Re: guitar amp software?

2011-08-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

You can definitely add effects while just playing.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 25, 2011, at 10:20 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Thanks. It looks like you can record and apply effects later, but I'm
> still not sure about live effects. That is, I'm not sure if you can
> apply effects as you play or only to recordings.
> On 8/25/11, Taylor Scott  wrote:
>> Yeah, pretty sure you could do this with Garageband.
>> I'm still new to all this, so can't give details other than it is
>> doable. Maybe hit up youtube?
>> On 8/25/11, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> I am wondering if any software exists for the mac to let me plug
>>> my guitar into the mac (via a DI box or basic amp) and apply
>>> effects? Of course, whatever app this is should be accessible.
>>> Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: itunes issue

2011-08-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

I don't need to interact with the table using the latest version of iTunes.  I 
can just go to the table, and use up and down arrow to navigate.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 25, 2011, at 7:45 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> If you move to the music table with VO-right-arrow, you will have to interact 
> with it first and then arrow through it. If you have VO set to interact when 
> using tab key, you can simply tab over and not have to interact. You can set 
> this VO setting in VO preferences (VO-f8), navigation.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> On Aug 24, 2011, at 9:27 PM, Denise Avant wrote:
>> hi,
>> when i move to the table, it says music table. then when i arrow down, i get 
>> no response from vo. i don't see any other obvious issues.
>> On Aug 24, 2011, at 10:25 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi Denise,
>>> I checked this out on a SL machine today and iTunes behaves properly for 
>>> me.  I do not have Quicknav on.  I can arrow without VO keys while 
>>> Interacting with or simply focusing on the Songs table.  Have you tried 
>>> restarting your computer to see if there are any other factors that could 
>>> be affecting iTunes for you?
>>> Later…
>>> On 2011-08-24, at 3:04 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
 thanks. i do not have quick nav turned on. i just noticed that when i 
 arrowed up and down in my songs list, vo would not speak automatically 
 unless i interact with the table.
 it speaks fine when i arrow up and down in the source list, i.e. music 
 movies podcast etc.
 On Aug 23, 2011, at 10:51 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi Denise,
> Arrow navigation does now work properly in Lion and the navigation 
> through the Music Library has also reverted to regular "no hesitation" as 
> in previous versions of iTunes..  In the Software Update notes pertaining 
> to iTunes, it mentions that it is now fully compatible to Lion which 
> leads me to believe that these fixes may not specifically improve 
> performance in Snow Leopard.  I'll locate a Snow Leopard machine tomorrow 
> and try to confirm this.
> Later…
> On 2011-08-23, at 5:38 PM, Denise Avant wrote:
>> hi all,
>> i notice some improvement with the newest version of itunes. but i still 
>> cannot arrow up and down in my songs list, though i am set to list view. 
>> i am running snow leopard.
>> i am wondering if others have found this to be the case? thanks.
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> Tim Kilburn
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Re: Definitive guide to installing another OS on a new Mac

2011-08-26 Thread Georges Zaynoun

I am totally blind and this is how I installed it without sighted help.

First thing I bought a firewire cable which I connected to my macbook 
that had a ready bootcamp partition.  The other machine I used was a 
windows xp machine with 1394 connector, I used it just to quick format 
the bootcamp partition in ntfs after having started the macbook with t 
for target mode held down while powering up.  Once done, I started lion 
again and went to bootcamp, inserted a blank cd in its drive and 
downloaded the drivers for that particular machine and bootcamp burnt 
it to the cd for me.

Now time to install, I inserted windows7 home premium oem version and 
powered with c held down so I boot from the cd, when it stopped turning 
I pressed enter and waited a couple of minutes, enter again and waited 
a little also until it stopped spinning, space bar to check license 
agreement then enter, I hit letter c now then I hit the last enter then 
it was unattended by itself, just bring usb headset or equivalent so 
you use it on third restart to configure, all this without sighted help 
praise the lord.

Original message:

Thank you very much I found it. Doesn't look like it is update for Lion
yet. I assume the portion where Windows is installed on the bootcamp
partition requires sighted assistance.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bill Holton
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 9:28 AM
Subject: RE: Definitive guide to installing another OS on a new Mac

Google this and it should lead you there

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Frank Ventura
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 6:34 AM
Subject: Definitive guide to installing another OS on a new Mac

Hello all, I have seen bits and pieces of this here several times but is
there a good complete step by step guide to setting up a second
operating system under boot camp, for example say something like Windows
7? Hopefully something that explains setting up the disk partition and
installing the proper drivers etc. Any help would greatly be

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Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
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Mobile: +46707567315

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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2011-08-26 Thread Hayri Tulumcu
how can i create a restore dmg file en disc utility?

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itunes issue

2011-08-26 Thread Denise Avant
hi all,
i was having a problem with itunes reading the list of songs. while i do not 
know what happened exactly, i am happy to report itunes and vo are functioning 
just fine. 
i did not make any changes to my settings. so go figure.! thanks everyone.

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Re: going from an MBP to a MacBook Air

2011-08-26 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Neil,

thanks for paying such close attention to my message, and for writing such a 
great response.  I actually picked up an MBA last weekend, and am inclined to 
agree with you on all points.  Happily this particular store actually carried 
the models with the upgraded specs, so I was able to get that model without 
ordering it online.  I have to say, it's a pretty amazing little machine.  It's 
quite speedy--though I haven't really put it through all its paces yet as I 
haven't transferred my data over.  And the sound is amazingly good for such a 
small device.  I do notice a fairly significant difference in sound between the 
MBA and my 13-inch MBP, but as you say, not so much of a difference that it 
would impact my choice of machine.  Now the only question remaining is whether 
I feel rich enough to live without the $1700, especially given that my 2009 MBP 
is working just fine.

On Aug 25, 2011, at 4:39 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> Donna,
> Looking at this, I've owned the 15in MBP and all three of the Air's, the 
> original incarnation and now the 2010 11in and the revised 2011 11in.
> Firstly sound, if you were looking at the original 13in Air, the sound was 
> hopeless, with a mono single speaker I really didn't like that thing.
> The 11in 2010 and 2011 models though for me solve that. there's stereo baby 
> built right in there, and although there's not much bass to talk of, the 
> sound is clear and it packs a surprising amount of punch for its size.
> put against the 15in, its a notable difference in richness and output, but 
> against the 13in MBP, I think less so.
> you do have the bass issue and if you like your tones, not just music but 
> Alex etc to have that depth it might make you think, but I find that once I 
> sit down in front of it, unless I'm working with my iMac along side the Air, 
> which I do every now and then, you'll not notice it.
> Looking at this DVD business, lets see, presumably you're not watching DVD's 
> in the class room etc, so why not just leave the USB drive for that in your 
> hotel etc, I've seen you state that this lack of a DVD drive is a real issue, 
> but only as you seem to watch films, well as someone else has said, a lot of 
> it is downloadable now, you can also rip them, and finally, if you're like 
> me, why should I pay to download something I own on disk, spend the 
> additional $80 and get the super drive... leave it in your hotel room and 
> you're good to go.
> I use my Air for everything when I'm not at a desk, and my iMac if I am.
> The issue that a lot of folk seem to be throwing up over spec and 
> performance, you really need to ask yourself what you're going to be doing 
> with it, I find my Air faster than my MBP 15in, which I had as a late 2010 
> model with full processor upgrade, I think a 2.9Ghz i7 with 4Gb of RAM. but 
> you see most of what I do is word processing, e-mail and internet, oh and 
> iTunes / watching DVD's.
> I carry my MBA all around the world with me, leaving the super drive in hotel 
> rooms or my carry on in a plane if its a long flight.
> I personally think its really the way to go if you're seriously looking to 
> lighten the load.
> there is an InCase sleeve for the 11in and 13in available from the Apple 
> online store, I use this and think its great... for whoever asked that 
> question.
> HTH.
> Neil Barnfather.
> On 15 Aug 2011, at 20:29, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Mika,
> I believe there's a program called DVD Remaster that does that, though I 
> haven't tried it.  In the long-term, your definitely right, I suspect 
> there'll come a time not all that far off when having a DVD drive will seem 
> as obsolete as having a floppy drive does now.  But for me anyway, that time 
> hasn't quite arrived yet.  But, as with Chris's mention of the lack of an SD 
> card slot, this is a question of personal preference and usage.
> The processor question is a tricky one.  The processor on the MBA is slower 
> than that on the MBP.  But the solid state drive should make up for a lot of 
> the difference there.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Aug 15, 2011, at 1:15 PM, Mika Pyyhkala wrote:
>> As for a DVD drive, is it easy say to copy a movie over to the hard drive of 
>> say a MacBook Air, so that you don't need a DVD drive on the road?
>> I just am thinking of this as software increasingly moves to being acquired 
>> through a platform like the Mac app store.
>> I'm just not sure, for me, why it would be important now a days to have a 
>> built in DVD drive?
>> Things like the processor, sound, etc. are more important in the uses I 
>> would tend to have.  I'm not sure also on the MBA that just came out how 
>> much of an improvement the processor is, etc.
>> BTW I now have the 11 inch MBA (the model just before the most recent 
>> release), bought in early 2011.  I still found I mostly used Jaws, mainly 
>> because I'm still more efficien

