Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-12 Thread Justin Kauflin
I also have good memories of the Braille 'n Speak and the Braille Lite.  
Besides them crashing and losing all of my data multiple times, I loved using 
them in class.  I was extremely disappointed when I tried out the Pac mate.  It 
seemed to me like FS took a step backwards.
 Once I have the budget for it, I look forward to working with a MacBook 
Air.  The newer models definitely sound like a huge step up from the previous 
iteration.  One thing that I really liked about the Braille 'n Speak and 
Braille Lite models were that instant on feature.  It made it a breeze to keep 
up with real live.  I'm glad to see that the Air is taking Mac in this 
direction.  Another hooray for Apple and accessibility.

On Nov 11, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> I used a Braille and speak in about 1988 or so. The thing seemed 
> revolutionary at the time. It was so small for what it did and the battery 
> life was so good. I also liked the instant on feature. I saw nothing else 
> that had those features at the time for the price. Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-11-11, at 5:36 PM, Austin Seraphin  wrote:
>> I just wanted to chime in on this thread. I went from using a netbook to a 
>> MacBook Air, and definitely notice the difference. Admittedly, for me, my 
>> netbook had a rather nonstandard configuration. It came with a Windows XP 
>> partition, and a second blank partition presumably for media files and the 
>> like. I just installed Arch Linux on the second partition and made a sweet 
>> dual boot setup with a minimum of fuss. I could even access the Windows 
>> partition from Linux, from which I did most of my work. I put together a 
>> good enough environment, but Mac just kills it! For me, it feels like owning 
>> two computers in one, since I can do a lot of cool Unix stuff on it as well, 
>> including using ssh to control my other linux servers. Just so cool!
>> That won't matter to most. Most will care about the hardware differences. 
>> The macBook feels a lot more solid because of its unibody frame. You can 
>> tell. You get what you pay for. The Air also uses flash for everything. When 
>> they say "Instant On," they mean it! It also sounds better. The netbook, at 
>> least the Asus I have, has its speakers on the bottom, whereas the Air has 
>> them under the keyboard. I think the unibody frame also acts as a sort of 
>> resonance chamber or something, it seems to help the sound instead of 
>> hindering it. Oh and of course, unlike a Windows or Linux netbook, you can 
>> actually use the trackpad! Don't get me wrong, I loved the setup I created, 
>> and still have to find some ways of doing some things on the Mac, but for me 
>> the Air just seemed like a no-brainer!
>> As for comparing the Air to notetakers, I never really got into reading 
>> braille displays, so it didn't really bother me. I just got a sweet case and 
>> now have the whole notetaking thing covered too. I just have to find the 
>> best ways to take the notes! I like MacJournal for journaling and blogging. 
>> TextEdit works for quick things. I know little of Pages, but will want to. 
>> Either way, for me, the MacBook Air seems like the perfect computer and 
>> notetaker. I still have a place in my heart for the Braille 'n Speak though.
>> - Austin
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Re: switching from 64 to 32 bit version of OS

2010-11-12 Thread Nektarios Mallas
You are right, it says 64 bit kernel extensions no. 
However, I have another question. 
My macbook pro has 4 GB of ram, and it is expandable to 8. 
How can they do that, if it is 32 bit mode? If I expand my memory will it be 
used or it is a waste? 

On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:05 AM, Braille wrote:

> First of all, if you have not done anything, again, osx is all 32 bit mode. 
> That being said,
> 1. Open about this mac, by vo plus m
> 2. Open more info. This is the same as the system profiler. 
> 3. Go down to the software section.
> 4. take a look at the software overview and it will tell you Kernel and ext 
> 64 bit mode or 32 bit mode. By default, it is 32 bit.
> Now, I have used on 64 bit mode for the last several months. I have not 
> noticed any incompatibility issue. With some system speed tools, I can 
> observe about 7 percent of speed gain but it is not that noticeable. 
> More information about how to change the default into 64 bit can be found 
> here:
> On Nov 11, 2010, at 2:44 PM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
>> Hello there.
>> How can you tell in which mode you are in? 
>> Is there any menu or dialog to display that?
>> Nektarios.
>> On Nov 9, 2010, at 11:19 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Well, you're already booting in 32-bit by default, so you don't need to. It 
>>> becomes interesting if you boot into 64-bit, though. You may see 
>>> performance options, or they may be so minimal for you to notice. You may 
>>> also get incompatibility issues, though, in case a program doesn't support 
>>> 64-bit extentions.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> GoogleTalk:
>>> Facebook
>>> Twitter
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> On Nov 9, 2010, at 10:16 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 I must confess to some curiosity as to how come you'd want to do that. 
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
 Skype Name:
 On Nov 8, 2010, at 11:06 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> Boot holding down the 3 and 2 keys simultaniously while booting.
> On Nov 8, 2010, at 8:39 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> About a month ago someone wrote how to switch from 64 to 32 bit mode on 
>> a macbook pro.  Can someone please re post these instructions?
>> TIA
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Re: Growl

2010-11-12 Thread Eric Oyen
in what function is it not working with adium?

I hear all the chats 9sometimes 2 or 3 at a time). I usually don't turn on a 
great many functions as they can get distracting.


On Nov 11, 2010, at 9:19 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> this brings up an interesting problem  I am trying to use adium with growl 
> and it does not work, even after I had someone who can see and is a mac guru 
> try and fix it. I am trying to se it for irc chat rooms. I'd love to hve 
> something hat works as well as mirc did with jaws on windows, then I coul 
> happily walk away from windows altogether, well except for mudding hat still 
> really shines with vip mud in wondows, and nothing here I know of wks properly
> Mchael
> On Nov 5, 2010, at 4:26 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Nick, am I to understand that you actually wrote the code for Growl?
>> Sincerely, 
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype Name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Nov 5, 2010, at 3:19 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hello Austin
>>> This is due to the way the style currently handles speech. Previously, it 
>>> did not obey speech preferences either. I am working on a fix, however, for 
>>> the issue with multiple notifications being spoken on top of each other. I 
>>> cannot promise the new improvement will be in the coming update, though, as 
>>> I have other priorities, studying being one of them. Of course, anyone with 
>>> the knowledge to complete it is of course quite welcome to change the 
>>> behavior.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> GoogleTalk:
>>> Facebook
>>> Twitter
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> On Nov 5, 2010, at 9:16 PM, Austin Seraphin wrote:
 So people told me to get Growl, a message notification system. I 
 definitely see the advantage. I set it to use the speech style, and 
 customized my speech preferences. I installed Growlmail. It reads the 
 alerts, but one problem: it reads them all at once! I heard like ten 
 message alerts all read at the same time over top of each other. It 
 sounded, for lack of a better word, trippy. Do I have to change a setting 
 to get it to read them one after another? Do I have to use another style? 
 Can I not use Growl? Thanks.
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Re: Growl

2010-11-12 Thread Michael Thurman
well nothing works with adium and growl  I didn't realise tat there was anther 
update, but everthing else works at least somewhat with growl... I still think 
we need a real irc client made to be accessible and not dependant on growl, 
since growl speaks everything on top of each other if text comes too fast
On Nov 12, 2010, at 3:38 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> hmmm,
> in what function is it not working with adium?
> I hear all the chats 9sometimes 2 or 3 at a time). I usually don't turn on a 
> great many functions as they can get distracting.
> -Eric
> On Nov 11, 2010, at 9:19 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> this brings up an interesting problem  I am trying to use adium with growl 
>> and it does not work, even after I had someone who can see and is a mac guru 
>> try and fix it. I am trying to se it for irc chat rooms. I'd love to hve 
>> something hat works as well as mirc did with jaws on windows, then I coul 
>> happily walk away from windows altogether, well except for mudding hat still 
>> really shines with vip mud in wondows, and nothing here I know of wks 
>> properly
>> Mchael
>> On Nov 5, 2010, at 4:26 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Nick, am I to understand that you actually wrote the code for Growl?
>>> Sincerely, 
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype Name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> On Nov 5, 2010, at 3:19 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
 Hello Austin
 This is due to the way the style currently handles speech. Previously, it 
 did not obey speech preferences either. I am working on a fix, however, 
 for the issue with multiple notifications being spoken on top of each 
 other. I cannot promise the new improvement will be in the coming update, 
 though, as I have other priorities, studying being one of them. Of course, 
 anyone with the knowledge to complete it is of course quite welcome to 
 change the behavior.
 Skype: Kvalme
 MSN Messenger:
 Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
 AIM: cincinster
 On Nov 5, 2010, at 9:16 PM, Austin Seraphin wrote:
> So people told me to get Growl, a message notification system. I 
> definitely see the advantage. I set it to use the speech style, and 
> customized my speech preferences. I installed Growlmail. It reads the 
> alerts, but one problem: it reads them all at once! I heard like ten 
> message alerts all read at the same time over top of each other. It 
> sounded, for lack of a better word, trippy. Do I have to change a setting 
> to get it to read them one after another? Do I have to use another style? 
> Can I not use Growl? Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: Growl

2010-11-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Well, Skype 5 beta doesn't seem to be working with Growl either.  I've got all 
the display notifications set up for speech and all the notices are checked.  
Also, In Skype, display screen alerts or what ever it is is checked, and, Growl 
is set to be the means that Skype 5 beta uses.  What the blases am I doing 
wrong?  Or, perhaps it's another bug in the beta?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Nov 12, 2010, at 5:21 AM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> well nothing works with adium and growl  I didn't realise tat there was 
> anther update, but everthing else works at least somewhat with growl... I 
> still think we need a real irc client made to be accessible and not dependant 
> on growl, since growl speaks everything on top of each other if text comes 
> too fast
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 3:38 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> hmmm,
>> in what function is it not working with adium?
>> I hear all the chats 9sometimes 2 or 3 at a time). I usually don't turn on a 
>> great many functions as they can get distracting.
>> -Eric
>> On Nov 11, 2010, at 9:19 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> this brings up an interesting problem  I am trying to use adium with growl 
>>> and it does not work, even after I had someone who can see and is a mac 
>>> guru try and fix it. I am trying to se it for irc chat rooms. I'd love to 
>>> hve something hat works as well as mirc did with jaws on windows, then I 
>>> coul happily walk away from windows altogether, well except for mudding hat 
>>> still really shines with vip mud in wondows, and nothing here I know of wks 
>>> properly
>>> Mchael
>>> On Nov 5, 2010, at 4:26 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 Nick, am I to understand that you actually wrote the code for Growl?
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
 Skype Name:
 On Nov 5, 2010, at 3:19 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hello Austin
> This is due to the way the style currently handles speech. Previously, it 
> did not obey speech preferences either. I am working on a fix, however, 
> for the issue with multiple notifications being spoken on top of each 
> other. I cannot promise the new improvement will be in the coming update, 
> though, as I have other priorities, studying being one of them. Of 
> course, anyone with the knowledge to complete it is of course quite 
> welcome to change the behavior.
> Regards,
> Nic
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Nov 5, 2010, at 9:16 PM, Austin Seraphin wrote:
>> So people told me to get Growl, a message notification system. I 
>> definitely see the advantage. I set it to use the speech style, and 
>> customized my speech preferences. I installed Growlmail. It reads the 
>> alerts, but one problem: it reads them all at once! I heard like ten 
>> message alerts all read at the same time over top of each other. It 
>> sounded, for lack of a better word, trippy. Do I have to change a 
>> setting to get it to read them one after another? Do I have to use 
>> another style? Can I not use Growl? Thanks.
>> -- 
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>> For m

Re: Growl

2010-11-12 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hello Michael,

If you do not like how Growl currently works with the Speech style, please 
consider fixing it yourself or wait until someone takes the time to do so 
patiently. I'm sure nothing is preventing you from changing it, either on a 
personal level or getting it bundled in a future release of Growl. I would fix 
it for everyone, but I sadly don't have time enough to do so, even though it 
doesn't actually take that much to change the behavior. it requires you read a 
lot, though, if you want the knowledge of completing the work.

