Re: need help with software installation

2011-08-23 Thread Simon Cavendish

I had the same happen - had to ask sighted assistance as you can't get to the 
controls with VO keys or trackpad. 

Best wishes

On 22 Aug 2011, at 22:37, Bill Holton wrote:

> Hi.
> Figured I would install Flash as my first application, going to need it
> eventually.  Got the link to download the software from youtube, downloaded
> it.  I found the file in my download directory, and I also started the
> installer.  When I start it up I get the usual  message, am I sure I want to
> install.  I click open, and I get a checkbox to agree to licensing terms.
> When I tab down there is an install link, but clicking it either with a
> double tap of the touch pad, pressing option command space bar or pressing
> the mouse click hot key I set up doesn't do anything.  The Flash installer
> is in my dock, but I can't seem to get it further.  Any help to a novice
> appreciated.
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Re: OpenOffice?

2011-08-23 Thread Krister Ekstrom
When i tried Openoffice i found a couple of show stoppers:
the paragraphs or even new lines were presented as separate edit boxes making 
it impossible to read using the "say all" command vo+a. I couldn't select long 
blocks of text to delete, move or otherwise manipulate, thereby making this 
function practically useless. This is in the openoffice word processor. Since 
others can use it, it would be nice to know what in the world i do wrong, or if 
there's some setting somewhere i need to change. I definitely prefer Pages for 
word processing, though i mostly do simple text writing, so textedit is enough 
for me.

22 aug 2011 kl. 19:05 skrev Chris Blouch:

> While I only played with it a bit in the word processor I found table 
> navigation was difficult because it wouldn't announce what row or column I 
> was in or at least what heading I was under. Lots of the other stuff worked 
> decently. It's free so why not just download it and give it a whirl?
> CB
> On 8/21/11 4:21 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I heard that OpenOffice will work with vo.  What limitations are there to 
>> this support? In Windows, OO is all but unuseable, and I wonder if vo will 
>> run into any problems of which I should be aware before I try it.  TIA.  Oh, 
>> I am not willing to spend money on Pages or any of the others, especially 
>> since I now have my mac set to dual boot with Win7 and I have an MS Office 
>> installation I can put on if I need it.  Of course, though, I want to do as 
>> much as possible in mac.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
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Re: Lion DVD ore USB?

2011-08-23 Thread Hayri Tulumcu
The DVD, which you download from the AppStore, is 3.82GB, it is also by 
chance, if you have it as a USB key, i meen, do you get the entire OS X 
drive where you can also say custumise during installation?
- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Arrigo" 

Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 2:06 AM
Subject: Re: Lion DVD ore USB?

There's no need to buy it, you can get a flash drive and make your own. 
You can use the lion recovery assistant application from apple to do this. 
I used an old 1 GB flash drive I had around here, works well.

On Aug 22, 2011, at 2:07 PM, Hayri Tulumcu wrote:

Hello folks. I have some questions about Lion.
1st If I buy Lion on a USB key, should i be connected to the Internet 
when the install because it says download extra components?

2nd Will it do so if I buy it on
a USB key?
3rd The DVD, which you download from the AppStore, is 3.82GB, it is also 
by chance, if you have it as a USB key, i meen, do you get the entire OS 
X drive where you can also say custumise during


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Re: Arrow keys accidentally disabled on friend's macbook pro

2011-08-23 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
I had disabled it before giving back the mac with cmd f5 and did not to my 
knowledg change startup option.
I suppose she has restarted it.


(Sent from my phone)

Please check out my new CD at or on itunes.

On Aug 22, 2011, at 11:15 PM, james Walton  wrote:

> has she tried to restart the computer?
> is voiceover running?
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Re: [Bulk] Re: Arrow keys accidentally disabled on friend's macbook pro

2011-08-23 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
Would this affect the mac even when vo is off?

(Sent from my phone)

Please check out my new CD at or on itunes.

On Aug 22, 2011, at 11:18 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> I'd guess maybe you turned on quick nav by mistake.  Press left and right 
> arrow at the same time to toggle this on or off.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Aug 22, 2011, at 10:15 PM, james Walton wrote:
>> has she tried to restart the computer?
>> is voiceover running?
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Recommendations for optical out sound system?

2011-08-23 Thread Bill Holton
Can someone suggest a nice sound system that would take advantage of the
mini's optical out connector?
BTW:  I have been running my new model Mac Mini for several days without a
connected monitor and everything works fine.

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Re: Mac Mail Question

2011-08-23 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Linda,

If you have 2 mailboxes and you want to easily switch between them, here's how 
to do it. If you need more help, let me know.

First, you will want to have both mailboxes in your favorites bar. You can do 
this using the new drag and drop procedure in voice over. First, look where the 
favorites bar is. Interact with it, and find your way around, so that you later 
know where to paste your second mailbox. If you see checkboxes in the favorites 
bar, don't worry about them. For this task, they are not important.

If your first mailbox is already in the favorites bar, but your second mailbox 
isn't yet, then you will have to drag the second mailbox from the mailboxes 
table, over to the favorites bar. The reason you will want both mailboxes to be 
in the favorites bar is, that you will later be able to use command plus the 
number 1 to get into the first mailbox, and command plus 2 to get into your 
second mailbox, as displayed in the favorites bar. Which mailbox will open if 
you press command 1 or command 2, depends on the order in which the mailboxes 
appear on the favorites bar. So if, for example, your private email account is 
first on the favorites bar, and your, say, gmail account is second, then 
command 1 wil open your private inbox and command 2 your gmail.
Opening a new mail window etc, like you described, is then no longer necessary.

To drag the second mailbox over to the favorites bar, go to the mailboxes 
table, put the voiceover cursor on the mailbox you want to drag, then press v o 
comma there. This will tell voice over that this is the item you want to drag 
elsewhere. Now, move over to the favorites bar, put the v o cursor on the spot 
just to the right of your first mailbox that was already there, and then drop 
the second mailbox using v o plus period. This will start the drag operation. 
You will here a mouse down sound, then some soft whooshes while it's dragging, 
then a mouse up click, and the second mailbox is in the favorites bar. Now, the 
work should be done, if I'm not forgetting something. It is somewhat more work 
to get rid of a certain mailbox in the favorites bar, once you accidentally 
dragged the wrong one over, so be careful that you pick the correct mailbox, 
that you called, your second mailbox.

>From now on, if you press command plus 1, your private email should be 
>displayed. Command 2 gives you your other account. You will have to interact 
>again after switching mailboxes this way, but it is fast and convenient to do 
>it like this.

Hth. Paul.
On Aug 23, 2011, at 1:02 AM, Linda Adams wrote:

> Hello again,
> Well, I kept researching and found another solution to my question.  I just 
> found that command option N will open a new mail window in which I can then 
> open another mailbox.  Then I can easily switch between the windows to check 
> my inbox and my other mailbox.
> This works, but if anyone knows how I can change command 2 to do the trick, 
> I'm still interested.
> Linda
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Re: time script

2011-08-23 Thread craig J Dunlop
I git that too. and then it only reads the 12 hour time even though my macbook 
is set for 24 hour.

On Aug 22, 2011, at 9:26 PM, Candie Stiles wrote:

> Yes I've experienced the very same thing. Some times I need to press the key 
> combination twice before getting a response.
> On Aug 22, 2011, at 7:24 PM, james Walton wrote:
>> hi everyone,
>> who here has problems with they do the time script, it takes at least like 2 
>> or 3 seconds to even speak the time and date?
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Re: turning off trackpad on macbooks

2011-08-23 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Falcon, Chad, Christopher and others,
The problem is indeed, that I would like to bump the trackpad out of existence. 
I did find that if you have an external mouse, you can disable the internal 
trackpad, but that is not what I'm hoping to find. Just like on a windows 
laptop, I want to turn it off entirely, also for sighted people. If I swipe 
left or right with 3 fingers by accident, for example, the dashboard comes up, 
and that is only one of the things I'm trying to avoid. If anyone has another 
suggestion, please let me know. If I find one myself, I'll post it back here.

On Aug 20, 2011, at 1:00 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi!
> The only thing I could find and I do not know if this will help you with your 
> issue!
> It seems if you have a mouse or external track pad you can turn off the built 
> in track pad in universal prefs under mouse/track pad there is an option 
> there to do it!
> So plug in a old mouse [if you got one ] and then I suppose you can then turn 
> off the trackpad!
> hth Colin
> On 20 Aug 2011, at 06:28, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> I think everyone is a little confused.  I don't think he's trying to turn 
>> off trackpad commander, correct me if I'm wrong.  I think he literally wants 
>> to completely bump the track pad out of existence.  He wants to make it 
>> where it's as if the track pad never was there to start with.
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message - From: "gerry cook" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 10:44 PM
>> Subject: Re: turning off trackpad on MacBooks
>>> Hi i think if you use the cmd key and rotate 2 fingers in an anti clock 
>>> wise direction on the track pad, it'll be turned off. I got that from 
>>> studying the voiceover guide.
>>> cheers gerry skype gerry.cook1
>>> - Original Message - From: "Paul Erkens" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 4:07 AM
>>> Subject: turning off trackpad on MacBooks
 Hi list,
 Is there a way to turn off the trackpad entirely, while using a macbook or 
 macbook pro with Lion? When accidentally touching it, even when I am in 
 VmWare fusion inside windows, a whooshing sound may be heard, which means 
 I am in dash board. Of course, you can turn that off, but is there a way 
 to have the trackpad not react to me when I accidentally touch it? I know 
 you can turn on mouse keys, but that is not really a solution. Having an 
 external mouse or trackpad can be done as well, but I'm hoping to find how 
 to just turn off the internal laptop trackpad. Any ideas?
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Re: OpenOffice?

