Flowplayer Accessibility and Flash on the Web?

2011-10-23 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

I've come across this embedded player for streaming flash content on various 
sites, most notably www.concertwindow.com . I've gone to the Flowplayer 
developer site and the documentation says it implements keyboard shortcuts.

I've been trying to use it in conjunction with the ClickToPlugin extension in 
Safari. I've added the various sites using Flowplayer to my white-list, and 
tried to use the keyboard shortcuts. Is this the correct approach, or is there 
some alternative way to access it?


"Slow down; you'll get there faster."

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heading navigation in safari

2011-10-23 Thread Denise Avant
Hello all,
I have the latest version of safari and lion. when i go into safari, i turn on 
quick nav and try to move by heading or links by pressing h or l. but nothing 
happens. Is there another setting i am suppose to turn on. i have also tried 
this on the iphone 4s and same result. thanks.

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humorous story about the iPhone

2011-10-23 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Guys.
I could not resist telling you guys this story told to me by a blind friend of 
mine. He was laughing so much about this, that he just had to call me up and 
tell me all about it. This will just go to show you just how much we have come 
forward with accessibility, thanks to Steve and all his folks.

This friend was having difficulty with his old phone, and he was thinking about 
getting an iPhone. I think he eventually will when his current contract runs 
out in a few months. He thought it was time because he thought his current 
phone was dead. He asked the salesman at Sprint to show him the new Siri 
iPhone. The man, with all the confidence of someone who thought he knew what he 
was doing blurted out: "I don't think it will work for a blind person. It's got 
a flat screen."

After making this incredibly uninformed statement, he handed the iPhone to my 
friend at his request. Luckily, he had some experience with iPhones from his 
sighted iPhone using friends; he's never seen mine. He said to the guy: "just 
let me show you something here."

Luckily they were so uninformed that they hadn't messed with the defaults on 
the Siri iPhone. So, my friend pressed the home key three times, and when it 
came up he said into it: "show me the weather in Miami, Florida." It did, and 
VoiceOver started reading it. The salesman, pretty much in shock, said: "I will 
never say a thing like that again. That shows me." 


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Re: downloading from the BARD site

2011-10-23 Thread Paul Hunt
Jenny just open the file with command o and the folder will unzip in your 
downloads folder. I suggest that you move your book to another folder before 
unzipping it to keep your download folder clean. Let us know if you need help 
with this.

On Oct 22, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:

> I know how to get a book downloaded to my downloads folder from the BARD 
> site.  My question is how do I unzip the file.  I'm using snow leopard and 
> using the finder.
> Thanks for all your help in advance.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Oct 22, 2011, at 4:38 AM, Johanna Herranen wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am new to this list -- actually I am also a complete newbie with Mac. I 
>> got my very first Macbook Pro just couple days ago. So far
>> I'm very impressed and happy with it.However, I seem to have a small issue 
>> with the Terminal application: I am using ssh to connect
>> to another machine from Terminal. There I'm using a program that puts lots 
>> of text on the screen. Some times then I see that
>> VoiceOver doesn't speak everything, because every time there is a new event 
>> on the screen, the speech gets interrupted and only the
>> newest text is spoken. I have been going through VoiceOver settings trying 
>> to find a way to fix it, but can't find anything. Also, I
>> love Alex, but am finding it a bit slow some times. Is there somewhere a 
>> setting to tell Alex to stop breathing and pausing between
>> words? Or could someone recommend some other less human-like voice to use 
>> when needed?
>> Any help is much appreciated.
>> Johanna
>> -- 
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Re: humorous story about the iPhone

2011-10-23 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hello Gigi.
I'm dictating this using Siri.
It's great we can do so much more with our iPhones. 
Thank you for the story.
Have a great day thank you.
Sent from my iPhone

On 23 Oct 2011, at 12:10 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi Guys.
> I could not resist telling you guys this story told to me by a blind friend 
> of mine. He was laughing so much about this, that he just had to call me up 
> and tell me all about it. This will just go to show you just how much we have 
> come forward with accessibility, thanks to Steve and all his folks.
> This friend was having difficulty with his old phone, and he was thinking 
> about getting an iPhone. I think he eventually will when his current contract 
> runs out in a few months. He thought it was time because he thought his 
> current phone was dead. He asked the salesman at Sprint to show him the new 
> Siri iPhone. The man, with all the confidence of someone who thought he knew 
> what he was doing blurted out: "I don't think it will work for a blind 
> person. It's got a flat screen."
> After making this incredibly uninformed statement, he handed the iPhone to my 
> friend at his request. Luckily, he had some experience with iPhones from his 
> sighted iPhone using friends; he's never seen mine. He said to the guy: "just 
> let me show you something here."
> Luckily they were so uninformed that they hadn't messed with the defaults on 
> the Siri iPhone. So, my friend pressed the home key three times, and when it 
> came up he said into it: "show me the weather in Miami, Florida." It did, and 
> VoiceOver started reading it. The salesman, pretty much in shock, said: "I 
> will never say a thing like that again. That shows me." 
> Regards,
> Gigi
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: bootable dvd with lion?

2011-10-23 Thread Simon Cavendish

I've only done a bootable usb drive. I'm posting below some notes on creating a 
bootable DVD which I had found on the internet when I considering doing it 
myself a few months ago.

HOpe this will help. See the text below my signature.


How to burn a Lion boot disc
by KELLY HODGKINS  •  JUNE 7, 2011

Mac OS X Lion will debut in July and this handy set of instructions from Egg 
Freckles will let you create a boot disc for installation. OS X Lion will be 
distributed via the Mac App Store and you can download the installer files to 
your hard drive. Once you have the installer files, follow these steps to 
create your very own boot disc:
•   Use Finder to locate the Mac OS X Lion installer, right-click 
and select "Show Package Contents"
•   Find the SharedSupport folder and look for a file names 
"InstallESD.dmg". This is the Lion Boot Disc image.
•   Copy the "InstallESD.dmg" file to another folder such as your 
•   Launch Disk Utility and click the burn button
•   Select the "InstallESD.dmg" copy as the image to burn, insert a 
DVD, and in a few minutes you will have a brand new Lion Boot Disc.
These instructions won't do much for everyone right now since OS X Lion is 
still in the hands of the developers. Bookmark, Evernote or Instapaper this 
post for future use. You'll be glad you did when Lion rolls out next month.

Source: http://eggfreckles.net/tech/burning-a-lion-boot-disc/

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On 21 Oct 2011, at 12:45, Gerry Cook wrote:

> hi all i hope your well! I'm trying to create a bootable dvd with lion from 
> the app store, but it says dim when i get to the installer, so any help and 
> ideas would be very much appreciated. on how the process is supposed to work, 
> thanks.
> -- 
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Question about exporting contacts from address to inport to another device such as a voices. I want to export as a csv file. Any ideas.

2011-10-23 Thread matthew Dyer
Hi all,   Is it possible to export addresses as csv files in address book to be 
used in another device.  If so how is this done.  


matthew Dyer
matthew Dyer
e-mail/msn: ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com
AIM: mattdy1
Yahoo: md1616
twitter: mdyer1.
Facebook: ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com

Gtalk, ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com

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Re: humorous story about the iPhone

2011-10-23 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
my family has been with sprint for over a decade now, and to me the  
shock would have been if he did know what he was talking about.  great  
story. lol  that was my one real question how would seri and voiceover  
get along.  now that I've heard this, i won't fight it if one of my  
family wants to give me one for christmas.  take care, max

On Oct 23, 2011, at 6:10 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

Hi Guys.
I could not resist telling you guys this story told to me by a blind  
friend of mine. He was laughing so much about this, that he just had  
to call me up and tell me all about it. This will just go to show  
you just how much we have come forward with accessibility, thanks to  
Steve and all his folks.

This friend was having difficulty with his old phone, and he was  
thinking about getting an iPhone. I think he eventually will when  
his current contract runs out in a few months. He thought it was  
time because he thought his current phone was dead. He asked the  
salesman at Sprint to show him the new Siri iPhone. The man, with  
all the confidence of someone who thought he knew what he was doing  
blurted out: "I don't think it will work for a blind person. It's  
got a flat screen."

After making this incredibly uninformed statement, he handed the  
iPhone to my friend at his request. Luckily, he had some experience  
with iPhones from his sighted iPhone using friends; he's never seen  
mine. He said to the guy: "just let me show you something here."

Luckily they were so uninformed that they hadn't messed with the  
defaults on the Siri iPhone. So, my friend pressed the home key  
three times, and when it came up he said into it: "show me the  
weather in Miami, Florida." It did, and VoiceOver started reading  
it. The salesman, pretty much in shock, said: "I will never say a  
thing like that again. That shows me."


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Re: Question about Safari and Snow Leopard

2011-10-23 Thread Shannon Dyer
Good morning.

I have no idea what the difference between dom and group mode is. However, 
changing it did the trick. Item chooser, web router, and other navigation 
features work like they're supposed to. Yay for this.

