What does fn+f3 actually do?

2011-01-27 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi folks.
I have a friend whom i try to help as good as i can with her new Imac and she 
encountered a problem where the arrow keys did not move the cursor. It turned 
out that she had by mistake pressed the key combination fn+f3. I tried the 
exact same key combination and lo and behold my cursor seemed to get stuck on 
an element and no matter how i moved the cursor keys around i didn't get any 
response so i wonder, what exactly is fn+f3 for?
Thanks for any answer.


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Re: Skype Voicemail

2011-01-27 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I'm using the Version 5 Beta as well, and rather like it, despite minor 
annoyances and everyone else not liking it. :)

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
 • My home page:
 • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/

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dvd ripper for mac.

2011-01-27 Thread Nektarios Mallas
Hi guys. As I am trying to get rid of windows and use my mac for all my 
activities, I am searching for an accessible dvd ripper for my mac. 
I want to be able to rip dvd to an ISO file and remove the copy protection if 
I am not in to piracy or anything like that, I just want to place ISO images on 
my network drive, to play them on my media center. 
Are there any options out there for voice over users? 

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Re: iphone speaker stopped working

2011-01-27 Thread joseph
it works fine with earphone.
On 27 Jan 2011, at 04:38, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hmm,
> It sounds like you might have some lint or dust in the headphone jack.  When 
> you plug in headphones, are you able to hear anything?
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:29 PM, joseph wrote:
>> i tried the switch off and on, i tried volume up and down using earphone but 
>> nothing worked.  i restored it to factory settings then i set up as a new 
>> iphone and it worked but how can i move my bought apps across to the new 
>> iphone?
>> best
>> On 26 Jan 2011, at 17:58, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> You turn that switch off on the side?
>>> Sorry for the obvious question but I didn't know there was one there for a 
>>> few days until my assistant pointed it out to me.
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 6:48 AM, joseph wrote:
 hi list
 the subject line says it all.  i restored my phone to factory settings, 
 but no luck.  the strange thing is, the speaker works only if i had a 
 any suggestion?
 thank you in advance
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Re: dvd ripper for mac.

2011-01-27 Thread Matthew Alvernaz
Hi, there is a program called mac the ripper that might do the job, although 
I'm not sure if it rips to iso.  Another program I know of called hand break 
will rip it directly to a video format as long as you have VLC media player.  
Other than those two options, which are mostly accessible, I'm not really sure.
Hope that helped!
Thanks, Matthew
On Jan 27, 2011, at 3:54 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:

> Hi guys. As I am trying to get rid of windows and use my mac for all my 
> activities, I am searching for an accessible dvd ripper for my mac. 
> I want to be able to rip dvd to an ISO file and remove the copy protection if 
> present. 
> I am not in to piracy or anything like that, I just want to place ISO images 
> on my network drive, to play them on my media center. 
> Are there any options out there for voice over users? 
> Thanks.
> Nektarios.
> -- 
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Re: iphone speaker stopped working

2011-01-27 Thread joseph
well, i registered it as a new phone and the problem went away.

On 27 Jan 2011, at 06:38, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Actualy my thing goes to handset mode and all I do then is hold home and 
> letit vibrate and hit home again. I've had this issue now for a few weeks and 
> it works.
> S
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 8:38 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hmm,
>> It sounds like you might have some lint or dust in the headphone jack.  When 
>> you plug in headphones, are you able to hear anything?
>> Ricardo Walker
>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:29 PM, joseph wrote:
>>> i tried the switch off and on, i tried volume up and down using earphone 
>>> but nothing worked.  i restored it to factory settings then i set up as a 
>>> new iphone and it worked but how can i move my bought apps across to the 
>>> new iphone?
>>> best
>>> On 26 Jan 2011, at 17:58, Scott Granados wrote:
 You turn that switch off on the side?
 Sorry for the obvious question but I didn't know there was one there for a 
 few days until my assistant pointed it out to me.
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 6:48 AM, joseph wrote:
> hi list
> the subject line says it all.  i restored my phone to factory settings, 
> but no luck.  the strange thing is, the speaker works only if i had a 
> phonecall.
> any suggestion?
> thank you in advance
> best
> -- 
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Exposé and how to get out of it/avoid it [was Re: What does fn+f3 actually do?]

2011-01-27 Thread Esther
Hi Krister,

On Jan 27, 2011, at 00:27, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi folks.
> I have a friend whom i try to help as good as i can with her new Imac and she 
> encountered a problem where the arrow keys did not move the cursor. It turned 
> out that she had by mistake pressed the key combination fn+f3. I tried the 
> exact same key combination and lo and behold my cursor seemed to get stuck on 
> an element and no matter how i moved the cursor keys around i didn't get any 
> response so i wonder, what exactly is fn+f3 for?

You've hit the dedicated Exposé key, and from a VoiceOver user's standpoint, 
the only thing you want to do is press Fn+F3 again to get out of Exposé, which 
is not usable by any visually impaired user.  Exposé is a visual analog to the 
window chooser menu you use with VO+F2+F2. Instead of presenting you the window 
choices in a list view, it presents you with an icon view display of the 
windows on your Desktop, and waits for you to move your cursor to one of these 
to click and select your window. From your point of view, VoiceOver has just 
become unresponsive, and will remain so until you leave this mode by pressing 
the same keys again. You'll find similar behavior pressing F9, F10, and F11 
(dedicated Exposé keys) if you have not turned off these functions. They differ 
only in whether they display "All (currently open) windows" (F9, same as F3), 
"All windows of the currently active application" (F10), or show you just the 
Desktop cleared of foreground windows (F11). There's a long description of 
Exposé and step by step instructions on how to disable the key action in the 
archives.  The subject also comes up when users want to re-assign the F9, F10, 
and F11 keys for use in Windows under VMWare Fusion.  Here's the link:

("What is Exposé, and how to use its assigned keys in Fusion?")

I'll just briefly summarize here that the F9 through F11 Exposé keys can be 
disabled under System Preferences either by going to the "Exposé & Spaces" menu 
and changing the key assignments (VO-Space on the pop up button) from F9, F10, 
and F11 to "-", which disables them, or by going to the "Keyboard" menu and on 
the "Keyboard Shortcuts" pane, select "Exposé & Spaces" in the table of 
shortcuts categories, then navigate to the table of shortcuts and use VO-Space 
to uncheck the box for "Exposé".  (The only difference is that the "Exposé & 
Spaces" menu contains a one line description of what Exposé does.)

It's also even worse if you press the shift key together with one of these 
keys, because then the windows move into their icon view mode in slow motion.  
Remember that you may see this behavior for combinations with "F3" (instead of 
Fn+F3) and "Fn+F9", etc. (instead of "F9") depending on whether your keyboard 
options in System Preferences have box checked for "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys 
as standard function keys. When this option is selected, press the Fn key to 
use the special features printed on each key."

Scott Howell probably remembers this discussion from the mac-access list of a 
few years ago when people were wondering why some of these key combinations 
appeared to stop VoiceOver working.  I've previously written to 
accessibil...@apple.com to suggest that the Exposé keys should probably default 
to being disabled for VoiceOver users.

HTH.  Cheers,


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Re: Solona nearly never available lately

2011-01-27 Thread brandt
If you can use the mac command line, you're halfway there. Mac's basically 
unix beautified.


Brandt Steenkamp

MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com

Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
- Original Message - 
From: "Sarah Alawami" 

Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:38 AM
Subject: Re: Solona nearly never available lately

No I know nothing of unix and I distroyed my last hd in an accident. lol! so 
that will have to wait.

On Jan 26, 2011, at 10:14 PM, brandt wrote:

You can get a USB bootable immage from vinux.org.uk

If you know anything of unix commands you should be fine. And the only 
thing you'd want it for anyway is firefox which can be accessed threw the 
menu with alt/option f1.


Brandt Steenkamp

MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com

Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
- Original Message - From: "Sarah Alawami" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: Solona nearly never available lately

I don't have room on my boot camp partition to be doing that, pluss I 
don't have any way I don't think to run ubuntu on my mac and I know 
nothing about lynux.

On Jan 26, 2011, at 8:24 AM, brandt wrote:

You can run ubuntu in a VM and use webvisum in firefox.

The vinux.org.uk version of ubuntu is preconfigured for us VI folks, and 
free at that.


Brandt Steenkamp

MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com

Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
- Original Message - From: "Ray Foret Jr" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 3:37 AM
Subject: Re: Solona nearly never available lately

Well, let me say this.  I did indeed hear that he is ill.  I suspect, 
though, that it wasn't helping the blind that made him sick.  Perhaps it 
was some underlying condition.  What ever the case may be, I do hope he 
gets well.  By way of personal reflection, I can't help but wonder what 
we Mac users can do to effect a software based solution.  Sorry, 
installing windows seems like a cop out to me.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Jan 25, 2011, at 7:14 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:

Hello Ray,,,
the reason Solona is almost never available is because the guy who ran 
it has been very sick. this was established on another list. this guy 
dedicated himself to helping blind people to the point where it made him 

- Original Message - From: "Ray Foret Jr" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 7:25 PM
Subject: Solona nearly never available lately


Has anybody here noticed that Solona seems never to be available during 
the past two months or so?  Every single time I log on or tried to use 
it or just check to see if it's available, it always reports not 
available. That, I guess, is one of the drawbacks to a human based 
solution like this, but, just kind of wondering what's going on?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

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Facebook Fopa

2011-01-27 Thread Thomas Watson

Caught your story yesterday about Facebook adding Captcha to the users
login. Those of us who are visually challenged are not able to access
Captcha's in any way. So this means that we will no longer be able to
log into our Facebook accounts if this measure is implemented. I would
think that adding some sort of question and answer schema would be
just as secure and still allow the blind community to access their
social media.

Hopefully this venue and my other emails to various lists will bring
light to an already dark situation.

Love the show.
Keith Watson
Sent from my iPhone

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MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-27 Thread Geoff Waaler

Since the moveAddict support group is apparently ignoring my notes, I decided 
after reading Esther's post to reinstall moveAddict version 2.24.  To that end 
I deleted both files from the apps folder and the prefferences file 
"com.kapeli.moveaddict.plist" from directory "/Library/Preferences/

This action cured the problem where moveAddict rendered it impossible to 
navigate with the arrow keys by causing VO to emit the message "one file cut", 
however, it still does not function.

I have the following set in the moveAddictPreferences.appfile:

Start at login is checked
Show in doc not checked
Show in menu bar checked.
Keyboard shortcuts:
Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
paste keyboard shortcut unknown

I went through all other items in the toolbar but did not alter the defaults as 
none of the options seemed applicable to my problem.

The main issue appears to be that I can not set the cut and paste shortcut 
keys.  I tried pressing command-x an x without the command key but vo emits the 
"character deleted" sound and the field is unchanged.  I tried interacting and 
checking for a context menu to no avail.

In case they already had the conventional defaults set and supressed the option 
to alter them I tried cutting and pasting from one folder to another via 
command-x and command-v but this had no affect.  Since I apparently can not 
count on any support from the auther, I thought I'd check here for any 

TIA and best regards.

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Remote control one Mac from another Mac?

2011-01-27 Thread David Hole
Hi folks.
Is it possible to remote control one Mac from another with use of VoiceOver?
If how, can someone short tell me how to set it up, and how it works?
Kind regards / Med vennlig hilsen
David Hole !

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Re: Current version of Pages

2011-01-27 Thread Michael Busboom
Scott, thanks for this.  I'll just wait for the release of the next version.



On 26,Jan,2011, at 4:52 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Mike,
> The current version of Pages is version 4.0.5 (852), which is a part of the 
> iWorks 09 suite. I am not sure when iWOrks 10 will be out, but hopefully 
> sooner than later.
> Scott
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 10:39 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Although I believe that I have the most recent version of Pages, I am not 
>> sure.
>> My version of Pages is 4.05 (852).  Since I didn't come across a button in 
>> the "About" section, I am assuming that I'm okay.  Is this correct, or am I 
>> misinformed?
>> Thanks,
>> Mike
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Re: Saving files in nested folders

2011-01-27 Thread Michael Busboom
Once again, phenomenal help, Esther.

Thank you very much!


On 26,Jan,2011, at 5:00 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> Another alternative way to save files to any specific folder (which need not 
> even be nested under your current directory) is to use the Command-Shift-G 
> ("Go to folder") shortcut in your save dialog window.  This works the same 
> way as it does for your Finder window.  You can either type in a full path, 
> for example:
> ~/Documents/2011 Work/Astrid/
> or, if you started creating the file under "Documents/2011 Work", you can 
> type in the path to the folder relative to your current location, for example:
> Astrid/
> This is particularly handy if you want to save your file to a completely 
> different location -- maybe to ~/Documents/Miscellaneous/ 
> or maybe to a file on your Desktop such as:
> ~/Desktop/Inbox/
> You can also use any of the default system shortcuts for folder locations 
> (e.g. Command-Shift-D for Desktop, Command-Shift-O for Documents, 
> Command-Shift-A for Applications, etc.).  You do not need to add a slash at 
> the end of the folder name as I did to indicate this was a folder -- it will 
> work either way.  This method works when you don't want to expand the 
> "Disclosure" button, and can be faster.  However, clicking on the 
> "Disclosure" button to display the Finder window as Jon explained lets you 
> navigate within the panes.
> I also press the "Escape" key on the keyboard as a way of canceling out of 
> window actions.  This can be even faster than using Command-D to indicate 
> "Don't Save".
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 03:56, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>> When you have the save window open there is a "Disclosure" button if you 
>> click on that then the standard Two Panes of a finder window will appear.  
>> At that point I would make sure you are n List or Column mode and then 
>> navigate to the folder.  Once you have saved an item in that folder with 
>> that application, it will then show up in the pop-up list of places to save 
>> files.
>> On a related note: here is a time saver from Log ago that still works.
>> When closing a window with changes that you do not want to save ...
>> Clicking command-D will click on the "Don't Save" button.  
>> Have a great morning.
>> Jon
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 8:36 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I've been using the Mac for almost two years now, and for the most part, I 
>>> have loved the experience.  There are other times, however, when I feel 
>>> discouraged about ongoing inadequacies on my part that just shouldn't be.  
>>> Here is an example where I could use some help.
>>> I always try to be meticulous when it comes to saving files in the right 
>>> place.  Yesterday, I created a new folder under Documents in which I will 
>>> store all of my 2011 work-related projects.  Creating the folder was easy.  
>>> I called the folder "2011 Work."  Within "2011 work," I then created a 
>>> folder called "Astrid," where I want to save projects for a client (my 
>>> daughter in this case) named Astrid.
>>> Getting to the folder from within Finder is easy.  However, I ran into 
>>> problems when I tried to save my first project.  While I could get to 
>>> documents/2011 Work, I couldn't get my Mac to allow me to get to the 
>>> subfolder named Astrid.  Does SL or Text Edit, for that matter, only allow 
>>> a person to store files no deeper within a hierarchy than what is defined 
>>> somewhere in the preferences?  Does this question even make sense?
>>> You all are great, and thanks!
>>> Mike
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Fwd: [acb-l] Read2Go App for Reading Bookshare books on "Apple devices

