Re: -- SPAM --Re: can't get winamp to do anything

2011-11-08 Thread David McLean
I haven't found a way to do that in the same way it is possible in Windows 
On Nov 8, 2011, at 12:32 AM, Jessica wrote:

> Can you tell it to play a whole directory, or just single files?
> - Original Message - From: "David McLean" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 12:41 AM
> Subject: Re: can't get winamp to do anything
>> In Finder, go to an mp3 file, hit command+i and go down to the open with 
>> pop-up. One of the options should be Winamp.  Alternatively in the Winamp 
>> app itself you can open a file by hitting command+l and selecting it.
>> This version of Winamp appears to be totally library oriented unlike the 
>> Windows version which has a library but can also be started from Windows 
>> Explorer.
>> On Nov 5, 2011, at 4:14 AM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>>> Hi there! These instructions do help a little; I heard the llama file, but 
>>> after that, I still wasn't able to get winamp to
>>> actually play a file. I tried to open an mp3 and a midi, and nothing 
>>> happened. I tried going into preferences, but it seems
>>> that it's just a bunch of unlabled buttons and things. Still, the program 
>>> seems to be working now, at least a little bit.
>>> Thanks for your help, and if you have any additional instructions that 
>>> might get files to actually play, I'm sure we would
>>> all be extremely grateful.
>>> Missy
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Joseph Norton
>>> Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 1:07 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: can't get winamp to do anything
>>> I downloaded it and had to play around with it.
>>> I'll have to try this on a fresh installation to be 100% sure, but, here is 
>>> what seemed to work.
>>> I launched the app, made sure I was in the window by commad-tabbing.  It 
>>> said, "winamp has no windows"  I then pressed space
>>> then enter.  I got the llama message.
>>> Try that and se if it works.
>>> --
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Re: Adium issues. [instructions for Facebook chat]

2011-11-08 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Jessica!
You might have to do this to get facebook chat working!

1. go to and go to your account!
2. open account settings and select change user name [ even if you do not have 
3. Facebook should give you some options and just after them will be a more 
link select it!
4. Now after the options Facebook gives you [I did not  like my suggestions] 
there is a edit box where you can put your own name!
There is a see if name is available button after you put your choice, if it is 
available you can have it!
If not try another or add a number to the end! [ it might help]
5. When your happy come out of Facebook and open Adium!
6. In Adium on your contacts window open vo+m and go to the file menu!
7. Scroll down to add new account sub menu and arrow right, go down to Jabber 
and select it!
8. In the new account window is where you'll find those tabs, the first one 
should be selected just scroll past until you get to where you put your new 
user name!
When you've entered it the next field is your Facebook password!
9. After filling those in go back to the options tab select and scroll to where 
you put the server name [ as you correctly said ] and enter 
10. go to register new account button and press it!
And you should be done! :]

On 8 Nov 2011, at 05:11, Jessica wrote:

> I just set up adium on my macbook pro, and can't seem to get the thing up and 
> running.  I tried to get it to connect to my facebook acount, and after 
> typing in my e-mail and password multiple times, which it doesn't seem to 
> want to recognize, it then asks me to type text into a box that won't play 
> the audio captcha.  Then I tried to set up my msn acount and just temporarily 
> forget about the facebook acount, but it constantly asks me to sign into my 
> facebook acount and won't let me do anything with anything else.  Can anyone 
> help here?
> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a good 
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Re: Apple TV and triple clicking VO on and off

2011-11-08 Thread Les Kriegler
It's only available in the setup screen.

On Nov 7, 2011, at 9:32 PM, Tom Frank wrote:

> Tom Frank
> Hello all,
> I heard that there is a new command in the latest Apple TV software that 
> allows you to turn VO on and off easily. 
> I can't find it. Any hints?
> On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:41 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hello Francisco,
>> You cannot read eBooks purchased from the iBooks Store that have DRM content 
>> with Adobe Digital Editions Preview, because iBooks uses another DRM scheme. 
>>  Some of the books in the iBooks Store, such as the iPhone User Guide and 
>> other free books, are available without DRM, and can be read.  Also, the 
>> books from Project Gutenberg that are in the public domain have no DRM, and 
>> can be read. However, most commercial eBooks that you buy through iBooks 
>> cannot be read with Adobe Digital Editions Preview.
>> Stanza Desktop (with Mac and Windows versions from Lexcycle), was actually a 
>> utility program designed to assist in converting ebook formats and 
>> transferring them to the Stanza eReader app on your iOS device -- it was not 
>> designed primarily to be used as a reader.  At one point it was viewed as 
>> the major competitor to the Amazon Kindle, especially in markets outside of 
>> the United States. Then Amazon bought out Lexcycle.  That's one reason why 
>> there are no new developments.  I was surprised when they released Stanza 
>> 3.0 in June 2010 after the acquisition.  It is actually possible to use 
>> Stanza with VoiceOver on iOS devices, but most people find it disconcerting, 
>> because the application reads to the end of each chapter, but doesn't update 
>> the screen.  However, it is usable, and supported bookmarking and search 
>> functions before iBooks had these features. With improved features and iBook 
>> accessibility, the iBook app is a better bet for VoiceOver users now. 
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:51, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
>>> I prefer Adobe digital Editions because i can buy ebooks on the IBooks 
>>> store or in other store and read it
>>> El 07/11/2011, a las 10:52, Vítor Oliveira escribió:
 Yes, they didn't upgrad stanza recently but it's stil working very fine. 
 You may also edit book information if you want to export to iphone, ipod 
 or ipad.
 Vítor Oliveira
 A 07/11/2011, às 01:03, Nektarios Mallas escreveu:
> Well, thanks to both of you. 
> I haven't thought of using it this way. I will give it a try. 
> I am also experimenting with the stanza reader. However, this application 
> doesn't seem to be updated recently. 
> Nektarios.
> On Nov 6, 2011, at 5:04 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hello Nektarios,
>> As Anne mentioned, you can avoid the VoiceOver crashes by just 
>> navigating to the next page instead of interacting  (Fn+Down Arrow to 
>> page down on my MacBook Pro), which will also get you past the cover 
>> graphic. You do have to read by page, but you can just press the right 
>> arrow key to do this for successive pages, and you can make the font 
>> size small if you want more content on a single page.  Adobe Digital 
>> Editions Preview supports searching in the text and setting bookmarks.  
>> It will work for reading DRM-free eBooks, or books that have the Adobe 
>> ADE version of DRM, which includes books you can buy from Kobo Books and 
>> OverDrive ePub books that can be borrowed by download through public 
>> libraries in the U.S., Canada, Australia, the U.K. and some other 
>> countries.
>> An alternate suggestion for reading ePub books without DRM, if you don't 
>> want to use the Copy Last Spoken Phrase to Clipboard (VO-Shift-C) and 
>> paste into TextEdit, is to use iText Express. The Express version of 
>> iText is free, and available from the Mac's App Store.
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Nov 6, 2011, at 04:19, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Nektarios,
>>> If you just go to next page, it will read automatically, but if you 
>>> want to look at the text closely, or read with a Braille display, then 
>>> unfortunately, you have to use the Copy Last Spoken Phrase to Clipboard 
>>> command (VO-Shift-C) to copy the page into a word processor such as 
>>> TextEdit. The good thing is that you don't have to listen to the whole 
>>> page before doing this.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 6 Nov 2011, at 14:16, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
 Hello Anne. 
 How do you actually read something with this program? 
 I downloaded and installed it, but as soon as I try to interact with 
 the text, the program crashes on me. 
 Am I doing something wrong?

Re: Why Winamp?

2011-11-08 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, I don't think there is a KM Player for mac unfortunately, but you can get 
vlc from here.

It will allow you to press enter on a folder in it's quick open dialog then it 
will playlist the folder and start playing the files.

Not sure what I would have done without it when I switched to the mac, since 
ITunes actually makes me angry at this point every time I see it.  It's just 
horrible. :)


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-11-08, at 12:45 AM, Jessica wrote:

> Ok, pardon my ignorence, but what are the KM and vlc players.  I as well, am 
> not all that fond of the Itunes player, or the software in general, so would 
> love some info on these.
>   Would love something similar to the Klango player where you can add an 
> entire directory into your player and just have it play it in chronological 
> order, sense Itunes doesn't seem to do this, and it drives me up the wall.
> - Original Message -
> From: erik burggraaf
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 4:57 AM
> Subject: Re: Why Winamp?
> Hi donna,  Just about anything is preferable to ITunes, but I think right now 
> it's just the novelty of the thing for us windows switchers who have fond 
> memories of winamp for windows.  Especially before it got bought out by AOL.  
> These days I get my windows clients to start out on the KM player since 
> winamp is now chuck full of bloatware.
> I'm not tempted to try it myself since vlc does what I need but winamp for 
> the mac has been too long in coming for sure.  Hopefully the great pioneers 
> on this list will convince AOL to take an accessible direction with winamp 
> development and then we'll have yet another option.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2011-11-05, at 8:43 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I haven't really followed the winamp thread, but I'm curious as to why 
>> anyone would go to all the trouble that seems to be involved in using it?  
>> Is there some reason that it's preferable to  iTunes?
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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icloud as dropbox: possibilities and/or limitations

2011-11-08 Thread William Windels
I have red and tested about iCloud as dropbox alike service.
I mean, there is a folder on the mac where you can put in some types of 
documents that appear in iWork's on ios.

