Re: text edit find question

2011-11-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Paul,

You've almost got it.

• Press Cmd-f to open the Find window;
• Enter the text to find in the search box;
• press Return;
• Press Escape;
• You should be on the first occurrence of the text you want.

To find further occurrences, press Cmd-g and the word will be highlighted.



On 26 Nov 2011, at 14:56, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Dear listers,
> In text edit, I'm trying to find a bit of text in a document. I don't 
> succeed. Here's what I do.
> 1. From within text edit, I hit command f to open text edits own find dialog.
> 2. In the search text field, I enter the text to find, in this case: set 
> marker.
> 3. I move the vo cursor over to the find next button, press it, then to the 
> done button, press it, and I'm back in the text.
> However, no matter what I search for, the cursor never moves from where it 
> was before I entered the search command f dialog. What am I doing wrong here? 
> I would think that the cursor jumps to the found text.
> Thanks.
> Paul.
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Re: reading special characters

2011-11-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Banu,

This is a problem you'll have to take up with Apple.

Send an example of text giving you trouble to:

Give them as much information as you can to help them understand the problem.

Are you having the same trouble with PDF files and file names? These give 
trouble in French and I've reported the problem to Accessibility.



On 26 Nov 2011, at 16:46, Banu Buyukcingil wrote:

> hello
> thanks Anne. now it reads continuously.
> I've ghot one more question. although I use turkish voice on Mac, in text 
> editing it doesn't read properly  some turkish letters. such as Ö Ç etc. they 
> are special  characters but ıt reads  properly on safari. why doesn't it read 
> on text editing?
> thanks
> banu

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Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread sandi sørensen
Hi bill.
tell me step-by-step what you want me to do.
If it  works fine when VO is turned off it is not a Voiceover related
problem though, but of course your backup with time machine should
work just fine.
I have a 20 gb Usbdrive that i am willing to test it on, if you give
me clinical instructions.

kind regards Sandi

On 11/27/11, Bill Holton  wrote:
> Hi.
> Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a little
> experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?
> Here's the situation.
> A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I
> figured I would just go ahead and repartition it-it's a two-tarabyte drive,
> format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended
> journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and
> reporting busy, busy, busy..  Eventually the fan would come on, the only way
> I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me and
> the folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive,
> happens on all three of my drives.  And if I turn off VO and let my wife
> have a crack at it she can get to the drive easily.  Turn back on VO, try to
> acces the drive, Busy.  Busy.  Busy.
> Strangely, if I copy a file from one of my folders and use the right click
> to copy that file to the drive it copies fine, and from that point on I can
> access the drive-I'm just not convinced this is a long term solution, and
> eventually I will start having more Time machine problems.
> So today I bit the bullet and reformatted the drive.  Everything worked
> fine.until I tried using iTunes.  iTunes required a software update, and so
> the Mac took the opportunity to update all of my OS files as well.  As you
> have probably guessed at this point, as soon as the system updates were
> installed and the Mac restarted I was back to the same old problems.
> I don't have a second mac to try this one, but is anyone else having trouble
> accessing freshly partitioned drives via Finder?
> Any help much, much appreciated.
> Bill
> --
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off topic

2011-11-27 Thread wayne coles

Hello just got myself a mac book air and joined this group to ask
for help if needed so sorry if I have done this the wrong way but I need
some help I have a membership with sam net and was told that I can use sa
with chrome on the mac but how do I access sam net and where do I go to get
sam net sorry for the long post but I don't know where else to try thanks in

--wayne---Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
Sent: 26 November 2011 20:09
Subject: Re: the cloud


If you have your devices syncing through iCloud, as you fix them on the
iPhone, they will fix the related items within iCloud.  Similarly, if you
fix these items on your Mac in AddressBook, they will automatically be fixed
on your iPhone.  You can confirm this by going to the other device and
checking it.  That is, if you did the corrections on the iPhone,, just go to
your Mac and take a look in AddressBook and the same items should also be
fixed there.  Again, this only is relevant if you have the same iCloud
account on both devices and you have Contact syncing turned on.



On 2011-11-26, at 5:24 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:

> how do I remove old contacts from the cloud. I don't want to combine them
with corrected contacts on the iPhone.
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Scott Howell
Hi BIll,

So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format the 
drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having some 
interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to what you 
are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the experiment. :)


On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

> Hi.
> Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a little 
> experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?
> Here's the situation.
> A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I 
> figured I would just go ahead and repartition it—it's a two-tarabyte drive, 
> format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended 
> journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and 
> reporting busy, busy, busy….  Eventually the fan would come on, the only way 
> I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me and the 
> folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive, happens on 
> all three of my drives.  And if I turn off VO and let my wife have a crack at 
> it she can get to the drive easily.  Turn back on VO, try to acces the drive, 
> Busy.  Busy.  Busy.
> Strangely, if I copy a file from one of my folders and use the right click to 
> copy that file to the drive it copies fine, and from that point on I can 
> access the drive—I'm just not convinced this is a long term solution, and 
> eventually I will start having more Time machine problems.
> So today I bit the bullet and reformatted the drive.  Everything worked 
> fine…until I tried using iTunes.  iTunes required a software update, and so 
> the Mac took the opportunity to update all of my OS files as well.  As you 
> have probably guessed at this point, as soon as the system updates were 
> installed and the Mac restarted I was back to the same old problems.
> I don't have a second mac to try this one, but is anyone else having trouble 
> accessing freshly partitioned drives via Finder?
> Any help much, much appreciated.
> Bill
> -- 
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Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
The reason Voiceover goes a little crazy is two fold.

firstly, disk utility is rather intense when it comes to disk management as 
it's handling your SATA buses as well as USB and Firewire handling. When you 
format an external drive as an example, your USB or firewire BUS is taken over 
with that particular instruction, so the CPU is taking up some resources to 
manage that process.

as regards voiceover, Sometimes the speech synthesis server has a bit of a 
wobble. May I ask what version OS you are using at this point? if it's 10.7, 
there are a few niggles to be aware of. 10.6, I've noticed a few things but 
nothing that restarting voiceover won't harm.

I use an external disk destroyer suite / diagnostic interface for managing 
drives including partitioning, volume testing, data destruction and disk aging 
and it's linked via USB so I can either use it standalone or VIA USB / firewire 
with disk utility where needed.

just to let you know, don't worry, just quit voiceover and reload it. no 


On 27 Nov 2011, at 11:16, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hi BIll,
> So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format 
> the drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having 
> some interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to what 
> you are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the 
> experiment. :)
> Scot
> On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a little 
>> experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?
>> Here's the situation.
>> A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I 
>> figured I would just go ahead and repartition it—it's a two-tarabyte drive, 
>> format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended 
>> journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and 
>> reporting busy, busy, busy….  Eventually the fan would come on, the only way 
>> I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me and 
>> the folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive, 
>> happens on all three of my drives.  And if I turn off VO and let my wife 
>> have a crack at it she can get to the drive easily.  Turn back on VO, try to 
>> acces the drive, Busy.  Busy.  Busy.
>> Strangely, if I copy a file from one of my folders and use the right click 
>> to copy that file to the drive it copies fine, and from that point on I can 
>> access the drive—I'm just not convinced this is a long term solution, and 
>> eventually I will start having more Time machine problems.
>> So today I bit the bullet and reformatted the drive.  Everything worked 
>> fine…until I tried using iTunes.  iTunes required a software update, and so 
>> the Mac took the opportunity to update all of my OS files as well.  As you 
>> have probably guessed at this point, as soon as the system updates were 
>> installed and the Mac restarted I was back to the same old problems.
>> I don't have a second mac to try this one, but is anyone else having trouble 
>> accessing freshly partitioned drives via Finder?
>> Any help much, much appreciated.
>> Bill
>> -- 
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Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Scott Howell
Interestingly I had not had issues very often in the past when dealing with VO 
and Disk Utility; however, I don't have to partition disks all that often 
either. I'm going to check this out a bit more because this is not something 
that should be happening, IMHO.

On Nov 27, 2011, at 6:22 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> The reason Voiceover goes a little crazy is two fold.
> firstly, disk utility is rather intense when it comes to disk management as 
> it's handling your SATA buses as well as USB and Firewire handling. When you 
> format an external drive as an example, your USB or firewire BUS is taken 
> over with that particular instruction, so the CPU is taking up some resources 
> to manage that process.
> as regards voiceover, Sometimes the speech synthesis server has a bit of a 
> wobble. May I ask what version OS you are using at this point? if it's 10.7, 
> there are a few niggles to be aware of. 10.6, I've noticed a few things but 
> nothing that restarting voiceover won't harm.
> I use an external disk destroyer suite / diagnostic interface for managing 
> drives including partitioning, volume testing, data destruction and disk 
> aging and it's linked via USB so I can either use it standalone or VIA USB / 
> firewire with disk utility where needed.
> just to let you know, don't worry, just quit voiceover and reload it. no 
> problem.
> lew
> On 27 Nov 2011, at 11:16, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hi BIll,
>> So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format 
>> the drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having 
>> some interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to 
>> what you are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the 
>> experiment. :)
>> Scot
>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a 
>>> little experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?
>>> Here's the situation.
>>> A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I 
>>> figured I would just go ahead and repartition it—it's a two-tarabyte drive, 
>>> format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended 
>>> journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and 
>>> reporting busy, busy, busy….  Eventually the fan would come on, the only 
>>> way I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me 
>>> and the folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive, 
>>> happens on all three of my drives.  And if I turn off VO and let my wife 
>>> have a crack at it she can get to the drive easily.  Turn back on VO, try 
>>> to acces the drive, Busy.  Busy.  Busy.
>>> Strangely, if I copy a file from one of my folders and use the right click 
>>> to copy that file to the drive it copies fine, and from that point on I can 
>>> access the drive—I'm just not convinced this is a long term solution, and 
>>> eventually I will start having more Time machine problems.
>>> So today I bit the bullet and reformatted the drive.  Everything worked 
>>> fine…until I tried using iTunes.  iTunes required a software update, and so 
>>> the Mac took the opportunity to update all of my OS files as well.  As you 
>>> have probably guessed at this point, as soon as the system updates were 
>>> installed and the Mac restarted I was back to the same old problems.
>>> I don't have a second mac to try this one, but is anyone else having 
>>> trouble accessing freshly partitioned drives via Finder?
>>> Any help much, much appreciated.
>>> Bill
>>> -- 
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Feedback on secure Edit boxes

2011-11-27 Thread David Griffith
Thanks  for the suggestion. The problem with my banking site is that I never 
enter a single password  
but instead have to enter characters from it generated by random number 
selection. This is good for security but defeats password automation.

I would settle for audible feedback but Safari and voiceover does not appear to 
deliver this consistently. So some edit boxes will not provide any click 
feedback and others will only provide sporadic feedback. So for example if I 
try to sign to my Gmail some of my key presses will provide feedback and others 
will not. This is very confusing and can lead you to believe that your have not 
pressed a key  that you have in fact made.  
The problem with the Nat West site when I tried it was that no feedback at all 
was being received. On my netbook Windows XP setup I get Jaws announcing star.  
.  after every key press. This is all I want Voiceover and Safari to do 
consistently, that is provide a click on secure edit boxes,  and I would be 

David Griffith.   .  appaerar   p 27 Nov 2011, at 01:10, Scott Howell wrote:

> David,
> I have a very long password I use for my banking site. I can tell you that 
> APple is not going to change how you receive feedback on entering passwords. 
> Whether you agree or not, security is their first concern and I can assure 
> you it took some effort to get even some audible feedback. However, perhaps 
> you may consider a program such as 1Password by Agile Bits. This is an 
> excellent application that will allow you to save passwords very securely and 
> with one keystroke, have that password entered.
> In any case, just sharing an idea and here is a URL for more info on the app 
> if you'r interested, 
> On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:26 AM, David Griffith wrote:
>> I have come into this thread  late so apologies if these points   have  
>> already been made.  
>> I am a comparative new Mac user and to be honest also  initially found many 
>> of the VO shortcuts very key intensive. Quick nab helped a bit but I was 
>> constantly having to turn it on and off which added complication. Changing 
>> the function of the Tab key to automatically interact also helped a bit.  
>> This was not helped by my not getting on with the initial I MAC  thin 
>> keyboard which gave me terrible RSI. For the first time I had to wear 
>> bandages over my wrists.
>> 2  cope with the pain. 
>> 2 things have transformed matters for me. the firs  is num pad  commander 
>> which has for me personally revolutionised the ease of using Voiceover. . 
>> This has delivered much of the convenience of some old windows shortcuts and 
>> more. So if you want an application key to bring up the context menu then 
>> simply press the plus key on the num pad.  . 
>> . I can even cope with interacting in and out of elements now with out 
>> wrecking my wrists because all I have to do is press 9  to interact and 7 to 
>> stop interacting. I execute by pressing the 5 key and so on. The other 
>> brilliant feature of the Mac is column  view folder navigation which I 
>> constantly miss in Windows now. The other reasons for switching to the Mac 
>> is that hopefully  Apple show no intention of losing a menu bar and moving 
>> to a hateful ribbon arrangement. By the way pressing 8 on num pad will bring 
>> up the menu bar, very easy. The other joy of the Mac is the way access tools 
>> work across the system. For example item chooser works as far as I can see 
>> everywhere and not just in Safari. I use it a lot in unfamiliar applications 
>> to get around. 
>> My only major disappointments so far is that after trying TextEdit bean, 
>> Nisus writer pro and Pages I have not found a satisfactory word processor to 
>> cope with word documents. Whether we like it or not this is a standard most 
>> of the world uses and none of these applications seem to cope with tables.  
>> If you are going to use a word processor for serious use then support for a 
>> table standard must be a basic necessity and I am baffled as to why this has 
>> not been sorted out ages ago.
>> I also cannot do my online banking on the Mac as Safari will not even 
>> provide any feedback when entering passwords. Sometimes you sporadically get 
>> a click in some fields but often there is no typing feedback at all. I had 
>> to reset my passwords after several confused login attempts so sadly it is 
>> back to windows for anything involving passwords and finance.
>> Secondly the other massive improvement  was that I have got rid of the 
>> torture that was the new I MAC keyboard and replaced it with an older chunky 
>> model which with a wrist support no longer pains my hands and shoulders. If 
>> I could only now find a natural ergonomic keyboard that worked on a mac life 
>> would be definitely on the up. Unfortunately the windows ergonomic keyboards 
>> I have tried do not work.
>> Anyway  my recommendation is give num 

Re: Pandora or equivalent accessible with VoiceOver?