Are you a fan of women's music? If so, join me each Thursday from noon until 
three for the Eclectic Collection: a Celebration of Women In Music. Point your 
media player to:

On Oct 22, 2011, at 11:10 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> Have you tried using DOM VS group mode? Some sites work best in the opposite 
> setting. IE if you are on DOM, switch to group. I'd also suggest downloading 
> the latest nightly build of webkit. Sometimes webkit handles sites better 
> than Safari.
> On Oct 22, 2011, at 9:26 PM, Shannon Dyer wrote:
>> Hi, all.
>> I'm still running Snow Leopard, and I've been having trouble with Safari. 
>> I've never been as comfortable with it as I was with Internet Explorer, but, 
>> for most things, I've managed to make it work.
>> However, I'm having difficulty navigating a large site. I need to find an 
>> edit box where I can post a comment, and then, the button beneath the box to 
>> actually post the comment to the site.
>> It doesn't matter what I set the web router to. No matter what I do, it 
>> refuses to find the box. I can find the "post comment" button with the item 
>> chooser, but, once I find it, I just sort of know it exists on the page 
>> without knowing where.
>> Does anyone have any suggestions? I've been using Internet Explorer on the 
>> Windows side of my Mac to do this, because fighting with Safari is proving 
>> too time-consuming. However, I would like a solution, if there is one.
>> Thanks so much for any advice anyone can offer.
>> Shannon
>> Are you a fan of women's music? If so, join me each Thursday from noon until 
>> three for the Eclectic Collection: a Celebration of Women In Music. Point 
>> your media player to:
>> http://mojoradio.us/listen
>> or
>> www.mintfm.net
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: humorous story about the iPhone

2011-10-23 Thread Peggy Fleischer
I bet the look on that salesman's face was priceless. Really great story. 
Thanks for sharing. 
On Oct 23, 2011, at 7:10 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Guys.
> I could not resist telling you guys this story told to me by a blind friend 
> of mine. He was laughing so much about this, that he just had to call me up 
> and tell me all about it. This will just go to show you just how much we have 
> come forward with accessibility, thanks to Steve and all his folks.
> This friend was having difficulty with his old phone, and he was thinking 
> about getting an iPhone. I think he eventually will when his current contract 
> runs out in a few months. He thought it was time because he thought his 
> current phone was dead. He asked the salesman at Sprint to show him the new 
> Siri iPhone. The man, with all the confidence of someone who thought he knew 
> what he was doing blurted out: "I don't think it will work for a blind 
> person. It's got a flat screen."
> After making this incredibly uninformed statement, he handed the iPhone to my 
> friend at his request. Luckily, he had some experience with iPhones from his 
> sighted iPhone using friends; he's never seen mine. He said to the guy: "just 
> let me show you something here."
> Luckily they were so uninformed that they hadn't messed with the defaults on 
> the Siri iPhone. So, my friend pressed the home key three times, and when it 
> came up he said into it: "show me the weather in Miami, Florida." It did, and 
> VoiceOver started reading it. The salesman, pretty much in shock, said: "I 
> will never say a thing like that again. That shows me." 
> Regards,
> Gigi
> -- 
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Re: humorous story about the iPhone

2011-10-23 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I'd love to have the audio of that actually happening.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Oct 23, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Peggy Fleischer wrote:

> I bet the look on that salesman's face was priceless. Really great story. 
> Thanks for sharing. 
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 7:10 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>> Hi Guys.
>> I could not resist telling you guys this story told to me by a blind friend 
>> of mine. He was laughing so much about this, that he just had to call me up 
>> and tell me all about it. This will just go to show you just how much we 
>> have come forward with accessibility, thanks to Steve and all his folks.
>> This friend was having difficulty with his old phone, and he was thinking 
>> about getting an iPhone. I think he eventually will when his current 
>> contract runs out in a few months. He thought it was time because he thought 
>> his current phone was dead. He asked the salesman at Sprint to show him the 
>> new Siri iPhone. The man, with all the confidence of someone who thought he 
>> knew what he was doing blurted out: "I don't think it will work for a blind 
>> person. It's got a flat screen."
>> After making this incredibly uninformed statement, he handed the iPhone to 
>> my friend at his request. Luckily, he had some experience with iPhones from 
>> his sighted iPhone using friends; he's never seen mine. He said to the guy: 
>> "just let me show you something here."
>> Luckily they were so uninformed that they hadn't messed with the defaults on 
>> the Siri iPhone. So, my friend pressed the home key three times, and when it 
>> came up he said into it: "show me the weather in Miami, Florida." It did, 
>> and VoiceOver started reading it. The salesman, pretty much in shock, said: 
>> "I will never say a thing like that again. That shows me." 
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> -- 
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: heading navigation in safari

2011-10-23 Thread Scott Howell
You bet there sure is and I'm going to tell you exactly how to turn it on.
So, you open the VO utility, select Commanders, select Quick Nav, and check the 
box that says Enable single-key webpage navigation when using Quick Nav. Once 
you check this option you will have what your looking for.
Now I'd like to make another suggestion. YOu make use of the ACtivities feature 
if you have not implemented this and setup one for apps such as Safari etc. 
This way you will not have this option on all the time should you choose to use 
quick nav in other areas. Remember that once you activate this Enable 
single-key webpage navigation when using Quick Nav feature, you will have to 
turn quick nav off to enter text.

On Oct 23, 2011, at 6:35 AM, Denise Avant wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have the latest version of safari and lion. when i go into safari, i turn 
> on quick nav and try to move by heading or links by pressing h or l. but 
> nothing happens. Is there another setting i am suppose to turn on. i have 
> also tried this on the iphone 4s and same result. thanks.
> -- 
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Re: humorous story about the iPhone

2011-10-23 Thread Teresa Cochran
Oh, ouch. This is one thing that is refreshing about an Apple store: those 
folks know about Voiceover. I was in one cell-phone provider store once, and 
when I asked for speech, the salesman showed me a feature for sending 
voice-texts. Sad. That is a great story.


"Slow down; you'll get there faster."

On Oct 23, 2011, at 9:28 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> I'd love to have the audio of that actually happening.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Peggy Fleischer wrote:
>> I bet the look on that salesman's face was priceless. Really great story. 
>> Thanks for sharing. 
>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 7:10 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> Hi Guys.
>>> I could not resist telling you guys this story told to me by a blind friend 
>>> of mine. He was laughing so much about this, that he just had to call me up 
>>> and tell me all about it. This will just go to show you just how much we 
>>> have come forward with accessibility, thanks to Steve and all his folks.
>>> This friend was having difficulty with his old phone, and he was thinking 
>>> about getting an iPhone. I think he eventually will when his current 
>>> contract runs out in a few months. He thought it was time because he 
>>> thought his current phone was dead. He asked the salesman at Sprint to show 
>>> him the new Siri iPhone. The man, with all the confidence of someone who 
>>> thought he knew what he was doing blurted out: "I don't think it will work 
>>> for a blind person. It's got a flat screen."
>>> After making this incredibly uninformed statement, he handed the iPhone to 
>>> my friend at his request. Luckily, he had some experience with iPhones from 
>>> his sighted iPhone using friends; he's never seen mine. He said to the guy: 
>>> "just let me show you something here."
>>> Luckily they were so uninformed that they hadn't messed with the defaults 
>>> on the Siri iPhone. So, my friend pressed the home key three times, and 
>>> when it came up he said into it: "show me the weather in Miami, Florida." 
>>> It did, and VoiceOver started reading it. The salesman, pretty much in 
>>> shock, said: "I will never say a thing like that again. That shows me." 
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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A few verbosity withh Mail questions

2011-10-23 Thread Bill Holton
Hi.When I have my emails grouped by conversation how come I get several "One
message in conversation" notifications whereas other single messages do not
have this?

Also, is there any way I can cut back on some of the excess verbiage when I
get some thing like "Four message conversation?" Would rather it say
something like 4mc or something like that.




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Re: downloading from the BARD site

2011-10-23 Thread Jennifer Perdue
thank you so much.  

Have a great day.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Oct 23, 2011, at 6:57 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Jenny just open the file with command o and the folder will unzip in your 
> downloads folder. I suggest that you move your book to another folder before 
> unzipping it to keep your download folder clean. Let us know if you need help 
> with this.
> On Oct 22, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
>> I know how to get a book downloaded to my downloads folder from the BARD 
>> site.  My question is how do I unzip the file.  I'm using snow leopard and 
>> using the finder.
>> Thanks for all your help in advance.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Oct 22, 2011, at 4:38 AM, Johanna Herranen wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am new to this list -- actually I am also a complete newbie with Mac. I 
>>> got my very first Macbook Pro just couple days ago. So far
>>> I'm very impressed and happy with it.However, I seem to have a small issue 
>>> with the Terminal application: I am using ssh to connect
>>> to another machine from Terminal. There I'm using a program that puts lots 
>>> of text on the screen. Some times then I see that
>>> VoiceOver doesn't speak everything, because every time there is a new event 
>>> on the screen, the speech gets interrupted and only the
>>> newest text is spoken. I have been going through VoiceOver settings trying 
>>> to find a way to fix it, but can't find anything. Also, I
>>> love Alex, but am finding it a bit slow some times. Is there somewhere a 
>>> setting to tell Alex to stop breathing and pausing between
>>> words? Or could someone recommend some other less human-like voice to use 
>>> when needed?
>>> Any help is much appreciated.
>>> Johanna
>>> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: downloading from the BARD site

2011-10-23 Thread Jennifer Perdue
thanks so very much.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Oct 22, 2011, at 9:45 PM, Tom Frank wrote:

> Hi there,
> I learned by my mistakes. Just be patient. For a large book, it might take a 
> few minutes to expand, but, it will be done automatically.
> You will first notice  your book in the download folder as a zip file. Go 
> have a cup of tea or something. Come back and it will be an uncompressed 
> DAISY book folder. Copy the file.  Go to the finder, find your drive's icon, 
> open it, and paste in the book. I hit escape first just to make sure I don't 
> have any other files selected in the drive's folder.
> If you interact with the progress alert, you can listen to the number of 
> books remaining to be pasted. Remember, Daisy books actually are a number of 
> files kept in a common folder.
> Tom Frank
> vermont...@gmail.com
> On Oct 22, 2011, at 5:59 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> thanks so much.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Oct 22, 2011, at 4:49 PM, Chris Westbrook wrote:
>>> They are unzipped automatically.  Just copy and paste to your sd card or 
>>> whatever.
>>> On Oct 22, 2011, at 5:27 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
 I know how to get a book downloaded to my downloads folder from the BARD 
 site.  My question is how do I unzip the file.  I'm using snow leopard and 
 using the finder.
 Thanks for all your help in advance.
 Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
 On Oct 22, 2011, at 4:38 AM, Johanna Herranen wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to this list -- actually I am also a complete newbie with Mac. I 
> got my very first Macbook Pro just couple days ago. So far
> I'm very impressed and happy with it.However, I seem to have a small 
> issue with the Terminal application: I am using ssh to connect
> to another machine from Terminal. There I'm using a program that puts 
> lots of text on the screen. Some times then I see that
> VoiceOver doesn't speak everything, because every time there is a new 
> event on the screen, the speech gets interrupted and only the
> newest text is spoken. I have been going through VoiceOver settings 
> trying to find a way to fix it, but can't find anything. Also, I
> love Alex, but am finding it a bit slow some times. Is there somewhere a 
> setting to tell Alex to stop breathing and pausing between
> words? Or could someone recommend some other less human-like voice to use 
> when needed?
> Any help is much appreciated.
> Johanna
> -- 
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>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Keeping Audio Hijack from Moving Through Playlist While Recording?