I have placed a txt, rtf, doc and pdf document in /home/user/library/mobile 
In that directory I was looking for the directory documents for pages.
When I was putting there all the documents, the doc, pages and txt files where  
shown directly  in pages on my iPhone, the others didn't came up.
so far so good.

When I was editing  the doc, pages and txt-file and I saved my changes, it was 
updated on my mac directly but, I couldn't read it.
The file became a directory with extension .pages.tef

inside that folder, there where the following files/folders:
and a folder with the name: previews and a file previews.jpg in it.
I saw no possibility to read the changes on my mac.

Is there a possibility to use iCloud as a dropbox-alike system?

kind regards,
William Windels

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Re: Apple TV and triple clicking VO on and off

2011-11-08 Thread Scott Rumery
If you have the apple remote that comes with your Apple tv then all you have to 
do is triple click the play pause button.  This is located on the bottom right 
of the remote.  I hope that his helps.

Scott Rumery
On Nov 8, 2011, at 6:21 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> It's only available in the setup screen.
> Les
> On Nov 7, 2011, at 9:32 PM, Tom Frank wrote:
>> Tom Frank
>> Hello all,
>> I heard that there is a new command in the latest Apple TV software that 
>> allows you to turn VO on and off easily. 
>> I can't find it. Any hints?
>> On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:41 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hello Francisco,
>>> You cannot read eBooks purchased from the iBooks Store that have DRM 
>>> content with Adobe Digital Editions Preview, because iBooks uses another 
>>> DRM scheme.  Some of the books in the iBooks Store, such as the iPhone User 
>>> Guide and other free books, are available without DRM, and can be read.  
>>> Also, the books from Project Gutenberg that are in the public domain have 
>>> no DRM, and can be read. However, most commercial eBooks that you buy 
>>> through iBooks cannot be read with Adobe Digital Editions Preview.
>>> Stanza Desktop (with Mac and Windows versions from Lexcycle), was actually 
>>> a utility program designed to assist in converting ebook formats and 
>>> transferring them to the Stanza eReader app on your iOS device -- it was 
>>> not designed primarily to be used as a reader.  At one point it was viewed 
>>> as the major competitor to the Amazon Kindle, especially in markets outside 
>>> of the United States. Then Amazon bought out Lexcycle.  That's one reason 
>>> why there are no new developments.  I was surprised when they released 
>>> Stanza 3.0 in June 2010 after the acquisition.  It is actually possible to 
>>> use Stanza with VoiceOver on iOS devices, but most people find it 
>>> disconcerting, because the application reads to the end of each chapter, 
>>> but doesn't update the screen.  However, it is usable, and supported 
>>> bookmarking and search functions before iBooks had these features. With 
>>> improved features and iBook accessibility, the iBook app is a better bet 
>>> for VoiceOver users now. 
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:51, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
 I prefer Adobe digital Editions because i can buy ebooks on the IBooks 
 store or in other store and read it
 El 07/11/2011, a las 10:52, Vítor Oliveira escribió:
> Yes, they didn't upgrad stanza recently but it's stil working very fine. 
> You may also edit book information if you want to export to iphone, ipod 
> or ipad.
> Vítor Oliveira
> A 07/11/2011, às 01:03, Nektarios Mallas escreveu:
>> Well, thanks to both of you. 
>> I haven't thought of using it this way. I will give it a try. 
>> I am also experimenting with the stanza reader. However, this 
>> application doesn't seem to be updated recently. 
>> Nektarios.
>> On Nov 6, 2011, at 5:04 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hello Nektarios,
>>> As Anne mentioned, you can avoid the VoiceOver crashes by just 
>>> navigating to the next page instead of interacting  (Fn+Down Arrow to 
>>> page down on my MacBook Pro), which will also get you past the cover 
>>> graphic. You do have to read by page, but you can just press the right 
>>> arrow key to do this for successive pages, and you can make the font 
>>> size small if you want more content on a single page.  Adobe Digital 
>>> Editions Preview supports searching in the text and setting bookmarks.  
>>> It will work for reading DRM-free eBooks, or books that have the Adobe 
>>> ADE version of DRM, which includes books you can buy from Kobo Books 
>>> and OverDrive ePub books that can be borrowed by download through 
>>> public libraries in the U.S., Canada, Australia, the U.K. and some 
>>> other countries.
>>> An alternate suggestion for reading ePub books without DRM, if you 
>>> don't want to use the Copy Last Spoken Phrase to Clipboard (VO-Shift-C) 
>>> and paste into TextEdit, is to use iText Express. The Express version 
>>> of iText is free, and available from the Mac's App Store.
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Nov 6, 2011, at 04:19, Anne Robertson wrote:
 Hello Nektarios,
 If you just go to next page, it will read automatically, but if you 
 want to look at the text closely, or read with a Braille display, then 
 unfortunately, you have to use the Copy Last Spoken Phrase to 
 Clipboard command (VO-Shift-C) to copy the page into a word processor 
 such as TextEdit. The good thing is that you don't have to listen to 
 the whole page before doi

Re: Winamp for Mac

2011-11-08 Thread Teresa Cochran
I really wouldn't recommend trying it unless you're feeling adventurous. The 
initial splash screen is inaccessible, the toolbar is inaccessible, and library 
mode seems to be the only accessible one. I've succeeded in importing files and 
playing them, but that's about it.


"Man is matter's ability to contemplate itself."--Albert Einstein

On Nov 7, 2011, at 9:18 PM, Jessica wrote:

> What are its accessibility issues?
> - Original Message - From: "Jeff Bishop" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 12:33 PM
> Subject: RE: Winamp for Mac
>> Is it free and is it in the app store?
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of David McLean
>> Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 1:30 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Winamp for Mac
>> For those of you who use Winamp as a music player in Windows, there is now a
>> version for the mac.  It has some accessibility shortcomings but I am able
>> to get it to work and actually play music with it.
>> Just an f y i for anyone who wants to give it a try.
>> -- 
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> -- 
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Yoru problem reports

2011-11-08 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi all.
I've been having this issue for some time now with every update of the 
yurufukuru twitter licent. Every so offten, it crashes, and then I can't get it 
to come back up. When it asks if I want to restore windows and I say yes, it 
crashes again, and same if I say don't restore windows.
Anyone else having this issue?

Sent from my macbook pro

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Re: Why Winamp?

2011-11-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

So you don't like something that you don't even know if it really exists or 
not?  May I suggest actually trying it to see if there is really a problem 
before deciding there is a problem? :).  I'm not trying to be a jerk but, maybe 
your friend was in error or, the problem is just happening on their machine.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Nov 8, 2011, at 12:50 AM, Jessica wrote:

> Ok, someone please correct me if I'm wrong here, but someone told me after 
> I'd ripped a bunch of CD's to my computer with the intention to cut and paste 
> them to my external drive, that in doing that you'd get some sort of error 
> message where Itunes is concerned, however he didn't tell me what it was, 
> only that if I remember correctly that it was a library issue.  Is this true?
>   This is one of several things I at this point really don't like about the 
> software.
> - Original Message -
> From: Ray Foret Jr
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 5:36 AM
> Subject: Re: Why Winamp?
> Well, to speak frankly, I will tell you; at least from my point of view.  
> With regard to ITunes as a player, (and mind you I speak here strictly in 
> terms of the layer itself), I can't argue with it.  Well,almost.  ITunes 
> doesn't do ENQ.  Okay, there's the ITunes DJ thingie I grant you, but, I 
> can't find tracks easily with that, and, besides, I don't want to be adding 
> tracks and files to the ITunes Library all the time just to make them easier 
> to find.  Now, we come to the real issue.  ITunes is so damn library 
> dependant.  The ITunes library really sucks!  Let's say I have the song "Life 
> Without you" and it's in the .m4a for mat.  Well, I have it on my hard drive; 
> but, when I add it to my ITunes library, it creates a duplicate file of 
> exactly the same size.  That means I've got two copies of the file where as I 
> only wish to have just one.  that's a waste of disk space.  The ITunes 
> library is so cluncky it's beyond belief.  I have numorous loose files which 
> are not tagged and which I have no wish to add to the ITunes Library thus 
> making unnecessary duplicates.  Much better, so far as I am concerned, to 
> have a layer which has ENQ and which can be triggered directly from the 
> finder window.  In short, you locate your first file in the finder, and, you 
> can ENQ that file in to your player directly.  Then, the next file and the 
> next and so forth.  The player would also allow you to directly control the 
> cross fading between files and no lag time at all between files.  That's just 
> the start.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Nov 5, 2011, at 8:24 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> I hear people say this a lot but, really?  Whats so bad about iTunes on the 
>> Mac?  I have no problems with it what so ever.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Nov 5, 2011, at 8:57 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi donna,  Just about anything is preferable to ITunes, but I think right 
>>> now it's just the novelty of the thing for us windows switchers who have 
>>> fond memories of winamp for windows.  Especially before it got bought out 
>>> by AOL.  These days I get my windows clients to start out on the KM player 
>>> since winamp is now chuck full of bloatware.
>>> I'm not tempted to try it myself since vlc does what I need but winamp for 
>>> the mac has been too long in coming for sure.  Hopefully the great pioneers 
>>> on this list will convince AOL to take an accessible direction with winamp 
>>> development and then we'll have yet another option.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2011-11-05, at 8:43 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
 Hi all,
 I haven't really followed the winamp thread, but I'm curious as to why 
 anyone would go to all the trouble that seems to be involved in using it?  
 Is there some reason that it's preferable to iTunes?
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Re: Good iPhone Scannar app

