Hello Kirsten,

First, welcome to the wonderful world of Apple.
With regard to Boot Camp versus VM Ware Fusion, it is a matter of needs
versus personal style.  

In effect, there is no "better" way; it is just a matter of how you wish to
work and how much time you wish to invest with regard to a learning curve.  

In my opinion, given that you are new to the Mac and given the learning
curve of using a windows-based screen reader in conjunction with VoiceOver,
I would recommend that you begin with Boot Camp.

Please keep in mind that unless you have enough vision to read a monitor of
some sort, you will need sighted assistance in order to get Boot Camp up and
running but, once done, you will be in proverbial business.

Conversely, all things being equal, you can setup VM Ware Fusion and,
consequently, Windows 7 completely independently of sighted assistance via
VM Ware Fusion.

As with all complex subjects, there is no proverbial silver bullet or, if
you prefer, "one-size-fits-all."


-----Original Message-----
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Kirsten Edmondson
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 3:53 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: partitioning my Mac

Hi all, 
I need to use Windows for work and the easiest way to do this is to bootcamp
or vmfusion my Mac. Is this easy to do? I heard that VM Fusion was better,
how much does it cost? Can I just get it from Mac apps store? Does boot
camping work just as well? (to save money, if that will work I'm happy to do
that for now). 
What do I need to know or need to have handy before I start? 

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