RE: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...

2010-10-12 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav

indeed, I'm sitting here quote in hand for new Mac Book Pro, very closely
monitoring the add to basket button...

just need to justify the getting rid of my current PC laptop...

anyone know anyone living in the UK who'd want a top spec windows PC...
payment plan considered etc...

write me off list


Twitter @neilbarnfather

Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: 12 October 2010 00:54
Subject: Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...

Well Neil you'd better become a Mac / VO convert right quick! -or else!
*flicks riding crop* lol!

Seriously though; no worries on any of this. :) Perhaps we could take this
one issue at a time.

if you'd like, as there are a lot of great minds here, perhaps we can go
point by point on solutions for things you'd like to do.

-Yes, you and I chatted a bit about some possibilities, and perhaps others
would be willing to chime in with specifics on actual tasks you'd like to
accomplish and how you might go about it on the Mac.

this would actually be quite beneficial for all of us, as I don't think any
one of us individually, (except of course Esther) :) has the absolute and
complete grasp of every single shortcut available to us as Mac users in our
respective heads. :)

So a little re-hash of all of the cool ways we can go about specific tasks
could go a long way to giving all of us a bit of a refresher.

-Just my thoughts.

Have a terrific day / evening All!.


Cara :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Oct 11, 2010, at 6:49 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:


F6, that be the resolution, instead of tabbing all the time with Windows and
JAWS< let's take your iTunes example.

using iTunes on my PC, as I do, I do the following.

if I'm in the left tree of items, I start typing the name of say
applications, after A P is typed I'm on that section, so now F6, this takes
me instantly to the top of the area defining the view, then one more F6 and
I'm in the list of applications. so that's two keys to get there not endless
tab, tab, tab,

again, all this goes to prove is that I need to learn more about Voice Over
and who knows, with just a little more education I may change my view.

but to say that with windows its endless tabbing, not so, F6, magic.

Twitter @neilbarnfather

Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: 11 October 2010 12:59
Subject: Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...

Hi Neil,

Correct.  If your in an application or web page and someone gives you the
physical placement of an item,  you can find it on the track pad which gives
you the layout similar to what a sighted person sees on the screen.  Just
like on the iPhone.  This leads me into my comment.  I don't think moving
your hand from a keyboard to a trackpad to a number pad necessarily makes
you slower.  For example,  If I'm in iTunes and I want to reach an item
using JFW I might have to tab 4, 5, maybe 6 times.  If I know the layout of
iTunes on a Mac, I can just touch that location on my track pad.  If your in
an environment where you have to work side by side with sighted people this
can really clear some communication hurdles.  I thought just like you when I
first made the switch.  "Why do I have to press 4 keys to accomplish the
same task the only took 1 finger with Jaws?"  And it annoyed me.  But then I
realized that the number of keys 1 must press doesn't have a direct
relationship to speed and or productivity.  I also didn't like the concept
of interacting with elements.  This is before I completely understood it's
advantages.  Again, I use iTunes as an example.  If you have your IOS device
hooked up to your windows PC you go to the sources list and arrow down to
your device.  Same with the Mac.  Then, on Windows, you tab and tab and tab.
Then when you've reached the button you want like music, you select then tab
a whole lot more.  On the Mac,  I could use the iTem chooser to find music
and it takes me right to it.  Lets say for some reason I did want to press
VO right arrow instead of using the item chooser.  Once I've reached music
and selected it, I can keep going until I reached the scroll areas that
contain the information for the button I've selected.  If I don't want to
view them I don't have to.  You don't have this choice on

Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...

2010-10-12 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Neil, why don't you wait a couple of weeks and try the Macbook pro before 
selling your laptop? You've intested lots of time setting it up... Give the 
Macbook pro a week or two first before selling your topnotch notebook...

just a suggestion.
- Original Message - 
From: "Neil Barnfather - TalkNav" 

Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:07 AM
Subject: RE: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...


indeed, I'm sitting here quote in hand for new Mac Book Pro, very closely
monitoring the add to basket button...

just need to justify the getting rid of my current PC laptop...

anyone know anyone living in the UK who'd want a top spec windows PC...
payment plan considered etc...

write me off list


Twitter @neilbarnfather

Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: 12 October 2010 00:54
Subject: Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...

Well Neil you'd better become a Mac / VO convert right quick! -or else!
*flicks riding crop* lol!

Seriously though; no worries on any of this. :) Perhaps we could take this
one issue at a time.

if you'd like, as there are a lot of great minds here, perhaps we can go
point by point on solutions for things you'd like to do.

-Yes, you and I chatted a bit about some possibilities, and perhaps others
would be willing to chime in with specifics on actual tasks you'd like to
accomplish and how you might go about it on the Mac.

this would actually be quite beneficial for all of us, as I don't think 

one of us individually, (except of course Esther) :) has the absolute and
complete grasp of every single shortcut available to us as Mac users in 

respective heads. :)

So a little re-hash of all of the cool ways we can go about specific tasks
could go a long way to giving all of us a bit of a refresher.

-Just my thoughts.

Have a terrific day / evening All!.


Cara :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Oct 11, 2010, at 6:49 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:


F6, that be the resolution, instead of tabbing all the time with Windows 

JAWS< let's take your iTunes example.

using iTunes on my PC, as I do, I do the following.

if I'm in the left tree of items, I start typing the name of say
applications, after A P is typed I'm on that section, so now F6, this 
me instantly to the top of the area defining the view, then one more F6 
I'm in the list of applications. so that's two keys to get there not 

tab, tab, tab,

again, all this goes to prove is that I need to learn more about Voice 

and who knows, with just a little more education I may change my view.

but to say that with windows its endless tabbing, not so, F6, magic.

Twitter @neilbarnfather

Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: 11 October 2010 12:59
Subject: Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...

Hi Neil,

Correct.  If your in an application or web page and someone gives you the
physical placement of an item,  you can find it on the track pad which 

you the layout similar to what a sighted person sees on the screen.  Just
like on the iPhone.  This leads me into my comment.  I don't think moving
your hand from a keyboard to a trackpad to a number pad necessarily makes
you slower.  For example,  If I'm in iTunes and I want to reach an item
using JFW I might have to tab 4, 5, maybe 6 times.  If I know the layout 
iTunes on a Mac, I can just touch that location on my track pad.  If your 
an environment where you have to work side by side with sighted people 
can really clear some communication hurdles.  I thought just like you when 

first made the switch.  "Why do I have to press 4 keys to accomplish the
same task the only took 1 finger with Jaws?"  And it annoyed me.  But then 

realized that the number of keys 1 must press doesn't have a direct
relationship to speed and or productivity.  I also didn't like the concept
of interacting with elements.  This is before I completely understood it's
advantages.  Again, I use iTunes as an example.  If you have your IOS 

hooked up to your windows PC you go to the sources list and arrow down to
your device.  Same with the Mac.  Then, on Windows, you tab and tab and 
Then when you've reached the button you want like music, yo

RE: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...

2010-10-12 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav

don't worry, I'll be doing that, but I'd like to have a buyer lined up, as
otherwise the PC laptop will lie gathering dust.

so it's a belt and braces move on my behalf.

Twitter @neilbarnfather

Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of ISAAC OBIE
Sent: 12 October 2010 09:15
Subject: Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...

Neil, why don't you wait a couple of weeks and try the Macbook pro before 
selling your laptop? You've intested lots of time setting it up... Give the 
Macbook pro a week or two first before selling your topnotch notebook...
just a suggestion.
- Original Message - 
From: "Neil Barnfather - TalkNav" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:07 AM
Subject: RE: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...

> Cara,
> indeed, I'm sitting here quote in hand for new Mac Book Pro, very closely
> monitoring the add to basket button...
> just need to justify the getting rid of my current PC laptop...
> anyone know anyone living in the UK who'd want a top spec windows PC...
> payment plan considered etc...
> write me off list
> regards.
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
> Sent: 12 October 2010 00:54
> To:
> Subject: Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...
> Well Neil you'd better become a Mac / VO convert right quick! -or else!
> *flicks riding crop* lol!
> Seriously though; no worries on any of this. :) Perhaps we could take this
> one issue at a time.
> if you'd like, as there are a lot of great minds here, perhaps we can go
> point by point on solutions for things you'd like to do.
> -Yes, you and I chatted a bit about some possibilities, and perhaps others
> would be willing to chime in with specifics on actual tasks you'd like to
> accomplish and how you might go about it on the Mac.
> this would actually be quite beneficial for all of us, as I don't think 
> any
> one of us individually, (except of course Esther) :) has the absolute and
> complete grasp of every single shortcut available to us as Mac users in 
> our
> respective heads. :)
> So a little re-hash of all of the cool ways we can go about specific tasks
> could go a long way to giving all of us a bit of a refresher.
> -Just my thoughts.
> Have a terrific day / evening All!.
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
> On Oct 11, 2010, at 6:49 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
> Ricardo,
> F6, that be the resolution, instead of tabbing all the time with Windows 
> and
> JAWS< let's take your iTunes example.
> using iTunes on my PC, as I do, I do the following.
> if I'm in the left tree of items, I start typing the name of say
> applications, after A P is typed I'm on that section, so now F6, this 
> takes
> me instantly to the top of the area defining the view, then one more F6 
> and
> I'm in the list of applications. so that's two keys to get there not 
> endless
> tab, tab, tab,
> again, all this goes to prove is that I need to learn more about Voice 
> Over
> and who knows, with just a little more education I may change my view.
> but to say that with windows its endless tabbing, not so, F6, magic.
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
> Sent: 11 October 2010 12:59
> To:
> Subject: Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...
> Hi Neil,
> Correct.  If your in an application or web page and someone gives you the
> physical placement of an item,  you can find it on the track pad which 
> gives
> you the layout similar to what a sighted person sees on the screen.  Just
> like on the iPhone.  This leads me into my comment.  I don't think moving
> your hand from a keyboard to a trackpad to a number pad necessarily makes
> you slower.  For example,  If I'm in iTunes and I want to reach an item
> using JFW I might have to tab 4, 5, maybe 6 times.  If I know the layout 
> of
> iTunes on a Mac, I can just touch that location on my track pad. 

RE: quick guide

2010-10-12 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav


I do not believe that a Wiki is in order, what is needed is a methodical
document that a user can read through, start to finish and by the end know
what they need to know.


the problem with a wiki is that the user is forced to find what they need to


if they instead have a 5 page document to red and that is it, then they'll
most likely read it.


now if that document was dynamically tagged so that it could be jumped
through then that would work for all needs.


Twitter @neilbarnfather


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator


TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit


[] On Behalf Of Carolyn Haas
Sent: 12 October 2010 01:03
Subject: Fwd: quick guide



I received the following request to forward to this group.  We may in fact
be closer to making something very cool happen.  



Begin forwarded message:

From: Alex Jurgensen 

Date: October 11, 2010 5:48:37 PM MDT

To: Carolyn Haas 

Subject: Re: quick guide


Hi Carolin,


Can you forward this to the Mac Visionaries list?


I have a wiki that would be more than thrilled to host this project. It wen
down for some time due to server migration, but I would be willing to put it
up and host it.






On 2010-10-11, at 4:34 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

Hi Everyone:
I really like this idea of collaborating on a quickguide based on Mac OSX,
that puts together the most proficient way of accomplishing tasks by
combining the Mac keyboard commands and the best of VO.  I'm not the
greatest organizer of tasks, but I love to write, and I'd be thrilled to be
a part of something like that.  

I'm also exploring a set-up or mapping of commands based on the multi-touch
trackpad gestures that appears to be e
xtremely well put together and workable.  
The vast amount of resources   among us  is pretty exciting.  

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Alex Jurgensen,

VoiceOver Trainer,   


Visit us on the web at:  



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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: quick guide

2010-10-12 Thread Scott Howell
Neil, that is exactly what I was thinking. This document needs to be something 
folks can pull down and put into braille or just read locally.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:33 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> Carolyn,
> I do not believe that a Wiki is in order, what is needed is a methodical 
> document that a user can read through, start to finish and by the end know 
> what they need to know.
> the problem with a wiki is that the user is forced to find what they need to 
> know.
> if they instead have a 5 page document to red and that is it, then they'll 
> most likely read it.
> now if that document was dynamically tagged so that it could be jumped 
> through then that would work for all needs.
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your accessible 
> phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Carolyn Haas
> Sent: 12 October 2010 01:03
> To:
> Subject: Fwd: quick guide
> i:
> I received the following request to forward to this group.  We may in fact be 
> closer to making something very cool happen.  
> Carolyn  
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Alex Jurgensen 
> Date: October 11, 2010 5:48:37 PM MDT
> To: Carolyn Haas 
> Subject: Re: quick guide
> Hi Carolin,
> Can you forward this to the Mac Visionaries list?
> I have a wiki that would be more than thrilled to host this project. It wen 
> down for some time due to server migration, but I would be willing to put it 
> up and host it.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 2010-10-11, at 4:34 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Everyone:
> I really like this idea of collaborating on a quickguide based on Mac OSX, 
> that puts together the most proficient way of accomplishing tasks by 
> combining the Mac keyboard commands and the best of VO.  I'm not the greatest 
> organizer of tasks, but I love to write, and I'd be thrilled to be a part of 
> something like that.  
> I'm also exploring a set-up or mapping of commands based on the multi-touch 
> trackpad gestures that appears to be e
> xtremely well put together and workable.  
> The vast amount of resources   among us  is pretty exciting.  
> Carolyn
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 
> Alex Jurgensen,
> VoiceOver Trainer,
> Visit us on the web at:
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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Re: please don't turn this in to a debate, just need information

2010-10-12 Thread Scott Howell
Heather, you might consider taking a set of headphones, so you can at least 
have VOiceOver babbling in one ear while the store employee babbles in the 
On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:37 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> I like my training however, our store is so loud that I cant here the 
> voiceover or sometimes the individual at the store!  I wish they had a 
> separate area besides in the middle of a noisy store to do one on one! 
> Heather 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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Re: good apple commercial

2010-10-12 Thread Scott Howell
Don't know if APple would do that, but if you put that out on YouTube, it sure 
would grab some attention. :)

On Oct 11, 2010, at 9:44 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> I live in Austin Texas.  We have an Apple corporate office here.  The 
> university uses macs and some of the school districts too.  I remember when I 
> had to use a mac, know one told me about voiceover.  They simply said "macs 
> are not accessible so you cant take that class," and now the answer is, "good 
> luck we don't have technology specialist to help you but, if you figure it 
> out, can you help us?"  I don't like the rehab agencies because, they sign 
> contracts with one thing and you have to fight to use the other.  Like in 
> Texas, jaws is the only screenreader the state will buy unless you have some 
> reason to get window eyes.  So instead of giving blind consumers a lot of 
> options, there is just one or two.  For example, the federal government 
> signed a contract with apple, not sure when, people will have to know how to 
> use a mac.  The federal government is one of the largest hiring bodies of the 
> blind.  But because, the windows are pushed on us and the macs are not shown 
> to us, some of us will not take the jobs as we have been told the macs are 
> not accessible for the blind.  I think it would be really cool to have an 
> apple commercial featuring a blind mac user using voiceover.  It could go 
> like this:Scene
> Two blind people are shopping for a knew computer at the store.  One has to 
> buy all these products while the other decides on a mac.  "windows quality pc 
> 900 dollars.;  windows office products, 300 dollars; The latest windows, 200 
> dollars; Windows Monitor with  keyboard 150 dollars; windows 

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Re: please don't turn this in to a debate, just need information

2010-10-12 Thread Eric Oyen
I wish that the state of arizona would get that message. about all they like to 
do out here is throw an old, very outdated, machine with jaws on it at us. 
hell, the technology I have here at home is far more advanced than the state 
gives their recipients (I saved, scrimped, and begged for the money to do all 
this). I still managed to put together a better system for less than $1,000 
(and I am using it). 

you are fortunate to actually have an advisor who was willing to go to bat for 
you. I don't see that out here (most of the good folks have long since left the 
rehab services administration).