2011-11-08 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey thanks for telling me about this app. I didn't know that Iphone apps could 
be ran on an Ipod Touch. It's a really good app so thanks. And yes, very 


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Re: Good iPhone Scannar app

2011-11-08 Thread Kevin Mattingly
What app are we talking about again?


On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:35 AM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> Hey thanks for telling me about this app. I didn't know that Iphone apps 
> could be ran on an Ipod Touch. It's a really good app so thanks. And yes, 
> very entertaining.
> Shawn
> -- 
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Emails on the Ipod Touch

2011-11-08 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey all. I just got an Ipod touch a week ago. I'm really enjoying it, I 
installed that 5-0 Canadian Police Scanner app and everything's good. Well, 
except for email. I don't know why, but it automatically thought my account was 
an Imap account rather than a pop3. Now messages have been sent to it from a 
few years back onward. Is there a way to set it to pop3? If there isn't, how do 
I delete all my past emails?


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Re: Apple TV and triple clicking VO on and off

2011-11-08 Thread Goldfinga Productions
That only works on initial setup, right?
I tried it and it does nothing...

On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:22 AM, Scott Rumery wrote:

> If you have the apple remote that comes with your Apple tv then all you have 
> to do is triple click the play pause button.  This is located on the bottom 
> right of the remote.  I hope that his helps.
> Scott Rumery
> On Nov 8, 2011, at 6:21 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> It's only available in the setup screen.
>> Les
>> On Nov 7, 2011, at 9:32 PM, Tom Frank wrote:
>>> Tom Frank
>>> Hello all,
>>> I heard that there is a new command in the latest Apple TV software that 
>>> allows you to turn VO on and off easily. 
>>> I can't find it. Any hints?
>>> On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:41 PM, Esther wrote:
 Hello Francisco,
 You cannot read eBooks purchased from the iBooks Store that have DRM 
 content with Adobe Digital Editions Preview, because iBooks uses another 
 DRM scheme.  Some of the books in the iBooks Store, such as the iPhone 
 User Guide and other free books, are available without DRM, and can be 
 read.  Also, the books from Project Gutenberg that are in the public 
 domain have no DRM, and can be read. However, most commercial eBooks that 
 you buy through iBooks cannot be read with Adobe Digital Editions Preview.
 Stanza Desktop (with Mac and Windows versions from Lexcycle), was actually 
 a utility program designed to assist in converting ebook formats and 
 transferring them to the Stanza eReader app on your iOS device -- it was 
 not designed primarily to be used as a reader.  At one point it was viewed 
 as the major competitor to the Amazon Kindle, especially in markets 
 outside of the United States. Then Amazon bought out Lexcycle.  That's one 
 reason why there are no new developments.  I was surprised when they 
 released Stanza 3.0 in June 2010 after the acquisition.  It is actually 
 possible to use Stanza with VoiceOver on iOS devices, but most people find 
 it disconcerting, because the application reads to the end of each 
 chapter, but doesn't update the screen.  However, it is usable, and 
 supported bookmarking and search functions before iBooks had these 
 features. With improved features and iBook accessibility, the iBook app is 
 a better bet for VoiceOver users now. 
 HTH.  Cheers,
 On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:51, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
> I prefer Adobe digital Editions because i can buy ebooks on the IBooks 
> store or in other store and read it
> El 07/11/2011, a las 10:52, Vítor Oliveira escribió:
>> Yes, they didn't upgrad stanza recently but it's stil working very fine. 
>> You may also edit book information if you want to export to iphone, ipod 
>> or ipad.
>> Vítor Oliveira
>> A 07/11/2011, às 01:03, Nektarios Mallas escreveu:
>>> Well, thanks to both of you. 
>>> I haven't thought of using it this way. I will give it a try. 
>>> I am also experimenting with the stanza reader. However, this 
>>> application doesn't seem to be updated recently. 
>>> Nektarios.
>>> On Nov 6, 2011, at 5:04 PM, Esther wrote:
 Hello Nektarios,
 As Anne mentioned, you can avoid the VoiceOver crashes by just 
 navigating to the next page instead of interacting  (Fn+Down Arrow to 
 page down on my MacBook Pro), which will also get you past the cover 
 graphic. You do have to read by page, but you can just press the right 
 arrow key to do this for successive pages, and you can make the font 
 size small if you want more content on a single page.  Adobe Digital 
 Editions Preview supports searching in the text and setting bookmarks. 
  It will work for reading DRM-free eBooks, or books that have the 
 Adobe ADE version of DRM, which includes books you can buy from Kobo 
 Books and OverDrive ePub books that can be borrowed by download 
 through public libraries in the U.S., Canada, Australia, the U.K. and 
 some other countries.
 An alternate suggestion for reading ePub books without DRM, if you 
 don't want to use the Copy Last Spoken Phrase to Clipboard 
 (VO-Shift-C) and paste into TextEdit, is to use iText Express. The 
 Express version of iText is free, and available from the Mac's App 
 HTH.  Cheers,
 On Nov 6, 2011, at 04:19, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Nektarios,
> If you just go to next page, it will read automatically, but if you 
> want to look at the text closely, or read with a Braille display, 
> the

Re: moving pdf file to ibooks

2011-11-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

I believe the PDF should be in the books playlist.  If its not, just press 
command O and navigate to the PDF in the filebrowser and press enter.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Nov 7, 2011, at 6:19 PM, Denise Avant wrote:

> hi all,
> I have a couple pdf files i want to move to ibooks. i put the file under 
> automatically add to itunes, but when i did a sync of my iphone, i did not 
> see the file in the ibooks section. is there another step? i have done this 
> successfully before, but it has been a while.
> -- 
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Re: can't get winamp to do anything

2011-11-08 Thread Chris Blouch
The initial problem seems to be the terms and conditions agreement pane 
that launches before the app. I was able to reach the developer (or 
project manager or something) and they asked for some info on how to fix 
it. I passed them URLs to the Apple accessibility stuff and a link to 
the WWDC 2011 session on accessible cocoa app development. Any other 
suggestions? I think they want to do the right thing but aren't sure how.


On 11/5/11 9:44 AM, Missy Hoppe wrote:

Hi there! Thanks for the suggestions. I've tried to use open with already, and 
winamp doesn't show up as an option, at least
not under snowy kitty. I didn't have any better luck in Lion. I also tried 
command L, and found the file I wanted, but it
didn't do anything. I'll try again, though, just in case I'm missing something.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of David McLean
Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 4:42 AM
Subject: Re: can't get winamp to do anything

In Finder, go to an mp3 file, hit command+i and go down to the open with 
pop-up. One of the options should be Winamp.
Alternatively in the Winamp app itself you can open a file by hitting command+l 
and selecting it.
This version of Winamp appears to be totally library oriented unlike the 
Windows version which has a library but can also be
started from Windows Explorer.
On Nov 5, 2011, at 4:14 AM, Missy Hoppe wrote:

Hi there! These instructions do help a little; I heard the llama file,
but after that, I still wasn't able to get winamp to actually play a
file. I tried to open an mp3 and a midi, and nothing happened. I tried going 
into preferences, but it seems that it's just

a bunch of unlabled buttons and things. Still, the program seems to be working 
now, at least a little bit.

Thanks for your help, and if you have any additional instructions that
might get files to actually play, I'm sure we would all be extremely grateful.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Joseph Norton
Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 1:07 AM
Subject: Re: can't get winamp to do anything

I downloaded it and had to play around with it.

