Hello Eric,

I do understand your situation and your needs, and probably also your 
frustration with Growl and not being able to review previous announcements, 
etc. That would honestly be a nice feature, however, the issue is that the 
Speech style only passes it to the Apple Speech Manager. This means that the 
information sighted people would be notified of when using any other style is 
the same you will get, such as "Click to view" or "Click to undelete" 
notifications in Dropbox. Growl does not change the behavior of the 
notifications, which is why it may seem frustrating when you use the style. 
Occasionally, I am looking at this particular display style, but I also need to 
understand fully how speech works in Mac OS X to implement it properly so Growl 
can recall your notifications. Also, I'm not entirely certain yet if you can 
configure the way Growl handles notifications and controls them based on a 
style-basis, or if it is generalized and styles only change the way they are 
viewed. I'm confident in the former solution, though, but I'll obviously keep 
looking into that. Naturally, I prefer a flexible environment, and I'm sure 
with a few tweaks it's possible.

Unfortunately, if you are not adept at programming, that's ok of course. It 
minimizes the possibility of the style changing anytime soon before someone 
does so, which I know isn't always preferable. I'm starting to get quite 
familiar with Growl, but do understand that I do not have the time myself at 
the moment to properly look into it, please!

My previous post is not meant as a bash, or the start of a flame war as I 
prefer relaxed  conversations. I hope you do not take it that way, as I pointed 
out in my previous posts, and do understand that I know how urgent you may need 
Growl to function the way you would like.

