Re: Two ways to deal with the problem web site [was Re: Web site problems]

2011-03-24 Thread marcelo
Thank you all for real!
(I hope you understand my terrible English)

Interestingly the combination Cmd + Shift + R in Safari.

But for cases like this, in which the site is so poorly designed, the
best option to me is Services > New TextEdit window, in my case I
puted the keyboard combination Cmd + Shift + J.

It also occurs to me just as you ... services appear and disappear in
the application menu?

I see the service "Save selected text in iTunes", which is also fine,
the problem is that despite buying the voice in Spanish by Acapella
"iVox", recording on iTunes carries out English Alex's voice .. . ¿?


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Re: Selecting section of website

2011-03-24 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Jane,

On 23 Mar 2011, at 21:17, Jane wrote:

> How can I simulate a mouse? We nly have two of them, and my daughter and 
> husband use them; hate to borrow just to do some copying of stuff.
You could try Mousekeys. Go to System Preferences, and select Keyboard. You'll 
find Mousekeys there.



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Re: ICal question

2011-03-24 Thread Jes Smith
I figured it out. Turns out I had the show all day events box checked.
Thanks for the help though.

On Mar 23, 2011, at 7:37 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Try command-1 for day view and perhaps this will help or command-2 for week 
> view.
> hth
> Scott
> On Mar 23, 2011, at 7:06 PM, Jes Smith wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Something really strange is happening with ICal. Whenever I create an event 
>> and then scroll to the particular date on which that event falls, I can't 
>> get the events corresponding to that day.
>> For example, if I have an event at 3 pm on April 15th, I go to April 15, but 
>> don't see the event for just that day.
>> Any help?
>> Jes
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Drop Box

2011-03-24 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello everyone. I downloaded dropbox and when I open it it says I don't have
any windows. It continues to stay open even when I reboot my machine. Is
this normal? Also, it's supposed to create a folder on my mac. Where is it
created? Finally, I'm not sure that I got a good download. When downloading
files, How can I check to make sure that the download was completen in

Thanks so much.




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Re: Drop Box

2011-03-24 Thread Jes Smith
> I downloaded dropbox and when I open it it says I don’t have any windows. It 
> continues to stay open even when I reboot my machine. Is this normal?
Yes, it's working as it should.
> Also, it’s supposed to create a folder on my mac. Where is it created?
It's in your home folder. When in the finder, Press command-shift-h and look 
for the word dropbox. That's where it's created.

On Mar 24, 2011, at 5:27 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Hello everyone. I downloaded dropbox and when I open it it says I don’t have 
> any windows. It continues to stay open even when I reboot my machine. Is this 
> normal? Also, it’s supposed to create a folder on my mac. Where is it 
> created? Finally, I’m not sure that I got a good download. When downloading 
> files, How can I check to make sure that the download was completen in safari?
> Thanks so much.
> -- 
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Feedback from Mozilla Accessibility QA regarding Firefox 4 and VoiceOver

2011-03-24 Thread Bryan Jones
All -- Having found that the new FIrefox 4 is still incompatible with 
VoiceOver, I posted a question to Marco the Mozilla Accessibility QA Lead at
Marco says VO compatibility is still on the radar but is not enabled in FF4. 
Here is the brief thread:

Bryan says:
March 24, 2011 at 1:18 am
Hello Marco,
I’m a Mac User and am wondering if there are any plans to make Firefox work 
with VoiceOver. I’ve installed Firefox 4 and it still appears to be largely 
incompatible with VoiceOver running under OSX 10.6. Any insight would be 
greatly appreciated.

Marco says:
March 24, 2011 at 8:47 am
Bryan, yes, VoiceOver support is definitely on our radar still, however lack of 
resources in the past have made it impossible for us to work on it in the 
Firefox 4 timeframe. However, the work we did for over-all performance 
improvements has improved the situation with VoiceOver too, as I recently tried 
myself. However, there are still kinks to work out and bugs to fix that prevent 
a good user experience. That is why accessibility for Mac OS X is still not 
enabled yet for Firefox 4.