On Oct 11, 2010, at 7:29 PM, Robert Hooper wrote:

> As a way of further adding to the juicy pot of simmering contemplation 
> already well on its way to ingestible delight on this list, the reason I am 
> now in possession of a Macbook Pro is because of my state rehabilitation 
> agency. I had to undergo an "adaptive technology assessment", which is 
> essentially me sitting down with an assistive technology instructor and 
> talking about my needs. Rather than treat the state agency's budget as if it 
> were coming directly from his own pocket book, he was very open to me 
> suggesting that I would like a Mac. I even took the potentially stupid step 
> of telling him that I had never used a Mac before--and he followed this up by 
> suggesting that I get a Macbook Pro rather than the standard line of Macbook. 
> After reading the quote he subsequently sent to me, I came to realize that 
> the state agency in question does not (and maybe never has) sold Macs to any 
> of their consumers. Maybe I was just lucky enough to get somebody who was 
> able to provide an unbiased recommendation on my behalf while realizing that 
> PCs aren't always the easiest and most accessible solution. I know that the 
> plural of "anecdote" is not "data" and that my viewpoint is purely subjective 
> and lacking in external validity, yet as I stated previously, this is just 
> another strand to add to this particular thread.
> Sincerely:)
> Robert Hooper
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Pete Nalda
> Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 9:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: please don't turn this in to a debate, just need information
> I wonder if Apple has ever thought about this?  How many computers could they 
> sell to the State Agencies?  Seems they need a Liaison between themselves and 
> the various State Rehab agencies.
> On Oct 11, 2010, at 4:44 PM, EWOUD wrote:
>> it should better be a debate.
>> there is No reason why windows would be favoured above apple.
>> Apple has the possibilaty to  run windows on its machine, therefor its a 
>> great alternative.
>> windows cannot do that, and the price windows pc with screanreader is also 
>> no good, so Apple has to be mentioned when it comes to choices!
>> Ewoud
>> - Original Message - From: "Sarai Bucciarelli" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 11:36 PM
>> Subject: Re: please don't turn this in to a debate, just need information
>> Hi:
>> Good for you! I'm a Mac user as well, and I too feel rehab agencies need to 
>> present both options, and let the consumer make up their own mind. The only 
>> program I'd ever need to use on the Windows side of things is Kurzweil.
>> On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:41 AM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
>>> I am a very knew Mac user and feel that our state rehab departments are 
>>> favoring the windows based machines over the mac machines.  Yes, our states 
>>> have all the money to give there blind consumers all this adaptive 
>>> technology while in school.  However, after school, blind individuals 
>>> struggle to keep their equipment up to date.  I am trying to write a letter 
>>> about the mac for blind consumers instead of jaws on a windows pc. I wanted 
>>> to make the case that the states should not be so geared to window based 
>>> machines for there blind consumers.  I just don't no enough about OCR 
>>> solutions for the Mac like we have Kurzweil1000 for windows. Also I am not 
>>> sure about the braille translation programs for the macs as we have mega 
>>> dots or Duxbury for the windows computers.  Also, we use victor streams, 
>>> eclipse reders and for our textbooks so if there is a Mac equivalent, I 
>>> wanted to know about it.  I am trying to convince our rehab department that 
>>> they need to show both options to their consumers.  I plan on submitting my 
>>> letter at the end of the week to are rehab department. Thank you, Heather
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit

Re: good apple commercial

2010-10-12 Thread Eric Oyen
nice vocal on that one. I wish I could have seen the video. check my youtube 


On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:33 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Actually I made a youtube vid about it. go to I 
> demo several things int eh space of 14 minutes.
> Good luck.

Eric Oyen - N7ZZT
Phoenix Arizona
33.488462  -112.234926
N33° 29.3077', W112° 14.0956'

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Add to iTunes as a spoken track - Which voice to use?

2010-10-12 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi everybody!

So, I've kind of been tinkering around with the feature to add a text to iTunes 
as a track. The native service works great, and it even overwrites your system 
speech rate preference if using the [[rate ]] parameter above the block of 
text highlighted.

The issue appears when you want to use another voice. Apparently,it does not 
take this into account and always will use Alex, even if you change the system 
voice which seems a bit silly to me. I have a Danish text I'd love to read on 
my iPhone when I'm flying to the Netherlands on Saturday without using the 
built-in TTS, mainly because of the bit rate and because of a lot of 
pronunciation problems.

Is there another parameter I can insert that will basically overwrite the 
preference that Apple apparently "wants" me to use? This has kind of made me a 
bit annoyed already. I am gonna submit this to accessibility either way, but 
I'd still like to know if there is a workaround preferably with the native 
service built in
Thanks in advance.

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Re: stupid question about face time and screen curtain, maybe

2010-10-12 Thread Scott Howell
There obviously is no way to do this automatically, so drop a note to Apple and 
perhaps this is something they will consider for a future release. This is 
actually a good idea and would probably not be difficult to implement.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:58 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hello to all. I notice that the screen curtain turns  off when in face time. 
> That's fine with me but sometimes I forget to turn it on and I notice that my 
> screen is brighter then it should be. *smiles* is there a way to turn it on 
> automatically? I know you triple tap with 3 fingers but still. After face 
> time session is over is there a way for voice over to turn on the screen 
> curtain when not in a face time session or am I going to have to remember?
> Thanks.
> Sarah Alawami
> MSN: 
> aim:
> website:
> face book:
> youtube:
> Podcast:
> Mobile site for podcast:
> The early bird gets the worm. The late worm gets to live. 
> -- 
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Re: good apple commercial

2010-10-12 Thread Eric Oyen

I can "see" the commercial tha apple would do with their apple vs. pc.

"hello there, I'm an apple and I'm accessible" (queue the sound of voiceover 
reading a text document)

"hello. I'm a pc. now how's you do that talking thing? I don't have that 
application installed. oh, here it is and its $1,000" (queue the sound of jaws 
after the sound of money being poured out of a sack_

you get the idea.


On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:11 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Don't know if APple would do that, but if you put that out on YouTube, it 
> sure would grab some attention. :)
> On Oct 11, 2010, at 9:44 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
>> I live in Austin Texas.  We have an Apple corporate office here.  The 
>> university uses macs and some of the school districts too.  I remember when 
>> I had to use a mac, know one told me about voiceover.  They simply said 
>> "macs are not accessible so you cant take that class," and now the answer 
>> is, "good luck we don't have technology specialist to help you but, if you 
>> figure it out, can you help us?"  I don't like the rehab agencies because, 
>> they sign contracts with one thing and you have to fight to use the other.  
>> Like in Texas, jaws is the only screenreader the state will buy unless you 
>> have some reason to get window eyes.  So instead of giving blind consumers a 
>> lot of options, there is just one or two.  For example, the federal 
>> government signed a contract with apple, not sure when, people will have to 
>> know how to use a mac.  The federal government is one of the largest hiring 
>> bodies of the blind.  But because, the windows are pushed on us and the macs 
>> are not shown to us, some of us will not take the jobs as we have been told 
>> the macs are not accessible for the blind.  I think it would be really cool 
>> to have an apple commercial featuring a blind mac user using voiceover.  It 
>> could go like this:Scene
>> Two blind people are shopping for a knew computer at the store.  One has to 
>> buy all these products while the other decides on a mac.  "windows quality 
>> pc 900 dollars.;  windows office products, 300 dollars; The latest windows, 
>> 200 dollars; Windows Monitor with  keyboard 150 dollars; windows 
> -- 
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Eric Oyen - N7ZZT
Phoenix Arizona
33.488462  -112.234926
N33° 29.3077', W112° 14.0956'

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Re: Burning an AVI file to play on a standard DVD player

2010-10-12 Thread Paul Erkens

Hi Mike,

There is someone on this list who did a podcast on a program called prism, 
and that was the one for me. Prism is actually a video file converter, 
letting you have, say, a mov, and convert it into a, say, an avi. I am using 
its windows version, and with that I got a number of shortcuts in my start 
menu, that can expand the capabilities of the prism converter. For example, 
if you choose to burn the avi to a normal dvd, it downloads, installs and 
runs a dvd burning program from the same author, and that can do it.

I don't remember who did that very podcast on prism, but it is a girl or 
woman who plays her guitar and sings along at the beginning of the podcast, 
who has done some more podcasts on other useful mac subjects. She uses voice 
over, so at least the conversion is accessible and I expect the burning 
process to be as well.
- Original Message - 
From: "Mike" 

To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2010 2:52 AM
Subject: Burning an AVI file to play on a standard DVD player

Hi List:

Anyone know of a program I can use, that's voice over accessible, to
burn an AVI file to play on a standard DVD player?
I tried Burn but it gives me issues and Toast Titanium 10 isn't
totally vo accessible and the copy I have insists I need an XVID
Codec, which I can't find on the Roxio site.
Perhaps there are some new DVD programs I can try that will allow me
to do this.

Many Thanks:


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RE: quick guide

2010-10-12 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav


what can I say, great minds think a like...


what is needed here is a document, say 5 pages long or so, something that is
a quick start guide, read me and know 95% of what you need to know about
using a Mac.


what it should do is focus on the OSx key strokes wherever possible, and
cover in full detail, but easy to follow language the quick nav feature.


it could also be an online resource by way of a Wiki, but first and foremost
should be a simple, print and read document.


Twitter @neilbarnfather


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator


TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit


[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: 12 October 2010 10:02
Subject: Re: quick guide


Neil, that is exactly what I was thinking. This document needs to be
something folks can pull down and put into braille or just read locally.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:33 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:



I do not believe that a Wiki is in order, what is needed is a methodical
document that a user can read through, start to finish and by the end know
what they need to know.


the problem with a wiki is that the user is forced to find what they need to


if they instead have a 5 page document to red and that is it, then they'll
most likely read it.


now if that document was dynamically tagged so that it could be jumped
through then that would work for all needs.


Twitter @neilbarnfather


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator


TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit


[] On Behalf Of Carolyn Haas
Sent: 12 October 2010 01:03
Subject: Fwd: quick guide



I received the following request to forward to this group.  We may in fact
be closer to making something very cool happen.  



Begin forwarded message:

From: Alex Jurgensen 

Date: October 11, 2010 5:48:37 PM MDT

To: Carolyn Haas 

Subject: Re: quick guide


Hi Carolin,


Can you forward this to the Mac Visionaries list?


I have a wiki that would be more than thrilled to host this project. It wen
down for some time due to server migration, but I would be willing to put it
up and host it.






On 2010-10-11, at 4:34 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

Hi Everyone:
I really like this idea of collaborating on a quickguide based on Mac OSX,
that puts together the most proficient way of accomplishing tasks by
combining the Mac keyboard commands and the best of VO.  I'm not the
greatest organizer of tasks, but I love to write, and I'd be thrilled to be
a part of something like that.  

I'm also exploring a set-up or mapping of commands based on the multi-touch
trackpad gestures that appears to be e
xtremely well put together and workable.  
The vast amount of resources   among us  is pretty exciting.  

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Alex Jurgensen,

VoiceOver Trainer,  


Visit us on the web at:  



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Re: quick guide

2010-10-12 Thread Scott Howell
Tell ya what, after the first week of November, I will be in a position to work 
on such a project. 
On Oct 12, 2010, at 6:00 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> Scott,
> what can I say, great minds think a like...
> what is needed here is a document, say 5 pages long or so, something that is 
> a quick start guide, read me and know 95% of what you need to know about 
> using a Mac.
> what it should do is focus on the OSx key strokes wherever possible, and 
> cover in full detail, but easy to follow language the quick nav feature.
> it could also be an online resource by way of a Wiki, but first and foremost 
> should be a simple, print and read document.
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your accessible 
> phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: 12 October 2010 10:02
> To:
> Subject: Re: quick guide
> Neil, that is exactly what I was thinking. This document needs to be 
> something folks can pull down and put into braille or just read locally.
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:33 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
> Carolyn,
> I do not believe that a Wiki is in order, what is needed is a methodical 
> document that a user can read through, start to finish and by the end know 
> what they need to know.
> the problem with a wiki is that the user is forced to find what they need to 
> know.
> if they instead have a 5 page document to red and that is it, then they'll 
> most likely read it.
> now if that document was dynamically tagged so that it could be jumped 
> through then that would work for all needs.
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your accessible 
> phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Carolyn Haas
> Sent: 12 October 2010 01:03
> To:
> Subject: Fwd: quick guide
> i:
> I received the following request to forward to this group.  We may in fact be 
> closer to making something very cool happen.  
> Carolyn  
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Alex Jurgensen 
> Date: October 11, 2010 5:48:37 PM MDT
> To: Carolyn Haas 
> Subject: Re: quick guide
> Hi Carolin,
> Can you forward this to the Mac Visionaries list?
> I have a wiki that would be more than thrilled to host this project. It wen 
> down for some time due to server migration, but I would be willing to put it 
> up and host it.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 2010-10-11, at 4:34 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Everyone:
> I really like this idea of collaborating on a quickguide based on Mac OSX, 
> that puts together the most proficient way of accomplishing tasks by 
> combining the Mac keyboard commands and the best of VO.  I'm not the greatest 
> organizer of tasks, but I love to write, and I'd be thrilled to be a part of 
> something like that.  
> I'm also exploring a set-up or mapping of commands based on the multi-touch 
> trackpad gestures that appears to be e
> xtremely well put together and workable.  
> The vast amount of resources   among us  is pretty exciting.  
> Carolyn
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> For more options, visit this group at 
> Alex Jurgensen,
> VoiceOver Trainer,
> Visit us on the web at:
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 
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> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionar...@googlegro


2010-10-12 Thread joseph
hi list

i turned quicknav off by mistake.  i pressed left and down arrow to
turn it back on but it didn't work.  how to turn it back on please?


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swich converter problem

2010-10-12 Thread johns.kary
Hi guys,

I'm trying to convert some ogg files to MP3 with switch file converter, and it 
won't add the files.
I open switch, try to add files with command  O  or  the add files in the 
menus, it says, add files, and then nothing happens.

I've also found that after I've tried this, the only way I can close the 
program is to do a force quit.

Does anyone no what might be going on hear?

Thanks for any help,

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Re: quicknav

2010-10-12 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

It's left and right arrow simultaneously. Left and right when Quick Nav is on 
will stop interacting.


On Oct 12, 2010, at 12:27 PM, joseph wrote:

> hi list
> i turned quicknav off by mistake.  i pressed left and down arrow to
> turn it back on but it didn't work.  how to turn it back on please?
> best
> -- 
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Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Add to iTunes as a spoken track - Which voice to use?

2010-10-12 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Nic,

Sorry I don't have an answer to your question, but I'm wondering how do you add 
txt as a spoken track?
On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:35 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi everybody!
> So, I've kind of been tinkering around with the feature to add a text to 
> iTunes as a track. The native service works great, and it even overwrites 
> your system speech rate preference if using the [[rate ]] parameter 
> above the block of text highlighted.
> The issue appears when you want to use another voice. Apparently,it does not 
> take this into account and always will use Alex, even if you change the 
> system voice which seems a bit silly to me. I have a Danish text I'd love to 
> read on my iPhone when I'm flying to the Netherlands on Saturday without 
> using the built-in TTS, mainly because of the bit rate and because of a lot 
> of pronunciation problems.
> Is there another parameter I can insert that will basically overwrite the 
> preference that Apple apparently "wants" me to use? This has kind of made me 
> a bit annoyed already. I am gonna submit this to accessibility either way, 
> but I'd still like to know if there is a workaround preferably with the 
> native service built in
> .
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Nic
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster

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Re: quick guide

2010-10-12 Thread David Taylor
If people can put it together, I'm sure bCAB will host it, and if it ends up 
somewhere else, link to it anyway.

