accessing notes

2011-12-22 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
I used to sync my notes from my IPhone onto my outlook. Since I have got a Mac, 
I have just accessed them through my phone, but I assume there must be a way of 
reading them on the Mac too? Where will I find my notes? Is it in the email 
program? Or in ITunes, or in somewhere totally separate? 
Anyone know? 

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Audible and iTunes on the Mac

2011-12-22 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
Hi, since transferring from my windows machine to my Mac I have lost all my 
audible books. I can download them again no problem but I want them to go into 
my iTunes and thus onto my IPhone. I found a thing in apple menu under services 
which says something like add to iTunes as a spoken track. Do I find my 
downloaded book in the downloads section and then click on this in the menu in 
order to get it to the right place? Or is there something else, or something 
simpler I should do? 

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Re: accessing notes

2011-12-22 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
In the E-mail program.

Sent from my iPhone

On 22 Dec 2011, at 11:47 AM, Kirsten Edmondson 

> Hi, 
> I used to sync my notes from my IPhone onto my outlook. Since I have got a 
> Mac, I have just accessed them through my phone, but I assume there must be a 
> way of reading them on the Mac too? Where will I find my notes? Is it in the 
> email program? Or in ITunes, or in somewhere totally separate? 
> Anyone know? 
> Thanks. 
> Kirsten. 
> -- 
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partitioning my Mac

2011-12-22 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
Hi all, 
I need to use Windows for work and the easiest way to do this is to bootcamp or 
vmfusion my Mac. Is this easy to do? I heard that VM Fusion was better, how 
much does it cost? Can I just get it from Mac apps store? Does boot camping 
work just as well? (to save money, if that will work I'm happy to do that for 
What do I need to know or need to have handy before I start? 

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Re: accessing notes

2011-12-22 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
Thanks, found them and am sorted. 

On 22 Dec 2011, at 11:50, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> In the E-mail program.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 22 Dec 2011, at 11:47 AM, Kirsten Edmondson 
>  wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> I used to sync my notes from my IPhone onto my outlook. Since I have got a 
>> Mac, I have just accessed them through my phone, but I assume there must be 
>> a way of reading them on the Mac too? Where will I find my notes? Is it in 
>> the email program? Or in ITunes, or in somewhere totally separate? 
>> Anyone know? 
>> Thanks. 
>> Kirsten. 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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adding a printer

2011-12-22 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
What is the easiest way of adding a printer? 

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Adding item to desktop or doc

2011-12-22 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
Is there a way to add an item to the desktop or to the doc? I would like easier 
access to my dropbox (which I've finally got working, though don't ask me how!) 
Can I have it on the desktop or in the doc? Can't find anything in the menus. 

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Re: Adding item to desktop or doc

2011-12-22 Thread Ricardo Walker

I recommend making an alias and placing that on the desktop.  You can do this 
by navigating to your dropbox folder and pressing command L.  Then select the 
alias and copy and move it to your desktop folder.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Dec 22, 2011, at 7:03 AM, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:

> Hi, 
> Is there a way to add an item to the desktop or to the doc? I would like 
> easier access to my dropbox (which I've finally got working, though don't ask 
> me how!) 
> Can I have it on the desktop or in the doc? Can't find anything in the menus. 
> Thanks. 
> Kirsten. 
> -- 
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RE: partitioning my Mac

2011-12-22 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Kirsten,

First, welcome to the wonderful world of Apple.

With regard to Boot Camp versus VM Ware Fusion, it is a matter of needs
versus personal style.  

In effect, there is no "better" way; it is just a matter of how you wish to
work and how much time you wish to invest with regard to a learning curve.  

In my opinion, given that you are new to the Mac and given the learning
curve of using a windows-based screen reader in conjunction with VoiceOver,
I would recommend that you begin with Boot Camp.

Please keep in mind that unless you have enough vision to read a monitor of
some sort, you will need sighted assistance in order to get Boot Camp up and
running but, once done, you will be in proverbial business.

Conversely, all things being equal, you can setup VM Ware Fusion and,
consequently, Windows 7 completely independently of sighted assistance via
VM Ware Fusion.

As with all complex subjects, there is no proverbial silver bullet or, if
you prefer, "one-size-fits-all."


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kirsten Edmondson
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 3:53 AM
Subject: partitioning my Mac

Hi all, 
I need to use Windows for work and the easiest way to do this is to bootcamp
or vmfusion my Mac. Is this easy to do? I heard that VM Fusion was better,
how much does it cost? Can I just get it from Mac apps store? Does boot
camping work just as well? (to save money, if that will work I'm happy to do
that for now). 
What do I need to know or need to have handy before I start? 

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Re: Audible and iTunes on the Mac

2011-12-22 Thread Ricardo Walker


You add you audible books to iTunes the same way you would add music.  When you 
have download the books from your my library section on the audible site, they 
are placed in your downloads folder in your finder.  To get to the downloads 
folder quickly, you can press command  option L.  So, once the books are 
downloaded, go back to iTunes and press command O to bring up the file browser 
to add to iTunes.  Press command option L to go to the downloads folder, select 
the books, and press enter.  The books will now appear in the books table in 


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Dec 22, 2011, at 6:49 AM, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:

> Hi, since transferring from my windows machine to my Mac I have lost all my 
> audible books. I can download them again no problem but I want them to go 
> into my iTunes and thus onto my IPhone. I found a thing in apple menu under 
> services which says something like add to iTunes as a spoken track. Do I find 
> my downloaded book in the downloads section and then click on this in the 
> menu in order to get it to the right place? Or is there something else, or 
> something simpler I should do? 
> Thanks. 
> Kirsten. 
> -- 
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pages question

2011-12-22 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
In pages, how do I access the header and footer, I have tried interacting with 
them but what I write always seems to go into the body of the document. 

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RE: Adding item to desktop or doc

2011-12-22 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Kirsten,

To add an item to the Dock, do the following:

Navigate to the item in Finder or on the Desktop.

Press key-combo [Command+Shift+t].  The item is added to the Dock next to
the Trash icon.

To remove an item from the Dock:

Open its Shortcut menu by pressing key-combo [VO+Shift+m].

Select "Remove from Dock."

Finally, to move an icon to a different location in the Dock:

Place focus on the item you wish to move in the Dock.

Hold down the [Option} key and use the arrow keys to move the item.  Each
arrow key press move the item one place either left or right.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kirsten Edmondson
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 4:03 AM
Subject: Adding item to desktop or doc

Is there a way to add an item to the desktop or to the doc? I would like
easier access to my dropbox (which I've finally got working, though don't
ask me how!) Can I have it on the desktop or in the doc? Can't find anything
in the menus. 

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Re: A couple of questions

2011-12-22 Thread Rahul Bajaj
I would be really glad if someone would be able to respond to my message.

On 20/12/2011, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently downloaded an app called Focus for Facebook.
> So, when I open that app and try to use any of the features, it
> redirects me to a page which asks me if I want to allow this app to be
> used with my Facebook account.
> However, there is no 'allow button' on the screen.
> There are options to report the app, to go back or to view the terms
> and conditions of the app, but there's no option to actually allow
> that app to be used with my Facebook account.
> I faced the same problem even when I downloaded another app called
> Facely HD for Facebook.
> So, what should I do?
> I have another question.
> How can I change the language in which VO speaks from U.S. English to
> Australian or British English?
> I am able to go to the list of languages successfully, but I don't
> know how to select the language that I want.
> I use a wireless keyboard, so how can I select the language that I want?
> I would be extremely grateful if anyone here would be kind enough to help
> me.
> Cheers,
> Rahul

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Re: A couple of questions

2011-12-22 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I can help with one of the questions re languages.

You say you found the language list.

Have you ever interacted with lists before?  namely, voice over keys and shift 
down arrow or up arrow.

I suggest you interact with the language list, find what you want, stop 
interacting and do command Q to close the vo utility folder if indeed you do it 
that way.

If you can't find the button which says allow re Face book then the app may be 
inaccessible with voice over but not sure as I do not use Face book.  If so, 
write to the company concerned and explain about Voice over and see if they can 
make it accessible or request for a refund of your money.


Sent from my iPhone

On 22 Dec 2011, at 02:02 PM, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:

> I would be really glad if someone would be able to respond to my message.
> On 20/12/2011, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I recently downloaded an app called Focus for Facebook.
>> So, when I open that app and try to use any of the features, it
>> redirects me to a page which asks me if I want to allow this app to be
>> used with my Facebook account.
>> However, there is no 'allow button' on the screen.
>> There are options to report the app, to go back or to view the terms
>> and conditions of the app, but there's no option to actually allow
>> that app to be used with my Facebook account.
>> I faced the same problem even when I downloaded another app called
>> Facely HD for Facebook.
>> So, what should I do?
>> I have another question.
>> How can I change the language in which VO speaks from U.S. English to
>> Australian or British English?
>> I am able to go to the list of languages successfully, but I don't
>> know how to select the language that I want.
>> I use a wireless keyboard, so how can I select the language that I want?
>> I would be extremely grateful if anyone here would be kind enough to help
>> me.
>> Cheers,
>> Rahul
> -- 
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Re: partitioning my Mac

2011-12-22 Thread Chris Blouch
The nicest thing about going the VMWare route is that Windows just 
becomes another app that you launch when you need it and quit when you 
don't. You don't have to reboot your whole machine and give up the Mac 
to enter Windows for a while. This also provides a great migration tool. 
As you get more comfortable with the Mac way of doing things and find 
Mac equivalents to your Windows apps you'll be able to avoid using the 
Windows side more and more often. Some folks like the deep dive scorched 
earth way and just try to leave Windows by only using the Mac. That 
works for some but if you have to get work done on a deadline you might 
have to go back to Windows while you're still getting up to speed. Just 
don't let it become a habit.