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DJay 3 and Vestax spin

2011-03-24 Thread Krister Ekstrom
So i took the plunge and ordered a Vestax Spinn control surface, now i wonder 
if anyone has made a podcast about using the Spinn as a blind person or if 
someone could tell me if there's something one should be aware of when or 
before using the spinn? Is it hard to set up? How would i go about if i wanted 
to cue for example from the Spinn,
Yes there are many questions, so please forgive me if this is old news for 

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Re: Big time Vo Crash

2011-03-24 Thread Michael Thurman
thathappened to me too and a week out of my warrenty!  but vo has been crashing 
and crashing, fortunately command f5 brings itback most times  but i still find 
that unacceptable in a machien that costs as much as this mbp does

On Mar 22, 2011, at 11:32 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi guys:
> Well, it was bound to happen at some point, and when it did, it happened 
> majorly.  I was typing an email, when Vo just completely went dead.  Command 
> f5 had no effect, command vo f8 did nothing, and rebooting 4 different times 
> after having to force a shutdown with the powerbutton didn't work.  A couple 
> of times, got the little sounds to come back, and once or twice Alex would 
> say a word or two, just to tease me.
> I must tell you that I have a very serious and intense relationship to this 
> mac.  I was freaked!:)
> Then, after reboot 5, suddenly Alex announced, "finder" and began reading the 
> apps folder in a list view.  Now, things appear to be back to normal.  But, 
> it scared me pretty good.  What if I depended on this thing for a living, 
> (rather than just a life:),
> No, seriously.  I finally understand the concern about these random 
> occurrences.
> Hard to write to accessibility when they're unpredictable.  Funny, but 
> windows used to crash all the time, and it didn't phase me at all.   
> Now I know why people always get multiples of Apple things.:)
> Carolyn
> -- 
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pyrcast, a nearly accessible client

2011-03-24 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi All,
I've been searching for an accessible Pandora client for the mac for quite a 
while now.  Most of the ones I found online were webkit-based wrappers around 
the Pandora flash player, which suffer from the same accessibility problems as 
flash in general.
I decided to search for Pandora on the mac App Store today, and discovered 
Pyrcast.  As of now the controls are unlabeled.  Nevertheless, it is possible 
to get music playing, provided you have an existing Pandora account.  
I've already emailed the developer about labeling the controls, so hopefully 
something will come of that soon.  Perhaps some of the people on the list could 
do so as well, just to show I'm not a lone voice in the wilderness?  His email 
address is
I hope this client becomes accessible.  Pandora really is a great service, and 
it would be wonderful to have a viable mac solution.

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couple questions

2011-03-24 Thread
Okay, so I was picking out my macbook pro today online.  And it suggested
that I get the office suite 2011 for mac, does this suite work with voice
over?  Also, I am a big RSS feed person, I read my feeds through outlook.
Does apple mail have a similar feature, or is there different way?  Lastly,
I'm coming from windows, and with JFW I don't have to use the mouse for
anything.  Is this the same with voice over, or do I have to use the track
pad for certain things?  Thanks.

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Importing song into iTunes and removing it from desktop

2011-03-24 Thread Kevin Gibbs

I received an mp3 of "Stormy Weather" from a singer who wants a new arrangement 
done.  when i imported it into iTunes, I didn't realize that he iTunes library 
used the desktop as the library location.  when I dumped the mp3 off the 
desktop and emptied the trash, iTunes could no longer find it.  So, I 
redownloaded the file and put it back on the desktop and imported it.  
Unfortunately, I really don't want it on my desktop.  Clearly, I don't 
completely understand the add to library and import commandsHow do I change the 
location so that this song is in the iTunes folder and not referenced to a 
location on the desktop?

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Re: couple questions

2011-03-24 Thread Ashley Cox


No, Yes, No.
DOn't buy office, it's the bigest... well i'll leave it up to your 

apple mail has a feed reader

and you don't have to use the trackpad, though voiceover does have a 
trackpad commander that can allow you to navigate using the trackpad.


On 24/03/2011 19:11, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

Okay, so I was picking out my macbook pro today online.  And it 
suggested that I get the office suite 2011 for mac, does this suite 
work with voice over?  Also, I am a big RSS feed person, I read my 
feeds through outlook.  Does apple mail have a similar feature, or is 
there different way?  Lastly, I'm coming from windows, and with JFW I 
don't have to use the mouse for anything.  Is this the same with voice 
over, or do I have to use the track pad for certain things?  Thanks.

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Re: pyrcast, a nearly accessible client

2011-03-24 Thread Mary Otten
Thanks, Zach. I am going to write that developer right now. In the meantime, I 
wonder about using the VO feature to label controls. I just went looking for it 
in the vo help and in the vo utility and I can't find it. Surely, I am not 
dreaming; there is a vo feature that permits labeling of unlabeled controls, 


Mary Otten

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Re: pyrcast, a nearly accessible client

2011-03-24 Thread Rose Morales
As for other accessible Pandora clients, there's also Pianopub. The buttons are 
unlabeled, but they're really easy to label. It's pause, skip, thumb up, thumb 


On Mar 24, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:

> Hi All,
> I've been searching for an accessible Pandora client for the mac for quite a 
> while now.  Most of the ones I found online were webkit-based wrappers around 
> the Pandora flash player, which suffer from the same accessibility problems 
> as flash in general.
> I decided to search for Pandora on the mac App Store today, and discovered 
> Pyrcast.  As of now the controls are unlabeled.  Nevertheless, it is possible 
> to get music playing, provided you have an existing Pandora account.  
> I've already emailed the developer about labeling the controls, so hopefully 
> something will come of that soon.  Perhaps some of the people on the list 
> could do so as well, just to show I'm not a lone voice in the wilderness?  
> His email address is
> I hope this client becomes accessible.  Pandora really is a great service, 
> and it would be wonderful to have a viable mac solution.
> ENjoy,
> Zack.
> -- 
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Re: Importing song into iTunes and removing it from desktop

2011-03-24 Thread Ashley Cox

put it in your iTunes folder and import it.
to have it do it automatically in future, go to itunes prefs, then into 
advanced and check the box to copy files to iTunes media folder.


On 24/03/2011 19:17, Kevin Gibbs wrote:


I received an mp3 of "Stormy Weather" from a singer who wants a new arrangement 
done.  when i imported it into iTunes, I didn't realize that he iTunes library used the 
desktop as the library location.  when I dumped the mp3 off the desktop and emptied the 
trash, iTunes could no longer find it.  So, I redownloaded the file and put it back on 
the desktop and imported it.  Unfortunately, I really don't want it on my desktop.  
Clearly, I don't completely understand the add to library and import commandsHow do I 
change the location so that this song is in the iTunes folder and not referenced to a 
location on the desktop?

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Re: pyrcast, a nearly accessible client

2011-03-24 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Mary,

Yes, its vo slash to label buttons and graphics..


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Mar 24, 2011, at 3:27 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Thanks, Zach. I am going to write that developer right now. In the meantime, 
> I wonder about using the VO feature to label controls. I just went looking 
> for it in the vo help and in the vo utility and I can't find it. Surely, I am 
> not dreaming; there is a vo feature that permits labeling of unlabeled 
> controls, right?
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: couple questions

2011-03-24 Thread carolyn Haas
Don't get office for Mac.  It's not accessible with voiceover speech.

You can do most things from the keyboard, in fact.  But, You may be surprised 
at how nice the trackpad can be to work with.  I'd recommend looking closely at 
Mac101 on, which has a lot of good info about the switch from Windows.

The recommended -program/applications  that a lot of people use  on  the MAC os 
is iWork, which contains 3 major components for doing different things.   But, 
you may want to not make that investment immediately, as there are alternatives


On Mar 24, 2011, at 1:11 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> Okay, so I was picking out my macbook pro today online.  And it suggested 
> that I get the office suite 2011 for mac, does this suite work with voice 
> over?  Also, I am a big RSS feed person, I read my feeds through outlook.  
> Does apple mail have a similar feature, or is there different way?  Lastly, 
> I’m coming from windows, and with JFW I don’t have to use the mouse for 
> anything.  Is this the same with voice over, or do I have to use the track 
> pad for certain things?  Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: pyrcast, a nearly accessible client

2011-03-24 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Ricardo,
Thank you for vo slash to label. Did you just remember that? Or did you find it 
somewhere and if the later, where? thanks.


Mary Otten

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Re: pyrcast, a nearly accessible client

2011-03-24 Thread Colin M
Hi Mary!
It can be found in vo+hh under general!
It's about the ninth item down!
hth Colin

Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 24 Mar 2011, at 19:37, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi Ricardo,
> Thank you for vo slash to label. Did you just remember that? Or did you find 
> it somewhere and if the later, where? thanks.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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RE: Drop Box

2011-03-24 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello Jef. I don't see the drop box in my home folder and it looks like
spotlite is gone from the menu system as part of 10.6.7. Can you tell me how
large the ap file is? I'm not sure I got a good download. Finally, with
Safari, how do I know when my download is complete. If I have to redownload
drop box how do I prevent it from starting when I reboot so that I can clean
up before doing the download?


Thanks so much.




[] On Behalf Of Jes Smith
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 4:48 AM
Subject: Re: Drop Box


I downloaded dropbox and when I open it it says I don't have any windows. It
continues to stay open even when I reboot my machine. Is this normal? 

Yes, it's working as it should.

Also, it's supposed to create a folder on my mac. Where is it created? 

It's in your home folder. When in the finder, Press command-shift-h and look
for the word dropbox. That's where it's created.


On Mar 24, 2011, at 5:27 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:

Hello everyone. I downloaded dropbox and when I open it it says I don't have
any windows. It continues to stay open even when I reboot my machine. Is
this normal? Also, it's supposed to create a folder on my mac. Where is it
created? Finally, I'm not sure that I got a good download. When downloading
files, How can I check to make sure that the download was completen in

Thanks so much.