2011-10-23 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, folk,

A strange thing happened to me today. I woke up and found Audio Hijack 
recording things, as I'd expected. I noticed that the DJ seemed to be playing a 
lot of the same artist. It was then I discovered that my entire playlist of 
4000 songs was merrily recording itself. I've encountered this problem before. 
Actually, the radio stations I record are in my "radio favorites" playlist, 
which was one I set up. I'm not sure why ITunes is finding other things in my 
main music playlist. Or perhaps it's Audio Hijack doing this. Anyone have ideas?


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

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accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-23 Thread Angie Giltinan
Good morning all,
As a fairly new Mac user, I'm very interested in obtaining new apps, to expand 
the possibilities  of my Mac, also, I'm an iOs app junky, so I'd like to cary 
that obsession over to the mac.
All that said, I'm leary of plunging right in without a resource of apps that 
are and aren't accessible.
I'd like to hear from those of you using different apps, 
For example, what RSS reader are people using, what podcast app, are there any 
accesible games?
I downloaded the RS Games server thingy last night, and Zoom for mac osX, for 
text adventures, but what else is there?
We really need an Apple Vis for mac!
So, please, let's see all the suggestions you experienced mac users have!

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iCal Bug in Lion?

2011-10-23 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi guys:
I might have found an issue with iCal and Lion. I didn't have this issue with 
SN. When you go create a new calendar, and you choose where you want the 
calendar to be created, I.E. iCloud. VO says untitled. You cannot edit, or type 
in a calendar name. Can anyone duplicate?

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Re: iCal Bug in Lion?

2011-10-23 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Sarai!
I do not know if this will work!
But in address book when naming a new group you have to turn vo off then type 
the name you wish!
So try command+f5 and see if that helps!
I cannot try it because I'm still on snowy kitty!
hth Colin

On 23 Oct 2011, at 21:37, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi guys:
> I might have found an issue with iCal and Lion. I didn't have this issue with 
> SN. When you go create a new calendar, and you choose where you want the 
> calendar to be created, I.E. iCloud. VO says untitled. You cannot edit, or 
> type in a calendar name. Can anyone duplicate?
> -- 
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Using the favorites bar in Lion

2011-10-23 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I cannot find the mailbox I dragged to the favorites bar. I interact with the 
favorites bar, VO says 5 items, but all I can se are checkboxes for inbox, 
drafts, sent, and the flagged checkbox is dimmed. I cannot find my favorites 
mail box that I just moved. Here is what I did.
1. Maxamize mail.
2. Find mail box and interact with it.
3. Press vo comma
4. moved to favorites bar, interacted, and pressed vo period.
5. Finished listening to the swoosh, and it said mailbox moved. 
I do not see my moved mailbox though..

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accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-23 Thread Angie Giltinan
Good morning all,
As a fairly new Mac user, I'm very interested in obtaining new apps, to expand 
the possibilities  of my Mac, also, I'm an iOs app junky, so I'd like to cary 
that obsession over to the mac.
All that said, I'm leary of plunging right in without a resource of apps that 
are and aren't accessible.
I'd like to hear from those of you using different apps, 
For example, what RSS reader are people using, what podcast app, are there any 
accesible games?
I downloaded the RS Games server thingy last night, and Zoom for mac osX, for 
text adventures, but what else is there?
We really need an Apple Vis for mac!
So, please, let's see all the suggestions you experienced mac users hav 

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Pages for the Mac.

2011-10-23 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi All.

I bought Pages for the Mac although I did buy Pages for the I phone.

My question is, if I import all my word documents into pages, is there are a 
way to save them in I cloud?

Any help will be appreciated.

Kawal Gucukoglu

(Skype ID):




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Re: Pages for the Mac.

2011-10-23 Thread Scott Howell
DOn't quote me on this, but I think the kluge workaround is to use the iWorks 
beta site, which can be accessed through the apps in the iWorks suite such as 
Pages. I know APple is working on a new version of the iWorks package and I 
would anticipate full iCloud integration. So for now you may have to punish 
yourself and do the e-mail thing, but hopefully soon APple wil have iWorks 
updated, more accessible, and integrated with iCloud. Hey, how do you like 
pages on the iOS platform? I now have all of the iWOrks apps and they are 
really starting to show promise. There is work to do yet, but progress has been 
made. I was even able to work with a PowerPoint presentation. Now I would not 
say I did much to impress anyone, but I could at least read the file and make 
some edits; all be it a little basic and messy. :)


On Oct 23, 2011, at 5:45 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Hi All.
> I bought Pages for the Mac although I did buy Pages for the I phone.
> My question is, if I import all my word documents into pages, is there are a 
> way to save them in I cloud?
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Kawal.
> ___
> Kawal Gucukoglu
> (E-mail/MSN):
> kawa...@me.com
> (Skype ID):
> kawalgucukoglu
> (Mobile/text):
> +447905618396
> -- 
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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-23 Thread Scott Howell
Well News Rack is pretty accessible for RSS, but don't like it for the iOS 
platform. Itunes is more than sufficient for podcasts, but since I use Downcast 
on the iOS platform, I don't need anything for the Mac and actually would not 
want to listen to podcasts on my Mac.
Pages, Keynote, and NUmbers, are reasonably accessible, but Apple will surely 
have an update out before long that will improve things further.
I don't really play games and those I do, I prefer to play on my iOS devices. I 
think someone did or is working on a site to showcase accessible software for 
the Mac.
I'm sure you will get lots of folks sharing their favorites as well.


On Oct 23, 2011, at 4:08 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

>   Good morning all,
> As a fairly new Mac user, I'm very interested in obtaining new apps, to 
> expand the possibilities  of my Mac, also, I'm an iOs app junky, so I'd like 
> to cary that obsession over to the mac.
> All that said, I'm leary of plunging right in without a resource of apps that 
> are and aren't accessible.
> I'd like to hear from those of you using different apps, 
> For example, what RSS reader are people using, what podcast app, are there 
> any accesible games?
> I downloaded the RS Games server thingy last night, and Zoom for mac osX, for 
> text adventures, but what else is there?
> We really need an Apple Vis for mac!
> So, please, let's see all the suggestions you experienced mac users have!
> Thanks
> Angie 
> -- 
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Re: iCal Bug in Lion?

2011-10-23 Thread Scott Howell
Turning VoiceOver off is not necessary for any functions in the Address Book 
nor iCal. I have successfully created calendars and I also posted steps a few 
days ago if memory serves; however, I will post below for your reference.

1. Go to the File menu in iCal and locate the "New Calendar" submenu. I'm going 
to assume it is a submenu for you because here is where you get to choose where 
the calendar will be created, (i.e. on your Mac, iCloud, etc.).
2. Press enter and you should get a popover that says something like:
"Interact with Calendar List table row 2 selected column 1"
3. Locate the "Untitled" calendar in the table (look at column two of the 
table) and interact with the "Untitled" title.
4. Erase the word or type over what is there and give it your own name.
Stop interacting and you are done. Note: you do not have to press enter etc. 
The checkbox in column one hides or shows the events of that calendar in the 
overall unified calendar.
So, to clarify, all the calendars that are checked will present the events on a 
unified calendar.


On Oct 23, 2011, at 5:23 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Sarai!
> I do not know if this will work!
> But in address book when naming a new group you have to turn vo off then type 
> the name you wish!
> So try command+f5 and see if that helps!
> I cannot try it because I'm still on snowy kitty!
> hth Colin
> On 23 Oct 2011, at 21:37, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi guys:
>> I might have found an issue with iCal and Lion. I didn't have this issue 
>> with SN. When you go create a new calendar, and you choose where you want 
>> the calendar to be created, I.E. iCloud. VO says untitled. You cannot edit, 
>> or type in a calendar name. Can anyone duplicate?
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-23 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:

Because I have purchased useable products from Wallgreen's, I downloaded their 
free app.  I found it in the Lifestyles section of the app store.

It seems very accessible.

I also have successfully used the Amazon mobile app.  I have others, and at 
first, because of my conditioning about how all things other than blindness 
specific gadgetry are s inaccessible, I didn't experiment.

That has gone by the board and now, I try the apps.  Most of the time, they are 
okay or even great.  Some of the time, an app isn't accessible and I go into 
its app store info tab and write a review and rate it as low as I can for not 
being accessible.  That's where the app developers will feel the urge to work 
accessibility in, when we are all trying and rating these apps.  There are a 
lot of us and we have friends and relatives also.

I suggest scrolling through the apps sections and trying what seems really 
interesting to you  If yo're wrong, just delete it.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 23/10/2011, at 14:33, Angie Giltinan  wrote:

>Good morning all,
> As a fairly new Mac user, I'm very interested in obtaining new apps, to 
> expand the possibilities  of my Mac, also, I'm an iOs app junky, so I'd like 
> to cary that obsession over to the mac.
> All that said, I'm leary of plunging right in without a resource of apps that 
> are and aren't accessible.
> I'd like to hear from those of you using different apps, 
> For example, what RSS reader are people using, what podcast app, are there 
> any accesible games?
> I downloaded the RS Games server thingy last night, and Zoom for mac osX, for 
> text adventures, but what else is there?
> We really need an Apple Vis for mac!
> So, please, let's see all the suggestions you experienced mac users hav 
> -- 
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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-23 Thread Shannon Dyer
There are text adventure games for the Mac? I did not know this. Can you tell 
me where you found them? I'm huge into those games.

