Re: music notation software

2011-09-19 Thread David Hole
Yes, Sibelius is available for the Mac, but it anin't accessible.
I sent them a mail regarding that right after the 7.0-release, and
they said accessibility could be added in the future, but it isn't
right now.

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 07:44, Yuma Decaux  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've started some intermediate bass lessons, and my teacher asked me to find 
> a notation application. I was wondering if sybellius was available for the 
> mac and whether it worked?
> If not, any good alternative greatly appreciated
> Best regards,
> Yuma
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re: music notation software

2011-09-19 Thread musiclady

I dont think there is any software yet.

- Original Message -
From: Yuma Decaux I've started some intermediate bass lessons, and my teacher asked 
me to find a notation application.  I was wondering if sybellius 
was available for the mac and whether it worked?

If not, any good alternative greatly appreciated

Best regards,


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Re: Question regarding home networking.

2011-09-19 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Rachel,
Interesting. What is AFT?  Where can one set it up?
On Sep 19, 2011, at 5:14 AM, Rachel magario wrote:

> Alison,
> I hope to be helpful. However, I am no network expert. I have only seen 
> others setting it up.
> To share with mac users on your net work, you need to choose AFT protocol, 
> for the  PCs users you need to set the protocol to MSB in your folder sharing 
> settings for the folders you want to share. If you have any linux you need 
> FTP.
> To get to those folders, it would be just like getting to a regular folder, 
> but it will been set up for sharing. And finder would let you know you are in 
> a shared folder in the status if you need to double check.
> Now if you have more than 10 computers in the network, then you need a server 
> OS to make the sharing possible. I am not sure why. At home I only have 3 
> going, so I never got in to issues. But I've heard that before. It could be 
> things have changed now.
> At work, if I am in the mac, there is no issues, but if I am in a PC, I have 
> to connect through the server connection tool in the finder, I believe 
> command k took me there.  Since I used to be the only person with a PC, and 
> there was some issue with the type of drive sharing software that only took 
> macs. I am not really sure of the details on that. So I guess depending upon 
> how many computers you guys have and what you are wanting to do, there are 
> different ways to go about that.
> HTH,
> Rachel.
> On Sep 18, 2011, at 5:15 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Allison,
>> If you are using Lion, there may be a way, but not entirely sure. Samba was 
>> removed from LIon, which is how I had done it in the past. However, I do not 
>> have any windows machines any longer since my employer gave me a Mac. 
>> Hopefully someone on the list has a mixed environment and will have 
>> something to offer.
>> Good luck,
>> On Sep 17, 2011, at 9:18 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:
>>> Hi Scott.
>>> Thanks so much for your response. All of the pc's and both macs are 
>>> successfully connected to the network, either via WIFI or Ethernet. 
>>> However, I want to be able to share files between all of the machines. On 
>>> the pc's, I'm able to go into the network and sharing center, see all of 
>>> the computers in the home group, and copy files and folders between them. 
>>> Can this be done on the mac?  Thanks again.
>>> Allison
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
>>> Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 5:49 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Question regarding home networking.
>>> Allison,
>>> Adding the MInis would be no different than adding the PCs. In fact once 
>>> you turn on wireless networking or connect them via ethernet, assuming your 
>>> network is configured using dhcp, the Minis will pull IP addresses from the 
>>> router.
>>> On Sep 17, 2011, at 5:38 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:
>>> Hi everyone.
>>> My boyfriend and I currently have all of the PC's in our house networked 
>>> via a home group. We recently purchased Mac minis, and we would like to add 
>>> them to the network as well. How exactly is this accomplished? Is the fact 
>>> that the network was originally created on a PC going to cause issues? Any 
>>> assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.
>>> Allison
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Re: Your contacts

2011-09-19 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Eric Burgraaf,
Very interested to learn about this as well. I would like to know what you need 
to do in order to have your mac address book synch with google contacts.
On Sep 19, 2011, at 4:45 AM, Rachel magario wrote:

> Eric, how do you sink contacts? Thanks,
> Rachel.
> My phone does and my touch, but my calendar does not. 
> On Sep 18, 2011, at 2:01 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Yes, as long as both devices are pointed at your google exchange account.  
>> You only need to do the setup once per device and then they simply update 
>> transparently as long as the given device has an internet connection.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2011-09-18, at 2:54 PM, Traci wrote:
>>> Ok, so syncing with google contacts, does it update devices over the air?
>>> If I add a contact on my Mac, will it automatically add that to my iPad?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Traci
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: erik burggraaf
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 11:52 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Your contacts
>>> I compile everything in addressbook and sync it with google contacts so 
>>> that I have all of the information on my laptop, itouch, windows mobile 
>>> handheld, and online where I can add it to any new device I might chance to 
>>> acquire.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2011-09-18, at 2:43 PM, Traci wrote:
 For those of you that are iPhone users as well as Mac users, do you keep 
 all of your contact details in Mac's addressbook?  Including phone numbers?
 I've been wondering how I'm going to go about this, when I get the iPhone, 
 because I know my phonebook and addressbook are not going to match.  I'm 
 sort of thinking I should begin manually adding numbers to the 
 addressbook, and consolidating email addresses?
 How about when you only have a phone number for a contact, no email, such 
 as a business?
 All tips are welcome.
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Re: List of mail recipients in Snow Leopard?

