Re: can't send drop box to trash

2011-01-15 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Ok, but where is activity monitor?  Sorry, I have never been there or done 
that, smile.
On Jan 14, 2011, at 10:55 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:


Just go to activity monitor, once opened vo down arrow once, interact with the 
list table and look for drop box. When it's selected, stop interacting with the 
table, go to your tool bar which is vo up once, interact with it, and kill the 
process. Confirm you're ditching drop box, then do your thing.

"Light has no value without darkness"


Skype: Shainobi1

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Re: can't send drop box to trash

2011-01-15 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Hi Justin.

I did try that; I entered my system password and it still came back as wrong.  
On Jan 14, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Justin Ekis wrote:


To me, A prompt to "enter your name and password to allow changes" sounds more 
like a system dialog asking for the password to your account on your mac, 
rather than your dropbox password. It asks for your system password the first 
time you run it so that it can intigrate with the finder. After you enter it, 
this dialog won't come up anymore. 

As for stopping it from running, I had to do this once in order to install a 
new version of dropbox. There is a dropbox icon in the status menus that you 
have to select in order to exit the program. Voiceover can't see status menu 
icons for third party applications, so I had to have sighted assistance to do 
this. Someone posted a hint a while back though about how you can find this 
icon yourself.  I seem to have lost my bookmark for the list archives at the 
moment. I must have deleted the wrong bookmark.

Sorry I couldn't be any more help, but getting past this password dialog might 
be enough to solve your problem.

On Jan 14, 2011, at 10:34 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

Hi all.

Drop box seems to be precluding me from installing the firmware update for my 
newly acquired jambox.  Each time I boot up, drop box comes up and says to 
enter my name and password to allow changes.  I do this and get a message 
telling me that I have entered the wrong user name or passwod, yet when I go to and enter that very self same info, I am logged on to my account.

So my nedxt step was, I thought, to uninstall dropbox.  I went to the apps 
folder and located drop box and did command delete only to get a message 
telling me that drop box can't be sent to the trash because it is open.  Of 
course, I don't see it anywhere.  I cycled through open apps with command tab 
and open windows with command accent; drop box does not appear anywhere.

How do I close this darned thing so that I can uninstall it temporarily?  I 
also navigated to it in the apps folder and did a vo shift m, and then a vo m 
as well and still nothing; both these actions brought up the menu bar for 
finder.  If I do a command o on drop box from the apps folder, nothing happens.

I am beginning to regret the day I ever installed drop box.  I'm not asking for 
opinions about the app, just asking for help right now to uninstall it.  So I 
guess the question is, how do you uninstall an app you can't see is running?

Thanks for the help.


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Braille Display and Radio Streams

2011-01-15 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello Everyone,

 I am new to using a Braille Display on my MacBook Pro.  I 
managed to set up Bluetooth, but it keeps on disconnecting.  What 
can I do to fix this problem? Also, how exactly do I navigate 
around the menus on my Mac and such when using my BrailleNote as 
the display?
 I am also wondering whether any of you know of a program that 
is accessible with the Mac that allows me to record radio 
streams.  What else is out there, beside Amadeus?

 Thanks for all your help.

Ezzy Bueno
I sought the Lord, and he answered me.
 --Ps.  34:4

Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Phone: (512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Re: can't send drop box to trash

2011-01-15 Thread wes smith
In the utilities folder.  From the finder, do command+SHFT+U, then hit
AC, then you'll be there.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 15, 2011, at 1:00 AM, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:

> Ok, but where is activity monitor?  Sorry, I have never been there or done 
> that, smile.
> On Jan 14, 2011, at 10:55 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
> Hi,
> Just go to activity monitor, once opened vo down arrow once, interact with 
> the list table and look for drop box. When it's selected, stop interacting 
> with the table, go to your tool bar which is vo up once, interact with it, 
> and kill the process. Confirm you're ditching drop box, then do your thing.
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> Http://
> Skype: Shainobi1
> Twitter:
> --
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Re: getting very frustrated with skype

2011-01-15 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Ok Justin now here's a really dumb question.  If I get the beta and want to go 
back to the last actual release, can I do so by simply redownloading it?  I 
know, I know, but it's the middle of the night and I am on pain meds for a hurt 
knee so my brain may not be functioning on all levels, :)

On Jan 14, 2011, at 11:06 PM, Justin Ekis wrote:

Hi marlaina,

In the current stable version of skype, voiceover can't read the status of your 
contacts. What I did was to hide all offline contacts completely. Since I have 
gone on to the beta version, I don't remember how this is done. The new beta 
reads the status of contacts just fine. It seems to be more accessible overall, 
but it is an entirely new interface if you are used to the current skype. There 
are other issues with the beta, such as many of the sound notifications  not 
working, at least for me. It rings when I get a call, so this is only a minor 
annoyance. If you want to try it out, here is a link to the file.


On Jan 14, 2011, at 10:53 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

Hi Blake.

I think many of us who have made or are in the midst of making the leap from 
windows to mac have felt this frustration of windows being more productive than 
mac.  The learning curve is not a curve, it's straight up, smile.

While I can't give you a lot of skype assistance, since I too do not see the 
status of folks in my contact list, I can tell you that it's worth hanging in 
with your mac.  I hope someone on this great list can tell us both why we do 
not see the online status of our contacts, but in the interim, just take this 
all one day at a time.  I'm getting there and you will, too.


On Jan 14, 2011, at 9:33 PM, wes smith wrote:

Chats work fine for me.  All you have to do is interact with the HTML
area.  As for telling when someone is online, go to the contacts table
and arrow.  After their name, it will say their status.  ANd if you
want to send a message to someone, V+SHFT+M and then arrow down till
you hear send IM or something like that.  HTH.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 14, 2011, at 10:25 PM, Blake Hardin  wrote:

> K guys im about to take this mac and throw it out the window. I can't
> seem to figure skype on the mac out. I can't figure out how to make a
> call or tell whos online and when someone sends me a chat i can't
> figure out how to interact with the stupid thing. Yeah i think this is
> why i have used my mac very little since i have got it. There seeems
> to be very little documentation on how to do things and in a way
> windows seems more productive as far as time is concerned.
> --
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Re: can't send drop box to trash

2011-01-15 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Wow, once again I've been helped and have learned from this list.  Now, if only 
I could figure out why suddenly my book port plus won't see my only sd card, 
but that's another list to which I am not subscribed.  Seriously, all your good 
instructions have allowed me to do what I wanted and now I will see if I can 
update my jambox, but since my book port won't, as of the last hour, see my 
card I guess it almost is a moot point!  No no, please don't post here about my 
book port issue, but yes yes if you have any ideas what I could do, send them 
my way off list.  I'm on the east coast and will go stir crazy flying home on 
Tuesday without a book to read!  My email is

Yes yes, I do feel a little sneaky about this post, :)

Thanks though for teaching me about the utility folder and the activity 
monitor.  Very cool!


On Jan 15, 2011, at 12:03 AM, wes smith wrote:

In the utilities folder.  From the finder, do command+SHFT+U, then hit
AC, then you'll be there.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 15, 2011, at 1:00 AM, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:

> Ok, but where is activity monitor?  Sorry, I have never been there or done 
> that, smile.
> On Jan 14, 2011, at 10:55 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
> Hi,
> Just go to activity monitor, once opened vo down arrow once, interact with 
> the list table and look for drop box. When it's selected, stop interacting 
> with the table, go to your tool bar which is vo up once, interact with it, 
> and kill the process. Confirm you're ditching drop box, then do your thing.
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> Http://
> Skype: Shainobi1
> Twitter:
> --
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txt to rtf-converter on the mac for multiple files

2011-01-15 Thread William Windels
Hello all,

I am looking for a (free) program to convert multiple txt-files to rtf.
If possible, the program should be able to do the conversion recursively.
Also, it would be nice if other office-document-types like pdf,doc(x) can be 
converted by that tool.

The reason is that rtf-files or much more easy to read on the iphone in viewers 
like dropbox/filer.

I have about 1300 txt files that I would like to convert in a global 
So, because of the amount of files, I don't want to do this manually.

All hints are very welcome.

best regards,

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Re: getting very frustrated with skype

2011-01-15 Thread Justin Ekis
Yes, as of right now while this version is still in beta, the normal download 
link on the skype homepage should give you version 2.8 again.


On Jan 15, 2011, at 12:05 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

Ok Justin now here's a really dumb question.  If I get the beta and want to go 
back to the last actual release, can I do so by simply redownloading it?  I 
know, I know, but it's the middle of the night and I am on pain meds for a hurt 
knee so my brain may not be functioning on all levels, :)

On Jan 14, 2011, at 11:06 PM, Justin Ekis wrote:

Hi marlaina,

In the current stable version of skype, voiceover can't read the status of your 
contacts. What I did was to hide all offline contacts completely. Since I have 
gone on to the beta version, I don't remember how this is done. The new beta 
reads the status of contacts just fine. It seems to be more accessible overall, 
but it is an entirely new interface if you are used to the current skype. There 
are other issues with the beta, such as many of the sound notifications  not 
working, at least for me. It rings when I get a call, so this is only a minor 
annoyance. If you want to try it out, here is a link to the file.


On Jan 14, 2011, at 10:53 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

Hi Blake.

I think many of us who have made or are in the midst of making the leap from 
windows to mac have felt this frustration of windows being more productive than 
mac.  The learning curve is not a curve, it's straight up, smile.

While I can't give you a lot of skype assistance, since I too do not see the 
status of folks in my contact list, I can tell you that it's worth hanging in 
with your mac.  I hope someone on this great list can tell us both why we do 
not see the online status of our contacts, but in the interim, just take this 
all one day at a time.  I'm getting there and you will, too.


On Jan 14, 2011, at 9:33 PM, wes smith wrote:

Chats work fine for me.  All you have to do is interact with the HTML
area.  As for telling when someone is online, go to the contacts table
and arrow.  After their name, it will say their status.  ANd if you
want to send a message to someone, V+SHFT+M and then arrow down till
you hear send IM or something like that.  HTH.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 14, 2011, at 10:25 PM, Blake Hardin  wrote:

> K guys im about to take this mac and throw it out the window. I can't
> seem to figure skype on the mac out. I can't figure out how to make a
> call or tell whos online and when someone sends me a chat i can't
> figure out how to interact with the stupid thing. Yeah i think this is
> why i have used my mac very little since i have got it. There seeems
> to be very little documentation on how to do things and in a way
> windows seems more productive as far as time is concerned.
> --
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Re: getting very frustrated with skype

2011-01-15 Thread AZ


I found Skype almost accessible, but i still cann't find out how to read 
the status, only sorting the contacts helped to understand who was 
online. Then i Couldn't find how to here the incoming message not to 
read the html field manually. It is not very comfortable if you are 
chatting with two or more correspondents. In Windows i'm using Skype 
Talking. It helps.


15.01.2011 8:33, wes smith writes:

Chats work fine for me.  All you have to do is interact with the HTML
area.  As for telling when someone is online, go to the contacts table
and arrow.  After their name, it will say their status.  ANd if you
want to send a message to someone, V+SHFT+M and then arrow down till
you hear send IM or something like that.  HTH.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 14, 2011, at 10:25 PM, Blake Hardin  wrote:

K guys im about to take this mac and throw it out the window. I can't
seem to figure skype on the mac out. I can't figure out how to make a
call or tell whos online and when someone sends me a chat i can't
figure out how to interact with the stupid thing. Yeah i think this is
why i have used my mac very little since i have got it. There seeems
to be very little documentation on how to do things and in a way
windows seems more productive as far as time is concerned.

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Re: assigning samples to different keys in garage band

2011-01-15 Thread Ricardo Walker

Why don't you try it and tell us what happens?  lol.  To my knowledge, their is 
no way around dragging and dropping the sample onto the key when the onscreen 
keyboard is up.  And this takes a person with sight to do.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 15, 2011, at 2:32 AM, chad wrote:

> hi i have several drum hits and want to assign them to different keys.
> i know its not accessible but is there a way around it
> can i just put the files in the radio sounds folder
> thanks
> -- 
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Re: basic financial software

2011-01-15 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Jeff,

Great!  They just came out with an update which better supports VoiceOver.  I'm 
going to write the developers to thank him and request that anyone who's using 
or interested in this product do the same.  I just downloaded the update and 
all the buttons I've encountered are now labeled.  It's gratifying to know that 
our suggestions can sometimes really make a difference.

