scroll areas

2010-09-06 Thread Isaac Obie

Hi all:
I get a list of messages in a scroll area. After I read one, I can't figure 
out how to get back to the original area in order to arrow down to the next 
message to read. I've tried command W and command Q and when I reopen the 
area, I am sent back to the same old message. What might I be doing wrong? 

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Re: MacBook VoiceOver and DVD player question

2010-09-06 Thread Bob Hill
Hi all,

Well, it was user error 

I don't usually use quicknav,O but I did have it turned on, and totally forgot 
about it.

I appreciate the suggestions that were made.


n Sep 5, 2010, at 1:41 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:

> It works on my end.  I'd check to make sure quicknav wasn't on.  As long as 
> quicknav is off, it should work just fine.  Or maybe mine just works because 
> it's odd, like me.  :)
> On Sep 5, 2010, at 5:32 AM, Bob Hill wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just received a MacBook 13 inch computer, and am getting used to how it 
>> works.
>> One thing I have noticed is that when playing a DVD, I can't use the right 
>> and left arrows to move forward or backward by chapter while I have 
>> VoiceOver running.
>> When VO is turned off, this works fine.
>> I can use command key with the arrows to skip forward by 5 second increments 
>> just fine.
>> I'm wondering if this is normal for the MacBook.
>> On my iMac, these key commands work just fine.
>> Thanks for any pointers.
>> Bob Hill
>> -- 
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Re: scroll areas

2010-09-06 Thread focus
Hi Isaac!
If you are talking about email's
When you are in the message table where it tells you who the message is from 
and subject, you can use command+j to jump into the message area and when you 
have red it use command+j again to take you back to the headers, and then you 
can scroll up or down to the next message!
If you are not on about emails I do not know if this works for what you are 
trying to do!
anyway I hth :-]
Skype focus_66
On 6 Sep 2010, at 08:21, Isaac Obie wrote:

> Hi all:
> I get a list of messages in a scroll area. After I read one, I can't figure 
> out how to get back to the original area in order to arrow down to the next 
> message to read. I've tried command W and command Q and when I reopen the 
> area, I am sent back to the same old message. What might I be doing wrong? 
> Thanks.
> Isaac 
> -- 
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Re: Bible software for the iphone?

2010-09-06 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello Christy, I use It's free and accessible. It works 
well on the IPhone macs and windows machines and has many versions.. I think 
you will like it.

On Sep 5, 2010, at 9:44 PM, "Christy Schulte"  

> Can anyone recommend a good, accessible, bible app for the iphone? I'd prefer 
> free, and i'd definitely prefer offline so that I don't have to connect to 
> read, but accessible is the number one requirement.
> I tried a logos version, but couldn't get it to  work for anything. Tried 
> touch bible, which looked really good, but it has these buttons scattered all 
> through the text that is very distracting for reading. The simpler the 
> better, though multiple versions is a definite plus.
> Thanks!
> Christy
> -- 
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Re: scroll areas

2010-09-06 Thread Isaac Obie

Hi Colin!
No, that didn't help. I guess I need to check out the mail program again. 
This is Apple news that I am trying to read. then I need to do email. again. 
I'll have class on Wednesday. Thanks.

- Original Message - 
From: "focus" 

Cc: "focus" 
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2010 5:16 AM
Subject: Re: scroll areas

Hi Isaac!
If you are talking about email's
When you are in the message table where it tells you who the message is from 
and subject, you can use command+j to jump into the message area and when 
you have red it use command+j again to take you back to the headers, and 
then you can scroll up or down to the next message!
If you are not on about emails I do not know if this works for what you are 
trying to do!

anyway I hth :-]
Skype focus_66
On 6 Sep 2010, at 08:21, Isaac Obie wrote:

Hi all:
I get a list of messages in a scroll area. After I read one, I can't 
figure out how to get back to the original area in order to arrow down to 
the next message to read. I've tried command W and command Q and when I 
reopen the area, I am sent back to the same old message. What might I be 
doing wrong? Thanks.

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can I change subscription to this list?

2010-09-06 Thread Isaac Obie

   Hi guys:
Since this is a list of invitation only, is it possible to change your 
subscription once you're on? Thanks.

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Re: scroll areas

2010-09-06 Thread focus
Hi Isaac!
I hope you see either this message or the one after the 1st one I sent!
Instead of command+j use vo+j that was my mistake!
On 6 Sep 2010, at 11:58, Isaac Obie wrote:

> Hi Colin!
> No, that didn't help. I guess I need to check out the mail program again. 
> This is Apple news that I am trying to read. then I need to do email. again. 
> I'll have class on Wednesday. Thanks.
> Isaac
> - Original Message - From: "focus" 
> To: 
> Cc: "focus" 
> Sent: Monday, September 06, 2010 5:16 AM
> Subject: Re: scroll areas
> Hi Isaac!
> If you are talking about email's
> When you are in the message table where it tells you who the message is from 
> and subject, you can use command+j to jump into the message area and when you 
> have red it use command+j again to take you back to the headers, and then you 
> can scroll up or down to the next message!
> If you are not on about emails I do not know if this works for what you are 
> trying to do!
> anyway I hth :-]
> Colin
> Skype focus_66
> On 6 Sep 2010, at 08:21, Isaac Obie wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> I get a list of messages in a scroll area. After I read one, I can't figure 
>> out how to get back to the original area in order to arrow down to the next 
>> message to read. I've tried command W and command Q and when I reopen the 
>> area, I am sent back to the same old message. What might I be doing wrong? 
>> Thanks.
>> Isaac
>> -- 
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Re: MobleMe Help!