RE: going from an MBP to a MacBook Air

2011-08-26 Thread Mika Pyyhkala
Hi Donna,

When I upgraded my Mac Mini I was able to easily sell the old one on Amazon for 
almost the cost of the new one.  Its neat with Amazon as you can find the 
particular product you have, and click on e.g. I have one to sell, and you do 
not have to type in the full description or supply photos, etc.  I think it 
sold with in 24 hours of posting if not faster.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: going from an MBP to a MacBook Air

Hi Neil,

thanks for paying such close attention to my message, and for writing such a 
great response.  I actually picked up an MBA last weekend, and am inclined to 
agree with you on all points.  Happily this particular store actually carried 
the models with the upgraded specs, so I was able to get that model without 
ordering it online.  I have to say, it's a pretty amazing little machine.  It's 
quite speedy--though I haven't really put it through all its paces yet as I 
haven't transferred my data over.  And the sound is amazingly good for such a 
small device.  I do notice a fairly significant difference in sound between the 
MBA and my 13-inch MBP, but as you say, not so much of a difference that it 
would impact my choice of machine.  Now the only question remaining is whether 
I feel rich enough to live without the $1700, especially given that my 2009 MBP 
is working just fine.

On Aug 25, 2011, at 4:39 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> Donna,
> Looking at this, I've owned the 15in MBP and all three of the Air's, the 
> original incarnation and now the 2010 11in and the revised 2011 11in.
> Firstly sound, if you were looking at the original 13in Air, the sound was 
> hopeless, with a mono single speaker I really didn't like that thing.
> The 11in 2010 and 2011 models though for me solve that. there's stereo baby 
> built right in there, and although there's not much bass to talk of, the 
> sound is clear and it packs a surprising amount of punch for its size.
> put against the 15in, its a notable difference in richness and output, but 
> against the 13in MBP, I think less so.
> you do have the bass issue and if you like your tones, not just music but 
> Alex etc to have that depth it might make you think, but I find that once I 
> sit down in front of it, unless I'm working with my iMac along side the Air, 
> which I do every now and then, you'll not notice it.
> Looking at this DVD business, lets see, presumably you're not watching DVD's 
> in the class room etc, so why not just leave the USB drive for that in your 
> hotel etc, I've seen you state that this lack of a DVD drive is a real issue, 
> but only as you seem to watch films, well as someone else has said, a lot of 
> it is downloadable now, you can also rip them, and finally, if you're like 
> me, why should I pay to download something I own on disk, spend the 
> additional $80 and get the super drive... leave it in your hotel room and 
> you're good to go.
> I use my Air for everything when I'm not at a desk, and my iMac if I am.
> The issue that a lot of folk seem to be throwing up over spec and 
> performance, you really need to ask yourself what you're going to be doing 
> with it, I find my Air faster than my MBP 15in, which I had as a late 2010 
> model with full processor upgrade, I think a 2.9Ghz i7 with 4Gb of RAM. but 
> you see most of what I do is word processing, e-mail and internet, oh and 
> iTunes / watching DVD's.
> I carry my MBA all around the world with me, leaving the super drive in hotel 
> rooms or my carry on in a plane if its a long flight.
> I personally think its really the way to go if you're seriously looking to 
> lighten the load.
> there is an InCase sleeve for the 11in and 13in available from the Apple 
> online store, I use this and think its great... for whoever asked that 
> question.
> HTH.
> Neil Barnfather.
> On 15 Aug 2011, at 20:29, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Mika,
> I believe there's a program called DVD Remaster that does that, though I 
> haven't tried it.  In the long-term, your definitely right, I suspect 
> there'll come a time not all that far off when having a DVD drive will seem 
> as obsolete as having a floppy drive does now.  But for me anyway, that time 
> hasn't quite arrived yet.  But, as with Chris's mention of the lack of an SD 
> card slot, this is a question of personal preference and usage.
> The processor question is a tricky one.  The processor on the MBA is slower 
> than that on the MBP.  But the solid state drive should make up for a lot of 
> the difference there.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Aug 15, 2011, at 1:15 PM, Mika Pyyhkala wrote:
>> As for a DVD drive, is it easy say to copy a movie over to the hard drive of 
>> say a MacBook Air, so that you don't need a DVD drive on the road?
>> I j

Re: going from an MBP to a MacBook Air

2011-08-26 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Mika,

You know, that is absolutely amazing!  I looked on EBay and Craig's list to see 
what 2009 MBPs with the same specs are going for, and there are people getting 
$800-900 for the things.  that really surprised me, and yeah, it makes the 
sticker-shock on the MBA a little less staggering. :)

thanks for the Amazon suggestion, I hadn't thought of that.

On Aug 26, 2011, at 9:31 AM, Mika Pyyhkala wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> When I upgraded my Mac Mini I was able to easily sell the old one on Amazon 
> for almost the cost of the new one.  Its neat with Amazon as you can find the 
> particular product you have, and click on e.g. I have one to sell, and you do 
> not have to type in the full description or supply photos, etc.  I think it 
> sold with in 24 hours of posting if not faster.
> Best,
> Mika
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 9:15 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: going from an MBP to a MacBook Air
> Hi Neil,
> thanks for paying such close attention to my message, and for writing such a 
> great response.  I actually picked up an MBA last weekend, and am inclined to 
> agree with you on all points.  Happily this particular store actually carried 
> the models with the upgraded specs, so I was able to get that model without 
> ordering it online.  I have to say, it's a pretty amazing little machine.  
> It's quite speedy--though I haven't really put it through all its paces yet 
> as I haven't transferred my data over.  And the sound is amazingly good for 
> such a small device.  I do notice a fairly significant difference in sound 
> between the MBA and my 13-inch MBP, but as you say, not so much of a 
> difference that it would impact my choice of machine.  Now the only question 
> remaining is whether I feel rich enough to live without the $1700, especially 
> given that my 2009 MBP is working just fine.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Aug 25, 2011, at 4:39 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
>> Donna,
>> Looking at this, I've owned the 15in MBP and all three of the Air's, the 
>> original incarnation and now the 2010 11in and the revised 2011 11in.
>> Firstly sound, if you were looking at the original 13in Air, the sound was 
>> hopeless, with a mono single speaker I really didn't like that thing.
>> The 11in 2010 and 2011 models though for me solve that. there's stereo baby 
>> built right in there, and although there's not much bass to talk of, the 
>> sound is clear and it packs a surprising amount of punch for its size.
>> put against the 15in, its a notable difference in richness and output, but 
>> against the 13in MBP, I think less so.
>> you do have the bass issue and if you like your tones, not just music but 
>> Alex etc to have that depth it might make you think, but I find that once I 
>> sit down in front of it, unless I'm working with my iMac along side the Air, 
>> which I do every now and then, you'll not notice it.
>> Looking at this DVD business, lets see, presumably you're not watching DVD's 
>> in the class room etc, so why not just leave the USB drive for that in your 
>> hotel etc, I've seen you state that this lack of a DVD drive is a real 
>> issue, but only as you seem to watch films, well as someone else has said, a 
>> lot of it is downloadable now, you can also rip them, and finally, if you're 
>> like me, why should I pay to download something I own on disk, spend the 
>> additional $80 and get the super drive... leave it in your hotel room and 
>> you're good to go.
>> I use my Air for everything when I'm not at a desk, and my iMac if I am.
>> The issue that a lot of folk seem to be throwing up over spec and 
>> performance, you really need to ask yourself what you're going to be doing 
>> with it, I find my Air faster than my MBP 15in, which I had as a late 2010 
>> model with full processor upgrade, I think a 2.9Ghz i7 with 4Gb of RAM. but 
>> you see most of what I do is word processing, e-mail and internet, oh and 
>> iTunes / watching DVD's.
>> I carry my MBA all around the world with me, leaving the super drive in 
>> hotel rooms or my carry on in a plane if its a long flight.
>> I personally think its really the way to go if you're seriously looking to 
>> lighten the load.
>> there is an InCase sleeve for the 11in and 13in available from the Apple 
>> online store, I use this and think its great... for whoever asked that 
>> question.
>> HTH.
>> Neil Barnfather.
>> On 15 Aug 2011, at 20:29, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Mika,
>> I believe there's a program called DVD Remaster that does that, though I 
>> haven't tried it.  In the long-term, your definitely right, I suspect 
>> there'll come a time not all that far off when having a DVD drive will seem 
>> as obsolete as having a floppy drive does now.  But for me anyway, 

Re: advanced documentation for voice over?

