Re: creating appointments using ICal.

2012-01-12 Thread Simon Cavendish
Under view options in the menu bar you probably need to choose how you wish to 
view your calendar: by day or week or month.
On 10 Jan 2012, at 14:14, Jessica wrote:

> I've just started trying to figure out how to create an event using ICal, but 
> when I try to use the left and right arrows to scroll through the days of the 
> week, instead of showing them in their correct order, it wants to jump ahead 
> a week.  Am I doing something wrong?
> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a good 
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question about List Recorder

2012-01-12 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi guys.
I have a question about List Recorder for the iPhone. I just recorded an item, 
and I was doing real fine until I wanted to stop the recording. I couldn't find 
the button to do it, so I started flicking to find it. The only trouble was 
that VoiceOver got real, real quiet like I had an earphone on. I didn't, and I 
finally was able to hear the option by holding the iPhone right up to my face. 
Has anybody had this trouble, and am I doing something wrong here. 


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Re: Safari bookmarks

2012-01-12 Thread Thomas McMahan
How about storing them in bookmarks bar, then just going throughout the list of 
them under the apple menu because at that point it's just a sub menu under 
bookmarks.  Perhaps that would be a little less complicated than what you're 
On Jan 11, 2012, at 10:54 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

> Hi.
> Am I missing something here?  I tried using the command option B command to 
> call up my list of book marks.  It seems you have to move up to the first 
> table, interact with that table, find the bookmark you want, stop interacting 
> with that table, move down to the next table, interact with that table, move 
> over to the bookmark listing and then press spacebar.  Can it possibly be 
> that complicated to pick a bookmark or is there something obvious I am 
> missing?  Thanks.
> Thanks.
> Bill
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Re: Is there really not a Save As option in Text Edit?

2012-01-12 Thread Thomas McMahan
Yes there is, it's called save… ellipses means a dialog, the first thing it 
will speak is save as, thus save as is still there.  Same with just closing a 
document in the do you wish to save dialog that comes up, you can title it and 
designate where you want it to go.  Sounds like a save as to me even if it's 
not called that.

On Jan 7, 2012, at 7:49 PM, Sean Murphy wrote:

> Donna,
> I recall a book called abc for apple script. Let me look at my safari book 
> list and get back to you later this week. Remind me if I for get.
> Sean 
> On 05/01/2012, at 11:38 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Hi Sean,
>> Thanks for the suggestion.  I've actually been wanting to learn to use Apple 
>> Script for a long time, but I just never seem to have time.  Can you suggest 
>> any tutorials or podcast on learning to use it?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> On Jan 5, 2012, at 5:58 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>>> Hi Donna,
>>> You might want to investigate into Apple Script. This can modify default 
>>> behaviours for applications. You can introduce your own save as. This is a 
>>> work around I know.
>>> But even better. You could create a template using apple script. activate 
>>> the script fill in the bits you want. Save it as the naming convention you 
>>> want. Learning apple script will take a bit. But is a perfect tool for 
>>> these types of tasks.
>>> Using the right tool for the right job is a motto of mine.
>>> Sean 
>>> On 05/01/2012, at 9:03 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
 Unless, you're working on a template.  The document in question is a 
 service contract.  I modify the template for each client, and then save it 
 adding the client's name.  And that's just one reason one might want to 
 save an existing file with a different name, but keep the original 
 On Jan 4, 2012, at 4:31 PM, John Panarese wrote:
> Remember that Lion is moving to an iOS kind of interface.  The resume 
> feature in Lion is another example of this.  So, with "documents", they 
> are automatically edited as you work on them, so there is no need to 
> manually save them.  
> .  
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Jan 4, 2012, at 4:20 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Thanks, John.  God that's dumb, what on earth was Apple thinking?
>> thanks anyway,
>> Donna
>> On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:59 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>> There is no save as in Lion.  This has to do with the version history 
>>> feature.  If you are working off a template or such, duplicate the 
>>> document from the file menu and then do a command-s to save it with a 
>>> new name.
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:53 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
 Well, it is. Cmd-Shift S gives you nothing in Lion.
 On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:28 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Well, in SL, command shift S gives you the save as dialog; I can't 
> see why this would be different in Lion.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: Blackboard Accessible

2012-01-12 Thread Michael Busboom
I believe that most institutions are now using 9.1.  This version was supposed 
to have addressed bulletin board issues with regard to accessibility.


On 12,Jan,2012, at 1:38 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Do you know which version of Blackboard is being used? THis would be good 
> info to have.
> Thanks,
> On Jan 11, 2012, at 7:59 AM, Becky Knaub wrote:
>> Hi Shanna,
>> I use black board with VoiceOver, I know it was just updated for my 
>> university while we were on break. I find VO works pretty well with it, I 
>> have used it with VO for 2 semesters soon to be three when this semester is 
>> over and Jaws fr the other 4, I would say both work alright with it. I can 
>> and do participate on the discussion board and can access all of the links 
>> on my professor's pages.  I am using Safari for BlackBoard tough rather then 
>> Google Chrome which I just installed to see if it would work better than 
>> Safari. Use the track pad or VO keys with BB not quick nab because sometimes 
>> they don't work and try interacting with the content, this will allow VO to 
>> read and work with the discussion Board. HTH
>> Becky and C
>> -- 
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Re: Blackboard Accessible

2012-01-12 Thread Michael Busboom
Hello Ezzie,
Is OmniWeb a Mac-based browser and when you used it, did you have many problems 
effectively participating in classroom discussions via Bulletin Board?



On 11,Jan,2012, at 9:59 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:

> Hello Shanna, Mike and Others,
> I've used Blackboard successfully with another web browser called OmniWeb.  
> It has worked well.
> I just downloaded Google Chrome and will try using Blackboard with this new 
> browser as soon as classes start in two weeks.
> HTH,
> Ezzie
> - Original Message -
> From: Dawn Benbow  To:
> Date sent: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 13:18:56 -0500
> Subject: Re: Blackboard Accessible
> Hi Shanna,
> I saw this thread and wanted to jumpin and say that I've just started using 
> my iPad and BT keyboard on black board in the discussion board area with the 
> 3 online classes I have this semester and haven't had much trouble with it.  
> I haven't tried using my MBP with it yet though as I've always found it 
> easiest just to use my iPod before.  I just got an iPad for Christmas.  I'm 
> loving it so far.
> Dawn
> On Jan 11, 2012, at 7:59 AM, Becky Knaub wrote:
> Hi Shanna,
> I use black board with VoiceOver, I know it was just updated for my 
> university while we were on break.  I find VO works pretty well with it, I 
> have used it with VO for 2 semesters soon to be three when this semester is 
> over and Jaws fr the other 4, I would say both work alright with it.  I can 
> and do participate on the discussion board and can access all of the links on 
> my professor's pages.  I am using Safari for BlackBoard tough rather then 
> Google Chrome which I just installed to see if it would work better than 
> Safari.  Use the track pad or VO keys with BB not quick nab because sometimes 
> they don't work and try interacting with the content, this will allow VO to 
> read and work with the discussion Board.  HTH
> Becky and C
> --
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Re: Blackboard Accessible

2012-01-12 Thread Shanna Stichler
Hey Dawn,

I'm glad you're finding Blackboard usable for you. I'll try it with my IPhone 
and see if I notice an improvement. Thanks so much!

On Jan 11, 2012, at 12:18 PM, Dawn Benbow wrote:

> Hi Shanna,
> I saw this thread and wanted to jumpin and say that I've just started using 
> my iPad and BT keyboard on black board in the discussion board area with the 
> 3 online classes I have this semester and haven't had much trouble with it. I 
> haven't tried using my MBP with it yet though as I've always found it easiest 
> just to use my iPod before. I just got an iPad for Christmas. I'm loving it 
> so far.
> Dawn
> On Jan 11, 2012, at 7:59 AM, Becky Knaub wrote:
>> Hi Shanna,
>> I use black board with VoiceOver, I know it was just updated for my 
>> university while we were on break. I find VO works pretty well with it, I 
>> have used it with VO for 2 semesters soon to be three when this semester is 
>> over and Jaws fr the other 4, I would say both work alright with it. I can 
>> and do participate on the discussion board and can access all of the links 
>> on my professor's pages.  I am using Safari for BlackBoard tough rather then 
>> Google Chrome which I just installed to see if it would work better than 
>> Safari. Use the track pad or VO keys with BB not quick nab because sometimes 
>> they don't work and try interacting with the content, this will allow VO to 
>> read and work with the discussion Board. HTH
>> Becky and C
>> -- 
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Re: Blackboard Accessible

2012-01-12 Thread Shanna Stichler
That's correct, I am using Blackboard v. 9.1. Sorry it took me so long to get 
back toyou.

On Jan 12, 2012, at 7:00 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> I believe that most institutions are now using 9.1.  This version was 
> supposed to have addressed bulletin board issues with regard to accessibility.
> Mike
> On 12,Jan,2012, at 1:38 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Do you know which version of Blackboard is being used? THis would be good 
>> info to have.
>> Thanks,
>> On Jan 11, 2012, at 7:59 AM, Becky Knaub wrote:
>>> Hi Shanna,
>>> I use black board with VoiceOver, I know it was just updated for my 
>>> university while we were on break. I find VO works pretty well with it, I 
>>> have used it with VO for 2 semesters soon to be three when this semester is 
>>> over and Jaws fr the other 4, I would say both work alright with it. I can 
>>> and do participate on the discussion board and can access all of the links 
>>> on my professor's pages.  I am using Safari for BlackBoard tough rather 
>>> then Google Chrome which I just installed to see if it would work better 
>>> than Safari. Use the track pad or VO keys with BB not quick nab because 
>>> sometimes they don't work and try interacting with the content, this will 
>>> allow VO to read and work with the discussion Board. HTH
>>> Becky and C
>>> -- 
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Re: Google ChromeVox

2012-01-12 Thread Becky K
Thanks Shawn,
Could you tell me how to speed Vox speech up? Tried looking it up but all the 
cmds. Don't seem to work for Mac. Thanks again.

Becky & pup Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 11, 2012, at 11:03 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:

> Hey Becky. The chromevox modifier keys are the same as the VO modifier keys, 
> control and option. HTH.
> Shawn
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To play midi files on a mac.

2012-01-12 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

Is there a good and accessible program, that lets you play midi on a mac, it 
would be nice, if you also could control the tempo and it would be fantastic, 
if you also could transpose a midifile? Are there some accessible software 
synthesizers too?

Best regards Annie.

Best regards Annie.

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Re: Is there really not a Save As option in Text Edit?

2012-01-12 Thread Goodin, Donna
No, as we've already discussed, that only happens if you've never saved a 
document before.  If you've already saved it, the document is saved with its 
current name in its current place automatically, that is, no dialog opens up.
On Jan 12, 2012, at 7:58 AM, Thomas McMahan wrote:

> Yes there is, it's called save… ellipses means a dialog, the first thing it 
> will speak is save as, thus save as is still there.  Same with just closing a 
> document in the do you wish to save dialog that comes up, you can title it 
> and designate where you want it to go.  Sounds like a save as to me even if 
> it's not called that.
> On Jan 7, 2012, at 7:49 PM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Donna,
>> I recall a book called abc for apple script. Let me look at my safari book 
>> list and get back to you later this week. Remind me if I for get.
>> Sean 
>> On 05/01/2012, at 11:38 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>> Hi Sean,
>>> Thanks for the suggestion.  I've actually been wanting to learn to use 
>>> Apple Script for a long time, but I just never seem to have time.  Can you 
>>> suggest any tutorials or podcast on learning to use it?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jan 5, 2012, at 5:58 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:
 Hi Donna,
 You might want to investigate into Apple Script. This can modify default 
 behaviours for applications. You can introduce your own save as. This is a 
 work around I know.
 But even better. You could create a template using apple script. activate 
 the script fill in the bits you want. Save it as the naming convention you 
 want. Learning apple script will take a bit. But is a perfect tool for 
 these types of tasks.
 Using the right tool for the right job is a motto of mine.
 On 05/01/2012, at 9:03 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
> Unless, you're working on a template.  The document in question is a 
> service contract.  I modify the template for each client, and then save 
> it adding the client's name.  And that's just one reason one might want 
> to save an existing file with a different name, but keep the original 
> document.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Jan 4, 2012, at 4:31 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>> Remember that Lion is moving to an iOS kind of interface.  The resume 
>> feature in Lion is another example of this.  So, with "documents", they 
>> are automatically edited as you work on them, so there is no need to 
>> manually save them.  
>> .  
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Jan 4, 2012, at 4:20 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>> Thanks, John.  God that's dumb, what on earth was Apple thinking?
>>> thanks anyway,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:59 PM, John Panarese wrote:
 There is no save as in Lion.  This has to do with the version history 
 feature.  If you are working off a template or such, duplicate the 
 document from the file menu and then do a command-s to save it with a 
 new name.
 Take Care
 John Panarese
 On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:53 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
> Well, it is. Cmd-Shift S gives you nothing in Lion.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:28 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>> Well, in SL, command shift S gives you the save as dialog; I can't 
>> see why this would be different in Lion.
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
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Re: Clearwire internet? Is it any good?