On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jeffrey Wheatley wrote:

> See Finance is fantastic and does everything I need.  Thanks for the tip!
> Regards, Jeff
> On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:18 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
>> see finance may be useful for you.On Thu, 30 Dec 2010, Jeffrey Wheatley 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello All.  I am transitioning much of my personal computing work to my new 
>>> Mac, and am trying to find Mac replacements for my current PC applications. 
>>>  I have used Quicken for years on the PC, but I do not need most of its 
>>> function.  Basically, I log into a couple of banks, manually download 
>>> transactions to Quicken into my couple of accounts, and then categorize my 
>>> transactions into the funds or buckets of money we use for eating out, 
>>> groceries and other budget areas.  I make sure I balance with the bank, and 
>>> run fund balance reports.  We enter a few checks as well.  that is it.
>>> I searched the archives a bit and saw a few references to Checkbook and 
>>> Quicken.  I have not found a 'VO supported applications' list as yet.  I 
>>> would greatly appreciate recommendations.  My apologies if I have missed 
>>> this information in my searches.
>>> Thanks and regards, Jeff
>>> -- 
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Re: can't send drop box to trash

2011-01-15 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
locate DropBox on the dock.  VO shift M to bring up the context menu.   Arrow 
to Force Quite and click it.  Now you can trash the app and also trash the 
folder in your home directory where DB stored its stuff.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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RE: basic financial software

2011-01-15 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello everyone. Does See Finance have an IPhone version that synchronizes
with the Desk Top version? That is an essential requirement for our family.
Does it have a companion tip calculator that posts money to See Finance? By
the way, there's another app called ibank in the new Apple store and it has
an IPhone version. I don't know how accessible it is. We use Pocket Money
from Catamount software and do all of our financial work on our IPhones.
Scott, can you pass along the link for See Finance?

Thanks so much.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Les Kriegler
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 6:21 AM
Subject: Re: basic financial software

Hi Jeff,

Great!  They just came out with an update which better supports VoiceOver.
I'm going to write the developers to thank him and request that anyone who's
using or interested in this product do the same.  I just downloaded the
update and all the buttons I've encountered are now labeled.  It's
gratifying to know that our suggestions can sometimes really make a

On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jeffrey Wheatley wrote:

> See Finance is fantastic and does everything I need.  Thanks for the tip!
> Regards, Jeff
> On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:18 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
>> see finance may be useful for you.On Thu, 30 Dec 2010, Jeffrey Wheatley
>>> Hello All.  I am transitioning much of my personal computing work to my
new Mac, and am trying to find Mac replacements for my current PC
applications.  I have used Quicken for years on the PC, but I do not need
most of its function.  Basically, I log into a couple of banks, manually
download transactions to Quicken into my couple of accounts, and then
categorize my transactions into the funds or buckets of money we use for
eating out, groceries and other budget areas.  I make sure I balance with
the bank, and run fund balance reports.  We enter a few checks as well.
that is it.
>>> I searched the archives a bit and saw a few references to Checkbook and
Quicken.  I have not found a 'VO supported applications' list as yet.  I
would greatly appreciate recommendations.  My apologies if I have missed
this information in my searches.
>>> Thanks and regards, Jeff
>>> -- 
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Searching the Archive

2011-01-15 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello everyone. Can someone tell me how to access and search the Archive so
that I don't have to ask questions that have previously been answered?


Thanks so much.



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Re: New Garageband artist

2011-01-15 Thread Ricardo Walker

I've started a getting started with garageband 6 audio tutorial.  You can check 
out part one at

And part 2 at


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 15, 2011, at 12:35 AM, Brandon Olivares wrote:

> Hi,
> I checked out a few of the tracks there. Theyw ere very interesting, and had 
> a mysterious feel to them, which I liked. The only crticism I have is that 
> you don't seem to pay much attention to rhythm, or the different instruments 
> seem to be a little out of sync with each other sometimes.
> I'm really interested in how you do this though. I'm very new to Garageband, 
> seeing as I only got a Mac two weeks ago and started playing with Garageband 
> yesterday. All I can do so far is some simple stuff, and create ringtones out 
> of songs I already have by using cycling. How did you learn how to use it? 
> I'd really like to compose through it.
> Thanks,
> Brandon
> On Jan 14, 2011, at 4:11 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:
>> Hi my name is Ed Worrell.
>> I got a macbook pro about 6 months ago. I have been slowly learning the 
>> tricks of the trade with garageband. I wanted to hear from my peers, and get 
>> some input on my music. I was wundering what you guys on the list think of 
>> the music I am produceing
>> Here is the link to my soundcloud page.
>> Please check it out and let me know what you think
>> Thanks in advance 
>> ED
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> Brandon Olivares
> - Healing the Whole Person
> I help people to experience healing on all levels, and to choose a path that 
> is fulfilling for them.
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Date received column only showing the date, and not the time as well?

2011-01-15 Thread Dan Eickmeier
HI, I noticed that in my inbox particularly, that my date received column, is 
only showing as yesterday, or if I go further back, January 13, 2011, and not 
the time as well.  In other mailboxes, the time is showing as well, like it 
should.  COuld I somehow ahve acccidentally resized  the date received column 
in my inbox particularly?  , 

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Re: Searching the Archive

2011-01-15 Thread Colin M
Hi Paul!
You can use the link at the bottom of most of these messages to go to the 
The link that says for more options!
Just vo space on it!
Or you can go to your groups from your google home page!
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

On 15 Jan 2011, at 12:34, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Hello everyone. Can someone tell me how to access and search the Archive so 
> that I don’t have to ask questions that have previously been answered?
> Thanks so much.
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Re: Braille Display and Radio Streams

2011-01-15 Thread Scott Howell
Which Braille display do you have? Have you tried connecting it via USB? There 
are some Braille displays that are having difficulty at this point with 
bluetooth connections.

On Jan 15, 2011, at 3:01 AM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I am new to using a Braille Display on my MacBook Pro.  I managed to set up 
> Bluetooth, but it keeps on disconnecting.  What can I do to fix this problem? 
> Also, how exactly do I navigate around the menus on my Mac and such when 
> using my BrailleNote as the display?
> I am also wondering whether any of you know of a program that is accessible 
> with the Mac that allows me to record radio streams.  What else is out there, 
> beside Amadeus?
> Thanks for all your help.
> Ezzy Bueno
> I sought the Lord, and he answered me.
> --Ps.  34:4
> Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
> Phone: (512) 553-8553
> Skype: SillyEz
> Facebook:
> -- 
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Re: can't send drop box to trash

2011-01-15 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Hi Mark.

Though I solved my problem, I just wanted to share for the sake of thoroughness 
that I actually did try that but drop box was not on my dock.  I can't remember 
right now who it was, but the suggestion I received (maybe from Justin) that 
the password it all wanted was my system password turned out to be the ticket 
in the end.  I had miss remembered my actual system password and once I 
realized that, I reinstalled drop box and it is all working well.  But, I just 
wanted you and others to know that I did in fact try looking on the dock before 
I posted.

I learn so much from folks here and my problem solving and understanding skills 
are increasing exponentially.

Happy Saturday to all!

On Jan 15, 2011, at 4:23 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

locate DropBox on the dock.  VO shift M to bring up the context menu.   Arrow 
to Force Quite and click it.  Now you can trash the app and also trash the 
folder in your home directory where DB stored its stuff.

• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
• MSN:
• My home page:

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Re: xm radio

2011-01-15 Thread Jude DaShiell
On the pc, why not select that listen now link then hit shift-f10 and 
check out the link's properties?  One of the things that shows up in the 
properties is the complete url name.  Once you've got that, why not try a 
direct route to that url using safari on the mac thus bypassing that 
captia. On Fri, 14 Jan 2011, Chris Snyder wrote:

Hi guys,
I'm trying to log into XM on my mac, and listen online. There's a captcha image 
which prevents me from doing it. Is there a way for us to listen? What's weird 
is that on the PC there is a listen online now link which doesn't appear on the 
mac version. What is with that I wonder?


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Re: xm radio

2011-01-15 Thread Robert Carter
Hi Justin,

Are you using the latest version of Pulsar? If so, when you have a station 
playing, press the tab key once and you will be on a check box. Simply check it 
with VO+space if you want that station to be in the favorites list.

If you have trouble, let me know.

Robert Carter
On Jan 14, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Justin Ekis wrote:

> Hi.
> I have been trying to use pulsar for a while now, but there is one thing I 
> can not figure out. Is there any way to add a station to my favorites with 
> this program? Out of all those stations there are only a handful that I 
> listen to regularly, and I don't think I'd want to try to scroll through the 
> entire list every time I want to play a different channel. I can access the 
> favorites view, but of course it's currently empty. The documentation 
> describes a way to do this but I don't think it's accessible.
> Thanks,
> Justin.
> On Jan 14, 2011, at 5:54 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi,
> A company called Rogue Amoeba makes an excellent xm radio application called 
> Pulsar. It works well with VoiceOver.
> Robert Carter
> On Jan 14, 2011, at 5:54 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I'm trying to log into XM on my mac, and listen online. There's a captcha 
>> image which prevents me from doing it. Is there a way for us to listen? 
>> What's weird is that on the PC there is a listen online now link which 
>> doesn't appear on the mac version. What is with that I wonder?
>> Friendly,
>> Chris
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Re: reading all in pages

2011-01-15 Thread Jude DaShiell
Is there a setting in preferences something like fit to screen or fit to 
page?  It may help to change that to fit to window like what needed to be 
done with text edit.On Sun, 9 Jan 2011, Laura Bratton wrote:

Hi All,
When I press VO A  in pages it will read down to the bottom of that page. How 
do I change the settings so that I can read the whole document?

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Re: basic financial software

2011-01-15 Thread Earle M. Harrison
Wow,  I think the time it took for me to locate, download, install and then 
download bank transactions was no more than about 10 minutes.  On first glance, 
this looks like a fantastic option for personal finances.  Anybody know of a 
Mac accessible business finance option?


Earle Harrison
Handy Tech North America

On Jan 15, 2011, at 6:20 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> Great!  They just came out with an update which better supports VoiceOver.  
> I'm going to write the developers to thank him and request that anyone who's 
> using or interested in this product do the same.  I just downloaded the 
> update and all the buttons I've encountered are now labeled.  It's gratifying 
> to know that our suggestions can sometimes really make a difference.
> Les
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jeffrey Wheatley wrote:
>> See Finance is fantastic and does everything I need.  Thanks for the tip!
>> Regards, Jeff
>> On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:18 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
>>> see finance may be useful for you.On Thu, 30 Dec 2010, Jeffrey Wheatley 
>>> wrote:
 Hello All.  I am transitioning much of my personal computing work to my 
 new Mac, and am trying to find Mac replacements for my current PC 
 applications.  I have used Quicken for years on the PC, but I do not need 
 most of its function.  Basically, I log into a couple of banks, manually 
 download transactions to Quicken into my couple of accounts, and then 
 categorize my transactions into the funds or buckets of money we use for 
 eating out, groceries and other budget areas.  I make sure I balance with 
 the bank, and run fund balance reports.  We enter a few checks as well.  
 that is it.
 I searched the archives a bit and saw a few references to Checkbook and 
 Quicken.  I have not found a 'VO supported applications' list as yet.  I 
 would greatly appreciate recommendations.  My apologies if I have missed 
 this information in my searches.
 Thanks and regards, Jeff
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Re: pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Yuma,

Why should it b possible to save Pages documents in Word format? After all, 
IWork is an office suite in its own right. You can't save MS Word documents in 
Pages format, not even by exporting.

I think Pages is exceptionally flexible in the formats to which it can export: 
PDF, Word, RTF, Plain Text and ePub.



On 15 Jan 2011, at 04:58, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for that. I meant how to automatically save as doc instead of having 
> to go to the export option.
> :)
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Re: pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread Chris Moore
Can Pages not export to MS Word?  I was just about to purchase this from the 
app store as I need to edit and save word documents.