2010-09-06 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi: has cheaper MM prices. I've seen it on sale for $50.
Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal Come join me on

On Sep 5, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> I've also got Mobile Me so I hope all will be fine when I have to renew.  I 
> bought mine from the Apple Store.
> Kawal.
> On 4 Sep 2010, at 02:22, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I had to interact, and mouse click the PC, then move over a cell in the 
>> table to unrigister. After unrigistering all computers, and restarting MM 
>> preferences, I was able to rerigister the computers and sync.
>> On Sep 3, 2010, at 4:49 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Interesting because I just open the Mobile Me preferences on my Mac and 
>>> under advanced it shows me the computers that are registered. If you have 
>>> Apple Care or can e-mail Mobile Me support, they might have some other 
>>> solutions. However, I have not encountered this type of problem, I have 
>>> always been able to access the list of registered computers.
>>> On Sep 2, 2010, at 11:03 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 I have two Machines. My Mac my PC, & my phone. The weird thing is you 
 cannot unregister! It doesn't give you that options in advanced options. 
 You can only register; however the mac is already registered because It is 
 in the list of registered computers.
 On Sep 2, 2010, at 7:42 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Sara if you have only the one machine and that is the only machine you 
> have been syncing to Mobile Me, perhaps unregister the machine and 
> register and sync again. In this case, allow Mobile me to have its 
> content replaced by the content from your machine.
> On Sep 2, 2010, at 8:14 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> All:
>> My subscription just changed from trial to individual. The problem is 
>> under MobleMe sync preferences it says never been synked. It shows my 
>> MBP & another PC in the table list, but sync is unchecked. When I check 
>> sync, it asks me to register my MBP. I click register, and it says a 
>> computer with that name is already registered, if I choose okay, I could 
>> lose data on all computers. I went to advanced to try and unregester the 
>> computers, and reregister them, but my only option is to register the 
>> computer, and it is already registered. I've been using it for two 
>> months. I can access my Mobleme email, contents on idisk, etc, I just 
>> can't sync anymore.
>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>> Personal Come join me on
>> -- 
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> Kawal Gucukoglu
> (E-mail/MSN):
> (Skype ID):
> kawalgucukoglu
> (Mobile/text):
> +447905618396
> +447576240421
> -- 
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Re: scroll areas

2010-09-06 Thread Les Kriegler

Actually, the keystroke you want is VO-J.  The first press of that keystroke 
places you into the text of the message, the second press brings you back to 
the message list.


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Blackboard, anyone?

2010-09-06 Thread Michael Busboom
Hi listers,

Blackboard is an e-learning platform that many universities use for online 
distribution of course material.  Recently, the beta version of Blackboard 9.1 
was introduced, and I was wondering if anyone has had any experience using it.

Actually, I wouldn't mind getting feedback from people who have used earlier 
versions of this e-learning platform.  In particular, I am wondering if anyone 
can give me tips on how to best use Blackboard with Safari.  While it is not 
difficult to get to the part of the program where you can read your assignments 
and take tests, it is very difficult to participate in classroom discussions, 
e.g. following long threads.

If anyone could point me to some good tutorial information on how to use 
Blackboard with Safari and Voice Over, I'd be more than grateful.  If anyone 
would be willing to chat with me via Skype and help me go through the platform, 
I'd be even more grateful!

Kindest regards to all,


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iphone, shutdown skype

2010-09-06 Thread Paul Erkens

Hi all,

If you set skype on an iphone not to log in automatically at startup, then 
you must do that yourself, providing the password when you manually start up 
skype. You stay online all the time, until you turn off the iphone. Is there 
a way of only shutting down skype itself, in order to go offline on skype, 
rather than restarting the entire o s to make skype stop running? 

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Re: mail cliant.

2010-09-06 Thread Ian McNamara
cool thanks all for the help its a cool opperating system when you get use to 
it. i am really happy with it now. just got to master downloading stuff but 
that can wait for another day. 

just getting the basics has been hard inuff the last couple of days. 

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Re: can I change subscription to this list?

2010-09-06 Thread Geoff Waaler

Check the bottom couple lines appended to every GoogleGroups list message.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Isaac Obie 
  Sent: Monday, September 06, 2010 7:26 AM
  Subject: can I change subscription to this list?

  Hi guys:
  Since this is a list of invitation only, is it possible to change your 
  subscription once you're on? Thanks.

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Re: can I change subscription to this list?

2010-09-06 Thread Isaac Obie
I tried to apply for membership but I can't seem to get it to work for some 
reason. Can you help please? I've tried this several times. thanks!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Geoff Waaler 
  Sent: Monday, September 06, 2010 12:01 PM
  Subject: Re: can I change subscription to this list?


  Check the bottom couple lines appended to every GoogleGroups list message.


- Original Message - 
From: Isaac Obie 
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2010 7:26 AM
Subject: can I change subscription to this list?

Hi guys:
Since this is a list of invitation only, is it possible to change your 
subscription once you're on? Thanks.

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: copying and pasting text from the web

2010-09-06 Thread Linda Adams
Thanks for that clarification.

On Sep 5, 2010, at 6:11 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Sometimes though the text is not presented in a line or lines so thqt method 
> does not work. I've tried it.
> On Sep 5, 2010, at 3:00 PM, Linda Adams wrote:
>> Eric,
>> I struggled with this same question and have finally settled on a method 
>> that works flawlessly with copying text areas from the web.  I get to the 
>> beginning of the text I want to copy and silence VO.  Then pressing only the 
>> shift key, I press the down arrow
>> to the end of the text I want to copy.  You should hear it say 
>> "highlighted".  Press command c then press command V when you are ready to 
>> past the text.  Do not interact with the text before using this method.  
>> Also, I have Quick Nav on in case that makes a difference.
>> HTH.
>> Linda
>> On Sep 5, 2010, at 2:51 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
>>> Mike and others,
>>> I would appreciate some help with copying information from the web.  I 
>>> tried to follow the directions below but nothing seems to happen.
>>> example.
>>> I go to a page with keyboard shortcuts set up in tables.  I go to the top 
>>> and hit VO enter.  
>>> I then shift Arrow down .
>>> Then I hit VO Enter again
>>> I then press command C 
>>> When I open Pages and press Command V, nothing happens.
>>> It would be very handy to copy tips or recipes or such but I need help or a 
>>> little more details.
>>> Eric Caron  
>>> On Aug 7, 2010, at 6:30 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
 When selecting the text, press VO enter, then highlight the text, and 
 press VO enter again, then press command C to copy it.
>>> -- 
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Re: iphone, shutdown skype

2010-09-06 Thread Clinton Waterbury
If you are running ios4, you should be able to press the home button twice 
quickly and get into the app switcher.
>From there, all you have to do is flick to skype or any other app you want to 
>shut down and double-tap and hole untill voiceover announces that it's editing 
>From there, you should be able to double-tap like you're going to open it but 
>it will shut it down.
On Sep 6, 2010, at 9:18 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi all,
> If you set skype on an iphone not to log in automatically at startup, then 
> you must do that yourself, providing the password when you manually start up 
> skype. You stay online all the time, until you turn off the iphone. Is there 
> a way of only shutting down skype itself, in order to go offline on skype, 
> rather than restarting the entire o s to make skype stop running? 
> -- 
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Re: Blackboard, anyone?

