Re: A Question for Musicians on the list

2010-11-01 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh yeah I know this, however, I
m just trying to suggest  what to do with what theuser has. I wonder if 
theymake adapters for what the user is trying to do?

On Oct 31, 2010, at 23:35, "Cameron"  wrote:

> Ideally you should use a USB or firewire interface...
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ruud Bemelmans
> Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 2:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: A Question for Musicians on the list
> A jack-to-minijack plug would work, but most instruments need a PreAmp 
> to boost the volume to reasonable levels. Though with a jack-to-minijack 
> you could hook up an amp to the mac pretty easily, but you will lose 
> instant monitoring if your amp doesn't have more than one output. Aside 
> from that, setting it to the right volume can be done, but needs more 
> time and tweeking.
> Most recording software has monitoring built-in, but depending on the 
> processor's speed you may get a delay, which is really annoying. For 
> that reason I prefer direct monitoring through hardware.
> I use jack-to-minijack and minijack-to-jack plugs constantly for 
> headphones and that works really well.
> -- Ruud
> -- 
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Re: connecting via bluetooth when in windows 7 using VMware.

2010-11-01 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Scott.

I already did this Scott before I installed the Driver when in the Windows 
Virtual Machine. I went in to Vmware settings, USB devices, and checked the 
apple bluetooth controller. Then, in Windows 7 itself, put the Bootcamp CD in 
as instructed, went into add  devices, and where the bluetooth USB controller 
was, selected it, and updated the driver. So if you or anyone can tell me 
whether there is anything more to do, please let me know.


Kawal Gucukoglu

On 1 Nov 2010, at 01:51 AM, Scott Granados  wrote:

> you have to connect your bluetooth device.
> Take the vmplayer out of full screen mode and tab over until you hear connect 
> Apple Bluetooth.  Remember when you do this the Bluetooth isn't available on 
> the Mac side but your VM will have it.
> Hope that helps.
> Scott
> On Oct 31, 2010, at 2:41 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Don't know if anyone can help.
>> I wanted to connect my braille display via bluetooth using VMware when in 
>> windows 7.
>> I first went and searched on google as to what to do, i.e. how to install 
>> bluetooth drivers.  This is what I did after listening to someone 
>> demonstrating it on youtube.  Once the drivers were successfully installed, 
>> it I thought would be straight forward.  However when I tried adding a 
>> device, the list box was empty even though in settings allow bluetooth 
>> devices was checked.  It's the wit com bluetooth software  which I stalled 
>> once I put the bootcamp CD into my CD drive when VMware was loaded.  Has 
>> anyone had this problem?  I can connect my braille display via bluetooth to 
>> the Mac when not in Fusion so I do not quite understand why it's not 
>> happening in VMware even though I've completed the steps.
>> Kawal.
>> Kawal Gucukoglu
>> (E-mail/MSN):
>> (Skype ID):
>> kawalgucukoglu
>> (Mobile/text):
>> +447905618396
>> +447576240421
>> -- 
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A braille translation error

2010-11-01 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi All.

This is meant for the Apple braille list but I haven't got the E-mail address. 

If I write itself (and you know that it self) should be written as X S F, 
together, the braille will not translate correctly. If anyone thinks I should 
write to Apple accessability then please say.


Kawal Gucukoglu

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Re: A braille translation error

2010-11-01 Thread ISAAC OBIE

Hello Kawal,
Itself is written xf. There's no "s" in there.

- Original Message - 
From: "Kawal Gucukoglu" 

To: "macvisionaries" 
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 4:33 AM
Subject: A braille translation error

Hi All.

This is meant for the Apple braille list but I haven't got the E-mail 

If I write itself (and you know that it self) should be written as X S F, 
together, the braille will not translate correctly. If anyone thinks I 
should write to Apple accessability then please say.


Kawal Gucukoglu

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Re: Introducing the new MacBook Air.

2010-11-01 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav

I bought one of these three days after they came out, the 11.6in model, I used 
it along side my new Mac Book Pro 15in model that arrived the day earlier.

I have subsequently returned the Mac Book Air, as it just simply isn't up to a 
days full typing.
there's nothing wrong with the specification per say, its very fast, even on 
the low end Air.. what is the issue is that there's very little wrist resting 
area, so if you're a 10 plus a day hour user of one of these things you'll very 
quickly grow tired of your arms beginning to ache given they've very little 
room to rest etc.

the keyboard itself is the exact same size as the Pro, however, the F keys are 
reduced in is, I found this irritating as I like to adjust the volume quite 
often, and having a smaller key for this slowed me down.

I also don't like that they've removed the auto adjusting backlight on the 
screen and there's no back lit keyboard, i appreciate that this doesn't matter 
to all of us, but its a factor.

the sound quality is good, and when comparing to the original Mac Book Air 
which only had mono, I'm glad to see that Apple has restored that situation by 
machine the new Air stereo.

overall you'll be amazed at just how fin this thing is, ow quick it is and how 
well made it is, but, I'm afraid for me, having a bigger drive, little more 
power for the meaty operations I undertake etc, is worth it.

one other thing to note, if like me you keep your laptop computers mains 
powered a lot of the time, I believe that the Air also doesn't have the new 
Apple chipsets on the battery, meaning that it will become more susceptible to 
over charging etc.

conclusion, my Book Pro is staying.

Neil Barnfather

On 21 Oct 2010, at 13:25, Ricardo Walker wrote:

The price is really driven up by the solid state hard drive.  Those are still 
very expensive.  You also have the build quality.  almost every netbook I've 
come across feels cheap and flimsy.  They also use inferior parts.  This might 
not be a big factor to most but, Macs retain their value way better than 
windows PCs.  Just something to think about.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Oct 21, 2010, at 7:28 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:

> No one's going to have one of these since they were only released yesterday.
> I personally don't really see the point; it's a portable mac with very
> mid range specs with a good battery. It's apples answer to the netbook
> except you could by 3 netbooks for the same price as one of these.
> On 21/10/2010, RATTRAY J.  wrote:
>> HI,
>> I DO have one and really like it in general - it gets rid of the need to
>> have a separate note taker because of its portability - it is very
>> robust inspite of its size.
>> The limitation I find is memory space - I can't keep all my files and
>> itunes stuff on it - I did get one when they first came out however, and
>> apple may have increased memory capacity.
>> I use it with an external hard drive  and it works great
>> Julie
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Robert Hooper
>> Sent: 21 October 2010 03:50
>> To:
>> Subject: FW: Introducing the new MacBook Air.
>> Its Apple, thought Id pass it along. Does anyone on the list have one of
>> these? If so, then what would be the compulsion for purchasing such
>> other than novelty and portability? Personaly, I would be worried about
>> it breaking, etc.
>> From: Apple []
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 5:23 PM
>> To: Robert Hooper
>> Subject: Introducing the new MacBook Air.
>> Shop Online
>> > MHoP6jIXX7r%2FftPynffHhUDmBMLrf1bvyh90C9P%2FKJvifG5CmtmeblVDvSN8jYRHPgvS
>> NsJBEAx9FpBnOOyN76fSGDLwosKyvzAQLHl8qcRdQgH0JwhA53zB4maLm6R5YJYTZ7FgFAT2
>> Gzg14WinFcnJZiiMacjOLg%3D>  | Find a Store
>> > MHoP6jIXX7r%2FU64JVOGZG81%2F8HQRuaLKAlhkRyBf4cl0gvzuTokLRD%2FDvSN8jYRHPg
>> vSNsJBEAx9FpBnOOyN76fSGDLwosKyvzAQLHl8qcRdQgH0JwhA53zB4maLm6R5YJYTZ7FgFA
>> T2Gzg14WinFcnJZiiMacjOLg%3D>  | 1-800-MY-APPLE
>>   The new MacBook Air. The
>> next generation of
>> MacBooks. Buy now
>> > MHoP6jIXX7r%2FdupyNnB0m%2FK5O9cc4QxcHMbjYj6gNmtyk0vBVLinxVbEBhtebtEp6zWq
>> 3BNsykMcyHmnz7LrLJv2vfu%2F7trYnOV8DWfAw63yDy66IPd4teKzqdty7cKSd9tmOtib2V
>> A0g%3D%3D> MacBook Air
>> > MHoP6jIXX7r%2FfI6Wn%2BXAvH9DlUZGno3XGfdiuorXHFda0nd0x5kWbcoKJOUx1%2Bfw1F
>> TY8lKXz%2Bo1bqb8nqnhPTYtIaNzKj5%2FS%2Bxrx9M4RJ5V7dUOEuH