2012-01-12 Thread matthew Dyer
 Oh ok.  I think the teh will be doing the settup any how.  I may be able 
to  get sighted held help I suppose.  Once it is connected will it remain that 
way after say you restart your computer.


On Jan 11, 2012, at 9:44 PM, Cheree Heppe wrote:

> Cheree Heppe here
> Sign up screens are silent to screen readers, as are connect buttons.
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 11/01/2012, at 6:42, matthew Dyer  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Inaccessible in what way?  Could you explane better please.
>> Matthew
>> On Jan 10, 2012, at 3:15 PM, Cheree Heppe wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> I found Clear's interfaces inaccessable.
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 10/01/2012, at 10:51, matthew Dyer  wrote:
  Hi All and including mac users.   I am going to be switching over from 
 timeworner to clearwire and was wondering if anyone using clearwire  knows 
 how it is working and how easy is it to use?  I will have 4g and my 
 understanding  it is wify over 4g.  I am just trying to get an idea from 
 anyone here who is blind users inparticular mac users are doing with it.  
 When they coome out to hook it up are they going to have to install any 
 software or do anything on my machine appart from testing the connection?  
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Clearwire internet? Is it any good?

2012-01-12 Thread matthew Dyer
Hi Ester.  

Thanks.  This may help a little.  maybe someone who has the home plan will have 
a better idea of how it works.


On Jan 11, 2012, at 9:47 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Matthew,
> I'm using Clear's mobile plan, so I don't know whether any of these comments 
> are relevant to the accessibility of setting up or administering your home 
> service.  Basically, this involves using a personal WiFi hotspot that picks 
> up service from Clear's 4G towers.  A fully charged ClearSpot will run for 
> about 4 and a half hours, and support up to 5 connected devices.  These 
> numbers will vary according to the number of devices you connect, and the 
> condition of the signal.  (I never have as many as five devices connected 
> simultaneously).
> In order to query the connection status, assuming I have connected with 
> Clear, I point my browser to:
> This gives the summary status page for the connection.  For example, the 
> maximum WIMAX signal is 5 bars, and the graphics will be announced as 5 png 
> image (or a lower number).  The battery charge is shown eithaer as "charging" 
> if the unit is connected to a mini-USB charger, or else is given in terms of 
> a maximum of  3 stars (also announced as a number from 1 to 3 with "png 
> image" appended).  You can get other information on the number of devices 
> connected, signal status, etc.  I've never had to change the defaults (e.g. 
> Wi-Fi channel, or WPA encryption scheme).
> Again, I suspect this information may not be that helpful to you, because 
> I've never done a home modem setup.  I basically use this as a personal WiFi 
> access point, and maintain minimal data plans for the iPhone.  This provides 
> connection to multiple devices at basically faster speed than I would get 
> from my 3G iPhone service, and also works when I travel.  This was one of 
> these two mobile device plans supported for $55/month that I split with 
> someone else a year and a half ago.  I bought the ClearSpot I was using a 
> year and a half ago for $29  when they had the 1-day special iSpot promotion 
> -- normally these cost $99.  This has worked well for me, but my home service 
> is TimesWarner cable modem.  My impression is that the quality of service of 
> any WiFi carrier varies so dramatically from region to region that you can 
> only ask other who live in exactly the same area of the country that you do 
> to get an estimate of likely performance.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jan 11, 2012, at 04:48, matthew Dyer wrote:
>> Useless in whart way.  Sorry the kind of comment really doesn't help 
>> me.  It is really opsion I have at this point since I am going to dish 
>> network in a few weeks.  It was eather that or at&t which would 
>> not work since I can not use do to the fact that I do not have a phone jack 
>> to connect to.
>>   Matthew
>> On Jan 10, 2012, at 3:35 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Clearwire is completely useless.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Cheree Heppe
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 2:16 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re:  Clearwire internet? Is it any good?
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> I found Clear's interfaces inaccessable.
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 10/01/2012, at 10:51, matthew Dyer  wrote:
  Hi All and including mac users.   I am going to be switching over from
>>> timeworner to clearwire and was wondering if anyone using clearwire  knows
>>> how it is working and how easy is it to use?  I will have 4g and my
>>> understanding  it is wify over 4g.  I am just trying to get an idea from
>>> anyone here who is blind users inparticular mac users are doing with it.
>>> When they coome out to hook it up are they going to have to install any
>>> software or do anything on my machine appart from testing the connection?
>>> Thanks.
> -- 
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XM Radio on the IPhone

2012-01-12 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Does anyone know if the XM Radio App is accessible and how well it works on 3G 


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Re: Clearwire internet? Is it any good?

2012-01-12 Thread Teresa Cochran
Using the app isn't necessary. You can always set it up using Network 


"Nobody ever tells me anything!"--James Forsyte, quoted in the Forsyte Saga

On Jan 11, 2012, at 6:44 PM, Cheree Heppe wrote:

> Cheree Heppe here
> Sign up screens are silent to screen readers, as are connect buttons.
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 11/01/2012, at 6:42, matthew Dyer  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Inaccessible in what way?  Could you explane better please.
>> Matthew
>> On Jan 10, 2012, at 3:15 PM, Cheree Heppe wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> I found Clear's interfaces inaccessable.
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 10/01/2012, at 10:51, matthew Dyer  wrote:
  Hi All and including mac users.   I am going to be switching over from 
 timeworner to clearwire and was wondering if anyone using clearwire  knows 
 how it is working and how easy is it to use?  I will have 4g and my 
 understanding  it is wify over 4g.  I am just trying to get an idea from 
 anyone here who is blind users inparticular mac users are doing with it.  
 When they coome out to hook it up are they going to have to install any 
 software or do anything on my machine appart from testing the connection?  
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Re: Google ChromeVox

2012-01-12 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey Becky. To set rate of speech in Chromevox, press command+shift+left and 
right bracket keys that are beside the backslash. HTH.


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Re: To play midi files on a mac.

2012-01-12 Thread Chris Blouch
I'm assuming Garage Band could do all this and more but at a minimum, QT 
Player 7 will play MIDI files and if yo open the AV controls you will 
find a playback speed slider.


On 1/12/12 8:33 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:


Is there a good and accessible program, that lets you play midi on a mac, it 
would be nice, if you also could control the tempo and it would be fantastic, 
if you also could transpose a midifile? Are there some accessible software 
synthesizers too?

Best regards Annie.

Best regards Annie.

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How to set "Enter" key to open files/apps?

2012-01-12 Thread Kaleb Ballzac
As the subject states, I'd like to know if anyone is aware of a hack to set the 
Enter key as a launcher?

I'm not going to debate the merits of whether it's useful or not.  It's simply 
a personal preference.

Thank you in advance for any help.


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Re: To play midi files on a mac.

2012-01-12 Thread Chris Blouch
Yup, just verified that I could do this in GarageBand. I had to load the 
midi file into iTunes so I could then find it in the Media Browser in 
Garage Band. Once I found it in there I did a copy and then went to the 
Arrange Layout Area, interacted with that and the interacted with the 
track headers group and then did a paste. That brought in the midi file 
with all of it's track. After that if you VO to the LCD group after the 
set of play/record checkboxes, you can interact with that and find the 
LCD mode popup button. One of those is called 'project'. Once you've 
picked that you can voiceover to the LCD Summary Group and in there is 
the tempo and keychange settings. Oh, and just past the LCD thingy 
you'll find a checkbox to turn off the metronome which was on by default 
for me. Hope this helps.


On 1/12/12 8:33 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:


Is there a good and accessible program, that lets you play midi on a mac, it 
would be nice, if you also could control the tempo and it would be fantastic, 
if you also could transpose a midifile? Are there some accessible software 
synthesizers too?

Best regards Annie.

Best regards Annie.

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Re: Safari bookmarks

2012-01-12 Thread Chris Blouch
Actually, if you put items in the bookmark bar you can access them by 
pressing Command-1 for the first bookmark and command-2 for the second. 
I always keep my most often used sites in the bookmark bar so I can have 
those shortcuts to loading them.


On 1/12/12 7:48 AM, Thomas McMahan wrote:
How about storing them in bookmarks bar, then just going throughout 
the list of them under the apple menu because at that point it's just 
a sub menu under bookmarks.  Perhaps that would be a little less 
complicated than what you're doing.

On Jan 11, 2012, at 10:54 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

Am I missing something here?  I tried using the command option B 
command to call up my list of book marks.  It seems you have to move 
up to the first table, interact with that table, find the bookmark 
you want, stop interacting with that table, move down to the next 
table, interact with that table, move over to the bookmark listing 
and then press spacebar.  Can it possibly be that complicated to pick 
a bookmark or is there something obvious I am missing?  Thanks.


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changing font size in Text Edit with Lion?

2012-01-12 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi all,

Does anyone know how to do this?  I've tried changing it by exiting the scroll 
area and navigating over to the font.  I've also tried doing it by pressing 
command T, navigating to the font size and either entering the new size in the 
edit field or changing it in the size list.  I've then tried pressing Enter, 
VO-Space, and simply stopping interacting with the area.  No matter what I do, 
my document reverts back to the original font size.  I'd appreciate any help if 
someone knows how to do this.

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Re: changing font size in Text Edit with Lion?

2012-01-12 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Donna,

This applies to any text editing application on the Mac. Select the whole 
document, (Cmd-a), then press Cmd-plus sign to make bigger or Cmd-Minus sign to 
make smaller.

Alternatively, select the whole document then press Cmd-t and you can change 
the font and/or its size.

The key is to have everything selected to change the whole document.



On 12 Jan 2012, at 17:19, Goodin, Donna wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does anyone know how to do this?  I've tried changing it by exiting the 
> scroll area and navigating over to the font.  I've also tried doing it by 
> pressing command T, navigating to the font size and either entering the new 
> size in the edit field or changing it in the size list.  I've then tried 
> pressing Enter, VO-Space, and simply stopping interacting with the area.  No 
> matter what I do, my document reverts back to the original font size.  I'd 
> appreciate any help if someone knows how to do this.
> Cheers,
> Donna
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burning DVD's on the mac?

2012-01-12 Thread Kliphton
So what's so special about DVD remaster?  What can you do and not do with
this program?  I am just looking to burn movies to DVD's, and that's it.  I
don't think 50 bucks is worth that.  Any suggestions?

Sent from Minister Miller's iPhone

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Sent from my iPhone… looks cool?

2012-01-12 Thread Emrah
People, I have a rather startling discovery to share, and I share it because I 
do not understand it.

Why do people add "Sent from my iPhone" or similar weird signatures that make 
it sound like the email was sent through a mobile device, while the user agent 
shows that they have been using Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail on a computer?

I might be missing something… But does this make a message look cooler?

Sorry if this post offends anyone, I am just curious to understand this. One 
possibility may be that the email somehow goes through a proxy and leaves the 
outbox through a computer… But I kind of doubt it.


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Re: Sent from my iPhone… looks cool?

2012-01-12 Thread Kaleb Ballzac
It's both strange that people do this, and that you'd have the time to verify 
such things.

On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:25 PM, Emrah wrote:

People, I have a rather startling discovery to share, and I share it because I 
do not understand it.

Why do people add "Sent from my iPhone" or similar weird signatures that make 
it sound like the email was sent through a mobile device, while the user agent 
shows that they have been using Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail on a computer?

I might be missing something… But does this make a message look cooler?

Sorry if this post offends anyone, I am just curious to understand this. One 
possibility may be that the email somehow goes through a proxy and leaves the 
outbox through a computer… But I kind of doubt it.


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Re: Sent from my iPhone… looks cool?

2012-01-12 Thread Badger, Nancy
Sent from my Iphone is the automatic signature that comes with the iphone mail 
app.  You can go into settings and change it if you want.  the reason I kept it 
is so that if I make a spelling error, people will know that I am using a 
mobile device.  For my work, people have different expectations if you are 
emailing on the computer versus emailing from a mobile device.  Just my 
perception, and I'm not sure this is the case everywhere.
On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:25 PM, Emrah

People, I have a rather startling discovery to share, and I share it because I 
do not understand it.