2011-08-23 Thread Chris Blouch
Just finished downloading Libre Office and it still has the table 
problem. I insert a new 2 by 2 table and as I navigate the cells they 
are all announced as "Edit Text" so there is no way to know which row of 
column I'm in. Well, there is the trick I posted about a while back of 
setting a live region in the region at the bottom of the page which does 
give the letter/number position inside the table, but I shouldn't have 
to do that.

I tried VO-A on a document and it only read the first paragraph. I could 
VO-down and read each paragraph as a block but not the whole document. I 
was able to position my cursor at the beginning of a paragraph and 
shift-down to select it and a couple paragraphs after that which I could 
then cut, move somewhere else and paste, so that seemed to work ok. It 
also announced every blank line between paragraphs as "Edit Text" which 
is kind of verbose. Would rather have it just say "blank".


On 8/23/11 5:35 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

When i tried Openoffice i found a couple of show stoppers:
the paragraphs or even new lines were presented as separate edit boxes making it 
impossible to read using the "say all" command vo+a. I couldn't select long 
blocks of text to delete, move or otherwise manipulate, thereby making this function 
practically useless. This is in the openoffice word processor. Since others can use it, 
it would be nice to know what in the world i do wrong, or if there's some setting 
somewhere i need to change. I definitely prefer Pages for word processing, though i 
mostly do simple text writing, so textedit is enough for me.

22 aug 2011 kl. 19:05 skrev Chris Blouch:

While I only played with it a bit in the word processor I found table 
navigation was difficult because it wouldn't announce what row or column I was 
in or at least what heading I was under. Lots of the other stuff worked 
decently. It's free so why not just download it and give it a whirl?


On 8/21/11 4:21 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

Hi all,
I heard that OpenOffice will work with vo.  What limitations are there to this 
support? In Windows, OO is all but unuseable, and I wonder if vo will run into 
any problems of which I should be aware before I try it.  TIA.  Oh, I am not 
willing to spend money on Pages or any of the others, especially since I now 
have my mac set to dual boot with Win7 and I have an MS Office installation I 
can put on if I need it.  Of course, though, I want to do as much as possible 
in mac.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote;

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Re: Recommendations for optical out sound system?

2011-08-23 Thread Chris Blouch
I have a very old Denon with optical inputs. I plugged the MacMini into 
the same connector as my DVD player used to be and it just worked. 
Playing a DVD does the full 5.1 surround sound from the mini's optical 
audio out. Only hard part was coming up with the little TOSLink to 
regular square optical cable. As I wrote some time ago, all the usual 
places (Radio Shack, BestBuy etc) had no idea what I was talking about. 
Even the local high-end stereo place didn't have them. So I found one 
online for about $5 with shipping included. Main thing to search on was 
mini toslink which is what the headphone optical output is. Usually the 
description is something like "Toslink to Mini Toslink". Here is one 
from Amazon:


On 8/23/11 8:55 AM, Bill Holton wrote:

Can someone suggest a nice sound system that would take advantage of the
mini's optical out connector?
BTW:  I have been running my new model Mac Mini for several days without a
connected monitor and everything works fine.

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system has new window

2011-08-23 Thread Rhonda Hornbacher
Hi Mac People,

I recently heard system has new window. This happened soon after I turned on my 
MBP. I am now unable to view this window so that I may read what it has to say. 

Is there a key combination that I can go to that window and read it's contents? 

Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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Re: iTunes 10.4.1 is out

2011-08-23 Thread matthew Dyer
10.4.1 works fine here with no problems at all.  I can now go through the list 
of music without having to interact  first.  I am using sl.


On Aug 22, 2011, at 5:53 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Have you tried it under SL to see if the problem with locking up has been 
> fixed for this OS as well?
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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[Mac-cessibility News] iTunes 10.4.1 is Released with VoiceOver Fixes

2011-08-23 Thread Maccessibility
iTunes 10.4.1 is Released with VoiceOver Fixes

Apple has released an update to iTunes, it's flagship media management and
storefront software. The release notes list VoiceOver fixes among the changes in
version 10.4.1, which should please users who have struggled with version 10.4
in recent weeks.
While the vast majority of iTunes releases have worked well with VoiceOver,
there have occasionally been issues. [...]

You can read the rest of this news item at:

The Mac-cessibility Network
"'s all within our reach..."

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e-mail chronology

2011-08-23 Thread Jennifer Perdue

I am new to this list and new to the mac mini.  I recieve my e-mail and it is 
always from newest to oldest.  Could someone tell me how to read it from oldest 
to newest please.

I know it's a stupid and elementary question but I'm a Mac baby.

Oh could you tell me if my signature is going through also.


On Aug 22, 2011, at 10:29 PM, james Walton wrote:

> the file is locked, and i am tired, so i am going to just leave it alone for 
> the night.
> don't want to screw anything up!
> -- 
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Re: commercial ebooks on lion with vo?

2011-08-23 Thread Max
This is discussed in more detail in an earlier thread, but basically
it's like this. The Kindle and Kobo Mac apps are not accessible. The
only passable  way to read e-books is with Adobe Digital Editions. You
can buy Adobe incripted ePubs or pdfs from e-book shops like Kobo
and then read them with the Digital Editions app. This app is usable,
but you have to work around some bugs.
I've also heard that iTunes will at some point get something like
ibooks built into it. That is not confirmed though.
Hope this helps

On Aug 22, 1:49 pm, anouk radix  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> My new macbook air will arrive soon and I was wondering if it is
> possible yet to read ebooks on the mac, by ebooks I mean commercial
> encrypted ones with voiceover or built-in text to speech?
> I know its possible on the iphone but I prefer doing it ona normal
> macbook with my braille display if possible.
> Thanks in advance for any information,
> Greetings, Anouk,

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Re: e-mail chronology

2011-08-23 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Jennifer!
To sort your messages!
Go to the date column and then press vo+shift+\ this will change it to oldest 
That command will sort other Columbus for other use's like making your music 
artist list A to Z if they are not sorted that way!
And no your signature is not there!
PS. there is no Stupid Questions here!
And setting a signature can be tricky!
Look for signature items in the Archives!

On 23 Aug 2011, at 17:17, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Hi,
> I am new to this list and new to the mac mini.  I receive my e-mail and it is 
> always from newest to oldest.  Could someone tell me how to read it from 
> oldest to newest please.
> I know it's a stupid and elementary question but I'm a Mac baby.
> Oh could you tell me if my signature is going through also.
> Thanks.
> On Aug 22, 2011, at 10:29 PM, james Walton wrote:
>> the file is locked, and i am tired, so i am going to just leave it alone for 
>> the night.
>> don't want to screw anything up!
>> -- 
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media player?

2011-08-23 Thread Alex Hall

Hi all,
I am wondering what people use for media playback.  On Windows, 
there is a great program called Mapler that can play most any 
audio file type and provides keyboard shortcuts to control pitch, 
speed, frequency, and more.  What I like is that I can change the 
key if I need to practice playing a song in a key other than what 
it is in originally, and I can speed up things like podcasts or 
interviews to listen to them faster.  Is anything like this 
available for the mac? Of course I have iTunes, but that does not 
give me pitch or speed control and the playback interface is not 
nearly as simple (and therefore easy to use).  I understand why 
this is - iTunes is for much more than just media - but it would 
be great to have a program for mac comparable to Mapler's 

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote;

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Re: media player?

2011-08-23 Thread Kevin Chao
VLC is great. It will do most of what you are looking for, especially
play most media files and increase playback speed.

On 8/23/11, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am wondering what people use for media playback.  On Windows,
> there is a great program called Mapler that can play most any
> audio file type and provides keyboard shortcuts to control pitch,
> speed, frequency, and more.  What I like is that I can change the
> key if I need to practice playing a song in a key other than what
> it is in originally, and I can speed up things like podcasts or
> interviews to listen to them faster.  Is anything like this
> available for the mac? Of course I have iTunes, but that does not
> give me pitch or speed control and the playback interface is not
> nearly as simple (and therefore easy to use).  I understand why
> this is - iTunes is for much more than just media - but it would
> be great to have a program for mac comparable to Mapler's
> functionality.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
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RE: e-mail chronology

2011-08-23 Thread
What about during spell check.  How do you add a word to the dictionary, and
how do you ignore words?

Kliphton SR
(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
 (Marriage Blog)
(Marriage group)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Red.Falcon
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: e-mail chronology

Hi Jennifer!
To sort your messages!
Go to the date column and then press vo+shift+\ this will change it to
oldest first!
That command will sort other Columbus for other use's like making your music
artist list A to Z if they are not sorted that way!
And no your signature is not there!
PS. there is no Stupid Questions here!
And setting a signature can be tricky!
Look for signature items in the Archives!

On 23 Aug 2011, at 17:17, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Hi,
> I am new to this list and new to the mac mini.  I receive my e-mail and it
is always from newest to oldest.  Could someone tell me how to read it from
oldest to newest please.
> I know it's a stupid and elementary question but I'm a Mac baby.
> Oh could you tell me if my signature is going through also.
> Thanks.
> On Aug 22, 2011, at 10:29 PM, james Walton wrote:
>> the file is locked, and i am tired, so i am going to just leave it alone
for the night.
>> don't want to screw anything up!
>> -- 
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: system has new window

2011-08-23 Thread Hai Nguyen Ly
Try holding down the VO keys and press F2 twice. This should allow you to arrow 
through the active windows. Press enter on the one you wish to interact with.

