Re: mac and iPhone syncing over the air through google calendars

2011-02-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
Actually the same thing is happening to my notes so it is not just you. I 
wonder if gmail is chanigng something again?

On Feb 16, 2011, at 9:37 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi all.
> I use to have this working perfectly.  I'd enter an appointment on my mac and 
> it would appear on my iPhone within a few minutes as well.  The reverse was 
> also true.
> Something has happened and I don't know if it is an iPhone problem or a 
> MacBook Air problem, but things on the computer are not reaching the phone.  
> I can do an appointent on the phone and it will reach the computer.  My 
> husband can do an appointment on his mac and it will reach my mac, but they 
> never reach my phone.
> In iTunes, as always, sync calendars is not checked.  On the phone, push is 
> turned on.  Does anybody have any other thoughts as to what I should do?  
> ICal is looking at the 2 calendars it needs to look at and that it has been 
> looking at for a year now.  This is very frustrating, since I am on the road 
> right now and need this thing to work.  I really do not know if this is an 
> iCal, iPhone or iTunes setting issue, though I doubt it is the latter.  
> Thanks for any assistance.
> marlaina 
> -- 
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Re: mac and iPhone syncing over the air through google calendars

2011-02-17 Thread Scott Howell
I have not had any issues lately, but you might check to see when the last time 
your Mac synced with MobileMe. I have not had this problem, so cannot offer a 
solution, but if there is a problem with syncing in general, you might find an 
indication on the Mac side.

On Feb 17, 2011, at 12:37 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi all.
> I use to have this working perfectly.  I'd enter an appointment on my mac and 
> it would appear on my iPhone within a few minutes as well.  The reverse was 
> also true.
> Something has happened and I don't know if it is an iPhone problem or a 
> MacBook Air problem, but things on the computer are not reaching the phone.  
> I can do an appointent on the phone and it will reach the computer.  My 
> husband can do an appointment on his mac and it will reach my mac, but they 
> never reach my phone.
> In iTunes, as always, sync calendars is not checked.  On the phone, push is 
> turned on.  Does anybody have any other thoughts as to what I should do?  
> ICal is looking at the 2 calendars it needs to look at and that it has been 
> looking at for a year now.  This is very frustrating, since I am on the road 
> right now and need this thing to work.  I really do not know if this is an 
> iCal, iPhone or iTunes setting issue, though I doubt it is the latter.  
> Thanks for any assistance.
> marlaina 
> -- 
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RE: scanning and the mac

2011-02-17 Thread Brian Miller
What is iPal?  Is it an apple off-the-shelf scanning software  program?  Or
is it a Kurzweil product?  

Brian M

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Antonio M. Guimaraes
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: scanning and the mac

The iPal now works on a Mac.

It is self-voicing.

I never considered one, but just heard from a doctoral student friend of
mine who swears by it, and its speed.

Antonio Guimaraes

On Feb 16, 2011, at 11:11 AM, Caitlyn and Nickels wrote:

> Hi,
> We have been kicking around the idea of getting a couple of new macs 
> for a couple of weeks now since bothour pc's are not working that great
> The main thing that is holding us back is our heavy reliance on 
> Kurzweil.  I am a grad student and we also use k1000 for scanning our 
> mail daily.  I know we could either do a duel boot system or run a 
> virtual machine and then can use k1000 this way on the mac, but I 
> wanted to ask knowledgable folks first about this before we jumped in.
> We heard about another kurzweil product that is for the mac, but it's not
> self voicing, and I don't know if vo works with it.   Does anybody have
> mac specific solutions that work well for scanning text books?  For 
> scanning the types we all get in the post?  I use the bookmark 
> features in k1000 quite a lot, plus the dictionary a lot and have 
> preferred it a lot for the proof reading I do for book share over ms word.
> Oh, that's actually another question, we were told that pages actually 
> isn't that great or useable...
> Lots of this info is coming from people who don't use vo regularly.
> For us, though, this scanner stuff is the only thing standing in the way.
> We do have a old power book, but it's the old non intel mac, so we're 
> stuck running leopard on it, can't do a virtual machine or anything on 
> it, it doesn't support the magic track pad, and we can't upgrade to 
> snow leopard or anything beyond what we already have on it(we already 
> called apple about it).
> Any help or anything would be appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Caitlyn
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Re: mac and iPhone syncing over the air through google calendars

2011-02-17 Thread erik burggraaf
How long has this behavior been going on?  Yesterday I was getting spurious 
errors about the calendar not being found on the server.  I thought nothing of 
it at the time since my updates pushed through, but it may well be that there 
is some server problem at google.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-02-17, at 12:37 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi all.
> I use to have this working perfectly.  I'd enter an appointment on my mac and 
> it would appear on my iPhone within a few minutes as well.  The reverse was 
> also true.
> Something has happened and I don't know if it is an iPhone problem or a 
> MacBook Air problem, but things on the computer are not reaching the phone.  
> I can do an appointent on the phone and it will reach the computer.  My 
> husband can do an appointment on his mac and it will reach my mac, but they 
> never reach my phone.
> In iTunes, as always, sync calendars is not checked.  On the phone, push is 
> turned on.  Does anybody have any other thoughts as to what I should do?  
> ICal is looking at the 2 calendars it needs to look at and that it has been 
> looking at for a year now.  This is very frustrating, since I am on the road 
> right now and need this thing to work.  I really do not know if this is an 
> iCal, iPhone or iTunes setting issue, though I doubt it is the latter.  
> Thanks for any assistance.
> marlaina 
> -- 
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RE: scanning and the mac

2011-02-17 Thread Andy Baracco
But you have to have both packages.  

"I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Antonio M. Guimaraes
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: scanning and the mac

iPal is now working in conjunction with K-1000.

If you are okay with buying yet another expensive software solution, check
directly with the ipal people as I believe they are soon anouncing a pricing
deal for K-1000 users.

Antonio Guimaraes
On Feb 16, 2011, at 10:54 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> There is no solution for the Mac equal to K1000 if you use things like the
bookmark and other features of that application. The k3000 for Mac is old
and not vo-compatible and not appropriate for blind folks. Stick with k1000
and never mind native Mac solutions if you're a power user, which it sounds
like you are. You won't be happy with other solutions that don't offer
features you're use to and don't offer anything like the convenience of the
K1000 application. I have K1000 running on a Windows machine with a
bookedge scanner by Plustek. Bootcamp or a vm may work for you. Good luck.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Re: scanning and the mac

2011-02-17 Thread Mary Otten
Eye-pal is a scanning solution offered for sale by abisee, a company in 
Massachusetts. It was written for Windows and ported to the Mac, but it is not 
vo-compatible at all; it is self voicing. It uses a camera rather than a 
flat-bed scanner for image acquisition, and it is now possible to use the 
camera portion of the package together with the k1000 software. I haven't any 
idea what the camera sells for separately. 


Mary Otten

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Re: — tactile screen protectors

2011-02-17 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Brandon:
The keyboard sells for $69, with free shipping, I find it totally awesome.  It 
runs on 2 double a batteries, and makes the difference a lot of times between 
my responding or not responding to a text.:)

I found it on's a brief snippet copied from the Apple store 
website.  I'll include the link as well.

Carolyn H

Apple Wireless Keyboard
The completely cable-free Apple Wireless Keyboard uses Bluetooth technology to 
connect with your Mac or iPad. So you’re free to move the keyboard just about 
anywhere within range and wirelessly type away. And its slim, compact design 
takes up much less space on your desk.