2011-08-26 Thread William Windels
Hi ezzie,i am also very interested in it!
Thx in advance for your respons

william Windels

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone

Op 26-aug.-2011 om 06:30 heeft Johnny Angel!  het 
volgende geschreven:

> Hi Ezzie,
> Would you please be so kind as to also send me this attachment?
> Thanks!
> Johnny Chilelli
> On Aug 17, 2011, at 1:20 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:
>> Hi! There's a "VoiceOver: Getting Started book" that will teach you more 
>> about VO.  I can send it to you as an attachment if you're interested.
>> Ezzie
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Kliph&Sharrie" > To: > Date sent: Wed, 17 Aug 2011 10:56:29 -0500
>> Subject: advanced documentation for voice over?
>> Okay, so I've had my mac for almost 3 months.  And have learned a lot of the
>> basics on my own, and by asking questions.  Where can I get some advanced
>> documentation on how to use voice over.  I'm sure there are some things I
>> don't know, and need to know.  So where have all you learned the things you
>> know?  Thanks
>> Kliphton SR
>> (twitter&Skype) kliphton72
>> (Marriage Blog)
>> (Marriage group)
>> >
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> Johnny Angel!
> -- 
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Re: guitar amp software?

2011-08-26 Thread Chris Blouch
Recording guitars via a direct connection has been notoriously 
difficult. Traditional setup has always been to put a mic in the speaker 
of the guitar amp for best sound. There have been hardware boxes like 
the sansamp and so maybe between the GarageBand software signal 
processing and their special cable they made something that works. At 
least what I heard on the video really sounded good, assuming there was 
no cheating and it really was all done in Garage Band.


On 8/25/11 11:42 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

The movie from Chris does make it look like it is live. I wonder if
you really need the cable they talk about, though; I heard on forums
that it costs $25 or so, which is a lot for a cable. Besides which,
are all these effects and settings accessible?

On 8/25/11, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  wrote:

I, too, want an app that will let me play the live effects, even if I'm just
jamming and not recording.  Plug my Strat into the line-in, select the
effect, play it.  The virtue of this is that there would presumably be a LOT
of effects to play with.  Plus, it'd look real cool at parties. :)

  • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
  • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
  • MSN:
  • My home page:

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a finding regarding the download window

2011-08-26 Thread Ray Foret Jr

I have  discovered that when I hide the tool bar in Safari, I cannot enter   
the download window by pressing Option+Command+f then VO+right arrowing to the 
right to the download window button and pressing it using VO+space.  IN order 
for me to be able to enter the download window, I have to keep the tool bar 
visible.  Any thoughts on why this is so?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


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Re: a finding regarding the download window

2011-08-26 Thread Chris Blouch
Why not use the Command-Option-L to choose the Downloads Window. That's 
also available from the menu bar under Window->Downloads. Or maybe I'm 
missing something. Command+Option+f is to jump to the find/search field 
so I'm not sure why you need that if you want to go to the downloads window.


On 8/26/11 10:08 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:


I have  discovered that when I hide the tool bar in Safari, I cannot 
enter   the download window by pressing Option+Command+f then VO+right 
arrowing to the right to the download window button and pressing it 
using VO+space.  IN order for me to be able to enter the download 
window, I have to keep the tool bar visible.  Any thoughts on why this 
is so?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


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Re: a finding regarding the download window

2011-08-26 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Ar eyou running in Lion?  I understood that Command+shift+l was no longer 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Aug 26, 2011, at 9:30 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Why not use the Command-Option-L to choose the Downloads Window. That's also 
> available from the menu bar under Window->Downloads. Or maybe I'm missing 
> something. Command+Option+f is to jump to the find/search field so I'm not 
> sure why you need that if you want to go to the downloads window.
> CB
> On 8/26/11 10:08 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Okay,
>> I have  discovered that when I hide the tool bar in Safari, I cannot enter   
>> the download window by pressing Option+Command+f then VO+right arrowing to 
>> the right to the download window button and pressing it using VO+space.  IN 
>> order for me to be able to enter the download window, I have to keep the 
>> tool bar visible.  Any thoughts on why this is so?
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> -- 
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Re: a finding regarding the download window

2011-08-26 Thread Ray Foret Jr
OF course, I meant command+Option+l.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Aug 26, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Ar eyou running in Lion?  I understood that Command+shift+l was no longer 
> available.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Aug 26, 2011, at 9:30 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> Why not use the Command-Option-L to choose the Downloads Window. That's also 
>> available from the menu bar under Window->Downloads. Or maybe I'm missing 
>> something. Command+Option+f is to jump to the find/search field so I'm not 
>> sure why you need that if you want to go to the downloads window.
>> CB
>> On 8/26/11 10:08 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Okay,
>>> I have  discovered that when I hide the tool bar in Safari, I cannot enter  
>>>  the download window by pressing Option+Command+f then VO+right arrowing to 
>>> the right to the download window button and pressing it using VO+space.  IN 
>>> order for me to be able to enter the download window, I have to keep the 
>>> tool bar visible.  Any thoughts on why this is so?
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> Facebook:
>>> -- 
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show hidden files in finder, help needed

2011-08-26 Thread William Windels
Hi all,
I was looking around for the command so that I can see all files in the finder 
including /usr /etc ...

I have tried the following 4 commands in the terminal as root:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE

After every command, I have forced to restart the finder but , I can't still 
see the hidden files.

What I am doing wrong?

thx for your help,

best regards,

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Re: [Bulk] show hidden files in finder, help needed

2011-08-26 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Perhaps you might give Tinker Tool a try:

Don't look for it in the app store because it aint there.

Again, go here:

It's completely accessible and I'm sure it will help solve your file issue.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Aug 26, 2011, at 10:26 AM, William Windels wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was looking around for the command so that I can see all files in the 
> finder including /usr /etc ...
> I have tried the following 4 commands in the terminal as root:
> defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
> defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
> defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO
> defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
> After every command, I have forced to restart the finder but , I can't still 
> see the hidden files.
> What I am doing wrong?
> thx for your help,
> best regards,
> William 
> -- 
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Re: advanced documentation for voice over?

2011-08-26 Thread Aimee Glover
Yes so am I.


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 26, 2011, at 9:54 AM, William Windels 

Hi ezzie,i am also very interested in it!
Thx in advance for your respons

william Windels

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone

Op 26-aug.-2011 om 06:30 heeft Johnny Angel!  het
volgende geschreven:

Hi Ezzie,

Would you please be so kind as to also send me this attachment?


Johnny Chilelli
On Aug 17, 2011, at 1:20 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:

Hi! There's a "VoiceOver: Getting Started book" that will teach you more
about VO.  I can send it to you as an attachment if you're interested.


- Original Message -
From: "Kliph&Sharrie" <
To: <
Date sent: Wed, 17 Aug 2011 10:56:29 -0500
Subject: advanced documentation for voice over?

Okay, so I've had my mac for almost 3 months.  And have learned a lot of the
basics on my own, and by asking questions.  Where can I get some advanced
documentation on how to use voice over.  I'm sure there are some things I
don't know, and need to know.  So where have all you learned the things you
know?  Thanks

Kliphton SR

(twitter&Skype) kliphton72

(Marriage Blog)

(Marriage group)

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Johnny Angel!

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Re: a finding regarding the download window

2011-08-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
Chris, Lion has a downloads button and you have to find it to navigate to the 
downloads window. The easiest way to do this is to go to the Google search are 
with command-option-f, then VO to the right to find the downloads button. The 
shortcut key doesn't work anymore with Safari.

Ray, the downloads button is in the toolbar, which is why it doesn't activate 
when the toolbar is hidden. Also, the command-option-l shortcut works in Finder 

On Aug 26, 2011, at 7:30 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Why not use the Command-Option-L to choose the Downloads Window. That's also 
> available from the menu bar under Window->Downloads. Or maybe I'm missing 
> something. Command+Option+f is to jump to the find/search field so I'm not 
> sure why you need that if you want to go to the downloads window.
> CB
> On 8/26/11 10:08 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Okay,
>> I have  discovered that when I hide the tool bar in Safari, I cannot enter   
>> the download window by pressing Option+Command+f then VO+right arrowing to 
>> the right to the download window button and pressing it using VO+space.  IN 
>> order for me to be able to enter the download window, I have to keep the 
>> tool bar visible.  Any thoughts on why this is so?
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> -- 
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Re: itunes issue

2011-08-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hmmm, very interesting. I can do this, too, but if I want to navigate to a 
specific column, I have to interact with the table. Otherwise, it'll just read 
the entire entry to me.

