Re: listening to and using loops in Garage Band?

2011-09-01 Thread Ricardo Walker

just fast forward through the project using the left, right, and option left 
and right arrows like you normally do anywhere in garageband.  It won't effect 
your place in the loop table at all.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 31, 2011, at 10:49 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:

> Riccardo,
> By "find the place you want to copy the loop," do you mean by playing it?  
> I.E. how could you find & not leave the loop table?  Please forgive my 
> ignorence, but I didn't quite follow your answer.
> CJ
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 5:46 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> all this works but, is certainly not necessary.  when on the loop in the 
>> table just press command c to copy.  Now find the place in your project you 
>> want to put the loop and press command V to paste.  You don't even need to 
>> leave the loop table.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:19 PM, chad baker wrote:
>>> hi when you have one selected do cmd option coma 
>>> then stop interacting with the loop browser
>>> then go to the instrument scroll area
>>> press return to go to the beginning
>>> then do cmd option period to drop it
>>> hth
>>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:13 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
 Thanks, that lets me hear the samples. Now, how do I use one in my
 actual project? I've never used drag and drop before at all.
 On 8/31/11, chad baker  wrote:
> hi when your on a loop do cmd shift l
> hth
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I recently downloaded the 1.2gb pack of Apple instruments and loops and
>> all that.  I then enabled the loop browser and was looking at the table 
>> of
>> drum loops (in column view).  The help tag says to click a loop to hear
>> it, or drag it to use it in the project.  However, selecting a table row
>> (vo-space, up-down, mouse click) will not play the loop.  How do I get a
>> loop to play? How, if I decide to use a loop, do I "drag" it to my song 
>> in
>> order to use it, as the tag says? As always, thanks for all your help!
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
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Re: Multilingual Braille tables under Lion

2011-09-01 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Jeff,
So, given the 4-byte representation of characters in utf8 unicode, a braille 
table could easily be made up based on that character set. This would of course 
imply that some braille dot patterns would occur more than once in unicode, 
because an accented letter in Polish, looks the same in braille as a c cedille 
in French. They are 2 distinct characters for the sighted, but one and the same 
symbol in braille. Why is it, that we don't yet have a unified unicode utf8 
braille table? Any idea?
On Sep 1, 2011, at 12:10 AM, Geoff Shang wrote:

> On Tue, 30 Aug 2011, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> But what I never understood was the unicode thing you mention. Is unicode 
>> sort of an extended version of ascii?
> Unicode is the idea that all possible symbols can be represented in the same 
> character set.
> As you identified in your message, there are only 256 possible symbols in the 
> ASCII character set, 255 if you don't include the null character which is 
> number 0.  But US-ASCII is only one of literally hundreds of character sets 
> that can be used to encode text.  All these other character sets came into 
> being because of the large and varying range of symbols which needed to be 
> encoded.
> As this thread has demonstrated, switching between character sets is annoying 
> at best.  Life would be a lot simpler if you could simply just use one 
> character set for everything and not have to change anything.  And this is 
> what Unicode is trying to do.
> When people talk about Unicode, they're usually talking about the character 
> set called UTF-8.  This is the most commonly used character encoding that 
> tries to meet the goals of Unicode.
> UTF-8 is a super-set of ASCII.  All standard latin alpha-numeric characters 
> and punctuation symbols are represented in exactly the same way as they are 
> in ASCII, making it backward-compatible in a number of settings.
> For other symbols, UTF-8 uses up to 4 bytes to encode a character, thereby 
> getting around the limit of 256.  The use of up to 4 bytes is presumably to 
> avoid ambiguity.
> For more information on Unicode and the various ways of representing it, see 
>> To what extent does the ascii table relate to a braille table, and what 
>> exactly is unicode and how does that get translated to a unicode braille 
>> table?
> The references to ASCII and Unicode in relation to Braille tables refers to 
> the symbols that are to be translated.  Standard 6-dot Braille is, by its 
> nature, a 6-bit system, and even 8-dot Braille only needs 8 bits.  So Braille 
> itself only needs at most one byte per character.
> A Unicode Braille table is able to display representations of Unicode text 
> without the need to change Braille tables for each represented language.
> HTH,
> Geoff.
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reason to get a mac

2011-09-01 Thread Paul Erkens
Dear list,

I have a question for us mac users. If anyone thinks it is off topic, if you 
have an idea where to better ask this, please let me know.

Shortly, I will attend a discussion with one of our national funds that help 
blind people buy a computer.  If a blind person living in the Netherlands, 
really  cannot afford a computer themselves, and they can't get any financial 
support from any other organisations, there is a fund that they can call upon, 
however. It is with these people that I'm going to talk soon.

Currently, if a blind person gets a computer from this pc fund, then what you 
get is a Dell configuration with windows and a screen reader. If you want 
anything else, because you think an Apple computer could give you more 
possibilities, then you can indeed get financial support if they are going to 
honor the request for help of course, but then you will get half of the money. 
This puts windows in favor of a mac, because getting haf of the money means 
that you still cannot get hold of the other half to make it happen, and because 
you do need a computer, it's going to be windows.

This reasoning was understandable, until some 3 years ago. Since then, Apple 
has given us many new, innovative and exciting possibilities with a mac. What I 
want to achieve is a change in the way they look at this. No matter if you need 
a pc or a mac, I would like the fund look at it as being 2 equal solutions, one 
suited better for a person than the other. Not: windows always.

What I need from you, is some help in putting together a factual enumeration of 
reasons for a mac. Reasons that people can check upon, and that hold true. I 
have a number of questions.

1. Which part of the blind community is best helped with a mac?
My current answer: those who are willing and capable of self study. As with 
sighted folks, of course this does not include every one. There are courses 
being developed, but if you have no users, there is no urgent need for courses 
to get to know the mac. And if there are no courses, there's no urge to buy a 
mac.  So for the moment, the user will have to be willing to self study.
Please add to this if appropriate.

2. When is a mac preferable?
My current answer: if the user is willing to solve his own problems,.
The mac avoids repair cost. if the user is willing to get himself out of 
trouble when something goes really haywire, then a mac will let you do this, 
and keep him her independant of sighted help. If you have a current backup, you 
can restore your system without help, and even install an os the same 
independant way. This avoids sending out staff to the user to go fix their 
system problems. Besides, if the hard drive fails, you can still work off of an 
external usb drive 
until the hardware is fixed. Please add to this, or contradict it.

3. From a user's perspective, Are there any areas where a mac is really better 
for an independant blind user?
My current answer: I would say not really. You can get all things done on both 
systems, but the mac will give you a smoother experience. Speaking for myself, 
if something doesn't work, it is usually me, who doesn't know how to do it, or 
something is just plainly inaccessible. You almost never wonder why the system 
acts strangely this time, and tomorrow it might act differently. I need reasons 
in daily experiences.

4. From the buyer's perspective, in this case the fund paying for the mac for a 
blind person, is a mac cheaper than a pc?
My current answer: In the long term yes. Initially, a mac is more expensive. 
However, you get the screen reader with it, which outweighs the problem of cost 
for a mac. Further more, if the mac gets updated, usually the screen reader is 
updated with no further cost. This avoids having to lag behind, where the os is 
more modern than your screen reader, and you will probably have to spend 
another sum to update that. Please add to this if appropriate.

5. Unknown makes unwanted. Why do funds, insurance companies etc, stick with 
windows, when there could be a better alternative for a particular user and 
with respect to price?

These are my questions for now. I'm not an expert. Just an average user, 
wanting others to benefit from macs as well as windows pc's, whatever is best 
for them. The fund is open to input, and I'd rather not let this opportunity 
pass, now that they are listening. I don't want to favor the mac either. I just 
want it to become an equal alternative, not suited for everyone, but 
complementing the array of choices.


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Re: Looking for an accessible audio converter

2011-09-01 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Paul Henrichsen,
Well if you use max, which is free, then you can either rip cd's, or convert a 
bunch of audio files from within the finder using max.
On Sep 1, 2011, at 6:00 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:

> Thanks, Eric. I'll have to see how much Amadeus pro lite would cost. Sixty 
> dollars is a bit much just for converting files.
> On Aug 30, 2011, at 6:51 AM, Eric Caron wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>>  It is not free but Amadeus Pro or Amadeus Pro lite does a great job 
>> with conversions and also is a nice audio editor.  it is at the app store.  
>>  You can do single or batch conversions.  There is even a tutorial on 
>> Blindcool tech on doing large numbers of conversions with Amadeus Pro. 
>> eRic Caron
>> On Aug 30, 2011, at 1:08 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
>>> Hi. I'm looking for an accessible audio converter. I need to convert ogg 
>>> files into mp3 files. I have tunesify, but I find it less than intuitive to 
>>> use.
>>> For some reason, even though I have selected the folder with its 
>>> subfolders, it doesn't seem to want to convert the ogg files. I also can't 
>>> tell whether it will convert the contents of subfolders in the original 
>>> folder.
>>> Anything better out there?
>>> I'm use to using gold wave or the audio stripper from NCH software.
>>> However, I don't like the heavy-handedness of NCH when it comes to 
>>> reinstalling their software or putting it on more than one machine.
>>> Thanks.
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Re: Safari help sorly needed

2011-09-01 Thread Paul Erkens
Johny Angel,
You can turn on extensions in the finder presences. In finder, press vo comma.
On Aug 31, 2011, at 11:05 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:

> Hi Simon and all,
> Well I am still having trouble placing the VLC application into the 
> applications folder.  After cmd downarrowingon the VLC folder on my desktop, 
> there is a file called VLC application.  This file will not be copied into 
> the applications folder.  Someone on the list posted a short time ago on how 
> to reveal file extensions.  Can someone please repost this information?  I 
> wanna be sure what I'm trying to copy.
> Thanks,
> johnny
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:
>> Simon,
>> Thank you very much.  You are a wonderful help to the list!
>> I will certainly follow your instructions here.
>> Thanks!
>> johnny
>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 4:04 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Please do not feel offended by these basic questions but make sure, when 
>>> copying n application from the downloads folder, that it has the extension 
>>> .app after its name. Then - and I think only then - will the application be 
>>> pasted into your application folder. If - once you have located your 
>>> application in the downloads folder - you hear .dmg after its name, you 
>>> need to open it first with command+down arrow. This will probably result in 
>>> the following: go to your desktop where you will find a folder (usually 
>>> having the word image in it) which has the name of your application. 
>>> Interact with it, and you should find there the name of your application 
>>> with the .app extension. Copy it with command+c and then paste into 
>>> application folder. Be aware that some .dmg packets when they appear as 
>>> image browser on your desktop may have application alias already included 
>>> in them. This is just a shortcut to your application folder which, when you 
>>> press command+downarrow, will open your application folder straight away. 
>>> Som programmes when downloaded have extension .pkg. They also will be 
>>> placed as image browser on your desktop when you open them with 
>>> command+down arrow. These ,pkg things usually include an installer 
>>> application which you have to run by pressing command+downarrow to open 
>>> them, and follow onscreen instructions. 
>>> Please forgive me if this is something you know, or if it has already been 
>>> posted here.  Just trying to be helpful.
>>> With best wishes
>>> Simon
>>> On 31 Aug 2011, at 20:46, Johnny Angel! wrote:
 Thanks so much for this!
 Everything went smoothly except for copying the program into my 
 applications folder.  Vo reports the copy process with a command C, but 
 after then going to the applications folder, command V does nothing, Vo is 
 silent, and nothing is copied.  Any ideas on this last step?
 On Aug 31, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Assuming you haven't changed any preferences, the downloaded files should 
> be in your Downloads folder. Downloads folder can be found a number of 
> ways but one quick way is in your dock which is VO-D. Then do a 
> VO-Shift-M for the contextual menu and choose open Donwloads by hitting 
> the up arrow once. Once in there the actual installation process depends 
> on what you downloaded. Most Mac apps come as DMG or DiskImage files 
> which when opened appear as another drive on your desktop. Usually within 
> there is some kind of installer package, setup program or just the app 
> itself. In the last case you can just copy the app, go to your 
> applications folder and paste it there.
> CB
> On 8/29/11 5:29 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I tried asking this once before, but I don't think my question got 
>> through to the list.  At any rate, here goes:
>> I need help understanding how to download programs from websites in 
>> Safari.
>> Would someone please be so kind as to offer me a detailed teaching on 
>> how to do this?  I would click on a download link, but to me nothing is 
>> happening.  When I navigate to the download button, I can see at least 
>> one of the programs I have tried downloading, but I don't know what I am 
>> to do to get the program onto my mbp from there.
>> Thanks a lot everyone,
>> Johnny
>> Johnny Angel!
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Re: Skype conferences

2011-09-01 Thread Cody
The option is in the call window you need to press the add people button which 
tends to disappear. The table on that screen works a little funky but I must 
warn you, I'm not sure if it is only me, but when I try to conference in more 
than one person into a call, the audio just breaks up so bad
On Aug 31, 2011, at 9:12 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:

> Hi,
> When i'm talking by Skype, i usually receive a call from an other person. I 
> can answer the second call wile the firs is waiting , but i don't find the 
> option to add him to a conference. What can i do?
> Where is the option that i need press to do this?
> thanks in advanced,
> Francisco
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Re: reason to get a mac

2011-09-01 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, see my comments below.