2011-09-19 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Kevin!
OK the only thing I can suggest is to open the previous recipients and go 
through them that way!
The fastest  way I know is control+f2 for main menu, then type W for the window 
menu and just arrow down to previous [or just type P R ] and once on there 
In that window you can do a search or interact with the table to scroll  and 
there is options to remove and add to address book!
hth Colin

On 19 Sep 2011, at 05:45, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> when I choose a recipient in Mail in SL, I see a series of possible
> recipients that narrows as I fill in the name.  I have enough vision
> to see the list of names to choose from once I begin to type.  What I
> want to do is scroll down the list to find the person I want instead
> of having to type the full name and possibly get it wrong.  However, I
> can't seem to get VO to scroll through the list I'm seeing with my
> eyes.  Interacting doesn't seem to work.
> Ideas?
> Kevin
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Re: Mail questions

2011-09-19 Thread Jon Cohn
Are you running Snow Leopard?  I  don't know theconfiguration of signatures
for Lion. 

To create a folder there is a button at the bottom of the list of folders.  
Clicking this button is the easiest way to create a folder.  I believe you can 
also create one  using a contextual menu on any folder.  The match patter for 
items with a completely blank signature would be "Subject" "is equal to" ""

Where the last item would just be a blank entry. (hit command-a to select all 
and then hit delete)

Best wishes,


On Sep 18, 2011, at 6:54 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:

> Hi,
> Today i have two questions, i will thank your answers
> Firstly, i added a sign, but i can't select it for the messages, the select 
> box isn't available. How can i choose this sign to all my messages
> An other question:, i want add message  rules, but there are lists like this 
> that have not a word on the subject. What do you put in the rule to that mail 
> send it to a different fowlers? How can i create fowlers to redirect my 
> messages to this?
> Sorry for any words that i use, but i use Lion in spanish, my first language
> Thanks in advanzed,
> Francisco
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Re: List of mail recipients in Snow Leopard?

2011-09-19 Thread Jon Cohn

What I do is the following:
After typing a bit of a name I stop.  Voice over then announces "new window" I 
then make sure quick nav is turned off and just use the down arrow key.  Also, 
if the name mentioned is the one you want, then it will be completed by typing 
a comma.

Best wishes,


On Sep 19, 2011, at 12:45 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> when I choose a recipient in Mail in SL, I see a series of possible
> recipients that narrows as I fill in the name.  I have enough vision
> to see the list of names to choose from once I begin to type.  What I
> want to do is scroll down the list to find the person I want instead
> of having to type the full name and possibly get it wrong.  However, I
> can't seem to get VO to scroll through the list I'm seeing with my
> eyes.  Interacting doesn't seem to work.
> Ideas?
> Kevin
> -- 
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Re: Your contacts

2011-09-19 Thread erik burggraaf
It's not difficult, but it took me a little while because I had to look up the 
procedure for each of my three devices.  I won't be able to do a step-by-step 
until the end of the week if it's still wanted.  My work schedule is really 
heavy until thursday.  Mark Taylor did a podcast on it last year though.  It's 
what got me all excited about google exchange.  You could start there and look 
up the instructions for your particular devices if you don't want to wait for 


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-09-19, at 4:53 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Eric Burgraaf,
> Very interested to learn about this as well. I would like to know what you 
> need to do in order to have your mac address book synch with google contacts.
> Paul.
> On Sep 19, 2011, at 4:45 AM, Rachel magario wrote:
>> Eric, how do you sink contacts? Thanks,
>> Rachel.
>> My phone does and my touch, but my calendar does not. 
>> On Sep 18, 2011, at 2:01 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Yes, as long as both devices are pointed at your google exchange account.  
>>> You only need to do the setup once per device and then they simply update 
>>> transparently as long as the given device has an internet connection.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
>>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
>>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2011-09-18, at 2:54 PM, Traci wrote:
 Ok, so syncing with google contacts, does it update devices over the air?
 If I add a contact on my Mac, will it automatically add that to my iPad?
 - Original Message -
 From: erik burggraaf
 Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 11:52 AM
 Subject: Re: Your contacts
 I compile everything in addressbook and sync it with google contacts so 
 that I have all of the information on my laptop, itouch, windows mobile 
 handheld, and online where I can add it to any new device I might chance 
 to acquire.
 Erik Burggraaf
 This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
 will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
 Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
 Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
 or on the web at
 On 2011-09-18, at 2:43 PM, Traci wrote:
> For those of you that are iPhone users as well as Mac users, do you keep 
> all of your contact details in Mac's addressbook?  Including phone 
> numbers?
> I've been wondering how I'm going to go about this, when I get the 
> iPhone, because I know my phonebook and addressbook are not going to 
> match.  I'm sort of thinking I should begin manually adding numbers to 
> the addressbook, and consolidating email addresses?
> How about when you only have a phone number for a contact, no email, such 
> as a business?
> All tips are welcome.
> Thanks,
> Traci
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Re: music notation software

2011-09-19 Thread Ricardo Walker

thats a pretty vague comment. lol.  Accessibility could be added in the future? 
 Sure, and the world could stop spinning tomorrow or, the sun decides not to 
rise in the east. :).  That doesn't sound encouraging. 

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 19, 2011, at 3:19 AM, David Hole wrote:

> Hi.
> Yes, Sibelius is available for the Mac, but it anin't accessible.
> I sent them a mail regarding that right after the 7.0-release, and
> they said accessibility could be added in the future, but it isn't
> right now.
> -David
> On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 07:44, Yuma Decaux  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've started some intermediate bass lessons, and my teacher asked me to find 
>> a notation application. I was wondering if sybellius was available for the 
>> mac and whether it worked?
>> If not, any good alternative greatly appreciated
>> Best regards,
>> Yuma
>> --
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Re: music notation software

2011-09-19 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Guys. 
I know I'm not an expert on braille music, but I can read some of it. I think 
you would need a computer braille option for VoiceOver if you're reading 
braille music. Do I understand it right that you want braille music software? 