On Aug 26, 2011, at 2:09 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Strange,
> I don't need to interact with the table using the latest version of iTunes.  
> I can just go to the table, and use up and down arrow to navigate.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Aug 25, 2011, at 7:45 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> If you move to the music table with VO-right-arrow, you will have to 
>> interact with it first and then arrow through it. If you have VO set to 
>> interact when using tab key, you can simply tab over and not have to 
>> interact. You can set this VO setting in VO preferences (VO-f8), navigation.
>> HTH,
>> Teresa
>> On Aug 24, 2011, at 9:27 PM, Denise Avant wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> when i move to the table, it says music table. then when i arrow down, i 
>>> get no response from vo. i don't see any other obvious issues.
>>> On Aug 24, 2011, at 10:25 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
 Hi Denise,
 I checked this out on a SL machine today and iTunes behaves properly for 
 me.  I do not have Quicknav on.  I can arrow without VO keys while 
 Interacting with or simply focusing on the Songs table.  Have you tried 
 restarting your computer to see if there are any other factors that could 
 be affecting iTunes for you?
 On 2011-08-24, at 3:04 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
> hi,
> thanks. i do not have quick nav turned on. i just noticed that when i 
> arrowed up and down in my songs list, vo would not speak automatically 
> unless i interact with the table.
> it speaks fine when i arrow up and down in the source list, i.e. music 
> movies podcast etc.
> On Aug 23, 2011, at 10:51 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi Denise,
>> Arrow navigation does now work properly in Lion and the navigation 
>> through the Music Library has also reverted to regular "no hesitation" 
>> as in previous versions of iTunes..  In the Software Update notes 
>> pertaining to iTunes, it mentions that it is now fully compatible to 
>> Lion which leads me to believe that these fixes may not specifically 
>> improve performance in Snow Leopard.  I'll locate a Snow Leopard machine 
>> tomorrow and try to confirm this.
>> Later…
>> On 2011-08-23, at 5:38 PM, Denise Avant wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> i notice some improvement with the newest version of itunes. but i 
>>> still cannot arrow up and down in my songs list, though i am set to 
>>> list view. i am running snow leopard.
>>> i am wondering if others have found this to be the case? thanks.
>>> -- 
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>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Re: Quick list policy change

2011-08-26 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

Agreed whole heartedly.


- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 

Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: Quick list policy change

My only suggestion is what was discussed a few days ago: allow anyone
to sign up for this list instead of requiring them to be approved on
an individual basis.

On 8/25/11, Cara Quinn  wrote:

Hello All;

-Just a quick note to let you know that I've decided to moderate these 

groups on my own once again.

Let me just take a second here to thank Mark for his help in the interim.
Mark had graciously offered his assistance for as long as I needed it and 

here we are. :) Thank you Mark!

So as of now, I'm the sole list moderator. So please do feel free to 

me with any issues you may have. or

Thanks so much for reading, and please do have a lovely day / evening,
wherever you may be!

CQ out! :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: a finding regarding the download window

2011-08-26 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Cause the downloads button is located within the toolbar so if you hide it, 
um... boom, there goes your button?


  - Original Message - 
  From: Ray Foret Jr 
  Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 10:08 AM
  Subject: a finding regarding the download window


  I have  discovered that when I hide the tool bar in Safari, I cannot enter   
the download window by pressing Option+Command+f then VO+right arrowing to the 
right to the download window button and pressing it using VO+space.  IN order 
for me to be able to enter the download window, I have to keep the tool bar 
visible.  Any thoughts on why this is so?

  The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

  Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

  Skype name:


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Re: a finding regarding the download window

2011-08-26 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
No no no, he's talking about the downloads window of Safari not of the Finder

  - Original Message - 
  From: Chris Blouch 
  Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 10:30 AM
  Subject: Re: a finding regarding the download window

  Why not use the Command-Option-L to choose the Downloads Window. That's also 
available from the menu bar under Window->Downloads. Or maybe I'm missing 
something. Command+Option+f is to jump to the find/search field so I'm not sure 
why you need that if you want to go to the downloads window.


  On 8/26/11 10:08 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: 

I have  discovered that when I hide the tool bar in Safari, I cannot enter  
 the download window by pressing Option+Command+f then VO+right arrowing to the 
right to the download window button and pressing it using VO+space.  IN order 
for me to be able to enter the download window, I have to keep the tool bar 
visible.  Any thoughts on why this is so?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


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Re: a finding regarding the download window

2011-08-26 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
That's cause you have the keystroke wrong.  It's command+option L, not 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ray Foret Jr 
  Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 11:15 AM
  Subject: Re: a finding regarding the download window

  Ar eyou running in Lion?  I understood that Command+shift+l was no longer 

  The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

  Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

  Skype name:


  On Aug 26, 2011, at 9:30 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Why not use the Command-Option-L to choose the Downloads Window. That's 
also available from the menu bar under Window->Downloads. Or maybe I'm missing 
something. Command+Option+f is to jump to the find/search field so I'm not sure 
why you need that if you want to go to the downloads window.


On 8/26/11 10:08 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: 

  I have  discovered that when I hide the tool bar in Safari, I cannot 
enter   the download window by pressing Option+Command+f then VO+right arrowing 
to the right to the download window button and pressing it using VO+space.  IN 
order for me to be able to enter the download window, I have to keep the tool 
bar visible.  Any thoughts on why this is so?

  The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

  Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

  Skype name:


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Re: a finding regarding the download window

2011-08-26 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
No, it works, I use it all the time. Just make sure the finder is active when 
you hit it, or it won't work.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ray Foret Jr 
  Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 11:16 AM
  Subject: Re: a finding regarding the download window

  OF course, I meant command+Option+l.

  The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

  Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

  Skype name:


  On Aug 26, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

Ar eyou running in Lion?  I understood that Command+shift+l was no longer 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Aug 26, 2011, at 9:30 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

  Why not use the Command-Option-L to choose the Downloads Window. That's 
also available from the menu bar under Window->Downloads. Or maybe I'm missing 
something. Command+Option+f is to jump to the find/search field so I'm not sure 
why you need that if you want to go to the downloads window.


  On 8/26/11 10:08 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: 

I have  discovered that when I hide the tool bar in Safari, I cannot 
enter   the download window by pressing Option+Command+f then VO+right arrowing 
to the right to the download window button and pressing it using VO+space.  IN 
order for me to be able to enter the download window, I have to keep the tool 
bar visible.  Any thoughts on why this is so?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


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Re: a finding regarding the download window

2011-08-26 Thread Chris Blouch
Ahh, I'm not on Lion yet and was not aware. Apparently lots of people 
are annoyed with losing that shortcut. You can get get it back with a 
little scripting addon which is covered in this article:

and many others.


On 8/26/11 12:43 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

Chris, Lion has a downloads button and you have to find it to navigate to the 
downloads window. The easiest way to do this is to go to the Google search are 
with command-option-f, then VO to the right to find the downloads button. The 
shortcut key doesn't work anymore with Safari.

Ray, the downloads button is in the toolbar, which is why it doesn't activate 
when the toolbar is hidden. Also, the command-option-l shortcut works in Finder 

On Aug 26, 2011, at 7:30 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Why not use the Command-Option-L to choose the Downloads Window. That's also 
available from the menu bar under Window->Downloads. Or maybe I'm missing 
something. Command+Option+f is to jump to the find/search field so I'm not sure 
why you need that if you want to go to the downloads window.


On 8/26/11 10:08 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:


I have  discovered that when I hide the tool bar in Safari, I cannot enter   
the download window by pressing Option+Command+f then VO+right arrowing to the 
right to the download window button and pressing it using VO+space.  IN order 
for me to be able to enter the download window, I have to keep the tool bar 
visible.  Any thoughts on why this is so?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


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Re: a finding regarding the download window

2011-08-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Chris,

How do you assign a keyboard shortcut to the script? I've downloaded it and 
placed it into the correct folder.

On Aug 26, 2011, at 10:05 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Ahh, I'm not on Lion yet and was not aware. Apparently lots of people are 
> annoyed with losing that shortcut. You can get get it back with a little 
> scripting addon which is covered in this article:
> and many others.
> CB
> On 8/26/11 12:43 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Chris, Lion has a downloads button and you have to find it to navigate to 
>> the downloads window. The easiest way to do this is to go to the Google 
>> search are with command-option-f, then VO to the right to find the downloads 
>> button. The shortcut key doesn't work anymore with Safari.
>> Ray, the downloads button is in the toolbar, which is why it doesn't 
>> activate when the toolbar is hidden. Also, the command-option-l shortcut 
>> works in Finder only.
>> HTH,
>> Teresa
>> On Aug 26, 2011, at 7:30 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> Why not use the Command-Option-L to choose the Downloads Window. That's 
>>> also available from the menu bar under Window->Downloads. Or maybe I'm 
>>> missing something. Command+Option+f is to jump to the find/search field so 
>>> I'm not sure why you need that if you want to go to the downloads window.
>>> CB
>>> On 8/26/11 10:08 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 I have  discovered that when I hide the tool bar in Safari, I cannot enter 
   the download window by pressing Option+Command+f then VO+right arrowing 
 to the right to the download window button and pressing it using VO+space. 
  IN order for me to be able to enter the download window, I have to keep 
 the tool bar visible.  Any thoughts on why this is so?
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
 Skype name:
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Re: Quick list policy change

2011-08-26 Thread Alex Hall
As to spam, I have never noticed spam on Google groups. Yahoo groups
tend to have a lot, but not Google, and that is without the
human-verified sign up process enabled.

