Hi Marlaina,

Like Zack, I thought that the default mail setup had the Preview pane 
displayed, and would automatically jump you to the text of the message when you 
used VO-J from your selection in the table of messages in Mail's Message Viewer 
window.  However, if VO-J isn't working by default, you'll need to set the 
Preview pane to be displayed.  This is not a mail preferences setting: instead, 
you need to navigate to the "horizontal splitter" at the bottom of the messages 
table, route your mouse cursor there, and double click with a physical mouse or 
trackpad.  So if you're starting from a selected message in the table list for 
your Inbox, take the following steps:

1. Stop interacting with messages in the Messages Table (VO-Shift-Up arrow).  
(If you weren't interacting with the table, just take the next step and VO-Down 
arrow past the Messages Table to the Horizontal Splitter.)
2. VO-Down arrow (VoiceOver should say "Horizontal Splitter")
3. Route your Mouse cursor to your VoiceOver cursor (VO-Command-F5) to position 
your cursor on  the splitter.
4. Double click with your trackpad or mouse on the horizontal splitter.  (In 
Snow Leopard you must do this by clicking your trackpad or mouse keys -- in 
Leopard you could do the double click with VO-Shift-Space by holding down the 
Control, Option, and Shift keys and tapping the space bar twice.)

Now, if you VO-Up arrow and hear "Messages Table", your subsequent VO-Down 
arrow will announce "Horizontal Splitter" and then "Message Content".  This 
last area is where the text of your selected message appears -- i.e. the 
"Preview Pane" -- and wasn't present before you double clicked on the 
horizontal splitter. VO-J should now work to jump between the selected message 
in the messages table and the text of the message.

HTH. Cheers,


On Jan 15, 2011, at 12:21, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Marlaina and scott:
> Check in mail preferences.  I believe it is there.  However, if it isn't, 
> don't shoot the lousy messenter.:)
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 15, 2011, at 3:15 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> Yup, it does that on my machine but not on Scott's.  Seems to me there is a 
>> need to turn preview pane on but I can't find it in apple mail.
>> On Jan 15, 2011, at 2:04 PM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi there Marlaina!
>> Don't you just interact with the message table from there vo+j should take 
>> you in and out of the message!
>> Colin
>> I'm far too bad for Heaven!
>> The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
>> On 15 Jan 2011, at 21:38, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> Hi guys.
>>> I am helping a good friend, who has just joined this list, to set up his 
>>> Mac.  Yes, believe it or not, I am trying to help, :)
>>> Can somebody please remind me how I set up mail so that vo j jumped me from 
>>> the text of a message to the inbox list and vice versa?  I think this is 
>>> easier and nicer for him than pressing enter and hearing all that goofy 
>>> stuff, but I have forgotten what I did to accomplish this.
>>> Thanks so much and oh BTW, my book port is fine, :)
>>> Marlaina

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