On 12/22/11 7:11 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

Hello Kirsten,

First, welcome to the wonderful world of Apple.

With regard to Boot Camp versus VM Ware Fusion, it is a matter of needs
versus personal style.

In effect, there is no "better" way; it is just a matter of how you wish to
work and how much time you wish to invest with regard to a learning curve.

In my opinion, given that you are new to the Mac and given the learning
curve of using a windows-based screen reader in conjunction with VoiceOver,
I would recommend that you begin with Boot Camp.

Please keep in mind that unless you have enough vision to read a monitor of
some sort, you will need sighted assistance in order to get Boot Camp up and
running but, once done, you will be in proverbial business.

Conversely, all things being equal, you can setup VM Ware Fusion and,
consequently, Windows 7 completely independently of sighted assistance via
VM Ware Fusion.

As with all complex subjects, there is no proverbial silver bullet or, if
you prefer, "one-size-fits-all."


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kirsten Edmondson
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 3:53 AM
Subject: partitioning my Mac

Hi all,
I need to use Windows for work and the easiest way to do this is to bootcamp
or vmfusion my Mac. Is this easy to do? I heard that VM Fusion was better,
how much does it cost? Can I just get it from Mac apps store? Does boot
camping work just as well? (to save money, if that will work I'm happy to do
that for now).
What do I need to know or need to have handy before I start?

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Re: pages question

2011-12-22 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Kirsten,

To type into the header or footer in Pages, interact with the appropriate field 
then bring the mouse (VO-Cmd-F5) and click using VO-Shift-Space bar.



On 22 Dec 2011, at 13:18, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:

> Hi, 
> In pages, how do I access the header and footer, I have tried interacting 
> with them but what I write always seems to go into the body of the document. 
> Thanks. 
> Kirsten. 
> -- 
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Re: A couple of questions

2011-12-22 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hey Kawal,

Thanks for your reply.
The thing is that the concept of interacting with things doesn't exist
in the case of the iPod Touch.
The method that you suggested does work on the Mac, but not on the iPod Touch.
Am I doing something incorrectly?

And the app which I downloaded for Facebook was in the list of the
most recommended apps on
  So, I think that it does work with VoiceOver.

 Anyway, thanks a lot for your reply.


On 22/12/2011, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> Hi.
> I can help with one of the questions re languages.
> You say you found the language list.
> Have you ever interacted with lists before?  namely, voice over keys and
> shift down arrow or up arrow.
> I suggest you interact with the language list, find what you want, stop
> interacting and do command Q to close the vo utility folder if indeed you do
> it that way.
> If you can't find the button which says allow re Face book then the app may
> be inaccessible with voice over but not sure as I do not use Face book.  If
> so, write to the company concerned and explain about Voice over and see if
> they can make it accessible or request for a refund of your money.
> Kawal.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 22 Dec 2011, at 02:02 PM, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:
>> I would be really glad if someone would be able to respond to my message.
>> On 20/12/2011, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I recently downloaded an app called Focus for Facebook.
>>> So, when I open that app and try to use any of the features, it
>>> redirects me to a page which asks me if I want to allow this app to be
>>> used with my Facebook account.
>>> However, there is no 'allow button' on the screen.
>>> There are options to report the app, to go back or to view the terms
>>> and conditions of the app, but there's no option to actually allow
>>> that app to be used with my Facebook account.
>>> I faced the same problem even when I downloaded another app called
>>> Facely HD for Facebook.
>>> So, what should I do?
>>> I have another question.
>>> How can I change the language in which VO speaks from U.S. English to
>>> Australian or British English?
>>> I am able to go to the list of languages successfully, but I don't
>>> know how to select the language that I want.
>>> I use a wireless keyboard, so how can I select the language that I want?
>>> I would be extremely grateful if anyone here would be kind enough to help
>>> me.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Rahul
>> --
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Questions regarding apps

2011-12-22 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

I hope you all are well.
I have a couple of questions.
Which app do you use on your IOS device for identifying colors?
 And my second question is, I live in India, so will the VizWiz App work for me?

I would be extremely grateful if anyone here would be able to help me.


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Re: Questions regarding apps

2011-12-22 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
I too am looking for a suitable colour identifier app. ideally free if possible.


On 22 Dec 2011, at 17:57, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Hi all,
> I hope you all are well.
> I have a couple of questions.
> Which app do you use on your IOS device for identifying colors?
> And my second question is, I live in India, so will the VizWiz App work for 
> me?
> I would be extremely grateful if anyone here would be able to help me.
> Cheers,
> RB
> -- 
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Mr. L. Alexander.
Free Macs For The Blind.
Direct line: 07936 877500
Twitter: @macsfortheblind

Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working apple 
macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR FREE!

Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to help 
anybody disabled with anything Apple!

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Re: accessible youtube to mp3 converter

2011-12-22 Thread Esther
Hi Jürgen,

The option to "Record Video" should appear on the Dirpy screen just after the 
option for "Record Audio".  If you navigate with VO-Right arrow past the 
"Record" button for saving to an mp3 recording at the end of the "Record Audio" 
section,  just after the announcement of how much space the mp3 recording will 
take up, you'll reach the "Record Video" section.  Then I hear VoiceOver 
announce, "Available Video Qualities", followed by links for "Low - 240p.flv", 
"High - 360p.mp4", "High - 360p.flv", and "High - 480p.flv".  I just VO-Space 
on the link for "High - 360p.mp4" and this downloads automatically for me.  The 
same thing about not getting a notification that this has downloaded applies 
here -- just check your Safari downloads window or your Downloads folder for 
the file.  As I mentioned earlier, I just toggle the downloads window to be 
shown with Command-Option-L, then use Command-` to switch to this window and 
check that the file has downloaded.  You can QuickLook play the file by just 
pressing space bar on the file in Finder.  

If there are difficulties getting the video version, try turning off Safari 
extensions in the Safari preferences menu. (Command-comma to bring up 
preferences, then navigate to  Extensions and VO-Space.  There should be a 
switch to toggle extensions on and off on the Extensions pane, but you 
shouldn't have to do this.)

The only time I had an error message from the video formats was when I tried to 
check the dirpy page from my iPad when I was reading mail.  So I suspect it may 
have something to do with whether you are allowing Flash content to be viewed, 
or have Flash supported on your machine.  I haven't had problems with this page 
on my Mac, but I do have support for Flash content.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Dec 20, 2011, at 23:19, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

> Hi Esther,
> as always: your hints are totally helpfull. Thanks for this. :-)
> I didn't manage to download a you tube video from To save 
> it in mp3 worked fine. Could you please provide me with the stepps I have to 
> do to get it as a video?
> I copied the link in the field and the edit fields were filled in correctly. 
> So far so good. But when I pressed record it downloads an mp3 version of the 
> video. Below all the edit fields there were three possible video formats. But 
> when I clicked on one of them a new window opened and an error message 
> apeared.
> Thanks for your help and
> all the best
> Jürgen
> Am 20.12.2011 um 22:16 schrieb Esther:
>> Hi Jürgen, Jessica, and Others,
>> I answered Gerry's original post asking for an accessible YouTube to mp3 
>> converter with the suggestion that he try the dirpy web site:
>> This site doesn't have the limitation of in 
>> converting videos that they must be less than 20 minutes.  It also allows 
>> you to either paste in a YouTube URL or type in search terms to find a video 
>> for conversion at the YouTube site, choose conversion formats (audio and 
>> video), input MP3 tags (if you choose this format) or accept the defaults, 
>> specify start and stop times for the conversion, and other features.  The 
>> only thing that's disconcerting about the process is that the conversion 
>> happens very fast and automatically downloads without notification.  Just 
>> keep your Safari downloads window open (by either choosing "Downloads" under 
>> the "Window" menu of the Safari menu bar, or else by using the 
>> Command-Option-L shortcut for this).  Then you can switch application 
>> windows with Command-accent to check for the downloaded file.
>> You can read their FAQ about why they feel their site is better than other 
>> YouTube converters:
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Dec 18, 2011, at 22:13, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
>>> Hi Angela,
>>> but it's just for Windows as far as I could tell. Do you know a similar 
>>> solution for the Mac? Also: Am I right that it just extracts the audio of a 
>>> you tube video? 
>>> Is anyone aware of a solution to download the video from you tube. I was 
>>> used to use Safari itself for that purpose. But since Safari 5 it doesn't 
>>> work anymore.
>>> All the best
>>> Jürgen
>>> Am 18.12.2011 um 22:16 schrieb Angela Delicata:
 try Songr; it's easy to use..
 Hope that helps.
 Angela from Italy.
 “Non ho mai incontrato un uomo cosě ignorante dal quale non abbia potuto
 imparare qualcosa”. (Galileo Galilei).
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Jessica
 Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2011 6:45 PM
 Subject: Re: accessible youtube to mp3 converter
 Do you know if there is software available that will download the vidio
 itself?  I've done

Re: accessing notes

2011-12-22 Thread Pete Nalda
I think the notes might be in your inbox in Mail on the Mac. Atleast they are 
in mine, but then I use Gmail.

Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'Day, Mates)
Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
Twitter @lpnalda

Kirsten Edmondson  wrote:

I used to sync my notes from my IPhone onto my outlook. Since I have got a Mac, 
I have just accessed them through my phone, but I assume there must be a way of 
reading them on the Mac too? Where will I find my notes? Is it in the email 
program? Or in ITunes, or in somewhere totally separate? 
Anyone know? 

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email issues

2011-12-22 Thread Badger, Nancy
My work email is on exchange.  I know that outlook is not accessible on the mac 
so I am using mac mail.  I routinely have problems with mac mail working with 
my exchange account.  Does anyone know of a better way to work with my exchange 
account from my work?
Nancy L. Badger, Ph.D.
Director, Counseling and Career Planning
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Services
U. of TN Chattanooga
Phone: 423-425-4438
Fax: 423-425-5527

NOTE: Be aware that email communication cannot be considered confidential based 
on the University System’s policies and procedures and the state ofTennessee ’s 
position that email sent and received in the course of state business is public 
record. Because of this, it is possible that information divulged in this 
manner would not legally be considered privileged communication. In addition, 
receipt and response to email communication cannot be guaranteed.

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Re: accessible youtube to mp3 converter

2011-12-22 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Esther,

thank you very much for the detailed discription. That was what I did as well 
but it didn't work. After your e-mail I tried again and ... ta ta .. now it 
works fine. Must be your magical impact. ;-)

Dirpy is really great and what I was looking for for a long time. To get a 
Youtube video in an iPod friendly format is fantastic.

Thanks again and
all the best

Am 22.12.2011 um 19:22 schrieb Esther:

> Hi Jürgen,
> The option to "Record Video" should appear on the Dirpy screen just after the 
> option for "Record Audio".  If you navigate with VO-Right arrow past the 
> "Record" button for saving to an mp3 recording at the end of the "Record 
> Audio" section,  just after the announcement of how much space the mp3 
> recording will take up, you'll reach the "Record Video" section.  Then I hear 
> VoiceOver announce, "Available Video Qualities", followed by links for "Low - 
> 240p.flv", "High - 360p.mp4", "High - 360p.flv", and "High - 480p.flv".  I 
> just VO-Space on the link for "High - 360p.mp4" and this downloads 
> automatically for me.  The same thing about not getting a notification that 
> this has downloaded applies here -- just check your Safari downloads window 
> or your Downloads folder for the file.  As I mentioned earlier, I just toggle 
> the downloads window to be shown with Command-Option-L, then use Command-` to 
> switch to this window and check that the file has downloaded.  You can 
> QuickLook play the file by just pressing space bar on the file in Finder.  
> If there are difficulties getting the video version, try turning off Safari 
> extensions in the Safari preferences menu. (Command-comma to bring up 
> preferences, then navigate to  Extensions and VO-Space.  There should be a 
> switch to toggle extensions on and off on the Extensions pane, but you 
> shouldn't have to do this.)
> The only time I had an error message from the video formats was when I tried 
> to check the dirpy page from my iPad when I was reading mail.  So I suspect 
> it may have something to do with whether you are allowing Flash content to be 
> viewed, or have Flash supported on your machine.  I haven't had problems with 
> this page on my Mac, but I do have support for Flash content.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Dec 20, 2011, at 23:19, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
>> Hi Esther,
>> as always: your hints are totally helpfull. Thanks for this. :-)
>> I didn't manage to download a you tube video from To save 
>> it in mp3 worked fine. Could you please provide me with the stepps I have to 
>> do to get it as a video?
>> I copied the link in the field and the edit fields were filled in correctly. 
>> So far so good. But when I pressed record it downloads an mp3 version of the 
>> video. Below all the edit fields there were three possible video formats. 
>> But when I clicked on one of them a new window opened and an error message 
>> apeared.
>> Thanks for your help and
>> all the best
>> Jürgen
>> Am 20.12.2011 um 22:16 schrieb Esther:
>>> Hi Jürgen, Jessica, and Others,
>>> I answered Gerry's original post asking for an accessible YouTube to mp3 
>>> converter with the suggestion that he try the dirpy web site:
>>> This site doesn't have the limitation of in 
>>> converting videos that they must be less than 20 minutes.  It also allows 
>>> you to either paste in a YouTube URL or type in search terms to find a 
>>> video for conversion at the YouTube site, choose conversion formats (audio 
>>> and video), input MP3 tags (if you choose this format) or accept the 
>>> defaults, specify start and stop times for the conversion, and other 
>>> features.  The only thing that's disconcerting about the process is that 
>>> the conversion happens very fast and automatically downloads without 
>>> notification.  Just keep your Safari downloads window open (by either 
>>> choosing "Downloads" under the "Window" menu of the Safari menu bar, or 
>>> else by using the Command-Option-L shortcut for this).  Then you can switch 
>>> application windows with Command-accent to check for the downloaded file.
>>> You can read their FAQ about why they feel their site is better than other 
>>> YouTube converters:
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Dec 18, 2011, at 22:13, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
 Hi Angela,
 but it's just for Windows as far as I could tell. Do you know a similar 
 solution for the Mac? Also: Am I right that it just extracts the audio of 
 a you tube video? 
 Is anyone aware of a solution to download the video from you tube. I was 
 used to use Safari itself for that purpose. But since Safari 5 it doesn't 
 work anymore.
 All the best
 Am 18.12.2011 um 22:16 schrieb Angela Delicata:
> try Songr; it's easy to use..
> Hope that helps.
> Angel

Re: How to transfer iTunes library to external hard drive?.

2011-12-22 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Hi. Mac Most now has a video on this. I believe he suggests just copying the 
iTunes media folder rather than the entire iTunes folder to the external drive.
You can then tell iTunes under the preferences menu where the new library will 
be located.
He has a five minute video which explains this at

On Dec 16, 2011, at 4:26 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Chenelle,
> To move your iTunes Library to another location, such as an external HD:
> 1.  Go to the Finder.
> 2.  Press cmd-shift-h to take you to your home directory.
> 3.  Open the Music folder.
> 4.  Navigate to the iTunes folder.
> 5.  Press cmd-c to Copy the folder.
> 6.  Navigate to the drive you wish to move it to.
> 7.  Press cmd-v to Paste it there.
> Note, if you're using Lion, you can press cmd-option-v to move it over there 
> in one command thus instantly removing it from your internal HD.  If you're 
> using Snow Leopard, you'll need to let the copy finish then press cmd-delete 
> on the iTunes folder on your internal HD to move it to the Trash.
> Once it is over on the new HD, you can start up iTunes while holding down the 
> option key and when the dialog appears to choose a new iTunes Library, choose 
> the one on your external HD.  Alternatively, you can set the iTunes Library 
> selection in the Advanced pane of the iTunes Preferences.
> Later...
> On 2011-12-16, at 8:21 AM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:
>> hello all:
>> i have not been out on this  list in quite sometime. my question is how does 
>> one go about transfering their entire itunes library from their  mb pro to 
>> an exturnal hard drive using voice over commands? if someone can get back to 
>> me with this  answer i would most greatfully appreciate it.
>> sincerely, chenelle. have a nice day all.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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Re: email issues

2011-12-22 Thread Chris Blouch
I'm told that Mail and calendar in general work much better with VO 
under OSX 10.7 than 10.6. Have you upgraded to the latest OS?


On 12/22/11 3:27 PM, Badger, Nancy wrote:
My work email is on exchange.  I know that outlook is not accessible 
on the mac so I am using mac mail.  I routinely have problems with mac 
mail working with my exchange account.  Does anyone know of a better 
way to work with my exchange account from my work?

Nancy L. Badger, Ph.D.
Director, Counseling and Career Planning
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Services
U. of TN Chattanooga
Phone: 423-425-4438
Fax: 423-425-5527

NOTE: Be aware that email communication cannot be 
considered confidential based on the University System’s policies and 
procedures and the state ofTennessee ’s position that email sent and 
received in the course of state business is public record. Because of 
this, it is possible that information divulged in this manner would 
not legally be considered privileged communication. In addition, 
receipt and response to email communication cannot be guaranteed.