On 15 Jan 2011, at 15:24, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Yuma,
> Why should it b possible to save Pages documents in Word format? After all, 
> IWork is an office suite in its own right. You can't save MS Word documents 
> in Pages format, not even by exporting.
> I think Pages is exceptionally flexible in the formats to which it can 
> export: PDF, Word, RTF, Plain Text and ePub.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 15 Jan 2011, at 04:58, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for that. I meant how to automatically save as doc instead of having 
>> to go to the export option.
>> :)
>> -- 
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Re: getting very frustrated with skype

2011-01-15 Thread Mike Arrigo
If you're using the newest version, which is 2.8, the status does not currently 
read with voiceover, however, there is somewhat of a work around. You can 
choose to only see the contacts who are on line. This actually works really 
well, since calling someone who is off line would not amount to much.
On Jan 15, 2011, at 12:53 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi Blake.
> I think many of us who have made or are in the midst of making the leap from 
> windows to mac have felt this frustration of windows being more productive 
> than mac.  The learning curve is not a curve, it's straight up, smile.
> While I can't give you a lot of skype assistance, since I too do not see the 
> status of folks in my contact list, I can tell you that it's worth hanging in 
> with your mac.  I hope someone on this great list can tell us both why we do 
> not see the online status of our contacts, but in the interim, just take this 
> all one day at a time.  I'm getting there and you will, too.
> Marlaina
> On Jan 14, 2011, at 9:33 PM, wes smith wrote:
> Hi,
> Chats work fine for me.  All you have to do is interact with the HTML
> area.  As for telling when someone is online, go to the contacts table
> and arrow.  After their name, it will say their status.  ANd if you
> want to send a message to someone, V+SHFT+M and then arrow down till
> you hear send IM or something like that.  HTH.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 14, 2011, at 10:25 PM, Blake Hardin  wrote:
>> K guys im about to take this mac and throw it out the window. I can't
>> seem to figure skype on the mac out. I can't figure out how to make a
>> call or tell whos online and when someone sends me a chat i can't
>> figure out how to interact with the stupid thing. Yeah i think this is
>> why i have used my mac very little since i have got it. There seeems
>> to be very little documentation on how to do things and in a way
>> windows seems more productive as far as time is concerned.
>> --
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Re: Networking help...

2011-01-15 Thread tim
//try this, remove the power cord from router for about 30 seconds. Then plug 
power back in and let reboot. Now see if you can see it.
On Jan 13, 2011, at 2:02 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:

> I just got a net gear wireless router not to long ago. I was able to see the 
> router on my network the first day I had it setup. I am using a Macbook Pro. 
> I can get on the internet. But I can't access the network hard drive now. How 
> do I get that ability back?
> Thanks in advance, 
> ED Worrell
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Re: basic financial software

2011-01-15 Thread Hai Nguyen
Good morning all, 
I've attempted to use See Finance with minimal success with regards to 
authenticating to my financial institution: Bank of America. Has anyone else 
managed to successfully authenticate and download financial transactions from 
said institution? I'm using my online banking login information to authenticate 
which works when I use a browser. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

On Jan 15, 2011, at 9:18 AM, Earle M. Harrison wrote:

> Wow,  I think the time it took for me to locate, download, install and then 
> download bank transactions was no more than about 10 minutes.  On first 
> glance, this looks like a fantastic option for personal finances.  Anybody 
> know of a Mac accessible business finance option?
> Best,
> Earle Harrison
> Handy Tech North America
> On Jan 15, 2011, at 6:20 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> Great!  They just came out with an update which better supports VoiceOver.  
>> I'm going to write the developers to thank him and request that anyone who's 
>> using or interested in this product do the same.  I just downloaded the 
>> update and all the buttons I've encountered are now labeled.  It's 
>> gratifying to know that our suggestions can sometimes really make a 
>> difference.
>> Les
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jeffrey Wheatley wrote:
>>> See Finance is fantastic and does everything I need.  Thanks for the tip!
>>> Regards, Jeff
>>> On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:18 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 see finance may be useful for you.On Thu, 30 Dec 2010, Jeffrey Wheatley 
> Hello All.  I am transitioning much of my personal computing work to my 
> new Mac, and am trying to find Mac replacements for my current PC 
> applications.  I have used Quicken for years on the PC, but I do not need 
> most of its function.  Basically, I log into a couple of banks, manually 
> download transactions to Quicken into my couple of accounts, and then 
> categorize my transactions into the funds or buckets of money we use for 
> eating out, groceries and other budget areas.  I make sure I balance with 
> the bank, and run fund balance reports.  We enter a few checks as well.  
> that is it.
> I searched the archives a bit and saw a few references to Checkbook and 
> Quicken.  I have not found a 'VO supported applications' list as yet.  I 
> would greatly appreciate recommendations.  My apologies if I have missed 
> this information in my searches.
> Thanks and regards, Jeff
> -- 
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Re: Track Pad

2011-01-15 Thread tim
Ok, here is how I do it with the track pad.
I go from the subject and 1 finger swipe 2 time, inter act 2 finger swipe 
right, and then 1 finger swipe down. That will read the body. When done hit 
delete key and your back in the subject on next email.
Now if you want to keep that email. Stop inter acting and 1 finger swipe left 2 
times and arrow to next email.
On Jan 14, 2011, at 11:50 AM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> HI folks:
> I've been mucking around with the track pad commander.  If you are in mail 
> and you interact with the messages table, how do you then read the message 
> you want to read via the track pad?  Do you have to revert to the keyboard?  
> TIA!
> Kim
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Re: basic financial software

2011-01-15 Thread Hai Nguyen
Hello Paul, 
I'm not Scott, but here's the requested link for See Finance.
On Jan 15, 2011, at 6:33 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Hello everyone. Does See Finance have an IPhone version that synchronizes
> with the Desk Top version? That is an essential requirement for our family.
> Does it have a companion tip calculator that posts money to See Finance? By
> the way, there's another app called ibank in the new Apple store and it has
> an IPhone version. I don't know how accessible it is. We use Pocket Money
> from Catamount software and do all of our financial work on our IPhones.
> Scott, can you pass along the link for See Finance?
> Thanks so much.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Les Kriegler
> Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 6:21 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: basic financial software
> Hi Jeff,
> Great!  They just came out with an update which better supports VoiceOver.
> I'm going to write the developers to thank him and request that anyone who's
> using or interested in this product do the same.  I just downloaded the
> update and all the buttons I've encountered are now labeled.  It's
> gratifying to know that our suggestions can sometimes really make a
> difference.
> Les
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jeffrey Wheatley wrote:
>> See Finance is fantastic and does everything I need.  Thanks for the tip!
>> Regards, Jeff
>> On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:18 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
>>> see finance may be useful for you.On Thu, 30 Dec 2010, Jeffrey Wheatley
> wrote:
 Hello All.  I am transitioning much of my personal computing work to my
> new Mac, and am trying to find Mac replacements for my current PC
> applications.  I have used Quicken for years on the PC, but I do not need
> most of its function.  Basically, I log into a couple of banks, manually
> download transactions to Quicken into my couple of accounts, and then
> categorize my transactions into the funds or buckets of money we use for
> eating out, groceries and other budget areas.  I make sure I balance with
> the bank, and run fund balance reports.  We enter a few checks as well.
> that is it.
 I searched the archives a bit and saw a few references to Checkbook and
> Quicken.  I have not found a 'VO supported applications' list as yet.  I
> would greatly appreciate recommendations.  My apologies if I have missed
> this information in my searches.
 Thanks and regards, Jeff
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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 For more options, visit this group at
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Re: they're at it again but with new twist

2011-01-15 Thread tim
See that is the only way they can get a virus on a mac. Because you have to say 
yes for it to install on the mac. Not like with windows where it is 
automatically installs. Only if you have virus protection on your mac will it 
tell you if you have a bug.
That is why I like this mac so much. I don't have to run a lot in the 
On Jan 13, 2011, at 1:19 PM, Ray For it Jr wrote:

> I just got the following chat line from the user or pspammer on Skype trying 
> to send me a Virus by telling me about my windows security.  This time, it 
> looks like they're trying to insnare Mac users too.  Here's what the text 
> looks like:
> ATTENTION ! Security Center has detected
> malware on your computer !
> Affected Software:
> Apple Macintosh 10.6 Snow Leopard
> Apple Macintosh 10.5 Leopard
> Apple Macintosh 10.4 Tiger
> Microsoft Windows 7
> Microsoft Windows Vista
> Microsoft Windows XP
> Impact of Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution / Virus Infection /
> Unexpected shutdowns
> Recommendation: Users running vulnerable version should install a repair 
> utility immediately
> Your system IS affected, download the patch from the address below !
> Failure to do so may result in severe computer malfun"
> There's a link and then it says the usual "copy the link in to your browser 
> for the link to become active".
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> -- 
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Re: very strange behavior of keyboard and trackpad

2011-01-15 Thread tim
Not a good deal there. You may have a few keys sticking here and there.
I do know that if any liquid goes on the keys without a keyboard protector. 
There is a skin under the keyboard that will turn pink. That shows Apple repair 
that liquid got where not should be.
They do have some good tuts on youtube showing how to replace the keyboard on 
the mac pro. It is not hard at all to do.
But if still under mac care. They may do it with not too much issues.
On Jan 13, 2011, at 10:40 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Last night, a glass of wine got spilled on my Macbook Pro15 running OS10.6.6. 
>  After thoroughly cleaning, all seems to work well, except that, from time to 
> time, the apps I have open will minimize and some keyboard commands--arrows, 
> command Q for quit, tab, etc.--will not work.  VO keys still do work, though, 
> and the apps are running just fine.  It's as if my cursor focus gets changed 
> or knocked out of alignment, and I've checked all my VO settings and they are 
> not changed.  I'm wondering if there is either a way to disable the track 
> pad, since I don't use Track Pad Commander all that much, or a keyboard or 
> track pad setting I can check for change?  I'd hate to send this all the way 
> back to Apple just for what is maybe a changed setting or something...
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Chris,

Yes, Pages can create MS Word documents. Yuma was complaining that you can't 
set Pages to save as MS Word by default as you work on a document, you have to 
export to Word when you're done.

You always end up with a Pages document and a new document in the format to 
which you've exported it.

If you use an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, it's worth having Pages for creating 
ePub documents to read with iBooks.



On 15 Jan 2011, at 16:28, Chris Moore wrote:

> Can Pages not export to MS Word?  I was just about to purchase this from the 
> app store as I need to edit and save word documents.
> Chris 
> On 15 Jan 2011, at 15:24, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Yuma,
>> Why should it b possible to save Pages documents in Word format? After all, 
>> IWork is an office suite in its own right. You can't save MS Word documents 
>> in Pages format, not even by exporting.
>> I think Pages is exceptionally flexible in the formats to which it can 
>> export: PDF, Word, RTF, Plain Text and ePub.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 15 Jan 2011, at 04:58, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks for that. I meant how to automatically save as doc instead of having 
>>> to go to the export option.
>>> :)
>>> -- 
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Re: pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread Chris Moore
Phew! Just Downloaded.

Ok quick question, when interacting with say the toolbar or scroll area etc, 
how do you get back to the page you wish to edit?  So far I have hit the tab 
key to take me back there but not sure if that is the best way.  Otherwise when 
I am finished interacting with toolbars I am not given the option when I go 
back to interact with my page again.

On 15 Jan 2011, at 16:34, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Chris,
> Yes, Pages can create MS Word documents. Yuma was complaining that you can't 
> set Pages to save as MS Word by default as you work on a document, you have 
> to export to Word when you're done.
> You always end up with a Pages document and a new document in the format to 
> which you've exported it.
> If you use an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, it's worth having Pages for 
> creating ePub documents to read with iBooks.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 15 Jan 2011, at 16:28, Chris Moore wrote:
>> Can Pages not export to MS Word?  I was just about to purchase this from the 
>> app store as I need to edit and save word documents.
>> Chris 
>> On 15 Jan 2011, at 15:24, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Yuma,
>>> Why should it b possible to save Pages documents in Word format? After all, 
>>> IWork is an office suite in its own right. You can't save MS Word documents 
>>> in Pages format, not even by exporting.
>>> I think Pages is exceptionally flexible in the formats to which it can 
>>> export: PDF, Word, RTF, Plain Text and ePub.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 15 Jan 2011, at 04:58, Yuma Decaux wrote:
 Thanks for that. I meant how to automatically save as doc instead of 
 having to go to the export option.
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Re: pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread Chris Moore
Actually scrub my previous message, I understand the layout now.  Excellent! 
On 15 Jan 2011, at 16:53, Chris Moore wrote:

> Phew! Just Downloaded.
> Ok quick question, when interacting with say the toolbar or scroll area etc, 
> how do you get back to the page you wish to edit?  So far I have hit the tab 
> key to take me back there but not sure if that is the best way.  Otherwise 
> when I am finished interacting with toolbars I am not given the option when I 
> go back to interact with my page again.
> Chris 
> On 15 Jan 2011, at 16:34, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Chris,
>> Yes, Pages can create MS Word documents. Yuma was complaining that you can't 
>> set Pages to save as MS Word by default as you work on a document, you have 
>> to export to Word when you're done.
>> You always end up with a Pages document and a new document in the format to 
>> which you've exported it.
>> If you use an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, it's worth having Pages for 
>> creating ePub documents to read with iBooks.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 15 Jan 2011, at 16:28, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> Can Pages not export to MS Word?  I was just about to purchase this from 
>>> the app store as I need to edit and save word documents.
>>> Chris 
>>> On 15 Jan 2011, at 15:24, Anne Robertson wrote:
 Hello Yuma,
 Why should it b possible to save Pages documents in Word format? After 
 all, IWork is an office suite in its own right. You can't save MS Word 
 documents in Pages format, not even by exporting.
 I think Pages is exceptionally flexible in the formats to which it can 
 export: PDF, Word, RTF, Plain Text and ePub.
 On 15 Jan 2011, at 04:58, Yuma Decaux wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for that. I meant how to automatically save as doc instead of 
> having to go to the export option.
> :)
> -- 
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Antivirus Software: Needed or not?