Are you a fan of women's music? If so, join me each Thursday from noon until 
three for the Eclectic Collection: a Celebration of Women In Music. Point your 
media player to:

On Oct 23, 2011, at 4:08 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

>   Good morning all,
> As a fairly new Mac user, I'm very interested in obtaining new apps, to 
> expand the possibilities  of my Mac, also, I'm an iOs app junky, so I'd like 
> to cary that obsession over to the mac.
> All that said, I'm leary of plunging right in without a resource of apps that 
> are and aren't accessible.
> I'd like to hear from those of you using different apps, 
> For example, what RSS reader are people using, what podcast app, are there 
> any accesible games?
> I downloaded the RS Games server thingy last night, and Zoom for mac osX, for 
> text adventures, but what else is there?
> We really need an Apple Vis for mac!
> So, please, let's see all the suggestions you experienced mac users have!
> Thanks
> Angie 
> -- 
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Re: iCal Bug in Lion?

2011-10-23 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
It does not work. As soon as you choose where you want the calendar saved, it 
immediately creates it and calls it "Untitled." You cannot edit the name, just 
delete the entire calendar.
On Oct 23, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Sarai!
> I do not know if this will work!
> But in address book when naming a new group you have to turn vo off then type 
> the name you wish!
> So try command+f5 and see if that helps!
> I cannot try it because I'm still on snowy kitty!
> hth Colin
> On 23 Oct 2011, at 21:37, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi guys:
>> I might have found an issue with iCal and Lion. I didn't have this issue 
>> with SN. When you go create a new calendar, and you choose where you want 
>> the calendar to be created, I.E. iCloud. VO says untitled. You cannot edit, 
>> or type in a calendar name. Can anyone duplicate?
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-23 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I use iMail's RSS reader. I did download Checkbook Pro and Evernote. I love 
both apps.
On Oct 23, 2011, at 4:33 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

>   Good morning all,
> As a fairly new Mac user, I'm very interested in obtaining new apps, to 
> expand the possibilities  of my Mac, also, I'm an iOs app junky, so I'd like 
> to cary that obsession over to the mac.
> All that said, I'm leary of plunging right in without a resource of apps that 
> are and aren't accessible.
> I'd like to hear from those of you using different apps, 
> For example, what RSS reader are people using, what podcast app, are there 
> any accesible games?
> I downloaded the RS Games server thingy last night, and Zoom for mac osX, for 
> text adventures, but what else is there?
> We really need an Apple Vis for mac!
> So, please, let's see all the suggestions you experienced mac users hav 
> -- 
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Re: Pages for the Mac.

2011-10-23 Thread Matthew Campbell
It seems that most of us including my self are having some issues accessing the 
iCloud web applications.
However, there may still be a work around that I don't know about. I'm hoping 
there is.
Sorry for the somewhat bad news.

On 2011-10-23, at 5:53 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> DOn't quote me on this, but I think the kluge workaround is to use the iWorks 
> beta site, which can be accessed through the apps in the iWorks suite such as 
> Pages. I know APple is working on a new version of the iWorks package and I 
> would anticipate full iCloud integration. So for now you may have to punish 
> yourself and do the e-mail thing, but hopefully soon APple wil have iWorks 
> updated, more accessible, and integrated with iCloud. Hey, how do you like 
> pages on the iOS platform? I now have all of the iWOrks apps and they are 
> really starting to show promise. There is work to do yet, but progress has 
> been made. I was even able to work with a PowerPoint presentation. Now I 
> would not say I did much to impress anyone, but I could at least read the 
> file and make some edits; all be it a little basic and messy. :)
> Scott
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 5:45 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hi All.
>> I bought Pages for the Mac although I did buy Pages for the I phone.
>> My question is, if I import all my word documents into pages, is there are a 
>> way to save them in I cloud?
>> Any help will be appreciated.
>> Kawal.
>> ___
>> Kawal Gucukoglu
>> (E-mail/MSN):
>> kawa...@me.com
>> (Skype ID):
>> kawalgucukoglu
>> (Mobile/text):
>> +447905618396
>> -- 
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re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-23 Thread ezzie bueno

Hello Angie,

My favorite app for using Twitter is YoruFukurou.  It is 
excellent and readily accessible.
I bought the World Capital Quiz in the Mac App Store.  At first, 
it was comfusing to figure out and quickly answer the questions.  
But it's awesome.
I also have the 2011 Multimedia Encyclopedia.  There, I can 
listen to music samples of all sorts, research articles on my 
favorite topics, go through timelines in history, etc.


- Original Message -
From: Angie Giltinan As a fairly new Mac user, I'm very interested in obtaining new 
apps, to expand the possibilities  of my Mac, also, I'm an iOs 
app junky, so I'd like to cary that obsession over to the mac.
All that said, I'm leary of plunging right in without a resource 
of apps that are and aren't accessible.

I'd like to hear from those of you using different apps,
For example, what RSS reader are people using, what podcast app, 
are there any accesible games?
I downloaded the RS Games server thingy last night, and Zoom for 
mac osX, for text adventures, but what else is there?

We really need an Apple Vis for mac!
So, please, let's see all the suggestions you experienced mac 
users hav

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iCal and iCloud not playing nice - any suggestions?

2011-10-23 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hello List.
Well I've got calendar syncing working fine on my iPad and iPhone but not 
working on my Mac using iCal.
Am I missing a step here? I've got iCloud fully set up on my Mac, I've tried 
using Apple's rather useless troubleshooting articles, and I checked iCal's 
help and my preferences.
Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is there something about IOS calendars 
that make them incompatible with iCal?
Thanks for any suggestions.
Matthew Campbell.

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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-23 Thread Joanne Chua

This is a question someone asked me, and now i ask the group on behalf
of my friend, who pretty much a protential Mac and IPad user.
I absolute love my IBooks, and more so today, when i woke up, and the
first thing i realize that i got an email from ITune knowtifying me my
pre-order of Steve Jobs Bio is ready to download. And its absolute
Anyone here know if IBooks is available on Mac or only for IOS Devices?


On 24/10/2011, ezzie bueno  wrote:
> Hello Angie,
> My favorite app for using Twitter is YoruFukurou.  It is
> excellent and readily accessible.
> I bought the World Capital Quiz in the Mac App Store.  At first,
> it was comfusing to figure out and quickly answer the questions.
> But it's awesome.
> I also have the 2011 Multimedia Encyclopedia.  There, I can
> listen to music samples of all sorts, research articles on my
> favorite topics, go through timelines in history, etc.
> HTH,
> Ezzie
>  - Original Message -
> From: Angie Giltinan  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Date sent: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 17:33:28 -0400
> Subject: accessible apps from the mac app store
>   Good morning all,
> As a fairly new Mac user, I'm very interested in obtaining new
> apps, to expand the possibilities  of my Mac, also, I'm an iOs
> app junky, so I'd like to cary that obsession over to the mac.
> All that said, I'm leary of plunging right in without a resource
> of apps that are and aren't accessible.
> I'd like to hear from those of you using different apps,
> For example, what RSS reader are people using, what podcast app,
> are there any accesible games?
> I downloaded the RS Games server thingy last night, and Zoom for
> mac osX, for text adventures, but what else is there?
> We really need an Apple Vis for mac!
> So, please, let's see all the suggestions you experienced mac
> users hav
> --
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-23 Thread Scott Howell
Hi Ezzie,

Did you find anything in the 2011 Multimedia Encyclopedia that was not 
accessible? What do you like in particular about this app?


On Oct 23, 2011, at 7:00 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:

> Hello Angie,
> My favorite app for using Twitter is YoruFukurou.  It is excellent and 
> readily accessible.
> I bought the World Capital Quiz in the Mac App Store.  At first, it was 
> comfusing to figure out and quickly answer the questions.  But it's awesome.
> I also have the 2011 Multimedia Encyclopedia.  There, I can listen to music 
> samples of all sorts, research articles on my favorite topics, go through 
> timelines in history, etc.
> HTH,
> Ezzie
> - Original Message -
> From: Angie Giltinan  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Date sent: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 17:33:28 -0400
> Subject: accessible apps from the mac app store
>   Good morning all,
> As a fairly new Mac user, I'm very interested in obtaining new apps, to 
> expand the possibilities  of my Mac, also, I'm an iOs app junky, so I'd like 
> to cary that obsession over to the mac.
> All that said, I'm leary of plunging right in without a resource of apps that 
> are and aren't accessible.
> I'd like to hear from those of you using different apps,
> For example, what RSS reader are people using, what podcast app, are there 
> any accesible games?
> I downloaded the RS Games server thingy last night, and Zoom for mac osX, for 
> text adventures, but what else is there?
> We really need an Apple Vis for mac!
> So, please, let's see all the suggestions you experienced mac users hav
> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: iCal Bug in Lion?

2011-10-23 Thread Scott Howell

I tested each step as I wrote them, so they do in fact work. EIther you are 
having another issue or you are missing a step. Are you sure you can enter the 
table where the calendar is? You also can go to the calendar in the table and 
do a VO-shift-m, choose info, and rename the calendar from there.