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Fwd: Apple to the core: episode 4. selecting text on webpages

2011-12-22 Thread Craig J Dunlop
Shannon is this what you were looking for

Sent from my iPhone using Siri 

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Cody 
> Date: September 11, 2011 16:06:32 CDT
> To:
> Subject: Re: Apple to the core: episode 4. selecting text on webpages
> Reply-To:
> I'

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Re: instructions for selecting text from safari

2011-12-22 Thread craig J Dunlop

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Karoline Fredskilde 
> Subject: [macvoiceover] Re: copy and paste text from safari
> Date: August 16, 2011 11:27:27 AM CDT
> To:
> Reply-To:
> If you can't select text by using Shift and the arow keys, you can
> also try to do the following:
> Find the text you want to copy and then press the VO keys + Return
> With the arow keys, find the end of the text you want to select, and
> press VO + Return again.
> Then you can press Comand+C to copy the text, and go to the TextEdit
> document to paste it with comand c.
> Karoline
> 2011/8/16, Daniela Rubio :
>> Hello:
>> There might be an other way of doing it, but what proved to work in my case
>> is one of the following:
>> 1. Interact with the text you want to copy. Then, select in with shift down
>> arrow, and copy it to the clipboard.
>> 2. If this doesn't work, which often occurs, you can do VO left or wright
>> arrow and let Vo speak the block of text you want to copy. There is a
>> command that copies the last sentence spoken into the clipboard. Press Vo
>> shift C and Vo will announce that the last sentence was copied into the
>> clipboard.
>> Go to text Edit or where ever you want to paste it and hit command V.
>> To copy large blokes of text, for example many paragraphs, you might need to
>> do Vo wright arrow and have Vo speak each block you want to copy, and hit Vo
>> Shift C after each sentence, then paste it and go on.
>> I hope I was clear enough! Lol!
>> Take care!
>> El 16/08/2011, a las 14:49, karen alison escribió:
>>> Hi There,
>>> I was wondering if anyone knew how to copy and paste text from Safari into
>>> Text Edit.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Karen  >
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>> interface at
On Dec 21, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:

> I also am interested. My e-mail is
> Thanks
> Francisco Salvador Crespo
> Cómo contactarme/How to contact me
> Mail:
> Messenger:
> Skype: franciscosabalero
> Twitter: crespofrancisco
> Facebook: Francisco Salvador Crespo
> El 21/12/2011, a las 16:29, Shannon Dyer escribió:
>> Hi, all.
>> Someone wrote an email with step by step instructions on how to select text 
>> and have it go to a text edit window. I can't find this email, but would 
>> like very much to have it. If possible, could someone forward it to me? I 
>> would appreciate it greatly.
>> My email address is:
>> Shannon
>> If you're a Pagan, Goddess-centered woman wishing to build community, write 
>> to
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Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

2011-12-22 Thread Jessica
Ok, pardon my ignorance, but where would I even find my mac's camera to even be 
able to use this ap?  I'd like to try it, but really don't want to purchase it 
without knowing where the camera is to be able to use it yet lol.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Miller 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 2:35 PM
  Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

  I used the link and it worked.



[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
  Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:28 PM
  Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


  Hi Daniel, it's certainly possible.


  The link does work for me, so I'd try again in a little while.


  Happy Holidays!!!




  Cara :)


  View my Online Portfolio at:


  Follow me on Twitter!


  On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:

  I'm unable to find that in the app store, so perhaps it didn't propigate yet? 


[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
  Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:57 PM
  Subject: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


  Hey All, for those of you whom may not have seen this.


  Looktel has just released Money Reader for Mac!


  Here's the linkie and the press release.




  Cara :)


  Looktel Money Reader for Macintosh


  NantWorks and IPPLEX have released their revolutionary LookTel Money Reader, 
app for Mac computers on the Apple Mac App Store. The cutting-edge iPhone 
application that has helped thousands of users with visual impairments or 
blindness identify and count bills is now available for Mac OS computers.  By 
simply holding a bill in front of your Mac's camera, the application recognizes 
and speaks the denomination in real-time. LookTel Money Reader for Mac supports 
several international currencies including the Euro, British Pound, Canadian 
Dollar, and Australian Dollar. The app also features VoiceOver integration with 
support for several languages including English, Spanish, French, Italian, 
German, Polish, Russian, Korean, Finnish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Japanese 
and more. If your Mac's language setting is set to any of the supported 
languages, LookTel Money Reader will speak the denomination of a recognized 
bill in that language, regardless of the currency type.

  Powered by LookTel's patented and proprietary object recognition technology, 
the application can seamlessly recognize any bill denomination without the need 
to take a photo as recognition happens in real-time.

  LookTel Money Reader for Mac is the first currency identifier available for 
Apple computers. The app is great for users to count and organize their bills 
in the comfort of their home, or users who do not own an iPhone.  LookTel Money 
Reader for Mac also gives users the option to use the app on their preferred 

  LookTel Money Reader for iPhone launched in March to overwhelming praise from 
critics and users alike, earning a 5-star review average and a featured spot in 
the Apple App Store's "What's Hot" Category. LookTel has also been featured by 
the New York Times, The Huffington Post, Tech Crunch, Engadget, and several 
other major publications. LookTel has also been selected as the winner of the 
Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Chairman's Awards for Advancements in 
Accessibility. The award, which recognizes outstanding efforts to advance 
communications accessibility for people with disabilities, was awarded in 
Washington D.C. on October 28th 2011.

  Future LookTel apps will further leverage IPPLEX's groundbreaking augmented 
reality technology, allowing users to recognize other everyday objects such as 
packaged goods, CDs, medication bottles, and even landmarks. The technology 
also combines precision image recognition technology with text reader 
capabilities using full featured Optical Character Recognition (OCR). 

  The LookTel technology powering the application was developed by IPPLEX under 
sponsorship from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and was awarded two 
research grants from the National Eye Institute (NEI) and the National 
Institute of Aging (NIA).

  About IPPLEX 
  IPPLEX researches and develops pioneering cross-platform applications and 
services focused on interactive communication - between people and the 
information, contacts and places they need to access through their mobile phone 
or PC. Our award-winning iVisit mobile video conferencing solutions have made 
business simpler and easier 

RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

2011-12-22 Thread Daniel Miller
Hi, it's on the top of your screen, but there's no physical way to figure
out where the camera is in addition to the rest of the screen,



[] On Behalf Of Jessica
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


Ok, pardon my ignorance, but where would I even find my mac's camera to even
be able to use this ap?  I'd like to try it, but really don't want to
purchase it without knowing where the camera is to be able to use it yet

- Original Message - 

From: Daniel Miller   


Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 2:35 PM

Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


I used the link and it worked.



[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


Hi Daniel, it's certainly possible.


The link does work for me, so I'd try again in a little while.


Happy Holidays!!!




Cara :)


View my Online Portfolio at:


Follow me on Twitter!


On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:


I'm unable to find that in the app store, so perhaps it didn't propigate
yet? H..


[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:57 PM
Subject: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


Hey All, for those of you whom may not have seen this.


Looktel has just released Money Reader for Mac!


Here's the linkie and the press release.




Cara :)


Looktel Money Reader for Macintosh



NantWorks and IPPLEX have released their revolutionary
 LookTel Money Reader, app for Mac computers on the
Apple Mac App Store. The cutting-edge iPhone application that has helped
thousands of users with visual impairments or blindness identify and count
bills is now available for Mac OS computers.  By simply holding a bill in
front of your Mac's camera, the application recognizes and speaks the
denomination in real-time. LookTel Money Reader for Mac supports several
international currencies including the Euro, British Pound, Canadian Dollar,
and Australian Dollar. The app also features VoiceOver integration with
support for several languages including English, Spanish, French, Italian,
German, Polish, Russian, Korean, Finnish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian,
Japanese and more. If your Mac's language setting is set to any of the
supported languages, LookTel Money Reader will speak the denomination of a
recognized bill in that language, regardless of the currency type.

Powered by LookTel's patented and proprietary object recognition technology,
the application can seamlessly recognize any bill denomination without the
need to take a photo as recognition happens in real-time.

LookTel Money Reader for Mac is the first currency identifier available for
Apple computers. The app is great for users to count and organize their
bills in the comfort of their home, or users who do not own an iPhone.
LookTel Money Reader for Mac also gives users the option to use the app on
their preferred platform.  

LookTel Money Reader for iPhone launched in March to overwhelming praise
from critics and users alike, earning a 5-star review average and a featured
spot in the Apple App Store's "What's Hot" Category. LookTel has also been
featured by the New York Times, The Huffington Post, Tech Crunch, Engadget,
and several other major publications. LookTel has also been selected as the
winner of the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Chairman's Awards
for Advancements in Accessibility. The award, which recognizes outstanding
efforts to advance communications accessibility for people with
disabilities, was awarded in Washington D.C. on October 28th 2011.

Future LookTel apps will further leverage IPPLEX's groundbreaking augmented
reality technology, allowing users to recognize other everyday objects such
as packaged goods, CDs, medication bottles, and even landmarks. The
technology also combines precision image recognition technology with text
reader capabilities using full featured Optical Character Recognition (OCR).

The LookTel technology powering the application was developed by IPPLEX
under sponsorship from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and was
awarded two research grants from the National Eye Institute (NEI) and the
National Inst

Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

2011-12-22 Thread Jessica
Interesting, so how exactly do you figure out how to use the ap then?  I'm 
guessing it's just hit and miss?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Miller 
  Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 4:00 PM
  Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

  Hi, it's on the top of your screen, but there's no physical way to figure out 
where the camera is in addition to the rest of the screen, unfortunately.



[] On Behalf Of Jessica
  Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 5:48 PM
  Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


  Ok, pardon my ignorance, but where would I even find my mac's camera to even 
be able to use this ap?  I'd like to try it, but really don't want to purchase 
it without knowing where the camera is to be able to use it yet lol.

- Original Message - 

From: Daniel Miller 


Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 2:35 PM

Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


I used the link and it worked.



[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


Hi Daniel, it's certainly possible.


The link does work for me, so I'd try again in a little while.


Happy Holidays!!!




Cara :)


View my Online Portfolio at:


Follow me on Twitter!


On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:


I'm unable to find that in the app store, so perhaps it didn't propigate 
yet? H..


[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:57 PM
Subject: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


Hey All, for those of you whom may not have seen this.


Looktel has just released Money Reader for Mac!


Here's the linkie and the press release.