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Mod suggestion re: couple questions

2011-03-24 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Ashley:
If you intend to answer questions, please do so in a way that the the reader of 
your post  wouldn't have to go back and find the original  to understand what 
you're trying to answer.  .  Otherwise, your useful knowledge may go waisted.:)

Thank you.


On Mar 24, 2011, at 1:26 PM, Ashley Cox wrote:

> Hi,
> No, Yes, No.
> DOn't buy office, it's the bigest... well i'll leave it up to your imagination
> apple mail has a feed reader
> and you don't have to use the trackpad, though voiceover does have a trackpad 
> commander that can allow you to navigate using the trackpad.
> ash
> On 24/03/2011 19:11, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:
>> Okay, so I was picking out my macbook pro today online.  And it suggested 
>> that I get the office suite 2011 for mac, does this suite work with voice 
>> over?  Also, I am a big RSS feed person, I read my feeds through outlook.  
>> Does apple mail have a similar feature, or is there different way?  Lastly, 
>> I’m coming from windows, and with JFW I don’t have to use the mouse for 
>> anything.  Is this the same with voice over, or do I have to use the track 
>> pad for certain things?  Thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: pyrcast, a nearly accessible client

2011-03-24 Thread Simon Cavendish
Vo+/ brings up Voiceover labelling dialogue. Some buttons will have a help tag 
if you press vo+shift+h on them, and then once you have heard their description 
you can type it in to the labelling dialogue and you have a labelled button. It 
all depends on wehther the button has such a help tag. Otherwise it is back to 
sighted assistance.  
On 24 Mar 2011, at 19:27, Rose Morales wrote:

> As for other accessible Pandora clients, there's also Pianopub. The buttons 
> are unlabeled, but they're really easy to label. It's pause, skip, thumb up, 
> thumb down.
> Hth,
> Rose
> On Mar 24, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I've been searching for an accessible Pandora client for the mac for quite a 
>> while now.  Most of the ones I found online were webkit-based wrappers 
>> around the Pandora flash player, which suffer from the same accessibility 
>> problems as flash in general.
>> I decided to search for Pandora on the mac App Store today, and discovered 
>> Pyrcast.  As of now the controls are unlabeled.  Nevertheless, it is 
>> possible to get music playing, provided you have an existing Pandora 
>> account.  
>> I've already emailed the developer about labeling the controls, so hopefully 
>> something will come of that soon.  Perhaps some of the people on the list 
>> could do so as well, just to show I'm not a lone voice in the wilderness?  
>> His email address is
>> I hope this client becomes accessible.  Pandora really is a great service, 
>> and it would be wonderful to have a viable mac solution.
>> ENjoy,
>> Zack.
>> -- 
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Fwd: pyrcast and VoiceOver

2011-03-24 Thread Zachary Kline
I just received this from the pyrcast developer.  I wish all software 
developers were this prompt and willing to help.  Since he calls for testers, 
perhaps we could all pitch in and contribute, if he can put up with a big beta 
team?  Anyhow, I wanted to pass this along.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Alex Winston 
> Date: March 24, 2011 1:19:25 PM PDT
> To: Zachary Kline 
> Subject: Re: pyrcast and VoiceOver
> I greatly appreciate your feedback and am very interested in making the 
> application more accessible. If you don't mind I am going to read up on some 
> of Apple's suggestions and then possibly reach out to you to help test any 
> changes that I make. I imagine I will have some time over the coming weeks to 
> begin to investigate these improvements.
> Thanks!

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Where is the history window in Skype 5?

2011-03-24 Thread Jes Smith
Hi all,

Someone is suposed to add me to their contact list, and suppose I don't see the 
request or something blocks it. How do I access my Skype history window in the 
latest version of Skype 5?

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Re: Where is the history window in Skype 5?

2011-03-24 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
The source list at the top of the screen, below the tool bar, contains all the 
events that occur; find it, interact with it and you'll see the information for 
any given level.It's all about the source list.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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The Quest for my iPad 2

2011-03-24 Thread Austin Seraphin
I went through quite the ordeal to get my precious iPad 2. I wrote an article 
about it:
I'll post an actual review soon enough. Enjoy.

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Re: [Bulk] Where is the history window in Skype 5?

2011-03-24 Thread Ray Foret Jr
You don't.  What you do is interact with the source list just to the right of 
the tool bar.  When you do this, and VO right, you'll see any missed events, 
also, any person who has asked you to authorize them.  When you find it, stop 
interacting with the source list and you can deal with the window then.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:


On Mar 24, 2011, at 4:21 PM, Jes Smith wrote:

> Hi all,
> Someone is suposed to add me to their contact list, and suppose I don't see 
> the request or something blocks it. How do I access my Skype history window 
> in the latest version of Skype 5?
> Thanks.
> Jes
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couple hard ware questions

2011-03-24 Thread
So, getting a new macbook pro pretty soon.  Want to know if there is a big
difference in a 2.0 and 2.2 I7 quod core processor?  Will it have a
noticeable difference, and does mac software take up more hard drive space
than windows software?  Thanks.