I agree it needs to be a navigable, readable document.


On 12 Oct 2010, at 11:00, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

what can I say, great minds think a like...
what is needed here is a document, say 5 pages long or so, something that is a 
quick start guide, read me and know 95% of what you need to know about using a 
what it should do is focus on the OSx key strokes wherever possible, and cover 
in full detail, but easy to follow language the quick nav feature.
it could also be an online resource by way of a Wiki, but first and foremost 
should be a simple, print and read document.
Twitter @neilbarnfather
Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator
TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your accessible 
phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: 12 October 2010 10:02
Subject: Re: quick guide
Neil, that is exactly what I was thinking. This document needs to be something 
folks can pull down and put into braille or just read locally.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:33 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

I do not believe that a Wiki is in order, what is needed is a methodical 
document that a user can read through, start to finish and by the end know what 
they need to know.
the problem with a wiki is that the user is forced to find what they need to 
if they instead have a 5 page document to red and that is it, then they'll most 
likely read it.
now if that document was dynamically tagged so that it could be jumped through 
then that would work for all needs.
Twitter @neilbarnfather
Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator
TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your accessible 
phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Carolyn Haas
Sent: 12 October 2010 01:03
Subject: Fwd: quick guide
I received the following request to forward to this group.  We may in fact be 
closer to making something very cool happen.  
Begin forwarded message:

From: Alex Jurgensen 
Date: October 11, 2010 5:48:37 PM MDT
To: Carolyn Haas 
Subject: Re: quick guide
Hi Carolin,
Can you forward this to the Mac Visionaries list?
I have a wiki that would be more than thrilled to host this project. It wen 
down for some time due to server migration, but I would be willing to put it up 
and host it.
On 2010-10-11, at 4:34 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

Hi Everyone:
I really like this idea of collaborating on a quickguide based on Mac OSX, that 
puts together the most proficient way of accomplishing tasks by combining the 
Mac keyboard commands and the best of VO.  I'm not the greatest organizer of 
tasks, but I love to write, and I'd be thrilled to be a part of something like 

I'm also exploring a set-up or mapping of commands based on the multi-touch 
trackpad gestures that appears to be e
xtremely well put together and workable.  
The vast amount of resources   among us  is pretty exciting.  

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at

Alex Jurgensen,
VoiceOver Trainer,  
Visit us on the web at:
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You receive

Re: Add to iTunes as a spoken track - Which voice to use?

2010-10-12 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hello Donna!

Simply highlight any text you want within a document, or an e-mail...or even a 
webpage. THen you can go to the "Services" submenu and find "Add to iTunes as a 
spoken track". Of course, you will need to enable this within System 
Preferences>Keyboard>Keyboard SHortcuts tab, then check the checkbox for the 
service you wish to add. These are located by selecting the "Services" shortcut 
category then finding the second table to the right of that which displays the 
services available to you. It is not necessary to assign a keyboard shortcut to 
it, though the item will still be available if you  check the appropriate box. 

On Oct 12, 2010, at 1:45 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Nic,
> Sorry I don't have an answer to your question, but I'm wondering how do you 
> add txt as a spoken track?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:35 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi everybody!
>> So, I've kind of been tinkering around with the feature to add a text to 
>> iTunes as a track. The native service works great, and it even overwrites 
>> your system speech rate preference if using the [[rate ]] parameter 
>> above the block of text highlighted.
>> The issue appears when you want to use another voice. Apparently,it does not 
>> take this into account and always will use Alex, even if you change the 
>> system voice which seems a bit silly to me. I have a Danish text I'd love to 
>> read on my iPhone when I'm flying to the Netherlands on Saturday without 
>> using the built-in TTS, mainly because of the bit rate and because of a lot 
>> of pronunciation problems.
>> Is there another parameter I can insert that will basically overwrite the 
>> preference that Apple apparently "wants" me to use? This has kind of made me 
>> a bit annoyed already. I am gonna submit this to accessibility either way, 
>> but I'd still like to know if there is a workaround preferably with the 
>> native service built in
>> .
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: swich converter problem

2010-10-12 Thread Goldfinga Productions
First of all. converting 1 compressed file format to another is not really the 
best of ideas. The quallity is greatly reduced by doing this. Second of all, I 
don't know why I said first of all, when I really didn't have anything else to 
say. Are there any other plugins you need to install, or should switch come 
with everything. I use it all the time, but never had to convert ogg to 
anything. I will see if it works for me. I usually go from wav to mp3 or ogg or 
what ever. Never did the ogg to mp3 or mp3 to ogg thing.


On Oct 12, 2010, at 6:29 AM, johns.kary wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I'm trying to convert some ogg files to MP3 with switch file converter, and 
> it won't add the files.
> I open switch, try to add files with command  O  or  the add files in the 
> menus, it says, add files, and then nothing happens.
> I've also found that after I've tried this, the only way I can close the 
> program is to do a force quit.
> Does anyone no what might be going on hear?
> Thanks for any help,
> Kari.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Add to iTunes as a spoken track - Which voice to use?

2010-10-12 Thread Donna Goodin
Oh, that's cool!  thanks.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 8:21 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hello Donna!
> Simply highlight any text you want within a document, or an e-mail...or even 
> a webpage. THen you can go to the "Services" submenu and find "Add to iTunes 
> as a spoken track". Of course, you will need to enable this within System 
> Preferences>Keyboard>Keyboard SHortcuts tab, then check the checkbox for the 
> service you wish to add. These are located by selecting the "Services" 
> shortcut category then finding the second table to the right of that which 
> displays the services available to you. It is not necessary to assign a 
> keyboard shortcut to it, though the item will still be available if you  
> check the appropriate box. 
> Regards,
> Nic
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 1:45 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Nic,
>> Sorry I don't have an answer to your question, but I'm wondering how do you 
>> add txt as a spoken track?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:35 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi everybody!
>>> So, I've kind of been tinkering around with the feature to add a text to 
>>> iTunes as a track. The native service works great, and it even overwrites 
>>> your system speech rate preference if using the [[rate ]] parameter 
>>> above the block of text highlighted.
>>> The issue appears when you want to use another voice. Apparently,it does 
>>> not take this into account and always will use Alex, even if you change the 
>>> system voice which seems a bit silly to me. I have a Danish text I'd love 
>>> to read on my iPhone when I'm flying to the Netherlands on Saturday without 
>>> using the built-in TTS, mainly because of the bit rate and because of a lot 
>>> of pronunciation problems.
>>> Is there another parameter I can insert that will basically overwrite the 
>>> preference that Apple apparently "wants" me to use? This has kind of made 
>>> me a bit annoyed already. I am gonna submit this to accessibility either 
>>> way, but I'd still like to know if there is a workaround preferably with 
>>> the native service built in
>>> .
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> GoogleTalk:
>>> Facebook
>>> Twitter
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>> AIM: cincinster
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster

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Re: Viewing conversations

2010-10-12 Thread Antonio Guimaraes
Thanks Saai,

Since you reviewed how to do this in a cast, would you be so kind as to provide 
a link to it.


On Oct 11, 2010, at 11:52 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> hello go to view and sort by thread and collapse threads. I set  up a 
> keyboard shortcut regarding these 2 and I go over how to do this in a podcast.
> 2. Go to the left of the person's name when you expand a thread with right 
> arrow and you will hear unread image and a bong sound. select all of those 
> int eh thread and hit enter and cmd w on the ones you don't want to read when 
> you get to them.
> This makes for faster skimming.
> Take care.
> On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:35 PM, Antonio Guimaraes wrote:
>> Hello listers,
>> I am migrating still from a windows machine, and do find some of the mac 
>> ways more cumbersome than necessary.
>> Maybe there are settings I can change to make my life a little easier when 
>> reading and managing e-mails.
>> First is there a way to view messages in collapsed conversation mode? I 
>> would like to view conversations in the order the messages were written, one 
>> right next to the other.
>> Another unfortunate thing is my inability to just jump from unread to unread 
>> message, thus ignoring something I already went through.
>> I appreciate any word about these two efficiency features.
>> Sincerely,
>> Antonio Guimaraes
>> -- 
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Re: Viewing conversations

2010-10-12 Thread Antonio Guimaraes
Oh yes, 

how do you create a shortcut? Is this covered in your cast, Sarai?

On Oct 11, 2010, at 11:52 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> hello go to view and sort by thread and collapse threads. I set  up a 
> keyboard shortcut regarding these 2 and I go over how to do this in a podcast.
> 2. Go to the left of the person's name when you expand a thread with right 
> arrow and you will hear unread image and a bong sound. select all of those 
> int eh thread and hit enter and cmd w on the ones you don't want to read when 
> you get to them.
> This makes for faster skimming.
> Take care.
> On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:35 PM, Antonio Guimaraes wrote:
>> Hello listers,
>> I am migrating still from a windows machine, and do find some of the mac 
>> ways more cumbersome than necessary.
>> Maybe there are settings I can change to make my life a little easier when 
>> reading and managing e-mails.
>> First is there a way to view messages in collapsed conversation mode? I 
>> would like to view conversations in the order the messages were written, one 
>> right next to the other.
>> Another unfortunate thing is my inability to just jump from unread to unread 
>> message, thus ignoring something I already went through.
>> I appreciate any word about these two efficiency features.
>> Sincerely,
>> Antonio Guimaraes
>> -- 
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Selecting a recipient

2010-10-12 Thread Antonio Guimaraes
Hi list,

Another question comparing 
Outlook express with mail.

How can I select a recipient's e-mail address from an open message for sending 
a message without reply. What I want to accomplish is to strip out the e-mail 
address to paste into the to field of a new message.

This comes useful when I see a message from David to this list, and wish to 
respond to David, and not the entire list.

The outlook express equivalent was ault plus one of the num roe numbers twice 
quickly, then control a to select, and control c to copy, then control v on the 
to field of the new message to paste the address.

Thanks for your help to a newbe.


On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:22 AM, David Taylor wrote:

> Hi,
> Actually, if a thread is collapsed, just hit enter and every message is 
> opened, each one in its own window. This means that if you think you may want 
> to reply, you can simply use cmd-w to close the first message, then delete 
> the others, and reply at the end. I find this much better than anything I 
> ever had in Windows.
> Cheers
> Dave
> On 12 Oct 2010, at 04:52, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> hello go to view and sort by thread and collapse threads. I set  up a 
> keyboard shortcut regarding these 2 and I go over how to do this in a podcast.
> 2. Go to the left of the person's name when you expand a thread with right 
> arrow and you will hear unread image and a bong sound. select all of those 
> int eh thread and hit enter and cmd w on the ones you don't want to read when 
> you get to them.
> This makes for faster skimming.
> Take care.
> On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:35 PM, Antonio Guimaraes wrote:
>> Hello listers,
>> I am migrating still from a windows machine, and do find some of the mac 
>> ways more cumbersome than necessary.
>> Maybe there are settings I can change to make my life a little easier when 
>> reading and managing e-mails.
>> First is there a way to view messages in collapsed conversation mode? I 
>> would like to view conversations in the order the messages were written, one 
>> right next to the other.
>> Another unfortunate thing is my inability to just jump from unread to unread 
>> message, thus ignoring something I already went through.
>> I appreciate any word about these two efficiency features.
>> Sincerely,
>> Antonio Guimaraes
>> -- 
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Re: track pads

2010-10-12 Thread Ricardo Walker

So you were able to navigate by flicking left and right but wasn't able to 
double tap to select items?
On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:45 PM, carlene knight wrote:

> Double tapping does nothing so I can't do much.  I do all kinds of things 
> with the IPhone.  I got so frustrated that I gave my Magic Trackpad to my 
> husband.  When you can't select anything, it's silly to keep the device.
> On Oct 5, 2010, at 3:25 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> have you tried practicing gestures?  Most of the gestures, if not all, are 
>> the same as on the iPhone/iPod touch.  Starting keyboard help and practicing 
>> gestures might help.  
>> On Oct 4, 2010, at 9:44 PM, carlene knight wrote:
>>> How do you click and double tap with a track pad?  I have the Magic Track 
>>> Pad, and sometimes when links are highlighted, they tend to activate 
>>> whether I want them to or not.  I can't seem to double tap on anything, 
>>> nothing happens.  I am so frustrated with the thing that it is just sitting 
>>> here on my desk getting more dust than use.  It works perfectly well for my 
>>> sighted husband with the track pad commander turned off.
>>> -- 
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RE: I think I may have made a $99 mistake...

2010-10-12 Thread RvR
Just came across this message a bit late and it is a real pity the new Apple
TV isn't accessible with Voice Over (yet). I say yet, because you folks
think it may come at a later time? Officially from Apple that is.
Fingers crossed then!
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
[] Namens Ben Mustill-Rose
Verzonden: zaterdag 9 oktober 2010 21:16
Onderwerp: Re: I think I may have made a $99 mistake...

I've included the message below. I'm hoping that the jailbreak community
will inadvertantly make things better for us at some point.
  Larry Wanger   30 September 2010 23:00 I sent the
following note to Apple Accessibility. No Voice Over on the ATV and the
remote app is rendered on the iPhone and iPad such that it can not really be
used either. Things will improve somewhat with Airplay once implemented but
not entirely. I hope others will consider writing as well.


I want to share my displeasure with Apple as I've just learned that the new
Apple TV product does not currently offer any kind of access to blind and
low vision television viewers through implementation of Voice Over. I
learned of this by calling and speaking with a sales representative at Apple
who checked with one of your engineers to find out if accessibility features
were built in to the product. Whether Apple recognizes it or not, blind and
low vision people enjoy watching television and movies as well and Apple has
unfortunately missed out on an opportunity to continue to be a leader in
this important area of technology.

While I was somewhat surprised to learn the actual Apple TV box did not
offer Voice Over, I was even more surprised to learn that the newly updated
remote app fails to provide a meaningful solution. Had Apple implemented the
remote app for the ATV in the same way that it has allowed end users to use
Airtunes I suspect things would have been different. Recall that the remote
app essentially rendered the user's iTunes library, showing music, podcasts
and other media content. The user could scroll through content and choose
what to play. Best of all, Voice Over worked well with this app. A similar
implementation would have offered an accessible solution. Beyond this, my
understanding of the technical specifications of the ATV would indicate that
the box itself should have enough horse power to handle the same
implementation of Voice Over that we currently enjoy on other Apple

I also would be remiss if I did not mention the recent passage and pending
presidential signing of the 21st Century Communications and Video
Accessibility Act. One of the provisions of this legislation is the
requirement for industry to develop set-top boxes that offer accessibility
features for blind and low vision users. While this has happened after Apple
developed this product, I mention it in hopes that Apple will consider being
a leader in this area by making its new ATV accessible in the near future.

Please know that like so many others, I am very appreciative of Apple's
efforts and leadership by including Voice Over on the iPhone, iPad and other
products. However, it seems that Voice Over could have been implemented on
this device as well. I look forward to being able to purchase and use the
new Apple TV in the future.