Cara :)


Looktel Money Reader for Macintosh


NantWorks and IPPLEX have released their revolutionary LookTel Money 
Reader, app for Mac computers on the Apple Mac App Store. The cutting-edge 
iPhone application that has helped thousands of users with visual impairments 
or blindness identify and count bills is now available for Mac OS computers.  
By simply holding a bill in front of your Mac's camera, the application 
recognizes and speaks the denomination in real-time. LookTel Money Reader for 
Mac supports several international currencies including the Euro, British 
Pound, Canadian Dollar, and Australian Dollar. The app also features VoiceOver 
integration with support for several languages including English, Spanish, 
French, Italian, German, Polish, Russian, Korean, Finnish, Danish, Swedish, 
Norwegian, Japanese and more. If your Mac's language setting is set to any of 
the supported languages, LookTel Money Reader will speak the denomination of a 
recognized bill in that language, regardless of the currency type.

Powered by LookTel's patented and proprietary object recognition 
technology, the application can seamlessly recognize any bill denomination 
without the need to take a photo as recognition happens in real-time.

LookTel Money Reader for Mac is the first currency identifier available for 
Apple computers. The app is great for users to count and organize their bills 
in the comfort of their home, or users who do not own an iPhone.  LookTel Money 
Reader for Mac also gives users the option to use the app on their preferred 

LookTel Money Reader for iPhone launched in March to overwhelming praise 
from critics and users alike, earning a 5-star review average and a featured 
spot in the Apple App Store's "What's Hot" Category. LookTel has also been 
featured by the New York Times, The Huffington Post, Tech Crunch, Engadget, and 
several other major publications. LookTel has also been selected as the winner 
of the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Chairman's Awards for 
Advancements in Accessibility. The award, which recognizes outstanding efforts 
to advance communications accessibility for people with disabilities, was 
awarded in Washington D.C. on October 28th 2011.

Future LookTel apps will further leverage IPPLEX's groundbreaking augmented 
reality technology, allowing users to recognize other every

Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

2011-12-22 Thread Charlie Doremus
Is your Mac a desktop or laptop and what size is the display?



Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
the off the bookshelf link 

On Dec 22, 2011, at 1:48 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:

> Ok, pardon my ignorance, but where would I even  find my mac's camera to even 
> be able to use this ap?  I'd like to try it, but really don't want to 
> purchase it without knowing where the camera is to be able to use it yet lol.
> - Original Message -
> From: Daniel Miller
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 2:35 PM
> Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
> I used the link and it worked.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
> Hi Daniel, it's certainly possible.
> The link does work for me, so I'd try again in a little while.
> Happy Holidays!!!
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
> On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
> I’m unable to find that in the app store, so perhaps it didn’t propigate yet? 
> H….
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:57 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
> Hey All, for those of you whom may not have seen this…
> Looktel has just released Money Reader for Mac!
> Here's the linkie and the press release…
> Enjoy!
> Cara :)
> ---
> Looktel Money Reader for Macintosh
> NantWorks and IPPLEX have released their revolutionary LookTel Money Reader, 
> app for Mac computers on the Apple Mac App Store. The cutting-edge iPhone 
> application that has helped thousands of users with visual impairments or 
> blindness identify and count bills is now available for Mac OScomputers.  
> By simply holding a bill in front of your Mac’s camera, the application 
> recognizes and speaks the denomination in real-time. LookTel Money Reader for 
> Mac supports several international currencies including the Euro, British 
> Pound, Canadian Dollar, and Australian Dollar. The app also features 
> VoiceOver integration with support for several languages including English, 
> Spanish, French, Italian, German, Polish, Russian, Korean, Finnish, Danish, 
> Swedish, Norwegian, Japanese and more. If your Mac’s language setting is set 
> to any of the supported languages, LookTel Money Reader will speak the 
> denomination of a recognized bill in that language, regardless of the 
> currency type.
> Powered by LookTel's patented and proprietary object recognition technology, 
> the application can seamlessly recognize any bill denomination without the 
> need to take a photo as recognition happens in real-time.
> LookTel Money Reader for Mac is the first currency identifier available for 
> Apple computers. The app is great for users to count and organize their bills 
> in the comfort of their home, or users who do not own an iPhone.  LookTel 
> Money Reader for Mac also gives users the option to use the app on their 
> preferred platform.  
> LookTel Money Reader for iPhone launched in March to overwhelming praise from 
> critics and users alike, earning a 5-star review average and a featured spot 
> in the Apple App Store's "What's Hot" Category. LookTel has also been 
> featured by the NewYork Times, The Huffington Post, Tech Crunch, 
> Engadget, and several other major publications. LookTel has also been 
> selected as the winner of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) 
> Chairman’s Awards for Advancements in Accessibility. The award, which 
> recognizes outstanding efforts to advance communications accessibility for 
> people with disabilities, was awarded in Washington D.C. on October 28th 2011.
> Future LookTel apps will further leverage IPPLEX's groundbreaking augmented 
> realitytechnology, allowing users to recognize other everyday objects 
> such as packaged goods, CDs, medication bottles, and even landmarks. The 
> technology also combines precision image recognition technology with text 
> reader capabilities using full featured Optical Character Recognition (OCR). 
> The LookTel technology powering the application was developed by IPPLEX under 
> sponsorship from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and was awarded two 
> research grants from the National Eye Institute (NEI) and the National 
> Institute ofAging (NIA).
> About IPPLEX 
> IPPLEX researches and develops pioneering cross-pla

Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

2011-12-22 Thread Jessica
I have the macbook pro, and have no idea what size the display is.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Charlie Doremus 
  Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 4:08 PM
  Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

  Is your Mac a desktop or laptop and what size is the display?



  Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
the off the bookshelf link 

  On Dec 22, 2011, at 1:48 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:

Ok, pardon my ignorance, but where would I even find my mac's camera to 
even be able to use this ap?  I'd like to try it, but really don't want to 
purchase it without knowing where the camera is to be able to use it yet lol.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Miller 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 2:35 PM
  Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

  I used the link and it worked.

[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
  Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:28 PM
  Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

  Hi Daniel, it's certainly possible.

  The link does work for me, so I'd try again in a little while.

  Happy Holidays!!!


  Cara :)


  View my Online Portfolio at:

  Follow me on Twitter!

  On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:

  I’m unable to find that in the app store, so perhaps it didn’t propigate 
yet? H….

[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
  Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:57 PM
  Subject: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

  Hey All, for those of you whom may not have seen this…

  Looktel has just released Money Reader for Mac!

  Here's the linkie and the press release…


  Cara :)


  Looktel Money Reader for Macintosh

  NantWorks and IPPLEX have released their revolutionary LookTel Money 
Reader, app for Mac computers on the Apple Mac App Store. The cutting-edge 
iPhone application that has helped thousands of users with visual impairments 
or blindness identify and count bills is now available for Mac OS computers.  
By simply holding a bill in front of your Mac’s camera, the application 
recognizes and speaks the denomination in real-time. LookTel Money Reader for 
Mac supports several international currencies including the Euro, British 
Pound, Canadian Dollar, and Australian Dollar. The app also features VoiceOver 
integration with support for several languages including English, Spanish, 
French, Italian, German, Polish, Russian, Korean, Finnish, Danish, Swedish, 
Norwegian, Japanese and more. If your Mac’s language setting is set to any of 
the supported languages, LookTel Money Reader will speak the denomination of a 
recognized bill in that language, regardless of the currency type.

  Powered by LookTel's patented and proprietary object recognition 
technology, the application can seamlessly recognize any bill denomination 
without the need to take a photo as recognition happens in real-time.

  LookTel Money Reader for Mac is the first currency identifier available 
for Apple computers. The app is great for users to count and organize their 
bills in the comfort of their home, or users who do not own an iPhone.  LookTel 
Money Reader for Mac also gives users the option to use the app on their 
preferred platform.  

  LookTel Money Reader for iPhone launched in March to overwhelming praise 
from critics and users alike, earning a 5-star review average and a featured 
spot in the Apple App Store's "What's Hot" Category. LookTel has also been 
featured by the New York Times, The Huffington Post, Tech Crunch, Engadget, and 
several other major publications. LookTel has also been selected as the winner 
of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Chairman’s Awards for 
Advancements in Accessibility. The award, which recognizes outstanding efforts 
to advance communications accessibility for people with disabilities, was 
awarded in Washington D.C. on October 28th 2011.

  Future LookTel apps will further leverage IPPLEX's groundbreaking 
augmented reality technology, allowing users to recognize other everyday 
objects such as packaged goods, CDs, medication bottles, and even landmarks. 
The technology also combines precision image recognition technology with text 
reader capabilities using full featured Optical Character

RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

2011-12-22 Thread Daniel Miller
Regardless of screen size, the camera will be in the middle of the screen up
at the top.



[] On Behalf Of Jessica
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


I have the macbook pro, and have no idea what size the display is.

- Original Message - 

From: Charlie Doremus   



Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 4:08 PM

Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


Is your Mac a desktop or laptop and what size is the display?





Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click
the off the bookshelf link  



On Dec 22, 2011, at 1:48 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:

Ok, pardon my ignorance, but where would I even find my mac's camera to even
be able to use this ap?  I'd like to try it, but really don't want to
purchase it without knowing where the camera is to be able to use it yet

- Original Message - 

From: Daniel Miller   


Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 2:35 PM

Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


I used the link and it worked.

[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

Hi Daniel, it's certainly possible.

The link does work for me, so I'd try again in a little while.

Happy Holidays!!!


Cara :)


View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:

I'm unable to find that in the app store, so perhaps it didn't propigate
yet? H..

[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:57 PM
Subject: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

Hey All, for those of you whom may not have seen this.

Looktel has just released Money Reader for Mac!

Here's the linkie and the press release.