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Re: The Quest for my iPad 2

2011-03-24 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Austin,
Incredible story.  I'm overwhelmed.  I'm glad you have the device now and hope 
it lives up to its blessed potential.
On Mar 24, 2011, at 2:24 PM, Austin Seraphin wrote:

> I went through quite the ordeal to get my precious iPad 2. I wrote an article 
> about it:
> I'll post an actual review soon enough. Enjoy.
> -- 
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DJ3 quick and dirty podcast for christer

2011-03-24 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hi Christer,

I've dropped you a podcast i made very quickly this morning in response to your 
query on the spin. Forgive me if it was just on the vci 300 but they sort of 
resemble in layout and functionality.

Here is the link:

If you got any questions, you can always drop me a line.



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Re: The Quest for my iPad 2

2011-03-24 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:

Quite a story.  Thank heaven you got it.

Cheree Heppe

- Original Message - 
From: "Austin Seraphin" 
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 14:24
Subject: The Quest for my iPad 2

>I went through quite the ordeal to get my precious iPad 2. I wrote an article 
>about it:
> I'll post an actual review soon enough. Enjoy.
> -- 
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Re: couple hard ware questions

2011-03-24 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
You shouldn't notice a difference between those 2 cpu's; I doubt you
even need a quad core really. I don't know what configurations the new
laptops come in, but perhaps you could use the money you will save by
opting for the lower cpu to upgrade your ram if you've opted for less
than 4GB?

On 24/03/2011, Kliph&Sharrie  wrote:
> So, getting a new macbook pro pretty soon.  Want to know if there is a big
> difference in a 2.0 and 2.2 I7 quod core processor?  Will it have a
> noticeable difference, and does mac software take up more hard drive space
> than windows software?  Thanks.
> --
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RE: couple hard ware questions

2011-03-24 Thread
No, it has for GB, and you can put up to 8 GB.  The other difference is the
2.2 has a 750 GB hard drive, and the 2.0 has a 500 GB hard drive.  That's
why I asked is there a big difference in how much room mac software takes up
verses windows software.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: couple hard ware questions

You shouldn't notice a difference between those 2 cpu's; I doubt you even
need a quad core really. I don't know what configurations the new laptops
come in, but perhaps you could use the money you will save by opting for the
lower cpu to upgrade your ram if you've opted for less than 4GB?

On 24/03/2011, Kliph&Sharrie  wrote:
> So, getting a new macbook pro pretty soon.  Want to know if there is a 
> big difference in a 2.0 and 2.2 I7 quod core processor?  Will it have 
> a noticeable difference, and does mac software take up more hard drive 
> space than windows software?  Thanks.
> --
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repairing permissions

2011-03-24 Thread Christina
I'm getting ready to update Mac OS but I also want to repair permissions 
afterwards.  Can someone please tell me how and where to do this.  Is the whole 
process VO accessible?

Thanks so much,

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Re: couple hard ware questions

2011-03-24 Thread Frank Carmickle

The new mac book pro is a dual core i7 in the 13 inch and a quad core in the 15 
and 17 inch models.  Deciding between the 13 and the 15, dual and quad core, 
will make quite a bit of difference.  Other than that I wouldn't worry about 
it.  Moving up to 8 gb of memory is something worth doing for sure. The solid 
state disk makes all the difference in the world.  You should determine what 
you want to do with the machine.  Let that drive your choice of machine.  If 
you are going to be writing documents, sending mail, browsing the web and using 
iTunes than a upgraded mac book air would be the least expensive way to get 
great performance.  If you need a bit more processing power for audio 
recording, editing and mixing or photo editing than the 13 or 15 inch mac book 
pro would be the way to go.  Solid state disks really make a difference and you 
get one by default in the mac book air.  The minimum amount of memory one 
should have in a computer with 10.6 is 4 gb in my opinion.  It makes it much 
more enjoyable to use.  I have 8 gb and an ssd in my mac book pro and it's 
wonderful.  I have a dual core i7.


