How do you play .flac and .ape files in Itunes?

2010-07-28 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Well, the subject says it all. How do you play .flac and .ape files in Itunes, 
is there a plugin to play these or am i at a loss if i want to get such files 
organised into the library?

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Unzipping Bookshare Books

2010-07-28 Thread Claire
Hi Everyone,
I can't seem to open Books downloaded on my Mac with the Unarchiver. I
can download them without any problems, I then press Command+Down
Arrow a dialog box comes up asking for a password. I type in my
Bookshare password correctly but then a message comes up saying that
the file can not be opened because the password is incorrect.
Has anybody else experienced these problems ?
Thanks for your help,

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RE: word processing and spred sheets on ipad

2010-07-28 Thread Simon Fogarty
Apple store, wow, that would be a great Idea. I think the closest apple
store to me is in brisbaine austrailia, about 3 hours flying time from here.

We have a couple of apple dealers or stores that sell apple products, but no
apple stores.


As for checking out the device, I purchased one and have been using it for
everything else, but I'd like to have acces to word processing and spred
sheets if possible.

I wondered how accessible numbers was with vo? Has anyone tried it?


And thanks for the thought, but it's just not possible.


[] On Behalf Of Isaac Obie
Sent: Monday, 26 July 2010 11:19 p.m.
Subject: Re: word processing and spred sheets on ipad


Hi Simon,

Is it convenient for you to get to an Apple store near where you live? they
have a "genius bar" where they can answer all your questions. You can even
make appointments to see the equipment before buying. I plan to check this
out before I decide to buy an iphone.


- Original Message - 

From: Simon Fogarty   


Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 6:41 AM

Subject: word processing and spred sheets on ipad


Hi team,

What word processors and spredsheet programs are available for  the iPad?


And are they usable with voice over?




Simon f

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RE: Is numbers as good as excel?

2010-07-28 Thread Simon Fogarty
So numbers is accessible with vo? At least to a point.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Paul Hunt
Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2010 12:05 a.m.
Subject: RE: Is numbers as good as excel?

Hello. I agree that numbers is accessible for basic spreadsheet work anyway.
To use it though, the user needs to be familiar with interaction because you
have to interact with several items to get down to where the table becomes
accessible. Formulas work fine and numbers seems to be compatible with

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chantel Cuddemi
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: Is numbers as good as excel?

Iwork is accessible with vo. Numbes is the best spreadsheet ap out there. 
On Jul 24, 2010, at 5:37 AM, darren westlake wrote:

> Hi all
>>> I'm a new member so be gentle
>>> I am wanting to buy a mac book pro. It seems ms office for macs  is 
>>> not
accessible with vo, does Iworks work with vo?  anyone know if numbers is as
functional as excel? My job role requires me to be able to use the analysis
tool pack and write visual basic. Currently using  ms office 2003 and  would
rally like to get away from supernova
>>> Hope someone can advice.
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Re: How do you play .flac and .ape files in Itunes?

2010-07-28 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, check out something called fluke for mac.

It will add flac support for Itunes an quicklook.  Not sure how to get ape into 


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Toll-free: 888-255-5194

On 2010-07-28, at 3:13 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Well, the subject says it all. How do you play .flac and .ape files in 
> Itunes, is there a plugin to play these or am i at a loss if i want to get 
> such files organised into the library?
> /Krister
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RE: word processing and spred sheets on ipad

2010-07-28 Thread Simon Fogarty
And it's useable with VO on  the iPad?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Shaw
Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2010 1:26 a.m.
Subject: Re: word processing and spred sheets on ipad

The full iWorks suite is available specifically; for iPad. This includes
Pages, Numbers and Keynote. 

Good luck,

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Re: macbook versus Macbook pro

2010-07-28 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi,  The macbook pro is more customizeable, on top of all the stuff every one 
else mentioned, but there's no difference in the way voiceover works.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Toll-free: 888-255-5194

On 2010-07-27, at 9:40 PM, Laura Bratton wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have just joined the list. I am useing a PC but hopeing to change to
> a  mac soon. AS far as useing voice over, is there a difference
> between the macbook and the macbook pro? Does VO work better on one
> than the other?
> Thank you for any help,
> Laura
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RE: blue tooth on iPad

2010-07-28 Thread Simon Fogarty
I'm after a blue tooth headset ha t only goes on one ear. That allows me to
listen and walk at the same time as well as listening to my environment as

