Re: Help with Nambu

2011-03-13 Thread Kevin Reeves
If you hit command shift up or down arrow, you will move to top or bottom 
respectively. The bug here is that you have to quickly move from the table and 
back to it for your curser to actually move to either point. It's weird, but it 
does indeed work. Hope this helps.

On Feb 27, 2011, at 8:25 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:

> Quick question:
> Is there a way of quickly jumping to the top of the timeline in Nambu? 
> Sometimes, the VO focus will move down 100 tweets and I'll have to up arrow 
> to get back to the top of the list. VO-Shift-J doesn't seem to work, and 
> neither does my page up or page down keys. 
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Kevin
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an excerpt from a conversation i'm having a developer

2011-03-13 Thread Yuma Decaux
Here is the bit the develper is having about adding custom accessibility 
components to the UI of his application:

Regarding accessibility/making DrumSpillage assistive I'm now pretty confident 
about what I need to do. Using the Inspector app I just need to mirror the 
supported attributes in the standard controls. That's quite straight forward 
for simple controls but gets a little bit more complex for switches and 
controls with tabs as that involves setting child attributes. It's no big deal 
but does need to be done right. It's amazing how this process has shed light on 
my own control hierarchy.

One decision that needs to be made is what to do with number box fields that 
report values in specific units like hertz, decibels, milliseconds etc. 
Actually, that's straight forward but making the corresponding slider also 
report those units (rather than a simple percentage value) isn't easy.

THe inspector seems really fit for adding the right classes to a UI element.

On the addition of pertinent value information on sliders instead of the 
generic percentage information, does anyone have something that could orient 
the devver?

As i said previously, a helping hand manual of some sort that can then be sent 
to many other developers from our own ground work would seriously help, and as 
mentioned above in the excerpt, it also provides the devver a whole lot of 
useful infirmation on their own application's hierarchy as it grows in 

If anyone would like to share this interest, please let me know off list and i 
could setup a wiki on my server for this manual project with relevant test Uis.

On another note, i have started the process with another developer who makes an 
8 bit plugin called chipsounds which is very very nice, and just recently was 
recoded in 64bit AU plugin format.

Check out the link below for some example sounds coming out of this gem:

Go over to the youtube chip sounds channel and hear some crushed goodness :)



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Adium fb chat constantly asking for plaintext authentication?

2011-03-13 Thread johns.kary
Hi guys,

I sent an email to this list a couple of days ago asking for help on Facebook 
and adium not working.
 I got a really helpful email from Thomas.

I followed those instructions to set up Facebook with adium using jabber, but 
now when ever I try to choose the available status for fb chat it gives me the 
 requires plaintext authentication over an unencrypted connection.  Allow this 
and continue authentication?
If I choose yes, it just does the same thing over and over again. If I choose 
no, it cancels .

Anyone no what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks again for any help.

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Re: Converting video files

2011-03-13 Thread Chris Norman
Hi All,
I went with mpeg streamclip, because it was the first in the list of
messages LOL, but I'll be checking out adapter too, when I get a

Lovely stuff, now converting 4 jobs in parallel, and my Macbook's
finally showed it's fan.

Thanks for all the help guys, as always, spot on!

Cheers, and take care.

On Mar 12, 2:52 pm, Chris Norman  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I fear this may be a bit of a stupid question, as I've done this before, but 
> can't remember how! :P
> I need to convert a large number of AVI files into M4V, so I can play them on 
> my iPod / iPhone.
> Any ideas?
> Cheers,
> Take care,
> Chris Norman
> Email and MSN:
> Skype [and iChat]: chris.norman7[]

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Make a portuguese epub with Pages

2011-03-13 Thread Jorge Fernandes (SIDAR)


I made a simple document - 1 page just to test it - in Pages wrote in  
Portuguese. I select all the paragraphs and inform that all of them  
were in portuguese. Then I exported it to ePub format and put it in my  
iPhone 3GS. I'm trying to read it in iBooks but VoiceOver insist to  
read it with English voice. VoiceOver announced the document in the  
shelf and read the content of it in English. By default my VoiceOver  
is in Portuguese. The others portuguese books I bought in iBookstore  
are correctly reading.

Seems me that I need to put something in the document to say that it  
is in portuguese, but I don't know what and where I could control it?  
Anyone already passed for this?

--Jorge Fernandes

++início do rodapé
 ⠨⠚⠕⠗⠛⠑ ⠨⠋⠑⠗⠝⠁⠝⠙⠑⠎ |

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playing movies purchased on iTunes

2011-03-13 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I am wondering about the portability of movies purchased on iTunes.  If I 
purchase a movie can I move it around to different computers?  Not just sync 
it, obviously you can do that.  But if I want to take it and put it on my 
husband's laptop for example, if we're travelling, can I do that?

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Dropbox on iPhone and text editors

2011-03-13 Thread E.J. Zufelt
Good morning,

I am wondering if anyone has tested dropbox with any compatible text editors on 
the iPhone and if they know of any accessible solutions

Everett Zufelt

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RE: Drop box on iPhone and text editors

2011-03-13 Thread Scott Ford
Good morning E.,

I like to use the text editor elements, because it integrates
right into drop box.




[] On Behalf Of E.J. Zufelt
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2011 9:29 AM
Subject: Dropbox on iPhone and text editors


Good morning,


I am wondering if anyone has tested dropbox with any compatible text editors
on the iPhone and if they know of any accessible solutions



Everett Zufelt


Follow me on Twitter

View my LinkedIn Profile




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Re: Make a portuguese epub with Pages

2011-03-13 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Jorge,

To ensure that your document is marked as being in Portuguese, do the following 
in Pages:

• Select All (Cmd-A);
• Open the Inspector (Cmd-Option-I);
• Select the Text radio button;
• Select the More tab;
• Go to Last visible item (VO-End);
• Navigate left until you find the popup button for language selection and 
select Portuguese.