I'll have to try this on a fresh installation to be 100% sure, but, here is 
what seemed to work.

I launched the app, made sure I was in the window by commad-tabbing.
It said, "winamp has no windows"  I then pressed space then enter.  I got the 
llama message.
Try that and se if it works.

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Re: Apple TV and triple clicking VO on and off

2011-11-08 Thread Scott Rumery
I don't know why it is not working for you, on my Apple TV if I need to turn it 
off for my kids all that we do is triple click theplay pause button and 
Voice Over will say Voice Over off, and if it is off and I triple click the 
play pause button then Voice Over will say Voice Over on.  Make sure that your 
Apple TV software is up to date and then it should work.

On Nov 8, 2011, at 12:03 PM, Goldfinga Productions wrote:

> That only works on initial setup, right?
> I tried it and it does nothing...
> GF
> On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:22 AM, Scott Rumery wrote:
>> If you have the apple remote that comes with your Apple tv then all you have 
>> to do is triple click the play pause button.  This is located on the bottom 
>> right of the remote.  I hope that his helps.
>> Scott Rumery
>> On Nov 8, 2011, at 6:21 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>>> It's only available in the setup screen.
>>> Les
>>> On Nov 7, 2011, at 9:32 PM, Tom Frank wrote:
 Tom Frank
 Hello all,
 I heard that there is a new command in the latest Apple TV software that 
 allows you to turn VO on and off easily. 
 I can't find it. Any hints?
 On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:41 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hello Francisco,
> You cannot read eBooks purchased from the iBooks Store that have DRM 
> content with Adobe Digital Editions Preview, because iBooks uses another 
> DRM scheme.  Some of the books in the iBooks Store, such as the iPhone 
> User Guide and other free books, are available without DRM, and can be 
> read.  Also, the books from Project Gutenberg that are in the public 
> domain have no DRM, and can be read. However, most commercial eBooks that 
> you buy through iBooks cannot be read with Adobe Digital Editions Preview.
> Stanza Desktop (with Mac and Windows versions from Lexcycle), was 
> actually a utility program designed to assist in converting ebook formats 
> and transferring them to the Stanza eReader app on your iOS device -- it 
> was not designed primarily to be used as a reader.  At one point it was 
> viewed as the major competitor to the Amazon Kindle, especially in 
> markets outside of the United States. Then Amazon bought out Lexcycle.  
> That's one reason why there are no new developments.  I was surprised 
> when they released Stanza 3.0 in June 2010 after the acquisition.  It is 
> actually possible to use Stanza with VoiceOver on iOS devices, but most 
> people find it disconcerting, because the application reads to the end of 
> each chapter, but doesn't update the screen.  However, it is usable, and 
> supported bookmarking and search functions before iBooks had these 
> features. With improved features and iBook accessibility, the iBook app 
> is a better bet for VoiceOver users now. 
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:51, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
>> I prefer Adobe digital Editions because i can buy ebooks on the IBooks 
>> store or in other store and read it
>> El 07/11/2011, a las 10:52, Vítor Oliveira escribió:
>>> Yes, they didn't upgrad stanza recently but it's stil working very 
>>> fine. You may also edit book information if you want to export to 
>>> iphone, ipod or ipad.
>>> Vítor Oliveira
>>> A 07/11/2011, às 01:03, Nektarios Mallas escreveu:
 Well, thanks to both of you. 
 I haven't thought of using it this way. I will give it a try. 
 I am also experimenting with the stanza reader. However, this 
 application doesn't seem to be updated recently. 
 On Nov 6, 2011, at 5:04 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hello Nektarios,
> As Anne mentioned, you can avoid the VoiceOver crashes by just 
> navigating to the next page instead of interacting  (Fn+Down Arrow to 
> page down on my MacBook Pro), which will also get you past the cover 
> graphic. You do have to read by page, but you can just press the 
> right arrow key to do this for successive pages, and you can make the 
> font size small if you want more content on a single page.  Adobe 
> Digital Editions Preview supports searching in the text and setting 
> bookmarks.  It will work for reading DRM-free eBooks, or books that 
> have the Adobe ADE version of DRM, which includes books you can buy 
> from Kobo Books and OverDrive ePub books that can be borrowed by 
> download through public libraries in the U.S., Canada, Australia, the 
> U.K. and some other countries.
> An alternate suggestion for reading ePub books without DRM, if you 
> don't want to use the Co

Re: can't get winamp to do anything

2011-11-08 Thread Teresa Cochran
That's great, Chris. That sounds well on the way toward providing information 
for the developers to work with.


"Slow down; you'll get there faster."

On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:57 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> The initial problem seems to be the terms and conditions agreement pane that 
> launches before the app. I was able to reach the developer (or project 
> manager or something) and they asked for some info on how to fix it. I passed 
> them URLs to the Apple accessibility stuff and a link to the WWDC 2011 
> session on accessible cocoa app development. Any other suggestions? I think 
> they want to do the right thing but aren't sure how.
> CB
> On 11/5/11 9:44 AM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>> Hi there! Thanks for the suggestions. I've tried to use open with already, 
>> and winamp doesn't show up as an option, at least
>> not under snowy kitty. I didn't have any better luck in Lion. I also tried 
>> command L, and found the file I wanted, but it
>> didn't do anything. I'll try again, though, just in case I'm missing 
>> something.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of David McLean
>> Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 4:42 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: can't get winamp to do anything
>> In Finder, go to an mp3 file, hit command+i and go down to the open with 
>> pop-up. One of the options should be Winamp.
>> Alternatively in the Winamp app itself you can open a file by hitting 
>> command+l and selecting it.
>> This version of Winamp appears to be totally library oriented unlike the 
>> Windows version which has a library but can also be
>> started from Windows Explorer.
>> On Nov 5, 2011, at 4:14 AM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>>> Hi there! These instructions do help a little; I heard the llama file,
>>> but after that, I still wasn't able to get winamp to actually play a
>>> file. I tried to open an mp3 and a midi, and nothing happened. I tried 
>>> going into preferences, but it seems that it's just
>> a bunch of unlabled buttons and things. Still, the program seems to be 
>> working now, at least a little bit.
>>> Thanks for your help, and if you have any additional instructions that
>>> might get files to actually play, I'm sure we would all be extremely 
>>> grateful.
>>> Missy
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Joseph Norton
>>> Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 1:07 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: can't get winamp to do anything
>>> I downloaded it and had to play around with it.
>>> I'll have to try this on a fresh installation to be 100% sure, but, here is 
>>> what seemed to work.
>>> I launched the app, made sure I was in the window by commad-tabbing.
>>> It said, "winamp has no windows"  I then pressed space then enter.  I got 
>>> the llama message.
>>> Try that and se if it works.
>>> --
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>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Emails on the Ipod Touch

2011-11-08 Thread Teresa Cochran
Oh my. Well, it might just be easier to delete your account and start over. 
You'll have to enter your pop settings manually. Go into settings from the home 
screen and choose Mail and contacts. You can edit account settings there.

"Slow down; you'll get there faster."

On Nov 8, 2011, at 8:40 AM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> Hey all. I just got an Ipod touch a week ago. I'm really enjoying it, I 
> installed that 5-0 Canadian Police Scanner app and everything's good. Well, 
> except for email. I don't know why, but it automatically thought my account 
> was an Imap account rather than a pop3. Now messages have been sent to it 
> from a few years back onward. Is there a way to set it to pop3? If there 
> isn't, how do I delete all my past emails?
> Shawn
> -- 
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Drop ship! was Re: any alternatives to Drop box yet?

2011-11-08 Thread Red . Falcon

>> Hi all!
>> here is another suggestion for a alternative to drop box!
>> You can ask for more info at
>> The service, known as "Drop Ship" is open to any members of any of Mac 
>> Access Dot Net, Techno Chat Dot Net or Just Chat Dot Net email lists. Drop 
>> Ship  allows you to share files with anybody anywhere who has an email 
>> address, plus store backups of files on a "virtual drive" stored securely 
>> and encrypted at Mac Access Dot Net' UK HQ. Even the site administrators 
>> cannot see your files; and the transfer links themselves use the latest 
>> industry-standard SSL encryption certificates recognised by 99.9% of the 
>> world's modern browsers and FTP clients.
>> The service supports:
>> FTP with SSL/TLS
>> FTP with implicit SSL
>> FTP in the clear (not recommended)
>> HTTPS: fully authenticated
>> SSL WebDAV fully authenticated.
>> As for space, the only restriction is "common sense and fair play". The 
>> physical storage media used for housing the encrypted data is based around a 
>> 12TB RAID array, (hardware-based).
>> The service also supports a "File Request" facility whereby people 
>> registered to use the service will be able to send a file request link to 
>> anybody with an email address. When the recipient clicks the link, they are 
>> presented with a standard browser window where they may select a file to 
>> upload to the secure server. The upload is secure and once the file reaches 
>> the server, the person who originated the "request" is sent another email 
>> telling them that their file has arrived and giving them a secure download 
>> URL.
>> It should be made clear that, while the service is free and fully 
>> accessible, it does not support the sync services which DropBox offers. This 
>> is a file sharing service provided to the members of the above-mentioned 
>> groups as a courtesy by the site administrators. If it's abused, the 
>> administrators reserve the right to remove any member from the service at 
>> any time. If that happens all the files which that member may have stored on 
>> their virtual drive are securely deleted.
>> Whilst membership of the email groups is mandatory for the registered drop 
>> ship users, if the registered member opts to send a file request, the 
>> recipient of the request does not need to be a member.