On Mar 24, 2011, at 5:32 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> So, getting a new macbook pro pretty soon.  Want to know if there is a big 
> difference in a 2.0 and 2.2 I7 quod core processor?  Will it have a 
> noticeable difference, and does mac software take up more hard drive space 
> than windows software?  Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: couple hard ware questions

2011-03-24 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
It really doesn't sound like a quad is required in this situation. If
someones doing the type of work where a quad would come in useful,
they will probably have some idea that they require the extra cores.
Obveously the quad will perform better doing audio and video coupled
with an ssd, but for every day stuff, theres really no need for a

On 24/03/2011, Frank Carmickle  wrote:
> Hello
> The new mac book pro is a dual core i7 in the 13 inch and a quad core in the
> 15 and 17 inch models.  Deciding between the 13 and the 15, dual and quad
> core, will make quite a bit of difference.  Other than that I wouldn't worry
> about it.  Moving up to 8 gb of memory is something worth doing for sure.
> The solid state disk makes all the difference in the world.  You should
> determine what you want to do with the machine.  Let that drive your choice
> of machine.  If you are going to be writing documents, sending mail,
> browsing the web and using iTunes than a upgraded mac book air would be the
> least expensive way to get great performance.  If you need a bit more
> processing power for audio recording, editing and mixing or photo editing
> than the 13 or 15 inch mac book pro would be the way to go.  Solid state
> disks really make a difference and you get one by default in the mac book
> air.  The minimum amount of memory one should have in a computer with 10.6
> is 4 gb in my opinion.  It makes it much more enjoyable to use.  I have 8 gb
> and an ssd in my mac book pro and it's wonderful.  I have a dual core i7.
> --FC
> On Mar 24, 2011, at 5:32 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:
>> So, getting a new macbook pro pretty soon.  Want to know if there is a big
>> difference in a 2.0 and 2.2 I7 quod core processor?  Will it have a
>> noticeable difference, and does mac software take up more hard drive space
>> than windows software?  Thanks.
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: couple hard ware questions

2011-03-24 Thread Frank Carmickle

The size of mac software and windows software isn't comparable.  Different 
applications take up differing amounts of room.  I have all of what I need to 
carry on a 240 gb ssd in the mbp.  This includes a smallish iTunes library of 
172 albums, iwork, ilife, pro tools and a bunch of plugins.  It doesn't sound 
like you really know what you want to use the machine for.  Anything that you 
get will be good enough to do most tasks.


On Mar 24, 2011, at 6:06 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> No, it has for GB, and you can put up to 8 GB.  The other difference is the
> 2.2 has a 750 GB hard drive, and the 2.0 has a 500 GB hard drive.  That's
> why I asked is there a big difference in how much room mac software takes up
> verses windows software.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose
> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 5:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: couple hard ware questions
> You shouldn't notice a difference between those 2 cpu's; I doubt you even
> need a quad core really. I don't know what configurations the new laptops
> come in, but perhaps you could use the money you will save by opting for the
> lower cpu to upgrade your ram if you've opted for less than 4GB?
> On 24/03/2011, Kliph&Sharrie  wrote:
>> So, getting a new macbook pro pretty soon.  Want to know if there is a 
>> big difference in a 2.0 and 2.2 I7 quod core processor?  Will it have 
>> a noticeable difference, and does mac software take up more hard drive 
>> space than windows software?  Thanks.
>> --
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Re: couple hard ware questions

2011-03-24 Thread Frank Carmickle

On Mar 24, 2011, at 6:25 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:

> It really doesn't sound like a quad is required in this situation. If
> someones doing the type of work where a quad would come in useful,
> they will probably have some idea that they require the extra cores.
> Obveously the quad will perform better doing audio and video coupled
> with an ssd, but for every day stuff, theres really no need for a
> quad.



> On 24/03/2011, Frank Carmickle  wrote:
>> Hello
>> The new mac book pro is a dual core i7 in the 13 inch and a quad core in the
>> 15 and 17 inch models.  Deciding between the 13 and the 15, dual and quad
>> core, will make quite a bit of difference.  Other than that I wouldn't worry
>> about it.  Moving up to 8 gb of memory is something worth doing for sure.
>> The solid state disk makes all the difference in the world.  You should
>> determine what you want to do with the machine.  Let that drive your choice
>> of machine.  If you are going to be writing documents, sending mail,
>> browsing the web and using iTunes than a upgraded mac book air would be the
>> least expensive way to get great performance.  If you need a bit more
>> processing power for audio recording, editing and mixing or photo editing
>> than the 13 or 15 inch mac book pro would be the way to go.  Solid state
>> disks really make a difference and you get one by default in the mac book
>> air.  The minimum amount of memory one should have in a computer with 10.6
>> is 4 gb in my opinion.  It makes it much more enjoyable to use.  I have 8 gb
>> and an ssd in my mac book pro and it's wonderful.  I have a dual core i7.
>> HTH
>> --FC
>> On Mar 24, 2011, at 5:32 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:
>>> So, getting a new macbook pro pretty soon.  Want to know if there is a big
>>> difference in a 2.0 and 2.2 I7 quod core processor?  Will it have a
>>> noticeable difference, and does mac software take up more hard drive space
>>> than windows software?  Thanks.
>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: repairing permissions

2011-03-24 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Christina:
If you go to dis utilities (through applications), and first aid, you'll find 
verify permissions and reapir permissions.  The process is very accessible.  I 
don't pretend to understand the lingo, but I know both are a good idea whenever 
one updates.