This should solve your problem.


On 13 Mar 2011, at 13:42, Jorge Fernandes (SIDAR) wrote:

> Hello,
> I made a simple document - 1 page just to test it - in Pages wrote in 
> Portuguese. I select all the paragraphs and inform that all of them were in 
> portuguese. Then I exported it to ePub format and put it in my iPhone 3GS. 
> I'm trying to read it in iBooks but VoiceOver insist to read it with English 
> voice. VoiceOver announced the document in the shelf and read the content of 
> it in English. By default my VoiceOver is in Portuguese. The others 
> portuguese books I bought in iBookstore are correctly reading.
> Seems me that I need to put something in the document to say that it is in 
> portuguese, but I don't know what and where I could control it? Anyone 
> already passed for this?
> Thanks,
> --Jorge Fernandes
> ++início do rodapé
>  ⠨⠚⠕⠗⠛⠑ ⠨⠋⠑⠗⠝⠁⠝⠙⠑⠎ |
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Sharpkeys in Win 7

2011-03-13 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi All,

is it possible to use Sharpkeys 3 in Windows 7 either in Bootcamp or in Fusion?

Thanks and regards

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Re: Drop box on iPhone and text editors

2011-03-13 Thread ShamelessFanGirl
I also use nebulous. Just purchased it recently, and like it quite well.

Twitter: @IndigoCellist
Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 13, 2011, at 10:01 AM, "Scott Ford"  wrote:

> Good morning E.,
> I like to use the text editor elements, because it integrates 
> right into drop box.
> Scott
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of E.J. Zufelt
> Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2011 9:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: Dropbox on iPhone and text editors
> Good morning,
> I am wondering if anyone has tested dropbox with any compatible text editors 
> on the iPhone and if they know of any accessible solutions
> Thanks,
> Everett Zufelt
> Follow me on Twitter
> View my LinkedIn Profile
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Re: Converting video files

2011-03-13 Thread Tyler wood
Yep, using adapter was the first time I got the fan to come on on this thing.

Heres another question - where exactly is the fan? I heard it's in the keys of 
the keyboard, but how can that be? I fell no air moving.

On 2011-03-13, at 6:37 AM, Chris Norman wrote:

> Hi All,
> I went with mpeg streamclip, because it was the first in the list of
> messages LOL, but I'll be checking out adapter too, when I get a
> chance.
> Lovely stuff, now converting 4 jobs in parallel, and my Macbook's
> finally showed it's fan.
> Thanks for all the help guys, as always, spot on!
> Cheers, and take care.
> On Mar 12, 2:52 pm, Chris Norman  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I fear this may be a bit of a stupid question, as I've done this before, but 
>> can't remember how! :P
>> I need to convert a large number of AVI files into M4V, so I can play them 
>> on my iPod / iPhone.
>> Any ideas?
>> Cheers,
>> Take care,
>> Chris Norman
>> Email and MSN:
>> Skype [and iChat]: chris.norman7[]
> -- 
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Re: Sharpkeys in Win 7

2011-03-13 Thread Tyler wood
I've been wondering that myself. Will be interesting to find this out, as I'm 
thinking of buying 7. May do a vm, then bootcamp. Hmm.

On 2011-03-13, at 9:24 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

> Hi All,
> is it possible to use Sharpkeys 3 in Windows 7 either in Bootcamp or in 
> Fusion?
> Thanks and regards
> Jürgen
> -- 
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moneyreader app

2011-03-13 Thread Denise Avant
hi all,
can anyone tell me the name of the new money reader app? has the bookshare app 
been released?

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Re: moneyreader app

2011-03-13 Thread Kevin Mattingly
The money reader app is looktel

I don't know about the bookshare app.

On Mar 13, 2011, at 11:57 AM, Denise Avant wrote:

> hi all,
> can anyone tell me the name of the new money reader app? has the bookshare 
> app been released?
> -- 
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Re: playing movies purchased on iTunes

2011-03-13 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Donna,

If your husband is authorized to use the same iTunes Store account as you, then 
it is no problem at all.  That is, if he's on your Home Sharing or if you both 
have the same iTunes Store account, then the DRM will allow for that, 
otherwise, you'll have to use your computer or temporarily authorize his 
computer with your iTunes Store authorization.


On 2011-03-13, at 6:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am wondering about the portability of movies purchased on iTunes.  If I 
> purchase a movie can I move it around to different computers?  Not just sync 
> it, obviously you can do that.  But if I want to take it and put it on my 
> husband's laptop for example, if we're travelling, can I do that?
> thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: moneyreader app

2011-03-13 Thread Isaac Obie

Hello Denise,
The money reader app is called "Looktel".
- Original Message - 
From: "Denise Avant" 

Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2011 11:57 AM
Subject: moneyreader app

hi all,
can anyone tell me the name of the new money reader app? has the bookshare 
app been released?

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Re: playing movies purchased on iTunes

2011-03-13 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks, Tim, that's what I wanted to know.
On Mar 13, 2011, at 11:52 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> If your husband is authorized to use the same iTunes Store account as you, 
> then it is no problem at all.  That is, if he's on your Home Sharing or if 
> you both have the same iTunes Store account, then the DRM will allow for 
> that, otherwise, you'll have to use your computer or temporarily authorize 
> his computer with your iTunes Store authorization.
> Later...
> On 2011-03-13, at 6:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am wondering about the portability of movies purchased on iTunes.  If I 
>> purchase a movie can I move it around to different computers?  Not just sync 
>> it, obviously you can do that.  But if I want to take it and put it on my 
>> husband's laptop for example, if we're travelling, can I do that?
>> thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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Re: Converting video files

2011-03-13 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
since we are discussing this, does anyone know of something a little more 
automated than Hand Brake for the Mac to rip DVD content that I can then import 
into iTunes...?



Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator

Twitter @NeilBarnfather

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On 12 Mar 2011, at 21:36, Tyler wood wrote:

Hey there

Adapter can, in addition, convert avi to mp3, wma, wav, etc, as well as various 
other video formats.

I use it because I only need one program to convert pretty much anything. Did I 
mention it can grab flash videos off a website?

It's also free!

thanks. Just my thoughts
On 2011-03-12, at 9:56 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi,
> I would use mpeg Streamclip for this.  It does batch conversions and is quite 
> accessible.
> Later...
> On 2011-03-12, at 7:52 AM, Chris Norman wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I fear this may be a bit of a stupid question, as I've done this before, but 
>> can't remember how! :P
>> I need to convert a large number of AVI files into M4V, so I can play them 
>> on my iPod / iPhone.
>> Any ideas?
>> Cheers,
>> Take care,
>> Chris Norman
>> Email and MSN:
>> Skype [and iChat]: chris.norman7[]
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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Re: Two questions about the accessible Audacity for the Mac

2011-03-13 Thread Frank Carmickle
Hi Krister

On Mar 12, 2011, at 6:00 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi,
> Let me put this to you frankly, me and Audacity aren't friends at all.:-) I 
> don't at all like the way Audacity works, but since everyone have a personal 
> taste i could always either learn the beast, which i'm about to sorta do or 
> use another program.

Yeah.  I feel your pain.  I used it to do a few mixes and some edits.  Not fun 
at all.  Depending on if it is worth the money to you pro tools is great.  You 
may be able to find a deal still on pro tools 9 for $450 US.  Having some kind 
of control surface really helps though so you might end up spending a bit of 
money on that also.  You will find it much much much easier to get things done 
for sure.  Of course if your not doing to much multi track then garageband 
could work.  I haven't tried it yet.  I've been having to much fun in pro 
tools.  If you want to follow some discussion about it join the ptacces mailing 
list. will get you subscribe.

Take care

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Albums purchased from iTunes not sorted properly

2011-03-13 Thread Eric Brinkman
Hi all,

I purchased an album by Kanye West from the iTunes store.  When I am
in the regular text view in iTunes and press "k" for Kanye, it first
gives me all of the tracks with just "Kanye West" as the artist names.
 His albums have a lot of songs with guests which have "Kanye West
and..." as the artist name, so this results in me getting the album
tracks out of order, with just Kanye's songs first and then the ones
which have other artists on them.  The only way I've found to fix this
is to use the grid view and select "group by album".  But this brings
up a problem with voice over; it is extremely slow when navigating the
entire library in grid mode.  I never had issues with Jaws on a PC
when using the grid view, and when using iTunes on a PC, this seems to
be the only way to listen to albums like this in their proper running
order.  I had this issue on the iPhone as well, but was able to
resolve it by selecting "more" on the bottom right of the screen and
then selecting "albums".  Has anyone found a better solution to this?
I know I could just re-tag the tracks, but I really think complete
albums purchased directly from the iTunes store should be formatted
properly and easy to play without jumping through hoops.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Two questions about the accessible Audacity for the Mac

2011-03-13 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Thanks for the advise. Unfortunately though even if there was a deal on it, 
Protools is way, way above my budgets limits and a control surface at that?, 
forget it. The reason why i asked in thefirst place was that i'm going to a 
conference where people who are interested in the mac and its ins and outs are 
going to gather and i'm actually going to speak there, so it'd be cool if i had 
something to show there.
13 mar 2011 kl. 19.33 skrev Frank Carmickle:

> Hi Krister
> On Mar 12, 2011, at 6:00 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Let me put this to you frankly, me and Audacity aren't friends at all.:-) I 
>> don't at all like the way Audacity works, but since everyone have a personal 
>> taste i could always either learn the beast, which i'm about to sorta do or 
>> use another program.
> Yeah.  I feel your pain.  I used it to do a few mixes and some edits.  Not 
> fun at all.  Depending on if it is worth the money to you pro tools is great. 
>  You may be able to find a deal still on pro tools 9 for $450 US.  Having 
> some kind of control surface really helps though so you might end up spending 
> a bit of money on that also.  You will find it much much much easier to get 
> things done for sure.  Of course if your not doing to much multi track then 
> garageband could work.  I haven't tried it yet.  I've been having to much fun 
> in pro tools.  If you want to follow some discussion about it join the 
> ptacces mailing list. will get you 
> subscribe.
> Take care
> --FC
> -- 
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Access Keys Not Working

2011-03-13 Thread Brandon Olivares

Recently in Safari, access keys have stopped working. I would always use 
ctrl+(key), but on every web site I've been on where I know there are access 
keys, they are not working anymore. Has the modifier key been changed, or is 
this some bug in Safari?

Brandon Olivares - Healing the Whole Person
Spiritual development and healing for all people

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Re: O M G, it's beautiful

2011-03-13 Thread Ricardo Walker

You can really squeeze out some extra battery life if you turn your display 
brightness down to 0%.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296

On Mar 12, 2011, at 9:11 PM, Tyler wood wrote:

> Macbook pro. Smaller, but the same amount of power.
> Seriously for what the average person uses it for, a duel core would be 
> sufficient. Not that I'm complaining or anything, since I got the core i7 and 
> it surely does come in handy. Battery life is a bit less than I'd hoped, but 
> what am I expecting? A comporable windows computer would never get even 3 
> hours like this thing, and I saw this hit 7 with bluetooth and wifi off.
> On 2011-03-12, at 5:58 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> Go for the MBP. Latest bench marks show it surpassing the iMac in regards to 
>> processor power.
>> On Mar 12, 2011, at 5:18 PM, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:
>>> Hey everyone,
>>> Thanks for your encouraging responses, and for more-or-less confirming what 
>>> I was already intending to do. I'll have an opportunity to visit my local 
>>> Apple store within the next few weeks, and sadly, those folks all know who 
>>> I am, but god it's such a fabulous way to spend an afternoon. I'm waiting 
>>> for the shortage madnesses to die down, as there isn't a store within a 
>>> reasonable distance from here where they're even in stock at the moment. 
>>> I'm considering the iPad 2, but cannot decide whether I want a maxed out 15 
>>> inch MBP, or the 27 inch iMac. Thoughts from those of you who are old hats? 
>>> Part of what excites me about Apple is the fun I have learning my way 
>>> around a new device/system. 
>>> Have a good evening
>>> Twitter: @IndigoCellist
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 12, 2011, at 4:39 PM, Tyler wood  wrote:
 Hmm, this is just a suggestion, but what about best buy?
 I know, I know. That probably sounds bad - though my partner was able to 
 buy a mac at a place called microcenter in the US for $100 cheapter than 
 in the apple store.
 The apple store couldn't match him when he took the flyer there, but best 
 buy could, and saved him driving an hour to microcenter.
 Just a thought or two - shop around. It might help.
 On 2011-03-12, at 1:13 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hey there Shameless:
> Consider yourself pushed (ok encouraged to be nice about it.:)
> I have a one, and Cheree's post made me want another. Now that's 
> disgusting!:)
> As for Brandt, I'd say it's well worth finding someone to go the extra 
> kilometer to play in an apple store.  I almost have a chair in ours with 
> my name on it.  :)
> Take care
> Carolyn
> On Mar 12, 2011, at 10:44 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Go for it!
>> You can always find reasons not to do something. If you can affoard it 
>> without going in to debt, then get it. Apple has financing available too.
>> On Mar 12, 2011, at 6:19 AM, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:
>>> I've been ogling these darlings for a while now. Told myself I couldn't 
>>> justify the expense, thought I might wait for their capacity to expand, 
>>> etc etc, but now, even that is taking a backseat to my simply wanting 
>>> it for productivity. I use my iPhone for nearly everything, and it's 
>>> now my only iDevice, after having sold my 3rd Gen touch last year, so 
>>> what to you all think? Would you go for it? Reasons to, or to not? I'm 
>>> really more interested in where the iPad will fit into your computing 
>>> lives as a whole than anything. That, and looking for that last small 
>>> push off the fence. :D
>>> Twitter: @IndigoCellist
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 12, 2011, at 7:06 AM, "brandt"  
>>> wrote:
 No trains I'd feel safe on and no apple fans I know of in my small 
 South African backwater town.
 Warm regards,
 Brandt Steenkamp
 You can tune in to my show wednesday afternoons at 3 PM UTC by going 
 Contact me:
 Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
 Google talk/AIM:
 Twitter @brandtsteenkamp
 - Original Message -
 From: Cheree
 Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2011 11:37 AM
 Subject: Re: O M G, it's beautiful
 Cheree Heppe here:
 Eeks.  That's a bit of a distance.
 No trains, buses?  Or a sighted I-device fanatic who will drive there?
 If you thought it safe, you could advertise for a driver on craigslist.
 Cheree Heppe

Re: O M G, it's beautiful

2011-03-13 Thread Ricardo Walker

Keep in mind Apple changed the way they rated battery life starting with this 
new lineup of Macbook pros.  They say it reflects real world use more 
accurately.  So, battery life might actually be the same in the 20010 and 2011 
despite the different battery life ratings.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296

On Mar 12, 2011, at 9:16 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> The 13 inch core I7 2.7 ghz macbook is reported to have a 7 hour battery life 
> as opposed to the 10 hour life of the legacy 2.66 ghz core 2 duo it replaced. 
>  I'm hoping to extend that somewhat with a solid state drive but that will 
> all depend on whether they will upgrade my legacy notebook which I took 
> delivery of on the very self-same day on which the i5 and i7 13 inch mbp's 
> were released.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2011-03-12, at 9:08 PM, Tyler wood wrote:
>> Wait, that thing is a 2.7? Wow.
>> I gotr the mid 2010 15 inch macbook pro with the 2.66 ghz core i7. 
>> I can't wait for you to get that thing because I want to know battery life.
>> This thing will outlive me, and it's my first mac. I jumped ship and spent 
>> $2000, and haven't looked back since. My netbook is mainly used on the road 
>> now because I haven't the money for a macbook air, but this thing is totally 
>> bad, well you get the picture.
>> You won't regret the core i7 if it's anything like mine. This thing just 
>> rocks. I have nothing but good things to say about it.
>> On 2011-03-12, at 5:45 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi Fangirl,
>>> You wrote,
>>> "Part of what excites me about Apple is the fun I have learning my way 
>>> around a new device/system." 
>>> and I find that very poignant because 4 years ago I was fed up and planning 
>>> to sell all my computers and the collection of parts I'd amassed over the 
>>> years, find something else to do and never touch a computer other than to 
>>> check my insignificant email once or twice a week.  Then I discovered apple 
>>> and it revitalized my interest in computers..  Now I have my own training 
>>> consulting business  and I'm in second year and just starting to turn a 
>>> proffit.  Hooray for apple or I'd still be jobless and aimless and it would 
>>> be awful.  Even though 75% of my actual work is windows based I don't think 
>>> I could do it if I had to come back home to a windows Pc.
>>> I'm about to embark on my second mack and I'm downgrading, if you can call 
>>> it that, to a 13 inch.  I want to take it with me on the road and so my 
>>> priorities are size, weight and battery life.  Plus the new 13 inch  
>>> macbook pro is a 2.7 ghz core I7.  How much more performance do you need?
>>> I guess for magnification users the 27 inch Imac might be the best bet, but 
>>> for the dollars to performance ratio for voiceover users the 13 inch 
>>> macbook pro is a solid bet right now.
>>> Have fun with your new gadgets,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> User support consultant,
>>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>>> 1-888-255-5194
>>> On 2011-03-12, at 6:18 PM, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:
 Hey everyone,
 Thanks for your encouraging responses, and for more-or-less confirming 
 what I was already intending to do. I'll have an opportunity to visit my 
 local Apple store within the next few weeks, and sadly, those folks all 
 know who I am, but god it's such a fabulous way to spend an afternoon. I'm 
 waiting for the shortage madnesses to die down, as there isn't a store 
 within a reasonable distance from here where they're even in stock at the 
 moment. I'm considering the iPad 2, but cannot decide whether I want a 
 maxed out 15 inch MBP, or the 27 inch iMac. Thoughts from those of you who 
 are old hats? Part of what excites me about Apple is the fun I have 
 learning my way around a new device/system. 
 Have a good evening
 Twitter: @IndigoCellist
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Mar 12, 2011, at 4:39 PM, Tyler wood  wrote:
> Hmm, this is just a suggestion, but what about best buy?
> I know, I know. That probably sounds bad - though my partner was able to 
> buy a mac at a place called microcenter in the US for $100 cheapter than 
> in the apple store.
> The apple store couldn't match him when he took the flyer there, but best 
> buy could, and saved him driving an hour to microcenter.
> Just a thought or two - shop around. It might help.
> Tyler
> On 2011-03-12, at 1:13 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hey there Shameless:
>> Consider yourself pushed (ok encouraged to be nice about it.:)
>> I have a one, and Cheree's post made me w