On Sep 19, 2011, at 2:23 AM, musiclady wrote:

> I dont think there is any software yet.
> Steph
> - Original Message -
> From: Yuma Decaux  To:
> Date sent: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 17:44:16 +1200
> Subject: music notation software
> Hi all,
> I've started some intermediate bass lessons, and my teacher asked me to find 
> a notation application.  I was wondering if sybellius was available for the 
> mac and whether it worked?
> If not, any good alternative greatly appreciated
> Best regards,
> Yuma
> --
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Battery life on Macbook pro if running Windows

2011-09-19 Thread Jared
I'm considering buying a Macbook pro and dule booting it. I will
probably use it half mac and half windows. I've heard that the battery
life with Windows is poor, but all the articles I've found stating
this are from 2009. I'm curious what people have found battery life is
like when running Windows with Jaws as the screen reader.

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Scanning software like Kurzweil for the Mac?

2011-09-19 Thread Becky Knaub
Hi all,
I was wandering if there are any scanning programs like Kurzweil for the Mac? 
If so does anyone know how much they are? Thank you for answering all my other 
questions Do RFB&D books work on the mac?  Are there any websites that tell you 
what apps work for the mac when voice over is on example applevis for the 
iPhone? Thanks.


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New release of pages soon???

2011-09-19 Thread Christina
Hello Macvisionaries,

I am very behind on the latest apple news.  Are there any rumors of a new 
release of Pages soon?  I am considering purchasing Pages from the mac app 
store but I'd hate to do that and then apple releases a new version in a few 
weeks.  I need to be able to open and read a few .doc documents.

Thanks so much,

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RE: Scanning software like Kurzweil for the Mac?

2011-09-19 Thread Allison Mervis
Hi Becky.
I believe that RFB (or learning ally as they're now called) has a downloader
and book reading software for the mac. I would double check at they're

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Becky Knaub
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 9:39 AM
Subject: Scanning software like Kurzweil for the Mac?

Hi all,
I was wandering if there are any scanning programs like Kurzweil for the
Mac? If so does anyone know how much they are? Thank you for answering all
my other questions Do RFB&D books work on the mac?  Are there any websites
that tell you what apps work for the mac when voice over is on example
applevis for the iPhone? Thanks.


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Re: Scanning software like Kurzweil for the Mac?

2011-09-19 Thread Greg Aikens
Learning Ally's Read Here software and book downloader work on the mac.

On Sep 19, 2011, at 12:31 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:

> Hi Becky.
> I believe that RFB (or learning ally as they're now called) has a downloader
> and book reading software for the mac. I would double check at they're
> website
> Allison
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Becky Knaub
> Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 9:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: Scanning software like Kurzweil for the Mac?
> Hi all,
> I was wandering if there are any scanning programs like Kurzweil for the
> Mac? If so does anyone know how much they are? Thank you for answering all
> my other questions Do RFB&D books work on the mac?  Are there any websites
> that tell you what apps work for the mac when voice over is on example
> applevis for the iPhone? Thanks.
> Becky
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Google working to improve its accessibility (fwd)

2011-09-19 Thread Karen Lewellen
Sharing here in case others have not seen this.  Google should know how 
diverse access is these days, and that keeping the baseline access in 
place helps everyone.

Share far and wide,

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 10:59:18 -0700
Subject: Google working to improve its accessibility

Google is announcing work that is in progress to increase the accessibility
of its products. The announcement says:
we hope these improvements will make it easier to use our products.
To answer your questions and discuss how our accessibility updates affect
blind users, we*d like to invite you to join us for a webinar on September
21.  We will be focusing on updates for Google Docs, Google Sites and
Google Calendar.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011 12:00pm-1:00pm PT
Sign up here<

To learn more about accessibility features in Google Apps, please visit our
help center

Bootcamp or fusion and open office?

2011-09-19 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
Hi all,

Starting out with the mac I am turning to you with some question I hep you can 
help me with:

1. I have mid 2010 mac mini with 2 gb of ram with lion. I have windows xp and 
jaws 11. Should I go with bootcamp or fusion? I suppose I will have to upgrade 
ram in case 2?

Could I start out with bootcamp and change later? Any advice on this topic is 
very appreciated.
2. I understand open office is accessible on the mac. For basic letters in 
different languages with good spellcheck will open office do? Can I save 
documents in doc format for others to receive them?



(Sent from my phone)

Please check out my new CD at or on itunes.

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Re: Question regarding home networking.

2011-09-19 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Allison,
One way to share files between windows 7, is what I think you have, and a mac, 
can be done, but it is a 2-way configuration. I haven't played much with 
accessing mac files from a windows computer, because I always work on my mac 
since I have it. Because once you go mac, you'll never go back. But the other 
way around is simple, as long as you have some information collected 
beforehand. So I will describe how to connect to a windows machine from one of 
your macs. The other way back, how to connect from windows to a mac share, I 
don't have enough experience with.

Before I tell you how you do it, here's what you are striving for to begin 
with. On your windows pc, you have a share. This is something like the my 
documents folder, an entire drive, or anything present for that matter. On the 
mac side, you have your finder. Where you would go into my network places on 
windows to find other computers, the mac does it differently. On the desktop, 
and in some other places, once you get file sharing working, you will have a 
new icon. If you open it, you will be accessing your windows files. It is that 
simple, but if you've never done it before, a little more to know before you 
have it working.