Cara :)


Looktel Money Reader for Macintosh


NantWorks and IPPLEX have released their revolutionary
 LookTel Money Reader, app for Mac computers on the
Apple Mac App Store. The cutting-edge iPhone application that has helped
thousands of users with visual impairments or blindness identify and count
bills is now available for Mac OS computers.  By simply holding a bill in
front of your Mac's camera, the application recognizes and speaks the
denomination in real-time. LookTel Money Reader for Mac supports several
international currencies including the Euro, British Pound, Canadian Dollar,
and Australian Dollar. The app also features VoiceOver integration with
support for several languages including English, Spanish, French, Italian,
German, Polish, Russian, Korean, Finnish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian,
Japanese and more. If your Mac's language setting is set to any of the
supported languages, LookTel Money Reader will speak the denomination of a
recognized bill in that language, regardless of the currency type.

Powered by LookTel's patented and proprietary object recognition technology,
the application can seamlessly recognize any bill denomination without the
need to take a photo as recognition happens in real-time.

LookTel Money Reader for Mac is the first currency identifier available for
Apple computers. The app is great for users to count and organize their
bills in the comfort of their home, or users who do not own an iPhone.
LookTel Money Reader for Mac also gives users the option to use the app on
their preferred platform.  

LookTel Money Reader for iPhone launched in March to overwhelming praise
from critics and users alike, earning a 5-star review average and a featured
spot in the Apple App Store's "What's Hot" Category. LookTel has also been
featured by the New York Times, The Huffington Post, Tech Crunch, Engadget,
and several other major publications. LookTel has also been selected as the
winner of the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Chairman's Awards
for Advancements in Accessibility. The award, which recognizes outstanding
efforts to advance communications accessibility for people with
disabilities, was awarded in Washington D.C. on October 28th 2011.

Future LookTel apps will further leverage IPPLEX's groundbreaking augmented
reality technology, allowing users to recognize 

Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

2011-12-22 Thread Charlie Doremus
Answering this question is like explaining colors to a blind person who has 
never seen them. Personally I think it will next to impossible for a totally 
blind person to use the app under discussion here.  If someone figures that out 
I would love to hear about that solution so I can share it with my friends at 



Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
the off the bookshelf link 

On Dec 22, 2011, at 2:58 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:

> I have the macbook pro, and have no idea what size the display is.
> - Original Message -
> From: Charlie Doremus
> To:
> Cc: 
> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 4:08 PM
> Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
> Is your Mac a desktop or laptop and what size is the display?
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
> the off the bookshelf link 
> On Dec 22, 2011, at 1:48 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:
>> Ok, pardon my ignorance, but where would I even  find my mac's camera to 
>> even be able to use this ap?  I'd like to try it, but really don't want to 
>> purchase it without knowing where the camera is to be able to use it yet lol.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Daniel Miller
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 2:35 PM
>> Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
>> I used the link and it worked.
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:28 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
>> Hi Daniel, it's certainly possible.
>> The link does work for me, so I'd try again in a little while.
>> Happy Holidays!!!
>> Smiles,
>> Cara :)
>> ---
>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>> Follow me on Twitter!
>> On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>> I’m unable to find that in the app store, so perhaps it didn’t propigate 
>> yet? H….
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:57 PM
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
>> Hey All, for those of you whom may not have seen this…
>> Looktel has just released Money Reader for Mac!
>> Here's the linkie and the press release…
>> Enjoy!
>> Cara :)
>> ---
>> Looktel Money Reader for Macintosh
>> NantWorks and IPPLEX have released their revolutionary LookTel Money Reader, 
>> app for Mac computers on the Apple Mac App Store. The cutting-edge iPhone 
>> application that has helped thousands of users with visual impairments or 
>> blindness identify and count bills is now available for Mac OS computers.  
>> By simply holding a bill in front of your Mac’s camera, the application 
>> recognizes and speaks the denomination inreal-time. LookTel Money 
>> Reader for Mac supports several international currencies including the Euro, 
>> British Pound, Canadian Dollar, and Australian Dollar. The app also features 
>> VoiceOver integration with support for several languages including English, 
>> Spanish, French, Italian, German, Polish, Russian, Korean, Finnish, Danish, 
>> Swedish, Norwegian, Japanese and more. If your Mac’s language setting is set 
>> to any of thesupported languages, LookTel Money Reader will speak 
>> the denomination of a recognized bill in that language, regardless of the 
>> currency type.
>> Powered by LookTel's patented and proprietary object recognition technology, 
>> the application can seamlessly recognize any bill denomination without the 
>> need to take a photo as recognition happens in real-time.
>> LookTel Money Reader for Mac is the first currency identifier available for 
>> Apple computers. The app is great for users to count and organize their 
>> bills in the comfort of their home, or users who do not own an iPhone.  
>> LookTel Money Reader for Mac also gives users the option to use the app on 
>> their preferred platform.  
>> LookTel Money Reader for iPhone launched in March to overwhelming praise 
>> from critics and users alike, earning a 5-star review average and a featured 
>> spot in the Apple App Store's "What's Hot" Category. LookTel has also been 
>> featured by the New York Times, The Huffington Post, Tech Crunch, Engadget, 
>> and several other major publications. LookTel has also beenselected 
>> as the winner of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Chairman’s 
>> Awards for Advancements in Accessibility. The award, which recognizes 
>> outstanding efforts to advance communications accessibil

RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

2011-12-22 Thread Daniel Miller
That's not true at all. I use the app perfectly on both iOS and Mac OS X.



[] On Behalf Of Charlie Doremus
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


Answering this question is like explaining colors to a blind person who has
never seen them. Personally I think it will next to impossible for a totally
blind person to use the app under discussion here.  If someone figures that
out I would love to hear about that solution so I can share it with my
friends at Apple. 





Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click
the off the bookshelf link 



On Dec 22, 2011, at 2:58 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:

I have the macbook pro, and have no idea what size the display is.

- Original Message - 

From: Charlie Doremus   



Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 4:08 PM

Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


Is your Mac a desktop or laptop and what size is the display?





Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click
the off the bookshelf link  



On Dec 22, 2011, at 1:48 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:

Ok, pardon my ignorance, but where would I even find my mac's camera to even
be able to use this ap?  I'd like to try it, but really don't want to
purchase it without knowing where the camera is to be able to use it yet

- Original Message - 

From: Daniel Miller   


Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 2:35 PM

Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


I used the link and it worked.

[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

Hi Daniel, it's certainly possible.

The link does work for me, so I'd try again in a little while.

Happy Holidays!!!


Cara :)


View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:

I'm unable to find that in the app store, so perhaps it didn't propigate
yet? H..

[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:57 PM
Subject: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

Hey All, for those of you whom may not have seen this.

Looktel has just released Money Reader for Mac!

Here's the linkie and the press release.


Cara :)


Looktel Money Reader for Macintosh


NantWorks and IPPLEX have released their revolutionary
 LookTel Money Reader, app for Mac computers on the
Apple Mac App Store. The cutting-edge iPhone application that has helped
thousands of users with visual impairments or blindness identify and count
bills is now available for Mac OS computers.  By simply holding a bill in
front of your Mac's camera, the application recognizes and speaks the
denomination in real-time. LookTel Money Reader for Mac supports several
international currencies including the Euro, British Pound, Canadian Dollar,
and Australian Dollar. The app also features VoiceOver integration with
support for several languages including English, Spanish, French, Italian,
German, Polish, Russian, Korean, Finnish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian,
Japanese and more. If your Mac's language setting is set to any of the
supported languages, LookTel Money Reader will speak the denomination of a
recognized bill in that language, regardless of the currency type.

Powered by LookTel's patented and proprietary object recognition technology,
the application can seamlessly recognize any bill denomination without the
need to take a photo as recognition happens in real-time.

LookTel Money Reader for Mac is the first currency identifier available for
Apple computers. The app is great for users to count and organize their
bills in the comfort of their home, or users who do not own an iPhone.
LookTel Money Reader for Mac also gives users the option to use the app on
their preferred platform.  

LookTel Money Reader for iPhone launched in March to overwhelming praise
from critics and users alike, earning a 5-star review average and a featured
spot in the Apple App Store's "What's Hot" Category. LookTel has also been
featured by the New York Times, The Huffington Post, T

Re: Apple to the core: episode 4. selecting text on webpages

2011-12-22 Thread Shannon Dyer
I'm not sure. All I see below your message is the letter i and an apostrophe, 
followed by the standard google group signature. I'm not sure where the actual 
contents of the message went.

Thanks for trying to find it though.


If you're a Pagan, Goddess-centered woman wishing to build community, write to

On Dec 22, 2011, at 5:48 PM, Craig J Dunlop wrote:

> Shannon is this what you were looking for
> Sent from my iPhone using Siri 
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Cody 
>> Date: September 11, 2011 16:06:32 CDT
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Apple to the core: episode 4. selecting text on webpages
>> Reply-To:
>> I'
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: instructions for selecting text from safari

2011-12-22 Thread Shannon Dyer
This is better. Thanks much.