This is only a suggestion!
Please do not kill me!

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changing imap server to pop3 on the mac.

2011-11-08 Thread Jessica
I just set up my gmail acount on the macbook pro, and didn't realize that by 
default that it set it up as imap instead of pop3.  So not only did it download 
about 3 month's worth of mail that I'd already read, but it's refusing to 
delete it as well, and I don't know how to go back into my settings and fix it.
  Can anybody give me some advice here?
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embossing Braille from a Mac, Possible or impossible?

2011-11-08 Thread Rick Boggs
Has anybody successfully used a Braille embosser with Snow Leopard on either a 
Macbook or a G5 tower?
If so, which one?
If multiple times, which is easiest to use?

I assume Ducksbury is required, right?


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Re: Why Winamp?

2011-11-08 Thread Jessica
I didn't decide there was a problem here, I was stating what someone told 
me, and asking someone to conferm or deny it, and possibly give me some more 
info here, seeing as how I'm new to the system entirely.
- Original Message - 
From: "Ricardo Walker" 

Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 8:19 AM
Subject: Re: Why Winamp?


So you don't like something that you don't even know if it really exists or 
not?  May I suggest actually trying it to see if there is really a problem 
before deciding there is a problem? :).  I'm not trying to be a jerk but, 
maybe your friend was in error or, the problem is just happening on their 

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Nov 8, 2011, at 12:50 AM, Jessica wrote:

Ok, someone please correct me if I'm wrong here, but someone told me after 
I'd ripped a bunch of CD's to my computer with the intention to cut and 
paste them to my external drive, that in doing that you'd get some sort of 
error message where Itunes is concerned, however he didn't tell me what it 
was, only that if I remember correctly that it was a library issue.  Is 
this true?
  This is one of several things I at this point really don't like about 
the software.

- Original Message -
From: Ray Foret Jr
Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 5:36 AM
Subject: Re: Why Winamp?

Well, to speak frankly, I will tell you; at least from my point of view. 
With regard to ITunes as a player, (and mind you I speak here strictly in 
terms of the layer itself), I can't argue with it.  Well,almost. 
ITunes doesn't do ENQ.  Okay, there's the ITunes DJ thingie I grant you, 
but, I can't find tracks easily with that, and, besides, I don't want to 
be adding tracks and files to the ITunes Library all the time just to make 
them easier to find.  Now, we come to the real issue.  ITunes is so damn 
library dependant.  The ITunes library really sucks!  Let's say I have the 
song "Life Without you" and it's in the .m4a for mat.  Well, I have it on 
my hard drive; but, when I add it to my ITunes library, it creates a 
duplicate file of exactly the same size.  That means I've got two copies 
of the file where as I only wish to have just one.  that's a waste of disk 
space.  The ITunes library is so cluncky it's beyond belief.  I have 
numorous loose files which are not tagged and which I have no wish to add 
to the ITunes Library thus making unnecessary duplicates.  Much better, so 
far as I am concerned, to have a layer which has ENQ and which can be 
triggered directly from the finder window.  In short, you locate your 
first file in the finder, and, you can ENQ that file in to your player 
directly.  Then, the next file and the next and so forth.  The player 
would also allow you to directly control the cross fading between files 
and no lag time at all between files.  That's just the start.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Nov 5, 2011, at 8:24 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

I hear people say this a lot but, really?  Whats so bad about iTunes on 
the Mac?  I have no problems with it what so ever.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Nov 5, 2011, at 8:57 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

Hi donna,  Just about anything is preferable to ITunes, but I think 
right now it's just the novelty of the thing for us windows switchers 
who have fond memories of winamp for windows.  Especially before it got 
bought out by AOL.  These days I get my windows clients to start out on 
the KM player since winamp is now chuck full of bloatware.

I'm not tempted to try it myself since vlc does what I need but winamp 
for the mac has been too long in coming for sure.  Hopefully the great 
pioneers on this list will convince AOL to take an accessible direction 
with winamp development and then we'll have yet another option.


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion 
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On 2011-11-05, at 8:43 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:

Hi all,

I haven't really followed the winamp thread, but I'm curious as to why 
anyone would go to all the trouble that seems to be involved in using 
it?  Is there some reason that it's preferable to iTunes?


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Re: changing imap server to pop3 on the mac.

2011-11-08 Thread Scott Rumery
If you go to your toolbar and arrow over to file, and then down arrow until you 
get add account.  You will be presented with the same welcome setup screen that 
you got when you set up your gmail account.  Go down to the Create button, and 
hold down the option key until it changes to Continue, then press control 
option space.  This will get  you towhere you need to be to change it from 
Imap to Pop.  Make sure that you change the incoming server port to 995.  After 
you do this all should be fine.  I just got my Mac the other day and I had to 
figure out how to do this because mail was downloading all of  my mail for the 
past 3 years or so.


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Re: Drop ship! was Re: any alternatives to Drop box yet?

2011-11-08 Thread James Scholes
Fair play for trying to give back to the community, but your service is not an 
alternative to Dropbox.  One of the major things Dropbox has going for it is 
the background, effortless syncing of files between all of the devices 
registered under a user's account.  All that is on offer here is the use of a 
file server, and one with no enforced storage or bandwidth limits at that.  
PublicFTP tried to offer something similar a couple of years back, and 
instantly realised it was an unrealistic goal.
James Scholes

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Re: changing imap server to pop3 on the mac.

2011-11-08 Thread Jessica
I've tried that, and it constantly wants me to log in again, and after I 
attempt to do this time and again, it just takes me back to my inbox.  Am I 
missing something here?
- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Rumery" 

Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: changing imap server to pop3 on the mac.

If you go to your toolbar and arrow over to file, and then down arrow until 
you get add account.  You will be presented with the same welcome setup 
screen that you got when you set up your gmail account.  Go down to the 
Create button, and hold down the option key until it changes to Continue, 
then press control option space.  This will get  you towhere you need to 
be to change it from Imap to Pop.  Make sure that you change the incoming 
server port to 995.  After you do this all should be fine.  I just got my 
Mac the other day and I had to figure out how to do this because mail was 
downloading all of  my mail for the past 3 years or so.


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Re: Why Winamp?

2011-11-08 Thread Chris Blouch
Never heard of this problem before. Also, if you want your media stored 
on an external device, why not just have iTunes put it there in the 
first place. If you hold down option while launching iTunes it will 
prompt you for a library location. From there you can just navigate to 
your external drive and then everything will go there unless you change 
it again. Of course if you don't have your external drive hooked up then 
you won't have access to your music.


On 11/8/11 12:50 AM, Jessica wrote:
Ok, someone please correct me if I'm wrong here, but someone told me 
after I'd ripped a bunch of CD's to my computer with the intention to 
cut and paste them to my external drive, that in doing that you'd get 
some sort of error message where Itunes is concerned, however he 
didn't tell me what it was, only that if I remember correctly that it 
was a library issue.  Is this true?
  This is one of several things I at this point really don't like 
about the software.

- Original Message -
*From:* Ray Foret Jr 

*Sent:* Saturday, November 05, 2011 5:36 AM
*Subject:* Re: Why Winamp?

Well, to speak frankly, I will tell you; at least from my point of
view.  With regard to ITunes as a player, (and mind you I speak
here strictly in terms of the layer itself), I can't argue with
it.  Well, almost.  ITunes doesn't do ENQ.  Okay, there's the
ITunes DJ thingie I grant you, but, I can't find tracks easily
with that, and, besides, I don't want to be adding tracks and
files to the ITunes Library all the time just to make them easier
to find.  Now, we come to the real issue.  ITunes is so damn
library dependant.  The ITunes library really sucks!  Let's say I
have the song "/Life Without you/" and it's in the .m4a for mat.
 Well, I have it on my hard drive; but, when I add it to my ITunes
library, it creates a duplicate file of exactly the same size.
 That means I've got two copies of the file where as I only wish
to have just one.  that's a waste of disk space.  The ITunes
library is so cluncky it's beyond belief.  I have numorous loose
files which are not tagged and which I have no wish to add to the
ITunes Library thus making unnecessary duplicates.  Much better,
so far as I am concerned, to have a layer which has ENQ and which
can be triggered directly from the finder window.  In short, you
locate your first file in the finder, and, you can ENQ that file
in to your player directly.  Then, the next file and the next and
so forth.  The player would also allow you to directly control the
cross fading between files and no lag time at all between files.
 That's just the start.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Nov 5, 2011, at 8:24 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

I hear people say this a lot but, really?  Whats so bad about
iTunes on the Mac?  I have no problems with it what so ever.