To access your windows machine from a mac:
1. You need to know the network name of your windows pc that you want to 
access. If you already have a network set up, this will be familiar. If you 
don't know the windows computer network name of the pc you want to get into 
from your mac, you will need is ip address. If you don't know how to do one of 
these and you need it, let me know.
2. You need to have an account on the windows computer to log in to. Because 
windows 7 is already set up on your side, you will indeed have a user account, 
possibly with a password. When you work in windows 7, you are logged in under 
your own account, that is usually created when windows was set up. 
You use the same name and password to log in to windows if you do it over a 
network This is the name and password you will have to have ready. If not, then 
you wil need to set up a password associated with your user account on the 
windows pc, because without a password, sharing will not work this way. 
3. Now that you know the network name of the windows pc, and you have a 
username and password, it is time to Connect. To do this, from your mac, in the 
finder, hit command k. This is a keystroke belonging to the go menu. It lets 
you connect to a server. From a mac perspective, a file hoster like your 
windows pc is a file server. A dialog comes up.
4. In the text field that you land in, fill in the protocol and the address of 
the windows pc and hit connect. The protocol that you always want to use is 
smb, as in server message block. Don't worry about what it is. The first five 
characters of the text to type in here, is always: smb://. That is s, m, b, 
colon, slash, slash.
5. Now say, that the pc you want to log in to is called Allison. Then the full 
line you type in is:
That is all without spaces. So first s m b colon slash slash, those 5 
characters, and then the pc name, Allison for this example.
6. You can now select, which shares from windows you want to see on your mac. 
In this dialog on your mac, you may see somelike my documents, drive d, etc.
Just select one or more from the list and confirm. I think there's just a 
normal ok button.
7. Your windows share will now be mounted in finder. You can find it on your 
desktop and you can open it with command down arrow, and close it with command 

Note: in windows 7, you may have to do a little bit more to set up file sharing 
to be allowed than you would on an xp machine. From what I understand, you have 
multiple windows machines. If one of them is windows 7 and another is xp, and 
you can perfectly see your windows 7 files from an xp machine, then you can be 
sure that file sharing for this win7 pc will also work from a mac.
On Sep 18, 2011, at 3:18 AM, Allison Mervis wrote:

> Hi Scott.
> Thanks so much for your response. All of the pc's and both macs are 
> successfully connected to the network, either via WIFI or Ethernet. However, 
> I want to be able to share files between all of the machines. On the pc's, 
> I'm able to go into the network and sharing center, see all of the computers 
> in the home group, and copy files and folders between them. Can this be done 
> on the mac?  Thanks again.
> Allison
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 5:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Question regarding home networking.
> Allison,
> Adding the MInis would be no different than adding the PCs. In fact once you 
> turn on wireless networking or connect them via ethernet, assuming your 
> network is configured using dhcp, the Minis will pull IP addresses from the 
> router.
> On Sep 17, 2011, at 5:

Re: good (un)rar/(un)zip prog for os x lion

2011-09-19 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Anouk,
You can have the unarchiver from app store to unzip unrar etc. But if you also 
want to create your own archives, an option is to install better zip from the 
app store. It does cost a little. But with better zip and with the command line 
rar tools in place, you can easily create your own rar files if you wish, and 
zip is natively built into better zip. I wish its interface were simpler, but 
it is very accessible and doable. So, to unarchive, if all you want is that, 
use unarchiver. To create your own, one option is better zip. At least this 
thing is accessible that I found.
On Sep 17, 2011, at 7:53 AM, Anouk Radix wrote:

> Hi, I used to use winrar on windows and would like to have a good program 
> that hides in the context menu so that i can unrar and unzip or rar and zip 
> files in finder to a folder.
> Is there any good program like this, preferrably for multiple file formats.
> Thanks in advance
> Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: how to uninstall old version of fusion

2011-09-19 Thread Paul Erkens
In the disk image that you download fusion in, there's an app called uninstall 
fusion, or something similar. It should do the job, at least for version 3.
On Sep 14, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Anouk Radix wrote:

> Hi, I have a demo of vmware fusion 3. I want to buy vmware 4 now, can i just 
> delete the vmware fusio nprogram and then it will be uninstalled or do I need 
> to do something else?
> Thanks, Greetings, Anouk,
> On Sep 14, 2011, at 6:10 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello my fellow Mac users.
>> VMWare has just released VMWare Fusion 4 today. For those that don't know or 
>> who are new to the mac, Fusion lets you run windows on you're Mac without 
>> having to reboot in to a separate OS.
>> Fusion is $50 until the end of the year but will go up to $80 after that 
>> point.
>> Now for some great news. Fusion works amazingly well with Vo as far as I can 
>> see. There's a couple unlabelled buttons hear and there but these can be 
>> figured out quite easily.
>> The easiest thing to get stuck on is the Virtual Machine Library but I'll 
>> give steps here on how to best navigate it. When Fusion is opened for the 
>> first time, you will be presented with the Library screen where you will 
>> find a scroll area. Interact with this and you will see some unlabelled 
>> buttons. The number of buttons you will see depends on how many OS's you 
>> have running. I had two, one for windows and one for Ubuntu. In order to see 
>> which button is which, just Press VO down arrow and the VM in focus will be 
>> announced. So to recap, the power button is on top and the name is 
>> underneath kind of like you'd find things in a store where the product is on 
>> the shelf and the price is on a little tag on the front of the shelf.
>> Hope this helps and feel free to email the list if I can possibly help 
>> further.
>> Matthew Campbell
>> -- 
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Re: Scanning software like Kurzweil for the Mac?

2011-09-19 Thread Rachel magario
RFBD has a book reader for the mac free for the first year, and an app for the 
iphone, ipad and ipod touch for $19. 
There is a Kurzweil for the mac. But I am not sure how it works, I have not 
tried it yet. Also I believe a very popular one in the list is the Express 
finder reader or something like that. I am sure someone else can get you more 
details on that.