2011-01-27 Thread Carolyn Haas
>> Hi everyone:

Since we've been talking about bookshare, I thought perhaps some might be 
interested in this information I received about this app.
Carolyn H

>> http://www.bookshare.org/_/aboutUs/2011/01/read2go
>> Benetech Announces New Accessible e-Book Reader for Apple iOS devices -
>> iPad, iPhone,
>> and iPod touch Users Can Read Bookshare Books with Read2Go
>> Media Contact: Kristen Timmers
>> krist...@benetech.org
>> 408-571-8826
>> Media Contact: Valerie Chernek
>> valeri...@bookshare.org
>> 410-871-2670
>> January 26, 2011, Orlando, FL - At the 2011 ATIA (Assistive Technology
>> Industry Association)
>> conference in Orlando, Florida,
>> Benetech
>> R
>> , the parent nonprofit for
>> Bookshare
>> R
>> , announced Read2Go, a new accessible e-book application (app) developed in
>> partnership
>> with Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd, known for its PLEXTALK
>> R brand of digital talking book players.
>> Read2Go is the most full-featured, accessible DAISY reader for the Apple
>> device market.
>> This very easy-to-use app for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch connects
>> directly
>> to Bookshare for immediate on-the-go reading.  From within the app,
>> individual users
>> and schools supporting students can search, download, and read Bookshare
>> books and
>> periodicals and manage their books in a bookshelf.  In addition, Read2Go
>> reads DAISY
>> 2.02 and 3.0 materials from some other sources.
>> Based on reading preferences, users will have a wide range of options for
>> font size,
>> color and background color.  Word-by-word highlighting with simultaneous text
>> and
>> speech enables multi-modal reading.  The app includes high-quality Acapela
>> voices
>> for highly natural narration.  Users will have options to turn the
>> text-to-speech
>> on and off and adjust the rate to their personal preferences.  Further,
>> Read2Go supports
>> all levels of DAISY navigation that are included in the structure of the
>> book.
>> "The Read2Go app is so exciting for so many reasons," said Valerie Maples.
>> "Both
>> my husband and daughter have been loyal Bookshare users for years and have
>> waited
>> for the release of an app that would let us read Bookshare books on the
>> iPad.  The
>> app should attract a large audience, the entire population with print
>> disabilities
>> around the globe!"
>> "For many students who are blind, physically, or learning disabled, using
>> their iPad,
>> iPhone, or iPod touch means much more than access to the books they need for
>> classes.
>> It means they can read the same books as their peers on the same devices,"
>> said long-time
>> Bookshare advocate Deborah Armstrong, Alternate Media Specialist for DeAnza
>> College
>> in Cupertino, California.  "The Read2Go app will offer many advantages for
>> people
>> who are blind as well as those who have physical or learning disabilities,
>> including
>> many features not available on other DAISY readers for Apple devices; the
>> fact that
>> Benetech is releasing this app is a very good thing."
>> "This new app furthers our Benetech Literacy goal of making printed content
>> accessible
>> to individuals with print disabilities however and wherever they want it.
>> With Read2Go,
>> we're offering a mobile reading solution based on strong demand from our
>> users,"
>> said Betsy Beaumon, Vice President and General Manager of the Literacy
>> Program at
>> Benetech, the nonprofit organization that operates Bookshare.  "The
>> accessibility
>> built-in to iOS devices and their widespread and growing use highlight their
>> potential
>> to help close the gap for students and other individuals with print
>> disabilities."
>> Read2Go will be available this quarter in the iTunes App store and will sell
>> for
>> $19.99.  Interested users who would like immediate notification when the app
>> is available
>> can provide contact information on a secure
>> notify
>> list.  Additional features, such as study tools, images, and multiple
>> languages,
>> will become be available in the coming months.
>> For access to Bookshare books on these devices, qualified individuals will
>> need a
>> Bookshare membership
>> .
>> About Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd., Shinano Kenshi Corporation & PLEXTALKR
>> Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd.  is responsible for the development and manufacture
>> of digital
>> talking book players and other products sold under the brand name of
>> R.  Shinano and PLEXTALKR
>> assistive technology products are created to improve the quality of life,
>> self-reliance
>> and independence of their users.  Shinano Kenshi Corporation is the North
>> American
>> subsidiary of Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd.
>> About Benetech
>> Benetech is a nonprofit technology company based in Palo Alto, California.
>> Benetech
>> pursues projects with a strong social rather than financial rate of return
>> on investment,
>> harnessing open source technology to create innovative solutions to
>> challenging social
>> issues.  The Benetech
>> Bookshare

Re: Solona nearly never available lately

2011-01-27 Thread Colin M
Hi there!
The subject heading should be changed on this!
Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 27 Jan 2011, at 14:52, brandt wrote:

> If you can use the mac command line, you're halfway there. Mac's basically 
> unix beautified.
> Regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com
> Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
> AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> - Original Message - From: "Sarah Alawami" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:38 AM
> Subject: Re: Solona nearly never available lately
> No I know nothing of unix and I distroyed my last hd in an accident. lol! so 
> that will have to wait.
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 10:14 PM, brandt wrote:
>> You can get a USB bootable immage from vinux.org.uk
>> If you know anything of unix commands you should be fine. And the only thing 
>> you'd want it for anyway is firefox which can be accessed threw the menu 
>> with alt/option f1.
>> Regards,
>> Brandt Steenkamp
>> MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com
>> Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
>> AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>> - Original Message - From: "Sarah Alawami" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 10:53 PM
>> Subject: Re: Solona nearly never available lately
>> I don't have room on my boot camp partition to be doing that, pluss I don't 
>> have any way I don't think to run ubuntu on my mac and I know nothing about 
>> lynux.
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 8:24 AM, brandt wrote:
>>> You can run ubuntu in a VM and use webvisum in firefox.
>>> The vinux.org.uk version of ubuntu is preconfigured for us VI folks, and 
>>> free at that.
>>> Regards,
>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>> MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com
>>> Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
>>> AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
>>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>>> - Original Message - From: "Ray Foret Jr" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 3:37 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Solona nearly never available lately
>>> Well, let me say this.  I did indeed hear that he is ill.  I suspect, 
>>> though, that it wasn't helping the blind that made him sick.  Perhaps it 
>>> was some underlying condition.  What ever the case may be, I do hope he 
>>> gets well.  By way of personal reflection, I can't help but wonder what we 
>>> Mac users can do to effect a software based solution.  Sorry, installing 
>>> windows seems like a cop out to me.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype Name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> On Jan 25, 2011, at 7:14 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
 Hello Ray,,,
 the reason Solona is almost never available is because the guy who ran it 
 has been very sick. this was established on another list. this guy 
 dedicated himself to helping blind people to the point where it made him 
 - Original Message - From: "Ray Foret Jr" 
 Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 7:25 PM
 Subject: Solona nearly never available lately
> Say,
> Has anybody here noticed that Solona seems never to be available during 
> the past two months or so?  Every single time I log on or tried to use it 
> or just check to see if it's available, it always reports not available. 
> That, I guess, is one of the drawbacks to a human based solution like 
> this, but, just kind of wondering what's going on?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisi

Re: MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-27 Thread Randy Stegall
Command x and command v work here.  Check the hide checkbox in the login items 
tab in the accounts system preferences.  I did not have to change any of the 
defaults to get moveaddict to work.

Randy Stegall
Sent from my Mac Mini.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:

> Greetings,
> Since the moveAddict support group is apparently ignoring my notes, I decided 
> after reading Esther's post to reinstall moveAddict version 2.24.  To that 
> end I deleted both files from the apps folder and the prefferences file 
> "com.kapeli.moveaddict.plist" from directory "/Library/Preferences/
> This action cured the problem where moveAddict rendered it impossible to 
> navigate with the arrow keys by causing VO to emit the message "one file 
> cut", however, it still does not function.
> I have the following set in the moveAddictPreferences.appfile:
> General:
> Startup
> Start at login is checked
> Show in doc not checked
> Show in menu bar checked.
> Keyboard shortcuts:
> Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
> paste keyboard shortcut unknown
> I went through all other items in the toolbar but did not alter the defaults 
> as none of the options seemed applicable to my problem.
> The main issue appears to be that I can not set the cut and paste shortcut 
> keys.  I tried pressing command-x an x without the command key but vo emits 
> the "character deleted" sound and the field is unchanged.  I tried 
> interacting and checking for a context menu to no avail.
> In case they already had the conventional defaults set and supressed the 
> option to alter them I tried cutting and pasting from one folder to another 
> via command-x and command-v but this had no affect.  Since I apparently can 
> not count on any support from the auther, I thought I'd check here for any 
> suggestions.
> TIA and best regards.
> Geoff
> -- 
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Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Sarah:
Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would have to 
do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's paws on the 
I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any time 
Carolyn H
On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices and 
> then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t will be a bit 
> cheaper in the end.
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>> Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at times. 
>> Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
>> Aloha, 
>> Charlie
>> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com click 
>> the off the bookshelf link 
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
>>> Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
>>> Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" So, I 
>>> had no room to grumble.:)
>>> In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little time 
>>> proofing before hitting send.:)
>>> Carolyn H
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Charlie Doremus
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
>>> starting at $39.99
>>> Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
>>> Aloha, 
>>> Charlie
>>> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
>>> click the off the bookshelf link 
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
 What is chapter?  
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
> http://dlvr.it/F8cdn
> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>>> -- 
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>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: dvd ripper for mac.

2011-01-27 Thread Esther
Hi Nektarios,

If you are willing to consider DVD ripper programs that are not freeware, you 
might try the pro version of Metakine's DVDRemaster ($49.99; standard version 
is $39.99):
This commercial software is accessible with VoiceOver, and will run about three 
times faster than Handbrake, as well as providing other features, such as 
encoding separate audio tracks, and handling multiple language tracks, etc. You 
could download the trial version and experiment with this for yourself.  I'm 
not much of a DVD movie user myself, but DVDRemaster Pro is the preferred 
solution for some users on the mac-access list who have converted their DVDs to 
keep the media on their computers as you outline here.  (This includes the list 
owner of mac-access, who provided feedback to the developer to improve 
accessibility of what was already a pretty accessible product to start out 
with.) If you have questions about the program, you could join the mac-access 
list and pose them directly. Here's the web page that describes the mailing 
lists and signup procedure for mac-access.net:

HTH. Cheers,


On Jan 27, 2011, at 03:31, Matthew Alvernaz wrote:

> Hi, there is a program called mac the ripper that might do the job, although 
> I'm not sure if it rips to iso.  Another program I know of called hand break 
> will rip it directly to a video format as long as you have VLC media player.  
> Other than those two options, which are mostly accessible, I'm not really 
> sure.
> Hope that helped!
> Thanks, Matthew
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 3:54 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
>> Hi guys. As I am trying to get rid of windows and use my mac for all my 
>> activities, I am searching for an accessible dvd ripper for my mac. 
>> I want to be able to rip dvd to an ISO file and remove the copy protection 
>> if present. 
>> I am not in to piracy or anything like that, I just want to place ISO images 
>> on my network drive, to play them on my media center. 
>> Are there any options out there for voice over users? 
>> Thanks.
>> Nektarios.

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Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data plan for 
$39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be available for $29.99.  
At least, that's how I read it.
On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Sarah:
> Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would have 
> to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's paws on the 
> iPhone.:)
> I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any time 
> soon.:)
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices and 
>> then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t will be a 
>> bit cheaper in the end.
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>>> Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at times. 
>>> Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
>>> Aloha, 
>>> Charlie
>>> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
>>> click the off the bookshelf link 
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
 Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
 Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" So, I 
 had no room to grumble.:)
 In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little time 
 proofing before hitting send.:)
 Carolyn H
 - Original Message -
 From: Charlie Doremus
 To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
 Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
 starting at $39.99
 Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
 Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
 click the off the bookshelf link 
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
> What is chapter?  
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
>> http://dlvr.it/F8cdn
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Drag&Drop across windows

2011-01-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello everyone,

Here's something I worked out with the help of my sighted husband earlier today.

Dragging files from one window to another

Trackpad Commander must be off for this to work

• Open the folder containing the file to be moved and open the target folder in 
a separate window;
• Go to the target folder window and hide the sidebar (Cmd-Opt-S);
• Move the target window up as far as possible (VO-` (accent) followed by up 
arrow until it can't go any further, then press Escape);
• Make target window as big as possible using the Resize command (VO-Shift-` 
(accent)), this command gives you two options: move right edge, and move bottom 
edge. Do each of these in turn using the right arrow to move the right edge as 
far to the right as possible, and the down arrow to move the bottom edge as far 
down as possible. VO will not let you push them off the screen. You have to hit 
Escape after each operation;
• Switch to the source window and move it to the left until it's less than 10 
mm or pixels right (you'll need to pay attention to what VO is saying);
• Select the file or files to be moved;
• turn cursor tracking off;
• Make sure that the mouse is on one of the selected files;
• Press down on the trackpad with your thumb and keep it pressed as you stroke 
to the right with one finger several times (you can't go too far or too fast);
• When you release your thumb, you should hear the sound of files dropping.

You can check that it has worked by going to the Edit menu to see what Undo is 
offering. Obviously, if it wasn't what you intended, you can just perform the 
Undo command.

If you have an older MacBook without the multi-touch trackpad as I have, hold 
down the trackpad button instead of pressing on the trackpad itself.



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Re: Facebook Fopa

2011-01-27 Thread brandt
Well, if you're using m.facebook.com instead of www.facebook.com you'd be 


Brandt Steenkamp

MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com

Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Watson" 

Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 5:03 PM
Subject: Facebook Fopa


Caught your story yesterday about Facebook adding Captcha to the users
login. Those of us who are visually challenged are not able to access
Captcha's in any way. So this means that we will no longer be able to
log into our Facebook accounts if this measure is implemented. I would
think that adding some sort of question and answer schema would be
just as secure and still allow the blind community to access their
social media.