Learn more
On Feb 16, 2011, at 6:20 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:

> Hi Carolyn,
> Thanks a lot. Can you give more information on the wireless keyboards? That 
> sounds realy interesting. Is that a portable solution?
> Brandon
> On Feb 16, 2011, at 5:34 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Brandon:
>> I haven't used Salona, but simply want to suggest the Apple wireless 
>> keyboard.  It makes texting a dream, and just so much easier.:)  I've also 
>> heard that the screen protectors can take a long time to be sent.
>> Good luck whatever you guys decide to do.
>> Carolyn H
>> On Feb 16, 2011, at 8:47 AM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I recently came across I had heard of their tactile screen 
>>> protectors. My fiance just got an iPhone and is having some trouble texting 
>>> and such, so I thought it'd be useful for her, so I ordered us both one. I 
>>> even tried to get expedited shipping. However, I've not heard a word from 
>>> them yet, and it's been at least two weeks or more. I even tried contacting 
>>> them through their form, and have not gotten any responses.
>>> I know there's been discussion of them not being online for their captcha 
>>> service, but I thought at least they would process orders. Also, I had seen 
>>> an operator online with the captcha service for at least a few minutes the 
>>> night when I ordered, so I thought they were back online.
>>> I know it's been discussed here, which is why I'm posting about it. I'm not 
>>> sure what to do. I've heard the guy is sick, so I don't want to do a 
>>> chargeback, but it really should have been shipped and arrived here 
>>> already. Has anyone else ordered recently?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brandon
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Re: Is there some way one can accidentally block a website?

2011-02-17 Thread Donna Goodin
I think we've got it.  thanks Jonathan.
On Feb 16, 2011, at 9:31 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:

> There are quite a few things that could occur.
> 1 general routing issues. The easiest way to check this is with
> traceroute. This can be run from the terminal, but the network utility
> in the utilities folder has a tab for this. If you run this with ahost
> name like then a line is produced for each router
> between your computer and the closest point in the internet to the
> webserver. If all you get is lines with stars, then there is something
> close to your system that is blocking your requests.
> If i were the owner of the web site i would have asked you what ip
> address you were connected to, and also asked you to try connectting
> with a ip address instead of aname to verify that name service was not
> cAusing the outage.
> Sent from my Windows Mobile phone
> From: Donna Goodin 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 4:40 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Is there some way one can accidentally block a website?
> I am trying to access a website, and I keep getting an error message
> that my Mac  can't connect to the server.  The owner of the site says
> the server's been up all day, and a friend from another location has
> been able to connect to the site.  Also, I can connect to other sites,
> so I know my connection is OK.  If anyone has any ideas about what's
> going on, I'd really appreciate any help.
> thanks in advance,
> Donna
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Garage Band

2011-02-17 Thread Robert Hooper
I am glad to say that the use of Garage Band, although different than other 
programs with which I am used to working, is fairly simple. My question is in 
regards to track selection. If I only want to manipulate a few measures of a 
track, how would I do so? Let's say I wished to select measures 4-13 for 
purposes of copying that particular track's content to the clipboard for later 
pasting or use in the project; or maybe there were a few recording mistakes I 
wish to rectify without having to do another retake of the track. Maybe I want 
to delete measures 4-13 or replace them with silence-I could also wish to apply 
a certain effect to this selected portion of track. How is this accomplished? 
Furthermore, let's say I wish to select parts of a guitar and piano track 
(measures 4-13), but omit another guitar, bass, and drum track. Is this 
possible? I know that Garage Band has limited capabilities as an audio editor, 
but until I can afford ProTools, this is what I'm limited to using. Any help 
would be appreciated.
Robert Hooper
The Ohio State University
553 Morrill Tower
1900 Cannon Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43210
(740) 856-8195

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Re: — tactile screen protectors

2011-02-17 Thread Brandon Olivares
Hi Carolyn,

Thanks for that information. It says it requires either a Mac or an iPad, 
though. Does this work with the iPhone?

Still, it's not very good for texting on the go, it seems.

Brandon - Healing the Whole Person
I help people to experience healing on all levels, and to choose a path that is 
fulfilling for them.

On Feb 17, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Brandon:
> The keyboard sells for $69, with free shipping, I find it totally awesome.  
> It runs on 2 double a batteries, and makes the difference a lot of times 
> between my responding or not responding to a text.:)
> I found it on's a brief snippet copied from the Apple 
> store website.  I'll include the link as well.
> Carolyn H
> Apple Wireless Keyboard
> The completely cable-free Apple Wireless Keyboard uses Bluetooth technology 
> to connect with your Mac or iPad. So you’re free to move the keyboard just 
> about anywhere within range and wirelessly type away. And its slim, compact 
> design takes up much less space on your desk.
> Learn more
> On Feb 16, 2011, at 6:20 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
>> Hi Carolyn,
>> Thanks a lot. Can you give more information on the wireless keyboards? That 
>> sounds realy interesting. Is that a portable solution?
>> Brandon
>> On Feb 16, 2011, at 5:34 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Brandon:
>>> I haven't used Salona, but simply want to suggest the Apple wireless 
>>> keyboard.  It makes texting a dream, and just so much easier.:)  I've also 
>>> heard that the screen protectors can take a long time to be sent.
>>> Good luck whatever you guys decide to do.
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Feb 16, 2011, at 8:47 AM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
 I recently came across I had heard of their tactile screen 
 protectors. My fiance just got an iPhone and is having some trouble 
 texting and such, so I thought it'd be useful for her, so I ordered us 
 both one. I even tried to get expedited shipping. However, I've not heard 
 a word from them yet, and it's been at least two weeks or more. I even 
 tried contacting them through their form, and have not gotten any 
 I know there's been discussion of them not being online for their captcha 
 service, but I thought at least they would process orders. Also, I had 
 seen an operator online with the captcha service for at least a few 
 minutes the night when I ordered, so I thought they were back online.
 I know it's been discussed here, which is why I'm posting about it. I'm 
 not sure what to do. I've heard the guy is sick, so I don't want to do a 
 chargeback, but it really should have been shipped and arrived here 
 already. Has anyone else ordered recently?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: request for people in the UK using Voiceover

2011-02-17 Thread DJ Nezumi
hi guys
thanks for your responses will join the mac access list tonight at
some point.
to stuart thanks for getting back in contact will contact you off
list. for Kawal thanks for the skype address have added you. hope to
be in touch soon
generally free in the evenings and definitly at weekends. thanks again

DJ Nezumi wrote:
> hi to all
> i was wondering if anyone could help at all. i'm wanting to find
> people in the UK who use mac and voiceover for practically everything
> and if they are willing to discuss and maybe help me with a few
> questions.
> e.g. going into more depth about voiceover and certain apps with VO.
> i was thinking that skype maybe the best option.
> here's my skype address if anyone would want to get in touch.
> alternatively if anyone from the US would be willing to help that
> would be appriciated also. the only reason i asked for people in the
> UK was down to the time difference.
> thanks in advance much appriciated
> Liam

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Editor for Java

2011-02-17 Thread Brandon Olivares

What is a good java editor for Mac? I'm taking a computer science class where 
we are programming in Java, but Eclipse isn't working very well with Voiceover. 
What would you recommend as an alternative?

Brandon - Healing the Whole Person
I help people to experience healing on all levels, and to choose a path that is 
fulfilling for them.

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Growl Interfering With Voiceover Speech

2011-02-17 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all.I notice sometimes that when I check the time or 
another application uses speech, VO goes silent until I restart it. Sometimes 
it'll come up if I toggle muting speech on and off a few times. Anyone else 
have this experience?


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Re: Growl Interfering With Voiceover Speech

2011-02-17 Thread louie
I have the same thing happening. It happens so much that I wrote a apple script 
to turn on and off the voice over four times. I assigned a function key to run 
the apple script. I also e-maild apple accessible about the trouble.

On Feb 17, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, all.  I notice sometimes that when I check the time or 
> another application uses speech, VO goes silent until I restart it. Sometimes 
> it'll come up if I toggle muting speech on and off a few times. Anyone else 
> have this experience?
> Teresa
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Re: Editor for Java

2011-02-17 Thread Pierre Heim
Hi Brandon,

I use Xcode for programming but only as editor. For compiling and debugging I 
go to command line directly. Perhaps I can do this also within the Xcode IDE 
but I do this all day on a Linux box. So it is more simple to me this way :-) 


Am 17.02.2011 um 17:47 schrieb Brandon Olivares:

> Hi,
> What is a good java editor for Mac? I'm taking a computer science class where 
> we are programming in Java, but Eclipse isn't working very well with 
> Voiceover. What would you recommend as an alternative?
> Thanks,
> Brandon
> - Healing the Whole Person
> I help people to experience healing on all levels, and to choose a path that 
> is fulfilling for them.
> -- 
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VfB ein Leben lang!

