Re: problems saving using save as in text edit and pages

2010-11-29 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Marlaina,

Have you checked that Quick Nav isn't active? It can screw up all kinds of 



On 29 Nov 2010, at 04:46, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Ok, this is a weird one!  I suddenly, as of about 3 days ago, can't do 
> save-as in either Text Edit or Pages and make my work save.  In each app, I 
> do these steps and get the same results:
> press command shift s for save as
> type in the new file name (I have to do this because of a need to save 
> previous drafts)
> navigate using either vo right or tab to select the file type which is always 
> word 97
> navigate using vo right or tab to the default save button
> press vo space and vo says save button pressed
> results:  nothing; the save-as dialogue box is still open, and the file does 
> not save.  I have tried all the above and pressing enter on the default save 
> button but sill get the same result.  My husband turns vo off and mouses 
> around and it works for him just fine.  I have checked with vo f5 to see that 
> the mouse is on the save button, and it always is.
> Did my Air get ticked off at me because I took it on a great cruise, or is it 
> ticked off at me because we're back on dry land!  Seriously, I'm looking at 
> having to do a good bit of editing in the next couple of days and this is 
> making me crazy!  Any help would be really appreciated.  As far as I know, I 
> have not changed anything anywhere; this just started and at first it was 
> intermittent but now it is reliable, the dang thing don't work!  :)
> -- 
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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread Anne Robertson
Speech commands have been available on the Mac for years, long before 
VoiceOver, so I doubt they'll be improved much in the future. I've never found 
them useful.



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RE: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread M. Taylor
Thank you, donna.

Yeah!  I tried for over 4 days, about 4 months ago to get the speech to work
and it was a total bust.  

As a major Star Trek fan, I would love nothing more than to be able to talk
to my Mac.  

I'm sure, as time moves forward so will speech access.  


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: using speech commands on the Mac

Hi Mark,

the guy at the Apple store made it sound like a breeze, but so far I'm
getting nothing.  I may go back in and see if he can help me further.  In
either case, I'll keep you posted.  Seems like a really handy feature, I
could get into being Jean-Luc Picarde! lol
On Nov 28, 2010, at 8:11 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Donna.
> I tried working with the speech activation feature on my Mac but never had
that much luck with it, surprisingly.
> I hope you have better luck with it than I.
> Mark
> On Nov 28, 2010, at 5:06 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was in the Apple store this afternoon and learned that you could give
spoken commands to the Mac.  so, I've gone into system preferences and
turned it on, and I did some work trying to calbirate the microphone, but
I'm having no luck getting the spoken commands to work.  Does any one have
any pointers on how to do this successfully?  I have it set up to be
activated by spoken workd, and have left the default setting of the word
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Receiving My Own Replies To Messages Sent To Lists

2010-11-29 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Everyone,  

I'm really sleepy so I'll keep this short and simple.  

I subscribe to all my Google Lists using iMap.  

I use both Apple Mail and Outlook and I use Outlook on more than one PC.  

I have confirmed that it is only when I use my Apple Mail client that when I
reply to a thread, I do not see it in my Inbox.  

I want to be perfectly clear; when replying to threads in Outlook, I see my
replies in both my Outlook Inbox and my Apple Mail Inbox, just as I should.

So, this confirms that some setting in Apple Mail has been changed since I
upgrated to 10.6.5 that I have yet to locate. 

I realize that there is a CC Myself setting in Apple Mail but this will copy
me on every outgoing message which is unnecessary.  

So, if anyone has any idea on what setting I should adjust, I would greatly
appreciate it.  

For some reason, I greatly dislike not seeing my replies in threads for,
sometimes, I lose the flow of the conversation.  

Finally, it should be noted that because I do not have this problem in
Outlook there is nothing to adjust at the Google server level or at the
Google Group mailing list level, either.  

All suggestions welcomed.  


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Working iMovie

2010-11-29 Thread M. Taylor
Hello All,

Recently I upgraded to the new iMovie on my Mac.  

I must say that it is very nice and I find it compelling, to say the least.

I am writing to the list to ask if there is anyone who would agree to answer
some general questions about this program, off-list, via telephone?  I need
some pointers and would really appreciate help.  

Please reply off-list by sending a reply to: 

Thank you.


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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread heather kd5cbl
My thought exactly, I guess we are not quite ready for the 24th centery. 
But I don't know why we can talk to a computer over the phone for other 
tasks and the mac cant do simple voice recognition.  But I have to give 
credit, it is a heck of a lot better than most!  Heather
- Original Message - 
From: "M. Taylor" 

Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 3:22 AM
Subject: RE: using speech commands on the Mac

Thank you, donna.

Yeah!  I tried for over 4 days, about 4 months ago to get the speech to 

and it was a total bust.

As a major Star Trek fan, I would love nothing more than to be able to 

to my Mac.

I'm sure, as time moves forward so will speech access.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: using speech commands on the Mac

Hi Mark,

the guy at the Apple store made it sound like a breeze, but so far I'm
getting nothing.  I may go back in and see if he can help me further.  In
either case, I'll keep you posted.  Seems like a really handy feature, I
could get into being Jean-Luc Picarde! lol
On Nov 28, 2010, at 8:11 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

Hello Donna.

I tried working with the speech activation feature on my Mac but never 

that much luck with it, surprisingly.

I hope you have better luck with it than I.


On Nov 28, 2010, at 5:06 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

Hi all,

I was in the Apple store this afternoon and learned that you could give

spoken commands to the Mac.  so, I've gone into system preferences and
turned it on, and I did some work trying to calbirate the microphone, but
I'm having no luck getting the spoken commands to work.  Does any one have
any pointers on how to do this successfully?  I have it set up to be
activated by spoken workd, and have left the default setting of the word


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Re: no night without stars

2010-11-29 Thread Steve Griffiths
I'm finding that the descriptions I get don't match the background image 
selected. For instance, the image of the earth from space is given as "photo of 
mountains in the distance during twilight with water in the foreground". Am I 
alone in getting this?

On 27 Nov 2010, at 15:02, Cheree Heppe wrote:

> Cheree Heppe here:
> This may seem self-evident to some, but I am not a first adopter and not a 
> confident tech person.
> Before my IPad got updated to the newest OS release, the wallpaper had shown 
> a field of stars.  The new OS apparently didn't offer this choice, so, in an 
> excellent example of learned helplessness, I asked the store rep to change 
> the wallpaper for me to what would be the closest to the field of stars.  
> After all, in other mainstream applications, I couldn't make such adjustments.
> When I got home, I opened the IPad settings and found wallpaper and opened 
> it, just to see what would happen.  I was one of the most surprised and 
> delighted blind users in the universe to find that the wallpaper views were 
> described.
> I took the chance and selected the view of earth from space myself, and 
> returned to the home screen.  My sighted daughter confirmed that I had indeed 
> selected this view as my home screen wallpaper.  My daughter sounded 
> surprised and delighted that I could accomplish something she and I both had 
> previously considered the province of the fully sighted.
> Thank you, whoever you are, with Apple's structure and development teams, for 
> discernment and vision in your ideas of what blind users can or should be 
> able to do.
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> -- 
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Update to: Receiving My Own Replies To Messages Sent To Lists

2010-11-29 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,  

OK, it seems as though this bug in Apple Mail has been going on for quite a
while, now from as far back as 10.4.  

I did some searching on the net and found the following entries.  At least I
now know that I am not losing my mind.

Read on:


Vanishing sent messages in Apple Mail 4.3 
Posted: Oct 28, 2010 6:24 AM ReplyEmail  

I'm using Mac OS 10.6.4 with Apple Mail 4.3 and I've experienced a bug
recently. I noticed that some of my messages, either new ones from scratch
or replies to received messages, simply vanished. 
If the message was a reply, I can't find it back by clicking on the curly
arrow next to the name of the original message. A friend also experienced
the same problems and we unfortunately can't replicate or find a logic to
this bug. Searching doesn't do the trick, I'm using IMAP and it's also gone
on the server but people receive these messages apparently.
Technote: MailTags and Mail Act-On are installed.
Has anyone experience the same problem and manage to isolate the cause of
it? Thanks in advance for your help. 

MacBookPro   Mac OS X (10.6.4) 


Posts: 3 
Registered: Mar 14, 2008  
  Re: Vanishing sent messages in Apple Mail 4.3 
Posted: Nov 1, 2010 12:03 PMin response to: Nicolas Robel Reply

I have the EXACT same problem.
Its very frustrating. Sometimes I have to question myself whether or not I
actually sent something or not. Then the next day someone will reply and I
can restore faith in my sanity.

The only difference in my situation is that I do not use MailTags or Mail
Act-On, whatever they are. So I think you can probably rule them out. 

  Mac OS X (10.6.4) 

 David Toub 

Posts: 118 
Registered: Apr 21, 2002  
  Re: Vanishing sent messages in Apple Mail 4.3 
Posted: Nov 2, 2010 9:07 AMin response to: Munkoli Reply

Same problem in the past week for me as well. I don't use those add ons
either. This is a big problem. A copy of the sent message seems to not make
it to the Sent Items folder on the server. It doesn't happen all the time,
but also doesn't seem to have anything to do with attachments, either. 

MacBook Pro 2.5 GHz (2008)   Mac OS X (10.6.4)   3 GB RAM   


Posts: 1 
From: New Zealand
Registered: Nov 14, 2007  
  Re: Vanishing sent messages in Apple Mail 4.3 
Posted: Nov 15, 2010 5:20 PMin response to: David Toub Reply

This problem also occurs in Mail 4.4 in 10.6.5

I find that messages sent through an Exchange Server 2007 account are saved
as they should, but that messages sent from my MobileMe account do not: at
least not for the most part as the odd one does end up in the Sent box, but
most do not.

This is very inconvenient as I try to keep copies of all my incoming and
outgoing mail so as to create a paper trail so I can check where I am with
particular projects.



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of M. Taylor
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 1:36 AM
Subject: Receiving My Own Replies To Messages Sent To Lists

Hello Everyone,  

I'm really sleepy so I'll keep this short and simple.  

I subscribe to all my Google Lists using iMap.  

I use both Apple Mail and Outlook and I use Outlook on more than one PC.  

I have confirmed that it is only when I use my Apple Mail client that when I
reply to a thread, I do not see it in my Inbox.  

I want to be perfectly clear; when replying to threads in Outlook, I see my
replies in both my Outlook Inbox and my Apple Mail Inbox, just as I should.

So, this confirms that some setting in Apple Mail has been changed since I
upgrated to 10.6.5 that I have yet to locate. 

I realize that there is a CC Myself setting in Apple Mail but this will copy
me on every outgoing message which is unnecessary.  

So, if anyone has any idea on what setting I should adjust, I would greatly
appreciate it.  

For some reason, I greatly dislike not seeing my replies in threads for,
sometimes, I lose the flow of the conversation.  

Finally, it should be noted that because I do not have this problem in
Outlook there is nothing to adjust at the Google server level or at the
Google Group mailing list level, either.  

All suggestions welcomed.  


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Test Message to list, please disregard

2010-11-29 Thread M. Taylor
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test 2 please disregard

2010-11-29 Thread M. Taylor
test 2

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final list test of the morning please disregard

2010-11-29 Thread M. Taylor
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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread M. Taylor
Well said Heather.

I am replying to this, to test Apple Mail List Reply.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 1:41 AM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> My thought exactly, I guess we are not quite ready for the 24th centery. But 
> I don't know why we can talk to a computer over the phone for other tasks and 
> the mac cant do simple voice recognition.  But I have to give credit, it is a 
> heck of a lot better than most!  Heather
> - Original Message - From: "M. Taylor" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 3:22 AM
> Subject: RE: using speech commands on the Mac
>> Thank you, donna.
>> Yeah!  I tried for over 4 days, about 4 months ago to get the speech to work
>> and it was a total bust.
>> As a major Star Trek fan, I would love nothing more than to be able to talk
>> to my Mac.
>> I'm sure, as time moves forward so will speech access.
>> Mark
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2010 5:15 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: using speech commands on the Mac
>> Hi Mark,
>> the guy at the Apple store made it sound like a breeze, but so far I'm
>> getting nothing.  I may go back in and see if he can help me further.  In
>> either case, I'll keep you posted.  Seems like a really handy feature, I
>> could get into being Jean-Luc Picarde! lol
>> Donna
>> On Nov 28, 2010, at 8:11 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>>> Hello Donna.
>>> I tried working with the speech activation feature on my Mac but never had
>> that much luck with it, surprisingly.
>>> I hope you have better luck with it than I.
>>> Mark
>>> On Nov 28, 2010, at 5:06 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi all,
 I was in the Apple store this afternoon and learned that you could give
>> spoken commands to the Mac.  so, I've gone into system preferences and
>> turned it on, and I did some work trying to calbirate the microphone, but
>> I'm having no luck getting the spoken commands to work.  Does any one have
>> any pointers on how to do this successfully?  I have it set up to be
>> activated by spoken workd, and have left the default setting of the word
>> computer.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Great News! List Mailing Issue Solved!!!!!!!

2010-11-29 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Everyone,  

Thank you so much for your indulgence.  

As the subject line proudly States, I now know the setting to change in
order for one to, yet again, see her/his own either original or replies to 
Message lists when using Apple Mail as the client for a gMail account.  