Why do people add "Sent from my iPhone" or similar weird signatures that make 
it sound like the email was sent through a mobile device, while the user agent 
shows that they have been using Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail on a computer?

I might be missing something… But does this make a message look cooler?

Sorry if this post offends anyone, I am just curious to understand this. One 
possibility may be that the email somehow goes through a proxy and leaves the 
outbox through a computer… But I kind of doubt it.


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Nancy L. Badger, Ph.D.
Director, Counseling and Career Planning
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Services
U. of TN Chattanooga
Phone: 423-425-4438
Fax: 423-425-5527

NOTE: Be aware that email communication cannot be considered confidential based 
on the University System’s policies and procedures and the state ofTennessee ’s 
position that email sent and received in the course of state business is public 
record. Because of this, it is possible that information divulged in this 
manner would not legally be considered privileged communication. In addition, 
receipt and response to email communication cannot be guaranteed.

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Re: Sent from my iPhone… looks cool?

2012-01-12 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
Mail interacts with the iphone through itunes and syncs to the account used. so 
the signatures can also be populated.

also mail on the iphone can work through proxies.


On 12 Jan 2012, at 17:36, Kaleb Ballzac wrote:

> It's both strange that people do this, and that you'd have the time to verify 
> such things.
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:25 PM, Emrah wrote:
> People, I have a rather startling discovery to share, and I share it because 
> I do not understand it.
> Why do people add "Sent from my iPhone" or similar weird signatures that make 
> it sound like the email was sent through a mobile device, while the user 
> agent shows that they have been using Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail on a 
> computer?
> I might be missing something… But does this make a message look cooler?
> Sorry if this post offends anyone, I am just curious to understand this. One 
> possibility may be that the email somehow goes through a proxy and leaves the 
> outbox through a computer… But I kind of doubt it.
> Emrah
> -- 
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Mr. L. Alexander.
Free Macs For The Blind.
Direct line: 07936 877500
Twitter: @macsfortheblind

Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working apple 
macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR FREE!

Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to help 
anybody disabled with anything Apple!

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Re: changing font size in Text Edit with Lion?

2012-01-12 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi Anne,

Thank you, this has been driving me crazy.  I was trying to change it while 
positioned at the beginning of the document, rather than with the whole thing 
selected.  Once I had everything selected, it worked like a charm. 

On Jan 12, 2012, at 11:58 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Donna,
> This applies to any text editing application on the Mac. Select the whole 
> document, (Cmd-a), then press Cmd-plus sign to make bigger or Cmd-Minus sign 
> to make smaller.
> Alternatively, select the whole document then press Cmd-t and you can change 
> the font and/or its size.
> The key is to have everything selected to change the whole document.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 12 Jan 2012, at 17:19, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone know how to do this?  I've tried changing it by exiting the 
>> scroll area and navigating over to the font.  I've also tried doing it by 
>> pressing command T, navigating to the font size and either entering the new 
>> size in the edit field or changing it in the size list.  I've then tried 
>> pressing Enter, VO-Space, and simply stopping interacting with the area.  No 
>> matter what I do, my document reverts back to the original font size.  I'd 
>> appreciate any help if someone knows how to do this.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: burning DVD's on the mac?

2012-01-12 Thread John Panarese
 To be honest, it has a lot of features to it, but I have only used it 
mainly to copy DVDs with it.  It is completely accessible and gets the job done 
in conjunction with Fairmount.  

If you are looking simply to copy DVDs, it's probably not worth $50 for 
that alone, though.  There are a few video programs out there and you might be 
best trying them out and seeing which one gets the job done for you in the best 
manner.  I know that sounds like pretty dull advice, but that's pretty much the 
best that I can think of at the moment.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Kliphton wrote:

> So what's so special about DVD remaster?  What can you do and not do with
> this program?  I am just looking to burn movies to DVD's, and that's it.  I
> don't think 50 bucks is worth that.  Any suggestions?
> Sent from Minister Miller's iPhone
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Re: Sent from my iPhone… looks cool?

2012-01-12 Thread Emrah
Hi all,

Lew: To the best of my knowledge, the signature setting on the iPhone Mail App 
is not synchronized through iTunes. Also, unless you jailbreak your phone, I am 
not aware of any proxy that would emulate the email as being sent from Ms 
Outlook or Apple Mail (Desktop version).

Kaleb, the reason why I spotted this is because I also have a console based 
client and one of the field I chose to see in my email headers is the user 

Now, I can say with a rather high certitude that some of the emails with 
signatures like Sent from my iPhone, or sent from my super cool iPhone, or sent 
from my super super cool iPhone… where in fact sent from a computer rather than 
a phone.

And Nancy, I totally approve your idea. I kept my signature on my iPhone for 
the exact same reason. The question here is why people add "Sent from my 
iPhone" while the email is actually sent from their computer?

Anyhow, I think we should disregard this thread. It did not meant to be 
offensive at all, but I am not sure this is leading anywhere good. :) 

All the best,
On Jan 12, 2012, at 6:39 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> Mail interacts with the iphone through itunes and syncs to the account used. 
> so the signatures can also be populated.
> also mail on the iphone can work through proxies.
> lew
> On 12 Jan 2012, at 17:36, Kaleb Ballzac wrote:
>> It's both strange that people do this, and that you'd have the time to 
>> verify such things.
>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:25 PM, Emrah wrote:
>> People, I have a rather startling discovery to share, and I share it because 
>> I do not understand it.
>> Why do people add "Sent from my iPhone" or similar weird signatures that 
>> make it sound like the email was sent through a mobile device, while the 
>> user agent shows that they have been using Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail 
>> on a computer?
>> I might be missing something… But does this make a message look cooler?
>> Sorry if this post offends anyone, I am just curious to understand this. One 
>> possibility may be that the email somehow goes through a proxy and leaves 
>> the outbox through a computer… But I kind of doubt it.
>> Emrah
>> -- 
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> Mr. L. Alexander.
> Free Macs For The Blind.
> E-Mail:
> Direct line: 07936 877500
> Twitter: @macsfortheblind
> Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working 
> apple macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR FREE!
> Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
> copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.
> Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to help 
> anybody disabled with anything Apple!
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Re: XM Radio on the IPhone

2012-01-12 Thread Brent Harding
Their app isn't that great on accessibility. I do have an app called 
Musicdock which works great even though there's probably channels from 
online it won't get. The major thing to watch out for with that is that I 
got an email a couple weeks ago, or probably just before the new year, 
saying that SiriusXM's records show I apparently was using an old app that 
won't be supported in a few weeks, but I was playing a bit with the official 
one to get the football game. I hope this doesn't mean that Musicdock will 
quit because I just paid another yer on my subscription to take advantage of 
the old prices.

- Original Message - 
From: "Kevin Mattingly" 

Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 8:29 AM
Subject: XM Radio on the IPhone

Does anyone know if the XM Radio App is accessible and how well it works 
on 3G connections?


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Re: XM Radio on the IPhone

2012-01-12 Thread Kevin Mattingly
I downloaded it and fired it up, then signed up for a trial. You're right about 
the accessibility. It is definitely lacking. I'm trying to be able to listen to 
some sports on the road and once I got a channel playing, I can't get back to 
the main screen. I just want to be able to enter a darn radio station number. 

Thanks for the response,
On Jan 12, 2012, at 1:32 PM, Brent Harding wrote:

> Their app isn't that great on accessibility. I do have an app called 
> Musicdock which works great even though there's probably channels from online 
> it won't get. The major thing to watch out for with that is that I got an 
> email a couple weeks ago, or probably just before the new year, saying that 
> SiriusXM's records show I apparently was using an old app that won't be 
> supported in a few weeks, but I was playing a bit with the official one to 
> get the football game. I hope this doesn't mean that Musicdock will quit 
> because I just paid another yer on my subscription to take advantage of the 
> old prices.
> - Original Message - From: "Kevin Mattingly" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 8:29 AM
> Subject: XM Radio on the IPhone
>> Does anyone know if the XM Radio App is accessible and how well it works on 
>> 3G connections?
>> Kev
>> -- 
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Re: To play midi files on a mac.

2012-01-12 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Chris.

I figured out that you can create a new project, and then paste the midifile 
into garageband, when you will not have to import it into itunes.

Best regards Annie.
Den Jan 12, 2012 kl. 4:50 PM skrev Chris Blouch:

> Yup, just verified that I could do this in GarageBand. I had to load the midi 
> file into iTunes so I could then find it in the Media Browser in Garage Band. 
> Once I found it in there I did a copy and then went to the Arrange Layout 
> Area, interacted with that and the interacted with the track headers group 
> and then did a paste. That brought in the midi file with all of it's track. 
> After that if you VO to the LCD group after the set of play/record 
> checkboxes, you can interact with that and find the LCD mode popup button. 
> One of those is called 'project'. Once you've picked that you can voiceover 
> to the LCD Summary Group and in there is the tempo and keychange settings. 
> Oh, and just past the LCD thingy you'll find a checkbox to turn off the 
> metronome which was on by default for me. Hope this helps.
> CB
> On 1/12/12 8:33 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Is there a good and accessible program, that lets you play midi on a mac, it 
>> would be nice, if you also could control the tempo and it would be 
>> fantastic, if you also could transpose a midifile? Are there some accessible 
>> software synthesizers too?
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Best regards Annie.
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Re: changing font size in Text Edit with Lion?

2012-01-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
You mean to say you cannot select individual words and change their size?  How 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Jan 12, 2012, at 10:58 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Donna,
> This applies to any text editing application on the Mac. Select the whole 
> document, (Cmd-a), then press Cmd-plus sign to make bigger or Cmd-Minus sign 
> to make smaller.
> Alternatively, select the whole document then press Cmd-t and you can change 
> the font and/or its size.
> The key is to have everything selected to change the whole document.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 12 Jan 2012, at 17:19, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone know how to do this?  I've tried changing it by exiting the 
>> scroll area and navigating over to the font.  I've also tried doing it by 
>> pressing command T, navigating to the font size and either entering the new 
>> size in the edit field or changing it in the size list.  I've then tried 
>> pressing Enter, VO-Space, and simply stopping interacting with the area.  No 
>> matter what I do, my document reverts back to the original font size.  I'd 
>> appreciate any help if someone knows how to do this.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
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Two iCloud Mail questions

2012-01-12 Thread David Hole
Hi folks.
Can anyone here tell me (if it's possible):
1. How can I import mail sent to my new account to my gmail?
As far as I can see, the issue is that Apple have only IMAP support,
and not POP. Am I right?
2. Can I log in to any of my Apple services using my adress
that I made when I got my iCloud acount?
When I created my mail adress, I wasn't asked for any password.

Hope someone knows...

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RE: burning DVD's on the mac?

2012-01-12 Thread Kliphton
Answer this, can I put a commercial DVD that I buy from the store, and copy
the contents to a file on my mac?  If it can do that, then it might be worth

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of John Panarese
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: burning DVD's on the mac?

 To be honest, it has a lot of features to it, but I have only used it
mainly to copy DVDs with it.  It is completely accessible and gets the job
done in conjunction with Fairmount.  

If you are looking simply to copy DVDs, it's probably not worth $50 for
that alone, though.  There are a few video programs out there and you might
be best trying them out and seeing which one gets the job done for you in
the best manner.  I know that sounds like pretty dull advice, but that's
pretty much the best that I can think of at the moment.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Kliphton wrote:

> So what's so special about DVD remaster?  What can you do and not do 
> with this program?  I am just looking to burn movies to DVD's, and 
> that's it.  I don't think 50 bucks is worth that.  Any suggestions?
> Sent from Minister Miller's iPhone
> --
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What application out there is VoiceOver friendly for making and printing invoices

2012-01-12 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi List,
Could someone recommend an application that I can make and  print invoices for 
my Recording studio clients?
I have " Quicken Essentials" But that app is extremely clunky. 
Text Edit doesn't seem to have the options need either.
Any suggestions?

In GOD I Trust

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Re: What application out there is VoiceOver friendly for making and printing invoices

2012-01-12 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
Hi chuck. I remember back in the windows days, I used to use Sage for accounts 
as I never found quicken that much use.

I'm in the process of the same myself so am investigating a couple of options.


