
> to communicate the "essentials."
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this
> My sympathy is with you good friend.
> All I can say is to be strong and treat each day as the last day, do whatever 
> you can and achieve a positive way of life.
> keep smiling and enjoy life.
> lew
> On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:26, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> I agree with you Lou.  The only reason that I participate on Facebook at all 
>> is to watch from afar, my thirteen-year-old son who lives in a different 
>> city and who was adopted by my parents.  They bullied me into the adoption 
>> and now treat me as if I was just the "uterus" from which he came.  I have 
>> no contact with him so all I can do is watch from afar and pray that he is 
>> all right.  Not the best situation but it's the best i can do.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> I never understood the point of facebook either. Still don't. OK there's a 
>>> business use to it and a marketing resource to it but other than that it's 
>>> a dangerous tool designed for people with dangerous minds who are capable 
>>> of inflicting harm on others. It's sad to live in a world where the 
>>> internet is the latest weapon  in oppression and torture. Why can't people 
>>> just be reasonable? 
>>> I openly refuse to use facebook as it's just a waste of time and it's open 
>>> to abuse.
>>> as an example, if I advertised my project on facebook, I'd be open to 
>>> attacks, spam and much more. so it's something I don't need in life where 
>>> more important things take precedence including the care of my mum who was 
>>> diagnosed with cancer and the running of my IT services, training  sector 
>>> and the freemacs for the blind project.
>>> just my £2.50 + VAT worth lol
>>> lew
>>> On 26 Jan 2012, at 21:11, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 I find Face book and the whole social network boring as I can't imagine 
 any one being interested in my little life.
 On 26 Jan 2012, at 08:09 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
> I thought it was just me:)  I hardly understand Facebook but I'm trying 
> it out for the time being.  I kind of think it's stupid so far.  Oh well. 
>  I guess I'm just boring.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Jan 26, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> I do not understand the purpose of Twitter either or what to do with it.
>> On 26 Jan 2012, at 03:50 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Could someone explain the purpose of twitter and what it does.  Also, 
>>> could someone tell me the easiest ap of whatever you would use to use 
>>> twitter.  Who would I follow?  I am not sure what you do with it?
>>> Thanks for your patience.
>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 5:55 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:
 Just for peoples info if you have the original facetab that is now 
 menutab and you will have to remove facetab and put in the trash and 
 empty it before getting menutab!
 hth Colin
 On 26 Jan 2012, at 10:12, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Hi,
> I use an app called Menutab pro availa

Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

2012-01-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
I honestly couldn't even consider using my iphone for internet use. I don't 
know, I just feel more comfortable with a keyboard than typing addresses to a 
touch screen. OK the ipad's pretty decent but again a laptop like my macbook 
pro does me justice everywhere I am.

Twitter to me is a decent tool and I have to admit it's pretty funny too. if 
you're following someone and they happen to have others with warped or insane 
humour, it's a good thing so if you need cheering up it's a bloomin good idea.

I can't believe the weather here has changed from decent to freezing cold, 
heavy rain and hail stone. good thing I came home early from a job.


On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:57, Søren Jensen wrote:

> Well, the point of Facebook is the same as the point of Twitter: Sharing what 
> you're doing and keep in touch with your friends. :)
> I don't  like Facebook for lots and lots of reason, but I really like Twitter 
> cause it's simple and accessible. I love how my Mac and iPhone works together 
> with twitter, and I like the fast way to read the news. I haven't got used to 
> all twitters features yet though.
> If Facebook was more accessible, I might use it just a bit, since all people 
> here in my country use it all the time. Some peoples life is even stored on 
> Facebook and they can't live without it. I wish people here would switch to 
> Twitter or something more accessible, but Facebook is what people enjoy here, 
> because all their friends are on Facebook and just because others enjoy it 
> without many reasons.
> Best regards:
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> Den 27/01/2012 kl. 16.47 skrev Missy Hoppe:
>> I agree with you a zillion percent regarding facebook. I never 
>> understood the point of it, and especially when one factors in the 
>> accessability issues, it's just a complete waste of time in my opinion. I 
>> have an account, but haven't logged in for ages. I think I should just 
>> delete it and never give it a second thought. I do like twitter, though. 
>> It's a fun way to communicate, especially for someone like me who isn't 
>> particularly social and just wants to communicate the "essentials."
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
>> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:29 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this
>> My sympathy is with you good friend.
>> All I can say is to be strong and treat each day as the last day, do 
>> whatever you can and achieve a positive way of life.
>> keep smiling and enjoy life.
>> lew
>> On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:26, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> I agree with you Lou.  The only reason that I participate on Facebook at 
>>> all is to watch from afar, my thirteen-year-old son who lives in a 
>>> different city and who was adopted by my parents.  They bullied me into the 
>>> adoption and now treat me as if I was just the "uterus" from which he came. 
>>>  I have no contact with him so all I can do is watch from afar and pray 
>>> that he is all right.  Not the best situation but it's the best i can do.  
>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
 I never understood the point of facebook either. Still don't. OK there's a 
 business use to it and a marketing resource to it but other than that it's 
 a dangerous tool designed for people with dangerous minds who are  
 capable of inflicting harm on others. It's sad to live in a world where 
 the internet is the latest weapon  in oppression and torture. Why can't 
 people just be reasonable? 
 I openly refuse to use facebook as it's just a waste of time and it's open 
 to abuse.
 as an example, if I advertised my project on facebook, I'd be open to 
 attacks, spam and much more. so it's something I don't need in life where 
 more important things take precedence including the care of my mum who was 
 diagnosed with cancer and the running of my IT services, training  sector 
 and the freemacs for the blind project.
 just my £2.50 + VAT worth lol
 On 26 Jan 2012, at 21:11, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> I find Face book and the whole social network boring as I can't imagine 
> any one being interested in my little life.
> On 26 Jan 2012, at 08:09 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
>> I thought it was just me:)  I hardly understand Facebook but I'm trying 
>> it out for the time being.  I kind of think it's stupid so far.  Oh 
>> well.  I guess I'm just boring.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> I do not understand the purpose of Twitter either or what to do with it.

Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

2012-01-27 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Internet on the I phone is Marvelous.  I use it a lot.

If you live in the UK, I must admit the weather has changed.  Get ready for 
some serious snow.