Re: A braille translation error

2010-11-01 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I was in rather  a hurry when typing a previous message when I tried writing 
that word so I didn't think about the spelling!

Kawal Gucukoglu

On 1 Nov 2010, at 08:36 AM, "ISAAC OBIE"  wrote:

> Hello Kawal,
> Itself is written xf. There's no "s" in there.
> Isaac
> - Original Message - From: "Kawal Gucukoglu" 
> To: "macvisionaries" 
> Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 4:33 AM
> Subject: A braille translation error
>> Hi All.
>> This is meant for the Apple braille list but I haven't got the E-mail 
>> address.
>> If I write itself (and you know that it self) should be written as X S F, 
>> together, the braille will not translate correctly. If anyone thinks I 
>> should write to Apple accessability then please say.
>> Kawal.
>> Kawal Gucukoglu
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Introducing the new MacBook Air.

2010-11-01 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Neil.

I'm so pleased that you are persevering with your Mac Pro even though you have 
had issues.

Kawal Gucukoglu

On 1 Nov 2010, at 10:14 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav  

> All,
> I bought one of these three days after they came out, the 11.6in model, I 
> used it along side my new Mac Book Pro 15in model that arrived the day 
> earlier.
> I have subsequently returned the Mac Book Air, as it just simply isn't up to 
> a days full typing.
> there's nothing wrong with the specification per say, its very fast, even on 
> the low end Air.. what is the issue is that there's very little wrist resting 
> area, so if you're a 10 plus a day hour user of one of these things you'll 
> very quickly grow tired of your arms beginning to ache given they've very 
> little room to rest etc.
> the keyboard itself is the exact same size as the Pro, however, the F keys 
> are reduced in is, I found this irritating as I like to adjust the volume 
> quite often, and having a smaller key for this slowed me down.
> I also don't like that they've removed the auto adjusting backlight on the 
> screen and there's no back lit keyboard, i appreciate that this doesn't 
> matter to all of us, but its a factor.
> the sound quality is good, and when comparing to the original Mac Book Air 
> which only had mono, I'm glad to see that Apple has restored that situation 
> by machine the new Air stereo.
> overall you'll be amazed at just how fin this thing is, ow quick it is and 
> how well made it is, but, I'm afraid for me, having a bigger drive, little 
> more power for the meaty operations I undertake etc, is worth it.
> one other thing to note, if like me you keep your laptop computers mains 
> powered a lot of the time, I believe that the Air also doesn't have the new 
> Apple chipsets on the battery, meaning that it will become more susceptible 
> to over charging etc.
> conclusion, my Book Pro is staying.
> Neil Barnfather
> TalkNav.
> On 21 Oct 2010, at 13:25, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> The price is really driven up by the solid state hard drive.  Those are still 
> very expensive.  You also have the build quality.  almost every netbook I've 
> come across feels cheap and flimsy.  They also use inferior parts.  This 
> might not be a big factor to most but, Macs retain their value way better 
> than windows PCs.  Just something to think about.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Oct 21, 2010, at 7:28 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>> No one's going to have one of these since they were only released yesterday.
>> I personally don't really see the point; it's a portable mac with very
>> mid range specs with a good battery. It's apples answer to the netbook
>> except you could by 3 netbooks for the same price as one of these.
>> On 21/10/2010, RATTRAY J.  wrote:
>>> HI,
>>> I DO have one and really like it in general - it gets rid of the need to
>>> have a separate note taker because of its portability - it is very
>>> robust inspite of its size.
>>> The limitation I find is memory space - I can't keep all my files and
>>> itunes stuff on it - I did get one when they first came out however, and
>>> apple may have increased memory capacity.
>>> I use it with an external hard drive  and it works great
>>> Julie
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Robert Hooper
>>> Sent: 21 October 2010 03:50
>>> To:
>>> Subject: FW: Introducing the new MacBook Air.
>>> Its Apple, thought Id pass it along. Does anyone on the list have one of
>>> these? If so, then what would be the compulsion for purchasing such
>>> other than novelty and portability? Personaly, I would be worried about
>>> it breaking, etc.
>>> From: Apple []
>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 5:23 PM
>>> To: Robert Hooper
>>> Subject: Introducing the new MacBook Air.
>>> Shop Online
>>> >> MHoP6jIXX7r%2FftPynffHhUDmBMLrf1bvyh90C9P%2FKJvifG5CmtmeblVDvSN8jYRHPgvS
>>> NsJBEAx9FpBnOOyN76fSGDLwosKyvzAQLHl8qcRdQgH0JwhA53zB4maLm6R5YJYTZ7FgFAT2
>>> Gzg14WinFcnJZiiMacjOLg%3D>  | Find a Store
>>> >> MHoP6jIXX7r%2FU64JVOGZG81%2F8HQRuaLKAlhkRyBf4cl0gvzuTokLRD%2FDvSN8jYRHPg
>>> vSNsJBEAx9FpBnOOyN76fSGDLwosKyvzAQLHl8qcRdQgH0JwhA53zB4maLm6R5YJYTZ7FgFA
>>> T2Gzg14WinFcnJZiiMacjOLg%3D> | 1-800-MY-APPLE
>>>   The new MacBook Air. The
>>> next generation of
>>> MacBooks. Buy now
>>> >> MHoP6jIXX7r%2FdupyNnB0m%2FK

Re: braille embossers?