2010-09-06 Thread Greg Aikens
Hey Mike,
I have just started using blackboard, safari, and voice over together. You're 
right tht the discussion threads are challenging to sort through but I haven't 
worked with them enough yet to give you any real tips. As I get more familiar 
with the platform maybe I can be of more help. 

On Sep 6, 2010, at 10:10 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hi listers,
> Blackboard is an e-learning platform that many universities use for online 
> distribution of course material.  Recently, the beta version of Blackboard 
> 9.1 was introduced, and I was wondering if anyone has had any experience 
> using it.
> Actually, I wouldn't mind getting feedback from people who have used earlier 
> versions of this e-learning platform.  In particular, I am wondering if 
> anyone can give me tips on how to best use Blackboard with Safari.  While it 
> is not difficult to get to the part of the program where you can read your 
> assignments and take tests, it is very difficult to participate in classroom 
> discussions, e.g. following long threads.
> If anyone could point me to some good tutorial information on how to use 
> Blackboard with Safari and Voice Over, I'd be more than grateful.  If anyone 
> would be willing to chat with me via Skype and help me go through the 
> platform, I'd be even more grateful!
> Kindest regards to all,
> Mike
> -- 
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Would Like to Contact offlist re: Vinux Live CD

2010-09-06 Thread Teresa Cochran
This is OT, so I'm just looking for someone to discuss a problem I'm having 
with Vinux live CD. I'm getting no sound on a Mac Mini when I run it or Ubuntu.

There's no particular place I can post this question. I'll field it for anyone 
who can contact me offlist and I'll take it offlist from this point.


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Keyboard commands in Pages.

2010-09-06 Thread Claudio Haase
Hi listers, I'm starting use voiceover with Pages. I need some help
with keyboards command in Pages:
1 - How can I do to go to an specific page number?
2 - How can I do to make voiceover to read from cursor to the end of document?
Thanks for help.

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Re: scroll areas

2010-09-06 Thread Sarah Alawami
Don't forget that you must have preview pain on. If you do not and you hit 
enter to open the message vo j to my limited knowledge won't work.
On Sep 6, 2010, at 8:05 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> Hi,
> Actually, the keystroke you want is VO-J.  The first press of that keystroke 
> places you into the text of the message, the second press brings you back to 
> the message list.
> Les
> -- 
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Re: MobleMe Help!

2010-09-06 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh nice! I would not think to look at amazon for software as well. lol! I 
usually buy my music from there. Hehahaha!

On Sep 6, 2010, at 7:37 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> has cheaper MM prices. I've seen it on sale for $50.
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal Come join me on
> On Sep 5, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> I've also got Mobile Me so I hope all will be fine when I have to renew.  I 
>> bought mine from the Apple Store.
>> Kawal.
>> On 4 Sep 2010, at 02:22, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I had to interact, and mouse click the PC, then move over a cell in the 
>>> table to unrigister. After unrigistering all computers, and restarting MM 
>>> preferences, I was able to rerigister the computers and sync.
>>> On Sep 3, 2010, at 4:49 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
 Interesting because I just open the Mobile Me preferences on my Mac and 
 under advanced it shows me the computers that are registered. If you have 
 Apple Care or can e-mail Mobile Me support, they might have some other 
 solutions. However, I have not encountered this type of problem, I have 
 always been able to access the list of registered computers.
 On Sep 2, 2010, at 11:03 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Hi:
> I have two Machines. My Mac my PC, & my phone. The weird thing is you 
> cannot unregister! It doesn't give you that options in advanced options. 
> You can only register; however the mac is already registered because It 
> is in the list of registered computers.
> On Sep 2, 2010, at 7:42 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Sara if you have only the one machine and that is the only machine you 
>> have been syncing to Mobile Me, perhaps unregister the machine and 
>> register and sync again. In this case, allow Mobile me to have its 
>> content replaced by the content from your machine.
>> On Sep 2, 2010, at 8:14 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> All:
>>> My subscription just changed from trial to individual. The problem is 
>>> under MobleMe sync preferences it says never been synked. It shows my 
>>> MBP & another PC in the table list, but sync is unchecked. When I check 
>>> sync, it asks me to register my MBP. I click register, and it says a 
>>> computer with that name is already registered, if I choose okay, I 
>>> could lose data on all computers. I went to advanced to try and 
>>> unregester the computers, and reregister them, but my only option is to 
>>> register the computer, and it is already registered. I've been using it 
>>> for two months. I can access my Mobleme email, contents on idisk, etc, 
>>> I just can't sync anymore.
>>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>>> Personal Come join me on
>>> -- 
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>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Would Like to Contact offlist re: Vinux Live CD

2010-09-06 Thread Clinton Waterbury
You're not the only one that is having problems with vinux or any distribution 
of linux.
I have tried to run linux as a virtual machine, and got nowhere simply because 
of that same sound issue, and I have a macbook and an iMac.
On Sep 6, 2010, at 12:31 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> This is OT, so I'm just looking for someone to discuss a problem I'm having 
> with Vinux live CD. I'm getting no sound on a Mac Mini when I run it or 
> Ubuntu.
> There's no particular place I can post this question. I'll field it for 
> anyone who can contact me offlist and I'll take it offlist from this point.
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> -- 
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Re: scroll areas

2010-09-06 Thread Pete Nalda
Vo+J without preview will just take you back to the mailboxes column.

On Sep 6, 2010, at 2:31 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Don't forget that you must have preview pain on. If you do not and you hit 
> enter to open the message vo j to my limited knowledge won't work.
> On Sep 6, 2010, at 8:05 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Actually, the keystroke you want is VO-J.  The first press of that keystroke 
>> places you into the text of the message, the second press brings you back to 
>> the message list.
>> Les
>> -- 
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Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: MobleMe Help!