2011-01-15 Thread Brianna Snyder

I was just wondering exactly what the subject says. Do you need one? Do any of 
you use one, and if so, what do you use? 
I don't hae any kind of antivirus software on my Mac, and was just wondering if 
I should install one. 


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Re: New Garageband artist

2011-01-15 Thread joseph
hi Ricardo

just want to thank you for those tutorials and perhaps you can cover how to use 
soundfonts in future ones.

thank you in advance

On 15 Jan 2011, at 12:38, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> I've started a getting started with garageband 6 audio tutorial.  You can 
> check out part one at
> And part 2 at
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 15, 2011, at 12:35 AM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I checked out a few of the tracks there. Theyw ere very interesting, and had 
>> a mysterious feel to them, which I liked. The only crticism I have is that 
>> you don't seem to pay much attention to rhythm, or the different instruments 
>> seem to be a little out of sync with each other sometimes.
>> I'm really interested in how you do this though. I'm very new to Garageband, 
>> seeing as I only got a Mac two weeks ago and started playing with Garageband 
>> yesterday. All I can do so far is some simple stuff, and create ringtones 
>> out of songs I already have by using cycling. How did you learn how to use 
>> it? I'd really like to compose through it.
>> Thanks,
>> Brandon
>> On Jan 14, 2011, at 4:11 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:
>>> Hi my name is Ed Worrell.
>>> I got a macbook pro about 6 months ago. I have been slowly learning the 
>>> tricks of the trade with garageband. I wanted to hear from my peers, and 
>>> get some input on my music. I was wundering what you guys on the list think 
>>> of the music I am produceing
>>> Here is the link to my soundcloud page.
>>> Please check it out and let me know what you think
>>> Thanks in advance 
>>> ED
>>> -- 
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>> Brandon Olivares
>> - Healing the Whole Person
>> I help people to experience healing on all levels, and to choose a path that 
>> is fulfilling for them.
>> -- 
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What could make an internal hard drive suddenly decide to die?

2011-01-15 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi folks.
I have had this problem a little while now, but i haven't done anything about 
it as of yet, however it makes me curious.
I was listening to some good music in ITunes when all of a sudden the music 
died, it turned out that something had caused the internal hard drive to just 
die, the motor had stopped and i don't know of a way of getting it back to life 
again short of rebooting. What could cause the hard drive to do this? This 
happens when i use ITunes or µTorrent to get files. Can you strain a hard drive 
too much? It's not a question of energy saving either since i have the hard 
drives set to not shut down at all. I'm at a loss as what to do here and i 
don't want to take the machine to an Apple store since i don't have an 
AppleCare plan for it.
Thanks for any help.

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Re: re-garage band question

2011-01-15 Thread joseph
hi chad

i couldn't find piano popup button and dls as you explained in step 3.  
naturally, step 4 and 5 did not work.  i don't know what went wrong.

thanks in advance

On 13 Jan 2011, at 22:21, chad wrote:

> hi joseph here's what you do to access soundfonts
> 1. create a software instrument track
> 2. where it says browse and edit hit the edit button
> 3. go to where it says piano pop up button then look for dls
> 4. then to the left of the dls button there's a edit button and press it
> 5. last thing go to where it says quicktime synthosizer its a pop up button 
> that's where your soundfonts are
> hth
> -- 
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Re: Antivirus Software: Needed or not?

2011-01-15 Thread Jude DaShiell
I don't use one now nor do I need one now either.  When I do need one, 
Apple will have installed it on my computer through software update. 
Apple will also update it as necessary too.  This will all happen since 
Apple has a high interest in keeping its own computer resources malware 
free as well as any software it distributes and the app store too. 
Nobody yet in Southern Maryland Mac User's group has any of these packages 
either for the same reasons. On Sat, 15 Jan 2011, Brianna Snyder wrote:


I was just wondering exactly what the subject says. Do you need one? Do any of 
you use one, and if so, what do you use?
I don't hae any kind of antivirus software on my Mac, and was just wondering if 
I should install one.


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Re: Antivirus Software: Needed or not?

2011-01-15 Thread Jude DaShiell
The people that really do need antivirus protection are most of the 
population of cell phone users who use "feature phones".  Cell phones are 
either "feature phones" or "smart phones".  The IPhone is a smart phone. 
There are five sms messages that can be sent at those feature phones to 
take most phones off the air around the world.  There are problems with 
smart phones too but those are different problems and the network 
providers will have to address these issues later.  The feature phones 
like everything on Verizon are wide open right now and will remain so 
until verizon and similar networks clean up their acts.On Sat, 15 Jan 
2011, Brianna Snyder wrote:


I was just wondering exactly what the subject says. Do you need one? Do any of 
you use one, and if so, what do you use?
I don't hae any kind of antivirus software on my Mac, and was just wondering if 
I should install one.


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Safari Question

2011-01-15 Thread Jane
I am downloading several books from Audible using Safari on the mac Mini.  
Every time I hit the download link the page refreshes, and I have to scroll 
back to where I was.  How can I prevent this?


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Re: What could make an internal hard drive suddenly decide to die?

2011-01-15 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
What an interesting problem!
First of all, I'd make sure that you have a complete backup of
everything just incase.
It seems like the drive is malfunctioning on both reads and writes,
but it's not like using torrents or opening music in itunes is putting
a large amount of strain on the drive, surely booting would stress the
thing more?
Are you sure that the drive is actually spinning down? How functional
is the rest of the os?
Would it be possible to put the drive in a usb enclosure, boot to osx,
use it for a couple of days like that and see how well things work?
Have you looked at smart info for the drive and if so, how healthy is it?

On 15/01/2011, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:
> Hi folks.
> I have had this problem a little while now, but i haven't done anything
> about it as of yet, however it makes me curious.
> I was listening to some good music in ITunes when all of a sudden the music
> died, it turned out that something had caused the internal hard drive to
> just die, the motor had stopped and i don't know of a way of getting it back
> to life again short of rebooting. What could cause the hard drive to do
> this? This happens when i use ITunes or µTorrent to get files. Can you
> strain a hard drive too much? It's not a question of energy saving either
> since i have the hard drives set to not shut down at all. I'm at a loss as
> what to do here and i don't want to take the machine to an Apple store since
> i don't have an AppleCare plan for it.
> Thanks for any help.
> /Krister
> --
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Re: pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread Yuma Decaux
Yes Anne, It bothers me that i can't have a default document format to save to. 
You seem rather defensive about it, and i understand your fandom of Apple, but 
sometimes there are features i'd like to have things done so i don't need to go 
through 20 extra steps to get things done. You understand that? Damn some 
people are zealots 

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Re: re-garage band question

2011-01-15 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Joseph,

Chad forgot to mention that after pressing the edit button, you have to VO 
right arrow twice until you get to sound generator group, then interact.  Here 
you will find the piano chosen in the pop up menu.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 15, 2011, at 12:12 PM, joseph wrote:

> hi chad
> i couldn't find piano popup button and dls as you explained in step 3.  
> naturally, step 4 and 5 did not work.  i don't know what went wrong.
> thanks in advance
> best
> On 13 Jan 2011, at 22:21, chad wrote:
>> hi joseph here's what you do to access soundfonts
>> 1. create a software instrument track
>> 2. where it says browse and edit hit the edit button
>> 3. go to where it says piano pop up button then look for dls
>> 4. then to the left of the dls button there's a edit button and press it
>> 5. last thing go to where it says quicktime synthosizer its a pop up button 
>> that's where your soundfonts are
>> hth
>> -- 
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Re: New Garageband artist

2011-01-15 Thread Ricardo Walker
No problem,

I will cover sound fonts as soon as I learn how to use them.  lol.  BTW, do you 
know where I can get a few free sound fonts to try out the method Chad 
described?  It  sounds very promising. 

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 15, 2011, at 12:06 PM, joseph wrote:

> hi Ricardo
> just want to thank you for those tutorials and perhaps you can cover how to 
> use soundfonts in future ones.
> thank you in advance
> best
> On 15 Jan 2011, at 12:38, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've started a getting started with garageband 6 audio tutorial.  You can 
>> check out part one at
>> And part 2 at
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 15, 2011, at 12:35 AM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I checked out a few of the tracks there. Theyw ere very interesting, and 
>>> had a mysterious feel to them, which I liked. The only crticism I have is 
>>> that you don't seem to pay much attention to rhythm, or the different 
>>> instruments seem to be a little out of sync with each other sometimes.
>>> I'm really interested in how you do this though. I'm very new to 
>>> Garageband, seeing as I only got a Mac two weeks ago and started playing 
>>> with Garageband yesterday. All I can do so far is some simple stuff, and 
>>> create ringtones out of songs I already have by using cycling. How did you 
>>> learn how to use it? I'd really like to compose through it.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brandon
>>> On Jan 14, 2011, at 4:11 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:
 Hi my name is Ed Worrell.
 I got a macbook pro about 6 months ago. I have been slowly learning the 
 tricks of the trade with garageband. I wanted to hear from my peers, and 
 get some input on my music. I was wundering what you guys on the list 
 think of the music I am produceing
 Here is the link to my soundcloud page.
 Please check it out and let me know what you think
 Thanks in advance 
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>>> Brandon Olivares
>>> - Healing the Whole Person
>>> I help people to experience healing on all levels, and to choose a path 
>>> that is fulfilling for them.
>>> -- 
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:pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread Yuma Decaux

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Anne Robertson 
> Date: January 16, 2011 5:34:20 AM GMT+13:00
> To:
> Subject: Re: pages export annoyance
> Reply-To:
> Hello Chris,
> Yes, Pages can create MS Word documents. Yuma was complaining that you can't 
> set Pages to save as MS Word by default as you work on a document, you have 
> to export to Word when you're done.

I don't understand what on earth you're on Anne, i am looking for a solution 
because i work with people on PCs, god bless them *cough cough* and so for some 
things, i need to adopt the windows world, and therefore need to find a default 
export to some format option. I checked applescripts but nothing, checked 
preferences ditto. I'm asking for someone with a solution not a sales pitch and 
criticism on my opinion about a vicarious feature request of sort.

I don't like spending 20 more seconds per pages document first exporting the 
file then saving as pages, knowing that next time i open it, it will be the 
same anyway because for now there are 9 times more windows users than there are 
mac users.

If you got something i don't know about, then sure give me your intelligent 
opinion. Butg if you didn't understand the symptoms, then just don't get all 
riled about me complaining quote unquote about pages. Yes, i know its default 
save features, i know that it saves in pages if i open a word document. I'm not 
asking you to tell me what pages tells me everytime i close a document since i 
baught it back in 2009. I'm looking for a solution here, not a debate over who 
likes what. Damn sometimes i swear this list is funny.

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Re: Antivirus Software: Needed or not?