On 8/26/11, Christopher-Mark Gilland  wrote:
> Agreed whole heartedly.
> Chris.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 8:34 PM
> Subject: Re: Quick list policy change
>> My only suggestion is what was discussed a few days ago: allow anyone
>> to sign up for this list instead of requiring them to be approved on
>> an individual basis.
>> On 8/25/11, Cara Quinn  wrote:
>>> Hello All;
>>> -Just a quick note to let you know that I've decided to moderate these
>>> two
>>> groups on my own once again.
>>> Let me just take a second here to thank Mark for his help in the interim.
>>> Mark had graciously offered his assistance for as long as I needed it and
>>> so
>>> here we are. :) Thank you Mark!
>>> So as of now, I'm the sole list moderator. So please do feel free to
>>> write
>>> me with any issues you may have.
>>> or
>>> Thanks so much for reading, and please do have a lovely day / evening,
>>> wherever you may be!
>>> CQ out! :)
>>> ---
>>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>>> Follow me on Twitter!
>>> --
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>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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RE: Trouble with password field

2011-08-26 Thread Bill Holton
Someone replied with a helpful tip, but the email disappeared before I could
give it a try, and I can't find it in the archives.  Could the sender
resend?  Thanks.

-Original Message-
From: Bill Holton [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 4:36 PM
Subject: Trouble with password field

I am trying to set up bootcamp drivers to copy onto a disk.  The Admin
request dialog comes up, I can enter my account name, but no matter how I
move to the password field nothing types in.  No clicking sound, no visible
*'s or anything, and if I type it in and press return the dialog closes as
I have tried swiping to the field, tabbing to the field, moving to the field
and interacting, every way, it would seem, but the correct way.
Any help appreciated.

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Re: a finding regarding the download window

2011-08-26 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Teresa!
You open vo+f8
Then command+8 and you'll be in the commanders, then go to your preferred 
option I.E. numpad keyboard or trackpad!
Under keyboard select the add button!
In the first field put your choice of letter or number then go to the commands 
menu button and vo space!
At the bottom is custom vo space and select applescript and find the one you 
want and you should be done!

On 26 Aug 2011, at 18:48, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, Chris,
> How do you assign a keyboard shortcut to the script? I've downloaded it and 
> placed it into the correct folder.
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> On Aug 26, 2011, at 10:05 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> Ahh, I'm not on Lion yet and was not aware. Apparently lots of people are 
>> annoyed with losing that shortcut. You can get get it back with a little 
>> scripting addon which is covered in this article:
>> and many others.
>> CB
>> On 8/26/11 12:43 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Chris, Lion has a downloads button and you have to find it to navigate to 
>>> the downloads window. The easiest way to do this is to go to the Google 
>>> search are with command-option-f, then VO to the right to find the 
>>> downloads button. The shortcut key doesn't work anymore with Safari.
>>> Ray, the downloads button is in the toolbar, which is why it doesn't 
>>> activate when the toolbar is hidden. Also, the command-option-l shortcut 
>>> works in Finder only.
>>> HTH,
>>> Teresa
>>> On Aug 26, 2011, at 7:30 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 Why not use the Command-Option-L to choose the Downloads Window. That's 
 also available from the menu bar under Window->Downloads. Or maybe I'm 
 missing something. Command+Option+f is to jump to the find/search field so 
 I'm not sure why you need that if you want to go to the downloads window.
 On 8/26/11 10:08 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Okay,
> I have  discovered that when I hide the tool bar in Safari, I cannot 
> enter   the download window by pressing Option+Command+f then VO+right 
> arrowing to the right to the download window button and pressing it using 
> VO+space.  IN order for me to be able to enter the download window, I 
> have to keep the tool bar visible.  Any thoughts on why this is so?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: Trouble with password field

2011-08-26 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Bill!

I've found on some of my secure text fields that I have to do a mouse click 
then I get the normal clicking!
I do not know if this was one of the options you tried!
And just in case! :]
move mouse [if needed] vo+command+f5 then mouse click vo+shift+space!
Sorry if you've already tried it!
On 26 Aug 2011, at 19:05, Bill Holton wrote:

> Someone replied with a helpful tip, but the email disappeared before I could
> give it a try, and I can't find it in the archives.  Could the sender
> resend?  Thanks.
> Bill
> -Original Message-
> From: Bill Holton [] 
> Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 4:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: Trouble with password field
> Hi.
> I am trying to set up bootcamp drivers to copy onto a disk.  The Admin
> request dialog comes up, I can enter my account name, but no matter how I
> move to the password field nothing types in.  No clicking sound, no visible
> *'s or anything, and if I type it in and press return the dialog closes as
> failed.  
> I have tried swiping to the field, tabbing to the field, moving to the field
> and interacting, every way, it would seem, but the correct way.
> Any help appreciated.
> -- 
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Re: Trouble with password field

2011-08-26 Thread james Walton
i don't know if anyone has mentioned it, but there is a bug with voiceover and 
lion, where sometimes the password sound does not play.
keep that in mind as well

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Help with a resume template from pages...

2011-08-26 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

I managed with the help of my sighted wife to get a nice resume using one of 
the templates in Pages.  

There is however an item on the second and third page footers that is not being 
auto-filled correctly.  It is marked as "page" and when I view as an exported 
PDF it still says "page"  does anybody have a  sugestion? Also, I would love to 
have the job title that is continued on an additional page show up in the 
header if anybody knows how to do this.



Jonathan C. Cohn

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Re: a finding regarding the download window

2011-08-26 Thread Chris Blouch
As I mentioned, I'm not on Lion yet so I can't reproduce the problem, or 
the solution. All the references to this problem seem to point to the 
same blog which I cited. So if there is another way to 
fix it the folks who know are keeping it to themselves. That said, the 
recipe seems to have two pieces. Download and set up the FastScripts 
add-on and then get the Toggle Downloads Popover script for it. Sounds 
like you may only have the latter piece.


On 8/26/11 1:48 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

Hi, Chris,

How do you assign a keyboard shortcut to the script? I've downloaded it and 
placed it into the correct folder.

On Aug 26, 2011, at 10:05 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Ahh, I'm not on Lion yet and was not aware. Apparently lots of people are 
annoyed with losing that shortcut. You can get get it back with a little 
scripting addon which is covered in this article:

and many others.


On 8/26/11 12:43 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

Chris, Lion has a downloads button and you have to find it to navigate to the 
downloads window. The easiest way to do this is to go to the Google search are 
with command-option-f, then VO to the right to find the downloads button. The 
shortcut key doesn't work anymore with Safari.

Ray, the downloads button is in the toolbar, which is why it doesn't activate 
when the toolbar is hidden. Also, the command-option-l shortcut works in Finder 

On Aug 26, 2011, at 7:30 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Why not use the Command-Option-L to choose the Downloads Window. That's also 
available from the menu bar under Window->Downloads. Or maybe I'm missing 
something. Command+Option+f is to jump to the find/search field so I'm not sure 
why you need that if you want to go to the downloads window.