Re: O M G, it's beautiful

2011-03-13 Thread Charlie Doremus
Can you please change the subject line to reflect your topic. What has O M G, 
it's beautiful got to do with battery life?



Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
the off the bookshelf link 

On Mar 13, 2011, at 9:07 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> Keep in mind Apple changed the way they rated battery life starting with this 
> new lineup of Macbook pros.  They say it reflects real world use more 
> accurately.  So, battery life might actually be the same in the 20010 and 
> 2011 despite the different battery life ratings.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296
> On Mar 12, 2011, at 9:16 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> The 13 inch core I7 2.7 ghz macbook is reported to have a 7 hour battery 
>> life as opposed to the 10 hour life of the legacy 2.66 ghz core 2 duo it 
>> replaced.  I'm hoping to extend that somewhat with a solid state drive but 
>> that will all depend on whether they will upgrade my legacy notebook which I 
>> took delivery of on the very self-same day on which the i5 and i7 13 inch 
>> mbp's were released.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> On 2011-03-12, at 9:08 PM, Tyler wood wrote:
>>> Wait, that thing is a 2.7? Wow.
>>> I gotr the mid 2010 15 inch macbook pro with the 2.66 ghz core i7. 
>>> I can't wait for you to get that thing because I want to know battery life.
>>> This thing will outlive me, and it's my first mac. I jumped ship and spent 
>>> $2000, and haven't looked back since. My netbook is mainly used on the road 
>>> now because I haven't the money for a macbook air, but this thing is 
>>> totally bad, well you get the picture.
>>> You won't regret the core i7 if it's anything like mine. This thing just 
>>> rocks. I have nothing but good things to say about it.
>>> On 2011-03-12, at 5:45 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
 Hi Fangirl,
 You wrote,
 "Part of what excites me about Apple is the fun I have learning my way 
 around a new device/system." 
 and I find that very poignant because 4 years ago I was fed up and 
 planning to sell all my computers and the collection of parts I'd amassed 
 over the years, find something else to do and never touch a computer other 
 than to check my insignificant email once or twice a week.  Then I 
 discovered apple and it revitalized my interest in computers..  Now I have 
 my own training consulting business  and I'm in second year and just 
 starting to turn a proffit.  Hooray for apple or I'd still be jobless and 
 aimless and it would be awful.  Even though 75% of my actual work is 
 windows based I don't think I could do it if I had to come back home to a 
 windows Pc.
 I'm about to embark on my second mack and I'm downgrading, if you can call 
 it that, to a 13 inch.  I want to take it with me on the road and so my 
 priorities are size, weight and battery life.  Plus the new 13 inch  
 macbook pro is a 2.7 ghz core I7.  How much more performance do you need?
 I guess for magnification users the 27 inch Imac might be the best bet, 
 but for the dollars to performance ratio for voiceover users the 13 inch 
 macbook pro is a solid bet right now.
 Have fun with your new gadgets,
 Erik Burggraaf
 User support consultant,
 Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
 On 2011-03-12, at 6:18 PM, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> Thanks for your encouraging responses, and for more-or-less confirming 
> what I was already intending to do. I'll have an opportunity to visit my 
> local Apple store within the next few weeks, and sadly, those folks all 
> know who I am, but god it's such a fabulous way to spend an afternoon. 
> I'm waiting for the shortage madnesses to die down, as there isn't a 
> store within a reasonable distance from here where they're even in stock 
> at the moment. I'm considering the iPad 2, but cannot decide whether I 
> want a maxed out 15 inch MBP, or the 27 inch iMac. Thoughts from those of 
> you who are old hats? Part of what excites me about Apple is the fun I 
> have learning my way around a new device/system. 
> Have a good evening
> Twitter: @IndigoCellist
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 12, 2011, at 4:39 PM, Tyler wood  wrote:
>> Hmm, this is just a suggestion, but what about best buy?
>> I know, I know. That probably sounds bad - though my partner was able to 
>> buy a mac at a place called microcenter in the US for $100 cheapter than 
>> in the apple store.