2010-09-06 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Amazon has a lot of Mac software, as well as all kinds of Apple products.
On Sep 6, 2010, at 2:33 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Oh nice! I would not think to look at amazon for software as well. lol! I 
> usually buy my music from there. Hehahaha!
> s
> On Sep 6, 2010, at 7:37 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> has cheaper MM prices. I've seen it on sale for $50.
>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>> Personal Come join me on
>> On Sep 5, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> I've also got Mobile Me so I hope all will be fine when I have to renew.  I 
>>> bought mine from the Apple Store.
>>> Kawal.
>>> On 4 Sep 2010, at 02:22, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 I had to interact, and mouse click the PC, then move over a cell in the 
 table to unrigister. After unrigistering all computers, and restarting MM 
 preferences, I was able to rerigister the computers and sync.
 On Sep 3, 2010, at 4:49 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Interesting because I just open the Mobile Me preferences on my Mac and 
> under advanced it shows me the computers that are registered. If you have 
> Apple Care or can e-mail Mobile Me support, they might have some other 
> solutions. However, I have not encountered this type of problem, I have 
> always been able to access the list of registered computers.
> On Sep 2, 2010, at 11:03 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I have two Machines. My Mac my PC, & my phone. The weird thing is you 
>> cannot unregister! It doesn't give you that options in advanced options. 
>> You can only register; however the mac is already registered because It 
>> is in the list of registered computers.
>> On Sep 2, 2010, at 7:42 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Sara if you have only the one machine and that is the only machine you 
>>> have been syncing to Mobile Me, perhaps unregister the machine and 
>>> register and sync again. In this case, allow Mobile me to have its 
>>> content replaced by the content from your machine.
>>> On Sep 2, 2010, at 8:14 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 My subscription just changed from trial to individual. The problem is 
 under MobleMe sync preferences it says never been synked. It shows my 
 MBP & another PC in the table list, but sync is unchecked. When I 
 check sync, it asks me to register my MBP. I click register, and it 
 says a computer with that name is already registered, if I choose 
 okay, I could lose data on all computers. I went to advanced to try 
 and unregester the computers, and reregister them, but my only option 
 is to register the computer, and it is already registered. I've been 
 using it for two months. I can access my Mobleme email, contents on 
 idisk, etc, I just can't sync anymore.
 Sarai Bucciarelli
 Personal Come join me on
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Re: scroll areas

2010-09-06 Thread Sarah Alawami
In my case it won't not unless I exit the message first then it will go back to 
the mail box thingy.

On Sep 6, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:

> Vo+J without preview will just take you back to the mailboxes column.
> On Sep 6, 2010, at 2:31 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Don't forget that you must have preview pain on. If you do not and you hit 
>> enter to open the message vo j to my limited knowledge won't work.
>> On Sep 6, 2010, at 8:05 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Actually, the keystroke you want is VO-J.  The first press of that 
>>> keystroke places you into the text of the message, the second press brings 
>>> you back to the message list.
>>> Les
>>> -- 
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> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Pete Nalda
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a do it yourself case project

2010-09-06 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:

This hollow book idea could be used for a number of creative purposes.  The 
outline on how one IPad user made a personalized IPad case from a used book is 

 I think we could manage this pretty well with a bit of attention to details.


‘iBook’ project

. As I mentioned, I documented the process and now I’m here to post the guide in

case anyone else is interested in making their very own. There is definitely 

than one way to make a book safe, and if you have more appropriate tools, feel 

to improvise. The methods I selected were based on low cost and simplicity and 

at lease give you a good idea of the process. Let’s get started.


Project cost: approx. $10

Project time: this project can be completed in a single day, but you’ll 

want to set aside a large chunk of time for page cutting (might want to grab 

headphones for some music!)


Required materials:

A fitting book

Precision knife (Xacto, packaging knife, etc.)

Rubber cement

Scotch tape


Patience (quite a bit of it)


Tips for book selection:

Local bookstores (or thrift shops) are likely to have very inexpensive used 
books. The one I used was $2. I bought three books of varying sizes to be sure 
I got the fit I wanted. I used one book as a practice first before doing the 
final one (lots of cutting!). I took

my iPad to the store to size up several books.


Things you want to look for in the book –


, be sure that there are enough pages in the book that your iPad will fit all 

way in. This is probably the toughest part of the selection process because it 

be hard to judge. You may wish to measure how high your iPad stands off of a 

surface before going to the book store, then find a book with page width that is

equally or slightly deeper than the measured value. Be sure that the book has 
enough padding around your iPad. That is, make sure that when you cut out the 
shape, the resulting thickness of the pages is enough to support your iPad and 
withstand a fairly intensive cutting process. You don’t want to try cutting the 
shape out with, say, 0.2” of padding, you’ll likely rip some pages during the 
process. There is about 0.75” of padding

in my final iBook.




Remove the cover of the book (if it has one) and center the iPad face-down 

the cover. (I am not clear here whether this author means to take the cover 
totally off, or fold it out of the way.  Since I prefer the cover on, I would 
opt to fold instead of remove.)


Use the pencil to trace an outline, you should hold the pencil perpendicular

to the paper so that the side of the pencil pushes against the side of the iPad 

you trace. The distance from the side of the pencil/iPad to the tip leaves a 

buffer in your outline and subsequent cut to ensure a good fit. If you cut it a 

too big you can always add spacers to increase the tightness, but if you cut it 

small, you’ll have a hard time figuring out how to re-cut all of the pages…. 

that the volume rocker and hold switch will be on the opposite side when the 

is face-up in the finished product, cutting around them specifically would be 

tedious, this is what the buffer is for.)



You want your first several cuts to follow the rounded shape of the iPad’s 

I’d recommend cutting the rounded corners for 10-20 pages. After that you’ll be 

square corners (much easier!), but the top pages will give it a round corner 

which will give a more custom-fit appearance. Use your knife to begin cutting on

your outline. I pressed very firmly with my knife to cut through several pages 

once, then pulled them out until I needed to cut again (early enough that I 

still see previous cut marks and knew where to cut). Finding the right number of

pages to cut through and pull out before making more cuts its probably the most 

part of this project. Just make your cuts carefully and eventually you’ll get 

a rhythm. Don’t forget to square your corners after the first 10 or 20 pages and

continue to cut them that way. Square corners are much easier to cut than the 
rounded ones. I used a paper clip to keep part of the cut

pages closest to the binding out of my way while I continued to cut. They don’t 

to fold back with the rest of the page because most of their support has been 
cut out!



While cutting, do occasional test fits to ensure that the cuts are coming out 

If you aren’t through too many pages, put the iPad in face-down to get the best 

of how it will fit (the rounded back makes this deceiving when it is face-up and

you don’t yet have a lot of depth.) Finding that you are having fitting problems

would be much better in the first 30 pages then after 200 cuts! As long as you 

careful with your outline (and added an appropriate buffer) and keep the cuts 

you shouldn’t have an 

Re: interaction and getting one's teeth in to the Mac

2010-09-06 Thread Dan Roy
Just go to window and turn off both type and description, should work.