On 8/26/11 10:08 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:


I have  discovered that when I hide the tool bar in Safari, I cannot enter   
the download window by pressing Option+Command+f then VO+right arrowing to the 
right to the download window button and pressing it using VO+space.  IN order 
for me to be able to enter the download window, I have to keep the tool bar 
visible.  Any thoughts on why this is so?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


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Re: Trouble with password field

2011-08-26 Thread Dan
Another solution is to toggle VO off then back on. But be sure not to move to 
another window during this process.
When you restart VO, all the fields will be available to VO, such as Admin name 
and Secure text field.
In fact, I have now adopted the habit of toggling VO off and on in all 
instances concerning passwords, weather it be system admin stuff or passwords 
in specific applications. This always works for me. I have reported this to



On Aug 26, 2011, at 11:18 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Bill!
> I've found on some of my secure text fields that I have to do a mouse click 
> then I get the normal clicking!
> I do not know if this was one of the options you tried!
> And just in case! :]
> move mouse [if needed] vo+command+f5 then mouse click vo+shift+space!
> Sorry if you've already tried it!
> Colin
> On 26 Aug 2011, at 19:05, Bill Holton wrote:
>> Someone replied with a helpful tip, but the email disappeared before I could
>> give it a try, and I can't find it in the archives.  Could the sender
>> resend?  Thanks.
>> Bill
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Bill Holton [] 
>> Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 4:36 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Trouble with password field
>> Hi.
>> I am trying to set up bootcamp drivers to copy onto a disk.  The Admin
>> request dialog comes up, I can enter my account name, but no matter how I
>> move to the password field nothing types in.  No clicking sound, no visible
>> *'s or anything, and if I type it in and press return the dialog closes as
>> failed.  
>> I have tried swiping to the field, tabbing to the field, moving to the field
>> and interacting, every way, it would seem, but the correct way.
>> Any help appreciated.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Trouble with password field

2011-08-26 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Dan!
Thanks for this!
I'll try it on the ones I have trouble with! :]

On 26 Aug 2011, at 19:53, Dan wrote:

> Hello,
> Another solution is to toggle VO off then back on. But be sure not to move to 
> another window during this process.
> When you restart VO, all the fields will be available to VO, such as Admin 
> name and Secure text field.
> In fact, I have now adopted the habit of toggling VO off and on in all 
> instances concerning passwords, weather it be system admin stuff or passwords 
> in specific applications. This always works for me. I have reported this to
> HTH.
> Dan
> On Aug 26, 2011, at 11:18 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>> Hi Bill!
>> I've found on some of my secure text fields that I have to do a mouse click 
>> then I get the normal clicking!
>> I do not know if this was one of the options you tried!
>> And just in case! :]
>> move mouse [if needed] vo+command+f5 then mouse click vo+shift+space!
>> Sorry if you've already tried it!
>> Colin
>> On 26 Aug 2011, at 19:05, Bill Holton wrote:
>>> Someone replied with a helpful tip, but the email disappeared before I could
>>> give it a try, and I can't find it in the archives.  Could the sender
>>> resend?  Thanks.
>>> Bill
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Bill Holton [] 
>>> Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 4:36 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Trouble with password field
>>> Hi.
>>> I am trying to set up bootcamp drivers to copy onto a disk.  The Admin
>>> request dialog comes up, I can enter my account name, but no matter how I
>>> move to the password field nothing types in.  No clicking sound, no visible
>>> *'s or anything, and if I type it in and press return the dialog closes as
>>> failed.  
>>> I have tried swiping to the field, tabbing to the field, moving to the field
>>> and interacting, every way, it would seem, but the correct way.
>>> Any help appreciated.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: a finding regarding the download window

2011-08-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
Ok, I'm afraid you're right. I thought I might be missing something. i'll give 
that a try.

On Aug 26, 2011, at 11:49 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> As I mentioned, I'm not on Lion yet so I can't reproduce the problem, or the 
> solution. All the references to this problem seem to point to the same 
> blog which I cited. So if there is another way to fix it the 
> folks who know are keeping it to themselves. That said, the recipe seems to 
> have two pieces. Download and set up the FastScripts add-on and then get the 
> Toggle Downloads Popover script for it. Sounds like you may only have the 
> latter piece.
> CB
> On 8/26/11 1:48 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, Chris,
>> How do you assign a keyboard shortcut to the script? I've downloaded it and 
>> placed it into the correct folder.
>> Thanks,
>> Teresa
>> On Aug 26, 2011, at 10:05 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> Ahh, I'm not on Lion yet and was not aware. Apparently lots of people are 
>>> annoyed with losing that shortcut. You can get get it back with a little 
>>> scripting addon which is covered in this article:
>>> and many others.
>>> CB
>>> On 8/26/11 12:43 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
 Chris, Lion has a downloads button and you have to find it to navigate to 
 the downloads window. The easiest way to do this is to go to the Google 
 search are with command-option-f, then VO to the right to find the 
 downloads button. The shortcut key doesn't work anymore with Safari.
 Ray, the downloads button is in the toolbar, which is why it doesn't 
 activate when the toolbar is hidden. Also, the command-option-l shortcut 
 works in Finder only.
 On Aug 26, 2011, at 7:30 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Why not use the Command-Option-L to choose the Downloads Window. That's 
> also available from the menu bar under Window->Downloads. Or maybe I'm 
> missing something. Command+Option+f is to jump to the find/search field 
> so I'm not sure why you need that if you want to go to the downloads 
> window.
> CB
> On 8/26/11 10:08 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Okay,
>> I have  discovered that when I hide the tool bar in Safari, I cannot 
>> enter   the download window by pressing Option+Command+f then VO+right 
>> arrowing to the right to the download window button and pressing it 
>> using VO+space.  IN order for me to be able to enter the download 
>> window, I have to keep the tool bar visible.  Any thoughts on why this 
>> is so?
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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Windows to Mac, ITunes

2011-08-26 Thread Traci
Hi all,

I've been googling like crazy, and yet I'm still unclear.  :)

I have my entire iTunes folder from windows on an external harddrive.  What do 
I need to do to move this over to my Mac?

If possible, I'd like to keep all my settings, as far as playlists and the like.

I've read something about renaming an ITL file?  This is where I get confused.  

Hope you guys can help.


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Re: Windows to Mac, ITunes

2011-08-26 Thread james Walton
you don't need to rename anything, just copy the iTunes folder to your mac in 
the music folder
this should work, it did for me

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Avout flash apps

2011-08-26 Thread Francisco Salvador Crespo

I still with my problem with the flash audio players
Searching, i fond the post that you can get from the following link:

My question is: what flash app can i get from de AppStore?



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Re: Trouble with password field

2011-08-26 Thread Dan
Sure hope this works for you as well.
Just another kind of similar thing.
When I use CCC, Carbon Copy Cloner, I have to toggle VO both for populating the 
password and admin name, as well as to see all the windows while the process is 
running. I also included this as an example in my note to

so when VO screws up, or you get busy prompts, try toggling VO.


On Aug 26, 2011, at 12:06 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Dan!
> Thanks for this!
> I'll try it on the ones I have trouble with! :]
> Colin
> On 26 Aug 2011, at 19:53, Dan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Another solution is to toggle VO off then back on. But be sure not to move 
>> to another window during this process.
>> When you restart VO, all the fields will be available to VO, such as Admin 
>> name and Secure text field.
>> In fact, I have now adopted the habit of toggling VO off and on in all 
>> instances concerning passwords, weather it be system admin stuff or 
>> passwords in specific applications. This always works for me. I have 
>> reported this to
>> HTH.
>> Dan
>> On Aug 26, 2011, at 11:18 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>>> Hi Bill!
>>> I've found on some of my secure text fields that I have to do a mouse click 
>>> then I get the normal clicking!
>>> I do not know if this was one of the options you tried!
>>> And just in case! :]
>>> move mouse [if needed] vo+command+f5 then mouse click vo+shift+space!
>>> Sorry if you've already tried it!
>>> Colin
>>> On 26 Aug 2011, at 19:05, Bill Holton wrote:
 Someone replied with a helpful tip, but the email disappeared before I 
 give it a try, and I can't find it in the archives.  Could the sender
 resend?  Thanks.
 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Holton [] 
 Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 4:36 PM
 Subject: Trouble with password field
 I am trying to set up bootcamp drivers to copy onto a disk.  The Admin
 request dialog comes up, I can enter my account name, but no matter how I
 move to the password field nothing types in.  No clicking sound, no visible
 *'s or anything, and if I type it in and press return the dialog closes as
 I have tried swiping to the field, tabbing to the field, moving to the 
 and interacting, every way, it would seem, but the correct way.
 Any help appreciated.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: itunes issue

2011-08-26 Thread Ricardo Walker

I didn't think the original poster wanted to just view individual columns.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 26, 2011, at 12:48 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hmmm, very interesting. I can do this, too, but if I want to navigate to a 
> specific column, I have to interact with the table. Otherwise, it'll just 
> read the entire entry to me.
> Teresa
> On Aug 26, 2011, at 2:09 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Strange,
>> I don't need to interact with the table using the latest version of iTunes.  
>> I can just go to the table, and use up and down arrow to navigate.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Aug 25, 2011, at 7:45 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> If you move to the music table with VO-right-arrow, you will have to 
>>> interact with it first and then arrow through it. If you have VO set to 
>>> interact when using tab key, you can simply tab over and not have to 
>>> interact. You can set this VO setting in VO preferences (VO-f8), navigation.
>>> HTH,
>>> Teresa
>>> On Aug 24, 2011, at 9:27 PM, Denise Avant wrote:
 when i move to the table, it says music table. then when i arrow down, i 
 get no response from vo. i don't see any other obvious issues.
 On Aug 24, 2011, at 10:25 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi Denise,
> I checked this out on a SL machine today and iTunes behaves properly for 
> me.  I do not have Quicknav on.  I can arrow without VO keys while 
> Interacting with or simply focusing on the Songs table.  Have you tried 
> restarting your computer to see if there are any other factors that could 
> be affecting iTunes for you?
> Later…
> On 2011-08-24, at 3:04 AM, Denise Avant wrote:
>> hi,
>> thanks. i do not have quick nav turned on. i just noticed that when i 
>> arrowed up and down in my songs list, vo would not speak automatically 
>> unless i interact with the table.
>> it speaks fine when i arrow up and down in the source list, i.e. music 
>> movies podcast etc.
>> On Aug 23, 2011, at 10:51 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi Denise,
>>> Arrow navigation does now work properly in Lion and the navigation 
>>> through the Music Library has also reverted to regular "no hesitation" 
>>> as in previous versions of iTunes..  In the Software Update notes 
>>> pertaining to iTunes, it mentions that it is now fully compatible to 
>>> Lion which leads me to believe that these fixes may not specifically 
>>> improve performance in Snow Leopard.  I'll locate a Snow Leopard 
>>> machine tomorrow and try to confirm this.
>>> Later…
>>> On 2011-08-23, at 5:38 PM, Denise Avant wrote:
 hi all,
 i notice some improvement with the newest version of itunes. but i 
 still cannot arrow up and down in my songs list, though i am set to 
 list view. i am running snow leopard.
 i am wondering if others have found this to be the case? thanks.
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Re: going from an MBP to a MacBook Air