2011-11-27 Thread Robert Carter
Hi Hank,

Does Pandora Jam work well with VoiceOver?


Robert Carter

On Nov 26, 2011, at 8:12 PM, Hank Smith wrote:

> Hello if you want to record pandora as well theres 
> pandora jam
> it is 14.95
> hth
> Hank
> On 11/26/2011 6:21 PM, Chad King wrote:
>> Theres also an app called Piano pub
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 7:18 PM, Robert Carter  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Another very simple and not real sophisticated VoiceOver accessible pandora 
>>> app for the Mac is called PandoraBoy.
>>> Robert Carter
>>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:01 AM, Kestrell wrote:
 I'm still a new Mac user, so perhaps I am just doing something wrong, but 
 is Pandora accessible with VoiceOver? All I can find when I go to the Web 
 site is a link to Adobe Flash which leads back to the Adobe Web site.
 If Pandora is not accessible with VoiceOver, can other users recommend an 
 equivalent application?
 Thank you.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> -- 
> website:
> personal email:
> facebook:
> Klango:
> hanksmith
> Skype:
> hank.smith966
> Amateur radio call sign:
> ke7ief
> check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
> also you can find my youtube channel at:
> -- 
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Re: off topic

2011-11-27 Thread Robert Carter
Hi Wayne,

Just go to
log in with your samnet ID and pin and you can access most of samnet.

Robert Carter

On Nov 27, 2011, at 4:44 AM, wayne coles wrote:

>   Hello just got myself a mac book air and joined this group to ask
> for help if needed so sorry if I have done this the wrong way but I need
> some help I have a membership with sam net and was told that I can use sa
> with chrome on the mac but how do I access sam net and where do I go to get
> sam net sorry for the long post but I don't know where else to try thanks in
> advance 
> --wayne---Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
> Sent: 26 November 2011 20:09
> To:
> Subject: Re: the cloud
> Hi,
> If you have your devices syncing through iCloud, as you fix them on the
> iPhone, they will fix the related items within iCloud.  Similarly, if you
> fix these items on your Mac in AddressBook, they will automatically be fixed
> on your iPhone.  You can confirm this by going to the other device and
> checking it.  That is, if you did the corrections on the iPhone,, just go to
> your Mac and take a look in AddressBook and the same items should also be
> fixed there.  Again, this only is relevant if you have the same iCloud
> account on both devices and you have Contact syncing turned on.
> HTH.
> Later...
> On 2011-11-26, at 5:24 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:
>> how do I remove old contacts from the cloud. I don't want to combine them
> with corrected contacts on the iPhone.
>> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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Re: Mac Mini Headphone Jack not Working

2011-11-27 Thread matthew Dyer

Can you use the internal speaker?  I have an opozit problem whare the internal 
speaker does not work.   I would check to see if  something is muted.


On Nov 26, 2011, at 3:19 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:

> Hello, I forgot and left my Mac Mini on last night and when I put my 
> headphones on this morning to begin using it there was no sound.  I checked 
> to make sure that these headphones were still working and they are.  I even 
> connected them to my usb sound card and that also didn't work.  Does anyone 
> on the list have any suggestions as to what I cqan try next?  
> Scott
> -- 
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Re: Mac Mini Headphone Jack not Working

2011-11-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
Hi matthew, what mac are you using? model and a rough date please would be 
ideal? if your speaker is not working, there may be a hardware issue or again a 
mute or audio setting somewhere depending on your situation.

On 27 Nov 2011, at 15:11, matthew Dyer wrote:

> Hi,
> Can you use the internal speaker?  I have an opozit problem whare the 
> internal speaker does not work.   I would check to see if  something is muted.
> Matthew
> On Nov 26, 2011, at 3:19 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:
>> Hello, I forgot and left my Mac Mini on last night and when I put my 
>> headphones on this morning to begin using it there was no sound.  I checked 
>> to make sure that these headphones were still working and they are.  I even 
>> connected them to my usb sound card and that also didn't work.  Does anyone 
>> on the list have any suggestions as to what I cqan try next?  
>> Scott
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: Outspoken 9.2 help needed please.

2011-11-27 Thread Jennifer Perdue
Hi Lu,

My name is Jenny and I have no clue about outspoken or most things about Macs 
but I just wanted to say that I think what you're doing is really great and I 
have so much respect and admiration for you.  Thank you for what you do.  If it 
weren't for my Dad, I wouldn't have my Mac Mini so I totally understand and 
appreciate the generosity of others.  

You are a gift from GOD and my he bless your efforts.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Nov 26, 2011, at 4:54 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> It's what ever I'm given sadly. At the mo I have on the floor 3 x powermac 
> 7600/200 machines about to be upgraded in both ram and HD size and type, 1 
> powermac 9600/300 again having the same treatment, 2x G3 beige mini towers at 
> 300mhz each undergoing an intensive upgrade. 1 x powermac G4 blue and a 
> powermac G4 quicksilver. so there's 2 G4's capable of running OS X 10.4 
> without any issues. the others will have to run  OS 9.2 with a decent 
> browser, email client, etc and outspoken if I can acquire it.
> As I say, I take on what I can find. whatever's given to me I accept and take 
> on.
> lew
> On 26 Nov 2011, at 22:31, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Do you think you could get machines that run Tiger? At least you could then 
>> use VoiceOver. I do not recall the minimum specs, but this would be perhaps 
>> an option?
>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 4:56 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> exactly that. the net is full of dead info. a bit of a pain really
>>> lew
>>> On 26 Nov 2011, at 21:54, Pete Nalda wrote:
 I checked out that synaps site this morn. Found a meantion of Outspoken, 
 but not where to buy.
 Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'Day, Mates)
 Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
 Twitter @lpnalda
 Karen Lewellen  wrote:
 Hi again Louis,
 In an effort to keep this on topic smiles.
 You really want new copies,not used ones, as outspoken used serial 
 and you may run into serious issues trying to install a used copy over and 
 over again.
 I just did some creative googeling and discovered rather a few trails to 
 those who created outspoken,   the parent company referenced in other 
 posts, who had its own assets  acquired by optilec in 2005.  That company 
 may now be synmaps, since outspoken for windows is listed with them.
 However the two people who started Berkley systems, Wes Boyd and Joan 
 Blade, are alive well and running one of the largest progressive politic 
 groups in the country
 I managed to find phone numbers for a few folks, can certainly direct you 
 to  some others.
 It really  depends on how
 direct and fast you want the materials, where you 
 are based,  and how solid your operation.
 It seems to me though that the creative rout may get you what you desire.
 contact me off list if I can help further.
 On Sat, 26 Nov 2011, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
 > Who would I need to get hold of now regarding outspoken. at one point as 
 > I understand it was alva. So I don't know where else to contact to be 
 > honest.
 > lew
 > On 26 Nov 2011, at 18:26, Karen Lewellen wrote:
 >> Hi Louis,
 >> This information may be dated but I understood that the company who 
 >> licensed outspoken would  arrange for a copy if the need was 
 >> professional as yours seems to be.
 >> Have you reached out to them?  Also, not sure where you are located, 
 >> but the donations may be tax deductible if you have created that sort 
 >> of structure.
 >> Karen
 >> On Sat, 26 Nov
 2011, Gigi wrote:
 >>> Hi Louis
 >>> Maybe I am off base here but Apple has a recycling program for 
 >>> computers.  Have you asked to see if you could get old Macs that way? 
 >>> You would be serving people that would not have the money for new Macs 
 >>> right now unless they get better opportunities.
 >>> Sent from my iPhone
 >>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 6:14 AM, "Mr. L. Alexander" 
 >>>  wrote:
  Hi all.
  I realise this is a long shot here and could do with a little help.
  My name's Lewis, I'm the main man behind an organisation which has 
  lifted called "Free Macs For The Blind". This is a project I decided 
  to launch to help young blind and visually impaired people including 
  students and those who can't afford technology due to lack of
 support or funding.
  How it all works is pretty simple. I take on unwanted apple mac 
  systems from companies and individuals who are happy to donate either 
  computers, parts, software or other products. They are then serviced, 

Re: the cloud

2011-11-27 Thread craig J Dunlop
how do I remove the contacts from the touch? I have been looking but haven't 
found a way.

On Nov 26, 2011, at 8:26 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi,
> If I'm understanding correctly, the contacts on the iPhone are the ones you 
> wish to keep.  Thus, I would simply go to the Touch, and remove all contacts 
> from there.  This would consequently remove them from iCloud as well.  
> Therefore, the iCloud contacts would be empty when you bring the iPhone into 
> the picture and the contacts from the iPhone would be sent up to iCloud when 
> it's iCloud credentials were confirmed.  If you don't wish all the contacts 
> removed from the Touch, just delete the ones that you have fixed on the 
> iPhone and you shouldn't get any duplicates.
> HTH.
> Later...
> On 2011-11-26, at 7:02 PM, Craig J Dunlop wrote:
>> Please excuse any typing errors I'm using Siri to send this message my wife 
>> originally has a iPod touch I recently purchased her the iPhone 4S on the 
>> touch she had her email contacts on the iPhone we had her regular phone 
>> contacts move she doesn't want the contacts that are on the cloud from her 
>> touch moved to her iPhone but I would like to back up the iPhone contacts to 
>> the cloud it sounds to me like the contacts would be merged and then all of 
>> the contacts would show up on both devices so if I can figure out how to 
>> remove the existing contacts from the cloud before I have her iPhone sync to 
>> the cloud everything would be good thanks for any help or ideas
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 18:48, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> I don't understand.
>>> If you correct them on the phone, won't the corrections also be reflected 
>>> in iCloud?
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 7:24 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:
 how do I remove old contacts from the cloud. I don't want to combine them 
 with corrected contacts on the iPhone.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: Outspoken 9.2 help needed please.

2011-11-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
Hi Jenny,

Thanks for your kindness. I really appreciate it. I do this work for two 

1: can't stand the thought of young people especially students with 
disabilities who don't get support and are turned away from colleges, etc not 
having the right access to equipment,
2: can't stand the thought of a good mac, no matter what it's age, going to the 
tip or be destroyed. it just sickens me. a perfectly good, working mac of any 
kind which can still be used by anyone just being savaged to death is wrong. So 
I'd rather a fellow blind user get the benefit and my technical support as a 
hardware based engineer / consultant.

this is a pretty much, eat, sleap and drink FreeMacsForTheBlind job.

anyway if ever there's something I can do on here in return, like hardware 
diagnostics, online system repair training, etc I'm happy to spare the time..

Free Macs For The Blind.

On 27 Nov 2011, at 15:35, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Hi Lu,
> My name is Jenny and I have no clue about outspoken or most things about Macs 
> but I just wanted to say that I think what you're doing is really great and I 
> have so much respect and admiration for you.  Thank you for what you do.  If 
> it weren't for my Dad, I wouldn't have my Mac Mini so I totally understand 
> and appreciate the generosity of others.  
> You are a gift from GOD and my he bless your efforts.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Nov 26, 2011, at 4:54 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> It's what ever I'm given sadly. At the mo I have on the floor 3 x powermac 
>> 7600/200 machines about to be upgraded in both ram and HD size and type, 1 
>> powermac 9600/300 again having the same treatment, 2x G3 beige mini towers 
>> at 300mhz each undergoing an intensive upgrade. 1 x powermac G4 blue and a 
>> powermac G4 quicksilver. so there's 2 G4's capable of running OS X 10.4 
>> without any issues. the others will have to run  OS 9.2 with a decent 
>> browser, email client, etc and outspoken if I can acquire it.
>> As I say, I take on what I can find. whatever's given to me I accept and 
>> take on.
>> lew
>> On 26 Nov 2011, at 22:31, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Do you think you could get machines that run Tiger? At least you could then 
>>> use VoiceOver. I do not recall the minimum specs, but this would be perhaps 
>>> an option?
>>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 4:56 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
 exactly that. the net is full of dead info. a bit of a pain really
 On 26 Nov 2011, at 21:54, Pete Nalda wrote:
> I checked out that synaps site this morn. Found a meantion of Outspoken, 
> but not where to buy.
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'Day, Mates)
> Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
> Twitter @lpnalda
> Karen Lewellen  wrote:
> Hi again Louis,
> In an effort to keep this on topic smiles.
> You really want new copies,not used ones, as outspoken used serial 
> numbers, 
> and you may run into serious issues trying to install a used copy over 
> and 
> over again.
> I just did some creative googeling and discovered rather a few trails to 
> those who created outspoken,   the parent company referenced in other 
> posts, who had its own assets  acquired by optilec in 2005.  That company 
> may now be synmaps, since outspoken for windows is listed with them.
> However the two people who started Berkley systems, Wes Boyd and Joan 
> Blade, are alive well and running one of the largest progressive politic 
> groups in the country
> I managed to find phone numbers for a few folks, can certainly direct you 
> to  some others.
> It really  depends on how
> direct and fast you want the materials, where you 
> are based,  and how solid your operation.
> It seems to me though that the creative rout may get you what you desire.
> contact me off list if I can help further.
> Karen
> On Sat, 26 Nov 2011, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> > Who would I need to get hold of now regarding outspoken. at one point 
> > as I understand it was alva. So I don't know where else to contact to 
> > be honest.
> >
> > lew
> >
> > On 26 Nov 2011, at 18:26, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Louis,
> >> This information may be dated but I understood that the company who 
> >> licensed outspoken would  arrange for a copy if the need was 
> >> professional as yours seems to be.
> >> Have you reached out to them?  Also, not sure where you are located, 
> >> but the donations may be tax deductible if you have created that sort 
> >> of structure.
> >> Karen
> >>
> >> On Sat, 26 Nov
> 2011, Gigi wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi Louis
> >>> Maybe I am off base here but Apple has a recycling program for 

Re: the cloud

2011-11-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
on your iphone, the quick way is to tap on phone, when open go to contacts. 
from there tap on the name of the person you wish to remove, this opens the 
contact info for that person, tap EDIT. then swipe down until you hear DELETE 
CONTACT. Tap and it will ask you if you wish to do so,  then tap DELETE contact.