2011-01-15 Thread Colin M
Hi there!
Nice subject!
I was told [at the moment] the only anti virus software I might need would be 
to use the windows side  not to protect me but to protect the windows people 
you might communicate with!
I do not know if this is right!
But who knows what the nasty virus people are up to !
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

On 15 Jan 2011, at 17:23, Jude DaShiell wrote:

> I don't use one now nor do I need one now either.  When I do need one, Apple 
> will have installed it on my computer through software update. Apple will 
> also update it as necessary too.  This will all happen since Apple has a high 
> interest in keeping its own computer resources malware free as well as any 
> software it distributes and the app store too. Nobody yet in Southern 
> Maryland Mac User's group has any of these packages either for the same 
> reasons. On Sat, 15 Jan 2011, Brianna Snyder wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was just wondering exactly what the subject says. Do you need one? Do any 
>> of you use one, and if so, what do you use?
>> I don't hae any kind of antivirus software on my Mac, and was just wondering 
>> if I should install one.
>> Brianna
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Re: pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread Chris Moore
If you want a default format to save too, and you are not happy that the 
default format for pages is pages, then why not use Word?  Microsoft Word is 
the only word processor that has a default .doc type.  If you were to use any 
other word processor you would have to either save as or export. If it bothers 
you that much, then I suggest you switch to Windows and use Office, or badger 
Microsoft into making their products accessible for the Mac.

But for now, it is hardly rocket science to export?
On 15 Jan 2011, at 18:01, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Yes Anne, It bothers me that i can't have a default document format to save 
> to. You seem rather defensive about it, and i understand your fandom of 
> Apple, but sometimes there are features i'd like to have things done so i 
> don't need to go through 20 extra steps to get things done. You understand 
> that? Damn some people are zealots 
> -- 
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Re: pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread Yuma Decaux
Damn, you're thick. I don't use office, nor windows. You still don't get it?

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Re: :pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread Chris Moore
I think you have a chip on your shoulder mate, and I do not think Ann deserves 
to be spoken to in that way, she did not write the software.  Write to Apple 
and suggest it, but it is probably a licence issue.
On 15 Jan 2011, at 18:15, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Anne Robertson 
>> Date: January 16, 2011 5:34:20 AM GMT+13:00
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: pages export annoyance
>> Reply-To:
>> Hello Chris,
>> Yes, Pages can create MS Word documents. Yuma was complaining that you can't 
>> set Pages to save as MS Word by default as you work on a document, you have 
>> to export to Word when you're done.
> I don't understand what on earth you're on Anne, i am looking for a solution 
> because i work with people on PCs, god bless them *cough cough* and so for 
> some things, i need to adopt the windows world, and therefore need to find a 
> default export to some format option. I checked applescripts but nothing, 
> checked preferences ditto. I'm asking for someone with a solution not a sales 
> pitch and criticism on my opinion about a vicarious feature request of sort.
> I don't like spending 20 more seconds per pages document first exporting the 
> file then saving as pages, knowing that next time i open it, it will be the 
> same anyway because for now there are 9 times more windows users than there 
> are mac users.
> If you got something i don't know about, then sure give me your intelligent 
> opinion. Butg if you didn't understand the symptoms, then just don't get all 
> riled about me complaining quote unquote about pages. Yes, i know its default 
> save features, i know that it saves in pages if i open a word document. I'm 
> not asking you to tell me what pages tells me everytime i close a document 
> since i baught it back in 2009. I'm looking for a solution here, not a debate 
> over who likes what. Damn sometimes i swear this list is funny.
> -- 
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Re: New Garageband artist

2011-01-15 Thread Ed Worrell
Thanks for the kind words and thoughts on my music. I learned how to use 
Garageband by trial and error. There isn't much out there to help voiceover 
users on this program. If you need any help feel free to email me off list at I am still learning too. So I will try to answer 
questions to the best of my ability.


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Re: pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread Yuma Decaux
Its not rocking the world of science to explain me this fact, which i pointed 
out takes me 10 to 20 seconds more in pages.

I don't want to buy a pc, i've lived loosing all sorts of files on a pc for 
years on end, and i've completely switched off from it. The choices you give me 
are obviously not rocket science either. Guess i will just have to find a 
better alternative, or create an applescript for it.

And this whole aspect of dual-booting or vm just to more efficiently export doc 
files from pages? Wow man, that's one of the most intensely "c'est la vie" kind 
of response i got. 

Obviously i want to buy a crap machine or windblows, install that crap on my 
mac, make crap tfs partitions on it, install vmware and what blow off another 
200 bucks, just so that i can export to doc by default Man, some serious 
geniuses down here. I Applaud this

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Re: soundcloud app

2011-01-15 Thread Ed Worrell
Hi my name is Ed Worrell,

I also downloaded the sound cloud app, how do you get it to upload your tracks? 
the sound cloud website always crashes on me when I get to the tags text box. 
so I could use the help with the app please.

thanks ED

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Re: pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread heather kd5cbl

That was un called for! Heather
- Original Message - 
From: "Yuma Decaux" 

Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: pages export annoyance

Yes Anne, It bothers me that i can't have a default document format to save 
to. You seem rather defensive about it, and i understand your fandom of 
Apple, but sometimes there are features i'd like to have things done so i 
don't need to go through 20 extra steps to get things done. You understand 
that? Damn some people are zealots

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Re: :pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread Yuma Decaux

I must have changed the subject to "issue with pages i wish to resolve". And 
yes, i apologize for having a chip on my shoulder, but i'm also not here to 
listen to people speak to me as if i'm the bad guy not liking apple products or 
something, and putting in words like "complaining" which is synonymous to 
"bitching" etc on a totally legitimate question. A question, you know?

So yea, its probably a compatibility issue and i haven't had enough coffee this 
sunday morning, and perhaps the sky is dark, or i fell on the wrong side of the 
bed, which incidentally will not be empty starting today, or many other 
reasons. But this doesn't resolve the fact that i want to export to certain 
formats by default. But people made it a case to say i'm bitching over this.

So this is a half apology. And i don't care anymore if i can't export by 
default. You guys just disgusted me from finding a solution.

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Re: :pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread Chris Moore
Take a chill pill my friend, as my gran always used to say "you catch more 
flies with sugar then vinegar". Now breathe with me "out with anger, in with 
love" lol

But seriously, exporting is easy, i have only had Pages for a couple of hours 
and it is easy.  If you use OpenOffice, WordPerfect, WordPro etc etc their 
default document type is not MS Word but can import and export to that format.  
Microsoft Word hold the exclusive ability to have .doc format type as their 
default as it is their product.  That is the case on both the Mac and Windows. 

 am sure if you could use MS Word on the Mac then that would solve your issue.

On 15 Jan 2011, at 18:50, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Chris,
> I must have changed the subject to "issue with pages i wish to resolve". And 
> yes, i apologize for having a chip on my shoulder, but i'm also not here to 
> listen to people speak to me as if i'm the bad guy not liking apple products 
> or something, and putting in words like "complaining" which is synonymous to 
> "bitching" etc on a totally legitimate question. A question, you know?
> So yea, its probably a compatibility issue and i haven't had enough coffee 
> this sunday morning, and perhaps the sky is dark, or i fell on the wrong side 
> of the bed, which incidentally will not be empty starting today, or many 
> other reasons. But this doesn't resolve the fact that i want to export to 
> certain formats by default. But people made it a case to say i'm bitching 
> over this.
> So this is a half apology. And i don't care anymore if i can't export by 
> default. You guys just disgusted me from finding a solution.
> -- 
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Re: :pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread heather kd5cbl

Ah, my mawmaw said the same thing, smiles!  Heather
- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Moore" 

Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: :pages export annoyance

Take a chill pill my friend, as my gran always used to say "you catch more 
flies with sugar then vinegar". Now breathe with me "out with anger, in with 
love" lol

But seriously, exporting is easy, i have only had Pages for a couple of 
hours and it is easy.  If you use OpenOffice, WordPerfect, WordPro etc etc 
their default document type is not MS Word but can import and export to that 
format.  Microsoft Word hold the exclusive ability to have .doc format type 
as their default as it is their product.  That is the case on both the Mac 
and Windows.

am sure if you could use MS Word on the Mac then that would solve your 

On 15 Jan 2011, at 18:50, Yuma Decaux wrote:


I must have changed the subject to "issue with pages i wish to resolve". 
And yes, i apologize for having a chip on my shoulder, but i'm also not 
here to listen to people speak to me as if i'm the bad guy not liking 
apple products or something, and putting in words like "complaining" which 
is synonymous to "bitching" etc on a totally legitimate question. A 
question, you know?

So yea, its probably a compatibility issue and i haven't had enough coffee 
this sunday morning, and perhaps the sky is dark, or i fell on the wrong 
side of the bed, which incidentally will not be empty starting today, or 
many other reasons. But this doesn't resolve the fact that i want to 
export to certain formats by default. But people made it a case to say i'm 
bitching over this.

So this is a half apology. And i don't care anymore if i can't export by 
default. You guys just disgusted me from finding a solution.

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Re: :pages export annoyance

2011-01-15 Thread Yuma Decaux
Yep, that's the right way to say it. I need more sugar in my coffee and less 
vinegar :)

The solution as you stated it, would be to have office on my mac, but 
unfortunately the lack of accessibility will not make it happen for a while. 
Maybe if there were applescript extensions for iwork applications, this would 
entirely resolve my problem, bypassing the licensing issues.

Ok, thanks for the suggestions chris. And thanks for the zen parlance too :)

 content with 

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AppleScript to batch export from Pages to Word [Re: :pages export annoyance]

2011-01-15 Thread Esther
Hi Yuma,

A Google search turned up the following source from MacScripter (subject was 
Pages 09 export as word doc):
(From Yvan Koenig):

Go to my iDisk :

Download :
For_iWork:iWork '


I'll attach the downloaded zip file of this AppleScript and email it to you 
off-list.  According to the instructions you can run this and select the folder 
of Pages documents you would like to batch convert to .doc format.



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Re: AppleScript to batch export from Pages to Word [Re: :pages export annoyance]

2011-01-15 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hi Esther group of exclamation marks :)

Thanks so much for taking the time to look into it.

Will try it out after mug of coffee, and dissect the script.

Have a great sunday when it comes 

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Re: Braille Display and Radio Streams

2011-01-15 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hi Scott,

 I use the BrailleNote Apex.  My USB Port is super short, which 
is why I wanted to try using it via Bluetooth.


- Original Message -
From: Scott Howell Which Braille display do you have? Have you tried connecting it 
via USB? There are some Braille displays that are having 
difficulty at this point with bluetooth connections.


On Jan 15, 2011, at 3:01 AM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I am new to using a Braille Display on my MacBook Pro.  I 
managed to set up Bluetooth, but it keeps on disconnecting.  What 
can I do to fix this problem? Also, how exactly do I navigate 
around the menus on my Mac and such when using my BrailleNote as 
the display?
I am also wondering whether any of you know of a program that is 
accessible with the Mac that allows me to record radio streams.  
What else is out there, beside Amadeus?

Thanks for all your help.

Ezzy Bueno
I sought the Lord, and he answered me.
--Ps.  34:4

Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Phone: (512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Quick Skype Question

2011-01-15 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Hello Everyone,

 How can I hide the time stamp on my chat messages? I'm using 
Skype 2.8.

Ezzy Bueno
I sought the Lord, and he answered me.
 --Ps.  34:4

Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Phone: (512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Re: What could make an internal hard drive suddenly decide to die?

2011-01-15 Thread Eric Oyen
its not the Hard Disk, per se'. its a driver issue where the drive controller 
is instructed to park and shut down. the only way I have found to resolve it is 
a full reboot by a not so friendly unplug and then power on and boot. this 
forces the on board controller to reset back into proper operation. note: a 
soft boot won't work as the controller state will be maintained across the warm 


On Jan 15, 2011, at 10:09 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi folks.
> I have had this problem a little while now, but i haven't done anything about 
> it as of yet, however it makes me curious.
> I was listening to some good music in ITunes when all of a sudden the music 
> died, it turned out that something had caused the internal hard drive to just 
> die, the motor had stopped and i don't know of a way of getting it back to 
> life again short of rebooting. What could cause the hard drive to do this? 
> This happens when i use ITunes or µTorrent to get files. Can you strain a 
> hard drive too much? It's not a question of energy saving either since i have 
> the hard drives set to not shut down at all. I'm at a loss as what to do here 
> and i don't want to take the machine to an Apple store since i don't have an 
> AppleCare plan for it.
> Thanks for any help.
> /Krister
> -- 
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Re: Braille Display and Radio Streams

2011-01-15 Thread Scott Howell
I am sure you can get a longer cable, which may at least address the issue for 
now. I would suggest you let Apple know by sending a note to and let them know the type of Braille display and if 
you can provide the firmware version, that would be possibly helpful. Let them 
know which version of SNow Leopard you are using and the fact your connecting 
via Bluetooth. If you can test via USB that would be good info if you 
experience no issues as well.