On 12 Jan 2012, at 19:38, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:

> Hi List,
> Could someone recommend an application that I can make and  print invoices 
> for my Recording studio clients?
> I have " Quicken Essentials" But that app is extremely clunky. 
> Text Edit doesn't seem to have the options need either.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> 954-742-0019
> In GOD I Trust
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Mr. L. Alexander.
Free Macs For The Blind.
Direct line: 07936 877500
Twitter: @macsfortheblind

Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working apple 
macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR FREE!

Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to help 
anybody disabled with anything Apple!

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Re: burning DVD's on the mac?

2012-01-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Better yet, how bout this.  Can I burn a DVD and put menus on it and even 
perhaps make it accessible?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Jan 12, 2012, at 1:36 PM, Kliphton wrote:

> Answer this, can I put a commercial DVD that I buy from the store, and copy
> the contents to a file on my mac?  If it can do that, then it might be worth
> it.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of John Panarese
> Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: burning DVD's on the mac?
> To be honest, it has a lot of features to it, but I have only used it
> mainly to copy DVDs with it.  It is completely accessible and gets the job
> done in conjunction with Fairmount.  
>If you are looking simply to copy DVDs, it's probably not worth $50 for
> that alone, though.  There are a few video programs out there and you might
> be best trying them out and seeing which one gets the job done for you in
> the best manner.  I know that sounds like pretty dull advice, but that's
> pretty much the best that I can think of at the moment.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Kliphton wrote:
>> So what's so special about DVD remaster?  What can you do and not do 
>> with this program?  I am just looking to burn movies to DVD's, and 
>> that's it.  I don't think 50 bucks is worth that.  Any suggestions?
>> Sent from Minister Miller's iPhone
>> --
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Re: burning DVD's on the mac?

2012-01-12 Thread Chris Blouch
The documentation for DVDRemaster says it will not decrypt commercial 
DVDs and points you towards other tools previously mentioned, Fairmount 
being one of them. Note that in the US the mere act of decrypting a DVD 
is not legal despite "fair use" laws. So no legal backups for you. 
Details at:


On 1/12/12 2:36 PM, Kliphton wrote:

Answer this, can I put a commercial DVD that I buy from the store, and copy
the contents to a file on my mac?  If it can do that, then it might be worth

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of John Panarese
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: burning DVD's on the mac?

  To be honest, it has a lot of features to it, but I have only used it
mainly to copy DVDs with it.  It is completely accessible and gets the job
done in conjunction with Fairmount.

 If you are looking simply to copy DVDs, it's probably not worth $50 for
that alone, though.  There are a few video programs out there and you might
be best trying them out and seeing which one gets the job done for you in
the best manner.  I know that sounds like pretty dull advice, but that's
pretty much the best that I can think of at the moment.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Kliphton wrote:

So what's so special about DVD remaster?  What can you do and not do
with this program?  I am just looking to burn movies to DVD's, and
that's it.  I don't think 50 bucks is worth that.  Any suggestions?

Sent from Minister Miller's iPhone

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Re: burning DVD's on the mac?

2012-01-12 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
it can be done with the right software and design principles. but it's 
something best left to digital authoring specialists to regrade DVD's for 


On 12 Jan 2012, at 19:44, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Better yet, how bout this.  Can I burn a DVD and put menus on it and even 
> perhaps make it accessible?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 1:36 PM, Kliphton wrote:
>> Answer this, can I put a commercial DVD that I buy from the store, and copy
>> the contents to a file on my mac?  If it can do that, then it might be worth
>> it.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of John Panarese
>> Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:30 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: burning DVD's on the mac?
>> To be honest, it has a lot of features to it, but I have only used it
>> mainly to copy DVDs with it.  It is completely accessible and gets the job
>> done in conjunction with Fairmount.  
>>If you are looking simply to copy DVDs, it's probably not worth $50 for
>> that alone, though.  There are a few video programs out there and you might
>> be best trying them out and seeing which one gets the job done for you in
>> the best manner.  I know that sounds like pretty dull advice, but that's
>> pretty much the best that I can think of at the moment.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Kliphton wrote:
>>> So what's so special about DVD remaster?  What can you do and not do 
>>> with this program?  I am just looking to burn movies to DVD's, and 
>>> that's it.  I don't think 50 bucks is worth that.  Any suggestions?
>>> Sent from Minister Miller's iPhone
>>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Mr. L. Alexander.
Free Macs For The Blind.
Direct line: 07936 877500
Twitter: @macsfortheblind

Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working apple 
macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR FREE!

Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to help 
anybody disabled with anything Apple!

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Re: changing font size in Text Edit with Lion?

2012-01-12 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Ray,

Of course you can change the font size of a word or a single character if you 
want to, but that wasn't the question. Whatever is highlighted is what will be 



On 12 Jan 2012, at 20:25, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> You mean to say you cannot select individual words and change their size?  
> How stupid.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

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RE: burning DVD's on the mac?

2012-01-12 Thread Kliphton
Oh, there are other ways around this, so not worried.  Just wanted to know
what my 50 bucks was going on.  Still not worth it in my opinion.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: burning DVD's on the mac?

The documentation for DVDRemaster says it will not decrypt commercial DVDs
and points you towards other tools previously mentioned, Fairmount being one
of them. Note that in the US the mere act of decrypting a DVD is not legal
despite "fair use" laws. So no legal backups for you. 
Details at:


On 1/12/12 2:36 PM, Kliphton wrote:
> Answer this, can I put a commercial DVD that I buy from the store, and 
> copy the contents to a file on my mac?  If it can do that, then it 
> might be worth it.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of John Panarese
> Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: burning DVD's on the mac?
>   To be honest, it has a lot of features to it, but I have only 
> used it mainly to copy DVDs with it.  It is completely accessible and 
> gets the job done in conjunction with Fairmount.
>  If you are looking simply to copy DVDs, it's probably not worth 
> $50 for that alone, though.  There are a few video programs out there 
> and you might be best trying them out and seeing which one gets the 
> job done for you in the best manner.  I know that sounds like pretty 
> dull advice, but that's pretty much the best that I can think of at the
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Kliphton wrote:
>> So what's so special about DVD remaster?  What can you do and not do 
>> with this program?  I am just looking to burn movies to DVD's, and 
>> that's it.  I don't think 50 bucks is worth that.  Any suggestions?
>> Sent from Minister Miller's iPhone
>> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: What application out there is VoiceOver friendly for making and printing invoices

2012-01-12 Thread John Panarese
Hi Chuck,
   If you have Numbers, there is an invoice template that is pretty nice.  I 
have begun to use it for my invoices.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:38 PM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:

> Hi List,
> Could someone recommend an application that I can make and  print invoices 
> for my Recording studio clients?
> I have " Quicken Essentials" But that app is extremely clunky. 
> Text Edit doesn't seem to have the options need either.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> 954-742-0019
> In GOD I Trust
> -- 
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Re: burning DVD's on the mac?

2012-01-12 Thread John Panarese
   YOu would need to use fair mount before using DVDRemaster, but it can be 

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:36 PM, Kliphton wrote:

> Answer this, can I put a commercial DVD that I buy from the store, and copy
> the contents to a file on my mac?  If it can do that, then it might be worth
> it.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of John Panarese
> Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: burning DVD's on the mac?
> To be honest, it has a lot of features to it, but I have only used it
> mainly to copy DVDs with it.  It is completely accessible and gets the job
> done in conjunction with Fairmount.  
>If you are looking simply to copy DVDs, it's probably not worth $50 for
> that alone, though.  There are a few video programs out there and you might
> be best trying them out and seeing which one gets the job done for you in
> the best manner.  I know that sounds like pretty dull advice, but that's
> pretty much the best that I can think of at the moment.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Kliphton wrote:
>> So what's so special about DVD remaster?  What can you do and not do 
>> with this program?  I am just looking to burn movies to DVD's, and 
>> that's it.  I don't think 50 bucks is worth that.  Any suggestions?
>> Sent from Minister Miller's iPhone
>> --
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RE: burning DVD's on the mac?

2012-01-12 Thread Kliphton
Elaberate please?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of John Panarese
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: burning DVD's on the mac?

   YOu would need to use fair mount before using DVDRemaster, but it can be

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:36 PM, Kliphton wrote:

> Answer this, can I put a commercial DVD that I buy from the store, and 
> copy the contents to a file on my mac?  If it can do that, then it 
> might be worth it.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of John Panarese
> Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: burning DVD's on the mac?
> To be honest, it has a lot of features to it, but I have only used 
> it mainly to copy DVDs with it.  It is completely accessible and gets 
> the job done in conjunction with Fairmount.
>If you are looking simply to copy DVDs, it's probably not worth $50 
> for that alone, though.  There are a few video programs out there and 
> you might be best trying them out and seeing which one gets the job 
> done for you in the best manner.  I know that sounds like pretty dull 
> advice, but that's pretty much the best that I can think of at the moment.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Kliphton wrote:
>> So what's so special about DVD remaster?  What can you do and not do 
>> with this program?  I am just looking to burn movies to DVD's, and 
>> that's it.  I don't think 50 bucks is worth that.  Any suggestions?
>> Sent from Minister Miller's iPhone
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: To play midi files on a mac.

2012-01-12 Thread Chris Blouch
Ahh, didn't try that and it saves from then having to clean it out of 
iTunes once the file is imported. I didn't play with orchestration as I 
usually am not satisfied with the default instrument assignments made. 
Even back when I played with assigning tracks to my Proteus rackmount 
sound modules I never could get rid of the clunky robotic feel of most 
MIDI files.


On 1/12/12 1:56 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

Hi Chris.

I figured out that you can create a new project, and then paste the midifile 
into garageband, when you will not have to import it into itunes.

Best regards Annie.
Den Jan 12, 2012 kl. 4:50 PM skrev Chris Blouch:

Yup, just verified that I could do this in GarageBand. I had to load the midi 
file into iTunes so I could then find it in the Media Browser in Garage Band. 
Once I found it in there I did a copy and then went to the Arrange Layout Area, 
interacted with that and the interacted with the track headers group and then 
did a paste. That brought in the midi file with all of it's track. After that 
if you VO to the LCD group after the set of play/record checkboxes, you can 
interact with that and find the LCD mode popup button. One of those is called 
'project'. Once you've picked that you can voiceover to the LCD Summary Group 
and in there is the tempo and keychange settings. Oh, and just past the LCD 
thingy you'll find a checkbox to turn off the metronome which was on by default 
for me. Hope this helps.


On 1/12/12 8:33 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:


Is there a good and accessible program, that lets you play midi on a mac, it 
would be nice, if you also could control the tempo and it would be fantastic, 
if you also could transpose a midifile? Are there some accessible software 
synthesizers too?

Best regards Annie.

Best regards Annie.

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Re: burning DVD's on the mac?

2012-01-12 Thread John Panarese
There is an application called, Fairmount that I believe you get with VLC.  
You insert your DVD, then run Fairmount.  Once you get the message that the 
disk is seen by Fairmount, you then can use DVD Remaster to copy it.  It's a 
very easy process.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:29 PM, Kliphton wrote:

> Elaberate please?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of John Panarese
> Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 2:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: burning DVD's on the mac?
>   YOu would need to use fair mount before using DVDRemaster, but it can be
> done.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:36 PM, Kliphton wrote:
>> Answer this, can I put a commercial DVD that I buy from the store, and 
>> copy the contents to a file on my mac?  If it can do that, then it 
>> might be worth it.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of John Panarese
>> Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:30 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: burning DVD's on the mac?
>>To be honest, it has a lot of features to it, but I have only used 
>> it mainly to copy DVDs with it.  It is completely accessible and gets 
>> the job done in conjunction with Fairmount.
>>   If you are looking simply to copy DVDs, it's probably not worth $50 
>> for that alone, though.  There are a few video programs out there and 
>> you might be best trying them out and seeing which one gets the job 
>> done for you in the best manner.  I know that sounds like pretty dull 
>> advice, but that's pretty much the best that I can think of at the moment.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Kliphton wrote:
>>> So what's so special about DVD remaster?  What can you do and not do 
>>> with this program?  I am just looking to burn movies to DVD's, and 
>>> that's it.  I don't think 50 bucks is worth that.  Any suggestions?
>>> Sent from Minister Miller's iPhone
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Re: Blackboard Accessible

2012-01-12 Thread ezzie bueno

Hello Mike,

OmniWeb is a Mac-based web browser.  I had no problems with 
participating in discussions, or anything else for that matter.


- Original Message -
From: Michael Busboom Is OmniWeb a Mac-based browser and when you used it, did you have 
many problems effectively participating in classroom discussions 
via Bulletin Board?