On 27 Jan 2012, at 04:08 PM, "Mr. L. Alexander"  

> I honestly couldn't even consider using my iphone for internet use. I don't 
> know, I just feel more comfortable with a keyboard than typing addresses to a 
> touch screen. OK the ipad's pretty decent but again a laptop like my macbook 
> pro does me justice everywhere I am.
> Twitter to me is a decent tool and I have to admit it's pretty funny too. if 
> you're following someone and they happen to have others with warped or insane 
> humour, it's a good thing so if you need cheering up it's a bloomin good idea.
> I can't believe the weather here has changed from decent to freezing cold, 
> heavy rain and hail stone. good thing I came home early from a job.
> lew
> On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:57, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Well, the point of Facebook is the same as the point of Twitter: Sharing 
>> what you're doing and keep in touch with your friends. :)
>> I don't  like Facebook for lots and lots of reason, but I really like 
>> Twitter cause it's simple and accessible. I love how my Mac and iPhone works 
>> together with twitter, and I like the fast way to read the news. I haven't 
>> got used to all twitters features yet though.
>> If Facebook was more accessible, I might use it just a bit, since all people 
>> here in my country use it all the time. Some peoples life is even stored on 
>> Facebook and they can't live without it. I wish people here would switch to 
>> Twitter or something more accessible, but Facebook is what people enjoy 
>> here, because all their friends are on Facebook and just because others 
>> enjoy it without many reasons.
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den 27/01/2012 kl. 16.47 skrev Missy Hoppe:
>>> I agree with you a zillion percent regarding facebook. I never 
>>> understood the point of it, and especially when one factors in the 
>>> accessability issues, it's just a complete waste of time in my opinion. I 
>>> have an account, but haven't logged in for ages. I think I should just 
>>> delete it and never give it a second thought. I do like twitter, though. 
>>> It's a fun way to communicate, especially for someone like me who isn't 
>>> particularly social and just wants to communicate the "essentials."
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
>>> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:29 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this
>>> My sympathy is with you good friend.
>>> All I can say is to be strong and treat each day as the last day, do 
>>> whatever you can and achieve a positive way of life.
>>> keep smiling and enjoy life.
>>> lew
>>> On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:26, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
 I agree with you Lou.  The only reason that I participate on Facebook at 
 all is to watch from afar, my thirteen-year-old son who lives in a 
 different city and who was adopted by my parents.  They bullied me into 
 the adoption and now treat me as if I was just the "uterus" from which he 
 came.  I have no contact with him so all I can do is watch from afar and 
 pray that he is all right.  Not the best situation but it's the best i can 
 Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
 On Jan 26, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> I never understood the point of facebook either. Still don't. OK there's 
> a business use to it and a marketing resource to it but other than that 
> it's a dangerous tool designed for people with dangerous minds who are 
> capable of inflicting harm on others. It's sad to live in a world where 
> the internet is the latest weapon  in oppression and torture. Why can't 
> people just be reasonable? 
> I openly refuse to use facebook as it's just a waste of time and it's 
> open to abuse.
> as an example, if I advertised my project on facebook, I'd be open to 
> attacks, spam and much more. so it's something I don't need in life where 
> more important things take precedence including the care of my mum who 
> was diagnosed with cancer and the running of my IT services, training  
> sector and the freemacs for the blind project.
> just my £2.50 + VAT worth lol
> lew
> On 26 Jan 2012, at 21:11, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> I find Face book and the whole social network boring as I can't
>> imagine any one being interested in my little life.
>> On 26 Jan 2012, at 08:09 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
>>> I thought it was just me:)  I hardly understand Facebook b

Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

2012-01-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
YOU JINXED IT! lol I hope not. don't want to go through last year's weather 
again thanks lol


On 27 Jan 2012, at 16:12, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Internet on the I phone is Marvelous.  I use it a lot.
> If you live in the UK, I must admit the weather has changed.  Get ready for 
> some serious snow.
> Kawal.
> On 27 Jan 2012, at 04:08 PM, "Mr. L. Alexander"  
> wrote:
>> I honestly couldn't even consider using my iphone for internet use. I don't 
>> know, I just feel more comfortable with a keyboard than typing addresses to 
>> a touch screen. OK the ipad's pretty decent but again a laptop like my 
>> macbook pro does me justice everywhere I am.
>> Twitter to me is a decent tool and I have to admit it's pretty funny too. if 
>> you're following someone and they happen to have others with warped or 
>> insane humour, it's a good thing so if you need cheering up it's a bloomin 
>> good idea.
>> I can't believe the weather here has changed from decent to freezing cold, 
>> heavy rain and hail stone. good thing I came home early from a job.
>> lew
>> On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:57, Søren Jensen wrote:
>>> Well, the point of Facebook is the same as the point of Twitter: Sharing 
>>> what you're doing and keep in touch with your friends. :)
>>> I don't  like Facebook for lots and lots of reason, but I really like 
>>> Twitter cause it's simple and accessible. I love how my Mac and iPhone 
>>> works together with twitter, and I like the fast way to read the news. I 
>>> haven't got used to all twitters features yet though.
>>> If Facebook was more accessible, I might use it just a bit, since all 
>>> people here in my country use it all the time. Some peoples life is even 
>>> stored on Facebook and they can't live without it. I wish people here would 
>>> switch to Twitter or something more accessible, but Facebook is what people 
>>> enjoy here, because all their friends are on Facebook and just because 
>>> others enjoy it without many reasons.
>>> Best regards:
>>> Søren Jensen
>>> Mail & MSN:
>>> Website:
>>> Den 27/01/2012 kl. 16.47 skrev Missy Hoppe:
 I agree with you a zillion percent regarding facebook. I never 
 understood the point of it, and especially when one factors in the 
 accessability issues, it's just a complete waste of time in my opinion. I 
 have an account, but haven't logged in for ages. I think I should just 
 delete it and never give it a second thought. I do like twitter, though. 
 It's a fun way to communicate, especially for someone like me who isn't 
 particularly social and just wants to communicate the "essentials."
 [] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
 Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:29 AM
 Subject: Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this
 My sympathy is with you good friend.
 All I can say is to be strong and treat each day as the last day, do 
 whatever you can and achieve a positive way of life.
 keep smiling and enjoy life.
 On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:26, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
> I agree with you Lou.  The only reason that I participate on Facebook at 
> all is to watch from afar, my thirteen-year-old son who lives in a 
> different city and who was adopted by my parents.  They bullied me into 
> the adoption and now treat me as if I was just the "uterus" from which he 
> came.  I have no contact with him so all I can do is watch from afar and 
> pray that he is all right.  Not the best situation but it's the best i 
> can do.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Jan 26, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> I never understood the point of facebook either. Still don't. OK there's 
>> a business use to it and a marketing resource to it but other than that 
>> it's a dangerous tool designed for people with dangerous minds who are 
>> capable of inflicting harm on others. It's sad to live in a world where 
>> the internet is the latest weapon  in oppression and torture. Why can't 
>> people just be reasonable? 
>> I openly refuse to use facebook as it's just a waste of time and it's 
>> open to abuse.
>> as an example, if I advertised my project on facebook, I'd be open to 
>> attacks, spam and much more. so it's something I don't need in life 
>> where more important things take precedence including the care of my mum 
>> who was diagnosed with cancer and the running of my IT services, 
>> training  sector and the freemacs for the blind project.
>> just my £2.50 + VAT worth lol
>> lew
>> On 26 Jan 2012, at 21:11, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> I 

Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

2012-01-27 Thread Søren Jensen
I totally agree. Internet on the iPhone is awesome. I use it every day in 
different apps. Well this is of course a personal thing, but what is the point 
of having an iphone without using it on the internet? There's a huge difference 
between using the phone on websites using Safari and using it on the internet 
in generel with apps, which  would have been off-topic if I didn't mentioned 
the Twitter app. :)
I wish people would stay on-topic instead talking about the weather. Yeah you 
could tweet that anyway. :)
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den 27/01/2012 kl. 17.12 skrev Kawal Gucukoglu:

> Internet on the I phone is Marvelous.  I use it a lot.
> If you live in the UK, I must admit the weather has changed.  Get ready for 
> some serious snow.
> Kawal.
> On 27 Jan 2012, at 04:08 PM, "Mr. L. Alexander"  
> wrote:
>> I honestly couldn't even consider using my iphone for internet use. I don't 
>> know, I just feel more comfortable with a keyboard than typing addresses to 
>> a touch screen. OK the ipad's pretty decent but again a laptop like my 
>> macbook pro does me justice everywhere I am.
>> Twitter to me is a decent tool and I have to admit it's pretty funny too. if 
>> you're following someone and they happen to have others with warped or 
>> insane humour, it's a good thing so if you need cheering up it's a bloomin 
>> good idea.
>> I can't believe the weather here has changed from decent to freezing cold, 
>> heavy rain and hail stone. good thing I came home early from a job.
>> lew
>> On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:57, Søren Jensen wrote:
>>> Well, the point of Facebook is the same as the point of Twitter: Sharing 
>>> what you're doing and keep in touch with your friends. :)
>>> I don't  like Facebook for lots and lots of reason, but I really like 
>>> Twitter cause it's simple and accessible. I love how my Mac and iPhone 
>>> works together with twitter, and I like the fast way to read the news. I 
>>> haven't got used to all twitters features yet though.
>>> If Facebook was more accessible, I might use it just a bit, since all 
>>> people here in my country use it all the time. Some peoples life is even 
>>> stored on Facebook and they can't live without it. I wish people here would 
>>> switch to Twitter or something more accessible, but Facebook is what people 
>>> enjoy here, because all their friends are on Facebook and just because 
>>> others enjoy it without many reasons.
>>> Best regards:
>>> Søren Jensen
>>> Mail & MSN:
>>> Website:
>>> Den 27/01/2012 kl. 16.47 skrev Missy Hoppe:
 I agree with you a zillion percent regarding facebook. I never 
 understood the point of it, and especially when one  factors in the 
 accessability issues, it's just a complete waste of time in my opinion. I 
 have an account, but haven't logged in for ages. I think I should just 
 delete it and never give it a second thought. I do like twitter, though. 
 It's a fun way to communicate, especially for someone like me who isn't 
 particularly social and just wants to communicate the "essentials."
 [] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
 Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:29 AM
 Subject: Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this
 My sympathy is with you good friend.
 All I can say is to be strong and treat each day as the last day, do 
 whatever you can and achieve a positive way of life.
 keep smiling and enjoy life.
 On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:26, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
> I agree with you Lou.  The only reason that I participate on Facebook at 
> all is to watch from afar, my thirteen-year-old son who lives in a 
> different city and who was adopted by my parents.  They bullied me into 
> the adoption and now treat me as if I was just the "uterus" from which he 
> came.  I have no contact with him so all I can do is watch from afar and 
> pray that he is all right.  Not the best situation but it's the best i 
> can do.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Jan 26, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> I never understood the point of facebook either. Still don't. OK there's 
>> a business use to it and a marketing resource to it but other than that 
>> it's a dangerous tool designed for people with dangerous minds who are 
>> capable of inflicting harm on others. It's sad to live in a world where 
>> the internet is the latest weapon  in oppression and torture. Why can't 
>> people just be reasonable? 
>> I openly refuse to use facebook as it's just a waste of time and it's 
>> open to abuse.

Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

2012-01-27 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Its about time and then you can tweet how bad it is and then you can go on Face 
book and put a photo on your wall!  That is how you do it isn't it, how simply 

On 27 Jan 2012, at 04:16 PM, "Mr. L. Alexander"  

