>> Hi everyone:

Since we've been talking about bookshare, I thought perhaps some might be 
interested in this information I received about this app.
Carolyn H

>> http://www.bookshare.org/_/aboutUs/2011/01/read2go
>> Benetech Announces New Accessible e-Book Reader for Apple iOS devices -
>> iPad, iPhone,
>> and iPod touch Users Can Read Bookshare Books with Read2Go
>> Media Contact: Kristen Timmers
>> krist...@benetech.org
>> 408-571-8826
>> Media Contact: Valerie Chernek
>> valeri...@bookshare.org
>> 410-871-2670
>> January 26, 2011, Orlando, FL - At the 2011 ATIA (Assistive Technology
>> Industry Association)
>> conference in Orlando, Florida,
>> Benetech
>> R
>> , the parent nonprofit for
>> Bookshare
>> R
>> , announced Read2Go, a new accessible e-book application (app) developed in
>> partnership
>> with Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd, known for its PLEXTALK
>> R brand of digital talking book players.
>> Read2Go is the most full-featured, accessible DAISY reader for the Apple
>> device market.
>> This very easy-to-use app for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch connects
>> directly
>> to Bookshare for immediate on-the-go reading.  From within the app,
>> individual users
>> and schools supporting students can search, download, and read Bookshare
>> books and
>> periodicals and manage their books in a bookshelf.  In addition, Read2Go
>> reads DAISY
>> 2.02 and 3.0 materials from some other sources.
>> Based on reading preferences, users will have a wide range of options for
>> font size,
>> color and background color.  Word-by-word highlighting with simultaneous text
>> and
>> speech enables multi-modal reading.  The app includes high-quality Acapela
>> voices
>> for highly natural narration.  Users will have options to turn the
>> text-to-speech
>> on and off and adjust the rate to their personal preferences.  Further,
>> Read2Go supports
>> all levels of DAISY navigation that are included in the structure of the
>> book.
>> "The Read2Go app is so exciting for so many reasons," said Valerie Maples.
>> "Both
>> my husband and daughter have been loyal Bookshare users for years and have
>> waited
>> for the release of an app that would let us read Bookshare books on the
>> iPad.  The
>> app should attract a large audience, the entire population with print
>> disabilities
>> around the globe!"
>> "For many students who are blind, physically, or learning disabled, using
>> their iPad,
>> iPhone, or iPod touch means much more than access to the books they need for
>> classes.
>> It means they can read the same books as their peers on the same devices,"
>> said long-time
>> Bookshare advocate Deborah Armstrong, Alternate Media Specialist for DeAnza
>> College
>> in Cupertino, California.  "The Read2Go app will offer many advantages for
>> people
>> who are blind as well as those who have physical or learning disabilities,
>> including
>> many features not available on other DAISY readers for Apple devices; the
>> fact that
>> Benetech is releasing this app is a very good thing."
>> "This new app furthers our Benetech Literacy goal of making printed content
>> accessible
>> to individuals with print disabilities however and wherever they want it.
>> With Read2Go,
>> we're offering a mobile reading solution based on strong demand from our
>> users,"
>> said Betsy Beaumon, Vice President and General Manager of the Literacy
>> Program at
>> Benetech, the nonprofit organization that operates Bookshare.  "The
>> accessibility
>> built-in to iOS devices and their widespread and growing use highlight their
>> potential
>> to help close the gap for students and other individuals with print
>> disabilities."
>> Read2Go will be available this quarter in the iTunes App store and will sell
>> for
>> $19.99.  Interested users who would like immediate notification when the app
>> is available
>> can provide contact information on a secure
>> notify
>> list.  Additional features, such as study tools, images, and multiple
>> languages,
>> will become be available in the coming months.
>> For access to Bookshare books on these devices, qualified individuals will
>> need a
>> Bookshare membership
>> .
>> About Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd., Shinano Kenshi Corporation & PLEXTALKR
>> Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd.  is responsible for the development and manufacture
>> of digital
>> talking book players and other products sold under the brand name of
>> R.  Shinano and PLEXTALKR
>> assistive technology products are created to improve the quality of life,
>> self-reliance
>> and independence of their users.  Shinano Kenshi Corporation is the North
>> American
>> subsidiary of Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd.
>> About Benetech
>> Benetech is a nonprofit technology company based in Palo Alto, California.
>> Benetech
>> pursues projects with a strong social rather than financial rate of return
>> on investment,
>> harnessing open source technology to create innovative solutions to
>> challenging social
>> issues.  The Benetech
>> Bookshare
>> service is the world's largest accessible online library of copyrighted
>> books for
>> people with print disabilities.
>> ###
>> The content of this press release was developed under a cooperative
>> agreement, H327K070001,
>> with the U.S.  Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs.
>> However,
>> those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S.
>> Department of
>> Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
>> _______________________________
>> Ray Campbell
>> ray1...@wowway.com
>> Skype Name: ray650315
>> Check out my blog at packerbackerray.blogspot.com
>> Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com/packerbackerray

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