On Aug 23, 2011, at 10:57 AM, Rhonda Hornbacher wrote:

> Hi Mac People,
> I recently heard system has new window. This happened soon after I turned on 
> my MBP. I am now unable to view this window so that I may read what it has to 
> say. 
> Is there a key combination that I can go to that window and read it's 
> contents? 
> Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Rhonda
> -- 
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Re: e-mail chronology

2011-08-23 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Kliphton!
Well in the spellcheck window after the table of suggestions there is a learn 
and ignore buttons and a define one as well!
hth Colin

On 23 Aug 2011, at 18:51, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> What about during spell check.  How do you add a word to the dictionary, and
> how do you ignore words?
> Kliphton SR
> (twitter&Skype) kliphton72
> (Marriage Blog)
> (Marriage group)
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Red.Falcon
> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 12:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: e-mail chronology
> Hi Jennifer!
> To sort your messages!
> Go to the date column and then press vo+shift+\ this will change it to
> oldest first!
> That command will sort other column's for other use's like making your music
> artist list A to Z if they are not sorted that way!
> And no your signature is not there!
> Colin
> PS. there is no Stupid Questions here!
> And setting a signature can be tricky!
> Look for signature items in the Archives!
> On 23 Aug 2011, at 17:17, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am new to this list and new to the mac mini.  I receive my e-mail and it
> is always from newest to oldest.  Could someone tell me how to read it from
> oldest to newest please.
>> I know it's a stupid and elementary question but I'm a Mac baby.
>> Oh could you tell me if my signature is going through also.
>> Thanks.
>> On Aug 22, 2011, at 10:29 PM, james Walton wrote:
>>> the file is locked, and i am tired, so i am going to just leave it alone
> for the night.
>>> don't want to screw anything up!
>>> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: system has new window

2011-08-23 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Hai!
Sometimes I get a message about something and when I try to go to it, it says 
that it has no windows and there is no sign of it in the window chooser but the 
item is still there!
Something about system something or other!
Any ideas?

On 23 Aug 2011, at 18:51, Hai Nguyen Ly wrote:

> Rhonda,
> Try holding down the VO keys and press F2 twice. This should allow you to 
> arrow through the active windows. Press enter on the one you wish to interact 
> with.
> On Aug 23, 2011, at 10:57 AM, Rhonda Hornbacher wrote:
>> Hi Mac People,
>> I recently heard system has new window. This happened soon after I turned on 
>> my MBP. I am now unable to view this window so that I may read what it has 
>> to say. 
>> Is there a key combination that I can go to that window and read it's 
>> contents? 
>> Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>> Thank you,
>> Rhonda
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: e-mail chronology

2011-08-23 Thread
Oh, I knew that, thought there was a key combo I could use.

Kliphton SR
(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
 (Marriage Blog)
(Marriage group)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Red.Falcon
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: e-mail chronology

Hi Kliphton!
Well in the spellcheck window after the table of suggestions there is a
learn and ignore buttons and a define one as well!
hth Colin

On 23 Aug 2011, at 18:51, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> What about during spell check.  How do you add a word to the 
> dictionary, and how do you ignore words?
> Kliphton SR
> (twitter&Skype) kliphton72
> (Marriage Blog)
> (Marriage group) 
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Red.Falcon
> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 12:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: e-mail chronology
> Hi Jennifer!
> To sort your messages!
> Go to the date column and then press vo+shift+\ this will change it to 
> oldest first!
> That command will sort other column's for other use's like making your 
> music artist list A to Z if they are not sorted that way!
> And no your signature is not there!
> Colin
> PS. there is no Stupid Questions here!
> And setting a signature can be tricky!
> Look for signature items in the Archives!
> On 23 Aug 2011, at 17:17, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am new to this list and new to the mac mini.  I receive my e-mail 
>> and it
> is always from newest to oldest.  Could someone tell me how to read it 
> from oldest to newest please.
>> I know it's a stupid and elementary question but I'm a Mac baby.
>> Oh could you tell me if my signature is going through also.
>> Thanks.
>> On Aug 22, 2011, at 10:29 PM, james Walton wrote:
>>> the file is locked, and i am tired, so i am going to just leave it 
>>> alone
> for the night.
>>> don't want to screw anything up!
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>> --
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>> Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
> --
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> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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24-hour clock time announcements [was Re: clock with hotkey]

2011-08-23 Thread Esther
Hi Craig and Others, 

The AppleScript for saying time does not pay attention to the "Use a 24-hour 
clock" check box on the Clock tab of the "Date & Time" menu under System 
Preferences.  That check box only affects the way time is displayed on the 
status bar menu. Furthermore, the format of the string variables for time 
returned in the AppleScript is actually set by your country preferences under 
the System Preferences "Language & Text" menu under the "Formats" pane.  If you 
navigate to the "Date & Time" tab of the "Date & Time" menu, you'll find a 
statement "To set date and time formats, use Language & Text preferences." 
followed by an "Open Language & Text…" button. The "Formats" tab of the 
"Language & Text" menu of System Preferences has a pop up button for "Region" 
(e.g., "United States", "United Kingdom", etc.), and the rest of the pane gives 
sample formats under "Dates", "Times", "Numbers", and "Currency".  

What I had to do to get time announced on a 24 hour clock was both create a 
custom format for my region by pressing (VO-Space) the "Customize" button on 
the section for "Times" under my region ("United States"), and also write a 
replacement AppleScript to announce the time.  The difficult part was actually 
customizing the time format, since you're supposed to drag and drop elements 
for the format you want -- so that instead of "7:08 PM" you have "19:08".  I 
think the way that I did this was by copying the element for "19" from the 
customized  Time format setting for the "United Kingdom" region, and then 
pasting it into the time fields for the customized "United States" region.  The 
sequence was something like this:
1) Navigate to the "Language & Text" menu of "System Preferences" and go to the 
"Formats" tab.
2) Set the Regions pop up button to "United Kingdom"
3) Navigate to the "Times" section and press (VO-Space) the "Customize" button
4) The dialog window will say "Type text and drag time elements to create a 
custom format." and there will be sample short, medium, long, and full time 
formats.  Interact with the first group of these, which is the short format.  
Then VO-Space to highlight the group. The first element will be "19" -- or some 
hour field number for the 24 hour clock.  Bring up the context menu 
(VO-Shift-M) and choose the "Copy" option. 
5) Press the "Escape" key (top left corner of English language keyboard) to 
cancel and leave the dialog window.  (Or, you can navigate to the "Cancel" 
button and press it with VO-Space.)
6) Set the Regions pop up button to "United States"
7) Navigate to the "Times" section and press (VO-Space) the "Customize" button
8) Navigate to each of the short, medium, long, and full time formats in turn.  
Interact with each group, VO-Space, then on the first element, which will be 
"7" -- or some hour field number for the 12 hour clock -- bring up the context 
menu (VO-Shift-M) and choose the "Paste" option to replace this with the 24 
hour clock value.  You'll have to do this for the hour element of each of the 
four format fields, and you'll also have to use the context menu to "cut" the 
"PM" options.
9) Press (VO-Space) the "OK" button to confirm your changes.

You should find that your Region pop up button is now set to "Custom", but that 
all the formats are the same, except that your time format uses a 24 hour clock.

Here's a sample AppleScript that will announce the time.  It has seconds 
announced (so that the format for retrieving this can be shown), but you can 
just delete the last variable in the "return" line to remove it.  You can also 
delete the initial announcement for "The current time is" in the first line's 
"say" command.  What you'll find is that if you change the Regions pop up 
button to "United States", the time will be announced in 12-hour time format.  
Note that this means the arguments in the AppleScript are specific to the time 
format that has been set up, and that you cannot use the script in unmodified 
form with an arbitrary region format.  Two years ago when I set this up in 
Leopard after a lengthy discussion with Paul Hopewell on the mac-access list, 
we found that the solution for a UK region time script would have to be 
different.  You'll have to experiment with customizing the settings for time 
format.  I did this under Leopard, and assigned a shortcut to announce the time 
using Spark, since this was two operating system versions away from VoiceOver 
AppleScript support.

AppleScript follows below my sig after "Cut Here". Command R will run it.  You 
can save it as either an Application or an AppleScript.  You might also want to 
add a "delay 0.5" argument before the "say" command if you want to make sure 
VoiceOver stops speaking previous material before the time announcement.  (This 
used to be necessary.) 

HTH.  Cheers,


Cut Here---
Say Time Script
October 12, 2008

say "The current time is " & getTimeInHoursAndMinutes()

on getTimeInHoursAndMinutes()
-- Ge

Keynote image descriptions

2011-08-23 Thread Chris Blouch
I'm getting ready to do a presentation and have put it together in 
Keynote. Besides text I have some images which I want to add text 
descriptions for. Anyone know how to do this? When I output the 
presentation as PDF the images have no text so VO just skips right over 
them. Other presentation software lets you set a text attribute for an 
image but I've not noodled out how to do this in Keynote.


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Subscribing to MacVisionaries

2011-08-23 Thread David Hole
I'd just like to ask why (if it's still that way now-a-day) people
have to contact a group admin to subscribe to MacVisionaries and the
iPhone-list? IMO it would be better if people can subscribe, and
admins just accept them. What's your thoughts?
Kind regards David

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Re: Subscribing to MacVisionaries

2011-08-23 Thread Alex Hall
I agree 110 percent! I got a Mac Tuesday night and could not ask
anything until mid Thursday because of that delay. I am not sure what
the reasoning behind the setup is, but it seems like a hinderance and
a turn-off for potential users, plus an unnecessary delay for those
who need to get help doing something. I'm just glad I did not plan to
use the mac for anything important right off, and that Twitter was
there to help answer some questions.