The following article now appears on the Candle Shore BLOG.

Solution to Vanishing Sent Messages When Using Apple Mail As A Client With A
gMail Account

Hello Everyone,

Search the web and you will discover that many people who use Apple's Mail
program as an iMap client to a gMail account soon discover that they can not
see their own replies sent to mailing lists such as those hosted on Google
Groups.  In fact, if they try to send a message to themselves, they will not
see it in the Apple Mail Inbox.  

Maddening, to say the least  

The following steps, discovered by Yours Truly, will resolve this seemingly
inexplicable conundrum.  

On your Mac, open the Mail program.

>From the Mail Menu, select Preferences.

Select the Accounts Tab.  

If you have more than one email account setup in Apple Mail, make sure the
correct account is highlighted (selected) in the Accounts List.  

Select the Mailbox Behavior Tab.

Finally remove the Checkmark next to the "Store Sent Messages On The Server"
box.  More simply stated, uncheck the "Store Sent Messages On The Server"

Save your changes.  You can do this by simply closing the Preferences Window
and then selecting the Save button at the resulting Dialog Box prompt. 

That's all there is to it.  Now, you will once again, see any messages sent
to any mailing lists, assuming the List Moderators allow such a feature, and
you will see any test messages sent to yourself.  



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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread Kevin Shaw
Perhaps results would be different when using an external mic. Just a thought.


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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Kevin,

Just curious, why would that make a difference?
On Nov 29, 2010, at 6:29 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:

> Perhaps results would be different when using an external mic. Just a thought.
> Kevin
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Re: problems saving using save as in text edit and pages

2010-11-29 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Quick Nav is not active.  And, all this just started no more than 3 or 4 days 
ago.  It's going to create a big problem if I can't figure this out.  My Air is 
possessed, LOL!

On Nov 29, 2010, at 12:15 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

Hello Marlaina,

Have you checked that Quick Nav isn't active? It can screw up all kinds of 



On 29 Nov 2010, at 04:46, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Ok, this is a weird one!  I suddenly, as of about 3 days ago, can't do 
> save-as in either Text Edit or Pages and make my work save.  In each app, I 
> do these steps and get the same results:
> press command shift s for save as
> type in the new file name (I have to do this because of a need to save 
> previous drafts)
> navigate using either vo right or tab to select the file type which is always 
> word 97
> navigate using vo right or tab to the default save button
> press vo space and vo says save button pressed
> results:  nothing; the save-as dialogue box is still open, and the file does 
> not save.  I have tried all the above and pressing enter on the default save 
> button but sill get the same result.  My husband turns vo off and mouses 
> around and it works for him just fine.  I have checked with vo f5 to see that 
> the mouse is on the save button, and it always is.
> Did my Air get ticked off at me because I took it on a great cruise, or is it 
> ticked off at me because we're back on dry land!  Seriously, I'm looking at 
> having to do a good bit of editing in the next couple of days and this is 
> making me crazy!  Any help would be really appreciated.  As far as I know, I 
> have not changed anything anywhere; this just started and at first it was 
> intermittent but now it is reliable, the dang thing don't work!  :)
> -- 
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Re: no night without stars

2010-11-29 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:

I can't address the visuals directly, however, my teenaged daughter says it 
shows the earth from space.

Cheree Heppe

  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve Griffiths 
  Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 0:37
  Subject: Re: no night without stars

  I'm finding that the descriptions I get don't match the background image 
selected. For instance, the image of the earth from space is given as "photo of 
mountains in the distance during twilight with water in the foreground". Am I 
alone in getting this?


  On 27 Nov 2010, at 15:02, Cheree Heppe wrote:

Cheree Heppe here:

This may seem self-evident to some, but I am not a first adopter and not a 
confident tech person.

Before my IPad got updated to the newest OS release, the wallpaper had 
shown a field of stars.  The new OS apparently didn't offer this choice, so, in 
an excellent example of learned helplessness, I asked the store rep to change 
the wallpaper for me to what would be the closest to the field of stars.  After 
all, in other mainstream applications, I couldn't make such adjustments.

When I got home, I opened the IPad settings and found wallpaper and opened 
it, just to see what would happen.  I was one of the most surprised and 
delighted blind users in the universe to find that the wallpaper views were 

I took the chance and selected the view of earth from space myself, and 
returned to the home screen.  My sighted daughter confirmed that I had indeed 
selected this view as my home screen wallpaper.  My daughter sounded surprised 
and delighted that I could accomplish something she and I both had previously 
considered the province of the fully sighted.

Thank you, whoever you are, with Apple's structure and development teams, 
for discernment and vision in your ideas of what blind users can or should be 
able to do.

Cheree Heppe

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Re: YouTube videos

2010-11-29 Thread Paul Mills
my advice would be to try the html5 version of you tube

Here you can opt into the HTML5 version and should only need do this once. Hope 
this helps. In my opinion the more we can show Adobe we do not need their Flash 
the better. For some reason, Adobe doesn't seem to want to acknowledge that a 
considerable chunk of the market are visually impaired. Sorry rant over, 
nothing to see here

On 29 Nov 2010, at 02:46, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> I don't know if I do or not.  How can I tell?
> On Nov 28, 2010, at 9:40 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Do you have flash installed? It's needed for most youtube videos to work.
>> On Nov 28, 2010, at 5:56 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> I don't seem to be able to listen to YouTube videos.  Anybody have any 
>>> ideas why and instructions how to fix this?  Thanks in advance!  :)
>>> -- 
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conecting to facebook with jabber in adium??

2010-11-29 Thread trahern culver
hey all heres my problem in adium i have tride to set up a jabber
account to conect to facebook with my user name as the password i enterd  is my facebook
password and i set the connection surver to but
every adium trise to conect the account it just promps me for the
password repeatidly does any boddy know what the problem is???

your help with this problem would be most welcom!!!

kind regards trahern.

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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread Colin M
Hi Donna!
I think if you have access to a headset with mic [ and I'm only guessing] 
you'll be able to here vo responses to your voice commands and the Mac will not 
so no con flicked!
So the Mac will not here you and vo at the same time, it might make speech work 
better! :]
On 29 Nov 2010, at 11:31, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> Just curious, why would that make a difference?
> Best,
> Donna
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 6:29 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
>> Perhaps results would be different when using an external mic. Just a 
>> thought.
>> Kevin
>> -- 
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Re: conecting to facebook with jabber in adium??

2010-11-29 Thread Chris Moore
Have you actually got a username set up on Facebook?
On 29 Nov 2010, at 12:07, trahern culver wrote:

> hey all heres my problem in adium i have tride to set up a jabber
> account to conect to facebook with my user name as
> the password i enterd  is my facebook
> password and i set the connection surver to but
> every adium trise to conect the account it just promps me for the
> password repeatidly does any boddy know what the problem is???
> your help with this problem would be most welcom!!!
> kind regards trahern.
> -- 
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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread Chris Moore
The microphone built into the Mac pics up a lot of background room noise and 
can be a a bit echoey, you should see vast improvements if you use a external 

THe built in mic also pics up the internal fan and the sound of the hard drive 

On 29 Nov 2010, at 11:31, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> Just curious, why would that make a difference?
> Best,
> Donna
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 6:29 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
>> Perhaps results would be different when using an external mic. Just a 
>> thought.
>> Kevin
>> -- 
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Re: no night without stars

2010-11-29 Thread Colin M
Hi Steve!
Are you sure you have not picked the wrong picture!
Before the Earth there is earth horizon!
I picked Snow leopard prowl for mine!
On 29 Nov 2010, at 11:49, Cheree Heppe wrote:

> Cheree Heppe here:
> I can't address the visuals directly, however, my teenaged daughter says it 
> shows the earth from space.
> Regards,
> Cheree Heppe
> - Original Message -
> From: Steve Griffiths
> To:
> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 0:37
> Subject: Re: no night without stars
> I'm finding that the descriptions I get don't match the background image 
> selected. For instance, the image of the earth from space is given as "photo 
> of mountains in the distance during twilight with water in the foreground". 
> Am I alone in getting this?
> Steve
> On 27 Nov 2010, at 15:02, Cheree Heppe wrote:
>> Cheree Heppe here:
>> This may seem self-evident to some, but I am not a first adopter and not a 
>> confident tech person.
>> Before my IPad got updated to the newest OS release, the wallpaper had shown 
>> a field of stars.  The new OS apparently didn't offer this choice, so, in an 
>> excellent example of learned helplessness, I asked the store rep to change 
>> the wallpaper for me to what would be the closest to the field of stars.  
>> After all, in other mainstream applications, I couldn't make such 
>> adjustments.
>> When I got home, I opened the IPad settings and found wallpaper and opened 
>> it, just to see what would happen.  I was one of the most surprised and 
>> delighted blind users in the universe to find that the wallpaper views were 
>> described.
>> I took the chance and selected the view of earth from space myself, and 
>> returned to the home screen.  My sighted daughter confirmed that I had 
>> indeed selected this view as my home screen wallpaper.  My daughter sounded 
>> surprised and delighted that I could accomplish something she and I both had 
>> previously considered the province of the fully sighted.
>> Thank you, whoever you are, with Apple's structure and development teams, 
>> for discernment and vision in your ideas of what blind users can or should 
>> be able to do.
>> Regards,
>> Cheree Heppe
>> -- 
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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread Ricardo Walker

wouldn't just using any old pair of headphones a long with the internal mic 
spawn the same results a headset with microphone combo would?

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 29, 2010, at 7:10 AM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Donna!
> I think if you have access to a headset with mic [ and I'm only guessing] 
> you'll be able to here vo responses to your voice commands and the Mac will 
> not so no con flicked!
> So the Mac will not here you and vo at the same time, it might make speech 
> work better! :]
> Colin
> On 29 Nov 2010, at 11:31, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> Just curious, why would that make a difference?
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 6:29 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
>>> Perhaps results would be different when using an external mic. Just a 
>>> thought.
>>> Kevin
>>> -- 
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Re: Skype and Adium Questions

2010-11-29 Thread John D. Lipsey
Adium and facebook are currently broken.  Unless you set up your facebook 
account under jabber rather than facebook, and use as the 
server.  I posted an article from adium about this to the list a couple of 
times.  I'll see if I can dig up the link again, if you want it.

On Nov 28, 2010, at 10:49 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I have a couple of questions about using Skype:
> 1) How can I navigate from window to window?
> 2) How can I check my voicemails?
> Regarding Adium, how can I view my Facebook contacts that are online? I 
> connected both FB and AIM and can see my AIM contacts.  Where are the 
> Facebook ones?
> Thanks for any help that you can offer!
> Sincerely,
> Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
> (512) 553-8553
> Skype: SillyEz
> Facebook:
> -- 
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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Colin,

Maybe I'll give that a try, though I'm not sure VO is the problem.  I've tried 
several times to get the Mac to recognize a command when VO wasn't speaking, 
and the results did not improve.  thanks for the suggestion, though.
On Nov 29, 2010, at 7:10 AM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Donna!
> I think if you have access to a headset with mic [ and I'm only guessing] 
> you'll be able to here vo responses to your voice commands and the Mac will 
> not so no con flicked!
> So the Mac will not here you and vo at the same time, it might make speech 
> work better! :]
> Colin
> On 29 Nov 2010, at 11:31, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> Just curious, why would that make a difference?
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 6:29 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
>>> Perhaps results would be different when using an external mic. Just a 
>>> thought.
>>> Kevin
>>> -- 
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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread Donna Goodin
Ah, makes sense.  thanks.
On Nov 29, 2010, at 7:15 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> The microphone built into the Mac pics up a lot of background room noise and 
> can be a a bit echoey, you should see vast improvements if you use a external 
> microphone.
> THe built in mic also pics up the internal fan and the sound of the hard 
> drive spinning.
> Chris 
> On 29 Nov 2010, at 11:31, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> Just curious, why would that make a difference?
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 6:29 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
>>> Perhaps results would be different when using an external mic. Just a 
>>> thought.
>>> Kevin
>>> -- 
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Re: problems saving using save as in text edit and pages

2010-11-29 Thread Dan Eickmeier
H, interesting.  Can't say I've experienced this in either app.  Maybe try 
a permissions repair?  Don't know for sure , but maybe something  is screwed up 
with permissions somehow?  To do this do the following:
1.  Go to the finder,
2.  HIt command-shift-U to go to your utilities folder, which is a sub-folder 
of your applications folder
3.  Find disc utility, and VO space on that, or command-O, either will open it
4.  ONce in disc utility,  one of the first things  you'll come across is  a  
table where you can select the drive you want.  IN that table, select macintosh 
HD by interacting with VO-shift-down arrow, and VO up or down arrow, until you 
hear Macintosh Hd.  5.  ONce you've selected MAcintosh HD, stop interacting 
with that table with VO-shift-up arrow.  6.  VO-right arrow over to the first 
aid tab, and select it with VO-space.   7.  On that tab, you'll find a repair 
permissions button, click that with  VO-space.  If you go further to the right, 
you'll then see progress as to how the permissions repair is coming  along.  
When it is done, try saving a file in either text edit or pages again.  Even 
thoughyou  probably  already know about interacting and stopping 
interacting in tables Marlaina, I'm posting these detailed steps , as it seems 
we're getting people new to the mac, or who are thinking  about getting a mac,  
on this list all the time.  
On Nov 28, 2010, at 10:46 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Ok, this is a weird one!  I suddenly, as of about 3 days ago, can't do 
> save-as in either Text Edit or Pages and make my work save.  In each app, I 
> do these steps and get the same results:
> press command shift s for save as
> type in the new file name (I have to do this because of a need to save 
> previous drafts)
> navigate using either vo right or tab to select the file type which is always 
> word 97
> navigate using vo right or tab to the default save button
> press vo space and vo says save button pressed
> results:  nothing; the save-as dialogue box is still open, and the file does 
> not save.  I have tried all the above and pressing enter on the default save 
> button but sill get the same result.  My husband turns vo off and mouses 
> around and it works for him just fine.  I have checked with vo f5 to see that 
> the mouse is on the save button, and it always is.
> Did my Air get ticked off at me because I took it on a great cruise, or is it 
> ticked off at me because we're back on dry land!  Seriously, I'm looking at 
> having to do a good bit of editing in the next couple of days and this is 
> making me crazy!  Any help would be really appreciated.  As far as I know, I 
> have not changed anything anywhere; this just started and at first it was 
> intermittent but now it is reliable, the dang thing don't work!  :)
> -- 
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Re: problems saving using save as in text edit and pages

2010-11-29 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Dan, I am going to try this right now and my gosh, never apologize for too much 
info; I am not a veteran user, but do know about interacting with tables.  
However, not so long ago, I did not know and so I totally believe in detailed 
info.  I will try this as I sit here in Fort Lauderdale Airport, and let you 
know what happens!