On Jan 15, 2011, at 2:14 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> I use the BrailleNote Apex.  My USB Port is super short, which is why I 
> wanted to try using it via Bluetooth.
> Ezzy
> - Original Message -
> From: Scott Howell  To:
> Date sent: Sat, 15 Jan 2011 08:25:56 -0500
> Subject: Re: Braille Display and Radio Streams
> Which Braille display do you have? Have you tried connecting it via USB? 
> There are some Braille displays that are having difficulty at this point with 
> bluetooth connections.
> Scott
> On Jan 15, 2011, at 3:01 AM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I am new to using a Braille Display on my MacBook Pro.  I managed to set up 
> Bluetooth, but it keeps on disconnecting.  What can I do to fix this problem? 
> Also, how exactly do I navigate around the menus on my Mac and such when 
> using my BrailleNote as the display?
> I am also wondering whether any of you know of a program that is accessible 
> with the Mac that allows me to record radio streams.  What else is out there, 
> beside Amadeus?
> Thanks for all your help.
> Ezzy Bueno
> I sought the Lord, and he answered me.
> --Ps.  34:4
> Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
> Phone: (512) 553-8553
> Skype: SillyEz
> Facebook:
> --
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Re: soundcloud app

2011-01-15 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hi Edward,

Here is the link to the FAQ page which speaks about uploading woes.

There are two methods for doing this and the newer way is done with flash so 
its a no go. Try using the old school method for uploading and adding tags.

Hope this helps 


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Re: What could make an internal hard drive suddenly decide to die?

2011-01-15 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
So if this can't be addressed by a new driver, it's sounding more like
a motherboard fault?

On 15/01/2011, Eric Oyen  wrote:
> its not the Hard Disk, per se'. its a driver issue where the drive
> controller is instructed to park and shut down. the only way I have found to
> resolve it is a full reboot by a not so friendly unplug and then power on
> and boot. this forces the on board controller to reset back into proper
> operation. note: a soft boot won't work as the controller state will be
> maintained across the warm reboot.
> -Eric
> On Jan 15, 2011, at 10:09 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi folks.
>> I have had this problem a little while now, but i haven't done anything
>> about it as of yet, however it makes me curious.
>> I was listening to some good music in ITunes when all of a sudden the
>> music died, it turned out that something had caused the internal hard
>> drive to just die, the motor had stopped and i don't know of a way of
>> getting it back to life again short of rebooting. What could cause the
>> hard drive to do this? This happens when i use ITunes or µTorrent to get
>> files. Can you strain a hard drive too much? It's not a question of energy
>> saving either since i have the hard drives set to not shut down at all.
>> I'm at a loss as what to do here and i don't want to take the machine to
>> an Apple store since i don't have an AppleCare plan for it.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> /Krister
>> --
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Re: What could make an internal hard drive suddenly decide to die?

2011-01-15 Thread Tim Kilburn
Not necessarily a Mother board.  There is a logic board within the HD itself 
that is most likely the culprit here.  I would do as Eric suggested but 
maintain a good backup routine as these symptoms could be the lead-up to bigger 
problems with the drive.


On 2011-01-15, at 1:22 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:

> So if this can't be addressed by a new driver, it's sounding more like
> a motherboard fault?
> On 15/01/2011, Eric Oyen  wrote:
>> its not the Hard Disk, per se'. its a driver issue where the drive
>> controller is instructed to park and shut down. the only way I have found to
>> resolve it is a full reboot by a not so friendly unplug and then power on
>> and boot. this forces the on board controller to reset back into proper
>> operation. note: a soft boot won't work as the controller state will be
>> maintained across the warm reboot.
>> -Eric
>> On Jan 15, 2011, at 10:09 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> Hi folks.
>>> I have had this problem a little while now, but i haven't done anything
>>> about it as of yet, however it makes me curious.
>>> I was listening to some good music in ITunes when all of a sudden the
>>> music died, it turned out that something had caused the internal hard
>>> drive to just die, the motor had stopped and i don't know of a way of
>>> getting it back to life again short of rebooting. What could cause the
>>> hard drive to do this? This happens when i use ITunes or µTorrent to get
>>> files. Can you strain a hard drive too much? It's not a question of energy
>>> saving either since i have the hard drives set to not shut down at all.
>>> I'm at a loss as what to do here and i don't want to take the machine to
>>> an Apple store since i don't have an AppleCare plan for it.
>>> Thanks for any help.
>>> /Krister
>>> --
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: getting very frustrated with skype

2011-01-15 Thread Petra Nieuwenhuis
Hi,though I have my mc for just one week now, maybe i have some work around for 
skype. When using the beta version, i see in the menu preferences, the events 
and when i choose them, i can set a sound, a visual alert and also a spoken 
message. I use a dutch version, so maybe the engelish tekst differs, but it's 
something like: mike send you a chat message, or, you have an incoming call 
from peter.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Antivirus Software: Needed or not?

2011-01-15 Thread Mike Arrigo
Personally I do not use it. While no operating system is immune to getting 
viruses, it is more difficult for the mac to become infected, because the 
browser is not tied to the operating system the way internet explorer is in 
windows. Therefore, so called drive by downloads are not a problem on the mac. 
As with any operating system, the number one way to protect yourself is good 
old fashioned common sense.
On Jan 15, 2011, at 11:05 AM, Brianna Snyder wrote:

> Hi, 
> I was just wondering exactly what the subject says. Do you need one? Do any 
> of you use one, and if so, what do you use? 
> I don't hae any kind of antivirus software on my Mac, and was just wondering 
> if I should install one. 
> Brianna 
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Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple

2011-01-15 Thread Les Kriegler

Well, as a Verizon customer who has been awaiting the iPhone, I'm very much 
looking forward to getting it next month.  My understanding is that the 
unlimited data plan for $30 will continue to be available, and that's perfectly 
fine with me.  Our daughter and son-in-law live in New York City and have had 
iPhones, and often when we talk with them, reception is lost.  No company is 
perfect, but in the many years I've been with Verizon, I've had nothing but 
excellent and courteous customer service.  I also have more confidence in the 
stability of their network than would I have for AT&T, so I'll have no [problem 
taking out a new two year agreement for my wife and myself to get these phones.

On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:54 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Carolyn,
> The short version is that carriers want to charge on a tiered system. My 
> advice to you and all is do a little research on this topic and get familiar 
> with it. There may be a time when you will want to make your voice heard. I 
> think it is save to say that you do not want to be charged based on the 
> content you access for example. I am no expert, so I will leave you to your 
> own thoughts with this.
> Scott
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:42 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Scott:
>> I'd have to agree with you that at&t has generally given me very good and 
>> responsive customer service when I've had to call in.  Their network is 
>> imperfect, as they all are.  BTW: I'm unfamiliar with the term net 
>> neutrality.  Is that a Scottism, or an actuality?:) And what does it refer 
>> to?
>> Thanks
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> James,
>>> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front 
>>> because of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two 
>>> years and to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer 
>>> service. Only once did they make an error, which was something to do with 
>>> the system and a change I made. They corrected the problem quickly and 
>>> offered me compensation. Now I have had little reason to call customer 
>>> service in any case with either company. I will point out though Verizon 
>>> made life very difficult for me when I opted to switch to AT&T and tried 
>>> charging me early termination fees even though my contract had ended. It 
>>> took me a couple of months to get the issue resolved. So, a lot of this in 
>>> my opinion is expectation about service and of course everyone will have 
>>> different experiences and of course different experience with the service 
>>> as a result of where they live. I have a Verizon cell phone for work and I 
>>> get better coverage in my house with AT&T then I do with Verizon, as an 
>>> example. THe point is none of these companies are more interested in making 
>>> as much money as possible. What will be interesting is if Verizon can live 
>>> up to the hype. What I hope as a result of this is more competition in 
>>> plans. For example, Verizon apparently is going to offer unlimited data to 
>>> new iPhone customers and I wonder how long this will last. I would hope it 
>>> would push AT&T back to offering the same to current and new customers. Now 
>>> I do have an unlimited data plan, but I always felt it was unfair to 
>>> introduce such crappy plans at 200Mb and 2Gb for those price points. 
>>> Another thing that will be very interesting is what net neutrality will do 
>>> to the cell industry and that is something brewing in the pipeline.
>>> Scott
>>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:18 AM, James Mannion wrote:
 The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPhone does well on
 Verizon and that Verizon makes more of an atempt to be customer
 oriented than AT&T ever has. AT&T sees no reason to make their network
 what it should be if they can have a customer based trapped and can
 screw them instead of making them happy. Maybe now they will face that
 glorious reality that if you treat customers like shit you don't have
 On 1/10/11, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> The link works just fine for me.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Um? not the response I expected but I'll take a look and repost. Thanks
>> for letting me know.
>> S
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> bad link
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Will this hurt or hinder apple, at&t or both? read more:
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Re: What could make an internal hard drive suddenly decide to die?

2011-01-15 Thread Mike Arrigo
Does this happen on certain macs, I haven't seen it at all with the 3 that I 
On Jan 15, 2011, at 1:51 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> its not the Hard Disk, per se'. its a driver issue where the drive controller 
> is instructed to park and shut down. the only way I have found to resolve it 
> is a full reboot by a not so friendly unplug and then power on and boot. this 
> forces the on board controller to reset back into proper operation. note: a 
> soft boot won't work as the controller state will be maintained across the 
> warm reboot.
> -Eric
> On Jan 15, 2011, at 10:09 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi folks.
>> I have had this problem a little while now, but i haven't done anything 
>> about it as of yet, however it makes me curious.
>> I was listening to some good music in ITunes when all of a sudden the music 
>> died, it turned out that something had caused the internal hard drive to 
>> just die, the motor had stopped and i don't know of a way of getting it back 
>> to life again short of rebooting. What could cause the hard drive to do 
>> this? This happens when i use ITunes or µTorrent to get files. Can you 
>> strain a hard drive too much? It's not a question of energy saving either 
>> since i have the hard drives set to not shut down at all. I'm at a loss as 
>> what to do here and i don't want to take the machine to an Apple store since 
>> i don't have an AppleCare plan for it.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> /Krister
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Re: basic financial software

2011-01-15 Thread Les Kriegler
I do use Bank of America.  As I use Quicken on the Windows side, I import my 
transactions using the Bank of America site, and that works for me.  When I set 
up my account, I exported my quicken file into QIF format, and then used the 
File Import in SEE Finance to bring everything over.

On Jan 15, 2011, at 11:02 AM, Hai Nguyen wrote:

> Good morning all, 
> I've attempted to use See Finance with minimal success with regards to 
> authenticating to my financial institution: Bank of America. Has anyone else 
> managed to successfully authenticate and download financial transactions from 
> said institution? I'm using my online banking login information to 
> authenticate which works when I use a browser. Any thoughts would be much 
> appreciated.
> Regards:
> Hai
> On Jan 15, 2011, at 9:18 AM, Earle M. Harrison wrote:
>> Wow,  I think the time it took for me to locate, download, install and then 
>> download bank transactions was no more than about 10 minutes.  On first 
>> glance, this looks like a fantastic option for personal finances.  Anybody 
>> know of a Mac accessible business finance option?
>> Best,
>> Earle Harrison
>> Handy Tech North America
>> On Jan 15, 2011, at 6:20 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>>> Hi Jeff,
>>> Great!  They just came out with an update which better supports VoiceOver.  
>>> I'm going to write the developers to thank him and request that anyone 
>>> who's using or interested in this product do the same.  I just downloaded 
>>> the update and all the buttons I've encountered are now labeled.  It's 
>>> gratifying to know that our suggestions can sometimes really make a 
>>> difference.
>>> Les
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jeffrey Wheatley wrote:
 See Finance is fantastic and does everything I need.  Thanks for the tip!
 Regards, Jeff
 On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:18 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> see finance may be useful for you.On Thu, 30 Dec 2010, Jeffrey Wheatley 
> wrote:
>> Hello All.  I am transitioning much of my personal computing work to my 
>> new Mac, and am trying to find Mac replacements for my current PC 
>> applications.  I have used Quicken for years on the PC, but I do not 
>> need most of its function.  Basically, I log into a couple of banks, 
>> manually download transactions to Quicken into my couple of accounts, 
>> and then categorize my transactions into the funds or buckets of money 
>> we use for eating out, groceries and other budget areas.  I make sure I 
>> balance with the bank, and run fund balance reports.  We enter a few 
>> checks as well.  that is it.
>> I searched the archives a bit and saw a few references to Checkbook and 
>> Quicken.  I have not found a 'VO supported applications' list as yet.  I 
>> would greatly appreciate recommendations.  My apologies if I have missed 
>> this information in my searches.
>> Thanks and regards, Jeff
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2011-01-15 Thread Austin Seraphin
While wandering around the net I came across something which has me excited: 

This implementation of Ruby 1.9 accesses objective C++ objects directly, 
without using a bridge. In the tutorial it tells you how to access the Cocoa 
framework right away. I wonder if one could use this to code accessible Mac 
programs. Has anyone tried this? Also, what editor do programmers like?