On 8/23/11, David Hole  wrote:
> Hi.
> I'd just like to ask why (if it's still that way now-a-day) people
> have to contact a group admin to subscribe to MacVisionaries and the
> iPhone-list? IMO it would be better if people can subscribe, and
> admins just accept them. What's your thoughts?
> Kind regards David
> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Subscribing to MacVisionaries

2011-08-23 Thread Ishe Chinyoka
Could be just a way to moderate and regulate admissions. Or else to build a 
profile of users?  

Someone might have been kicked off for some misdemeanour and this exercise may 
be a way to flush them out. You don't want troublesome people kicking in and 
out from time to time..

However, I agree that it is an inconvenience when you want to quickly sort out 
some troubleshooting issue.


On 23 Aug,2011, at 10:54 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> I agree 110 percent! I got a Mac Tuesday night and could not ask
> anything until mid Thursday because of that delay. I am not sure what
> the reasoning behind the setup is, but it seems like a hinderance and
> a turn-off for potential users, plus an unnecessary delay for those
> who need to get help doing something. I'm just glad I did not plan to
> use the mac for anything important right off, and that Twitter was
> there to help answer some questions.
> On 8/23/11, David Hole  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I'd just like to ask why (if it's still that way now-a-day) people
>> have to contact a group admin to subscribe to MacVisionaries and the
>> iPhone-list? IMO it would be better if people can subscribe, and
>> admins just accept them. What's your thoughts?
>> Kind regards David
>> --
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> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> -- 
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Making an mp3 with lion?

2011-08-23 Thread Missy Hoppe
Hello, all. I don't know if I'm misunderstanding, or if I just dreamed this 
feature existed, but I thought I read somewhere
that with lion, one could make an mp3 out of a document. I have a file which 
I'd love to have Alex read as an mp3, but can't
figure out how to do it. I checked the context menu when the file was selected, 
but didn't see any relevant options. Do I
need special software similar to text aloud to make this happen on my mac, or 
am I just not looking in the right place to
find the feature? I understand that I can't create a multi-voice file the same 
way I can using text aloud on my PC, but just
having Alex read something into mp3 format would be more than adequate for now. 
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me
figure this out, and I hope that everyone is having a great day!

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Re: Getting my first mac

2011-08-23 Thread Traci

Oh gall, shipping says the Mac will arrive tomorrow!

Any last minute tips for when I open and start it up?

If I remember correctly our wireless network is hidden, will this be 
challenging for the Mac, or should I say for the Mac user?  Lol!

Also, I have found plenty of podcasts on using VO, but will I need to find 
some materials on using the Mac itself?  Macs own programs?

Yes, the interacting thing will take some getting use to.  I've listened to 
some podcasts, but I'm still not clear on when to interact and when not. 
Hopefully practice will iron that out.  :)

BTW, Mike you've done great work with tech podcasts.  I've listened to many 
of your Mac ones and a few of your Android ones.  *smile*

Thanks all,

- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Arrigo" 

Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: Getting my first mac

Welcome to the world of the mac, I'm sure you will love it. Since you use 
the ipad, you're already half way there in learning voiceover, if you use 
the track pad commander, the gestures are mostly the same for navigating, so 
you should feel right at home there. Of course there are some new concepts 
such as interacting with items, but that's pretty simple. I'm sure you will 
enjoy the new computer.

On Aug 21, 2011, at 12:57 PM, Traci wrote:

Hello all,

My name is Traci, I own an iPad, and this week I'll be receiving my first 
Mac.  I chose the MacBook Air, 11.6, 1.8 processor.

I'm so flippin' excited and a bit nervous making this move.  I've done a 
lot of reading and listening over the last Months, however I'm still very 
open to all advice.  Baby steps to your first Mac, *grin.*

Having the iPad for the last year, I imagine I'll be using the trackpad a 
lot with the Air.  It'll definitely feel more familiar to me.

Anyway, thought I'd introduce myself; I'm looking forward to learning much 
from this list.


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progress indicators?

2011-08-23 Thread Alex Hall

Hi all,
I set vo to play a tone when a progress indicator changes.  I 
thought this would give me rising tones, much like the NVDA 
screen reader has.  Instead, I seem to only get a click every 
second, and only when the vo cursor is on an indicator.  This 
means I have no way to know how far along something like a 
webpage load is, or a program installation.  Is there any way to 
set things to play tones that actually provide information, and 
not when you are lucky enough to find the indicator?

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote;

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Re: Making an mp3 with lion?

2011-08-23 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Missy!
Well I do not know if this will do a whole doc!
But vo+shift+Z Will copy last phrase to desktop as audio file!
hth Colin

On 23 Aug 2011, at 22:51, Missy Hoppe wrote:

> Hello, all. I don't know if I'm misunderstanding, or if I just dreamed this 
> feature existed, but I thought I read somewhere
> that with lion, one could make an mp3 out of a document. I have a file which 
> I'd love to have Alex read as an mp3, but can't
> figure out how to do it. I checked the context menu when the file was 
> selected, but didn't see any relevant options. Do I
> need special software similar to text aloud to make this happen on my mac, or 
> am I just not looking in the right place to
> find the feature? I understand that I can't create a multi-voice file the 
> same way I can using text aloud on my PC, but just
> having Alex read something into mp3 format would be more than adequate for 
> now. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me
> figure this out, and I hope that everyone is having a great day!
> Missy
> -- 
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editing commands?

2011-08-23 Thread Alex Hall

Hi all,
Sorry for the flood of emails.
When editing, such as in an email or edit field on a webpage, how 
does one move around? I know that quick nav must be off, that 
left and right arrows move by character, and that up and down 
move by line, but that is it.  I expected home/end to move to the 
start or end of the current line, respectively, but that does not 
seem to be the case.  What are common commands, like start/end of 
line, up/down a paragraph, move by word, spell current word or 
line, and so forth? Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote;

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RE: Making an mp3 with lion?

2011-08-23 Thread Missy Hoppe
Hmm. I'm not sure that will do what I'm wanting either, but at least it's a 
place to start. I can play around with it and see
what happens. Thank you very much for the suggestion.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Red.Falcon
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: Making an mp3 with lion?

Hi Missy!
Well I do not know if this will do a whole doc!
But vo+shift+Z Will copy last phrase to desktop as audio file!
hth Colin

On 23 Aug 2011, at 22:51, Missy Hoppe wrote:

> Hello, all. I don't know if I'm misunderstanding, or if I just dreamed
> this feature existed, but I thought I read somewhere that with lion,
> one could make an mp3 out of a document. I have a file which I'd love
> to have Alex read as an mp3, but can't figure out how to do it. I
> checked the context menu when the file was selected, but didn't see
> any relevant options. Do I need special software similar to text aloud
> to make this happen on my mac, or am I just not looking in the right place to 
> find the feature? I understand that I can't
create a multi-voice file the same way I can using text aloud on my PC, but 
just having Alex read something into mp3 format
would be more than adequate for now. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help 
me figure this out, and I hope that everyone is
having a great day!
> Missy
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Donwloading a demo of an application

2011-08-23 Thread Israel
Dear Group,

After speaking to a couple representatives for a couple applications I'm 
interested in buying but wanting to make sure they'll be accessible with VO, I 
decided to download the demo versions of these applications.  The first 
application I tried has now appeared in my downloads.  I pressed VO+shift+m to 
open it.  I was told upon opening it, the application would either begin the 
download or have instructions for me to do so.  Upon pressing open, VO told me 
there was a disc image browser with three choices.  application alias, the ap 
name, and extras folder.

Can someone walk me through the next steps.  I assume this means the download 
has not been complete.  Besides being in the downloads folder, the ap is 
sitting on my desktop and not in my applications folder.  Is the applications 
folder ultimately where it needs to be for me to know that the ap download is 
complete and I can use the ap to test it out?

I'm sorry if these are basic questions.  I've never successfully downloaded aps 
without sighted assistance.  In fact, in my previous attempts to download 
applications to test out, this is the furthest in the process that I've reached 
without being completely frustrated.  I'm not tech savvy at all.  So I hope 
someone can help.

Sexy Isra

Israel Antonio

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Re: editing commands?

2011-08-23 Thread erik burggraaf
Move left one character: left arrow,
move right one character: right arrow,
Move left one word: option left arrow,
Move right one word: option right arrow,
Move to the beginning of the line: control left arrow,
Move to the end of the line: control right arrow,
Move  to the previous paragraph option uparrow,
Move to the next paragraph: option down arrow,
Note that a paragraph is marked by a singal hard return,
Move to top of document: command up arrow,
Move to end of document: command down arrow,

To select by any of the above increments add shift.  For example to move right 
one word press option right arrow.  To select one word to the right press 
option shift uparrow.
Select all: command A,
Undo: command Z,
Cut: command X,
Copy: command C,
Paste: command V,
Backspace: backspace,
Delete: fn Backspace,

Hope this helps,

Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-08-23, at 6:19 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> Sorry for the flood of emails.
> When editing, such as in an email or edit field on a webpage, how does one 
> move around? I know that quick nav must be off, that left and right arrows 
> move by character, and that up and down move by line, but that is it.  I 
> expected home/end to move to the start or end of the current line, 
> respectively, but that does not seem to be the case.  What are common 
> commands, like start/end of line, up/down a paragraph, move by word, spell 
> current word or line, and so forth? Thanks.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
> -- 
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Re: editing commands?

2011-08-23 Thread Teresa Cochran
I know a couple of these commands. You can use command-left and 
command-right-arrows to go to the start and end of the line; option left- and 
right-arrows to navigate by word. I am not sure if there's a way to move by 
paragraph. I would think these commands work best in an editable document with 
a system caret, as in text-edit, and do not work well on a webpage.

