Hi Ewoud,

        There is a lite version and full version of Amadeus Pro in the App 
store.  I would recommend going with the Full version.  As you develop your 
skills you will want more of the functions.

I found Amadeus Pro to be a solid reliable program and it was easier to use 
then Audacity on either the Mac or PC platform.  Both programs are good but 
Amadeus Pro is much easier to use with Voice Over, the functions such as 
labeling tracks is much easier, and more of the advanced functions are 
accessible.   I hope this recommendation helps.

Eric Caron  

On Jan 26, 2012, at 12:36 AM, Ewoud wrote:

> Its in the appstore. 
> Op 26 jan. 2012 om 04:38 heeft Eric Oyen <eric.o...@gmail.com> het volgende 
> geschreven:
>> I found the download site just fine, but I can't seem to find out what the 
>> purchase price is.
>> -eric (the other eric)
>> On Jan 25, 2012, at 8:24 PM, Ewoud wrote:
>>> Hi eric. Thx. Can you be a litle more specific? Ewoud 
>>> Op 26 jan. 2012 om 02:47 heeft Eric Caron <ecar...@comcast.net> het 
>>> volgende geschreven:
>>>> Hi Ewoud,
>>>>   I have used both.  I also used Audacity on the PC before I changed to 
>>>> Mac.  Amadeus Pro is the way to go.  
>>>> Eric Caron 
>>>> On Jan 25, 2012, at 7:53 AM, Ewoud wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> since a mo th i have my MacBook.
>>>>> Profesionaly and for fun i do a lot audio, before this new periode, that 
>>>>> happened in windows.
>>>>> Now Apple is here, I feel a bit lost. What programm should i use?
>>>>> is there a big gap between the free audacity or the payed version of 
>>>>> amadeus pro?
>>>>> Can anyone of you tell me more, or perhaps advice what to use and buy?
>>>>> The money is not the subject, its more about putting energie into 
>>>>> something compaired with the fact that VoiceOver is still not really my 
>>>>> cup of tea.
>>>>> Eventually, it will smile.
>>>>> Hope to hear from yo.
>>>>> Dutch greets.
>>>>> Ewoud 
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