On 09/10/2010, Goldfinga Productions  wrote:
> oh my... well thanks for the heads up.
> GF
> On Oct 9, 2010, at 2:29 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>> I think someone posted a response that they got from accessibliity a 
>> couple of weeks ago where they were informed that the remote app 
>> wouldn't work. I can't find the exact message right now, but it was 
>> in the big thread that there was about apple tv in late september 
>> early october.
>> On 09/10/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>>> OH yeah I didn't think about that. You might be able to use the 
>>> remote app.
>>> S
>>> On Oct 9, 2010, at 10:20 AM, Goldfinga Productions wrote:
 Has anyone tried to control the apple tv with the iPhone or iPod touch?
 I know it may take some sighted help to set it up, but I wonder if 
 that would work at all. I should go get one and try it out.


 On Oct 9, 2010, at 11:21 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:

> It has been my experience that even if accessibility did know 
> about an upcoming feature, (Which they probably won't), they will 
> be unable to tell you about it; it's just the way that Apple works.
> I'm sorry to hear about your loss of sight; but in this situation, 
> I think it would be best if you were to return the unit and get a 
> refund.
> On 09/10/2010, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I can't say for sure whether they are bringing voiceover to apple tv.
>> But I
>> would bet my next paycheck that if you contact accessibility, 
>> they would know, and/or Ap

RE: I think I may have made a $99 mistake...

2010-10-12 Thread RvR
Anybody know how an Apple TV can be controlled with a Mac? 
Hopefully the Airplay app will be accessible soon after it's release. There
are already announcements from big companies like Marantz that certain
receivers, network players etc will be compatible with Airplay in november.
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
[] Namens Jude DaShiell
Verzonden: zaterdag 9 oktober 2010 21:40
Onderwerp: Re: I think I may have made a $99 mistake...

If I remember correctly, it's possible to use an Apple computer with
VoiceOver turned on to control an Apple TV box.  You might send email to and ask if this is the case or if an iPhone can be
used to do that just in case you haven't got an Apple computer.  I'm pretty
sure they will answer a question like that.  Sometimes in order to solve a
problem none of the doors can be used and it's a matter of finding that
secret panel and the passageway.On Sat, 9 Oct 2010, Ben Mustill-Rose

> I've included the message below. I'm hoping that the jailbreak 
> community will inadvertantly make things better for us at some point.
>  Larry Wanger   30 September 2010 23:00 I sent the 
> following note to Apple Accessibility. No Voice Over on the ATV and 
> the remote app is rendered on the iPhone and iPad such that it can not 
> really be used either. Things will improve somewhat with Airplay once 
> implemented but not entirely. I hope others will consider writing as 
> well.
> Hi,
> I want to share my displeasure with Apple as I?ve just learned that 
> the new Apple TV product does not currently offer any kind of access 
> to blind and low vision television viewers through implementation of 
> Voice Over. I learned of this by calling and speaking with a sales 
> representative at Apple who checked with one of your engineers to find 
> out if accessibility features were built in to the product. Whether 
> Apple recognizes it or not, blind and low vision people enjoy watching 
> television and movies as well and Apple has unfortunately missed out 
> on an opportunity to continue to be a leader in this important area of 
> technology.
> While I was somewhat surprised to learn the actual Apple TV box did 
> not offer Voice Over, I was even more surprised to learn that the 
> newly updated remote app fails to provide a meaningful solution. Had 
> Apple implemented the remote app for the ATV in the same way that it 
> has allowed end users to use Airtunes I suspect things would have been 
> different. Recall that the remote app essentially rendered the user?s 
> iTunes library, showing music, podcasts and other media content. The 
> user could scroll through content and choose what to play. Best of 
> all, Voice Over worked well with this app. A similar implementation 
> would have offered an accessible solution. Beyond this, my 
> understanding of the technical specifications of the ATV would 
> indicate that the box itself should have enough horse power to handle 
> the same implementation of Voice Over that we currently enjoy on other 
> Apple products.
> I also would be remiss if I did not mention the recent passage and 
> pending presidential signing of the 21st Century Communications and 
> Video Accessibility Act. One of the provisions of this legislation is 
> the requirement for industry to develop set-top boxes that offer 
> accessibility features for blind and low vision users. While this has 
> happened after Apple developed this product, I mention it in hopes 
> that Apple will consider being a leader in this area by making its new 
> ATV accessible in the near future.
> Please know that like so many others, I am very appreciative of 
> Apple?s efforts and leadership by including Voice Over on the iPhone, 
> iPad and other products. However, it seems that Voice Over could have 
> been implemented on this device as well. I look forward to being able 
> to purchase and use the new Apple TV in the future.
> On 09/10/2010, Goldfinga Productions  wrote:
>> oh my... well thanks for the heads up.
>> GF
>> On Oct 9, 2010, at 2:29 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>>> I think someone posted a response that they got from accessibliity a 
>>> couple of weeks ago where they were informed that the remote app 
>>> wouldn't work. I can't find the exact message right now, but it was 
>>> in the big thread that there was about apple tv in late september 
>>> early october.
>>> On 09/10/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
 OH yeah I didn't think about that. You might be able to use the 
 remote app.

 On Oct 9, 2010, at 10:20 AM, Goldfinga Productions wrote:

> Has anyone tried to control the apple tv with the iPhone or iPod
> I know it may take some sighted help to set it up, but I wonder if 
> that would work at all. I should go 

Re: Add to iTunes as a spoken track - Which voice to use?

2010-10-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
You do it inthe services menu when you are focused on the program you want to 
do it in. I change my default voice actually and that sets the pref for the 

Good luck.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:45 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Nic,
> Sorry I don't have an answer to your question, but I'm wondering how do you 
> add txt as a spoken track?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:35 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi everybody!
>> So, I've kind of been tinkering around with the feature to add a text to 
>> iTunes as a track. The native service works great, and it even overwrites 
>> your system speech rate preference if using the [[rate ]] parameter 
>> above the block of text highlighted.
>> The issue appears when you want to use another voice. Apparently,it does not 
>> take this into account and always will use Alex, even if you change the 
>> system voice which seems a bit silly to me. I have a Danish text I'd love to 
>> read on my iPhone when I'm flying to the Netherlands on Saturday without 
>> using the built-in TTS, mainly because of the bit rate and because of a lot 
>> of pronunciation problems.
>> Is there another parameter I can insert that will basically overwrite the 
>> preference that Apple apparently "wants" me to use? This has kind of made me 
>> a bit annoyed already. I am gonna submit this to accessibility either way, 
>> but I'd still like to know if there is a workaround preferably with the 
>> native service built in
>> .
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
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Re: swich converter problem

2010-10-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. try hitting cmd plus m and escape when you hit your other keystroke to 
add a file or a folder. it won't arrow or nothing before you do this. You I 
believe have to do this every time you change directories.

Good luck.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:28 AM, Goldfinga Productions wrote:

> First of all. converting 1 compressed file format to another is not really 
> the best of ideas. The quallity is greatly reduced by doing this. Second of 
> all, I don't know why I said first of all, when I really didn't have anything 
> else to say. Are there any other plugins you need to install, or should 
> switch come with everything. I use it all the time, but never had to convert 
> ogg to anything. I will see if it works for me. I usually go from wav to mp3 
> or ogg or what ever. Never did the ogg to mp3 or mp3 to ogg thing.
> GF
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 6:29 AM, johns.kary wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I'm trying to convert some ogg files to MP3 with switch file converter, and 
>> it won't add the files.
>> I open switch, try to add files with command  O  or  the add files in the 
>> menus, it says, add files, and then nothing happens.
>> I've also found that after I've tried this, the only way I can close the 
>> program is to do a force quit.
>> Does anyone no what might be going on hear?
>> Thanks for any help,
>> Kari.
>> -- 
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Re: Add to iTunes as a spoken track - Which voice to use?

2010-10-12 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi Sarah

Could you retry that again, please? Because that's not working for me at all. 
No changes except in rate.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 3:55 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> You do it inthe services menu when you are focused on the program you want to 
> do it in. I change my default voice actually and that sets the pref for the 
> voice.
> Good luck.
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:45 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Nic,
>> Sorry I don't have an answer to your question, but I'm wondering how do you 
>> add txt as a spoken track?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:35 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi everybody!
>>> So, I've kind of been tinkering around with the feature to add a text to 
>>> iTunes as a track. The native service works great, and it even overwrites 
>>> your system speech rate preference if using the [[rate ]] parameter 
>>> above the block of text highlighted.
>>> The issue appears when you want to use another voice. Apparently,it does 
>>> not take this into account and always will use Alex, even if you change the 
>>> system voice which seems a bit silly to me. I have a Danish text I'd love 
>>> to read on my iPhone when I'm flying to the Netherlands on Saturday without 
>>> using the built-in TTS, mainly because of the bit rate and because of a lot 
>>> of pronunciation problems.
>>> Is there another parameter I can insert that will basically overwrite the 
>>> preference that Apple apparently "wants" me to use? This has kind of made 
>>> me a bit annoyed already. I am gonna submit this to accessibility either 
>>> way, but I'd still like to know if there is a workaround preferably with 
>>> the native service built in
>>> .
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> GoogleTalk:
>>> Facebook
>>> Twitter
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>> AIM: cincinster
>> -- 
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Re: Add to iTunes as a spoken track - Which voice to use?

2010-10-12 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks, Sarah.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 9:55 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> You do it inthe services menu when you are focused on the program you want to 
> do it in. I change my default voice actually and that sets the pref for the 
> voice.
> Good luck.
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:45 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Nic,
>> Sorry I don't have an answer to your question, but I'm wondering how do you 
>> add txt as a spoken track?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:35 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi everybody!
>>> So, I've kind of been tinkering around with the feature to add a text to 
>>> iTunes as a track. The native service works great, and it even overwrites 
>>> your system speech rate preference if using the [[rate ]] parameter 
>>> above the block of text highlighted.
>>> The issue appears when you want to use another voice. Apparently,it does 
>>> not take this into account and always will use Alex, even if you change the 
>>> system voice which seems a bit silly to me. I have a Danish text I'd love 
>>> to read on my iPhone when I'm flying to the Netherlands on Saturday without 
>>> using the built-in TTS, mainly because of the bit rate and because of a lot 
>>> of pronunciation problems.
>>> Is there another parameter I can insert that will basically overwrite the 
>>> preference that Apple apparently "wants" me to use? This has kind of made 
>>> me a bit annoyed already. I am gonna submit this to accessibility either 
>>> way, but I'd still like to know if there is a workaround preferably with 
>>> the native service built in
>>> .
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> GoogleTalk:
>>> Facebook
>>> Twitter
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>> AIM: cincinster
>> -- 
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Re: Add to iTunes as a spoken track - Which voice to use?

2010-10-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
Really? I got it work a few months ago. Unless there was an update that recked 
it I dunno. I'm headin g out the door at the moment or soon and need to finish 
getting ready to go but of no one else has tried by the time I get back we'll 
try it out and post the results.
On Oct 12, 2010, at 6:57 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi Sarah
> Could you retry that again, please? Because that's not working for me at all. 
> No changes except in rate.
> Regards,
> Nic
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 3:55 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> You do it inthe services menu when you are focused on the program you want 
>> to do it in. I change my default voice actually and that sets the pref for 
>> the voice.
>> Good luck.
>> On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:45 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Nic,
>>> Sorry I don't have an answer to your question, but I'm wondering how do you 
>>> add txt as a spoken track?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:35 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
 Hi everybody!
 So, I've kind of been tinkering around with the feature to add a text to 
 iTunes as a track. The native service works great, and it even overwrites 
 your system speech rate preference if using the [[rate ]] parameter 
 above the block of text highlighted.
 The issue appears when you want to use another voice. Apparently,it does 
 not take this into account and always will use Alex, even if you change 
 the system voice which seems a bit silly to me. I have a Danish text I'd 
 love to read on my iPhone when I'm flying to the Netherlands on Saturday 
 without using the built-in TTS, mainly because of the bit rate and because 
 of a lot of pronunciation problems.
 Is there another parameter I can insert that will basically overwrite the 
 preference that Apple apparently "wants" me to use? This has kind of made 
 me a bit annoyed already. I am gonna submit this to accessibility either 
 way, but I'd still like to know if there is a workaround preferably with 
 the native service built in
 Thanks in advance.
 Skype: Kvalme
 MSN Messenger:
 Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
 AIM: cincinster
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Re: Add to iTunes as a spoken track - Which voice to use?

2010-10-12 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi Sarah!

THanks, I'd appreciate it. It's when making the track itself, not just using 
the Speech option that it doesn't work. The Speech item itself works fine, just 
not when converting it from text.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Really? I got it work a few months ago. Unless there was an update that 
> recked it I dunno. I'm headin g out the door at the moment or soon and need 
> to finish getting ready to go but of no one else has tried by the time I get 
> back we'll try it out and post the results.
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 6:57 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi Sarah
>> Could you retry that again, please? Because that's not working for me at 
>> all. No changes except in rate.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> On Oct 12, 2010, at 3:55 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> You do it inthe services menu when you are focused on the program you want 
>>> to do it in. I change my default voice actually and that sets the pref for 
>>> the voice.
>>> Good luck.
>>> On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:45 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi Nic,
 Sorry I don't have an answer to your question, but I'm wondering how do 
 you add txt as a spoken track?
 On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:35 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> So, I've kind of been tinkering around with the feature to add a text to 
> iTunes as a track. The native service works great, and it even overwrites 
> your system speech rate preference if using the [[rate ]] parameter 
> above the block of text highlighted.
> The issue appears when you want to use another voice. Apparently,it does 
> not take this into account and always will use Alex, even if you change 
> the system voice which seems a bit silly to me. I have a Danish text I'd 
> love to read on my iPhone when I'm flying to the Netherlands on Saturday 
> without using the built-in TTS, mainly because of the bit rate and 
> because of a lot of pronunciation problems.
> Is there another parameter I can insert that will basically overwrite the 
> preference that Apple apparently "wants" me to use? This has kind of made 
> me a bit annoyed already. I am gonna submit this to accessibility either 
> way, but I'd still like to know if there is a workaround preferably with 
> the native service built in
> .
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Nic
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Re: Selecting a recipient

2010-10-12 Thread Colin M
Hi Antonio!
I think you have 2 options!
1, when in the message go down line by line until you get to the link, if it is 
on its own then use the command vo+shift+m and you'll have different options to 
do with the link, one of which is copy scroll down to it and press vo+space 
bar, then you can paste it in the place you want, a further thing if the link 
is say 4 or 5 words in then use right arrow until your sitting on the link and 
do the above command, then it's the same from there!
2, if you want to add the person to your address book if the message is from 
them just use the command command+shift+y
hth Colin
On 12 Oct 2010, at 13:40, Antonio Guimaraes wrote:

> Hi list,
> Another question comparing 
> Outlook express with mail.
> How can I select a recipient's e-mail address from an open message for 
> sending a message without reply. What I want to accomplish is to strip out 
> the e-mail address to paste into the to field of a new message.
> This comes useful when I see a message from David to this list, and wish to 
> respond to David, and not the entire list.
> The outlook express equivalent was ault plus one of the num roe numbers twice 
> quickly, then control a to select, and control c to copy, then control v on 
> the to field of the new message to paste the address.
> Thanks for your help to a newbe.
> Antonio
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:22 AM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Actually, if a thread is collapsed, just hit enter and every message is 
>> opened, each one in its own window. This means that if you think you may 
>> want to reply, you can simply use cmd-w to close the first message, then 
>> delete the others, and reply at the end. I find this much better than 
>> anything I ever had in Windows.
>> Cheers
>> Dave
>> On 12 Oct 2010, at 04:52, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> hello go to view and sort by thread and collapse threads. I set  up a 
>> keyboard shortcut regarding these 2 and I go over how to do this in a 
>> podcast.
>> 2. Go to the left of the person's name when you expand a thread with right 
>> arrow and you will hear unread image and a bong sound. select all of those 
>> int eh thread and hit enter and cmd w on the ones you don't want to read 
>> when you get to them.
>> This makes for faster skimming.
>> Take care.
>> On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:35 PM, Antonio Guimaraes wrote:
>>> Hello listers,
>>> I am migrating still from a windows machine, and do find some of the mac 
>>> ways more cumbersome than necessary.
>>> Maybe there are settings I can change to make my life a little easier when 
>>> reading and managing e-mails.
>>> First is there a way to view messages in collapsed conversation mode? I 
>>> would like to view conversations in the order the messages were written, 
>>> one right next to the other.
>>> Another unfortunate thing is my inability to just jump from unread to 
>>> unread message, thus ignoring something I already went through.
>>> I appreciate any word about these two efficiency features.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Antonio Guimaraes
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Re: Selecting a recipient