On 11,Jan,2012, at 9:59 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:

Hello Shanna, Mike and Others,

I've used Blackboard successfully with another web browser 
called OmniWeb..  It has worked well.
I just downloaded Google Chrome and will try using Blackboard 
with this new browser as soon as classes start in two weeks.


- Original Message -
From: Dawn Benbow I saw this thread and wanted to jumpin and say that I've just 
started using my iPad and BT keyboard on black board in the 
discussion board area with the 3 online classes I have this 
semester and haven't had much trouble with it.  I haven't tried 
using my MBP with it yet though as I've always found it easiest 
just to use my iPod before.  I just got an iPad for Christmas.  
I'm loving it so far.


On Jan 11, 2012, at 7:59 AM, Becky Knaub wrote:

Hi Shanna,
I use black board with VoiceOver, I know it was just updated for 
my university while we were on break.  I find VO works pretty 
well with it, I have used it with VO for 2 semesters soon to be 
three when this semester is over and Jaws fr the other 4, I would 
say both work alright with it.  I can and do participate on the 
discussion board and can access all of the links on my 
professor's pages.  I am using Safari for BlackBoard tough rather 
then Google Chrome which I just installed to see if it would work 
better than Safari.  Use the track pad or VO keys with BB not 
quick nab because sometimes they don't work and try interacting 
with the content, this will allow VO to read and work with the 
discussion Board.  HTH

Becky and C

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For Clifton burning DVDs

2012-01-12 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all,

I have had success with a program called Burn. Burn just lets you burn a DVD 
with the Mac. It's great and accessible with VoiceOver. If you want to copy 
commercial DVDs I'd say DVD Remaster is the best. I have it and have used it 
extensively. Fairmount works well for copying DVDs.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

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Re: What application out there is VoiceOver friendly for making and printing invoices

2012-01-12 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi John,
I don't have Numbers currently where can I get it?
Is the rest of the app cool also?


In GOD I Trust

On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:15 PM, John Panarese wrote:

> Hi Chuck,
>   If you have Numbers, there is an invoice template that is pretty nice.  I 
> have begun to use it for my invoices.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:38 PM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> Could someone recommend an application that I can make and  print invoices 
>> for my Recording studio clients?
>> I have " Quicken Essentials" But that app is extremely clunky. 
>> Text Edit doesn't seem to have the options need either.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks
>> 954-742-0019
>> In GOD I Trust
>> -- 
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Re: To play midi files on a mac.

2012-01-12 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Chris.

Thank you for helping I am using the midifiles, because I am singing clasical, 
and I am not good at playing myself, and often I can find a midifile that can 
be used for training and learning. You are quite right midi are often rather 
Best regards Annie.

Den Jan 12, 2012 kl. 9:35 PM skrev Chris Blouch:

> Ahh, didn't try that and it saves from then having to clean it out of iTunes 
> once the file is imported. I didn't play with orchestration as I usually am 
> not satisfied with the default instrument assignments made. Even back when I 
> played with assigning tracks to my Proteus rackmount sound modules I never 
> could get rid of the clunky robotic feel of most MIDI files.
> CB
> On 1/12/12 1:56 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi Chris.
>> I figured out that you can create a new project, and then paste the midifile 
>> into garageband, when you will not have to import it into itunes.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Jan 12, 2012 kl. 4:50 PM skrev Chris Blouch:
>>> Yup, just verified that I could do this in GarageBand. I had to load the 
>>> midi file into iTunes so I could then find it in the Media Browser in 
>>> Garage Band. Once I found it in there I did a copy and then went to the 
>>> Arrange Layout Area, interacted with that and the interacted with the track 
>>> headers group and then did a paste. That brought in the midi file with all 
>>> of it's track. After that if you VO to the LCD group after the set of 
>>> play/record checkboxes, you can interact with that and find the LCD mode 
>>> popup button. One of those is called 'project'. Once you've picked that you 
>>> can voiceover to the LCD Summary Group and in there is the tempo and 
>>> keychange settings. Oh, and just past the LCD thingy you'll find a checkbox 
>>> to turn off the metronome which was on by default for me. Hope this helps.
>>> CB
>>> On 1/12/12 8:33 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
 Is there a good and accessible program, that lets you play midi on a mac, 
 it would be nice, if you also could control the tempo and it would be 
 fantastic, if you also could transpose a midifile? Are there some 
 accessible software synthesizers too?
 Best regards Annie.
 Best regards Annie.
>>> -- 
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Re: What application out there is VoiceOver friendly for making and printing invoices

2012-01-12 Thread John Panarese
Hi Chuck,
You can get it from the Mac App Store.  It's part of the iWork 09 suite.  
It's the spreadsheet application.  It works quite well with VoiceOver.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jan 12, 2012, at 4:09 PM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:

> Hi John,
> I don't have Numbers currently where can I get it?
> Is the rest of the app cool also?
> Thanks
> 954-742-0019
> In GOD I Trust
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:15 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>> Hi Chuck,
>>   If you have Numbers, there is an invoice template that is pretty nice.  I 
>> have begun to use it for my invoices.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:38 PM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:
>>> Hi List,
>>> Could someone recommend an application that I can make and  print invoices 
>>> for my Recording studio clients?
>>> I have " Quicken Essentials" But that app is extremely clunky. 
>>> Text Edit doesn't seem to have the options need either.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Thanks
>>> 954-742-0019
>>> In GOD I Trust
>>> -- 
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Re: What application out there is VoiceOver friendly for making and printing invoices

2012-01-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Numbers just comes with your Mac.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:09 PM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:

> Hi John,
> I don't have Numbers currently where can I get it?
> Is the rest of the app cool also?
> Thanks
> 954-742-0019
> In GOD I Trust
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:15 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>> Hi Chuck,
>>   If you have Numbers, there is an invoice template that is pretty nice.  I 
>> have begun to use it for my invoices.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:38 PM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:
>>> Hi List,
>>> Could someone recommend an application that I can make and  print invoices 
>>> for my Recording studio clients?
>>> I have " Quicken Essentials" But that app is extremely clunky. 
>>> Text Edit doesn't seem to have the options need either.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Thanks
>>> 954-742-0019
>>> In GOD I Trust
>>> -- 
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Re: Sent from my iPhone… looks cool?

2012-01-12 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Well I got so fed up with my I phone saying sent from my I phone so I turned it 
off altogether.  Now I hate it saying 'sent from my I phone'!
On 12 Jan 2012, at 18:30, Emrah wrote:

> Hi all,
> Lew: To the best of my knowledge, the signature setting on the iPhone Mail 
> App is not synchronized through iTunes. Also, unless you jailbreak your 
> phone, I am not aware of any proxy that would emulate the email as being sent 
> from Ms Outlook or Apple Mail (Desktop version).
> Kaleb, the reason why I spotted this is because I also have a console based 
> client and one of the field I chose to see in my email headers is the user 
> agent.
> Now, I can say with a rather high certitude that some of the emails with 
> signatures like Sent from my iPhone, or sent from my super cool iPhone, or 
> sent from my super super cool iPhone… where in fact sent from a computer 
> rather than a phone.
> And Nancy, I totally approve your idea. I kept my signature on my iPhone for 
> the exact same reason. The question here is why people add "Sent from my 
> iPhone" while the email is actually sent from their computer?
> Anyhow, I think we should disregard this thread. It did not meant to be 
> offensive at all, but I am not sure this is leading anywhere good. :) 
> All the best,
> E
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 6:39 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> Mail interacts with the iphone through itunes and syncs to the account used. 
>> so the signatures can also be populated.
>> also mail on the iphone can work through proxies.
>> lew
>> On 12 Jan 2012, at 17:36, Kaleb Ballzac wrote:
>>> It's both strange that people do this, and that you'd have the time to 
>>> verify such things.
>>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:25 PM, Emrah wrote:
>>> People, I have a rather startling discovery to share, and I share it 
>>> because I do not understand it.
>>> Why do people add "Sent from my iPhone" or similar weird signatures that 
>>> make it sound like the email was sent through a mobile device, while the 
>>> user agent shows that they have been using Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail 
>>> on a computer?
>>> I might be missing something… But does this make a message look cooler?
>>> Sorry if this post offends anyone, I am just curious to understand this. 
>>> One possibility may be that the email somehow goes through a proxy and 
>>> leaves the outbox through a computer… But I kind of doubt it.
>>> Emrah
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>> Mr. L. Alexander.
>> Free Macs For The Blind.
>> E-Mail:
>> Direct line: 07936 877500
>> Twitter: @macsfortheblind
>> Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working 
>> apple macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR FREE!
>> Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
>> copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.
>> Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to 
>> help anybody disabled with anything Apple!
>> -- 
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remove items on the doc

2012-01-12 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all,

As a growing baby of Mac, i come across an issue that i do not know
how to solve. Been asking sighties about it, always come with the
answer that "its impossible for such command to do on VO as its drag
and drop".
May i know, as a VO user, how can we Drag and Drop or remove items on the doc?
Also, where and how can i create and retrieve foulders?

many thanks

Joanne (Australia)

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2012-01-12 Thread Goodin, Donna
Has anyone used this software?  IF so, is it accessible?

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Re: OmniFocus?

2012-01-12 Thread Emrah
Hi Donna,

Someone inquired about OmniPlan and I responded with my accessibility feedback 
of OmniFocus. I corresponded with the support team, an abstract of which is 

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Emrah 
> Subject: Re: omni group Mac applications
> Date: January 6, 2012 10:32:28 AM GMT+01:00
> To:
> Hi,
> I was very interested in OmniFocus and purchased it on the App Store. It was 
> not accessible and I contacted the developers, their response below:
> Begin Quote:
> Hi Emrah, 
> Thanks for your email. OmniFocus does not yet have VoiceOver support, but 
> this is something our engineers are currently working on for the next major 
> version of OmniFocus (OmniFocus 2).
> I apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime! 
> I've added your feedback to our development database, and the developers will 
> take your feedback into account while they're working on adding full 
> integration with VoiceOver. 
> One of the factors that determines what we add to OmniFocus is the number of 
> people that are requesting a given change, so thanks for writing in about 
> this. We really value your support!
> Sincerely,
> Monica R.
> Support Ninja
> Omni Group
> On Mon Dec 05 05:44:50 2011, I wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I purchased OmniFocus on the App Store to give it a try, it was
>>  recommended by a friend of mine.
>> I am a blind Mac user and use VoiceOver as my screenreader.
>>  Unfortunately, while most of the buttons in the app are labelled,
>>  the tables are unusable and the sidebar is unaccessible.
>> Do you think there is something that can be done to improve the
>>  accessibility of your app?
>> All the best and looking forward to your reply,
>> Emrah
> End Quote
> I think this is a great response and I look forward to testing OmniFocus 2.
> I strongly encourage you to report your experience to them when you get a 
> chance.
> Best,
> Emrah
> On Jan 5, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I'm looking at some of the apps from the omni group specifically omniplan. 
>> This application is a project management tool very similar to MS Project. 
>> I'm interested in the field of project management and have used MS Project 
>> under windows during my Project Management course at college quite 
>> successfully.
>> So, on to my question. Have any of you played with this application before? 
>> If so, is this application supposed to be accessible with VO?
>> I've noticed a lot of un labeled buttons that have help tag information. The 
>> table however where data is to be arranged [sort of like a spreadsheet], 
>> appears to be empty to VO.
>> Thanks for any feedback.
>> Matthew Campbell.
>> -- 
On Jan 12, 2012, at 11:03 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:

> Has anyone used this software?  IF so, is it accessible?
> TIA,
> Donna
> -- 
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RE: How to set "Enter" key to open files/apps?

2012-01-12 Thread Bill Holton
You could probably use the keypad enter key, set up the keypad commander to
open the highlighted file.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kaleb Ballzac
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 10:48 AM
To: macvisionaries group
Subject: How to set "Enter" key to open files/apps?

As the subject states, I'd like to know if anyone is aware of a hack to set
the Enter key as a launcher?

I'm not going to debate the merits of whether it's useful or not.  It's
simply a personal preference.

Thank you in advance for any help.


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Re: OmniFocus?