2010-11-01 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Erik and all,

What is Lois? I've never heard of it. Is that the Braille translation software 
for the Mac? I'm just curious to see if  it can be done. Thank you for any help 
you can provide.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Oct 29, 2010, at 12:04 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hum,  Well, I've set up the Thomas using a usb to paralell adapter.  The old 
> juliet can't be be much harder as long as your adapter cable is good.  Some 
> of them are are quite flakey.
> Then I'm assuming you could hook it up to your mac and use lois.  Then you 
> wouldn't have to worry about duxbury.  This is what I'm just trying to find 
> out now.  Unfortunately iit's not as easy as all that to get your hands on 
> embossers for testing.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2010-10-29, at 8:56 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> All this talk about Braille embossers makes me think of my Juliet. It is 
>> USB? I have a really old one that is serial. I spose I can get a serial to 
>> USB adapter, wait, I have two of those already. I  know it still works, 
>> because I turn it on every now and then. But the legistics of how to emboss 
>> without Duxbury are confusing to me. Is there any way to accomplish this? My 
>> HP Desktop does not have a serial port, so I haven't been able to use my 
>> Juliet for quite some time. Yes, it is old, from the late nineties, but as 
>> we all know Braille embossers are hard to come by, so it's not like you can 
>> replace them when the next latest and greatest comes along. any thoughts. 
>> Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide. Have a wonderful 
>> Friday. The weekend is in reach!
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Oct 29, 2010, at 7:38 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi Isaac,  IBraille is the mac OS software that comes bundled with index 
>>> embossers.  I find index software on windows flakey and IBraille hasn't 
>>> been touched in 3 years or more, so my trust is a bit shaky.
>>> I was hoping some one would jump up and yell, "try enabling!  I've had 
>>> amazing success with this that or the other model."  Preferably a model 
>>> with USB so we don't have to fiddle with serial to USB adapters.  The 
>>> juliet has USB and it's funded here if only it wasn't such a beast.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> User support consultant,
>>> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in 
>>> person,
>>> 1-888-255-5194
>>> On 2010-10-27, at 11:46 AM, Isaac Obie wrote:
 Hi Erik,
 Recently, I needed to get my embosser repaired. I had a chance to buy an 
 Index, but somehow, I've never seen the device and I just didn't trust it! 
 I don't know why, but I just kept feeling uneasy about that unit. I've 
 never seen one either! Handytech pushes the line of Indexes. You oughta go 
 by their website and look at their high end models. They sound quite 
 impressive and Handytech does give great tech support from what I hear. 
 I've never really needed heavy tech support  on my Braillino.
 so I got my old Versapoint Duo fixed and she's good to go! I just don't 
 know.. Why was I so skittish about that embosser? I am going to visit an 
 Index real soon. I am going to ask someone to arrange it for me. I know 
 where there is one and I'll visit just so I can say I had my hands on 
 I assume the ibraille is software? Braille translation program?
 - Original Message - From: "erik burggraaf" 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 11:08 AM
 Subject: Re: braille embossers?
 Hi Isaac,
 I'm particularly thinking of IBraille being a week solution.  It hasn't 
 been touched in years and I hate to ask clients to pour thousands of 
 dollars into it.
 I'm not really happy with the index lines, but maybe that is only to do 
 with all the power supplies I've seen fail and all the spurious paper jams 
 I've had to troubleshoot.  Maybe if I spend enough time with any of these 
 products I'll learn every bad thing about them and mistrust them all. 
 Everyone just gets index here because it's funded and that's it, but I 
 think I'd go with something else for my own needs.  The everest isn't bad, 
 but I wouldn't want a basic-d.
 Erik Burggraaf
 User support consultant,
 One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in 
 On 2010-10-27, at 7:42 AM, ISAAC OBIE wrote:
> Hi ERik,
> Why do you think the Index would be a weak solution? I've no plans j

Re: vo saying blank

2010-11-01 Thread denise avant
ok. i don't remember hearing this with any windows screen reader, and so i was 
wondering if there was a way to turn it off.
with the windows screen readers, one can turn off say blank lines and alike.

On Oct 31, 2010, at 8:21 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

>>> Hi,
> I don't think that there would be a way of turning that off.  VO is reading 
> whether a message has been replied to, forwarded, unread or something to that 
> effect.  The blank refers to when a message has been read.
> Later...
>>> i was wondering if there was a way to stop vo from saying blank blank while 
>>> arrowing through message. i did not see a say blank option in the utility 
>>> setup. thanks.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: Financial software

2010-11-01 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Yes, you can import from Quicken. I believe See finance lets you keep track of 
On Nov 1, 2010, at 1:11 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Can you import accounts from Quicken?  Also, is there a program that allows 
> for tracking of investment transactions such as mutual fund purchases and 
> sales?  Thanks.
> Les
> -- 
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Re: A Question for Musicians on the list

2010-11-01 Thread Jesse
Your best bet, as been stated before, would be a USB or Firewire
interface, like the mBox or, if you wanna record several instruments,
the mBox Pro seems like a budget-conscious way to set up a project
studio. After that, I'd use an amp simulator instead of your cube, or
if you really want control, get a good microphone, and mic the cube,
setting everything the way you want it. You can enter the realm of
large-diaphragm stdio condensers relatively inexpensively with a
Chinese mic, but be warned, those aren't the best. Garage Band is a
great project scratchpad, but it doesn't allow you really fine
adjustments of things like PT or Logic. Unfortunately, Logic isn't
really accessible yet, but I feel like it's coming.
Currently, I'm still Boot Camping, and running Sonar64 in Windows 7-64
with a Presonus Firestudio Mobile.

Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Oh yeah I know this, however, I
> m just trying to suggest  what to do with what theuser has. I wonder if 
> theymake adapters for what the user is trying to do?
> On Oct 31, 2010, at 23:35, "Cameron"  wrote:
> > Ideally you should use a USB or firewire interface...
> >
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Ruud Bemelmans
> > Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 2:31 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: A Question for Musicians on the list
> >
> > A jack-to-minijack plug would work, but most instruments need a PreAmp
> > to boost the volume to reasonable levels. Though with a jack-to-minijack
> > you could hook up an amp to the mac pretty easily, but you will lose
> > instant monitoring if your amp doesn't have more than one output. Aside
> > from that, setting it to the right volume can be done, but needs more
> > time and tweeking.
> > Most recording software has monitoring built-in, but depending on the
> > processor's speed you may get a delay, which is really annoying. For
> > that reason I prefer direct monitoring through hardware.
> > I use jack-to-minijack and minijack-to-jack plugs constantly for
> > headphones and that works really well.
> >
> > -- Ruud
> >
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "MacVisionaries" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >
> >
> > --
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> > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
> >

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Re: Happy Halloween!!! "OT?"

2010-11-01 Thread Carolyn Haas
It has to do with not being Ebaneezer scrouge 365 days a year.:)

Now how can we relate this to thew mac so I don't make you madder?
Let's see:

Once upon a time, a well-off hard-working CEO named Steve Jobs had a visit from 
some grumpy blind people.  They said, "we wanna use Apple!" So, the CEO got his 
team together and developed computers that talked.  His team developed and 
continued to refine there talking computer's operating system, and named the 
synthesizer Voiceover.  And the blind people said, "Great, could you improve 
those voices a little?"  And the team worked, and came up with Alex, who 
actually breathes!

And the blind people said, " ...

Ok, enough prattle.  C'mon guys, please stop knit-picking the mods

Life's too short to keep wining!
Carolyn Haas

On Oct 31, 2010, at 8:48 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:

> Hi Cara,
> Am I missing something here?
> What does "Halloween" have to do with using a Mac???
> OT?
> Talk soon
> Chuck
> On Oct 31, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>> Hey All;
>> -Just wanted to send along a quickie note to wish you a wonderfully happy / 
>> scary Halloween!
>> Thanks to all of you for making VIPhone and MacVisionaries the greatest 
>> informational lists for Apple products on the web! -Not only for the VI 
>> community but for iPHOne developers as well!
>> Ya'll rock and please do keep on rockin' and being as hip as you are!
>> Happy Halloweeen!
>> Screams!
>> Cara :)
>> ---
>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>> Follow me on Twitter!
>> -- 
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configuring backspace key in Safari?

2010-11-01 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

this may seem like a kind of strange question, but does anyone know if there's 
some way to configure Safari so that the backspace key either doesn't exit you 
from a web-page, or so that it warns you before doing so?