On Aug 23, 2011, at 3:19 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> Sorry for the flood of emails.
> When editing, such as in an email or edit field on a webpage, how does one 
> move around? I know that quick nav must be off, that left and right arrows 
> move by character, and that up and down move by line, but that is it.  I 
> expected home/end to move to the start or end of the current line, 
> respectively, but that does not seem to be the case.  What are common 
> commands, like start/end of line, up/down a paragraph, move by word, spell 
> current word or line, and so forth? Thanks.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
> -- 
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Listening to CNN with Lion

2011-08-23 Thread Brett C.
On Sno Leopard I listened to CNN's audio stream using Flip for Mac. Now with 
Lion I can no longer listen. I've checked for updates for Flip for Mac in 
system prefs, but it says it's up to date. Can anyone help me figure out how to 
listen to CNN on my Mac?

Brett C.

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2011-08-23 Thread craig J Dunlop

with Safari in lion how do I set it so when i lunch it it go toe the home page 
instead of the last page visited?

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Re: e-mail chronology

2011-08-23 Thread Jennifer Perdue
Thank you very much.

Have a great day.

Jenny and Brooks my Goofy Guide
On Aug 23, 2011, at 12:12 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Jennifer!
> To sort your messages!
> Go to the date column and then press vo+shift+\ this will change it to oldest 
> first!
> That command will sort other Columbus for other use's like making your music 
> artist list A to Z if they are not sorted that way!
> And no your signature is not there!
> Colin
> PS. there is no Stupid Questions here!
> And setting a signature can be tricky!
> Look for signature items in the Archives!
> On 23 Aug 2011, at 17:17, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am new to this list and new to the mac mini.  I receive my e-mail and it 
>> is always from newest to oldest.  Could someone tell me how to read it from 
>> oldest to newest please.
>> I know it's a stupid and elementary question but I'm a Mac baby.
>> Oh could you tell me if my signature is going through also.
>> Thanks.
>> On Aug 22, 2011, at 10:29 PM, james Walton wrote:
>>> the file is locked, and i am tired, so i am going to just leave it alone 
>>> for the night.
>>> don't want to screw anything up!
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itunes issue

2011-08-23 Thread Denise Avant
hi all,
i notice some improvement with the newest version of itunes. but i still cannot 
arrow up and down in my songs list, though i am set to list view. i am running 
snow leopard.
i am wondering if others have found this to be the case? thanks.

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Re: itunes issue

2011-08-23 Thread Ricardo Walker

This might be a sill question but, do you have quick nav on?

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 23, 2011, at 7:38 PM, Denise Avant wrote:

> hi all,
> i notice some improvement with the newest version of itunes. but i still 
> cannot arrow up and down in my songs list, though i am set to list view. i am 
> running snow leopard.
> i am wondering if others have found this to be the case? thanks.
> -- 
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Re: safari

2011-08-23 Thread Ricardo Walker

before quitting safari with command Q, press command option W to close all 
windows.  This way, only your designated homepage will open the next time you 
launch Safari.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 23, 2011, at 6:50 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:

> with Safari in lion how do I set it so when i lunch it it go toe the home 
> page instead of the last page visited?
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Re: editing commands?

2011-08-23 Thread Ricardo Walker

I would recommend using command left and right arrow to move to the beginning 
or end of a line.  It works more consistently in my opinion.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 23, 2011, at 6:34 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Move left one character: left arrow,
> move right one character: right arrow,
> Move left one word: option left arrow,
> Move right one word: option right arrow,
> Move to the beginning of the line: control left arrow,
> Move to the end of the line: control right arrow,
> Move  to the previous paragraph option uparrow,
> Move to the next paragraph: option down arrow,
> Note that a paragraph is marked by a singal hard return,
> Move to top of document: command up arrow,
> Move to end of document: command down arrow,
> To select by any of the above increments add shift.  For example to move 
> right one word press option right arrow.  To select one word to the right 
> press option shift uparrow.
> Select all: command A,
> Undo: command Z,
> Cut: command X,
> Copy: command C,
> Paste: command V,
> Backspace: backspace,
> Delete: fn Backspace,
> Hope this helps,
> Erik Burggraaf
> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When 
> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference 
> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2011-08-23, at 6:19 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Sorry for the flood of emails.
>> When editing, such as in an email or edit field on a webpage, how does one 
>> move around? I know that quick nav must be off, that left and right arrows 
>> move by character, and that up and down move by line, but that is it.  I 
>> expected home/end to move to the start or end of the current line, 
>> respectively, but that does not seem to be the case.  What are common 
>> commands, like start/end of line, up/down a paragraph, move by word, spell 
>> current word or line, and so forth? Thanks.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
>> -- 
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Mike H a question regarding you toob and the mac.

2011-08-23 Thread Mike Huckabay
Hi there dus anny one know of a good utility for the mac to play, manage 
subscriptions and more that is accessible for the mac?
Just wondering what other's are using to watch you toob videos.

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Re: editing commands?

2011-08-23 Thread Alex Hall
Thanks everyone. So it is all about the arrow keys, and which
modifiers are used. That makes more sense than the window model,
actually. Now all I have to do is remember all of those modifiers...

On 8/23/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> I would recommend using command left and right arrow to move to the
> beginning or end of a line.  It works more consistently in my opinion.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Aug 23, 2011, at 6:34 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Move left one character: left arrow,
>> move right one character: right arrow,
>> Move left one word: option left arrow,
>> Move right one word: option right arrow,
>> Move to the beginning of the line: control left arrow,
>> Move to the end of the line: control right arrow,
>> Move  to the previous paragraph option uparrow,
>> Move to the next paragraph: option down arrow,
>> Note that a paragraph is marked by a singal hard return,
>> Move to top of document: command up arrow,
>> Move to end of document: command down arrow,
>> To select by any of the above increments add shift.  For example to move
>> right one word press option right arrow.  To select one word to the right
>> press option shift uparrow.
>> Select all: command A,
>> Undo: command Z,
>> Cut: command X,
>> Copy: command C,
>> Paste: command V,
>> Backspace: backspace,
>> Delete: fn Backspace,
>> Hope this helps,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When
>> will it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference
>> Toronto. To read more and subscribe, Visit:
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2011-08-23, at 6:19 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Sorry for the flood of emails.
>>> When editing, such as in an email or edit field on a webpage, how does
>>> one move around? I know that quick nav must be off, that left and right
>>> arrows move by character, and that up and down move by line, but that is
>>> it.  I expected home/end to move to the start or end of the current line,
>>> respectively, but that does not seem to be the case.  What are common
>>> commands, like start/end of line, up/down a paragraph, move by word,
>>> spell current word or line, and so forth? Thanks.
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
>>> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Lion DVD ore USB?

2011-08-23 Thread Georges Zaynoun
I created that dvd using the installesd.dmg and with all certainty I 
can confirm it is not the complete os, as I used it on 3 machines, on a 
macbook early 2009 it wanted to sign into the app store to download 
components, same dvd on a macmini standard configuration and an imac 
from last year it worked perfectly.  Wished I could modify it so it 
behaves like the ones purchased when snow leopard came.

Original message:

The DVD, which you download from the AppStore, is 3.82GB, it is also by
chance, if you have it as a USB key, i meen, do you get the entire OS X
drive where you can also say custumise during installation?
- Original Message -
From: "Mike Arrigo" 
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 2:06 AM
Subject: Re: Lion DVD ore USB?

There's no need to buy it, you can get a flash drive and make your own.
You can use the lion recovery assistant application from apple to do this.
I used an old 1 GB flash drive I had around here, works well.
On Aug 22, 2011, at 2:07 PM, Hayri Tulumcu wrote:

Hello folks. I have some questions about Lion.
1st If I buy Lion on a USB key, should i be connected to the Internet
when the install because it says download extra components?
2nd Will it do so if I buy it on
a USB key?
3rd The DVD, which you download from the AppStore, is 3.82GB, it is also
by chance, if you have it as a USB key, i meen, do you get the entire OS
X drive where you can also say custumise during

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Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
Mobile: +46707567315

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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Re: Making an mp3 with lion?

2011-08-23 Thread Ricardo Walker

Here's what you do.  BTW, the same option exists in Snow Leopard.  Go to system 
prefs and select keyboard.  Now select the keyboard shortcuts tab.  In the 
first table you encounter, choose services.  Now in the second table interact, 
then arrow down to "add to iTunes as a spoken track" Make sure the checkbox for 
this is checked.  In column 3 of this table is an edit field.  If you interact 
with this, and preform a mouse click (providing you've moved the mouse cursor 
to the spot) you can input a keyboard shortcut for the action.  For example, 
you can press command option A in the edit field and pressing that would send 
the selected text to iTunes as an audio file.

Once you have at least the action enabled via the checkbox, it should show up 
in the menu bar underneath the applications menu.  Like Mail, iTunes, Safari, 
etc.  once in here arrow down to the services sub menu.  Use VO down arrow to 
find the Add to iTunes option.  I suggest using VO down arrow because, on 
occasion, I have experienced just using the arrow keys will skip over this 
option for some strange reason.

hth  .

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 23, 2011, at 5:51 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:

> Hello, all. I don't know if I'm misunderstanding, or if I just dreamed this 
> feature existed, but I thought I read somewhere
> that with lion, one could make an mp3 out of a document. I have a file which 
> I'd love to have Alex read as an mp3, but can't
> figure out how to do it. I checked the context menu when the file was 
> selected, but didn't see any relevant options. Do I
> need special software similar to text aloud to make this happen on my mac, or 
> am I just not looking in the right place to
> find the feature? I understand that I can't create a multi-voice file the 
> same way I can using text aloud on my PC, but just
> having Alex read something into mp3 format would be more than adequate for 
> now. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me
> figure this out, and I hope that everyone is having a great day!
> Missy
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Re: progress indicators?