Hopefully this venue and my other emails to various lists will bring
light to an already dark situation.

Love the show.
Keith Watson
Sent from my iPhone

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Re: iphone speaker stopped working

2011-01-27 Thread Scott Granados
This happened to me the other day.

The sepperate volume under settings sounds for ringers and alerts was turned 
down.  Turning that back up fixed it.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 5:39 AM, joseph wrote:

> well, i registered it as a new phone and the problem went away.
> best
> On 27 Jan 2011, at 06:38, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Actualy my thing goes to handset mode and all I do then is hold home and 
>> letit vibrate and hit home again. I've had this issue now for a few weeks 
>> and it works.
>> S
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 8:38 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hmm,
>>> It sounds like you might have some lint or dust in the headphone jack.  
>>> When you plug in headphones, are you able to hear anything?
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:29 PM, joseph wrote:
 i tried the switch off and on, i tried volume up and down using earphone 
 but nothing worked.  i restored it to factory settings then i set up as a 
 new iphone and it worked but how can i move my bought apps across to the 
 new iphone?
 On 26 Jan 2011, at 17:58, Scott Granados wrote:
> You turn that switch off on the side?
> Sorry for the obvious question but I didn't know there was one there for 
> a few days until my assistant pointed it out to me.
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 6:48 AM, joseph wrote:
>> hi list
>> the subject line says it all.  i restored my phone to factory settings, 
>> but no luck.  the strange thing is, the speaker works only if i had a 
>> phonecall.
>> any suggestion?
>> thank you in advance
>> best
>> -- 
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Re: Scanning via ABBYY FineReader express.

2011-01-27 Thread Thomas
Can't answer to the hp question but as for Abby Finereader, I just  
scan with the Kodak, save it as scan1 or whatever it wants to call  
it, then open with Abby finereader instead of doing it  
automatically.  It some times takes a little bit then do the  
conversions I want to do, then have the box checked for it to  
automatically open from fine reader to text eddit, that part  
sometakes a little bit of time but it will eventually get it done.   
It's a little more combursom for sure, but it doesn't hang up often,  
just slow sometimes as it's processing, but after all I am also on an  
8 year old machine using Tiger with no hope for the machine to  
upgrade any farther.  Though that was why it was so slow, but it  
sounds like it's the processing that the softwarehas to do since  
you're talking about it just totally going busy and basically not  

Don't know if saving the scanned document and then opening it with  
manually will help you or not, but might wish to try it and see if it  
works better.  Remember though Abby Fine Reader at times does take a  
while to get it's processing done, but by opening with manually that  
part itself shouldn't take to long, it will be longer in the  
conversion process probably to get it into what ever document form  
you are wishing to read it as.

On Jan 25, 2011, at 11:56 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:


I just installed ABBYY's trial version and reinstalled the software/ 
driver for my HP c7250 AllInOne printer.  (Reinstalling cured my  
insecure startup item problem BTW, but I digress.).

I can scan using the HP app, however upon pressing the convert to  
text button, VO emits the following:
"system ScanTwain needs attention", and fineReader appears to  
hang.  I located the HP scan app in the status menu via the mouse  
moves VO cursor option and scanned with the document profile.  The  
scanner whirrs and appears to complete, however the fineReader  
continues to hang.  I force quit the app, but when I restart the  
ABBYY app but it apparently reissues the message regarding  
ScanTwain and hangs.  All functions within the app result in VO  
emitting the word: "busy".

I located the hp scan window and pressed the button indicating that  
there were no more pages, but this had no affect.

HTH for any advice.  Maybe time to contact ABBYY?
Best regards, Geoff

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Re: can an almost full start up disk slow me down to a crawl?

2011-01-27 Thread Thomas
Agreed, it most certainly can.  Have had that happen a few times.   
Time to externally store some stuff and clear out some room *lol.*   
Of course I back up a lot of stuff onto cd anyway they're not overly  
expensive and as long as they're maintained can get back into them  
much later and find stuff if necessary.  But it doesn't realy take  
much to fill a 40 gig hd anyway these days does it?  *lol.*

If it gets to full your system will probably notifie you that things  
have to be moved out or deleeted, in fact got that message about two  
weeks ago.


On Jan 21, 2011, at 7:02 PM, Jes Smith wrote:

Hey all my start up disk is almost full and I notice some very  
sluggish behavior everywhere. Can this be the cause of my slow  
computer behavior?
You bett. That's one of the reasons I had to do a backup and  
reinstall a fresh copy of Mac OS X. Now, my Mac works like new again.

On Jan 20, 2011, at 7:21 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

Hey all my start up disk is almost full and I notice some very  
sluggish behavior everywhere. Can this be the cause of my slow  
computer behavior? my mail takes forever to refresh, my finder is  
bush when sorting and a bit more. the fan is not going but I"m  
thinking that this might be the cause. I will be freeing up some  
space to make the system defrag when it can but just wondering.


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Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread Scott Granados
AT&T isn't bad.

When the data works it's very stable and while not as fast as 4G ain't bad.:)

I think the make or break for ATT is how well they deploy 4G.  I like so far 
what I hear about their plans.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Sarah:
> Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would have 
> to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's paws on the 
> iPhone.:)
> I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any time 
> soon.:)
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices and 
>> then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t will be a 
>> bit cheaper in the end.
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>>> Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at times. 
>>> Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
>>> Aloha, 
>>> Charlie
>>> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
>>> click the off the bookshelf link 
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
 Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
 Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" So, I 
 had no room to grumble.:)
 In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little time 
 proofing before hitting send.:)
 Carolyn H
 - Original Message -
 From: Charlie Doremus
 To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
 Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
 starting at $39.99
 Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
 Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
 click the off the bookshelf link 
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
> What is chapter?  
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
>> http://dlvr.it/F8cdn
>> -- 
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Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread Scott Granados
I really want an unlimited data plan, that's the one real negative about the 
ATT deal right now.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data plan 
> for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be available for 
> $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
> Donna
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Sarah:
>> Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would have 
>> to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's paws on the 
>> iPhone.:)
>> I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any time 
>> soon.:)
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices and 
>>> then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t will be a 
>>> bit cheaper in the end.
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
 Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
 times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
 Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
 click the off the bookshelf link 
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
> Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
> Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" So, I 
> had no room to grumble.:)
> In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little time 
> proofing before hitting send.:)
> Carolyn H
> - Original Message -
> From: Charlie Doremus
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
> Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
> starting at $39.99
> Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
> click the off the bookshelf link 
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
>> What is chapter?  
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
>>> http://dlvr.it/F8cdn
>>> -- 
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Re: Solving captures on the Mac

2011-01-27 Thread Thomas
In the past by copying and sending the image as per their  
instructions worked well enough, the capture tool they have just  
works for windows, however in the past month to month in a half  
everytime I've checked in there they say "captcha service  
unavailable" so don't know what's going on over there, but it's a  
drag because then gotta find sighted person to read the captcha again  
just like before.  Maybe they just don't have any human operators  
available to see and convert them don't know, but even tried the  
Windows unit here and didn't get any results back from them unless it  
came back through Twitter and I haven't figured out muchconcerning  
Quitter over there yet, maybe the answer is waiting with about 60  
other tweats over there.  Can you tell I don't play with the Windows  
machine much around here?

But yes when they're working http://solona.net does work well even  
for us.

I will be happy when they start using another technology method  
instead of those stupid captchas anyway.  I'm sure some of these  
spammers have figured out a way to get around them because guess  
what, we all still get spam to some degree.  Even if it's this message.

On Jan 25, 2011, at 6:12 PM, dyer matthew wrote:


Are you signed up with soolona?  I am not sure how well it works on  
the mac, but you could try it and see what happens.


Contact info.

MSN/e-mail: ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com
yahoo:  md1616
skype: graduater2004

On 1/25/2011 6:04 PM, Conrad Bennett wrote:
Can anybody please tell me what is good to use to solve captures  
on the Mac

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Solona nearly never available lately

2011-01-27 Thread Thomas
In short, "yes."  Sent an e-mail to the support but also got no  
answer.  I don't know if they use volonteers to do the translation or  
if they're paid, but I suggested if volonteers, let us know if  
there's a problem, I am sure we as a community could get the word out  
and they could get some more help, but never heard back.  So not sure  
what's going on there.  Every time I've gone in there it's been  
unavailable, so it's not been a sometimes issue, it's been every  
time, and have given up.  Does better for me to wait till I have  
someone sighted around here to try to help with those.  Used to my  
wife could do that stuff, but her vision is poor now too, well the  
vision itself isn't so poor but her prisum numbers are so off that  
stuff like that she can't usually see correctly.  So her usful vision  
right now isn't much greater than mine.  Even though it has improved,  
and hopefully will improve, it's still not there yet for captchas.

On Jan 25, 2011, at 6:25 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:


Has anybody here noticed that Solona seems never to be available  
during the past two months or so?  Every single time I log on or  
tried to use it or just check to see if it's available, it always  
reports not available.  That, I guess, is one of the drawbacks to a  
human based solution like this, but, just kind of wondering what's  
going on?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

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Re: Solving captures on the Mac

2011-01-27 Thread Thomas
Thanks for the tip, will check this out later today I think.  Since I  
use Firefox over on Windows side and prefer it most of the time for  
what I do, will try this pluggin then.

On Jan 25, 2011, at 10:42 PM, Geoff Waaler wrote:

From what I've seen recently about Soolona's up time I'd advise  
installing Firefox on a Windows machine so that you can use the  
Webvisum plug-in.  I have the impression that Firefox won't be  
accessible on the Mac any time soon, but then you probably knew all  
this before you posted?


On Jan 25, 2011, at 6:04 PM, Conrad Bennett wrote:

Can anybody please tell me what is good to use to solve captures  
on the Mac

Sent from my iPhone

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Thread/subject agreement -> was Re: Solona nearly never available lately

2011-01-27 Thread Geoff Waaler
It's always amusing when people admonish the group while committing the vary 
offense being b#*ched about :)  -- After all, anyone can change a subject line, 
ya know?

On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi there!
> The subject heading should be changed on this!
> Thanks
> Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 27 Jan 2011, at 14:52, brandt wrote:
>> If you can use the mac command line, you're halfway there. Mac's basically 
>> unix beautified.
>> Regards,
>> Brandt Steenkamp
>> MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com
>> Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
>> AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>> - Original Message - From: "Sarah Alawami" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:38 AM
>> Subject: Re: Solona nearly never available lately
>> No I know nothing of unix and I distroyed my last hd in an accident. lol! so 
>> that will have to wait.
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 10:14 PM, brandt wrote:
>>> You can get a USB bootable immage from vinux.org.uk
>>> If you know anything of unix commands you should be fine. And the only 
>>> thing you'd want it for anyway is firefox which can be accessed threw the 
>>> menu with alt/option f1.
>>> Regards,
>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>> MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com
>>> Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
>>> AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
>>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>>> - Original Message - From: "Sarah Alawami" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 10:53 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Solona nearly never available lately
>>> I don't have room on my boot camp partition to be doing that, pluss I don't 
>>> have any way I don't think to run ubuntu on my mac and I know nothing about 
>>> lynux.
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 8:24 AM, brandt wrote:
 You can run ubuntu in a VM and use webvisum in firefox.
 The vinux.org.uk version of ubuntu is preconfigured for us VI folks, and 
 free at that.
 Brandt Steenkamp
 MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com
 Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
 AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
 Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
 - Original Message - From: "Ray Foret Jr" 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 3:37 AM
 Subject: Re: Solona nearly never available lately
 Well, let me say this.  I did indeed hear that he is ill.  I suspect, 
 though, that it wasn't helping the blind that made him sick.  Perhaps it 
 was some underlying condition.  What ever the case may be, I do hope he 
 gets well.  By way of personal reflection, I can't help but wonder what we 
 Mac users can do to effect a software based solution.  Sorry, installing 
 windows seems like a cop out to me.
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
 Skype Name:
 On Jan 25, 2011, at 7:14 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
> Hello Ray,,,
> the reason Solona is almost never available is because the guy who ran it 
> has been very sick. this was established on another list. this guy 
> dedicated himself to helping blind people to the point where it made him 
> sick.
> Isaac
> - Original Message - From: "Ray Foret Jr" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 7:25 PM
> Subject: Solona nearly never available lately
>> Say,
>> Has anybody here noticed that Solona seems never to be available during 
>> the past two months or so?  Every single time I log on or tried to use 
>> it or just check to see if it's available, it always reports not 
>> available. That, I guess, is one of the drawbacks to a human based 
>> solution like this, but, just kind of wondering what's going on?
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype Name:
>> barefootedray
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Re: MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-27 Thread Geoff Waaler

Thanks for giving me something to check -- sadly, under system preferences -> 
accounts -> UserName -> logIn items -> the "hide items helper" box is already 

On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:43 AM, Randy Stegall wrote:

> Command x and command v work here.  Check the hide checkbox in the login 
> items tab in the accounts system preferences.  I did not have to change any 
> of the defaults to get moveaddict to work.
> Randy Stegall
> kc4...@aol.com
> Sent from my Mac Mini.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Since the moveAddict support group is apparently ignoring my notes, I 
>> decided after reading Esther's post to reinstall moveAddict version 2.24.  
>> To that end I deleted both files from the apps folder and the prefferences 
>> file "com.kapeli.moveaddict.plist" from directory "/Library/Preferences/
>> This action cured the problem where moveAddict rendered it impossible to 
>> navigate with the arrow keys by causing VO to emit the message "one file 
>> cut", however, it still does not function.
>> I have the following set in the moveAddictPreferences.appfile:
>> General:
>> Startup
>> Start at login is checked
>> Show in doc not checked
>> Show in menu bar checked.
>> Keyboard shortcuts:
>> Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
>> paste keyboard shortcut unknown
>> I went through all other items in the toolbar but did not alter the defaults 
>> as none of the options seemed applicable to my problem.
>> The main issue appears to be that I can not set the cut and paste shortcut 
>> keys.  I tried pressing command-x an x without the command key but vo emits 
>> the "character deleted" sound and the field is unchanged.  I tried 
>> interacting and checking for a context menu to no avail.
>> In case they already had the conventional defaults set and supressed the 
>> option to alter them I tried cutting and pasting from one folder to another 
>> via command-x and command-v but this had no affect.  Since I apparently can 
>> not count on any support from the auther, I thought I'd check here for any 
>> suggestions.
>> TIA and best regards.
>> Geoff
>> -- 
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Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-27 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hello mac users.
Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the lack of 
accessibility within they're mac application.
If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, send them 
a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the feedback link from 
the links area.