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Re: Financial software

2010-11-01 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
What I really want/need is a program that will print checks and envelopes.  
Okay, first I need a printer, but... *SMH* I don't think TextEdit will do this, 
at least not easily; the only program I know that WILL do it is MS Word, 
which... well. you know. :) Is there a check and envelope printing app out 
there somewhere? 
Thanks, and happy November! :)

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: A Question for Musicians on the list

2010-11-01 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I have one, and that's not a real difficulty, but it's the mono nature of the 
signal that is holding me back--now, I could put a mono-to-stereo converter on 
the end o that adapter on the end of that cord, but we're getting ridiculously 
adapter-happy here...

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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two questions, managing addresses in apple mail

2010-11-01 Thread Rebecca Blaevoet
I understand that you can't create a distribution list in Mail the same way as 
you can do it in Outlook et al; but I'm convinced there has to be a quicker way 
to create a distribution group than by adding each address in Mail to the 
address book application and then designate a group for it to belong to. 
Surely! And deleting all those email addresses that automatically get added to 
your email programme, if you have "automatically add addresses I reply to to my 
contacts" or whatever setting it is... the problem is, I can't find the 
contacts list they're all in. They certainly aren't in my address book, that I 
can see.
Can somebody tell me
1. Where do I find and edit all the addresses that get added to apple mail and
2. How to quickly create a distribution list?

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Re: two questions, managing addresses in apple mail

2010-11-01 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. go to window then prev recipents and delete the adress you don't want 
there anymore. they will come back but it's a good way to clear out any 
mistakes you've sent to.

On Nov 1, 2010, at 8:48 AM, Rebecca Blaevoet wrote:

> Hello:
> I understand that you can't create a distribution list in Mail the same way 
> as you can do it in Outlook et al; but I'm convinced there has to be a 
> quicker way to create a distribution group than by adding each address in 
> Mail to the address book application and then designate a group for it to 
> belong to. Surely! And deleting all those email addresses that automatically 
> get added to your email programme, if you have "automatically add addresses I 
> reply to to my contacts" or whatever setting it is... the problem is, I can't 
> find the contacts list they're all in. They certainly aren't in my address 
> book, that I can see.
> Can somebody tell me
> 1. Where do I find and edit all the addresses that get added to apple mail and
> 2. How to quickly create a distribution list?
> Thanks.
> Rebecca
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Re: Happy Halloween!!! "OT?"

2010-11-01 Thread Scott Granados
That's fantastic!  Very quick, well done.:)

On Oct 31, 2010, at 9:07 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:

> Ever hear of bobbing for apples?On Sun, 31 Oct 2010, Chuck Reichel wrote:
>> Hi Cara,
>> Am I missing something here?
>> What does "Halloween" have to do with using a Mac???
>> OT?
>> Talk soon
>> Chuck
>> On Oct 31, 2010, at 7:34 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>>> Hey All;
>>> -Just wanted to send along a quickie note to wish you a wonderfully happy / 
>>> scary Halloween!
>>> Thanks to all of you for making VIPhone and MacVisionaries the greatest 
>>> informational lists for Apple products on the web! -Not only for the VI 
>>> community but for iPHOne developers as well!
>>> Ya'll rock and please do keep on rockin' and being as hip as you are!
>>> Happy Halloweeen!
>>> Screams!
>>> Cara :)
>>> ---
>>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>>> Follow me on Twitter!
>>> -- 
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Re: A Question for Musicians on the list

2010-11-01 Thread Scott Granados
Get yourself a small Tube based preamp.  This way you get that nice warm analog 
sound that helps offset the crisp digital you get from the recording.

On Oct 31, 2010, at 11:31 PM, Ruud Bemelmans wrote:

> A jack-to-minijack plug would work, but most instruments need a PreAmp to 
> boost the volume to reasonable levels. Though with a jack-to-minijack you 
> could hook up an amp to the mac pretty easily, but you will lose instant 
> monitoring if your amp doesn't have more than one output. Aside from that, 
> setting it to the right volume can be done, but needs more time and tweeking.
> Most recording software has monitoring built-in, but depending on the 
> processor's speed you may get a delay, which is really annoying. For that 
> reason I prefer direct monitoring through hardware.
> I use jack-to-minijack and minijack-to-jack plugs constantly for headphones 
> and that works really well.
> -- Ruud
> -- 
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Re: free antivirus for mac

2010-11-01 Thread Teresa Cochran
Currently, there is a Java applet on Facebook that is transmitting a trojan 
cross platform. Java can do this. That, combined with the general idea that the 
more people who use the Mac, the more malware will be created for it. Sorry, 
human nature, my friends.

On Oct 31, 2010, at 8:05 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been watching these virus protection threads for a while and still ask 
> the question:
> • What makes you feel the need to have such an animal on your Mac?
> There are really no virus threats within MacOS X.  There were a number of 
> them in OS 9 but most of you, if running Snow Leopard, don't have any OS 9 
> matter on your computer anyway as Classic is no longer supported.  There is 
> the argument that you may unintentionally pass things on as you forward 
> eMails from Windows users but that can be easily managed by watching what's 
> attached to the messages you pass on.  check out this article for your own 
> interpretation:
> FYI, I haven't used a virus protection package myself since OS 9 and I don't 
> use them at my place of work either where we're running close to a 1000 Macs.
> Just my opinion and you can take it however you choose.
> Thanks.
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2010-10-31, at 4:47 AM, chad baker wrote:
>> Hi is there any free antivirus programs for mac?
>> i tried i antivirus but found it sluggish when reading through vo was 
>> responding slow.
>> how's clamsev?
>> thanks
>> -- 
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converting audio

2010-11-01 Thread Robert Hooper
I'm sure this has been covered extensively before, so naturally I must ask if 
it can be covered once again. Is there an accessible batch converter for mac? 
For example, if I had a directory full of wav files, how could I convert them 
to mp3, ogg, etc.? Any help would be appreciated.
Robert Hooper

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is anyone using Devonthink?

2010-11-01 Thread cathyk
Hi All,
Does anyone have experience with the note-taking and organizing
program "Devonthink"? The Professional Office version claims enhanced
OCR. But searching the site, I didn't find anything that demonstrated
a real commitment to access, so I thought I'd ask the list.

Thanks much,

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Mac Mail order of items etc

2010-11-01 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
Hi all,

a few questions for you... I've now made the switch fully over, having bought a 
Mac Book Pro 15in with the i7 processor and the iMac 27in i7 processor for my 

so we're PC free now here!

I'm doing well for the most part, with some good help from a few friends who 
are recent converts.

a few Mail specific questions please:

firstly, what it the Voice Over command to invert the displayed items in Mail 
for example, i.e. the default layout is oldest message at the top newest at the 
bottom. I wish to see the newest at the top of the list.

next, I've had a sighted person make the above changes for a few of the inbox 
views, but not all of them, for those which have been done, the annoying thing 
is that when I launch Mail the highlighted item is always at the bottom of the 
dam list, thus I have to arrow up through the entire list to get to the top. 
firstly, what is the VO command to jump to the beginning or end of a list... On 
my Mac Book pro there is no page up / down, or seems not to be! secondly, is 
there a way of having Mail launch and switch from mailbox to mailbox always 
keeping at the last highlighted item or top of the list rather than bottom?

next, how can I delete or remove the pre-view panel entirely? I've reduced it 
to 0% so it cannot be seen, but still as I arrow through the mail each item 
becomes no-longer marked as new mail. meaning that the pre-view pain has in 
effect marked it.

finally, How do you effect a mouse button press and hold, for the purpose of 
moving items say as with installing apps etc.

many thanks and sorry for the list.

Neil Barnfather.