GoogleTalk: chojiro1...@gmail.com
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Nov 12, 2010, at 2:21 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> some of us (like me) are not adept at programming. in fact, what programming 
> skills I have belong to that ancient era of basic, fortran and cobble.
> Also, I am newly total (having lost what residual eyesight I had 4 months 
> ago) and am still learning the ins and outs of how OS X and voiceover work. 
> Now I know, that as open source programmers, you may not have a lot of time 
> on your hands. frankly, nether do I and I don't have anywhere near the time I 
> once did (trying to learn how to live as a totally blind person in a sighted 
> world, getting job training, etc). I wish I had the time to learn a new 
> programming skill, but there just isn't enough time available in the day and 
> I don't have the funds to go back to school and properly learn.
> all I ask is that you (and other open source programmers) understand how it 
> is that folks like me are forced to function and try to work around that (if 
> possible).
> -Eric
> On Nov 12, 2010, at 4:50 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hello Michael,
>> If you do not like how Growl currently works with the Speech style, please 
>> consider fixing it yourself or wait until someone takes the time to do so 
>> patiently. I'm sure nothing is preventing you from changing it, either on a 
>> personal level or getting it bundled in a future release of Growl. I would 
>> fix it for everyone, but I sadly don't have time enough to do so, even 
>> though it doesn't actually take that much to change the behavior. it 
>> requires you read a lot, though, if you want the knowledge of completing the 
>> work.
>> The Speech style isn't perfect. Bottom line is...if you don't like it now, 
>> don't use it. I strongly urge you to pick up the pieces and change the style 
>> slightly if you would like. I'm currently trying to re-write some of the 
>> speech style entirely, allowing you to have more control over the various 
>> styles in general, though that is currently on hold.
>> Other developers of Growl (including me) will most likely tell you the same 
>> thing I'm telling you right now, given that Growl is an open-source project 
>> and everyone can contribute :). Please, don't complain. Everyone is 
>> currently working on their own projects and Growl improvements/bug fixes or 
>> enhancements, and not a lot of attention is being given to the Speech style 
>> at the moment. Unfortunately, sometimes other matters are much more serious 
>> than the Speech style. Don't get me wrong, because I understand your 
>> frustration. However, I will say this again...nothing is preventing anyone 
>> from changing the behavior. I'm sure we have some smart people on here...in 
>> fact, I know that is the case. I also know that someone is probably going to 
>> ask: "Well, if it's so easy...why doesn't anyone do it?" I'll answer in 
>> advance, and if I'm wrong in my predictions then you'll get the answer 
>> anyway. :)
>> If you want the change badly, try to understand how to develop Growl. If you 
>> can't understand how to program, ask someone to help you who might have an 
>> idea or try to contact someone privately such as myself to guide you through 
>> the reading material. Of course, your third possibility is to just wait for 
>> a fix. I won't disagree that the fix is long overdue by now, and it should 
>> have been taken care of many releases ago. However, as I said 
>> above...regardless if it is a small matter or not, sometimes, no one touches 
>> that particular style for ages because there are more important bugs to be 
>> squashed, or more common feature requests to be implemented and polished.
>> I'm not trying to be snappy, but I'm just tired of hearing the same 
>> complaint over and over when nothing is stopping you from changing all of 
>> Growl to your preference by getting the developer kit, then proceeding  to 
>> build Growl. I'm sorry if you take this in any way that may seem offensive 
>> or belittling, as that is not my intent. :)
>> Take care everyone. :)
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> GoogleTalk: chojiro1...@gmail.com
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 12:21 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>> well nothing works with adium and growl  I didn't realise tat there was 
>>> anther update, but everthing else works at least somewhat with growl... I 
>>> still think we need a real irc client made to be accessible and not 
>>> dependant on growl, since growl speaks everything on top of each other if 
>>> text comes too fast
>>> On Nov 12, 2010, at 3:38 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>>> hmmm,
>>>> in what function is it not working with adium?
>>>> I hear all the chats 9sometimes 2 or 3 at a time). I usually don't turn on 
>>>> a great many functions as they can get distracting.
>>>> -Eric
>>>> On Nov 11, 2010, at 9:19 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>>>>> this brings up an interesting problem  I am trying to use adium with 
>>>>> growl and it does not work, even after I had someone who can see and is a 
>>>>> mac guru try and fix it. I am trying to se it for irc chat rooms. I'd 
>>>>> love to hve something hat works as well as mirc did with jaws on windows, 
>>>>> then I coul happily walk away from windows altogether, well except for 
>>>>> mudding hat still really shines with vip mud in wondows, and nothing here 
>>>>> I know of wks properly
>>>>> Mchael
>>>>> On Nov 5, 2010, at 4:26 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>>>>> Nick, am I to understand that you actually wrote the code for Growl?
>>>>>> Sincerely, 
>>>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>>>>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>>>>> Skype Name:
>>>>>> barefootedray
>>>>>> On Nov 5, 2010, at 3:19 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Austin
>>>>>>> This is due to the way the style currently handles speech. Previously, 
>>>>>>> it did not obey speech preferences either. I am working on a fix, 
>>>>>>> however, for the issue with multiple notifications being spoken on top 
>>>>>>> of each other. I cannot promise the new improvement will be in the 
>>>>>>> coming update, though, as I have other priorities, studying being one 
>>>>>>> of them. Of course, anyone with the knowledge to complete it is of 
>>>>>>> course quite welcome to change the behavior.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Nic
>>>>>>> GoogleTalk: chojiro1...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> Facebook
>>>>>>> Twitter
>>>>>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>>>>>> MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
>>>>>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>>>>>> AIM: cincinster
>>>>>>> On Nov 5, 2010, at 9:16 PM, Austin Seraphin wrote:
>>>>>>>> So people told me to get Growl, a message notification system. I 
>>>>>>>> definitely see the advantage. I set it to use the speech style, and 
>>>>>>>> customized my speech preferences. I installed Growlmail. It reads the 
>>>>>>>> alerts, but one problem: it reads them all at once! I heard like ten 
>>>>>>>> message alerts all read at the same time over top of each other. It 
>>>>>>>> sounded, for lack of a better word, trippy. Do I have to change a 
>>>>>>>> setting to get it to read them one after another? Do I have to use 
>>>>>>>> another style? Can I not use Growl? Thanks.
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