On Nov 29, 2010, at 5:17 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

H, interesting.  Can't say I've experienced this in either app.  Maybe try 
a permissions repair?  Don't know for sure , but maybe something  is screwed up 
with permissions somehow?  To do this do the following:
1.  Go to the finder,
2.  HIt command-shift-U to go to your utilities folder, which is a sub-folder 
of your applications folder
3.  Find disc utility, and VO space on that, or command-O, either will open it
4.  ONce in disc utility,  one of the first things  you'll come across is  a  
table where you can select the drive you want.  IN that table, select macintosh 
HD by interacting with VO-shift-down arrow, and VO up or down arrow, until you 
hear Macintosh Hd.  5.  ONce you've selected MAcintosh HD, stop interacting 
with that table with VO-shift-up arrow.  6.  VO-right arrow over to the first 
aid tab, and select it with VO-space.   7.  On that tab, you'll find a repair 
permissions button, click that with  VO-space.  If you go further to the right, 
you'll then see progress as to how the permissions repair is coming  along.  
When it is done, try saving a file in either text edit or pages again.  Even 
thoughyou  probably  already know about interacting and stopping 
interacting in tables Marlaina, I'm posting these detailed steps , as it seems 
we're getting people new to the mac, or who are thinking  about getting a mac,  
on this list all the time.  
On Nov 28, 2010, at 10:46 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Ok, this is a weird one!  I suddenly, as of about 3 days ago, can't do 
> save-as in either Text Edit or Pages and make my work save.  In each app, I 
> do these steps and get the same results:
> press command shift s for save as
> type in the new file name (I have to do this because of a need to save 
> previous drafts)
> navigate using either vo right or tab to select the file type which is always 
> word 97
> navigate using vo right or tab to the default save button
> press vo space and vo says save button pressed
> results:  nothing; the save-as dialogue box is still open, and the file does 
> not save.  I have tried all the above and pressing enter on the default save 
> button but sill get the same result.  My husband turns vo off and mouses 
> around and it works for him just fine.  I have checked with vo f5 to see that 
> the mouse is on the save button, and it always is.
> Did my Air get ticked off at me because I took it on a great cruise, or is it 
> ticked off at me because we're back on dry land!  Seriously, I'm looking at 
> having to do a good bit of editing in the next couple of days and this is 
> making me crazy!  Any help would be really appreciated.  As far as I know, I 
> have not changed anything anywhere; this just started and at first it was 
> intermittent but now it is reliable, the dang thing don't work!  :)
> -- 
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Re: problems saving using save as in text edit and pages

2010-11-29 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Wow, this is getting more and more weird!

So I repaired permissions per Dan's wonderful instructions.  I then opened a 
file in text edit called shopping list.doc.  I added a line to the file and did 
command shift s and did all the steps I previously outlined, and still all I 
heard was save as default button pressed.

So, I then did a command w to close the window; I got the message asking me if 
I wanted to save the file or my changes would be lost.  I said save.

I then got a dialogue box asking me if I wanted to save the file with a new 
name, and I selected that option.  I then typed in the new name, tabbed to the 
save button and pressed vo space and it saved.  This is really crazy!  And, 
what a pain!  I'd really like to fix this.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 5:17 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

H, interesting.  Can't say I've experienced this in either app.  Maybe try 
a permissions repair?  Don't know for sure , but maybe something  is screwed up 
with permissions somehow?  To do this do the following:
1.  Go to the finder,
2.  HIt command-shift-U to go to your utilities folder, which is a sub-folder 
of your applications folder
3.  Find disc utility, and VO space on that, or command-O, either will open it
4.  ONce in disc utility,  one of the first things  you'll come across is  a  
table where you can select the drive you want.  IN that table, select macintosh 
HD by interacting with VO-shift-down arrow, and VO up or down arrow, until you 
hear Macintosh Hd.  5.  ONce you've selected MAcintosh HD, stop interacting 
with that table with VO-shift-up arrow.  6.  VO-right arrow over to the first 
aid tab, and select it with VO-space.   7.  On that tab, you'll find a repair 
permissions button, click that with  VO-space.  If you go further to the right, 
you'll then see progress as to how the permissions repair is coming  along.  
When it is done, try saving a file in either text edit or pages again.  Even 
thoughyou  probably  already know about interacting and stopping 
interacting in tables Marlaina, I'm posting these detailed steps , as it seems 
we're getting people new to the mac, or who are thinking  about getting a mac,  
on this list all the time.  
On Nov 28, 2010, at 10:46 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Ok, this is a weird one!  I suddenly, as of about 3 days ago, can't do 
> save-as in either Text Edit or Pages and make my work save.  In each app, I 
> do these steps and get the same results:
> press command shift s for save as
> type in the new file name (I have to do this because of a need to save 
> previous drafts)
> navigate using either vo right or tab to select the file type which is always 
> word 97
> navigate using vo right or tab to the default save button
> press vo space and vo says save button pressed
> results:  nothing; the save-as dialogue box is still open, and the file does 
> not save.  I have tried all the above and pressing enter on the default save 
> button but sill get the same result.  My husband turns vo off and mouses 
> around and it works for him just fine.  I have checked with vo f5 to see that 
> the mouse is on the save button, and it always is.
> Did my Air get ticked off at me because I took it on a great cruise, or is it 
> ticked off at me because we're back on dry land!  Seriously, I'm looking at 
> having to do a good bit of editing in the next couple of days and this is 
> making me crazy!  Any help would be really appreciated.  As far as I know, I 
> have not changed anything anywhere; this just started and at first it was 
> intermittent but now it is reliable, the dang thing don't work!  :)
> -- 
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Re: torrent files on the Mac.

2010-11-29 Thread Chris Snyder
I use UTorrent.
It is fully accessible, allows total control of the torrent process, and 
doesn't require a lot of system resources to run.


On Nov 28, 2010, at 4:34 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Hi.
> Just wishing to know if you can download Torrent files on the Mac as you can 
> do in Windows and play them?
> Kawal.
> Kawal Gucukoglu
> (E-mail/MSN):
> (Skype ID):
> kawalgucukoglu
> (Mobile/text):
> +447905618396
> +447576240421
> -- 
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Re: conecting to facebook with jabber in adium??

2010-11-29 Thread trahern culver
i think so criss but just incase i don't how would i go about setting
one up?

trahern culver wrote:
> hey all heres my problem in adium i have tride to set up a jabber
> account to conect to facebook with my user name as
> the password i enterd  is my facebook
> password and i set the connection surver to but
> every adium trise to conect the account it just promps me for the
> password repeatidly does any boddy know what the problem is???
> your help with this problem would be most welcom!!!
> kind regards trahern.

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Re: conecting to facebook with jabber in adium??

2010-11-29 Thread Chris Moore
If you go to settings and account settings in facebook, from there you are 
given the opportunity to create a user name.

On 29 Nov 2010, at 15:41, trahern culver wrote:

> i think so criss but just incase i don't how would i go about setting
> one up?
> trahern culver wrote:
>> hey all heres my problem in adium i have tride to set up a jabber
>> account to conect to facebook with my user name as
>> the password i enterd  is my facebook
>> password and i set the connection surver to but
>> every adium trise to conect the account it just promps me for the
>> password repeatidly does any boddy know what the problem is???
>> your help with this problem would be most welcom!!!
>> kind regards trahern.
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2010-11-29 Thread Mary Otten
Macupdate promo for today has a bundle of 5 apps, most of which didn't interest 
me. But there is one called musicality that is a desktop client for  pandora 
and services. Has anybody tried this app with vo on their Mac?

Mary Otten

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Problems with VoiceOver and Bluetooth Jabra Halo

2010-11-29 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

In 10.6.4 I was using my Halo on occasion to work with VoiceOver, and found 
that it worked better than in earlier versions.  Last, week, I upgraded to 
10.6.5, and had the first need to work with headphones this weekend.  I had 
significant problems:

1. VoiceOver / Alex started stuttering, and turning on/off the Bluetooth 
connection every phrase. Then when I shutdown the bluetooth audio I discovered 
several functions of the keyboard had stopped working.  Is anybody using 
bluetooth regularly for their audio output with 10.6.5? If so, did you need to 
adjust any non-standard parameters to make it work?

I am planning on getting somebody with sight to look over the system profiler 
while I try using the headset again, but before getting my family grumpy at 
me,I wanted to illicit any ideas from this list.



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Using Leap, the Finder replacement

2010-11-29 Thread Frank Ventura
Hi all, does anyone have any experience with Leap which is an
alternative file tagging and search engine. I can open the program and
navigate through the folder tree view but I can't figure out how to get
a list of files in a folder and how to select one. If anyone has any
insight on this program I would be most appreciative.

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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread Esther

Hi Donna and Others,

Speech commands on the Mac work.  The issue is that all the newer  
Intel Macbooks have been built to optimize smaller size and weight,  
reduced power consumption, etc.  The result is that trying the speech  
commands without using a microphone and headset, and attempting to  
rely on the built-in microphone, is not going to work very well, as  
Colin mentioned.  How often have you tried to record anything, or  
conduct a Skype session without a microphone on your present computer?  
"Speakable items" works pretty well on my 12" G4 PowerBook -- my first  
Mac, which dates from when I joined the Macvisionaries list, and which  
I can still use.  It's noticeable that even on this, the smallest of  
the PowerBook laptop line, the speakers and sound quality are better  
than on my MacBook, and the internal mic performance is much better.  
(When I was first trying to learn about recording apps, I could just  
try out voice recording -- with no separate mic.)

If you want to get a feeling for how speech commands on the Mac work,  
I'll point you to a couple of discussion threads from the old  
discussion list at the Mail Archive.  In contrast to the responses on  
this thread, where the focus has been on how spoken commands are not  
recognized, the posted replies include statements like "Ask it to tell  
you a joke", or discuss using "Speakable Items" to command moves in  
the chess game program.

• Tim Kilburn's post on getting the system to speak date and time on  
• Tim's post about where to find the list of speakable items scripts  
(read down this thread with Control-N in Safari to the later posts,  
which include David's comment about using speech commands to read the  
next page of a document in Preview, etc.)

There are some other threads about using this option to play chess.   
Note that the dates for these posts are around January 2006.  And  
you're all spared the computer's bad "Knock, Knock" jokes, but for  
those of you who are curious about what this is like, here's the one I  
just heard from my PowerBook using "Speakable Items":

E: Tell me a joke
Mac: Knock, knock
E: Who's there?
Mac: Thistle
E: Thistle who?
Mac: Thistle be my last "Knock, knock" joke.

HTH.  Cheers,


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Re: Ipod Nano sixth generation

2010-11-29 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
That should be impossible.  By default iPods will pull all the data from 
exactly one computer.  There is a way to customize this, but I don't recommend 
this.  There is a way to move iTunes material over your network using "Home 
sharing" and that might be your best alternative.


On Nov 21, 2010, at 8:43 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> Oh, okay, I just need to beable to do both until my pc dies or I kill it 
> which ever comes first!  Heather 
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Re: watching TV on my Mac preferably live

2010-11-29 Thread Colin M
Hi Jeff!
The way I understand it, is that sat uses a different signal to cable!
And as such Elga sell a sat version of eye tv there is a list of a few Elga eye 
tv products in the Apple store!
hth Colin
On 28 Nov 2010, at 21:27, Jeff Berwick wrote:

> I would think the answer would be yes to both.  You connect your outside 
> connection to the EyeTV with a coax cable.  I think satellite and cable both 
> use the same.
> Jeff
> On 2010-11-28, at 11:58 AM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a satellite dish, but can you use it with that? If not, can I use it 
>> with the non-cable channels?
>> Courtney
>> On Nov 28, 2010, at 9:13 AM, Jeff Berwick wrote:
>>> You can use EyeTV.  It is pretty accessible.  It connects to your Mac 
>>> through USB and then into your cable.
>>> Jeff
>>> On 2010-11-27, at 9:12 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
 Is there a way to watch TV on my Mac, preferably live TV? If so, how can 
 this be done?
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Accessible 3rd party firewalls for the mac

2010-11-29 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hello list.
I'm wondering if anyone knows of an accessible 3rd party firewall for the mac. 
I've tried little snitch but it isn't at all accessible.
For those that may be wondering why I don't like the built in mac firewall, it 
is because the built in firewall doesn't block outbound connections as well as 
the incoming connections.
Thanks for any help.
Matthew Campbell

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Selling an ipod touch

2010-11-29 Thread brandt
Hi there folks,

What do I do to get rid of all the stuff on an iPod touch third gen for selling 
the device?