> YOU JINXED IT! lol I hope not. don't want to go through last year's weather 
> again thanks lol
> lew
> On 27 Jan 2012, at 16:12, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Internet on the I phone is Marvelous.  I use it a lot.
>> If you live in the UK, I must admit the weather has changed.  Get ready for 
>> some serious snow.
>> Kawal.
>> On 27 Jan 2012, at 04:08 PM, "Mr. L. Alexander"  
>> wrote:
>>> I honestly couldn't even consider using my iphone for internet use. I don't 
>>> know, I just feel more comfortable with a keyboard than typing addresses to 
>>> a touch screen. OK the ipad's pretty decent but again a laptop like my 
>>> macbook pro does me justice everywhere I am.
>>> Twitter to me is a decent tool and I have to admit it's pretty funny too. 
>>> if you're following someone and they happen to have others with warped or 
>>> insane humour, it's a good thing so if you need cheering up it's a bloomin 
>>> good idea.
>>> I can't believe the weather here has changed from decent to freezing cold, 
>>> heavy rain and hail stone. good thing I came home early from a job.
>>> lew
>>> On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:57, Søren Jensen wrote:
 Well, the point of Facebook is the same as the point of Twitter: Sharing 
 what you're doing and keep in touch with your friends. :)
 I don't  like Facebook for lots and lots of reason, but I really like 
 Twitter cause it's simple and accessible. I love how my Mac and iPhone 
 works together with twitter, and I like the fast way to read the news. I 
 haven't got used to all twitters features yet though.
 If Facebook was more accessible, I might use it just a bit, since all 
 people here in my country use it all the time. Some peoples life is even 
 stored on Facebook and they can't live without it. I wish people here 
 would switch to Twitter or something more accessible, but Facebook is what 
 people enjoy here, because all their friends are on Facebook and just 
 because others enjoy it without many reasons.
 Best regards:
 Søren Jensen
 Mail & MSN:
 Den 27/01/2012 kl. 16.47 skrev Missy Hoppe:
> I agree with you a zillion percent regarding facebook. I never 
> understood the point of it, and especially when one factors in the 
> accessability issues, it's just a complete waste of time in my opinion. I 
> have an account, but haven't logged in for ages. I think I should just 
> delete it and never give it a second thought. I do like twitter, though. 
> It's a fun way to communicate, especially for someone like me who isn't 
> particularly social and just wants to communicate the "essentials."
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this
> My sympathy is with you good friend.
> All I can say is to be strong and treat each day as the last day, do 
> whatever you can and achieve a positive way of life.
> keep smiling and enjoy life.
> lew
> On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:26, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> I agree with you Lou.  The only reason that I participate on Facebook at 
>> all is to watch from afar, my thirteen-year-old son who lives in a 
>> different city and who was adopted by my parents.  They bullied me into 
>> the adoption and now treat me as if I was just the "uterus" from which 
>> he came.  I have no contact with him so all I can do is watch from afar 
>> and pray that he is all right.  Not the best situation but it's the best 
>> i can do.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> I never understood the point of facebook either. Still don't. OK 
>>> there's a business use to it and a marketing resource to it but other 
>>> than that it's a dangerous tool designed for people with dangerous 
>>> minds who are capable of inflicting harm on others. It's sad to live in 
>>> a world where the internet is the latest weapon  in oppression and 
>>> torture. Why can't people just be reasonable? 
>>> I openly refuse to use facebook as it's just a waste of time and it's 
>>> open to abuse.
>>> as an example, if I advertised my project on facebook, I'd be open to 
>>> attacks, spam and much more. so it's something I don't need in life 
>>> where more important thing

Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

2012-01-27 Thread Jennifer Perdue
I have to get my husband to set my account up through firefox cause they have 
that captia thing that they can get someone to read it and put it in for you.  
I'm not good at captious at all.  Once that's done, I'll be able to do twitter. 
 Is there any app that you use to use Twitter?

I'm going skiing this weekend cause the Lions Club is taking a group of us from 
our area so I won't be able to write back till Monday but let me now about the 
app OK?


Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Jan 27, 2012, at 9:47 AM, Missy Hoppe wrote:

> I agree with you a zillion percent regarding facebook. I never understood 
> the point of it, and especially when one factors in the accessability issues, 
> it's just a complete waste of time in my opinion. I have an account, but 
> haven't logged in for ages. I think I should just delete it and never give it 
> a second thought. I do like twitter, though. It's a fun way to communicate, 
> especially for someone like me who isn't particularly social and just wants 
> to communicate the "essentials."
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this
> My sympathy is with you good friend.
> All I can say is to be strong and treat each day as the last day, do whatever 
> you can and achieve a positive way of life.
> keep smiling and enjoy life.
> lew
> On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:26, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> I agree with you Lou.  The only reason that I participate on Facebook at all 
>> is to watch from afar, my thirteen-year-old son who lives in a different 
>> city and who was adopted by my parents.  They bullied me into the adoption 
>> and now treat me as if I was just the "uterus" from which he came.  I have 
>> no contact with him so all I can do is watch from afar and pray that he is 
>> all right.  Not the best situation but it's the best i can do.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> I never understood the point of facebook either. Still don't. OK there's a 
>>> business use to it and a marketing resource to it but other than that it's 
>>> a dangerous tool designed for people with dangerous minds who are capable 
>>> of inflicting harm on others. It's sad to live in a world where the 
>>> internet is the latest weapon  in oppression and torture. Why can't people 
>>> just be reasonable? 
>>> I openly refuse to use facebook as it's just a waste of time and it's open 
>>> to abuse.
>>> as an example, if I advertised my project on facebook, I'd be open to 
>>> attacks, spam and much more. so it's something I don't need in life where 
>>> more important things take precedence including the care of my mum who was 
>>> diagnosed with cancer and the running of my IT services, training  sector 
>>> and the freemacs for the blind project.
>>> just my £2.50 + VAT worth lol
>>> lew
>>> On 26 Jan 2012, at 21:11, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 I find Face book and the whole social network boring as I can't imagine 
 any one being interested in my little life.
 On 26 Jan 2012, at 08:09 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
> I thought it was just me:)  I hardly understand Facebook but I'm trying 
> it out for the time being.  I kind of think it's stupid so far.  Oh well. 
>  I guess I'm just boring.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Jan 26, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> I do not understand the purpose of Twitter either or what to do with it.
>> On 26 Jan 2012, at 03:50 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Could someone explain the purpose of twitter and what it does.  Also, 
>>> could someone tell me the easiest ap of whatever you would use to use 
>>> twitter.  Who would I follow?  I am not sure what you do with it?
>>> Thanks for your patience.
>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 5:55 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:
 Just for peoples info if you have the original facetab that is now 
 menutab and you will have to remove facetab and put in the trash and 
 empty it before getting menutab!
 hth Colin
 On 26 Jan 2012, at 10:12, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Hi,
> I use an app called Menutab pro available from the App store. What's 
> good with this app is that you can both get the mobile and the 
> desktop versions of Facebook in the app and toggle between them as 
> you like. The buttons are now clearly labeled and the app, although 
> in the menus normally only reachable by using the physical mouse has 
> a short cut key (by default it's control+f) to reach the app

Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

2012-01-27 Thread Jennifer Perdue
Thanks for the information.  Is there a particular app you use for twitter or 
do you just you the site itself?  