2012-01-12 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi Emra,

thanks for passing this along.  I'm glad to see they're working on it.  It 
looks like a really cool app.
On Jan 12, 2012, at 5:11 PM, Emrah wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> Someone inquired about OmniPlan and I responded with my accessibility 
> feedback of OmniFocus. I corresponded with the support team, an abstract of 
> which is below.
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Emrah 
>> Subject: Re: omni group Mac applications
>> Date: January 6, 2012 10:32:28 AM GMT+01:00
>> To:
>> Hi,
>> I was very interested in OmniFocus and purchased it on the App Store. It was 
>> not accessible and I contacted the developers, their response below:
>> Begin Quote:
>> Hi Emrah, 
>> Thanks for your email. OmniFocus does not yet have VoiceOver support, but 
>> this is something our engineers are currently working on for the next major 
>> version of OmniFocus (OmniFocus 2).
>> I apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime! 
>> I've added your feedback to our development database, and the developers 
>> will take your feedback into account while they're working on adding full 
>> integration with VoiceOver. 
>> One of the factors that determines what we add to OmniFocus is the number of 
>> people that are requesting a given change, so thanks for writing in about 
>> this. We really value your support!
>> Sincerely,
>> Monica R.
>> Support Ninja
>> Omni Group
>> On Mon Dec 05 05:44:50 2011, I wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I purchased OmniFocus on the App Store to give it a try, it was
>>> recommended by a friend of mine.
>>> I am a blind Mac user and use VoiceOver as my screenreader.
>>> Unfortunately, while most of the buttons in the app are labelled,
>>> the tables are unusable and the sidebar is unaccessible.
>>> Do you think there is something that can be done to improve the
>>> accessibility of your app?
>>> All the best and looking forward to your reply,
>>> Emrah
>> End Quote
>> I think this is a great response and I look forward to testing OmniFocus 2.
>> I strongly encourage you to report your experience to them when you get a 
>> chance.
>> Best,
>> Emrah
>> On Jan 5, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> I'm looking at some of the apps from the omni group specifically omniplan. 
>>> This application is a project management tool very similar to MS Project. 
>>> I'm interested in the field of project management and have used MS Project 
>>> under windows during my Project Management course at college quite 
>>> successfully.
>>> So, on to my question. Have any of you played with this application before? 
>>> If so, is this application supposed to be accessible with VO?
>>> I've noticed a lot of un labeled buttons that have help tag information. 
>>> The table however where data is to be arranged [sort of like a 
>>> spreadsheet], appears to be empty to VO.
>>> Thanks for any feedback.
>>> Matthew Campbell.
>>> -- 
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 11:03 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Has anyone used this software?  IF so, is it accessible?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: remove items on the doc

2012-01-12 Thread André Nuno Soares

To remove an item from the dock:
1. go to the dock with VO D
2. use the left and  right arrow keys to move to the item you want to remove
3. press VO Shift M for the context menu
4. select "Options", "remove from dock"

To move an item on the dock: 
1. go to the dock with VO D
2. use the left and  right arrow keys to move to the item you want to remove
3. press Option Command left or right arrow keys to move to the left or right 


On 12/01/2012, at 21:53, Joanne Chua wrote:

> Hi all,
> As a growing baby of Mac, i come across an issue that i do not know
> how to solve. Been asking sighties about it, always come with the
> answer that "its impossible for such command to do on VO as its drag
> and drop".
> May i know, as a VO user, how can we Drag and Drop or remove items on the doc?
> Also, where and how can i create and retrieve foulders?
> many thanks
> Cheers
> Joanne (Australia)
> -- 
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Re: remove items on the doc

2012-01-12 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Joanne!
To remove items from the doc!
When your sitting on the item in question open vo+shift+m and arrow right and 
in that menu you will find remove from doc!
That also applies if you've opened a app and it shows up in the doc and you 
wish to keep it there!
But of course the option will be keep in doc :]
And if you wish to move items to another part of the doc use 
Vo will tell you what your moving past as you do it!
hth Colin

On 12 Jan 2012, at 21:53, Joanne Chua wrote:

> Hi all,
> As a growing baby of Mac, i come across an issue that i do not know
> how to solve. Been asking sighties about it, always come with the
> answer that "its impossible for such command to do on VO as its drag
> and drop".
> May i know, as a VO user, how can we Drag and Drop or remove items on the doc?
> Also, where and how can i create and retrieve foulders?
> many thanks
> Cheers
> Joanne (Australia)
> -- 
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Re: remove items on the doc

2012-01-12 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi again!
Also you can get to the doc with!
And the main menu control+f2 and status bar control+f8
hth Colin

On 12 Jan 2012, at 22:36, André Nuno Soares wrote:

> Hello,
> To remove an item from the dock:
> 1. go to the dock with VO D
> 2. use the left and  right arrow keys to move to the item you want to remove
> 3. press VO Shift M for the context menu
> 4. select "Options", "remove from dock"
> To move an item on the dock: 
> 1. go to the dock with VO D
> 2. use the left and  right arrow keys to move to the item you want to remove
> 3. press Option Command left or right arrow keys to move to the left or right 
> HTH,
> André
> On 12/01/2012, at 21:53, Joanne Chua wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As a growing baby of Mac, i come across an issue that i do not know
>> how to solve. Been asking sighties about it, always come with the
>> answer that "its impossible for such command to do on VO as its drag
>> and drop".
>> May i know, as a VO user, how can we Drag and Drop or remove items on the 
>> doc?
>> Also, where and how can i create and retrieve foulders?
>> many thanks
>> Cheers
>> Joanne (Australia)
>> -- 
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Re: Sent from my iPhone… looks cool?

2012-01-12 Thread CJ Daniel
Maybe you're over thinking this one?  


On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:38 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Well I got so fed up with my I phone saying sent from my I phone so I turned 
> it off altogether.  Now I hate it saying 'sent from my I phone'!
> On 12 Jan 2012, at 18:30, Emrah wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Lew: To the best of my knowledge, the signature setting on the iPhone Mail 
>> App is not synchronized through iTunes. Also, unless you jailbreak your 
>> phone, I am not aware of any proxy that would emulate the email as being 
>> sent from Ms Outlook or Apple Mail (Desktop version).
>> Kaleb, the reason why I spotted this is because I also have a console based 
>> client and one of the field I chose to see in my email headers is the user 
>> agent.
>> Now, I can say with a rather high certitude that some of the emails with 
>> signatures like Sent from my iPhone, or sent from my super cool iPhone, or 
>> sent from my super super cool iPhone… where in fact sent from a computer 
>> rather than a phone.
>> And Nancy, I totally approve your idea. I kept my signature on my iPhone for 
>> the exact same reason. The question here is why people add "Sent from my 
>> iPhone" while the email is actually sent from their computer?
>> Anyhow, I think we should disregard this thread. It did not meant to be 
>> offensive at all, but I am not sure this is leading anywhere good. :) 
>> All the best,
>> E
>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 6:39 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> Mail interacts with the iphone through itunes and syncs to the account 
>>> used. so the signatures can also be populated.
>>> also mail on the iphone can work through proxies.
>>> lew
>>> On 12 Jan 2012, at 17:36, Kaleb Ballzac wrote:
 It's both strange that people do this, and that you'd have the time to 
 verify such things.
 On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:25 PM, Emrah wrote:
 People, I have a rather startling discovery to share, and I share it 
 because I do not understand it.
 Why do people add "Sent from my iPhone" or similar weird signatures that 
 make it sound like the email was sent through a mobile device, while the 
 user agent shows that they have been using Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail 
 on a computer?
 I might be missing something… But does this make a message look cooler?
 Sorry if this post offends anyone, I am just curious to understand this. 
 One possibility may be that the email somehow goes through a proxy and 
 leaves the outbox through a computer… But I kind of doubt it.
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>>> Mr. L. Alexander.
>>> Free Macs For The Blind.
>>> E-Mail:
>>> Direct line: 07936 877500
>>> Twitter: @macsfortheblind
>>> Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working 
>>> apple macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR 
>>> FREE!
>>> Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
>>> copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.
>>> Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to 
>>> help anybody disabled with anything Apple!
>>> -- 
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Need hot spot help

2012-01-12 Thread Bill Holton
I am confused about hot spot.  In Mail I set up two hotspots, hotspot 0
which takes me to the search pane and hotspot 9 which takes me to my inbox
list of messages in the message table.  Sometimes these hotspots work, other
times there is nothing but silence and when I press VO 0 or VO 9 a second
time I get the hotspot chooser menu and it says the hotspots are inactive.
But I know the windows are there and open.


Any help understanding this appreciated.


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Re: OmniFocus?

2012-01-12 Thread Emrah
Hey Donna, thanks for replying back. 
If you get a chance, I think it would be good for you to send them an email as 
well. Like they say, the more people inquire about it, the more keen they will 
be to implement it...

Take care,

“In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.” 
Albert Einstein

On Jan 12, 2012, at 5:35 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:

> Hi Emra,
> thanks for passing this along.  I'm glad to see they're working on it.  It 
> looks like a really cool app.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 5:11 PM, Emrah wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> Someone inquired about OmniPlan and I responded with my accessibility 
>> feedback of OmniFocus. I corresponded with the support team, an abstract of 
>> which is below.
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Emrah 
>>> Subject: Re: omni group Mac applications
>>> Date: January 6, 2012 10:32:28 AM GMT+01:00
>>> To:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was very interested in OmniFocus and purchased it on the App Store. It 
>>> was not accessible and I contacted the developers, their response below:
>>> Begin Quote:
>>> Hi Emrah, 
>>> Thanks for your email. OmniFocus does not yet have VoiceOver support, but 
>>> this is something our engineers are currently working on for the next major 
>>> version of OmniFocus (OmniFocus 2).
>>> I apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime! 
>>> I've added your feedback to our development database, and the developers 
>>> will take your feedback into account while they're working on adding full 
>>> integration with VoiceOver. 
>>> One of the factors that determines what we add to OmniFocus is the number 
>>> of people that are requesting a given change, so thanks for writing in 
>>> about this. We really value your support!
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Monica R.
>>> Support Ninja
>>> Omni Group
>>> On Mon Dec 05 05:44:50 2011, I wrote:
 Hi there,
 I purchased OmniFocus on the App Store to give it a try, it was
 recommended by a friend of mine.
 I am a blind Mac user and use VoiceOver as my screenreader.
 Unfortunately, while most of the buttons in the app are labelled,
 the tables are unusable and the sidebar is unaccessible.
 Do you think there is something that can be done to improve the
 accessibility of your app?
 All the best and looking forward to your reply,
>>> End Quote
>>> I think this is a great response and I look forward to testing OmniFocus 2.
>>> I strongly encourage you to report your experience to them when you get a 
>>> chance.
>>> Best,
>>> Emrah
>>> On Jan 5, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
 Hi all.
 I'm looking at some of the apps from the omni group specifically omniplan. 
 This application is a project management tool very similar to MS Project. 
 I'm interested in the field of project management and have used MS Project 
 under windows during my Project Management course at college quite 
 So, on to my question. Have any of you played with this application 
 before? If so, is this application supposed to be accessible with VO?
 I've noticed a lot of un labeled buttons that have help tag information. 
 The table however where data is to be arranged [sort of like a 
 spreadsheet], appears to be empty to VO.
 Thanks for any feedback.
 Matthew Campbell.
>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 11:03 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>> Has anyone used this software?  IF so, is it accessible?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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Re: What application out there is VoiceOver friendly for making and printing invoices

2012-01-12 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Ray,
I am using snow leopard on a mac pro.
I just looked in my applications and utilities folder to no avail ;) am I 
looking in the wrong place?

On Jan 12, 2012, at 4:26 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Numbers just comes with your Mac.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:09 PM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> I don't have Numbers currently where can I get it?
>> Is the rest of the app cool also?
>> Thanks
>> 954-742-0019
>> In GOD I Trust
>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:15 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>> Hi Chuck,
>>>   If you have Numbers, there is an invoice template that is pretty nice.  I 
>>> have begun to use it for my invoices.
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:38 PM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:
 Hi List,
 Could someone recommend an application that I can make and  print invoices 
 for my Recording studio clients?
 I have " Quicken Essentials" But that app is extremely clunky. 
 Text Edit doesn't seem to have the options need either.
 Any suggestions?
 In GOD I Trust
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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In GOD I Trust

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Re: Sent from my iPhone… looks cool?

2012-01-12 Thread Emrah
Well, if you want an example:
Kliphton sent 2 emails from the same PC, using Microsoft Outlook 14.0. 
He signed one email with:
Sent from Minister Miller's iPhone
On another email, he did not. I am not talking about replies, all new threads.

But like I said, lets just drop it. I am most certainly over thinking this, as 
you assumed.