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
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On 2011-09-01, at 6:56 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> 1. Which part of the blind community is best helped with a mac?
> My current answer: those who are willing and capable of self study. As with 
> sighted folks, of course this does not include every one. There are courses 
> being developed, but if you have no users, there is no urgent need for 
> courses to get to know the mac. And if there are no courses, there's no urge 
> to buy a mac.  So for the moment, the user will have to be willing to self 
> study.
> Please add to this if appropriate.
> I would add that wen sighted friends and family own and use mac they will be 
> better equipt to help the blind user on a mac than on a PC, there-by 
> increasing the effectiveness of the self-support system.
> 2. When is a mac preferable?
I would change this so that it reads something like, "why would the end user 
prefer to use a mac?"
Then I would rewrite this answer.
The user can do much more self-support on the mack than on the PC, including 
re-install of the operating system and restore from backups.
mac systems are more secure against malicious attacks than windows systems and 
are attacked less often.
With apple care you get top of the line coverage for three years if anything 
should go wrong with your hardware.  In the main, apple care issues are 
resolved quickly and telephone support is very good.
With the demise of Windows mobile and simbian mobile phones, the 
inaccessibility of phone 7 and blackberry, and the under-development of 
android, most users looking for an accessible mobile solution are turning to 
the IPhone.  This has made apple a household brand name in the blind community 
and more and more users are turning to apple computers because of their 
familiarity with the IPhone.
> 3. From a user's perspective, Are there any areas where a mac is really 
> better for an independant blind user?
> My current answer: I would say not really. You can get all things done on 
> both systems, but the mac will give you a smoother experience. Speaking for 
> myself, if something doesn't work, it is usually me, who doesn't know how to 
> do it, or something is just plainly inaccessible. You almost never wonder why 
> the system acts strangely this time, and tomorrow it might act differently. I 
> need reasons in daily experiences.
> Might want to skip this.  It's impossible to quantify.  Personally I chafe 
> when I have to go back to windows, especially win7.  In my opinion the mac OS 
> interface is much cleaner and easier to deal with than the current windows 
> interface.  While you can mainly get all your day to day computing done on 
> both systems you can't really quantify the experience.  I'd leave it.
> 4. From the buyer's perspective, in this case the fund paying for the mac for 
> a blind person, is a mac cheaper than a pc?
> My current answer: In the long term yes. Initially, a mac is more expensive. 
> However, you get the screen reader with it, which outweighs the problem of 
> cost for a mac. Further more, if the mac gets updated, usually the screen 
> reader is updated with no further cost. This avoids having to lag behind, 
> where the os is more modern than your screen reader, and you will probably 
> have to spend another sum to update that. Please add to this if appropriate.
> 5. Unknown makes unwanted. Why do funds, insurance companies etc, stick with 
> windows, when there could be a better alternative for a particular user and 
> with respect to price?
> Familiarity: Windows has %94 of the over all computer marketshare.  That 
> means the people doing the recommending and the buying will be windows users 
> most of the time, and the people doing the receiving will have no ground to 
> gainsay them since how do you start doing the research with no computer of 
> your own or experience there-of?  How do you even know what questions to ask, 
> let alone who to ask.
For a while windows was the only solution.  Then you have brands like jaws for 
windows and high powered companies with 25 plus years of experience developing 
access technologies and convincing us that we need their product.  Since apple 
has only made it's push in the last 4 or 5 years, it's not surprising that 
anyone comes along and sees blind people using jaws and thinks that's the end 
of the story.
Magnification: for low vision users, universal access can be a bit of a 
disappointment.  Windows programs like zoomtext still provide superior access 
for users needing special colour schemes, pointer enhancements and other visual 
effects to match their eye cond

Re: Safari help sorly needed

2011-09-01 Thread Esther
Hello Johnny and Paul,

Paul is correct that you can turn on viewing of file extensions in the Finder 
preferences menu.  In FInder, first bring up the Preferences menu with 
Command+comma.  Then navigate to the "Advanced" pane in the FInder Toolbar of 
the Preferences menu. You can either interact and then VO+Right arrow to the 
"Advanced" button and press it (VO-Space) or, if you are using TrackPad 
Commander, you can do this with gestures: two finger swipe right to interact, 
flick right to navigate, double tap to select, two finger swipe left to stop 

On the "Advanced" pane of Finder Preferences there is a check box for "Show all 
filename extensions".  Check this (VO-Space; or double tap if you are using 
TrackPad Commander to navigate; if you are using QuickNav to navigate, press 
the up and down arrow keys to check the box).  Close the preferences window 
with Command+w when you are done.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Sep 1, 2011, at 01:15, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Johny Angel,
> You can turn on extensions in the finder presences. In finder, press vo comma.
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 11:05 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:
>> Hi Simon and all,
>> Well I am still having trouble placing the VLC application into the 
>> applications folder.  After cmd downarrowingon the VLC folder on my desktop, 
>> there is a file called VLC application.  This file will not be copied into 
>> the applications folder.  Someone on the list posted a short time ago on how 
>> to reveal file extensions.  Can someone please repost this information?  I 
>> wanna be sure what I'm trying to copy.
>> Thanks,
>> johnny
>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:
>>> Simon,
>>> Thank you very much.  You are a wonderful help to the list!
>>> I will certainly follow your instructions here.
>>> Thanks!
>>> johnny
>>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 4:04 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
 Please do not feel offended by these basic questions but make sure, when 
 copying n application from the downloads folder, that it has the extension 
 .app after its name. Then - and I think only then - will the application 
 be pasted into your application folder. If - once you have located your 
 application in the downloads folder - you hear .dmg after its name, you 
 need to open it first with command+down arrow. This will probably result 
 in the following: go to your desktop where you will find a folder (usually 
 having the word image in it) which has the name of your application. 
 Interact with it, and you should find there the name of your application 
 with the .app extension. Copy it with command+c and then paste into 
 application folder. Be aware that some .dmg packets when they appear as 
 image browser on your desktop may have application alias already included 
 in them. This is just a shortcut to your application folder which, when 
 you press command+downarrow, will open your application folder straight 
 away. Som programmes when downloaded have extension .pkg. They also will 
 be placed as image browser on your desktop when you open them with 
 command+down arrow. These ,pkg things usually include an installer 
 application which you have to run by pressing command+downarrow to open 
 them, and follow onscreen instructions. 
 Please forgive me if this is something you know, or if it has already been 
 posted here.  Just trying to be helpful.
 With best wishes
 On 31 Aug 2011, at 20:46, Johnny Angel! wrote:
> Chris,
> Thanks so much for this!
> Everything went smoothly except for copying the program into my 
> applications folder.  Vo reports the copy process with a command C, but 
> after then going to the applications folder, command V does nothing, Vo 
> is silent, and nothing is copied.  Any ideas on this last step?
> Thanks,
> Johnny
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> Assuming you haven't changed any preferences, the downloaded files 
>> should be in your Downloads folder. Downloads folder can be found a 
>> number of ways but one quick way is in your dock which is VO-D. Then do 
>> a VO-Shift-M for the contextual menu and choose open Donwloads by 
>> hitting the up arrow once. Once in there the actual installation process 
>> depends on what you downloaded. Most Mac apps come as DMG or DiskImage 
>> files which when opened appear as another drive on your desktop. Usually 
>> within there is some kind of installer package, setup program or just 
>> the app itself. In the last case you can just copy the app, go to your 
>> applications folder and paste it there.
>> CB
>> On 8/29/11 5:29 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I tried asking this once before, but I don

Re: reason to get a mac

2011-09-01 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Paul,

I would just like to add that for people who use several languages, the Mac 
comes with voices and Braille for quite a number of different languages.



On 1 Sep 2011, at 12:56, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Dear list,
> I have a question for us mac users. If anyone thinks it is off topic, if you 
> have an idea where to better ask this, please let me know.
> Shortly, I will attend a discussion with one of our national funds that help 
> blind people buy a computer.  If a blind person living in the Netherlands, 
> really  cannot afford a computer themselves, and they can't get any financial 
> support from any other organisations, there is a fund that they can call 
> upon, however. It is with these people that I'm going to talk soon.
> Currently, if a blind person gets a computer from this pc fund, then what you 
> get is a Dell configuration with windows and a screen reader. If you want 
> anything else, because you think an Apple computer could give you more 
> possibilities, then you can indeed get financial support if they are going to 
> honor the request for help of course, but then you will get half of the 
> money. This puts windows in favor of a mac, because getting haf of the money 
> means that you still cannot get hold of the other half to make it happen, and 
> because you do need a computer, it's going to be windows.
> This reasoning was understandable, until some 3 years ago. Since then, Apple 
> has given us many new, innovative and exciting possibilities with a mac. What 
> I want to achieve is a change in the way they look at this. No matter if you 
> need a pc or a mac, I would like the fund look at it as being 2 equal 
> solutions, one suited better for a person than the other. Not: windows always.
> What I need from you, is some help in putting together a factual enumeration 
> of reasons for a mac. Reasons that people can check upon, and that hold true. 
> I have a number of questions.
> 1. Which part of the blind community is best helped with a mac?
> My current answer: those who are willing and capable of self study. As with 
> sighted folks, of course this does not include every one. There are courses 
> being developed, but if you have no users, there is no urgent need for 
> courses to get to know the mac. And if there are no courses, there's no urge 
> to buy a mac.  So for the moment, the user will have to be willing to self 
> study.
> Please add to this if appropriate.
> 2. When is a mac preferable?
> My current answer: if the user is willing to solve his own problems,.
> The mac avoids repair cost. if the user is willing to get himself out of 
> trouble when something goes really haywire, then a mac will let you do this, 
> and keep him her independant of sighted help. If you have a current backup, 
> you can restore your system without help, and even install an os the same 
> independant way. This avoids sending out staff to the user to go fix their 
> system problems. Besides, if the hard drive fails, you can still work off of 
> an external usb drive 
> until the hardware is fixed. Please add to this, or contradict it.
> 3. From a user's perspective, Are there any areas where a mac is really 
> better for an independant blind user?
> My current answer: I would say not really. You can get all things done on 
> both systems, but the mac will give you a smoother experience. Speaking for 
> myself, if something doesn't work, it is usually me, who doesn't know how to 
> do it, or something is just plainly inaccessible. You almost never wonder why 
> the system acts strangely this time, and tomorrow it might act differently. I 
> need reasons in daily experiences.
> 4. From the buyer's perspective, in this case the fund paying for the mac for 
> a blind person, is a mac cheaper than a pc?
> My current answer: In the long term yes. Initially, a mac is more expensive. 
> However, you get the screen reader with it, which outweighs the problem of 
> cost for a mac. Further more, if the mac gets updated, usually the screen 
> reader is updated with no further cost. This avoids having to lag behind, 
> where the os is more modern than your screen reader, and you will probably 
> have to spend another sum to update that. Please add to this if appropriate.
> 5. Unknown makes unwanted. Why do funds, insurance companies etc, stick with 
> windows, when there could be a better alternative for a particular user and 
> with respect to price?
> These are my questions for now. I'm not an expert. Just an average user, 
> wanting others to benefit from macs as well as windows pc's, whatever is best 
> for them. The fund is open to input, and I'd rather not let this opportunity 
> pass, now that they are listening. I don't want to favor the mac either. I 
> just want it to become an equal alternative, not suited for everyone, but 
> complementing the array of choices.
> Paul.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed t

RE: reason to get a mac

2011-09-01 Thread Bill Holton
To put it in financial terms, besides being a free screenreader, there will
not be upgrade costs for a Windows screen reader so the recipient will not
get further and further behind if they cannot afford the yearly charges for

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: reason to get a mac

Hello Paul,

I would just like to add that for people who use several languages, the Mac
comes with voices and Braille for quite a number of different languages.



On 1 Sep 2011, at 12:56, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Dear list,
> I have a question for us mac users. If anyone thinks it is off topic, if
you have an idea where to better ask this, please let me know.
> Shortly, I will attend a discussion with one of our national funds that
help blind people buy a computer.  If a blind person living in the
Netherlands, really  cannot afford a computer themselves, and they can't get
any financial support from any other organisations, there is a fund that
they can call upon, however. It is with these people that I'm going to talk
> Currently, if a blind person gets a computer from this pc fund, then what
you get is a Dell configuration with windows and a screen reader. If you
want anything else, because you think an Apple computer could give you more
possibilities, then you can indeed get financial support if they are going
to honor the request for help of course, but then you will get half of the
money. This puts windows in favor of a mac, because getting haf of the money
means that you still cannot get hold of the other half to make it happen,
and because you do need a computer, it's going to be windows.
> This reasoning was understandable, until some 3 years ago. Since then,
Apple has given us many new, innovative and exciting possibilities with a
mac. What I want to achieve is a change in the way they look at this. No
matter if you need a pc or a mac, I would like the fund look at it as being
2 equal solutions, one suited better for a person than the other. Not:
windows always.
> What I need from you, is some help in putting together a factual
enumeration of reasons for a mac. Reasons that people can check upon, and
that hold true. I have a number of questions.
> 1. Which part of the blind community is best helped with a mac?
> My current answer: those who are willing and capable of self study. As
with sighted folks, of course this does not include every one. There are
courses being developed, but if you have no users, there is no urgent need
for courses to get to know the mac. And if there are no courses, there's no
urge to buy a mac.  So for the moment, the user will have to be willing to
self study.
> Please add to this if appropriate.
> 2. When is a mac preferable?
> My current answer: if the user is willing to solve his own problems,.
> The mac avoids repair cost. if the user is willing to get himself out of
trouble when something goes really haywire, then a mac will let you do this,
and keep him her independant of sighted help. If you have a current backup,
you can restore your system without help, and even install an os the same
independant way. This avoids sending out staff to the user to go fix their
system problems. Besides, if the hard drive fails, you can still work off of
an external usb drive 
> until the hardware is fixed. Please add to this, or contradict it.
> 3. From a user's perspective, Are there any areas where a mac is really
better for an independant blind user?
> My current answer: I would say not really. You can get all things done on
both systems, but the mac will give you a smoother experience. Speaking for
myself, if something doesn't work, it is usually me, who doesn't know how to
do it, or something is just plainly inaccessible. You almost never wonder
why the system acts strangely this time, and tomorrow it might act
differently. I need reasons in daily experiences.
> 4. From the buyer's perspective, in this case the fund paying for the mac
for a blind person, is a mac cheaper than a pc?
> My current answer: In the long term yes. Initially, a mac is more
expensive. However, you get the screen reader with it, which outweighs the
problem of cost for a mac. Further more, if the mac gets updated, usually
the screen reader is updated with no further cost. This avoids having to lag
behind, where the os is more modern than your screen reader, and you will
probably have to spend another sum to update that. Please add to this if
> 5. Unknown makes unwanted. Why do funds, insurance companies etc, stick
with windows, when there could be a better alternative for a particular user
and with respect to price?
> These are my questions for now. I'm not an expert. Just an average user,
wanting others to benefit from macs as well as windows pc's, whatever 

Re: iWork Accessibility

2011-09-01 Thread Garth Humphreys
Hi Anne

I haven't had a chance yet to try this. Do all the hotkeys and hot spots you 
mention needing to set up remain between sessions? Or would you need to set 
these sort of things up each time?