2011-08-23 Thread Ricardo Walker

no there isn't.  but, if you navigate to the progress indicater, pressing VO A 
will read the progress.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 23, 2011, at 6:08 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> I set vo to play a tone when a progress indicator changes.  I thought this 
> would give me rising tones, much like the NVDA screen reader has.  Instead, I 
> seem to only get a click every second, and only when the vo cursor is on an 
> indicator.  This means I have no way to know how far along something like a 
> webpage load is, or a program installation.  Is there any way to set things 
> to play tones that actually provide information, and not when you are lucky 
> enough to find the indicator?
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
> -- 
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Office VS IWorks

2011-08-23 Thread Joanne Chua
Hi all,

as i'm getting a new 13inch 2.7 processer mac book pro from my
university, and i'm fairly new with Mac, and they are requesting me to
provide them with a list of programs that i want to be loaded, i'm
wondering what sort of program that is a must for a university student
to have?

i've request to have ABBY Reader, and they have perchase that for me,
however, , i'm wondering with the choice between office and IWork,
which will be better for my needs? i do alot of word processing tasks,
also, presentation tasks as i'm also a trainer and assessor by
occupation. what is the main different between office and iwork beside
one from MS , and one from Apple?

any other program suggestion will be also much appreciated.



Joanne (Australia)

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Re: Office VS IWorks

2011-08-23 Thread Kristyn Leigh
Office for Mac is not accessible with VoiceOver.  

On Aug 23, 2011, at 8:47 PM, Joanne Chua wrote:

> Hi all,
> as i'm getting a new 13inch 2.7 processer mac book pro from my
> university, and i'm fairly new with Mac, and they are requesting me to
> provide them with a list of programs that i want to be loaded, i'm
> wondering what sort of program that is a must for a university student
> to have?
> i've request to have ABBY Reader, and they have perchase that for me,
> however, , i'm wondering with the choice between office and IWork,
> which will be better for my needs? i do alot of word processing tasks,
> also, presentation tasks as i'm also a trainer and assessor by
> occupation. what is the main different between office and iwork beside
> one from MS , and one from Apple?
> any other program suggestion will be also much appreciated.
> thanks
> cheers
> Joanne (Australia)
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Kristyn Leigh
Sent from my mini Mac

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Re: Office VS IWorks

2011-08-23 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Joanne!
ms office is not useable on the Mac unless you set up windows as another part 
of your Mac!
Look at posts about bootcamp or fusion!
hth Colin

On 24 Aug 2011, at 01:47, Joanne Chua wrote:

> Hi all,
> as i'm getting a new 13inch 2.7 processor mac book pro from my
> university, and i'm fairly new with Mac, and they are requesting me to
> provide them with a list of programs that i want to be loaded, i'm
> wondering what sort of program that is a must for a university student
> to have?
> i've request to have ABBY Reader, and they have purchase that for me,
> however, , i'm wondering with the choice between office and IWork,
> which will be better for my needs? i do a lot of word processing tasks,
> also, presentation tasks as i'm also a trainer and assessor by
> occupation. what is the main different between office and iwork beside
> one from MS , and one from Apple?
> any other program suggestion will be also much appreciated.
> thanks
> cheers
> Joanne (Australia)
> -- 
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Re: Office VS IWorks

2011-08-23 Thread Joanne Chua
hi all!

thanks alot for the news. i appreciate it alot :)
after read about the emails here, i just made a quick call to my
disability team on campus and just in time for them to change it
before they perchase Office for Mac.

for sure, i'll have plenty of question and problems ahead of me as i'm
migrating to Mac.

any help is very much appreciated.

thanks very much.


On 24/08/2011, Red.Falcon  wrote:
> Hi Joanne!
> ms office is not useable on the Mac unless you set up windows as another
> part of your Mac!
> Look at posts about bootcamp or fusion!
> hth Colin
> On 24 Aug 2011, at 01:47, Joanne Chua wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> as i'm getting a new 13inch 2.7 processor mac book pro from my
>> university, and i'm fairly new with Mac, and they are requesting me to
>> provide them with a list of programs that i want to be loaded, i'm
>> wondering what sort of program that is a must for a university student
>> to have?
>> i've request to have ABBY Reader, and they have purchase that for me,
>> however, , i'm wondering with the choice between office and IWork,
>> which will be better for my needs? i do a lot of word processing tasks,
>> also, presentation tasks as i'm also a trainer and assessor by
>> occupation. what is the main different between office and iwork beside
>> one from MS , and one from Apple?
>> any other program suggestion will be also much appreciated.
>> thanks
>> cheers
>> Joanne (Australia)
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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RE: Making an mp3 with lion?

2011-08-23 Thread Missy Hoppe
Thank you for sending such detailed instructions! If this works in Snow 
Leopard, I might try it there; I've been playing
around in lion for the past hour or so, and haven't been able to get anywhere. 
I think I was messing up regarding that third
column, so I'll have to try to look at that again when my brain is a little 
more functional. I'm almost tempted to see if
anyone who has dropbox could convert this file to an mp3 for me, but now that 
you've given me steps to try, I shall keep
trying to fight with it. Thank you very much for your response, and I hope that 
you're having a great day!

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: Making an mp3 with lion?


Here's what you do.  BTW, the same option exists in Snow Leopard.  Go to system 
prefs and select keyboard.  Now select the
keyboard shortcuts tab.  In the first table you encounter, choose services.  
Now in the second table interact, then arrow
down to "add to iTunes as a spoken track" Make sure the checkbox for this is 
checked.  In column 3 of this table is an edit
field.  If you interact with this, and preform a mouse click (providing you've 
moved the mouse cursor to the spot) you can
input a keyboard shortcut for the action.  For example, you can press command 
option A in the edit field and pressing that
would send the selected text to iTunes as an audio file.

Once you have at least the action enabled via the checkbox, it should show up 
in the menu bar underneath the applications
menu.  Like Mail, iTunes, Safari, etc.  once in here arrow down to the services 
sub menu.  Use VO down arrow to find the Add
to iTunes option.  I suggest using VO down arrow because, on occasion, I have 
experienced just using the arrow keys will skip
over this option for some strange reason.

hth  .

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 23, 2011, at 5:51 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:

> Hello, all. I don't know if I'm misunderstanding, or if I just dreamed
> this feature existed, but I thought I read somewhere that with lion,
> one could make an mp3 out of a document. I have a file which I'd love
> to have Alex read as an mp3, but can't figure out how to do it. I
> checked the context menu when the file was selected, but didn't see
> any relevant options. Do I need special software similar to text aloud
> to make this happen on my mac, or am I just not looking in the right place to 
> find the feature? I understand that I can't
create a multi-voice file the same way I can using text aloud on my PC, but 
just having Alex read something into mp3 format
would be more than adequate for now. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help 
me figure this out, and I hope that everyone is
having a great day!
> Missy
> --
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Re: Making an mp3 with lion?

2011-08-23 Thread Ricardo Walker
No problem,

BTW, I should have mentioned this before.  When you do the text to audio 
conversion, it makes an AAC file by default.  You can always create an mp3 
version afterwards of course.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 23, 2011, at 9:13 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:

> Thank you for sending such detailed instructions! If this works in Snow 
> Leopard, I might try it there; I've been playing
> around in lion for the past hour or so, and haven't been able to get 
> anywhere. I think I was messing up regarding that third
> column, so I'll have to try to look at that again when my brain is a little 
> more functional. I'm almost tempted to see if
> anyone who has dropbox could convert this file to an mp3 for me, but now that 
> you've given me steps to try, I shall keep
> trying to fight with it. Thank you very much for your response, and I hope 
> that you're having a great day!
> Missy
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 8:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Making an mp3 with lion?
> Hi,
> Here's what you do.  BTW, the same option exists in Snow Leopard.  Go to 
> system prefs and select keyboard.  Now select the
> keyboard shortcuts tab.  In the first table you encounter, choose services.  
> Now in the second table interact, then arrow
> down to "add to iTunes as a spoken track" Make sure the checkbox for this is 
> checked.  In column 3 of this table is an edit
> field.  If you interact with this, and preform a mouse click (providing 
> you've moved the mouse cursor to the spot) you can
> input a keyboard shortcut for the action.  For example, you can press command 
> option A in the edit field and pressing that
> would send the selected text to iTunes as an audio file.
> Once you have at least the action enabled via the checkbox, it should show up 
> in the menu bar underneath the applications
> menu.  Like Mail, iTunes, Safari, etc.  once in here arrow down to the 
> services sub menu.  Use VO down arrow to find the Add
> to iTunes option.  I suggest using VO down arrow because, on occasion, I have 
> experienced just using the arrow keys will skip
> over this option for some strange reason.
> hth  .
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Aug 23, 2011, at 5:51 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>> Hello, all. I don't know if I'm misunderstanding, or if I just dreamed
>> this feature existed, but I thought I read somewhere that with lion,
>> one could make an mp3 out of a document. I have a file which I'd love
>> to have Alex read as an mp3, but can't figure out how to do it. I
>> checked the context menu when the file was selected, but didn't see
>> any relevant options. Do I need special software similar to text aloud
>> to make this happen on my mac, or am I just not looking in the right place 
>> to find the feature? I understand that I can't
> create a multi-voice file the same way I can using text aloud on my PC, but 
> just having Alex read something into mp3 format
> would be more than adequate for now. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help 
> me figure this out, and I hope that everyone is
> having a great day!
>> Missy
>> --
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Re: Making an mp3 with lion?