“In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.” 
Albert Einstein

On Jan 12, 2012, at 5:59 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:

> Maybe you're over thinking this one?  
> CJ
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:38 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Well I got so fed up with my I phone saying sent from my I phone so I turned 
>> it off altogether.  Now I hate it saying 'sent from my I phone'!
>> On 12 Jan 2012, at 18:30, Emrah wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Lew: To the best of my knowledge, the signature setting on the iPhone Mail 
>>> App is not synchronized through iTunes. Also, unless you jailbreak your 
>>> phone, I am not aware of any proxy that would emulate the email as being 
>>> sent from Ms Outlook or Apple Mail (Desktop version).
>>> Kaleb, the reason why I spotted this is because I also have a console based 
>>> client and one of the field I chose to see in my email headers is the user 
>>> agent.
>>> Now, I can say with a rather high certitude that some of the emails with 
>>> signatures like Sent from my iPhone, or sent from my super cool iPhone, or 
>>> sent from my super super cool iPhone… where in fact sent from a computer 
>>> rather than a phone.
>>> And Nancy, I totally approve your idea. I kept my signature on my iPhone 
>>> for the exact same reason. The question here is why people add "Sent from 
>>> my iPhone" while the email is actually sent from their computer?
>>> Anyhow, I think we should disregard this thread. It did not meant to be 
>>> offensive at all, but I am not sure this is leading anywhere good. :) 
>>> All the best,
>>> E
>>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 6:39 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
 Mail interacts with the iphone through itunes and syncs to the account 
 used. so the signatures can also be populated.
 also mail on the iphone can work through proxies.
 On 12 Jan 2012, at 17:36, Kaleb Ballzac wrote:
> It's both strange that people do this, and that you'd have the time to 
> verify such things.
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:25 PM, Emrah wrote:
> People, I have a rather startling discovery to share, and I share it 
> because I do not understand it.
> Why do people add "Sent from my iPhone" or similar weird signatures that 
> make it sound like the email was sent through a mobile device, while the 
> user agent shows that they have been using Microsoft Outlook or Apple 
> Mail on a computer?
> I might be missing something… But does this make a message look cooler?
> Sorry if this post offends anyone, I am just curious to understand this. 
> One possibility may be that the email somehow goes through a proxy and 
> leaves the outbox through a computer… But I kind of doubt it.
> Emrah
> -- 
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 Mr. L. Alexander.
 Free Macs For The Blind.
 Direct line: 07936 877500
 Twitter: @macsfortheblind
 Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working 
 apple macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR 
 Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or 
 a copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in 
 Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to 
 help anybody disabled with anything Apple!
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: What application out there is VoiceOver friendly for making and printing invoices

2012-01-12 Thread John Panarese
In some instances, it will come with the Mac.  However, that's if they are 
offering iWorks as part of the package or you buy it when you purchase the Mac.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jan 12, 2012, at 6:24 PM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:

> Hi Ray,
> I am using snow leopard on a mac pro.
> I just looked in my applications and utilities folder to no avail ;) am I 
> looking in the wrong place?
> Thanks
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 4:26 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Numbers just comes with your Mac.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:09 PM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> I don't have Numbers currently where can I get it?
>>> Is the rest of the app cool also?
>>> Thanks
>>> 954-742-0019
>>> In GOD I Trust
>>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:15 PM, John Panarese wrote:
 Hi Chuck,
   If you have Numbers, there is an invoice template that is pretty nice.  
 I have begun to use it for my invoices.
 Take Care
 John Panarese
 On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:38 PM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote:
> Hi List,
> Could someone recommend an application that I can make and  print 
> invoices for my Recording studio clients?
> I have " Quicken Essentials" But that app is extremely clunky. 
> Text Edit doesn't seem to have the options need either.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> 954-742-0019
> In GOD I Trust
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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> 954-742-0019
> In GOD I Trust
> -- 
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muting VO on apple tv

2012-01-12 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Hi all.

I am listening right now to a great ACB Radio Interactive live program, but 
each time the titles stream, VO on my apple tv speaks and I am finding it 
annoying.  Is there a way to mute VO on the apple tv?  If not and others agree 
there should be, would you join me in writing apple accessibility with that 

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RE: muting VO on apple tv

2012-01-12 Thread Daniel Miller

That doesn't seem possible, due to the apple TV being remote based, and not
gestures. There's simply not enough combinations of buttons on the remote to
make such a feature possible, and having to go all the way back out to the
settings just to mute VO defeats the purpose of doing it that way.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 5:39 PM
Subject: muting VO on apple tv

Hi all.

I am listening right now to a great ACB Radio Interactive live program, but
each time the titles stream, VO on my apple tv speaks and I am finding it
annoying.  Is there a way to mute VO on the apple tv?  If not and others
agree there should be, would you join me in writing apple accessibility with
that suggestion?

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Re: OmniFocus?

2012-01-12 Thread Scott Howell
And I also sent them a note and got a similar response, but I was told that the 
more requests equals higher priority and that makes sense. So, if your 
interested I recommend you drop them a line and also be sure to mention 
accessibility for their iOS apps as well.

On Jan 12, 2012, at 5:11 PM, Emrah wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> Someone inquired about OmniPlan and I responded with my accessibility 
> feedback of OmniFocus. I corresponded with the support team, an abstract of 
> which is below.
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Emrah 
>> Subject: Re: omni group Mac applications
>> Date: January 6, 2012 10:32:28 AM GMT+01:00
>> To:
>> Hi,
>> I was very interested in OmniFocus and purchased it on the App Store. It was 
>> not accessible and I contacted the developers, their response below:
>> Begin Quote:
>> Hi Emrah, 
>> Thanks for your email. OmniFocus does not yet have VoiceOver support, but 
>> this is something our engineers are currently working on for the next major 
>> version of OmniFocus (OmniFocus 2).
>> I apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime! 
>> I've added your feedback to our development database, and the developers 
>> will take your feedback into account while they're working on adding full 
>> integration with VoiceOver. 
>> One of the factors that determines what we add to OmniFocus is the number of 
>> people that are requesting a given change, so thanks for writing in about 
>> this. We really value your support!
>> Sincerely,
>> Monica R.
>> Support Ninja
>> Omni Group
>> On Mon Dec 05 05:44:50 2011, I wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I purchased OmniFocus on the App Store to give it a try, it was
>>> recommended by a friend of mine.
>>> I am a blind Mac user and use VoiceOver as my screenreader.
>>> Unfortunately, while most of the buttons in the app are labelled,
>>> the tables are unusable and the sidebar is unaccessible.
>>> Do you think there is something that can be done to improve the
>>> accessibility of your app?
>>> All the best and looking forward to your reply,
>>> Emrah
>> End Quote
>> I think this is a great response and I look forward to testing OmniFocus 2.
>> I strongly encourage you to report your experience to them when you get a 
>> chance.
>> Best,
>> Emrah
>> On Jan 5, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> I'm looking at some of the apps from the omni group specifically omniplan. 
>>> This application is a project management tool very similar to MS Project. 
>>> I'm interested in the field of project management and have used MS Project 
>>> under windows during my Project Management course at college quite 
>>> successfully.
>>> So, on to my question. Have any of you played with this application before? 
>>> If so, is this application supposed to be accessible with VO?
>>> I've noticed a lot of un labeled buttons that have help tag information. 
>>> The table however where data is to be arranged [sort of like a 
>>> spreadsheet], appears to be empty to VO.
>>> Thanks for any feedback.
>>> Matthew Campbell.
>>> -- 
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 11:03 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Has anyone used this software?  IF so, is it accessible?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: Safari bookmarks

2012-01-12 Thread André Nuno Soares
Hello Bill and others,

There are several options here:
1. You can add your bookmarks to the bookmarks menu. 
This way, when you want to go to a  bookmarked address, you just have to jump 
to the menu bar (VO M or Control F2), move to the Bookmarks menu and select the 
bookmark you want.
Additionally, you can create folders to help organize things. They will appear 
as submenus in the bookmarks menu.

2. You can show the Bookmarks bar and add your bookmarks to it
In the View menu, select "Show Bookmarks bar". 
When you stop interacting with a web page, if you do VO left arrow you'll first 
find the Tab bar items (if  you have "Show Tab bar" selected) and continuing to 
the left  you'll find the Bookmarks bar items.
These items can be a single bookmark, in which case you can use the shortcut 
keys  Command+number key,  or a folder, where your bookmarks will show as a 
drop down menu when you select it.

I find the Bookmarks bar the easiest and quickest way to access my bookmarks, 
both on the Mac and the iPad.

3. You can do a mix of Bookmarks menu and Bookmarks bar
This way, you can keep your most used bookmarks on the Bookmarks bar, 
accessible via the shortcut Command+Number key, and all the rest in folders in 
the Bookmarks menu.

Don't know if I was very clear, sorry...

Anyway, hope this helps someone,

On 12/01/2012, at 15:53, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Actually, if you put items in the bookmark bar you can access them by 
> pressing Command-1 for the first bookmark and command-2 for the second. I 
> always keep my most often used sites in the bookmark bar so I can have those 
> shortcuts to loading them.
> CB
> On 1/12/12 7:48 AM, Thomas McMahan wrote:
>> How about storing them in bookmarks bar, then just going throughout the list 
>> of them under the apple menu because at that point it's just a sub menu 
>> under bookmarks.  Perhaps that would be a little less complicated than what 
>> you're doing.  
>> On Jan 11, 2012, at 10:54 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Am I missing something here?  I tried using the command option B command to 
>>> call up my list of book marks.  It seems you have to move up to the first 
>>> table, interact with that table, find the bookmark you want, stop 
>>> interacting with that table, move down to the next table, interact with 
>>> that table, move over to the bookmark listing and then press spacebar.  Can 
>>> it possibly be that complicated to pick a bookmark or is there something 
>>> obvious I am missing?  Thanks.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Bill
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Re: Blackboard Accessible

2012-01-12 Thread Becky Knaub
Where do you get Omni web, how does it work with VO? Is it an App, if so is it 

Thanks Becky
On Jan 12, 2012, at 4:01 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> OmniWeb is a Mac-based web browser.  I had no problems with participating in 
> discussions, or anything else for that matter.
> Ezzie
> - Original Message -
> From: Michael Busboom  To:
> Date sent: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 14:03:53 +0100
> Subject: Re: Blackboard Accessible
> Hello Ezzie,
> Is OmniWeb a Mac-based browser and when you used it, did you have many 
> problems effectively participating in classroom discussions via Bulletin 
> Board?
> Thanks,
> Mike
> On 11,Jan,2012, at 9:59 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:
> Hello Shanna, Mike and Others,
> I've used Blackboard successfully with another web browser called OmniWeb..  
> It has worked well.
> I just downloaded Google Chrome and will try using Blackboard with this new 
> browser as soon as classes start in two weeks.
> HTH,
> Ezzie
> - Original Message -
> From: Dawn Benbow  To:
> Date sent: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 13:18:56 -0500
> Subject: Re: Blackboard Accessible
> Hi Shanna,
> I saw this thread and wanted to jumpin and say that I've just started using 
> my iPad and BT keyboard on black board in the discussion board area with the 
> 3 online classes I have this semester and haven't had much trouble with it.  
> I haven't tried using my MBP with it yet though as I've always found it 
> easiest just to use my iPod before.  I just got an iPad for Christmas.  I'm 
> loving it so far.
> Dawn
> On Jan 11, 2012, at 7:59 AM, Becky Knaub wrote:
> Hi Shanna,
> I use black board with VoiceOver, I know it was just updated for my 
> university while we were on break.  I find VO works pretty well with it, I 
> have used it with VO for 2 semesters soon to be three when this semester is 
> over and Jaws fr the other 4, I would say both work alright with it.  I can 
> and do participate on the discussion board and can access all of the links on 
> my professor's pages.  I am using Safari for BlackBoard tough rather then 
> Google Chrome which I just installed to see if it would work better than 
> Safari.  Use the track pad or VO keys with BB not quick nab because sometimes 
> they don't work and try interacting with the content, this will allow VO to 
> read and work with the discussion Board.  HTH
> Becky and C
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Re: question about List Recorder

2012-01-12 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Gigi,

There are more then one way to do recordings on list Recorder.  I'll describe 
my favorite and maybe this will answer your question.

First place yourself in the list you want to add a recording to.  
Now go to the bottom left corner of the iPhone and you will find the Record New 
item button. 

Double tap then wait to here the strum or other sound you chose to indicate you 
can start speaking.  now to end the recording simply use the scrub gesture, two 
fingers moved back and forth.  This will end the recording quietly with no 
tapping sound and place you back in your list on the item you just recorded. 