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setting up bootcamp again

2011-02-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello to all. I'm trying to set up my bootcamp installation all over again and 
I mean all over but I downloaded the bootcamp software like ti said and it said 
this after it was done downloading.

To use the Windows support software, burn a copy to CD or DVD, or save the 
software to an external disk.

I put in a blank cd and it won't' burn. I can't save the software anywhere as I 
don't have a fat32 hd. . lol! so what do I do now? Can I skip this step saying 
that I already  burned the  bootcamp software  to disk and it will already be 
on there when I create an empty bootcamp partition and later install windows? I 
have no idea what to do from here as I have not done this in about a year  and 
I don't want to print the manual.  lol!!

take care all.


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RE: setting up bootcamp again

2011-02-17 Thread Cameron
That didn't work for me either.  You can install it from your OS X dvd
instead.  So just skip that step, choose the option that says you have
already downloaded it or whatever it is.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 4:14 PM
To: mac vissionaries vissionaries
Subject: setting up bootcamp again

Hello to all. I'm trying to set up my bootcamp installation all over again
and I mean all over but I downloaded the bootcamp software like ti said and
it said this after it was done downloading.

To use the Windows support software, burn a copy to CD or DVD, or save the
software to an external disk.

I put in a blank cd and it won't' burn. I can't save the software anywhere
as I don't have a fat32 hd. . lol! so what do I do now? Can I skip this step
saying that I already  burned the  bootcamp software  to disk and it will
already be on there when I create an empty bootcamp partition and later
install windows? I have no idea what to do from here as I have not done this
in about a year  and I don't want to print the manual.  lol!!

take care all.


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Re: Itunes beginner's questions.

2011-02-17 Thread Phantom.Vader
Hey thanks everyone!

The importation thing worked fine!  It's funny, I thought I'd tried
that before back when I first got my Mac and it didn't work right
then.  But it did now, so thanks hugely!  Is there a way, though, to
get it to import stuff straight to the folder I want it in, like, an
audio-book straight into the books folder?  Because when I imported my
Revenge of the Sith, it put it in the music folder and I had to do the
"get info" thing to move it to "books".  Which did work BTW!

And Ricardo, you're right that I'm going to have to copy and paste my
descriptive movies into the right folder.  I tried re-categorizing
them under "get info" and it didn't work.  But, um, dumb question.  So
I copy them from my music folder (can I cut or is it best to copy?).
But once I've selected "movies" from the sources table, where to I
paste what I've copied/cut from my "music" folder?  There's the
"Movies Introduction" sroll-area, but nothing like the "music" table
in my "music" folder (the one where all the songs are listed) to paste
stuff in at least that I can find.  And anyway, when I've tried
pasting stuff in the "songs table before it hasn't worked.

Anyway, thanks for all the help!  You guys rock!

On Feb 17, 12:18 am, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> Importing content is very easy.  Just press command O and the file browser 
> will open.  Just press return on the file or folder you wish to add.
> Moving content around playlists is pretty easy too.  You have a few options 
> here.  For your audiobooks.  You can just select them from your music 
> playlist, press command C to copy, and paste them in the books playlist with 
> command V.
> I don't recommend this for audiobooks though.  I suggest going to the 
> audiobooks you have in your music playlist and selecting them and pressing 
> command I to bring up the get info dialog.  Then select the option tab.  here 
> you will find a pop up menu for media kind.  Choose audiobook.  You can also 
> set that iTunes remembers the place you left of in the book.  Just press 
> return when thats done.  This won't work for descriptive movies because they 
> are in a music format.  You will need to do the before mention copy and paste 
> to bring them to the Movies playlist.  At least That I'm aware of.  I don't 
> deal much with movies with iTunes.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Feb 16, 2011, at 11:51 PM, Phantom.Vader wrote:
> > Hi again everyone!
> > These are some questions I've been meaning to ask for a while now,
> > because I haven't yet been able to figure them out on my own yet.
> > Excuse me if they're dumb!  Relative Mac newby.  What can I say?
> > Anyway, my questions are as follows:
> > 1. How do you import a song into Itunes using the keyboard?  Right now
> > I just click it in its location in the finder (or my external drive)
> > and let Itunes play it, which seems to import it automatically.
> > Needless to say, though, this can get laborious!
> > 2. Is it possible to import entire folders, say of a whole album or
> > audio-book, from the finder or my external drive into Itunes?  Also,
> > is there anything analogous to the ability you have in Winamp to open
> > and play an entire folder?
> > 3. Is it possible to add songs to an already created playlist?
> > 4. Can you move files to a different playlist-folder?  For example, I
> > have a couple of descriptive movies and audio-books in my library, but
> > because of the way I imported them, see question 1, they've ended up
> > in my "music" folder.  But I want them to go in my "movies" and
> > "books" folders respectively.  Can I move them there, and if so how?
> > Anyway, those are all my questions so far.  Any and all help is
> > greatly appreciated!
> > --
> > "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death
> > your right to say it." (either Thomas Pain or Voltaire)
> > --
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Terminal question, magicjack issue

2011-02-17 Thread .dan.

I want to remove all magicjack software from the hd.  I found two places 
where a directory and included files were and removed them.

When doing in my home directory:

ls .*

Note that is ls period plus star, to find hidden directories I get this two 
line response:

ISA Softphone

Note the response is on two lines.  This suggests in an attempt to keep 
people out they used a long name which is getting wrapped in the ls 
response.  The magicJack part is on one line and the rest on the next. 
The second line names are seperated by several spaces.

Has anyone an idea how to get into that directory and/or remove its 


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Re: scanning and the mac

2011-02-17 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Eric'

That sounds interesting. Is that a solution from abisee or is it another 

Best regards

Sendt fra min iPhone

Den 17/02/2011 kl. 00.04 skrev erik burggraaf :

> Yes this is true I've strongly discouraged this since I work for a fair few 
> deaf-blind, but I suspect it's a done deal.  On the other hand, I've been 
> told that a true voiceover compatible mac solution is in the works.  In that 
> case, braille support will be leaps and bounds ahead of where eyepal was on 
> it's own anyway.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2011-02-16, at 5:44 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I understand it so far that braille support will stop in both zoom-ex and 
>> eyepal, is that correct. To me it is not an option to have a scanning 
>> solution that can not be used with braille. If eyepal/zoom-ex will run in a 
>> way so it could work together with voiceOver it would be great, easy to use, 
>> good quality of scanning, but still not as good as finereader 10.
>> I have worked with both readiris and finereader for the mac, to me it is not 
>> good enough.
>> It is one of the last things I still use my windows for. But I hope that 
>> there will be a solution in the future, so I also can scan with my mac.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> On 16/02/2011, at 23.32, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi, the only real viable solution I've seen is the Eyepal.  While I'm not 
>>> overwhelmed with the product it's fast and accurate, supports braille at 
>>> least for now, batch scans, saves to mp3, and otherwise does more or less 
>>> what the literature says it does.
>>> Many people have gotten off the shelf programs to work for them which is 
>>> great, but so far no one has proven it to me.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> User support consultant,
>>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>>> 1-888-255-5194
>>> On 2011-02-16, at 11:11 AM, Caitlyn and Nickels wrote:
 We have been kicking around the idea of getting a couple of new macs for a
 couple of weeks now since bothour pc's are not working that great anymore.
 The main thing that is holding us back is our heavy reliance on Kurzweil.  
 am a grad student and we also use k1000 for scanning our mail daily.  I 
 we could either do a duel boot system or run a virtual machine and then can
 use k1000 this way on the mac, but I wanted to ask knowledgable folks first
 about this before we jumped in.
 We heard about another kurzweil product that is for the mac, but it's not
 self voicing, and I don't know if vo works with it.   Does anybody have any
 mac specific solutions that work well for scanning text books?  For 
 the types we all get in the post?  I use the bookmark features in k1000
 quite a lot, plus the dictionary a lot and have preferred it a lot for the
 proof reading I do for book share over ms word.
 Oh, that's actually another question, we were told that pages actually 
 that great or useable...
 Lots of this info is coming from people who don't use vo regularly.
 For us, though, this scanner stuff is the only thing standing in the way.
 We do have a old power book, but it's the old non intel mac, so we're stuck
 running leopard on it, can't do a virtual machine or anything on it, it
 doesn't support the magic track pad, and we can't upgrade to snow leopard 
 anything beyond what we already have on it(we already called apple about
 Any help or anything would be appreciated!
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: scanning and the mac