Thanks for your help.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Jan 27, 2012, at 9:57 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:

> Well, the point of Facebook is the same as the point of Twitter: Sharing what 
> you're doing and keep in touch with your friends. :)
> I don't  like Facebook for lots and lots of reason, but I really like Twitter 
> cause it's simple and accessible. I love how my Mac and iPhone works together 
> with twitter, and I like the fast way to read the news. I haven't got used to 
> all twitters features yet though.
> If Facebook was more accessible, I might use it just a bit, since all people 
> here in my country use it all the time. Some peoples life is even stored on 
> Facebook and they can't live without it. I wish people here would switch to 
> Twitter or something more accessible, but Facebook is what people enjoy here, 
> because all their friends are on Facebook and just because others enjoy it 
> without many reasons.
> Best regards:
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> Den 27/01/2012 kl. 16.47 skrev Missy Hoppe:
>> I agree with you a zillion percent regarding facebook. I never 
>> understood the point of it, and especially when one factors in the 
>> accessability issues, it's just a complete waste of time in my opinion. I 
>> have an account, but haven't logged in for ages. I think I should just 
>> delete it and never give it a second thought. I do like twitter, though. 
>> It's a fun way to communicate, especially for someone like me who isn't 
>> particularly social and just wants to communicate the "essentials."
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
>> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:29 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this
>> My sympathy is with you good friend.
>> All I can say is to be strong and treat each day as the last day, do 
>> whatever you can and achieve a positive way of life.
>> keep smiling and enjoy life.
>> lew
>> On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:26, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> I agree with you Lou.  The only reason that I participate on Facebook at 
>>> all is to watch from afar, my thirteen-year-old son who lives in a 
>>> different city and who was adopted by my parents.  They bullied me into the 
>>> adoption and now treat me as if I was just the "uterus" from which he came. 
>>>  I have no contact with him so all I can do is watch from afar and pray
>>> that he is all right.  Not the best situation but it's the best i can do.
>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
 I never understood the point of facebook either. Still don't. OK there's a 
 business use to it and a marketing resource to it but other than that it's 
 a dangerous tool designed for people with dangerous minds who are capable 
 of inflicting harm on others. It's sad to live in a world where the 
 internet is the latest weapon  in oppression and torture. Why can't people 
 just be reasonable? 
 I openly refuse to use facebook as it's just a waste of time and it's open 
 to abuse.
 as an example, if I advertised my project on facebook, I'd be open to 
 attacks, spam and much more. so it's something I don't need in life where 
 more important things take precedence including the care of my mum who was 
 diagnosed with cancer and the running of my IT services, training  sector 
 and the freemacs for the blind project.
 just my £2.50 + VAT worth lol
 On 26 Jan 2012, at 21:11, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> I find Face book and the whole social network boring as I can't imagine 
> any one being interested in my little life.
> On 26 Jan 2012, at 08:09 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
>> I thought it was just me:)  I hardly understand Facebook but I'm trying 
>> it out for the time being.  I kind of think it's stupid so far.  Oh 
>> well.  I guess I'm just boring.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> I do not understand the purpose of Twitter either or what to do with it.
>>> On 26 Jan 2012, at 03:50 PM, Jennifer Perdue  
>>> wrote:
 Could someone explain the purpose of twitter and what it does.  Also, 
 could someone tell me the easiest ap of whatever you would use to use 
 twitter.  Who would I follow?  I am not sure what you do with it?
 Thanks for your patience.
 Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
 On Jan 26, 2012, at 5:55 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:


2012-01-27 Thread Marc Sutton
This has already been discussed on the list before. Can someone point me 
towards information on using dropbox on the mac? I noticed that when i copied a 
file into the dropbox folder it doesn't show up on my pc's dropbox. I wonder if 
there are settings on the mac side that involve sharing, etc. How can i access 
the fropbox settings, for example. Thanks for any help.

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Re: Dropbox

2012-01-27 Thread John Sanfilippo
Hmm, I use a mac with lion and vista, and a netbook with win xp, and have pcs a 
t work running xp. Using dropbox on all these is completely seamless. Do be 
sure that you allow some time for your files to transfer.

You may have some other problem, of which I'm unaware.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Marc Sutton 
  This has already been discussed on the list before. Can someone point me 
towards information on using dropbox on the mac? I noticed that when i copied a 
file into the dropbox folder it doesn't show up on my pc's dropbox. I wonder if 
there are settings on the mac side that involve sharing, etc. How can i access 
the fropbox settings, for example. Thanks for any help.

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River Bible

2012-01-27 Thread Angie Giltinan
Hi all,
 In my quest to find a good bible app that I felt comfortable with, I have 
found River Bible. 
It has a simple interface, that allows you to search, read a selected book, or 
write journal entries.
I'm still playing with it and learning, but it seems nice.
I got it from the app store.

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Nunbers question

2012-01-27 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi guys. 
I am having to use Numbers for figuring payroll. 1'More going to start 
February, and I've already got January done. I thought I would use a different 
sheet for February, and I found er to insert sheets on insert menu. However, 
when I chose to insert a sheet, I got myself into to trouble. It showed me a 
new table, great. But it wouldn't let me interact with the new table. What am I 
doing wrong? 

I figured another way to do this, but it has itsdisadvantages. 

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Re: Effectively navigating through edit fields on iPhone with Bluetooth keyboards

2012-01-27 Thread Ricardo Walker

These don't apply to any one keyboard.  They are universal commands.  

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 27, 2012, at 3:22 PM, Dan Rathburn wrote:

> Colin,
> Thanks for posting this information.  Could you tell me which model of 
> keyboard you are referring to?
> Thanks,
> Dan
> From: Red.Falcon
> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 4:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Effectively navigating through edit fields on iPhone with 
> Bluetooth keyboards
> Hi Michael!
> hth Colin
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> General navigation
> Keys
> Action
> VO + left or right
> Select previous or next item
> VO + up or down
> Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
> VO + Space
> Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
> VO + H
> Go to home screen
> VO + H 2 times
> Open/close multitask pane
> Escape
> Go back, cancel, close pop-up
> Cmd + Tab
> Switch to next app or hold Shift for previous
> VO + A
> Read all from first object in selected area
> VO + B
> Read all from selected item
> VO + M
> Move to status bar
> VO + I
> Open Item Chooser for current area
> VO + F
> Search and go to match with Enter
> VO + G
> Next search match, hold Shift for previous
> Handling VoiceOver
> Keys
> Action
> Control
> Pause/resume speech
> VO + S
> Toggle speech off/on
> VO + Shift + S
> Toggle Screen Curtain on/off
> VO + Cmd + up or down
> Adjust the selected speech rotor option
> VO + Cmd + left or right
> Change the speech rotor setting
> VO + /
> Add label to selected item
> VO + K
> Start VoiceOver training, Escape to exit
> Quick Nav Commands
> Turn on "Quick Nav" to use these commands by pressing left + right
> Keys
> Action
> up + down
> Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
> left or right
> Selects the previous or next item
> up or down
> Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
> up + left or right
> Change to next or previous rotor setting
> Option + left or right
> Move to next or previous horizontal screen/page
> Option + up or down
> Move/scroll up or down the screen/page
> Control + up or down
> Select the first or last item in the area
> Control + left or right
> Go to next or previous container/area
> Safari Web Shortcuts
> Hold Shift for previous
> Keys
> Action
> H
> Next heading
> 1 to 6
> Next respective heading level 1–6
> L
> Next link
> S
> Next text element
> W
> Next landmark
> R
> Next text field
> X
> Next list
> T
> Next table
> M
> Next element of same type
> I
> Next image
> B
> Next button
> C
> Next form element
> Text Field Commands
> You must have "Quick Nav" off to use these commands.
> When moving cursor, hold Shift to select/deselect text
> Keys
> Action
> left or right
> Move cursor by character
> up or down
> Move cursor by row
> Option+ left or right
> Move cursor by word
> Control or Cmd + left or right
> Move cursor by phrase
> Cmd + A
> Select all
> Cmd + C
> Copy selection
> Cmd + X
> Cut selection
> Cmd + V
> Paste
> Cmd + Z
> Undo. Note: you can also shake the device
> Cmd + Shift + Z
> Redo. Note: you can also shake the device
> Eject
> Show/hide screen keyboard
> Other Keyboard Action
> Keys
> Action
> VO + -
> Preforms special action
> Cmd + Space
> Change language keyboard layout
> F1
> Decrease screen brightness
> F2
> Increase screen brightness
> F7
> Previous song
> F8
> Pause/resume song
> F9
> Next song
> F10
> Mute sound
> F11
> Decrease volume
> F12
> Increase volume
> On 10 Jan 2012, at 20:21, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> I have recently acquired a Bluetooth keyboard with a tiny docking station to 
>> use with my iPhone 4 running IOS5.
>> While it is easy enough to enter text into an edit field, via the Bluetooth 
>> keyboard, I have been unable to cursor or arrow through a text that I am 
>> creating in order to insert or delete characters.  Thus far, I have 
>> accomplished this task by moving the insertion point using the VoiceOver 
>> commands on the touch screen.  I am wondering if there is a way to move 
>> through an edit field, character-by-character using the right and left arrow 
>> keys on the small Bluetooth keyboard.  Fortunately, the backspace key is 
>> working.  Besides working with edit fields, are there other ways to invoke 
>> most VO commands using the keyboard instead of the VO gestures?
>> Thank you all very much,
>> Mike
>> -- 
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Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