If you're a Pagan, Goddess-centered woman wishing to build community, write to

On Dec 22, 2011, at 6:08 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:

> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Karoline Fredskilde 
>> Subject: [macvoiceover] Re: copy and paste text from safari
>> Date: August 16, 2011 11:27:27 AM CDT
>> To:
>> Reply-To:
>> If you can't select text by using Shift and the arow keys, you can
>> also try to do the following:
>> Find the text you want to copy and then press the VO keys + Return
>> With the arow keys, find the end of the text you want to select, and
>> press VO + Return again.
>> Then you can press Comand+C to copy the text, and go to the TextEdit
>> document to paste it with comand c.
>> Karoline
>> 2011/8/16, Daniela Rubio :
>>> Hello:
>>> There might be an other way of doing it, but what proved to work in my case
>>> is one of the following:
>>> 1. Interact with the text you want to copy. Then, select in with shift down
>>> arrow, and copy it to the clipboard.
>>> 2. If this doesn't work, which often occurs, you can do VO left or wright
>>> arrow and let Vo speak the block of text you want to copy. There is a
>>> command that copies the last sentence spoken into the clipboard. Press Vo
>>> shift C and Vo will announce that the last sentence was copied into the
>>> clipboard.
>>> Go to text Edit or where ever you want to paste it and hit command V.
>>> To copy large blokes of text, for example many paragraphs, you might need to
>>> do Vo wright arrow and have Vo speak each block you want to copy, and hit Vo
>>> Shift C after each sentence, then paste it and go on.
>>> I hope I was clear enough! Lol!
>>> Take care!
>>> El 16/08/2011, a las 14:49, karen alison escribió:
 Hi There,
 I was wondering if anyone knew how to copy and paste text from Safari into
 Text Edit.
 Karen  >
> Click on the link below to go to our homepage.
> Manage your subscription by using the web interface on the link below.
> Users can subscribe to this list by sending email to
> with 'subscribe' in the Subject field OR by logging into the Web
> interface at
 Click on the link below to go to our homepage.
 Manage your subscription by using the web interface on the link below.
 Users can subscribe to this list by sending email to
 with 'subscribe' in the Subject field OR by logging into the Web
 interface at
>>> Click on the link below to go to our homepage.
>>> Manage your subscription by using the web interface on the link below.
>>> Users can subscribe to this list by sending email to
>>> with 'subscribe' in the Subject field OR by logging into the Web
>>> interface at
> On Dec 21, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
>> I also am interested. My e-mail is
>> Thanks
>> Francisco Salvador Crespo
>> Cómo contactarme/How to contact me
>> Mail:
>> Messenger:
>> Skype: franciscosabalero
>> Twitter: crespofrancisco
>> Facebook: Francisco Salvador Crespo
>> El 21/12/2011, a las 16:29, Shannon Dyer escribió:
>>> Hi, all.
>>> Someone wrote an email with step by step instructions on how to select text 
>>> and have it go to a text edit window. I can't find this email, but would 
>>> like very much to have it. If possible, could someone forward it to me? I 
>>> would appreciate it greatly.
>>> My email address is:
>>> Shannon
>>> If you're a Pagan, Goddess-centered woman wishing to build community, write 
>>> to
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe

Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

2011-12-22 Thread Jessica
Ok, sounds fare enough, I'd think it would be along the same lines as trying to 
use a scanner, seeing as how you don't always know if you're placing a document 
face up, face down, or at what angle you even have it turned when you've put it 
on the scanner in the first place, so you just have to play around with it and 
hope for the best.
  I could be wrong though; I like the fact that they're coming out with these 
aps though, so we don't have to continue to have to invest loads of money into 
these secondary devices that we can only use for 1 perpose and have to lug all 
over the place in conjunction with our phone's if we want to live our every-day 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Miller 
  Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 5:27 PM
  Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

  That's not true at all. I use the app perfectly on both iOS and Mac OS X.



[] On Behalf Of Charlie Doremus
  Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 7:26 PM
  Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


  Answering this question is like explaining colors to a blind person who has 
never seen them. Personally I think it will next to impossible for a totally 
blind person to use the app under discussion here.  If someone figures that out 
I would love to hear about that solution so I can share it with my friends at 





  Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
the off the bookshelf link 



  On Dec 22, 2011, at 2:58 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:

I have the macbook pro, and have no idea what size the display is.

  - Original Message - 

  From: Charlie Doremus 



  Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 4:08 PM

  Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


  Is your Mac a desktop or laptop and what size is the display?





  Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at 
click the off the bookshelf link  



  On Dec 22, 2011, at 1:48 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:

Ok, pardon my ignorance, but where would I even find my mac's camera to 
even be able to use this ap?  I'd like to try it, but really don't want to 
purchase it without knowing where the camera is to be able to use it yet lol.

  - Original Message - 

  From: Daniel Miller 


  Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 2:35 PM

  Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


  I used the link and it worked.

[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
  Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:28 PM
  Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

  Hi Daniel, it's certainly possible.

  The link does work for me, so I'd try again in a little while.

  Happy Holidays!!!


  Cara :)


  View my Online Portfolio at:

  Follow me on Twitter!

  On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:

  I'm unable to find that in the app store, so perhaps it didn't 
propigate yet? H..

[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
  Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:57 PM
  Subject: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

  Hey All, for those of you whom may not have seen this.

  Looktel has just released Money Reader for Mac!

  Here's the linkie and the press release.


  Cara :)


  Looktel Money Reader for Macintosh

  NantWorks and IPPLEX have released their revolutionary LookTel Money 
Reader, app for Mac computers on the Apple Mac App Store. The cutting-edge 
iPhone application that has helped thousands of users with visual impairments 
or blindness identify and count bills is now available for Mac OS computers.  
By simply holding a bill in front of your Mac's camera, the application 
recognizes and speaks the denomination in real-time. LookTel Money Reader for 
Mac supports several international currencies including the Euro, British 
Pound, Canadian Dollar, and Australian Dollar. The app also features VoiceOver 

Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

2011-12-22 Thread Charlie Doremus
Good Dan tell me what hunter green is.



Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
the off the bookshelf link 

On Dec 22, 2011, at 3:27 PM, "Daniel Miller"  wrote:

> That’s not true at all. I use the app perfectly on both iOS and Mac OS X.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Charlie Doremus
> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 7:26 PM
> To:
> Cc: 
> Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
> Answering this question is like explaining colors to a blind person who has 
> never seen them. Personally I think it will next to impossible for a totally 
> blind person to use the app under discussion here.  If someone figures that 
> out I would love to hear about that solution so I can share it with my 
> friends at Apple. 
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
> the off the bookshelf link 
> On Dec 22, 2011, at 2:58 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:
> I have the macbook pro, and have no idea what size the display is.
> - Original Message -
> From: Charlie Doremus
> To:
> Cc: 
> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 4:08 PM
> Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
> Is your Mac a desktop or laptop and what size is the display?
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
> the off the bookshelf link 
> On Dec 22, 2011, at 1:48 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:
> Ok, pardon my ignorance, but where would I even find my mac's camera to even 
> be able to use this ap?  I'd like to try it, but really don't want to 
> purchase it without knowing where the camera is to be able to use it yet lol.
> - Original Message -
> From: Daniel Miller
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 2:35 PM
> Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
> I used the link and it worked.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
> Hi Daniel, it's certainly possible.
> The link does work for me, so I'd try again in a little while.
> Happy Holidays!!!
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
> On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
> I’m unable to find that in the app store, so perhaps it didn’t propigate yet? 
> H….
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:57 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
> Hey All, for those of you whom may not have seen this…
> Looktel has just released Money Reader for Mac!
> Here's the linkie and the press release…
> Enjoy!
> Cara :)
> ---
> Looktel Money Reader for Macintosh
> NantWorks and IPPLEX have released their revolutionary LookTel Money Reader, 
> app for Mac computers on the Apple Mac App Store. The cutting-edge iPhone 
> application that has helped thousands of users with visual impairments or 
> blindness identify and count bills is now available for Mac OS computers.  By 
> simply holding a bill in front of your Mac’s camera, the application 
> recognizes and speaks the denomination in real-time. LookTel Money Reader for 
> Mac supports several international currencies including the Euro, British 
> Pound, Canadian Dollar, and Australian Dollar. The app also features 
> VoiceOver integration with support for several languages including English, 
> Spanish, French, Italian, German, Polish, Russian, Korean, Finnish, Danish, 
> Swedish, Norwegian, Japanese and more. If your Mac’s language setting is set 
> to any of the supported languages, LookTel Money Reader will speak the 
> denomination of a recognized bill in that language, regardless of the 
> currency type.
> Powered by LookTel's patented and proprietary object recognition technology, 
> the application can seamlessly recognize any bill denomination without the 
> need to take a photo as recognition happens in real-time.
> LookTel Money Reader for Mac is the first currency identifier available for 
> Apple computers. The app is great for users to count and organize their bills 
> in the comfort of their home, or users who do not own an iPhone.  LookTel 
> Money Reader for Mac also gives users the option to use the app on their 
> preferred platform.  
> LookTel Money Reader for iPhone launched in March to overwhelming praise from

RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

2011-12-22 Thread Daniel Miller
What does that have to do with using a money reader app? Once a visually
impaired person knows where the camera on the mac is, there's no issues at


[] On Behalf Of Charlie Doremus
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


Good Dan tell me what hunter green is.





Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click
the off the bookshelf link 



On Dec 22, 2011, at 3:27 PM, "Daniel Miller"  wrote:

That's not true at all. I use the app perfectly on both iOS and Mac OS X.



[] On Behalf Of Charlie Doremus
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


Answering this question is like explaining colors to a blind person who has
never seen them. Personally I think it will next to impossible for a totally
blind person to use the app under discussion here.  If someone figures that
out I would love to hear about that solution so I can share it with my
friends at Apple. 





Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click
the off the bookshelf link 



On Dec 22, 2011, at 2:58 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:

I have the macbook pro, and have no idea what size the display is.