On Oct 23, 2011, at 6:34 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> It does not work. As soon as you choose where you want the calendar saved, it 
> immediately creates it and calls it "Untitled." You cannot edit the name, 
> just delete the entire calendar.
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>> Hi Sarai!
>> I do not know if this will work!
>> But in address book when naming a new group you have to turn vo off then 
>> type the name you wish!
>> So try command+f5 and see if that helps!
>> I cannot try it because I'm still on snowy kitty!
>> hth Colin
>> On 23 Oct 2011, at 21:37, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi guys:
>>> I might have found an issue with iCal and Lion. I didn't have this issue 
>>> with SN. When you go create a new calendar, and you choose where you want 
>>> the calendar to be created, I.E. iCloud. VO says untitled. You cannot edit, 
>>> or type in a calendar name. Can anyone duplicate?
>>> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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Re: iCal and iCloud not playing nice - any suggestions?

2011-10-23 Thread Scott Howell
I have it working. Not sure if it matters, but I have ben syncing for quite a 
while using MObileMe and all worked once i migrated to iCloud.
Did you check your account settings in the iCal settings. I'll assume you 
toggled the calendar from System Preferences in the Mail/contacs/etc.?

On Oct 23, 2011, at 7:05 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hello List.
> Well I've got calendar syncing working fine on my iPad and iPhone but not 
> working on my Mac using iCal.
> Am I missing a step here? I've got iCloud fully set up on my Mac, I've tried 
> using Apple's rather useless troubleshooting articles, and I checked iCal's 
> help and my preferences.
> Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is there something about IOS 
> calendars that make them incompatible with iCal?
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> Matthew Campbell.
> -- 
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Re: iCal and iCloud not playing nice - any suggestions?

2011-10-23 Thread Matthew Campbell
I have tried all of that. I was a mobile me member too and upgraded to iCloud. 
I could never get mobile me's calendars to sync either. A call to Apple may be 
On 2011-10-23, at 8:27 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> I have it working. Not sure if it matters, but I have ben syncing for quite a 
> while using MObileMe and all worked once i migrated to iCloud.
> Did you check your account settings in the iCal settings. I'll assume you 
> toggled the calendar from System Preferences in the Mail/contacs/etc.?
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 7:05 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello List.
>> Well I've got calendar syncing working fine on my iPad and iPhone but not 
>> working on my Mac using iCal.
>> Am I missing a step here? I've got iCloud fully set up on my Mac, I've tried 
>> using Apple's rather useless troubleshooting articles, and I checked iCal's 
>> help and my preferences.
>> Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is there something about IOS 
>> calendars that make them incompatible with iCal?
>> Thanks for any suggestions.
>> Matthew Campbell.
>> -- 
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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-23 Thread Mary Otten
Sorry, but no IBooks on the Mac. I would love it if that would change, but thus 
far, no go.


Mary Otten

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Re: Steve Jobs Biography Reveals He Told Obama, 'You're Headed For A One-Term Presidency'

2011-10-23 Thread Dan Roy
Yes, I want this book in audio, but, all I see on amazon is an abridged book, I 
will never buy and abridged book ever!  I might have to just get the ibook 
version of it for now.

On Oct 21, 2011, at 8:39 AM, Hai Nguyen Ly wrote:

> A glimpse in to the life of a man who changed the life of so many  people.
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/20/steve-jobs-biography-obama_n_1022786.html?1319148475
> Steve Jobs Biography Reveals He Told Obama, 'You're Headed For A One-Term 
> Presidency'
> In one of the most hotly-anticipated biographies of the year, "Steve Jobs," 
> author Walter Isaacson reveals that the Apple CEO offered to design political 
> ads for President Obama's 2012 campaign despite being highly critical of the 
> administration's policies and that Jobs refused potentially life-saving 
> surgery on his pancreatic cancer because he felt it was too invasive. Nine 
> months later, he got the operation but it was too late.
> Those are just some of the tidbits about Jobs' life revealed in the upcoming 
> biography, a copy of which was obtained by The Huffington Post. The 
> publication date of the official biography of the notoriously-secretive Apple 
> co-founder was pushed up after his death in October. "I wanted my kids to 
> know me," Isaacson quoted Jobs as saying in their final interview. "I wasn't 
> always there for them and I wanted them to know why and to understand what I 
> did."
> Among other details unearthed in the book on the notoriously-secretive Apple 
> co-founder:
> Jobs' Meeting With Obama
> Jobs, who was known for his prickly, stubborn personality, almost missed 
> meeting President Obama in the fall of 2010 because he insisted that the 
> president personally ask him for a meeting. Though his wife told him that 
> Obama "was really psyched to meet with you," Jobs insisted on the personal 
> invitation, and the standoff lasted for five days. When he finally relented 
> and they met at the Westin San Francisco Airport, Jobs was characteristically 
> blunt. He seemed to have transformed from a liberal into a conservative.
> "You're headed for a one-term presidency," he told Obama at the start of 
> their meeting, insisting that the administration needed to be more 
> business-friendly. As an example, Jobs described the ease with which 
> companies can build factories in China compared to the United States, where 
> "regulations and unnecessary costs" make it difficult for them.
> Jobs also criticized America's education system, saying it was "crippled by 
> union work rules," noted Isaacson. "Until the teachers' unions were broken, 
> there was almost no hope for education reform." Jobs proposed allowing 
> principals to hire and fire teachers based on merit, that schools stay open 
> until 6 p.m. and that they be open 11 months a year.
> Aiding Obama's Reelection Campaign
> Jobs suggested that Obama meet six or seven other CEOs who could express the 
> needs of innovative businesses -- but when White House aides added more names 
> to the list, Jobs insisted that it was growing too big and that "he had no 
> intention of coming." In preparation for the dinner, Jobs exhibited his 
> notorious attention to detail, telling venture capitalist John Doerr that the 
> menu of shrimp, cod and lentil salad was "far too fancy" and objecting to a 
> chocolate truffle dessert. But he was overruled by the White House, which 
> cited the president's fondness for cream pie.
> Though Jobs was not that impressed by Obama, later telling Isaacson that his 
> focus on the reasons that things can't get done "infuriates" him, they kept 
> in touch and talked by phone a few more times. Jobs even offered to help 
> create Obama's political ads for the 2012 campaign. "He had made the same 
> offer in 2008, but he'd become annoyed when Obama's strategist David Axelrod 
> wasn't totally deferential," writes Isaacson. Jobs later told the author that 
> he wanted to do for Obama what the legendary "morning in America" ads did for 
> Ronald Reagan.
> Bill Gates And Steve Jobs
> Bill Gates was fascinated by Steve Jobs but found him "fundamentally odd" and 
> "weirdly flawed as a human being," and his tendency to be "either in the mode 
> of saying you were shit or trying to seduce you."
> Jobs once declared about Gates, "He'd be a broader guy if he had dropped acid 
> once or gone off to an ashram when he was younger."
> After 30 years, Gates would develop a grudging respect for Jobs. "He really 
> never knew much about technology, but he had an amazing instinct for what 
> works," he said. But Jobs never reciprocated by fully appreciating Gates' 
> real strengths. "Bill is basically unimaginative and has never invented 
> anything, which is why I think he's more comfortable now in philanthropy than 
> technology. He just shamelessly ripped off other people's ideas."
> Meeting His Biological Father
> Jobs, who was adopted, was a customer at a Mediter

Re: Using the favorites bar in Lion

2011-10-23 Thread Tim Kilburn

I've normally used the SL method for Drag and Drop to perform this task.  I'm 
not sure if the new Drag and Drop in Lion works for this process.


On 2011-10-23, at 3:28 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> I cannot find the mailbox I dragged to the favorites bar. I interact with the 
> favorites bar, VO says 5 items, but all I can se are checkboxes for inbox, 
> drafts, sent, and the flagged checkbox is dimmed. I cannot find my favorites 
> mail box that I just moved. Here is what I did.
> 1. Maxamize mail.
> 2. Find mail box and interact with it.
> 3. Press vo comma
> 4. moved to favorites bar, interacted, and pressed vo period.
> 5. Finished listening to the swoosh, and it said mailbox moved. 
> I do not see my moved mailbox though..
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: A few verbosity withh Mail questions

2011-10-23 Thread Candie Stiles
Both of your questions are excellent. If someone has the answers to these I 
would love to know as well. Especially the question about getting rid of all 
the exess chatter voice over reads when there is more than one message in a 
On Oct 23, 2011, at 11:17 AM, Bill Holton wrote:

> Hi.When I have my emails grouped by conversation how come I get several “One 
> message in conversation” notifications whereas other single messages do not 
> have this?
> Also, is there any way I can cut back on some of the excess verbiage when I 
> get some thing like “Four message conversation?” Would rather it say 
> something like 4mc or something like that.
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-23 Thread ezzie bueno

Hi Scott,

The thing I find unaccessible is the maps, which we can't see 
anyway.  I particularly like that I can search for anything I'd 
like, as well as just randomly listening to the various music 
samples.  The Multimedia Encyclopedia also comes with a 


- Original Message -
From: Scott Howell Did you find anything in the 2011 Multimedia Encyclopedia that 
was not accessible? What do you like in particular about this 


On Oct 23, 2011, at 7:00 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:

Hello Angie,

My favorite app for using Twitter is YoruFukurou.  It is 
excellent and readily accessible.
I bought the World Capital Quiz in the Mac App Store.  At first, 
it was comfusing to figure out and quickly answer the questions.  
But it's awesome.
I also have the 2011 Multimedia Encyclopedia.  There, I can 
listen to music samples of all sorts, research articles on my 
favorite topics, go through timelines in history, etc.


- Original Message -
From: Angie Giltinan As a fairly new Mac user, I'm very interested in obtaining new 
apps, to expand the possibilities  of my Mac, also, I'm an iOs 
app junky, so I'd like to cary that obsession over to the mac.
All that said, I'm leary of plunging right in without a resource 
of apps that are and aren't accessible.

I'd like to hear from those of you using different apps,
For example, what RSS reader are people using, what podcast app, 
are there any accesible games?
I downloaded the RS Games server thingy last night, and Zoom for 
mac osX, for text adventures, but what else is there?

We really need an Apple Vis for mac!
So, please, let's see all the suggestions you experienced mac 
users hav

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steve Jobs in 1994.