Copied text to Dropbox

Hello Dropbox team.
I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac 
When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in screen 
reading software on the mac.
VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and Apple's 
developer documentation makes reference on how an application can be made to be 
accessible while using VoiceOver.
Thanks for reading.
Matthew Campbell.

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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-27 Thread louie
They don't care they don't half to.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hello mac users.
> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the lack of 
> accessibility within they're mac application.
> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, send 
> them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the feedback link 
> from the links area.
> Thanks.
> Copied text to Dropbox
> Hello Dropbox team.
> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac 
> application.
> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in screen 
> reading software on the mac.
> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
> Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application can be 
> made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
> Thanks for reading.
> Matthew Campbell.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-27 Thread Esther
Hi Geoff,

Try the following:

Double click on the "moveAddict Preferences.app" that came in the folder named 
"Accessibility" when you downloaded and opened the MovedAddict.dmg disk image 
to install the app. This should let you bring up a preferences pane for the app 
by opening it from the Dock (e.g., use either VO-D or Control-F3 to move to the 
Dock, then press "m o" to navigate to "MoveAddict" and open this by clicking 
with your trackpad or pressing space bar.)  On the "General" pane VoiceOver 
should announce Start-Up option checkboxes ("Start at login", "Show in Dock", 
"Show in Menu Bar") and Keyboard shortcuts for cut and paste. The assignment of 
these last two are customizable, and you might hear "The help tag is, click to 
edit the shortcut" once you VO-Right arrow  past "Cut:".  Route your mouse 
cursor to your VoiceOver cursor (VO-Command-F5) if you don't have your Mouse 
cursor tracking your VoiceOver cursor, and click with VO-Shift-Space or with 
your Trackpad.  Then type in your shortcut for cut (e.g., Command-x).  VO-Right 
arrow past the entry for "Paste:", and similarly route your mouse cursor, 
click, and type the shortcut you want to use for paste (e.g., Command-v).

I think they may use the default shortcut values in some versions of the app, 
but you clearly do not have defined shortcut sequences for cut and paste.  
Whereas, it sounds as though your earlier iteration might have had conflicting 
shortcut definitions.

HTH.  Cheers,

On Jan 27, 2011, at 08:25, Geoff Waaler wrote:

> Randy,
> Thanks for giving me something to check -- sadly, under system preferences -> 
> accounts -> UserName -> logIn items -> the "hide items helper" box is already 
> checked.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:43 AM, Randy Stegall wrote:
>> Command x and command v work here.  Check the hide checkbox in the login 
>> items tab in the accounts system preferences.  I did not have to change any 
>> of the defaults to get moveaddict to work.
>> Randy Stegall
>> kc4...@aol.com
>> Sent from my Mac Mini.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> Since the moveAddict support group is apparently ignoring my notes, I 
>>> decided after reading Esther's post to reinstall moveAddict version 2.24.  
>>> To that end I deleted both files from the apps folder and the prefferences 
>>> file "com.kapeli.moveaddict.plist" from directory "/Library/Preferences/
>>> This action cured the problem where moveAddict rendered it impossible to 
>>> navigate with the arrow keys by causing VO to emit the message "one file 
>>> cut", however, it still does not function.
>>> I have the following set in the moveAddictPreferences.appfile:
>>> General:
>>> Startup
>>> Start at login is checked
>>> Show in doc not checked
>>> Show in menu bar checked.
>>> Keyboard shortcuts:
>>> Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
>>> paste keyboard shortcut unknown
>>> I went through all other items in the toolbar but did not alter the 
>>> defaults as none of the options seemed applicable to my problem.
>>> The main issue appears to be that I can not set the cut and paste shortcut 
>>> keys.  I tried pressing command-x an x without the command key but vo emits 
>>> the "character deleted" sound and the field is unchanged.  I tried 
>>> interacting and checking for a context menu to no avail.
>>> In case they already had the conventional defaults set and supressed the 
>>> option to alter them I tried cutting and pasting from one folder to another 
>>> via command-x and command-v but this had no affect.  Since I apparently can 
>>> not count on any support from the auther, I thought I'd check here for any 
>>> suggestions.
>>> TIA and best regards.
>>> Geoff

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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-27 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hello Louie.
Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure isn't 
anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let Dropbox 
know and maybe something could be done.

On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:

> They don't care they don't half to.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello mac users.
>> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the lack of 
>> accessibility within they're mac application.
>> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, send 
>> them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the feedback link 
>> from the links area.
>> Thanks.
>> Copied text to Dropbox
>> Hello Dropbox team.
>> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
>> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac 
>> application.
>> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in screen 
>> reading software on the mac.
>> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
>> Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application can be 
>> made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
>> Thanks for reading.
>> Matthew Campbell.
>> -- 
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> louie
> louiem...@wavecable.com
> -- 
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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Re: Solona nearly never available lately

2011-01-27 Thread Ray Foret Jr
What's going on is that there is actually only one person, not a bunch of 
volonteers.  He tried, but, couldn't get anybody to help him.  Now, he's sick 
and can't do it.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:08 PM, Thomas wrote:

> In short, "yes."  Sent an e-mail to the support but also got no answer.  I 
> don't know if they use volonteers to do the translation or if they're paid, 
> but I suggested if volonteers, let us know if there's a problem, I am sure we 
> as a community could get the word out and they could get some more help, but 
> never heard back.  So not sure what's going on there.  Every time I've gone 
> in there it's been unavailable, so it's not been a sometimes issue, it's been 
> every time, and have given up.  Does better for me to wait till I have 
> someone sighted around here to try to help with those.  Used to my wife could 
> do that stuff, but her vision is poor now too, well the vision itself isn't 
> so poor but her prisum numbers are so off that stuff like that she can't 
> usually see correctly.  So her usful vision right now isn't much greater than 
> mine.  Even though it has improved, and hopefully will improve, it's still 
> not there yet for captchas.
> On Jan 25, 2011, at 6:25 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Say,
>> Has anybody here noticed that Solona seems never to be available during the 
>> past two months or so?  Every single time I log on or tried to use it or 
>> just check to see if it's available, it always reports not available.  That, 
>> I guess, is one of the drawbacks to a human based solution like this, but, 
>> just kind of wondering what's going on?
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype Name:
>> barefootedray
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-27 Thread louie
I have e-mailed them many times with out any results.
Some developers don't care they don't need to.
I have been a dropbox user for a very long time.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hello Louie.
> Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure isn't 
> anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
> If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let 
> Dropbox know and maybe something could be done.
> On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
>> They don't care they don't half to.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>>> Hello mac users.
>>> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the lack 
>>> of accessibility within they're mac application.
>>> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, send 
>>> them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the feedback 
>>> link from the links area.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Copied text to Dropbox
>>> Hello Dropbox team.
>>> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
>>> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac 
>>> application.
>>> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in screen 
>>> reading software on the mac.
>>> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
>>> Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application can 
>>> be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
>>> Thanks for reading.
>>> Matthew Campbell.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> louie
>> louiem...@wavecable.com
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-27 Thread Scott Howell
I concur and in addition it is recommended you share links to any documentation 
that may be helpful to the developers. I find this to be one more way to 
encourage the developers.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 2:31 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hello Louie.
> Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure isn't 
> anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
> If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let 
> Dropbox know and maybe something could be done.
> On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
>> They don't care they don't half to.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>>> Hello mac users.
>>> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the lack 
>>> of accessibility within they're mac application.
>>> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, send 
>>> them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the feedback 
>>> link from the links area.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Copied text to Dropbox
>>> Hello Dropbox team.
>>> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
>>> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac 
>>> application.
>>> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in screen 
>>> reading software on the mac.
>>> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
>>> Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application can 
>>> be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
>>> Thanks for reading.
>>> Matthew Campbell.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> louie
>> louiem...@wavecable.com
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread Scott Howell
Well then all you have to do is threaten to leave AT&T and there is a good 
chance they will give you what you want. Got to be forceful. I have read this 
and heard this more than once, so I suspect there is truth in it.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:55 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> I really want an unlimited data plan, that's the one real negative about the 
> ATT deal right now.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data plan 
>> for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be available for 
>> $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
>> Donna
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Sarah:
>>> Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would have 
>>> to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's paws on 
>>> the iPhone.:)
>>> I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any 
>>> time soon.:)
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices 
 and then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t will 
 be a bit cheaper in the end.
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
> Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
> times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
> click the off the bookshelf link 
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
>> Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
>> Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" So, 
>> I had no room to grumble.:)
>> In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little time 
>> proofing before hitting send.:)
>> Carolyn H
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Charlie Doremus
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
>> Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
>> starting at $39.99
>> Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
>> Aloha, 
>> Charlie
>> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
>> click the off the bookshelf link 
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
>>> What is chapter?  
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread Scott Granados
I may give that a shot.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Well then all you have to do is threaten to leave AT&T and there is a good 
> chance they will give you what you want. Got to be forceful. I have read this 
> and heard this more than once, so I suspect there is truth in it.
> Scott
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:55 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> I really want an unlimited data plan, that's the one real negative about the 
>> ATT deal right now.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data plan 
>>> for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be available for 
>>> $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
>>> Donna
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Sarah:
 Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would 
 have to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's paws 
 on the iPhone.:)
 I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any 
 time soon.:)
 Carolyn H
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices 
> and then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t will 
> be a bit cheaper in the end.
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>> Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
>> times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
>> Aloha, 
>> Charlie
>> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
>> click the off the bookshelf link 
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
>>> Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
>>> Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" So, 
>>> I had no room to grumble.:)
>>> In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little time 
>>> proofing before hitting send.:)
>>> Carolyn H
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Charlie Doremus
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
>>> starting at $39.99
>>> Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
>>> Aloha, 
>>> Charlie
>>> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
>>> click the off the bookshelf link 
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
 What is chapter?  
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
> http://dlvr.it/F8cdn
> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>>> -- 
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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
Just think where we would have been if Apple had adopted that attitude. :-P

On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:05 AM, louie wrote:

> They don't care they don't half to.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello mac users.
>> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the lack of 
>> accessibility within they're mac application.
>> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, send 
>> them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the feedback link 
>> from the links area.
>> Thanks.
>> Copied text to Dropbox
>> Hello Dropbox team.
>> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
>> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac 
>> application.
>> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in screen 
>> reading software on the mac.
>> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
>> Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application can be 
>> made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
>> Thanks for reading.
>> Matthew Campbell.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> louie
> louiem...@wavecable.com
> -- 
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Re: Thread/subject agreement -> was Re: Solona nearly never available lately

2011-01-27 Thread Colin M
Hi all!
Sorry I was only making a suggestion! :]
I was not admonishing no one!
I did not change  the  subject heading myself because I would not know what to 
call it, so it would mean something to those it mattered too!
It was that they were no longer talking about Solona! J:]
No offence
Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 27 Jan 2011, at 18:13, Geoff Waaler wrote:

> It's always amusing when people admonish the group while committing the vary 
> offence being b#*ched about :)  -- After all, anyone can change a subject 
> line, ya know?
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> The subject heading should be changed on this!
>> Thanks
>> Colin
>> Qapla!
>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>> On 27 Jan 2011, at 14:52, brandt wrote:
>>> If you can use the mac command line, you're halfway there. Mac's basically 
>>> unix beautified.
>>> Regards,
>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>> MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com
>>> Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
>>> AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
>>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>>> - Original Message - From: "Sarah Alawami" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:38 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Solona nearly never available lately
>>> No I know nothing of unix and I distroyed my last hd in an accident. lol! 
>>> so that will have to wait.
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 10:14 PM, brandt wrote:
 You can get a USB bootable immage from vinux.org.uk
 If you know anything of unix commands you should be fine. And the only 
 thing you'd want it for anyway is firefox which can be accessed threw the 
 menu with alt/option f1.
 Brandt Steenkamp
 MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com
 Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
 AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
 Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
 - Original Message - From: "Sarah Alawami" 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 10:53 PM
 Subject: Re: Solona nearly never available lately
 I don't have room on my boot camp partition to be doing that, pluss I 
 don't have any way I don't think to run ubuntu on my mac and I know 
 nothing about lynux.
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 8:24 AM, brandt wrote:
> You can run ubuntu in a VM and use webvisum in firefox.
> The vinux.org.uk version of ubuntu is preconfigured for us VI folks, and 
> free at that.
> Regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com
> Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
> AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> - Original Message - From: "Ray Foret Jr" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 3:37 AM
> Subject: Re: Solona nearly never available lately
> Well, let me say this.  I did indeed hear that he is ill.  I suspect, 
> though, that it wasn't helping the blind that made him sick.  Perhaps it 
> was some underlying condition.  What ever the case may be, I do hope he 
> gets well.  By way of personal reflection, I can't help but wonder what 
> we Mac users can do to effect a software based solution.  Sorry, 
> installing windows seems like a cop out to me.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Jan 25, 2011, at 7:14 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>> Hello Ray,,,
>> the reason Solona is almost never available is because the guy who ran 
>> it has been very sick. this was established on another list. this guy 
>> dedicated himself to helping blind people to the point where it made him 
>> sick.
>> HTH
>> Isaac
>> - Original Message - From: "Ray Foret Jr" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 7:25 PM
>> Subject: Solona nearly never available lately
>>> Say,
>>> Has anybody here noticed that Solona seems never to be available during 
>>> the past two months or so?  Every single time I log on or tried to use 
>>> it or just check to see if it's available, it always reports not 
>>> available. That, I guess, is one of the drawbacks to a human based 
>>> solution like this, but, just kind of wondering what's going on?
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype Name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> -- 
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>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.

Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-27 Thread Matthew Campbell
Wish I had some links to share with them.
Dropbox is an amazing service but it sucks when you can only use half of it.
On 2011-01-27, at 3:01 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> I concur and in addition it is recommended you share links to any 
> documentation that may be helpful to the developers. I find this to be one 
> more way to encourage the developers.
> Scott
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 2:31 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello Louie.
>> Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure isn't 
>> anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
>> If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let 
>> Dropbox know and maybe something could be done.
>> On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
>>> They don't care they don't half to.
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
 Hello mac users.
 Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the lack 
 of accessibility within they're mac application.
 If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, send 
 them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the feedback 
 link from the links area.
 Copied text to Dropbox
 Hello Dropbox team.
 I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
 This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac 
 When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in screen 
 reading software on the mac.
 VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
 Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application can 
 be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
 Thanks for reading.
 Matthew Campbell.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
 For more options, visit this group at 
>>> louie
>>> louiem...@wavecable.com
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: scanning software for the mac

2011-01-27 Thread Sara Waggle
I use I.R.I.S.  It is very simple to use.  I bought and downloaded & installed 
it in no time.  I like that it was inexpensive and works quite well for me.  