If they are just a once off sort of customizing then I can see that you could 
be relatively efficient in creating the kind of document I mentioned. 

Are you able to tell Pages to skip the whole part where it wants you to pick a 
template and just go immediately in to a plain blank document? 

What you describe does sound do able but it sounds like you need to use a lot 
of VO specific hotkeys. I don't  have to use any Jaws specific keystrokes to 
create the document I described. There is a single two finger keystroke to be 
dropped into editing mode of a blank word doc. A single 3 finger keystroke to 
put me into Heading level 1 I can then type the title and hit enter. I will be 
put back into normal text and then I can hit another single 3 finger keystroke 
to be in heading level 2 and so on. These are just standard windows and word 

I don't point this out to try and tell you how wonderful Windows is. But it 
does feel to me that the productivity applications on the Mac with VO need a 
lot of work before they are able to be taken seriously by the kinds of 
organizations who help buy computer equipment for blind and vision impaired 

Having said all this, I am still looking forward to getting a MBA soon but I 
just have the few mentioned concerns. 

On 01/09/2011, at 1:01 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Garth,
> On 31 Aug 2011, at 16:28, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>> A typical task for me would be a fairly simple document where I have a 
>> number of headings at various levels, ie 1, 2 and 3 with bodies of plain 
>> text in between. 
>> Starting from the desktop could you let me know how I would most quickly 
>> achieve the following. Bring up a new blank document,
> Pages remembers the previous document type you chose. So if you always use a 
> blank document, that's what will be offered. So you'd just have to open 
> Pages, then go to last visible item and press VO-Space to choose it.
>> put in a heading at level one, another at level two, then another at level 
>> three. There would then be some body text and I would be putting in further 
>> headings at levels two and three with passages of text.
> Before beginning to type your document, you would show the styles drawer 
> (Cmd-Shift-T) where you would set hot keys for the various styles. These hot 
> keys are F1-F8. You would then set a hotspot on the Paragraph Styles table. 
> Then you stop interacting, navigate right twice and interact with the scroll 
> area and the layout area.
> In your document, you just have to be in the paragraph to change its style by 
> pressing the hot key. You can check the style by pressing VO-Cmd-Number where 
> number is the hotspot number.
>> I would then want to check i had the formatting correct and that there were 
>> no spelling errors.
> To check spelling, use Cmd-Semicolon. Each misspelled word will be 
> highlighted in turn.
> I hope this makes things a bit clearer.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> -- 
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Re: iWork Accessibility

2011-09-01 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Anne,

Can the same thing be achieved in text edit as well? Garth posed an interesting 
question that I'd also like to know about, but if this can be done in text 
edit, that would suffice for me. Can it be done the same way?

On Aug 31, 2011, at 5:01 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Garth,
> On 31 Aug 2011, at 16:28, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>> A typical task for me would be a fairly simple document where I have a 
>> number of headings at various levels, ie 1, 2 and 3 with bodies of plain 
>> text in between. 
>> Starting from the desktop could you let me know how I would most quickly 
>> achieve the following. Bring up a new blank document,
> Pages remembers the previous document type you chose. So if you always use a 
> blank document, that's what will be offered. So you'd just have to open 
> Pages, then go to last visible item and press VO-Space to choose it.
>> put in a heading at level one, another at level two, then another at level 
>> three. There would then be some body text and I would be putting in further 
>> headings at levels two and three with passages of text.
> Before beginning to type your document, you would show the styles drawer 
> (Cmd-Shift-T) where you would set hot keys for the various styles. These hot 
> keys are F1-F8. You would then set a hotspot on the Paragraph Styles table. 
> Then you stop interacting, navigate right twice and interact with the scroll 
> area and the layout area.
> In your document, you just have to be in the paragraph to change its style by 
> pressing the hot key. You can check the style by pressing VO-Cmd-Number where 
> number is the hotspot number.
>> I would then want to check i had the formatting correct and that there were 
>> no spelling errors.
> To check spelling, use Cmd-Semicolon. Each misspelled word will be 
> highlighted in turn.
> I hope this makes things a bit clearer.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> -- 
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Re: Subscribe to Vision Australia podcasts [was Re: How do you use autocorrect/fix a mispelled word]

2011-09-01 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Esther,

Regarding podcast feeds. If I want to subscribe to a given podcast, of which I 
know there is a feed for it, do I always do that in iTunes? I don't suppose 
that all podcasts on the web can also be found in itunes. So my next question 
is, like you have juice on windows as a podcatcher, and podcaster and 
downcaster on an iphone, do I need to use a special program to subscribe to 
podcast feeds, or can I just do that in safari as well? Rss is still confusing 
to me, because mail can do something with rss, safari can handle rss as well, 
but I still don't know how to apply rss in these programs. If all I want is 
subscribe to a random podcast, of which there is afeed address on a site 
somewhere, how can I do that?

On Aug 31, 2011, at 8:57 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hello Alfredo,
> Vision Australia has also been releasing their podcasts through iTunes, and 
> you can subscribe to:
> • Apple and Other Accessible technology By David Woodbridge
> The two podcast episodes describing "Using Auto Spelling Suggestions in Lion" 
> and "Using Word Completion Suggestions" were released two days ago.  These 
> podcasts periodically get updated on the Vision Australia web site to provide 
> "permanent" links since only the last several episodes are available on the 
> feed.  I posted the link and the information a little over a month ago when 
> they started coming out with podcasts about Lion.  John Panarese has also put 
> links for this up at his macfortheblind web site of VoiceOver resources.
> If you don't want to subscribe via iTunes, you can go to the PodBean web site 
> that David Woodbridge maintains:
> or check out the RSS feed and download the individual episodes:
> feed://
> I subscribed to the podcasts in Podcaster by putting that last feed address 
> into the field for importing new podcasts (double tap "Directory" which is 
> fourth of 5 buttons on main screen, navigate to "import" on the "Podcast 
> Directory" screen and double tap, then type or paste in the feed address.)
> If you forget this information, just Google "Vision Australia podcasts 
> macfortheblind".
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Aug 30, 2011, at 13:50, Alfredo wrote:
>> hey i went to the vision australia website and to the lion section of
>> podcast but nowhere do they state anything on autocorrect or
>> mispelling tutorial podcast.  can you give me the direct link.  I am
>> sorry for the inconvinience this might cause.
>> thanks, alfredo
> -- 
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Re: reason to get a mac

2011-09-01 Thread Alex Hall
Not to mention the cost of upgrading Mac OS has been $30 for the last
two upgrades, while Vista and Win7 cost over $100 for the most basic
package (Home Basic). Also, remember the problems when Jaws didn't
work right with Vista, so users couldn't upgrade? Not so in Mac world.
Also, there is no putting your screen reader on a thumb drive and
worrying about authorizing it or anything. You just walk up to a Mac,
hit cmd-f5, and you're off and running. You can even put your VO
preferences on a thumb drive to have the Mac's VO instantly set how
you like it, and you're not stuck in 40 minute mode or with a speech
synthesizer that is hard to understand and listen to for long
stretches (I'm looking at you, eSpeak).

On 9/1/11, Bill Holton  wrote:
> To put it in financial terms, besides being a free screenreader, there will
> not be upgrade costs for a Windows screen reader so the recipient will not
> get further and further behind if they cannot afford the yearly charges for
> upgrades.
> Bill
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
> Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 8:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: reason to get a mac
> Hello Paul,
> I would just like to add that for people who use several languages, the Mac
> comes with voices and Braille for quite a number of different languages.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 1 Sep 2011, at 12:56, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> I have a question for us mac users. If anyone thinks it is off topic, if
> you have an idea where to better ask this, please let me know.
>> Shortly, I will attend a discussion with one of our national funds that
> help blind people buy a computer.  If a blind person living in the
> Netherlands, really  cannot afford a computer themselves, and they can't get
> any financial support from any other organisations, there is a fund that
> they can call upon, however. It is with these people that I'm going to talk
> soon.
>> Currently, if a blind person gets a computer from this pc fund, then what
> you get is a Dell configuration with windows and a screen reader. If you
> want anything else, because you think an Apple computer could give you more
> possibilities, then you can indeed get financial support if they are going
> to honor the request for help of course, but then you will get half of the
> money. This puts windows in favor of a mac, because getting haf of the money
> means that you still cannot get hold of the other half to make it happen,
> and because you do need a computer, it's going to be windows.
>> This reasoning was understandable, until some 3 years ago. Since then,
> Apple has given us many new, innovative and exciting possibilities with a
> mac. What I want to achieve is a change in the way they look at this. No
> matter if you need a pc or a mac, I would like the fund look at it as being
> 2 equal solutions, one suited better for a person than the other. Not:
> windows always.
>> What I need from you, is some help in putting together a factual
> enumeration of reasons for a mac. Reasons that people can check upon, and
> that hold true. I have a number of questions.
>> 1. Which part of the blind community is best helped with a mac?
>> My current answer: those who are willing and capable of self study. As
> with sighted folks, of course this does not include every one. There are
> courses being developed, but if you have no users, there is no urgent need
> for courses to get to know the mac. And if there are no courses, there's no
> urge to buy a mac.  So for the moment, the user will have to be willing to
> self study.
>> Please add to this if appropriate.
>> 2. When is a mac preferable?
>> My current answer: if the user is willing to solve his own problems,.
>> The mac avoids repair cost. if the user is willing to get himself out of
> trouble when something goes really haywire, then a mac will let you do this,
> and keep him her independant of sighted help. If you have a current backup,
> you can restore your system without help, and even install an os the same
> independant way. This avoids sending out staff to the user to go fix their
> system problems. Besides, if the hard drive fails, you can still work off of
> an external usb drive
>> until the hardware is fixed. Please add to this, or contradict it.
>> 3. From a user's perspective, Are there any areas where a mac is really
> better for an independant blind user?
>> My current answer: I would say not really. You can get all things done on
> both systems, but the mac will give you a smoother experience. Speaking for
> myself, if something doesn't work, it is usually me, who doesn't know how to
> do it, or something is just plainly inaccessible. You almost never wonder
> why the system acts strangely this time, and tomorrow it might act
> differently. I need reasons in daily experiences.
>> 4. From the buyer's pers

difference quicklook and preview?

2011-09-01 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi list,
What is the difference between quick look in finder and preview? Isn't it true 
that these are actually the same thing? That once you open a file in finder 
with the spacebar, finder calls it quicklook, while in fact preview is being 
started? I'm a bit confused because from the super duper backup program manual 
I get the impression that these are actually 2 differnt things. Curious.


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Re: difference quicklook and preview?

2011-09-01 Thread erik burggraaf
Quicklook is for thumbnailing any kind of file in finder.  It's like a finder 
feature, not a program.

I mainly use Preview for viewing adobe documents.  If it is useful for anything 
else, I'm not aware of it, but for viewing and printing PDF's it's really good.


Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
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or on the web at

On 2011-09-01, at 9:33 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi list,
> What is the difference between quick look in finder and preview? Isn't it 
> true that these are actually the same thing? That once you open a file in 
> finder with the spacebar, finder calls it quicklook, while in fact preview is 
> being started? I'm a bit confused because from the super duper backup program 
> manual I get the impression that these are actually 2 differnt things. 
> Curious.
> Paul.
> -- 
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iPhone accessibility engineer opening at Apple

2011-09-01 Thread Chris Blouch

In case anyone has the skills to do the job, Apple is hiring.


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Re: iWork Accessibility

2011-09-01 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Garth,

If you create a template with all the settings you normally use along with the 
hot keys, you can just open the template and Pages will be launched and you'll 
be in the document. No setting up to do anymore.