2010-10-12 Thread Colin M
Hi Antonio!
Me again [ unless you read this message first :] ]
I gave you 2 options in the other message but there is a third!
Open the web rota with vo+u and if it's on links you'll be there and if it's on 
headers just scroll right and then you'll be on links!
So on links just hit the down arrow so it says link [ the name]
And then just space bar and then you can do the vo+shift+m method!
On 12 Oct 2010, at 13:40, Antonio Guimaraes wrote:

> Hi list,
> Another question comparing 
> Outlook express with mail.
> How can I select a recipient's e-mail address from an open message for 
> sending a message without reply. What I want to accomplish is to strip out 
> the e-mail address to paste into the to field of a new message.
> This comes useful when I see a message from David to this list, and wish to 
> respond to David, and not the entire list.
> The outlook express equivalent was ault plus one of the num roe numbers twice 
> quickly, then control a to select, and control c to copy, then control v on 
> the to field of the new message to paste the address.
> Thanks for your help to a newbe.
> Antonio
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:22 AM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Actually, if a thread is collapsed, just hit enter and every message is 
>> opened, each one in its own window. This means that if you think you may 
>> want to reply, you can simply use cmd-w to close the first message, then 
>> delete the others, and reply at the end. I find this much better than 
>> anything I ever had in Windows.
>> Cheers
>> Dave
>> On 12 Oct 2010, at 04:52, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> hello go to view and sort by thread and collapse threads. I set  up a 
>> keyboard shortcut regarding these 2 and I go over how to do this in a 
>> podcast.
>> 2. Go to the left of the person's name when you expand a thread with right 
>> arrow and you will hear unread image and a bong sound. select all of those 
>> int eh thread and hit enter and cmd w on the ones you don't want to read 
>> when you get to them.
>> This makes for faster skimming.
>> Take care.
>> On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:35 PM, Antonio Guimaraes wrote:
>>> Hello listers,
>>> I am migrating still from a windows machine, and do find some of the mac 
>>> ways more cumbersome than necessary.
>>> Maybe there are settings I can change to make my life a little easier when 
>>> reading and managing e-mails.
>>> First is there a way to view messages in collapsed conversation mode? I 
>>> would like to view conversations in the order the messages were written, 
>>> one right next to the other.
>>> Another unfortunate thing is my inability to just jump from unread to 
>>> unread message, thus ignoring something I already went through.
>>> I appreciate any word about these two efficiency features.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Antonio Guimaraes
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Re: FYI Iterm and SecureCRT beta not accessible

2010-10-12 Thread Garry Turkington
Hi George, Esther,

Thanks both for the replies.  Good tip re Travis' experiences Esther,
will check that list out.

George, very many thanks for filing the improvement request on iTerm2.
 It's great to see such a responsive project!


On 10/11/10, George  wrote:
> I'm the lead developer on iTerm2 (
> iterm2home/). Although accessibility support hasn't yet been
> implemented, I have added it as an enhancement for a future version.
> Please follow the bug by "starring" it here so you can be made aware
> of it when it's implemented:
> You can star it by clicking the image with the title "Vote for this
> issue and get email change notifications".
> On Oct 7, 7:18 am, Esther  wrote:
>> Hi Garry,
>> Related to your questions about using Terminal,  you might try signing
>> onto the mac-access list and asking Travis Siegel for suggestions
>> about optimal configurations. I'm not sure that he could address your
>> specific situation for server usage, but he is a heavy Terminal user
>> for his programming.   The link with information about subscribing to
>> mac-access is:
>> HTH. Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Oct 6, 2010, Garry Turkington wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > As mentioned before on this list the limitations of VO in Terminal are
>> > a real pain for me so I've been looking at alternatives.  I've now
>> > tried both iTerm and the new beta of Secure CRT and unfortunately can
>> > report that neither work well with VO.
>> > iTerm has an accessible interface but once connected the remote screen
>> > text isn't accessible.  Secure CRT on the other hand is impressively
>> > inaccessible in that none of its on-screen controls are recognised by
>> > VO, all are simply read as 'unknown'.
>> > So the search goes on.  Just passing along the info in case others are
>> > looking at these as options.
>> > Regards,
>> > Garry
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Mail has changed on me!

2010-10-12 Thread Scott Ford
Hello everyone,
I really love the mail app. on the Mac.  When I went in this morning I 
cannot seem to access my sub folders in my Gmail account.  I can only see the 
inbox, drafts, sent, and trash.  Can anyone tell me what may have happened.  I 
usually have my all mail, spam, and around 60 sub folders.  I can still send 
messages to the folders, however I cannot seem to access them to view the 
messages.  Help!!  Thank you so much in advanced.

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Re: Mail has changed on me!

2010-10-12 Thread Jonathan Cohn
try going to your Gmail mailbox, and expanding it. I believe the
VO-Command is control-opt-.

There are a couple other ways:
1. Left arrow when gmail is highlighted.
2. Interact with Gmail and then activate control-opt- the
colapassed toggle.


On 12/10/2010, Scott Ford  wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>   I really love the mail app. on the Mac.  When I went in this morning I
> cannot seem to access my sub folders in my Gmail account.  I can only see
> the inbox, drafts, sent, and trash.  Can anyone tell me what may have
> happened.  I usually have my all mail, spam, and around 60 sub folders.  I
> can still send messages to the folders, however I cannot seem to access them
> to view the messages.  Help!!  Thank you so much in advanced.
> Sincerely,
> Scott
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selecting text on webpages

2010-10-12 Thread John Lipsey
Hi list:

One thing I've yet to really master on my mac is selecting text,
especially on webpages.  I interact with the text area in which I want
to actually select text, but then I'm kind of confused.  I assume I
can shift right arrow to select text, but that would probably only
select one character at a time.  This seems highly inefficient.  Other
strategies are most welcome.


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Re: selecting text on webpages

2010-10-12 Thread Colin M
Hi there!
You can also shift down arrow to go down quicker
On 12 Oct 2010, at 17:27, John Lipsey wrote:

> Hi list:
> One thing I've yet to really master on my mac is selecting text,
> especially on webpages.  I interact with the text area in which I want
> to actually select text, but then I'm kind of confused.  I assume I
> can shift right arrow to select text, but that would probably only
> select one character at a time.  This seems highly inefficient.  Other
> strategies are most welcome.
> -John
> -- 
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Re: selecting text on webpages

2010-10-12 Thread Colin M
Hi there me again!
If the text in question is very long and you just want a fair bit of the top 
you can also go down to the last bit of the text you want to highlight and then 
shift up arrow to highlight all that text and if you want to highlight all the 
text just use command+a
hth Colin
On 12 Oct 2010, at 17:27, John Lipsey wrote:

> Hi list:
> One thing I've yet to really master on my mac is selecting text,
> especially on webpages.  I interact with the text area in which I want
> to actually select text, but then I'm kind of confused.  I assume I
> can shift right arrow to select text, but that would probably only
> select one character at a time.  This seems highly inefficient.  Other
> strategies are most welcome.
> -John
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unrar archiver.

2010-10-12 Thread Claudio Haase
Hi group, can someone recommend me any application to uncompress rar
files on snow leopard?
I only found command line applications, but I want something more intuitive.

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Re: selecting text on webpages

2010-10-12 Thread Tim Kilburn

When selecting text on a web-page, you need to use the VO selection command.

1.  Interact with the text.
2.  Press VO-return.
3.  Navigate to the end of the area you wish to select.
4.  Press VO-return again to toggle off the selection.
5.  Press cmd-c to Copy to the clipboard.

This is cumbersome in some cases as some text areas have link elements and such 
which divide up your ability to select.  In these cases, I usually just do a 
select all and paste it into a txt page in TextEdit and grab my desired text 
from there.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2010-10-12, at 10:27 AM, John Lipsey wrote:

> Hi list:
> One thing I've yet to really master on my mac is selecting text,
> especially on webpages.  I interact with the text area in which I want
> to actually select text, but then I'm kind of confused.  I assume I
> can shift right arrow to select text, but that would probably only
> select one character at a time.  This seems highly inefficient.  Other
> strategies are most welcome.
> -John
> -- 
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RE: unrar archiver.

2010-10-12 Thread Cameron
Hi.  try Stuffit expander or the unarchiver.  Both free.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Claudio Haase
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:38 PM
Subject: unrar archiver.

Hi group, can someone recommend me any application to uncompress rar
files on snow leopard?
I only found command line applications, but I want something more intuitive.

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Re: quick guide

2010-10-12 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Neil:
I agree.  I just submitted that without really understanding what it entailed.  
I'd still like to help put something like this together.  
On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:33 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> Carolyn,
> I do not believe that a Wiki is in order, what is needed is a methodical 
> document that a user can read through, start to finish and by the end know 
> what they need to know.
> the problem with a wiki is that the user is forced to find what they need to 
> know.
> if they instead have a 5 page document to red and that is it, then they'll 
> most likely read it.
> now if that document was dynamically tagged so that it could be jumped 
> through then that would work for all needs.
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your accessible 
> phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Carolyn Haas
> Sent: 12 October 2010 01:03
> To:
> Subject: Fwd: quick guide
> i:
> I received the following request to forward to this group.  We may in fact be 
> closer to making something very cool happen.  
> Carolyn  
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Alex Jurgensen 
> Date: October 11, 2010 5:48:37 PM MDT
> To: Carolyn Haas 
> Subject: Re: quick guide
> Hi Carolin,
> Can you forward this to the Mac Visionaries list?
> I have a wiki that would be more than thrilled to host this project. It wen 
> down for some time due to server migration, but I would be willing to put it 
> up and host it.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 2010-10-11, at 4:34 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Everyone:
> I really like this idea of collaborating on a quickguide based on Mac OSX, 
> that puts together the most proficient way of accomplishing tasks by 
> combining the Mac keyboard commands and the best of VO.  I'm not the greatest 
> organizer of tasks, but I love to write, and I'd be thrilled to be a part of 
> something like that.  
> I'm also exploring a set-up or mapping of commands based on the multi-touch 
> trackpad gestures that appears to be e
> xtremely well put together and workable.  
> The vast amount of resources   among us  is pretty exciting.  
> Carolyn
> -- 
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> Alex Jurgensen,
> VoiceOver Trainer,
> Visit us on the web at:
> -- 
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Re: selecting text on webpages

2010-10-12 Thread Colin M
Hi Tim!
Thank you I've been wondering how to do that marking beginning and end 
I asked a while ago and got no feed back!
So cheers :]
On 12 Oct 2010, at 18:44, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi,
> When selecting text on a web-page, you need to use the VO selection command.
> 1.  Interact with the text.
> 2.  Press VO-return.
> 3.  Navigate to the end of the area you wish to select.
> 4.  Press VO-return again to toggle off the selection.
> 5.  Press cmd-c to Copy to the clipboard.
> This is cumbersome in some cases as some text areas have link elements and 
> such which divide up your ability to select.  In these cases, I usually just 
> do a select all and paste it into a txt page in TextEdit and grab my desired 
> text from there.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2010-10-12, at 10:27 AM, John Lipsey wrote:
>> Hi list:
>> One thing I've yet to really master on my mac is selecting text,
>> especially on webpages.  I interact with the text area in which I want
>> to actually select text, but then I'm kind of confused.  I assume I
>> can shift right arrow to select text, but that would probably only
>> select one character at a time.  This seems highly inefficient.  Other
>> strategies are most welcome.
>> -John
>> -- 
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Re: quick guide

2010-10-12 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Scott and Neil:
I'm happy to launch this when you can.  Think I'll get the "missing manual", 
and do some serious poking around to get a better handle on the OSX commands 
that are relevant.  

CarolynOn Oct 12, 2010, at 4:17 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Tell ya what, after the first week of November, I will be in a position to 
> work on such a project. 
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 6:00 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
>> Scott,
>> what can I say, great minds think a like...
>> what is needed here is a document, say 5 pages long or so, something that is 
>> a quick start guide, read me and know 95% of what you need to know about 
>> using a Mac.
>> what it should do is focus on the OSx key strokes wherever possible, and 
>> cover in full detail, but easy to follow language the quick nav feature.
>> it could also be an online resource by way of a Wiki, but first and foremost 
>> should be a simple, print and read document.
>> Twitter @neilbarnfather
>> Neil Barnfather
>> Talks List Administrator
>> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your 
>> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
>> Sent: 12 October 2010 10:02
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: quick guide
>> Neil, that is exactly what I was thinking. This document needs to be 
>> something folks can pull down and put into braille or just read locally.
>> On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:33 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
>> Carolyn,
>> I do not believe that a Wiki is in order, what is needed is a methodical 
>> document that a user can read through, start to finish and by the end know 
>> what they need to know.
>> the problem with a wiki is that the user is forced to find what they need to 
>> know.
>> if they instead have a 5 page document to red and that is it, then they'll 
>> most likely read it.
>> now if that document was dynamically tagged so that it could be jumped 
>> through then that would work for all needs.
>> Twitter @neilbarnfather
>> Neil Barnfather
>> Talks List Administrator
>> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your 
>> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Carolyn Haas
>> Sent: 12 October 2010 01:03
>> To:
>> Subject: Fwd: quick guide
>> i:
>> I received the following request to forward to this group.  We may in fact 
>> be closer to making something very cool happen.  
>> Carolyn  
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Alex Jurgensen 
>> Date: October 11, 2010 5:48:37 PM MDT
>> To: Carolyn Haas 
>> Subject: Re: quick guide
>> Hi Carolin,
>> Can you forward this to the Mac Visionaries list?
>> I have a wiki that would be more than thrilled to host this project. It wen 
>> down for some time due to server migration, but I would be willing to put it 
>> up and host it.
>> Regards,
>> Alex,
>> On 2010-10-11, at 4:34 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Everyone:
>> I really like this idea of collaborating on a quickguide based on Mac OSX, 
>> that puts together the most proficient way of accomplishing tasks by 
>> combining the Mac keyboard commands and the best of VO.  I'm not the 
>> greatest organizer of tasks, but I love to write, and I'd be thrilled to be 
>> a part of something like that.  
>> I'm also exploring a set-up or mapping of commands based on the multi-touch 
>> trackpad gestures that appears to be e
>> xtremely well put together and workable.  
>> The vast amount of resources   among us  is pretty exciting.  
>> Carolyn
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> Alex Jurgensen,
>> VoiceOver Trainer,
>> Visit us on the web at:
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to mac

Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...

2010-10-12 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Neil:
Ok, so I'm pretty confused.  You just sighted all the reasons why one can do so 
much more with the PC and JAWS.  And you made some good and valid points.  Have 
you fallen in love accidentally with Mac?  Or are you just looking to bang your 
head against the wall?:)
 Maybe I'm missing something here?