The Speech style isn't perfect. Bottom line is...if you don't like it now, 
don't use it. I strongly urge you to pick up the pieces and change the style 
slightly if you would like. I'm currently trying to re-write some of the speech 
style entirely, allowing you to have more control over the various styles in 
general, though that is currently on hold.

Other developers of Growl (including me) will most likely tell you the same 
thing I'm telling you right now, given that Growl is an open-source project and 
everyone can contribute :). Please, don't complain. Everyone is currently 
working on their own projects and Growl improvements/bug fixes or enhancements, 
and not a lot of attention is being given to the Speech style at the moment. 
Unfortunately, sometimes other matters are much more serious than the Speech 
style. Don't get me wrong, because I understand your frustration. However, I 
will say this again...nothing is preventing anyone from changing the behavior. 
I'm sure we have some smart people on fact, I know that is the case. 
I also know that someone is probably going to ask: "Well, if it's so easy...why 
doesn't anyone do it?" I'll answer in advance, and if I'm wrong in my 
predictions then you'll get the answer anyway. :)

If you want the change badly, try to understand how to develop Growl. If you 
can't understand how to program, ask someone to help you who might have an idea 
or try to contact someone privately such as myself to guide you through the 
reading material. Of course, your third possibility is to just wait for a fix. 
I won't disagree that the fix is long overdue by now, and it should have been 
taken care of many releases ago. However, as I said above...regardless if it is 
a small matter or not, sometimes, no one touches that particular style for ages 
because there are more important bugs to be squashed, or more common feature 
requests to be implemented and polished.

I'm not trying to be snappy, but I'm just tired of hearing the same complaint 
over and over when nothing is stopping you from changing all of Growl to your 
preference by getting the developer kit, then proceeding  to build Growl. I'm 
sorry if you take this in any way that may seem offensive or belittling, as 
that is not my intent. :)

Take care everyone. :)

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Nov 12, 2010, at 12:21 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> well nothing works with adium and growl  I didn't realise tat there was 
> anther update, but everthing else works at least somewhat with growl... I 
> still think we need a real irc client made to be accessible and not dependant 
> on growl, since growl speaks everything on top of each other if text comes 
> too fast
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 3:38 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> hmmm,
>> in what function is it not working with adium?
>> I hear all the chats 9sometimes 2 or 3 at a time). I usually don't turn on a 
>> great many functions as they can get distracting.
>> -Eric
>> On Nov 11, 2010, at 9:19 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> this brings up an interesting problem  I am trying to use adium with growl 
>>> and it does not work, even after I had someone who can see and is a mac 
>>> guru try and fix it. I am trying to se it for irc chat rooms. I'd love to 
>>> hve something hat works as well as mirc did with jaws on windows, then I 
>>> coul happily walk away from windows altogether, well except for mudding hat 
>>> still really shines with vip mud in wondows, and nothing here I know of wks 
>>> properly
>>> Mchael
>>> On Nov 5, 2010, at 4:26 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 Nick, am I to understand that you actually wrote the code for Growl?
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
 Skype Name:
 On Nov 5, 2010, at 3:19 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hello Austin
> This is due to the way the style currently handles speech. Previously, it 
> did not obey speech preferences either. I am working on a fix, however, 
> for the issue with multiple notifications being spoken on top of each 
> other. I cannot promise the new improvement will be in the coming update, 
> though, as I have other priorities, studying being one of th

itunes and burning cd's

2010-11-12 Thread chad baker
Hi i'm trying to burn a cd in itunes but no luck.
i have my playlist selected but don't see the option to burn.
its a blank disc

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re-itunes burning cd's disregard last message

2010-11-12 Thread chad baker
Hi i just figured how to burn my disc.
i went to my playlist name and seen the burn playlist to disc.

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Re: garage band problem with voice over

2010-11-12 Thread Ricardo Walker

What browser are you referring to?  The media browser or loop browser?

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 11, 2010, at 9:47 AM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi maybe you guys can help me out in garage band the browser is broken.
> when i interact with it bonks at me when i move up and down.
> never use to do that.
> i'm wondering if i should roll back.
> i installed the new garage bnad fresh.
> -- 
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Re: editing cells in numbers

2010-11-12 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Greg,

just move to the cell by pressing VO + arrow keys and then press VO + spacebar. 
There you can interact with the edit field and make your changes. To end this 
mode press Enter. That's the quickest way I found out so far.

Regards J

Am 11.11.2010 um 15:07 schrieb Greg Aikens:

> Is there a way to edit the contents of a cell in numbers without overwriting 
> the whole cell?  I have tried interacting and moving the cursor to the point 
> in the cell I want to edit, but whenever I start typing it deletes everything 
> that was there.  Also, the VO cursor curiously moves two words or letters at 
> a time instead of one.  

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re-garage band 11 vo problem

2010-11-12 Thread chad baker
Hi ricardo the browser that shows the software instruments.

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Re: Trying to update firm wear in a APH device, but....

2010-11-12 Thread VaShaun Jones
Yeah, I am trying to work around this issue of having to use a Windows machine 
but it looks like that is the case!
On Nov 11, 2010, at 3:23 PM, Hai Nguyen wrote:

> My thought is that you won't be able to open this file as it is a windows 
> executible file. I've been looking for a way to run these files natively on 
> OSX, but can't seem to find a clean solution other than using a virtual 
> machine.
> On Nov 11, 2010, at 2:19 PM, VaShaun Jones wrote:
>> using the app called the unarchiver  to unzip this file rbd_upd.exe yields a 
>> message that says that it cannot open this file. Does anyone know of an app 
>> that can?
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Re: Growl

2010-11-12 Thread Eric Oyen
no kidding. I get that on busy chains and then, if I type, growl gets 
interrupted and then I have to manually revew to see what I missed.
ugh! thats a pain!.


On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:21 AM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> well nothing works with adium and growl  I didn't realise tat there was 
> anther update, but everthing else works at least somewhat with growl... I 
> still think we need a real irc client made to be accessible and not dependant 
> on growl, since growl speaks everything on top of each other if text comes 
> too fast
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 3:38 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> hmmm,
>> in what function is it not working with adium?
>> I hear all the chats 9sometimes 2 or 3 at a time). I usually don't turn on a 
>> great many functions as they can get distracting.
>> -Eric
>> On Nov 11, 2010, at 9:19 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> this brings up an interesting problem  I am trying to use adium with growl 
>>> and it does not work, even after I had someone who can see and is a mac 
>>> guru try and fix it. I am trying to se it for irc chat rooms. I'd love to 
>>> hve something hat works as well as mirc did with jaws on windows, then I 
>>> coul happily walk away from windows altogether, well except for mudding hat 
>>> still really shines with vip mud in wondows, and nothing here I know of wks 
>>> properly
>>> Mchael
>>> On Nov 5, 2010, at 4:26 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 Nick, am I to understand that you actually wrote the code for Growl?
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
 Skype Name:
 On Nov 5, 2010, at 3:19 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hello Austin
> This is due to the way the style currently handles speech. Previously, it 
> did not obey speech preferences either. I am working on a fix, however, 
> for the issue with multiple notifications being spoken on top of each 
> other. I cannot promise the new improvement will be in the coming update, 
> though, as I have other priorities, studying being one of them. Of 
> course, anyone with the knowledge to complete it is of course quite 
> welcome to change the behavior.
> Regards,
> Nic
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Nov 5, 2010, at 9:16 PM, Austin Seraphin wrote:
>> So people told me to get Growl, a message notification system. I 
>> definitely see the advantage. I set it to use the speech style, and 
>> customized my speech preferences. I installed Growlmail. It reads the 
>> alerts, but one problem: it reads them all at once! I heard like ten 
>> message alerts all read at the same time over top of each other. It 
>> sounded, for lack of a better word, trippy. Do I have to change a 
>> setting to get it to read them one after another? Do I have to use 
>> another style? Can I not use Growl? Thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: re-garage band 11 vo problem

2010-11-12 Thread Ricardo Walker

When you interact with it, are you using VO plus arrow keys to navigate?  I 
find that just using arrows alone doesn't work very well when trying to 
navigate the instrument browser.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:14 AM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi ricardo the browser that shows the software instruments.
> -- 
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playing burned itunes cd's on a standard cd player

2010-11-12 Thread chad baker
Hi i just burned a mp3 disc in itunes but it won't play on my cd player.
i also tried data disc selection.
i went to the import settings and set it to mp3
my cd player is a older one

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Re: itunes and burning cd's

2010-11-12 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi CHad,

Does your CD player support MP3 CDs? If not, you need to select Audio CD from 
the burning options tab. I had the same problem until someone on this list told 
me that. I hope this helps. Have a wonderful day!


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:04 AM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi i'm trying to burn a cd in itunes but no luck.
> i have my playlist selected but don't see the option to burn.
> its a blank disc
> thanks
> -- 
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Re: Growl

2010-11-12 Thread Eric Oyen
some of us (like me) are not adept at programming. in fact, what programming 
skills I have belong to that ancient era of basic, fortran and cobble.

Also, I am newly total (having lost what residual eyesight I had 4 months ago) 
and am still learning the ins and outs of how OS X and voiceover work. Now I 
know, that as open source programmers, you may not have a lot of time on your 
hands. frankly, nether do I and I don't have anywhere near the time I once did 
(trying to learn how to live as a totally blind person in a sighted world, 
getting job training, etc). I wish I had the time to learn a new programming 
skill, but there just isn't enough time available in the day and I don't have 
the funds to go back to school and properly learn.

all I ask is that you (and other open source programmers) understand how it is 
that folks like me are forced to function and try to work around that (if 


On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:50 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hello Michael,
> If you do not like how Growl currently works with the Speech style, please 
> consider fixing it yourself or wait until someone takes the time to do so 
> patiently. I'm sure nothing is preventing you from changing it, either on a 
> personal level or getting it bundled in a future release of Growl. I would 
> fix it for everyone, but I sadly don't have time enough to do so, even though 
> it doesn't actually take that much to change the behavior. it requires you 
> read a lot, though, if you want the knowledge of completing the work.
> The Speech style isn't perfect. Bottom line is...if you don't like it now, 
> don't use it. I strongly urge you to pick up the pieces and change the style 
> slightly if you would like. I'm currently trying to re-write some of the 
> speech style entirely, allowing you to have more control over the various 
> styles in general, though that is currently on hold.
> Other developers of Growl (including me) will most likely tell you the same 
> thing I'm telling you right now, given that Growl is an open-source project 
> and everyone can contribute :). Please, don't complain. Everyone is currently 
> working on their own projects and Growl improvements/bug fixes or 
> enhancements, and not a lot of attention is being given to the Speech style 
> at the moment. Unfortunately, sometimes other matters are much more serious 
> than the Speech style. Don't get me wrong, because I understand your 
> frustration. However, I will say this again...nothing is preventing anyone 
> from changing the behavior. I'm sure we have some smart people on 
> fact, I know that is the case. I also know that someone is probably going to 
> ask: "Well, if it's so easy...why doesn't anyone do it?" I'll answer in 
> advance, and if I'm wrong in my predictions then you'll get the answer 
> anyway. :)
> If you want the change badly, try to understand how to develop Growl. If you 
> can't understand how to program, ask someone to help you who might have an 
> idea or try to contact someone privately such as myself to guide you through 
> the reading material. Of course, your third possibility is to just wait for a 
> fix. I won't disagree that the fix is long overdue by now, and it should have 
> been taken care of many releases ago. However, as I said above...regardless 
> if it is a small matter or not, sometimes, no one touches that particular 
> style for ages because there are more important bugs to be squashed, or more 
> common feature requests to be implemented and polished.
> I'm not trying to be snappy, but I'm just tired of hearing the same complaint 
> over and over when nothing is stopping you from changing all of Growl to your 
> preference by getting the developer kit, then proceeding  to build Growl. I'm 
> sorry if you take this in any way that may seem offensive or belittling, as 
> that is not my intent. :)
> Take care everyone. :)
> Regards,
> Nic
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 12:21 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> well nothing works with adium and growl  I didn't realise tat there was 
>> anther update, but everthing else works at least somewhat with growl... I 
>> still think we need a real irc client made to be accessible and not 
>> dependant on growl, since growl speaks everything on top of each other if 
>> text comes too fast
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 3:38 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> hmmm,
>>> in what function is it not working with adium?
>>> I hear all the chats 9sometimes 2 or 3 at a time). I usually don't turn on 
>>> a great many functions as they can get distracting.
>>> -Eric
>>> On Nov 11, 2010, at 9:19 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 this brings up an interesting problem  I am trying to use adium with growl 
 and it does not work, even after I had someone who can see and is a mac 