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Re: Mac Mail order of items etc

2010-11-01 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Neil:
You can go into your view menu, by vo-m, and arrow or vo-arrow right to view, 
and you will find "sort by."  You can check in Mail preferences to find display 
preview pane, I think.

And your fn key (bottom left corner of your keyboard) ) plus arrows will give 
you page up, down home and end.  If you've interacted with a message table, 
fn-vo-left arrow takes you to the top left corner of the table, and fn-vo-right 
arrow to the bottom right.  
  Sounds like you've done very well adapting.

Nice going. and I hope this helps.

Carolyn Haas

On Nov 1, 2010, at 1:07 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> Hi all,
> a few questions for you... I've now made the switch fully over, having bought 
> a Mac Book Pro 15in with the i7 processor and the iMac 27in i7 processor for 
> my desktop.
> so we're PC free now here!
> I'm doing well for the most part, with some good help from a few friends who 
> are recent converts.
> a few Mail specific questions please:
> firstly, what it the Voice Over command to invert the displayed items in Mail 
> for example, i.e. the default layout is oldest message at the top newest at 
> the bottom. I wish to see the newest at the top of the list.
> next, I've had a sighted person make the above changes for a few of the inbox 
> views, but not all of them, for those which have been done, the annoying 
> thing is that when I launch Mail the highlighted item is always at the bottom 
> of the dam list, thus I have to arrow up through the entire list to get to 
> the top. firstly, what is the VO command to jump to the beginning or end of a 
> list... On my Mac Book pro there is no page up / down, or seems not to be! 
> secondly, is there a way of having Mail launch and switch from mailbox to 
> mailbox always keeping at the last highlighted item or top of the list rather 
> than bottom?
> next, how can I delete or remove the pre-view panel entirely? I've reduced it 
> to 0% so it cannot be seen, but still as I arrow through the mail each item 
> becomes no-longer marked as new mail. meaning that the pre-view pain has in 
> effect marked it.
> finally, How do you effect a mouse button press and hold, for the purpose of 
> moving items say as with installing apps etc.
> many thanks and sorry for the list.
> Neil Barnfather.
> -- 
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Re: Mac Mail order of items etc

2010-11-01 Thread David Taylor

You rarely need to use the mouse to move things. There's a perfectly good Move 
item in the context menu for each message if you want to move it to a different 
folder, which you get with vo-shift-m. For installing apps, open them in 
finder, copy to clipboard with cmd-c, move to your apps folder with cmd-shift-a 
and paste them in with cmd-v. 

Your key for reordering is vo-shift-backslash, but I find it equally effective 
to read mail in order with threaded view, or simply work up the list rather 
than down it. I also find that when I go into a mailbox, I'm on the last 
message I viewed, not at the end of the list.

Your home key is fn-left, end is fn-right, page up is fn-up and page down is 
fn-down. But holding option-up or option-down for a second or two gets you to 
the top or bottom of a list in mail.


On 1 Nov 2010, at 19:07, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> Hi all,
> a few questions for you... I've now made the switch fully over, having bought 
> a Mac Book Pro 15in with the i7 processor and the iMac 27in i7 processor for 
> my desktop.
> so we're PC free now here!
> I'm doing well for the most part, with some good help from a few friends who 
> are recent converts.
> a few Mail specific questions please:
> firstly, what it the Voice Over command to invert the displayed items in Mail 
> for example, i.e. the default layout is oldest message at the top newest at 
> the bottom. I wish to see the newest at the top of the list.
> next, I've had a sighted person make the above changes for a few of the inbox 
> views, but not all of them, for those which have been done, the annoying 
> thing is that when I launch Mail the highlighted item is always at the bottom 
> of the dam list, thus I have to arrow up through the entire list to get to 
> the top. firstly, what is the VO command to jump to the beginning or end of a 
> list... On my Mac Book pro there is no page up / down, or seems not to be! 
> secondly, is there a way of having Mail launch and switch from mailbox to 
> mailbox always keeping at the last highlighted item or top of the list rather 
> than bottom?
> next, how can I delete or remove the pre-view panel entirely? I've reduced it 
> to 0% so it cannot be seen, but still as I arrow through the mail each item 
> becomes no-longer marked as new mail. meaning that the pre-view pain has in 
> effect marked it.
> finally, How do you effect a mouse button press and hold, for the purpose of 
> moving items say as with installing apps etc.
> many thanks and sorry for the list.
> Neil Barnfather.
> -- 
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Re: [Bulk] converting audio

2010-11-01 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Yes, there is.
 Amadeus Pro will do exactly what you want.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Nov 1, 2010, at 1:22 PM, Robert Hooper wrote:

> I’m sure this has been covered extensively before, so naturally I must ask if 
> it can be covered once again. Is there an accessible batch converter for mac? 
> For example, if I had a directory full of wav files, how could I convert them 
> to mp3, ogg, etc.? Any help would be appreciated.
> ThanksJ
> Robert Hooper
> -- 
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Re: free antivirus for mac

2010-11-01 Thread Eric Oyen
I have encountered that trojan on the full version of their site. its a little 
hard to load when java is disabled.

this is why I use the mobile version of the site most of the time. I only use 
the full version for some account updates, and a few other things mot 
accessible via the mobile site (I have written Facebook webmeisters about this).


On Nov 1, 2010, at 11:17 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Currently, there is a Java applet on Facebook that is transmitting a trojan 
> cross platform. Java can do this. That, combined with the general idea that 
> the more people who use the Mac, the more malware will be created for it. 
> Sorry, human nature, my friends.
> Teresa
> On Oct 31, 2010, at 8:05 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been watching these virus protection threads for a while and still ask 
>> the question:
>> • What makes you feel the need to have such an animal on your Mac?
>> There are really no virus threats within MacOS X.  There were a number of 
>> them in OS 9 but most of you, if running Snow Leopard, don't have any OS 9 
>> matter on your computer anyway as Classic is no longer supported.  There is 
>> the argument that you may unintentionally pass things on as you forward 
>> eMails from Windows users but that can be easily managed by watching what's 
>> attached to the messages you pass on.  check out this article for your own 
>> interpretation:
>> FYI, I haven't used a virus protection package myself since OS 9 and I don't 
>> use them at my place of work either where we're running close to a 1000 Macs.
>> Just my opinion and you can take it however you choose.
>> Thanks.
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2010-10-31, at 4:47 AM, chad baker wrote:
>>> Hi is there any free antivirus programs for mac?
>>> i tried i antivirus but found it sluggish when reading through vo was 
>>> responding slow.
>>> how's clamsev?
>>> thanks
>>> -- 
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GarageBand again

2010-11-01 Thread David Hole

Hi guys.
Is it possible to make my own garageband-loops and just delete the ones 
that I never gonna use (wich is mostly every one)...?
Also, is it possible to do sequenceing in GB when using VoiceOver (like 
using Quick Windows Sequencer in Windows)?
And third, is it possible to use (1) ToonTrack superior with GB or (2) 
export the MIDI (in some way) for importing in a DAW that handles it?

I'd also be very happy if someone here makes a kind of 
introduction-podcast to GB with VO :)


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Looking for recommendations of external keyboards

2010-11-01 Thread Justin Ekis
Hi all,

I'm starting to wish that the keyboard on this MacBook pro had a numpad. It 
would be useful to have the numpad commander. I'm thinking about getting an 
external keyboard that has one included. This may sound strange, but instead of 
adding another full-size keyboard, does anyone make such a thing as an external 
numpad? If not, I'd like to hear your recommendations for keyboards. I'd like 
one that uses the apple layout with the command and option keys. I've heard 
that using a windows keyboard reverses the locations of those two keys. Is this 



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Re: GarageBand again

2010-11-01 Thread Ricardo Walker

I'll answer questions 1 and 3.