2011-10-23 Thread Karen Lewellen

Hi All,
I promised to share this, and I am sorry it took longer than planned.  I 
must admit that since my dad's recent passing, I can have a hard time 
getting things done.
Anyway, it totally amazing, the article, not just because of what it 
reveals about Jobs, but about how he was thinking ahead.  So much so that 
you may laugh out loud at how correct he was...even about how long it would 
take cable boxes to do very much.  He even points out why it is hard for 
screen reader developers to get Windows to  be as flexible as the mac, 
although the comment is not specific to speech.

it is all here, and a long one, but worth it.
Steve Jobs in 1994: The Rolling Stone Interview
   Anne Knudsen/Liaison

   The story of Apple CEO Steve Jobs is one of the most familiar in American 
business -- shaggy Bob-Dylan-loving kid starts a computer company in a Silicon 
Valley garage and changes the world. But like any  compelling story, it has its 
dark moments. Before the iPad or the iPhone, Jobs, then the head of the 
short-lived NeXT Computer, sat down with Rolling Stone's Jeff Goodell. It was 
1994, Jobs had long ago been booted from Apple, the internet was still the 
province of geeks and academics, and the personal computer revolution looked 
like it might be over. But even at one of the low points in his career, Jobs 
still had confidence in the limitless potential of personal computing. Read on 
to get Jobs' prescient take on PDAs and object-oriented software, as well as 
his relationship with Bill Gates and why he wanted the internet in his den, but 
not living room. Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 56 on 
October 5th, 2011.

 Like other Phenomena of the '80s, Steve Jobs was supposed to be long gone by 
now. After the spectacular rise of Apple, which went from a garage start-up to 
a $1.4 billion company in just eight years, the Entrepreneur of the Decade (as 
one magazine anointed him in 1989) tried to do it all again with a new company 
called NeXT. He was going to build the next generation of the personal 
computer, a machine so beautiful, so powerful, so insanely great, it would put 
Apple to shame.
 It didn't happen. After eight long years of struggle and after running through 
some $250 million, NeXT closed down its hardware division last year and laid 
off more than 200 employees. It seemed only a matter of time until the whole 
thing collapsed and Jobs disappeared into hyperspace.

But it turns out that Jobs isn't as far gone as some techno-pundits thought. There are big changes 
coming in software development -- and Jobs, of all people, is trying to lead the way. This time the 
Holy Grail is object-oriented programming; some have compared the effect it will have on the 
production of software to the effect the industrial  revolution had om manufactured goods. "In 
my 20 years in this industry, I have never seen a revolution as profound as this," says Jobs, 
with characteristic understatement. "You can build software literally five to 10 times faster, 
and that software is much more reliable, much easier to maintain and much more powerful."

This article appeared in the June 16, 1994 issue of Rolling Stone.  The issue 
is available in the online archive.

Of course, this being Silicon Valley, there is always a new revolution to hype. And to hear it 
coming from Jobs -- Mr. Revolution himself -- is bound to raise some eyebrows. "Steve is a 
little like the boy who cried wolf," says Robert Cringely, a columnist at Info World, a PC 
industry newsweekly. "He has cried revolution one too many times.  People still listen to him, 
but now they're more skeptical." And even if object-oriented software does take off, Jobs may 
very well end up a minor figure rather than the flag-waving leader of the pack he clearly sees 
himself as.  Whatever role Jobs ends up playing, there is no question evolutionary forces will soon 
reshape the software industry. Since the Macintosh changed the world 10 years ago with its 
brilliant point-and-click interface, all the big leaps in computer evolution have been on the 
hardware side. Machines have gotten smaller, faster and cheaper.  Software, by contrast, has gotten 
bigger, more complicated and much more expensive to produce. Writing a new spreadsheet or 
word-processing program these days is a tedious process, like building a skyscraper out of 
toothpicks. Object-oriented programming will change that. To put it simply, it will allow gigantic, 
complex programs to be assembled like Tinkertoys. Instead of starting from the ground up every 
time, layering in one line of code after another, programmers will be able to use preassembled 
chunks to build 80 percent of a program, thus saving an enormous amount of time and money. Because 
these objects will work with a wide range of interfaces and applications, they will also eliminate 
many of the compatibility problems that plague traditional software.
For now, the beneficiary of all this is corporate Americ

Re: iCal Bug in Lion?

2011-10-23 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Scott!
Sarai was probily saying that my suggestion did not work!
Not yours! :)

Sent from my iPhone

On 24 Oct 2011, at 01:23, Scott Howell  wrote:

> Sarai,
> I tested each step as I wrote them, so they do in fact work. EIther you are 
> having another issue or you are missing a step. Are you sure you can enter 
> the table where the calendar is? You also can go to the calendar in the table 
> and do a VO-shift-m, choose info, and rename the calendar from there.
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 6:34 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> It does not work. As soon as you choose where you want the calendar saved, 
>> it immediately creates it and calls it "Untitled." You cannot edit the name, 
>> just delete the entire calendar.
>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>>> Hi Sarai!
>>> I do not know if this will work!
>>> But in address book when naming a new group you have to turn vo off then 
>>> type the name you wish!
>>> So try command+f5 and see if that helps!
>>> I cannot try it because I'm still on snowy kitty!
>>> hth Colin
>>> On 23 Oct 2011, at 21:37, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 Hi guys:
 I might have found an issue with iCal and Lion. I didn't have this issue 
 with SN. When you go create a new calendar, and you choose where you want 
 the calendar to be created, I.E. iCloud. VO says untitled. You cannot 
 edit, or type in a calendar name. Can anyone duplicate?
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Re: iCal Bug in Lion?

2011-10-23 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Step 4 does not work for me. I am not aloud to type anything in column 2. I've 
even tried erasing untitled,using the left mouse click, etc. NO luck.
On Oct 23, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Turning VoiceOver off is not necessary for any functions in the Address Book 
> nor iCal. I have successfully created calendars and I also posted steps a few 
> days ago if memory serves; however, I will post below for your reference.
> 1. Go to the File menu in iCal and locate the "New Calendar" submenu. I'm 
> going to assume it is a submenu for you because here is where you get to 
> choose where the calendar will be created, (i.e. on your Mac, iCloud, etc.).
> 2. Press enter and you should get a popover that says something like:
> "Interact with Calendar List table row 2 selected column 1"
> 3. Locate the "Untitled" calendar in the table (look at column two of the 
> table) and interact with the "Untitled" title.
> 4. Erase the word or type over what is there and give it your own name.
> Stop interacting and you are done. Note: you do not have to press enter etc. 
> The checkbox in column one hides or shows the events of that calendar in the 
> overall unified calendar.
> So, to clarify, all the calendars that are checked will present the events on 
> a unified calendar.
> Hth,
> Scott
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 5:23 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>> Hi Sarai!
>> I do not know if this will work!
>> But in address book when naming a new group you have to turn vo off then 
>> type the name you wish!
>> So try command+f5 and see if that helps!
>> I cannot try it because I'm still on snowy kitty!
>> hth Colin
>> On 23 Oct 2011, at 21:37, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi guys:
>>> I might have found an issue with iCal and Lion. I didn't have this issue 
>>> with SN. When you go create a new calendar, and you choose where you want 
>>> the calendar to be created, I.E. iCloud. VO says untitled. You cannot edit, 
>>> or type in a calendar name. Can anyone duplicate?
>>> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: iCal Bug in Lion?

2011-10-23 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Oh, yeah, I'm positive I'm not missing a step. This worked fine in Snow 
Leopard. I even tried vo shift m and info to edit the calendar. It will not let 
me type in a name. I've also made sure the app is maximized. This is driving me 
On Oct 23, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Sarai,
> I tested each step as I wrote them, so they do in fact work. EIther you are 
> having another issue or you are missing a step. Are you sure you can enter 
> the table where the calendar is? You also can go to the calendar in the table 
> and do a VO-shift-m, choose info, and rename the calendar from there.
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 6:34 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> It does not work. As soon as you choose where you want the calendar saved, 
>> it immediately creates it and calls it "Untitled." You cannot edit the name, 
>> just delete the entire calendar.
>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>>> Hi Sarai!
>>> I do not know if this will work!
>>> But in address book when naming a new group you have to turn vo off then 
>>> type the name you wish!
>>> So try command+f5 and see if that helps!
>>> I cannot try it because I'm still on snowy kitty!
>>> hth Colin
>>> On 23 Oct 2011, at 21:37, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 Hi guys:
 I might have found an issue with iCal and Lion. I didn't have this issue 
 with SN. When you go create a new calendar, and you choose where you want 
 the calendar to be created, I.E. iCloud. VO says untitled. You cannot 
 edit, or type in a calendar name. Can anyone duplicate?
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Using the favorites bar in Lion

2011-10-23 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Ugg, I've never had luck with SL drag and drop.
On Oct 23, 2011, at 8:59 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi,
> I've normally used the SL method for Drag and Drop to perform this task.  I'm 
> not sure if the new Drag and Drop in Lion works for this process.
> Later...
> On 2011-10-23, at 3:28 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I cannot find the mailbox I dragged to the favorites bar. I interact with 
>> the favorites bar, VO says 5 items, but all I can se are checkboxes for 
>> inbox, drafts, sent, and the flagged checkbox is dimmed. I cannot find my 
>> favorites mail box that I just moved. Here is what I did.
>> 1. Maxamize mail.
>> 2. Find mail box and interact with it.
>> 3. Press vo comma
>> 4. moved to favorites bar, interacted, and pressed vo period.
>> 5. Finished listening to the swoosh, and it said mailbox moved. 
>> I do not see my moved mailbox though..
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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Re: iCal Bug in Lion?