And, btw, I'm not trying to be obnoxious, or troublesome.  I just don't get 

On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:29 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> Isaac,
> don't worry, I'll be doing that, but I'd like to have a buyer lined up, as
> otherwise the PC laptop will lie gathering dust.
> so it's a belt and braces move on my behalf.
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of ISAAC OBIE
> Sent: 12 October 2010 09:15
> To:
> Subject: Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...
> Neil, why don't you wait a couple of weeks and try the Macbook pro before 
> selling your laptop? You've intested lots of time setting it up... Give the 
> Macbook pro a week or two first before selling your topnotch notebook...
> just a suggestion.
> Isaac
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Neil Barnfather - TalkNav" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:07 AM
> Subject: RE: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...
>> Cara,
>> indeed, I'm sitting here quote in hand for new Mac Book Pro, very closely
>> monitoring the add to basket button...
>> just need to justify the getting rid of my current PC laptop...
>> anyone know anyone living in the UK who'd want a top spec windows PC...
>> payment plan considered etc...
>> write me off list
>> regards.
>> Twitter @neilbarnfather
>> Neil Barnfather
>> Talks List Administrator
>> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
>> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
>> Sent: 12 October 2010 00:54
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...
>> Well Neil you'd better become a Mac / VO convert right quick! -or else!
>> *flicks riding crop* lol!
>> Seriously though; no worries on any of this. :) Perhaps we could take this
>> one issue at a time.
>> if you'd like, as there are a lot of great minds here, perhaps we can go
>> point by point on solutions for things you'd like to do.
>> -Yes, you and I chatted a bit about some possibilities, and perhaps others
>> would be willing to chime in with specifics on actual tasks you'd like to
>> accomplish and how you might go about it on the Mac.
>> this would actually be quite beneficial for all of us, as I don't think 
>> any
>> one of us individually, (except of course Esther) :) has the absolute and
>> complete grasp of every single shortcut available to us as Mac users in 
>> our
>> respective heads. :)
>> So a little re-hash of all of the cool ways we can go about specific tasks
>> could go a long way to giving all of us a bit of a refresher.
>> -Just my thoughts.
>> Have a terrific day / evening All!.
>> Smiles,
>> Cara :)
>> ---
>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>> Follow me on Twitter!
>> On Oct 11, 2010, at 6:49 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
>> Ricardo,
>> F6, that be the resolution, instead of tabbing all the time with Windows 
>> and
>> JAWS< let's take your iTunes example.
>> using iTunes on my PC, as I do, I do the following.
>> if I'm in the left tree of items, I start typing the name of say
>> applications, after A P is typed I'm on that section, so now F6, this 
>> takes
>> me instantly to the top of the area defining the view, then one more F6 
>> and
>> I'm in the list of applications. so that's two keys to get there not 
>> endless
>> tab, tab, tab,
>> again, all this goes to prove is that I need to learn more about Voice 
>> Over
>> and who knows, with just a little more education I may change my view.
>> but to say that with windows its endless tabbing, not so, F6, magic.
>> Twitter @neilbarnfather
>> Neil Barnfather
>> Talks List Administrator
>> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
>> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
>> Sent: 11 October 2010 12:59
>> To:

Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...

2010-10-12 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Neil:
Ok, so I'm pretty confused.  You just sighted all the reasons why one can do so 
much more with the PC and JAWS.  And you made some good and valid points.  Have 
you fallen in love accidentally with Mac?  Or are you just looking to bang your 
head against the wall?:)
Maybe I'm missing something here?

And, btw, I'm not trying to be obnoxious, or troublesome.  I just don't get 

On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:29 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> Isaac,
> don't worry, I'll be doing that, but I'd like to have a buyer lined up, as
> otherwise the PC laptop will lie gathering dust.
> so it's a belt and braces move on my behalf.
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of ISAAC OBIE
> Sent: 12 October 2010 09:15
> To:
> Subject: Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...
> Neil, why don't you wait a couple of weeks and try the Macbook pro before 
> selling your laptop? You've intested lots of time setting it up... Give the 
> Macbook pro a week or two first before selling your topnotch notebook...
> just a suggestion.
> Isaac
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Neil Barnfather - TalkNav" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:07 AM
> Subject: RE: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...
>> Cara,
>> indeed, I'm sitting here quote in hand for new Mac Book Pro, very closely
>> monitoring the add to basket button...
>> just need to justify the getting rid of my current PC laptop...
>> anyone know anyone living in the UK who'd want a top spec windows PC...
>> payment plan considered etc...
>> write me off list
>> regards.
>> Twitter @neilbarnfather
>> Neil Barnfather
>> Talks List Administrator
>> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
>> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
>> Sent: 12 October 2010 00:54
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...
>> Well Neil you'd better become a Mac / VO convert right quick! -or else!
>> *flicks riding crop* lol!
>> Seriously though; no worries on any of this. :) Perhaps we could take this
>> one issue at a time.
>> if you'd like, as there are a lot of great minds here, perhaps we can go
>> point by point on solutions for things you'd like to do.
>> -Yes, you and I chatted a bit about some possibilities, and perhaps others
>> would be willing to chime in with specifics on actual tasks you'd like to
>> accomplish and how you might go about it on the Mac.
>> this would actually be quite beneficial for all of us, as I don't think 
>> any
>> one of us individually, (except of course Esther) :) has the absolute and
>> complete grasp of every single shortcut available to us as Mac users in 
>> our
>> respective heads. :)
>> So a little re-hash of all of the cool ways we can go about specific tasks
>> could go a long way to giving all of us a bit of a refresher.
>> -Just my thoughts.
>> Have a terrific day / evening All!.
>> Smiles,
>> Cara :)
>> ---
>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>> Follow me on Twitter!
>> On Oct 11, 2010, at 6:49 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
>> Ricardo,
>> F6, that be the resolution, instead of tabbing all the time with Windows 
>> and
>> JAWS< let's take your iTunes example.
>> using iTunes on my PC, as I do, I do the following.
>> if I'm in the left tree of items, I start typing the name of say
>> applications, after A P is typed I'm on that section, so now F6, this 
>> takes
>> me instantly to the top of the area defining the view, then one more F6 
>> and
>> I'm in the list of applications. so that's two keys to get there not 
>> endless
>> tab, tab, tab,
>> again, all this goes to prove is that I need to learn more about Voice 
>> Over
>> and who knows, with just a little more education I may change my view.
>> but to say that with windows its endless tabbing, not so, F6, magic.
>> Twitter @neilbarnfather
>> Neil Barnfather
>> Talks List Administrator
>> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
>> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
>> Sent: 11 October 2010 12:59
>> To:

Re: Selecting a recipient

2010-10-12 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Antonio:
I'll try to explain what I do here, since I'm a long devoted Outlook express 
user changing over.  
I'll assume you have your mail open.  Typically, I interact with messages.  I 
use vo arrow to go to the "from" heading.  Open menu with vo-M and right arrow 
to messages.  Arrow down to "add sender from address book."  
This isn't the shortest way, but it's similar to what I did in OE.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 6:40 AM, Antonio Guimaraes wrote:

> Hi list,
> Another question comparing 
> Outlook express with mail.
> How can I select a recipient's e-mail address from an open message for 
> sending a message without reply. What I want to accomplish is to strip out 
> the e-mail address to paste into the to field of a new message.
> This comes useful when I see a message from David to this list, and wish to 
> respond to David, and not the entire list.
> The outlook express equivalent was ault plus one of the num roe numbers twice 
> quickly, then control a to select, and control c to copy, then control v on 
> the to field of the new message to paste the address.
> Thanks for your help to a newbe.
> Antonio
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:22 AM, David Taylor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Actually, if a thread is collapsed, just hit enter and every message is 
>> opened, each one in its own window. This means that if you think you may 
>> want to reply, you can simply use cmd-w to close the first message, then 
>> delete the others, and reply at the end. I find this much better than 
>> anything I ever had in Windows.
>> Cheers
>> Dave
>> On 12 Oct 2010, at 04:52, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> hello go to view and sort by thread and collapse threads. I set  up a 
>> keyboard shortcut regarding these 2 and I go over how to do this in a 
>> podcast.
>> 2. Go to the left of the person's name when you expand a thread with right 
>> arrow and you will hear unread image and a bong sound. select all of those 
>> int eh thread and hit enter and cmd w on the ones you don't want to read 
>> when you get to them.
>> This makes for faster skimming.
>> Take care.
>> On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:35 PM, Antonio Guimaraes wrote:
>>> Hello listers,
>>> I am migrating still from a windows machine, and do find some of the mac 
>>> ways more cumbersome than necessary.
>>> Maybe there are settings I can change to make my life a little easier when 
>>> reading and managing e-mails.
>>> First is there a way to view messages in collapsed conversation mode? I 
>>> would like to view conversations in the order the messages were written, 
>>> one right next to the other.
>>> Another unfortunate thing is my inability to just jump from unread to 
>>> unread message, thus ignoring something I already went through.
>>> I appreciate any word about these two efficiency features.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Antonio Guimaraes
>>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: quick guide

2010-10-12 Thread heather kd5cbl
That book is broken at bookshare and no one has got back to me about fixing it! 
 Just thought you want to know.  Heather 

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Re: Mail has changed on me!

2010-10-12 Thread Chris Moore
Also check that quick nav is not on.
On 12 Oct 2010, at 17:19, Jonathan Cohn wrote:

> try going to your Gmail mailbox, and expanding it. I believe the
> VO-Command is control-opt-.
> There are a couple other ways:
> 1. Left arrow when gmail is highlighted.
> 2. Interact with Gmail and then activate control-opt- the
> colapassed toggle.
> Jon
> On 12/10/2010, Scott Ford  wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>>  I really love the mail app. on the Mac.  When I went in this morning I
>> cannot seem to access my sub folders in my Gmail account.  I can only see
>> the inbox, drafts, sent, and trash.  Can anyone tell me what may have
>> happened.  I usually have my all mail, spam, and around 60 sub folders.  I
>> can still send messages to the folders, however I cannot seem to access them
>> to view the messages.  Help!!  Thank you so much in advanced.
>> Sincerely,
>> Scott
>> --
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Re: unrar archiver.

2010-10-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
OO stuffit is free as well? I"ll hav eot give that a try. I guess it won't hurt 
if I have more then 1 tool on the mac for doing something like this eh? and it 
won't hurt voice over? Sorry for my stupid questions.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 10:46, "Cameron"  wrote:

> Hi.  try Stuffit expander or the unarchiver.  Both free.
> Cameron.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Claudio Haase
> Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:38 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: unrar archiver.
> Hi group, can someone recommend me any application to uncompress rar
> files on snow leopard?
> I only found command line applications, but I want something more intuitive.
> Thanks.
> -- 
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apple mail questions

2010-10-12 Thread denise avant
hello all,
i am able to get e-mail fine on my macbook using apple mail. but all of a 
sudden i can't send mail. i wanted to check the outgoing server port (ssil) but 
can't find that port under preferences. can anyone tell me where to find it? 
also is it possible to have apple mail set to have the last message received be 
the one listed first when i get to the inbox. right now, things are in my inbox 
in reverse order. thanks.

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Re: selecting text on webpages

2010-10-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
SOmetimes that does not work. I tried to select text on the itune stor epag 
eofr an app fromthe itune sapp itself and I could select it but I could not 
copy or what not.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 9:38, Colin M  wrote:

> Hi there me again!
> If the text in question is very long and you just want a fair bit of the top 
> you can also go down to the last bit of the text you want to highlight and 
> then shift up arrow to highlight all that text and if you want to highlight 
> all the text just use command+a
> hth Colin
> On 12 Oct 2010, at 17:27, John Lipsey wrote:
>> Hi list:
>> One thing I've yet to really master on my mac is selecting text,
>> especially on webpages.  I interact with the text area in which I want
>> to actually select text, but then I'm kind of confused.  I assume I
>> can shift right arrow to select text, but that would probably only
>> select one character at a time.  This seems highly inefficient.  Other
>> strategies are most welcome.
>> -John
>> -- 
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> -- 
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Re: selecting text on webpages

2010-10-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
and whe selecting lyrics on a webpage what do I do then? I have a bit of 
trouble with that.

Take care.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 10:44, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> When selecting text on a web-page, you need to use the VO selection command.
> 1.  Interact with the text.
> 2.  Press VO-return.
> 3.  Navigate to the end of the area you wish to select.
> 4.  Press VO-return again to toggle off the selection.
> 5.  Press cmd-c to Copy to the clipboard.
> This is cumbersome in some cases as some text areas have link elements and 
> such which divide up your ability to select.  In these cases, I usually just 
> do a select all and paste it into a txt page in TextEdit and grab my desired 
> text from there.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2010-10-12, at 10:27 AM, John Lipsey wrote:
>> Hi list:
>> One thing I've yet to really master on my mac is selecting text,
>> especially on webpages.  I interact with the text area in which I want
>> to actually select text, but then I'm kind of confused.  I assume I
>> can shift right arrow to select text, but that would probably only
>> select one character at a time.  This seems highly inefficient.  Other
>> strategies are most welcome.
>> -John
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: selecting text on webpages

2010-10-12 Thread Sarah Alawami
For me sometimes the selection removes too much or moves past the selection 
that I wanted.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 11:03, Colin M  wrote:

> Hi Tim!
> Thank you I've been wondering how to do that marking beginning and end 
> highlight!
> I asked a while ago and got no feed back!
> So cheers :]
> Colin
> On 12 Oct 2010, at 18:44, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When selecting text on a web-page, you need to use the VO selection command.
>> 1.  Interact with the text.
>> 2.  Press VO-return.
>> 3.  Navigate to the end of the area you wish to select.
>> 4.  Press VO-return again to toggle off the selection.
>> 5.  Press cmd-c to Copy to the clipboard.
>> This is cumbersome in some cases as some text areas have link elements and 
>> such which divide up your ability to select.  In these cases, I usually just 
>> do a select all and paste it into a txt page in TextEdit and grab my desired 
>> text from there.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2010-10-12, at 10:27 AM, John Lipsey wrote:
>>> Hi list:
>>> One thing I've yet to really master on my mac is selecting text,
>>> especially on webpages.  I interact with the text area in which I want
>>> to actually select text, but then I'm kind of confused.  I assume I
>>> can shift right arrow to select text, but that would probably only
>>> select one character at a time.  This seems highly inefficient.  Other
>>> strategies are most welcome.
>>> -John
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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Re: apple mail questions

2010-10-12 Thread Scott Granados
Hi there,
You should be able to go to preferences and look at the mail server setup.

>From with in mail hit vo m then under the mail tab which you reach with your 
>right arrow select preferences.  Under there look at the tool bar and select 
>accounts.  I believe that's the general direction.  Newdle around in there and 
>you'll find what you need.  

What mail provider are you using, if it's a major one I can probably provide 
the correct server settings or someone else on the list can pipe up as well.


On Oct 12, 2010, at 12:41 PM, denise avant wrote:

> hello all,
> i am able to get e-mail fine on my macbook using apple mail. but all of a 
> sudden i can't send mail. i wanted to check the outgoing server port (ssil) 
> but can't find that port under preferences. can anyone tell me where to find 
> it? also is it possible to have apple mail set to have the last message 
> received be the one listed first when i get to the inbox. right now, things 
> are in my inbox in reverse order. thanks.
> -- 
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RE: unrar archiver.

2010-10-12 Thread Cameron
Hi.  I use both with voiceover, and yes, stuffit expander is free as well as
the other title.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: unrar archiver.