You can use whatever media file you wish as a loop so long as it's AIFF, MP3, 
WAV, or AAC.  Just find your own loop in the finder and copy and paste it into 
your garageband timeline.  Question 3.  You can't export midi in garageband.  I 
think this is one of those features that will probably  never come to GB 
because Apple wants us to upgrade to logic express or pro to gain this type of 


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Nov 1, 2010, at 4:30 PM, David Hole wrote:

> Hi guys.
> Is it possible to make my own garageband-loops and just delete the ones that 
> I never gonna use (wich is mostly every one)...?
> Also, is it possible to do sequenceing in GB when using VoiceOver (like using 
> Quick Windows Sequencer in Windows)?
> And third, is it possible to use (1) ToonTrack superior with GB or (2) export 
> the MIDI (in some way) for importing in a DAW that handles it?
> I'd also be very happy if someone here makes a kind of introduction-podcast 
> to GB with VO :)
> Cheers
> David
> -- 
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Re: [Bulk] converting audio

2010-11-01 Thread Sarah Alawami
Thter is also switch and that's free and very easy to use.

Take care.

On Nov 1, 2010, at 12:30 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Yes, there is.
>  Amadeus Pro will do exactly what you want.
> Sincerely, 
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Nov 1, 2010, at 1:22 PM, Robert Hooper wrote:
>> I’m sure this has been covered extensively before, so naturally I must ask 
>> if it can be covered once again. Is there an accessible batch converter for 
>> mac? For example, if I had a directory full of wav files, how could I 
>> convert them to mp3, ogg, etc.? Any help would be appreciated.
>> ThanksJ
>> Robert Hooper
>> -- 
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Re: Looking for recommendations of external keyboards

2010-11-01 Thread Esther

Hi Justin,

It turns out that you can use the Numpad Commander shortcut sequences  
on your MacBook Pro laptop if you have Numpad Commander turned on, and  
press an arrow key along with one of the numbers in the row of numbers  
("1" through "9", "0", "-", "=") at the top of the keyboard.  You get  
the definition you customized when you press that key on a numeric  

See Daniel's discovery post on using Numpad Commander without a Numpad:
and press Control+N to read down the thread.

If you want a USB numeric keypad, I've used the Lenovo 33L3225 USB  
Numeric keypad, which is described and linked in this archived post.   
There may be other options, since I was conservative about wanting  
this to work with Linux, Windows, and Mac, and I had no previous  
experience with trying out numeric keypads at the time:
(Re: External NumPad for the Mac)

You're correct that Windows keyboard reverse the location of the  
Control and Option keys, although you can remap these, I believe.   
Also, Erik posted a link to a remapping software named  
"KeyRemap4MacBook" (I think)  in this archived post:
("Fwd: mac numper pad")
The text said to go to and look for keyboardremapper.  
I think he's using it on his WindowEyes virtual machine, but it may  
put a numeric keypad you can use on your MacBook Pro.  I haven't tried  
this.  Maybe Erik can comment.

HTH.  Cheers,

On Nov 1, 2010, Justin Ekis wrote:

Hi all,

I'm starting to wish that the keyboard on this MacBook pro had a  
numpad. It would be useful to have the numpad commander. I'm  
thinking about getting an external keyboard that has one included.  
This may sound strange, but instead of adding another full-size  
keyboard, does anyone make such a thing as an external numpad? If  
not, I'd like to hear your recommendations for keyboards. I'd like  
one that uses the apple layout with the command and option keys.  
I've heard that using a windows keyboard reverses the locations of  
those two keys. Is this correct?



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GMail filters and Apple Mail

2010-11-01 Thread Joshua Loya
Hello everyone,
I have recently set up a filter in GMail for all messages sent to Do I need to set up a separate filter in Apple 
Mail, or is there a way to have labels displayed in the mailboxes list?

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Re: GMail filters and Apple Mail

2010-11-01 Thread David Hole

Hi man.
The nice thing with gmail is that everything happens automatically :)
The label in gmail will automatically appear as a folder in mail, so you 
don't need to do anything in mail to get it working :)

Den 01.11.2010 22:44, skrev Joshua Loya:

Hello everyone,
I have recently set up a filter in GMail for all messages sent to Do I need to set up a separate filter in Apple 
Mail, or is there a way to have labels displayed in the mailboxes list?

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Re: is anyone using Devonthink?

2010-11-01 Thread Esther

Hi Cathyk,

I looked at this once in an earlier version, and it had some  
accessibility issues.  The buttons came up as "radio button 1", etc.  
but if you used VO-H you got the labels.  I was interested in this  
because before ABBYY Fine Reader Express OCR came out for the Mac, you  
could get a special bundled version of ABBYY Fine  Reader with the  
Fujitsu ScanSnap scanner, and DevonThink built a workflow with this  
scanner.  The enhanced OCR is the ability to create PDFs with  
searchable keywords, so you could search in Spotlight, for example,  
and find the scanned documents.  It takes longer to run a scan with  
the searchable PDF keyword conversion.  This feature was built into  
the Fujitsu ScanSnap software options, but the Devonthink Pro Office  
workflow takes advantage of that feature if you used that scanner in  
the context of their software.  It's been quite a while since I tried  
this (since this predates the general ABBYY Fine Reader release for  
the Mac -- over a year and a half ago at least).  I was curious about  
the Fujitsu ScanSnap, since a colleague had this at the time.  My  
guess is that there would be some issues, but they may have improved  
things since then.  I did think that the workflow was specific to the  
ScanSnap line of scanners, which separately featured the searchable  
PDF creation option.  I don't really know more about this.  DevonThink  
has downloadable trials, and they sometimes come as part of bundled  
software promotions.  However, only the Pro version has the  
integration with the tagged PDF scans, I think.  I only looked at this  
briefly, and because I could try out a colleague's ScanSnap back then.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Nov 1, 2010, at 08:57, cathyk wrote:

Hi All,
Does anyone have experience with the note-taking and organizing
program "Devonthink"? The Professional Office version claims enhanced
OCR. But searching the site, I didn't find anything that demonstrated
a real commitment to access, so I thought I'd ask the list.

Thanks much,

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Re: GMail filters and Apple Mail

2010-11-01 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Joshua:
Your filters would have you send messages to  a label.  That label should 
automaticly show up in your Applemail as a mailbox.  However, I've never gotten 
a google filter to work properly.  I sure hope you have better luck than I have 

Carolyn Haas

On Nov 1, 2010, at 3:44 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I have recently set up a filter in GMail for all messages sent to 
> Do I need to set up a separate filter in 
> Apple Mail, or is there a way to have labels displayed in the mailboxes list?
> Thanks,
> Joshua
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Re: GMail filters and Apple Mail

2010-11-01 Thread Joshua Loya
Ok. So the label shows up in the mailboxes list. That's great. We're half way 
there. How can I organize my GMail account in box in Apple Mail, so that the 
same messages which appear in the Mac Visionaries label/mailbox do not appear 
in the GMail in box in Apple Mail?