2011-08-26 Thread Frank Ventura
They should check out the refurbs from the apple store

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 26, 2011, at 9:52 AM, "Donna Goodin"  wrote:

> Hi Mika,
> You know, that is absolutely amazing!  I looked on EBay and Craig's list to 
> see what 2009 MBPs with the same specs are going for, and there are people 
> getting $800-900 for the things.  that really surprised me, and yeah, it 
> makes the sticker-shock on the MBA a little less staggering. :)
> thanks for the Amazon suggestion, I hadn't thought of that.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Aug 26, 2011, at 9:31 AM, Mika Pyyhkala wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> When I upgraded my Mac Mini I was able to easily sell the old one on Amazon 
>> for almost the cost of the new one.  Its neat with Amazon as you can find 
>> the particular product you have, and click on e.g. I have one to sell, and 
>> you do not have to type in the full description or supply photos, etc.  I 
>> think it sold with in 24 hours of posting if not faster.
>> Best,
>> Mika
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 9:15 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: going from an MBP to a MacBook Air
>> Hi Neil,
>> thanks for paying such close attention to my message, and for writing such a 
>> great response.  I actually picked up an MBA last weekend, and am inclined 
>> to agree with you on all points.  Happily this particular store actually 
>> carried the models with the upgraded specs, so I was able to get that model 
>> without ordering it online.  I have to say, it's a pretty amazing little 
>> machine.  It's quite speedy--though I haven't really put it through all its 
>> paces yet as I haven't transferred my data over.  And the sound is amazingly 
>> good for such a small device.  I do notice a fairly significant difference 
>> in sound between the MBA and my 13-inch MBP, but as you say, not so much of 
>> a difference that it would impact my choice of machine.  Now the only 
>> question remaining is whether I feel rich enough to live without the $1700, 
>> especially given that my 2009 MBP is working just fine.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Aug 25, 2011, at 4:39 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
>>> Donna,
>>> Looking at this, I've owned the 15in MBP and all three of the Air's, the 
>>> original incarnation and now the 2010 11in and the revised 2011 11in.
>>> Firstly sound, if you were looking at the original 13in Air, the sound was 
>>> hopeless, with a mono single speaker I really didn't like that thing.
>>> The 11in 2010 and 2011 models though for me solve that. there's stereo baby 
>>> built right in there, and although there's not much bass to talk of, the 
>>> sound is clear and it packs a surprising amount of punch for its size.
>>> put against the 15in, its a notable difference in richness and output, but 
>>> against the 13in MBP, I think less so.
>>> you do have the bass issue and if you like your tones, not just music but 
>>> Alex etc to have that depth it might make you think, but I find that once I 
>>> sit down in front of it, unless I'm working with my iMac along side the 
>>> Air, which I do every now and then, you'll not notice it.
>>> Looking at this DVD business, lets see, presumably you're not watching 
>>> DVD's in the class room etc, so why not just leave the USB drive for that 
>>> in your hotel etc, I've seen you state that this lack of a DVD drive is a 
>>> real issue, but only as you seem to watch films, well as someone else has 
>>> said, a lot of it is downloadable now, you can also rip them, and finally, 
>>> if you're like me, why should I pay to download something I own on disk, 
>>> spend the additional $80 and get the super drive... leave it in your hotel 
>>> room and you're good to go.
>>> I use my Air for everything when I'm not at a desk, and my iMac if I am.
>>> The issue that a lot of folk seem to be throwing up over spec and 
>>> performance, you really need to ask yourself what you're going to be doing 
>>> with it, I find my Air faster than my MBP 15in, which I had as a late 2010 
>>> model with full processor upgrade, I think a 2.9Ghz i7 with 4Gb of RAM. but 
>>> you see most of what I do is word processing, e-mail and internet, oh and 
>>> iTunes / watching DVD's.
>>> I carry my MBA all around the world with me, leaving the super drive in 
>>> hotel rooms or my carry on in a plane if its a long flight.
>>> I personally think its really the way to go if you're seriously looking to 
>>> lighten the load.
>>> there is an InCase sleeve for the 11in and 13in available from the Apple 
>>> online store, I use this and think its great... for whoever asked that 
>>> question.
>>> HTH.
>>> Neil Barnfather.
>>> On 15 Aug 2011, at 20:29, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Mika,
>>> I believe there's a program called DVD Rema

Re: Help with a resume template from pages...

2011-08-26 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Jonathan,

Could you be more specific about which résumé template you used. They vary 
quite considerably.

The one that seems to correspond with your experience is Traditional Resume. 
When exported to PDF, it shows the word Page followed by the appropriate 
number. In Preview, you have to VO-Right arrow after reading the word Page to 
find the number.

If you type in the job title on page 1, you'll have to type it in again on page 
2, but from then on, it will appear in all subsequent pages.



On 26 Aug 2011, at 20:40, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> Hello,  
> I managed with the help of my sighted wife to get a nice resume using one of 
> the templates in Pages.  
> There is however an item on the second and third page footers that is not 
> being auto-filled correctly.  It is marked as "page" and when I view as an 
> exported PDF it still says "page"  does anybody have a  sugestion? Also, I 
> would love to have the job title that is continued on an additional page show 
> up in the header if anybody knows how to do this.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> Jonathan C. Cohn
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Re: Quick list policy change

2011-08-26 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland

I agree whole heartedly, once again, as usual.


- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 

Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: Quick list policy change

As to spam, I have never noticed spam on Google groups. Yahoo groups
tend to have a lot, but not Google, and that is without the
human-verified sign up process enabled.

On 8/26/11, Christopher-Mark Gilland  wrote:

Agreed whole heartedly.


- Original Message -
From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: Quick list policy change

My only suggestion is what was discussed a few days ago: allow anyone
to sign up for this list instead of requiring them to be approved on
an individual basis.

On 8/25/11, Cara Quinn  wrote:

Hello All;

-Just a quick note to let you know that I've decided to moderate these
groups on my own once again.

Let me just take a second here to thank Mark for his help in the 
Mark had graciously offered his assistance for as long as I needed it 

here we are. :) Thank you Mark!

So as of now, I'm the sole list moderator. So please do feel free to
me with any issues you may have. or

Thanks so much for reading, and please do have a lovely day / evening,
wherever you may be!

CQ out! :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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2011-08-26 Thread Traci
Hello all,

Has anyone heard of this program?

It sounds kind of interesting, if you want your iTunes libraries in sync amung 
multiple computers.

What are your thoughts?  Is it necessary?  Anything jump out at you, that would 
indecate not voFriendly?  It mentions java for the Windows side, so I don't 
know if this matters.

I'm curious because I still buy CD's, and for a while longer, I'll probably rip 
them on my windows machine.

Thanks and I look forward to your comments,

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Re: Windows to Mac, ITunes

2011-08-26 Thread Traci

Sounds simple enough.

So take the my music/ iTunes folder, the entire thing...  Copy to external 
hard drive, then paste that in the music folder on Mac?


- Original Message - 
From: "james Walton" 

Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: Windows to Mac, ITunes

you don't need to rename anything, just copy the iTunes folder to your mac 
in the music folder

this should work, it did for me

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Re: guitar amp software?

2011-08-26 Thread CJ Daniel
If anyone tries this, please let us know how it works.  I've just gotten a new 
Tele, a new hollowbody, & a Peavey Bypyr 30 that I'm really enjoying.  My next 
step is to dive in to GB.