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Re: xm radio

2011-01-15 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Robert,

With Pulsar, are you limited in channels that can be played?  For instance, can 
you play sports broadcasts of major league games?  On the Windows side, I 
believe you are limited in channels that can be played.  Thanks.

On Jan 15, 2011, at 9:22 AM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi Justin,
> Are you using the latest version of Pulsar? If so, when you have a station 
> playing, press the tab key once and you will be on a check box. Simply check 
> it with VO+space if you want that station to be in the favorites list.
> If you have trouble, let me know.
> Robert Carter
> On Jan 14, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Justin Ekis wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I have been trying to use pulsar for a while now, but there is one thing I 
>> can not figure out. Is there any way to add a station to my favorites with 
>> this program? Out of all those stations there are only a handful that I 
>> listen to regularly, and I don't think I'd want to try to scroll through the 
>> entire list every time I want to play a different channel. I can access the 
>> favorites view, but of course it's currently empty. The documentation 
>> describes a way to do this but I don't think it's accessible.
>> Thanks,
>> Justin.
>> On Jan 14, 2011, at 5:54 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> A company called Rogue Amoeba makes an excellent xm radio application called 
>> Pulsar. It works well with VoiceOver.
>> Robert Carter
>> On Jan 14, 2011, at 5:54 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I'm trying to log into XM on my mac, and listen online. There's a captcha 
>>> image which prevents me from doing it. Is there a way for us to listen? 
>>> What's weird is that on the PC there is a listen online now link which 
>>> doesn't appear on the mac version. What is with that I wonder?
>>> Friendly,
>>> Chris
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Re: basic financial software

2011-01-15 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Paul,

I do not believe there is an iPhone version yet.

On Jan 15, 2011, at 7:33 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Hello everyone. Does See Finance have an IPhone version that synchronizes
> with the Desk Top version? That is an essential requirement for our family.
> Does it have a companion tip calculator that posts money to See Finance? By
> the way, there's another app called ibank in the new Apple store and it has
> an IPhone version. I don't know how accessible it is. We use Pocket Money
> from Catamount software and do all of our financial work on our IPhones.
> Scott, can you pass along the link for See Finance?
> Thanks so much.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Les Kriegler
> Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 6:21 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: basic financial software
> Hi Jeff,
> Great!  They just came out with an update which better supports VoiceOver.
> I'm going to write the developers to thank him and request that anyone who's
> using or interested in this product do the same.  I just downloaded the
> update and all the buttons I've encountered are now labeled.  It's
> gratifying to know that our suggestions can sometimes really make a
> difference.
> Les
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Jeffrey Wheatley wrote:
>> See Finance is fantastic and does everything I need.  Thanks for the tip!
>> Regards, Jeff
>> On Dec 30, 2010, at 10:18 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
>>> see finance may be useful for you.On Thu, 30 Dec 2010, Jeffrey Wheatley
> wrote:
 Hello All.  I am transitioning much of my personal computing work to my
> new Mac, and am trying to find Mac replacements for my current PC
> applications.  I have used Quicken for years on the PC, but I do not need
> most of its function.  Basically, I log into a couple of banks, manually
> download transactions to Quicken into my couple of accounts, and then
> categorize my transactions into the funds or buckets of money we use for
> eating out, groceries and other budget areas.  I make sure I balance with
> the bank, and run fund balance reports.  We enter a few checks as well.
> that is it.
 I searched the archives a bit and saw a few references to Checkbook and
> Quicken.  I have not found a 'VO supported applications' list as yet.  I
> would greatly appreciate recommendations.  My apologies if I have missed
> this information in my searches.
 Thanks and regards, Jeff
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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Re: xm radio

2011-01-15 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Les,
I'm not Robert, but the answer to your question is, yes, you are limited. The 
channels you get with Pulsar are the same as you would get through your regular 
xm online subscription. Its just another, in my opinion better, way of 
accessing the xm on line subscription channels. Since the sports games, except 
Notre Dame aren't in the online package, because xm doesn't have the internet 
rights to them, you can't get them via pulsar. It'd sure be great if you could, 
because the pulsar application is cool, and it is free if you already have some 
other applications from rogue amoeba software. 

Mary Otten

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using vo j in apple mail

2011-01-15 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Hi guys.

I am helping a good friend, who has just joined this list, to set up his Mac.  
Yes, believe it or not, I am trying to help, :)

Can somebody please remind me how I set up mail so that vo j jumped me from the 
text of a message to the inbox list and vice versa?  I think this is easier and 
nicer for him than pressing enter and hearing all that goofy stuff, but I have 
forgotten what I did to accomplish this.

Thanks so much and oh BTW, my book port is fine, :)


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Re: soundcloud app

2011-01-15 Thread Ed Worrell
Hey there. I have tried the old school uploader and it always  crashes safari 
and voiceover when i get to the tags text box. I don't know why it is crashing. 
I have my wife do it with out voiceover running and it works just fine. I don't 
know what the issue is with the website, or if it's my computer... I need help 
I would like do this with out my wifes help. Thanks for any help or suggestions


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Re: using vo j in apple mail

2011-01-15 Thread Colin M
Hi there Marlaina!
Don't you just interact with the message table from there vo+j should take you 
in and out of the message!
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

On 15 Jan 2011, at 21:38, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi guys.
> I am helping a good friend, who has just joined this list, to set up his Mac. 
>  Yes, believe it or not, I am trying to help, :)
> Can somebody please remind me how I set up mail so that vo j jumped me from 
> the text of a message to the inbox list and vice versa?  I think this is 
> easier and nicer for him than pressing enter and hearing all that goofy 
> stuff, but I have forgotten what I did to accomplish this.
> Thanks so much and oh BTW, my book port is fine, :)
> Marlaina
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Re: using vo j in apple mail

2011-01-15 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi There,
I believe that the default mail settings should work to make this possible.  
They do seem to for me at any rate, and I didn't change anything I can recall.  
Just make sure you're interacting with the message table at the time you hit 
Hope this helps,
On Jan 15, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi guys.
> I am helping a good friend, who has just joined this list, to set up his Mac. 
>  Yes, believe it or not, I am trying to help, :)
> Can somebody please remind me how I set up mail so that vo j jumped me from 
> the text of a message to the inbox list and vice versa?  I think this is 
> easier and nicer for him than pressing enter and hearing all that goofy 
> stuff, but I have forgotten what I did to accomplish this.
> Thanks so much and oh BTW, my book port is fine, :)
> Marlaina
> -- 
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Re: What could make an internal hard drive suddenly decide to die?

2011-01-15 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
When ever I've scene logic board failiers on drives it's usually been
no power at all, but hey, who knows.
The reason I suggested using usb was so that we could rule out the
motherboard and so that if the os was for some very strange reason
sending ata commands to power the drive down it wouldn't be able to
since you can't do that over usb.

At any rate, storage is really cheap these days, so if you don't mind
playing with internals, you could just put a new drive in there and
see what happens. Chances are it'll be a 5400RPM drive in there atm,
so you will see a performance boost if you go up to a 7200.

On 15/01/2011, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
> Does this happen on certain macs, I haven't seen it at all with the 3 that I
> have.
> On Jan 15, 2011, at 1:51 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> its not the Hard Disk, per se'. its a driver issue where the drive
>> controller is instructed to park and shut down. the only way I have found
>> to resolve it is a full reboot by a not so friendly unplug and then power
>> on and boot. this forces the on board controller to reset back into proper
>> operation. note: a soft boot won't work as the controller state will be
>> maintained across the warm reboot.
>> -Eric
>> On Jan 15, 2011, at 10:09 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> Hi folks.
>>> I have had this problem a little while now, but i haven't done anything
>>> about it as of yet, however it makes me curious.
>>> I was listening to some good music in ITunes when all of a sudden the
>>> music died, it turned out that something had caused the internal hard
>>> drive to just die, the motor had stopped and i don't know of a way of
>>> getting it back to life again short of rebooting. What could cause the
>>> hard drive to do this? This happens when i use ITunes or µTorrent to get
>>> files. Can you strain a hard drive too much? It's not a question of
>>> energy saving either since i have the hard drives set to not shut down at
>>> all. I'm at a loss as what to do here and i don't want to take the
>>> machine to an Apple store since i don't have an AppleCare plan for it.
>>> Thanks for any help.
>>> /Krister
>>> --
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Re: using vo j in apple mail

2011-01-15 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Yup, it does that on my machine but not on Scott's.  Seems to me there is a 
need to turn preview pane on but I can't find it in apple mail.

On Jan 15, 2011, at 2:04 PM, Colin M wrote:

Hi there Marlaina!
Don't you just interact with the message table from there vo+j should take you 
in and out of the message!
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!

On 15 Jan 2011, at 21:38, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi guys.
> I am helping a good friend, who has just joined this list, to set up his Mac. 
>  Yes, believe it or not, I am trying to help, :)
> Can somebody please remind me how I set up mail so that vo j jumped me from 
> the text of a message to the inbox list and vice versa?  I think this is 
> easier and nicer for him than pressing enter and hearing all that goofy 
> stuff, but I have forgotten what I did to accomplish this.
> Thanks so much and oh BTW, my book port is fine, :)
> Marlaina
> -- 
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Re: using vo j in apple mail

2011-01-15 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Wheb I do vo j, his apple mail goes from messages to his list of mailboxes and 
back again.  There has to be a way to turn on preview pane I think, but I can't 
find it.

On Jan 15, 2011, at 2:05 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:

Hi There,
I believe that the default mail settings should work to make this possible.  
They do seem to for me at any rate, and I didn't change anything I can recall.  
Just make sure you're interacting with the message table at the time you hit 
Hope this helps,
On Jan 15, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Hi guys.
> I am helping a good friend, who has just joined this list, to set up his Mac. 
>  Yes, believe it or not, I am trying to help, :)
> Can somebody please remind me how I set up mail so that vo j jumped me from 
> the text of a message to the inbox list and vice versa?  I think this is 
> easier and nicer for him than pressing enter and hearing all that goofy 
> stuff, but I have forgotten what I did to accomplish this.
> Thanks so much and oh BTW, my book port is fine, :)
> Marlaina
> -- 
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Re: using vo j in apple mail

2011-01-15 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Marlaina and scott:
Check in mail preferences.  I believe it is there.  However, if it isn't, don't 
shoot the lousy messenter.:)

Carolyn H
On Jan 15, 2011, at 3:15 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Yup, it does that on my machine but not on Scott's.  Seems to me there is a 
> need to turn preview pane on but I can't find it in apple mail.
> On Jan 15, 2011, at 2:04 PM, Colin M wrote:
> Hi there Marlaina!
> Don't you just interact with the message table from there vo+j should take 
> you in and out of the message!
> Colin
> I'm far too bad for Heaven!
> The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
> On 15 Jan 2011, at 21:38, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Hi guys.
>> I am helping a good friend, who has just joined this list, to set up his 
>> Mac.  Yes, believe it or not, I am trying to help, :)
>> Can somebody please remind me how I set up mail so that vo j jumped me from 
>> the text of a message to the inbox list and vice versa?  I think this is 
>> easier and nicer for him than pressing enter and hearing all that goofy 
>> stuff, but I have forgotten what I did to accomplish this.
>> Thanks so much and oh BTW, my book port is fine, :)
>> Marlaina
>> -- 
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Re: using vo j in apple mail

2011-01-15 Thread Esther
Hi Marlaina,

Like Zack, I thought that the default mail setup had the Preview pane 
displayed, and would automatically jump you to the text of the message when you 
used VO-J from your selection in the table of messages in Mail's Message Viewer 
window.  However, if VO-J isn't working by default, you'll need to set the 
Preview pane to be displayed.  This is not a mail preferences setting: instead, 
you need to navigate to the "horizontal splitter" at the bottom of the messages 
table, route your mouse cursor there, and double click with a physical mouse or 
trackpad.  So if you're starting from a selected message in the table list for 
your Inbox, take the following steps:

1. Stop interacting with messages in the Messages Table (VO-Shift-Up arrow).  
(If you weren't interacting with the table, just take the next step and VO-Down 
arrow past the Messages Table to the Horizontal Splitter.)
2. VO-Down arrow (VoiceOver should say "Horizontal Splitter")
3. Route your Mouse cursor to your VoiceOver cursor (VO-Command-F5) to position 
your cursor on  the splitter.
4. Double click with your trackpad or mouse on the horizontal splitter.  (In 
Snow Leopard you must do this by clicking your trackpad or mouse keys -- in 
Leopard you could do the double click with VO-Shift-Space by holding down the 
Control, Option, and Shift keys and tapping the space bar twice.)