On 1 Sep 2011, at 14:41, Garth Humphreys wrote:

> Hi Anne
> I haven't had a chance yet to try this. Do all the hotkeys and hot spots you 
> mention needing to set up remain between sessions? Or would you need to set 
> these sort of things up each time?
> If they are just a once off sort of customizing then I can see that you could 
> be relatively efficient in creating the kind of document I mentioned. 
> Are you able to tell Pages to skip the whole part where it wants you to pick 
> a template and just go immediately in to a plain blank document? 
> What you describe does sound do able but it sounds like you need to use a lot 
> of VO specific hotkeys. I don't  have to use any Jaws specific keystrokes to 
> create the document I described. There is a single two finger keystroke to be 
> dropped into editing mode of a blank word doc. A single 3 finger keystroke to 
> put me into Heading level 1 I can then type the title and hit enter. I will 
> be put back into normal text and then I can hit another single 3 finger 
> keystroke to be in heading level 2 and so on. These are just standard windows 
> and word keystrokes.
> I don't point this out to try and tell you how wonderful Windows is. But it 
> does feel to me that the productivity applications on the Mac with VO need a 
> lot of work before they are able to be taken seriously by the kinds of 
> organizations who help buy computer equipment for blind and vision impaired 
> people.   
> Having said all this, I am still looking forward to getting a MBA soon but I 
> just have the few mentioned concerns. 
> Garth
> On 01/09/2011, at 1:01 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello Garth,
>> On 31 Aug 2011, at 16:28, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>>> A typical task for me would be a fairly simple document where I have a 
>>> number of headings at various levels, ie 1, 2 and 3 with bodies of plain 
>>> text in between. 
>>> Starting from the desktop could you let me know how I would most quickly 
>>> achieve the following. Bring up a new blank document,
>> Pages remembers the previous document type you chose. So if you always use a 
>> blank document, that's what will be offered. So you'd just have to open 
>> Pages, then go to last visible item and press VO-Space to choose it.
>>> put in a heading at level one, another at level two, then another at level 
>>> three. There would then be some body text and I would be putting in further 
>>> headings at levels two and three with passages of text.
>> Before beginning to type your document, you would show the styles drawer 
>> (Cmd-Shift-T) where you would set hot keys for the various styles. These hot 
>> keys are F1-F8. You would then set a hotspot on the Paragraph Styles table. 
>> Then you stop interacting, navigate right twice and interact with the scroll 
>> area and the layout area.
>> In your document, you just have to be in the paragraph to change its style 
>> by pressing the hot key. You can check the style by pressing VO-Cmd-Number 
>> where number is the hotspot number.
>>> I would then want to check i had the formatting correct and that there were 
>>> no spelling errors.
>> To check spelling, use Cmd-Semicolon. Each misspelled word will be 
>> highlighted in turn.
>> I hope this makes things a bit clearer.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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finding the url of a youtube video

2011-09-01 Thread chad baker
hi does anyone know how to find a url of a youtube video
i use to right click and get copy link but not in this version of safari

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Re: iWork Accessibility

2011-09-01 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Paul,

I really don't use TextEdit very much, but I doubt that it would do the job.



On 1 Sep 2011, at 15:11, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Anne,
> Can the same thing be achieved in text edit as well? Garth posed an 
> interesting question that I'd also like to know about, but if this can be 
> done in text edit, that would suffice for me. Can it be done the same way?
> Paul.
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 5:01 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Garth,
>> On 31 Aug 2011, at 16:28, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>>> A typical task for me would be a fairly simple document where I have a 
>>> number of headings at various levels, ie 1, 2 and 3 with bodies of plain 
>>> text in between. 
>>> Starting from the desktop could you let me know how I would most quickly 
>>> achieve the following. Bring up a new blank document,
>> Pages remembers the previous document type you chose. So if you always use a 
>> blank document, that's what will be offered. So you'd just have to open 
>> Pages, then go to last visible item and press VO-Space to choose it.
>>> put in a heading at level one, another at level two, then another at level 
>>> three. There would then be some body text and I would be putting in further 
>>> headings at levels two and three with passages of text.
>> Before beginning to type your document, you would show the styles drawer 
>> (Cmd-Shift-T) where you would set hot keys for the various styles. These hot 
>> keys are F1-F8. You would then set a hotspot on the Paragraph Styles table. 
>> Then you stop interacting, navigate right twice and interact with the scroll 
>> area and the layout area.
>> In your document, you just have to be in the paragraph to change its style 
>> by pressing the hot key. You can check the style by pressing VO-Cmd-Number 
>> where number is the hotspot number.
>>> I would then want to check i had the formatting correct and that there were 
>>> no spelling errors.
>> To check spelling, use Cmd-Semicolon. Each misspelled word will be 
>> highlighted in turn.
>> I hope this makes things a bit clearer.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
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Re: Apple is working on a television for 2012, sources say | VentureBeat

2011-09-01 Thread Dan Roy
KYes, I agree with you, but, I am assuming this would not be a regular TV, 
hopefully, it will also be a settop box, I can hope, can't I?

On Aug 31, 2011, at 7:49 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> I think it would be cool but, if you use a dish or cable which most do, it 
> won't matter too much in my opinion.  What most want is access to the menus 
> of their cable box not necessarily the TV settings.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:42 PM, Dan Roy wrote:
>> I don't need to explain to anyone what this could mean for those of us who 
>> are blind!
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: "andy" 
>>> Subject: Apple is working on a television for 2012, sources say | 
>>> VentureBeat
>>> Date: August 31, 2011 3:28:09 AM CDT
>>> To: "Dan roy" 
>>> Okay hear comes the next big product fromapple.
>> -- 
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Voice Input, Braille Output under Lion

2011-09-01 Thread Michael Busboom
Hello everyone,

For a lot of health-related reasons that I won't go into, I need to slowly 
explore alternatives to keyboard input.  My thinking is that I would use Nuance 
products; a recommendation for what to order would be needed.  I would also 
like to use my BrailleNote Apex for Braille output.  To make life easier for 
those who are kind enough to assist me, here are my questions:

1.  I need voice input for both German and English.  Does Nuance or someone 
else sell a multilingual voice input package that would fit the bill?  I may be 
mistaken, but I don't believe that Apple sells or produces anything that would 
meet this need.

2.  I assume that speech recognition results are most promising if one uses a 
good headset with a microphone.  what works best with the Mac?  As long as I am 
purchasing a headset, I would also want it to work with Skype, though if it 
didn't, it wouldn't be a show stopper.

3.  I have never successfully connected my BrailleNote Apex to the Mac via 
Bluetooth.  Does anyone know of any documentation that would describe this 
procedure in detail?  Perhaps a USB  connection would be better, and comments 
on this thought are welcome.

My sincerest thanks,


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Flash vs jQuery

2011-09-01 Thread Chris Blouch
For those into web development an interesting crossover point has been 
reached. surveyed 17,982 web sites and found 48% use 
jQuery while 47% now use Flash. For Mac users Flash is a known 
accessibility black hole rendering any content within unusable. Over the 
past 9 months jQuery gained 9% while Flash dropped 2%. Of course the two 
are not mutually exclusive as a site could use both, but more sites 
using jQuery, which uses web standards, can't be bad for accessibility.


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Re: finding the url of a youtube video

2011-09-01 Thread Traci
Hi, I'm new to the Mac, but wouldn't it work to hit command-L to get to the 
address bar, then command-C to copy the url?

A bit of a guess, but it sounds right. :)


Sent from my iPad

On Sep 1, 2011, at 7:23 AM, chad baker  wrote:

> hi does anyone know how to find a url of a youtube video
> i use to right click and get copy link but not in this version of safari
> thanks
> -- 
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Re: Apple is working on a television for 2012, sources say | VentureBeat

2011-09-01 Thread Chris Blouch
Apple already makes a settop box called AppleTV. I'm assuming if they 
make an actual TV ( iTV ?) it would simply be a merging of AppleTV and a 
screen since the currently manufacture both as separate products. Only 
new bit would be some kind of tuner since the current box is just a 
streaming media thing. Nice thing would be that, being built on AppleTV, 
it should be pretty accessible unlike many settop boxes and tv on screen 

Some commentary on liklihood of an Apple branded TV here:,2817,2392184,00.asp


On 9/1/11 10:26 AM, Dan Roy wrote:

KYes, I agree with you, but, I am assuming this would not be a regular TV, 
hopefully, it will also be a settop box, I can hope, can't I?

On Aug 31, 2011, at 7:49 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

I think it would be cool but, if you use a dish or cable which most do, it 
won't matter too much in my opinion.  What most want is access to the menus of 
their cable box not necessarily the TV settings.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter&  Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:42 PM, Dan Roy wrote:

I don't need to explain to anyone what this could mean for those of us who are 

Begin forwarded message:

From: "andy"
Subject: Apple is working on a television for 2012, sources say | VentureBeat
Date: August 31, 2011 3:28:09 AM CDT
To: "Dan roy"

Okay hear comes the next big product fromapple.

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Re: finding the url of a youtube video

2011-09-01 Thread Ricardo Walker

You hit the nail on the head. :)

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 1, 2011, at 10:47 AM, Traci wrote:

> Hi, I'm new to the Mac, but wouldn't it work to hit command-L to get to the 
> address bar, then command-C to copy the url?
> A bit of a guess, but it sounds right. :)
> Traci
> Sent from my iPad
> On Sep 1, 2011, at 7:23 AM, chad baker  wrote:
>> hi does anyone know how to find a url of a youtube video
>> i use to right click and get copy link but not in this version of safari
>> thanks
>> -- 
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re-finding a url on youtube

2011-09-01 Thread chad baker
hi guys thanks for the help works great

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Re: Voice Input, Braille Output under Lion

2011-09-01 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Mike,

I've just been looking at Dragon Dictate for you, but it doesn't seem to work 
with German. I can find French and English, but nothing else. Have you 
contacted Nuance to ask them about it?

As for your Braille display, I'm afraid I can't help there, either.



On 1 Sep 2011, at 16:39, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> For a lot of health-related reasons that I won't go into, I need to slowly 
> explore alternatives to keyboard input.  My thinking is that I would use 
> Nuance products; a recommendation for what to order would be needed.  I would 
> also like to use my BrailleNote Apex for Braille output.  To make life easier 
> for those who are kind enough to assist me, here are my questions:
> 1.  I need voice input for both German and English.  Does Nuance or someone 
> else sell a multilingual voice input package that would fit the bill?  I may 
> be mistaken, but I don't believe that Apple sells or produces anything that 
> would meet this need.
> 2.  I assume that speech recognition results are most promising if one uses a 
> good headset with a microphone.  what works best with the Mac?  As long as I 
> am purchasing a headset, I would also want it to work with Skype, though if 
> it didn't, it wouldn't be a show stopper.
> 3.  I have never successfully connected my BrailleNote Apex to the Mac via 
> Bluetooth.  Does anyone know of any documentation that would describe this 
> procedure in detail?  Perhaps a USB  connection would be better, and comments 
> on this thought are welcome.
> My sincerest thanks,
> Mike
> -- 
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Re: Batch conversion in Amadeus?

2011-09-01 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Paul,

I have the first version of Amadeus lite and to my surprise when I 
looked under file I did not find the Batch Conversion option.  So it looks like 
this is part of the Pro edition.  

Eric Caron 
On Sep 1, 2011, at 12:50 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:

> Hi. Does amadeus lite do batch conversions; or is that only found in the pro 
> version?
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Voice Input, Braille Output under Lion

2011-09-01 Thread Alex Hall
The apex under Lion acts very oddly; letters expand to their grade 2
words immediately, backspace and enter don't work, and you can't
assign commands. I have contacted Apple about this and they said they
would contact Humanware for an updated driver. However, Humanware says
that it is up to Apple, so who knows what will happen? Still, you can
read what vo says well enough, and the thumb keys do work for
navigation, interacting, and so on, so it may work for you until they
fix the driver and expand the apex's functionality under Lion. That,
though, is with a bluetooth connection; I'm not sure about USB.

On 9/1/11, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Mike,
> I've just been looking at Dragon Dictate for you, but it doesn't seem to
> work with German. I can find French and English, but nothing else. Have you
> contacted Nuance to ask them about it?
> As for your Braille display, I'm afraid I can't help there, either.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 1 Sep 2011, at 16:39, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> For a lot of health-related reasons that I won't go into, I need to slowly
>> explore alternatives to keyboard input.  My thinking is that I would use
>> Nuance products; a recommendation for what to order would be needed.  I
>> would also like to use my BrailleNote Apex for Braille output.  To make
>> life easier for those who are kind enough to assist me, here are my
>> questions:
>> 1.  I need voice input for both German and English.  Does Nuance or
>> someone else sell a multilingual voice input package that would fit the
>> bill?  I may be mistaken, but I don't believe that Apple sells or produces
>> anything that would meet this need.
>> 2.  I assume that speech recognition results are most promising if one
>> uses a good headset with a microphone.  what works best with the Mac?  As
>> long as I am purchasing a headset, I would also want it to work with
>> Skype, though if it didn't, it wouldn't be a show stopper.
>> 3.  I have never successfully connected my BrailleNote Apex to the Mac via
>> Bluetooth.  Does anyone know of any documentation that would describe this
>> procedure in detail?  Perhaps a USB  connection would be better, and
>> comments on this thought are welcome.
>> My sincerest thanks,
>> Mike
>> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: difference quicklook and preview?

2011-09-01 Thread Jon Cohn
Quicklook can also be used to listen to audio files...

When you quicklook an audio file the playback will be paused if you switch to a 
different application on the Mac and then will resume when you jump back to the 
finder.  Quicklook can also be used for HTML files in exactly the same way as 
PDF's.  THis is fine for reading, but does not allow any editing and has only 
primitive controls.

Best wishes,


On Sep 1, 2011, at 9:38 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Quicklook is for thumbnailing any kind of file in finder.  It's like a finder 
> feature, not a program.
> I mainly use Preview for viewing adobe documents.  If it is useful for 
> anything else, I'm not aware of it, but for viewing and printing PDF's it's 
> really good.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2011-09-01, at 9:33 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> What is the difference between quick look in finder and preview? Isn't it 
>> true that these are actually the same thing? That once you open a file in 
>> finder with the spacebar, finder calls it quicklook, while in fact preview 
>> is being started? I'm a bit confused because from the super duper backup 
>> program manual I get the impression that these are actually 2 differnt 
>> things. Curious.
>> Paul.
>> -- 
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Re: Safari help sorly needed

2011-09-01 Thread Chris Blouch
Should also note that OSX won't prevent you from putting in any file you 
want in the Appllications folder. While it might not make sense to drop 
a PDF or whatever in there, you can do it.