Re: Growl

2010-11-12 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hello Eric,

I do understand your situation and your needs, and probably also your 
frustration with Growl and not being able to review previous announcements, 
etc. That would honestly be a nice feature, however, the issue is that the 
Speech style only passes it to the Apple Speech Manager. This means that the 
information sighted people would be notified of when using any other style is 
the same you will get, such as "Click to view" or "Click to undelete" 
notifications in Dropbox. Growl does not change the behavior of the 
notifications, which is why it may seem frustrating when you use the style. 
Occasionally, I am looking at this particular display style, but I also need to 
understand fully how speech works in Mac OS X to implement it properly so Growl 
can recall your notifications. Also, I'm not entirely certain yet if you can 
configure the way Growl handles notifications and controls them based on a 
style-basis, or if it is generalized and styles only change the way they are 
viewed. I'm confident in the former solution, though, but I'll obviously keep 
looking into that. Naturally, I prefer a flexible environment, and I'm sure 
with a few tweaks it's possible.

Unfortunately, if you are not adept at programming, that's ok of course. It 
minimizes the possibility of the style changing anytime soon before someone 
does so, which I know isn't always preferable. I'm starting to get quite 
familiar with Growl, but do understand that I do not have the time myself at 
the moment to properly look into it, please!

My previous post is not meant as a bash, or the start of a flame war as I 
prefer relaxed  conversations. I hope you do not take it that way, as I pointed 
out in my previous posts, and do understand that I know how urgent you may need 
Growl to function the way you would like.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Nov 12, 2010, at 2:21 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> some of us (like me) are not adept at programming. in fact, what programming 
> skills I have belong to that ancient era of basic, fortran and cobble.
> Also, I am newly total (having lost what residual eyesight I had 4 months 
> ago) and am still learning the ins and outs of how OS X and voiceover work. 
> Now I know, that as open source programmers, you may not have a lot of time 
> on your hands. frankly, nether do I and I don't have anywhere near the time I 
> once did (trying to learn how to live as a totally blind person in a sighted 
> world, getting job training, etc). I wish I had the time to learn a new 
> programming skill, but there just isn't enough time available in the day and 
> I don't have the funds to go back to school and properly learn.
> all I ask is that you (and other open source programmers) understand how it 
> is that folks like me are forced to function and try to work around that (if 
> possible).
> -Eric
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:50 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hello Michael,
>> If you do not like how Growl currently works with the Speech style, please 
>> consider fixing it yourself or wait until someone takes the time to do so 
>> patiently. I'm sure nothing is preventing you from changing it, either on a 
>> personal level or getting it bundled in a future release of Growl. I would 
>> fix it for everyone, but I sadly don't have time enough to do so, even 
>> though it doesn't actually take that much to change the behavior. it 
>> requires you read a lot, though, if you want the knowledge of completing the 
>> work.
>> The Speech style isn't perfect. Bottom line is...if you don't like it now, 
>> don't use it. I strongly urge you to pick up the pieces and change the style 
>> slightly if you would like. I'm currently trying to re-write some of the 
>> speech style entirely, allowing you to have more control over the various 
>> styles in general, though that is currently on hold.
>> Other developers of Growl (including me) will most likely tell you the same 
>> thing I'm telling you right now, given that Growl is an open-source project 
>> and everyone can contribute :). Please, don't complain. Everyone is 
>> currently working on their own projects and Growl improvements/bug fixes or 
>> enhancements, and not a lot of attention is being given to the Speech style 
>> at the moment. Unfortunately, sometimes other matters are much more serious 
>> than the Speech style. Don't get me wrong, because I understand your 
>> frustration. However, I will say this again...nothing is preventing anyone 
>> from changing the behavior. I'm sure we have some smart people on 
>> fact, I know that is the case. I also know that someone is probably going to 
>> ask: "Well, if it's so easy...why doesn't anyone do it?" I'll answer in 
>> advance, and if I'm wrong in my predictions then you'll get the answer 
>> anyway. :)
>> If you want the change badly, try 

macbook pro and iphone with itunes

2010-11-12 Thread denise avant
hello all,
i have connected my iphone to my macbook pro. i have an account, and have done 
a sync of my iphone. however, i have not located my apps under the list of 
apps. how do i get itunes in mac to list my previously purchased and downloaded 
apps from my windows days? thanks.

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Re: playing burned itunes cd's on a standard cd player

2010-11-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Ah, but, the question now is this.  Does your CD player play mp3 disks?  If 
not, nothing you can do.  You'd need to select audio CD if that's one of the 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:16 AM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi i just burned a mp3 disc in itunes but it won't play on my cd player.
> i also tried data disc selection.
> i went to the import settings and set it to mp3
> my cd player is a older one
> -- 
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re-burning cd's in itunes to play on a standard cd player

2010-11-12 Thread chad baker
Hi alison no luck i burned it as a audio disc and it created aiff files which 
didn't play in my cd player.
my import settings are set to mp3

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Jumping to a specific time in itunes

2010-11-12 Thread Kaare Dehard
Hi, is the above possible? If so, how?

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Re: macbook pro and iphone with itunes

2010-11-12 Thread Geoff Waaler
Hi Denise,

You'll find an option under the iTunes "store" pull down menu to authorize your 
MBP.  Once this is done you can use the context menu for your iPhone 
(vo-shift-m) and select "transfer purchases.

Best regards.

On Nov 12, 2010, at 8:46 AM, denise avant wrote:

> hello all,
> i have connected my iphone to my macbook pro. i have an account, and have 
> done a sync of my iphone. however, i have not located my apps under the list 
> of apps. how do i get itunes in mac to list my previously purchased and 
> downloaded apps from my windows days? thanks.
> -- 
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Re: Growl

2010-11-12 Thread Eric Oyen
mine wasn't meant to start a flame war either, its only a measure of my current 

I use chat here for my irc stuff and I have found that it isn't as blind 
friendly as I would like (even with growl). I get told about every happening, 
on every chan, not just the currently focused one (that can be bad when things 
are busy). 

then there is the problem of growl being interrupted when I am typing (thats a 
problem with voiceover that I haven't been able to figure out yet).

if I had a few extra US dollars sitting around, I would certainly be donating 
to the various projects I use (NVA, ORCA and others like growl) but living on a 
fixed income really precludes that. 

anyway, I hope this mail has been an eye opener to some of the problems I 
currently face and the level of frustration I am forced to deal with. by no 
means is it your fault. perhaps its time I made some time to learn how to 
properly program.


On Nov 12, 2010, at 6:44 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hello Eric,
> I do understand your situation and your needs, and probably also your 
> frustration with Growl and not being able to review previous announcements, 
> etc. That would honestly be a nice feature, however, the issue is that the 
> Speech style only passes it to the Apple Speech Manager. This means that the 
> information sighted people would be notified of when using any other style is 
> the same you will get, such as "Click to view" or "Click to undelete" 
> notifications in Dropbox. Growl does not change the behavior of the 
> notifications, which is why it may seem frustrating when you use the style. 
> Occasionally, I am looking at this particular display style, but I also need 
> to understand fully how speech works in Mac OS X to implement it properly so 
> Growl can recall your notifications. Also, I'm not entirely certain yet if 
> you can configure the way Growl handles notifications and controls them based 
> on a style-basis, or if it is generalized and styles only change the way they 
> are viewed. I'm confident in the former solution, though, but I'll obviously 
> keep looking into that. Naturally, I prefer a flexible environment, and I'm 
> sure with a few tweaks it's possible.
> Unfortunately, if you are not adept at programming, that's ok of course. It 
> minimizes the possibility of the style changing anytime soon before someone 
> does so, which I know isn't always preferable. I'm starting to get quite 
> familiar with Growl, but do understand that I do not have the time myself at 
> the moment to properly look into it, please!
> My previous post is not meant as a bash, or the start of a flame war as I 
> prefer relaxed  conversations. I hope you do not take it that way, as I 
> pointed out in my previous posts, and do understand that I know how urgent 
> you may need Growl to function the way you would like.
> Regards,
> Nic
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 2:21 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> some of us (like me) are not adept at programming. in fact, what programming 
>> skills I have belong to that ancient era of basic, fortran and cobble.
>> Also, I am newly total (having lost what residual eyesight I had 4 months 
>> ago) and am still learning the ins and outs of how OS X and voiceover work. 
>> Now I know, that as open source programmers, you may not have a lot of time 
>> on your hands. frankly, nether do I and I don't have anywhere near the time 
>> I once did (trying to learn how to live as a totally blind person in a 
>> sighted world, getting job training, etc). I wish I had the time to learn a 
>> new programming skill, but there just isn't enough time available in the day 
>> and I don't have the funds to go back to school and properly learn.
>> all I ask is that you (and other open source programmers) understand how it 
>> is that folks like me are forced to function and try to work around that (if 
>> possible).
>> -Eric
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:50 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hello Michael,
>>> If you do not like how Growl currently works with the Speech style, please 
>>> consider fixing it yourself or wait until someone takes the time to do so 
>>> patiently. I'm sure nothing is preventing you from changing it, either on a 
>>> personal level or getting it bundled in a future release of Growl. I would 
>>> fix it for everyone, but I sadly don't have time enough to do so, even 
>>> though it doesn't actually take that much to change the behavior. it 
>>> requires you read a lot, though, if you want the knowledge of completing 
>>> the work.
>>> The Speech style isn't perfect. Bottom line is...if you don't like it now, 
>>> don't use it. I strongly urge you to pick up the pieces and change the 
>>> style slightly if you would like. I'm currently trying to re-write some of 
>>> the speech

Re: re-burning cd's in itunes to play on a standard cd player

2010-11-12 Thread Colin M
Hi Chad!
1, The import setting does not matter but you said you've change it to mp3, so 
what format is the music ripped in?
2, Where are you picking your burn settings!

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Re: Getting additional information from the Airport status menu

2010-11-12 Thread Geoff Waaler
Hello Ray,

I have both menu and menu item verbosity set to "high".  When I arrow to the 
airport extra menu without simultaneously pressing option vo reports seven 
items.  When I press option-rightArrow to reach this menu, the number of items 
doubles and there is indeed additional data shown.  I do not need to hold down 
the VO keys once I'm in the status menus as was suggested earlier.