If possible I want the device to have to be reregistered whith the next plugin 
to a PC/MAC.

If anyone can hellp with this, I'd be greatful.


Brandt Steenkamp

MSN/Windows live:

Google talk:


Skype: brandt.steenkamp007

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Re: Accessible 3rd party firewalls for the mac

2010-11-29 Thread Eric Oyen
you could try wateroof. I don't know how accessible that is, but it generates 
some nice firewall scripts that the mac system preferences can't even get close 
to touching.


On Nov 29, 2010, at 11:27 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hello list.
> I'm wondering if anyone knows of an accessible 3rd party firewall for the 
> mac. I've tried little snitch but it isn't at all accessible.
> For those that may be wondering why I don't like the built in mac firewall, 
> it is because the built in firewall doesn't block outbound connections as 
> well as the incoming connections.
> Thanks for any help.
> Matthew Campbell
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Re: Accessible 3rd party firewalls for the mac

2010-11-29 Thread Scott Granados
Get a hardware firewall.  You'll be better off and the value of securing the 
box by local software is questionable.  Limit access with a good router / 
firewall combo and you'll be better off.


On Nov 29, 2010, at 10:27 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hello list.
> I'm wondering if anyone knows of an accessible 3rd party firewall for the 
> mac. I've tried little snitch but it isn't at all accessible.
> For those that may be wondering why I don't like the built in mac firewall, 
> it is because the built in firewall doesn't block outbound connections as 
> well as the incoming connections.
> Thanks for any help.
> Matthew Campbell
> -- 
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Re: Problems with VoiceOver and Bluetooth Jabra Halo

2010-11-29 Thread Esther

Hi Jon,

I'm not using Bluetooth on my Mac, but a quick Google search showed  
that people are reporting issues with Bluetooth after the 10.6.5  
update.  This is ironic, since one of the features of the update was  
supposed to be improved Bluetooth stability and connectivity for  
Braille devices.  You might want to check through the Apple Discussion  
forums for solutions.  I read one thread titled "Bluetooth disabling  
after 10.6.5 upgrade" where a couple of users were finally able to get  
things working after completely powering down their iMacs, unplugging  
the power cords, pressing the on/off button (I assume this was to  
discharge the capacitor), and leaving everything off for half an hour  
before restarting.  I'm not sure how those instructions would  
translate for other Mac devices.  They unsuccessfully first tried  
repairing permissions, zapping the PRAM, re-downloading the combo  
update, and booting up from the DVD, among other things. that did not  
work for them.  Although, the one time I had to apply a fix to a  
relative's MacBook USB port problem by resetting the PRAM, the  
AppleCare tech (on the phone), told me to unplug and turn everything  
off, then remove the battery and hold down the on/off button for at  
least 12 seconds before putting back the battery.  In case this helps  
you I'll paste in the details on resetting the PRAM:

1. Power down the computer and remove the battery from the MacBook.  
(On my model you need to get a thick coin, like a U.S. nickel, to  
insert in the slot of the lock for the battery, and give it a quarter  
turn clockwise to rotate it into the unlock position so the side of  
the battery near the lock will pop up, and so that the battery can be  
2. With the battery removed, hold down the power button for at least  
12 seconds.
3. Replace the battery.  (On my model, you insert the side near the  
left edge of the laptop so that it engages, and then swing the other  
end so that it slots into the lock position.  Then you use the coin to  
turn the slotted lock a quarter turn counter-clockwise to lock again.)
4. Hold down the Command, Option, P, and R keys while you power on  
your laptop.  I press down the Command, Option, and R keys with my  
left hand (little finger on the Option key, ring finger on the Command  
key, and either middle or index finger on the R key).  I press the  
thumb of my right hand on the P key and push  down on the power button  
with the middle finger of my right hand.
5. You need to keep the Command, Option, P, and R keys pressed for at  
least 3 start-up chimes before releasing them in order to reset the  
6. Log in as usual and check your USB port connections. (In your case,  
try checking the Bluetooth performance.)

HTH.  Try Googling about this and maybe you'll find more information  
about a solution.



On Nov 29, 2010, at 06:32, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:


In 10.6.4 I was using my Halo on occasion to work with VoiceOver,  
and found that it worked better than in earlier versions.  Last,  
week, I upgraded to 10.6.5, and had the first need to work with  
headphones this weekend.  I had significant problems:

1. VoiceOver / Alex started stuttering, and turning on/off the  
Bluetooth connection every phrase. Then when I shutdown the  
bluetooth audio I discovered several functions of the keyboard had  
stopped working.  Is anybody using bluetooth regularly for their  
audio output with 10.6.5? If so, did you need to adjust any non- 
standard parameters to make it work?

I am planning on getting somebody with sight to look over the system  
profiler while I try using the headset again, but before getting my  
family grumpy at me,I wanted to illicit any ideas from this list.



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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks, Esther.  You've given me motivation to try and play with this a bit 
more.  I'm surprised by the situation with the internal mike, I use it on skype 
all the time without difficulty.

thanks for letting us know this works, and the links to the archive.  this'll 
give me something to entertain myself for quite a while. :)
On Nov 29, 2010, at 12:02 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Donna and Others,
> Speech commands on the Mac work.  The issue is that all the newer Intel 
> Macbooks have been built to optimize smaller size and weight, reduced power 
> consumption, etc.  The result is that trying the speech commands without 
> using a microphone and headset, and attempting to rely on the built-in 
> microphone, is not going to work very well, as Colin mentioned.  How often 
> have you tried to record anything, or conduct a Skype session without a 
> microphone on your present computer? "Speakable items" works pretty well on 
> my 12" G4 PowerBook -- my first Mac, which dates from when I joined the 
> Macvisionaries list, and which I can still use.  It's noticeable that even on 
> this, the smallest of the PowerBook laptop line, the speakers and sound 
> quality are better than on my MacBook, and the internal mic performance is 
> much better. (When I was first trying to learn about recording apps, I could 
> just try out voice recording -- with no separate mic.)
> If you want to get a feeling for how speech commands on the Mac work, I'll 
> point you to a couple of discussion threads from the old discussion list at 
> the Mail Archive.  In contrast to the responses on this thread, where the 
> focus has been on how spoken commands are not recognized, the posted replies 
> include statements like "Ask it to tell you a joke", or discuss using 
> "Speakable Items" to command moves in the chess game program.
> • Tim Kilburn's post on getting the system to speak date and time on query
> • Tim's post about where to find the list of speakable items scripts (read 
> down this thread with Control-N in Safari to the later posts, which include 
> David's comment about using speech commands to read the next page of a 
> document in Preview, etc.)
> There are some other threads about using this option to play chess.  Note 
> that the dates for these posts are around January 2006.  And you're all 
> spared the computer's bad "Knock, Knock" jokes, but for those of you who are 
> curious about what this is like, here's the one I just heard from my 
> PowerBook using "Speakable Items":
> E: Tell me a joke
> Mac: Knock, knock
> E: Who's there?
> Mac: Thistle
> E: Thistle who?
> Mac: Thistle be my last "Knock, knock" joke.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread Esther

Hi Donna,

Well, I can use "Speakable Items" on my MacBook, but it doesn't work  
as well as it does on my PowerBook, where my statements are just  
recognized when I speak.  I have to repeat some phrases multiple times  
for them to register.  This would make it quite painful to play a  
chess game, for example, where after the first move command I had to  
repeat the next one three times.  It helps to go through a calibration  
sequence under the Settings tab for System Preferences > Speech.   
There's a "Calibrate" button, and you read out test commands.  But my  
MacBook still isn't as responsive as my PowerBook.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Nov 29, 2010, at 09:27, Donna Goodin wrote:

Thanks, Esther.  You've given me motivation to try and play with  
this a bit more.  I'm surprised by the situation with the internal  
mike, I use it on skype all the time without difficulty.

thanks for letting us know this works, and the links to the  
archive.  this'll give me something to entertain myself for quite a  
while. :)


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Re: safari not always alerting when page is loaded

2010-11-29 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Are you noticing this on items like "more"  buttons?  Often times new
web sites will do partial updates of sites, and I believe that these
do not get the refresh sound like a full reload of a site would.


On 28/11/2010, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Carolyn,
> My husband had a lot of problems with Safari after the update. He repaired
> permissions but that didn't fix things so he did Verify Disk and an error
> was found. He then did a Repair Disk using the Disk Utility from the Snow
> Leopard installation disk. This fixed his problems.
> So, if Verify Disk shows an error, shut down your computer, then insert the
> installation disk and hold down the letter C as you press the Power button.
> Keep the C key held down until you hear the install disk getting busy.
> When the language chooser window comes up, click continue and on the next
> screen you'll find the Menu bar. Go along to Utilities and down to Disk
> Utility. After that, it's just like using Disk Utility from the Utilities
> folder.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 28 Nov 2010, at 19:12, Carolyn wrote:
>> Hi Chris:
>> To me, since the update Safari's been kind of a mess.  It doesn't indicate
>> when it's loaded, gets stuck on links a lot, and often requires restarting
>> of voiceover to get it moving.  I emailed accessibility ad apple and asked
>> them to make note to see if others have the sam or similar observations.
>> I'd encourage you to drop them a quick note on what you're experiencing.
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Re: Skype and Adium Questions

2010-11-29 Thread Ezzy Bueno

If you could dig up the link, that would be great! Thanks!

- Original Message -
From: "John D.  Lipsey" Adium and facebook are currently broken.  Unless you set up your 
facebook account under jabber rather than facebook, and use as the server.  I posted an article from adium 
about this to the list a couple of times.  I'll see if I can dig 
up the link again, if you want it.

On Nov 28, 2010, at 10:49 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

Hi Folks,
I have a couple of questions about using Skype:

1) How can I navigate from window to window?
2) How can I check my voicemails?

Regarding Adium, how can I view my Facebook contacts that are 
online? I connected both FB and AIM and can see my AIM contacts.  
Where are the Facebook ones?

Thanks for any help that you can offer!

Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
(512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz

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Re: Skype and Adium Questions

2010-11-29 Thread Colin M
Hi Ezzy!
heres that link!


On 29 Nov 2010, at 19:57, Ezzy Bueno wrote:

> If you could dig up the link, that would be great! Thanks!
> - Original Message -
> From: "John D.  Lipsey"  To:
> Date sent: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 06:12:18 -0700
> Subject: Re: Skype and Adium Questions
> Adium and facebook are currently broken.  Unless you set up your facebook 
> account under jabber rather than facebook, and use as the 
> server.  I posted an article from adium about this to the list a couple of 
> times.  I'll see if I can dig up the link again, if you want it.
> On Nov 28, 2010, at 10:49 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I have a couple of questions about using Skype:
> 1) How can I navigate from window to window?
> 2) How can I check my voicemails?
> Regarding Adium, how can I view my Facebook contacts that are online? I 
> connected both FB and AIM and can see my AIM contacts.  Where are the 
> Facebook ones?
> Thanks for any help that you can offer!
> Sincerely,
> Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
> (512) 553-8553
> Skype: SillyEz
> Facebook:
> --
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where is the built-in mike on the MBP?

2010-11-29 Thread Donna Goodin
Anyone know the answer to this?  I'm assuming it's at the top, near the screen, 
but I can't tell by touch.

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Re: no night without stars

2010-11-29 Thread Steve Griffiths
No, I can see the pictures and which one is selected, and VoiceOver is reading 
the wrong description. The first image is the one of water droplets on a grey 
background and is given as "photo of a calm lake with mountains in the distance 
and shooting stars in the sky".  That's a good description of the second image, 
which is described as "photo of a desert oasis in the distance". The third 
image is the one of earth from space, which is also given a description that 
matches the second image - "photo of mountains in the distance during twilight 
with water in the foreground".

Odd, especially as no-one else seems to be getting this!