 But for some reasn the blueant v1 doesn't work on the iPad or at least in
ios 3.2.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Andy Lane
Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2010 5:31 a.m.
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: blue tooth on iPad

Hi, Yeh the iPad and iPhone 4 use a micro SIM, everything else in the world
uses mini SIM.  They are exactly the same internal configuration but the
micro loses the plastic surround making it considerably smaller. If you are
daring enough you can cut any mini SIM down to micro SIM size.  Anyway to
answer the question about bluetooth, I use a Nokia BH905.  Its a headset
style over the head arrangement and supports A2DP and AVRC as well as
standard headset protocols.  Its a really nice headset with noise
cancelling, a beautiful design and feels very solid.  Unfortunately the
iPhone and iPad don't support AVRC for remote control of
play/pause/forward/backward. which is a pain but the biggest issue on the
iPhone iPad and iPod is the resolution of the bluetooth protocol.  It hasn't
been complained about very much so I asume that most people don't notice.  I
don't have any measurements but i'd guess A2DP on the i devices is limitted
to only 12KHz, maybe 16 but certainly not 22 or 44.  Music through all
bluetooth headphones that I've heard is tinny and limited in trebble.
It isn't a limitation of the bluetooth protocol as if I pair them with my
Nokia N86 or N95 they sound spectacular.  I was really hoping Apple would
address this issue in IOS 4 but I guess they haven't had enough complaints
about it yet.  Its very annoying though as I have a beautiful sounding
headset crippled by apples drivers.  In summary though the BH905 will do
exactly what you want, they are solid and sound wonderful as long as you
don't mind losing a little trebble.

Simon Fogarty wrote:
> Hi Mac people,
> I've just splashed out and got the iPad,  great toy after shaving a 
> sim card down to fit the micro slot, and being able to get internet 
> access outside of my work and home.
> However, I have a Bluetooth headset, a blue ant V1, but the iPad wont 
> pick up on it when trying to pair them both.
> Is this normal, I would have thought the blue ant devices were pretty 
> common devices.
> If this one wont work, is there anything that is recommended for the 
> Bluetooth connectivity on the iPad?
> I want to be able to skype from it.
> Cheers
> Simon f

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Re: screen curtain

2010-07-28 Thread John Sanfilippo
On my imac I also notice that the mouse pointer remains visible.  Turning the 
brightness down to 0 dims the screen but does not shut it off.


On Jul 28, 2010, at 1:36 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Yep. It doesn't turn off the screen, it only displays solid black. The 
> backlight is still on, using power, though. To prove that, get someone 
> sighted to look at the screen from an extreme angle (it will glow), or look 
> at the Apple logo on the back of the monitor (it is lit by the display 
> backlight, and will still glow).
> Bryan 

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RE: NAS and Time Machine

2010-07-28 Thread Simon Fogarty

 NAS is also available in larger units, I've seen them up to 10 dries. 
 As for raid 0 and 1, that's fine, but if you only have 2 drives, my
suggestion would be to mirror the drives so that you have a backup of data
on the drive.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Shaw
Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2010 9:06 a.m.
Subject: Re: NAS and Time Machine

NAS stands for Network Attached Storage. It's essentially a hard drive case
for two drives with an Ethernet jack on the back. Data is sent via Ethernet
protocols to the drives. This allows the drive to sit in a corner, connected
to a router and accessible over a network. 

My box will allow me to format the drives as JBOD (just a bunch of disks),
as RAID 0 or RAID 1. 

I'm wondering whether Time Machine will recognize this as a valid backup
drive or if it only works with something connected to a USB or Firewire


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RE: Accessible iPhone 4 apps

2010-07-28 Thread Simon Fogarty
what is Shazim?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Moore
Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2010 9:13 p.m.
Subject: Re: Accessible iPhone 4 apps

Don't get ZanyTouch! It will drive you insane! LOL very addictive! That
ooTunes is excellent, or there is TuneIn Radio which is free, Units is a
very good convertor for lengths, time, weight  etc, Facebook is fairly
accessible, Skype works well, download iBooks, Shazim.