Sorry, it's the way I know of it. I'm not so hot on mobile communications. my 
phone is just a work horse, no internet solution, etc.


On 27 Nov 2011, at 15:40, craig J Dunlop wrote:

> how do I remove the contacts from the touch? I have been looking but haven't 
> found a way.
> On Nov 26, 2011, at 8:26 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If I'm understanding correctly, the contacts on the iPhone are the ones you 
>> wish to keep.  Thus, I would simply go to the Touch, and remove all contacts 
>> from there.  This would consequently remove them from iCloud as well.  
>> Therefore, the iCloud contacts would be empty when you bring the iPhone into 
>> the picture and the contacts from the iPhone would be sent up to iCloud when 
>> it's iCloud credentials were confirmed.  If you don't wish all the contacts 
>> removed from the Touch, just delete the ones that you have fixed on the 
>> iPhone and you shouldn't get any duplicates.
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>> On 2011-11-26, at 7:02 PM, Craig J Dunlop wrote:
>>> Please excuse any typing errors I'm using Siri to send this message my wife 
>>> originally has a iPod touch I recently purchased her the iPhone 4S on the 
>>> touch she had her email contacts on the iPhone we had her regular phone 
>>> contacts move she doesn't want the contacts that are on the cloud from her 
>>> touch moved to her iPhone but I would like to back up the iPhone contacts 
>>> to the cloud it sounds to me like the contacts would be merged and then all 
>>> of the contacts would show up on both devices so if I can figure out how to 
>>> remove the existing contacts from the cloud before I have her iPhone sync 
>>> to the cloud everything would be good thanks for any help or ideas
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 18:48, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
 I don't understand.
 If you correct them on the phone, won't the corrections also be reflected 
 in iCloud?
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
 On Nov 26, 2011, at 7:24 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:
> how do I remove old contacts from the cloud. I don't want to combine them 
> with corrected contacts on the iPhone.
> -- 
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>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Looking for a monitor to connect to my mac mini

2011-11-27 Thread matthew Dyer
Hi all,

Anyone know whare  I can get a cheep monitor to connect to my mac mini.  I have 
a 2009  mottle.  I already have a vga addaptor, but have not been able to find 
a monitor cheep enough.  I don't mind paing around $30  for one if I have to, 
but that is the moste I am wailling to pay.  Thanks.

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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new user to mac how to access on line help

2011-11-27 Thread Nancy Stevens
I just purchased my Mac book Pro a week ago. 
I'm having a couple issues.
When I go to the on line help I get stuck in a text box.
How do I exit the text box to find answers?
When I open a PDF document, I also get stuck in a text box how do I get past 
the text box to read the document?
Are there any good audio tutorials available to get started?
Thanks for your assistance.

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Re: Looking for a monitor to connect to my mac mini

2011-11-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
 May I possibly suggest freecycle, if your country and region has such a site, 
I would recommend it. after all, you can pick up monitors in working order  for 
free if it would help you.

Free Macs For The Blind
On 27 Nov 2011, at 15:49, matthew Dyer wrote:

> Hi all,
> Anyone know whare  I can get a cheep monitor to connect to my mac mini.  I 
> have a 2009  mottle.  I already have a vga addaptor, but have not been able 
> to find a monitor cheep enough.  I don't mind paing around $30  for one if I 
> have to, but that is the moste I am wailling to pay.  Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: new user to mac how to access on line help

2011-11-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
Hi Nancy, a great choice. I use a macbook pro too and love it to bits.

If ever you find yourself stuck in a text box and can't get out, here's what 
you do. VO-SHIFT-UP ARROW. this stops you interacting with that particular 
section and should then say "HTML Content" or "Window"

this applies to anything as a window navigation function.

hope this helps you.


Free Macs For The Blind

On 27 Nov 2011, at 15:56, Nancy Stevens wrote:

> I just purchased my Mac book Pro a week ago. 
> I'm having a couple issues.
> When I go to the on line help I get stuck in a text box.
> How do I exit the text box to find answers?
> When I open a PDF document, I also get stuck in a text box how do I get past 
> the text box to read the document?
> Are there any good audio tutorials available to get started?
> Thanks for your assistance.
> Nancy
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: off topic

2011-11-27 Thread Jennifer Perdue

If you find out that you can use SA on the Mac please let me know.  I have 
system access and didn't think I could use  it cause I thought you had to have 
windows.  Let me know OK?


Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Nov 27, 2011, at 4:44 AM, wayne coles wrote:

>   Hello just got myself a mac book air and joined this group to ask
> for help if needed so sorry if I have done this the wrong way but I need
> some help I have a membership with sam net and was told that I can use sa
> with chrome on the mac but how do I access sam net and where do I go to get
> sam net sorry for the long post but I don't know where else to try thanks in
> advance 
> --wayne---Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
> Sent: 26 November 2011 20:09
> To:
> Subject: Re: the cloud
> Hi,
> If you have your devices syncing through iCloud, as you fix them on the
> iPhone, they will fix the related items within iCloud.  Similarly, if you
> fix these items on your Mac in AddressBook, they will automatically be fixed
> on your iPhone.  You can confirm this by going to the other device and
> checking it.  That is, if you did the corrections on the iPhone,, just go to
> your Mac and take a look in AddressBook and the same items should also be
> fixed there.  Again, this only is relevant if you have the same iCloud
> account on both devices and you have Contact syncing turned on.
> HTH.
> Later...
> On 2011-11-26, at 5:24 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:
>> how do I remove old contacts from the cloud. I don't want to combine them
> with corrected contacts on the iPhone.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> For more options, visit this group at 

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Re: new user to mac how to access on line help

2011-11-27 Thread Kevin Mattingly

On there are some great tutorials done by Mike 
arrigo. Before I got my Mac mini a couple of years ago, I used Mike's podcasts 
to get fired up.

On Nov 27, 2011, at 10:56 AM, Nancy Stevens wrote:

> I just purchased my Mac book Pro a week ago. 
> I'm having a couple issues.
> When I go to the on line help I get stuck in a text box.
> How do I exit the text box to find answers?
> When I open a PDF document, I also get stuck in a text box how do I get past 
> the text box to read the document?
> Are there any good audio tutorials available to get started?
> Thanks for your assistance.
> Nancy
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Outspoken 9.2 help needed please.

2011-11-27 Thread Jennifer Perdue
Well, I am still very much a baby when it comes to the Mac.  I know very little 
about it and am learning every day I use it.  I don't have an Apple store in my 
area so no training is available.  I'm also not good at just listening to a 
tutorial and then licit split, I can do it.  I'm one of those people that needs 
to play with it and then get to something I don't know how to do and then say, 
"How do I do this?"  basically OJT so to speak:)  I've learned a lot that way.  

There are so many blind people that don't have computers cause they just can't 
afford them.  I think we'd really be surprised if we knew the statistics.  If 
there's anything I can do to help let me know.

Jenny and my goofy guide 'Brooks
On Nov 27, 2011, at 9:40 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> Hi Jenny,
> Thanks for your kindness. I really appreciate it. I do this work for two 
> reasons. 
> 1: can't stand the thought of young people especially students with 
> disabilities who don't get support and are turned away from colleges, etc not 
> having the right access to equipment,
> 2: can't stand the thought of a good mac, no matter what it's age, going to 
> the tip or be destroyed. it just sickens me. a perfectly good, working mac of 
> any kind which can still be used by anyone just being savaged to death is 
> wrong. So I'd rather a fellow blind user get the benefit and my technical 
> support as a hardware based engineer / consultant.
> this is a pretty much, eat, sleap and drink FreeMacsForTheBlind job.
> anyway if ever there's something I can do on here in return, like hardware 
> diagnostics, online system repair training, etc I'm happy to spare the time..
> lew
> Free Macs For The Blind.
> On 27 Nov 2011, at 15:35, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Hi Lu,
>> My name is Jenny and I have no clue about outspoken or most things about 
>> Macs but I just wanted to say that I think what you're doing is really great 
>> and I have so much respect and admiration for you.  Thank you for what you 
>> do.  If it weren't for my Dad, I wouldn't have my Mac Mini so I totally 
>> understand and appreciate the generosity of others.  
>> You are a gift from GOD and my he bless your efforts.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 4:54 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> It's what ever I'm given sadly. At the mo I have on the floor 3 x powermac 
>>> 7600/200 machines about to be upgraded in both ram and HD size and type, 1 
>>> powermac 9600/300 again having the same treatment, 2x G3 beige mini towers 
>>> at 300mhz each undergoing an intensive upgrade. 1 x powermac G4 blue and a 
>>> powermac G4 quicksilver. so there's 2 G4's capable of running OS X 10.4 
>>> without any issues. the others will have to run  OS 9.2 with a decent 
>>> browser, email client, etc and outspoken if I can acquire it.
>>> As I say, I take on what I can find. whatever's given to me I accept and 
>>> take on.
>>> lew
>>> On 26 Nov 2011, at 22:31, Scott Howell wrote:
 Do you think you could get machines that run Tiger? At least you could 
 then use VoiceOver. I do not recall the minimum specs, but this would be 
 perhaps an option?
 On Nov 26, 2011, at 4:56 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> exactly that. the net is full of dead info. a bit of a pain really
> lew
> On 26 Nov 2011, at 21:54, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> I checked out that synaps site this morn. Found a meantion of Outspoken, 
>> but not where to buy.
>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'Day, Mates)
>> Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
>> Twitter @lpnalda
>> Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>> Hi again Louis,
>> In an effort to keep this on topic smiles.
>> You really want new copies,not used ones, as outspoken used serial 
>> numbers, 
>> and you may run into serious issues trying to install a used copy over 
>> and 
>> over again.
>> I just did some creative googeling and discovered rather a few trails to 
>> those who created outspoken,   the parent company referenced in other 
>> posts, who had its own assets  acquired by optilec in 2005.  That 
>> company 
>> may now be synmaps, since outspoken for windows is listed with them.
>> However the two people who started Berkley systems, Wes Boyd and Joan 
>> Blade, are alive well and running one of the largest progressive politic 
>> groups in the country
>> I managed to find phone numbers for a few folks, can certainly direct 
>> you 
>> to  some others.
>> It really  depends on how
>> direct and fast you want the materials, where you 
>> are based,  and how solid your operation.
>> It seems to me though that the creative rout may get you what you desire.
>> contact me off list if I can help further.

Re: off topic

2011-11-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
system access is windows only.

if you want to run windows on a mac, I'd recommend fusion 4.1 and then run 
windows, then use system access.

sorry about that


Free Macs For The Blind

On 27 Nov 2011, at 16:01, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Hi,
> If you find out that you can use SA on the Mac please let me know.  I have 
> system access and didn't think I could use  it cause I thought you had to 
> have windows.  Let me know OK?
> Thanks.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Nov 27, 2011, at 4:44 AM, wayne coles wrote:
>>  Hello just got myself a mac book air and joined this group to ask
>> for help if needed so sorry if I have done this the wrong way but I need
>> some help I have a membership with sam net and was told that I can use sa
>> with chrome on the mac but how do I access sam net and where do I go to get
>> sam net sorry for the long post but I don't know where else to try thanks in
>> advance 
>> --wayne---Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
>> Sent: 26 November 2011 20:09
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: the cloud
>> Hi,
>> If you have your devices syncing through iCloud, as you fix them on the
>> iPhone, they will fix the related items within iCloud.  Similarly, if you
>> fix these items on your Mac in AddressBook, they will automatically be fixed
>> on your iPhone.  You can confirm this by going to the other device and
>> checking it.  That is, if you did the corrections on the iPhone,, just go to
>> your Mac and take a look in AddressBook and the same items should also be
>> fixed there.  Again, this only is relevant if you have the same iCloud
>> account on both devices and you have Contact syncing turned on.
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>> On 2011-11-26, at 5:24 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:
>>> how do I remove old contacts from the cloud. I don't want to combine them
>> with corrected contacts on the iPhone.
>>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: Outspoken 9.2 help needed please.

2011-11-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
I certainly will.

Yep It's one of those things. technology being one of those big expenses, 
especially when it comes to disabled users.

I remember the battles I've gone through to get where I am now. that's what has 
partly driven me to this work.

your learning method is a good idea to be honest. We're all here to help. each 
with our own support knowledge, etc.