Not sure why copy paste was not working for you. I opened the 
applications folder with Command-shift-a. If you have some kind of tree 
view going on it might not know where you want the file to go unless you 
navigate the tree the way you want it. So maybe you were trying to paste 
in the wrong spot? Normally I find the app (if it's not the kind that 
has an installer), copy it, apple-shift-a, then paste.


On 8/31/11 4:04 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:


Please do not feel offended by these basic questions but make sure, 
when copying n application from the downloads folder, that it has the 
extension .app after its name. Then - and I think only then - will the 
application be pasted into your application folder. If - once you have 
located your application in the downloads folder - you hear .dmg after 
its name, you need to open it first with command+down arrow. This will 
probably result in the following: go to your desktop where you will 
find a folder (usually having the word image in it) which has the name 
of your application. Interact with it, and you should find there the 
name of your application with the .app extension. Copy it with 
command+c and then paste into application folder. Be aware that some 
.dmg packets when they appear as image browser on your desktop may 
have application alias already included in them. This is just a 
shortcut to your application folder which, when you press 
command+downarrow, will open your application folder straight away. 
Som programmes when downloaded have extension .pkg. They also will be 
placed as image browser on your desktop when you open them with 
command+down arrow. These ,pkg things usually include an installer 
application which you have to run by pressing command+downarrow to 
open them, and follow onscreen instructions.

Please forgive me if this is something you know, or if it has already 
been posted here.  Just trying to be helpful.

With best wishes

On 31 Aug 2011, at 20:46, Johnny Angel! wrote:


Thanks so much for this!

Everything went smoothly except for copying the program into my 
applications folder.  Vo reports the copy process with a command C, 
but after then going to the applications folder, command V does 
nothing, Vo is silent, and nothing is copied.  Any ideas on this last 


On Aug 31, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Assuming you haven't changed any preferences, the downloaded files 
should be in your Downloads folder. Downloads folder can be found a 
number of ways but one quick way is in your dock which is VO-D. Then 
do a VO-Shift-M for the contextual menu and choose open Donwloads by 
hitting the up arrow once. Once in there the actual installation 
process depends on what you downloaded. Most Mac apps come as DMG or 
DiskImage files which when opened appear as another drive on your 
desktop. Usually within there is some kind of installer package, 
setup program or just the app itself. In the last case you can just 
copy the app, go to your applications folder and paste it there.


On 8/29/11 5:29 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:

Hi all,

I tried asking this once before, but I don't think my question got 
through to the list.  At any rate, here goes:

I need help understanding how to download programs from websites in 

Would someone please be so kind as to offer me a detailed teaching 
on how to do this?  I would click on a download link, but to me 
nothing is happening.  When I navigate to the download button, I 
can see at least one of the programs I have tried downloading, but 
I don't know what I am to do to get the program onto my mbp from there.

Thanks a lot everyone,

Johnny Angel! 

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Johnny Angel! 

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Re: iWork Accessibility

2011-09-01 Thread Jon Cohn
It is fairly straight forward in textedit to do non-stylized changes ie there 
are shortcuts to Bold, Underline, Italic, Center, Justify, increase font and 
decrease font.
(Most of these shortcuts work in any richtext based Macintosh application) What 
pages does is set up or allow you to setup several styles which modify all of 
these parameters at once.  I am not sure if any of these styles will map into 
the HTML H1 - H6  header tags that are so useful in skimming web page content.

Best wishes,


On Sep 1, 2011, at 10:23 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Paul,
> I really don't use TextEdit very much, but I doubt that it would do the job.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 1 Sep 2011, at 15:11, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Anne,
>> Can the same thing be achieved in text edit as well? Garth posed an 
>> interesting question that I'd also like to know about, but if this can be 
>> done in text edit, that would suffice for me. Can it be done the same way?
>> Paul.
>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 5:01 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Garth,
>>> On 31 Aug 2011, at 16:28, Garth Humphreys wrote:
 A typical task for me would be a fairly simple document where I have a 
 number of headings at various levels, ie 1, 2 and 3 with bodies of plain 
 text in between. 
 Starting from the desktop could you let me know how I would most quickly 
 achieve the following. Bring up a new blank document,
>>> Pages remembers the previous document type you chose. So if you always use 
>>> a blank document, that's what will be offered. So you'd just have to open 
>>> Pages, then go to last visible item and press VO-Space to choose it.
 put in a heading at level one, another at level two, then another at level 
 three. There would then be some body text and I would be putting in 
 further headings at levels two and three with passages of text.
>>> Before beginning to type your document, you would show the styles drawer 
>>> (Cmd-Shift-T) where you would set hot keys for the various styles. These 
>>> hot keys are F1-F8. You would then set a hotspot on the Paragraph Styles 
>>> table. Then you stop interacting, navigate right twice and interact with 
>>> the scroll area and the layout area.
>>> In your document, you just have to be in the paragraph to change its style 
>>> by pressing the hot key. You can check the style by pressing VO-Cmd-Number 
>>> where number is the hotspot number.
 I would then want to check i had the formatting correct and that there 
 were no spelling errors.
>>> To check spelling, use Cmd-Semicolon. Each misspelled word will be 
>>> highlighted in turn.
>>> I hope this makes things a bit clearer.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> -- 
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Re: Looking for an accessible audio converter

2011-09-01 Thread Chris Blouch
Ahh, wasn't aware that was a requirement. Of course you can always just 
bring it in, convert it and take it back out. Maybe too much rigamarole.


On 8/31/11 11:54 PM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:

Hi. I don't want the resulting conversions to end up in iTunes. I just want 
conversion from ogg to mp3 without iTunes trying to import anything into the 
I wasn't sure if this was possible.

On Aug 31, 2011, at 9:35 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

I'm curious. Why not use iTunes to do the conversion. Did the Ogg import 
plugins previously mentioned on this list stop working? I haven't tried this 
for a long time.


On 8/30/11 11:52 AM, Esther wrote:

Hi Paul,

If you're looking for simple conversion of ogg to mp3 on the Mac, Erik's 
suggestion of Max will probably work for you:
Max is donationware.  But Eric Caron is correct that Amadeus Pro or its Lite 
version has a powerful batch processor that will also handle many functions 
besides simple conversions (e.g., fades, adding/trimming silence, conversion of 
sound quality, normalization, and lots more). This shareware audio editing 
program had a recent major upgrade, so the price is now $60.  If you want to 
try the trial version, just Google the name together with macupdate, which will 
give you the link to the program and the web site.  (It's also sold on the Mac 
App Store, but trial downloads are not supported in the App Store).  The Blind 
Cool Tech podcast on batch processing with Amadeus Pro is Dane's podcast from 
two years earlier.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 30, 2011, at 03:51, Eric Caron wrote:

Hi Paul,

It is not free but Amadeus Pro or Amadeus Pro lite does a great job 
with conversions and also is a nice audio editor.  it is at the app store.

You can do single or batch conversions.  There is even a tutorial on 
Blindcool tech on doing large numbers of conversions with Amadeus Pro.

eRic Caron
On Aug 30, 2011, at 1:08 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:

Hi. I'm looking for an accessible audio converter. I need to convert ogg files 
into mp3 files. I have tunesify, but I find it less than intuitive to use.
For some reason, even though I have selected the folder with its subfolders, it 
doesn't seem to want to convert the ogg files. I also can't tell whether it 
will convert the contents of subfolders in the original folder.
Anything better out there?
I'm use to using gold wave or the audio stripper from NCH software.
However, I don't like the heavy-handedness of NCH when it comes to reinstalling 
their software or putting it on more than one machine.

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VO, what I have written?

2011-09-01 Thread Traci
Hi all,

What is the keyboard command to read what I have written?  Say I'm filling out 
a form, and want to check what I wrote inside an edit field?  Or say I'm 
posting my status in Facebook, and want to double check what I just wrote?  Is 
there a way to do this?

Thank you,

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Re: VO, what I have written?

2011-09-01 Thread Paul Erkens
Could it be that you want the vo f3 command? This reads you the contents of the 
voiceover cursor.
On Sep 1, 2011, at 7:56 PM, Traci wrote:

> Hi all,
> What is the keyboard command to read what I have written?  Say I'm filling 
> out a form, and want to check what I wrote inside an edit field?  Or say I'm 
> posting my status in Facebook, and want to double check what I just wrote?  
> Is there a way to do this?
> Thank you,
> Traci
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Re: VO, what I have written?

2011-09-01 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
you can use regular cursor keys--arrows--to read through any text field, and 
you can always tab-shift-tab out of and back into a forms field to hear its 
contents.  Is this what you need?

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Skype conferences

2011-09-01 Thread Francisco Salvador Crespo
Yes, but if the person is calling me, this doesn't appear on the table
that there is in the Add people dialog

2011/9/1, Cody :
> The option is in the call window you need to press the add people button
> which tends to disappear. The table on that screen works a little funky but
> I must warn you, I'm not sure if it is only me, but when I try to conference
> in more than one person into a call, the audio just breaks up so bad
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 9:12 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When i'm talking by Skype, i usually receive a call from an other person.
>> I can answer the second call wile the firs is waiting , but i don't find
>> the option to add him to a conference. What can i do?
>> Where is the option that i need press to do this?
>> thanks in advanced,
>> Francisco
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Re: OS X Lion and VoiceOver issues

2011-09-01 Thread Paul Erkens
Christopher Mark Zack,
I think you may already know this because the message I'm replying to is a bit 
old, but you can install growl and then install growl safari, so that you get a 
spoken message, once a download is complete. If you want to know whether a 
download is in progress, just check if the rightmost item on the safari  
toolbar is the download button. If it is, click it. In the new dialog, if the 
clear button is dimmed, something is still downloading and you can interact 
with the item to the right of the clear button to see what that is. Once the 
clear button becomes available, the download seems complete. Press the clear 
button, and the download button will disappear from the safari toolbar, to 
appear again next time something starts downloading. Growl can tell you as 
well, but you need both growl and the extension growl safari. The extension is 
part of the growl download, as I found out yesterday. Uncomfortable though it 
may be, we do have enough access.
On Jul 22, 2011, at 2:24 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> I somewhat disagree with Buddy.  OK, the download window is accessible to get 
> to and once there works, but, if you click a link and a file starts 
> downoading, you you hear is the link was pressed.  You get no indication that 
> it started downloading a file, so you just have to assume, then go look if 
> you're so inclined.  Definitely! a back-peddle in my opinion.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Buddy Brannan" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 8:16 PM
> Subject: Re: OS X Lion and VoiceOver issues
> I agree completely with the mail sluggishness issues, particular if a message 
> is very long or a conversation thread has more than a few messages in it. 
> However, I don't see the downloads thing as an accessibility issue at all. 
> The button is perfectly accessible, there's no trouble finding it, and once 
> opened, the download window looks just like it did before. It's just 
> different from the previous version, but IMO, no less accessible.
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Jul 21, 2011, at 5:01 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
>> Dear MacVisionaries,
>> I've just sent the following letter to Apple Accessibility.  I hope it 
>> provides a decent summation of some of the issues we've been experiencing 
>> with the new OS, and that it will give them a better idea of what sorts of 
>> things should be looked into when they upgrade the product.
>> I'll be sure to forward any response I receive.
>> Best,
>> Zack.
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Zachary Kline 
>>> Subject: OS X Lion and VoiceOver issues
>>> Date: July 21, 2011 1:58:13 PM PDT
>>> To: Apple Accessibility 
>>> Dear Apple Accessibility,
>>> I have recently upgraded my mid 2010 macbook pro to Lion, and have for the 
>>> most part been quite pleased with its performance.  However, there are a 
>>> few troubling developments which degrade the overall quality of the 
>>> experience.
>>> THe Launchpad and Mission Control features seem mostly accessible, but 
>>> there are some omissions which render them less useful than they could be.  
>>> There seems no way to move applications into folders, or indeed at all, 
>>> using VoiceOver.  Drag and drop does not do the expected thing. Mission 
>>> Control is somewhat better, but Spaces seem impractical because there is 
>>> neither any way to delete them nor to move between apps in a single space.
>>> Safari and Mail also present accessibility problems.  Safari's new 
>>> downloads popup is not ideal accessibility-wise, and while it works after a 
>>> fashion the old downloads window was preferable.  Similarly, Mail seems 
>>> sluggish, often reporting that it is busy, especially in the new layout. 
>>> Drag and drop is inconsistent here as well: the Favorites bar can be added 
>>> to with the new shortcuts, but Voiceover refuses to drag items which have a 
>>> press action, thus requiring the old mouse toggling shortcut to remove them.
>>> These are a representative sampling of the various issues I've encountered 
>>> in using Lion with VoiceOver.  I hope that at least some of these may be 
>>> fixed in the near future, as this would greatly improve the usability of 
>>> the system.
>>> Yours sincerely,
>>> Zack Kline.
>> -- 
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Re: Subscribe to Vision Australia podcasts [was Re: How do you use autocorrect/fix a mispelled word]

2011-09-01 Thread Jon Cohn
There are a few options.  The easiest is to use the Subscribe to podcast in the 
advanced menu of iTunes.

If you goto the feed: url in Safari, then you should be able to review the 
podcast there.  there will also be a subscribe in mail button on the Safari 
page.  If you subscribe in mail then the a/v material in the podcast will 
appear as an attachment to the text of the RSS blurb.