Actually can anyone recommend a good VO friendly RSS reader?
On 27 Jul 2010, at 01:27, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I enjoy skype, zanytouch and ootunes. I also use echophone, the yello
pages app and soon to be navagon.
> S
> On Jul 26, 2010, at 5:19 PM, Sonnia wrote:
>> Hello. :) I placed an order for an iPhone 4 this afternoon at my 
>> local at&t store. I plan on loading lots of apps on to my phone when 
>> i receive it. I was just wondering if any of you have any suggestions 
>> for "accessible" apps on the iPhone. I know there are tons of apps 
>> out there and not all of them are blind person friendly. So if anyone 
>> here has used  one that seems to work well with voice over and is one 
>> you enjoy using, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
>> Sonnia
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Re: Accessible iPhone 4 apps

2010-07-28 Thread Charlie Doremus
Never heard of shazim, but shazam is a music search engine. If you have it
on your phone you activate the app to search for music you might hear by
using your phone's mic.

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 11:35 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> what is Shazim?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chris Moore
> Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2010 9:13 p.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: Accessible iPhone 4 apps
> Don't get ZanyTouch! It will drive you insane! LOL very addictive! That
> ooTunes is excellent, or there is TuneIn Radio which is free, Units is a
> very good convertor for lengths, time, weight  etc, Facebook is fairly
> accessible, Skype works well, download iBooks, Shazim.
> Actually can anyone recommend a good VO friendly RSS reader?
> On 27 Jul 2010, at 01:27, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> > I enjoy skype, zanytouch and ootunes. I also use echophone, the yello
> pages app and soon to be navagon.
> >
> > S
> > On Jul 26, 2010, at 5:19 PM, Sonnia wrote:
> >
> >> Hello. :) I placed an order for an iPhone 4 this afternoon at my
> >> local at&t store. I plan on loading lots of apps on to my phone when
> >> i receive it. I was just wondering if any of you have any suggestions
> >> for "accessible" apps on the iPhone. I know there are tons of apps
> >> out there and not all of them are blind person friendly. So if anyone
> >> here has used  one that seems to work well with voice over and is one
> >> you enjoy using, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
> >> Sonnia
> >>
> >> --
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> >>
> >
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Check out our web site,

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Re: word processing and spred sheets on ipad

2010-07-28 Thread Isaac Obie
Hi simon,
It's been said on list that numbers is the exquivalent to excell or something 
to that affect. so yes, numbers works with VO.
I wonder if any of those Apple dealers have any kind of setup like the Apple 
store? Perhaps we're spoiled in America with all that exposure, but then it's 
an American company..
  - Original Message - 
  From: Simon Fogarty 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 5:13 AM
  Subject: RE: word processing and spred sheets on ipad

  Apple store, wow, that would be a great Idea. I think the closest apple store 
to me is in brisbaine austrailia, about 3 hours flying time from here. 

  We have a couple of apple dealers or stores that sell apple products, but no 
apple stores.


  As for checking out the device, I purchased one and have been using it for 
everything else, but I'd like to have acces to word processing and spred sheets 
if possible.

  I wondered how accessible numbers was with vo? Has anyone tried it?


  And thanks for the thought, but it's just not possible.


[] On Behalf Of Isaac Obie
  Sent: Monday, 26 July 2010 11:19 p.m.
  Subject: Re: word processing and spred sheets on ipad


  Hi Simon,

  Is it convenient for you to get to an Apple store near where you live? they 
have a "genius bar" where they can answer all your questions. You can even make 
appointments to see the equipment before buying. I plan to check this out 
before I decide to buy an iphone.


- Original Message - 

From: Simon Fogarty 


Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 6:41 AM

Subject: word processing and spred sheets on ipad


Hi team,

What word processors and spredsheet programs are available for  the iPad?


And are they usable with voice over?




Simon f

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Re: blue tooth on iPad

2010-07-28 Thread Isaac Obie

Could it be the connections? Sometimes trying to connect these things can be 
a bear! I've seen connections for some computers that were so delicate, I 
wondered why they even bothered to go there especially considering how 
expensive that equipment is.