This doubles when I do and in fact there is additional 

On Nov 11, 2010, at 1:43 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Well, I went in to the universal access menu, then, holding down the option 
> key, I arrowed right till I got to the airport menu.  I didn't see any of 
> that stuff.  Was I supposed to do anything else or differently?
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Nov 11, 2010, at 12:34 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> This seems to work well.  You get the transmition type and some speed data.
>> Cool 
>> Thanks!
>> On Nov 11, 2010, at 7:37 AM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Geoff,
>>> You wrote in another thread on WiFi stability:
>>> As you probably discovered from ascertaining the ip address, under system 
>>> prefferences -> network,  there's a box labeled "Show AirPort status in 
>>> menu bar".  When checked, you can see information by either via trackpad 
>>> commander by double tapping the top with two fingers and locating "airport" 
>>> a little right of center near the top, or via the keyboard by pressing 
>>> vo-m-m and vo-arrow to thae airport menu (yet another illistration why I 
>>> almost always use trackpad commander, but I digress).
>>> Anyway, I read documentation indicating that one can press option-click in 
>>> order to expose a menu that shows information such as throughput and 
>>> channel number.  I tried routing the mouse pointer, disabling trackpad 
>>> commander and pressing option-click, however it only brought focus to the 
>>> application.  Perhaps there's another way to simulate an option-click in vo 
>>> so as to expose this menu?
>>> Like many things, this is in the archives .  See Barry Hadder's tip 
>>> on extra status menus in SL, which I've pasted in below.
>>> "I found an interesting way to get extra airport status information. I 
>>> wanted to post this because I believe that it is new to sl. Open the status 
>>> menu with vo-m twice. Hold down the option key as you left or right arrow 
>>> over the airport menu icon. Now release the option key and arrow down 
>>> through the menu. This can be done on many of the other menus such as 
>>> volume, mobileme, etc."
>>> In fact, this was not new to Snow Leopard; it also works in Leopard, but is 
>>> a neat feature. And you can navigate to the status menu bar any way you 
>>> like, but you should have the Option key pressed before you right or left 
>>> arrow to the AirPort status menu if you want the additional information 
>>> displayed.  Let us know whether this works for you.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
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Re: Jumping to a specific time in itunes

2010-11-12 Thread Colin M
Hi Kaare!
For what purpose if its for making a ringtone then yes but just to start 
playing a track from a certain place I do not know and if you are talking about 
audio books someone else will have to chime in!
On 12 Nov 2010, at 14:26, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> Hi, is the above possible? If so, how?
> -- 
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AIM for iPhone updated with VO support

2010-11-12 Thread Chris Blouch

Blog entry is here:

I've been working with the AIM iPhone folks on this for a while so it's 
nice to see it finally fixed. For those not familiar, the very first 
screen where you select what kind of account to log in from (AIM, 
Facebook, MobileMe etc) was totally inaccessible. The region where all 
those buttons were just dinged. There still are issues but at least the 
front door isn't locked any more and some other voiceover problems past 
that are also resolved. Let me know if you stumble upon any problems 
that I should pass along to the AIM developers.


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re-burning cd's in itunes to play on a standard cd player resolved

2010-11-12 Thread chad baker
Hi my cd burning issue is resolved i was using a rw disc which my cd player 
won't read.
thanks for all the help guys

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Re: Growl

2010-11-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Well, Growl tells me absolutely nothing at all.  Nothing.  I've got it turned 
on and all my notifications set to the speech setting.  Can't work out why Drop 
Box isn't telling me anything about file  changes or Skype about anything at 
all.  Isn't there supposed to be a Growl alert for when somebody downloads a 
file from your d
Drop Box folder or something?

I did once uninstall Growl but I put it back.  Can't seem to work out what I 
might be doing wrong.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Nov 12, 2010, at 8:26 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> heh.
> mine wasn't meant to start a flame war either, its only a measure of my 
> current frustration. 
> I use chat here for my irc stuff and I have found that it isn't as blind 
> friendly as I would like (even with growl). I get told about every happening, 
> on every chan, not just the currently focused one (that can be bad when 
> things are busy). 
> then there is the problem of growl being interrupted when I am typing (thats 
> a problem with voiceover that I haven't been able to figure out yet).
> if I had a few extra US dollars sitting around, I would certainly be donating 
> to the various projects I use (NVA, ORCA and others like growl) but living on 
> a fixed income really precludes that. 
> anyway, I hope this mail has been an eye opener to some of the problems I 
> currently face and the level of frustration I am forced to deal with. by no 
> means is it your fault. perhaps its time I made some time to learn how to 
> properly program.
> -Eric
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 6:44 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hello Eric,
>> I do understand your situation and your needs, and probably also your 
>> frustration with Growl and not being able to review previous announcements, 
>> etc. That would honestly be a nice feature, however, the issue is that the 
>> Speech style only passes it to the Apple Speech Manager. This means that the 
>> information sighted people would be notified of when using any other style 
>> is the same you will get, such as "Click to view" or "Click to undelete" 
>> notifications in Dropbox. Growl does not change the behavior of the 
>> notifications, which is why it may seem frustrating when you use the style. 
>> Occasionally, I am looking at this particular display style, but I also need 
>> to understand fully how speech works in Mac OS X to implement it properly so 
>> Growl can recall your notifications. Also, I'm not entirely certain yet if 
>> you can configure the way Growl handles notifications and controls them 
>> based on a style-basis, or if it is generalized and styles only change the 
>> way they are viewed. I'm confident in the former solution, though, but I'll 
>> obviously keep looking into that. Naturally, I prefer a flexible 
>> environment, and I'm sure with a few tweaks it's possible.
>> Unfortunately, if you are not adept at programming, that's ok of course. It 
>> minimizes the possibility of the style changing anytime soon before someone 
>> does so, which I know isn't always preferable. I'm starting to get quite 
>> familiar with Growl, but do understand that I do not have the time myself at 
>> the moment to properly look into it, please!
>> My previous post is not meant as a bash, or the start of a flame war as I 
>> prefer relaxed  conversations. I hope you do not take it that way, as I 
>> pointed out in my previous posts, and do understand that I know how urgent 
>> you may need Growl to function the way you would like.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 2:21 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> some of us (like me) are not adept at programming. in fact, what 
>>> programming skills I have belong to that ancient era of basic, fortran and 
>>> cobble.
>>> Also, I am newly total (having lost what residual eyesight I had 4 months 
>>> ago) and am still learning the ins and outs of how OS X and voiceover work. 
>>> Now I know, that as open source programmers, you may not have a lot of time 
>>> on your hands. frankly, nether do I and I don't have anywhere near the time 
>>> I once did (trying to learn how to live as a totally blind person in a 
>>> sighted world, getting job training, etc). I wish I had the time to learn a 
>>> new programming skill, but there just isn't enough time available in the 
>>> day and I don't have the funds to go back to school and properly learn.
>>> all I ask is that you (and other open source programmers) understand how it 
>>> is that folks like me are forced to function and try to work around that 
>>> (if possible).
>>> -Eric
>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:50 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
 Hello Michael,
 If you do not like how Growl currently works with the Speech s

macbook pro with itunes and iphone

2010-11-12 Thread denise avant
hi all,
jeff that worked in terms of transferring the purchases from my iphone to my 
macbook. but i had a free app i had gotten which was not on my iphone and is 
not on my macbook in the apps section. so i guess i'm wondering how to find it 
again without redownloading it.

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Re: re-burning cd's in itunes to play on a standard cd player

2010-11-12 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Chad,

Hmm, that is strange since I have had success with this. I'll have a look in my 
burn settiings.


Sent from my iPhone

On 12/11/2010, at 8:56 AM, chad baker  wrote:

> Hi alison no luck i burned it as a audio disc and it created aiff files which 
> didn't play in my cd player.
> my import settings are set to mp3
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Re: Jumping to a specific time in itunes

2010-11-12 Thread Tim Kilburn

Try the downloadable script from my site:

Some updates have been made to this site although it's far from totally 
up-to-date yet.


On 2010-11-12, at 7:41 AM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Kaare!
> For what purpose if its for making a ringtone then yes but just to start 
> playing a track from a certain place I do not know and if you are talking 
> about audio books someone else will have to chime in!
> Colin
> On 12 Nov 2010, at 14:26, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>> Hi, is the above possible? If so, how?
>> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: macbook pro with itunes and iphone

2010-11-12 Thread Tim Kilburn

If it's not on your iPhone then you'll probably need to re-download it.  If 
it's free, that shouldn't really be an issue.


On 2010-11-12, at 7:57 AM, denise avant wrote:

> hi all,
> jeff that worked in terms of transferring the purchases from my iphone to my 
> macbook. but i had a free app i had gotten which was not on my iphone and is 
> not on my macbook in the apps section. so i guess i'm wondering how to find 
> it again without redownloading it.
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Growl

2010-11-12 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Thanks for making me think to go to Growl settings under system preferences.  
There, I found that under the Applications tab, there was a check box next to 
all my apps.  The "Skype," app's check box was NOT checked, so I checked it.  
I'm still waiting to see if it made a difference.

However, I found something else out which might be a conflict.  When I pressed 
the "Configure," button with the Skype app checked, I found that the "play 
sound," menu was set to "none," even though, in the Skype preferences, I had 
set it to play a sound.  This *MAY* be preventing the sound from playing, but 
that's just a theory.  One possible work-around for this would be to transfer 
all the sound files into the system sounds folder (/system/library/sounds), but 
that would be a pain...

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Jumping to a specific time in itunes

2010-11-12 Thread Kaare Dehard
I'm looking about audio books. See, once upon a work-place, I start a book at 
work while doing the ole paperwork, then I leave windblows and go home, wanting 
to figure out how to get close to the last stop point by guess and not 
On 2010-11-12, at 9:41 AM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Kaare!
> For what purpose if its for making a ringtone then yes but just to start 
> playing a track from a certain place I do not know and if you are talking 
> about audio books someone else will have to chime in!
> Colin
> On 12 Nov 2010, at 14:26, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>> Hi, is the above possible? If so, how?
>> -- 
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Im plus doesn't work on my iphone anymore!

2010-11-12 Thread Sonnia
Hi everyone. I wonder if anyone else has had some trouble with the im
plus pro messenger for iphone. It used to be the most accessible
messenger for the iphone. I tried a few and it was the best one. After
the app was updated though, it isn't so accessible. All the features
are readable by voice over except the instant messaging text edit
field. When you are typing a message to someone, vo doesn't speak
while you type. I use a bluetooth keyboard and can hear nothing when
typing. It's a big disappointment because a $10 app failed me.. :( Any
ideas on what to do? Either to downgrade to the more accessible
version or what other messenger works?

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Re: Im plus doesn't work on my iphone anymore!

2010-11-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. try contacting the dev. I've heard it in action and it does work but all 
you hear is a pop sound like you have reached the boundary.

Good luck.
On Nov 12, 2010, at 9:49 AM, Sonnia wrote:

> Hi everyone. I wonder if anyone else has had some trouble with the im
> plus pro messenger for iphone. It used to be the most accessible
> messenger for the iphone. I tried a few and it was the best one. After
> the app was updated though, it isn't so accessible. All the features
> are readable by voice over except the instant messaging text edit
> field. When you are typing a message to someone, vo doesn't speak
> while you type. I use a bluetooth keyboard and can hear nothing when
> typing. It's a big disappointment because a $10 app failed me.. :( Any
> ideas on what to do? Either to downgrade to the more accessible
> version or what other messenger works?
> -- 
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Re: Growl

2010-11-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
Actually I got so fed up with it I uninstalled it and try and erge everyone 
else to do it. It is nothing but a newence and limits what you can do.

Good luck.