On 27 Nov 2011, at 16:09, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Well, I am still very much a baby when it comes to the Mac.  I know very 
> little about it and am learning every day I use it.  I don't have an Apple 
> store in my area so no training is available.  I'm also not good at just 
> listening to a tutorial and then licit split, I can do it.  I'm one of those 
> people that needs to play with it and then get to something I don't know how 
> to do and then say, "How do I do this?"  basically OJT so to speak:)  I've 
> learned a lot that way.  
> There are so many blind people that don't have computers cause they just 
> can't afford them.  I think we'd really be surprised if we knew the 
> statistics.  If there's anything I can do to help let me know.
> Jenny and my goofy guide 'Brooks
> On Nov 27, 2011, at 9:40 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> Hi Jenny,
>> Thanks for your kindness. I really appreciate it. I do this work for two 
>> reasons. 
>> 1: can't stand the thought of young people especially students with 
>> disabilities who don't get support and are turned away from colleges, etc 
>> not having the right access to equipment,
>> 2: can't stand the thought of a good mac, no matter what it's age, going to 
>> the tip or be destroyed. it just sickens me. a perfectly good, working mac 
>> of any kind which can still be used by anyone just being savaged to death is 
>> wrong. So I'd rather a fellow blind user get the benefit and my technical 
>> support as a hardware based engineer / consultant.
>> this is a pretty much, eat, sleap and drink FreeMacsForTheBlind job.
>> anyway if ever there's something I can do on here in return, like hardware 
>> diagnostics, online system repair training, etc I'm happy to spare the time..
>> lew
>> Free Macs For The Blind.
>> On 27 Nov 2011, at 15:35, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> Hi Lu,
>>> My name is Jenny and I have no clue about outspoken or most things about 
>>> Macs but I just wanted to say that I think what you're doing is really 
>>> great and I have so much respect and admiration for you.  Thank you for 
>>> what you do.  If it weren't for my Dad, I wouldn't have my Mac Mini so I 
>>> totally understand and appreciate the generosity of others.  
>>> You are a gift from GOD and my he bless your efforts.
>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 4:54 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
 It's what ever I'm given sadly. At the mo I have on the floor 3 x powermac 
 7600/200 machines about to be upgraded in both ram and HD size and type, 1 
 powermac 9600/300 again having the same treatment, 2x G3 beige mini towers 
 at 300mhz each undergoing an intensive upgrade. 1 x powermac G4 blue and a 
 powermac G4 quicksilver. so there's 2 G4's capable of running OS X 10.4 
 without any issues. the others will have to run  OS 9.2 with a decent 
 browser, email client, etc and outspoken if I can acquire it.
 As I say, I take on what I can find. whatever's given to me I accept and 
 take on.
 On 26 Nov 2011, at 22:31, Scott Howell wrote:
> Do you think you could get machines that run Tiger? At least you could 
> then use VoiceOver. I do not recall the minimum specs, but this would be 
> perhaps an option?
> On Nov 26, 2011, at 4:56 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> exactly that. the net is full of dead info. a bit of a pain really
>> lew
>> On 26 Nov 2011, at 21:54, Pete Nalda wrote:
>>> I checked out that synaps site this morn. Found a meantion of 
>>> Outspoken, but not where to buy.
>>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'Day, Mates)
>>> Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
>>> Twitter @lpnalda
>>> Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>>> Hi again Louis,
>>> In an effort to keep this on topic smiles.
>>> You really want new copies,not used ones, as outspoken used serial 
>>> numbers, 
>>> and you may run into serious issues trying to install a used copy over 
>>> and 
>>> over again.
>>> I just did some creative googeling and discovered rather a few trails 
>>> to 
>>> those who created outspoken,   the parent company referenced in other 
>>> posts, who had its own assets  acquired by optilec in 2005.  That 
>>> company 
>>> may now be synmaps, since outspoken for windows is listed with them.
>>> However the two people who s

Re: Mac Mini Headphone Jack not Working

2011-11-27 Thread matthew Dyer
I'm using the may 2009 mottle if that helps.

On Nov 27, 2011, at 10:13 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> Hi matthew, what mac are you using? model and a rough date please would be 
> ideal? if your speaker is not working, there may be a hardware issue or again 
> a mute or audio setting somewhere depending on your situation.
> lew
> On 27 Nov 2011, at 15:11, matthew Dyer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can you use the internal speaker?  I have an opozit problem whare the 
>> internal speaker does not work.   I would check to see if  something is 
>> muted.
>> Matthew
>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 3:19 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:
>>> Hello, I forgot and left my Mac Mini on last night and when I put my 
>>> headphones on this morning to begin using it there was no sound.  I checked 
>>> to make sure that these headphones were still working and they are.  I even 
>>> connected them to my usb sound card and that also didn't work.  Does anyone 
>>> on the list have any suggestions as to what I cqan try next?  
>>> Scott
>>> -- 
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Re: Mac Mini Headphone Jack not Working

2011-11-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
do you still have apple care protection? if so, I'd recommend popping in to 
your nearest apple store or contacting apple for a hardware repair.

if your audio settings are all there, your sound card is visable, etc then the 
internal speaker may have shorted. it's a rare issue.

I need to know more about your setup in terms of are you using line out to 
headphones or speakers? have you accidentally muted or disabled the settings in 
audio / midi settings? etc


On 27 Nov 2011, at 16:18, matthew Dyer wrote:

> I'm using the may 2009 mottle if that helps.
> On Nov 27, 2011, at 10:13 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> Hi matthew, what mac are you using? model and a rough date please would be 
>> ideal? if your speaker is not working, there may be a hardware issue or 
>> again a mute or audio setting somewhere depending on your situation.
>> lew
>> On 27 Nov 2011, at 15:11, matthew Dyer wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Can you use the internal speaker?  I have an opozit problem whare the 
>>> internal speaker does not work.   I would check to see if  something is 
>>> muted.
>>> Matthew
>>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 3:19 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:
 Hello, I forgot and left my Mac Mini on last night and when I put my 
 headphones on this morning to begin using it there was no sound.  I 
 checked to make sure that these headphones were still working and they 
 are.  I even connected them to my usb sound card and that also didn't 
 work.  Does anyone on the list have any suggestions as to what I cqan try 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: off topic

2011-11-27 Thread Barry Abbott
You can also use the entertainment portion of samnet  if you install google 
chrome with the chromevox speech extension. It is a new thing and you will need 
to get used to using google chrome. there have been a lot of posts on the list 
about google chrome. When using it turn VO off. Also the chrome key is the same 
as the VO key combination (Control+option) this  using a mac so just apply that 
principle when using the program. It still has a way to go but it works. I have 
listened to a radio play and a part of a movie without any problem. I am not 
able to access the Chrome menu using control+f2) so if anon knows how this 
might be done without turning  VO back on I would like to know.

I also like the interactive tutorial that has been developed for google chrome.

It has been fun playing around with it.   

On 2011-11-27, at 12:01 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Hi,
> If you find out that you can use SA on the Mac please let me know.  I have 
> system access and didn't think I could use  it cause I thought you had to 
> have windows.  Let me know OK?
> Thanks.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Nov 27, 2011, at 4:44 AM, wayne coles wrote:
>>  Hello just got myself a mac book air and joined this group to ask
>> for help if needed so sorry if I have done this the wrong way but I need
>> some help I have a membership with sam net and was told that I can use sa
>> with chrome on the mac but how do I access sam net and where do I go to get
>> sam net sorry for the long post but I don't know where else to try thanks in
>> advance 
>> --wayne---Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
>> Sent: 26 November 2011 20:09
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: the cloud
>> Hi,
>> If you have your devices syncing through iCloud, as you fix them on the
>> iPhone, they will fix the related items within iCloud.  Similarly, if you
>> fix these items on your Mac in AddressBook, they will automatically be fixed
>> on your iPhone.  You can confirm this by going to the other device and
>> checking it.  That is, if you did the corrections on the iPhone,, just go to
>> your Mac and take a look in AddressBook and the same items should also be
>> fixed there.  Again, this only is relevant if you have the same iCloud
>> account on both devices and you have Contact syncing turned on.
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>> On 2011-11-26, at 5:24 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:
>>> how do I remove old contacts from the cloud. I don't want to combine them
>> with corrected contacts on the iPhone.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: Mac Mini Headphone Jack not Working

2011-11-27 Thread matthew Dyer
Hi loo.  I have a usb headset which works fine.  I also have a set of speakers 
connect which also work.  Whart I do not hear 9is the chime when booting.  I am 
using sl.  10.6.8.  I am going to take in any for a mager inspection while I 
have apple care protectoion.  I hope that helps.


On Nov 27, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> do you still have apple care protection? if so, I'd recommend popping in to 
> your nearest apple store or contacting apple for a hardware repair.
> if your audio settings are all there, your sound card is visable, etc then 
> the internal speaker may have shorted. it's a rare issue.
> I need to know more about your setup in terms of are you using line out to 
> headphones or speakers? have you accidentally muted or disabled the settings 
> in audio / midi settings? etc
> lew
> On 27 Nov 2011, at 16:18, matthew Dyer wrote:
>> I'm using the may 2009 mottle if that helps.
>> On Nov 27, 2011, at 10:13 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> Hi matthew, what mac are you using? model and a rough date please would be 
>>> ideal? if your speaker is not working, there may be a hardware issue or 
>>> again a mute or audio setting somewhere depending on your situation.
>>> lew
>>> On 27 Nov 2011, at 15:11, matthew Dyer wrote:
 Can you use the internal speaker?  I have an opozit problem whare the 
 internal speaker does not work.   I would check to see if  something is 
 On Nov 26, 2011, at 3:19 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:
> Hello, I forgot and left my Mac Mini on last night and when I put my 
> headphones on this morning to begin using it there was no sound.  I 
> checked to make sure that these headphones were still working and they 
> are.  I even connected them to my usb sound card and that also didn't 
> work.  Does anyone on the list have any suggestions as to what I cqan try 
> next?  
> Scott
> -- 
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Mac Mini Headphone Jack not Working

2011-11-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
big clue given there.

your USB headset if left in, is your default audio device most possibly, then 
your external speakers. the chime, etc may be diverted to another sound output. 
just a thought without actually being there.


free macs for the blind

On 27 Nov 2011, at 16:27, matthew Dyer wrote:

> Hi loo.  I have a usb headset which works fine.  I also have a set of 
> speakers connect which also work.  Whart I do not hear 9is the chime when 
> booting.  I am using sl.  10.6.8.  I am going to take in any for a mager 
> inspection while I have apple care protectoion.  I hope that helps.
> Matthew
> On Nov 27, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> do you still have apple care protection? if so, I'd recommend popping in to 
>> your nearest apple store or contacting apple for a hardware repair.
>> if your audio settings are all there, your sound card is visable, etc then 
>> the internal speaker may have shorted. it's a rare issue.
>> I need to know more about your setup in terms of are you using line out to 
>> headphones or speakers? have you accidentally muted or disabled the settings 
>> in audio / midi settings? etc
>> lew
>> On 27 Nov 2011, at 16:18, matthew Dyer wrote:
>>> I'm using the may 2009 mottle if that helps.
>>> On Nov 27, 2011, at 10:13 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
 Hi matthew, what mac are you using? model and a rough date please would be 
 ideal? if your speaker is not working, there may be a hardware issue or 
 again a mute or audio setting somewhere depending on your situation.
 On 27 Nov 2011, at 15:11, matthew Dyer wrote:
> Hi,
> Can you use the internal speaker?  I have an opozit problem whare the 
> internal speaker does not work.   I would check to see if  something is 
> muted.
> Matthew
> On Nov 26, 2011, at 3:19 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:
>> Hello, I forgot and left my Mac Mini on last night and when I put my 
>> headphones on this morning to begin using it there was no sound.  I 
>> checked to make sure that these headphones were still working and they 
>> are.  I even connected them to my usb sound card and that also didn't 
>> work.  Does anyone on the list have any suggestions as to what I cqan 
>> try next?  
>> Scott
>> -- 
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Re: Pandora or equivalent accessible with VoiceOver?

2011-11-27 Thread Hank Smith

Hello last I checked it did.
I haven't used it in about 6 months or so.
I am trying to get another mac.
when I used it last it had keyboard shortcuts and everything.
it also sorted the songs in to the folder of the pandora radio station 
you record.

let me know if I can be of any more assistance.
On 11/27/2011 7:26 AM, Robert Carter wrote:

Hi Hank,

Does Pandora Jam work well with VoiceOver?


Robert Carter

On Nov 26, 2011, at 8:12 PM, Hank Smith wrote:

Hello if you want to record pandora as well theres
pandora jam
it is 14.95
On 11/26/2011 6:21 PM, Chad King wrote:

Theres also an app called Piano pub

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 26, 2011, at 7:18 PM, Robert Carter > wrote:


Another very simple and not real sophisticated VoiceOver accessible 
pandora app for the Mac is called PandoraBoy.

Robert Carter
On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:01 AM, Kestrell wrote:


I'm still a new Mac user, so perhaps I am just doing something 
wrong, but is Pandora accessible with VoiceOver? All I can find 
when I go to the Web site is a link to Adobe Flash which leads 
back to the Adobe Web site.

If Pandora is not accessible with VoiceOver, can other users 
recommend an equivalent application?

Thank you.


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personal email:  
Amateur radio call sign:
check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
also you can find my youtube channel at:

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personal email:
Amateur radio call sign:
check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
also you can find my youtube channel at:

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: off topic

2011-11-27 Thread Hank Smith

Hello where can I get the tutorial at on chome and the like with speech?
I am joining late on the thread
On 11/27/2011 9:23 AM, Barry Abbott wrote:

You can also use the entertainment portion of samnet  if you install google 
chrome with the chromevox speech extension. It is a new thing and you will need 
to get used to using google chrome. there have been a lot of posts on the list 
about google chrome. When using it turn VO off. Also the chrome key is the same 
as the VO key combination (Control+option) this  using a mac so just apply that 
principle when using the program. It still has a way to go but it works. I have 
listened to a radio play and a part of a movie without any problem. I am not 
able to access the Chrome menu using control+f2) so if anon knows how this 
might be done without turning  VO back on I would like to know.

I also like the interactive tutorial that has been developed for google chrome.

It has been fun playing around with it.

On 2011-11-27, at 12:01 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:


If you find out that you can use SA on the Mac please let me know.  I have 
system access and didn't think I could use  it cause I thought you had to have 
windows.  Let me know OK?


Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Nov 27, 2011, at 4:44 AM, wayne coles wrote:

Hello just got myself a mac book air and joined this group to ask
for help if needed so sorry if I have done this the wrong way but I need
some help I have a membership with sam net and was told that I can use sa
with chrome on the mac but how do I access sam net and where do I go to get
sam net sorry for the long post but I don't know where else to try thanks in

--wayne---Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
Sent: 26 November 2011 20:09
Subject: Re: the cloud


If you have your devices syncing through iCloud, as you fix them on the
iPhone, they will fix the related items within iCloud.  Similarly, if you
fix these items on your Mac in AddressBook, they will automatically be fixed
on your iPhone.  You can confirm this by going to the other device and
checking it.  That is, if you did the corrections on the iPhone,, just go to
your Mac and take a look in AddressBook and the same items should also be
fixed there.  Again, this only is relevant if you have the same iCloud
account on both devices and you have Contact syncing turned on.



On 2011-11-26, at 5:24 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:

how do I remove old contacts from the cloud. I don't want to combine them

with corrected contacts on the iPhone.

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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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personal email:
Amateur radio call sign:
check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
also you can find my youtube channel at:

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RE: off topic

2011-11-27 Thread wayne coles
Hello just install chrome and then go to and then put your details in but it is not perfect but very
useable so have fun hope this works 

-Origiwaynenal Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jennifer Perdue
Sent: 27 November 2011 11:02
Subject: Re: off topic


If you find out that you can use SA on the Mac please let me know.  I have
system access and didn't think I could use  it cause I thought you had to
have windows.  Let me know OK?


Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Nov 27, 2011, at 4:44 AM, wayne coles wrote:

>   Hello just got myself a mac book air and joined this group to ask
> for help if needed so sorry if I have done this the wrong way but I need
> some help I have a membership with sam net and was told that I can use sa
> with chrome on the mac but how do I access sam net and where do I go to
> sam net sorry for the long post but I don't know where else to try thanks
> advance 
> --wayne---Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Tim Kilburn
> Sent: 26 November 2011 20:09
> To:
> Subject: Re: the cloud
> Hi,
> If you have your devices syncing through iCloud, as you fix them on the
> iPhone, they will fix the related items within iCloud.  Similarly, if you
> fix these items on your Mac in AddressBook, they will automatically be
> on your iPhone.  You can confirm this by going to the other device and
> checking it.  That is, if you did the corrections on the iPhone,, just go
> your Mac and take a look in AddressBook and the same items should also be
> fixed there.  Again, this only is relevant if you have the same iCloud
> account on both devices and you have Contact syncing turned on.
> HTH.
> Later...
> On 2011-11-26, at 5:24 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:
>> how do I remove old contacts from the cloud. I don't want to combine them
> with corrected contacts on the iPhone.
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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2011-11-27 Thread wayne coles
Hello list could some kind person please give me step by step instructions
on how to activate the speatch in chrome only I cant find out how to do this
so thanks 

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Re: Mac Mini Headphone Jack not Working

2011-11-27 Thread Scott Rumery
Yes the internal works just fine.  I am not getting any sound from the line in 
jack, and I am also not having luck with my usb sound card which I did have 
working last night, but when I woke my Mac  this morning was no longer working. 
 I did a Lion restore this morning and still no luck.  What should I look for 
in the sounds system preferences?

On Nov 27, 2011, at 10:11 AM, matthew Dyer wrote:

> Hi,
> Can you use the internal speaker?  I have an opozit problem whare the 
> internal speaker does not work.   I would check to see if  something is muted.
> Matthew
> On Nov 26, 2011, at 3:19 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:
>> Hello, I forgot and left my Mac Mini on last night and when I put my 
>> headphones on this morning to begin using it there was no sound.  I checked 
>> to make sure that these headphones were still working and they are.  I even 
>> connected them to my usb sound card and that also didn't work.  Does anyone 
>> on the list have any suggestions as to what I cqan try next?  
>> Scott
>> -- 
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Re: Mac Mini Headphone Jack not Working

2011-11-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
go to applications > utilities > audio Midi setup.

To solve a problem like this, lets go into the main window where the devices 
are found. as an example, there are 3 instances. Default line input, default 
mic input, default line output.

in this instance, lets go to the default audio output. select it, Move around 
until you hear SOURCE. then it should give either internal speakers, etc as an 
option in a pull down menu. in this instance, lets use internal speakers as the 
mac default.

now navigate around until you hear 2 buttons. add aggregate device / remove 
aggregate device, the next one after that is a pulldown menu just says menu. go 
into it and make sure that both "Use this device for system sounds" and Use 
this device for sound output" are enabled.

this then should help.

if not, let me look into things and where possible, I'd like to try and help 
you remotely.


free macs for the blind.

On 27 Nov 2011, at 18:13, Scott Rumery wrote:

> Yes the internal works just fine.  I am not getting any sound from the line 
> in jack, and I am also not having luck with my usb sound card which I did 
> have working last night, but when I woke my Mac  this morning was no longer 
> working.  I did a Lion restore this morning and still no luck.  What should I 
> look for in the sounds system preferences?
> Scottt
> On Nov 27, 2011, at 10:11 AM, matthew Dyer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can you use the internal speaker?  I have an opozit problem whare the 
>> internal speaker does not work.   I would check to see if  something is 
>> muted.
>> Matthew
>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 3:19 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:
>>> Hello, I forgot and left my Mac Mini on last night and when I put my 
>>> headphones on this morning to begin using it there was no sound.  I checked 
>>> to make sure that these headphones were still working and they are.  I even 
>>> connected them to my usb sound card and that also didn't work.  Does anyone 
>>> on the list have any suggestions as to what I cqan try next?  
>>> Scott
>>> -- 
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Re: the cloud

2011-11-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

To remove a Contact on your iDevice, do the following.  You can use split-tap 
instead of double-tap, whichever you're most comfortable with.

• Double-tap on the Contacts app.
• Double-tap on the contact you wish to delete.
• Swipe right to the Edit button and double-tap it.
• Place four fingers near the bottom of the screen and release to move focus to 
the bottom.
• Double-tap the Delete button and confirm.

This is cumbersome if you're wishing to delete numerous entries but there is a 
round-about way of deleting them all at once if that is your goal.

• Go to your Setting app.
• Select the iCloud option
• Turn off Contact syncing.

When you do this, it will ask you if you wish to keep the contacts that are on 
your iDevice or to remove them from your device.  If you choose to remove them 
from your device, they will all be deleted.  I would then sync your iPhone, 
which has the contacts all fixed thus sending them to iCloud and when you turn 
Contact syncing back on the Touch, the good ones will be synced.

Hope this is not too confusing.


On 2011-11-27, at 8:40 AM, craig J Dunlop wrote:

> how do I remove the contacts from the touch? I have been looking but haven't 
> found a way.
> On Nov 26, 2011, at 8:26 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If I'm understanding correctly, the contacts on the iPhone are the ones you 
>> wish to keep.  Thus, I would simply go to the Touch, and remove all contacts 
>> from there.  This would consequently remove them from iCloud as well.  
>> Therefore, the iCloud contacts would be empty when you bring the iPhone into 
>> the picture and the contacts from the iPhone would be sent up to iCloud when 
>> it's iCloud credentials were confirmed.  If you don't wish all the contacts 
>> removed from the Touch, just delete the ones that you have fixed on the 
>> iPhone and you shouldn't get any duplicates.
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>> On 2011-11-26, at 7:02 PM, Craig J Dunlop wrote:
>>> Please excuse any typing errors I'm using Siri to send this message my wife 
>>> originally has a iPod touch I recently purchased her the iPhone 4S on the 
>>> touch she had her email contacts on the iPhone we had her regular phone 
>>> contacts move she doesn't want the contacts that are on the cloud from her 
>>> touch moved to her iPhone but I would like to back up the iPhone contacts 
>>> to the cloud it sounds to me like the contacts would be merged and then all 
>>> of the contacts would show up on both devices so if I can figure out how to 
>>> remove the existing contacts from the cloud before I have her iPhone sync 
>>> to the cloud everything would be good thanks for any help or ideas
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 18:48, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
 I don't understand.
 If you correct them on the phone, won't the corrections also be reflected 
 in iCloud?
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
 On Nov 26, 2011, at 7:24 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:
> how do I remove old contacts from the cloud. I don't want to combine them 
> with corrected contacts on the iPhone.
> -- 
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>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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RE: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Bill Holton

Actually, it's not a problem using Disk Utility.  What I was explaining was
that after I use DU to re-partition and format a drive I can't access it
using Finder.  Ironically, I learned last night that if I use the go to menu
to go to the computer and then open the drive from that list it opens fine.
If I close the drive, move to finder and try to open it from my desktop it
won't open.  Nor will it open from any file menu box.  Finder starts saying
busy, and it will continue to say busy for 8 hours, which is the longest I
have let things run.  The fan starts running hot and doesn't stop until I
turn off VO, still can't access the drive when I turn VO back on, Finder
crashes and won't let me force quit, have to restart the Mini. Command
Option Escape will supposedly restart it, but all VO sees is a blank screen.

I have checked the activity monitor while this is happening.  Finder stays
at a low menmory useage, but VO goes up to 360%--mine is a quad core.

And it's not just USB drives.  When I reformatted one of the mini's two
internal drives I couldn't access that one, either, until after I had used
the right click menu to copy a file onto the drive.

Last night I reinstalled Lion.  Everything worked fine, until I did a
software update, then it started happening just as before.  So the problem
seems to be in one of the software updates.  

I have a server edition of the Mini, which may be the specific Mac or mac
software update this is a problem on.

Any further thoughts and suggestions welcome.




[] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 6:23 AM
Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?


The reason Voiceover goes a little crazy is two fold.


firstly, disk utility is rather intense when it comes to disk management as
it's handling your SATA buses as well as USB and Firewire handling. When you
format an external drive as an example, your USB or firewire BUS is taken
over with that particular instruction, so the CPU is taking up some
resources to manage that process.


as regards voiceover, Sometimes the speech synthesis server has a bit of a
wobble. May I ask what version OS you are using at this point? if it's 10.7,
there are a few niggles to be aware of. 10.6, I've noticed a few things but
nothing that restarting voiceover won't harm.


I use an external disk destroyer suite / diagnostic interface for managing
drives including partitioning, volume testing, data destruction and disk
aging and it's linked via USB so I can either use it standalone or VIA USB /
firewire with disk utility where needed.


just to let you know, don't worry, just quit voiceover and reload it. no




On 27 Nov 2011, at 11:16, Scott Howell wrote:

Hi BIll,



So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format
the drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having
some interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to
what you are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the
experiment. :)




On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:


Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a little
experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?

Here's the situation.

A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I
figured I would just go ahead and repartition it-it's a two-tarabyte drive,
format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended
journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and
reporting busy, busy, busy..  Eventually the fan would come on, the only way
I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me and
the folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive,
happens on all three of my drives.  And if I turn off VO and let my wife
have a crack at it she can get to the drive easily.  Turn back on VO, try to
acces the drive, Busy.  Busy.  Busy.

Strangely, if I copy a file from one of my folders and use the right click
to copy that file to the drive it copies fine, and from that point on I can
access the drive-I'm just not convinced this is a long term solution, and
eventually I will start having more Time machine problems.

So today I bit the bullet and reformatted the drive.  Everything worked
fine.until I tried using iTunes.  iTunes required a software update, and so
the Mac took the opportunity to update all of my OS files as well.  As you
have probably guessed at this point, as soon as the system updates were
installed and the Mac restarted I was back to the same old problems.

I don't have a second mac to try this one, but is anyone else having trouble
accessing freshly partitioned drives via Finder?

Any help much, much appreciated.




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radio apps

2011-11-27 Thread wayne coles
Hello can anyone recommend a good radio app that is compatible with voice
over thanks for any advice 

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RE: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Bill Holton
Actually, it has also happened on an internal drive, but yes, after a
partition and format I can't access the drive through finder or asave dialog
box.  I can access it through the go to computer menu, or if I use the right
click menu option to copy any file onto the drive.

My wife can access the drive fine wiout VO running, but when I turn VO back
on it goes busy.



[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 6:16 AM
Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?


Hi BIll,



So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format
the drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having
some interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to
what you are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the
experiment. :)




On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:


Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a little
experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?

Here's the situation.

A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I
figured I would just go ahead and repartition it-it's a two-tarabyte drive,
format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended
journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and
reporting busy, busy, busy..  Eventually the fan would come on, the only way
I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me and
the folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive,
happens on all three of my drives.  And if I turn off VO and let my wife
have a crack at it she can get to the drive easily.  Turn back on VO, try to
acces the drive, Busy.  Busy.  Busy.

Strangely, if I copy a file from one of my folders and use the right click
to copy that file to the drive it copies fine, and from that point on I can
access the drive-I'm just not convinced this is a long term solution, and
eventually I will start having more Time machine problems.

So today I bit the bullet and reformatted the drive.  Everything worked
fine.until I tried using iTunes.  iTunes required a software update, and so
the Mac took the opportunity to update all of my OS files as well.  As you
have probably guessed at this point, as soon as the system updates were
installed and the Mac restarted I was back to the same old problems.

I don't have a second mac to try this one, but is anyone else having trouble
accessing freshly partitioned drives via Finder?

Any help much, much appreciated.