Ricardo Walker 
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Nov 5, 2011, at 8:57 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

Hi donna,  Just about anything is preferable to ITunes, but I
think right now it's just the novelty of the thing for us
windows switchers who have fond memories of winamp for windows.
 Especially before it got bought out by AOL.  These days I get
my windows clients to start out on the KM player since winamp is
now chuck full of bloatware.

I'm not tempted to try it myself since vlc does what I need but
winamp for the mac has been too long in coming for sure.
 Hopefully the great pioneers on this list will convince AOL to
take an accessible direction with winamp development and then
we'll have yet another option.


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS
Lion When will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at
accessibility Unconference Toronto. To read more and subscribe,
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-11-05, at 8:43 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:

Hi all,

I haven't really followed the winamp thread, but I'm curious as
to why anyone would go to all the trouble that seems to be
involved in using it?  Is there some reason that it's
preferable to iTunes?

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Re: Mail and Safari

2011-11-08 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi Ricardo,

Well it's like this:

First of all lets take care of the minor things.  When I first installed Lion 
back in the beginning of July, I set up mail in classic view without 
conversations.  When I would open up a message, VO would start reading 
immediately.  After the large update of about a week and a half ago, when 
opening up a message in mail, I am left in message headers group.  In order to 
get VO to read automatically, I need to VO + left or right arrow to get into 
text view and then VO will start reading the message automatically once again.  
Is this making sense to you?  I would like to get things back to the way it was 

Thanks Ricardo!  BTW, I'm the guy that was asking about how to re-subscribe to 
the accessible aphone listserv.

Thanks again for all the help,

Johnny Angel
Happy student
On Nov 7, 2011, at 9:42 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> This might not even be necessary.  Tell us exactly the problems you are 
> encountering in each application and we'll take it a step at a time.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Nov 6, 2011, at 9:47 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:
>> Hi again everyone,
>> I don't mean to be a pest at all, but I'm wondering if you folks saw my 
>> questions below.  I was having some connectivity problems last night and 
>> didn't know if this got through to you.  Anyway, I really need some help on 
>> this stuff so, here it goes once again...
>> Thanks,
>> Johnny
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Johnny Angel! 
>>> Subject: Mail and Safari
>>> Date: November 6, 2011 12:17:42 AM EDT
>>> To:
>>> Reply-To:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Okay, so I've come to the end of my rope.  I'm not really mad or anything, 
>>> just considerably frustrated to slowly pulling out my hair.  Now mind you, 
>>> I don't really know what I am doing on the MBP yet, but, nutting seems to 
>>> be working the way it used to.  So.  Can someone waddle me through 
>>> resetting my Lion mail and Safari to their original factory settings?  One 
>>> thing though, I don't want to loose any of my bookmarks in Safari, nor do I 
>>> want to loose any of my many mailboxes and saved posts - especially from 
>>> this illustrious list.
>>> I only wish to reset these two programs back to the way they were when I 
>>> first installed Lion.
>>> So, dear folks, what should I do first?
>>> Johnny B
>>> Johnny Angel!
>>> -- 
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>> Johnny Angel!
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Johnny Angel!

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Boxcar Question

2011-11-08 Thread Gavin
Hi guys,

Forgive me if this question has already been addressed, but how does one set up 
Boxcar on the Mac without sighted assistance? Every time I launch it, I get 
told that there was a problem with the server.



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Re: Apple TV and triple clicking VO on and off

2011-11-08 Thread Les Kriegler
I have the remote and tapping that button three times does nothing.
On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:22 AM, Scott Rumery wrote:

> If you have the apple remote that comes with your Apple tv then all you have 
> to do is triple click the play pause button.  This is located on the bottom 
> right of the remote.  I hope that his helps.
> Scott Rumery
> On Nov 8, 2011, at 6:21 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> It's only available in the setup screen.
>> Les
>> On Nov 7, 2011, at 9:32 PM, Tom Frank wrote:
>>> Tom Frank
>>> Hello all,
>>> I heard that there is a new command in the latest Apple TV software that 
>>> allows you to turn VO on and off easily. 
>>> I can't find it. Any hints?
>>> On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:41 PM, Esther wrote:
 Hello Francisco,
 You cannot read eBooks purchased from the iBooks Store that have DRM 
 content with Adobe Digital Editions Preview, because iBooks uses another 
 DRM scheme.  Some of the books in the iBooks Store, such as the iPhone 
 User Guide and other free books, are available without DRM, and can be 
 read.  Also, the books from Project Gutenberg that are in the public 
 domain have no DRM, and can be read. However, most commercial eBooks that 
 you buy through iBooks cannot be read with Adobe Digital Editions Preview.
 Stanza Desktop (with Mac and Windows versions from Lexcycle), was actually 
 a utility program designed to assist in converting ebook formats and 
 transferring them to the Stanza eReader app on your iOS device -- it was 
 not designed primarily to be used as a reader.  At one point it was viewed 
 as the major competitor to the Amazon Kindle, especially in markets 
 outside of the United States. Then Amazon bought out Lexcycle.  That's one 
 reason why there are no new developments.  I was surprised when they 
 released Stanza 3.0 in June 2010 after the acquisition.  It is actually 
 possible to use Stanza with VoiceOver on iOS devices, but most people find 
 it disconcerting, because the application reads to the end of each 
 chapter, but doesn't update the screen.  However, it is usable, and 
 supported bookmarking and search functions before iBooks had these 
 features. With improved features and iBook accessibility, the iBook app is 
 a better bet for VoiceOver users now. 
 HTH.  Cheers,
 On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:51, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
> I prefer Adobe digital Editions because i can buy ebooks on the IBooks 
> store or in other store and read it
> El 07/11/2011, a las 10:52, Vítor Oliveira escribió:
>> Yes, they didn't upgrad stanza recently but it's stil working very fine. 
>> You may also edit book information if you want to export to iphone, ipod 
>> or ipad.
>> Vítor Oliveira
>> A 07/11/2011, às 01:03, Nektarios Mallas escreveu:
>>> Well, thanks to both of you. 
>>> I haven't thought of using it this way. I will give it a try. 
>>> I am also experimenting with the stanza reader. However, this 
>>> application doesn't seem to be updated recently. 
>>> Nektarios.
>>> On Nov 6, 2011, at 5:04 PM, Esther wrote:
 Hello Nektarios,
 As Anne mentioned, you can avoid the VoiceOver crashes by just 
 navigating to the next page instead of interacting  (Fn+Down Arrow to 
 page down on my MacBook Pro), which will also get you past the cover 
 graphic. You do have to read by page, but you can just press the right 
 arrow key to do this for successive pages, and you can make the font 
 size small if you want more content on a single page.  Adobe Digital 
 Editions Preview supports searching in the text and setting bookmarks. 
  It will work for reading DRM-free eBooks, or books that have the 
 Adobe ADE version of DRM, which includes books you can buy from Kobo 
 Books and OverDrive ePub books that can be borrowed by download 
 through public libraries in the U.S., Canada, Australia, the U.K. and 
 some other countries.
 An alternate suggestion for reading ePub books without DRM, if you 
 don't want to use the Copy Last Spoken Phrase to Clipboard 
 (VO-Shift-C) and paste into TextEdit, is to use iText Express. The 
 Express version of iText is free, and available from the Mac's App 
 HTH.  Cheers,
 On Nov 6, 2011, at 04:19, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Nektarios,
> If you just go to next page, it will read automatically, but if you 
> want to look at the text closely, or read with a Braille display, 
> then unfortunat

Max file convertor

2011-11-08 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Does anyone have experience using this software. It looks to be able to convert 
several audio and video formats. It also seems to be accessible using VoiceOver.

Here is the link:


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Re: Drop ship! was Re: any alternatives to Drop box yet?