On 29 Nov 2010, at 12:23, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Steve!
> Are you sure you have not picked the wrong picture!
> Before the Earth there is earth horizon!
> I picked Snow leopard prowl for mine!
> Colin
> On 29 Nov 2010, at 11:49, Cheree Heppe wrote:
>> Cheree Heppe here:
>> I can't address the visuals directly, however, my teenaged daughter says it 
>> shows the earth from space.
>> Regards,
>> Cheree Heppe
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Steve Griffiths
>> To:
>> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 0:37
>> Subject: Re: no night without stars
>> I'm finding that the descriptions I get don't match the background image 
>> selected. For instance, the image of the earth from space is given as "photo 
>> of mountains in the distance during twilight with water in the foreground". 
>> Am I alone in getting this?
>> Steve
>> On 27 Nov 2010, at 15:02, Cheree Heppe wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> This may seem self-evident to some, but I am not a first adopter and not a 
>>> confident tech person.
>>> Before my IPad got updated to the newest OS release, the wallpaper had 
>>> shown a field of stars.  The new OS apparently didn't offer this choice, 
>>> so, in an excellent example of learned helplessness, I asked the store rep 
>>> to change the wallpaper for me to what would be the closest to the field of 
>>> stars.  After all, in other mainstream applications, I couldn't make such 
>>> adjustments.
>>> When I got home, I opened the IPad settings and found wallpaper and opened 
>>> it, just to see what would happen.  I was one of the most surprised and 
>>> delighted blind users in the universe to find that the wallpaper views were 
>>> described.
>>> I took the chance and selected the view of earth from space myself, and 
>>> returned to the home screen.  My sighted daughter confirmed that I had 
>>> indeed selected this view as my home screen wallpaper.  My daughter sounded 
>>> surprised and delighted that I could accomplish something she and I both 
>>> had previously considered the province of the fully sighted.
>>> Thank you, whoever you are, with Apple's structure and development teams, 
>>> for discernment and vision in your ideas of what blind users can or should 
>>> be able to do.
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> -- 
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Re: Problems with VoiceOver and Bluetooth Jabra Halo

2010-11-29 Thread heather kd5cbl
That sounds like a lot of work.  I am hoping that apple will just fix the 
problem.  Heather
- Original Message - 
From: "Esther" 

Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: Problems with VoiceOver and Bluetooth Jabra Halo

Hi Jon,

I'm not using Bluetooth on my Mac, but a quick Google search showed  that 
people are reporting issues with Bluetooth after the 10.6.5  update.  This 
is ironic, since one of the features of the update was  supposed to be 
improved Bluetooth stability and connectivity for  Braille devices.  You 
might want to check through the Apple Discussion  forums for solutions.  I 
read one thread titled "Bluetooth disabling  after 10.6.5 upgrade" where a 
couple of users were finally able to get  things working after completely 
powering down their iMacs, unplugging  the power cords, pressing the 
on/off button (I assume this was to  discharge the capacitor), and leaving 
everything off for half an hour  before restarting.  I'm not sure how 
those instructions would  translate for other Mac devices.  They 
unsuccessfully first tried  repairing permissions, zapping the PRAM, 
re-downloading the combo  update, and booting up from the DVD, among other 
things. that did not  work for them.  Although, the one time I had to 
apply a fix to a  relative's MacBook USB port problem by resetting the 
PRAM, the  AppleCare tech (on the phone), told me to unplug and turn 
everything  off, then remove the battery and hold down the on/off button 
for at  least 12 seconds before putting back the battery.  In case this 
helps  you I'll paste in the details on resetting the PRAM:

1. Power down the computer and remove the battery from the MacBook.  (On 
my model you need to get a thick coin, like a U.S. nickel, to  insert in 
the slot of the lock for the battery, and give it a quarter  turn 
clockwise to rotate it into the unlock position so the side of  the 
battery near the lock will pop up, and so that the battery can be 
2. With the battery removed, hold down the power button for at least  12 
3. Replace the battery.  (On my model, you insert the side near the  left 
edge of the laptop so that it engages, and then swing the other  end so 
that it slots into the lock position.  Then you use the coin to  turn the 
slotted lock a quarter turn counter-clockwise to lock again.)
4. Hold down the Command, Option, P, and R keys while you power on  your 
laptop.  I press down the Command, Option, and R keys with my  left hand 
(little finger on the Option key, ring finger on the Command  key, and 
either middle or index finger on the R key).  I press the  thumb of my 
right hand on the P key and push  down on the power button  with the 
middle finger of my right hand.
5. You need to keep the Command, Option, P, and R keys pressed for at 
least 3 start-up chimes before releasing them in order to reset the  PRAM.
6. Log in as usual and check your USB port connections. (In your case, 
try checking the Bluetooth performance.)

HTH.  Try Googling about this and maybe you'll find more information 
about a solution.



On Nov 29, 2010, at 06:32, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:


In 10.6.4 I was using my Halo on occasion to work with VoiceOver,  and 
found that it worked better than in earlier versions.  Last,  week, I 
upgraded to 10.6.5, and had the first need to work with  headphones this 
weekend.  I had significant problems:

1. VoiceOver / Alex started stuttering, and turning on/off the  Bluetooth 
connection every phrase. Then when I shutdown the  bluetooth audio I 
discovered several functions of the keyboard had  stopped working.  Is 
anybody using bluetooth regularly for their  audio output with 10.6.5? If 
so, did you need to adjust any non- standard parameters to make it work?

I am planning on getting somebody with sight to look over the system 
profiler while I try using the headset again, but before getting my 
family grumpy at me,I wanted to illicit any ideas from this list.



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Re: where is the built-in mike on the MBP?

2010-11-29 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Just by the FN key by the bottom left corner of that key.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Anyone know the answer to this?  I'm assuming it's at the top, near the 
> screen, but I can't tell by touch.
> Best,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: where is the built-in mike on the MBP?

2010-11-29 Thread Pete Nalda
Just above the escape key.  I don't know if one could feel this or not.  Line 
your finger up to the bottom of the hinge gap, and then fingernail left and you 
might feel it.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Anyone know the answer to this?  I'm assuming it's at the top, near the 
> screen, but I can't tell by touch.
> Best,
> Donna
> -- 
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: Ipod Nano sixth generation

2010-11-29 Thread Ricardo Walker

This isn't really to much of a problem from the Mac side of things.  You can 
simply copy and paste content to your device without it being associated with 
the iTunes library your using.  I'm not sure how good copy and paste works in 
iTunes for windows though.  But if her device is associated with the iTunes 
library on her windows machine, all she would need to do is
disable devices from syncing automatically with iTunes on her mac.  That way 
she doesn't always have the stupid dialog box pop up when she connects the iPod 
to her Mac.  lol.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 29, 2010, at 12:12 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> That should be impossible.  By default iPods will pull all the data from 
> exactly one computer.  There is a way to customize this, but I don't 
> recommend this.  There is a way to move iTunes material over your network 
> using "Home sharing" and that might be your best alternative.
> Jon
> On Nov 21, 2010, at 8:43 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
>> Oh, okay, I just need to beable to do both until my pc dies or I kill it 
>> which ever comes first!  Heather 
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Using VO to download applications

2010-11-29 Thread Israel
Greetings Listers

Does anyone know of a podcast which will take me through the process of 
downloading applications such as OpenOffice, Adium, and others?

I navigate and use Pages and Text Edit successfully, but I just want to try 
OpenOffice.  I do well with FB chat but I've read so many of your comments on 
using third party chat clients that I at least want to try it out.

I've never downloaded an application from the internet without sighted 
assistance so I wish to listen to a podcast which walks me through the steps so 
I know I am performing the correct steps.  I assume the steps are pretty much 
the same no matter what application I am downloading, but if not, this would be 
good to know as well.

Again, I wish to experiment and see how I enjoy these applications so if it 
turns out I much prefer Pages/Text Edit over OpenOffice, let's say, how would I 
then go about removing the application?  Is it as simple as finding in the 
application folder, bring up the context menu, pressing move to trash or are 
there more steps than that?

Thank you!

Sexy Isra

Israel Antonio
Playwright, Screenwriter, Triathlete, Actor, Filmmaker

doing the correct

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Dragon Dictate for the Mac,

2010-11-29 Thread heather kd5cbl

Hello, is anyone using
Dragon Dictate for the Mac?  How well does it work with voiceover.  I heard 
it was having problems in the past but, I wanted to know if it works better 
now with the knew updates for the mac!  Any podcasts using this program? 
Thanks Heather 

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still clueless on speakable commands

2010-11-29 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

well, I've now tried everything.  I've switched to using the Escape key to 
initiate recognition.  I've aimed my voice at both the FN key and the Esc key, 
the two places where people have said the mic is.  And, I've tried using the 
headset and mike that came with my iphone.  Still, I haven't gotten my MBP to 
recognize one single command.  the weird thing is, when I try and calibrate it, 
I get the wit sound for all the commands, which I assume means that the 
commands are being recognized in calibration.  At this point, I'm out of ideas.

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Re: where is the built-in mike on the MBP?

2010-11-29 Thread Donna Goodin
thanks, Pete and Ray.  I've tried both locations, still sadly to no avail.
On Nov 29, 2010, at 3:22 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:

> Just above the escape key.  I don't know if one could feel this or not.  Line 
> your finger up to the bottom of the hinge gap, and then fingernail left and 
> you might feel it.
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Anyone know the answer to this?  I'm assuming it's at the top, near the 
>> screen, but I can't tell by touch.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> -- 
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Re: no night without stars

2010-11-29 Thread Colin M
Hi Steve!
Ok I'm confused [ not for the first time ] Are you talking about a I phone or I 
pad because I'm on a I Mac and my picture of earth is listed as the 6th one!
Under nature  in desk top and screen savers in system prefs!
If your on about another device then I'm stuck! :]
On 29 Nov 2010, at 20:15, Steve Griffiths wrote:

> No, I can see the pictures and which one is selected, and VoiceOver is 
> reading the wrong description. The first image is the one of water droplets 
> on a grey background and is given as "photo of a calm lake with mountains in 
> the distance and shooting stars in the sky".  That's a good description of 
> the second image, which is described as "photo of a desert oasis in the 
> distance". The third image is the one of earth from space, which is also 
> given a description that matches the second image - "photo of mountains in 
> the distance during twilight with water in the foreground".
> Odd, especially as no-one else seems to be getting this!
> Steve 
> On 29 Nov 2010, at 12:23, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi Steve!
>> Are you sure you have not picked the wrong picture!
>> Before the Earth there is earth horizon!
>> I picked Snow leopard prowl for mine!
>> Colin
>> On 29 Nov 2010, at 11:49, Cheree Heppe wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> I can't address the visuals directly, however, my teenaged daughter says it 
>>> shows the earth from space.
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Steve Griffiths
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 0:37
>>> Subject: Re: no night without stars
>>> I'm finding that the descriptions I get don't match the background image 
>>> selected. For instance, the image of the earth from space is given as 
>>> "photo of mountains in the distance during twilight with water in the 
>>> foreground". Am I alone in getting this?
>>> Steve
>>> On 27 Nov 2010, at 15:02, Cheree Heppe wrote:
 Cheree Heppe here:
 This may seem self-evident to some, but I am not a first adopter and not a 
 confident tech person.
 Before my IPad got updated to the newest OS release, the wallpaper had 
 shown a field of stars.  The new OS apparently didn't offer this choice, 
 so, in an excellent example of learned helplessness, I asked the store rep 
 to change the wallpaper for me to what would be the closest to the field 
 of stars.  After all, in other mainstream applications, I couldn't make 
 such adjustments.
 When I got home, I opened the IPad settings and found wallpaper and opened 
 it, just to see what would happen.  I was one of the most surprised and 
 delighted blind users in the universe to find that the wallpaper views 
 were described.
 I took the chance and selected the view of earth from space myself, and 
 returned to the home screen.  My sighted daughter confirmed that I had 
 indeed selected this view as my home screen wallpaper.  My daughter 
 sounded surprised and delighted that I could accomplish something she and 
 I both had previously considered the province of the fully sighted.
 Thank you, whoever you are, with Apple's structure and development teams, 
 for discernment and vision in your ideas of what blind users can or should 
 be able to do.
 Cheree Heppe
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Re: Selling an ipod touch

2010-11-29 Thread Rafaela Freundt

when you go to your devise you'll find a button called restore. That will 
default it to the factory configuration, the software it came with and it will 
also be empty.

Rafaela Freundt


Skype: rafafreundt

El 29/11/2010, a las 13:33, brandt escribió:

> Hi there folks,
> What do I do to get rid of all the stuff on an iPod touch third gen for 
> selling the device?
> If possible I want the device to have to be reregistered whith the next 
> plugin to a PC/MAC.
> If anyone can hellp with this, I'd be greatful.
> Regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> MSN/Windows live:
> Google talk:
> AIM:
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> -- 
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Re: where is the built-in mike on the MBP?

2010-11-29 Thread Pete Nalda
I can't see anything by my FN key on my mbp 13".  I still say it's gotta be up 
above the ESC key, half way to the back of the top plate, right parallel with 
the bottom of the hinge.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:12 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Just by the FN key by the bottom left corner of that key.
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Anyone know the answer to this?  I'm assuming it's at the top, near the 
>> screen, but I can't tell by touch.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: where is the built-in mike on the MBP?

2010-11-29 Thread Donna Goodin
Well, i'm not getting anything either way.  Not sure what others have done, but 
I'm not even getting spotty recognition, not even with an external mic..
On Nov 29, 2010, at 3:49 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:

> I can't see anything by my FN key on my mbp 13".  I still say it's gotta be 
> up above the ESC key, half way to the back of the top plate, right parallel 
> with the bottom of the hinge.
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:12 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Just by the FN key by the bottom left corner of that key.
>> Sincerely, 
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype Name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Anyone know the answer to this?  I'm assuming it's at the top, near the 
>>> screen, but I can't tell by touch.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> -- 
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Re: where is the built-in mike on the MBP?