2011-02-17 Thread erik burggraaf
Sorry about that I was in a rush and didn't make myself clear.  The ABISee 
people have told me that a fully integrated mac software for the Eyepal is in 
development but they didn't give me a timeframe.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-02-17, at 5:52 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

> Hi Eric'
> That sounds interesting. Is that a solution from abisee or is it another 
> solution.
> Best regards
> Sendt fra min iPhone
> Den 17/02/2011 kl. 00.04 skrev erik burggraaf :
>> Yes this is true I've strongly discouraged this since I work for a fair few 
>> deaf-blind, but I suspect it's a done deal.  On the other hand, I've been 
>> told that a true voiceover compatible mac solution is in the works.  In that 
>> case, braille support will be leaps and bounds ahead of where eyepal was on 
>> it's own anyway.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> On 2011-02-16, at 5:44 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I understand it so far that braille support will stop in both zoom-ex and 
>>> eyepal, is that correct. To me it is not an option to have a scanning 
>>> solution that can not be used with braille. If eyepal/zoom-ex will run in a 
>>> way so it could work together with voiceOver it would be great, easy to 
>>> use, good quality of scanning, but still not as good as finereader 10.
>>> I have worked with both readiris and finereader for the mac, to me it is 
>>> not good enough.
>>> It is one of the last things I still use my windows for. But I hope that 
>>> there will be a solution in the future, so I also can scan with my mac.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> On 16/02/2011, at 23.32, erik burggraaf wrote:
 Hi, the only real viable solution I've seen is the Eyepal.  While I'm not 
 overwhelmed with the product it's fast and accurate, supports braille at 
 least for now, batch scans, saves to mp3, and otherwise does more or less 
 what the literature says it does.
 Many people have gotten off the shelf programs to work for them which is 
 great, but so far no one has proven it to me.
 Erik Burggraaf
 User support consultant,
 Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
 On 2011-02-16, at 11:11 AM, Caitlyn and Nickels wrote:
> Hi,
> We have been kicking around the idea of getting a couple of new macs for a
> couple of weeks now since bothour pc's are not working that great anymore.
> The main thing that is holding us back is our heavy reliance on Kurzweil. 
>  I
> am a grad student and we also use k1000 for scanning our mail daily.  I 
> know
> we could either do a duel boot system or run a virtual machine and then 
> can
> use k1000 this way on the mac, but I wanted to ask knowledgable folks 
> first
> about this before we jumped in.
> We heard about another kurzweil product that is for the mac, but it's not
> self voicing, and I don't know if vo works with it.   Does anybody have 
> any
> mac specific solutions that work well for scanning text books?  For 
> scanning
> the types we all get in the post?  I use the bookmark features in k1000
> quite a lot, plus the dictionary a lot and have preferred it a lot for the
> proof reading I do for book share over ms word.
> Oh, that's actually another question, we were told that pages actually 
> isn't
> that great or useable...
> Lots of this info is coming from people who don't use vo regularly.
> For us, though, this scanner stuff is the only thing standing in the way.
> We do have a old power book, but it's the old non intel mac, so we're 
> stuck
> running leopard on it, can't do a virtual machine or anything on it, it
> doesn't support the magic track pad, and we can't upgrade to snow leopard 
> or
> anything beyond what we already have on it(we already called apple about
> it).
> Any help or anything would be appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Caitlyn
> -- 
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Re: mac and iPhone syncing over the air through google calendars

2011-02-17 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
It's been happening for a week or so as far as I can tell.
On Feb 17, 2011, at 4:16 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

How long has this behavior been going on?  Yesterday I was getting spurious 
errors about the calendar not being found on the server.  I thought nothing of 
it at the time since my updates pushed through, but it may well be that there 
is some server problem at google.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-02-17, at 12:37 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi all.
> I use to have this working perfectly.  I'd enter an appointment on my mac and 
> it would appear on my iPhone within a few minutes as well.  The reverse was 
> also true.
> Something has happened and I don't know if it is an iPhone problem or a 
> MacBook Air problem, but things on the computer are not reaching the phone.  
> I can do an appointent on the phone and it will reach the computer.  My 
> husband can do an appointment on his mac and it will reach my mac, but they 
> never reach my phone.
> In iTunes, as always, sync calendars is not checked.  On the phone, push is 
> turned on.  Does anybody have any other thoughts as to what I should do?  
> ICal is looking at the 2 calendars it needs to look at and that it has been 
> looking at for a year now.  This is very frustrating, since I am on the road 
> right now and need this thing to work.  I really do not know if this is an 
> iCal, iPhone or iTunes setting issue, though I doubt it is the latter.  
> Thanks for any assistance.
> marlaina 
> -- 
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Re: mac and iPhone syncing over the air through google calendars

2011-02-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
tha'ts what I'm thinkin. my notes folder quit about q week ago and I don't use 
mobile me at all.

On Feb 17, 2011, at 4:16 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> How long has this behavior been going on?  Yesterday I was getting spurious 
> errors about the calendar not being found on the server.  I thought nothing 
> of it at the time since my updates pushed through, but it may well be that 
> there is some server problem at google.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2011-02-17, at 12:37 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I use to have this working perfectly.  I'd enter an appointment on my mac 
>> and it would appear on my iPhone within a few minutes as well.  The reverse 
>> was also true.
>> Something has happened and I don't know if it is an iPhone problem or a 
>> MacBook Air problem, but things on the computer are not reaching the phone.  
>> I can do an appointent on the phone and it will reach the computer.  My 
>> husband can do an appointment on his mac and it will reach my mac, but they 
>> never reach my phone.
>> In iTunes, as always, sync calendars is not checked.  On the phone, push is 
>> turned on.  Does anybody have any other thoughts as to what I should do?  
>> ICal is looking at the 2 calendars it needs to look at and that it has been 
>> looking at for a year now.  This is very frustrating, since I am on the road 
>> right now and need this thing to work.  I really do not know if this is an 
>> iCal, iPhone or iTunes setting issue, though I doubt it is the latter.  
>> Thanks for any assistance.
>> marlaina 
>> -- 
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Re: setting up bootcamp again

2011-02-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
Ah that thing where in the end where I have to put in the  us10 dvd after 
installing the os? right? Sorry if I'm being vague but it's been a while.
On Feb 17, 2011, at 1:29 PM, Cameron wrote:

> That didn't work for me either.  You can install it from your OS X dvd
> instead.  So just skip that step, choose the option that says you have
> already downloaded it or whatever it is.
> Cameron.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 4:14 PM
> To: mac vissionaries vissionaries
> Subject: setting up bootcamp again
> Hello to all. I'm trying to set up my bootcamp installation all over again
> and I mean all over but I downloaded the bootcamp software like ti said and
> it said this after it was done downloading.
> To use the Windows support software, burn a copy to CD or DVD, or save the
> software to an external disk.
> I put in a blank cd and it won't' burn. I can't save the software anywhere
> as I don't have a fat32 hd. . lol! so what do I do now? Can I skip this step
> saying that I already  burned the  bootcamp software  to disk and it will
> already be on there when I create an empty bootcamp partition and later
> install windows? I have no idea what to do from here as I have not done this
> in about a year  and I don't want to print the manual.  lol!!
> take care all.
> S
> -- 
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RE: setting up bootcamp again

2011-02-17 Thread Cameron
Yes.  That is correct.  It should launch automaticly.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: setting up bootcamp again