On Nov 1, 2010, at 2:51 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Joshua:
> Your filters would have you send messages to  a label.  That label should 
> automaticly show up in your Applemail as a mailbox.  However, I've never 
> gotten a google filter to work properly.  I sure hope you have better luck 
> than I have had.
> Carolyn Haas
> On Nov 1, 2010, at 3:44 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have recently set up a filter in GMail for all messages sent to 
>> Do I need to set up a separate filter in 
>> Apple Mail, or is there a way to have labels displayed in the mailboxes list?
>> Thanks,
>> Joshua
>> -- 
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Re: GMail filters and Apple Mail

2010-11-01 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Joshua:
Now, with that filter you need to check a box that says "skip inbox."

That aught to do it.:) 
If that works, you're far ahead of me with Google.

Carolyn Haas

On Nov 1, 2010, at 4:09 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:

> Ok. So the label shows up in the mailboxes list. That's great. We're half way 
> there. How can I organize my GMail account in box in Apple Mail, so that the 
> same messages which appear in the Mac Visionaries label/mailbox do not appear 
> in the GMail in box in Apple Mail?
> Thanks,
> Joshua
> On Nov 1, 2010, at 2:51 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Joshua:
>> Your filters would have you send messages to  a label.  That label should 
>> automaticly show up in your Applemail as a mailbox.  However, I've never 
>> gotten a google filter to work properly.  I sure hope you have better luck 
>> than I have had.
>> Carolyn Haas
>> On Nov 1, 2010, at 3:44 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I have recently set up a filter in GMail for all messages sent to 
>>> Do I need to set up a separate filter in 
>>> Apple Mail, or is there a way to have labels displayed in the mailboxes 
>>> list?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Joshua
>>> -- 
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Re: GMail filters and Apple Mail

2010-11-01 Thread Jude DaShiell
This is well-known technology in terms of procmail so my suggestion for 
you in terminal mode see if there's a procmailex man page, man procmailex 
and it should show you some example recipes.  Also possibly man 
procmail-lib and man procmail.  If nothing comes up on any of that, Apple 
has installed a different mail transfer agent on your system.  There's 
another program called getmail or getmail4 on debian and it's easier to 
write configuration files for than procmail and at least one person thinks 
is better than procmail. On Mon, 1 Nov 2010, Joshua Loya wrote:

Ok. So the label shows up in the mailboxes list. That's great. We're half way 
there. How can I organize my GMail account in box in Apple Mail, so that the 
same messages which appear in the Mac Visionaries label/mailbox do not appear 
in the GMail in box in Apple Mail?

On Nov 1, 2010, at 2:51 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

Hi Joshua:
Your filters would have you send messages to  a label.  That label should 
automaticly show up in your Applemail as a mailbox.  However, I've never gotten 
a google filter to work properly.  I sure hope you have better luck than I have 

Carolyn Haas

On Nov 1, 2010, at 3:44 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:

Hello everyone,
I have recently set up a filter in GMail for all messages sent to Do I need to set up a separate filter in Apple 
Mail, or is there a way to have labels displayed in the mailboxes list?

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Re: GMail filters and Apple Mail

2010-11-01 Thread Joshua Loya
Success! I misunderstood the meaning of the skip in box check box. I thought 
that it still wasn't working, even after I had checked this, because I forgot 
to apply the filter to existing conversations. Carolyn, it's possible that 
neglecting to do that may have been part of the trouble you had with Google.

Thanks a bunch,
On Nov 1, 2010, at 3:33 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Joshua:
> Now, with that filter you need to check a box that says "skip inbox."
> That aught to do it.:) 
> If that works, you're far ahead of me with Google.
> Carolyn Haas
> On Nov 1, 2010, at 4:09 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:
>> Ok. So the label shows up in the mailboxes list. That's great. We're half 
>> way there. How can I organize my GMail account in box in Apple Mail, so that 
>> the same messages which appear in the Mac Visionaries label/mailbox do not 
>> appear in the GMail in box in Apple Mail?
>> Thanks,
>> Joshua
>> On Nov 1, 2010, at 2:51 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Joshua:
>>> Your filters would have you send messages to  a label.  That label should 
>>> automaticly show up in your Applemail as a mailbox.  However, I've never 
>>> gotten a google filter to work properly.  I sure hope you have better luck 
>>> than I have had.
>>> Carolyn Haas
>>> On Nov 1, 2010, at 3:44 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I have recently set up a filter in GMail for all messages sent to Do I need to set up a separate filter in 
 Apple Mail, or is there a way to have labels displayed in the mailboxes 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: Looking for recommendations of external keyboards

2010-11-01 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Justin,
I don't know about external numpads that work on a Mac. But macally makes a 
full keyboard with all the usual Apple keys and the numpad. It is a bluetooth 
keyboard, and it works on IPads, so I would guess it works on the Macbook pro 
as well. It is a full size keyboard that looks like the apple keyboards use to 
before they started making the little thin metal ones they have now.


Mary Otten

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Re: converting audio

2010-11-01 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, I would use max for that.  Others have their own preferences which I can't 
speak to the quality of because max does everything I want and so I stopped 
looking after I found it.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,

On 2010-11-01, at 2:22 PM, Robert Hooper wrote:

> I’m sure this has been covered extensively before, so naturally I must ask if 
> it can be covered once again. Is there an accessible batch converter for mac? 
> For example, if I had a directory full of wav files, how could I convert them 
> to mp3, ogg, etc.? Any help would be appreciated.
> ThanksJ
> Robert Hooper
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Importing DVD's into iTunes to play on iPad

2010-11-01 Thread Kimberly thurman
Hi Folks:

As the subject line says, I want to import DVD movies I own into iTunes to 
transfer to my iPad.  Is there software and an accessible process for this 
using voice over?  Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.  :)

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Re: Mac Mail order of items etc

2010-11-01 Thread Mike Arrigo
Hey Neil, congradulations on switching to the mac, glad it's working for you. 
On my macbook, I have defined 2 custom gestures for moving to the beginning and 
end of a list. Actually it works for going to the beginning or end of just 
about everything. The gestures I set up are option flick up on the trackpad, 
and option flick down on the track pad. The commands I used were, go to 
beginning and go to end. You can define these in the trackpad commander of the 
voiceover utility.
On Nov 1, 2010, at 2:07 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> Hi all,
> a few questions for you... I've now made the switch fully over, having bought 
> a Mac Book Pro 15in with the i7 processor and the iMac 27in i7 processor for 
> my desktop.
> so we're PC free now here!
> I'm doing well for the most part, with some good help from a few friends who 
> are recent converts.
> a few Mail specific questions please:
> firstly, what it the Voice Over command to invert the displayed items in Mail 
> for example, i.e. the default layout is oldest message at the top newest at 
> the bottom. I wish to see the newest at the top of the list.
> next, I've had a sighted person make the above changes for a few of the inbox 
> views, but not all of them, for those which have been done, the annoying 
> thing is that when I launch Mail the highlighted item is always at the bottom 
> of the dam list, thus I have to arrow up through the entire list to get to 
> the top. firstly, what is the VO command to jump to the beginning or end of a 
> list... On my Mac Book pro there is no page up / down, or seems not to be! 
> secondly, is there a way of having Mail launch and switch from mailbox to 
> mailbox always keeping at the last highlighted item or top of the list rather 
> than bottom?
> next, how can I delete or remove the pre-view panel entirely? I've reduced it 
> to 0% so it cannot be seen, but still as I arrow through the mail each item 
> becomes no-longer marked as new mail. meaning that the pre-view pain has in 
> effect marked it.
> finally, How do you effect a mouse button press and hold, for the purpose of 
> moving items say as with installing apps etc.
> many thanks and sorry for the list.
> Neil Barnfather.
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Re: Looking for recommendations of external keyboards