Best wishes,


On Sep 1, 2011, at 9:28 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Esther,
> Regarding podcast feeds. If I want to subscribe to a given podcast, of which 
> I know there is a feed for it, do I always do that in iTunes? I don't suppose 
> that all podcasts on the web can also be found in itunes. So my next question 
> is, like you have juice on windows as a podcatcher, and podcaster and 
> downcaster on an iphone, do I need to use a special program to subscribe to 
> podcast feeds, or can I just do that in safari as well? Rss is still 
> confusing to me, because mail can do something with rss, safari can handle 
> rss as well, but I still don't know how to apply rss in these programs. If 
> all I want is subscribe to a random podcast, of which there is afeed address 
> on a site somewhere, how can I do that?
> Paul.
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 8:57 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hello Alfredo,
>> Vision Australia has also been releasing their podcasts through iTunes, and 
>> you can subscribe to:
>> • Apple and Other Accessible technology By David Woodbridge
>> The two podcast episodes describing "Using Auto Spelling Suggestions in 
>> Lion" and "Using Word Completion Suggestions" were released two days ago.  
>> These podcasts periodically get updated on the Vision Australia web site to 
>> provide "permanent" links since only the last several episodes are available 
>> on the feed.  I posted the link and the information a little over a month 
>> ago when they started coming out with podcasts about Lion.  John Panarese 
>> has also put links for this up at his macfortheblind web site of VoiceOver 
>> resources.
>> If you don't want to subscribe via iTunes, you can go to the PodBean web 
>> site that David Woodbridge maintains:
>> or check out the RSS feed and download the individual episodes:
>> feed://
>> I subscribed to the podcasts in Podcaster by putting that last feed address 
>> into the field for importing new podcasts (double tap "Directory" which is 
>> fourth of 5 buttons on main screen, navigate to "import" on the "Podcast 
>> Directory" screen and double tap, then type or paste in the feed address.)
>> If you forget this information, just Google "Vision Australia podcasts 
>> macfortheblind".
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Aug 30, 2011, at 13:50, Alfredo wrote:
>>> hey i went to the vision australia website and to the lion section of
>>> podcast but nowhere do they state anything on autocorrect or
>>> mispelling tutorial podcast.  can you give me the direct link.  I am
>>> sorry for the inconvinience this might cause.
>>> thanks, alfredo
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Re: printing PPT files in Lion

2011-09-01 Thread Chris Blouch
Give Open Office or LibreOffice a try. They are free and somewhat 


On 8/31/11 3:16 PM, Dan wrote:

Hello List,
I have some Powerpoint handouts and I cannot get them to open under Lion.
We do not have any MS office stuff on this machine. Furthermore the PPT files 
will not open with Keynote.
We are using VoiceOver, so if anyone has any applications to suggest, I'd hope 
they will be accessible by VO users.
Any suggestions?


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Re: reason to get a mac

2011-09-01 Thread Mary Otten
To add a different perspective on the screen reader cost issue, depending on 
the needs of the end user, the "mac is cheaper in the long run" argument may  
not hold, because there are now perfectly adequate low or no cost screen 
reading solutions for Windows, namely NVDA and System Access. In the case that 
one of these suits the needs of the perspective user, the cost of a Mac mini 
plus needed accessories will not be less, even in the long run, than a 
comparable pc and one of the above named screen readers. 
Mary Otten

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multiple e-mail deleting after being gone for a while

2011-09-01 Thread Jennifer Perdue

I just got married and was gone for a while.  I tried to delete multiple 
e-mails and they came back the next day.  Help.

Jenny and her Goofy Guide Brooks
On Aug 27, 2011, at 1:15 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Mary,
> You can get the 256 of storage on the 11-inch, and that's what I got.  And 
> yeah, it is expensive.  Still not sure if I'm going to keep it, or just live 
> with lugging around my MBP.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Aug 27, 2011, at 1:58 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>> So, Donna, you got the 13 inch MBA? I ask because you mentioned getting the 
>> 256 gb of storage, and I thought that was only on the 13 inch. That is one 
>> expensive upgrade for the 128 to the 256 gb of storage!
>> Mary
>> Mary Otten
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Problem installing VM Fusion tools

2011-09-01 Thread Bill Holton
I got a Windows 7 installation completed on VM Fusion.  I am trying to
install the tools, but when I click the install tools link in the menu
there's a bit of disk activity, then nothing, and it keeps telling me VM
tools have not been installed.  I'm sure it's operator error, if someone can
enlighten me there would be joy and celebrations.  Thanks.

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Re: reason to get a mac

2011-09-01 Thread Alex Hall
True. However, the cost of operating system upgrades is still less on
the Mac than on Windows. Besides which, most agencies buy Jaws because
it is, or was, the gold standard and is still the biggest name in
screen reading today, and no one considers alternatives like SAToGo or

On 9/1/11, Mary Otten  wrote:
> To add a different perspective on the screen reader cost issue, depending on
> the needs of the end user, the "mac is cheaper in the long run" argument may
>  not hold, because there are now perfectly adequate low or no cost screen
> reading solutions for Windows, namely NVDA and System Access. In the case
> that one of these suits the needs of the perspective user, the cost of a Mac
> mini plus needed accessories will not be less, even in the long run, than a
> comparable pc and one of the above named screen readers.
> Mary Otten
> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: VO, what I have written?

2011-09-01 Thread Jon Cohn
I generally use VO-L (read line) some of what you want to use will depend on if 
you are interacting with the input field.  If you are not-interacting with the 
input field then VO-F3 should work. If you are interacting then the commands to 
read from beginning will give you the entire field.  (VO-B or two finger flip 

Best wishes,


On Sep 1, 2011, at 1:58 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Could it be that you want the vo f3 command? This reads you the contents of 
> the voiceover cursor.
> Hth,
> Paul.
> On Sep 1, 2011, at 7:56 PM, Traci wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> What is the keyboard command to read what I have written?  Say I'm filling 
>> out a form, and want to check what I wrote inside an edit field?  Or say I'm 
>> posting my status in Facebook, and want to double check what I just wrote?  
>> Is there a way to do this?
>> Thank you,
>> Traci
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Radis treaming on Macintos

2011-09-01 Thread Francisco Salvador Crespo

Does someone know what app can i use to do a radio stream?
Also, i've an external sound card. Is there stereo mix on mac for the internal 
sound card?

Thanks in advanzed,


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Re: Voice Input, Braille Output under Lion

2011-09-01 Thread Michael Busboom
Hello Alex,

This is helpful indeed.  I don't believe that pairing the Apex with the Mac is 
all that straightforward, and I believe that the problem lies with Humanware.

For as expensive as the Apex is, I can't help but be disappointed in its 
software.  That's a different story for a different time, however.

Based on what you wrote, as well as what Anne wrote, it appears that I'm 
covered, as far as English is concerned.

May I contact you off the list to get some assistance with pairing the Mac and 
the Apex?  Either Skype or FaceTime would work for me.

Kindest regards,


On 1,Sep,2011, at 7:23 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> The apex under Lion acts very oddly; letters expand to their grade 2
> words immediately, backspace and enter don't work, and you can't
> assign commands. I have contacted Apple about this and they said they
> would contact Humanware for an updated driver. However, Humanware says
> that it is up to Apple, so who knows what will happen? Still, you can
> read what vo says well enough, and the thumb keys do work for
> navigation, interacting, and so on, so it may work for you until they
> fix the driver and expand the apex's functionality under Lion. That,
> though, is with a bluetooth connection; I'm not sure about USB.
> On 9/1/11, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello Mike,
>> I've just been looking at Dragon Dictate for you, but it doesn't seem to
>> work with German. I can find French and English, but nothing else. Have you
>> contacted Nuance to ask them about it?
>> As for your Braille display, I'm afraid I can't help there, either.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 1 Sep 2011, at 16:39, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> For a lot of health-related reasons that I won't go into, I need to slowly
>>> explore alternatives to keyboard input.  My thinking is that I would use
>>> Nuance products; a recommendation for what to order would be needed.  I
>>> would also like to use my BrailleNote Apex for Braille output.  To make
>>> life easier for those who are kind enough to assist me, here are my
>>> questions:
>>> 1.  I need voice input for both German and English.  Does Nuance or
>>> someone else sell a multilingual voice input package that would fit the
>>> bill?  I may be mistaken, but I don't believe that Apple sells or produces
>>> anything that would meet this need.
>>> 2.  I assume that speech recognition results are most promising if one
>>> uses a good headset with a microphone.  what works best with the Mac?  As
>>> long as I am purchasing a headset, I would also want it to work with
>>> Skype, though if it didn't, it wouldn't be a show stopper.
>>> 3.  I have never successfully connected my BrailleNote Apex to the Mac via
>>> Bluetooth.  Does anyone know of any documentation that would describe this
>>> procedure in detail?  Perhaps a USB  connection would be better, and
>>> comments on this thought are welcome.
>>> My sincerest thanks,
>>> Mike
>>> --
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> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: Voice Input, Braille Output under Lion

2011-09-01 Thread Michael Busboom
Hello Anne,

As usual, your insights are helpful.  I am sure that a German version is 
available, but I will check with Nuance, just to be sure.

I have two questions for you:

1.  Did English and French come bundled, or did you have to buy each language 

2.  What kind, if any headset did you use?  If you just used earbuds for 
monitoring, did you get by with your Mac's internal microphone?

My best to you and Archie,


On 1,Sep,2011, at 7:17 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> I've just been looking at Dragon Dictate for you, but it doesn't seem to work 
> with German. I can find French and English, but nothing else. Have you 
> contacted Nuance to ask them about it?
> As for your Braille display, I'm afraid I can't help there, either.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 1 Sep 2011, at 16:39, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> For a lot of health-related reasons that I won't go into, I need to slowly 
>> explore alternatives to keyboard input.  My thinking is that I would use 
>> Nuance products; a recommendation for what to order would be needed.  I 
>> would also like to use my BrailleNote Apex for Braille output.  To make life 
>> easier for those who are kind enough to assist me, here are my questions:
>> 1.  I need voice input for both German and English.  Does Nuance or someone 
>> else sell a multilingual voice input package that would fit the bill?  I may 
>> be mistaken, but I don't believe that Apple sells or produces anything that 
>> would meet this need.
>> 2.  I assume that speech recognition results are most promising if one uses 
>> a good headset with a microphone.  what works best with the Mac?  As long as 
>> I am purchasing a headset, I would also want it to work with Skype, though 
>> if it didn't, it wouldn't be a show stopper.
>> 3.  I have never successfully connected my BrailleNote Apex to the Mac via 
>> Bluetooth.  Does anyone know of any documentation that would describe this 
>> procedure in detail?  Perhaps a USB  connection would be better, and 
>> comments on this thought are welcome.
>> My sincerest thanks,
>> Mike
>> -- 
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Re: nice desktop youtube viewer?

2011-09-01 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Yuma

did you try a you tube widget for Dashboard? I use one and it's pretty easy to 

All the best
Am 31.08.2011 um 22:49 schrieb Yuma Decaux:

> Yuma

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Re: nice desktop youtube viewer?

2011-09-01 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Yuma

did you try a you tube widget for Dashboard? I use one and it's pretty easy to 

All the best
Am 31.08.2011 um 22:49 schrieb Yuma Decaux:

> Yuma

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Re: Voice Input, Braille Output under Lion

2011-09-01 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Mike,

I'm afraid I don't use Dragon Dictate. I just looked it up for you. They only 
have German for Mac OS X up to Snow Leopard because it uses Rosetta. They 
couldn't tell us when a Lion version for German would be available.

I'm never likely to use any dictation software as I was trained as a 
professional typist and having to edit the output from one of these 
applications would be a waste of time for me.



On 1 Sep 2011, at 22:15, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello Anne,
> As usual, your insights are helpful.  I am sure that a German version is 
> available, but I will check with Nuance, just to be sure.
> I have two questions for you:
> 1.  Did English and French come bundled, or did you have to buy each language 
> separately?
> 2.  What kind, if any headset did you use?  If you just used earbuds for 
> monitoring, did you get by with your Mac's internal microphone?

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Re: Voice Input, Braille Output under Lion

2011-09-01 Thread Alex Hall
Sure. My email is It is actually a pretty easy
process, but is not done how you might expect.

On 9/1/11, Michael Busboom  wrote:
> Hello Alex,
> This is helpful indeed.  I don't believe that pairing the Apex with the Mac
> is all that straightforward, and I believe that the problem lies with
> Humanware.
> For as expensive as the Apex is, I can't help but be disappointed in its
> software.  That's a different story for a different time, however.
> Based on what you wrote, as well as what Anne wrote, it appears that I'm
> covered, as far as English is concerned.
> May I contact you off the list to get some assistance with pairing the Mac
> and the Apex?  Either Skype or FaceTime would work for me.
> Kindest regards,
> Mike
> On 1,Sep,2011, at 7:23 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> The apex under Lion acts very oddly; letters expand to their grade 2
>> words immediately, backspace and enter don't work, and you can't
>> assign commands. I have contacted Apple about this and they said they
>> would contact Humanware for an updated driver. However, Humanware says
>> that it is up to Apple, so who knows what will happen? Still, you can
>> read what vo says well enough, and the thumb keys do work for
>> navigation, interacting, and so on, so it may work for you until they
>> fix the driver and expand the apex's functionality under Lion. That,
>> though, is with a bluetooth connection; I'm not sure about USB.
>> On 9/1/11, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>> Hello Mike,
>>> I've just been looking at Dragon Dictate for you, but it doesn't seem to
>>> work with German. I can find French and English, but nothing else. Have
>>> you
>>> contacted Nuance to ask them about it?
>>> As for your Braille display, I'm afraid I can't help there, either.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 1 Sep 2011, at 16:39, Michael Busboom wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 For a lot of health-related reasons that I won't go into, I need to
 explore alternatives to keyboard input.  My thinking is that I would use
 Nuance products; a recommendation for what to order would be needed.  I
 would also like to use my BrailleNote Apex for Braille output.  To make
 life easier for those who are kind enough to assist me, here are my

 1.  I need voice input for both German and English.  Does Nuance or
 someone else sell a multilingual voice input package that would fit the
 bill?  I may be mistaken, but I don't believe that Apple sells or
 anything that would meet this need.