On Mar 24, 2011, at 4:07 PM, Christina wrote:

> I'm getting ready to update Mac OS but I also want to repair permissions 
> afterwards.  Can someone please tell me how and where to do this.  Is the 
> whole process VO accessible?
> Thanks so much,
> Christina
> -- 
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Re: repairing permissions

2011-03-24 Thread Christina
Oh, Ido I need to do both, verify permissions and repair permissions?  I did 
not know about verify permissions.
On Mar 24, 2011, at 3:49 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Christina:
> If you go to dis utilities (through applications), and first aid, you'll find 
> verify permissions and reapir permissions.  The process is very accessible.  
> I don't pretend to understand the lingo, but I know both are a good idea 
> whenever one updates.
> On Mar 24, 2011, at 4:07 PM, Christina wrote:
>> I'm getting ready to update Mac OS but I also want to repair permissions 
>> afterwards.  Can someone please tell me how and where to do this.  Is the 
>> whole process VO accessible?
>> Thanks so much,
>> Christina
>> -- 
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RE: couple hard ware questions

2011-03-24 Thread
The quod is already decided, but there is a difference, 2.2, and 2.0.  but
it seems that there won't be much difference.  From what people on this list
and another where I asked.  Thanks.


[] On Behalf Of Frank Carmickle
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: couple hard ware questions




The new mac book pro is a dual core i7 in the 13 inch and a quad core in the
15 and 17 inch models.  Deciding between the 13 and the 15, dual and quad
core, will make quite a bit of difference.  Other than that I wouldn't worry
about it.  Moving up to 8 gb of memory is something worth doing for sure.
The solid state disk makes all the difference in the world.  You should
determine what you want to do with the machine.  Let that drive your choice
of machine.  If you are going to be writing documents, sending mail,
browsing the web and using iTunes than a upgraded mac book air would be the
least expensive way to get great performance.  If you need a bit more
processing power for audio recording, editing and mixing or photo editing
than the 13 or 15 inch mac book pro would be the way to go.  Solid state
disks really make a difference and you get one by default in the mac book
air.  The minimum amount of memory one should have in a computer with 10.6
is 4 gb in my opinion.  It makes it much more enjoyable to use.  I have 8 gb
and an ssd in my mac book pro and it's wonderful.  I have a dual core i7.





On Mar 24, 2011, at 5:32 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

So, getting a new macbook pro pretty soon.  Want to know if there is a big
difference in a 2.0 and 2.2 I7 quod core processor?  Will it have a
noticeable difference, and does mac software take up more hard drive space
than windows software?  Thanks.



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RE: couple hard ware questions

2011-03-24 Thread
Oh I know what I want to do, just wanted to make sure I was getting bang for
my buck.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Frank Carmickle
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: couple hard ware questions


The size of mac software and windows software isn't comparable.  Different
applications take up differing amounts of room.  I have all of what I need
to carry on a 240 gb ssd in the mbp.  This includes a smallish iTunes
library of 172 albums, iwork, ilife, pro tools and a bunch of plugins.  It
doesn't sound like you really know what you want to use the machine for.
Anything that you get will be good enough to do most tasks.


On Mar 24, 2011, at 6:06 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> No, it has for GB, and you can put up to 8 GB.  The other difference 
> is the
> 2.2 has a 750 GB hard drive, and the 2.0 has a 500 GB hard drive.  
> That's why I asked is there a big difference in how much room mac 
> software takes up verses windows software.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose
> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 5:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: couple hard ware questions
> You shouldn't notice a difference between those 2 cpu's; I doubt you 
> even need a quad core really. I don't know what configurations the new 
> laptops come in, but perhaps you could use the money you will save by 
> opting for the lower cpu to upgrade your ram if you've opted for less than
> On 24/03/2011, Kliph&Sharrie  wrote:
>> So, getting a new macbook pro pretty soon.  Want to know if there is 
>> a big difference in a 2.0 and 2.2 I7 quod core processor?  Will it 
>> have a noticeable difference, and does mac software take up more hard 
>> drive space than windows software?  Thanks.
>> --
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Re: couple questions

2011-03-24 Thread Mike Arrigo
Microsoft Office is not accessible, don't waste your money.
On Mar 24, 2011, at 2:11 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