2011-10-23 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Actually, neither of your suggestions worked. LOL. Any more ideas? I know for a 
fact it works in Snow Leopard.
On Oct 23, 2011, at 9:40 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Scott!
> Sarai was probily saying that my suggestion did not work!
> Not yours! :)
> Colin
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 24 Oct 2011, at 01:23, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> Sarai,
>> I tested each step as I wrote them, so they do in fact work. EIther you are 
>> having another issue or you are missing a step. Are you sure you can enter 
>> the table where the calendar is? You also can go to the calendar in the 
>> table and do a VO-shift-m, choose info, and rename the calendar from there.
>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 6:34 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> It does not work. As soon as you choose where you want the calendar saved, 
>>> it immediately creates it and calls it "Untitled." You cannot edit the 
>>> name, just delete the entire calendar.
>>> On Oct 23, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
 Hi Sarai!
 I do not know if this will work!
 But in address book when naming a new group you have to turn vo off then 
 type the name you wish!
 So try command+f5 and see if that helps!
 I cannot try it because I'm still on snowy kitty!
 hth Colin
 On 23 Oct 2011, at 21:37, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Hi guys:
> I might have found an issue with iCal and Lion. I didn't have this issue 
> with SN. When you go create a new calendar, and you choose where you want 
> the calendar to be created, I.E. iCloud. VO says untitled. You cannot 
> edit, or type in a calendar name. Can anyone duplicate?
> -- 
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: steve Jobs in 1994.

2011-10-23 Thread Teresa Cochran
My condolences to you, Carolyn. And thanks for the article; it was very 
interesting. I like what Jobs said about having faith in people to use the 
right tools.


"On the other hand, there are different fingers."

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Re: Using the favorites bar in Lion

2011-10-23 Thread Tim Kilburn
Works every time for me.  Just use VO-cmd-shift-space for mouse down and then 
the same key combination for mouse up in the Favourites bar.  The MailBox will 
drop after the item you are focused on when you drop it.


On 2011-10-23, at 9:15 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Ugg, I've never had luck with SL drag and drop.
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 8:59 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've normally used the SL method for Drag and Drop to perform this task.  
>> I'm not sure if the new Drag and Drop in Lion works for this process.
>> Later...
>> On 2011-10-23, at 3:28 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I cannot find the mailbox I dragged to the favorites bar. I interact with 
>>> the favorites bar, VO says 5 items, but all I can se are checkboxes for 
>>> inbox, drafts, sent, and the flagged checkbox is dimmed. I cannot find my 
>>> favorites mail box that I just moved. Here is what I did.
>>> 1. Maxamize mail.
>>> 2. Find mail box and interact with it.
>>> 3. Press vo comma
>>> 4. moved to favorites bar, interacted, and pressed vo period.
>>> 5. Finished listening to the swoosh, and it said mailbox moved. 
>>> I do not see my moved mailbox though..
>>> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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can't figure out iCloud on Mac

2011-10-23 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi guys.
I thought I could figure this out, but no go. I set up iCloud on my iPhone, and 
I know it works because I can see when it was last updated. However, do I need 
to do anything more with the Mac? I say this because my husband went onto his 
Windows computer onto iTunes, and it asked if he wanted to download the iCloud 

This all came up because this same computer used to be my desktop computer. It 
had my Apple Id on it, and my husband has his own. So, when he told me that it 
had stuff on there he didn't want, like my stuff, I panicked and told him 
whatever he did he needed to start over on that computer and reinstall iTunes 
with his own ID. Luckily, on that computer he said no to the iCloud software, 
so I think I'm safe for that computer telling iCloud to wipe me out. But should 
I do anything more on the Mac?


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Re: can't figure out iCloud on Mac

2011-10-23 Thread Mary Otten
Are you running Lion on your Mac? You can't do ICloud on SL. Lion only on the 

Mary Otten

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Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-23 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:

Which app exactly is this encyclopedia and is it running on a Mac or an IOS 

The Peterson's Field Guide to Birds, at least their free version, is barely 
accessible and in my opinion, not worth bothering to download.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 23/10/2011, at 19:30, ezzie bueno  wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> The thing I find unaccessible is the maps, which we can't see anyway.  I 
> particularly like that I can search for anything I'd like, as well as just 
> randomly listening to the various music samples.  The Multimedia Encyclopedia 
> also comes with a dictionary.
> Ezzie
> - Original Message -
> From: Scott Howell  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Date sent: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 19:56:12 -0400
> Subject: Re: accessible apps from the mac app store
> Hi Ezzie,
> Did you find anything in the 2011 Multimedia Encyclopedia that was not 
> accessible? What do you like in particular about this app?
> Thanks,
> Scott
> On Oct 23, 2011, at 7:00 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:
> Hello Angie,
> My favorite app for using Twitter is YoruFukurou.  It is excellent and 
> readily accessible.
> I bought the World Capital Quiz in the Mac App Store.  At first, it was 
> comfusing to figure out and quickly answer the questions.  But it's awesome.
> I also have the 2011 Multimedia Encyclopedia.  There, I can listen to music 
> samples of all sorts, research articles on my favorite topics, go through 
> timelines in history, etc.
> HTH,
> Ezzie
> - Original Message -
> From: Angie Giltinan  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Date sent: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 17:33:28 -0400
> Subject: accessible apps from the mac app store
>Good morning all,
> As a fairly new Mac user, I'm very interested in obtaining new apps, to 
> expand the possibilities  of my Mac, also, I'm an iOs app junky, so I'd like 
> to cary that obsession over to the mac.
> All that said, I'm leary of plunging right in without a resource of apps that 
> are and aren't accessible.
> I'd like to hear from those of you using different apps,
> For example, what RSS reader are people using, what podcast app, are there 
> any accesible games?
> I downloaded the RS Games server thingy last night, and Zoom for mac osX, for 
> text adventures, but what else is there?
> We really need an Apple Vis for mac!
> So, please, let's see all the suggestions you experienced mac users hav
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Re: can't figure out iCloud on Mac

2011-10-23 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Gigi,

ICloud works in Lion. Go into System Preferences from the Apple menu. There is 
a button labeled ICloud. You can set it up here.

I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan.

On Oct 23, 2011, at 8:39 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi guys.
> I thought I could figure this out, but no go. I set up iCloud on my iPhone, 
> and I know it works because I can see when it was last updated. However, do I 
> need to do anything more with the Mac? I say this because my husband went 
> onto his Windows computer onto iTunes, and it asked if he wanted to download 
> the iCloud software. 
> This all came up because this same computer used to be my desktop computer. 
> It had my Apple Id on it, and my husband has his own. So, when he told me 
> that it had stuff on there he didn't want, like my stuff, I panicked and told 
> him whatever he did he needed to start over on that computer and reinstall 
> iTunes with his own ID. Luckily, on that computer he said no to the iCloud 
> software, so I think I'm safe for that computer telling iCloud to wipe me 
> out. But should I do anything more on the Mac?
> Regards,
> Gigi
> -- 
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Re: Steve Jobs Biography Reveals He Told Obama, 'You're Headed For A One-Term Presidency'

2011-10-23 Thread Slau

Please keep your religion and politics off the list for goodness' sake. You 
should know better than that.

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Re: Steve Jobs Biography Reveals He Told Obama, 'You're Headed For A One-Term Presidency'

2011-10-23 Thread Karen Lewellen
Did others catch the 60 minutes program tonight?  Besides the story on Jobs 
himself, there was a second one.
Individuals who have the form of autism that prevents them from speaking 
are using voiceover in their ipods to communicate for the first time.

honestly that made me cry.
Parents and children communicating, older individuals with this form of the 
disease feeling socially involved and all because apple decided to make 
sure all their products could speak to everyone.

I really HOPE Jobs new about this, the extra research involved as well.
Just again shows how advantageous it is to seek a common ground with 
technology, build ways for all to make use of it with the same device.
the text transcript of the stories are on the 60 minutes website I am 


On Sun, 23 Oct 2011, Dan Roy wrote:

Yes, I want this book in audio, but, all I see on amazon is an abridged book, I 
will never buy and abridged book ever!  I might have to just get the ibook 
version of it for now.

On Oct 21, 2011, at 8:39 AM, Hai Nguyen Ly wrote:

A glimpse in to the life of a man who changed the life of so many  people.


Steve Jobs Biography Reveals He Told Obama, 'You're Headed For A One-Term 

In one of the most hotly-anticipated biographies of the year, "Steve Jobs," 
author Walter Isaacson reveals that the Apple CEO offered to design political ads for 
President Obama's 2012 campaign despite being highly critical of the administration's 
policies and that Jobs refused potentially life-saving surgery on his pancreatic cancer 
because he felt it was too invasive. Nine months later, he got the operation but it was 
too late.

Those are just some of the tidbits about Jobs' life revealed in the upcoming biography, a copy of 
which was obtained by The Huffington Post. The publication date of the official biography of the 
notoriously-secretive Apple co-founder was pushed up after his death in October. "I wanted my 
kids to know me," Isaacson quoted Jobs as saying in their final interview. "I wasn't 
always there for them and I wanted them to know why and to understand what I did."

Among other details unearthed in the book on the notoriously-secretive Apple 

Jobs' Meeting With Obama

Jobs, who was known for his prickly, stubborn personality, almost missed meeting 
President Obama in the fall of 2010 because he insisted that the president personally ask 
him for a meeting. Though his wife told him that Obama "was really psyched to meet 
with you," Jobs insisted on the personal invitation, and the standoff lasted for 
five days. When he finally relented and they met at the Westin San Francisco Airport, 
Jobs was characteristically blunt. He seemed to have transformed from a liberal into a 

"You're headed for a one-term presidency," he told Obama at the start of their meeting, 
insisting that the administration needed to be more business-friendly. As an example, Jobs 
described the ease with which companies can build factories in China compared to the United States, 
where "regulations and unnecessary costs" make it difficult for them.

Jobs also criticized America's education system, saying it was "crippled by union work 
rules," noted Isaacson. "Until the teachers' unions were broken, there was almost no hope 
for education reform." Jobs proposed allowing principals to hire and fire teachers based on 
merit, that schools stay open until 6 p.m. and that they be open 11 months a year.