2010-11-01 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Try the Mac USB external Keyboard.
On Nov 1, 2010, at 3:40 PM, Justin Ekis wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm starting to wish that the keyboard on this MacBook pro had a numpad. It 
> would be useful to have the numpad commander. I'm thinking about getting an 
> external keyboard that has one included. This may sound strange, but instead 
> of adding another full-size keyboard, does anyone make such a thing as an 
> external numpad? If not, I'd like to hear your recommendations for keyboards. 
> I'd like one that uses the apple layout with the command and option keys. 
> I've heard that using a windows keyboard reverses the locations of those two 
> keys. Is this correct? 
> Thanks,
> Justin
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Re: Importing DVD's into iTunes to play on iPad

2010-11-01 Thread Allison Manzino

THe only way I know how to do this is to import the DVDs in to DVD audio 
extractor and extract the audio from them. I don't own an Ipad, but I wonder if 
it will work on the Iphone. I hope this will work for you. Other than that, I 
have no idea how to do this. Have you tried Handbreak? Just a thought. I hope 
I've helped somewhat.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Nov 1, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> Hi Folks:
> As the subject line says, I want to import DVD movies I own into iTunes to 
> transfer to my iPad.  Is there software and an accessible process for this 
> using voice over?  Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.  :)
> -- 
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Re: Importing DVD's into iTunes to play on iPad

2010-11-01 Thread Kimberly thurman
I really want to extract the entire movie including video.  I have some movies 
I'd like to put on the iPad for my granddaughter to watch when she is here.  
On Nov 1, 2010, at 8:39 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi,
> THe only way I know how to do this is to import the DVDs in to DVD audio 
> extractor and extract the audio from them. I don't own an Ipad, but I wonder 
> if it will work on the Iphone. I hope this will work for you. Other than 
> that, I have no idea how to do this. Have you tried Handbreak? Just a 
> thought. I hope I've helped somewhat.
> Musically,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Nov 1, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> Hi Folks:
>> As the subject line says, I want to import DVD movies I own into iTunes to 
>> transfer to my iPad.  Is there software and an accessible process for this 
>> using voice over?  Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.  :)
>> -- 
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books in itunes

2010-11-01 Thread 504 area
I have struggled in itunes with books.  I have in books many just
under books then a sub folder of audible.  I sync selected only items
with my I phone.  In sources - books on my MBP I am not able to pull
up a table of all books.  I select under search search all, then
seartch by book title but am not able to get the list or navigate to
the sub folder.
Does anyone have some hints?  This does not seem to work as the music
sources or pod cast sources does for me.
Thanks in advance for all the info.

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Re: Importing DVD's into iTunes to play on iPad

2010-11-01 Thread Jesse
I use Handbrake. Just google it, and it should come up with the latest
version. By and large, the default settings should work for you. You
also have to have VLC on your system, because it has the proper codec
to decode the DVD into the format you're looking for. Just play around
with the settings a little bit, and you should figure it all out. it's
really quite self-explanatory.

Kimberly thurman wrote:
> I really want to extract the entire movie including video.  I have some 
> movies I'd like to put on the iPad for my granddaughter to watch when she is 
> here.
> On Nov 1, 2010, at 8:39 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > THe only way I know how to do this is to import the DVDs in to DVD audio 
> > extractor and extract the audio from them. I don't own an Ipad, but I 
> > wonder if it will work on the Iphone. I hope this will work for you. Other 
> > than that, I have no idea how to do this. Have you tried Handbreak? Just a 
> > thought. I hope I've helped somewhat.
> >
> > Musically,
> > Allison
> >
> > My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> >
> >
> > On Nov 1, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Folks:
> >>
> >> As the subject line says, I want to import DVD movies I own into iTunes to 
> >> transfer to my iPad.  Is there software and an accessible process for this 
> >> using voice over?  Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.  :)
> >>
> >> --
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> >>
> >
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sendng e-mail to multiple reciptants

2010-11-01 Thread denise avant
hi all,
can someone clarify a point. i want to send e-mail to several people. how is 
that done  in apple mail? thanks. oh by the way, the majority of the names are 
in my address book. 

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Re: sendng e-mail to multiple reciptants

2010-11-01 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. start typing the name and when you hear the correct name hit enter, then 
space and then repeat. Oh this should be done in the too field.

Take care.
On Nov 1, 2010, at 6:09 PM, denise avant wrote:

> hi all,
> can someone clarify a point. i want to send e-mail to several people. how is 
> that done  in apple mail? thanks. oh by the way, the majority of the names 
> are in my address book. 
> -- 
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Re: sendng e-mail to multiple reciptants

2010-11-01 Thread Scott Howell
separate the names with a comma. As you type the name will be extracted from 
the address book. and once you hit comma, you can hit space and continue with 
the next address. If you have several e-mail addresses associated with a name, 
you can use the up/down arrow keys to select the one you want.
On Nov 1, 2010, at 9:09 PM, denise avant wrote:

> hi all,
> can someone clarify a point. i want to send e-mail to several people. how is 
> that done  in apple mail? thanks. oh by the way, the majority of the names 
> are in my address book. 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: sendng e-mail to multiple reciptants

2010-11-01 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh usually I just hit space and it i sent to the multiple people. I wonder if  
the comma  is really needed then in that case?
On Nov 1, 2010, at 6:16 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> separate the names with a comma. As you type the name will be extracted from 
> the address book. and once you hit comma, you can hit space and continue with 
> the next address. If you have several e-mail addresses associated with a 
> name, you can use the up/down arrow keys to select the one you want.
> On Nov 1, 2010, at 9:09 PM, denise avant wrote:
>> hi all,
>> can someone clarify a point. i want to send e-mail to several people. how is 
>> that done  in apple mail? thanks. oh by the way, the majority of the names 
>> are in my address book. 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: Millionaire Upgrade

2010-11-01 Thread Joshua Loya

Thanks for this. I'll enjoy reading this one.


On 10/31/2010 3:35 AM, Cara Quinn wrote:

Hi All; -Just a quick note from me to let you know that for those interested in 
books on business and entrepreneurship, you can get the audio version of 
Millionaire Upgrade free for a limited time. The book is inspired by a true 
situation where the author, because of an unexpected upgrade to first class on 
a flight, ended up sitting next to Sir Richard Branson, the owner of Virgin 
Atlantic / America, etc..

Here's the linkie and then the descript…


Get Millionaire Upgrade on your iPhone... for FREE! Have you ever wondered what 
it would be like to sit next to a self-made millionaire, and take notes as they 
share with you their inner secrets of business success. Well now you can... 
with the best-selling business book: Millionaire Upgrade. Inspired by a true 
story with Sir Richard Branson, and based on interviews with over 50 self-made 
millionaire entrepreneurs, Millionaire Upgrade is a master class in 
entrepreneurial thinking, and is your fast-track ticket to business success. 
Now the spoken-word audio-version of Millionaire Upgrade is available on the 
iPhone - and for a limited time, is FREE for you to download. In the audio book 
you'll be introduced to the entrepreneurial success principles of IBELIEVE, and 
in the 'quick read' summaries, you can learn exactly how to use IBELIEVE to 
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other entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs around the world who have 
already experienced Millionaire Upgrade. Download the app right now and enjoy 
your journey...
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

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Recurrence of "To Do" Tasks?

2010-11-01 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, folk,

When setting up a  "to do" task, is it possible to make it recur, or is that 
better done in a Calendar entry? For instance, I was going to set up my 
bi-weekly recycling reminder to put out the recycling bins.


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