- Original Message - 
From: "Simon Fogarty" 

Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 5:19 AM
Subject: RE: blue tooth on iPad

I'm after a blue tooth headset ha t only goes on one ear. That allows me 

listen and walk at the same time as well as listening to my environment as

But for some reasn the blueant v1 doesn't work on the iPad or at least in
ios 3.2.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Andy Lane
Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2010 5:31 a.m.
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: blue tooth on iPad

Hi, Yeh the iPad and iPhone 4 use a micro SIM, everything else in the 

uses mini SIM.  They are exactly the same internal configuration but the
micro loses the plastic surround making it considerably smaller. If you 

daring enough you can cut any mini SIM down to micro SIM size.  Anyway to
answer the question about bluetooth, I use a Nokia BH905.  Its a headset
style over the head arrangement and supports A2DP and AVRC as well as
standard headset protocols.  Its a really nice headset with noise
cancelling, a beautiful design and feels very solid.  Unfortunately the
iPhone and iPad don't support AVRC for remote control of
play/pause/forward/backward. which is a pain but the biggest issue on the
iPhone iPad and iPod is the resolution of the bluetooth protocol.  It 
been complained about very much so I asume that most people don't notice. 
don't have any measurements but i'd guess A2DP on the i devices is 

to only 12KHz, maybe 16 but certainly not 22 or 44.  Music through all
bluetooth headphones that I've heard is tinny and limited in trebble.
It isn't a limitation of the bluetooth protocol as if I pair them with my
Nokia N86 or N95 they sound spectacular.  I was really hoping Apple would
address this issue in IOS 4 but I guess they haven't had enough complaints
about it yet.  Its very annoying though as I have a beautiful sounding
headset crippled by apples drivers.  In summary though the BH905 will do
exactly what you want, they are solid and sound wonderful as long as you
don't mind losing a little trebble.

Simon Fogarty wrote:

Hi Mac people,

I've just splashed out and got the iPad,  great toy after shaving a
sim card down to fit the micro slot, and being able to get internet
access outside of my work and home.

However, I have a Bluetooth headset, a blue ant V1, but the iPad wont
pick up on it when trying to pair them both.

Is this normal, I would have thought the blue ant devices were pretty
common devices.

If this one wont work, is there anything that is recommended for the
Bluetooth connectivity on the iPad?

I want to be able to skype from it.


Simon f

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Re: NAS and Time Machine

2010-07-28 Thread Kevin Shaw
Yes, I realize NAS boxes come in larger configurations. what I meant to say was 
that mine in particular has two drives in it. We use NAS at my station with up 
to 15 drives in it.

As for the formatting information, I will look into that. the manual does have 
information on using the NAS as an iTunes server, so I would imagine that it 
would be Time Machine compatible.


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Re: accessible screen sharing software

2010-07-28 Thread Joel Zimba
well,  there is the multiple braille display option.  that's sort of screen 

On Jul 27, 2010, at 11:05 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> No.
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of chad baker
> Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 12:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: accessible screen sharing software
> Hi is there any accessible screen sharing apps?
> Not sure if this has been covered.
> thanks
> --
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Re: trimming silent passages using Amadeus Pro

2010-07-28 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Yeah, I tried the generate marker solution and what always happens is that I 
cut off pieces of audio I want.  Am I doing something wrong?

The developer doesn't seem to respond to me.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net
Skype Name:

On Jul 27, 2010, at 10:23 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Ray,
> I'm not sure how to trim silence unless I generate a marker and delete it. I 
> tried to use the Trim Silence function in Amadeus but it didn't work. I hope 
> that helps.
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Jul 27, 2010, at 10:04 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> In the name of or the lack of sanity, can anyone who uses Amadeus pro tell 
>> me how to best use the trim silence feature?  Is it possible for Amadeus pro 
>> to take silence out of a file if the level at which the silence removal is 
>> to be triggered is at -30 DB after a period of about 2 or more seconds?  IF 
>> this cannot be done with the trim silence feature, can it be done with 
>> marker generation?  IF so, how?  HELP
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> E-Mail:
>> rforetjr at comcast dot net
>> Skype Name:
>> barefootedray
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Re: trimming silent passages using Amadeus Pro

2010-07-28 Thread Eric Caron

I also have not mastered this.  Furth, I tried for some time to use the 
split according to silence feature for placing markers in a recording such as a 
vinyl record or tape.  I was never able to get it to work reliably so I always 
set the markers manually. 

Amadeus Pro users please keep posting your tips here I appreciate them.