2011-08-23 Thread chad baker
hi i'm having trouble making a mp3 i defined a keyboard shortcut its not working
i checked the menu bar but no luck
i opened a rtf file and selected all the text then looked for the command in 
the menu bar no luck and tried my shortcut no luck there
any suggestions
On Aug 23, 2011, at 10:05 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> No problem,
> BTW, I should have mentioned this before.  When you do the text to audio 
> conversion, it makes an AAC file by default.  You can always create an mp3 
> version afterwards of course.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Aug 23, 2011, at 9:13 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>> Thank you for sending such detailed instructions! If this works in Snow 
>> Leopard, I might try it there; I've been playing
>> around in lion for the past hour or so, and haven't been able to get 
>> anywhere. I think I was messing up regarding that third
>> column, so I'll have to try to look at that again when my brain is a little 
>> more functional. I'm almost tempted to see if
>> anyone who has dropbox could convert this file to an mp3 for me, but now 
>> that you've given me steps to try, I shall keep
>> trying to fight with it. Thank you very much for your response, and I hope 
>> that you're having a great day!
>> Missy
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 8:43 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Making an mp3 with lion?
>> Hi,
>> Here's what you do.  BTW, the same option exists in Snow Leopard.  Go to 
>> system prefs and select keyboard.  Now select the
>> keyboard shortcuts tab.  In the first table you encounter, choose services.  
>> Now in the second table interact, then arrow
>> down to "add to iTunes as a spoken track" Make sure the checkbox for this is 
>> checked.  In column 3 of this table is an edit
>> field.  If you interact with this, and preform a mouse click (providing 
>> you've moved the mouse cursor to the spot) you can
>> input a keyboard shortcut for the action.  For example, you can press 
>> command option A in the edit field and pressing that
>> would send the selected text to iTunes as an audio file.
>> Once you have at least the action enabled via the checkbox, it should show 
>> up in the menu bar underneath the applications
>> menu.  Like Mail, iTunes, Safari, etc.  once in here arrow down to the 
>> services sub menu.  Use VO down arrow to find the Add
>> to iTunes option.  I suggest using VO down arrow because, on occasion, I 
>> have experienced just using the arrow keys will skip
>> over this option for some strange reason.
>> hth  .
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Aug 23, 2011, at 5:51 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>>> Hello, all. I don't know if I'm misunderstanding, or if I just dreamed
>>> this feature existed, but I thought I read somewhere that with lion,
>>> one could make an mp3 out of a document. I have a file which I'd love
>>> to have Alex read as an mp3, but can't figure out how to do it. I
>>> checked the context menu when the file was selected, but didn't see
>>> any relevant options. Do I need special software similar to text aloud
>>> to make this happen on my mac, or am I just not looking in the right place 
>>> to find the feature? I understand that I can't
>> create a multi-voice file the same way I can using text aloud on my PC, but 
>> just having Alex read something into mp3 format
>> would be more than adequate for now. Thanks in advance to anyone who can 
>> help me figure this out, and I hope that everyone is
>> having a great day!
>>> Missy
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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RE: Making an mp3 with lion?

2011-08-23 Thread Missy Hoppe
Thanks! That's good to know. Any idea approximately how long the process takes? 
It's supposedly working on it now, but I'm
afraid to touch anything until I know the process is complete. Your 
instructions worked perfectly under Snow Leopard by the
way; maybe I will attempt it with Lion again some day now that I know what I'm 
Thanks again, and I hope you're having a great night!
-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: Making an mp3 with lion?

No problem,

BTW, I should have mentioned this before.  When you do the text to audio 
conversion, it makes an AAC file by default.  You
can always create an mp3 version afterwards of course.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 23, 2011, at 9:13 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:

> Thank you for sending such detailed instructions! If this works in
> Snow Leopard, I might try it there; I've been playing around in lion
> for the past hour or so, and haven't been able to get anywhere. I
> think I was messing up regarding that third column, so I'll have to
> try to look at that again when my brain is a little more functional. I'm 
> almost tempted to see if anyone who has dropbox
could convert this file to an mp3 for me, but now that you've given me steps to 
try, I shall keep trying to fight with it.
Thank you very much for your response, and I hope that you're having a great 
> Missy
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 8:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Making an mp3 with lion?
> Hi,
> Here's what you do.  BTW, the same option exists in Snow Leopard.  Go
> to system prefs and select keyboard.  Now select the keyboard
> shortcuts tab.  In the first table you encounter, choose services.
> Now in the second table interact, then arrow down to "add to iTunes as
> a spoken track" Make sure the checkbox for this is checked.  In column
> 3 of this table is an edit field.  If you interact with this, and preform a 
> mouse click (providing you've moved the mouse
cursor to the spot) you can input a keyboard shortcut for the action.  For 
example, you can press command option A in the
edit field and pressing that would send the selected text to iTunes as an audio 
> Once you have at least the action enabled via the checkbox, it should
> show up in the menu bar underneath the applications menu.  Like Mail,
> iTunes, Safari, etc.  once in here arrow down to the services sub
> menu.  Use VO down arrow to find the Add to iTunes option.  I suggest using 
> VO down arrow because, on occasion, I have
experienced just using the arrow keys will skip over this option for some 
strange reason.
> hth  .
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Aug 23, 2011, at 5:51 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>> Hello, all. I don't know if I'm misunderstanding, or if I just
>> dreamed this feature existed, but I thought I read somewhere that
>> with lion, one could make an mp3 out of a document. I have a file
>> which I'd love to have Alex read as an mp3, but can't figure out how
>> to do it. I checked the context menu when the file was selected, but
>> didn't see any relevant options. Do I need special software similar
>> to text aloud to make this happen on my mac, or am I just not looking
>> in the right place to find the feature? I understand that I can't
> create a multi-voice file the same way I can using text aloud on my
> PC, but just having Alex read something into mp3 format would be more
> than adequate for now. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me figure 
> this out, and I hope that everyone is having a
great day!
>> Missy
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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add to iTunes as a spoken track

2011-08-23 Thread chad baker
hi i can't add anything as a spoken track in iTunes
i followed ricardo's instructions add to iTunes as a spoken track isn't showing 
up in the menu bar

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RE: Making an mp3 with lion?

2011-08-23 Thread Missy Hoppe
Hello again. Sorry to bother you, but how do I convert the file that imports 
into Itunes into an mp3, or even an .ogg. I
copied the file, which was insanely huge by the way, onto a flash drive so that 
I could convert it in gold wave, but it's an
m4A or something like that, and goldwave can't open it. I know absolutely 
nothing about Itunes, but if you could please tell
me how to convert this file into a format I can use on my booksense or NLS 
player, I would really, really appreciate it.
Thanks again, and I hope that you're having a great day!

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: Making an mp3 with lion?

No problem,

BTW, I should have mentioned this before.  When you do the text to audio 
conversion, it makes an AAC file by default.  You
can always create an mp3 version afterwards of course.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 23, 2011, at 9:13 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:

> Thank you for sending such detailed instructions! If this works in
> Snow Leopard, I might try it there; I've been playing around in lion
> for the past hour or so, and haven't been able to get anywhere. I
> think I was messing up regarding that third column, so I'll have to
> try to look at that again when my brain is a little more functional. I'm 
> almost tempted to see if anyone who has dropbox
could convert this file to an mp3 for me, but now that you've given me steps to 
try, I shall keep trying to fight with it.
Thank you very much for your response, and I hope that you're having a great 
> Missy
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 8:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Making an mp3 with lion?
> Hi,
> Here's what you do.  BTW, the same option exists in Snow Leopard.  Go
> to system prefs and select keyboard.  Now select the keyboard
> shortcuts tab.  In the first table you encounter, choose services.
> Now in the second table interact, then arrow down to "add to iTunes as
> a spoken track" Make sure the checkbox for this is checked.  In column
> 3 of this table is an edit field.  If you interact with this, and preform a 
> mouse click (providing you've moved the mouse
cursor to the spot) you can input a keyboard shortcut for the action.  For 
example, you can press command option A in the
edit field and pressing that would send the selected text to iTunes as an audio 
> Once you have at least the action enabled via the checkbox, it should
> show up in the menu bar underneath the applications menu.  Like Mail,
> iTunes, Safari, etc.  once in here arrow down to the services sub
> menu.  Use VO down arrow to find the Add to iTunes option.  I suggest using 
> VO down arrow because, on occasion, I have
experienced just using the arrow keys will skip over this option for some 
strange reason.
> hth  .
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Aug 23, 2011, at 5:51 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>> Hello, all. I don't know if I'm misunderstanding, or if I just
>> dreamed this feature existed, but I thought I read somewhere that
>> with lion, one could make an mp3 out of a document. I have a file
>> which I'd love to have Alex read as an mp3, but can't figure out how
>> to do it. I checked the context menu when the file was selected, but
>> didn't see any relevant options. Do I need special software similar
>> to text aloud to make this happen on my mac, or am I just not looking
>> in the right place to find the feature? I understand that I can't
> create a multi-voice file the same way I can using text aloud on my
> PC, but just having Alex read something into mp3 format would be more
> than adequate for now. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me figure 
> this out, and I hope that everyone is having a
great day!
>> Missy
>> --
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Re: Office VS IWorks

2011-08-23 Thread Mike Arrigo
Go with iwork, microsoft office on the mac is not accessible, you could also 
try open office, which is free. Iwork is able to open and save Microsoft Office 
files, but if you need to use office natively, consider installing windows on 
your mac.
On Aug 23, 2011, at 7:47 PM, Joanne Chua wrote:

> Hi all,
> as i'm getting a new 13inch 2.7 processer mac book pro from my
> university, and i'm fairly new with Mac, and they are requesting me to
> provide them with a list of programs that i want to be loaded, i'm
> wondering what sort of program that is a must for a university student
> to have?
> i've request to have ABBY Reader, and they have perchase that for me,
> however, , i'm wondering with the choice between office and IWork,
> which will be better for my needs? i do alot of word processing tasks,
> also, presentation tasks as i'm also a trainer and assessor by
> occupation. what is the main different between office and iwork beside
> one from MS , and one from Apple?
> any other program suggestion will be also much appreciated.
> thanks
> cheers
> Joanne (Australia)
> -- 
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Re: safari

2011-08-23 Thread Tim Kilburn

1.  In Safari Prefs in the General pane, set New Windows to open with Homepage.
2.  In System prefs in the General pane, uncheck the checkbox related to 
"Restore Windows when Quitting and Reopening Apps".