On Nov 12, 2010, at 3:50 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hello Michael,
> If you do not like how Growl currently works with the Speech style, please 
> consider fixing it yourself or wait until someone takes the time to do so 
> patiently. I'm sure nothing is preventing you from changing it, either on a 
> personal level or getting it bundled in a future release of Growl. I would 
> fix it for everyone, but I sadly don't have time enough to do so, even though 
> it doesn't actually take that much to change the behavior. it requires you 
> read a lot, though, if you want the knowledge of completing the work.
> The Speech style isn't perfect. Bottom line is...if you don't like it now, 
> don't use it. I strongly urge you to pick up the pieces and change the style 
> slightly if you would like. I'm currently trying to re-write some of the 
> speech style entirely, allowing you to have more control over the various 
> styles in general, though that is currently on hold.
> Other developers of Growl (including me) will most likely tell you the same 
> thing I'm telling you right now, given that Growl is an open-source project 
> and everyone can contribute :). Please, don't complain. Everyone is currently 
> working on their own projects and Growl improvements/bug fixes or 
> enhancements, and not a lot of attention is being given to the Speech style 
> at the moment. Unfortunately, sometimes other matters are much more serious 
> than the Speech style. Don't get me wrong, because I understand your 
> frustration. However, I will say this again...nothing is preventing anyone 
> from changing the behavior. I'm sure we have some smart people on 
> fact, I know that is the case. I also know that someone is probably going to 
> ask: "Well, if it's so easy...why doesn't anyone do it?" I'll answer in 
> advance, and if I'm wrong in my predictions then you'll get the answer 
> anyway. :)
> If you want the change badly, try to understand how to develop Growl. If you 
> can't understand how to program, ask someone to help you who might have an 
> idea or try to contact someone privately such as myself to guide you through 
> the reading material. Of course, your third possibility is to just wait for a 
> fix. I won't disagree that the fix is long overdue by now, and it should have 
> been taken care of many releases ago. However, as I said above...regardless 
> if it is a small matter or not, sometimes, no one touches that particular 
> style for ages because there are more important bugs to be squashed, or more 
> common feature requests to be implemented and polished.
> I'm not trying to be snappy, but I'm just tired of hearing the same complaint 
> over and over when nothing is stopping you from changing all of Growl to your 
> preference by getting the developer kit, then proceeding  to build Growl. I'm 
> sorry if you take this in any way that may seem offensive or belittling, as 
> that is not my intent. :)
> Take care everyone. :)
> Regards,
> Nic
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 12:21 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> well nothing works with adium and growl  I didn't realise tat there was 
>> anther update, but everthing else works at least somewhat with growl... I 
>> still think we need a real irc client made to be accessible and not 
>> dependant on growl, since growl speaks everything on top of each other if 
>> text comes too fast
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 3:38 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> hmmm,
>>> in what function is it not working with adium?
>>> I hear all the chats 9sometimes 2 or 3 at a time). I usually don't turn on 
>>> a great many functions as they can get distracting.
>>> -Eric
>>> On Nov 11, 2010, at 9:19 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
 this brings up an interesting problem  I am trying to use adium with growl 
 and it does not work, even after I had someone who can see and is a mac 
 guru try and fix it. I am trying to se it for irc chat rooms. I'd love to 
 hve something hat works as well as mirc did with jaws on windows, then I 
 coul happily walk away from windows altogether, well except for mudding 
 hat still really shines with vip mud in wondows, and nothing here I know 
 of wks properly
 On Nov 5, 2010, at 4:26 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Nick, am I to understand that you actually wrote the code for Growl?
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Nov 5, 2010, at 3:19 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hello Austin

Cmd+Tab with Zoom on Annoyance in 10.6.5

2010-11-12 Thread Pete Nalda
I'm using Zoom at about 20 for maximum magnification, and 16 for Minimum 
magnification, and when I do cmd+Tab with Magnification on anywhere between, It 
seems to not  want to let me tab through my open apps with the cmd key held 
down.  If I do shift+cmd+Tab it works fine, allowing me to cycle backwards 
through the apps.  With the zoom set at maximum or minimum it behaves like it 
should.  Does anyone here using zoom observe this behavior?  And should I write about this?   TIA.

Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: re-burning cd's in itunes to play on a standard cd player

2010-11-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
when I burn cds in itunes they are aiff files and they do play, in newer 
systems that is. I've been lucky. I don't think it will play in older systems 
though and I mean before 2006 or even 2005. Good luck.

On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:25 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Chad,
> Hmm, that is strange since I have had success with this. I'll have a look in 
> my burn settiings.
> Musically,
> Allison
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 12/11/2010, at 8:56 AM, chad baker  wrote:
>> Hi alison no luck i burned it as a audio disc and it created aiff files 
>> which didn't play in my cd player.
>> my import settings are set to mp3
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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
I've never seen an air yet but I'm starting to get more impressed. No I will 
never be able to use amadeus on it but I can take notes and some how sync them 
to my mbp or what ever I will have at the time.

Good luck.

On Nov 12, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Justin Kauflin wrote:

> I also have good memories of the Braille 'n Speak and the Braille Lite.  
> Besides them crashing and losing all of my data multiple times, I loved using 
> them in class.  I was extremely disappointed when I tried out the Pac mate.  
> It seemed to me like FS took a step backwards.
> Once I have the budget for it, I look forward to working with a MacBook 
> Air.  The newer models definitely sound like a huge step up from the previous 
> iteration.  One thing that I really liked about the Braille 'n Speak and 
> Braille Lite models were that instant on feature.  It made it a breeze to 
> keep up with real live.  I'm glad to see that the Air is taking Mac in this 
> direction.  Another hooray for Apple and accessibility.
> Justin
> On Nov 11, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> I used a Braille and speak in about 1988 or so. The thing seemed 
>> revolutionary at the time. It was so small for what it did and the battery 
>> life was so good. I also liked the instant on feature. I saw nothing else 
>> that had those features at the time for the price. Doug
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2010-11-11, at 5:36 PM, Austin Seraphin  
>> wrote:
>>> I just wanted to chime in on this thread. I went from using a netbook to a 
>>> MacBook Air, and definitely notice the difference. Admittedly, for me, my 
>>> netbook had a rather nonstandard configuration. It came with a Windows XP 
>>> partition, and a second blank partition presumably for media files and the 
>>> like. I just installed Arch Linux on the second partition and made a sweet 
>>> dual boot setup with a minimum of fuss. I could even access the Windows 
>>> partition from Linux, from which I did most of my work. I put together a 
>>> good enough environment, but Mac just kills it! For me, it feels like 
>>> owning two computers in one, since I can do a lot of cool Unix stuff on it 
>>> as well, including using ssh to control my other linux servers. Just so 
>>> cool!
>>> That won't matter to most. Most will care about the hardware differences. 
>>> The macBook feels a lot more solid because of its unibody frame. You can 
>>> tell. You get what you pay for. The Air also uses flash for everything. 
>>> When they say "Instant On," they mean it! It also sounds better. The 
>>> netbook, at least the Asus I have, has its speakers on the bottom, whereas 
>>> the Air has them under the keyboard. I think the unibody frame also acts as 
>>> a sort of resonance chamber or something, it seems to help the sound 
>>> instead of hindering it. Oh and of course, unlike a Windows or Linux 
>>> netbook, you can actually use the trackpad! Don't get me wrong, I loved the 
>>> setup I created, and still have to find some ways of doing some things on 
>>> the Mac, but for me the Air just seemed like a no-brainer!
>>> As for comparing the Air to notetakers, I never really got into reading 
>>> braille displays, so it didn't really bother me. I just got a sweet case 
>>> and now have the whole notetaking thing covered too. I just have to find 
>>> the best ways to take the notes! I like MacJournal for journaling and 
>>> blogging. TextEdit works for quick things. I know little of Pages, but will 
>>> want to. Either way, for me, the MacBook Air seems like the perfect 
>>> computer and notetaker. I still have a place in my heart for the Braille 'n 
>>> Speak though.
>>> - Austin
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Re: Any chance to get plain text with embedded tables announced by Vo correctly?

2010-11-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. why not just save them at html to see if they came out right. I think 
that's an elegant solution until apple works out a solution.

On Nov 11, 2010, at 11:58 PM, Martin Kirchner wrote:

> Justin,
> On 12.11.2010, at 06:46, Justin Ekis wrote:
>> For several of my classes, the syllabus is provided in a word document. 
>> Everything reads fine except for the schedule of assignments. I can open the 
>> document in textedit, bean, or pages but voiceover doesn't correctly speak 
>> the table with the schedule. So I was booting the virtual machine just to 
>> check the schedule twice a week with jaws. Finally I realized a simple 
>> solution. I let textedit save the files as web pages. Voiceover reads most 
>> of these tables just fine in safari.
> shurely That's  a pretty good solution to read table structured documents 
> that are already produced. But what about any self made ones? To edit and 
> read such data using Microsoft word is a peace of cake. I think, today it's 
> simply needed for the visual impaired to get any kind of information like 
> sighted people does. Appl's accessibility aids for the visual impaired hav 
> brought high quality reading capabilitys concerning nearly all kinds of HTML 
> based content. So it simply makes me wonder how  they could forget to work on 
> similar capabilitys   to get the same results within offline documents, 
> particularly  if those documents are produced with Works 9, the office suite 
> that was developed by Apple. I'm from Germany, and some members of the local 
> comunity of blind and visual impaired Mac users plans to make an inquiry   to 
> apple's accessibility department. Of course it's a well known fact taht apple 
> have to care for lots of different reviews and feedbacc the company recieves 
> every day from all around the world. So why they should care 'bout the needs 
> of only a couple of blind users? But axactly that individuals often works 
> very hard to earnt their money. And that's the reason they need reliable 
> productivity tools, not only talking computers that reads tons of mails but 
> not any table structured syllabus.
> Martin
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Mac Journal

2010-11-12 Thread Joshua Loya
Hello all,
Some time ago, I sent a cross posted message stating that I was having 
difficulty syncing data between Mac Journal on my iPhone and Mac Journal on my 
Macbook Pro. I was never able to resolve the issue. I was never able to resolve 
the issue, that is, until I purchased and registered Mac Journal on my Mac. 
Apparently, while it isn't mentioned in the documentation, syncing journals 
over a wireless network will not work if the Mac running Mac Journal is only 
running a trial version. Once I registered the Mac OS version, syncing worked 
Btw, Mac Journal for iPhone, last time I checked, was $4.99. It will only sync 
text entries, but it is quite accessible.


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Re: Jumping to a specific time in itunes

2010-11-12 Thread Colin M
Hi Kaare!
Well you have a journey before you!
Are you ready to face the dangers and prepared to go where the path takes you!
It is told there is a place known as the great Archive!
In this place there is a great repository of wealth and Knowledge.
Within those walls may lie the answers to your question!
When you enter at the gate [I've heard its called ]

You can begin your trip and search through all its volts [or just do a search 
in the search window]
For Audio books this might get your journey over quicker!
So be brave and take stock that I'll be wishing you well on your journey and 
find the answers you seek!
All the best yours
PS Maybe a great sage of the list may come to your rescue and save you the trip!
On 12 Nov 2010, at 17:32, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> I'm looking about audio books. See, once upon a work-place, I start a book at 
> work while doing the ole paperwork, then I leave wind blows and go home, 
> wanting to figure out how to get close to the last stop point by guess and 
> not fast-forward.

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New scanner sounds interesting.

2010-11-12 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
I just read a review of a Fujitsu scanner that scans double sided at a page 
every 3 seconds.  The review was fairly positive.  I'd love to know  if anybody 
has other words to say?


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Re: Im plus doesn't work on my iphone anymore!

2010-11-12 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I'm disappointed too as I too am having the same issues.

Best you write to the developers which I did.
On 12 Nov 2010, at 17:49, Sonnia wrote:

> Hi everyone. I wonder if anyone else has had some trouble with the im
> plus pro messenger for iphone. It used to be the most accessible
> messenger for the iphone. I tried a few and it was the best one. After
> the app was updated though, it isn't so accessible. All the features
> are readable by voice over except the instant messaging text edit
> field. When you are typing a message to someone, vo doesn't speak
> while you type. I use a bluetooth keyboard and can hear nothing when
> typing. It's a big disappointment because a $10 app failed me.. :( Any
> ideas on what to do? Either to downgrade to the more accessible
> version or what other messenger works?
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Kawal Gucukoglu

(Skype ID):





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Re: New scanner sounds interesting.