On Sep 19, 2011, at 12:31 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:

> Hi Becky.
> I believe that RFB (or learning ally as they're now called) has a downloader
> and book reading software for the mac. I would double check at they're
> website
> Allison
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Becky Knaub
> Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 9:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: Scanning software like Kurzweil for the Mac?
> Hi all,
> I was wandering if there are any scanning programs like Kurzweil for the
> Mac? If so does anyone know how much they are? Thank you for answering all
> my other questions Do RFB&D books work on the mac?  Are there any websites
> that tell you what apps work for the mac when voice over is on example
> applevis for the iPhone? Thanks.
> Becky
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2011-09-19 Thread Red.Falcon

Begin forwarded message:

> From: News Wire 
> Date: 14 September 2011 15:12:47 GMT+01:00
> To:
> 19, 2011
> An introduction to iOS apps
> A Tek Talk presentation
> by Peter Cantisani
> the author of
> Twenty-six Useful Apps for Blind iPHONE Users
> Are you interested in the iPhone, iPOD, or iPAD?  Are you wondering what you 
> can do with your shiny new iOS device?  Attend the Web presentation titled An 
> Introduction To iOS Apps.  Intended as an overview and not a tutorial, the 
> presentation assumes the listener has had some hands-on with VoiceOver on 
> whatever device he or she is using.
> Learn how you can enhance and extend the capability of your iPHONE, iPOD, and 
> iPAD with countless applications that bring great new features to your device 
> without breaking the bank.  Of course, all the apps covered will be 
> accessible with VoiceOver.
> Have you purchased Twenty-six Useful Apps For Blind iPHONE Users and have 
> questions about a particular app in the book?  Participate, ask questions, 
> add your own two cents, and generally have fun.
> Presenter:Peter Cantisani 
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> Date: Monday,Sept. 19 , 2011
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Re: Fusion 4 and Window-Eyes

2011-09-19 Thread Caitlyn Furness
I'm interested in this as well, especially as I'm also "stuck" back in xp days. 
 I have WE 7.5, but if it's not going to play nice with version 4 of fusion, 
I'm totally happy to stick with version 3.  Heck, it took me long enough to get 
everything there happy together!  lol!


On Sep 15, 2011, at 2:08 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

> Not yet, but please keep me updated.  I am very new to Fusion, so am taking
> only tentative steps, so will be interested if WE works or if I need to skip
> the update for now.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Robert Carter
> Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 2:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: Fusion 4 and Window-Eyes
> Hi All,
> After upgrading from VMWare Fusion 3 to 4, fusion asked to upgrade my
> Windows XP VM that I had been using with Fusion 3. After upgrading the VM,
> Window-Eyes version 7.1 said that the video driver had changed and that
> windows needed to restart. Window-Eyes then said press enter to continue.
> After that point, I get no sound from the VM at all. I am not positive
> whether or not it actually restarted but it appears that it probably did. At
> least fusion seems to think that windows is running. At any rate, if I let
> it sit for a few minutes, the fan on my Mac starts running at top speed
> suggesting that the computer is working extremely hard.
> I booted my system with an earlier SuperDuper clone and of course
> Window-Eyes ran fine because I was again using fusion 3. I then uninstalled
> Window-Eyes from that SuperDuper clone and copy the VM without Window-Eyes
> back to my fusion 4 installation. I then allowed the XP VM to be upgraded by
> fusion to work with fusion 4. I then ran System Access as the screen reader
> and it works perfectly. I have not yet decided whether or not I will try
> installing Window-Eyes but it is possible that Window-Eyes does not like
> fusion 4.
> Does anybody have fusion 4 working with Window-Eyes in an XP VM?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
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Re: Scanning software like Kurzweil for the Mac?

2011-09-19 Thread Mary Otten
There is no Kurzweil1000 for the Mac. So far as I am aware, the kurzweil3000, 
which is their program geared for people whose difficulty with hard copy print 
doesn't involve blindness, is old and out of date. There are applications for 
the Mac that will let you scan and read, such as abbyy's fine reader express, 
vuescan etc. But none of them have anything like the array of features or 
flexibility offered by the K1000, admittedly for a higher price, of course. 


Mary Otten

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Re: Scanning software like Kurzweil for the Mac?

2011-09-19 Thread Caitlyn Furness
Mary is right.  There is Docuscan plus, too, but it doesn't even come close to 
what k1000 can do, especially if you're already used to k1000.  You also need 
to be aware that you need an internet connection to scan with docuscan, which 
might be important.  On the other hand, if you can get it to work, it's nice to 
have a native app.  Lots also like abby and vu scan.

hth a litle,
Caitlyn(who is sticking with k1000 in a vm)

On Sep 19, 2011, at 6:44 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> There is no Kurzweil1000 for the Mac. So far as I am aware, the kurzweil3000, 
> which is their program geared for people whose difficulty with hard copy 
> print doesn't involve blindness, is old and out of date. There are 
> applications for the Mac that will let you scan and read, such as abbyy's 
> fine reader express, vuescan etc. But none of them have anything like the 
> array of features or flexibility offered by the K1000, admittedly for a 
> higher price, of course. 
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Re: Bootcamp or fusion and open office?