In most cases that will do it.  Some people have had to also set the Remember 
Recent Apps in the General pane of System Prefs to "None" as well.  This 
setting is usually temporary but seems to help modify the settings properly.


On 2011-08-23, at 4:50 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:

> with Safari in lion how do I set it so when i lunch it it go toe the home 
> page instead of the last page visited?
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: itunes issue

2011-08-23 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Denise,

Arrow navigation does now work properly in Lion and the navigation through the 
Music Library has also reverted to regular "no hesitation" as in previous 
versions of iTunes..  In the Software Update notes pertaining to iTunes, it 
mentions that it is now fully compatible to Lion which leads me to believe that 
these fixes may not specifically improve performance in Snow Leopard.  I'll 
locate a Snow Leopard machine tomorrow and try to confirm this.


On 2011-08-23, at 5:38 PM, Denise Avant wrote:

> hi all,
> i notice some improvement with the newest version of itunes. but i still 
> cannot arrow up and down in my songs list, though i am set to list view. i am 
> running snow leopard.
> i am wondering if others have found this to be the case? thanks.
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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growl mail me notification

2011-08-23 Thread james Walton
hi everyone,
has anyone ever figured how to configure out how to set up the mail me 
notification for growl

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Re: Making an mp3 with lion?

2011-08-23 Thread Ricardo Walker

There's a couple ways you can do it.  You can convert with iTunes.  Open up 
iTunes and then open up iTunes prefs with command comma.  Then find the import 
settings button (which is found under the general tab) and select the file type 
you want iTunes to use for conversion.  Once you've selected mp3, and the 
quality you want, press ok.  Now find the text to audio file in iTunes and go 
to advanced in the menu bar.  You will find an option to convert to mp3.  You 
can also interact with the table and bring up the context menu to find the same 
option.  You can also use garageband but, I think thats more involved.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Aug 23, 2011, at 11:13 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:

> Hello again. Sorry to bother you, but how do I convert the file that imports 
> into Itunes into an mp3, or even an .ogg. I
> copied the file, which was insanely huge by the way, onto a flash drive so 
> that I could convert it in gold wave, but it's an
> m4A or something like that, and goldwave can't open it. I know absolutely 
> nothing about Itunes, but if you could please tell
> me how to convert this file into a format I can use on my booksense or NLS 
> player, I would really, really appreciate it.
> Thanks again, and I hope that you're having a great day!
> Missy
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 10:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Making an mp3 with lion?
> No problem,
> BTW, I should have mentioned this before.  When you do the text to audio 
> conversion, it makes an AAC file by default.  You
> can always create an mp3 version afterwards of course.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Aug 23, 2011, at 9:13 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>> Thank you for sending such detailed instructions! If this works in
>> Snow Leopard, I might try it there; I've been playing around in lion
>> for the past hour or so, and haven't been able to get anywhere. I
>> think I was messing up regarding that third column, so I'll have to
>> try to look at that again when my brain is a little more functional. I'm 
>> almost tempted to see if anyone who has dropbox
> could convert this file to an mp3 for me, but now that you've given me steps 
> to try, I shall keep trying to fight with it.
> Thank you very much for your response, and I hope that you're having a great 
> day!
>> Missy
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 8:43 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Making an mp3 with lion?
>> Hi,
>> Here's what you do.  BTW, the same option exists in Snow Leopard.  Go
>> to system prefs and select keyboard.  Now select the keyboard
>> shortcuts tab.  In the first table you encounter, choose services.
>> Now in the second table interact, then arrow down to "add to iTunes as
>> a spoken track" Make sure the checkbox for this is checked.  In column
>> 3 of this table is an edit field.  If you interact with this, and preform a 
>> mouse click (providing you've moved the mouse
> cursor to the spot) you can input a keyboard shortcut for the action.  For 
> example, you can press command option A in the
> edit field and pressing that would send the selected text to iTunes as an 
> audio file.
>> Once you have at least the action enabled via the checkbox, it should
>> show up in the menu bar underneath the applications menu.  Like Mail,
>> iTunes, Safari, etc.  once in here arrow down to the services sub
>> menu.  Use VO down arrow to find the Add to iTunes option.  I suggest using 
>> VO down arrow because, on occasion, I have
> experienced just using the arrow keys will skip over this option for some 
> strange reason.
>> hth  .
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Aug 23, 2011, at 5:51 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
>>> Hello, all. I don't know if I'm misunderstanding, or if I just
>>> dreamed this feature existed, but I thought I read somewhere that
>>> with lion, one could make an mp3 out of a document. I have a file
>>> which I'd love to have Alex read as an mp3, but can't figure out how
>>> to do it. I checked the context menu when the file was selected, but
>>> didn't see any relevant options. Do I need special software similar
>>> to text aloud to make this happen on my mac, or am I just not looking
>>> in the right place to find the feature? I understand that I can't
>> create a multi-voice file the same way I can using text aloud on my
>> PC, but just having Alex read something into mp3 format would be more
>> than adequate for now. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help

Re: OpenOffice?

2011-08-23 Thread Adie


I tried OO a couple of years back when I was having trouble working on
a common document with a sighted friend who was using Word on a fairly
old Windows OS and wasn't all that tech minded. It worked well for
that purpose, although I preferred Text Edit as a much simpler way of
going about things.

I tried to use a more recent version and I then found all the problems
with text blocks to which some of you have referred. Can't speak about

I would say two things about OO. Maybe we all should report this
difficulty and at least you can do a word count in OO, which I have
never been able to find in Text Edit.



On Aug 23, 3:08 pm, Chris Blouch  wrote:
> Just finished downloading Libre Office and it still has the table
> problem. I insert a new 2 by 2 table and as I navigate the cells they
> are all announced as "Edit Text" so there is no way to know which row of
> column I'm in. Well, there is the trick I posted about a while back of
> setting a live region in the region at the bottom of the page which does
> give the letter/number position inside the table, but I shouldn't have
> to do that.
> I tried VO-A on a document and it only read the first paragraph. I could
> VO-down and read each paragraph as a block but not the whole document. I
> was able to position my cursor at the beginning of a paragraph and
> shift-down to select it and a couple paragraphs after that which I could
> then cut, move somewhere else and paste, so that seemed to work ok. It
> also announced every blank line between paragraphs as "Edit Text" which
> is kind of verbose. Would rather have it just say "blank".
> CB
> On 8/23/11 5:35 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> > Hi,
> > When i tried Openoffice i found a couple of show stoppers:
> > the paragraphs or even new lines were presented as separate edit boxes 
> > making it impossible to read using the "say all" command vo+a. I couldn't 
> > select long blocks of text to delete, move or otherwise manipulate, thereby 
> > making this function practically useless. This is in the openoffice word 
> > processor. Since others can use it, it would be nice to know what in the 
> > world i do wrong, or if there's some setting somewhere i need to change. I 
> > definitely prefer Pages for word processing, though i mostly do simple text 
> > writing, so textedit is enough for me.
> > /Krister
> > 22 aug 2011 kl. 19:05 skrev Chris Blouch:
> >> While I only played with it a bit in the word processor I found table 
> >> navigation was difficult because it wouldn't announce what row or column I 
> >> was in or at least what heading I was under. Lots of the other stuff 
> >> worked decently. It's free so why not just download it and give it a whirl?
> >> CB
> >> On 8/21/11 4:21 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> >>> Hi all,
> >>> I heard that OpenOffice will work with vo.  What limitations are there to 
> >>> this support? In Windows, OO is all but unuseable, and I wonder if vo 
> >>> will run into any problems of which I should be aware before I try it.  
> >>> TIA.  Oh, I am not willing to spend money on Pages or any of the others, 
> >>> especially since I now have my mac set to dual boot with Win7 and I have 
> >>> an MS Office installation I can put on if I need it.  Of course, though, 
> >>> I want to do as much as possible in mac.
> >>> Have a great day,
> >>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
> >>>;
> >> --
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Re: time script

2011-08-23 Thread Shen
I have also noticed a lag in Lion as well. When I was using Snow Leopard, 
VoiceOver responds instantly when I press the keyboard commander for the time 
script. Now in Lion, I've experienced at least a 1.5 second lag.
And yes, I have checked allow VoiceOver to be controlled by Apple Script.

On Aug 23, 2011, at 6:22 AM, craig J Dunlop wrote:

> I git that too. and then it only reads the 12 hour time even though my 
> macbook is set for 24 hour.
> On Aug 22, 2011, at 9:26 PM, Candie Stiles wrote:
>> Yes I've experienced the very same thing. Some times I need to press the key 
>> combination twice before getting a response.
>> On Aug 22, 2011, at 7:24 PM, james Walton wrote:
>>> hi everyone,
>>> who here has problems with they do the time script, it takes at least like 
>>> 2 or 3 seconds to even speak the time and date?
>>> -- 
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