On Jan 25, 2011, at 5:47 PM, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:

> What is the best scanning software for the mac?
> Also, any hints on installing programmes on the mac would be good.  I am new 
> to the mac, and software doesn't install like windows.
> Steph
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
they really don't care. We've let them know on twitter and email for about a 
year now and htey care more about the windows side of things.
On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hello Louie.
> Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure isn't 
> anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
> If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let 
> Dropbox know and maybe something could be done.
> On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
>> They don't care they don't half to.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>>> Hello mac users.
>>> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the lack 
>>> of accessibility within they're mac application.
>>> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, send 
>>> them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the feedback 
>>> link from the links area.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Copied text to Dropbox
>>> Hello Dropbox team.
>>> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
>>> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac 
>>> application.
>>> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in screen 
>>> reading software on the mac.
>>> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
>>> Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application can 
>>> be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
>>> Thanks for reading.
>>> Matthew Campbell.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> louie
>> louiem...@wavecable.com
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
Actually they are letting some of there customers go back to unlimited. I had 
an article but can't find it now but most of us are very happy.
On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:55 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> I really want an unlimited data plan, that's the one real negative about the 
> ATT deal right now.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data plan 
>> for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be available for 
>> $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
>> Donna
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Sarah:
>>> Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would have 
>>> to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's paws on 
>>> the iPhone.:)
>>> I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any 
>>> time soon.:)
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices 
 and then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t will 
 be a bit cheaper in the end.
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
> Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
> times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
> click the off the bookshelf link 
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
>> Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
>> Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" So, 
>> I had no room to grumble.:)
>> In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little time 
>> proofing before hitting send.:)
>> Carolyn H
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Charlie Doremus
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
>> Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
>> starting at $39.99
>> Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
>> Aloha, 
>> Charlie
>> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
>> click the off the bookshelf link 
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
>>> What is chapter?  
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
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Re: scanning software for the mac

2011-01-27 Thread Scott Howell
THey must have changed it because the last I heard it was not very accessible. 
ABBYY Fine Reader is quite accessible.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 3:40 PM, Sara Waggle wrote:

> I use I.R.I.S.  It is very simple to use.  I bought and downloaded & 
> installed it in no time.  I like that it was inexpensive and works quite well 
> for me.  
> On Jan 25, 2011, at 5:47 PM, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:
>> What is the best scanning software for the mac?
>> Also, any hints on installing programmes on the mac would be good.  I am new 
>> to the mac, and software doesn't install like windows.
>> Steph
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: finding pages on facebook

2011-01-27 Thread Sara Waggle
Hmm..I don't see it there.  
Any other suggestions?  
On Jan 22, 2011, at 4:20 PM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Sarai!
> When on your home page just select your friends link!
> And on the next page you should find a link for your pages it should just be 
> after phonebook!
> hth Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 22 Jan 2011, at 17:08, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> All:
>> How do you find a list of pages that you've liked on the fb moble site?
>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
>> www.swagbucks.com/refer/sdbuccia
>> -- 
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Re: scanning software for the mac

2011-01-27 Thread Sara Waggle
I've never used anything else.  And a friend of mine who uses VO more than I do 
recommended it to me.  

On Jan 27, 2011, at 3:02 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> THey must have changed it because the last I heard it was not very 
> accessible. ABBYY Fine Reader is quite accessible.
> Scott
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 3:40 PM, Sara Waggle wrote:
>> I use I.R.I.S.  It is very simple to use.  I bought and downloaded & 
>> installed it in no time.  I like that it was inexpensive and works quite 
>> well for me.  
>> On Jan 25, 2011, at 5:47 PM, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:
>>> What is the best scanning software for the mac?
>>> Also, any hints on installing programmes on the mac would be good.  I am 
>>> new to the mac, and software doesn't install like windows.
>>> Steph
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>> -- 
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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-27 Thread Justin Ekis
I'm not sure what all this is about myself. I am a very happy user of Dropbox 
on the mac. When you first install it, there are some controls that VO 
initially identifies as unknown. However, interacting with them reveals the 
expected fields for logging in to dropbox. The unknowns appear to be some kind 
of custom container widget that they use for some reason, but it only slowed me 
down for a minute.

Yes, there is that very annoying issue that VO can't get to the Dropbox menu to 
change the preferences, but this is not specific to this application and there 
doesn't seem to be anything Dropbox can do about it. Some people have posted 
alternative ways of locating the dropbox icon. However, with the 1.0 release, 
the preferences window is no longer accessible. They have acknowledged this 
regression and said they will be working on it.

In summary, we have a minor inconsistency with the setup screen which is 
quickly worked around, the issue with the status bar icon which only Apple can 
fix, and the broken preferences window which Dropbox is working on. Where is 
the evidence that this company doesn't care about accessibility?


On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:01 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

I concur and in addition it is recommended you share links to any documentation 
that may be helpful to the developers. I find this to be one more way to 
encourage the developers.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 2:31 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hello Louie.
> Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure isn't 
> anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
> If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let 
> Dropbox know and maybe something could be done.
> On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
>> They don't care they don't half to.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>>> Hello mac users.
>>> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the lack 
>>> of accessibility within they're mac application.
>>> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, send 
>>> them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the feedback 
>>> link from the links area.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Copied text to Dropbox
>>> Hello Dropbox team.
>>> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
>>> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac 
>>> application.
>>> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in screen 
>>> reading software on the mac.
>>> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
>>> Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application can 
>>> be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
>>> Thanks for reading.
>>> Matthew Campbell.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> louie
>> louiem...@wavecable.com
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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
YOu can get ot prefences but you tab and  hear nothing. I tried to find a file 
to edit yesterday but no go. I want to be able to change some prefs but I 
cannot not on the mac side anyways.
On Jan 27, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Justin Ekis wrote:

> I'm not sure what all this is about myself. I am a very happy user of Dropbox 
> on the mac. When you first install it, there are some controls that VO 
> initially identifies as unknown. However, interacting with them reveals the 
> expected fields for logging in to dropbox. The unknowns appear to be some 
> kind of custom container widget that they use for some reason, but it only 
> slowed me down for a minute.
> Yes, there is that very annoying issue that VO can't get to the Dropbox menu 
> to change the preferences, but this is not specific to this application and 
> there doesn't seem to be anything Dropbox can do about it. Some people have 
> posted alternative ways of locating the dropbox icon. However, with the 1.0 
> release, the preferences window is no longer accessible. They have 
> acknowledged this regression and said they will be working on it.
> In summary, we have a minor inconsistency with the setup screen which is 
> quickly worked around, the issue with the status bar icon which only Apple 
> can fix, and the broken preferences window which Dropbox is working on. Where 
> is the evidence that this company doesn't care about accessibility?
> Justin
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:01 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> I concur and in addition it is recommended you share links to any 
> documentation that may be helpful to the developers. I find this to be one 
> more way to encourage the developers.
> Scott
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 2:31 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello Louie.
>> Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure isn't 
>> anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
>> If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let 
>> Dropbox know and maybe something could be done.
>> On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
>>> They don't care they don't half to.
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
 Hello mac users.
 Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the lack 
 of accessibility within they're mac application.
 If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, send 
 them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the feedback 
 link from the links area.
 Copied text to Dropbox
 Hello Dropbox team.
 I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
 This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac 
 When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in screen 
 reading software on the mac.
 VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
 Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application can 
 be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
 Thanks for reading.
 Matthew Campbell.
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>>> louie
>>> louiem...@wavecable.com
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Re: scanning software for the mac

2011-01-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Sara,

I'm surprised that you say that ReadIris was inexpensive. Last I knew, it cost 
a third as much again as ABBYY FineReader and it couldn't get scanned double 
pages in the right order. Also, it was less accurate than FineReader.

I used to use ReadIris 11 quite successfully, but ReadIris 12 was a backward 



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Apple Releases iTunes 10.1.2 With CDMA iPhone Compatibility

2011-01-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
does this itunes release bring CDMA support for the new VZ phone? read on:


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Re: scanning software for the mac

2011-01-27 Thread Stephanie Mitchell
You can't download a trial version any more.  It uses a flash 
demo on the web.


- Original Message -
From: Sara Waggle I've never used anything else.  And a friend of mine who uses VO 
more than I do recommended it to me.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 3:02 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

THey must have changed it because the last I heard it was not 
very accessible.  ABBYY Fine Reader is quite accessible.


On Jan 27, 2011, at 3:40 PM, Sara Waggle wrote:

I use I.R.I.S.  It is very simple to use.  I bought and 
downloaded & installed it in no time.  I like that it was 
inexpensive and works quite well for me.

On Jan 25, 2011, at 5:47 PM, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:

What is the best scanning software for the mac?
Also, any hints on installing programmes on the mac would be 
good.  I am new to the mac, and software doesn't install like 


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Re: [macvoiceover] Re: Newest Skype Beta update

2011-01-27 Thread Brianna Snyder
I just updated mine, and I think I like it. I don't know if it's just me not 
knowing how, but I never could figure out how to conference in the last beta. I 
think they may have fixed it, although I haven't had the chance to test that 
out. But the sounds work, which I'm definitely glad for. 
The source list seems ok to me. 

On Jan 27, 2011, at 4:51 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I like its improvements but there are some stuff skype broke. I'll write up 
> another post as soon as I can colect my thoughts.
> S
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 1:06 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>> As prompted, I updated Skype to the latest Version
>> I'm wondering if anyone else has done so, and whether or not they like its 
>> improvements?  I notice right off that the message sounds now work.  
>> However, I find the source list much harder to work with in this version and 
>> not at all helpful.  I haven't gotten a call since upgrading yet, so don't 
>> know how that will have changed.
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
>> • My home page:
>> • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
>>> Click on the link below to go to our homepage.
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Re: finding pages on facebook

2011-01-27 Thread Colin M
Hi Sara!
On what are you looking at m.facebook on is it imac or one of the others!
On mine it is how I said before!
If your on a mbp or imac when your on the second page open the web rota vo+u  
and in the links column see if it brings up pages by typing paa, it should be 
Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 27 Jan 2011, at 21:02, Sara Waggle wrote:

> Hmm..I don't see it there.  
> Any other suggestions?  
> Sara
> On Jan 22, 2011, at 4:20 PM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi Sarai!
>> When on your home page just select your friends link!
>> And on the next page you should find a link for your pages it should just be 
>> after phonebook!
>> hth Colin
>> Qapla!
>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>> On 22 Jan 2011, at 17:08, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> All:
>>> How do you find a list of pages that you've liked on the fb moble site?
>>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>>> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
>>> www.swagbucks.com/refer/sdbuccia
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Re: finding pages on facebook

2011-01-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
 huh? I always have to search for the pages I liked. this according to the 
blind facebook list.

On Jan 22, 2011, at 2:20 PM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Sarai!
> When on your home page just select your friends link!
> And on the next page you should find a link for your pages it should just be 
> after phonebook!
> hth Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 22 Jan 2011, at 17:08, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> All:
>> How do you find a list of pages that you've liked on the fb moble site?
>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
>> www.swagbucks.com/refer/sdbuccia
>> -- 
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Re: finding pages on facebook

2011-01-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
I can confirm this. the only thing there that starts with a p is profile. the 
pages link is not there.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 2:25 PM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Sara!
> On what are you looking at m.facebook on is it imac or one of the others!
> On mine it is how I said before!
> If your on a mbp or imac when your on the second page open the web rota vo+u  
> and in the links column see if it brings up pages by typing paa, it should be 
> there!
> Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 27 Jan 2011, at 21:02, Sara Waggle wrote:
>> Hmm..I don't see it there.  
>> Any other suggestions?  
>> Sara
>> On Jan 22, 2011, at 4:20 PM, Colin M wrote:
>>> Hi Sarai!
>>> When on your home page just select your friends link!
>>> And on the next page you should find a link for your pages it should just 
>>> be after phonebook!
>>> hth Colin
>>> Qapla!
>>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>>> On 22 Jan 2011, at 17:08, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 How do you find a list of pages that you've liked on the fb moble site?
 Sarai Bucciarelli
 Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Facebook Fopa

2011-01-27 Thread Keith Watson
Actually I am not sure how they will do it, but Facebook has said that they are 
going to implement Captcha for all access. I am assuming that this will include 
all three sites, m dot, lite and the regular site. This is why I wrote back to 
Tom Merritt the host of tech news today on the twit network.


On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:27 PM, brandt wrote:

> Well, if you're using m.facebook.com instead of www.facebook.com you'd be 
> fine.
> Regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com
> Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
> AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> - Original Message - From: "Thomas Watson" 
> To: 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 5:03 PM
> Subject: Facebook Fopa
>> Tom,
>> Caught your story yesterday about Facebook adding Captcha to the users
>> login. Those of us who are visually challenged are not able to access
>> Captcha's in any way. So this means that we will no longer be able to
>> log into our Facebook accounts if this measure is implemented. I would
>> think that adding some sort of question and answer schema would be
>> just as secure and still allow the blind community to access their
>> social media.
>> Hopefully this venue and my other emails to various lists will bring
>> light to an already dark situation.
>> Love the show.
>> Keith Watson
>> 813-760-1381
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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Re: scanning software for the mac

2011-01-27 Thread Sara Waggle
Don't know what to say, it was a good deal, and I think it does just fine.  
Again, I've never used ABBYY FineReader.  