2010-11-12 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

I have been scanning a lot for many years, I understand that it is easy to cut 
up a book, and put it into a scanner, but honestly we need help for that 
process, and we need to be sure, all pages has been scanned with good result, 
and two pages not been scanned as one. I do not know if it is worth.

Best regards Annie.
On Nov 12, 2010, at 9:19 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> I just read a review of a Fujitsu scanner that scans double sided at a page 
> every 3 seconds.  The review was fairly positive.  I'd love to know  if 
> anybody has other words to say?
> Jon
> -- 
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Researcher looking for iPhone users

2010-11-12 Thread Cara Quinn
Hi All;

the below is from a researcher looking for interested volunteers. 


Cara :)

Hello, iPhone users.

I am looking for volunteers who have used an iPhone for at least 6
months, to participate in a short telephone interview in regard to
their iPhone experiences.  This interview is in support of ongoing
research funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

My current interest in doing interviews with people who are using
iPhones is the result of our work on the Cellphone Best Practices
project with the Department of Veterans Affairs.  In earlier work, we
evaluated 14 phones.  We learned during this research, that the
touchscreen phones can offer access, and the iPhone in particular has
done far better than any of the traditionally designed cellphones at
affording full access.

We completed the first year of the project, and are now in our second
year.  We are now taking the data from the first evaluations, and
developing an evaluation system for best practices in utilizing a
touchscreen phone.  Our initial evaluations had people using cellphones
provided to them for a 3 week interval.  We learned much, but we
realize we also want data from people who have used the iPhone for 6
months or more.  We want to know more about the long term iPhone
experience, in order to include that data into our study.   I have been
asked to conduct short interviews with persons who are blind, and using
iPhones for more than 6 months, in order to gain further insights into
those long term experiences, and develop action statements that will
address needs perceived by long term iPhone users, and not just those
using the iPhone for short periods of time. The results will be used to
engineer the interface of a touchscreen phone for evaluation, in order
to determine "best practices" in designing an interface for persons who
are blind.  

If you are interested in volunteering for an interview about your
personal iPhone experiences, please do email me directly at:

I will write you back so that we can establish a good time for the
interview, which takes typically, 15-30 minutes. Thank you in advance
for considering this volunteer opportunity.

Gary W. Kelly
New Frontiers, Inc.
A 501(c)3 non profit organization.
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-12 Thread Ricardo Walker
It depends on what kind of working your doing with the app.  A air might be 
able to handle the task.  I found it to be very efficient in it's management of 
its resources.  To be fair, I only had about 30 minutes to play with it. 

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 12, 2010, at 1:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I've never seen an air yet but I'm starting to get more impressed. No I will 
> never be able to use amadeus on it but I can take notes and some how sync 
> them to my mbp or what ever I will have at the time.
> Good luck.
> S
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Justin Kauflin wrote:
>> I also have good memories of the Braille 'n Speak and the Braille Lite.  
>> Besides them crashing and losing all of my data multiple times, I loved 
>> using them in class.  I was extremely disappointed when I tried out the Pac 
>> mate.  It seemed to me like FS took a step backwards.
>>Once I have the budget for it, I look forward to working with a MacBook 
>> Air.  The newer models definitely sound like a huge step up from the 
>> previous iteration.  One thing that I really liked about the Braille 'n 
>> Speak and Braille Lite models were that instant on feature.  It made it a 
>> breeze to keep up with real live.  I'm glad to see that the Air is taking 
>> Mac in this direction.  Another hooray for Apple and accessibility.
>> Justin
>> On Nov 11, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>>> I used a Braille and speak in about 1988 or so. The thing seemed 
>>> revolutionary at the time. It was so small for what it did and the battery 
>>> life was so good. I also liked the instant on feature. I saw nothing else 
>>> that had those features at the time for the price. Doug
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 2010-11-11, at 5:36 PM, Austin Seraphin  
>>> wrote:
 I just wanted to chime in on this thread. I went from using a netbook to a 
 MacBook Air, and definitely notice the difference. Admittedly, for me, my 
 netbook had a rather nonstandard configuration. It came with a Windows XP 
 partition, and a second blank partition presumably for media files and the 
 like. I just installed Arch Linux on the second partition and made a sweet 
 dual boot setup with a minimum of fuss. I could even access the Windows 
 partition from Linux, from which I did most of my work. I put together a 
 good enough environment, but Mac just kills it! For me, it feels like 
 owning two computers in one, since I can do a lot of cool Unix stuff on it 
 as well, including using ssh to control my other linux servers. Just so 
 That won't matter to most. Most will care about the hardware differences. 
 The macBook feels a lot more solid because of its unibody frame. You can 
 tell. You get what you pay for. The Air also uses flash for everything. 
 When they say "Instant On," they mean it! It also sounds better. The 
 netbook, at least the Asus I have, has its speakers on the bottom, whereas 
 the Air has them under the keyboard. I think the unibody frame also acts 
 as a sort of resonance chamber or something, it seems to help the sound 
 instead of hindering it. Oh and of course, unlike a Windows or Linux 
 netbook, you can actually use the trackpad! Don't get me wrong, I loved 
 the setup I created, and still have to find some ways of doing some things 
 on the Mac, but for me the Air just seemed like a no-brainer!
 As for comparing the Air to notetakers, I never really got into reading 
 braille displays, so it didn't really bother me. I just got a sweet case 
 and now have the whole notetaking thing covered too. I just have to find 
 the best ways to take the notes! I like MacJournal for journaling and 
 blogging. TextEdit works for quick things. I know little of Pages, but 
 will want to. Either way, for me, the MacBook Air seems like the perfect 
 computer and notetaker. I still have a place in my heart for the Braille 
 'n Speak though.
 - Austin
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you

Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yeah mine is saving 4 hour long mp3 files. Probably not. lol!

On Nov 12, 2010, at 2:18 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> It depends on what kind of working your doing with the app.  A air might be 
> able to handle the task.  I found it to be very efficient in it's management 
> of its resources.  To be fair, I only had about 30 minutes to play with it. 
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 1:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I've never seen an air yet but I'm starting to get more impressed. No I will 
>> never be able to use amadeus on it but I can take notes and some how sync 
>> them to my mbp or what ever I will have at the time.
>> Good luck.
>> S
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Justin Kauflin wrote:
>>> I also have good memories of the Braille 'n Speak and the Braille Lite.  
>>> Besides them crashing and losing all of my data multiple times, I loved 
>>> using them in class.  I was extremely disappointed when I tried out the Pac 
>>> mate.  It seemed to me like FS took a step backwards.
>>>   Once I have the budget for it, I look forward to working with a MacBook 
>>> Air.  The newer models definitely sound like a huge step up from the 
>>> previous iteration.  One thing that I really liked about the Braille 'n 
>>> Speak and Braille Lite models were that instant on feature.  It made it a 
>>> breeze to keep up with real live.  I'm glad to see that the Air is taking 
>>> Mac in this direction.  Another hooray for Apple and accessibility.
>>> Justin
>>> On Nov 11, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
 I used a Braille and speak in about 1988 or so. The thing seemed 
 revolutionary at the time. It was so small for what it did and the battery 
 life was so good. I also liked the instant on feature. I saw nothing else 
 that had those features at the time for the price. Doug
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 2010-11-11, at 5:36 PM, Austin Seraphin  
> I just wanted to chime in on this thread. I went from using a netbook to 
> a MacBook Air, and definitely notice the difference. Admittedly, for me, 
> my netbook had a rather nonstandard configuration. It came with a Windows 
> XP partition, and a second blank partition presumably for media files and 
> the like. I just installed Arch Linux on the second partition and made a 
> sweet dual boot setup with a minimum of fuss. I could even access the 
> Windows partition from Linux, from which I did most of my work. I put 
> together a good enough environment, but Mac just kills it! For me, it 
> feels like owning two computers in one, since I can do a lot of cool Unix 
> stuff on it as well, including using ssh to control my other linux 
> servers. Just so cool!
> That won't matter to most. Most will care about the hardware differences. 
> The macBook feels a lot more solid because of its unibody frame. You can 
> tell. You get what you pay for. The Air also uses flash for everything. 
> When they say "Instant On," they mean it! It also sounds better. The 
> netbook, at least the Asus I have, has its speakers on the bottom, 
> whereas the Air has them under the keyboard. I think the unibody frame 
> also acts as a sort of resonance chamber or something, it seems to help 
> the sound instead of hindering it. Oh and of course, unlike a Windows or 
> Linux netbook, you can actually use the trackpad! Don't get me wrong, I 
> loved the setup I created, and still have to find some ways of doing some 
> things on the Mac, but for me the Air just seemed like a no-brainer!
> As for comparing the Air to notetakers, I never really got into reading 
> braille displays, so it didn't really bother me. I just got a sweet case 
> and now have the whole notetaking thing covered too. I just have to find 
> the best ways to take the notes! I like MacJournal for journaling and 
> blogging. TextEdit works for quick things. I know little of Pages, but 
> will want to. Either way, for me, the MacBook Air seems like the perfect 
> computer and notetaker. I still have a place in my heart for the Braille 
> 'n Speak though.
> - Austin
> -- 
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Re: Jumping to a specific time in itunes

2010-11-12 Thread Kaare Dehard
A great sage should smack me for not looking there first:).

I got there, thanks, just did it the other way, but will save this archive link 
for future.

On 2010-11-12, at 3:12 PM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Kaare!
> Well you have a journey before you!
> Are you ready to face the dangers and prepared to go where the path takes you!
> It is told there is a place known as the great Archive!
> In this place there is a great repository of wealth and Knowledge.
> Within those walls may lie the answers to your question!
> When you enter at the gate [I've heard its called ]
> You can begin your trip and search through all its volts [or just do a search 
> in the search window]
> For Audio books this might get your journey over quicker!
> So be brave and take stock that I'll be wishing you well on your journey and 
> find the answers you seek!
> All the best yours
> Colin
> PS Maybe a great sage of the list may come to your rescue and save you the 
> trip!
> On 12 Nov 2010, at 17:32, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>> I'm looking about audio books. See, once upon a work-place, I start a book 
>> at work while doing the ole paperwork, then I leave wind blows and go home, 
>> wanting to figure out how to get close to the last stop point by guess and 
>> not fast-forward.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Cmd+Tab with Zoom on Annoyance in 10.6.5

2010-11-12 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Pete,

This is what Archie suggests you do to fix your problem.

Make sure System Preferences is not running, then trash the file:

Then reopen System Preferences and reset your Universal Access preferences 
using the Ctrl-Scroll zoom if necessary.