OO stuffit is free as well? I"ll hav eot give that a try. I guess it won't
hurt if I have more then 1 tool on the mac for doing something like this eh?
and it won't hurt voice over? Sorry for my stupid questions.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 10:46, "Cameron"  wrote:

> Hi.  try Stuffit expander or the unarchiver.  Both free.
> Cameron.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Claudio Haase
> Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:38 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: unrar archiver.
> Hi group, can someone recommend me any application to uncompress rar
> files on snow leopard?
> I only found command line applications, but I want something more
> Thanks.
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Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...

2010-10-12 Thread Brandon Misch
you can also try open office and see if that works out.

On Oct 10, 2010, at 8:01 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Sott I just can't agree with you about the level of productivity. Whenever 
> someone says this, I find their scope is very narrow. If you were to base 
> your productivity on one application or on specialized software, perhaps that 
> would be true. The only software I need at work now is Microsoft Office. This 
> is primarily because I do not have iWork and some compatibility issues with 
> WOrd documents still exists. However, for research, e-mail, and managing my 
> calendar are all done on the Mac. So, I am just having a hard time 
> understanding how you can consider the "PC" (i.e. WIndows) as being more 
> productive when so many examples of productive users exists. Can you further 
> define what you mean?
> On Oct 10, 2010, at 4:35 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
>> Hi John,
>>  I was just mentioning on the list the other day, that I frequently find 
>> myself needing to boot into windows on my Mac to complete work because the 
>> application does not exist or thedoes not work as well as on the PC.  I 
>> truly feel that the Mac software is making leaps and great strides with 
>> every new release, however looking at the two platforms critically I feel 
>> the Mac is just not quite there.  I am willing to bet that within the next 
>> year this will not be the case.  The switchers are growing by the day.  The 
>> other little option not found on the pc  is the fact that one can boot into 
>> windows or run vm ware fusion to access windows.  On their Mac.  I am  an 
>> Adaptive Technology specialist, every month I am getting more and more 
>> requests about the Mac.  The truth is that many people dislike the fact that 
>> one must use many more keys than on the pc, however we are seeing that Apple 
>> is addressing this with each subsequent release as well.  For example the 
>> quick nav and the magic track pad gestures for Voice over.  I guess what I 
>> am attempting to say is  that I feel the answer is not a cut and dried one.  
>> There are positives and negatives on both sides of the issue.The bottom 
>> line is that looking at a pure productivity stand point the pc would have it 
>> hands down right now.  This will continue to change with Apples continued 
>> commitment to voice over and the adaptive technology that it continues to 
>> incorporate in the OS.  I hope that this helps.
>> Sincerely,
>> Scott
>> On Oct 10, 2010, at 2:50 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
>>> Carolyn,
>>> thank you, not a soap box, your comments are echoed by many, and I too do 
>>> not wish to continue to pay for JAWS where not needed.
>>> but, firstly, I am not comparing apples and oranges, the single finger 
>>> navigation of a PC is not thanks to Freedom Scientific nor JAWS etc, its 
>>> Microsoft and Windows, all there, in the box on day one.
>>> Apple have been in this game for just as long as MS and the sighted Mac 
>>> user can use their Mac in this way.
>>> All I want is that level playing field.
>>> Many are suggesting Quick Nav, sure this helps, but it is still beyond what 
>>> the sighted Mac keyboard user needs to do.
>>> Again, please let's not turn this into a cost argument, you cannot say that 
>>> Voice Over is better or fine or acceptable just because it costs nothing, 
>>> sure there's an argument to be had there, but it's not this one, this 
>>> conversation I would ask to have nothing to do with cost.
>>> its so very easy to turn this into a well Freedom Scientific and other 
>>> accessibility companies charge so very much, and they do, rightly or 
>>> wrongly, and therefore Apple is better. this is a conversation about one 
>>> persons needs on a purely which solution works better, and can I get the 
>>> Apple approach to work for me, with the benefit and wizdom of the folk on 
>>> this list.
>>> I have already learned something new about Quick Nav, and that is that you 
>>> can using down and left / right respecively initiate interact mode on / 
>>> off. this helps a lot.
>>> Twitter @neilbarnfather
>>> Neil Barnfather
>>> Talks List Administrator
>>> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your 
>>> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
>>> From: 
>>> []on Behalf Of Carolyn
>>> Sent: 10 October 2010 19:30
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Can keyboard only navigation ever be...
>>> Hi Neil and others:
>>> I have an interesting prospective, having worked with a Mac for almost a 
>>> year, and only made the switch semi-successfully.  Further, I'm not a 
>>> genius, a tech expert, or even a wizzard.  I'm just a computer user who is 
>>> fascinated by what I can achieve with the technology and like to use it for 
>>> my daily functioning. 
>>> Having said th

Re: Burning an AVI file to play on a standard DVD player

2010-10-12 Thread Justin Thornton
I believe your speaking  of gwenna
I remember her doing that podcast
On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:56 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> There is someone on this list who did a podcast on a program called prism, 
> and that was the one for me. Prism is actually a video file converter, 
> letting you have, say, a mov, and convert it into a, say, an avi. I am using 
> its windows version, and with that I got a number of shortcuts in my start 
> menu, that can expand the capabilities of the prism converter. For example, 
> if you choose to burn the avi to a normal dvd, it downloads, installs and 
> runs a dvd burning program from the same author, and that can do it.
> I don't remember who did that very podcast on prism, but it is a girl or 
> woman who plays her guitar and sings along at the beginning of the podcast, 
> who has done some more podcasts on other useful mac subjects. She uses voice 
> over, so at least the conversion is accessible and I expect the burning 
> process to be as well.
> - Original Message - From: "Mike" 
> To: "MacVisionaries" 
> Sent: Friday, October 08, 2010 2:52 AM
> Subject: Burning an AVI file to play on a standard DVD player
>> Hi List:
>> Anyone know of a program I can use, that's voice over accessible, to
>> burn an AVI file to play on a standard DVD player?
>> I tried Burn but it gives me issues and Toast Titanium 10 isn't
>> totally vo accessible and the copy I have insists I need an XVID
>> Codec, which I can't find on the Roxio site.
>> Perhaps there are some new DVD programs I can try that will allow me
>> to do this.
>> Many Thanks:
>> Michael
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Re: Add to iTunes as a spoken track - Which voice to use?

2010-10-12 Thread Windels William
Hello all,
For me, this doesn't work for me also since version 10 of itunes.
The problem is known but not fixate yet by Apple :(

I have tried the guides on the internet to solve this but without success.

best regards,
Op 12-okt-2010, om 16:57 heeft Nicolai Svendsen het volgende geschreven:

> Hi Sarah!
> THanks, I'd appreciate it. It's when making the track itself, not just using 
> the Speech option that it doesn't work. The Speech item itself works fine, 
> just not when converting it from text.
> Regards,
> Nic
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Really? I got it work a few months ago. Unless there was an update that 
>> recked it I dunno. I'm headin g out the door at the moment or soon and need 
>> to finish getting ready to go but of no one else has tried by the time I get 
>> back we'll try it out and post the results.
>> On Oct 12, 2010, at 6:57 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi Sarah
>>> Could you retry that again, please? Because that's not working for me at 
>>> all. No changes except in rate.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> On Oct 12, 2010, at 3:55 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 You do it inthe services menu when you are focused on the program you want 
 to do it in. I change my default voice actually and that sets the pref for 
 the voice.
 Good luck.
 On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:45 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Nic,
> Sorry I don't have an answer to your question, but I'm wondering how do 
> you add txt as a spoken track?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:35 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi everybody!
>> So, I've kind of been tinkering around with the feature to add a text to 
>> iTunes as a track. The native service works great, and it even 
>> overwrites your system speech rate preference if using the [[rate 
>> ]] parameter above the block of text highlighted.
>> The issue appears when you want to use another voice. Apparently,it does 
>> not take this into account and always will use Alex, even if you change 
>> the system voice which seems a bit silly to me. I have a Danish text I'd 
>> love to read on my iPhone when I'm flying to the Netherlands on Saturday 
>> without using the built-in TTS, mainly because of the bit rate and 
>> because of a lot of pronunciation problems.
>> Is there another parameter I can insert that will basically overwrite 
>> the preference that Apple apparently "wants" me to use? This has kind of 
>> made me a bit annoyed already. I am gonna submit this to accessibility 
>> either way, but I'd still like to know if there is a workaround 
>> preferably with the native service built in
>> .
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
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Re: selecting text on webpages

2010-10-12 Thread Linda Adams

The method Colin describes below works well for me when I'm  wanting to select 
pure uninterrupted text.  Remember, however, to not interact.


On Oct 12, 2010, at 12:30 PM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi there!
> You can also shift down arrow to go down quicker
> On 12 Oct 2010, at 17:27, John Lipsey wrote:
>> Hi list:
>> One thing I've yet to really master on my mac is selecting text,
>> especially on webpages.  I interact with the text area in which I want
>> to actually select text, but then I'm kind of confused.  I assume I
>> can shift right arrow to select text, but that would probably only
>> select one character at a time.  This seems highly inefficient.  Other
>> strategies are most welcome.
>> -John
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Re: apple mail questions

2010-10-12 Thread Linda Adams
To have your messages displayed by date, interact with the messages table.  
Then right arrow over to the date column then press VO shift backslash.  You 
can have VO display from newest to oldest or oldest to newest by pressing VO 
shift backslash again.
This also works in iTunes in the songs table.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 3:41 PM, denise avant wrote:

> hello all,
> i am able to get e-mail fine on my macbook using apple mail. but all of a 
> sudden i can't send mail. i wanted to check the outgoing server port (ssil) 
> but can't find that port under preferences. can anyone tell me where to find 
> it? also is it possible to have apple mail set to have the last message 
> received be the one listed first when i get to the inbox. right now, things 
> are in my inbox in reverse order. thanks.
> -- 
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Re: apple mail questions

2010-10-12 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Also, under the windows menu there is a item called connection wizard
or something close to that.  If you select that, it will test all the
accounts you have set up, and tell you which ones are working.  I
don't remember the detail listed there, but there might be a
disclosure triangle to provide more information.

The actual SMTP  configuration is under a window opened from a
buttonon the accounts tab of your mail preferences.



On 12/10/2010, Linda Adams  wrote:
> Denise,
> To have your messages displayed by date, interact with the messages table.
> Then right arrow over to the date column then press VO shift backslash.  You
> can have VO display from newest to oldest or oldest to newest by pressing VO
> shift backslash again.
> This also works in iTunes in the songs table.
> Linda
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 3:41 PM, denise avant wrote:
>> hello all,
>> i am able to get e-mail fine on my macbook using apple mail. but all of a
>> sudden i can't send mail. i wanted to check the outgoing server port
>> (ssil) but can't find that port under preferences. can anyone tell me
>> where to find it? also is it possible to have apple mail set to have the
>> last message received be the one listed first when i get to the inbox.
>> right now, things are in my inbox in reverse order. thanks.
>> --
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pdf2rtf service

2010-10-12 Thread Scott Howell
Hey folks,

I was trying to find the information about how one can obtain the pdf2rtf 
service. I search about on Google, but was not able to find a way to get this 
service. So, could someone let me know the website that offered this? Seems it 
was from a website that was promoting an editor of some sort. I'm trying to get 
this info for someone and your help would be appreciated.


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Re: pdf2rtf service

2010-10-12 Thread Justin Ekis
Hi scott, here is the link for the download page where you can find pdf2rtf. 
There are a lot of downloads on this page, but it's near the end of the list.


On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:42 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

Hey folks,

I was trying to find the information about how one can obtain the pdf2rtf 
service. I search about on Google, but was not able to find a way to get this 
service. So, could someone let me know the website that offered this? Seems it 
was from a website that was promoting an editor of some sort. I'm trying to get 
this info for someone and your help would be appreciated.


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voice over tutorials

2010-10-12 Thread joseph
hi list

a friend is in need for the above, where can i find this ?

thank you in advance

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Re: quick guide

2010-10-12 Thread 504 area
I thought it was just me - I was not able to access it.  Does anyone
have a copy of the the missing... I am struggling with the change over
and could use something new!  If so e mail me off list at


On 10/12/10, heather kd5cbl  wrote:
> That book is broken at bookshare and no one has got back to me about fixing
> it!  Just thought you want to know.  Heather
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Re: unrar archiver.

2010-10-12 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Stuffit Expander is the free one, it only allows expansion of files,
there is also stuffit, which costs money.  There are some folks
around, who have a dislike for the stuffit suite.  I  don't recall the
argumetns at this point, but

So perhaps look at the tidbits or other technical discussions before
deciding which package to use.


On 12/10/2010, Cameron  wrote:
> Hi.  I use both with voiceover, and yes, stuffit expander is free as well as
> the other title.
> Cameron.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Sarah Alawami
> Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:34 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: unrar archiver.
> OO stuffit is free as well? I"ll hav eot give that a try. I guess it won't
> hurt if I have more then 1 tool on the mac for doing something like this eh?
> and it won't hurt voice over? Sorry for my stupid questions.
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 10:46, "Cameron"  wrote:
>> Hi.  try Stuffit expander or the unarchiver.  Both free.
>> Cameron.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Claudio Haase
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:38 PM
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Subject: unrar archiver.
>> Hi group, can someone recommend me any application to uncompress rar
>> files on snow leopard?
>> I only found command line applications, but I want something more
> intuitive.
>> Thanks.
>> --
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Re: Mail has changed on me!

2010-10-12 Thread Scott Ford
You guys rock.  I had to do both suggestions.  Thank you.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 3:23 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Also check that quick nav is not on.
> On 12 Oct 2010, at 17:19, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
>> try going to your Gmail mailbox, and expanding it. I believe the
>> VO-Command is control-opt-.
>> There are a couple other ways:
>> 1. Left arrow when gmail is highlighted.
>> 2. Interact with Gmail and then activate control-opt- the
>> colapassed toggle.
>> Jon
>> On 12/10/2010, Scott Ford  wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I really love the mail app. on the Mac.  When I went in this morning I
>>> cannot seem to access my sub folders in my Gmail account.  I can only see
>>> the inbox, drafts, sent, and trash.  Can anyone tell me what may have
>>> happened.  I usually have my all mail, spam, and around 60 sub folders.  I
>>> can still send messages to the folders, however I cannot seem to access them
>>> to view the messages.  Help!!  Thank you so much in advanced.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Scott
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Re: pdf2rtf service

2010-10-12 Thread Scott Howell
Thanks Justin, I will pass this along.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:57 PM, Justin Ekis wrote:

> Hi scott, here is the link for the download page where you can find pdf2rtf. 
> There are a lot of downloads on this page, but it's near the end of the list.
> Justin
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:42 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I was trying to find the information about how one can obtain the pdf2rtf 
> service. I search about on Google, but was not able to find a way to get this 
> service. So, could someone let me know the website that offered this? Seems 
> it was from a website that was promoting an editor of some sort. I'm trying 
> to get this info for someone and your help would be appreciated.
> Scott
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Re: Selecting a recipient

2010-10-12 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Two points:

1. On the PC side wit JFW 9+, there was a jaws script to reply
directly to sender (perhaps alt+Y?
2. On the macintosh, if you interact with the headers, andthen when
Voice Over readds the person yyou want to reply to, perform a click
and a menu will appear. I think in Leopard and Tiger, one could hit
VO+shift+M (contextual menu) to do this.

Creating an AppleScript to do this should be fairly easy too.