On Jan 27, 2011, at 4:12 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Sara,
> I'm surprised that you say that ReadIris was inexpensive. Last I knew, it 
> cost a third as much again as ABBYY FineReader and it couldn't get scanned 
> double pages in the right order. Also, it was less accurate than FineReader.
> I used to use ReadIris 11 quite successfully, but ReadIris 12 was a backward 
> step.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> -- 
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Re: Facebook Fopa

2011-01-27 Thread Maurice Mines
not true.   
On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:03 AM, Thomas Watson wrote:

> Tom,
> Caught your story yesterday about Facebook adding Captcha to the users
> login. Those of us who are visually challenged are not able to access
> Captcha's in any way. So this means that we will no longer be able to
> log into our Facebook accounts if this measure is implemented. I would
> think that adding some sort of question and answer schema would be
> just as secure and still allow the blind community to access their
> social media.
> Hopefully this venue and my other emails to various lists will bring
> light to an already dark situation.
> Love the show.
> Keith Watson
> 813-760-1381
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Maurice Mines

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Re: finding pages on facebook

2011-01-27 Thread Colin M
Hi Sarah!
Ok I do not know what's happening then because it still shows up on mine!
I've just checked it again and I can get to pages no problem!
Just as a thought have you updated facebook recently! It could be another 
facebook change like getting rid of the home link in some place's!
Or could this be on the Iphone I'm looking with a Imac!
Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 27 Jan 2011, at 22:46, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I can confirm this. the only thing there that starts with a p is profile. the 
> pages link is not there.
> S
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 2:25 PM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi Sara!
>> On what are you looking at m.facebook on is it imac or one of the others!
>> On mine it is how I said before!
>> If your on a mbp or imac when your on the second page open the web rota vo+u 
>>  and in the links column see if it brings up pages by typing paa, it should 
>> be there!
>> Colin
>> Qapla!
>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>> On 27 Jan 2011, at 21:02, Sara Waggle wrote:
>>> Hmm..I don't see it there.  
>>> Any other suggestions?  
>>> Sara
>>> On Jan 22, 2011, at 4:20 PM, Colin M wrote:
 Hi Sarai!
 When on your home page just select your friends link!
 And on the next page you should find a link for your pages it should just 
 be after phonebook!
 hth Colin
 Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
 On 22 Jan 2011, at 17:08, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> All:
> How do you find a list of pages that you've liked on the fb moble site?
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
> www.swagbucks.com/refer/sdbuccia
> -- 
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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Re: finding pages on facebook

2011-01-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
No I'm on my macbook. As to updating facebook I don't remember doin gthis. 
Maybe it did it for me. and they are faising out the older profile btw.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 3:44 PM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Sarah!
> Ok I do not know what's happening then because it still shows up on mine!
> I've just checked it again and I can get to pages no problem!
> Just as a thought have you updated facebook recently! It could be another 
> facebook change like getting rid of the home link in some place's!
> Or could this be on the Iphone I'm looking with a Imac!
> Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 27 Jan 2011, at 22:46, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I can confirm this. the only thing there that starts with a p is profile. 
>> the pages link is not there.
>> S
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 2:25 PM, Colin M wrote:
>>> Hi Sara!
>>> On what are you looking at m.facebook on is it imac or one of the others!
>>> On mine it is how I said before!
>>> If your on a mbp or imac when your on the second page open the web rota 
>>> vo+u  and in the links column see if it brings up pages by typing paa, it 
>>> should be there!
>>> Colin
>>> Qapla!
>>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>>> On 27 Jan 2011, at 21:02, Sara Waggle wrote:
 Hmm..I don't see it there.  
 Any other suggestions?  
 On Jan 22, 2011, at 4:20 PM, Colin M wrote:
> Hi Sarai!
> When on your home page just select your friends link!
> And on the next page you should find a link for your pages it should just 
> be after phonebook!
> hth Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 22 Jan 2011, at 17:08, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> All:
>> How do you find a list of pages that you've liked on the fb moble site?
>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
>> www.swagbucks.com/refer/sdbuccia
>> -- 
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Re: Facebook Fopa

2011-01-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
the lite site has been gone for a year so all you have is m.facebook.com and 

On Jan 27, 2011, at 2:50 PM, Keith Watson wrote:

> Actually I am not sure how they will do it, but Facebook has said that they 
> are going to implement Captcha for all access. I am assuming that this will 
> include all three sites, m dot, lite and the regular site. This is why I 
> wrote back to Tom Merritt the host of tech news today on the twit network.
> Keith
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:27 PM, brandt wrote:
>> Well, if you're using m.facebook.com instead of www.facebook.com you'd be 
>> fine.
>> Regards,
>> Brandt Steenkamp
>> MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com
>> Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
>> AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>> - Original Message - From: "Thomas Watson" 
>> To: 
>> Cc: 
>> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 5:03 PM
>> Subject: Facebook Fopa
>>> Tom,
>>> Caught your story yesterday about Facebook adding Captcha to the users
>>> login. Those of us who are visually challenged are not able to access
>>> Captcha's in any way. So this means that we will no longer be able to
>>> log into our Facebook accounts if this measure is implemented. I would
>>> think that adding some sort of question and answer schema would be
>>> just as secure and still allow the blind community to access their
>>> social media.
>>> Hopefully this venue and my other emails to various lists will bring
>>> light to an already dark situation.
>>> Love the show.
>>> Keith Watson
>>> 813-760-1381
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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downloading help

2011-01-27 Thread Stephanie Mitchell
I'm new to the mac.  I have abbyy fine reader downloading now.  
But i have no idea when I'll know it's done.
Also, where is it downloading the file? I didn't get an option 
like i'm used too with windows.


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Re: downloading help

2011-01-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
It will download to the download folder under your home directory. Also 
interact with the name of the download and then interact again. there you will 
find the data rate that it's going and percentage and time until finished.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 4:09 PM, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:

> I'm new to the mac.  I have abbyy fine reader downloading now.  But i have no 
> idea when I'll know it's done.
> Also, where is it downloading the file? I didn't get an option like i'm used 
> too with windows.
> Steph
> -- 
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Re: MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-27 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Geoff,

What moveAddict tech  support told me is that the standard mac key  
commands for cut and paste are actually in the  invisible part of the  

"Keyboard shortcuts window;

Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
paste keyboard shortcut unknown"
when I asked how I enter a key command for cut and paste they said  
that the default is the standard mac commands! They could at least  
make these visible using VoiceOver!

Talk soon

On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:


Since the moveAddict support group is apparently ignoring my notes,  
I decided after reading Esther's post to reinstall moveAddict  
version 2.24.  To that end I deleted both files from the apps folder  
and the prefferences file "com.kapeli.moveaddict.plist" from  
directory "/Library/Preferences/

This action cured the problem where moveAddict rendered it  
impossible to navigate with the arrow keys by causing VO to emit the  
message "one file cut", however, it still does not function.

I have the following set in the moveAddictPreferences.appfile:

Start at login is checked
Show in doc not checked
Show in menu bar checked.
Keyboard shortcuts:
Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
paste keyboard shortcut unknown

I went through all other items in the toolbar but did not alter the  
defaults as none of the options seemed applicable to my problem.

The main issue appears to be that I can not set the cut and paste  
shortcut keys.  I tried pressing command-x an x without the command  
key but vo emits the "character deleted" sound and the field is  
unchanged.  I tried interacting and checking for a context menu to  
no avail.

In case they already had the conventional defaults set and supressed  
the option to alter them I tried cutting and pasting from one folder  
to another via command-x and command-v but this had no affect.   
Since I apparently can not count on any support from the auther, I  
thought I'd check here for any suggestions.

TIA and best regards.

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Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread heather kd5cbl
Hello anyone found anything about sprint's plan?  I read from pcworld and other 
sources, the iphone is comming in March!  Thanks Heather 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Scott Granados 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 11:55 AM
  Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting 
at $39.99

  I really want an unlimited data plan, that's the one real negative about the 
ATT deal right now.

  On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

  > Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data plan 
for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be available for 
$29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
  > Donna
  > On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
  >> Hi Sarah:
  >> Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would 
have to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's paws on 
the iPhone.:)
  >> I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any 
time soon.:)
  >> Carolyn H
  >> On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
  >>> lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices 
and then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t will be a 
bit cheaper in the end.
  >>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
   Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
   Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
click the off the bookshelf link 
   On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
  > Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
  > Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" So, 
I had no room to grumble.:)
  > In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little time 
proofing before hitting send.:)
  > Carolyn H
  > - Original Message -
  > From: Charlie Doremus
  > To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
  > Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
  > Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
starting at $39.99
  > Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
  > Aloha, 
  > Charlie
  > Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
click the off the bookshelf link 
  > On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
  >> What is chapter?  
  >> On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
  >>> Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
  >>> http://dlvr.it/F8cdn
  >>> -- 
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  >>> -- 
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resizing partition with VoiceOver

2011-01-27 Thread Slau Halatyn
Has anyone successfully resized a partition on a drive with voiceOver? I've 
deleted a partition and now there's free space but I can't figure out a way to 
devote that free space to the existing and only partition on the drive. Hmm…


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Re: finding pages on facebook

2011-01-27 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
On a Mac. Tried m.facebook, and regular fb. No luck.
On Jan 27, 2011, at 4:25 PM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Sara!
> On what are you looking at m.facebook on is it imac or one of the others!
> On mine it is how I said before!
> If your on a mbp or imac when your on the second page open the web rota vo+u  
> and in the links column see if it brings up pages by typing paa, it should be 
> there!
> Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 27 Jan 2011, at 21:02, Sara Waggle wrote:
>> Hmm..I don't see it there.  
>> Any other suggestions?  
>> Sara
>> On Jan 22, 2011, at 4:20 PM, Colin M wrote:
>>> Hi Sarai!
>>> When on your home page just select your friends link!
>>> And on the next page you should find a link for your pages it should just 
>>> be after phonebook!
>>> hth Colin
>>> Qapla!
>>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>>> On 22 Jan 2011, at 17:08, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 How do you find a list of pages that you've liked on the fb moble site?
 Sarai Bucciarelli
 Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: finding pages on facebook

2011-01-27 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I've liked so many. I can't remember them all.
On Jan 27, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> huh? I always have to search for the pages I liked. this according to the 
> blind facebook list.
> S
> On Jan 22, 2011, at 2:20 PM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi Sarai!
>> When on your home page just select your friends link!
>> And on the next page you should find a link for your pages it should just be 
>> after phonebook!
>> hth Colin
>> Qapla!
>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>> On 22 Jan 2011, at 17:08, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> All:
>>> How do you find a list of pages that you've liked on the fb moble site?
>>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>>> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
>>> www.swagbucks.com/refer/sdbuccia
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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Re: finding pages on facebook

2011-01-27 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
It use to be there.
On Jan 27, 2011, at 4:46 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I can confirm this. the only thing there that starts with a p is profile. the 
> pages link is not there.
> S
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 2:25 PM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi Sara!
>> On what are you looking at m.facebook on is it imac or one of the others!
>> On mine it is how I said before!
>> If your on a mbp or imac when your on the second page open the web rota vo+u 
>>  and in the links column see if it brings up pages by typing paa, it should 
>> be there!
>> Colin
>> Qapla!
>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>> On 27 Jan 2011, at 21:02, Sara Waggle wrote:
>>> Hmm..I don't see it there.  
>>> Any other suggestions?  
>>> Sara
>>> On Jan 22, 2011, at 4:20 PM, Colin M wrote:
 Hi Sarai!
 When on your home page just select your friends link!
 And on the next page you should find a link for your pages it should just 
 be after phonebook!
 hth Colin
 Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
 On 22 Jan 2011, at 17:08, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> All:
> How do you find a list of pages that you've liked on the fb moble site?
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
> www.swagbucks.com/refer/sdbuccia
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: resizing partition with VoiceOver

2011-01-27 Thread Courtney Curran
I'll try my best to explain this, since I recently resized a partition.  In 
disc utility under the partition tab, there should be a scroll area with some 
unknowns. Those represent the partitions, just interact with that scroll area, 
and select the unknown, then just press tab, and there should be edit fields 
where the partition can be edited, (titled and resized).
On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:10 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:

> Has anyone successfully resized a partition on a drive with voiceOver? I've 
> deleted a partition and now there's free space but I can't figure out a way 
> to devote that free space to the existing and only partition on the drive. 
> Hmm…
> Slau
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Donna, 
I spoke with a rep at Verizon today and also checked the Verizon wireless site, 
and noted the limited time $29.99 data plan.  This is a major reason I'm gong 
for the iPhone now rather than waiting, because I'll bet by the time iPhone 5 
comes out, the price will have risen.  As my wife and I are both getting the 
iPhone, I want to lock in that price now.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data plan 
> for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be available for 
> $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
> Donna
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Sarah:
>> Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would have 
>> to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's paws on the 
>> iPhone.:)
>> I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any time 
>> soon.:)
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices and 
>>> then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t will be a 
>>> bit cheaper in the end.
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
 Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
 times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
 Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
 click the off the bookshelf link 
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
> Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
> Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" So, I 
> had no room to grumble.:)
> In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little time 
> proofing before hitting send.:)
> Carolyn H
> - Original Message -
> From: Charlie Doremus
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
> Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
> starting at $39.99
> Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
> click the off the bookshelf link 
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
>> What is chapter?  
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
>>> http://dlvr.it/F8cdn
>>> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-27 Thread David McLean
What I found out by accident is that if you click on and enter the cut and 
paste command in the preferences it actually takes your entry although there is 
no notification to that effect.  Once I did that command x and command v worked 
as they should.  I had the same problem before that where neither key worked 
even after installing move addict.
On Jan 27, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:

> Hi Geoff,
> What moveAddict tech  support told me is that the standard mac key commands 
> for cut and paste are actually in the  invisible part of the preferences.
> "Keyboard shortcuts window;
>> Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
>> paste keyboard shortcut unknown"
> when I asked how I enter a key command for cut and paste they said that the 
> default is the standard mac commands! They could at least make these visible 
> using VoiceOver!
> Talk soon
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Since the moveAddict support group is apparently ignoring my notes, I 
>> decided after reading Esther's post to reinstall moveAddict version 2.24.  
>> To that end I deleted both files from the apps folder and the prefferences 
>> file "com.kapeli.moveaddict.plist" from directory "/Library/Preferences/
>> This action cured the problem where moveAddict rendered it impossible to 
>> navigate with the arrow keys by causing VO to emit the message "one file 
>> cut", however, it still does not function.
>> I have the following set in the moveAddictPreferences.appfile:
>> General:
>> Startup
>> Start at login is checked
>> Show in doc not checked
>> Show in menu bar checked.
>> Keyboard shortcuts:
>> Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
>> paste keyboard shortcut unknown
>> I went through all other items in the toolbar but did not alter the defaults 
>> as none of the options seemed applicable to my problem.
>> The main issue appears to be that I can not set the cut and paste shortcut 
>> keys.  I tried pressing command-x an x without the command key but vo emits 
>> the "character deleted" sound and the field is unchanged.  I tried 
>> interacting and checking for a context menu to no avail.
>> In case they already had the conventional defaults set and supressed the 
>> option to alter them I tried cutting and pasting from one folder to another 
>> via command-x and command-v but this had no affect.  Since I apparently can 
>> not count on any support from the auther, I thought I'd check here for any 
>> suggestions.
>> TIA and best regards.
>> Geoff
>> -- 
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dvd to ipod

2011-01-27 Thread Stephanie Mitchell
I have a set of 16 dvds i want to put on my ipod touch.  Is this 
possi? if so, how?