On 12 Nov 2010, at 19:35, Pete Nalda wrote:

> I'm using Zoom at about 20 for maximum magnification, and 16 for Minimum 
> magnification, and when I do cmd+Tab with Magnification on anywhere between, 
> It seems to not  want to let me tab through my open apps with the cmd key 
> held down.  If I do shift+cmd+Tab it works fine, allowing me to cycle 
> backwards through the apps.  With the zoom set at maximum or minimum it 
> behaves like it should.  Does anyone here using zoom observe this behavior?  
> And should I write about this?   TIA.
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
> -- 
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Re: Researcher looking for iPhone users

2010-11-12 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Is this person based in America?
On 12 Nov 2010, at 22:08, Cara Quinn wrote:

> Hi All;
> the below is from a researcher looking for interested volunteers. 
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> Hello, iPhone users.
> I am looking for volunteers who have used an iPhone for at least 6
> months, to participate in a short telephone interview in regard to
> their iPhone experiences.  This interview is in support of ongoing
> research funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
> My current interest in doing interviews with people who are using
> iPhones is the result of our work on the Cellphone Best Practices
> project with the Department of Veterans Affairs.  In earlier work, we
> evaluated 14 phones.  We learned during this research, that the
> touchscreen phones can offer access, and the iPhone in particular has
> done far better than any of the traditionally designed cellphones at
> affording full access.
> We completed the first year of the project, and are now in our second
> year.  We are now taking the data from the first evaluations, and
> developing an evaluation system for best practices in utilizing a
> touchscreen phone.  Our initial evaluations had people using cellphones
> provided to them for a 3 week interval.  We learned much, but we
> realize we also want data from people who have used the iPhone for 6
> months or more.  We want to know more about the long term iPhone
> experience, in order to include that data into our study.   I have been
> asked to conduct short interviews with persons who are blind, and using
> iPhones for more than 6 months, in order to gain further insights into
> those long term experiences, and develop action statements that will
> address needs perceived by long term iPhone users, and not just those
> using the iPhone for short periods of time. The results will be used to
> engineer the interface of a touchscreen phone for evaluation, in order
> to determine "best practices" in designing an interface for persons who
> are blind.  
> If you are interested in volunteering for an interview about your
> personal iPhone experiences, please do email me directly at:
> I will write you back so that we can establish a good time for the
> interview, which takes typically, 15-30 minutes. Thank you in advance
> for considering this volunteer opportunity.
> Gary W. Kelly
> New Frontiers, Inc.
> A 501(c)3 non profit organization.
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

Kawal Gucukoglu

(Skype ID):





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Re: Im plus doesn't work on my iphone anymore!

2010-11-12 Thread Sonnia
Hi Sarah. Yeah, you hearing the sound that's normally associated with
hitting the end of a page in safari. That means i have no clue what i
am typing to people. how do i contact the developer?

Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Hello. try contacting the dev. I've heard it in action and it does work but 
> all you hear is a pop sound like you have reached the boundary.
> Good luck.
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 9:49 AM, Sonnia wrote:
> > Hi everyone. I wonder if anyone else has had some trouble with the im
> > plus pro messenger for iphone. It used to be the most accessible
> > messenger for the iphone. I tried a few and it was the best one. After
> > the app was updated though, it isn't so accessible. All the features
> > are readable by voice over except the instant messaging text edit
> > field. When you are typing a message to someone, vo doesn't speak
> > while you type. I use a bluetooth keyboard and can hear nothing when
> > typing. It's a big disappointment because a $10 app failed me.. :( Any
> > ideas on what to do? Either to downgrade to the more accessible
> > version or what other messenger works?
> >
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
> > For more options, visit this group at 
> >
> >

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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-12 Thread Sonnia
Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.

Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every time 
> I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he Air, but it 
> is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very very fast typist 
> and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my flying fingers because 
> when I really get going, I see words with missing letters even though I know 
> I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word have which I just typed, is h a e but I 
> did hit the v.  So, I will either do a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  
> But, I have not even had this for a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in 
> time.  Aside from that, this thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have had a 
> netbook with all the attendant windows issues, smile.
> Marlaina
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the macbook 
> air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
> S
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
> > Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
> > Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
> > thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and size, 
> > and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple of key 
> > differences:
> >
> > 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a full 
> > sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function keys are a 
> > bit reduced, though.
> >
> > 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's using 
> > a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock speed than the 
> > newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core processor, not one 
> > optimized for low power consumption with processing power sacrificed.
> >
> > 3) No netbook I've ever seen claims instant, or even near instant, powerup.
> > --
> > Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> > Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> >
> >
> >
> > On Nov 7, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> >
> >> OH nice, but if apple says it is going  to make it like the pc netbook the 
> >> price is sure wrong. the average netbook is around $300 the macbook air is 
> >> about $1000. But glad you like the air. I want to  try one one day. They 
> >> sound cool for quick things like note taking in class o what not.
> >> On Nov 7, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> >>
> >>> I am typing this message on a MacBook Air while flying home from Reno, NV 
> >>> where yesterday, I used that same MacBook Air to take 9 hours worth of 
> >>> minutes during the American Council of the Blind Board Meeting.  I am ACB 
> >>> Secretary, and this machine performs just like my MacBook Pro but without 
> >>> all the weight.  I got the 11 inch size and it is absolutely wonderful.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Marlaina Lieberg
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Nov 6, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
> >>>
> >>> The Macbook Air runs OS X Snow Leopard. It should be just as accessible 
> >>> as any other Macbook.
> >>>
> >>> Kevin
> >>>
> >>> --
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> >>>
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> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
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> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> --
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> >> "MacVisionaries" group.
> >> To post to this group, send email to macvisionar...@googlegroups

making youtube videos??

2010-11-12 Thread John D. Lipsey
Hi list:

I want to break into the world of youtube videos.  I have no idea what I'm 
doing, though.  If anyone's done any podcasts on the subject, particularly 
discussing any issues VO users may encounter, that would be great.  Here's 
hoping someone can nudge me in a direction.


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Re: making youtube videos??

2010-11-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. Someone asked me to do a podcast on youtube vids but i was not going to 
do one. I took the plunge and did one about 5  months ago. It doesn't cover 
much but I did my best. here is the link. Here is a 
link to my youtube page.  not all the vids look good but the link is
On Nov 12, 2010, at 3:16 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:

> Hi list:
> I want to break into the world of youtube videos.  I have no idea what I'm 
> doing, though.  If anyone's done any podcasts on the subject, particularly 
> discussing any issues VO users may encounter, that would be great.  Here's 
> hoping someone can nudge me in a direction.
> -John
> -- 
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Re: Im plus doesn't work on my iphone anymore!

2010-11-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
go to the itunes page for im plus and click on the suport link. Follow what 
ever that website says.

Good luck.

On Nov 12, 2010, at 2:41 PM, Sonnia wrote:

> Hi Sarah. Yeah, you hearing the sound that's normally associated with
> hitting the end of a page in safari. That means i have no clue what i
> am typing to people. how do i contact the developer?
> Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello. try contacting the dev. I've heard it in action and it does work but 
>> all you hear is a pop sound like you have reached the boundary.
>> Good luck.
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 9:49 AM, Sonnia wrote:
>>> Hi everyone. I wonder if anyone else has had some trouble with the im
>>> plus pro messenger for iphone. It used to be the most accessible
>>> messenger for the iphone. I tried a few and it was the best one. After
>>> the app was updated though, it isn't so accessible. All the features
>>> are readable by voice over except the instant messaging text edit
>>> field. When you are typing a message to someone, vo doesn't speak
>>> while you type. I use a bluetooth keyboard and can hear nothing when
>>> typing. It's a big disappointment because a $10 app failed me.. :( Any
>>> ideas on what to do? Either to downgrade to the more accessible
>>> version or what other messenger works?
>>> --
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iPad WiFi issues delaying iPhone/iPad update:

2010-11-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
Is this a bug that is really delaying the expected update today? will it really 
be delayed for a few weeks? read more:

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Re: making youtube videos??

2010-11-12 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Uh, I can't get the recording to download.  how do you download the recording 
from the site?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Nov 12, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hello. Someone asked me to do a podcast on youtube vids but i was not going 
> to do one. I took the plunge and did one about 5  months ago. It doesn't 
> cover much but I did my best. here is the link.
> Here is 
> a link to my youtube page.  not all the vids look good but the link is 
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 3:16 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
>> Hi list:
>> I want to break into the world of youtube videos.  I have no idea what I'm 
>> doing, though.  If anyone's done any podcasts on the subject, particularly 
>> discussing any issues VO users may encounter, that would be great.  Here's 
>> hoping someone can nudge me in a direction.
>> -John
>> -- 
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Re: making youtube videos??

2010-11-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
You should be able to hit the download link then the download button. Hope that 

Take care.

On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Uh, I can't get the recording to download.  how do you download the recording 
> from the site?
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 5:33 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello. Someone asked me to do a podcast on youtube vids but i was not going 
>> to do one. I took the plunge and did one about 5  months ago. It doesn't 
>> cover much but I did my best. here is the link.
>> Here is 
>> a link to my youtube page.  not all the vids look good but the link is 
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 3:16 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
>>> Hi list:
>>> I want to break into the world of youtube videos.  I have no idea what I'm 
>>> doing, though.  If anyone's done any podcasts on the subject, particularly 
>>> discussing any issues VO users may encounter, that would be great.  Here's 
>>> hoping someone can nudge me in a direction.
>>> -John
>>> -- 
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Solona questions

2010-11-12 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I have two Solona questions. 
1. When submitting a screenshot, I received a response saying the VO cursor was 
blocking the Capchaa. Where is the best place to put the VO cursor when taking 
a screen shot?
2. When running the script, I cannot launch terminal and just type ./ 
I first have to type cd Documents/solona enter. Then I have to type ./ 
enter. How can I just enter terminal and type in the ./ script?

Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on

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Re: Cmd+Tab with Zoom on Annoyance in 10.6.5

2010-11-12 Thread Pete Nalda
Well I couldn't get this to work, but found out that cmd+tab with zoom on only 
behaves this way when Mail is running.

On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:31 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Pete,
> This is what Archie suggests you do to fix your problem.
> Make sure System Preferences is not running, then trash the file:
> ~/Library/Preferences/
> Then reopen System Preferences and reset your Universal Access preferences 
> using the Ctrl-Scroll zoom if necessary.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 12 Nov 2010, at 19:35, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> I'm using Zoom at about 20 for maximum magnification, and 16 for Minimum 
>> magnification, and when I do cmd+Tab with Magnification on anywhere between, 
>> It seems to not  want to let me tab through my open apps with the cmd key 
>> held down.  If I do shift+cmd+Tab it works fine, allowing me to cycle 
>> backwards through the apps.  With the zoom set at maximum or minimum it 
>> behaves like it should.  Does anyone here using zoom observe this behavior?  
>> And should I write about this?   TIA.
>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>> Pete Nalda
>> -- 
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: iPad WiFi issues delaying iPhone/iPad update:

2010-11-12 Thread James Mannion
If there is a problem with something as important as something with
the wifi working correctly then I hope they delay til they fix it. I
can't stand buggy crap pushed out the door. Why do people just have to
have something not solidified released anyway? Then you have to wait
til the next release to actually even possibly have it work right.
Admittedly I have not yet rea the article, but the subject implies
that it is a network connectivity issue. I don't want issues with

On 11/12/10, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> Is this a bug that is really delaying the expected update today? will it
> really be delayed for a few weeks? read more:
> --
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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-12 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your comments.  
What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are not echoed if I 
type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a letter that wasn't 
spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken.  
Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)

So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?

On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:

> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every time 
>> I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he Air, but it 
>> is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very very fast typist 
>> and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my flying fingers because 
>> when I really get going, I see words with missing letters even though I know 
>> I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word have which I just typed, is h a e but I 
>> did hit the v.  So, I will either do a lot of editing, or slow down a tad.  
>> But, I have not even had this for a week, so perhaps I'll get use to it in 
>> time.  Aside from that, this thing is wonderful and oh yah, I have had a 
>> netbook with all the attendant windows issues, smile.
>> Marlaina
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the macbook 
>> air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
>> S
>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>>> Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
>>> Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
>>> thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and size, 
>>> and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple of key 
>>> differences:
>>> 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a full 
>>> sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function keys are a 
>>> bit reduced, though.
>>> 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's using 
>>> a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock speed than the 
>>> newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core processor, not one 
>>> optimized for low power consumption with processing power sacrificed.
>>> 3) No netbook I've ever seen claims instant, or even near instant, powerup.
>>> --
>>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 OH nice, but if apple says it is going  to make it like the pc netbook the 
 price is sure wrong. the average netbook is around $300 the macbook air is 
 about $1000. But glad you like the air. I want to  try one one day. They 
 sound cool for quick things like note taking in class o what not.
 On Nov 7, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> I am typing this message on a MacBook Air while flying home from Reno, NV 
> where yesterday, I used that same MacBook Air to take 9 hours worth of 
> minutes during the American Council of the Blind Board Meeting.  I am ACB 
> Secretary, and this machine performs just like my MacBook Pro but without 
> all the weight.  I got the 11 inch size and it is absolutely wonderful.
> Marlaina Lieberg
> On Nov 6, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
> The Macbook Air runs OS X Snow Leopard. It should be just as accessible 
> as any other Macbook.
> Kevin
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accessing former itunes accounts on your mb pro?.

