The quod is already decided, but there is a difference, 2.2, and 2.0.  but
it seems that there won't be much difference.  From what people on this list
and another where I asked.  Thanks.


[] On Behalf Of Frank Carmickle
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: couple hard ware questions




The new mac book pro is a dual core i7 in the 13 inch and a quad core in the
15 and 17 inch models.  Deciding between the 13 and the 15, dual and quad
core, will make quite a bit of difference.  Other than that I wouldn't worry
about it.  Moving up to 8 gb of memory is something worth doing for sure.
The solid state disk makes all the difference in the world.  You should
determine what you want to do with the machine.  Let that drive your choice
of machine.  If you are going to be writing documents, sending mail,
browsing the web and using iTunes than a upgraded mac book air would be the
least expensive way to get great performance.  If you need a bit more
processing power for audio recording, editing and mixing or photo editing
than the 13 or 15 inch mac book pro would be the way to go.  Solid state
disks really make a difference and you get one by default in the mac book
air.  The minimum amount of memory one should have in a computer with 10.6
is 4 gb in my opinion.  It makes it much more enjoyable to use.  I have 8 gb
and an ssd in my mac book pro and it's wonderful.  I have a dual core i7.





On Mar 24, 2011, at 5:32 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:

So, getting a new macbook pro pretty soon.  Want to know if there is a big
difference in a 2.0 and 2.2 I7 quod core processor?  Will it have a
noticeable difference, and does mac software take up more hard drive space
than windows software?  Thanks.



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