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Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread Carolyn Haas
Speaking of at&t:  I got a advertising from them recently talking about 
launching their 4G network.  What will happen with our phones/iPads that are 3G 
compatible?  Will they be obsolete?

Probably a dumb question.  But, I'm not savvy enough to understand this.:)

On Jan 27, 2011, at 1:48 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Actually they are letting some of there customers go back to unlimited. I had 
> an article but can't find it now but most of us are very happy.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:55 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> I really want an unlimited data plan, that's the one real negative about the 
>> ATT deal right now.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data plan 
>>> for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be available for 
>>> $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
>>> Donna
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Sarah:
 Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would 
 have to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's paws 
 on the iPhone.:)
 I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any 
 time soon.:)
 Carolyn H
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices 
> and then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t will 
> be a bit cheaper in the end.
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>> Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
>> times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
>> Aloha, 
>> Charlie
>> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
>> click the off the bookshelf link 
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
>>> Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
>>> Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" So, 
>>> I had no room to grumble.:)
>>> In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little time 
>>> proofing before hitting send.:)
>>> Carolyn H
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Charlie Doremus
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
>>> starting at $39.99
>>> Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
>>> Aloha, 
>>> Charlie
>>> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
>>> click the off the bookshelf link 
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
 What is chapter?  
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
> http://dlvr.it/F8cdn
> -- 
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>> -- 
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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-27 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Louie:
Just a thought: I would be a new dropbox user if it weren't fraught with so 
many issues.  There is some strength in numbers.  So, it's possible to have 
some effect if more people try to get their attention.  The other thing to do 
is ask the Apple accessibility team to contact the developers.  It can't hurt.

Carolyn H
On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:57 PM, louie wrote:

> I have e-mailed them many times with out any results.
> Some developers don't care they don't need to.
> I have been a dropbox user for a very long time.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello Louie.
>> Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure isn't 
>> anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
>> If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let 
>> Dropbox know and maybe something could be done.
>> On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
>>> They don't care they don't half to.
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
 Hello mac users.
 Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the lack 
 of accessibility within they're mac application.
 If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, send 
 them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the feedback 
 link from the links area.
 Copied text to Dropbox
 Hello Dropbox team.
 I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
 This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac 
 When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in screen 
 reading software on the mac.
 VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
 Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application can 
 be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
 Thanks for reading.
 Matthew Campbell.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> louie
>>> louiem...@wavecable.com
>>> -- 
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> louie
> louiem...@wavecable.com
> -- 
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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-27 Thread louie
Been there did that.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 6:33 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Louie:
> Just a thought: I would be a new dropbox user if it weren't fraught with so 
> many issues.  There is some strength in numbers.  So, it's possible to have 
> some effect if more people try to get their attention.  The other thing to do 
> is ask the Apple accessibility team to contact the developers.  It can't hurt.
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:57 PM, louie wrote:
>> I have e-mailed them many times with out any results.
>> Some developers don't care they don't need to.
>> I have been a dropbox user for a very long time.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>>> Hello Louie.
>>> Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure isn't 
>>> anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
>>> If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let 
>>> Dropbox know and maybe something could be done.
>>> On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
 They don't care they don't half to.
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Hello mac users.
> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the lack 
> of accessibility within they're mac application.
> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, 
> send them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the 
> feedback link from the links area.
> Thanks.
> Copied text to Dropbox
> Hello Dropbox team.
> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac 
> application.
> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in screen 
> reading software on the mac.
> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
> Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application can 
> be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
> Thanks for reading.
> Matthew Campbell.
> -- 
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> louie
>> louiem...@wavecable.com
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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need help

2011-01-27 Thread Stephanie Mitchell
Ok, i'd installed abbyy fine reader trial.  But how do I find 
where to open it? I can't find my applicNs.


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2011-01-27 Thread Stephanie Mitchell

Hi again,
Sorry for all the questions but i am a new user.  I got abbyy 
working but can't find a scan button.  There are convert options, 
and a thing to ask where to get the immage from.  It is set to 
file and there are other options in the menu that pops up when i 
click it.  but vo won't read the items.  What's the easist way to 
scan a document?


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Re: can 3g devices use 4g? was Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
No they will probably still be able to be used. Maybe with a firm ware update 
they will be 4g usable. I'm guessing
On Jan 27, 2011, at 6:13 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Speaking of at&t:  I got a advertising from them recently talking about 
> launching their 4G network.  What will happen with our phones/iPads that are 
> 3G compatible?  Will they be obsolete?
> Probably a dumb question.  But, I'm not savvy enough to understand this.:)
> Carolyn 
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 1:48 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Actually they are letting some of there customers go back to unlimited. I 
>> had an article but can't find it now but most of us are very happy.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:55 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> I really want an unlimited data plan, that's the one real negative about 
>>> the ATT deal right now.
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data 
 plan for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be available 
 for $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Sarah:
> Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would 
> have to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's 
> paws on the iPhone.:)
> I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any 
> time soon.:)
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices 
>> and then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t will 
>> be a bit cheaper in the end.
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>>> Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
>>> times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
>>> Aloha, 
>>> Charlie
>>> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
>>> click the off the bookshelf link 
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
 Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
 Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" 
 So, I had no room to grumble.:)
 In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little 
 time proofing before hitting send.:)
 Carolyn H
 - Original Message -
 From: Charlie Doremus
 To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
 Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
 starting at $39.99
 Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
 Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
 click the off the bookshelf link 
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
> What is chapter?  
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
>> http://dlvr.it/F8cdn
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: finding pages on facebook

2011-01-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
Try again. I can asure you it i not anymore. you have to now search for a page 
you think you liked and look at it.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 5:12 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> It use to be there.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 4:46 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I can confirm this. the only thing there that starts with a p is profile. 
>> the pages link is not there.
>> S
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 2:25 PM, Colin M wrote:
>>> Hi Sara!
>>> On what are you looking at m.facebook on is it imac or one of the others!
>>> On mine it is how I said before!
>>> If your on a mbp or imac when your on the second page open the web rota 
>>> vo+u  and in the links column see if it brings up pages by typing paa, it 
>>> should be there!
>>> Colin
>>> Qapla!
>>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>>> On 27 Jan 2011, at 21:02, Sara Waggle wrote:
 Hmm..I don't see it there.  
 Any other suggestions?  
 On Jan 22, 2011, at 4:20 PM, Colin M wrote:
> Hi Sarai!
> When on your home page just select your friends link!
> And on the next page you should find a link for your pages it should just 
> be after phonebook!
> hth Colin
> Qapla!
> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
> On 22 Jan 2011, at 17:08, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> All:
>> How do you find a list of pages that you've liked on the fb moble site?
>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
>> www.swagbucks.com/refer/sdbuccia
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Re: resizing partition with VoiceOver

2011-01-27 Thread Slau Halatyn
Hi Courtney,

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work for me. I had somebody take a look at 
the display and it appears that there isn't even a divider to visibly drag. I 
think I might just erase the disk. It'll be faster.



On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:14 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi,
> I'll try my best to explain this, since I recently resized a partition.  In 
> disc utility under the partition tab, there should be a scroll area with some 
> unknowns. Those represent the partitions, just interact with that scroll 
> area, and select the unknown, then just press tab, and there should be edit 
> fields where the partition can be edited, (titled and resized).
> HTH,
> Courtney
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:10 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:
>> Has anyone successfully resized a partition on a drive with voiceOver? I've 
>> deleted a partition and now there's free space but I can't figure out a way 
>> to devote that free space to the existing and only partition on the drive. 
>> Hmm…
>> Slau
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Re: Drag&Drop across windows

2011-01-27 Thread Ricardo Walker

Thanks for the detailed Instructions.  

That sounds like a lot of work for very little reward though.  In all the time 
couldn't you have copy, pasted, and deleted the original?  Or if you have a 
couple of dollars to spend, you could cut and paste with moveaddict?

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:08 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Here's something I worked out with the help of my sighted husband earlier 
> today.
> Dragging files from one window to another
> Trackpad Commander must be off for this to work
> • Open the folder containing the file to be moved and open the target folder 
> in a separate window;
> • Go to the target folder window and hide the sidebar (Cmd-Opt-S);
> • Move the target window up as far as possible (VO-` (accent) followed by up 
> arrow until it can't go any further, then press Escape);
> • Make target window as big as possible using the Resize command (VO-Shift-` 
> (accent)), this command gives you two options: move right edge, and move 
> bottom edge. Do each of these in turn using the right arrow to move the right 
> edge as far to the right as possible, and the down arrow to move the bottom 
> edge as far down as possible. VO will not let you push them off the screen. 
> You have to hit Escape after each operation;
> • Switch to the source window and move it to the left until it's less than 10 
> mm or pixels right (you'll need to pay attention to what VO is saying);
> • Select the file or files to be moved;
> • turn cursor tracking off;
> • Make sure that the mouse is on one of the selected files;
> • Press down on the trackpad with your thumb and keep it pressed as you 
> stroke to the right with one finger several times (you can't go too far or 
> too fast);
> • When you release your thumb, you should hear the sound of files dropping.
> You can check that it has worked by going to the Edit menu to see what Undo 
> is offering. Obviously, if it wasn't what you intended, you can just perform 
> the Undo command.
> If you have an older MacBook without the multi-touch trackpad as I have, hold 
> down the trackpad button instead of pressing on the trackpad itself.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> -- 
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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-27 Thread Ricardo Walker
So do you think it shouldn't be brought to their attention as much, and as by 
as many people regardless?  How else will they care?

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 27, 2011, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:

> They don't care they don't half to.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello mac users.
>> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the lack of 
>> accessibility within they're mac application.
>> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, send 
>> them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the feedback link 
>> from the links area.
>> Thanks.
>> Copied text to Dropbox
>> Hello Dropbox team.
>> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
>> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac 
>> application.
>> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in screen 
>> reading software on the mac.
>> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
>> Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application can be 
>> made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
>> Thanks for reading.
>> Matthew Campbell.
>> -- 
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> louie
> louiem...@wavecable.com
> -- 
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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Re: [acb-l] Read2Go App for Reading Bookshare books on "Apple devices

2011-01-27 Thread Greg Aikens
Pretty cool.  I'm looking forward to this.  Hope its worth the $20.  

On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:12 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

>>> Hi everyone:
> Since we've been talking about bookshare, I thought perhaps some might be 
> interested in this information I received about this app.
> Carolyn H
>>> http://www.bookshare.org/_/aboutUs/2011/01/read2go
>>> Benetech Announces New Accessible e-Book Reader for Apple iOS devices -
>>> iPad, iPhone,
>>> and iPod touch Users Can Read Bookshare Books with Read2Go
>>> Media Contact: Kristen Timmers
>>> krist...@benetech.org
>>> 408-571-8826
>>> Media Contact: Valerie Chernek
>>> valeri...@bookshare.org
>>> 410-871-2670
>>> January 26, 2011, Orlando, FL - At the 2011 ATIA (Assistive Technology
>>> Industry Association)
>>> conference in Orlando, Florida,
>>> Benetech
>>> R
>>> , the parent nonprofit for
>>> Bookshare
>>> R
>>> , announced Read2Go, a new accessible e-book application (app) developed in
>>> partnership
>>> with Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd, known for its PLEXTALK
>>> R brand of digital talking book players.
>>> Read2Go is the most full-featured, accessible DAISY reader for the Apple
>>> device market.
>>> This very easy-to-use app for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch connects
>>> directly
>>> to Bookshare for immediate on-the-go reading.  From within the app,
>>> individual users
>>> and schools supporting students can search, download, and read Bookshare
>>> books and
>>> periodicals and manage their books in a bookshelf.  In addition, Read2Go
>>> reads DAISY
>>> 2.02 and 3.0 materials from some other sources.
>>> Based on reading preferences, users will have a wide range of options for
>>> font size,
>>> color and background color.  Word-by-word highlighting with simultaneous 
>>> text
>>> and
>>> speech enables multi-modal reading.  The app includes high-quality Acapela
>>> voices
>>> for highly natural narration.  Users will have options to turn the
>>> text-to-speech
>>> on and off and adjust the rate to their personal preferences.  Further,
>>> Read2Go supports
>>> all levels of DAISY navigation that are included in the structure of the
>>> book.
>>> "The Read2Go app is so exciting for so many reasons," said Valerie Maples.
>>> "Both
>>> my husband and daughter have been loyal Bookshare users for years and have
>>> waited
>>> for the release of an app that would let us read Bookshare books on the
>>> iPad.  The
>>> app should attract a large audience, the entire population with print
>>> disabilities
>>> around the globe!"
>>> "For many students who are blind, physically, or learning disabled, using
>>> their iPad,
>>> iPhone, or iPod touch means much more than access to the books they need for
>>> classes.
>>> It means they can read the same books as their peers on the same devices,"
>>> said long-time
>>> Bookshare advocate Deborah Armstrong, Alternate Media Specialist for DeAnza
>>> College
>>> in Cupertino, California.  "The Read2Go app will offer many advantages for
>>> people
>>> who are blind as well as those who have physical or learning disabilities,
>>> including
>>> many features not available on other DAISY readers for Apple devices; the
>>> fact that
>>> Benetech is releasing this app is a very good thing."
>>> "This new app furthers our Benetech Literacy goal of making printed content
>>> accessible
>>> to individuals with print disabilities however and wherever they want it.
>>> With Read2Go,
>>> we're offering a mobile reading solution based on strong demand from our
>>> users,"
>>> said Betsy Beaumon, Vice President and General Manager of the Literacy
>>> Program at
>>> Benetech, the nonprofit organization that operates Bookshare.  "The
>>> accessibility
>>> built-in to iOS devices and their widespread and growing use highlight their
>>> potential
>>> to help close the gap for students and other individuals with print
>>> disabilities."
>>> Read2Go will be available this quarter in the iTunes App store and will sell
>>> for
>>> $19.99.  Interested users who would like immediate notification when the app
>>> is available
>>> can provide contact information on a secure
>>> notify
>>> list.  Additional features, such as study tools, images, and multiple
>>> languages,
>>> will become be available in the coming months.
>>> For access to Bookshare books on these devices, qualified individuals will
>>> need a
>>> Bookshare membership
>>> .
>>> About Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd., Shinano Kenshi Corporation & PLEXTALKR
>>> Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd.  is responsible for the development and manufacture
>>> of digital
>>> talking book players and other products sold under the brand name of
>>> R.  Shinano and PLEXTALKR
>>> assistive technology products are created to improve the quality of life,
>>> self-reliance
>>> and independence of their users.  Shinano Kenshi Corporation is the North
>>> American
>>> subsidiary of Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd.
>>> About Benetech
>>> Benetech is a nonprofit technology company based in Palo A

Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-27 Thread louie
Do what ever you want to do, it will not help.
As I said they don't care.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:15 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> So do you think it shouldn't be brought to their attention as much, and as by 
> as many people regardless?  How else will they care?
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
>> They don't care they don't half to.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>>> Hello mac users.
>>> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the lack 
>>> of accessibility within they're mac application.
>>> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, send 
>>> them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the feedback 
>>> link from the links area.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Copied text to Dropbox
>>> Hello Dropbox team.
>>> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
>>> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac 
>>> application.
>>> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in screen 
>>> reading software on the mac.
>>> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
>>> Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application can 
>>> be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
>>> Thanks for reading.
>>> Matthew Campbell.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> louie
>> louiem...@wavecable.com
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: can 3g devices use 4g? was Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread Scott Granados
Yes they will be outdated but they will still work.