2011-11-08 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi James!
Well that shows what I know!
As some people would say!
Next! :]

On 8 Nov 2011, at 22:06, James Scholes wrote:

> Fair play for trying to give back to the community, but your service is not 
> an alternative to Dropbox.  One of the major things Dropbox has going for it 
> is the background, effortless syncing of files between all of the devices 
> registered under a user's account.  All that is on offer here is the use of a 
> file server, and one with no enforced storage or bandwidth limits at that.  
> PublicFTP tried to offer something similar a couple of years back, and 
> instantly realised it was an unrealistic goal.
> -- 
> James Scholes
> -- 
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Re: Boxcar Question

2011-11-08 Thread Ricardo Walker

I haven't been able to get boxcar on the Mac to work in months.  Literally, 
months.  It worked fine once upon a time but no longer.  At least this is the 
case on my Mac.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Nov 8, 2011, at 5:12 PM, Gavin wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Forgive me if this question has already been addressed, but how does one set 
> up Boxcar on the Mac without sighted assistance? Every time I launch it, I 
> get told that there was a problem with the server.
> Regards,
> Gavin
> Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
> Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
> Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
> Email:
> Mobile Email/MSN:
> Skype: batworx
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> -- 
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pdf, captcha, eba/paypal, and access.

2011-11-08 Thread Karen Lewellen

Hi folks,
For reasons that are complicated to explain I have the ear of the legal 
department at paypal -ebay.  Part of the reason is that, as some of you 
may know, they are *requiring* all users to agree that that they read pdf 
files, or they will lose their account.  Because of this and some other access 
issues with paypal and ebay, i have been asked to document why things like 
pdf and captcha are issues for those using adaptive tools.  I have told 
them already that to assume everyone is using jaws is impractical, and 
that still browsers like lynx, with its recent edition  dated June 2011, 
are good foundations for access.  I have shared that pdf reaains a hurtle, 
and captcha is flat out an issue, as is stuff like flash.
because they are serious though I want to make maximum use of this 
opportunity.  What I would welcome is article information, places that 
discuss why pdf for example and captcha remain barriers.  Likewise posts 
from you if you have met with issues with either service would be welcome. 
I want them to fix this for everyone, not just sweep me under the corporate 
rug.  That they are shifting all document responsibility t the end user is 
disturbing, since if you have an issue say with security, you will bare the 
blame for any discrepancies in documentation.

 Additionally, if part of your professional life is access, share under 
your professional umbrella.  If I get enough research responses, i will construct 
a solid document for them, and include as many other people as I can.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Good iPhone Scannar app

2011-11-08 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey Kev, I was talking about that 5-0 Radio Police scanner app for the Iphone. 
I found out that it also works great on the Touch. I downloaded the Canadian 
version. It's a good thing that it was talked about that the 2 other apps I 
downloaded, Iscan and Iscanner lite don't seem to wanna work.


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Re: What is the move command in Lion please

2011-11-08 Thread Jennifer Perdue
Hi Mike,

It's Jennifer Perdue from System Access.  Do you remember me?  I won the 
snowflake Microphone.  Anyway,  I don't have to copy the file just move it?  
Sounds great.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Nov 7, 2011, at 6:42 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Hi, after selecting the file, open the folder where it should go, then press 
> command option v to move it
> On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:22 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> What is the move command in lion.  I am trying to move something, a file, 
>> from my downloads folder to an external cartridge.  How do I use the move 
>> command please.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Nov 4, 2011, at 6:23 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Okay.
>>> I dropped in to the apps folder.  Launched it; and, what 
>>> happened, "Winamp has no windows" said the screen.  No buttons or controls 
>>> worked.  Not even clicking with the mouse.
>>> any thoughts Dave?
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> Facebook:
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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Re: What is the move command in Lion please

2011-11-08 Thread Jennifer Perdue

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Nov 7, 2011, at 9:36 PM, John Sanfilippo wrote:

> start with command c as usual for copy. go to the destination location and 
> press 
> command option v to paste. You'll get a message which says something like 
> "moved here".
> js
> On Nov 7, 2011, at 1:22 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
> What is the move command in lion.  I am trying to move something, a file, 
> from my downloads folder to an external cartridge.  How do I use the move 
> command please.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Nov 4, 2011, at 6:23 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Okay.
>> I dropped in to the apps folder.  Launched it; and, what 
>> happened, "Winamp has no windows" said the screen.  No buttons or controls 
>> worked.  Not even clicking with the mouse.
>> any thoughts Dave?
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> -- 
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Using Time Machine with VoiceOver

2011-11-08 Thread Robert Carter

Does anybody know of any documentation for using Time Machine with VoiceOver?


Robert Carter

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2011-11-08 Thread Craig J Dunlop
I thought I remember hearing about a email address associated with the cloud do 
any of you remember this

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Apple TV and triple clicking VO on and off

2011-11-08 Thread Tom Frank
I sent the initial post asking for help.

My wife updated the software last nigh and I checked it today and my Apple TV 
has the latest software. VO can be turned on and off from the Settings, 
general, Accessibility menu, but still no triple click. Any more suggestions?
Tom Frank

On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:22 AM, Scott Rumery wrote:

> If you have the apple remote that comes with your Apple tv then all you have 
> to do is triple click the play pause button.  This is located on the bottom 
> right of the remote.  I hope that his helps.
> Scott Rumery
> On Nov 8, 2011, at 6:21 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> It's only available in the setup screen.
>> Les
>> On Nov 7, 2011, at 9:32 PM, Tom Frank wrote:
>>> Tom Frank
>>> Hello all,
>>> I heard that there is a new command in the latest Apple TV software that 
>>> allows you to turn VO on and off easily. 
>>> I can't find it. Any hints?
>>> On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:41 PM, Esther wrote:
 Hello Francisco,
 You cannot read eBooks purchased from the iBooks Store that have DRM 
 content with Adobe Digital Editions Preview, because iBooks uses another 
 DRM scheme.  Some of the books in the iBooks Store, such as the iPhone 
 User Guide and other free books, are available without DRM, and can be 
 read.  Also, the books from Project Gutenberg that are in the public 
 domain have no DRM, and can be read. However, most commercial eBooks that 
 you buy through iBooks cannot be read with Adobe Digital Editions Preview.
 Stanza Desktop (with Mac and Windows versions from Lexcycle), was actually 
 a utility program designed to assist in converting ebook formats and 
 transferring them to the Stanza eReader app on your iOS device -- it was 
 not designed primarily to be used as a reader.  At one point it was viewed 
 as the major competitor to the Amazon Kindle, especially in markets 
 outside of the United States. Then Amazon bought out Lexcycle.  That's one 
 reason why there are no new developments.  I was surprised when they 
 released Stanza 3.0 in June 2010 after the acquisition.  It is actually 
 possible to use Stanza with VoiceOver on iOS devices, but most people find 
 it disconcerting, because the application reads to the end of each 
 chapter, but doesn't update the screen.  However, it is usable, and 
 supported bookmarking and search functions before iBooks had these 
 features. With improved features and iBook accessibility, the iBook app is 
 a better bet for VoiceOver users now. 
 HTH.  Cheers,
 On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:51, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
> I prefer Adobe digital Editions because i can buy ebooks on the IBooks 
> store or in other store and read it
> El 07/11/2011, a las 10:52, Vítor Oliveira escribió:
>> Yes, they didn't upgrad stanza recently but it's stil working very fine. 
>> You may also edit book information if you want to export to iphone, ipod 
>> or ipad.
>> Vítor Oliveira
>> A 07/11/2011, às 01:03, Nektarios Mallas escreveu:
>>> Well, thanks to both of you. 
>>> I haven't thought of using it this way. I will give it a try. 
>>> I am also experimenting with the stanza reader. However, this 
>>> application doesn't seem to be updated recently. 
>>> Nektarios.
>>> On Nov 6, 2011, at 5:04 PM, Esther wrote:
 Hello Nektarios,
 As Anne mentioned, you can avoid the VoiceOver crashes by just 
 navigating to the next page instead of interacting  (Fn+Down Arrow to 
 page down on my MacBook Pro), which will also get you past the cover 
 graphic. You do have to read by page, but you can just press the right 
 arrow key to do this for successive pages, and you can make the font 
 size small if you want more content on a single page.  Adobe Digital 
 Editions Preview supports searching in the text and setting bookmarks. 
  It will work for reading DRM-free eBooks, or books that have the 
 Adobe ADE version of DRM, which includes books you can buy from Kobo 
 Books and OverDrive ePub books that can be borrowed by download 
 through public libraries in the U.S., Canada, Australia, the U.K. and 
 some other countries.
 An alternate suggestion for reading ePub books without DRM, if you 
 don't want to use the Copy Last Spoken Phrase to Clipboard 
 (VO-Shift-C) and paste into TextEdit, is to use iText Express. The 
 Express version of iText is free, and available from the Mac's App 
 HTH.  Cheers,
 On Nov 6, 2011, at 04:19, Anne Robertso

Re: Apple TV and triple clicking VO on and off

2011-11-08 Thread Goldfinga Productions
I am running the latest version of the apple tv software... Are you talking 
about the flat play pause button on the under right of the arrows? Or the big 
one in the middle of the arrows, aka the menu or ok button...