Aiding Obama's Reelection Campaign

Jobs suggested that Obama meet six or seven other CEOs who could express the needs of innovative 
businesses -- but when White House aides added more names to the list, Jobs insisted that it was 
growing too big and that "he had no intention of coming." In preparation for the dinner, 
Jobs exhibited his notorious attention to detail, telling venture capitalist John Doerr that the 
menu of shrimp, cod and lentil salad was "far too fancy" and objecting to a chocolate 
truffle dessert. But he was overruled by the White House, which cited the president's fondness for 
cream pie.

Though Jobs was not that impressed by Obama, later telling Isaacson that his focus on the reasons that things 
can't get done "infuriates" him, they kept in touch and talked by phone a few more times. Jobs even 
offered to help create Obama's political ads for the 2012 campaign. "He had made the same offer in 2008, 
but he'd become annoyed when Obama's strategist David Axelrod wasn't totally deferential," writes 
Isaacson. Jobs later told the author that he wanted to do for Obama what the legendary "morning in 
America" ads did for Ronald Reagan.

Bill Gates And Steve Jobs

Bill Gates was fascinated by Steve Jobs but found him "fundamentally odd" and "weirdly flawed 
as a human being," and his tendency to be "either in the mode of saying you were shit or trying to 
seduce you."

Jobs once declared a

Re: steve Jobs in 1994.

2011-10-23 Thread Karen Lewellen

Hi Teresa,
I liked that as well  a tool is only as strong or as weak as the human 
using it.
Thanks on the condolences, a time to remember where my  power lies to be 

On the other hand there are different fingers.
too funny,  especially just put at the end like that with no  name.
On Sun, 23 Oct 2011, Teresa Cochran wrote:

My condolences to you, Carolyn. And thanks for the article; it was very 
interesting. I like what Jobs said about having faith in people to use the 
right tools.


"On the other hand, there are different fingers."

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Twitter App On IOS5.

2011-10-23 Thread Georges Zaynoun


How to follow and stop following a certain person using this app on ipad2?
In short can somebody give some instructions how to use this app?


Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
Mobile: +46707567315
E-mail: humorlessg...@samobile.net

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit 
www.serotek.com to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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Re: steve Jobs in 1994.

2011-10-23 Thread Teresa Cochran
Also, Karen, sorry I got your name wrong, too. :)
My brain wasn't functioning as well as it could have.

"Man is matter's ability to contemplate itself."--Albert Einstein

On Oct 23, 2011, at 9:41 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> Hi Teresa,
> I liked that as well  a tool is only as strong or as weak as the human using 
> it.
> Thanks on the condolences, a time to remember where my  power lies to be sure.
> lastly...
> On the other hand there are different fingers.
> lol!
> too funny,  especially just put at the end like that with no  name.
> Karen
> On Sun, 23 Oct 2011, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> My condolences to you, Carolyn. And thanks for the article; it was very 
>> interesting. I like what Jobs said about having faith in people to use the 
>> right tools.
>> Teresa
>> "On the other hand, there are different fingers."
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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Re: Steve Jobs Biography Reveals He Told Obama, 'You're Headed For A One-Term Presidency'

2011-10-23 Thread Teresa Cochran
That's just mind-blowing. Wow. Thanks for posting that, Karen.


"Slow down; you'll get there faster."

On Oct 23, 2011, at 9:28 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> Did others catch the 60 minutes program tonight?  Besides the story on Jobs 
> himself, there was a second one.
> Individuals who have the form of autism that prevents them from speaking are 
> using voiceover in their ipods to communicate for the first time.
> honestly that made me cry.
> Parents and children communicating, older individuals with this form of the 
> disease feeling socially involved and all because apple decided to make sure 
> all their products could speak to everyone.
> I really HOPE Jobs new about this, the extra research involved as well.
> Just again shows how advantageous it is to seek a common ground with 
> technology, build ways for all to make use of it with the same device.
> the text transcript of the stories are on the 60 minutes website I am sure.
> Karen
> On Sun, 23 Oct 2011, Dan Roy wrote:
>> Yes, I want this book in audio, but, all I see on amazon is an abridged 
>> book, I will never buy and abridged book ever!  I might have to just get the 
>> ibook version of it for now.
>> On Oct 21, 2011, at 8:39 AM, Hai Nguyen Ly wrote:
>>> A glimpse in to the life of a man who changed the life of so many  people.
>>> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/20/steve-jobs-biography-obama_n_1022786.html?1319148475
>>> Steve Jobs Biography Reveals He Told Obama, 'You're Headed For A One-Term 
>>> Presidency'
>>> In one of the most hotly-anticipated biographies of the year, "Steve Jobs," 
>>> author Walter Isaacson reveals that the Apple CEO offered to design 
>>> political ads for President Obama's 2012 campaign despite being highly 
>>> critical of the administration's policies and that Jobs refused potentially 
>>> life-saving surgery on his pancreatic cancer because he felt it was too 
>>> invasive. Nine months later, he got the operation but it was too late.
>>> Those are just some of the tidbits about Jobs' life revealed in the 
>>> upcoming biography, a copy of which was obtained by The Huffington Post. 
>>> The publication date of the official biography of the notoriously-secretive 
>>> Apple co-founder was pushed up after his death in October. "I wanted my 
>>> kids to know me," Isaacson quoted Jobs as saying in their final interview. 
>>> "I wasn't always there for them and I wanted them to know why and to 
>>> understand what I did."
>>> Among other details unearthed in the book on the notoriously-secretive 
>>> Apple co-founder:
>>> Jobs' Meeting With Obama
>>> Jobs, who was known for his prickly, stubborn personality, almost missed 
>>> meeting President Obama in the fall of 2010 because he insisted that the 
>>> president personally ask him for a meeting. Though his wife told him that 
>>> Obama "was really psyched to meet with you," Jobs insisted on the personal 
>>> invitation, and the standoff lasted for five days. When he finally relented 
>>> and they met at the Westin San Francisco Airport, Jobs was 
>>> characteristically blunt. He seemed to have transformed from a liberal into 
>>> a conservative.
>>> "You're headed for a one-term presidency," he told Obama at the start of 
>>> their meeting, insisting that the administration needed to be more 
>>> business-friendly. As an example, Jobs described the ease with which 
>>> companies can build factories in China compared to the United States, where 
>>> "regulations and unnecessary costs" make it difficult for them.
>>> Jobs also criticized America's education system, saying it was "crippled by 
>>> union work rules," noted Isaacson. "Until the teachers' unions were broken, 
>>> there was almost no hope for education reform." Jobs proposed allowing 
>>> principals to hire and fire teachers based on merit, that schools stay open 
>>> until 6 p.m. and that they be open 11 months a year.
>>> Aiding Obama's Reelection Campaign
>>> Jobs suggested that Obama meet six or seven other CEOs who could express 
>>> the needs of innovative businesses -- but when White House aides added more 
>>> names to the list, Jobs insisted that it was growing too big and that "he 
>>> had no intention of coming." In preparation for the dinner, Jobs exhibited 
>>> his notorious attention to detail, telling venture capitalist John Doerr 
>>> that the menu of shrimp, cod and lentil salad was "far too fancy" and 
>>> objecting to a chocolate truffle dessert. But he was overruled by the White 
>>> House, which cited the president's fondness for cream pie.
>>> Though Jobs was not that impressed by Obama, later telling Isaacson that 
>>> his focus on the reasons that things can't get done "infuriates" him, they 
>>> kept in touch and talked by phone a few more times. Jobs even offered to 
>>> help create Obama's political ads for the 2012 campaign. "He had made the 
>>> same offer in 2008, but he'd beco

Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

2011-10-23 Thread ezzie bueno

Hello Cheree,

The 2011 Multimedia Encyclopedia runs on a Macbook and is found 
in the app store.  In that app, you can read articles found in 
the Worldbook Encyclopedia.  It is a neat app.


- Original Message -
From: Cheree Heppe To: "macvisionaries@googlegroups.com" 

Date sent: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 20:56:17 -0700
Subject: Re: accessible apps from the mac app store

Cheree Heppe here:

Which app exactly is this encyclopedia and is it running on a Mac 
or an IOS device?

The Peterson's Field Guide to Birds, at least their free version, 
is barely accessible and in my opinion, not worth bothering to 

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 23/10/2011, at 19:30, ezzie bueno  

Hi Scott,

The thing I find unaccessible is the maps, which we can't see 
anyway.  I particularly like that I can search for anything I'd 
like, as well as just randomly listening to the various music 
samples.  The Multimedia Encyclopedia also comes with a 


- Original Message -
From: Scott Howell Did you find anything in the 2011 Multimedia Encyclopedia that 
was not accessible? What do you like in particular about this 


On Oct 23, 2011, at 7:00 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:

Hello Angie,

My favorite app for using Twitter is YoruFukurou.  It is 
excellent and readily accessible.
I bought the World Capital Quiz in the Mac App Store.  At first, 
it was comfusing to figure out and quickly answer the questions.  
But it's awesome.
I also have the 2011 Multimedia Encyclopedia.  There, I can 
listen to music samples of all sorts, research articles on my 
favorite topics, go through timelines in history, etc.


- Original Message -
From: Angie Giltinan As a fairly new Mac user, I'm very interested in obtaining new 
apps, to expand the possibilities  of my Mac, also, I'm an iOs 
app junky, so I'd like to cary that obsession over to the mac.
All that said, I'm leary of plunging right in without a resource 
of apps that are and aren't accessible.

I'd like to hear from those of you using different apps,
For example, what RSS reader are people using, what podcast app, 
are there any accesible games?
I downloaded the RS Games server thingy last night, and Zoom for 
mac osX, for text adventures, but what else is there?

We really need an Apple Vis for mac!
So, please, let's see all the suggestions you experienced mac 
users hav

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