On 12/10/2010, Carolyn Haas  wrote:
> Hi Antonio:
> I'll try to explain what I do here, since I'm a long devoted Outlook express
> user changing over.
> I'll assume you have your mail open.  Typically, I interact with messages.
> I use vo arrow to go to the "from" heading.  Open menu with vo-M and right
> arrow to messages.  Arrow down to "add sender from address book."
> This isn't the shortest way, but it's similar to what I did in OE.
> Carolyn
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 6:40 AM, Antonio Guimaraes wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> Another question comparing
>> Outlook express with mail.
>> How can I select a recipient's e-mail address from an open message for
>> sending a message without reply. What I want to accomplish is to strip out
>> the e-mail address to paste into the to field of a new message.
>> This comes useful when I see a message from David to this list, and wish
>> to respond to David, and not the entire list.
>> The outlook express equivalent was ault plus one of the num roe numbers
>> twice quickly, then control a to select, and control c to copy, then
>> control v on the to field of the new message to paste the address.
>> Thanks for your help to a newbe.
>> Antonio
>> On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:22 AM, David Taylor wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Actually, if a thread is collapsed, just hit enter and every message is
>>> opened, each one in its own window. This means that if you think you may
>>> want to reply, you can simply use cmd-w to close the first message, then
>>> delete the others, and reply at the end. I find this much better than
>>> anything I ever had in Windows.
>>> Cheers
>>> Dave
>>> On 12 Oct 2010, at 04:52, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> hello go to view and sort by thread and collapse threads. I set  up a
>>> keyboard shortcut regarding these 2 and I go over how to do this in a
>>> podcast.
>>> 2. Go to the left of the person's name when you expand a thread with
>>> right arrow and you will hear unread image and a bong sound. select all
>>> of those int eh thread and hit enter and cmd w on the ones you don't want
>>> to read when you get to them.
>>> This makes for faster skimming.
>>> Take care.
>>> On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:35 PM, Antonio Guimaraes wrote:
 Hello listers,

 I am migrating still from a windows machine, and do find some of the mac
 ways more cumbersome than necessary.

 Maybe there are settings I can change to make my life a little easier
 when reading and managing e-mails.

 First is there a way to view messages in collapsed conversation mode? I
 would like to view conversations in the order the messages were written,
 one right next to the other.

 Another unfortunate thing is my inability to just jump from unread to
 unread message, thus ignoring something I already went through.

 I appreciate any word about these two efficiency features.


 Antonio Guimaraes

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Re: pdf2rtf service

2010-10-12 Thread Jonathan Cohn
That won't do OCR though will it?

Best regards,


On 12/10/2010, Scott Howell  wrote:
> Thanks Justin, I will pass this along.
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:57 PM, Justin Ekis wrote:
>> Hi scott, here is the link for the download page where you can find
>> pdf2rtf. There are a lot of downloads on this page, but it's near the end
>> of the list.
>> Justin
>> On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:42 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hey folks,
>> I was trying to find the information about how one can obtain the pdf2rtf
>> service. I search about on Google, but was not able to find a way to get
>> this service. So, could someone let me know the website that offered this?
>> Seems it was from a website that was promoting an editor of some sort. I'm
>> trying to get this info for someone and your help would be appreciated.
>> Scott
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Re: apple mail questions

2010-10-12 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Scott and list,

I just want to point out, you can press command comma in any application on the 
mac to open preferences.  Even the 3rd party apps.  It's pretty handy to 
remember.  Another one of those things I like about the Mac.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Hi there,
> You should be able to go to preferences and look at the mail server setup.
> From with in mail hit vo m then under the mail tab which you reach with your 
> right arrow select preferences.  Under there look at the tool bar and select 
> accounts.  I believe that's the general direction.  Newdle around in there 
> and you'll find what you need.  
> What mail provider are you using, if it's a major one I can probably provide 
> the correct server settings or someone else on the list can pipe up as well.
> Thanks
> Scott
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 12:41 PM, denise avant wrote:
>> hello all,
>> i am able to get e-mail fine on my macbook using apple mail. but all of a 
>> sudden i can't send mail. i wanted to check the outgoing server port (ssil) 
>> but can't find that port under preferences. can anyone tell me where to find 
>> it? also is it possible to have apple mail set to have the last message 
>> received be the one listed first when i get to the inbox. right now, things 
>> are in my inbox in reverse order. thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: apple mail questions

2010-10-12 Thread Scott Granados
WOw, you're a hit with my department here.  I just passed on that tidbit.:)

Great find!


On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:20 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi Scott and list,
> I just want to point out, you can press command comma in any application on 
> the mac to open preferences.  Even the 3rd party apps.  It's pretty handy to 
> remember.  Another one of those things I like about the Mac.
> hth
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> You should be able to go to preferences and look at the mail server setup.
>> From with in mail hit vo m then under the mail tab which you reach with your 
>> right arrow select preferences.  Under there look at the tool bar and select 
>> accounts.  I believe that's the general direction.  Newdle around in there 
>> and you'll find what you need.  
>> What mail provider are you using, if it's a major one I can probably provide 
>> the correct server settings or someone else on the list can pipe up as well.
>> Thanks
>> Scott
>> On Oct 12, 2010, at 12:41 PM, denise avant wrote:
>>> hello all,
>>> i am able to get e-mail fine on my macbook using apple mail. but all of a 
>>> sudden i can't send mail. i wanted to check the outgoing server port (ssil) 
>>> but can't find that port under preferences. can anyone tell me where to 
>>> find it? also is it possible to have apple mail set to have the last 
>>> message received be the one listed first when i get to the inbox. right 
>>> now, things are in my inbox in reverse order. thanks.
>>> -- 
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Re: voice over tutorials

2010-10-12 Thread Linda Adams

There is a short  tutorial, called the Quick Start Guideand there is a 
Voiceover Getting Started Guide.  You can get both through  Safari by pressing 
Control-option-H.  The web address is


On Oct 12, 2010, at 6:32 PM, joseph wrote:

> hi list
> a friend is in need for the above, where can i find this ?
> thank you in advance
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switching to the mac, snowlepard the missing manual and the voiceover guide

2010-10-12 Thread heather kd5cbl
Hello, these are two different books so I wanted to make that clear.  One, 
apple accessibility fixed their Braille brf file so one can get off their 
site and read it now.  Bookshare has not e-mail some of us back about the 
broken link for the
switching to the mac, snowlepard the missing manual.  We sent out a message 
about the issue a week ago but no one has replied back.  So if there are 
bookshare members on this list, I wanted to encourage you to e-mail them as 
well.  Perhaps if more folks send them messages, they will respond and with 
more blind mac users making the switch, it is in high demand.  Heather

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Re: switching to the mac, snowlepard the missing manual and the voiceover guide

2010-10-12 Thread Isaac Obie

Hello Heather,
If the .brf file is broken, then try the other one. I've forgotten the name. 
Oh, the daisy! try the daisy file. that is in braille as well. It even gives 
the print pages. Or is that the daisy with images? Try those files..

- Original Message - 
From: "heather kd5cbl" 

Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 7:59 PM
Subject: switching to the mac, snowlepard the missing manual and the 
voiceover guide

Hello, these are two different books so I wanted to make that clear.  One, 
apple accessibility fixed their Braille brf file so one can get off their 
site and read it now.  Bookshare has not e-mail some of us back about the 
broken link for the
switching to the mac, snowlepard the missing manual.  We sent out a 
message about the issue a week ago but no one has replied back.  So if 
there are bookshare members on this list, I wanted to encourage you to 
e-mail them as well.  Perhaps if more folks send them messages, they will 
respond and with more blind mac users making the switch, it is in high 
demand.  Heather

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Need Help: Blind Musicians

2010-10-12 Thread Sonnia
Hello all. Please forgive me for being a bit off topic but i need a
little help from any blind musicians (specifically those that have
experience with stringed instruments.) I just wasn't sure where to go
for some help and i am hoping we have some string instrument  players
I'm interested in learning the violin but I've heard of musicians
developing calluses from extended playing. I was wondering if anyone
could tell me if i can alter the playing technique in anyway that
would keep the braille reading portion of my left index finger callus
free. Could i use some alternative fingering method or any technique
so that i can play the violin but still read braille? Again, sorry for
going off topic. :)

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RE: Need Help: Blind Musicians

2010-10-12 Thread Cameron
Hi.  you should be fine.  the callus will be on the tip of your finger, not
on the pad of it.

If you are right handed, then your fretting hand, where the calluses will
be, will be your left hand.  If you are left handed, then your fretting hand
will be your right.

Hope that helps.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sonnia
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 8:18 PM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Need Help: Blind Musicians

Hello all. Please forgive me for being a bit off topic but i need a
little help from any blind musicians (specifically those that have
experience with stringed instruments.) I just wasn't sure where to go
for some help and i am hoping we have some string instrument  players
I'm interested in learning the violin but I've heard of musicians
developing calluses from extended playing. I was wondering if anyone
could tell me if i can alter the playing technique in anyway that
would keep the braille reading portion of my left index finger callus
free. Could i use some alternative fingering method or any technique
so that i can play the violin but still read braille? Again, sorry for
going off topic. :)

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Re: quicknav

2010-10-12 Thread Barry Abbott
Hi. Use the left-right arrow keys together to toggle quick nav 
On on or off.

Barry2010-10-12, at 7:27 AM, joseph wrote:

> hi list
> i turned quicknav off by mistake.  i pressed left and down arrow to
> turn it back on but it didn't work.  how to turn it back on please?
> best
> -- 
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Re: quick guide

2010-10-12 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Julie:
If you're referring to the missing manual for the mac, it's available, or at 
least it was available at the O'Reilly website.  Forgive me, I don't know if 
I've spelled right.  If/when I find it, I'll send you the link.

On Oct 12, 2010, at 4:33 PM, 504 area wrote:

> I thought it was just me - I was not able to access it.  Does anyone
> have a copy of the the missing... I am struggling with the change over
> and could use something new!  If so e mail me off list at
> Thanks,
> Julie
> On 10/12/10, heather kd5cbl  wrote:
>> That book is broken at bookshare and no one has got back to me about fixing
>> it!  Just thought you want to know.  Heather
>> --
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Re: Need Help: Blind Musicians

2010-10-12 Thread Sonnia
Thanks a million Cameron! Your help means lots to me. I have wanted to
play the violin for sometime but had this concern in mind. Thanks
again and have a great day!

Cameron wrote:
> Hi.  you should be fine.  the callus will be on the tip of your finger, not
> on the pad of it.
> If you are right handed, then your fretting hand, where the calluses will
> be, will be your left hand.  If you are left handed, then your fretting hand
> will be your right.
> Hope that helps.
> Cameron.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Sonnia
> Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 8:18 PM
> To: MacVisionaries
> Subject: Need Help: Blind Musicians
> Hello all. Please forgive me for being a bit off topic but i need a
> little help from any blind musicians (specifically those that have
> experience with stringed instruments.) I just wasn't sure where to go
> for some help and i am hoping we have some string instrument  players
> here.
> I'm interested in learning the violin but I've heard of musicians
> developing calluses from extended playing. I was wondering if anyone
> could tell me if i can alter the playing technique in anyway that
> would keep the braille reading portion of my left index finger callus
> free. Could i use some alternative fingering method or any technique
> so that i can play the violin but still read braille? Again, sorry for
> going off topic. :)
> --
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Re: switching to the mac, snowlepard the missing manual and the voiceover guide

2010-10-12 Thread Carolyn Haas
Heather: Thanks.  I didn't know that.  When I asked my Apple trainer about the 
book, she said the same info is really in text format at the Apple website 
under Mac101.
So, perhaps in the mean time we who are curious can start there.:)
On Oct 12, 2010, at 5:59 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> Hello, these are two different books so I wanted to make that clear.  One, 
> apple accessibility fixed their Braille brf file so one can get off their 
> site and read it now.  Bookshare has not e-mail some of us back about the 
> broken link for the
> switching to the mac, snowlepard the missing manual.  We sent out a message 
> about the issue a week ago but no one has replied back.  So if there are 
> bookshare members on this list, I wanted to encourage you to e-mail them as 
> well.  Perhaps if more folks send them messages, they will respond and with 
> more blind mac users making the switch, it is in high demand.  Heather
> -- 
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RE: Need Help: Blind Musicians

2010-10-12 Thread Cameron
You're very welcome!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sonnia
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 9:38 PM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: Need Help: Blind Musicians

Thanks a million Cameron! Your help means lots to me. I have wanted to
play the violin for sometime but had this concern in mind. Thanks
again and have a great day!

Cameron wrote:
> Hi.  you should be fine.  the callus will be on the tip of your finger,
> on the pad of it.
> If you are right handed, then your fretting hand, where the calluses will
> be, will be your left hand.  If you are left handed, then your fretting
> will be your right.
> Hope that helps.
> Cameron.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Sonnia
> Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 8:18 PM
> To: MacVisionaries
> Subject: Need Help: Blind Musicians
> Hello all. Please forgive me for being a bit off topic but i need a
> little help from any blind musicians (specifically those that have
> experience with stringed instruments.) I just wasn't sure where to go
> for some help and i am hoping we have some string instrument  players
> here.
> I'm interested in learning the violin but I've heard of musicians
> developing calluses from extended playing. I was wondering if anyone
> could tell me if i can alter the playing technique in anyway that
> would keep the braille reading portion of my left index finger callus
> free. Could i use some alternative fingering method or any technique
> so that i can play the violin but still read braille? Again, sorry for
> going off topic. :)
> --
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link for, Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Snow Leopard Edition

2010-10-12 Thread heather kd5cbl
Here is the link for the book, Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, 
Snow Leopard Edition:

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dragon dictate for mac?

2010-10-12 Thread Yuma Decaux

It's been a few weeks since release, but i had it in my yojimbo bookmarks and 
wondered if anyone has had the chance to try it out, accessible? Good?

Best regards,

Yuma DX®
"Light has no value without darkness"

Tel: +64 210 22 77 190 
Phnom Penh: +85589900095

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Re: link for, Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Snow Leopard Edition

2010-10-12 Thread Carolyn Haas
Thanks so much for this.  

On Oct 12, 2010, at 8:14 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:

> Here is the link for the book, Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Snow 
> Leopard Edition:
> Heather 
> -- 
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activating wizweels in freedom scientific braille focus 40 with voice over

2010-10-12 Thread Ahmed Alomran
hi all
for those who use focus 40 blue with mac, i am wondering about the method of 
activating the wizwzeels for display panning with voice over? I managed to use 
these wizweels successfully  with my Iphone. However, they don't seem to work 
properly with my mac. your help is really appritiated.
kind regards.

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Re: selecting text on webpages

2010-10-12 Thread Tim Kilburn

There are some web-pages, like on the iTunes Store, that do not allow selecting 
and copying.  Think of it like a locked pdf or a web-page that doesn't allow 
copying of graphics.  No method will work in these cases, not even for sighted 


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2010-10-12, at 1:42 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> and whe selecting lyrics on a webpage what do I do then? I have a bit of 
> trouble with that.
> Take care.
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 10:44, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When selecting text on a web-page, you need to use the VO selection command.
>> 1.  Interact with the text.
>> 2.  Press VO-return.
>> 3.  Navigate to the end of the area you wish to select.
>> 4.  Press VO-return again to toggle off the selection.
>> 5.  Press cmd-c to Copy to the clipboard.
>> This is cumbersome in some cases as some text areas have link elements and 
>> such which divide up your ability to select.  In these cases, I usually just 
>> do a select all and paste it into a txt page in TextEdit and grab my desired 
>> text from there.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2010-10-12, at 10:27 AM, John Lipsey wrote:
>>> Hi list:
>>> One thing I've yet to really master on my mac is selecting text,
>>> especially on webpages.  I interact with the text area in which I want
>>> to actually select text, but then I'm kind of confused.  I assume I
>>> can shift right arrow to select text, but that would probably only
>>> select one character at a time.  This seems highly inefficient.  Other
>>> strategies are most welcome.
>>> -John
>>> -- 
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