2012-01-27 Thread Ricardo Walker
You can always use a bt keyboard with your iPhone.  Its all about practice I 
guess.  I wouldn't want to type a term paper on the on screen keyboard of my 
iPhone but, short messages and addresses don't bother me much.  Especially now 
that Siri is an option.

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 27, 2012, at 11:08 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> I honestly couldn't even consider using my iphone for internet use. I don't 
> know, I just feel more comfortable with a keyboard than typing addresses to a 
> touch screen. OK the ipad's pretty decent but again a laptop like my macbook 
> pro does me justice everywhere I am.
> Twitter to me is a decent tool and I have to admit it's pretty funny too. if 
> you're following someone and they happen to have others with warped or insane 
> humour, it's a good thing so if you need cheering up it's a bloomin good idea.
> I can't believe the weather here has changed from decent to freezing cold, 
> heavy rain and hail stone. good thing I came home early from a job.
> lew
> On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:57, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Well, the point of Facebook is the same as the point of Twitter: Sharing 
>> what you're doing and keep in touch with your friends. :)
>> I don't  like Facebook for lots and lots of reason, but I really like 
>> Twitter cause it's simple and accessible. I love how my Mac and iPhone works 
>> together with twitter, and I like the fast way to read the news. I haven't 
>> got used to all twitters features yet though.
>> If Facebook was more accessible, I might use it just a bit, since all people 
>> here in my country use it all the time. Some peoples life is even stored on 
>> Facebook and they can't live without it. I wish people here would switch to 
>> Twitter or something more accessible, but Facebook is what people enjoy 
>> here, because all their friends are on Facebook and just because others 
>> enjoy it without many reasons.
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den 27/01/2012 kl. 16.47 skrev Missy Hoppe:
>>> I agree with you a zillion percent regarding facebook. I never 
>>> understood the point of it, and especially when one factors in the 
>>> accessability issues, it's just a complete waste of time in my opinion. I 
>>> have an account, but haven't logged in for ages. I think I should just 
>>> delete it and never give it a second thought. I do like twitter, though. 
>>> It's a fun way to communicate, especially for someone like me who isn't 
>>> particularly social and just wants to communicate the "essentials."
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
>>> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:29 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this
>>> My sympathy is with you good friend.
>>> All I can say is to be strong and treat each day as the last day, do 
>>> whatever you can and achieve a positive way of life.
>>> keep smiling and enjoy life.
>>> lew
>>> On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:26, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
 I agree with you Lou.  The only reason that I participate on Facebook at 
 all is to watch from afar, my thirteen-year-old son who lives in a 
 different city and who was adopted by my parents.  They bullied me into 
 the adoption and now treat me as if I was just the "uterus" from which he 
 came.  I have no contact with him so all I can do is watch from afar and 
 pray that he is all right.  Not the best situation but it's the best i can 
 Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
 On Jan 26, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> I never understood the point of facebook either. Still don't. OK there's 
> a business use to it and a marketing resource to it but other than that 
> it's a dangerous tool designed for people with dangerous minds who are 
> capable of inflicting harm on others. It's sad to live in a world where 
> the internet is the latest weapon  in oppression and torture. Why can't 
> people just be reasonable? 
> I openly refuse to use facebook as it's just a waste of time and it's 
> open to abuse.
> as an example, if I advertised my project on facebook, I'd be open to 
> attacks, spam and much more. so it's something I don't need in life where 
> more important things take precedence including the care of my mum who 
> was diagnosed with cancer and the running of my IT services, training 
>   sector and the freemacs for the blind project.
> just my £2.50 + VAT worth lol
> lew
> On 26 Jan 2012, at 21:11, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> I find Face book and the whole social network boring as I can't imagine 

Re: Switching Between Alex And Nuisance Voices

2012-01-27 Thread Ricardo Walker

Just to add, once you've added the voices you want, you can quickly switch 
between them by pressing VO command left or right arrow and once on voices, 
press VO command up or down arrow to select a voice.

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 27, 2012, at 3:55 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Did you mean to commit a pun? I do like it. :) Are you talking about Nuance 
> voices?
> To switch voices, go to the  VO utility with VO-f8.  Interact with the Speech 
> option in the list and choose from the popup menus which voices you would 
> like to use. If they aren't in the list, choose "customize". Depending on 
> your situation you may have to download a voice, but VO will prompt you for 
> this, and you can use the voice as soon as it's downloaded.
> hTh,
> Teresa
> "Man is matter's ability to contemplate itself."--Albert Einstein
> On Jan 26, 2012, at 9:34 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:
>> Hi folks:
>> How can I switch to one of the nuisance voices I've set up on my computer 
>> for Spanish? I've already got the activity set on my MBP.
>> Thank you,
>> Ezzie Ez Bueno
>> Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
>> Got Facebook? Get daily jokes on your newsfeed!
>> -- 
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2012-01-27 Thread craig J Dunlop
I was thinking of doing a answer tone from at&t but cant preview the ringback 
tones I am using a macbook pro and lion.  the link is
is anyone able to get one to play? and if so how did you get it to work.
thanks for any ideas.
I was hoping to not boot my windows pc for this. I figure I am just missing 
something simple.