2010-11-29 Thread Pete Nalda
It's tiny, about the size of a pinhead, but made up with about 20 small holes.  
I've found it with my 6x bioptic, and a 2x magnifier.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:32 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> thanks, Pete and Ray.  I've tried both locations, still sadly to no avail.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 3:22 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> Just above the escape key.  I don't know if one could feel this or not.  
>> Line your finger up to the bottom of the hinge gap, and then fingernail left 
>> and you might feel it.
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Anyone know the answer to this?  I'm assuming it's at the top, near the 
>>> screen, but I can't tell by touch.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>> Pete Nalda
>> -- 
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: still clueless on speakable commands

2010-11-29 Thread Esther

Hi Donna,

I think we're quickly exhausting the possibilities .  I assume  
you turned Speakable Items on by pressing VO-space on this radio  
button on the Speech Recognition tab of "Speech" under "System  
Preferences"? I know this sounds daft, but you can calibrate the  
Internal Microphone without turning the radio button on. Do you have a  
"Speech Feedback" window?  (e.g., if you navigate to "Finder" in the  
dock, and then use window chooser menu with VO-F2 twice, do you have  
an entry for "Speech Feedback"?) I've now used "Speakable Items" more  
today than I have since I got this MacBook, and I'm not using a mic.

On my MacBook (not MacBook Pro, purchased September 2008), the mic is  
above the Escape key.  Now that Pete pointed this out, I can feel a  
very small hole in this location.  The mic hole is above the F1 key  
and is much more noticeable/larger on my PowerBook.  I've asked "What  
time is it?"; instructed my computer to "Get new mail", and various  
other things with success (without a headset). It may just be that I  
know this can be done (since it works very easily on the PowerBook),  
that makes the difference.  (I did have to repeat some of my chess  
move commands multiple times for the MacBook, so knowing where the mic  
was meant that I could speak directly into it in the Escape key  

I'm out of other ideas.  Maybe if Tim Kilburn reads this he'll have  
more suggestions.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Nov 29, 2010, Donna Goodin wrote:

Hi all,

well, I've now tried everything.  I've switched to using the Escape  
key to initiate recognition.  I've aimed my voice at both the FN key  
and the Esc key, the two places where people have said the mic is.   
And, I've tried using the headset and mike that came with my  
iphone.  Still, I haven't gotten my MBP to recognize one single  
command.  the weird thing is, when I try and calibrate it, I get the  
wit sound for all the commands, which I assume means that the  
commands are being recognized in calibration.  At this point, I'm  
out of ideas.


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Re: where is the built-in mike on the MBP?

2010-11-29 Thread Pete Nalda
Ok try this.  If anything it'll help you find your mic, and you can verify the 
internal mic is working.  Open up Garageband,  If you use ILife 10, then set it 
to new project, with voice as the instrument, then on the right turn monitor 
on, it'll start to feedback, and GB will detect this and offer feedback 
protection, cancel that, turn your speaker volume down, then bring it back up 
to just before you hear the feedback, and then scrape along the top left of the 
keyboard and you should hear all sorts of stuff.  if that confirms the mic is 
working, then it's got to be some setting in the program you're trying to use 
the mic with (dragon?).

On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:52 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Well, i'm not getting anything either way.  Not sure what others have done, 
> but I'm not even getting spotty recognition, not even with an external mic..
> Best,
> Donna
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 3:49 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> I can't see anything by my FN key on my mbp 13".  I still say it's gotta be 
>> up above the ESC key, half way to the back of the top plate, right parallel 
>> with the bottom of the hinge.
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:12 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Just by the FN key by the bottom left corner of that key.
>>> Sincerely, 
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype Name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Anyone know the answer to this?  I'm assuming it's at the top, near the 
 screen, but I can't tell by touch.
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>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>> Pete Nalda
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: dialog box when opening pages

2010-11-29 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Hmm,  I suppose I could look at my copy of "take control of Fonts in
Snow Leopard", that I have totally ignored.

On 28/11/2010, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Laura,
> This happens because there are some fonts used in Windows that are not
> available on the Mac. I just click on Not Now and carry on as though nothing
> had happened.
> When you export back to Word, these fonts are reinstated.
> As far as I know, there's no way of getting rid of this message.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 28 Nov 2010, at 19:23, Laura Bratton wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> When I open a word document in pages I always get a dialog box that says
>> some warnings occurred would you like to review them now? The choices are
>> review now or review later.
>> Is there a way to stop this box from coming up when I open documents?
>> Thanks,
>> Laura
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Re: Sharing files on Mac and Windows...

2010-11-29 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Hmm,  although there are some things in NTFS and HFS that are not
available to the other system, as long as your file names are
essentially Alphanumeric and you are not depending on the Resource
fork, you should be able to transfer files with cut and paste.  I have
not speciffically tried folders, and I have no access to Windows 7.  I
would suggest that you try to use sftp or scp instead of SMB, it is
more secure and more UNIX like.

1. Turn on remote login in your sharing pane.
2. Get a scp client
3. Copy files to your hearts content.

I highly recommend that if any of your data is personal in nature,
that you try and keep it on your local network and not push it up to
another server.  Once the file has been transfered out of your
control, you can not ensure how long copies of it might be on backup
storage, and you are dependent on a trust relationship with the
service provider and any privaledged users they have on their system.


On 28/11/2010, David Hole  wrote:
> Hi man, and thanks for that.
> It seems to me that you're right :(
> This irritates me a bit... :(
> Maybe the only solution will be to buy some DropBox-storage and take
> things that way :(
> -David
> Den 28.11.2010 02:32, skrev Yuma Decaux:
>> Hi,
>> This most probably has to do with how you have file sharing setup on
>> both systems. Let's not make assumptions on the windows system as
>> usually it is quite more open than macs :)
>> On the mac, you should setup a shared folder, and in your accounts
>> preferences get the shared folder for SMB. SMB is the protocl used by
>> windows for file sharing.
>> One more thing, since macs can only read on NTFS partitions, a mac can
>> copy the file from a windows partition to its own partition, but i
>> doubth you can place a windows file or folder from a windows partition
>> to your mac partition.
>> I haven't tried this, but freshly out of snow 101 certification, this is
>> my best bet.
>> Hope this helps somehow
>> *"Light has no value without darkness"*
>> zato1.jpg
>> blog:
>> twitter:
>> Tel: +64 210 22 77 190
>> Phnom Penh: +85589900095
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RE: where is the built-in mike on the MBP?

2010-11-29 Thread Frank Ventura
Donna, this is a real longshot here but is the correct audio input
device selected in the Audio tab of the Sound applet of System
Preferences and is the volume turned up and mute off? I think one time
my input device got switched to something else.
Frank Ventura

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Pete Nalda
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: where is the built-in mike on the MBP?

It's tiny, about the size of a pinhead, but made up with about 20 small
holes.  I've found it with my 6x bioptic, and a 2x magnifier.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:32 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> thanks, Pete and Ray.  I've tried both locations, still sadly to no
> Best,
> Donna
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 3:22 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> Just above the escape key.  I don't know if one could feel this or
not.  Line your finger up to the bottom of the hinge gap, and then
fingernail left and you might feel it.
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Anyone know the answer to this?  I'm assuming it's at the top, near
the screen, but I can't tell by touch.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
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>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>> Pete Nalda
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread M. Taylor
All I can say is that I have, indeed, used high quality mikes with my Mac and 
the results were dismal.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 4:10 AM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Donna!
> I think if you have access to a headset with mic [ and I'm only guessing] 
> you'll be able to here vo responses to your voice commands and the Mac will 
> not so no con flicked!
> So the Mac will not here you and vo at the same time, it might make speech 
> work better! :]
> Colin
> On 29 Nov 2010, at 11:31, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> Just curious, why would that make a difference?
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 6:29 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
>>> Perhaps results would be different when using an external mic. Just a 
>>> thought.
>>> Kevin
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Re: How do you change margin widths in TextEdit?

2010-11-29 Thread Jonathan Cohn
I believe the margins for left and right can be modified in the ruler.

On 27/11/2010, Tom Frank  wrote:
> Hi there Mark,
> Good guess, but no cigar. I can change the not printable areas in custom
> paper sizes but the margins are still one inch all around.
> I can do what I want in Pages but I rather not have all of the bells and
> whistles.
> Tom Frank
> On Nov 27, 2010, at 8:01 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>> Under the File menu is Page Setup, or command shift P is the keyboard
>> shortcut.  There, you can change paper size (including, much to my joy,
>> envelopes!).  Will that do what you want?
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
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Re: where is the built-in mike on the MBP?

2010-11-29 Thread Esther

Hi Frank, Pete, Donna, and Others,

Donna is trying to use "Speakable Items".  This is a setting that can  
be enabled under System Preferences > Speech  under the Speech  
Recognition tab.  Since she was able to calibrate the Internal  
Microphone and have it respond to her spoken commands (e.g., "What  
time is it?", "Quit this application", and other test phrases), her  
Mac is capable of recognizing the commands, if she has "Speakable  
Items" enabled (by selecting the Radio buttons to turn this "On" on  
the Speech Recognition tab).  The "Calibrate" button also lets you  
adjust the volume slider on your selected input source (e.g.,  
"Internal Mic") before or after you speak the test phrases.

OK, one more suggestion.  Are you pressing the "Escape" button, which  
is the default "Listening Key", when you issue your commands?  If you  
have a "Speech Feedback" window  when you navigate to "Finder" in the  
Dock, and then bring up window chooser menu (VO-F2 twice), (e.g.,  
result of setting the radio button for "Speakable Items" to "On" in  
the Speech Recognition tab); and if you are using the default  
Listening method (radio button set to "Listen only while key is  
pressed"), with the default listening key ("Escape"), then holding  
down the Escape key while you speak commands like "What time is it?"  
into the internal mic should result in the system telling you the time.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Nov 29, 2010, at 11:26, Frank Ventura wrote:

Donna, this is a real longshot here but is the correct audio input
device selected in the Audio tab of the Sound applet of System
Preferences and is the volume turned up and mute off? I think one time
my input device got switched to something else.
Frank Ventura

-Original Message-

Subject: Re: where is the built-in mike on the MBP?

It's tiny, about the size of a pinhead, but made up with about 20  

holes.  I've found it with my 6x bioptic, and a 2x magnifier.

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Re: musicality

2010-11-29 Thread Teresa Cochran
I've been playing with it a bit. The only thing that's supremely disappointing 
is (ironically) the keyboard settings area. The controls for setting the global 
keystrokes are reported as "unknown" by VO and I can't click on them or 
anything. Other than that, it's set up like a simplified web page and is a 
thousand times more accessible than the Last Fm scrobbler.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 8:29 AM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Macupdate promo for today has a bundle of 5 apps, most of which didn't 
> interest me. But there is one called musicality that is a desktop client for  
> pandora and services. Has anybody tried this app with vo on their Mac?
> Mary Otten
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Re: using speech commands on the Mac

2010-11-29 Thread Jonathan Cohn

Were these wired Microphones?  Unlike PC's Macintoshs have line-in and
not mic-in jacks. What this means is that most microphones need a
pre-amp if they are to be used with the Macintosh.


On 29/11/2010, M. Taylor  wrote:
> All I can say is that I have, indeed, used high quality mikes with my Mac
> and the results were dismal.
> Mark
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 4:10 AM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi Donna!
>> I think if you have access to a headset with mic [ and I'm only guessing]
>> you'll be able to here vo responses to your voice commands and the Mac
>> will not so no con flicked!
>> So the Mac will not here you and vo at the same time, it might make speech
>> work better! :]
>> Colin
>> On 29 Nov 2010, at 11:31, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Kevin,
>>> Just curious, why would that make a difference?
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 6:29 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
 Perhaps results would be different when using an external mic. Just a


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Re: Wireless Netowrk and VO Issue

2010-11-29 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Perhaps you need to push your LAN up in the list of accepted networks?
 THere is also an option to not join networks without asking, which
might help you.  When I turn this option on, any network that I have
not "remembered" will not get joined, if there are no available
networks, then a dialog box appears asking me if I want to select a
new Wireless network.


On 27/11/2010, Kevin Shaw  wrote:
> Greetings,
> For the last little while I have been having a problem with my Macbook Pro
> when connecting to my home network. I have set up my router to not
> broadcast. Users must enter the network name and password when setting up
> their machines, but once set up, there are no problems.
> the MBP is supposed to default to my home network called "12Dove", however
> upon waking or booting, it defaults to WLAN. Each time I wake or boot the
> MBP, I have to enter the network name and password manually. Even if
> "Remember This network" is checked it does not remember.
> With Voiceover, when I get to the Join a network dialog box, I can navigate
> the network name field and the combo box describing the type of security.
> Once I choose WPA2 Personal, Voiceover loses focus of the control altogether
> and I have to VO-F2 to bring up the window again to enter the password.
> I also have an iMac which has no problem connecting to the network. My
> iPhone sees the network as well.
> Helpful and enlightened replies would be appreciated.
> Take care,
> Kevin
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Re: where is the built-in mike on the MBP?