2011-09-19 Thread Rachel magario

I started first with bootcamp and then switched to fusion. So that is possible. 
Now, I did like fusion better so I don't have to go through all the restart all 
the time. Of course, the greatest thing for me in bootcamp was the fact none of 
my short cut keys  conflicted. So,  there are advantages and disadvantages to 
every thing.
If you have xp 32, you should be just find with 1 gb of ram for running the 
windows side on fusion. But again, it is also a matter of preference if you 
want more ram. i have 8 gb on my mbp, so I can use 4 gb for each os if I need 

Open office is liked by many. Although accessible, I think it's usability is 
not that great. Again, this is a personal opinion. You might like it. I would 
go with pages or some other editors. Unfortunately word for mac is not 
accessible. The plus of open office is that is free. But I still don't like it. 
And yes, you can send formats that everyone can view when you work in  open 

On Sep 19, 2011, at 1:45 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> Hi all,
> Starting out with the mac I am turning to you with some question I hep you 
> can help me with:
> 1. I have mid 2010 mac mini with 2 gb of ram with lion. I have windows xp and 
> jaws 11. Should I go with bootcamp or fusion? I suppose I will have to 
> upgrade ram in case 2?
> Could I start out with bootcamp and change later? Any advice on this topic is 
> very appreciated.
> 2. I understand open office is accessible on the mac. For basic letters in 
> different languages with good spellcheck will open office do? Can I save 
> documents in doc format for others to receive them?
> Thanks,
> Ioana
> (Sent from my phone)
> Please check out my new CD at or on itunes.
> -- 
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Re: Fusion 4 and Window-Eyes

2011-09-19 Thread Keith Watson

So I just had VMware tell me to uninstall my screen reader and reinstall. It 
seems that they think that because I am running JFW 11 and 12 on the same 
machine that it is conflicting with their video driver. I told the guy that I 
would do it and return the results, but that I was 100% sure that I would 
experience the same results. Friggin Voodoo trouble shooting if you ask me.

Daughter got home and helped me uninstall and reinstall only one version. Guess 
what, crashed harder than Charlie Sheen after a good binge. Back to the drawing 
board VMWare!


On Sep 19, 2011, at 6:28 PM, Caitlyn Furness wrote:

> I'm interested in this as well, especially as I'm also "stuck" back in xp 
> days.  I have WE 7.5, but if it's not going to play nice with version 4 of 
> fusion, I'm totally happy to stick with version 3.  Heck, it took me long 
> enough to get everything there happy together!  lol!
> Thanks,
> Caitlyn
> On Sep 15, 2011, at 2:08 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
>> Not yet, but please keep me updated.  I am very new to Fusion, so am taking
>> only tentative steps, so will be interested if WE works or if I need to skip
>> the update for now.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Robert Carter
>> Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 2:08 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Fusion 4 and Window-Eyes
>> Hi All,
>> After upgrading from VMWare Fusion 3 to 4, fusion asked to upgrade my
>> Windows XP VM that I had been using with Fusion 3. After upgrading the VM,
>> Window-Eyes version 7.1 said that the video driver had changed and that
>> windows needed to restart. Window-Eyes then said press enter to continue.
>> After that point, I get no sound from the VM at all. I am not positive
>> whether or not it actually restarted but it appears that it probably did. At
>> least fusion seems to think that windows is running. At any rate, if I let
>> it sit for a few minutes, the fan on my Mac starts running at top speed
>> suggesting that the computer is working extremely hard.
>> I booted my system with an earlier SuperDuper clone and of course
>> Window-Eyes ran fine because I was again using fusion 3. I then uninstalled
>> Window-Eyes from that SuperDuper clone and copy the VM without Window-Eyes
>> back to my fusion 4 installation. I then allowed the XP VM to be upgraded by
>> fusion to work with fusion 4. I then ran System Access as the screen reader
>> and it works perfectly. I have not yet decided whether or not I will try
>> installing Window-Eyes but it is possible that Window-Eyes does not like
>> fusion 4.
>> Does anybody have fusion 4 working with Window-Eyes in an XP VM?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
>> -- 
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Re: music notation software

2011-09-19 Thread musiclady

We were refering to a programme for us to write print music.

- Original Message -
From: Eugenia Firth I know I'm not an expert on braille music, but I can read some of 
it.  I think you would need a computer braille option for 
VoiceOver if you're reading braille music.  Do I understand it 
right that you want braille music software?


On Sep 19, 2011, at 2:23 AM, musiclady wrote:

I dont think there is any software yet.

- Original Message -
From: Yuma Decaux I've started some intermediate bass lessons, and my teacher 
asked me to find a notation application.  I was wondering if 
sybellius was available for the mac and whether it worked?

If not, any good alternative greatly appreciated

Best regards,


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Re: music notation software

2011-09-19 Thread Karen Lewellen
Speaking of which.  Music publisher is supposed to work for mac, not sure 
as to  accessibility though as it is somewhat vague.
As for the program in question, I recall the company is rather cozy with 
freedom scientific / jaws.  Perhaps someone or several someone's should 
document to  them how many customers they would have for the mac, so they 
take the plunge sooner rather than well at the end of time as the  comment 
The program in question prints music...period, not just braille.  ooh one 
more option if you are doing Linux as a virtual box.  Lillypond is 
accessible over there.

Hope some of this is helpful,

On Tue, 20 Sep 2011, musiclady wrote:

We were refering to a programme for us to write print music.

- Original Message -
From: Eugenia Firth I know I'm not an expert on braille music, but I can read some of it.  I 
think you would need a computer braille option for VoiceOver if you're 
reading braille music.  Do I understand it right that you want braille music 


On Sep 19, 2011, at 2:23 AM, musiclady wrote:

I dont think there is any software yet.

- Original Message -
From: Yuma Decaux I've started some intermediate bass lessons, and my teacher asked me to find 
a notation application.  I was wondering if sybellius was available for the 
mac and whether it worked?