 2.  I assume that speech recognition results are most promising if one
 uses a good headset with a microphone.  what works best with the Mac?
 long as I am purchasing a headset, I would also want it to work with
 Skype, though if it didn't, it wouldn't be a show stopper.

 3.  I have never successfully connected my BrailleNote Apex to the Mac
 Bluetooth.  Does anyone know of any documentation that would describe
 procedure in detail?  Perhaps a USB  connection would be better, and
 comments on this thought are welcome.

 My sincerest thanks,


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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)

Re: iWork Accessibility

2011-09-01 Thread Garth Humphreys
Sounds like what I was wanting . 
Thanks. I guess that now that activities are available in OS X this would also 

Sent from my iPhone

On 02/09/2011, at 12:21 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Garth,
> If you create a template with all the settings you normally use along with 
> the hot keys, you can just open the template and Pages will be launched and 
> you'll be in the document. No setting up to do anymore.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 1 Sep 2011, at 14:41, Garth Humphreys wrote:
>> Hi Anne
>> I haven't had a chance yet to try this. Do all the hotkeys and hot spots you 
>> mention needing to set up remain between sessions? Or would you need to set 
>> these sort of things up each time?
>> If they are just a once off sort of customizing then I can see that you 
>> could be relatively efficient in creating the kind of document I mentioned. 
>> Are you able to tell Pages to skip the whole part where it wants you to pick 
>> a template and just go immediately in to a plain blank document? 
>> What you describe does sound do able but it sounds like you need to use a 
>> lot of VO specific hotkeys. I don't  have to use any Jaws specific 
>> keystrokes to create the document I described. There is a single two finger 
>> keystroke to be dropped into editing mode of a blank word doc. A single 3 
>> finger keystroke to put me into Heading level 1 I can then type the title 
>> and hit enter. I will be put back into normal text and then I can hit 
>> another single 3 finger keystroke to be in heading level 2 and so on. These 
>> are just standard windows and word keystrokes.
>> I don't point this out to try and tell you how wonderful Windows is. But it 
>> does feel to me that the productivity applications on the Mac with VO need a 
>> lot of work before they are able to be taken seriously by the kinds of 
>> organizations who help buy computer equipment for blind and vision impaired 
>> people.   
>> Having said all this, I am still looking forward to getting a MBA soon but I 
>> just have the few mentioned concerns. 
>> Garth
>> On 01/09/2011, at 1:01 AM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>> Hello Garth,
>>> On 31 Aug 2011, at 16:28, Garth Humphreys wrote:
 A typical task for me would be a fairly simple document where I have a 
 number of headings at various levels, ie 1, 2 and 3 with bodies of plain 
 text in between. 
 Starting from the desktop could you let me know how I would most quickly 
 achieve the following. Bring up a new blank document,
>>> Pages remembers the previous document type you chose. So if you always use 
>>> a blank document, that's what will be offered. So you'd just have to open 
>>> Pages, then go to last visible item and press VO-Space to choose it.
 put in a heading at level one, another at level two, then another at level 
 three. There would then be some body text and I would be putting in 
 further headings at levels two and three with passages of text.
>>> Before beginning to type your document, you would show the styles drawer 
>>> (Cmd-Shift-T) where you would set hot keys for the various styles. These 
>>> hot keys are F1-F8. You would then set a hotspot on the Paragraph Styles 
>>> table. Then you stop interacting, navigate right twice and interact with 
>>> the scroll area and the layout area.
>>> In your document, you just have to be in the paragraph to change its style 
>>> by pressing the hot key. You can check the style by pressing VO-Cmd-Number 
>>> where number is the hotspot number.
 I would then want to check i had the formatting correct and that there 
 were no spelling errors.
>>> To check spelling, use Cmd-Semicolon. Each misspelled word will be 
>>> highlighted in turn.
>>> I hope this makes things a bit clearer.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
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Re: Skype conferences

2011-09-01 Thread Cody
Oh, if someone is calling you it will open a window which you can click the 
accept button
On Sep 1, 2011, at 2:03 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:

> Yes, but if the person is calling me, this doesn't appear on the table
> that there is in the Add people dialog
> 2011/9/1, Cody :
>> The option is in the call window you need to press the add people button
>> which tends to disappear. The table on that screen works a little funky but
>> I must warn you, I'm not sure if it is only me, but when I try to conference
>> in more than one person into a call, the audio just breaks up so bad
>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 9:12 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> When i'm talking by Skype, i usually receive a call from an other person.
>>> I can answer the second call wile the firs is waiting , but i don't find
>>> the option to add him to a conference. What can i do?
>>> Where is the option that i need press to do this?
>>> thanks in advanced,
>>> Francisco
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Re: Skype conferences

2011-09-01 Thread Krister Ekstrom
But what happens then is that the current conference is put on hold, you can't 
seem to add incoming calls to a conference, only those you put there yourself 
or am i wrong?

1 sep 2011 kl. 23:21 skrev Cody:

> Oh, if someone is calling you it will open a window which you can click the 
> accept button
> On Sep 1, 2011, at 2:03 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
>> Yes, but if the person is calling me, this doesn't appear on the table
>> that there is in the Add people dialog
>> 2011/9/1, Cody :
>>> The option is in the call window you need to press the add people button
>>> which tends to disappear. The table on that screen works a little funky but
>>> I must warn you, I'm not sure if it is only me, but when I try to conference
>>> in more than one person into a call, the audio just breaks up so bad
>>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 9:12 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
 When i'm talking by Skype, i usually receive a call from an other person.
 I can answer the second call wile the firs is waiting , but i don't find
 the option to add him to a conference. What can i do?
 Where is the option that i need press to do this?
 thanks in advanced,
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Re: Skype conferences

2011-09-01 Thread Francisco Salvador Crespo
Yes, but if I press the accept button the firs call doesn't add to a conference,
El 01/09/2011, a las 18:21, Cody escribió:

> Oh, if someone is calling you it will open a window which you can click the 
> accept button
> On Sep 1, 2011, at 2:03 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
>> Yes, but if the person is calling me, this doesn't appear on the table
>> that there is in the Add people dialog
>> 2011/9/1, Cody :
>>> The option is in the call window you need to press the add people button
>>> which tends to disappear. The table on that screen works a little funky but
>>> I must warn you, I'm not sure if it is only me, but when I try to conference
>>> in more than one person into a call, the audio just breaks up so bad
>>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 9:12 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
 When i'm talking by Skype, i usually receive a call from an other person.
 I can answer the second call wile the firs is waiting , but i don't find
 the option to add him to a conference. What can i do?
 Where is the option that i need press to do this?
 thanks in advanced,
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Re: Skype conferences

2011-09-01 Thread Francisco Salvador Crespo
No, i believe that you don't understand me. If i'm talking with only a person 
and a second person calls me, how can i make a conference with this people?
El 01/09/2011, a las 18:25, Krister Ekstrom escribió:

> But what happens then is that the current conference is put on hold, you 
> can't seem to add incoming calls to a conference, only those you put there 
> yourself or am i wrong?
> /Krister
> 1 sep 2011 kl. 23:21 skrev Cody:
>> Oh, if someone is calling you it will open a window which you can click the 
>> accept button
>> On Sep 1, 2011, at 2:03 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
>>> Yes, but if the person is calling me, this doesn't appear on the table
>>> that there is in the Add people dialog
>>> 2011/9/1, Cody :
 The option is in the call window you need to press the add people button
 which tends to disappear. The table on that screen works a little funky but
 I must warn you, I'm not sure if it is only me, but when I try to 
 in more than one person into a call, the audio just breaks up so bad
 On Aug 31, 2011, at 9:12 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
> Hi,
> When i'm talking by Skype, i usually receive a call from an other person.
> I can answer the second call wile the firs is waiting , but i don't find
> the option to add him to a conference. What can i do?
> Where is the option that i need press to do this?
> thanks in advanced,
> Francisco
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Re: VO, what I have written?

2011-09-01 Thread Traci
Thank you guys, I'll try some of these and see what works in my situation.  :)


  - Original Message - 
  From: Jon Cohn 
  Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 12:37 PM
  Subject: Re: VO, what I have written?

  I generally use VO-L (read line) some of what you want to use will depend on 
if you are interacting with the input field.  If you are not-interacting with 
the input field then VO-F3 should work. If you are interacting then the 
commands to read from beginning will give you the entire field.  (VO-B or two 
finger flip up)

  Best wishes,


  On Sep 1, 2011, at 1:58 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:

Could it be that you want the vo f3 command? This reads you the contents of 
the voiceover cursor.

On Sep 1, 2011, at 7:56 PM, Traci wrote:

  Hi all,

  What is the keyboard command to read what I have written?  Say I'm 
filling out a form, and want to check what I wrote inside an edit field?  Or 
say I'm posting my status in Facebook, and want to double check what I just 
wrote?  Is there a way to do this?

  Thank you,

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Re: nice desktop youtube viewer?

2011-09-01 Thread Yuma Decaux
I'll try that one, thanks for the suggestion.

Best regards,

On 2/09/2011, at 8:34 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

> Hi Yuma
> did you try a you tube widget for Dashboard? I use one and it's pretty easy 
> to use.
> All the best
> Jürgen
> Am 31.08.2011 um 22:49 schrieb Yuma Decaux:
>> Yuma
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Re: Skype conferences

2011-09-01 Thread Red.Falcon
The way I understand it is that you have to hang up on the one you want to add, 
then go to your conversations window and add them from there!
And I think that you can only do this if you started the conversation if the 
other person your in a conversation had started the call then only they can add!
Unless someone says different!

On 1 Sep 2011, at 22:39, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:

> No, i believe that you don't understand me. If i'm talking with only a person 
> and a second person calls me, how can i make a conference with this people?
> El 01/09/2011, a las 18:25, Krister Ekstrom escribió:
>> But what happens then is that the current conference is put on hold, you 
>> can't seem to add incoming calls to a conference, only those you put there 
>> yourself or am i wrong?
>> /Krister
>> 1 sep 2011 kl. 23:21 skrev Cody:
>>> Oh, if someone is calling you it will open a window which you can click the 
>>> accept button
>>> On Sep 1, 2011, at 2:03 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
 Yes, but if the person is calling me, this doesn't appear on the table
 that there is in the Add people dialog
 2011/9/1, Cody :
> The option is in the call window you need to press the add people button
> which tends to disappear. The table on that screen works a little funky 
> but
> I must warn you, I'm not sure if it is only me, but when I try to 
> conference
> in more than one person into a call, the audio just breaks up so bad
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 9:12 PM, Francisco Salvador Crespo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When i'm talking by Skype, i usually receive a call from an other person.
>> I can answer the second call wile the firs is waiting , but i don't find
>> the option to add him to a conference. What can i do?
>> Where is the option that i need press to do this?
>> thanks in advanced,
>> Francisco
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Alpine and the Mac

2011-09-01 Thread Joseph Norton
Hi list:

Since I successfully compiled frotz on my Mac, I thought I'd try compiling the 
alpine mail program from

I could not get it to compile, getting several errors.

At first, I thought it was because I did not have openssl, but, I tried to 
compile without ssl support and it still didn't work.

Have any of you successfully compiled Alpine, and, if so, what kind of tweak 
did you need to get it going?

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Re: listening to and using loops in Garage Band?

2011-09-01 Thread CJ Daniel


On Sep 1, 2011, at 1:53 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> just fast forward through the project using the left, right, and option left 
> and right arrows like you normally do anywhere in garageband.  It won't 
> effect your place in the loop table at all.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 10:49 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>> Riccardo,
>> By "find the place you want to copy the loop," do you mean by playing it?  
>> I.E. how could you find & not leave the loop table?  Please forgive my 
>> ignorence, but I didn't quite follow your answer.
>> CJ
>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 5:46 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> all this works but, is certainly not necessary.  when on the loop in the 
>>> table just press command c to copy.  Now find the place in your project you 
>>> want to put the loop and press command V to paste.  You don't even need to 
>>> leave the loop table.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:19 PM, chad baker wrote:
 hi when you have one selected do cmd option coma 
 then stop interacting with the loop browser
 then go to the instrument scroll area
 press return to go to the beginning
 then do cmd option period to drop it
 On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:13 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Thanks, that lets me hear the samples. Now, how do I use one in my
> actual project? I've never used drag and drop before at all.
> On 8/31/11, chad baker  wrote:
>> hi when your on a loop do cmd shift l
>> hth
>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I recently downloaded the 1.2gb pack of Apple instruments and loops and
>>> all that.  I then enabled the loop browser and was looking at the table 
>>> of
>>> drum loops (in column view).  The help tag says to click a loop to hear
>>> it, or drag it to use it in the project.  However, selecting a table row
>>> (vo-space, up-down, mouse click) will not play the loop.  How do I get a
>>> loop to play? How, if I decide to use a loop, do I "drag" it to my song 
>>> in
>>> order to use it, as the tag says? As always, thanks for all your help!
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: Safari help sorly needed

2011-09-01 Thread Johnny Angel!
Thanks Esther and Paul.  That does it!