On Aug 25, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Thanks. It looks like you can record and apply effects later, but I'm
> still not sure about live effects. That is, I'm not sure if you can
> apply effects as you play or only to recordings.
> On 8/25/11, Taylor Scott  wrote:
>> Yeah, pretty sure you could do this with Garageband.
>> I'm still new to all this, so can't give details other than it is
>> doable. Maybe hit up youtube?
>> On 8/25/11, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> I am wondering if any software exists for the mac to let me plug
>>> my guitar into the mac (via a DI box or basic amp) and apply
>>> effects? Of course, whatever app this is should be accessible.
>>> Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
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Re: Windows to Mac, ITunes

2011-08-26 Thread james walton

On Aug 26, 2011, at 7:02 PM, Traci  wrote:

> Sounds simple enough.
> So take the my music/ iTunes folder, the entire thing...  Copy to external 
> hard drive, then paste that in the music folder on Mac?
> Traci
> - Original Message - From: "james Walton" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 12:15 PM
> Subject: Re: Windows to Mac, ITunes
>> you don't need to rename anything, just copy the iTunes folder to your mac 
>> in the music folder
>> this should work, it did for me
>> --
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RE: Windows to Mac, ITunes

2011-08-26 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Tracy,  

First, your confusion regarding the iTunes Library source files is
completely understandable.  In fact, the more research one does on this
subject, the more confusing the issue can become; this is because, in part,
there are several ways to accomplish the same task and the method used will
depend upon how you start and where you wish to end up, as it were.  

Keep in mind that, simply put, an iTunes Library consist of two main
components.  The component that most people think of when dealing with a
Library is the source files or Library contents.  The contents of any iTunes
Library can be spread across many different folders and even drives so it is
important to know where your source folders are located.  In many cases,
people just use the default configuration which is often the most intuitive.
Since you have the contents of your Library on an external drive, you
obviously understand this component.  

The second component of an iTunes Library is a file or series of files that
keep track of how the Library appears and where the contents are located.
This is what the .ITL file you mentioned does.  In fact, iTunes for Windows
now uses three files to keep track of this information and they are as
iTunes Library.itl
iTunes Library.xml
iTunes Music Library.xml

The most important of these is the first, iTunes Library.itl.  It is
important to remember that the three files listed above need not be in the
same folder or even on the same drive as the actual contents of the Library.

Tracy, it is quite possible that if you copied your iTunes Library from the
local disc drive of your Windows computer, the .itl and .xml files were not
copied with it because they are located in you’re My Documents Folder.

If this is the case, then you will need to first find and then copy these
files to your external drive as well.  Remember, these files only serve to
retain appearance, play lists, and meta data for the Library.  Without these
files, you will need to re-create play lists, etc. 

So, whenever you create a new iTunes Library, a .itl file is created along
with any other .xml files as needed.  Consequently, should you choose to
open a different Library other than the one already selected, you will
select the folder where a .itl lives.  As an example, on my Windows
computer, the contents of my iTunes Library is on drive P, a network
attached storage drive.  However, the .itl file is on the local drive of my
computer.  So, assuming I needed to open the Library manually, from within
iTunes, I would choose c:\My Documents\My Music\...  The path is not
important in this example for it is to illustrate the point that the .itl is
the proverbial gateway to your iTunes Library.

Although many Mac users do not concern themselves with the underlying file
structure of the iTunes Library, grasping these fundamental points will
greatly enhance more advanced aspects of iTunes including sharing one
Library in a cross-platform environment.

Assuming you wish to keep the contents of your iTunes Library on the local
drive of your Mac, you will simply copy the Library from your external drive
to any Folder of your choice, on the Mac.  Then, point iTunes, on your Mac,
to the Folder containing the .itl file.

Even after all of this, you will most likely need to manually adjust source
file properties from within iTunes.  This is because of the difference in
file structure between Windows and Mac.

While this will not help you in your current situation, I strongly recommend
that, in the future, you keep both your .itl and .xml files on a network
attached storage drive along with the contents of your iTunes Library.
Then, you can easily open the Library, completely intact, from any computer,
Windows or Mac, on your network.

Good Luck,


[] On Behalf Of Traci
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 12:13 PM
To: macvisionaries
Subject: Windows to Mac, ITunes

Hi all,
I've been googling like crazy, and yet I'm still unclear.  :)
I have my entire iTunes folder from windows on an external harddrive.  What
do I need to do to move this over to my Mac?
If possible, I'd like to keep all my settings, as far as playlists and the
I've read something about renaming an ITL file?  This is where I get
confused.  :)
Hope you guys can help.
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2011-08-26 Thread craig J Dunlop
when I download books from nls my macbook usually unzips them. but when I 
downloaded a update for my booksense it didn't unzip it. what is a good unzip 
utility that works with vo?

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Mail quirkeyness

2011-08-26 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced some quirkiness in mail lately.  
Last night, control option shift m did not work at all for me to bring up my 
various mailboxes to store mail into.  I tried quitting mail and re-invoking 
it, and then completely shutting down and restarting Lion, but it still did not 
work.  Tonight, this hotkey command brings a different, short menu up that has 
nothing to do with mailboxes at all.  Any ideas?  i could really use your help 
on this one as I am still in baby steps learning mode.  Smile.


Johnny Angel!

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Re: help with garage band...

2011-08-26 Thread Johnny Angel!
I'm not on Skype at this point, but it sure would be nice if your training 
sessions could be recorded for the rest of us out to glean from.

Just a thought,


On Aug 5, 2011, at 11:00 PM, Cody wrote:

> if someone would like to add me to Skype as well it's cdog2005
> On Aug 5, 2011, at 9:38 PM, Denise Barajas wrote:
>> I too would be interested in learning all about it. Reading these manuals 
>> isn't really of big help to me. If anybody's interested in helping, feel 
>> free to add me to skype by adding denise9522. Just don't midn the period at 
>> the end of the name. everything else stays the same. Thanks in advance and 
>> you all take care and  god Bless!
>> On Aug 5, 2011, at 4:29 PM, Cody wrote:
>>> Hi listers,
>>> I'm hoping someone like Ricardo or maybe Mike Arigo might be able to skype 
>>> me at some point and give me some one on one training with garage band. 
>>> Ricardo has made some awesome tutorials, but I find I learn better by 
>>> actually working with another person...
>>> If I can provide more detail let me know and I will..
>>> Cody
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Johnny Angel!

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off topic: text edditing issue with iphone

2011-08-26 Thread Joanne Chua
hi there,

sorry to be off topic but, how can one eddit a caractor within a text
or a word? e.g. i spell a name wrong and wishes to eddit a middle
caractor, instead of deleting from the end or from the start, is there
any way for me to backtrack myself to the caractor that i want to


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Re: single letter navigation

2011-08-26 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi Colin,

Just now catching up with your kind message below.

Thanks for the clarification.  Boy, I sure gota lot to learn! Smile.

On Aug 9, 2011, at 6:49 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi John!
> The single letter navigation being talked about is the new feature in Lion!
> Under quick nav you can do headers just by pressing H and links L and so on!
> Apparently its like the way in that other system!
> Colin
> On 9 Aug 2011, at 23:15, John Chilelli wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> I don't know if anyone has given answer to your question as I am quite 
>> behind in my mail reading, but, to do what you are asking about, simply 
>> interact with the message or document test area and use ctrl option shift 
>> and left or right arrow.
>> Best,
>> Johnny
>> On Jul 20, 2011, at 8:20 PM, chad baker wrote:
>>> hi is there a way to do single letter navigation can't find it
>>> thanks
>>> -- 
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Johnny Angel!

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2011-08-26 Thread craig J Dunlop
I am still having trouble with copying books.
I find the nls book I download. I copy it and then go to the sd card find the 
folder and open it then interact with the list of books. I paste the book but 
it shows up on the root instead of in the folder. what am I missing?
this is driving me nuts.

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Re: coppying

2011-08-26 Thread james Walton
you need to open the directory you want to copy files to!
you can't just select the directory, it needs to be open!

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Re: coppying

2011-08-26 Thread craig J Dunlop
c I was just expanding the folder not opening it.  thanks it worked after I 
opened it.

On Aug 26, 2011, at 9:33 PM, james Walton wrote:

> you need to open the directory you want to copy files to!
> you can't just select the directory, it needs to be open!
> -- 
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html emails as html?

2011-08-26 Thread Alex Hall

Hi all,
In Mail under Lion, is there a way to tell vo to treat an email 
like html? For instance, I get the BlindBargains emails.  They 
are html, with each deal as its own heading.  I wanted to be able 
to use single-letter navigation to jump between the items listed 
in the email (h and shift-h) but vo seemed to only see the 
message as text, not an html window.  Can anything be done about 
this? Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote;

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Re: coppying

2011-08-26 Thread james Walton
no problem!
glad to help!

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Hurricane Irene

2011-08-26 Thread Teresa Cochran
I'm risking being off-topic, but so be it. I'd like to wish everyone affected a 
safe haven from this monster of a storm. Be safe and well.


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