If not, any good alternative greatly appreciated

Best regards,


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2011-09-19 Thread Esther

Hi All,
For those who want to subscribe to the Accessible World Tek Talk podcasts, such 
as the upcoming one on iOS Apps that Colin (aka Red.Flacon)  just forwarded,  
either through iTunes or through iOS podcatching apps, here's the feed URL:

• Accessible World Tek Talk:

As far as I know, they don't have an iTunes podcast location set up, but you can 
automatically subscribe to it if you choose the "Subscribe to podcast" option 
in the Advanced menu on the iTunes menu bar, and then either type or paste in the above 
URL.  This also works for other podcatching apps.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Sep 19, 2011 "Red.Falcon"  wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: News Wire 
Date: 14 September 2011 15:12:47 GMT+01:00
19, 2011

An introduction to iOS apps
A Tek Talk presentation
by Peter Cantisani
the author of
Twenty-six Useful Apps for Blind iPHONE Users
Are you interested in the iPhone, iPOD, or iPAD?  Are you wondering what you 
can do with your shiny new iOS device?  Attend the Web presentation titled An 
Introduction To iOS Apps.  Intended as an overview and not a tutorial, the 
presentation assumes the listener has had some hands-on with VoiceOver on 
whatever device he or she is using.
Learn how you can enhance and extend the capability of your iPHONE, iPOD, and 
iPAD with countless applications that bring great new features to your device 
without breaking the bank.  Of course, all the apps covered will be accessible 
with VoiceOver.
Have you purchased Twenty-six Useful Apps For Blind iPHONE Users and have 
questions about a particular app in the book?  Participate, ask questions, add 
your own two cents, and generally have fun.
Presenter:Peter Cantisani 
Date: Monday,Sept. 19 , 2011
Time: 5:00 PM PDT, 6:00 PM MDT, 7:00 PM CDT,  8:00 PM EDT  
  and elsewhere in the world Tuesday 00:00 GMT
Approximately 15 minutes prior to the event start time; go to The Pat Price Tek 
Talk Training Room at:
Or, alternatively.
Select The Pat Price Tek Talk Training Room at:
Enter your first and last names on the sign-in screen.
All Tek Talk training events are recorded so if you are unable to participate 
live at the above times then you may download the presentation or podcast from 
the Tek Talk archives on our website at
If you are a first-time user of the Talking Communities online conferencing 
software, there is a small, safe software program that you need to download and 
then run. A link to the software is available on every entry screen to the 
Accessible World online rooms.
All online interactive programs are free of charge, and open to anyone 
worldwide having an Internet connection, a computer, speakers, and a sound 
card. Those with microphones can interact audibly with the presenters and 
others in the virtual audience or text chat with the attendees. To speak to us, 
hold down the control key and talk; then let up to listen. 
Accessible World uses News Wires, like this one, to inform people of the topic 
and times for the many Discussion Groups on Accessible World. The lists are 
announce only to keep the traffic to a minimum.
You can join the Accessible World Announce List, the Tek Talk Announce List or 
the Sports Talk Announce List by completing the form 
Accessible World also provides a Tek Talk Discussion List. This list is 
intended to give you an opportunity to ask computer related questions, suggest 
topics to be used in the weekly Monday training programs, or just to interact 
with others interested in using assistive devices to access computers. You may 
sign up for this list by selecting the Tek Talk Discussion link on the same 
page and completing the form.
Accessible World Contacts:
Robert Acosta, Chair
Accessible World
Marcia Moses, Events Coordinator
Accessible World
Steve Hoffman, President
Talking Communities
The Accessible World, a division of Helping Hands For The Blind, a 501(c)(3) 
not-for-profit organization, seeks to educate the general public, the disabled 
community and the professionals who serve them by providing highly relevant 
information about new products, services, and training opportunities designed 
specifically to eliminate geographic and access barriers that adversely affect 

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help needed on organizing mail accounts

2011-09-19 Thread Denise Avant
hi all,
i have a second account which is a gmail account. it appears that my messages 
go to the inbox of my primary account? what i would like to know is whether the 
gmail messages should go in a separate mailbox? 

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Re: music notation software

2011-09-19 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hi All,

Thanks for the suggestions. Will check out music publisher but in the worse 
case i'll have to learn braille notes to get through with my class.

Best regards,


On 20/09/2011, at 11:50 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> Speaking of which.  Music publisher is supposed to work for mac, not sure as 
> to  accessibility though as it is somewhat vague.
> As for the program in question, I recall the company is rather cozy with 
> freedom scientific / jaws.  Perhaps someone or several someone's should 
> document to  them how many customers they would have for the mac, so they 
> take the plunge sooner rather than well at the end of time as the  comment 
> suggests?
> The program in question prints music...period, not just braille.  ooh one 
> more option if you are doing Linux as a virtual box.  Lillypond is accessible 
> over there.
> Hope some of this is helpful,
> Karen
> On Tue, 20 Sep 2011, musiclady wrote:
>> We were refering to a programme for us to write print music.
>> Steph
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Eugenia Firth > To:
>> Date sent: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 08:33:08 -0500
>> Subject: Re: music notation software
>> Hi Guys.
>> I know I'm not an expert on braille music, but I can read some of it.  I 
>> think you would need a computer braille option for VoiceOver if you're 
>> reading braille music.  Do I understand it right that you want braille music 
>> software?
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> On Sep 19, 2011, at 2:23 AM, musiclady wrote:
>> I dont think there is any software yet.
>> Steph
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Yuma Decaux > To:
>> Date sent: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 17:44:16 +1200
>> Subject: music notation software
>> Hi all,
>> I've started some intermediate bass lessons, and my teacher asked me to find 
>> a notation application.  I was wondering if sybellius was available for the 
>> mac and whether it worked?
>> If not, any good alternative greatly appreciated
>> Best regards,
>> Yuma
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Re: Scanning software like Kurzweil for the Mac?