On Sep 1, 2011, at 8:16 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hello Johnny and Paul,
> Paul is correct that you can turn on viewing of file extensions in the Finder 
> preferences menu.  In FInder, first bring up the Preferences menu with 
> Command+comma.  Then navigate to the "Advanced" pane in the FInder Toolbar of 
> the Preferences menu. You can either interact and then VO+Right arrow to the 
> "Advanced" button and press it (VO-Space) or, if you are using TrackPad 
> Commander, you can do this with gestures: two finger swipe right to interact, 
> flick right to navigate, double tap to select, two finger swipe left to stop 
> interacting.
> On the "Advanced" pane of Finder Preferences there is a check box for "Show 
> all filename extensions".  Check this (VO-Space; or double tap if you are 
> using TrackPad Commander to navigate; if you are using QuickNav to navigate, 
> press the up and down arrow keys to check the box).  Close the preferences 
> window with Command+w when you are done.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Sep 1, 2011, at 01:15, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Johny Angel,
>> You can turn on extensions in the finder presences. In finder, press vo 
>> comma.
>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 11:05 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:
>>> Hi Simon and all,
>>> Well I am still having trouble placing the VLC application into the 
>>> applications folder.  After cmd downarrowingon the VLC folder on my 
>>> desktop, there is a file called VLC application.  This file will not be 
>>> copied into the applications folder.  Someone on the list posted a short 
>>> time ago on how to reveal file extensions.  Can someone please repost this 
>>> information?  I wanna be sure what I'm trying to copy.
>>> Thanks,
>>> johnny
>>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Johnny Angel! wrote:
 Thank you very much.  You are a wonderful help to the list!
 I will certainly follow your instructions here.
 On Aug 31, 2011, at 4:04 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
> Hello,
> Please do not feel offended by these basic questions but make sure, when 
> copying n application from the downloads folder, that it has the 
> extension .app after its name. Then - and I think only then - will the 
> application be pasted into your application folder. If - once you have 
> located your application in the downloads folder - you hear .dmg after 
> its name, you need to open it first with command+down arrow. This will 
> probably result in the following: go to your desktop where you will find 
> a folder (usually having the word image in it) which has the name of your 
> application. Interact with it, and you should find there the name of your 
> application with the .app extension. Copy it with command+c and then 
> paste into application folder. Be aware that some .dmg packets when they 
> appear as image browser on your desktop may have application alias 
> already included in them. This is just a shortcut to your application 
> folder which, when you press command+downarrow, will open your 
> application folder straight away. Som programmes when downloaded have 
> extension .pkg. They also will be placed as image browser on your desktop 
> when you open them with command+down arrow. These ,pkg things usually 
> include an installer application which you have to run by pressing 
> command+downarrow to open them, and follow onscreen instructions. 
> Please forgive me if this is something you know, or if it has already 
> been posted here.  Just trying to be helpful.
> With best wishes
> Simon
> On 31 Aug 2011, at 20:46, Johnny Angel! wrote:
>> Chris,
>> Thanks so much for this!
>> Everything went smoothly except for copying the program into my 
>> applications folder.  Vo reports the copy process with a command C, but 
>> after then going to the applications folder, command V does nothing, Vo 
>> is silent, and nothing is copied.  Any ideas on this last step?
>> Thanks,
>> Johnny
>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> Assuming you haven't changed any preferences, the downloaded files 
>>> should be in your Downloads folder. Downloads folder can be found a 
>>> number of ways but one quick way is in your dock which is VO-D. Then do 
>>> a VO-Shift-M for the contextual menu and choose open Donwloads by 
>>> hitting the up arrow once. Once in there the actual installation 
>>> process depends on what you downloaded. Most Mac apps come as DMG or 
>>> DiskImage files which when opened appear as another drive on your 
>>> desktop. Usually within there is some kind of installer package, setup 
>>> program or just the app itself. In the last case you can just copy th

Re: Subscribe to Vision Australia podcasts [was Re: How do you use autocorrect/fix a mispelled word]

2011-09-01 Thread David Tanner

Hi John,

I am using iCatcher.  What is the best way to subscribe to this podcast 
using iCatcher?

Maybe the official podcast name would help since there is the ability to 
search for podcasts.  Does anyone know the official name of the podcast?

- Original Message - 
From: "Jon Cohn" 

Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: Subscribe to Vision Australia podcasts [was Re: How do you use 
autocorrect/fix a mispelled word]

There are a few options.  The easiest is to use the Subscribe to podcast in 
the advanced menu of iTunes.

If you goto the feed: url in Safari, then you should be able to review the 
podcast there.  there will also be a subscribe in mail button on the Safari 
page.  If you subscribe in mail then the a/v material in the podcast will 
appear as an attachment to the text of the RSS blurb.

Best wishes,


On Sep 1, 2011, at 9:28 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

Hi Esther,

Regarding podcast feeds. If I want to subscribe to a given podcast, of 
which I know there is a feed for it, do I always do that in iTunes? I 
don't suppose that all podcasts on the web can also be found in itunes. So 
my next question is, like you have juice on windows as a podcatcher, and 
podcaster and downcaster on an iphone, do I need to use a special program 
to subscribe to podcast feeds, or can I just do that in safari as well? 
Rss is still confusing to me, because mail can do something with rss, 
safari can handle rss as well, but I still don't know how to apply rss in 
these programs. If all I want is subscribe to a random podcast, of which 
there is afeed address on a site somewhere, how can I do that?

On Aug 31, 2011, at 8:57 PM, Esther wrote:

Hello Alfredo,

Vision Australia has also been releasing their podcasts through iTunes, 
and you can subscribe to:

• Apple and Other Accessible technology By David Woodbridge

The two podcast episodes describing "Using Auto Spelling Suggestions in 
Lion" and "Using Word Completion Suggestions" were released two days ago. 
These podcasts periodically get updated on the Vision Australia web site 
to provide "permanent" links since only the last several episodes are 
available on the feed.  I posted the link and the information a little 
over a month ago when they started coming out with podcasts about Lion. 
John Panarese has also put links for this up at his macfortheblind web 
site of VoiceOver resources.

If you don't want to subscribe via iTunes, you can go to the PodBean web 
site that David Woodbridge maintains:
or check out the RSS feed and download the individual episodes:

I subscribed to the podcasts in Podcaster by putting that last feed 
address into the field for importing new podcasts (double tap "Directory" 
which is fourth of 5 buttons on main screen, navigate to "import" on the 
"Podcast Directory" screen and double tap, then type or paste in the feed 

If you forget this information, just Google "Vision Australia podcasts 

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 30, 2011, at 13:50, Alfredo wrote:

hey i went to the vision australia website and to the lion section of
podcast but nowhere do they state anything on autocorrect or
mispelling tutorial podcast.  can you give me the direct link.  I am
sorry for the inconvinience this might cause.

thanks, alfredo

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Can't open bookshare XML files anymore

2011-09-01 Thread johns.kary
Hi guys,
I used to read and convert Bookshare books by, opening the XML file in  safari 
, and converting from there.
I tried this today and now when I   open the XML file it gives me some page 
about twitter.   I tried it with a book I'd downloaded some weeks ago, and got 
the same thing.
Anyone no what's going on? and how to fix it? 
The only thing I can think of is I've installed lion since I last did it, can't 
see how that would have effected it though.

Thanks heaps for any help, I really need to get these books open.


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Re: Problem installing VM Fusion tools

2011-09-01 Thread
No error at all.  This is the part of vm fusion that requires sited help.  Once 
you click install, and then continue, there are 2 more except and continue 
buttons that voice over doesn't need.  So for this task you will need some help 
Kliphton SR
(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Marriage Blog)
(Marriage group)

On Sep 1, 2011, at 2:19 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

> Hi.
> I got a Windows 7 installation completed on VM Fusion.  I am trying to
> install the tools, but when I click the install tools link in the menu
> there's a bit of disk activity, then nothing, and it keeps telling me VM
> tools have not been installed.  I'm sure it's operator error, if someone can
> enlighten me there would be joy and celebrations.  Thanks.
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Re: Can't open bookshare XML files anymore

2011-09-01 Thread Shannon Dyer
I don't get any page about twitter, but it won't open the file. It shows me the 
list of top sites, a checkbox about bookmarks, etc., but no book. I was 
wondering why this was, and wrote a similar email to yours a few days ago.

Are you a fan of women's music? If so, join me each Thursday from noon until 
three for the Eclectic Collection: a Celebration of Women In Music. Point your 
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On Sep 1, 2011, at 10:15 PM, johns.kary wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I used to read and convert Bookshare books by, opening the XML file in  
> safari , and converting from there.
> I tried this today and now when I   open the XML file it gives me some page 
> about twitter.   I tried it with a book I'd downloaded some weeks ago, and 
> got the same thing.
> Anyone no what's going on? and how to fix it? 
> The only thing I can think of is I've installed lion since I last did it, 
> can't see how that would have effected it though.
> Thanks heaps for any help, I really need to get these books open.
> Thanks,
> Kari. 
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Re: Audio conversion program

2011-09-01 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Thanks, Greg. Tnat's very kind of you.
Why didn't you develop it further regarding the error trapping, etc?
It's always a good thing to have guys write apps which are accessible and add 
one more good app to the pile.

On Aug 31, 2011, at 10:05 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:

> I wrote this a while back and made some modification to make it more 
> accessible. It will convert most common audio formats including ogg files to 
> MP3 format. Run it select your file of files and let it run it announces each 
> file as it works on it. It does not handle errors very well but should work 
> for you. You are free to give it to whoever you like.
> Gregory Kearney | Manager Accessible Media
> Association for the Blind of WA - Guide Dogs WA
> PO Box 101, Victoria Park WA 6979 | 61 Kitchener Ave, Victoria Park WA 6100
> Tel: 08 9311 8246 | Fax: 08 9361 8696 |
> Tel: 307-224-4022 (North America)
> Email:
> Email:

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Re: Audio conversion program

2011-09-01 Thread james Walton
i would like this program
i see it in the message body but can't download it
could some one email me off list with it attached?

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Re: Batch conversion in Amadeus?

2011-09-01 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Yes. When you look at the app store description of the lite version, it doesn't 
mention batch conversion. 
But, you know, I paid $40 for gold wave a few years ago and never used anything 
in it except for the batch conversion. I guess I always figured I'd get around 
to doing more complicated sound editing; but I never did.
I had originally heard that the new version of Amadeus wasn't as accessible as 
older versions, but I assume that that isn't the case any longer; so I might 
just get it.

On Sep 1, 2011, at 10:22 AM, Eric Caron wrote:

> Hi Paul,
>   I have the first version of Amadeus lite and to my surprise when I 
> looked under file I did not find the Batch Conversion option.  So it looks 
> like this is part of the Pro edition.  
> Eric Caron 
> On Sep 1, 2011, at 12:50 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
>> Hi. Does amadeus lite do batch conversions; or is that only found in the pro 
>> version?
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Looking for an accessible audio converter

2011-09-01 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Hi. What's the link for max again? I deleted the message with the link 

On Sep 1, 2011, at 4:08 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Paul Henrichsen,
> Well if you use max, which is free, then you can either rip cd's, or convert 
> a bunch of audio files from within the finder using max.
> Hth,
> Paul.
> On Sep 1, 2011, at 6:00 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
>> Thanks, Eric. I'll have to see how much Amadeus pro lite would cost. Sixty 
>> dollars is a bit much just for converting files.
>> On Aug 30, 2011, at 6:51 AM, Eric Caron wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> It is not free but Amadeus Pro or Amadeus Pro lite does a great job 
>>> with conversions and also is a nice audio editor.  it is at the app store.  
>>> You can do single or batch conversions.  There is even a tutorial on 
>>> Blindcool tech on doing large numbers of conversions with Amadeus Pro. 
>>> eRic Caron
>>> On Aug 30, 2011, at 1:08 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
 Hi. I'm looking for an accessible audio converter. I need to convert ogg 
 files into mp3 files. I have tunesify, but I find it less than intuitive 
 to use.
 For some reason, even though I have selected the folder with its 
 subfolders, it doesn't seem to want to convert the ogg files. I also can't 
 tell whether it will convert the contents of subfolders in the original 
 Anything better out there?
 I'm use to using gold wave or the audio stripper from NCH software.
 However, I don't like the heavy-handedness of NCH when it comes to 
 reinstalling their software or putting it on more than one machine.
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Re: reason to get a mac

2011-09-01 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Yes; but you can't really count system access. It isn't as powerful as Jaws or 
Window-eyes. I own system access to go and it's really a good enough 
screenreader, but lacks many of the powerful features of the other two such as 
set files or scripts. I don't know about NVDA.

On Sep 1, 2011, at 11:15 AM, Mary Otten wrote:

> To add a different perspective on the screen reader cost issue, depending on 
> the needs of the end user, the "mac is cheaper in the long run" argument may  
> not hold, because there are now perfectly adequate low or no cost screen 
> reading solutions for Windows, namely NVDA and System Access. In the case 
> that one of these suits the needs of the perspective user, the cost of a Mac 
> mini plus needed accessories will not be less, even in the long run, than a 
> comparable pc and one of the above named screen readers. 
> Mary Otten
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Re: Tunesque

2011-09-01 Thread james Walton
i will bet you that it put the search box away from where voiceover can see it.
remember many things are hidden from voiceover
like dropbox!

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RE: Tunesque

2011-09-01 Thread Jeff Bishop
Grrr, probably right.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of james Walton
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: Tunesque

i will bet you that it put the search box away from where voiceover can see
remember many things are hidden from voiceover like dropbox!

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Re: Tunesque

2011-09-01 Thread james Walton
there was one app that i found called menu meters
it actually worked!
only for the memory menu meter
but all of the other meters were inaccessible

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