Blinkx remote?

2011-03-13 Thread John D. Lipsey
Hi list:

Has anyone ever used Blinkx Remote?  I find the majority of its interface 
fairly self-explanatory, but I'm about to bang my head into a wall in 
frustration at one thing in particular.

Selecting a TV show, season and episode is very straight forward.  Then, 
Blinkxs asks me where I want to watch the episode.  I pick a website, then the 
fun starts.  A blinkx page loads that tells me I'm about to visit a third-party 
site.  It then tells me to click continue, or proceed, or... whatever it calls 
it.  I can't for the life of me get voiceover to show me this text that's 
clickable or a link or button.  I'm sure it's there on the page, or I wouldn't 
be asked to click it, but I'm not seeing it.  I can't click on the word 
"continue" in the text box that says to click it, and a voiceover find yields 
no other instances of this text.  Tabbing around doesn't show me a button to 
click, and... I'm not liking it.  The rest of the website/process is terribly 
straight forward, so why can't the final step be as well?

TIA for any help.


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Re: playing movies purchased on iTunes

2011-03-13 Thread Chris Norman
While we're on the topic of Movies from iTunes, does anyone know if
you can get films with Audio Description? it's available on most DVD's
these days, and it's be great if the versions you download from iTunes
had this feature too. If not, do people reckon it's worth badgering
Apple about it?

Cheers, and take care.

On Mar 13, 4:38 pm, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Thanks, Tim, that's what I wanted to know.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Mar 13, 2011, at 11:52 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> > Hi Donna,
> > If your husband is authorized to use the same iTunes Store account as you, 
> > then it is no problem at all.  That is, if he's on your Home Sharing or if 
> > you both have the same iTunes Store account, then the DRM will allow for 
> > that, otherwise, you'll have to use your computer or temporarily authorize 
> > his computer with your iTunes Store authorization.
> > Later...
> > On 2011-03-13, at 6:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >> I am wondering about the portability of movies purchased on iTunes.  If I 
> >> purchase a movie can I move it around to different computers?  Not just 
> >> sync it, obviously you can do that.  But if I want to take it and put it 
> >> on my husband's laptop for example, if we're travelling, can I do that?
> >> thanks,
> >> Donna
> >> --
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> >> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >>
> >> For more options, visit this group 
> >> at
> > Tim Kilburn
> > Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
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> > at

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Re: Albums purchased from iTunes not sorted properly

2011-03-13 Thread Frank Carmickle

A few things that you will want to do.  First if you are looking to navigate by 
artist and album you should turn on the playlist browser by pressing command b. 
 It will announce show column browser.  This will show up between the sources 
table and the track table now called music table.  When you interact with this 
table you will find your albums and artists lists alphabetically.

Once you have the playlist browser you can then find the album you want.  Stop 
interacting with the playlist browser and interact with the music browser.  
Then sort by track.  It will be the column that says things like 1 of 10 or 3 
of 14.  Hit the VO shift backslash or VO vertical bar to choose to sort the 
column up or down.  Then you will have them in order.  That is if all is right 
with the track number tags..  All of the music that I have that came from the 
iTunes store is tagged correctly.


On Mar 13, 2011, at 2:42 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:

> Hi all,
> I purchased an album by Kanye West from the iTunes store.  When I am
> in the regular text view in iTunes and press "k" for Kanye, it first
> gives me all of the tracks with just "Kanye West" as the artist names.
> His albums have a lot of songs with guests which have "Kanye West
> and..." as the artist name, so this results in me getting the album
> tracks out of order, with just Kanye's songs first and then the ones
> which have other artists on them.  The only way I've found to fix this
> is to use the grid view and select "group by album".  But this brings
> up a problem with voice over; it is extremely slow when navigating the
> entire library in grid mode.  I never had issues with Jaws on a PC
> when using the grid view, and when using iTunes on a PC, this seems to
> be the only way to listen to albums like this in their proper running
> order.  I had this issue on the iPhone as well, but was able to
> resolve it by selecting "more" on the bottom right of the screen and
> then selecting "albums".  Has anyone found a better solution to this?
> I know I could just re-tag the tracks, but I really think complete
> albums purchased directly from the iTunes store should be formatted
> properly and easy to play without jumping through hoops.
> Thanks in advance.
> Eric
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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mac user needs help with his website

2011-03-13 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
Hello group;  I know this is somewhat off topic, but I'm hoping the  
mac users who operate their own websites will help me out where other  
lists have failed me.  I'm wanting to create a rotating banner for my  
website to show one advertisement each time a page loads or is  
refreshed.  I'm hoping for free and very simple.  I understand that it  
will probably involve modifying a java or php script.  I'm ok with  
putting my data in someone else's form, but that's the limit of my  
skills.  No money in the budget for a webmaster and still have trust  
issues even if it wasn't a matter of money.  but I will give one of  
the spaces in the rotation to whomever can help me solve this  
problem.  My site is  if you want to check  
out the site or its rankings.  I really hope someone here can help  
me.  I'm hoping that if I put some sample ads up or a this space for  
sale here i might be able to generate enough income to start doing  
some other things like conferences, trade shows, or advertising  
myself.  Thanks in advance for any help.  and i hope the moderator  
will excuse me.  If you have to put me on monitored or something,  
that's fine; but i didn't know who else to ask.  take care,  Max 

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Re: Albums purchased from iTunes not sorted properly

2011-03-13 Thread Eric Brinkman
Thanks.  I'm not sure what you mean when you say "where it says things
like 3 of 10 or 3 of 14".  But I selected the artist in the playlist
browser and then went to the column in the music table where it says
the album title, and then hit VO-shift-\ and that seemed to do the