On Nov 8, 2011, at 1:57 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:

> I don't know why it is not working for you, on my Apple TV if I need to turn 
> it off for my kids all that we do is triple click theplay pause button 
> and Voice Over will say Voice Over off, and if it is off and I triple click 
> the play pause button then Voice Over will say Voice Over on.  Make sure that 
> your Apple TV software is up to date and then it should work.
> Scott
> On Nov 8, 2011, at 12:03 PM, Goldfinga Productions wrote:
>> That only works on initial setup, right?
>> I tried it and it does nothing...
>> GF
>> On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:22 AM, Scott Rumery wrote:
>>> If you have the apple remote that comes with your Apple tv then all you 
>>> have to do is triple click the play pause button.  This is located on the 
>>> bottom right of the remote.  I hope that his helps.
>>> Scott Rumery
>>> On Nov 8, 2011, at 6:21 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
 It's only available in the setup screen.
 On Nov 7, 2011, at 9:32 PM, Tom Frank wrote:
> Tom Frank
> Hello all,
> I heard that there is a new command in the latest Apple TV software that 
> allows you to turn VO on and off easily. 
> I can't find it. Any hints?
> On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:41 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hello Francisco,
>> You cannot read eBooks purchased from the iBooks Store that have DRM 
>> content with Adobe Digital Editions Preview, because iBooks uses another 
>> DRM scheme.  Some of the books in the iBooks Store, such as the iPhone 
>> User Guide and other free books, are available without DRM, and can be 
>> read.  Also, the books from Project Gutenberg that are in the public 
>> domain have no DRM, and can be read. However, most commercial eBooks 
>> that you buy through iBooks cannot be read with Adobe Digital Editions 
>> Preview.
>> Stanza Desktop (with Mac and Windows versions from Lexcycle), was 
>> actually a utility program designed to assist in converting ebook 
>> formats and transferring them to the Stanza eReader app on your iOS 
>> device -- it was not designed primarily to be used as a reader.  At one 
>> point it was viewed as the major competitor to the Amazon Kindle, 
>> especially in markets outside of the United States. Then Amazon bought 
>> out Lexcycle.  That's one reason why there are no new developments.  I 
>> was surprised when they released Stanza 3.0 in June 2010 after the 
>> acquisition.  It is actually possible to use Stanza with VoiceOver on 
>> iOS devices, but most people find it disconcerting, because the 
>> application reads to the end of each chapter, but doesn't update the 
>> screen.  However, it is usable, and supported bookmarking and search 
>> functions before iBooks had these features. With improved features and 
>> iBook accessibility, the iBook app is a better bet for VoiceOver users 
>> now. 
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:51, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
>>> I prefer Adobe digital Editions because i can buy ebooks on the IBooks 
>>> store or in other store and read it
>>> El 07/11/2011, a las 10:52, Vítor Oliveira escribió:
 Yes, they didn't upgrad stanza recently but it's stil working very 
 fine. You may also edit book information if you want to export to 
 iphone, ipod or ipad.
 Vítor Oliveira
 A 07/11/2011, às 01:03, Nektarios Mallas escreveu:
> Well, thanks to both of you. 
> I haven't thought of using it this way. I will give it a try. 
> I am also experimenting with the stanza reader. However, this 
> application doesn't seem to be updated recently. 
> Nektarios.
> On Nov 6, 2011, at 5:04 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hello Nektarios,
>> As Anne mentioned, you can avoid the VoiceOver crashes by just 
>> navigating to the next page instead of interacting  (Fn+Down Arrow 
>> to page down on my MacBook Pro), which will also get you past the 
>> cover graphic. You do have to read by page, but you can just press 
>> the right arrow key to do this for successive pages, and you can 
>> make the font size small if you want more content on a single page.  
>> Adobe Digital Editions Preview supports searching in the text and 
>> setting bookmarks.  It will work for reading DRM-free eBooks, or 

Re: Email

2011-11-08 Thread Tim Kilburn
I'm not sure what your really asking but, yes, there is an eMail associated 
with iCloud.  If I remember correctly, when you configure your iCloud account 
in System Preferences, you can set it up at that time when you check the Mail, 
Notes and such option.


On 2011-11-08, at 6:43 PM, Craig J Dunlop wrote:

> I thought I remember hearing about a email address associated with the cloud 
> do any of you remember this
> Sent from my iPhone
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Accessible apps

2011-11-08 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi all,

Would someone please point me to the website that offers a list of vo 
accessible apps for the MacBook Pro?


Johnny Angel!

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Re: Using Time Machine with VoiceOver

2011-11-08 Thread Gigi
Robert, I can't answer the question you posed, but I do have one of my own that 
I was about to post concerning Time Machine. 

I got this terrabyte drive from the Apple store. They helped me set up Time 
Machine since I had no clue about what I was doing. They also let me sit there 
while my computer copied all my files to my new drive, after they got it 

Now here's my question for anybody who knows. I know Time Machine does hourly 
backups. However, I don't always keep my drive plugged in to my MacBook Pro. 
When you plug your drive in and Time Machine starts up, how can you tell when 
it gets done with your backup. I think it's doing it because I get folders with 
the date and time on it of my backup, and I can find files. However, VoiceOver 
has not been saying anything during the process, except the time when I was in 
the Apple store getting everything copied. Am I doing something wrong here or 
is there something I need to do to find out what the progress is during the 

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 8, 2011, at 5:21 PM, Robert Carter  wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anybody know of any documentation for using Time Machine with VoiceOver?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
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Re: Using Time Machine with VoiceOver

2011-11-08 Thread Jeffrey Shockley
Just look in the status menu. It's there. Or, you can go into System 
Preferences and go into Time Machine and check the progress that way. It's not 
that hard. BTW Time Machine is very easy to set up with VoiceOver; all you have 
to do is follow the instructions it gives you and click a few self-explanatory 
buttons which are labeledclearly for the most part as to what they do.
On Nov 8, 2011, at 10:57 PM, Gigi wrote:

> Robert, I can't answer the question you posed, but I do have one of my own 
> that I was about to post concerning Time Machine. 
> I got this terrabyte drive from the Apple store. They helped me set up Time 
> Machine since I had no clue about what I was doing. They also let me sit 
> there while my computer copied all my files to my new drive, after they got 
> it started. 
> Now here's my question for anybody who knows. I know Time Machine does hourly 
> backups. However, I don't always keep my drive plugged in to my MacBook Pro. 
> When you plug your drive in and Time Machine starts up, how can you tell when 
> it gets done with your backup. I think it's doing it because I get folders 
> with the date and time on it of my backup, and I can find files. However, 
> VoiceOver has not been saying anything during the process, except the time 
> when I was in the Apple store getting everything copied. Am I doing something 
> wrong here or is there something I need to do to find out what the progress 
> is during the backup? 
> Regards,
> Gigi 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 8, 2011, at 5:21 PM, Robert Carter  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does anybody know of any documentation for using Time Machine with VoiceOver?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
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List for Accessible Audio Apps

2011-11-08 Thread James Lee


I think a while ago someone mentioned that there's a list for discussing 
accessible audio apps on Mac. Does anyone know such list exists?



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Re: Using Time Machine with VoiceOver

2011-11-08 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Gigi,

The easiest way to see the progress your Time Machine backup is to go up to the 
Time Machine status menu.  Simply press VO-m twice to access the Status menus, 
then navigate right until VO says something about Time Machine then use your 
down arrow to see what's happening with your Time Machine backups.  Vo will 
announce within that menu whether Time Machine is currently backing up and tell 
you how much out of how much is done or will announce when the last successful 
backup occurred.


On 2011-11-08, at 8:57 PM, Gigi wrote:

> Robert, I can't answer the question you posed, but I do have one of my own 
> that I was about to post concerning Time Machine. 
> I got this terrabyte drive from the Apple store. They helped me set up Time 
> Machine since I had no clue about what I was doing. They also let me sit 
> there while my computer copied all my files to my new drive, after they got 
> it started. 
> Now here's my question for anybody who knows. I know Time Machine does hourly 
> backups. However, I don't always keep my drive plugged in to my MacBook Pro. 
> When you plug your drive in and Time Machine starts up, how can you tell when 
> it gets done with your backup. I think it's doing it because I get folders 
> with the date and time on it of my backup, and I can find files. However, 
> VoiceOver has not been saying anything during the process, except the time 
> when I was in the Apple store getting everything copied. Am I doing something 
> wrong here or is there something I need to do to find out what the progress 
> is during the backup? 
> Regards,
> Gigi 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 8, 2011, at 5:21 PM, Robert Carter  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does anybody know of any documentation for using Time Machine with VoiceOver?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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