On Aug 11, 2010, at 12:14 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Actually, I don't want to be read the subject line.  Should have made that 
> clear.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> A Very Proud and Happy Mac User!!!
> E-Mail:
> rforetjr at comcast dot net
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Aug 11, 2010, at 7:41 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You simply need to change a few things in your verbosity.
>> 1. Open the VoiceOver Utility.
>> 2. Go to the Verbosity category, then leave it on general and expand the 
>> "Details" exclosure triangle.
>> 3. Locate "Window" in the table that will appear to the right of the 
>> expanded triangle, then interact. Find the Menu button right next to it.
>> 4. VO-Space, then pick "Custom…" then deselect "Type".
>> Keep in mind that this will disable it so that you are never told that it is 
>> a window, of course. You can always set this back to the default. I've been 
>> reading this thread once in a while when it had messages, so I'm sorry if 
>> I'm totally off course here.
>> You will still be read the subject line as expected. I assume this is what 
>> you wanted?
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
>> On Aug 11, 2010, at 2:32 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Ray,
>>> Mine also says "Window" and reads the subject line before reading the text 
>>> of the message. I know no way of turning this off.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
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Re: interaction and getting one's teeth in to the Mac

2010-09-06 Thread Sarah Alawami
Under window though is just status, name and type. not discription. Hmm. 
Oddness. Ah well.
On Sep 6, 2010, at 3:35 PM, Dan Roy wrote:

> Just go to window and turn off both type and description, should work.
> On Aug 11, 2010, at 12:14 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Actually, I don't want to be read the subject line.  Should have made that 
>> clear.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> A Very Proud and Happy Mac User!!!
>> E-Mail:
>> rforetjr at comcast dot net
>> Skype Name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Aug 11, 2010, at 7:41 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> You simply need to change a few things in your verbosity.
>>> 1. Open the VoiceOver Utility.
>>> 2. Go to the Verbosity category, then leave it on general and expand the 
>>> "Details" exclosure triangle.
>>> 3. Locate "Window" in the table that will appear to the right of the 
>>> expanded triangle, then interact. Find the Menu button right next to it.
>>> 4. VO-Space, then pick "Custom…" then deselect "Type".
>>> Keep in mind that this will disable it so that you are never told that it 
>>> is a window, of course. You can always set this back to the default. I've 
>>> been reading this thread once in a while when it had messages, so I'm sorry 
>>> if I'm totally off course here.
>>> You will still be read the subject line as expected. I assume this is what 
>>> you wanted?
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> GoogleTalk:
>>> Facebook
>>> Twitter
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> On Aug 11, 2010, at 2:32 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
 Hello Ray,
 Mine also says "Window" and reads the subject line before reading the text 
 of the message. I know no way of turning this off.
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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DMG files

2010-09-06 Thread Nancy Badger
I was listening to one of Mike's podcasts on blindcooltech.  He said that once 
you have installed an a program like flash for example, than you hit command E 
when you are on the dmg file and it will say "eject".  After that, it will 
basicly disappear.  Mine is not doing that.  When I hit command e on the DMG 
file, it just sits there.  Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

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Re: DMG files

2010-09-06 Thread Sarah Alawami
what he didn't say was you need to be in the list of devices. Go to the 
computer list of devices with  cmd shift C and hit cmd E on the dmg there.

Take care.

On Sep 6, 2010, at 18:01, Nancy Badger  wrote:

> I was listening to one of Mike's podcasts on blindcooltech.  He said that 
> once you have installed an a program like flash for example, than you hit 
> command E when you are on the dmg file and it will say "eject".  After that, 
> it will basicly disappear.  Mine is not doing that.  When I hit command e on 
> the DMG file, it just sits there.  Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
> Thanks
> Nancy
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Re: DMG files

2010-09-06 Thread Esther

Hi Nancy,

DMG files are a fairly standard way of distributing application  
bundles on the Mac.  The extension initials stand for "disk image  
files", and they behave the like volumes (disks, USB memory keys,  
etc.) that are mounted on your device.  This method of distribution  
(as .dmg files) lets them access certain system permissions so you  
don't have to worry about knowing this. Most of the apps you install  
this way don't actually need to run an installer, so all you have to  
do is move or copy the application from the mounted disk image and put  
or paste it into the folder you want to store it in -- which is  
usually the Applications folder that you navigate to in Finder with  
the shortcut of Command-Shift-A.  Occasionally, you might want to put  
an app into the Utilities folder, which you navigate to with Command- 
Shift-U.   The only time that you need to run an "install" or  
"uninstall" on applications is when these applications can't run as  
stand-alone programs, but need special access to other programs that  
are installed on your Mac.  For example, in order to play proprietary  
format streaming Windows Media Player files in your Safari browser,  
the Flip4Mac program needs to get special privileges to interact and  
control Safari, so it requires an installer.  Any uninstallers you  
need for installed programs will come as menu options in the installed  

However, getting back to most applications which do not need  
installers, once you move the application from the .dmg file to your  
Applications folder or other location, you do not need the .dmg file  
any more, and you can eject it.  However, because this works like a  
mounted disk drive, you cannot eject the file if you are actively  
working in it -- just as you cannot eject an attached USB memory key  
if you are using Finder to browse through its contents, because "the  
drive is in use".  If you've finished with the .dmg image and copied  
the application to another location, close the dialog window from  
which you read the instructions or copied the application.  Then go to  
Finder and eject the disk image. Usually you will be able to find it  
listed in the Finder sidebar.  Just stop interacting with the current  
window and navigate to the sidebar, interact and find the disk image  
listed under your "Devices" and when you're on the disk image use  
Command-E to eject it.  You can now delete the disk image from your  
downloads directory.

Many people get confused about the need to open the disk image to run  
a program. Yes, you can run a version of a program from there.  But  
it's like running a program from a CD or another mounted hard drive --  
you don't need to do it once you've copied the application to your  
Applications folder; you can just run your own copy of the  
application.  Also, you can put these applications anywhere, and  
sometimes they're distributed as .zip files and unzip automatically in  
your Downloads folder.  You can run the applications from that  
location, but it's tidier to put them all in one place for  
organization purposes.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Sep 6, 2010, at 15:01, Nancy Badger wrote:

I was listening to one of Mike's podcasts on blindcooltech.  He said  
that once you have installed an a program like flash for example,  
than you hit command E when you are on the dmg file and it will say  
"eject".  After that, it will basicly disappear.  Mine is not doing  
that.  When I hit command e on the DMG file, it just sits there.   
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?


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Re: is kapten GPS for Iphone accessible?