Thanks again,

On 3/13/11, Frank Carmickle  wrote:
> Hello
> A few things that you will want to do.  First if you are looking to navigate
> by artist and album you should turn on the playlist browser by pressing
> command b.  It will announce show column browser.  This will show up between
> the sources table and the track table now called music table.  When you
> interact with this table you will find your albums and artists lists
> alphabetically.
> Once you have the playlist browser you can then find the album you want.
> Stop interacting with the playlist browser and interact with the music
> browser.  Then sort by track.  It will be the column that says things like 1
> of 10 or 3 of 14.  Hit the VO shift backslash or VO vertical bar to choose
> to sort the column up or down.  Then you will have them in order.  That is
> if all is right with the track number tags..  All of the music that I have
> that came from the iTunes store is tagged correctly.
> --FC
> On Mar 13, 2011, at 2:42 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I purchased an album by Kanye West from the iTunes store.  When I am
>> in the regular text view in iTunes and press "k" for Kanye, it first
>> gives me all of the tracks with just "Kanye West" as the artist names.
>> His albums have a lot of songs with guests which have "Kanye West
>> and..." as the artist name, so this results in me getting the album
>> tracks out of order, with just Kanye's songs first and then the ones
>> which have other artists on them.  The only way I've found to fix this
>> is to use the grid view and select "group by album".  But this brings
>> up a problem with voice over; it is extremely slow when navigating the
>> entire library in grid mode.  I never had issues with Jaws on a PC
>> when using the grid view, and when using iTunes on a PC, this seems to
>> be the only way to listen to albums like this in their proper running
>> order.  I had this issue on the iPhone as well, but was able to
>> resolve it by selecting "more" on the bottom right of the screen and
>> then selecting "albums".  Has anyone found a better solution to this?
>> I know I could just re-tag the tracks, but I really think complete
>> albums purchased directly from the iTunes store should be formatted
>> properly and easy to play without jumping through hoops.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Eric
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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interesting issue reading the time and date

2011-03-13 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi guys,  I've got an obscure one related to the keyboard commander script to 
read the time and date.

On my laptop, the time and date from the keyboard commander are read using the 
speech settings that I have set up for VO.  If I slow the speech down, or speed 
it up, I can press option T and the time and date will be announced in whatever 
speech configuration voiceover is currently using.

On my roommate's laptop the time and date are announced painfully slowly, no 
matter what his voiceover speech settings are.  We're running all the latest 
10.6 updates and all that.  Can any one suggest a reason why this should be?


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

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Re: interesting issue reading the time and date

2011-03-13 Thread Eric Brinkman
I can't answer your question, but I've noticed that if I use option-t
to get the time, voiceover sometimes seems to become unresponsive
afterward.  This is inconsistent and sometimes I have to turn VO off
and then back on again.  Considering this issue that your roommate is
having, it seems like the option-t command isn't as reliable as it
could be.  I try to use control-F8 and then left arrow to get the time
as I've never had any issues with that.

Hopefully someone else can provide some insight into our problems.


On 3/13/11, erik burggraaf  wrote:
> Hi guys,  I've got an obscure one related to the keyboard commander script
> to read the time and date.
> On my laptop, the time and date from the keyboard commander are read using
> the speech settings that I have set up for VO.  If I slow the speech down,
> or speed it up, I can press option T and the time and date will be announced
> in whatever speech configuration voiceover is currently using.
> On my roommate's laptop the time and date are announced painfully slowly, no
> matter what his voiceover speech settings are.  We're running all the latest
> 10.6 updates and all that.  Can any one suggest a reason why this should be?
> Thanks.
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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seriously ridiculous facebook problem

2011-03-13 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hi list,

I recently decided to give facebook a little chance as i have loads of photo 
tags, messages and friend requests.

Upon logging in, i get a roadblock message with facebook telling me there's 
unusual activity on my account, and to start revising the activities.

So of course, i go through the usual verification code with an audio kaptcha 
which is never a happy moment, then lo and behold, i have to figure out who is 
on 5 different completely inaccessible photos. As if photos were accessible 

SO i ask someone to help me out, painstakingly, then after having probably, i 
say probably, guessed each person right, we submit our  pictionary answers. 
Facebook being as secure and safe as it is, we took too long to answer. SO back 
to drawing board, and well, if you have over 200 friends and all of them are 
travelling all over the place, some photos being just a hand scribbling on a 
piece of paper or the person in the frame being no bigger than a dot on a 
landscape, how the hell a blind person is supposed to go through this 
verification process? To top it off, if there are kaptchas specifically made 
for the blind, then how on earth did facebook's security team not consider it 
for the photo jeopardy?

Has anyone gotten this eventful problem or am i just soem old school 
communicator who spent a bit too long out of facebook's social phenomenon and 
therefore need to slap myself in the face for not booking some time checking if 
someone has farted on his page or not?

Any advise or help greatly appreciated, as i just ate a sandwich and need to 
report it on my facebook page.


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Re: Albums purchased from iTunes not sorted properly

2011-03-13 Thread Frank Carmickle

On Mar 13, 2011, at 8:34 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:

> Thanks.  I'm not sure what you mean when you say "where it says things
> like 3 of 10 or 3 of 14".  But I selected the artist in the playlist
> browser and then went to the column in the music table where it says
> the album title, and then hit VO-shift-\ and that seemed to do the
> trick.
What I was trying to say was the track column.  I was just telling you what 
voiceover was going to tell you when you arrowed right to the item.  But I'm 
glad that worked out for you.  Seems that iTunes is smarter than I thought.

> Thanks again,

Sure thing.

Take care

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Re: interesting issue reading the time and date

2011-03-13 Thread Esther
Hi Erik,

What happens when you go to the "Speech" menu of Systems Preferences, set the 
System Voice on the "Text to Speech" tab to whatever voice is being used to 
announce the time and date, and then interact with and adjust the slider so 
that you reset the speech rate to the fastest setting?  Also, is "Allow 
VoiceOver to be controlled with AppleScript" checked under the General pane of 
VoiceOver Utility?