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RE: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Bill Holton
Basically, if I partition and format a drive, put it on the desktop and then
try accessing that dirve via command-o VO goes busy and wont stop until I
restart the computer.  I am running a mini server with the latest updates.
I don't have problems with the original pre-iCloud version that came with
the mini.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of sandi sørensen
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 5:20 AM
Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

Hi bill.
tell me step-by-step what you want me to do.
If it  works fine when VO is turned off it is not a Voiceover related
problem though, but of course your backup with time machine should
work just fine.
I have a 20 gb Usbdrive that i am willing to test it on, if you give
me clinical instructions.

kind regards Sandi

On 11/27/11, Bill Holton  wrote:
> Hi.
> Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a
> experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?
> Here's the situation.
> A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So
> figured I would just go ahead and repartition it-it's a two-tarabyte
> format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended
> journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and
> reporting busy, busy, busy..  Eventually the fan would come on, the only
> I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me and
> the folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive,
> happens on all three of my drives.  And if I turn off VO and let my wife
> have a crack at it she can get to the drive easily.  Turn back on VO, try
> acces the drive, Busy.  Busy.  Busy.
> Strangely, if I copy a file from one of my folders and use the right click
> to copy that file to the drive it copies fine, and from that point on I
> access the drive-I'm just not convinced this is a long term solution, and
> eventually I will start having more Time machine problems.
> So today I bit the bullet and reformatted the drive.  Everything worked
> fine.until I tried using iTunes.  iTunes required a software update, and
> the Mac took the opportunity to update all of my OS files as well.  As you
> have probably guessed at this point, as soon as the system updates were
> installed and the Mac restarted I was back to the same old problems.
> I don't have a second mac to try this one, but is anyone else having
> accessing freshly partitioned drives via Finder?
> Any help much, much appreciated.
> Bill
> --
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Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
can I clarify something please.

1: is the drive an external hard drive?
1 a: if so was it purchased as a complete drive or built by you?
2: are you using firewire or USB?
3: what is the drive partitioned as and what format was used?
4: is the drive itself producing strange noises on occasions?

sorry to ask these, I'm just trying to fathem this issue out. Sometimes the 
finder can hang causing voiceover to lock in "Busy loop

this can be due to an issue with external media and I've come across it.


On 27 Nov 2011, at 19:11, Bill Holton wrote:

> Hi.
> Actually, it’s not a problem using Disk Utility.  What I was explaining was 
> that after I use DU to re-partition and format a drive I can’t access it 
> using Finder.  Ironically, I learned last night that if I use the go to menu 
> to go to the computer and then open the drive from that list it opens fine.  
> If I close the drive, move to finder and try to open it from my desktop it 
> won’t open.  Nor will it open from any file menu box.  Finder starts saying 
> busy, and it will continue to say busy for 8 hours, which is the longest I 
> have let things run.  The fan starts running hot and doesn’t stop until I 
> turn off VO, still can’t access the drive when I turn VO back on, Finder 
> crashes and won’t let me force quit, have to restart the Mini. Command Option 
> Escape will supposedly restart it, but all VO sees is a blank screen.
> I have checked the activity monitor while this is happening.  Finder stays at 
> a low menmory useage, but VO goes up to 360%--mine is a quad core.
> And it’s not just USB drives.  When I reformatted one of the mini’s two 
> internal drives I couldn’t access that one, either, until after I had used 
> the right click menu to copy a file onto the drive.
> Last night I reinstalled Lion.  Everything worked fine, until I did a 
> software update, then it started happening just as before.  So the problem 
> seems to be in one of the software updates. 
> I have a server edition of the Mini, which may be the specific Mac or mac 
> software update this is a problem on.
> Any further thoughts and suggestions welcome.
> Bill
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
> Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 6:23 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?
> The reason Voiceover goes a little crazy is two fold.
> firstly, disk utility is rather intense when it comes to disk management as 
> it's handling your SATA buses as well as USB and Firewire handling. When you 
> format an external drive as an example, your USB or firewire BUS is taken 
> over with that particular instruction, so the CPU is taking up some resources 
> to manage that process.
> as regards voiceover, Sometimes the speech synthesis server has a bit of a 
> wobble. May I ask what version OS you are using at this point? if it's 10.7, 
> there are a few niggles to be aware of. 10.6, I've noticed a few things but 
> nothing that restarting voiceover won't harm.
> I use an external disk destroyer suite / diagnostic interface for managing 
> drives including partitioning, volume testing, data destruction and disk 
> aging and it's linked via USB so I can either use it standalone or VIA USB / 
> firewire with disk utility where needed.
> just to let you know, don't worry, just quit voiceover and reload it. no 
> problem.
> lew
> On 27 Nov 2011, at 11:16, Scott Howell wrote:
> Hi BIll,
> So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format 
> the drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having 
> some interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to what 
> you are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the 
> experiment. :)
> Scot
> On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
> Hi.
> Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a little 
> experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?
> Here's the situation.
> A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I 
> figured I would just go ahead and repartition it—it's a two-tarabyte drive, 
> format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended 
> journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and 
> reporting busy, busy, busy….  Eventually the fan would come on, the only way 
> I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me and the 
> folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive, happens on 
> all three of my drives.  And if I turn off VO and let my wife have a crack at 
> it she can get to the drive easily.  Turn back on VO, try to acces the drive, 
> Busy.  Busy.  Busy.
> Strangely, if I copy a file from one of my folders and use the right click to 
> copy that file to the drive it copies fine, and from that poi

Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
h this is now officially puzzling.

it is worth noting here just in interest sake that the best way to use a hard 
drive on the mac is changing jumpers (IDE drives) to cable select.

this is getting me thinking. please wait while I try to connect you. the person 
you are calling knows you are waiting. BEEP!

free macs for the blind

On 27 Nov 2011, at 19:13, Bill Holton wrote:

> Actually, it has also happened on an internal drive, but yes, after a 
> partition and format I can’t access the drive through finder or asave dialog 
> box.  I can access it through the go to computer menu, or if I use the right 
> click menu option to copy any file onto the drive.
> My wife can access the drive fine wiout VO running, but when I turn VO back 
> on it goes busy.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 6:16 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?
> Hi BIll,
> So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format 
> the drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having 
> some interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to what 
> you are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the 
> experiment. :)
> Scot
> On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
> Hi.
> Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a little 
> experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?
> Here's the situation.
> A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I 
> figured I would just go ahead and repartition it—it's a two-tarabyte drive, 
> format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended 
> journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and 
> reporting busy, busy, busy….  Eventually the fan would come on, the only way 
> I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me and the 
> folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive, happens on 
> all three of my drives.  And if I turn off VO and let my wife have a crack at 
> it she can get to the drive easily.  Turn back on VO, try to acces the drive, 
> Busy.  Busy.  Busy.
> Strangely, if I copy a file from one of my folders and use the right click to 
> copy that file to the drive it copies fine, and from that point on I can 
> access the drive—I'm just not convinced this is a long term solution, and 
> eventually I will start having more Time machine problems.
> So today I bit the bullet and reformatted the drive.  Everything worked 
> fine…until I tried using iTunes.  iTunes required a software update, and so 
> the Mac took the opportunity to update all of my OS files as well.  As you 
> have probably guessed at this point, as soon as the system updates were 
> installed and the Mac restarted I was back to the same old problems.
> I don't have a second mac to try this one, but is anyone else having trouble 
> accessing freshly partitioned drives via Finder?
> Any help much, much appreciated.
> Bill
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 
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making notes on i-devices with listrecorde/pear notes/auditorium notes should be great! all comments are very welcome!

2011-11-27 Thread William Windels
During a meeting this evening, I was making notes in listrecorder while 
recording the speaker.
I have seen that the record stops when moving between the textfield and the 
record/play/pause buttons. It happens when I came back in the textfield and I 
activate the field with a double tab so that I can move by line.
If I don't do a double tab, I can write but I can't read the written text 
because I hear: " empty textfield".
The problem seems to be solved when I restart voiceover or if I turn off 
quicknav, I can navigate and so I can hear the written text but navigation is 
more difficult then.

Is this a voiceover bug , a bug in listrecorder or something else?
Also, when I use my ipad in landscape mode, listrecorder is always using the 
portrait mode which makes it more difficult to find the buttons on the screen.
The orientation is locked with the physical switch button.

And then a feature request:
At the moment , there are no accessible programs for us like pear note or 
auditorium notes. They use the rtf-layout to write texts and voiceover can't 
handle this very well.
Apple accessibility is not giving any solution to write in rtf-fields on 

This programs let you write and record at the same time, like listrecorder is 
doing but, afterwards, you can jump to a moment in the record by activating the 
text you have written on that moment.
So, every time you write something, a kind of bookmark is made in the record.
This is so great to make notes as student and , for this, it would be so great 
if listrecorder should have this feature implemented.

Or, if pear note / auditorium notes could be made accessible on any way , it 
would be great to hear.
All comments are very welcome.
kind regards,
William Windels

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RE: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Bill Holton
It is with three different USB hard drives that work perfectly on other
systems and perfectly on this system without VO and the internal data drive
on my mac mini.  I have partitioned with different formats, FAT, Mac
Journaling, etc.  All with the same results.  



[] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?


can I clarify something please.


1: is the drive an external hard drive?

1 a: if so was it purchased as a complete drive or built by you?

2: are you using firewire or USB?

3: what is the drive partitioned as and what format was used?

4: is the drive itself producing strange noises on occasions?



sorry to ask these, I'm just trying to fathem this issue out. Sometimes the
finder can hang causing voiceover to lock in "Busy loop


this can be due to an issue with external media and I've come across it.




On 27 Nov 2011, at 19:11, Bill Holton wrote:


Actually, it's not a problem using Disk Utility.  What I was explaining was
that after I use DU to re-partition and format a drive I can't access it
using Finder.  Ironically, I learned last night that if I use the go to menu
to go to the computer and then open the drive from that list it opens fine.
If I close the drive, move to finder and try to open it from my desktop it
won't open.  Nor will it open from any file menu box.  Finder starts saying
busy, and it will continue to say busy for 8 hours, which is the longest I
have let things run.  The fan starts running hot and doesn't stop until I
turn off VO, still can't access the drive when I turn VO back on, Finder
crashes and won't let me force quit, have to restart the Mini. Command
Option Escape will supposedly restart it, but all VO sees is a blank screen.

I have checked the activity monitor while this is happening.  Finder stays
at a low menmory useage, but VO goes up to 360%--mine is a quad core.

And it's not just USB drives.  When I reformatted one of the mini's two
internal drives I couldn't access that one, either, until after I had used
the right click menu to copy a file onto the drive.

Last night I reinstalled Lion.  Everything worked fine, until I did a
software update, then it started happening just as before.  So the problem
seems to be in one of the software updates. 

I have a server edition of the Mini, which may be the specific Mac or mac
software update this is a problem on.

Any further thoughts and suggestions welcome.




[] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 6:23 AM
Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?


The reason Voiceover goes a little crazy is two fold.


firstly, disk utility is rather intense when it comes to disk management as
it's handling your SATA buses as well as USB and Firewire handling. When you
format an external drive as an example, your USB or firewire BUS is taken
over with that particular instruction, so the CPU is taking up some
resources to manage that process.


as regards voiceover, Sometimes the speech synthesis server has a bit of a
wobble. May I ask what version OS you are using at this point? if it's 10.7,
there are a few niggles to be aware of. 10.6, I've noticed a few things but
nothing that restarting voiceover won't harm.


I use an external disk destroyer suite / diagnostic interface for managing
drives including partitioning, volume testing, data destruction and disk
aging and it's linked via USB so I can either use it standalone or VIA USB /
firewire with disk utility where needed.


just to let you know, don't worry, just quit voiceover and reload it. no




On 27 Nov 2011, at 11:16, Scott Howell wrote:

Hi BIll,



So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format
the drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having
some interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to
what you are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the
experiment. :)




On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:


Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a little
experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?

Here's the situation.

A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I
figured I would just go ahead and repartition it-it's a two-tarabyte drive,
format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended
journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and
reporting busy, busy, busy..  Eventually the fan would come on, the only way
I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me and
the folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a

RE: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Bill Holton
perhaps, but that wouldn't explain why it happened on my internal data drive
that came straight from Apple after I reformatted it.



[] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?


h this is now officially puzzling.


it is worth noting here just in interest sake that the best way to use a
hard drive on the mac is changing jumpers (IDE drives) to cable select.



this is getting me thinking. please wait while I try to connect you. the
person you are calling knows you are waiting. BEEP!



free macs for the blind


On 27 Nov 2011, at 19:13, Bill Holton wrote:

Actually, it has also happened on an internal drive, but yes, after a
partition and format I can't access the drive through finder or asave dialog
box.  I can access it through the go to computer menu, or if I use the right
click menu option to copy any file onto the drive.

My wife can access the drive fine wiout VO running, but when I turn VO back
on it goes busy.



[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 6:16 AM
Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?


Hi BIll,



So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format
the drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having
some interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to
what you are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the
experiment. :)




On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:


Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a little
experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?

Here's the situation.

A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I
figured I would just go ahead and repartition it-it's a two-tarabyte drive,
format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended
journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and
reporting busy, busy, busy..  Eventually the fan would come on, the only way
I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me and
the folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive,
happens on all three of my drives.  And if I turn off VO and let my wife
have a crack at it she can get to the drive easily.  Turn back on VO, try to
acces the drive, Busy.  Busy.  Busy.

Strangely, if I copy a file from one of my folders and use the right click
to copy that file to the drive it copies fine, and from that point on I can
access the drive-I'm just not convinced this is a long term solution, and
eventually I will start having more Time machine problems.

So today I bit the bullet and reformatted the drive.  Everything worked
fine.until I tried using iTunes.  iTunes required a software update, and so
the Mac took the opportunity to update all of my OS files as well.  As you
have probably guessed at this point, as soon as the system updates were
installed and the Mac restarted I was back to the same old problems.

I don't have a second mac to try this one, but is anyone else having trouble
accessing freshly partitioned drives via Finder?

Any help much, much appreciated.




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Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Scott Howell
Bill, this actually does sound really familiar. You say you have been working 
with Apple? If so, I will conduct another test and circle back to you. I think 
this is what I was seeing yesterday, but was attributing it to something else.