Ah that thing where in the end where I have to put in the  us10 dvd after
installing the os? right? Sorry if I'm being vague but it's been a while.
On Feb 17, 2011, at 1:29 PM, Cameron wrote:

> That didn't work for me either.  You can install it from your OS X dvd
> instead.  So just skip that step, choose the option that says you have
> already downloaded it or whatever it is.
> Cameron.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 4:14 PM
> To: mac vissionaries vissionaries
> Subject: setting up bootcamp again
> Hello to all. I'm trying to set up my bootcamp installation all over again
> and I mean all over but I downloaded the bootcamp software like ti said
> it said this after it was done downloading.
> To use the Windows support software, burn a copy to CD or DVD, or save the
> software to an external disk.
> I put in a blank cd and it won't' burn. I can't save the software anywhere
> as I don't have a fat32 hd. . lol! so what do I do now? Can I skip this
> saying that I already  burned the  bootcamp software  to disk and it will
> already be on there when I create an empty bootcamp partition and later
> install windows? I have no idea what to do from here as I have not done
> in about a year  and I don't want to print the manual.  lol!!
> take care all.
> S
> -- 
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Re: setting up bootcamp again

2011-02-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
Thanks. and sorry for hte stupid question. I have not done this in about a 
year. lol!
On Feb 17, 2011, at 3:52 PM, Cameron wrote:

> Yes.  That is correct.  It should launch automaticly.
> Cameron.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: setting up bootcamp again
> Ah that thing where in the end where I have to put in the  us10 dvd after
> installing the os? right? Sorry if I'm being vague but it's been a while.
> On Feb 17, 2011, at 1:29 PM, Cameron wrote:
>> That didn't work for me either.  You can install it from your OS X dvd
>> instead.  So just skip that step, choose the option that says you have
>> already downloaded it or whatever it is.
>> Cameron.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
>> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 4:14 PM
>> To: mac vissionaries vissionaries
>> Subject: setting up bootcamp again
>> Hello to all. I'm trying to set up my bootcamp installation all over again
>> and I mean all over but I downloaded the bootcamp software like ti said
> and
>> it said this after it was done downloading.
>> To use the Windows support software, burn a copy to CD or DVD, or save the
>> software to an external disk.
>> I put in a blank cd and it won't' burn. I can't save the software anywhere
>> as I don't have a fat32 hd. . lol! so what do I do now? Can I skip this
> step
>> saying that I already  burned the  bootcamp software  to disk and it will
>> already be on there when I create an empty bootcamp partition and later
>> install windows? I have no idea what to do from here as I have not done
> this
>> in about a year  and I don't want to print the manual.  lol!!
>> take care all.
>> S
>> -- 
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moving items to the trash with cmd del does something odd.

2011-02-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello I went to del something to the trash and I got this instead of the trash 

 This item will be deleted immediately. You can’t undo this action.

I was on my desktop. this happened yesterday. how do I fix this?


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Re: Terminal question, magicjack issue

2011-02-17 Thread Erik Heil
Hi. Normally, you can enclose directory names in quotes. Then, you can use tab 
completion. You may have to clean it up a bit (Zsh is much better with it's two 
completion modules).

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 17, 2011, at 6:52 PM, ".dan."  wrote:

> I want to remove all magicjack software from the hd.  I found two places 
> where a directory and included files were and removed them.
> When doing in my home directory:
> ls .*
> Note that is ls period plus star, to find hidden directories I get this two 
> line response:
> .magicJack:
> ISA Softphone
> Note the response is on two lines.  This suggests in an attempt to keep 
> people out they used a long name which is getting wrapped in the ls response. 
>  The magicJack part is on one line and the rest on the next. The second line 
> names are seperated by several spaces.
> Has anyone an idea how to get into that directory and/or remove its contents?
>   XB
> -- 
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Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

2011-02-17 Thread Jes Smith
Hi al,

So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will we 
lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you guys 

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Re: Terminal question, magicjack issue

2011-02-17 Thread Jim Barbour
No, there is no wrapping going on here.

ls is saying there is a directory called .magicJack, and inside there
is a file called ISA Softphone

By default, when you pass a directory to ls, it lists everything
inside the directory.  Passing a -d flag to ls stops this behavior.

ls -d .*

will show you the directory without it's contents.


The short answer is to add a -d to the ls command.

The longer answer is that by default ls lists all the 

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 11:52:15PM +, .dan. wrote:
> I want to remove all magicjack software from the hd.  I found two places
> where a directory and included files were and removed them.
> When doing in my home directory:
> ls .*
> Note that is ls period plus star, to find hidden directories I get this two
> line response:
> .magicJack:
> ISA Softphone
> Note the response is on two lines.  This suggests in an attempt to keep
> people out they used a long name which is getting wrapped in the ls
> response.  The magicJack part is on one line and the rest on the next. The
> second line names are seperated by several spaces.
> Has anyone an idea how to get into that directory and/or remove its
> contents?
> -- 
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RE: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

2011-02-17 Thread Heather
Wow that is so sad!  I wonder who will take over where he left off!  Heather

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jes Smith
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:13 PM
Subject: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

Hi al,

So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will
we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you
guys think?

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Re: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

2011-02-17 Thread Ricardo Walker

Its the National Enquirer people!!  They write about Elvis sightings and 
celebrities being abducted by aliens.  Sigh.  Why are we even pretending like 
this is real?

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Feb 17, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Heather wrote:

> Wow that is so sad!  I wonder who will take over where he left off!  Heather
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jes Smith
> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer
> Hi al,
> So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will
> we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you
> guys think?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

2011-02-17 Thread Buddy Brannan
I don't know about the rest of you, bht the Enquirer is where I turn for 
fast-breaking and accurate news reporting.

But anyway, I don't think Voiceover's going to do anything based on the health 
of the current cEO of Apple.
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Feb 17, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Heather wrote:

> Wow that is so sad!  I wonder who will take over where he left off!  Heather
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jes Smith
> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer
> Hi al,
> So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will
> we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you
> guys think?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

2011-02-17 Thread Ricardo Walker
Steve Jobs might have had little or nothing to do with voiceover to begin with. 
 He probably just said ok to it and thats it.  Who knows?  I would guess that 
voiceover would stay the course its been on since 2005.  Steadily improving.  
After all, Apple gets boat loads of money from educational institutions.  
Getting rid of voiceover would exclude them from this market.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Feb 17, 2011, at 7:12 PM, Jes Smith wrote:

> Hi al,
> So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will 
> we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you 
> guys think?
> -- 
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Re: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

2011-02-17 Thread Charlie Doremus
Steve Jobs is not the center of the Apple universe in spite of what people 
might think, he's just the CEO. VoiceOver is part of the os and it is doubtful 
that it will disappear if anything negative happens to Jobs, so relax. 



Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
the off the bookshelf link 

On Feb 17, 2011, at 2:12 PM, Jes Smith  wrote:

> Hi al,
> So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will 
> we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you 
> guys think?
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

2011-02-17 Thread Charlie Doremus
Ricardo is right, this story is pure B.S.



Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
the off the bookshelf link 

On Feb 17, 2011, at 2:24 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> OMG!
> Its the National Enquirer people!!  They write about Elvis sightings and 
> celebrities being abducted by aliens.  Sigh.  Why are we even pretending like 
> this is real?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Feb 17, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Heather wrote:
>> Wow that is so sad!  I wonder who will take over where he left off!  Heather
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Jes Smith
>> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:13 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer
>> Hi al,
>> So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will
>> we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you
>> guys think?
>> --
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Re: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirer

2011-02-17 Thread Eric Oyen
anyone who believes the inquirer needs to have their head examined.

As for Job's Health, its not really relevant. he's already got some people in 
place to take over and run things after he is unable to.