- Original Message - 

From: Charlie Doremus   



Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 4:08 PM

Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


Is your Mac a desktop or laptop and what size is the display?





Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click
the off the bookshelf link  



On Dec 22, 2011, at 1:48 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:

Ok, pardon my ignorance, but where would I even find my mac's camera to even
be able to use this ap?  I'd like to try it, but really don't want to
purchase it without knowing where the camera is to be able to use it yet

- Original Message - 

From: Daniel Miller   


Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 2:35 PM

Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)


I used the link and it worked.

[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

Hi Daniel, it's certainly possible.

The link does work for me, so I'd try again in a little while.

Happy Holidays!!!


Cara :)


View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:

I'm unable to find that in the app store, so perhaps it didn't propigate
yet? H..

[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:57 PM
Subject: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

Hey All, for those of you whom may not have seen this.

Looktel has just released Money Reader for Mac!

Here's the linkie and the press release.


Cara :)


Looktel Money Reader for Macintosh


NantWorks and IPPLEX have released their revolutionary
 LookTel Money Reader, app for Mac computers on the
Apple Mac App Store. The cutting-edge iPhone application that has helped
thousands of users with visual impairments or blindness identify and count
bills is now available for Mac OS computers.  By simply holding a bill in
front of your Mac's camera, the application recognizes and speaks the
denomination in real-time. LookTel Money Reader for Mac supports several
international currencies including the Euro, British Pound, Canadian Dollar,
and Australian Dollar. The app also features VoiceOver integration with
support for several languages including English, Spanish, French, Italian,
German, Polish, Russian, Korean, Finnish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian,
Japanese and more. If your Mac's language setting is set to any of the
supported languages, LookTel Money Reader will speak the denomination of a
recognized bill in that language, regardless of the currency type.

Powered by LookTel's patented and proprietary object recognition technology,
the application can seamlessly recognize any bill denomination without the
need to take a photo as

Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

2011-12-22 Thread Charlie Doremus
Good for you Jessica you get it. I can see and at the moment can't figure out a 
way to explain the location of the camera other then what has already been 
stated here. But if I do I will email you privately so the list is not clogged 



Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
the off the bookshelf link 

On Dec 22, 2011, at 3:54 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:

> Ok, sounds fare enough, I'd think it would be along  the same lines as trying 
> to use a scanner, seeing as how you don't always know if you're placing a 
> document face up, face down, or at what angle you even have it turned when 
> you've put it on the scanner in the first place, so you just have to play 
> around with it and hope for the best.
>   I could be wrong though; I like the fact that they're coming out with these 
> aps though, so we don't have to continue to have to invest loads of money 
> into these secondary devices that we can only use  for 1 perpose and have to 
> lug all over the place in conjunction with our phone's if we want to live our 
> every-day lives.
> - Original Message -
> From: Daniel Miller
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 5:27 PM
> Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
> That’s not true at all. I use the app perfectly on both iOS and Mac OS X.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Charlie Doremus
> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 7:26 PM
> To:
> Cc: 
> Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
> Answering this question is like explaining colors to a blind person who has 
> never seen them. Personally I think it will next to impossible for a totally 
> blind person to use the app under discussion here.  If someone figures that 
> out I would love to hear about that solution so I can share it with my 
> friends at Apple. 
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
> the off the bookshelf link 
> On Dec 22, 2011, at 2:58 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:
> I have the macbook pro, and have no idea what size the display is.
> - Original Message -
> From: Charlie Doremus
> To:
> Cc: 
> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 4:08 PM
> Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
> Is your Mac a desktop or laptop and what size is the display?
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
> the off the bookshelf link 
> On Dec 22, 2011, at 1:48 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:
> Ok, pardon my ignorance, but where would I even find my mac's camera to even 
> be able to use this ap?  I'd like to try it, but really don't want to 
> purchase it without knowing where the camera is to be able to use it yet lol.
> - Original Message -
> From: Daniel Miller
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 2:35 PM
> Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
> I used the link and it worked.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
> Hi Daniel, it's certainly possible.
> The link does work for me, so I'd try again in a little while.
> Happy Holidays!!!
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
> On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
> I’m unable to find that in the app store, so perhaps it didn’t propigate yet? 
> H….
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:57 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
> Hey All, for those of you whom may not have seenthis…
> Looktel has just released Money Reader for Mac!
> Here's the linkie and the press release…
> Enjoy!
> Cara :)
> ---
> Looktel Money Reader for Macintosh
> NantWorks and IPPLEX have released their revolutionary LookTel Money Reader, 
> app for Mac computers on the Apple Mac App Store. The cutting-edge iPhone 
> application that has helped thousands of users with visual impairments or 
> blindness identify and count bills is now available for Mac OS computers.  By 
> simply holding a bill in front of your Mac’s camera, the application 
> recognizes and speaks the denomination in real-time. LookTel Money Reader for 
> Mac supports several international currencies including the Euro, British 
> Pound, Canadi

Re: adding a printer

2011-12-22 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Kirsten,

Try plugging in the printer via USB. OS X should recognize the printer right 
away and will install/activate the necessary drivers.
Let me know if you have trouble off list. 

On 2011-12-22, at 7:01 AM, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:

> Hi, 
> What is the easiest way of adding a printer? 
> Thanks. 
> Kirsten. 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: Apple to the core: episode 4. selecting text on webpages

2011-12-22 Thread Ricardo Walker

Here goes the link to the podcast I did.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Dec 22, 2011, at 8:39 PM, Shannon Dyer wrote:

> I'm not sure. All I see below your message is the letter i and an apostrophe, 
> followed by the standard google group signature. I'm not sure where the 
> actual contents of the message went.
> Thanks for trying to find it though.
> Shannon
> If you're a Pagan, Goddess-centered woman wishing to build community, write to
> On Dec 22, 2011, at 5:48 PM, Craig J Dunlop wrote:
>> Shannon is this what you were looking for
>> Sent from my iPhone using Siri 
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Cody 
>>> Date: September 11, 2011 16:06:32 CDT
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Apple to the core: episode 4. selecting text on webpages
>>> Reply-To:
>>> I'
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

2011-12-22 Thread Ricardo Walker
I couldn't disagree more.  Being the money is being scanned in real time, not a 
picture being processed, all one needs to do is hold the bill about 6 inches 
away from the screen and slowly move it around the screen until they get a 
result.  Pure common sense would tell me the camera would be near the top of 
the screen somewhere not far from center.  Since most use computers sitting 
directly in front of the monitor not off to one side or another.

So to sum it up,  hold the bill about 6 inches from the screen, near the top, 
and near the center.  Then slowly move the bill from left to right and back 
again until you get a result.  Keep in mind to be in good lighting.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Dec 22, 2011, at 8:25 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

> Answering this question is like explaining colors to a blind person who has 
> never seen them. Personally I think it will next to impossible for a totally 
> blind person to use the app under discussion here.  If someone figures that 
> out I would love to hear about that solution so I can share it with my 
> friends at Apple. 
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
> the off the bookshelf link 
> On Dec 22, 2011, at 2:58 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:
>> I have the macbook pro, and have no idea what size the display is.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Charlie Doremus
>> To:
>> Cc: 
>> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 4:08 PM
>> Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
>> Is your Mac a desktop or laptop and what size is the display?
>> Aloha, 
>> Charlie
>> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
>> the off the bookshelf link 
>> On Dec 22, 2011, at 1:48 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:
>>> Ok, pardon my ignorance, but where would I even find my mac's camera to 
>>> even be able to use this ap?  I'd like to try it, but really don't want to 
>>> purchase it without knowing where the camera is to be able to use it yet 
>>> lol.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Daniel Miller
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 2:35 PM
>>> Subject: RE: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
>>> I used the link and it worked.
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 4:28 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
>>> Hi Daniel, it's certainly possible.
>>> The link does work for me, so I'd try again in a little while.
>>> Happy Holidays!!!
>>> Smiles,
>>> Cara :)
>>> ---
>>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>>> Follow me on Twitter!
>>> On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>>> I’m unable to find that in the app store, so perhaps it didn’t propigate 
>>> yet? H….
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:57 PM
>>> To:
>>> Cc:
>>> Subject: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)
>>> Hey All, for those of you whom may not have seen this…
>>> Looktel has just released Money Reader for Mac!
>>> Here's the linkie and the press release…
>>> Enjoy!
>>> Cara :)
>>> ---
>>> Looktel Money Reader for Macintosh
>>> NantWorks and IPPLEX have released their revolutionary LookTel Money 
>>> Reader, app for Mac computers on the Apple Mac App Store. The cutting-edge 
>>> iPhone application that has helped thousands of users with visual 
>>> impairments or blindness identify and count bills is now available for Mac 
>>> OS computers.  By simply holding a bill in front of your Mac’s camera, the 
>>> application recognizes and speaks the denomination in real-time. LookTel 
>>> Money Reader for Mac supports several international currencies including 
>>> the Euro, British Pound, Canadian Dollar, and Australian Dollar. The app 
>>> also features VoiceOver integration with support for several languages 
>>> including English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Polish, Russian, 
>>> Korean, Finnish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Japanese and more. If your 
>>> Mac’s language setting is set to any of the supported languages, LookTel 
>>> Money Reader will speak the denomination of a recognized bill in that 
>>> language, regardless of the currency type.
>>> Powered by LookTel's patented and proprietary object recognition 
>>> technology, the application can seamlessly recognize any bill denomination 
>>> without the need to take a photo as recognition happens in real-time.
>>> LookTel Money Reader for