On Nov 27, 2011, at 2:11 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

> Hi.
> Actually, it’s not a problem using Disk Utility.  What I was explaining was 
> that after I use DU to re-partition and format a drive I can’t access it 
> using Finder.  Ironically, I learned last night that if I use the go to menu 
> to go to the computer and then open the drive from that list it opens fine.  
> If I close the drive, move to finder and try to open it from my desktop it 
> won’t open.  Nor will it open from any file menu box.  Finder starts saying 
> busy, and it will continue to say busy for 8 hours, which is the longest I 
> have let things run.  The fan starts running hot and doesn’t stop until I 
> turn off VO, still can’t access the drive when I turn VO back on, Finder 
> crashes and won’t let me force quit, have to restart the Mini. Command Option 
> Escape will supposedly restart it, but all VO sees is a blank screen.
> I have checked the activity monitor while this is happening.  Finder stays at 
> a low menmory useage, but VO goes up to 360%--mine is a quad core.
> And it’s not just USB drives.  When I reformatted one of the mini’s two 
> internal drives I couldn’t access that one, either, until after I had used 
> the right click menu to copy a file onto the drive.
> Last night I reinstalled Lion.  Everything worked fine, until I did a 
> software update, then it started happening just as before.  So the problem 
> seems to be in one of the software updates. 
> I have a server edition of the Mini, which may be the specific Mac or mac 
> software update this is a problem on.
> Any further thoughts and suggestions welcome.
> Bill
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
> Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 6:23 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?
> The reason Voiceover goes a little crazy is two fold.
> firstly, disk utility is rather intense when it comes to disk management as 
> it's handling your SATA buses as well as USB and Firewire handling. When you 
> format an external drive as an example, your USB or firewire BUS is taken 
> over with that particular instruction, so the CPU is taking up some resources 
> to manage that process.
> as regards voiceover, Sometimes the speech synthesis server has a bit of a 
> wobble. May I ask what version OS you are using at this point? if it's 10.7, 
> there are a few niggles to be aware of. 10.6, I've noticed a few things but 
> nothing that restarting voiceover won't harm.
> I use an external disk destroyer suite / diagnostic interface for managing 
> drives including partitioning, volume testing, data destruction and disk 
> aging and it's linked via USB so I can either use it standalone or VIA USB / 
> firewire with disk utility where needed.
> just to let you know, don't worry, just quit voiceover and reload it. no 
> problem.
> lew
> On 27 Nov 2011, at 11:16, Scott Howell wrote:
> Hi BIll,
> So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format 
> the drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having 
> some interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to what 
> you are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the 
> experiment. :)
> Scot
> On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
> Hi.
> Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a little 
> experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?
> Here's the situation.
> A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I 
> figured I would just go ahead and repartition it—it's a two-tarabyte drive, 
> format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended 
> journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and 
> reporting busy, busy, busy….  Eventually the fan would come on, the only way 
> I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me and the 
> folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive, happens on 
> all three of my drives.  And if I turn off VO and let my wife have a crack at 
> it she can get to the drive easily.  Turn back on VO, try to acces the drive, 
> Busy.  Busy.  Busy.
> Strangely, if I copy a file from one of my folders and use the right click to 
> copy that file to the drive it copies fine, and from that point on I can 
> access the drive—I'm just not convinced this is a long term solution, and 
> eventually I will start having more Time machine problems.
> So today I bit the bullet and reformatted the drive.  Everything worked 
> fine…until I tried using iTunes.  iTun

Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Scott Howell
I recall Bill had a USB connection, but if I have this right, this also occurs 
with a firewire connection as well. I am going to test this out.

On Nov 27, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> can I clarify something please.
> 1: is the drive an external hard drive?
> 1 a: if so was it purchased as a complete drive or built by you?
> 2: are you using firewire or USB?
> 3: what is the drive partitioned as and what format was used?
> 4: is the drive itself producing strange noises on occasions?
> sorry to ask these, I'm just trying to fathem this issue out. Sometimes the 
> finder can hang causing voiceover to lock in "Busy loop
> this can be due to an issue with external media and I've come across it.
> lew
> On 27 Nov 2011, at 19:11, Bill Holton wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Actually, it’s not a problem using Disk Utility.  What I was explaining was 
>> that after I use DU to re-partition and format a drive I can’t access it 
>> using Finder.  Ironically, I learned last night that if I use the go to menu 
>> to go to the computer and then open the drive from that list it opens fine.  
>> If I close the drive, move to finder and try to open it from my desktop it 
>> won’t open.  Nor will it open from any file menu box.  Finder starts saying 
>> busy, and it will continue to say busy for 8 hours, which is the longest I 
>> have let things run.  The fan starts running hot and doesn’t stop until I 
>> turn off VO, still can’t access the drive when I turn VO back on, Finder 
>> crashes and won’t let me force quit, have to restart the Mini. Command 
>> Option Escape will supposedly restart it, but all VO sees is a blank screen.
>> I have checked the activity monitor while this is happening.  Finder stays 
>> at a low menmory useage, but VO goes up to 360%--mine is a quad core.
>> And it’s not just USB drives.  When I reformatted one of the mini’s two 
>> internal drives I couldn’t access that one, either, until after I had used 
>> the right click menu to copy a file onto the drive.
>> Last night I reinstalled Lion.  Everything worked fine, until I did a 
>> software update, then it started happening just as before.  So the problem 
>> seems to be in one of the software updates. 
>> I have a server edition of the Mini, which may be the specific Mac or mac 
>> software update this is a problem on.
>> Any further thoughts and suggestions welcome.
>> Bill
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
>> Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 6:23 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?
>> The reason Voiceover goes a little crazy is two fold.
>> firstly, disk utility is rather intense when it comes to disk management as 
>> it's handling your SATA buses as well as USB and Firewire handling. When you 
>> format an external drive as an example, your USB or firewire BUS is taken 
>> over with that particular instruction, so the CPU is taking up some 
>> resources to manage that process.
>> as regards voiceover, Sometimes the speech synthesis server has a bit of a 
>> wobble. May I ask what version OS you are using at this point? if it's 10.7, 
>> there are a few niggles to be aware of. 10.6, I've noticed a few things but 
>> nothing that restarting voiceover won't harm.
>> I use an external disk destroyer suite / diagnostic interface for managing 
>> drives including partitioning, volume testing, data destruction and disk 
>> aging and it's linked via USB so I can either use it standalone or VIA USB / 
>> firewire with disk utility where needed.
>> just to let you know, don't worry, just quit voiceover and reload it. no 
>> problem.
>> lew
>> On 27 Nov 2011, at 11:16, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hi BIll,
>> So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format 
>> the drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having 
>> some interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to 
>> what you are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the 
>> experiment. :)
>> Scot
>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a little 
>> experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?
>> Here's the situation.
>> A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I 
>> figured I would just go ahead and repartition it—it's a two-tarabyte drive, 
>> format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended 
>> journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and 
>> reporting busy, busy, busy….  Eventually the fan would come on, the only way 
>> I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me and 
>> the folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive, 
>> happens on all th

Re: text edit find question

2011-11-27 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Ann,

Your input was invaluable. It works. Thanks a lot. To write text, I am used to 
text edit, well, sort of, but to find text in a large document, I had to fire 
up fusion, then windows, then notepad, then get the documents, find text, and 
shut it all down again. Now that the trick did it, after typing text into the 
search field, what happens when I press enter? Is done the default button and 
will that do the same as find next? In that case, why are there 2 buttons for 1 
thing? Slightly confused on this, but it works now. Would you mind explaining 
why this works?

On Nov 27, 2011, at 10:49 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Paul,
> You've almost got it.
> • Press Cmd-f to open the Find window;
> • Enter the text to find in the search box;
> • press Return;
> • Press Escape;
> • You should be on the first occurrence of the text you want.
> To find further occurrences, press Cmd-g and the word will be highlighted.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 26 Nov 2011, at 14:56, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Dear listers,
>> In text edit, I'm trying to find a bit of text in a document. I don't 
>> succeed. Here's what I do.
>> 1. From within text edit, I hit command f to open text edits own find dialog.
>> 2. In the search text field, I enter the text to find, in this case: set 
>> marker.
>> 3. I move the vo cursor over to the find next button, press it, then to the 
>> done button, press it, and I'm back in the text.
>> However, no matter what I search for, the cursor never moves from where it 
>> was before I entered the search command f dialog. What am I doing wrong 
>> here? I would think that the cursor jumps to the found text.
>> Thanks.
>> Paul.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Bill Holton
I haven't tried with a firewire connection, just USB and an internal drive.
And I'm running a  Mac Mini Server from this past July.



[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?


I recall Bill had a USB connection, but if I have this right, this also
occurs with a firewire connection as well. I am going to test this out.


On Nov 27, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

can I clarify something please.


1: is the drive an external hard drive?

1 a: if so was it purchased as a complete drive or built by you?

2: are you using firewire or USB?

3: what is the drive partitioned as and what format was used?

4: is the drive itself producing strange noises on occasions?



sorry to ask these, I'm just trying to fathem this issue out. Sometimes the
finder can hang causing voiceover to lock in "Busy loop


this can be due to an issue with external media and I've come across it.




On 27 Nov 2011, at 19:11, Bill Holton wrote:


Actually, it's not a problem using Disk Utility.  What I was explaining was
that after I use DU to re-partition and format a drive I can't access it
using Finder.  Ironically, I learned last night that if I use the go to menu
to go to the computer and then open the drive from that list it opens fine.
If I close the drive, move to finder and try to open it from my desktop it
won't open.  Nor will it open from any file menu box.  Finder starts saying
busy, and it will continue to say busy for 8 hours, which is the longest I
have let things run.  The fan starts running hot and doesn't stop until I
turn off VO, still can't access the drive when I turn VO back on, Finder
crashes and won't let me force quit, have to restart the Mini. Command
Option Escape will supposedly restart it, but all VO sees is a blank screen.

I have checked the activity monitor while this is happening.  Finder stays
at a low menmory useage, but VO goes up to 360%--mine is a quad core.

And it's not just USB drives.  When I reformatted one of the mini's two
internal drives I couldn't access that one, either, until after I had used
the right click menu to copy a file onto the drive.

Last night I reinstalled Lion.  Everything worked fine, until I did a
software update, then it started happening just as before.  So the problem
seems to be in one of the software updates. 

I have a server edition of the Mini, which may be the specific Mac or mac
software update this is a problem on.

Any further thoughts and suggestions welcome.




[] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 6:23 AM
Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?


The reason Voiceover goes a little crazy is two fold.


firstly, disk utility is rather intense when it comes to disk management as
it's handling your SATA buses as well as USB and Firewire handling. When you
format an external drive as an example, your USB or firewire BUS is taken
over with that particular instruction, so the CPU is taking up some
resources to manage that process.


as regards voiceover, Sometimes the speech synthesis server has a bit of a
wobble. May I ask what version OS you are using at this point? if it's 10.7,
there are a few niggles to be aware of. 10.6, I've noticed a few things but
nothing that restarting voiceover won't harm.


I use an external disk destroyer suite / diagnostic interface for managing
drives including partitioning, volume testing, data destruction and disk
aging and it's linked via USB so I can either use it standalone or VIA USB /
firewire with disk utility where needed.


just to let you know, don't worry, just quit voiceover and reload it. no




On 27 Nov 2011, at 11:16, Scott Howell wrote:

Hi BIll,



So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format
the drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having
some interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to
what you are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the
experiment. :)




On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:


Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a little
experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?

Here's the situation.

A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I
figured I would just go ahead and repartition it-it's a two-tarabyte drive,
format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended
journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and
reporting busy, busy, busy..  Eventually the fan would come on, the only way
I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been

RE: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Bill Holton
Like I said, it worked fine when I did a reinstall, until I did the Apple
software update, at which time it started again.



[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?


Bill, this actually does sound really familiar. You say you have been
working with Apple? If so, I will conduct another test and circle back to
you. I think this is what I was seeing yesterday, but was attributing it to
something else.


On Nov 27, 2011, at 2:11 PM, Bill Holton wrote:


Actually, it's not a problem using Disk Utility.  What I was explaining was
that after I use DU to re-partition and format a drive I can't access it
using Finder.  Ironically, I learned last night that if I use the go to menu
to go to the computer and then open the drive from that list it opens fine.
If I close the drive, move to finder and try to open it from my desktop it
won't open.  Nor will it open from any file menu box.  Finder starts saying
busy, and it will continue to say busy for 8 hours, which is the longest I
have let things run.  The fan starts running hot and doesn't stop until I
turn off VO, still can't access the drive when I turn VO back on, Finder
crashes and won't let me force quit, have to restart the Mini. Command
Option Escape will supposedly restart it, but all VO sees is a blank screen.

I have checked the activity monitor while this is happening.  Finder stays
at a low menmory useage, but VO goes up to 360%--mine is a quad core.

And it's not just USB drives.  When I reformatted one of the mini's two
internal drives I couldn't access that one, either, until after I had used
the right click menu to copy a file onto the drive.

Last night I reinstalled Lion.  Everything worked fine, until I did a
software update, then it started happening just as before.  So the problem
seems to be in one of the software updates. 

I have a server edition of the Mini, which may be the specific Mac or mac
software update this is a problem on.

Any further thoughts and suggestions welcome.




[] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 6:23 AM
Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?


The reason Voiceover goes a little crazy is two fold.


firstly, disk utility is rather intense when it comes to disk management as
it's handling your SATA buses as well as USB and Firewire handling. When you
format an external drive as an example, your USB or firewire BUS is taken
over with that particular instruction, so the CPU is taking up some
resources to manage that process.


as regards voiceover, Sometimes the speech synthesis server has a bit of a
wobble. May I ask what version OS you are using at this point? if it's 10.7,
there are a few niggles to be aware of. 10.6, I've noticed a few things but
nothing that restarting voiceover won't harm.


I use an external disk destroyer suite / diagnostic interface for managing
drives including partitioning, volume testing, data destruction and disk
aging and it's linked via USB so I can either use it standalone or VIA USB /
firewire with disk utility where needed.


just to let you know, don't worry, just quit voiceover and reload it. no




On 27 Nov 2011, at 11:16, Scott Howell wrote:

Hi BIll,



So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format
the drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having
some interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to
what you are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the
experiment. :)




On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:


Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a little
experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?