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Re: Lion Server

2012-01-27 Thread Scott Howell
Hey Yuma,

Is there an easy way to add users to a group? I cannot drag users or groups, so 
there surely is an easier way and any info appreciated.


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Re: Lion Server

2012-01-27 Thread Scott Howell
Oh and one other thing I meant to ask you is about your note below. Are you 
saying that third-party apps exist for the iOS platform that allow for managing 
users and groups? That is quite interesting if that is the case or perhaps I 
misunderstood and you are saying that you can use WGM to manage such.


On Jan 21, 2012, at 8:43 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Oh yes, i forgot that important part :) Server admin and WGM are your 
> companions there for many basic configs for all services. They also work 
> pretty well on the IOS version though being developed by a third party.

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Re: Lion Server

2012-01-27 Thread Yuma Decaux

Hey Scott,

There was a method for specifically opening the users and groups pop up window 
and select them around but i haven't used it since i use the workgroup manager 
app on my iphone.

However you can probably try voice over's drag and drop?

Best regards,

On 28/01/2012, at 1:20 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hey Yuma,
> Is there an easy way to add users to a group? I cannot drag users or groups, 
> so there surely is an easier way and any info appreciated.
> Thanks,
> -- 
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Re: Lion Server

2012-01-27 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hey Scott,

Yes both server admin and workgroup manager are available as 3rd party 
iphone/ipad apps from which you can monitor, configure limited ammounts of 
settings (for server admin) and most importantly quickly and easily create 
users and groups in the workgroup manager app. This way all is pretty much done 
remotely and pairing it with server admin on your mac client you basically 
don't need anything on your server like peripherals.

On 28/01/2012, at 1:22 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Oh and one other thing I meant to ask you is about your note below. Are you 
> saying that third-party apps exist for the iOS platform that allow for 
> managing users and groups? That is quite interesting if that is the case or 
> perhaps I misunderstood and you are saying that you can use WGM to manage 
> such.
> Thanks,
> On Jan 21, 2012, at 8:43 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>> Oh yes, i forgot that important part :) Server admin and WGM are your 
>> companions there for many basic configs for all services. They also work 
>> pretty well on the IOS version though being developed by a third party.
> -- 
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google imap issue in mail app

2012-01-27 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hey list,

I thought for a while that this was a lion issue, but after checking my web 
gmail, i found all of the messages i supposedly deleted on my mac as being 
stored in its gmail server counterpart. I've set everything so that no copies 
are stored on the server, but this doesnt change a thing, as locally gmail is 
becoming a real drag, messages being repeated by voice over all the time as 
there are lags between when i delete a message locally and the same response on 
the server, etc etc. The experience is getting nightmarish and random.

Has anyone experienced this issue?

Best regards,


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Re: River Bible

2012-01-27 Thread CJ Daniel

How much was the River Bible?



On Jan 27, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

> Hi all,
> In my quest to find a good bible app that I felt comfortable with, I have 
> found River Bible. 
> It has a simple interface, that allows you to search, read a selected book, 
> or write journal entries.
> I'm still playing with it and learning, but it seems nice.
> I got it from the app store.
> -- 
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good news for Drop box users!!

2012-01-27 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Okay.  I have some good news for those of y'all wondering when Drop Box would 
improve their accessibility.  Under Lion, it is actually possible now to fully 
access the Drop box prefs menu and windows.  Here's what you need to do.

1.  In the Voice Over Utilities, make sure you set your mouse to announce when 
ever it enters a new window.

2.  Now, press control+F8 or other wise access the universal prefs window.

3.  Now, you want to rout the mouse to the Universal prefs window by using 

4.  Now, move the mouse directly in a straight line leftward until you hear, 
"Entering Drop Box".  Click right there.

5.  Now, arrow down till you hear "preferences".  Press return here.


Note, this works with the latest version of Drop box which is 2.51.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


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Re: Audacity or amadeus pro?

2012-01-27 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Ewoud,

There is a lite version and full version of Amadeus Pro in the App 
store.  I would recommend going with the Full version.  As you develop your 
skills you will want more of the functions.

I found Amadeus Pro to be a solid reliable program and it was easier to use 
then Audacity on either the Mac or PC platform.  Both programs are good but 
Amadeus Pro is much easier to use with Voice Over, the functions such as 
labeling tracks is much easier, and more of the advanced functions are 
accessible.   I hope this recommendation helps.

Eric Caron  

On Jan 26, 2012, at 12:36 AM, Ewoud wrote:

> Its in the appstore. 
> Op 26 jan. 2012 om 04:38 heeft Eric Oyen  het volgende 
> geschreven:
>> I found the download site just fine, but I can't seem to find out what the 
>> purchase price is.
>> -eric (the other eric)
>> On Jan 25, 2012, at 8:24 PM, Ewoud wrote:
>>> Hi eric. Thx. Can you be a litle more specific? Ewoud 
>>> Op 26 jan. 2012 om 02:47 heeft Eric Caron  het 
>>> volgende geschreven:
 Hi Ewoud,
   I have used both.  I also used Audacity on the PC before I changed to 
 Mac.  Amadeus Pro is the way to go.  
 Eric Caron 
 On Jan 25, 2012, at 7:53 AM, Ewoud wrote:
>> Hi all,
> since a mo th i have my MacBook.
> Profesionaly and for fun i do a lot audio, before this new periode, that 
> happened in windows.
> Now Apple is here, I feel a bit lost. What programm should i use?
> is there a big gap between the free audacity or the payed version of 
> amadeus pro?
> Can anyone of you tell me more, or perhaps advice what to use and buy?
> The money is not the subject, its more about putting energie into 
> something compaired with the fact that VoiceOver is still not really my 
> cup of tea.
> Eventually, it will smile.
> Hope to hear from yo.
> Dutch greets.
> Ewoud 
> -- 
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about the workgroup manager app message for Tim

2012-01-27 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hi Tim,

You previously mentioned a method to access user preferences in Workgroup 
manager, which would probably be helpful to SCott's home server endeavor.