On Feb 17, 2011, at 5:12 PM, Jes Smith wrote:

> Hi al,
> So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will 
> we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you 
> guys think?
> -- 
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Re: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

2011-02-17 Thread Ricardo Walker

Right Buddy.  I even go there before the NY Times and Wall street Journal for 
accurate and insightful reporting.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Feb 17, 2011, at 7:25 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:

> I don't know about the rest of you, bht the Enquirer is where I turn for 
> fast-breaking and accurate news reporting.
> But anyway, I don't think Voiceover's going to do anything based on the 
> health of the current cEO of Apple.
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Feb 17, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Heather wrote:
>> Wow that is so sad!  I wonder who will take over where he left off!  Heather
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Jes Smith
>> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:13 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer
>> Hi al,
>> So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will
>> we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you
>> guys think?
>> --
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Re: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

2011-02-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
I think vo will be fine I would not worrie about it if I were you. as for jobs, 
let's hope he makes a very pseedy recovery and can continu to make wonderful 
contributions for apple and apple products.

On Feb 17, 2011, at 4:25 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:

> I don't know about the rest of you, bht the Enquirer is where I turn for 
> fast-breaking and accurate news reporting.
> But anyway, I don't think Voiceover's going to do anything based on the 
> health of the current cEO of Apple.
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Feb 17, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Heather wrote:
>> Wow that is so sad!  I wonder who will take over where he left off!  Heather
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Jes Smith
>> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:13 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer
>> Hi al,
>> So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will
>> we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you
>> guys think?
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

2011-02-17 Thread Ricardo Walker
I partly disagree here.

He is definitely the center of the Apple universe.  Nothing worth mentioning 
happens without his approval.  You can't honestly say that doesn't count for a 
lot.  Look at where apple was before he came back in the late 90s.  Things 
weren't looking good.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Feb 17, 2011, at 7:28 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

> Steve Jobs is not the center of the Apple universe in spite of what people 
> might think, he's just the CEO. VoiceOver is part of the os and it is 
> doubtful that it will disappear if anything negative happens to Jobs, so 
> relax. 
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
> the off the bookshelf link 
> On Feb 17, 2011, at 2:12 PM, Jes Smith  wrote:
>> Hi al,
>> So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will 
>> we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you 
>> guys think?
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

2011-02-17 Thread Colin M
It's ok I've traveled 7 weeks into the future and Jobs is still there!
But you all know about the future don't you!
I cannot believe you've already berried him!

Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 18 Feb 2011, at 00:24, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> OMG!
> Its the National Enquirer people!!  They write about Elvis sightings and 
> celebrities being abducted by aliens.  Sigh.  Why are we even pretending like 
> this is real?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Feb 17, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Heather wrote:
>> Wow that is so sad!  I wonder who will take over where he left off!  Heather
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Jes Smith
>> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:13 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer
>> Hi al,
>> So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will
>> we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you
>> guys think?
>> --
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Re: — tactile screen protectors

2011-02-17 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I've seen it for $60 with free shipping from Amazon.
On Feb 17, 2011, at 9:11 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Brandon:
> The keyboard sells for $69, with free shipping, I find it totally awesome.  
> It runs on 2 double a batteries, and makes the difference a lot of times 
> between my responding or not responding to a text.:)
> I found it on's a brief snippet copied from the Apple 
> store website.  I'll include the link as well.
> Carolyn H
> Apple Wireless Keyboard
> The completely cable-free Apple Wireless Keyboard uses Bluetooth technology 
> to connect with your Mac or iPad. So you’re free to move the keyboard just 
> about anywhere within range and wirelessly type away. And its slim, compact 
> design takes up much less space on your desk.
> Learn more
> On Feb 16, 2011, at 6:20 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
>> Hi Carolyn,
>> Thanks a lot. Can you give more information on the wireless keyboards? That 
>> sounds realy interesting. Is that a portable solution?
>> Brandon
>> On Feb 16, 2011, at 5:34 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Brandon:
>>> I haven't used Salona, but simply want to suggest the Apple wireless 
>>> keyboard.  It makes texting a dream, and just so much easier.:)  I've also 
>>> heard that the screen protectors can take a long time to be sent.
>>> Good luck whatever you guys decide to do.
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Feb 16, 2011, at 8:47 AM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
 I recently came across I had heard of their tactile screen 
 protectors. My fiance just got an iPhone and is having some trouble 
 texting and such, so I thought it'd be useful for her, so I ordered us 
 both one. I even tried to get expedited shipping. However, I've not heard 
 a word from them yet, and it's been at least two weeks or more. I even 
 tried contacting them through their form, and have not gotten any 
 I know there's been discussion of them not being online for their captcha 
 service, but I thought at least they would process orders. Also, I had 
 seen an operator online with the captcha service for at least a few 
 minutes the night when I ordered, so I thought they were back online.
 I know it's been discussed here, which is why I'm posting about it. I'm 
 not sure what to do. I've heard the guy is sick, so I don't want to do a 
 chargeback, but it really should have been shipped and arrived here 
 already. Has anyone else ordered recently?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

2011-02-17 Thread Scott Howell
Exactly Ricardo. I doubt very seriously they have any clue what his medical 
condition truly is. As far as what would happen, I doubt Apple would change 
course because they have to much invested at this point to just pull the plug. 
Not saying it couldn't happen, just unlikely. So, relax folks.

On Feb 17, 2011, at 7:24 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> OMG!
> Its the National Enquirer people!!  They write about Elvis sightings and 
> celebrities being abducted by aliens.  Sigh.  Why are we even pretending like 
> this is real?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Feb 17, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Heather wrote:
>> Wow that is so sad!  I wonder who will take over where he left off!  Heather
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Jes Smith
>> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:13 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer
>> Hi al,
>> So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will
>> we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you
>> guys think?
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: apple wireless keyboards

2011-02-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hope I changed the subject right lol! but I hear they are not very durable if  
they are dropped then you might have problems.

On Feb 17, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> I've seen it for $60 with free shipping from Amazon.
> On Feb 17, 2011, at 9:11 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Brandon:
>> The keyboard sells for $69, with free shipping, I find it totally awesome.  
>> It runs on 2 double a batteries, and makes the difference a lot of times 
>> between my responding or not responding to a text.:)
>> I found it on's a brief snippet copied from the Apple 
>> store website.  I'll include the link as well.
>> Carolyn H
>> Apple Wireless Keyboard
>> The completely cable-free Apple Wireless Keyboard uses Bluetooth technology 
>> to connect with your Mac or iPad. So you’re free to move the keyboard just 
>> about anywhere within range and wirelessly type away. And its slim, compact 
>> design takes up much less space on your desk.
>> Learn more
>> On Feb 16, 2011, at 6:20 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
>>> Hi Carolyn,
>>> Thanks a lot. Can you give more information on the wireless keyboards? That 
>>> sounds realy interesting. Is that a portable solution?
>>> Brandon
>>> On Feb 16, 2011, at 5:34 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Brandon:
 I haven't used Salona, but simply want to suggest the Apple wireless 
 keyboard.  It makes texting a dream, and just so much easier.:)  I've also 
 heard that the screen protectors can take a long time to be sent.
 Good luck whatever you guys decide to do.
 Carolyn H
 On Feb 16, 2011, at 8:47 AM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently came across I had heard of their tactile screen 
> protectors. My fiance just got an iPhone and is having some trouble 
> texting and such, so I thought it'd be useful for her, so I ordered us 
> both one. I even tried to get expedited shipping. However, I've not heard 
> a word from them yet, and it's been at least two weeks or more. I even 
> tried contacting them through their form, and have not gotten any 
> responses.
> I know there's been discussion of them not being online for their captcha 
> service, but I thought at least they would process orders. Also, I had 
> seen an operator online with the captcha service for at least a few 
> minutes the night when I ordered, so I thought they were back online.
> I know it's been discussed here, which is why I'm posting about it. I'm 
> not sure what to do. I've heard the guy is sick, so I don't want to do a 
> chargeback, but it really should have been shipped and arrived here 
> already. Has anyone else ordered recently?
> Thanks,
> Brandon
> -- 
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Apple Seeds Mac OS X 10.6.7 Build 10J858 to Developers

2011-02-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
No notes of what is going to be improved but safari and graphics they are 

read more:

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Re: scanning and the mac

2011-02-17 Thread David Tanner
You are right on, the only accessible OCR for Mac right now is Eye-Pal which 
has no where close to the features of Kurzweil1000.  The best solution at 
this time is K11000 in Windows and with the latest Fusion you should be able 
to setup a hotkey so that you can actually launch K1000 while you are still 
in Snow Leopard and Fusion will handle getting you over to Windows, 
launching K1000; which isn't half bad.