2010-09-06 Thread joseph
how accurate is it?

On Sep 6, 7:48 am, rossy koumanova  wrote:
> hellow ,
> i triedkaptenand find it accessibile and well done .
> if you need other information let me know .
> you can try it for 4 euro \month before buying the final licenze . i am very 
> happy with this app .
> rossy
> Il giorno 31/ago/2010, alle ore 07.14, John J Herzog ha scritto:
> > Hi listers,
> > I'm a current wayfinder access user, but since they're shutting down soon I 
> > need a newGPS. Has anybody played withKaptenGPSfor the IPhone? Supposedly, 
> > it has routes for pedestrians, biking, and automobiles. ThisGPSalso claims 
> > to tell you where the nearest public transportation stop is, and where to 
> > go via train and bus to get to your final destination.
> > The page where you can have a look at this is
> >
> > This would be really cool if it worked. My understanding is that this also 
> > stores the maps locally, so there wouldn't be any outrageous data charges. 
> > It also means IPod touch owners can use this too.
> > Any thoughts are appreciated.
> > Sincerely,
> > John J Herzog
> > --
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Re: DMG files

2010-09-06 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Nancy,

I think that you may be confusing the dmg file with what the dmg file creates 
upon opening.  A dmg is a Disk image usually used for installers and such.

To explain in more detail, follow this example:

1.  Disk Image named Installer.dmg was downloaded.
2.  Open this dmg (Disk Image file) by pressing cmd-o when selected.
3.  The disk image file remains in its original location but a read only copy 
of the Installer file is mounted to the Desktop.  visually, it will kind of 
look like a CD icon.
4.  You can open the mounted item that is on the Desktop and run whatever is 
inside it such as an Installer.  You cannot remove anything from it though as 
it is read-only.
5.  If you wish to get rid of the item on the Desktop, simply navigate to it, 
make sure it has focus then press cmd-e and it will disappear.
6.  The original Installer.dmg file was not affected and you could follow the 
above steps anytime later as long as you don't Trash the Installer.dmg file.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2010-09-06, at 7:01 PM, Nancy Badger wrote:

> I was listening to one of Mike's podcasts on blindcooltech.  He said that 
> once you have installed an a program like flash for example, than you hit 
> command E when you are on the dmg file and it will say "eject".  After that, 
> it will basicly disappear.  Mine is not doing that.  When I hit command e on 
> the DMG file, it just sits there.  Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
> Thanks
> Nancy
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Making calls in Skype.

2010-09-06 Thread Geoff Waaler

Somehow I got to my list of Skype contacts, however upon attempting to interact 
I only got text, hence assume I was in the right view.  There was no indication 
of the status of my contacts, but I selected one that I believed to be online.

My question is: what's next?  When I attempted to click the mouse 
(vo+shift+space) I was presented with an Apple menu rather than an associated 
context menu.  I then tried first routing the mouse pointer to the VO cursor 
(VO+Command+F5).  Afterwards, when I clicked the mouse, the Mac bonked at me 
without any other discernible affect.

I guess an extra credit question might be how to answer a call when it rings?  
Oh yeah, and since there appear to be no keyboard commands supported in the 
MacOS version is it possible to hang up without hunting and pecking through the 

TIA and best regards.

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Read: Mike H with a cupple mail questions.

2010-09-06 Thread Michael Huckabay
Hi I have a ? regarding mail on the mac.  How in apple mail do you go about 
filtering maile say into differnt inboxes?

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Re: Making calls in Skype.

2010-09-06 Thread Greg Aikens
When I want to call or chat with a contact I hit enter on the contact name in 
the list. A window then comes up with the text chat. I then navigate to the 
toolbar which has several options. One of them is a call button. When someone 
calls I just navigate around until I find the answer button. I generally make 
the calls because I haven't figured out how to answer quickly so I can't 
describe the process better than that yet.  

Hope this helps. 

On Sep 6, 2010, at 10:05 PM, Geoff Waaler wrote:

> Greetings,
> Somehow I got to my list of Skype contacts, however upon attempting to 
> interact I only got text, hence assume I was in the right view.  There was no 
> indication of the status of my contacts, but I selected one that I believed 
> to be online.
> My question is: what's next?  When I attempted to click the mouse 
> (vo+shift+space) I was presented with an Apple menu rather than an associated 
> context menu.  I then tried first routing the mouse pointer to the VO cursor 
> (VO+Command+F5).  Afterwards, when I clicked the mouse, the Mac bonked at me 
> without any other discernible affect.
> I guess an extra credit question might be how to answer a call when it rings? 
>  Oh yeah, and since there appear to be no keyboard commands supported in the 
> MacOS version is it possible to hang up without hunting and pecking through 
> the menus?
> TIA and best regards.
> Geoff
> -- 
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Book Share New User help

2010-09-06 Thread Eric Caron
Hi list,

Thanks to posts on this list and viPhone, I have obtained a free trial 
membership to Book Share.  Further thanks to this list and the other I learned 
that I would need a special tool called the unarchiver to open the Zip files. 

I did all this successfully  

Now what? 

After downloading two books the site crashed and said it was undergoing 
maintenance, I refuse to think I caused this crash, But I can't use the site to 
find help.

I have a folder with a bunch of files I don't know what to do with.

First, how can I read the book on the Mac?

Second, I have seen that people are using a iPhone app called indaisy to read 
book share books.  Is there any way to read these books on the iPhone using 

I would really appreciate direction.

And again I'm not responsible for the Book Share site being down!

eric Caron  

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Re: Read: Mike H with a cupple mail questions.

2010-09-06 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Michael,

To filter eMail in the manner you are asking, you'll need to use the Rules tab 
of your Mail Preferences.

1.  Open Mail app.
2.  Press cmd-comma to open the Mail Preferences.
3.  Navigate to the Toolbar and Interact with it.
4.  Navigate right to the Rules button and press it with VO-space.
5.  Stop Interacting with the Toolbar.
6.  Navigate right to the Add Rule button and press it with VO-space.
7.  Set-up your rule according to the various options and scroll areas.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2010-09-06, at 9:09 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:

> Hi I have a ? regarding mail on the mac.  How in apple mail do you go about 
> filtering maile say into differnt inboxes?
> -- 
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Re: Making calls in Skype.