Can you give us a short how-to? I can't remember the one that was suggested for 
adding users to groups etc as i now use the iphone app.

Best regards,


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Re: OCR on the mac

2012-01-27 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Yes; but I don't like the fact that everything you scan gets uploaded to 
seretek's server.

On Jan 26, 2012, at 6:19 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Docuscan plus works very well.
> On Jan 26, 2012, at 10:37 AM, Angie Giltinan wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to find a good scanning solution for my mac.
>> I will purchase a flat bed scanner, but not sure which one you all 
>> recommend, and what software you think would be best.
>> I thought of using DocuScan  but the need to have an internet connection all 
>> the time is a bit off putting for me.
>> Thoughts and suggestions are appreciated!
>> -- 
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RE: OCR on the mac

2012-01-27 Thread Lisa Salinger
For what it's worth, you do have the option to save your scans to Serotek's
server, but you can also save them to your computer.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Paul Henrichsen
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 1:14 AM
Subject: Re: OCR on the mac

Yes; but I don't like the fact that everything you scan gets uploaded to
seretek's server.

On Jan 26, 2012, at 6:19 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Docuscan plus works very well.
> On Jan 26, 2012, at 10:37 AM, Angie Giltinan wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to find a good scanning solution for my mac.
>> I will purchase a flat bed scanner, but not sure which one you all
recommend, and what software you think would be best.
>> I thought of using DocuScan  but the need to have an internet connection
all the time is a bit off putting for me.
>> Thoughts and suggestions are appreciated!
>> -- 
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Re: google imap issue in mail app

2012-01-27 Thread Alex Hall
I haven't, but googling "imap gmail with lion mail" turns up a lot of
tutorials on the topic. You should check some out; when I first set
mine up, I followed one and have had no duplication or delay problems
(except for the usual delay in mail).

On 1/27/12, Yuma Decaux  wrote:
> Hey list,
> I thought for a while that this was a lion issue, but after checking my web
> gmail, i found all of the messages i supposedly deleted on my mac as being
> stored in its gmail server counterpart. I've set everything so that no
> copies are stored on the server, but this doesnt change a thing, as locally
> gmail is becoming a real drag, messages being repeated by voice over all the
> time as there are lags between when i delete a message locally and the same
> response on the server, etc etc. The experience is getting nightmarish and
> random.
> Has anyone experienced this issue?
> Best regards,
> Yuma
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: about the workgroup manager app message for Tim

2012-01-27 Thread TIM KILBURN
Hi Yuma/Scott,
> 1.  For adding Users  to Groups in WGM, it works in either direction.  That 
> is, adding the users to the Group or adding Group membership to the specific 
> user.  In each situation, use the SL drag and drop method and things work 
> properly, I haven't had much success with the Lion method in WGM.
> I usually do it from the Group prospective when adding users to a Group as I 
> find it easier to manage.  Here's my best recollection as I'm out of town 
> right now and doing this from memory.
> • Select the Groups tab.
> • Select the Members tab.
> • Interact with the Groups table and select the Group you wish to add members 
> to.
> • check the Add button.
> This should open the Users Drawer for you..  The Users Drawer appears way up 
> by the Toolbar so I usually just press VO-home to get me quickly to the 
> Toolbar then VO-right to the Drawer.
> • Interact with the Drawer.
> • Interact with the Table and navigate to the user you wish to add.
> • Turn off cursor tracking and mouse down on the user to pick it up.
> • Stop Interacting with the Table, as well as  the Drawer and navigate to the 
> membership Table.
> • Interact with it then mouse up to drop the User there.
> If you have multiple users to do this to, just use whatever multiple 
> selection method works in your situation, contiguous or non-contiguous 
> selecting.
> 2.  For accessing the User or Group Preferences in WGM, I first had to figure 
> out the following placement of the various Preference items.  I put this list 
> into a TextEdit file in case I forget.  They are set up in rows of three in 
> this manner:
> Applications - Classic - Dock
> Finder - Login - Media Access
> Mobility - Network - Parental
> Printing - Software Updates - System Preferences
> Universal Access
> Each item brings up an accessible pane for setting User/Group/Computer 
> preferences.  The problem is that these are not visible to VO at all, nor can 
> you use HotSpots to locate them.  So I've just used mouse keys instead.  
> There may be another way but I got so used to using mouse keys that I'm stuck 
> with it so far.  Here's what I do.
> • Select Preferences in the toolbar.
> • Select the Users, Groups or Machines tab depending on what I wish to 
> control.
> • Select the User or Group from the Table.
> • Stop Interacting with the Table and VO-left where it says something about 
> "Select one or more Accounts...".
> • I then press VO-cmd-f5 to make sure my mouse is where the VO-cursor just 
> read.
> • Press the Option key five times to turn mouse keys on.  (You set this up in 
> the Universal Access pane of System Prefs).
>!"�¢ Press the "2" key on the number pad 60 times to go down to the fi²st row, 
>125 for the second, 190 for the third and 250 for the fourth. 
> This will land you on the middle item of the row of three and, yes, I lose 
> count sometimes and have to start over.  That's probably why I've complained 
> to Apple about it to no avail.  You don't have to be exact but if you go too 
> far down, you'll end yp in the next row and have to start over anyway.
> • If you want the first item, like Applications, move left 140 times with the 
> "4" key on the numPad or if you wish the right most item in the row, use the 
> "6" key 140 times to land on it.
> • When you suspect that you're on the correct item, just press the "5" key 
> for the mouse press. 
> Voila, all the inaccessible stuff now b¥comes accessible.  You can set which 
> apps are allowed, which printers are available, what's on the users Dock, how 
> they access Software Updates, restrict the Internet and lots of other things. 
>  You can always have control, sometimes (which means set it up the first time 
> then let them do whatever afterwards), or never control that preference.  If 
> you really want to dig deep, you can play with MCX Preference Manifests in 
> the Details tab of WGM.  This sort of detail allows you to specifically 
> control the state of specific preference items like homepage in Safari, 
> whether Word Auto-Saves and much more.
> Hope this is clear.  If I've messed up at all, let me know and I'll look at 
> WGM when I get home after this weekend and fix the steps I may have missed. 
> Otherwise, have fun but be careful, you do have the power to mess things up.
> Later..

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 27, 2012, at 11:02 PM, Yuma Decaux  wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> You previously mentioned a method to access user preferences in Workgroup 
> manager, which would probably be helpful to SCott's home server endeavor.
> Can you give us a short how-to? I can't remember the one that was suggested 
> for adding users to groups etc as i now use the iphone app.
> Best regards,
> Yuma 
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