Just a word of warning here.  After more than one experience; stay away from 
the Mac Book Pro 13 inch laptop.  There appears to be a problem with not 
always getting sound on the Windows side of things which apparently can only 
be solved by installing a USB soundcard to use for sound on the Windows side 
of things.  Again, this only seems to happen with the 13 inch model of Mac 
Book Pro.

- Original Message - 
From: "Mary Otten" 

Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: scanning and the mac

There is no solution for the Mac equal to K1000 if you use things like the 
bookmark and other features of that application. The k3000 for Mac is old 
and not vo-compatible and not appropriate for blind folks. Stick with k1000 
and never mind native Mac solutions if you're a power user, which it sounds 
like you are. You won't be happy with other solutions that don't offer 
features you're use to and don't offer anything like the convenience of the 
K1000 application. I have K1000 running on a Windows machine with a 
bookedge scanner by Plustek. Bootcamp or a vm may work for you. Good luck.

Mary Otten

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Re: scanning and the mac

2011-02-17 Thread David Tanner
It certainly works, features are somewhat limited, it does not use 
VoiceOver, and is not setup like a standard Apple application.  Instead it 
has been ported over to Apple using its' own speech and essentually the same 
keys as the Windows version.  But, it is better than nothing.

- Original Message - 
From: "Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr." 

Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 11:00 PM
Subject: Re: scanning and the mac

The iPal now works on a Mac.

It is self-voicing.

I never considered one, but just heard from a doctoral student friend of 
mine who swears by it, and its speed.

Antonio Guimaraes

On Feb 16, 2011, at 11:11 AM, Caitlyn and Nickels wrote:


We have been kicking around the idea of getting a couple of new macs for 
couple of weeks now since bothour pc's are not working that great 
The main thing that is holding us back is our heavy reliance on Kurzweil. 
am a grad student and we also use k1000 for scanning our mail daily.  I 
we could either do a duel boot system or run a virtual machine and then 
use k1000 this way on the mac, but I wanted to ask knowledgable folks 

about this before we jumped in.

We heard about another kurzweil product that is for the mac, but it's not
self voicing, and I don't know if vo works with it.   Does anybody have 
mac specific solutions that work well for scanning text books?  For 

the types we all get in the post?  I use the bookmark features in k1000
quite a lot, plus the dictionary a lot and have preferred it a lot for 

proof reading I do for book share over ms word.

Oh, that's actually another question, we were told that pages actually 

that great or useable...

Lots of this info is coming from people who don't use vo regularly.

For us, though, this scanner stuff is the only thing standing in the way.
We do have a old power book, but it's the old non intel mac, so we're 

running leopard on it, can't do a virtual machine or anything on it, it
doesn't support the magic track pad, and we can't upgrade to snow leopard 

anything beyond what we already have on it(we already called apple about

Any help or anything would be appreciated!


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Re: Itunes beginner's questions.

2011-02-17 Thread David Tanner
Have you or anyone else her used Daisy Worm?  If so, how do you import books 
into Daisy Worm?

- Original Message - 
From: "Ricardo Walker" 

Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: Itunes beginner's questions.


Importing content is very easy.  Just press command O and the file browser 
will open.  Just press return on the file or folder you wish to add.

Moving content around playlists is pretty easy too.  You have a few options 
here.  For your audiobooks.  You can just select them from your music 
playlist, press command C to copy, and paste them in the books playlist with 
command V.

I don't recommend this for audiobooks though.  I suggest going to the 
audiobooks you have in your music playlist and selecting them and pressing 
command I to bring up the get info dialog.  Then select the option tab. 
here you will find a pop up menu for media kind.  Choose audiobook.  You can 
also set that iTunes remembers the place you left of in the book.  Just 
press return when thats done.  This won't work for descriptive movies 
because they are in a music format.  You will need to do the before mention 
copy and paste to bring them to the Movies playlist.  At least That I'm 
aware of.  I don't deal much with movies with iTunes.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Feb 16, 2011, at 11:51 PM, Phantom.Vader wrote:

Hi again everyone!

These are some questions I've been meaning to ask for a while now,
because I haven't yet been able to figure them out on my own yet.
Excuse me if they're dumb!  Relative Mac newby.  What can I say?
Anyway, my questions are as follows:

1. How do you import a song into Itunes using the keyboard?  Right now
I just click it in its location in the finder (or my external drive)
and let Itunes play it, which seems to import it automatically.
Needless to say, though, this can get laborious!

2. Is it possible to import entire folders, say of a whole album or
audio-book, from the finder or my external drive into Itunes?  Also,
is there anything analogous to the ability you have in Winamp to open
and play an entire folder?

3. Is it possible to add songs to an already created playlist?

4. Can you move files to a different playlist-folder?  For example, I
have a couple of descriptive movies and audio-books in my library, but
because of the way I imported them, see question 1, they've ended up
in my "music" folder.  But I want them to go in my "movies" and
"books" folders respectively.  Can I move them there, and if so how?

Anyway, those are all my questions so far.  Any and all help is
greatly appreciated!

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death
your right to say it." (either Thomas Pain or Voltaire)

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Re: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

2011-02-17 Thread Teresa Cochran
No offense, but I'd wait for another news source to jump on this before I draw 
any conclusions. I'm going to hold my comments till that time.

On Feb 17, 2011, at 4:12 PM, Jes Smith wrote:

> Hi al,
> So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will 
> we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you 
> guys think?
> -- 
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RE: scanning and the mac

2011-02-17 Thread Andy Baracco
Stephen at Kurzweil told me that you can't buy the camera separately, and
you can't use it separately.  The Eye-Pal software must be installed, as
k1000 needs to access components of the Eye-Pal software, so if you are
going to use K1000 with the Eye-Pal camera,  you will need to purchase both


"I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mary Otten
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:10 AM
Subject: Re: scanning and the mac

Eye-pal is a scanning solution offered for sale by abisee, a company in
Massachusetts. It was written for Windows and ported to the Mac, but it is
not vo-compatible at all; it is self voicing. It uses a camera rather than a
flat-bed scanner for image acquisition, and it is now possible to use the
camera portion of the package together with the k1000 software. I haven't
any idea what the camera sells for separately. 


Mary Otten

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Re: scanning and the mac

2011-02-17 Thread David Tanner
It is a Windows OCR product for blind that has been ported to the Mac.  It 
is made by ABISEE Company  And the process for 
getting the Apple version of the software is as follows at this time.
1. Purchase the Windows version of Eye-Pal from Abisee or a dealor of Abisee 
products such as Handy Tech North America 651-636-5184.  Then you go to the 
Abisee website and download Pro.
the Apple version of the software onto your Apple and install it.  All that 
is left to do then is plug the camera into a USB on your Mac and you are 
ready to go.  Meantime, if you already had Kurzweil1000 on the Windows side 
of your Mac in Bootcamp you could now have your choice of using a scanner 
with K1000 or using the Eye-Pal digital camera with K1000; which wil colaps 
into a very easy to cary bundle you can carry in a laptop case with your 

- Original Message - 
From: "Brian Miller" 

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:01 AM
Subject: RE: scanning and the mac

What is iPal?  Is it an apple off-the-shelf scanning software  program? 

is it a Kurzweil product?

Brian M

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Antonio M. Guimaraes
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: scanning and the mac

The iPal now works on a Mac.

It is self-voicing.

I never considered one, but just heard from a doctoral student friend of
mine who swears by it, and its speed.