Now, if you VO-Up arrow and hear "Messages Table", your subsequent VO-Down 
arrow will announce "Horizontal Splitter" and then "Message Content".  This 
last area is where the text of your selected message appears -- i.e. the 
"Preview Pane" -- and wasn't present before you double clicked on the 
horizontal splitter. VO-J should now work to jump between the selected message 
in the messages table and the text of the message.

HTH. Cheers,


On Jan 15, 2011, at 12:21, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Marlaina and scott:
> Check in mail preferences.  I believe it is there.  However, if it isn't, 
> don't shoot the lousy messenter.:)
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 15, 2011, at 3:15 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Yup, it does that on my machine but not on Scott's.  Seems to me there is a 
>> need to turn preview pane on but I can't find it in apple mail.
>> On Jan 15, 2011, at 2:04 PM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi there Marlaina!
>> Don't you just interact with the message table from there vo+j should take 
>> you in and out of the message!
>> Colin
>> I'm far too bad for Heaven!
>> The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
>> On 15 Jan 2011, at 21:38, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> Hi guys.
>>> I am helping a good friend, who has just joined this list, to set up his 
>>> Mac.  Yes, believe it or not, I am trying to help, :)
>>> Can somebody please remind me how I set up mail so that vo j jumped me from 
>>> the text of a message to the inbox list and vice versa?  I think this is 
>>> easier and nicer for him than pressing enter and hearing all that goofy 
>>> stuff, but I have forgotten what I did to accomplish this.
>>> Thanks so much and oh BTW, my book port is fine, :)
>>> Marlaina

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Garageband question

2011-01-15 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello I was wondering if anyone has figured out how to use the groove timing 
feature in garageband? thanks ED

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re-soundfonts in garage band

2011-01-15 Thread baker420
hi ricardo there's hammer sound and
i forgot about that sound generator group oops

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re-one more thing about soundfonts in garage band

2011-01-15 Thread chad
Hi make sure they are sf2 format.

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Time Machine troubles

2011-01-15 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all,

I hope everyone is having a happy and healthy New Year. I have been having 
trouble with TIme Machine. I tried today to do a backup, and it keeps saying 
that there is a disc error. Ejecting and reinserting the disc seemed to fix 
that, but it's been backing up for hours and I can't find anything in the Time 
Machine preferences  that would suggest why this is going on. I have never had 
this trouble with time Machine before. It's always been fairly quick in backing 
up my Mac. I have been trying since this morning and all it keeps saying is 
backup in progress. Any suggestions?  Thank you for any assistance would be 
grately appreciated.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

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Re: Braille Display and Radio Streams

2011-01-15 Thread Ezzy Bueno

Thanks, Scott!


- Original Message -
From: Scott Howell I am sure you can get a longer cable, which may at least address 
the issue for now.  I would suggest you let Apple know by sending 
a note to and let them know the type of 
Braille display and if you can provide the firmware version, that 
would be possibly helpful.  Let them know which version of SNow 
Leopard you are using and the fact your connecting via Bluetooth.  
If you can test via USB that would be good info if you experience 
no issues as well.


On Jan 15, 2011, at 2:14 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hi Scott,

I use the BrailleNote Apex.  My USB Port is super short, which 
is why I wanted to try using it via Bluetooth.


- Original Message -
From: Scott Howell Which Braille display do you have? Have you tried connecting it 
via USB? There are some Braille displays that are having 
difficulty at this point with bluetooth connections.


On Jan 15, 2011, at 3:01 AM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I am new to using a Braille Display on my MacBook Pro.  I 
managed to set up Bluetooth, but it keeps on disconnecting.  What 
can I do to fix this problem? Also, how exactly do I navigate 
around the menus on my Mac and such when using my BrailleNote as 
the display?
I am also wondering whether any of you know of a program that is 
accessible with the Mac that allows me to record radio streams.  
What else is out there, beside Amadeus?

Thanks for all your help.

Ezzy Bueno
I sought the Lord, and he answered me.
--Ps.  34:4

Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Phone: (512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Re: Antivirus Software: Needed or not?

2011-01-15 Thread matthew Dyer

I don't use anti virius on my mac.  It is really not needed at this time.  That 
is not to say that people are using it, but it is not necessory rite now.


On Jan 15, 2011, at 12:23 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:

> I don't use one now nor do I need one now either.  When I do need one, Apple 
> will have installed it on my computer through software update. Apple will 
> also update it as necessary too.  This will all happen since Apple has a high 
> interest in keeping its own computer resources malware free as well as any 
> software it distributes and the app store too. Nobody yet in Southern 
> Maryland Mac User's group has any of these packages either for the same 
> reasons. On Sat, 15 Jan 2011, Brianna Snyder wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was just wondering exactly what the subject says. Do you need one? Do any 
>> of you use one, and if so, what do you use?
>> I don't hae any kind of antivirus software on my Mac, and was just wondering 
>> if I should install one.
>> Brianna
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Re: using vo j in apple mail

2011-01-15 Thread matthew Dyer
Hey ester,

Have a question.  I do not have any kind of mouse connected to my machine at 
the moment.  Is it still possible to togle the preview pain?  Thanks.


On Jan 15, 2011, at 5:45 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Marlaina,
> Like Zack, I thought that the default mail setup had the Preview pane 
> displayed, and would automatically jump you to the text of the message when 
> you used VO-J from your selection in the table of messages in Mail's Message 
> Viewer window.  However, if VO-J isn't working by default, you'll need to set 
> the Preview pane to be displayed.  This is not a mail preferences setting: 
> instead, you need to navigate to the "horizontal splitter" at the bottom of 
> the messages table, route your mouse cursor there, and double click with a 
> physical mouse or trackpad.  So if you're starting from a selected message in 
> the table list for your Inbox, take the following steps:
> 1. Stop interacting with messages in the Messages Table (VO-Shift-Up arrow).  
> (If you weren't interacting with the table, just take the next step and 
> VO-Down arrow past the Messages Table to the Horizontal Splitter.)
> 2. VO-Down arrow (VoiceOver should say "Horizontal Splitter")
> 3. Route your Mouse cursor to your VoiceOver cursor (VO-Command-F5) to 
> position your cursor on  the splitter.
> 4. Double click with your trackpad or mouse on the horizontal splitter.  (In 
> Snow Leopard you must do this by clicking your trackpad or mouse keys -- in 
> Leopard you could do the double click with VO-Shift-Space by holding down the 
> Control, Option, and Shift keys and tapping the space bar twice.)
> Now, if you VO-Up arrow and hear "Messages Table", your subsequent VO-Down 
> arrow will announce "Horizontal Splitter" and then "Message Content".  This 
> last area is where the text of your selected message appears -- i.e. the 
> "Preview Pane" -- and wasn't present before you double clicked on the 
> horizontal splitter. VO-J should now work to jump between the selected 
> message in the messages table and the text of the message.
> HTH. Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jan 15, 2011, at 12:21, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Marlaina and scott:
>> Check in mail preferences.  I believe it is there.  However, if it isn't, 
>> don't shoot the lousy messenter.:)
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 15, 2011, at 3:15 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> Yup, it does that on my machine but not on Scott's.  Seems to me there is a 
>>> need to turn preview pane on but I can't find it in apple mail.
>>> On Jan 15, 2011, at 2:04 PM, Colin M wrote:
>>> Hi there Marlaina!
>>> Don't you just interact with the message table from there vo+j should take 
>>> you in and out of the message!
>>> Colin
>>> I'm far too bad for Heaven!
>>> The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
>>> On 15 Jan 2011, at 21:38, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
 Hi guys.
 I am helping a good friend, who has just joined this list, to set up his 
 Mac.  Yes, believe it or not, I am trying to help, :)
 Can somebody please remind me how I set up mail so that vo j jumped me 
 from the text of a message to the inbox list and vice versa?  I think this 
 is easier and nicer for him than pressing enter and hearing all that goofy 
 stuff, but I have forgotten what I did to accomplish this.
 Thanks so much and oh BTW, my book port is fine, :)
> -- 
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Re: using vo j in apple mail

2011-01-15 Thread Esther
Hi Matthew,

I believe you have a Mac Mini?  Under Snow Leopard, I don't know whether you 
can toggle the Preview pane without a mouse to double click on the horizontal 
splitter in the Mail window.  I suspect the answer is no, unless you get 
Apple's Magic Trackpad to use in place of a mouse. Under Leopard, turning on 
Numpad commander and using the numeric keypad to perform a click had the same 
status as a "hardware click" by pressing a trackpad or physical mouse button, 
and would work even in situations where performing a "software click" with 
VO-Shift-Space would not work.  But in Leopard, I could also toggle the Preview 
pane on or off by double clicking with VO-Shift-Space.  I just checked that 
under Snow Leopard, I apparently can't use the Numpad Commander key action to 
click the mouse -- it works in situations where clicking with VO-Shift-Space 
will work, but not in the present instance where I have to click with a 
trackpad.  I went into VoiceOver Utility (VO-F8), pressed "c" to go to the 
Commanders menu, and then went to the Trackpad menu (VO-RIght arrow and 
VO-Space on "Trackpad").  I checked the box to "Enable Numpad Commander" 
(VO-Space), and then navigated (VO-Right arrow) to the table of Numpad 
Commander key assignments and interacted.  Since the "3" key was unassigned, I 
used VO-Space in the column for the command, arrowed down to "General", then 
arrowed right to the sub-menu (you can also press VO-Space to navigate to the 
sub-menu), and selected "Click Mouse" for the key assignment by pressing "c l" 
(you can also arrow down the selections).

However, when I tried to use the "3" key to double-click on the horizontal 
splitter, I heard the same clicking sound that I hear when I use VO-Shift-Space 
to double-click, but the splitter didn't drop. I should mention that I didn't 
use my USB numeric keypad for this experiment, so it's possible that if you use 
the numeric keypad on a full-size keyboard it may make a difference, but I 
doubt it.  I tried double-clicking by holding down the left arrow key and 
double-tapping the "3" key in the number row of my laptop.  (I don't know 
whether you remember this, but there was a fascinating post in the archive some 
months ago that you can get the Numpad Commander key actions by pressing one of 
the arrow keys along with the number key in the top row in lieu of pressing the 
same key on a numeric keypad if Numpad Commander is turned on in VoiceOver 
utility.)  I also tried using my iPod Touch on the same wireless network with 
Edovia's "NumPad -- Wireless Numeric Keypad" app to generate the Numpad 
commands.  (Don't laugh, this works, and is why I didn't bother to dig out my 
USB numeric keypad.)  The other numpad assigned commands worked, and the "Click 
Mouse" assignment works in other environments (where VO-Shift-Space works), but 
not for dropping the horizontal splitter.

Incidentally, I also tried interacting with the splitter and moving it down 
with VO-Down arrow, but I couldn't get it to drop down all the way this way.  
Only a double click can completely close out the message content window.

There might be some way to read the plist file for mail through a property list 
editor, and configure hidden options, or assign them through a command line 
action in Terminal, but I wouldn't know how to do this.  If you're interested 
in applying the iOS 4 type gestures of the iPhone and other such devices to 
your Mac, you could get Apple's Magic Trackpad and try using it with your Mac 
Mini.  (I assume you're using Snow Leopard, or I think you would be able to use 
VO-Shift-Space to double click on the horizontal splitter.)

Sorry not to have another solution. HTH. Cheers,


On Jan 15, 2011, at 17:28, matthew Dyer wrote:

> Hey ester,
> Have a question.  I do not have any kind of mouse connected to my machine at 
> the moment.  Is it still possible to togle the preview pain?  Thanks.
> Matthew

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