HTH.  Cheers,


On Mar 13, 2011, at 14:42, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi guys,  I've got an obscure one related to the keyboard commander script to 
> read the time and date.
> On my laptop, the time and date from the keyboard commander are read using 
> the speech settings that I have set up for VO.  If I slow the speech down, or 
> speed it up, I can press option T and the time and date will be announced in 
> whatever speech configuration voiceover is currently using.
> On my roommate's laptop the time and date are announced painfully slowly, no 
> matter what his voiceover speech settings are.  We're running all the latest 
> 10.6 updates and all that.  Can any one suggest a reason why this should be?

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Re: Drop box on iPhone and text editors

2011-03-13 Thread Esther
Hi Everett,

I suggest that you read through a recent review comparing 4 different 
note-taking apps for the iPhone (Simplenote, Elements, PlainText, and Nebulous 
Notes). Running a Google search on "daring fireball note-taking apps" will 
bring up the link to "iPhone Notes App Comparison":
That article also links to a second article whose author did an independent 
review of Elements, PlainText, and Nebulous Notes (and covered Simplenote under 
a preliminary discussion):

I mostly use Simplenote, but for the kind of Dropbox organization that I 
believe you want, I most frequently use Elements.  (I actually have tried all 
the apps discussed in these articles, and agree that they are the most likely 
candidates for you to consider, along with one more much newer app called 
Notesy.)  Links in detailed price information are given in each article.  You 
can find the Notesy web page at:
You can read about the AppleScript and Automator, etc. interface capabilities.  

One further comment: Simplenote provides a VoiceOver accessible interface for 
searching for text string matches within the indivdual note files, as well as 
being able to pull up a list of notes with text string matches, which is a 
generally supported features.

HTH.  The review summaries will give you a good feeling for the detailed 
differences between these apps, and let you judge which you are likely to want 
to use.  There's also a nice podcast that Cory Ballard did on "All with my 
iPad" about Elements:
There's also a podcast about TextExpander in the same series, if you want to 
learn about using that app on the iPhone with these text editors:



On Mar 13, 2011, at 04:40, ShamelessFanGirl wrote:

> I also use nebulous. Just purchased it recently, and like it quite well.
> Twitter: @IndigoCellist
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 13, 2011, at 10:01 AM, "Scott Ford"  wrote:
>> Good morning E.,
>> I like to use the text editor elements, because it integrates 
>> right into drop box.
>> Scott
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of E.J. Zufelt
>> Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2011 9:29 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Dropbox on iPhone and text editors
>> Good morning,
>> I am wondering if anyone has tested dropbox with any compatible text editors 
>> on the iPhone and if they know of any accessible solutions
>> Thanks,
>> Everett Zufelt

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apple mail and voice over issue

2011-03-13 Thread Denise Avant
hi all,
i must have accidently changed my setting in mail because i cannot get 
voiceover to read properly. for example, if i am on a message, and arrow up to 
see the next message, instead of saying that message, vo will say i'm on the 
inbox, and tell me how many messages. this is the best way i can describe it. i 
have tried restarting my computer but the issue continues. any ideas? thanks.

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Re: apple mail and voice over issue

2011-03-13 Thread wes smith
Make sure cursor tracking is turned on.  You can turn it on by VO plus
shift plus f3.  Or function plus  vo shift f3 .  Hth.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 13, 2011, at 9:56 PM, Denise Avant  wrote:

> hi all,
> i must have accidently changed my setting in mail because i cannot get 
> voiceover to read properly. for example, if i am on a message, and arrow up 
> to see the next message, instead of saying that message, vo will say i'm on 
> the inbox, and tell me how many messages. this is the best way i can describe 
> it. i have tried restarting my computer but the issue continues. any ideas? 
> thanks.
> --
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What Twitter client do people use on their Macs these days?

2011-03-13 Thread Victor Tsaran
Hello all,
What accessible Twitter clients do people use these days on their
Macs? I am using Nambu but was wondering if there was a client I am


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Re: What Twitter client do people use on their Macs these days?

2011-03-13 Thread Justin Ekis

You've already got a good one there with Nambu, but there is one that I like a 
little better. It's called YoruFukurou. It has some more features than Nambu 
and seems to be more actively worked on with new features and improvements. You 
can find it here.

In My opinion, YoruFukurou and Nambu are the top two accessible twitter clients 
on the mac. Hope that helps.


On Mar 13, 2011, at 9:41 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

Hello all,
What accessible Twitter clients do people use these days on their
Macs? I am using Nambu but was wondering if there was a client I am


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Re: What Twitter client do people use on their Macs these days?

2011-03-13 Thread Chantel Cuddemi
I am using Syrinx on my mac. 
I am also writing this from my mac. 
On Mar 14, 2011, at 12:41 AM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> Hello all,
> What accessible Twitter clients do people use these days on their
> Macs? I am using Nambu but was wondering if there was a client I am
> missing?
> Thanks,
> Vic
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Re: apple mail and voice over issue

2011-03-13 Thread Frank Carmickle

Sounds like you are in the mailboxes table and not the messages table possibly? 
 I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.  More info would 
probably help.


On Mar 13, 2011, at 11:56 PM, Denise Avant wrote:

> hi all,
> i must have accidently changed my setting in mail because i cannot get 
> voiceover to read properly. for example, if i am on a message, and arrow up 
> to see the next message, instead of saying that message, vo will say i'm on 
> the inbox, and tell me how many messages. this is the best way i can describe 
> it. i have tried restarting my computer but the issue continues. any ideas? 
> thanks.
> -- 
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