2010-11-29 Thread Donna Goodin
Wel, you're right, I did find my mic, and yes, it's up at the top, where you 
thought it would be.
On Nov 29, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:

> Ok try this.  If anything it'll help you find your mic, and you can verify 
> the internal mic is working.  Open up Garageband,  If you use ILife 10, then 
> set it to new project, with voice as the instrument, then on the right turn 
> monitor on, it'll start to feedback, and GB will detect this and offer 
> feedback protection, cancel that, turn your speaker volume down, then bring 
> it back up to just before you hear the feedback, and then scrape along the 
> top left of the keyboard and you should hear all sorts of stuff.  if that 
> confirms the mic is working, then it's got to be some setting in the program 
> you're trying to use the mic with (dragon?).
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:52 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Well, i'm not getting anything either way.  Not sure what others have done, 
>> but I'm not even getting spotty recognition, not even with an external mic..
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 3:49 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>>> I can't see anything by my FN key on my mbp 13".  I still say it's gotta be 
>>> up above the ESC key, half way to the back of the top plate, right parallel 
>>> with the bottom of the hinge.
>>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:12 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 Just by the FN key by the bottom left corner of that key.
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
 Skype Name:
 On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Anyone know the answer to this?  I'm assuming it's at the top, near the 
> screen, but I can't tell by touch.
> Best,
> Donna
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>>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>>> Pete Nalda
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> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
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Re: VO issue when syncing podcast manually

2010-11-29 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Not sure the exact issue from your description, but does Vo-F6 help?


On 26/11/2010, Daniel Montalvo Charameli  wrote:
> Good to know, thanks. then, does anybody know of an alternative to make sure
> what you are selecting? If you have just a few podcasts the issue is not
> important, but if you're dealing with a great amount of them you may get
> lost because voice Over does not give you any information.
> Best wishes.
> El 26/11/2010, a las 22:23, Kawal Gucukoglu escribió:
>> I've noticed the same thing.
>> On 26 Nov 2010, at 19:19, Daniel Montalvo Charameli wrote:
>>> Hey listers:
>>> Have you noticed a VO issue when trying to select from the podcast table
>>> the ones  wanted for syncing? I have noticed it since I last updated
>>> itunes, i am using now the latest version of it, 10.1 I think it is.  The
>>> thing is that my Voice Over does not tell me whether the podcast is
>>> selected or not. Only when I interact with the group Voice Over gets  the
>>> information right, but says the check box is deemed and I cannot change
>>> its state. In case you have, do you know if it is already reported? Is
>>> there any solution for it?
>>> Thanks a lot!
>>> --
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>> Kawal Gucukoglu
>> (E-mail/MSN):
>> (Skype ID):
>> kawalgucukoglu
>> (Mobile/text):
>> +447905618396
>> +447576240421
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Re: How do you change margin widths in TextEdit?

2010-11-29 Thread Tom Frank
Hi there,
I've tried, and so has my sighted wife but with no success. I can adjust left 
and right first line indents, body indents and tab stops, but not the margins. 

If anybody knows how to adjust the margins, I could use detailed instructions 
on how to do it 
Tom Frank

On Nov 29, 2010, at 4:40 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:

> I believe the margins for left and right can be modified in the ruler.
> On 27/11/2010, Tom Frank  wrote:
>> Hi there Mark,
>> Good guess, but no cigar. I can change the not printable areas in custom
>> paper sizes but the margins are still one inch all around.
>> I can do what I want in Pages but I rather not have all of the bells and
>> whistles.
>> Tom Frank
>> On Nov 27, 2010, at 8:01 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>>> Under the File menu is Page Setup, or command shift P is the keyboard
>>> shortcut.  There, you can change paper size (including, much to my joy,
>>> envelopes!).  Will that do what you want?
>>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>> • MSN:
>>> • My home page:
>>> •
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Re: Great News! List Mailing Issue Solved!!!!!!!

2010-11-29 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Mark,

I checked the setting you referenced, and mine is already unchecked, and I do 
not see messages I send to the google lists.  Don't know why mine is behaving 
differently, but it is and always has.


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Re: SUCCESS!!! (waswhere is the built-in mike on the MBP?

2010-11-29 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi guys,

I'm running out the door, but I've made nice progress.  Still can't activate 
recognition via a spoken word, but am successful using the Esc key.  I have to 
run, but let's just say that Esther's question wasn't so daft.  I know that 
radio btn was on last night, but somehow, in my subsequent playing around, I 
must have switched it to off.  Amazing what a difference it makes. LOL

Will keep everyone posted as I continue to experiment, and Esther, thanks for 
taking the time to mess around with this.
On Nov 29, 2010, at 4:41 PM, Esther wrote:Ð

> Hi Frank, Pete, Donna, and Others,
> Donna is trying to use "Speakable Items".  This is a setting that can be 
> enabled under System Preferences > Speech  under the Speech Recognition tab.  
> Since she was able to calibrate the Internal Microphone and have it respond 
> to her spoken commands (e.g., "What time is it?", "Quit this application", 
> and other test phrases), her Mac is capable of recognizing the commands, if 
> she has "Speakable Items" enabled (by selecting the Radio buttons to turn 
> this "On" on the Speech Recognition tab).  The "Calibrate" button also lets 
> you adjust the volume slider on your selected input source (e.g., "Internal 
> Mic") before or after you speak the test phrases.
> OK, one more suggestion.  Are you pressing the "Escape" button, which is the 
> default "Listening Key", when you issue your commands?  If you have a "Speech 
> Feedback" window  when you navigate to "Finder" in the Dock, and then bring 
> up window chooser menu (VO-F2 twice), (e.g., result of setting the radio 
> button for "Speakable Items" to "On" in the Speech Recognition tab); and if 
> you are using the default Listening method (radio button set to "Listen only 
> while key is pressed"), with the default listening key ("Escape"), then 
> holding down the Escape key while you speak commands like "What time is it?" 
> into the internal mic should result in the system telling you the time.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 11:26, Frank Ventura wrote:
>> Donna, this is a real longshot here but is the correct audio input
>> device selected in the Audio tab of the Sound applet of System
>> Preferences and is the volume turned up and mute off? I think one time
>> my input device got switched to something else.
>> Frank Ventura
>> -Original Message-
>> Subject: Re: where is the built-in mike on the MBP?
>> It's tiny, about the size of a pinhead, but made up with about 20 small
>> holes.  I've found it with my 6x bioptic, and a 2x magnifier.
> -- 
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Re: Great News! List Mailing Issue Solved!!!!!!!

2010-11-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
In my case I can still see my own messages and I have that box checked.If I 
uncheck the box I don't get a copy in my sent items folder in my gmail imap 
sent items folder but I still see my own messages.
On Nov 29, 2010, at 3:28 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,  
> Thank you so much for your indulgence.  
> As the subject line proudly States, I now know the setting to change in
> order for one to, yet again, see her/his own either original or replies to 
> Message lists when using Apple Mail as the client for a gMail account.  
> The following article now appears on the Candle Shore BLOG.
> Solution to Vanishing Sent Messages When Using Apple Mail As A Client With A
> gMail Account
> Hello Everyone,
> Search the web and you will discover that many people who use Apple's Mail
> program as an iMap client to a gMail account soon discover that they can not
> see their own replies sent to mailing lists such as those hosted on Google
> Groups.  In fact, if they try to send a message to themselves, they will not
> see it in the Apple Mail Inbox.  
> Maddening, to say the least  
> The following steps, discovered by Yours Truly, will resolve this seemingly
> inexplicable conundrum.  
> 1.
> On your Mac, open the Mail program.
> 2.
> From the Mail Menu, select Preferences.
> 3.
> Select the Accounts Tab.  
> If you have more than one email account setup in Apple Mail, make sure the
> correct account is highlighted (selected) in the Accounts List.  
> 4.
> Select the Mailbox Behavior Tab.
> 5.
> Finally remove the Checkmark next to the "Store Sent Messages On The Server"
> box.  More simply stated, uncheck the "Store Sent Messages On The Server"
> Checkbox.  
> 6.
> Save your changes.  You can do this by simply closing the Preferences Window
> and then selecting the Save button at the resulting Dialog Box prompt. 
> That's all there is to it.  Now, you will once again, see any messages sent
> to any mailing lists, assuming the List Moderators allow such a feature, and
> you will see any test messages sent to yourself.  
> Enjoy,
> Mark
> -- 
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Re: Great News! List Mailing Issue Solved!!!!!!!

2010-11-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yep I just tested this and in my case all of my list messages google groups or 
no are beeing brought back to the list. In my case I don't want to see them. I 
have a filter that will delete those but it never works unless I broke 
something when setting that partucular up  up.
On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:27 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> I checked the setting you referenced, and mine is already unchecked, and I do 
> not see messages I send to the google lists.  Don't know why mine is behaving 
> differently, but it is and always has.
> Les
> -- 
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where is the download of the ios update saved

2010-11-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. I accidentally said to update rather then download so I could update 
later. Where is the download saved so I can copy it to an external drive if I 
ever need to restore it? I'm in the middle of doinga podcast on this and I am 
stuck, or screwed. lol! the download is going very well btw.

Take care all.

Sarah Alawami

face book:
Mobile site for podcast:

The early bird gets the worm. The late worm gets to live. 

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Re: How do you change margin widths in TextEdit?

2010-11-29 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I noticed the ruler, but don't know how to use it so didn't say anything about 
it in my post.  You can also right, center or left justify and align text, but 
that's not changing margins either.  I've never ben too clear on how to use the 

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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partitioning a hard drive

2010-11-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello all. I'm going to be getting a 2 tb hard drive in a few weeks, or in a 
week depending on when shipping cooperates lol!

question: is there a way I can partition 1 tb for something and have it be an 
ntfs drive and another 11 tb partition for something and also have it be an 
ntfs drive? I want to partition on the mac if I can but if I have to go to the 
nameless platform I'll do it.

Take care.


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iTunes behaving weird...

2010-11-29 Thread David Hole

Hi folks.
Hope not all of you are english speaking, so maybe some have seen this 
same thing that I've seen in iTunes...
First I had my OS X in english, and everything was great. I added music 
from here and there.
Then a day ago, I sat it to norwegian, and some of the genres in the 
genres list became norwegian - for example "Classical" became 
"Klassisk", but just for one song of a whole album.

Also in the "Metal"-genre, some of the music became "Metall".
So my 3-parted question is, how and why is this happening?
Why does not everything change, and if I wish to have it that way, how 
do I do that?

Kind regards David :)

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Re: Great News! List Mailing Issue Solved!!!!!!!

2010-11-29 Thread Teresa Cochran
Mine is the same way. I'm looking for the "me" label on the google site, which 
shows my messages only on the website as sent from "me". I can't seem to find 
that label, though those messages get sent to the site inbox with this from 
field.  Those particular messages also never end up on my mail client on the 
computer. This was even happening when I was using pop settings. Odd.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:27 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> I checked the setting you referenced, and mine is already unchecked, and I do 
> not see messages I send to the google lists.  Don't know why mine is behaving 
> differently, but it is and always has.
> Les
> -- 
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e-mail from apple accessibility

2010-11-29 Thread louie
If you all are having this trouble Please send a e-mail to:

Begin forwarded message:

> From: louie 
> Date: November 28, 2010 2:15:31 PM PST
> To:
> Subject: Voice Over
> Howdy,
> When running some applications I lose voice.
> It takes four presses of command + F5 to get Voice Over running.
> Hope this can be fixed in a upcoming release.
> Thank you for any attention to this trouble.
> louie
Begin forwarded message:

> From: louie 
> Date: November 29, 2010 2:55:56 PM PST
> To: Apple Accessibility 
> Subject: Re: Voice Over
> Howdy,
> Where I notice this happening more than other applications is in a voip 
> application called
> The is very unfriendly to Voice Over.
> To use the application I had to write the below apple script.
> If you want me to send logs when I have this trouble just let me know.
> Thank you for looking into this matter.
> set theDialNumber to "8005558355" as text
> set theName to "Tell me" as text
> tell application "Whistle"
> activate
>   set the clipboard to theDialNumber as text
>   tell application "System Events" to keystroke "v" using {command down}
> delay 1
>   say "Press enter to dial " & theName
> --end tell
> end tell
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:40 PM, Apple Accessibility wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> Thank you for your email.  Do you notice this issue occurring in a specific 
>> application or when visiting a particular site in Safari?
>> Apple Accessibility
>> On Nov 28, 2010, at 2:15 PM, louie wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> When running some applications I lose voice.
>> It takes four presses of command + F5 to get Voice Over running.
>> Hope this can be fixed in a upcoming release.
>> Thank you for any attention to this trouble.
>> louie
> louie


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Re: e-mail from apple accessibility

2010-11-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
I just sent htem my consol messages in fact and they are looking in to it. I 
also gave them the work around which is cmd vo f8 to go in to the training and 
escapt to bring vo back. this works about 99 percent of the time.
On Nov 29, 2010, at 3:22 PM, louie wrote:

> If you all are having this trouble Please send a e-mail to:
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: louie 
>> Date: November 28, 2010 2:15:31 PM PST
>> To:
>> Subject: Voice Over
>> Howdy,
>> When running some applications I lose voice.
>> It takes four presses of command + F5 to get Voice Over running.
>> Hope this can be fixed in a upcoming release.
>> Thank you for any attention to this trouble.
>> louie
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: louie 
>> Date: November 29, 2010 2:55:56 PM PST
>> To: Apple Accessibility 
>> Subject: Re: Voice Over
>> Howdy,
>> Where I notice this happening more than other applications is in a voip 
>> application called
>> The is very unfriendly to Voice Over.
>> To use the application I had to write the below apple script.
>> If you want me to send logs when I have this trouble just let me know.
>> Thank you for looking into this matter.
>> set theDialNumber to "8005558355" as text
>> set theName to "Tell me" as text
>> tell application "Whistle"
>> activate
>>  set the clipboard to theDialNumber as text
>>  tell application "System Events" to keystroke "v" using {command down}
>> delay 1
>>  say "Press enter to dial " & theName
>> --end tell
>> end tell
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:40 PM, Apple Accessibility wrote:
>>> Hi, 
>>> Thank you for your email.  Do you notice this issue occurring in a specific 
>>> application or when visiting a particular site in Safari?
>>> Apple Accessibility
>>> On Nov 28, 2010, at 2:15 PM, louie wrote:
>>> Howdy,
>>> When running some applications I lose voice.
>>> It takes four presses of command + F5 to get Voice Over running.
>>> Hope this can be fixed in a upcoming release.
>>> Thank you for any attention to this trouble.
>>> louie
>> louie
> louie
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Re: Great News! List Mailing Issue Solved!!!!!!!