> Okay, so I was picking out my macbook pro today online.  And it suggested 
> that I get the office suite 2011 for mac, does this suite work with voice 
> over?  Also, I am a big RSS feed person, I read my feeds through outlook.  
> Does apple mail have a similar feature, or is there different way?  Lastly, 
> I’m coming from windows, and with JFW I don’t have to use the mouse for 
> anything.  Is this the same with voice over, or do I have to use the track 
> pad for certain things?  Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: DJ3 quick and dirty podcast for christer

2011-03-24 Thread Kevin Shaw

The Spin sounds like a neat control surface. Is there a way it feeds 
information to the Mac and ultimatley Voiceover about its functioning? Is there 
a control panel or driver that needs to be installed for it to work? I'm also 
wondering if it's possible to use an audio program to set the seek points and 
markers for each track.

Thanks for the podcast.

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A skype question

2011-03-24 Thread Courtney Curran
How do you rename skype contacts in Skype 2.8. I still use that version of 
skype because I don't understand skype 5 at all. Is there even a way to do this 
outside of Skype 5?

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Re: pyrcast, a nearly accessible client

2011-03-24 Thread Ricardo Walker
I just remembered it.  Its something I use fairly often in Garageband.  But, 
you can find this by pressing VO HH and looking in general.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Mar 24, 2011, at 3:37 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi Ricardo,
> Thank you for vo slash to label. Did you just remember that? Or did you find 
> it somewhere and if the later, where? thanks.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> -- 
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Re: Drop Box

2011-03-24 Thread Ricardo Walker

This is probably a silly question but, did you activate and sign  in to drop 
box.  Or just download it? 

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296

On Mar 24, 2011, at 3:57 PM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Hello Jef. I don’t see the drop box in my home folder and it looks like 
> spotlite is gone from the menu system as part of 10.6.7. Can you tell me how 
> large the ap file is? I’m not sure I got a good download. Finally, with 
> Safari, how do I know when my download is complete. If I have to redownload 
> drop box how do I prevent it from starting when I reboot so that I can clean 
> up before doing the download?
> Thanks so much.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Jes Smith
> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 4:48 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Drop Box
> I downloaded dropbox and when I open it it says I don’t have any windows. It 
> continues to stay open even when I reboot my machine. Is this normal?
> Yes, it's working as it should.
> Also, it’s supposed to create a folder on my mac. Where is it created?
> It's in your home folder. When in the finder, Press command-shift-h and look 
> for the word dropbox. That's where it's created.
> On Mar 24, 2011, at 5:27 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:
> Hello everyone. I downloaded dropbox and when I open it it says I don’t have 
> any windows. It continues to stay open even when I reboot my machine. Is this 
> normal? Also, it’s supposed to create a folder on my mac. Where is it 
> created? Finally, I’m not sure that I got a good download. When downloading 
> files, How can I check to make sure that the download was completen in safari?
> Thanks so much.
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Re: DJ3 quick and dirty podcast for christer

2011-03-24 Thread Yuma Decaux

There are workarounds for routing voice over to different channels, probably 
using sound flower as well, but in the various setups i got such as audio 
interfaces, i haven't been able to do it, more so because i have a rig where 
the macbook pro connects to the sound card, itself feeding two channels for pre 
queing and voice over doesn't synch through, so i believe sound flower can 
route voice over only channel to the headphone channel on the sound card via 
the mixer control.

When you speak of audio software to place markers etc, you mean to use the 
controller as scrubbing tool in a track's timeline? I'm not sure whether it 
does that or whether there are drivers out there that permit it, but cue point 
buttons on the controller and sampler functions basically do that.

If you took all three cue points from either turntable and the 3 sample record 
buttons in dj, you got a 9 track dynamic sequencer but you can't program how 
the sequences will be set, as its more of a live rig than something you can sit 
down on.

Hope this helps 



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Re: Web site problems

2011-03-24 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey don't know what I'm doing wrong but I tried following the steps you put 
forward to making Textedit a service for reading text that can't be read 
properly in Safari. In the system preferences, I get no such table as service 
names. If anyone would like to help me on Skype my Skype Name is 
bbstheblindrapper. Thanks.


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Re: Web site problems

2011-03-24 Thread Simon Cavendish
In system preferences, click on keyboard and mouse first and then on keyboard 
shortcuts tab and then you will find two tables: categories tables and once you 
select your category in this case services, stop interacting with it and to the 
right interact with the table where you make another appropriate choice.
On 25 Mar 2011, at 04:46, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> Hey don't know what I'm doing wrong but I tried following the steps you put 
> forward to making Textedit a service for reading text that can't be read 
> properly in Safari. In the system preferences, I get no such table as service 
> names. If anyone would like to help me on Skype my Skype Name is 
> bbstheblindrapper. Thanks.
> Shawn
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