2011-09-19 Thread Mike Arrigo
Yes, there is docuscan plus, I think it costs around $299
On Sep 19, 2011, at 11:38 AM, Becky Knaub wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was wandering if there are any scanning programs like Kurzweil for the Mac? 
> If so does anyone know how much they are? Thank you for answering all my 
> other questions Do RFB&D books work on the mac?  Are there any websites that 
> tell you what apps work for the mac when voice over is on example applevis 
> for the iPhone? Thanks.
> Becky
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Re: Scanning software like Kurzweil for the Mac?

2011-09-19 Thread Mary Otten
Mike's and my responses to the question of whether there is a scanning program 
for the Mac that is like k1000 points out how important it is if the person 
asking the question has an idea what uses they want to make of the program or 
what their requirements are. For instance, as has been mentioned, docuscan 
requires an internet connection. It also is English  only, and it lacks a host 
of other features that K1000 has, such as the ability to make bookmarks in your 
file, to make notes and have your scans saved by default on your computer, not 
in the cloud. And you can adjust the scanning and ocr parameters and you have a 
choice of 2 ocr engines etc. Whether you need all that and the other features 
offered by the more expensive K1000 is up to you, of course.


Mary Otten

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Re: Scanning software like Kurzweil for the Mac?

2011-09-19 Thread Rachel magario
This is for Mary and any k1000 mac users, 

I am guessing you use the k1000? Is it really good with math, code and highly 
graphic text scanning? Thanks for any info. I am using right now abode acrobat 
pro, but I need something more accessible and that it is really good for 
complicated text scanning to improve my scan time and decrease editing.

On Sep 19, 2011, at 7:40 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Mike's and my responses to the question of whether there is a scanning 
> program for the Mac that is like k1000 points out how important it is if the 
> person asking the question has an idea what uses they want to make of the 
> program or what their requirements are. For instance, as has been mentioned, 
> docuscan requires an internet connection. It also is English  only, and it 
> lacks a host of other features that K1000 has, such as the ability to make 
> bookmarks in your file, to make notes and have your scans saved by default on 
> your computer, not in the cloud. And you can adjust the scanning and ocr 
> parameters and you have a choice of 2 ocr engines etc. Whether you need all 
> that and the other features offered by the more expensive K1000 is up to you, 
> of course.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Drag and Drop

2011-09-19 Thread Dean Adams

Hey Everyone,
I have an old Power Book G4 with Leopard 10.5.8 and can 
anyone tell me if the feature of drag and drop with VO comma and VO 
period is a feature that is supposed to work in Leopard or is it just 
a new feature of Lion, As I have tried this and it doesn't work in Leopard.

Regards Dean

!!!Thoughts become things so choose the good ones because Life's to 
short to be a grumble bum !!!

   * Email:
   * Phone: 0243206031
   * Skype: deanadams9
   * Mobile: 0428133758

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skype growl menu bar apps

2011-09-19 Thread Dean Adams

Hey Everyone,
Can anyone tell me how to get to the growl item on the menu 
bar it doesn't come up when I use VO M only the normal menus .

Regards Dean

!!!Thoughts become things so choose the good ones because Life's to 
short to be a grumble bum !!!

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how accessable is Audacity??

2011-09-19 Thread trahern culver
hey all i've hurd that the new Audacity for mac os10 iss accessable
but how accessable is it?

your help with this question would be most welcom

kind regards trahern.

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Re: Scanning software like Kurzweil for the Mac?

2011-09-19 Thread Mary Otten



Mary Otten

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sorting the order of message in mail with the most reasont message at the top of the list?

2011-09-19 Thread trahern culver
hey all what's the voice over mail short cut to put the most reasontly
reseved message at the top of the message list i think i remember the
process but i've foregotten the short cut.

your help with this question would be most welcom!

kind regards trahern.

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Re: Voices

2011-09-19 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Yes the Nuance voices such as Daniel and Samantha are only available for Lion.


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Re: Drag and Drop

2011-09-19 Thread Ricardo Walker

Sorry.  The new drag and drop is only in Lion 10.7


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 19, 2011, at 9:03 PM, Dean Adams wrote:

> Hey Everyone,
> I have an old Power Book G4 with Leopard 10.5.8 and can anyone tell 
> me if the feature of drag and drop with VO comma and VO period is a feature 
> that is supposed to work in Leopard or is it just a new feature of Lion, As I 
> have tried this and it doesn't work in Leopard.
> Regards Dean
> !!!Thoughts become things so choose the good ones because Life's to short to 
> be a grumble bum !!!
>   • Email:
>   • Phone: 0243206031
>   • Skype: deanadams9
>   • Mobile: 0428133758
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Re: Drag and Drop

2011-09-19 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Dean,

The Drag&Drop feature using VO-, and VO-. are only available in Lion.

There is a way of doing Drag&Drop in Leopard, but it doesn't work from one 
window to another. The command is VO-Cmd-Shift-Space bar. This command picks up 
the mouse the first time you use it, and drops it the second time. You also 
have to remember to turn cursor tracking off for this to work.



On 20 Sep 2011, at 03:03, Dean Adams wrote:

> Hey Everyone,
> I have an old Power Book G4 with Leopard 10.5.8 and can anyone tell 
> me if the feature of drag and drop with VO comma and VO period is a feature 
> that is supposed to work in Leopard or is it just a new feature of Lion, As I 
> have tried this and it doesn't work in Leopard.
> Regards Dean
> !!!Thoughts become things so choose the good ones because Life's to short to 
> be a grumble bum !!!
> Email:
> Phone: 0243206031
> Skype: deanadams9
> Mobile: 0428133758
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> Virus Database (VPS): 110919-1, 20/09/2011
> Tested on: 20/09/2011 11:03:34 AM
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