2010-09-06 Thread Carolyn
Hi Geoff:
command shift O will toggle the status of your line contacts.  Don't know if 
that will be helpful, but it will either show all contacts or those just on 
Take care

On Sep 6, 2010, at 9:05 PM, Geoff Waaler wrote:

> Greetings,
> Somehow I got to my list of Skype contacts, however upon attempting to 
> interact I only got text, hence assume I was in the right view.  There was no 
> indication of the status of my contacts, but I selected one that I believed 
> to be online.
> My question is: what's next?  When I attempted to click the mouse 
> (vo+shift+space) I was presented with an Apple menu rather than an associated 
> context menu.  I then tried first routing the mouse pointer to the VO cursor 
> (VO+Command+F5).  Afterwards, when I clicked the mouse, the Mac bonked at me 
> without any other discernible affect.
> I guess an extra credit question might be how to answer a call when it rings? 
>  Oh yeah, and since there appear to be no keyboard commands supported in the 
> MacOS version is it possible to hang up without hunting and pecking through 
> the menus?
> TIA and best regards.
> Geoff
> -- 
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Re: Making calls in Skype.

2010-09-06 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
You can also hit VO shift M once you've landed on a contact name and  
get a context menu giving you choices such as call, chat, etc.

This brings me to an interesting question:  Can a Skype phone number  
receive text messages?  I have a normal 10-digit skype phone number  
for my area code, and someone said they tried to text to it but I  
never got it, so I guess the question is, is there a way to enable it?

Thanks. :)

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Book Share New User help

2010-09-06 Thread Rafaela Freundt
Hi Eric,

you can't read the books using ibooks, currently the only app I know that works 
is Inndaisy. To read them on the mac, in the folder you have of the book there 
is a xml file, open that one and you will be able to read the book using safari.


El 06/09/2010, a las 22:15, Eric Caron escribió:

> Hi list,
>   Thanks to posts on this list and viPhone, I have obtained a free trial 
> membership to Book Share.  Further thanks to this list and the other I 
> learned that I would need a special tool called the unarchiver to open the 
> Zip files. 
> I did all this successfully  
> Now what? 
> After downloading two books the site crashed and said it was undergoing 
> maintenance, I refuse to think I caused this crash, But I can't use the site 
> to find help.
> I have a folder with a bunch of files I don't know what to do with.
> First, how can I read the book on the Mac?
> Second, I have seen that people are using a iPhone app called indaisy to read 
> book share books.  Is there any way to read these books on the iPhone using 
> iBooks? 
> I would really appreciate direction.
> And again I'm not responsible for the Book Share site being down!
> eric Caron  
> -- 
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Re: Read: Mike H with a cupple mail questions.

2010-09-06 Thread Michael Huckabay
All right thanks is there a way to also filter it into a mail inbox?
On 2010-09-06, at 10:15 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> To filter eMail in the manner you are asking, you'll need to use the Rules 
> tab of your Mail Preferences.
> 1.  Open Mail app.
> 2.  Press cmd-comma to open the Mail Preferences.
> 3.  Navigate to the Toolbar and Interact with it.
> 4.  Navigate right to the Rules button and press it with VO-space.
> 5.  Stop Interacting with the Toolbar.
> 6.  Navigate right to the Add Rule button and press it with VO-space.
> 7.  Set-up your rule according to the various options and scroll areas.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2010-09-06, at 9:09 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:
>> Hi I have a ? regarding mail on the mac.  How in apple mail do you go about 
>> filtering maile say into differnt inboxes?
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Read: Mike H with a cupple mail questions.

2010-09-06 Thread Tim Kilburn
Yes.  If you already have the mailbox created, you can set that up in your 


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2010-09-06, at 9:25 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:

> All right thanks is there a way to also filter it into a mail inbox?
> On 2010-09-06, at 10:15 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> To filter eMail in the manner you are asking, you'll need to use the Rules 
>> tab of your Mail Preferences.
>> 1.  Open Mail app.
>> 2.  Press cmd-comma to open the Mail Preferences.
>> 3.  Navigate to the Toolbar and Interact with it.
>> 4.  Navigate right to the Rules button and press it with VO-space.
>> 5.  Stop Interacting with the Toolbar.
>> 6.  Navigate right to the Add Rule button and press it with VO-space.
>> 7.  Set-up your rule according to the various options and scroll areas.
>> HTH.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2010-09-06, at 9:09 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:
>>> Hi I have a ? regarding mail on the mac.  How in apple mail do you go about 
>>> filtering maile say into differnt inboxes?
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: Read: Mike H with a cupple mail questions.

2010-09-06 Thread Michael Huckabay
Oh strange I seam to still not get maile in the selected mail box so I'll have 
to figger out what the world is going on.
On 2010-09-06, at 10:29 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Yes.  If you already have the mailbox created, you can set that up in your 
> criteria.
> Thanks.
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2010-09-06, at 9:25 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:
>> All right thanks is there a way to also filter it into a mail inbox?
>> On 2010-09-06, at 10:15 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi Michael,
>>> To filter eMail in the manner you are asking, you'll need to use the Rules 
>>> tab of your Mail Preferences.
>>> 1.  Open Mail app.
>>> 2.  Press cmd-comma to open the Mail Preferences.
>>> 3.  Navigate to the Toolbar and Interact with it.
>>> 4.  Navigate right to the Rules button and press it with VO-space.
>>> 5.  Stop Interacting with the Toolbar.
>>> 6.  Navigate right to the Add Rule button and press it with VO-space.
>>> 7.  Set-up your rule according to the various options and scroll areas.
>>> HTH.
>>> Later...
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On 2010-09-06, at 9:09 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:
 Hi I have a ? regarding mail on the mac.  How in apple mail do you go 
 about filtering maile say into differnt inboxes?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Making calls in Skype.

2010-09-06 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Jeff, 

 I'll try to help with your Skype questions but I suspect others will follow 
doing a better job. 

First, I'm not a power user yet but I find using Skype pretty easy so I'm sure 
you will too once you learn a few tips and tricks.

To make a call to a contact I navigate to the correct table then interact with 
the table.  I then arrow down until I hear the contact name I want to call.  at 
that point I bring up the context menu.  This might be the wrong name in a mac, 
I believe the command is VO Shift m. 
Once that menu comes up I down arrow until I hear call.  I press that and the 
call begins. 

By the way I use quick Nav so down arrow could be VO down arrow for you.

To answer a in coming call I press command tab until I hear that I am in the 
answer window I then VO left or Right arrow until I hear the answer button 
announced.  I select that and I'm talking to a friend. 