Here's the situation.

A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I
figured I would just go ahead and repartition it-it's a two-tarabyte drive,
format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended
journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and
reporting busy, busy, busy..  Eventually the fan would come on, the only way
I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me and
the folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive,
happens on all three of my drives.  And if I turn off VO and let my wife
have a crack at it she can get to the drive easily.  Turn back on VO, try to
acces the drive, Busy.  Busy.  Busy.

Strangely, if I copy a file from one of my folders and use the right click
to copy that file to the drive it copies fine, and from that point on I can
access the drive-I'm just not convinced this is a long term solution, and

contacting the list owner

2011-11-27 Thread reinhard stebner
How do I contact the list owner of this list?

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Re: contacting the list owner

2011-11-27 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Send a note to (
Cara can answer any questions you may have.


Nov 27, 2011, at 4:47 PM, reinhard stebner wrote:

> How do I contact the list owner of this list?
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Re: text edit find question

2011-11-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Paul,

Having typed in your search, pressing Return carries out the default action, as 
it does everywhere on the Mac. However, you are still in the Search window, so 
Escape puts you back in the body of the text where the word you were looking 
for is highlighted.

There are often several ways of achieving the same thing on the Mac, you just 
use what suits you.

Anyway, glad to have helped.



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Netflicks issue: changing order in queue

2011-11-27 Thread Christine Grassman
Good day/night all. I am hoping someone can assist with a frustrating Netflicks 
It used to be a siple matter of hitting delete and inputting the number where 
you want to place the movie. However, although hitting "queue move" will take 
whatever movie I am vocusing on to number one in the queue, whenever I interact 
with the movie number edit box, I get tossed out of Netflicks, or nothing at 
all happens. Is there I am doing wrong, or if not, is there a workaround to 
rearrange my queue without having to remove something and then add it again? 
Thanks in advance.

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Re: switching radio stations in iTunes

2011-11-27 Thread Traci
Thanks, worked like a charm.  Boy, there are a lot of Christmas stations to 
have.  *smile*


  - Original Message - 
  From: Scott Howell 
  Sent: Friday, November 25, 2011 3:55 PM
  Subject: Re: switching radio stations in iTunes

  Try enter

  On Nov 25, 2011, at 6:38 PM, Traci wrote:

Hi all,

When I'm running down the radio list, how do I play one station then move 
onto a second one to play?  I get press spacebar to play my first choice, but I 
can't figure how to play that second station.  Pressing spacebar seems to 
toggle play for that first choice.


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Re: Keyboard settings not saving.

2011-11-27 Thread Ioana Gandrabur

Do you use your mini without a monitor? I found that mine did the same thing if 
no monitor was attached. 


Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 26, 2011, at 4:52 AM, "Allison Mervis"  wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> I'm using the latest Mac Mini with the latest Lion updates, and a standard 
> Apple USB keyboard. When I first got this computer in mid-July, the function 
> keys performed various functions which conflicted with VO. For example, f11 
> and f12 lowered and raised the volume. I found a check box in the keyboard 
> section of system preferences which allows all function keys to behave 
> normally, thereby allowing you to  perform all VO functions without any 
> conflicts. However, this setting refuses to stick. Every time I restart the 
> computer, the check box in system preferences is cleared. I became so 
> frustrated at one point that I did a clean reinstall of Lion from the 
> recovery partition. As I expected, however, this did not solve my problem. Is 
> this a bug in Lion? If so, you'd think Apple would have fixed something like 
> this in the first update. I don't mean to sound like a complainer, but this 
> really is an inconvenience which ultimately keeps me from using my Mac as 
> often as I otherwise would. Any suggestions anyone could provide would be 
> greatly appreciated. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.
> Allison
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Cuse the cross post: Jobs Bio on NLS

2011-11-27 Thread Bill Holton
Just caught this on the NLS site.

Steve Jobs

Isaacson, Walter. Read by Mark Delgado. Reading time 21 hours 3 minutes.


Biography of entrepreneur Steve Jobs (1955-2011) chronicles his childhood,

entry-level jobs in California's Silicon Valley, 1976 cofounding of Apple

in his parents' garage, and leadership in spearheading the iPod, iPhone, and

Discusses Jobs's personal and professional relationships and his 2003 cancer

Some strong language. Bestseller. 2011.

Download Steve Jobs, DB73682

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Re: Cuse the cross post: Jobs Bio on NLS

2011-11-27 Thread Ricardo Walker

I just want to say this book is a great read.  Walter Isaacson did a great job. 
 I thought the book was balance in portraying Jobs good and bad attributes.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Nov 27, 2011, at 6:49 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

> Just caught this on the NLS site.
> Steve Jobs
> Isaacson, Walter. Read by Mark Delgado. Reading time 21 hours 3 minutes.
> Computers
> Biography of entrepreneur Steve Jobs (1955-2011) chronicles his childhood, 
> education,
> entry-level jobs in California's Silicon Valley, 1976 cofounding of Apple 
> computer
> in his parents' garage, and leadership in spearheading the iPod, iPhone, and 
> iPad.
> Discusses Jobs's personal and professional relationships and his 2003 cancer 
> diagnosis.
> Some strong language. Bestseller. 2011.
> Download Steve Jobs, DB73682
> -- 
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Re: gmail and trash

2011-11-27 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
How about changing preference to download only messages you read? 
This way you only  download trash if you open that folder specificaly. hth,


Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 25, 2011, at 5:20 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli  

> Hi:
> I went to do this, and discovered my setting were already set to these 
> settings.
> On Nov 25, 2011, at 3:11 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You may wish to go under the Preferences in Mail, in the Accounts pane, 
>> select the appropriate account then over to the Mailbox Behaviours tab.  
>> Tell Mail to not to move your messages to the Trash and yes to store them on 
>> the Server.  See if that does any good for you.
>> Later...
>> On 2011-11-24, at 11:37 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I'm using iMap.
>>> On Nov 23, 2011, at 10:14 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
 Are you using Pop or iMap?
 On 2011-11-23, at 10:17 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Hi:
> Still no luck. All my trash is downloading.
> On Nov 22, 2011, at 9:42 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In your GMail settings, the ones on the Mail portion of the GMail site, 
>> you should be able to set your GMail trash to delete automatically after 
>> 30 days.  In fact, I thought that was the default.  Alternatively, there 
>> are some support documents where Google mentions that, at least when 
>> using iMap, to set your Apple Mail so that it leaves Trash messages on 
>> the Server.  I believe that the reason for this is that there is 
>> sometimes a conflict between the Apple Mail removing trash task and the 
>> GMail archiving process.  I've had mixed results with either setting but 
>> that could be part of your issues.  In either case, I suggest you go to 
>> your GMail site and check out the Settings area.
>> Later...
>> On 2011-11-22, at 7:43 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi guys:
>>> Okay, Gmail keeps downloading my trash in the trash folder. I want it 
>>> gone!! I cannot delete it off the server b/c there isn't a delete all. 
>>> I'm talking about over 15000 messages. Help!
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>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Re: radio apps

2011-11-27 Thread André Carioca
 I use tunein radio pro.

Is very accessible and tune several radio stations.

Enviado via iPhone

Em 27/11/2011, às 17:14, "wayne coles"  escreveu:

> Hello can anyone recommend a good radio app that is compatible with voice
> over thanks for any advice 
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Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I just formatted a drive with Lion and a 2010 MBP. No issues at all.
On Nov 27, 2011, at 5:16 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hi BIll,
> So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format 
> the drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having 
> some interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to what 
> you are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the 
> experiment. :)
> Scot
> On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a little 
>> experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?
>> Here's the situation.
>> A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I 
>> figured I would just go ahead and repartition it—it's a two-tarabyte drive, 
>> format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended 
>> journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and 
>> reporting busy, busy, busy….  Eventually the fan would come on, the only way 
>> I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me and 
>> the folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive, 
>> happens on all three of my drives.  And if I turn off VO and let my wife 
>> have a crack at it she can get to the drive easily.  Turn back on VO, try to 
>> acces the drive, Busy.  Busy.  Busy.
>> Strangely, if I copy a file from one of my folders and use the right click 
>> to copy that file to the drive it copies fine, and from that point on I can 
>> access the drive—I'm just not convinced this is a long term solution, and 
>> eventually I will start having more Time machine problems.
>> So today I bit the bullet and reformatted the drive.  Everything worked 
>> fine…until I tried using iTunes.  iTunes required a software update, and so 
>> the Mac took the opportunity to update all of my OS files as well.  As you 
>> have probably guessed at this point, as soon as the system updates were 
>> installed and the Mac restarted I was back to the same old problems.
>> I don't have a second mac to try this one, but is anyone else having trouble 
>> accessing freshly partitioned drives via Finder?
>> Any help much, much appreciated.
>> Bill
>> -- 
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Re: Netflicks issue: changing order in queue

2011-11-27 Thread Rachel Magario
are you interacting with  the table?
On Nov 27, 2011, at 4:56 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> Good day/night all. I am hoping someone can assist with a frustrating 
> Netflicks issue.
> It used to be a siple matter of hitting delete and inputting the number where 
> you want to place the movie. However, although hitting "queue move" will take 
> whatever movie I am vocusing on to number one in the queue, whenever I 
> interact with the movie number edit box, I get tossed out of Netflicks, or 
> nothing at all happens. Is there I am doing wrong, or if not, is there a 
> workaround to rearrange my queue without having to remove something and then 
> add it again? Thanks in advance.
> Christine
> -- 
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RE: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Bill Holton
Thanks.  What kind of mac are you running?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sarai Bucciarelli
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

I just formatted a drive with Lion and a 2010 MBP. No issues at all.
On Nov 27, 2011, at 5:16 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hi BIll,
> So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format
the drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having
some interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to
what you are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the
experiment. :)
> Scot
> On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a
little experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?
>> Here's the situation.
>> A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So
I figured I would just go ahead and repartition it-it's a two-tarabyte
drive, format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended
journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and
reporting busy, busy, busy..  Eventually the fan would come on, the only way
I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me and
the folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive,
happens on all three of my drives.  And if I turn off VO and let my wife
have a crack at it she can get to the drive easily.  Turn back on VO, try to
acces the drive, Busy.  Busy.  Busy.
>> Strangely, if I copy a file from one of my folders and use the right
click to copy that file to the drive it copies fine, and from that point on
I can access the drive-I'm just not convinced this is a long term solution,
and eventually I will start having more Time machine problems.
>> So today I bit the bullet and reformatted the drive.  Everything worked
fine.until I tried using iTunes.  iTunes required a software update, and so
the Mac took the opportunity to update all of my OS files as well.  As you
have probably guessed at this point, as soon as the system updates were
installed and the Mac restarted I was back to the same old problems.
>> I don't have a second mac to try this one, but is anyone else having
trouble accessing freshly partitioned drives via Finder?
>> Any help much, much appreciated.
>> Bill
>> -- 
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Anyone want to help confirm a bug?

2011-11-27 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi: I have a 2010 MBP.
On Nov 27, 2011, at 7:26 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> I just formatted a drive with Lion and a 2010 MBP. No issues at all.
> On Nov 27, 2011, at 5:16 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hi BIll,
>> So, just to confirm, if you attach an external USB drive, partition/format 
>> the drive, and then attempt to access it VO will go busy? I have been having 
>> some interesting drive issues myself, but not sure if this is related to 
>> what you are experiencing. I'm more than happy to subject a drive to the 
>> experiment. :)
>> Scot
>> On Nov 26, 2011, at 11:34 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Does anyone have an extra USB drive they can afford to reformat for a 
>>> little experiment to see if you get the same problem I do?
>>> Here's the situation.
>>> A few weeks ago I started having trouble with my Time Machine backup.  So I 
>>> figured I would just go ahead and repartition it—it's a two-tarabyte drive, 
>>> format it and go from there.  Did this,formatted with Mac Extended 
>>> journaling, but when I tried to open the drive Finder kept hanging and 
>>> reporting busy, busy, busy….  Eventually the fan would come on, the only 
>>> way I could stop it was to restart the Mac.This error has been driving me 
>>> and the folks at Appple nuts.  First they thought it was a bad USB drive, 
>>> happens on all three of my drives.  And if I turn off VO and let my wife 
>>> have a crack at it she can get to the drive easily.  Turn back on VO, try 
>>> to acces the drive, Busy.  Busy.  Busy.
>>> Strangely, if I copy a file from one of my folders and use the right click 
>>> to copy that file to the drive it copies fine, and from that point on I can 
>>> access the drive—I'm just not convinced this is a long term solution, and 
>>> eventually I will start having more Time machine problems.
>>> So today I bit the bullet and reformatted the drive.  Everything worked 
>>> fine…until I tried using iTunes.  iTunes required a software update, and so 
>>> the Mac took the opportunity to update all of my OS files as well.  As you 
>>> have probably guessed at this point, as soon as the system updates were 
>>> installed and the Mac restarted I was back to the same old problems.
>>> I don't have a second mac to try this one, but is anyone else having 
>>> trouble accessing freshly partitioned drives via Finder?
>>> Any help much, much appreciated.
>>> Bill
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mail on the mac

2011-11-27 Thread Brian Albriton
 frequently get the message mail has no windows.--
BriaWhat could be causing this.

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Re: mail on the mac

2011-11-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

I suspect that you are closing the Mail window by accident.  If you press cmd-w 
to close a message, then you may inadvertently close the main Mail window as 
well.  Just press cmd-1 to bring up your InBox if that occurs.


On 2011-11-27, at 10:16 PM, Brian Albriton wrote:

>  frequently get the message mail has no windows.-- 
> BriaWhat could be causing this.
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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