2010-11-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh really? I don't have a me label and all of my messages I get back are ending 
up in there respective filters. I wonder what I myself broke. lol!
On Nov 29, 2010, at 3:20 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Mine is the same way. I'm looking for the "me" label on the google site, 
> which shows my messages only on the website as sent from "me". I can't seem 
> to find that label, though those messages get sent to the site inbox with 
> this from field.  Those particular messages also never end up on my mail 
> client on the computer. This was even happening when I was using pop 
> settings. Odd.
> Teresa
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:27 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> I checked the setting you referenced, and mine is already unchecked, and I 
>> do not see messages I send to the google lists.  Don't know why mine is 
>> behaving differently, but it is and always has.
>> Les
>> -- 
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Re: Great News! List Mailing Issue Solved!!!!!!!

2010-11-29 Thread Teresa Cochran
Actually, I have to revise what I said earlier. I get all messages with the 
"me" label in Mail except any of the ones I send to mailing lists.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 3:50 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Oh really? I don't have a me label and all of my messages I get back are 
> ending up in there respective filters. I wonder what I myself broke. lol!
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 3:20 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Mine is the same way. I'm looking for the "me" label on the google site, 
>> which shows my messages only on the website as sent from "me". I can't seem 
>> to find that label, though those messages get sent to the site inbox with 
>> this from field.  Those particular messages also never end up on my mail 
>> client on the computer. This was even happening when I was using pop 
>> settings. Odd.
>> Teresa
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:27 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> I checked the setting you referenced, and mine is already unchecked, and I 
>>> do not see messages I send to the google lists.  Don't know why mine is 
>>> behaving differently, but it is and always has.
>>> Les
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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Re: Skype and Adium Questions

2010-11-29 Thread Ezzy Bueno
Hey! I know this is gonna sound dumb. How can I tell who the sender of
the voice mail is?
Sorry, I'm still thinking PC. LOL.

On 11/29/10, Colin M  wrote:
> Hi Ezzy!
> heres that link!
> Colin
> On 29 Nov 2010, at 19:57, Ezzy Bueno wrote:
>> If you could dig up the link, that would be great! Thanks!
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "John D.  Lipsey" > To:
>> Date sent: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 06:12:18 -0700
>> Subject: Re: Skype and Adium Questions
>> Adium and facebook are currently broken.  Unless you set up your facebook
>> account under jabber rather than facebook, and use as
>> the server.  I posted an article from adium about this to the list a
>> couple of times.  I'll see if I can dig up the link again, if you want it.
>> On Nov 28, 2010, at 10:49 PM, Ezzy Bueno wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I have a couple of questions about using Skype:
>> 1) How can I navigate from window to window?
>> 2) How can I check my voicemails?
>> Regarding Adium, how can I view my Facebook contacts that are online? I
>> connected both FB and AIM and can see my AIM contacts.  Where are the
>> Facebook ones?
>> Thanks for any help that you can offer!
>> Sincerely,
>> Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
>> (512) 553-8553
>> Skype: SillyEz
>> Facebook:
>> --
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(304) 997-4559

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Re: Skype and Adium Questions

2010-11-29 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
the source list is your friend.  If you start at the top, on "everyone," and 
arrow down, the source list entries will occur in reverse order of their 
events.  What I mean is, from Everyone, one down-arrow will bring you to the 
person who last messaged or called you, then the one before that, then etc.  
So, if you start at Everyone, and I called you a while ago and left a voice 
mail, one swipe of the down arrow would say, "Mark BurningHawk; one missed 

The down side to this is that it only appears to say "one missed event," the 
*FIRST* time you land on it; after that, all you have to go by is the order in 
which the sources appear in the list.

Confusing, sorry, but I hope that helps.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Great News! List Mailing Issue Solved!!!!!!!

2010-11-29 Thread Les Kriegler
When you say you're seeing the messages you compose, are they going into your 
inbox?  I see my messages in the Sent Folder, but I've never seen them come 
back in the inbox.


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Recording for the blind and dyslexic, reader that runs on the Mac?

2010-11-29 Thread Maurice Mines
Hello everybody, apparently recording for the blind and dyslexic today 
announced that they have a book reader that will run on the Mac? Has anyone 
heard about this, is there any discussion about how usable it might be with 
voiceover? If this is true, this would be good. If it is aimed at the blindness 
community? So does anyone have any information on this? Hope all is well thanks
Maurice Mines

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Re: problems saving using save as in text edit and pages

2010-11-29 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Marlaina,

I've seen this sort of thing happen when there is something selected in the 
File Table of the Save dialog.  If it is a file, then it will not save and if 
it is a folder, it simply opens the folder instead of saving.  If you hit the 
Save button a second time once the folder has opened, it will save but you may 
not know exactly where it went.  I'm guessing that this is your issue.  Try 

• Press cmd-shift-s for Save As.
• Just begin typing the filename instead as VO will usually be focused there 
• Press VO-End (that's FN-VO-End on a laptop) which will automatically take you 
to the Save button.
• If you need to get back to change it to a Word document, then VO-left to get 
• You can then simply press return to save it.

It will usually save in the same location as your original file but if you need 
to change that then do the following to ensure that nothing is selected when 
you press the Save button.

• Interact With the File table.
• Press VO-cmd-space on any file/folder in the table.
• If it says selected then do the above step again otherwise Stop Interacting 
With the Table and make your way to the Save button and press it.

This should do it for you.


On 2010-11-28, at 8:46 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Ok, this is a weird one!  I suddenly, as of about 3 days ago, can't do 
> save-as in either Text Edit or Pages and make my work save.  In each app, I 
> do these steps and get the same results:
> press command shift s for save as
> type in the new file name (I have to do this because of a need to save 
> previous drafts)
> navigate using either vo right or tab to select the file type which is always 
> word 97
> navigate using vo right or tab to the default save button
> press vo space and vo says save button pressed
> results:  nothing; the save-as dialogue box is still open, and the file does 
> not save.  I have tried all the above and pressing enter on the default save 
> button but sill get the same result.  My husband turns vo off and mouses 
> around and it works for him just fine.  I have checked with vo f5 to see that 
> the mouse is on the save button, and it always is.
> Did my Air get ticked off at me because I took it on a great cruise, or is it 
> ticked off at me because we're back on dry land!  Seriously, I'm looking at 
> having to do a good bit of editing in the next couple of days and this is 
> making me crazy!  Any help would be really appreciated.  As far as I know, I 
> have not changed anything anywhere; this just started and at first it was 
> intermittent but now it is reliable, the dang thing don't work!  :)
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: problems saving using save as in text edit and pages

2010-11-29 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
Tim, I'll try all this and report back.  It is so odd because it happens in 
pages and text edit and only as of about 4 days ago.  I still think my Air is 
mad because I took it off that lovely cruise ship back to cold Seattle, LOL!

On Nov 29, 2010, at 5:48 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

Hi Marlaina,

I've seen this sort of thing happen when there is something selected in the 
File Table of the Save dialog.  If it is a file, then it will not save and if 
it is a folder, it simply opens the folder instead of saving.  If you hit the 
Save button a second time once the folder has opened, it will save but you may 
not know exactly where it went.  I'm guessing that this is your issue.  Try 

• Press cmd-shift-s for Save As.
• Just begin typing the filename instead as VO will usually be focused there 
• Press VO-End (that's FN-VO-End on a laptop) which will automatically take you 
to the Save button.
• If you need to get back to change it to a Word document, then VO-left to get 
• You can then simply press return to save it.

It will usually save in the same location as your original file but if you need 
to change that then do the following to ensure that nothing is selected when 
you press the Save button.

• Interact With the File table.
• Press VO-cmd-space on any file/folder in the table.
• If it says selected then do the above step again otherwise Stop Interacting 
With the Table and make your way to the Save button and press it.

This should do it for you.


On 2010-11-28, at 8:46 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:

> Ok, this is a weird one!  I suddenly, as of about 3 days ago, can't do 
> save-as in either Text Edit or Pages and make my work save.  In each app, I 
> do these steps and get the same results:
> press command shift s for save as
> type in the new file name (I have to do this because of a need to save 
> previous drafts)
> navigate using either vo right or tab to select the file type which is always 
> word 97
> navigate using vo right or tab to the default save button
> press vo space and vo says save button pressed
> results:  nothing; the save-as dialogue box is still open, and the file does 
> not save.  I have tried all the above and pressing enter on the default save 
> button but sill get the same result.  My husband turns vo off and mouses 
> around and it works for him just fine.  I have checked with vo f5 to see that 
> the mouse is on the save button, and it always is.
> Did my Air get ticked off at me because I took it on a great cruise, or is it 
> ticked off at me because we're back on dry land!  Seriously, I'm looking at 
> having to do a good bit of editing in the next couple of days and this is 
> making me crazy!  Any help would be really appreciated.  As far as I know, I 
> have not changed anything anywhere; this just started and at first it was 
> intermittent but now it is reliable, the dang thing don't work!  :)
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Recording for the blind and dyslexic, reader that runs on the Mac?

2010-11-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
yeah I know of someone who is using it. He said it works p[retty good but I 
have no more info then what I read on twitter and what the person said to me on 
the phone.

On Nov 29, 2010, at 5:42 PM, Maurice Mines wrote:

> Hello everybody, apparently recording for the blind and dyslexic today 
> announced that they have a book reader that will run on the Mac? Has anyone 
> heard about this, is there any discussion about how usable it might be with 
> voiceover? If this is true, this would be good. If it is aimed at the 
> blindness community? So does anyone have any information on this? Hope all is 
> well thanks
> Maurice Mines
> -- 
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Re: Great News! List Mailing Issue Solved!!!!!!!

2010-11-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
I'm seeing them come back to the list the folder was in. What I mean is I'm 
seeing them both in my sent items folder and in the folder I sent the list to 
server side.
On Nov 29, 2010, at 5:37 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> When you say you're seeing the messages you compose, are they going into your 
> inbox?  I see my messages in the Sent Folder, but I've never seen them come 
> back in the inbox.
> Les
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Re: safari not always alerting when page is loaded

2010-11-29 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi John:
No, mostly during page reloads and exploring sights where I move around a lot, 
such as cyber Monday sails on Amazon.  They were kind of a web nightmare with 
Safari and the constant need to change pages to get through the 108 pages of 
"specials".  (Ok, not that crazy, think I made page 8 before I gave up.:)
And the Apple website offered all it's really expensive designer accessories 
for the iPad at a whopping 10 per cent off.  Oh wouldn't it be fun  to encase 
an iPad in a $400 Italian leather case!!!
Ok, I've gone off topic big.  But, the surfing was definitely a challenge.  I'm 
really making fast friends with the item chooser, finally.:)
Take care all.
On Nov 29, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:

> Are you noticing this on items like "more"  buttons?  Often times new
> web sites will do partial updates of sites, and I believe that these
> do not get the refresh sound like a full reload of a site would.
> Jon
> On 28/11/2010, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello Carolyn,
>> My husband had a lot of problems with Safari after the update. He repaired
>> permissions but that didn't fix things so he did Verify Disk and an error
>> was found. He then did a Repair Disk using the Disk Utility from the Snow
>> Leopard installation disk. This fixed his problems.
>> So, if Verify Disk shows an error, shut down your computer, then insert the
>> installation disk and hold down the letter C as you press the Power button.
>> Keep the C key held down until you hear the install disk getting busy.
>> When the language chooser window comes up, click continue and on the next
>> screen you'll find the Menu bar. Go along to Utilities and down to Disk
>> Utility. After that, it's just like using Disk Utility from the Utilities
>> folder.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 28 Nov 2010, at 19:12, Carolyn wrote:
>>> Hi Chris:
>>> To me, since the update Safari's been kind of a mess.  It doesn't indicate
>>> when it's loaded, gets stuck on links a lot, and often requires restarting
>>> of voiceover to get it moving.  I emailed accessibility ad apple and asked
>>> them to make note to see if others have the sam or similar observations.
>>> I'd encourage you to drop them a quick note on what you're experiencing.
>> --
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Carolyn Haas
When you come to a fork in the road,
It's time to eat.

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