2010-11-12 Thread Chenelle Hancock

hi eric

 I wanted to know how to do  you access movies from your old itunes library 
using the mb pro? I also placed some m tv shows that my friend had on his 
external hard drive onto my external hard drive and place them onto my old 
windows computer. i was able to watch them using his information however,  when 
i transferred  my itunes library  to my mb pro as of this week. i could not 
access the  only tv show that i had purchased. it kept  asking me for  my 
friend information etc...  is there anyway  that i can get around this problem?.
thanks  so much for  your help eric. i greatly appreciate  it.
sincerely, chenelle.

Sent from my iPhone

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where can you purchase abie find reader for the mb pro?

2010-11-12 Thread Chenelle Hancock

hi all:
i wanted to know  where could one buy abie find reader at?. i tried  going to 
the apple website and talking with a sales rep from there and they  explained 
to me that they did not sale  abie find reader for the mb pro.  so i was 
enquiring if anyone knows  where you could get it from?.

Sent from my iPhone

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speakers for the i-phone/mb pro.

2010-11-12 Thread Chenelle Hancock

hi all:
i wanted to know what speakers  would work with my i-phone 3 gs and my mb 
pro??. i have a wireless key board for my 3 gs and  did not know what set of 
speakers should i invest  my money and time into?.
thanks a lot 

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: where can you purchase abie find reader for the mb pro?

2010-11-12 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Channelle:
If you go to the abbyy fine Reader website, download the free trial.  Once you 
do this, you receve several reminders and invitations to buy it.  It's around 
On Nov 12, 2010, at 8:46 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

> hi all:
> i wanted to know  where could one buy abie find reader at?. i tried  going to 
> the apple website and talking with a sales rep from there and they  explained 
> to me that they did not sale  abie find reader for the mb pro.  so i was 
> enquiring if anyone knows  where you could get it from?.
> chenelle
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: speakers for the i-phone/mb pro.

2010-11-12 Thread ISAAC OBIE

Hello Chenelle,
Speakers are a personal choice. I think it's best to go listen to them.
I like a set from the Apple store called "Bowser and wilkins mm1" but alas!
they cost $595!
So I can't have them on my budget.

but then there's a set of Bose and those are only $99!

So I can't recommend a thing!

Best to go to electronic stores and look and listen...

- Original Message - 
From: "Chenelle Hancock" 

Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 10:48 PM
Subject: speakers for the i-phone/mb pro.

hi all:
i wanted to know what speakers  would work with my i-phone 3 gs and my mb 
pro??. i have a wireless key board for my 3 gs and  did not know what set 
of speakers should i invest  my money and time into?.

thanks a lot

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: accessibility of MacBook Air

2010-11-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
It does not have a cd drive so you have to go external.

Good luck.
On Nov 12, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Sonnia and Marlaina:
> I'm finding something a little different and am interested in your comments.  
> What I find is a lot of the ltters I type are there, but are not echoed if I 
> type quickly.  I've gone back many a time to look if a letter that wasn't 
> spoken was missing, and it was there, just not spoken.  
> Poor Alex, getting picked on all over the place.:)
> So, are you saying the Air doesn't have a disk drive?
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Sonnia wrote:
>> Hi Marlaina! The problem of missing letters (or rather vo not keeping
>> up with your typing) is the exact problem i have with my macbook pro. :
>> ( I guess like you, i must either slow down or do tons of editing. I
>> had wanted a macbook air but when i went to the apple store, the
>> gentleman tried his level best to convince me that for a student in
>> that price range, the pro was best. So thats what i got but i don't
>> mind switching it for an air lol. (oooh please no hurt feelings to my
>> pro, it's served me well.) :) The fact it doesn't have a cd drive is a
>> bit annoying but not a deal breaker b/c you can get an external drive
>> for a decent price at lots of electronic stores. When i was mac
>> shopping though there wasn't a 11 inch air available though *frowns* i
>> would have pushed to buy it no matter what the rep had said hahaha.
>> Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>>> I so love how quickly my Air powers up for me.  It makes me laugh every 
>>> time I use it.  I wil tell you one small thing I do not like about he Air, 
>>> but it is so small it's not worth being upset about.  I am a very very fast 
>>> typist and the keyboard appears to be less sensitive to my flying fingers 
>>> because when I really get going, I see words with missing letters even 
>>> though I know I hae typed them.  Ah, see the word have which I just typed, 
>>> is h a e but I did hit the v.  So, I will either do a lot of editing, or 
>>> slow down a tad.  But, I have not even had this for a week, so perhaps I'll 
>>> get use to it in time.  Aside from that, this thing is wonderful and oh 
>>> yah, I have had a netbook with all the attendant windows issues, smile.
>>> Marlaina
>>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 5:04 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Ok you bring up a good point but given time and program will not the 
>>> macbook air boot up in about a minute just like my pro? lol!
>>> S
>>> On Nov 7, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
 Apple *never* said that the Air was anything like a netbook. In fact, 
 Apple's doing its level best to distance itself from the whole netbook 
 thing. Of course, one could argue that it's a similar form factor and 
 size, and a rose by any other name, etc. etc., but there are a couple of 
 key differences:
 1) They refused to compromise on the keyboard size, so the Air has a full 
 sized keyboard for typing. I think someone said that function keys are a 
 bit reduced, though.
 2) The Air isn't using anything like the mobile Atom processor. It's using 
 a standard issue Core2 Duo, admittedly one at a lower clock speed than the 
 newest ones, but nonetheless, it's a full dual core processor, not one 
 optimized for low power consumption with processing power sacrificed.
 3) No netbook I've ever seen claims instant, or even near instant, powerup.
 Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
 Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
 On Nov 7, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> OH nice, but if apple says it is going  to make it like the pc netbook 
> the price is sure wrong. the average netbook is around $300 the macbook 
> air is about $1000. But glad you like the air. I want to  try one one 
> day. They sound cool for quick things like note taking in class o what 
> not.
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
>> I am typing this message on a MacBook Air while flying home from Reno, 
>> NV where yesterday, I used that same MacBook Air to take 9 hours worth 
>> of minutes during the American Council of the Blind Board Meeting.  I am 
>> ACB Secretary, and this machine performs just like my MacBook Pro but 
>> without all the weight.  I got the 11 inch size and it is absolutely 
>> wonderful.
>> Marlaina Lieberg
>> On Nov 6, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
>> The Macbook Air runs OS X Snow Leopard. It should be just as accessible 
>> as any other Macbook.
>> Kevin
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Re: iPad WiFi issues delaying iPhone/iPad update:

2010-11-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yeah I read the article and I'm willing to wait. It pushes my podcast I was 
going to do out the window but I'm willing to show something that works not 
something tha'ts buggy.

On Nov 12, 2010, at 6:50 PM, James Mannion wrote:

> If there is a problem with something as important as something with
> the wifi working correctly then I hope they delay til they fix it. I
> can't stand buggy crap pushed out the door. Why do people just have to
> have something not solidified released anyway? Then you have to wait
> til the next release to actually even possibly have it work right.
> Admittedly I have not yet rea the article, but the subject implies
> that it is a network connectivity issue. I don't want issues with
> that.
> On 11/12/10, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>> Is this a bug that is really delaying the expected update today? will it
>> really be delayed for a few weeks? read more:
>> --
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Re: Solona questions

2010-11-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
You have to move the whole set to the home dir that way you can type the script 

Good luck.
On Nov 12, 2010, at 5:55 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> All:
> I have two Solona questions. 
> 1. When submitting a screenshot, I received a response saying the VO cursor 
> was blocking the Capchaa. Where is the best place to put the VO cursor when 
> taking a screen shot?
> 2. When running the script, I cannot launch terminal and just type 
> ./ I first have to type cd Documents/solona enter. Then I have to 
> type ./ enter. How can I just enter terminal and type in the 
> ./ script?
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on 
> -- 
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Re: speakers for the i-phone/mb pro.

2010-11-12 Thread heather kd5cbl
Oh I have the set from Bose, they work great.  There about 6 years old and I 
have never had any problems with them god willing, they will last another 
six years!  Heather 

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Re: iPad WiFi issues delaying iPhone/iPad update:

2010-11-12 Thread Doug Lawlor
I read in either Apple Insider or Mac Rumors that another gold master was 
issued today. I'm guessing we will see it released next week. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-11-13, at 2:21 AM, Sarah Alawami  wrote:

> Yeah I read the article and I'm willing to wait. It pushes my podcast I was 
> going to do out the window but I'm willing to show something that works not 
> something tha'ts buggy.
> S
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 6:50 PM, James Mannion wrote:
>> If there is a problem with something as important as something with
>> the wifi working correctly then I hope they delay til they fix it. I
>> can't stand buggy crap pushed out the door. Why do people just have to
>> have something not solidified released anyway? Then you have to wait
>> til the next release to actually even possibly have it work right.
>> Admittedly I have not yet rea the article, but the subject implies
>> that it is a network connectivity issue. I don't want issues with
>> that.
>> On 11/12/10, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>>> Is this a bug that is really delaying the expected update today? will it
>>> really be delayed for a few weeks? read more:
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Re: Researcher looking for iPhone users

2010-11-12 Thread Michael Thurman
ok  how about solving the problem if the I hone data and voice costing way TOO 
much money lol  that is an issue noone can fix. at and t and others want to 
build their oversold infastructure on the backs of those of us who don't have 
the money to afford it. It is sad that because we are blind if we want a truly 
accessible phone we have to go to the I phone or another just as expensive 
platform, when a sighted person can get unlimited voice text and data for 45 a 
month or less with an inaccessible phone, it costs over twice that for an 
accessible phone to have the same capabilities.
On Nov 12, 2010, at 5:08 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

> Hi All;
> the below is from a researcher looking for interested volunteers. 
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> Hello, iPhone users.
> I am looking for volunteers who have used an iPhone for at least 6
> months, to participate in a short telephone interview in regard to
> their iPhone experiences.  This interview is in support of ongoing
> research funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
> My current interest in doing interviews with people who are using
> iPhones is the result of our work on the Cellphone Best Practices
> project with the Department of Veterans Affairs.  In earlier work, we
> evaluated 14 phones.  We learned during this research, that the
> touchscreen phones can offer access, and the iPhone in particular has
> done far better than any of the traditionally designed cellphones at
> affording full access.
> We completed the first year of the project, and are now in our second
> year.  We are now taking the data from the first evaluations, and
> developing an evaluation system for best practices in utilizing a
> touchscreen phone.  Our initial evaluations had people using cellphones
> provided to them for a 3 week interval.  We learned much, but we
> realize we also want data from people who have used the iPhone for 6
> months or more.  We want to know more about the long term iPhone
> experience, in order to include that data into our study.   I have been
> asked to conduct short interviews with persons who are blind, and using
> iPhones for more than 6 months, in order to gain further insights into
> those long term experiences, and develop action statements that will
> address needs perceived by long term iPhone users, and not just those
> using the iPhone for short periods of time. The results will be used to
> engineer the interface of a touchscreen phone for evaluation, in order
> to determine "best practices" in designing an interface for persons who
> are blind.  
> If you are interested in volunteering for an interview about your
> personal iPhone experiences, please do email me directly at:
> I will write you back so that we can establish a good time for the
> interview, which takes typically, 15-30 minutes. Thank you in advance
> for considering this volunteer opportunity.
> Gary W. Kelly
> New Frontiers, Inc.
> A 501(c)3 non profit organization.
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
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