The present 3G Iphones use HSPA / UMTS which is widely used across ATT's 
network now.  Their new 4G plan includes HSPA+ and LTE.  The present IPhone 
will not work with LTE but HSPA+ is backward compatible with HSPA. You won't 
get any boost in speed though.  If you want 4G you'll need to upgrade to a 4G 
ready device.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 7:15 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> No they will probably still be able to be used. Maybe with a firm ware update 
> they will be 4g usable. I'm guessing
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 6:13 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Speaking of at&t:  I got a advertising from them recently talking about 
>> launching their 4G network.  What will happen with our phones/iPads that are 
>> 3G compatible?  Will they be obsolete?
>> Probably a dumb question.  But, I'm not savvy enough to understand this.:)
>> TIA
>> Carolyn 
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 1:48 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Actually they are letting some of there customers go back to unlimited. I 
>>> had an article but can't find it now but most of us are very happy.
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:55 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
 I really want an unlimited data plan, that's the one real negative about 
 the ATT deal right now.
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data 
> plan for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be available 
> for $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
> Donna
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Sarah:
>> Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would 
>> have to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's 
>> paws on the iPhone.:)
>> I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any 
>> time soon.:)
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices 
>>> and then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t 
>>> will be a bit cheaper in the end.
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
 Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
 times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
 Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
 click the off the bookshelf link 
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
> Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
> Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" 
> So, I had no room to grumble.:)
> In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little 
> time proofing before hitting send.:)
> Carolyn H
> - Original Message -
> From: Charlie Doremus
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
> Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
> starting at $39.99
> Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at 
> www.giantdolphin.com click the off the bookshelf link 
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
>> What is chapter?  
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
>>> http://dlvr.it/F8cdn
>>> -- 
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>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread Scott Granados
I don't believe that's true. I'd suspect that Verizon has the IPhone for at 
least 6 months before anyone else.  I do think you'll see the device on other 
networks including Sprint though by the end of the year.  Probably starting 
with the 5.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 5:03 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> Hello anyone found anything about sprint's plan?  I read from pcworld and 
> other sources, the iphone is comming in March!  Thanks Heather
> - Original Message -
> From: Scott Granados
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 11:55 AM
> Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting 
> at $39.99
> I really want an unlimited data plan, that's the one real negative about the 
> ATT deal right now.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> > Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data plan 
> > for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be available for 
> > $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
> > Donna
> > On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> > 
> >> Hi Sarah:
> >> Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would 
> >> have to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's paws 
> >> on the iPhone.:)
> >> I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any 
> >> time soon.:)
> >> Carolyn H
> >> On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> >> 
> >>> lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices 
> >>> and then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t will 
> >>> be a bit cheaper in the end.
> >>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
> >>> 
>  Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
>  times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
>  Aloha, 
>  Charlie
>  Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
>  click the off the bookshelf link 
>  On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
> > Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
> > Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" So, 
> > I had no room to grumble.:)
> > In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little time 
> > proofing before hitting send.:)
> > 
> > Carolyn H
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Charlie Doremus
> > To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
> > Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
> > starting at $39.99
> > 
> > Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
> > 
> > Aloha, 
> > 
> > Charlie
> > 
> > Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
> > click the off the bookshelf link 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
> > 
> >> What is chapter?  
> >> On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
> >>> 
> >>> http://dlvr.it/F8cdn
> >>> 
> >>> -- 
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> >>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> >>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> >>> For more options, visit this group at 
> >>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> >>> 
> >> 
> >> -- 
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> >> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> >> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> >> For more options, visit this group at 
> >> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> >> 
> > 
> > -- 
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> > Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group at 
> > http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> > -- 
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> > Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> > macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group at 
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Installing a program on the Mac

2011-01-27 Thread denise avant
Hi all
Can someone tell e how to install a program on the Mac

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Installing a program on the Mac

2011-01-27 Thread Tim Kilburn

Normally, you simply open the installer program and follow the prompts.  Is 
there something unique about the program you are attempting to install?


On 2011-01-27, at 10:34 PM, denise avant wrote:

> Hi all
> Can someone tell e how to install a program on the Mac
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: scanning

2011-01-27 Thread Geoff Waaler
Hi Steph,

I too am using tthe tryal version of FineReader express and have never gotten 
it to work, so this suggestion may be worth every penny you paid for it :).

Disclaimer aside, I believe you need to select your scanner in the menu 
associated with "get images from".  If your only choice is "file" then either 
you don't have a Twane scanner, or the software supporting your scanner is not 
recognized by ABBYY.  Once your scanner is selected, pressing a button such as: 
"convert to text document" should activate your scanner.  Except on my system 
where it consistently hangs up even though I have a twane compatible device.

Hope you get further than I have so far.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:59 PM, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:

> Hi again,
> Sorry for all the questions but i am a new user.  I got abbyy working but 
> can't find a scan button.  There are convert options, and a thing to ask 
> where to get the immage from.  It is set to file and there are other options 
> in the menu that pops up when i click it.  but vo won't read the items.  
> What's the easist way to scan a document?
> Thanks,
> Steph
> -- 
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Re: Installing a program on the Mac

2011-01-27 Thread Geoff Waaler
Some disk images, however do not include an install program.  In such cases, 
copy the file with an extention of .app to your applications folder.  You can 
then go into finder, press control-shift-c, locate the volume of the disk image 
and press command-e to eject it.  You can then delete the disk image file.


On Jan 28, 2011, at 12:42 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi,
> Normally, you simply open the installer program and follow the prompts.  Is 
> there something unique about the program you are attempting to install?
> Later...
> On 2011-01-27, at 10:34 PM, denise avant wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Can someone tell e how to install a program on the Mac
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Re: Drag&Drop across windows

2011-01-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Ricardo,

On 28 Jan 2011, at 05:12, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Cool!
> Thanks for the detailed Instructions.  
No problem.

> That sounds like a lot of work for very little reward though.  In all the 
> time couldn't you have copy, pasted, and deleted the original?  Or if you 
> have a couple of dollars to spend, you could cut and paste with moveaddict?
True, but I've never bothered with Move Addict and I seem to have forgotten to 
say that this works for multiple files at once whether contiguous or 
noncontiguous, as long as the mouse is over one of them.

I'm also a bit minimalist when it comes to applications. I don't like to have 
more than I need.



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Re: Drag&Drop across windows

2011-01-27 Thread Ricardo Walker

Ok.  Thanks for taking the time to explain this.  I think it might help do some 
things in garageband.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 28, 2011, at 12:58 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Ricardo,
> On 28 Jan 2011, at 05:12, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Cool!
>> Thanks for the detailed Instructions.  
> No problem.
>> That sounds like a lot of work for very little reward though.  In all the 
>> time couldn't you have copy, pasted, and deleted the original?  Or if you 
>> have a couple of dollars to spend, you could cut and paste with moveaddict?
> True, but I've never bothered with Move Addict and I seem to have forgotten 
> to say that this works for multiple files at once whether contiguous or 
> noncontiguous, as long as the mouse is over one of them.
> I'm also a bit minimalist when it comes to applications. I don't like to have 
> more than I need.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> -- 
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Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread Ricardo Walker
I agree scott,

If it was happening in March, we would have heard about it by now.  Sprint 
would want enough time for hype to build up before the release.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 28, 2011, at 12:29 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> I don't believe that's true. I'd suspect that Verizon has the IPhone for at 
> least 6 months before anyone else.  I do think you'll see the device on other 
> networks including Sprint though by the end of the year.  Probably starting 
> with the 5.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 5:03 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
>> Hello anyone found anything about sprint's plan?  I read from pcworld and 
>> other sources, the iphone is comming in March!  Thanks Heather
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Scott Granados
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 11:55 AM
>> Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
>> starting at $39.99
>> I really want an unlimited data plan, that's the one real negative about the 
>> ATT deal right now.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> > Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data 
>> > plan for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be available 
>> > for $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
>> > Donna
>> > On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> > 
>> >> Hi Sarah:
>> >> Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would 
>> >> have to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's 
>> >> paws on the iPhone.:)
>> >> I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any 
>> >> time soon.:)
>> >> Carolyn H
>> >> On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> >> 
>> >>> lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices 
>> >>> and then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t will 
>> >>> be a bit cheaper in the end.
>> >>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>> >>> 
>>  Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
>>  times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
>>  Aloha, 
>>  Charlie
>>  Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
>>  click the off the bookshelf link 
>>  On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
>> > Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
>> > Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" 
>> > So, I had no room to grumble.:)
>> > In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little 
>> > time proofing before hitting send.:)
>> > 
>> > Carolyn H
>> > - Original Message -
>> > From: Charlie Doremus
>> > To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> > Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
>> > Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
>> > starting at $39.99
>> > 
>> > Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
>> > 
>> > Aloha, 
>> > 
>> > Charlie
>> > 
>> > Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
>> > click the off the bookshelf link 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
>> > 
>> >> What is chapter?  
>> >> On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> >> 
>> >>> Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
>> >>> 
>> >>> http://dlvr.it/F8cdn
>> >>> 
>> >>> -- 
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>> >>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> >>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> >>> 
>> >> 
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>> >> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> >> For more options, visit this group at 
>> >> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> >> 
>> > 
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>> > macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> > For more options, visit this group at 
>> > http://groups.google.c

Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread Ricardo Walker

They will work.  although, whatever your using now, will be obsolete by the 
time AT&T rolls out their 4g network.  This is suppose to be some time in 2012.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:13 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Speaking of at&t:  I got a advertising from them recently talking about 
> launching their 4G network.  What will happen with our phones/iPads that are 
> 3G compatible?  Will they be obsolete?
> Probably a dumb question.  But, I'm not savvy enough to understand this.:)
> Carolyn 
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 1:48 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Actually they are letting some of there customers go back to unlimited. I 
>> had an article but can't find it now but most of us are very happy.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:55 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> I really want an unlimited data plan, that's the one real negative about 
>>> the ATT deal right now.
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data 
 plan for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be available 
 for $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Sarah:
> Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would 
> have to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's 
> paws on the iPhone.:)
> I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any 
> time soon.:)
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices 
>> and then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t will 
>> be a bit cheaper in the end.
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>>> Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
>>> times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
>>> Aloha, 
>>> Charlie
>>> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
>>> click the off the bookshelf link 
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
 Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
 Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" 
 So, I had no room to grumble.:)
 In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little 
 time proofing before hitting send.:)
 Carolyn H
 - Original Message -
 From: Charlie Doremus
 To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
 Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
 starting at $39.99
 Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
 Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
 click the off the bookshelf link 
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
> What is chapter?  
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
>> http://dlvr.it/F8cdn
>> -- 
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-27 Thread Ricardo Walker
I must applaud Verizon for this hustle.  Its freaking genius.  They have found 
the ultimate carrot to entice people to by out dated, soon to be obsolete, 
hardware.  lol.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:29 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Hi Donna, 
> I spoke with a rep at Verizon today and also checked the Verizon wireless 
> site, and noted the limited time $29.99 data plan.  This is a major reason 
> I'm gong for the iPhone now rather than waiting, because I'll bet by the time 
> iPhone 5 comes out, the price will have risen.  As my wife and I are both 
> getting the iPhone, I want to lock in that price now.
> Les
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data plan 
>> for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be available for 
>> $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
>> Donna
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Sarah:
>>> Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would have 
>>> to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's paws on 
>>> the iPhone.:)
>>> I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any 
>>> time soon.:)
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's prices 
 and then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right at&t will 
 be a bit cheaper in the end.
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
> Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
> times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
> click the off the bookshelf link 
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
>> Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
>> Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" So, 
>> I had no room to grumble.:)
>> In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little time 
>> proofing before hitting send.:)
>> Carolyn H
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Charlie Doremus
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:20 PM
>> Subject: Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans 
>> starting at $39.99
>> Me thinks the word could be cheaper. Proofreading is a lost skill.
>> Aloha, 
>> Charlie
>> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at www.giantdolphin.com 
>> click the off the bookshelf link 
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
>>> What is chapter?  
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Looks like at&t will be chaper in the end why? read on:
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>>> -- 
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>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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Re: Facebook Fopa

2011-01-27 Thread brandt
Then, thank goodness for the facebook app on the iPod. I hate capchas, due 
to making a mistake, webvisum no longer works on the windows side of things.


Brandt Steenkamp

MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com

Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
- Original Message - 
From: "Keith Watson" 

Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: Facebook Fopa

Actually I am not sure how they will do it, but Facebook has said that they 
are going to implement Captcha for all access. I am assuming that this will 
include all three sites, m dot, lite and the regular site. This is why I 
wrote back to Tom Merritt the host of tech news today on the twit network.


On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:27 PM, brandt wrote:

Well, if you're using m.facebook.com instead of www.facebook.com you'd be 


Brandt Steenkamp

MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com

Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
- Original Message - From: "Thomas Watson" 
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 5:03 PM
Subject: Facebook Fopa


Caught your story yesterday about Facebook adding Captcha to the users
login. Those of us who are visually challenged are not able to access
Captcha's in any way. So this means that we will no longer be able to
log into our Facebook accounts if this measure is implemented. I would
think that adding some sort of question and answer schema would be
just as secure and still allow the blind community to access their
social media.

Hopefully this venue and my other emails to various lists will bring
light to an already dark situation.

Love the show.
Keith Watson
Sent from my iPhone

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