Alternatively if you double tap Record new item then don't touch the screen the 
focus will be on the pause button.  you can double tap to pause the recording.  
Sound volume will come up and you can explore the screen.  in this way you can 
easily pause and restart a recording in List Recorder.

I hope this info helps.

eric Caron 

On Jan 12, 2012, at 6:21 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi guys.
> I have a question about List Recorder for the iPhone. I just recorded an 
> item, and I was doing real fine until I wanted to stop the recording. I 
> couldn't find the button to do it, so I started flicking to find it. The only 
> trouble was that VoiceOver got real, real quiet like I had an earphone on. I 
> didn't, and I finally was able to hear the option by holding the iPhone right 
> up to my face. Has anybody had this trouble, and am I doing something wrong 
> here. 
> Regards,
> Gigi
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Re: Blindcooltech

2012-01-12 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Jürgen and others,

Did anyone ever answer this question?   I use blind a lot and also 
miss getting podcasts.  Also, if I was to do another podcast  I would prefer to 
post it there.  Does anyone know if is still accepting and 
distributing podcasts?

eric Caron 

On Jan 5, 2012, at 2:47 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

> Hi,
> does anyone know what's wrong with blindcooltech? The last episode I can find 
> is from end of Septembre. Is it somehow offline or did the RSS link change?
> Thanks and
> all the best
> Jürgen
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Re: Blindcooltech

2012-01-12 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Jürgen and others,

Did anyone ever answer this question?   I use blind a lot and also 
miss getting podcasts.  Also, if I was to do another podcast  I would prefer to 
post it there.  Does anyone know if is still accepting and 
distributing podcasts?

eric Caron 

On Jan 5, 2012, at 2:47 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

> Hi,
> does anyone know what's wrong with blindcooltech? The last episode I can find 
> is from end of Septembre. Is it somehow offline or did the RSS link change?
> Thanks and
> all the best
> Jürgen
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Re: OmniFocus?

2012-01-12 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi Scott and Emra,

I will definitely make sure to contact them.  thanks for the suggestion.
On Jan 12, 2012, at 6:48 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> And I also sent them a note and got a similar response, but I was told that 
> the more requests equals higher priority and that makes sense. So, if your 
> interested I recommend you drop them a line and also be sure to mention 
> accessibility for their iOS apps as well.
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 5:11 PM, Emrah wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> Someone inquired about OmniPlan and I responded with my accessibility 
>> feedback of OmniFocus. I corresponded with the support team, an abstract of 
>> which is below.
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Emrah 
>>> Subject: Re: omni group Mac applications
>>> Date: January 6, 2012 10:32:28 AM GMT+01:00
>>> To:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was very interested in OmniFocus and purchased it on the App Store. It 
>>> was not accessible and I contacted the developers, their response below:
>>> Begin Quote:
>>> Hi Emrah, 
>>> Thanks for your email. OmniFocus does not yet have VoiceOver support, but 
>>> this is something our engineers are currently working on for the next major 
>>> version of OmniFocus (OmniFocus 2).
>>> I apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime! 
>>> I've added your feedback to our development database, and the developers 
>>> will take your feedback into account while they're working on adding full 
>>> integration with VoiceOver. 
>>> One of the factors that determines what we add to OmniFocus is the number 
>>> of people that are requesting a given change, so thanks for writing in 
>>> about this. We really value your support!
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Monica R.
>>> Support Ninja
>>> Omni Group
>>> On Mon Dec 05 05:44:50 2011, I wrote:
 Hi there,
 I purchased OmniFocus on the App Store to give it a try, it was
 recommended by a friend of mine.
 I am a blind Mac user and use VoiceOver as my screenreader.
 Unfortunately, while most of the buttons in the app are labelled,
 the tables are unusable and the sidebar is unaccessible.
 Do you think there is something that can be done to improve the
 accessibility of your app?
 All the best and looking forward to your reply,
>>> End Quote
>>> I think this is a great response and I look forward to testing OmniFocus 2.
>>> I strongly encourage you to report your experience to them when you get a 
>>> chance.
>>> Best,
>>> Emrah
>>> On Jan 5, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
 Hi all.
 I'm looking at some of the apps from the omni group specifically omniplan. 
 This application is a project management tool very similar to MS Project. 
 I'm interested in the field of project management and have used MS Project 
 under windows during my Project Management course at college quite 
 So, on to my question. Have any of you played with this application 
 before? If so, is this application supposed to be accessible with VO?
 I've noticed a lot of un labeled buttons that have help tag information. 
 The table however where data is to be arranged [sort of like a 
 spreadsheet], appears to be empty to VO.
 Thanks for any feedback.
 Matthew Campbell.
>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 11:03 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>> Has anyone used this software?  IF so, is it accessible?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
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Re: muting VO on apple tv

2012-01-12 Thread Ricardo Walker
Why mute when you can just turn it off?

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 12, 2012, at 6:38 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi all.
> I am listening right now to a great ACB Radio Interactive live program, but 
> each time the titles stream, VO on my apple tv speaks and I am finding it 
> annoying.  Is there a way to mute VO on the apple tv?  If not and others 
> agree there should be, would you join me in writing apple accessibility with 
> that suggestion?
> -- 
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RE: muting VO on apple tv

2012-01-12 Thread Daniel Miller
You can't turn it off either without having to go into settings.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: muting VO on apple tv

Why mute when you can just turn it off?

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 12, 2012, at 6:38 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi all.
> I am listening right now to a great ACB Radio Interactive live program,
but each time the titles stream, VO on my apple tv speaks and I am finding
it annoying.  Is there a way to mute VO on the apple tv?  If not and others
agree there should be, would you join me in writing apple accessibility with
that suggestion?
> -- 
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Re: burning DVD's on the mac?

2012-01-12 Thread Chris Blouch
I believe Fairmount comes with DVDRemaster but Fairmount itself is free. 
With Fairmount running you can stick in a DVD and it will re-mount it 
with read requests being run through VLC for decryption. So VLC is 
required for Fairmount to work. That said, once Fairmount has done it's 
thing you could just use the Apple disk utility to create a disk image 
from a DVD and then use the same utility to burn the image to a blank 
DVD, assuming you have enough room on the blank. There are 4.7GB and 
9.4GB (dual layer) DVDs and so you'll need to use one big enough. 
Dual-layer blanks and burners are more expensive. I've never tried one 
myself since I only have single layer blanks laying around.


On 1/12/12 3:36 PM, John Panarese wrote:

 There is an application called, Fairmount that I believe you get with VLC. 
 You insert your DVD, then run Fairmount.  Once you get the message that the 
disk is seen by Fairmount, you then can use DVD Remaster to copy it.  It's a 
very easy process.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:29 PM, Kliphton wrote:

Elaberate please?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of John Panarese
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: burning DVD's on the mac?

   YOu would need to use fair mount before using DVDRemaster, but it can be

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:36 PM, Kliphton wrote:

Answer this, can I put a commercial DVD that I buy from the store, and
copy the contents to a file on my mac?  If it can do that, then it
might be worth it.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of John Panarese
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: burning DVD's on the mac?

To be honest, it has a lot of features to it, but I have only used
it mainly to copy DVDs with it.  It is completely accessible and gets
the job done in conjunction with Fairmount.

   If you are looking simply to copy DVDs, it's probably not worth $50
for that alone, though.  There are a few video programs out there and
you might be best trying them out and seeing which one gets the job
done for you in the best manner.  I know that sounds like pretty dull
advice, but that's pretty much the best that I can think of at the moment.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Kliphton wrote:

So what's so special about DVD remaster?  What can you do and not do
with this program?  I am just looking to burn movies to DVD's, and
that's it.  I don't think 50 bucks is worth that.  Any suggestions?

Sent from Minister Miller's iPhone

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Re: remove items on the doc

2012-01-12 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all

Thanks very much for the reply.

It works very well. :)

On 13/01/2012, Red.Falcon  wrote:
> Hi again!
> Also you can get to the doc with!
> Control+f4
> And the main menu control+f2 and status bar control+f8
> hth Colin
> On 12 Jan 2012, at 22:36, André Nuno Soares wrote:
>> Hello,
>> To remove an item from the dock:
>> 1. go to the dock with VO D
>> 2. use the left and  right arrow keys to move to the item you want to
>> remove
>> 3. press VO Shift M for the context menu
>> 4. select "Options", "remove from dock"
>> To move an item on the dock:
>> 1. go to the dock with VO D
>> 2. use the left and  right arrow keys to move to the item you want to
>> remove
>> 3. press Option Command left or right arrow keys to move to the left or
>> right
>> HTH,
>> André
>> On 12/01/2012, at 21:53, Joanne Chua wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> As a growing baby of Mac, i come across an issue that i do not know
>>> how to solve. Been asking sighties about it, always come with the
>>> answer that "its impossible for such command to do on VO as its drag
>>> and drop".
>>> May i know, as a VO user, how can we Drag and Drop or remove items on the
>>> doc?
>>> Also, where and how can i create and retrieve foulders?
>>> many thanks
>>> Cheers
>>> Joanne (Australia)
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Re: Recording techniques / was / Garageband and apple to the core podcast update

2012-01-12 Thread Ricardo Walker

Indeed the older podcasts where done with a blue snowball.  I've moved on up to 
the blue Yeti.  lol.  I'm using audio hijack pro and soundflower to capture and 
record my system audio and Mic.  Its fairly simple but it gets the job done I 
think.  From there, I do my editing in Garageband.


Ricardo Walker

On Jan 11, 2012, at 3:08 PM, Emrah wrote:

> Hello Ricardo,
> If you don't mind, could you please briefly detail the software setup you use 
> to record your podcasts? What is your technique to capture sounds both from 
> your mic (which sounds like a Blue Snowball) and your system audio?
> Thanks in advance for your info.
> Cheers,
> Emrah
> On Jan 10, 2012, at 6:52 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Thanks for the kind words.  I had fun doing them, and I'm happy people can 
>> put them to good use.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Jan 10, 2012, at 12:13 AM, Emrah wrote:
>>> Great podcasts, Ricardo.
>>> Congrats and thanks!
>>> On Jan 10, 2012, at 3:28 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 Hi folks,
 Sorry about the inconvenience.  You can now find my Apple to the core, and 
 Getting started in Garageband podcasts at  If you want to contact me privately about 
 anything related to the site or the podcasts and blogs posted, you can 
 e-mail at  Finally, if you want to follow on 
 twitter, you can find a follow button on the site along with info to 
 subscribe to the apple to the core podcast.
 Ricardo Walker
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Re: Blackboard Accessible

2012-01-12 Thread ezzie bueno

Hi Becky,

I just googled the app.  LOL.  It's free.


- Original Message -
From: Becky Knaub Where do you get Omni web, how does it work with VO? Is it an 
App, if so is it expensive?

Thanks Becky
On Jan 12, 2012, at 4:01 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:

Hello Mike,

OmniWeb is a Mac-based web browser.  I had no problems with 
participating in discussions, or anything else for that matter.


- Original Message -
From: Michael Busboom Is OmniWeb a Mac-based browser and when you used it, did you 
have many problems effectively participating in classroom 
discussions via Bulletin Board?



On 11,Jan,2012, at 9:59 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:

Hello Shanna, Mike and Others,

I've used Blackboard successfully with another web browser 
called OmniWeb...  It has worked well.
I just downloaded Google Chrome and will try using Blackboard 
with this new browser as soon as classes start in two weeks.


- Original Message -
From: Dawn Benbow I saw this thread and wanted to jumpin and say that I've just 
started using my iPad and BT keyboard on black board in the 
discussion board area with the 3 online classes I have this 
semester and haven't had much trouble with it.  I haven't tried 
using my MBP with it yet though as I've always found it easiest 
just to use my iPod before.  I just got an iPad for Christmas.  
I'm loving it so far.


On Jan 11, 2012, at 7:59 AM, Becky Knaub wrote:

Hi Shanna,
I use black board with VoiceOver, I know it was just updated for 
my university while we were on break.  I find VO works pretty 
well with it, I have used it with VO for 2 semesters soon to be 
three when this semester is over and Jaws fr the other 4, I would 
say both work alright with it.  I can and do participate on the 
discussion board and can access all of the links on my 
professor's pages.  I am using Safari for BlackBoard tough rather 
then Google Chrome which I just installed to see if it would work 
better than Safari.  Use the track pad or VO keys with BB not 
quick nab because sometimes they don't work and try interacting 
with the content, this will allow VO to read and work with the 
discussion Board.  HTH

Becky and C

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