Antonio Guimaraes

On Feb 16, 2011, at 11:11 AM, Caitlyn and Nickels wrote:


We have been kicking around the idea of getting a couple of new macs
for a couple of weeks now since bothour pc's are not working that great


The main thing that is holding us back is our heavy reliance on
Kurzweil.  I am a grad student and we also use k1000 for scanning our
mail daily.  I know we could either do a duel boot system or run a
virtual machine and then can use k1000 this way on the mac, but I
wanted to ask knowledgable folks first about this before we jumped in.

We heard about another kurzweil product that is for the mac, but it's not
self voicing, and I don't know if vo works with it.   Does anybody have


mac specific solutions that work well for scanning text books?  For
scanning the types we all get in the post?  I use the bookmark
features in k1000 quite a lot, plus the dictionary a lot and have
preferred it a lot for the proof reading I do for book share over ms 

Oh, that's actually another question, we were told that pages actually
isn't that great or useable...

Lots of this info is coming from people who don't use vo regularly.

For us, though, this scanner stuff is the only thing standing in the way.
We do have a old power book, but it's the old non intel mac, so we're
stuck running leopard on it, can't do a virtual machine or anything on
it, it doesn't support the magic track pad, and we can't upgrade to
snow leopard or anything beyond what we already have on it(we already
called apple about it).

Any help or anything would be appreciated!


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Re: scanning and the mac

2011-02-17 Thread David Tanner

At this point you can't buy the camera separately.

- Original Message - 
From: "Mary Otten" 

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: scanning and the mac

Eye-pal is a scanning solution offered for sale by abisee, a company in 
Massachusetts. It was written for Windows and ported to the Mac, but it is 
not vo-compatible at all; it is self voicing. It uses a camera rather than a 
flat-bed scanner for image acquisition, and it is now possible to use the 
camera portion of the package together with the k1000 software. I haven't 
any idea what the camera sells for separately.


Mary Otten

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Re: scanning and the mac

2011-02-17 Thread Mary Otten
Abisee is offering a price break to k1000 users according to their website. It 
still means you pay close to a grand for the eyepal, and if you already own the 
K1000 and a scanner, putting out that kind of money for the convenience of 
using a camera rather than a scanner seems a bit much. But maybe it would be 
worth it for some. 


Mary Otten

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my Mac suddenly cannot see my time machine backup disk

2011-02-17 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Okay.  This is too weird.  I turn my Mac off for the day, then return home only 
to start it up again and find out that I cannot see my time machine backup 
disk.  I seem to get stuck when trying to repair the disk or erase it.  What in 
the world to do next?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

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Re: [Bulk] my Mac suddenly cannot see my time machine backup disk

2011-02-17 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Seem to have solved issue but don't quite know how.  I just physically 
disconnected the disk and reconnected it.  I'll do a complete format on it then 
reset it as the backup.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Feb 17, 2011, at 9:42 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Okay.  This is too weird.  I turn my Mac off for the day, then return home 
> only to start it up again and find out that I cannot see my time machine 
> backup disk.  I seem to get stuck when trying to repair the disk or erase it. 
>  What in the world to do next?
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> -- 
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Re: [Bulk] my Mac suddenly cannot see my time machine backup disk

2011-02-17 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh man! hope you don't loose your backups you have already.

Good luck!
On Feb 17, 2011, at 7:46 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Seem to have solved issue but don't quite know how.  I just physically 
> disconnected the disk and reconnected it.  I'll do a complete format on it 
> then reset it as the backup.
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Feb 17, 2011, at 9:42 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Okay.  This is too weird.  I turn my Mac off for the day, then return home 
>> only to start it up again and find out that I cannot see my time machine 
>> backup disk.  I seem to get stuck when trying to repair the disk or erase 
>> it.  What in the world to do next?
>> Sincerely, 
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype Name:
>> barefootedray
>> -- 
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Can voiceover speak Kurgish or Russian?

2011-02-17 Thread Kevin Reeves
Hey folks. An instructor in training here at the Louisiana Center for the Blind 
is from Kurgistan. She was curious if there were voices available for either 
Kurgish or Russian. I'm sure it's not available by default in the OS itself, 
but I know that their are folks who have purchased voices in several different 
languages. Any help would be very much appreciated in helping her figure this 
out. Thanks so much.

Kevin Reeves

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Re: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

2011-02-17 Thread Pete Nalda
I would never believe the inquirer

Egun. On, Lagunak!  (Basque for "G' day,Mates"),
Louie P. (Pete) Nalda

On Feb 17, 2011, at 6:20 PM, "Heather"  wrote:

> Wow that is so sad!  I wonder who will take over where he left off!  Heather
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jes Smith
> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer
> Hi al,
> So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will
> we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you
> guys think?
> --
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Re: apple wireless keyboards

2011-02-17 Thread Ricardo Walker
I can say that about anything.

I can't think of many electronics that like to be dropped.  lol.  Personally, 
I've dropped my Apple BT keyboard a few times.  It works just fine.  Its just a 
hunk of metal.  I don't see why it wouldn't be as durable as other keyboards.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Feb 17, 2011, at 8:21 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hope I changed the subject right lol! but I hear they are not very durable if 
>  they are dropped then you might have problems.
> S
> On Feb 17, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I've seen it for $60 with free shipping from Amazon.
>> On Feb 17, 2011, at 9:11 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Brandon:
>>> The keyboard sells for $69, with free shipping, I find it totally awesome.  
>>> It runs on 2 double a batteries, and makes the difference a lot of times 
>>> between my responding or not responding to a text.:)
>>> I found it on's a brief snippet copied from the Apple 
>>> store website.  I'll include the link as well.
>>> Carolyn H
>>> Apple Wireless Keyboard
>>> The completely cable-free Apple Wireless Keyboard uses Bluetooth technology 
>>> to connect with your Mac or iPad. So you’re free to move the keyboard just 
>>> about anywhere within range and wirelessly type away. And its slim, compact 
>>> design takes up much less space on your desk.
>>> Learn more
>>> On Feb 16, 2011, at 6:20 PM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
 Hi Carolyn,
 Thanks a lot. Can you give more information on the wireless keyboards? 
 That sounds realy interesting. Is that a portable solution?
 On Feb 16, 2011, at 5:34 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Brandon:
> I haven't used Salona, but simply want to suggest the Apple wireless 
> keyboard.  It makes texting a dream, and just so much easier.:)  I've 
> also heard that the screen protectors can take a long time to be sent.
> Good luck whatever you guys decide to do.
> Carolyn H
> On Feb 16, 2011, at 8:47 AM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I recently came across I had heard of their tactile screen 
>> protectors. My fiance just got an iPhone and is having some trouble 
>> texting and such, so I thought it'd be useful for her, so I ordered us 
>> both one. I even tried to get expedited shipping. However, I've not 
>> heard a word from them yet, and it's been at least two weeks or more. I 
>> even tried contacting them through their form, and have not gotten any 
>> responses.
>> I know there's been discussion of them not being online for their 
>> captcha service, but I thought at least they would process orders. Also, 
>> I had seen an operator online with the captcha service for at least a 
>> few minutes the night when I ordered, so I thought they were back online.
>> I know it's been discussed here, which is why I'm posting about it. I'm 
>> not sure what to do. I've heard the guy is sick, so I don't want to do a 
>> chargeback, but it really should have been shipped and arrived here 
>> already. Has anyone else ordered recently?
>> Thanks,
>> Brandon
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RE: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the inquirerer

2011-02-17 Thread Heather
Well, they were right about tiger  woods extra marital affairs and john
Edwards mistress as well as prince Charles marriage to Camilla.  Not that
they are the most reliable source of info.  I won't believe it till cnn, bbc
or a more reputable news service confirms it.  Heather 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Pete Nalda
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the

I would never believe the inquirer

Egun. On, Lagunak!  (Basque for "G' day,Mates"), Louie P. (Pete) Nalda

On Feb 17, 2011, at 6:20 PM, "Heather"  wrote:

> Wow that is so sad!  I wonder who will take over where he left off!  
> Heather
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jes Smith
> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 6:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: Steve Jobs has only six weeks to live, according to the 
> inquirerer
> Hi al,
> So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? 
> Will we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? 
> What do you guys think?
> --
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