To hang up easily you will want to create a short cut command from the menu bar 
command hang up.  In the meantime to end a call go to the menu bar and navigate 
to the Call menu then down arrow until you hear hang up.  press that to end the 

I created a keyboard short cut command Option H and I use that to hang up 

Sadly we can't do a short cut Answer command because there is no menu  item for 
One more tip.  In the table with your contacts you will find that on line folks 
show up above the Skype Test Call and off line contacts are listed below. 

I hope this helps. 

eric Caron 

skype name ericalfredcaron 
On Sep 6, 2010, at 11:05 PM, Geoff Waaler wrote:

> Greetings,
> Somehow I got to my list of Skype contacts, however upon attempting to 
> interact I only got text, hence assume I was in the right view.  There was no 
> indication of the status of my contacts, but I selected one that I believed 
> to be online.
> My question is: what's next?  When I attempted to click the mouse 
> (vo+shift+space) I was presented with an Apple menu rather than an associated 
> context menu.  I then tried first routing the mouse pointer to the VO cursor 
> (VO+Command+F5).  Afterwards, when I clicked the mouse, the Mac bonked at me 
> without any other discernible affect.
> I guess an extra credit question might be how to answer a call when it rings? 
>  Oh yeah, and since there appear to be no keyboard commands supported in the 
> MacOS version is it possible to hang up without hunting and pecking through 
> the menus?
> TIA and best regards.
> Geoff
> -- 
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Re: Making calls in Skype.

2010-09-06 Thread Rafaela Freundt
Hi all,

Just a quick question. I don't know if it is just my mac, but why is there an 
empty table before the contacts table.
it is not much of a problem but I just wanted to know.


El 06/09/2010, a las 22:37, Eric Caron escribió:

> Hi Jeff, 
>  I'll try to help with your Skype questions but I suspect others will follow 
> doing a better job. 
> First, I'm not a power user yet but I find using Skype pretty easy so I'm 
> sure you will too once you learn a few tips and tricks.
> To make a call to a contact I navigate to the correct table then interact 
> with the table.  I then arrow down until I hear the contact name I want to 
> call.  at that point I bring up the context menu.  This might be the wrong 
> name in a mac, I believe the command is VO Shift m. 
> Once that menu comes up I down arrow until I hear call.  I press that and the 
> call begins. 
> By the way I use quick Nav so down arrow could be VO down arrow for you.
> To answer a in coming call I press command tab until I hear that I am in the 
> answer window I then VO left or Right arrow until I hear the answer button 
> announced.  I select that and I'm talking to a friend. 
> To hang up easily you will want to create a short cut command from the menu 
> bar command hang up.  In the meantime to end a call go to the menu bar and 
> navigate to the Call menu then down arrow until you hear hang up.  press that 
> to end the call.
> I created a keyboard short cut command Option H and I use that to hang up 
> calls.  
> Sadly we can't do a short cut Answer command because there is no menu  item 
> for that.
> One more tip.  In the table with your contacts you will find that on line 
> folks show up above the Skype Test Call and off line contacts are listed 
> below. 
> I hope this helps. 
> eric Caron 
> skype name ericalfredcaron 
> On Sep 6, 2010, at 11:05 PM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Somehow I got to my list of Skype contacts, however upon attempting to 
>> interact I only got text, hence assume I was in the right view.  There was 
>> no indication of the status of my contacts, but I selected one that I 
>> believed to be online.
>> My question is: what's next?  When I attempted to click the mouse 
>> (vo+shift+space) I was presented with an Apple menu rather than an 
>> associated context menu.  I then tried first routing the mouse pointer to 
>> the VO cursor (VO+Command+F5).  Afterwards, when I clicked the mouse, the 
>> Mac bonked at me without any other discernible affect.
>> I guess an extra credit question might be how to answer a call when it 
>> rings?  Oh yeah, and since there appear to be no keyboard commands supported 
>> in the MacOS version is it possible to hang up without hunting and pecking 
>> through the menus?
>> TIA and best regards.
>> Geoff
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Read: Mike H with a cupple mail questions.

2010-09-06 Thread Tim Kilburn

1.  Is the rule active/inactive checkbox checked.  It must be checked in order 
for the Rule to apply.
2.  Were you too specific in the rule criteria.  Use Contains instead of Is if 
wishing to be less specific.
3.  Did you put Move to and specify a certain mailbox in the Perform Actions 



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2010-09-06, at 9:31 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:

> Oh strange I seam to still not get maile in the selected mail box so I'll 
> have to figger out what the world is going on.
> On 2010-09-06, at 10:29 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Yes.  If you already have the mailbox created, you can set that up in your 
>> criteria.
>> Thanks.
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2010-09-06, at 9:25 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:
>>> All right thanks is there a way to also filter it into a mail inbox?
>>> On 2010-09-06, at 10:15 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
 Hi Michael,
 To filter eMail in the manner you are asking, you'll need to use the Rules 
 tab of your Mail Preferences.
 1.  Open Mail app.
 2.  Press cmd-comma to open the Mail Preferences.
 3.  Navigate to the Toolbar and Interact with it.
 4.  Navigate right to the Rules button and press it with VO-space.
 5.  Stop Interacting with the Toolbar.
 6.  Navigate right to the Add Rule button and press it with VO-space.
 7.  Set-up your rule according to the various options and scroll areas.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On 2010-09-06, at 9:09 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:
> Hi I have a ? regarding mail on the mac.  How in apple mail do you go 
> about filtering maile say into differnt inboxes?
> -- 
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Read: A test message.

2010-09-06 Thread Michael Huckabay
Hi I was having some problems with posting to the list so just want to make 
sure my messages are going through thanks.

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Request For Banking Software Suggestions Plus 2 More

2010-09-06 Thread M. Taylor
Hello My Fellow Apple Seeds,

In my quest to make my Mac my main conduit to the world, I am now seeking a
trusted, high quality banking program that will allow me to interface with
my banking institutions.

Currently, I use Microsoft Money which, as some of you may know, is no
longer being developed by Microsoft and will no longer be supported after
June, 2012.  

I know that many people use their banking institution's web interface but I
prefer to use a financial client.  

One of my favorite features of MS Money is that it allows for easy entry of
the most common withdraw types such as ATM and Debit Card.  The cost of the
Application is irrelevant so long as it can do the job.  

Also, since I'm asking, is there a new version of iWorks anywhere on the

When composing a message in iMail, how does one request a Read Receipt?  I
cannot remember if this can or cannot be done.

Thank you all in advance.

Most Sincerely,


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