Eric CAron 

On Jul 27, 2010, at 10:04 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> In the name of or the lack of sanity, can anyone who uses Amadeus pro tell me 
> how to best use the trim silence feature?  Is it possible for Amadeus pro to 
> take silence out of a file if the level at which the silence removal is to be 
> triggered is at -30 DB after a period of about 2 or more seconds?  IF this 
> cannot be done with the trim silence feature, can it be done with marker 
> generation?  IF so, how?  HELP
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> E-Mail:
> rforetjr at comcast dot net
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> -- 
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Re: screen curtain

2010-07-28 Thread Eric Caron
I have often wondered though if using the screen curtain on battery power would 
give us increased battery life.  Recently I had a power outage and I checked my 
battery level with screen curtain off.  I then thought to turn on the screen 
curtain and I Checked the battery life again.  It jumped up significantly.  I 
can't remember exactly how much but I think more then an hour.  Does this sound 
right to you folks?  

This would mean that even though the power to the screen is still on the power 
consumption goes down significantly.  

If true it is at least a little bonus for blind mac book users.

Eric Caron 
On Jul 28, 2010, at 1:36 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Yep. It doesn't turn off the screen, it only displays solid black. The 
> backlight is still on, using power, though. To prove that, get someone 
> sighted to look at the screen from an extreme angle (it will glow), or look 
> at the Apple logo on the back of the monitor (it is lit by the display 
> backlight, and will still glow).
> Bryan 
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Mike Arrigo
> Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2010 11:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: screen curtain
> For saving the battery, rather than using the screen curtain, I would turn 
> the display brightness all the way down to 0, that will totally turn off the 
> screen lighting.
> On Jul 25, 2010, at 4:20 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I enable my screen curtain because A: I don't like people being able to look 
>> over my shoulder while I'm using my computer, and B: I assume that it saves 
>> a bit of battery power.  However, I was under the impression that the screen 
>> curtain would behave like it does on the IPhone and reactivate whenever I 
>> turn on voiceover or my computer. Should this in fact be the case? Or is it 
>> normal to have to restart the screen curtain each time you restart 
>> voiceover/the computer?
>> Thanks again for all the help.
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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latest Safari seems to have solved issues

2010-07-28 Thread Ray Foret Jr

Subject line says it all.  The latest Safari appears to have solved the Voice 
OVer crashing issues with

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net
Skype Name:

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Re: using a hard drive for multiple back ups?

2010-07-28 Thread Jonathan Cohn
I am fairly certain that Time Machine places all the backup
information into a very specific directory on your back-up  drive.  If
this is the case, and if this directory does not exist on your Primary
disk then you should be OK.

I know that Carbon Copy can co-exist if it is run first.  Perhaps you
want to get a coppy of the take Control book on backups.  Take control
books are 50% off this week.

(Read the instructions in for how to get the discount).

[And no, I get no kickbacks from the Tidbits /  Take Control  group, I
have just found them always to be useful and current]

On 21/07/2010, Chris Blouch  wrote:
> I didn't see any replies to this yet. I haven't used carbon copy cloner.
> Does it make it's backup into a single file? If so you could probably
> store that on the 1TB drive. That said, Time Machine's backup folder
> simply stores incremental backups until it fills up the volume and then
> starts deleting the oldest backups. So sooner or later that volume will
> fill up. I just put a 2TB drive in my other machine for TM backups and
> partitioned it into two 500GB volumes and a 1TB volume. The two 500s I
> use for two time machine backups, my laptop over the network and the
> local machine. Then the 1TB volume is just for general use. That seems
> to work well. I haven't done enough re-partitioning to know if you can
> resize or  not without losing data. Even if you did, you could just run
> another time machine backup after you're done. Chances of failure of
> your machine at the same time that you're reconfiguring backups is
> pretty small. Because everything should just be files on the backup
> volume you shouldn't have anything stepping on anything.
> CB
> Mary Otten wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a 1 tb hard drive which is being used by time machine. But I would
>> also really like to have a bootable back up, and I know TM does not do
>> this. I have carbon copy cloneer, which will make bootable back ups.
>> Question is, and perhaps its a stupid one, are the applications smart
>> enough not to step on each others data? If the drive were partitioned,
>> that would be an obvious way to solve the problem. But it isn't, and I've
>> got several months worth of time machine backups on it already, so should
>> think partitioning at this time would not be possible without data loss.
>> is that correct?
>> Mary
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Re: latest Safari seems to have solved issues

2010-07-28 Thread Kimberly thurman
See, all that panic for nothing.  :)
On Jul 28, 2010, at 11:06 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Hi,
> Subject line says it all.  The latest Safari appears to have solved the Voice 
> OVer crashing issues with 
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> E-Mail:
> rforetjr at comcast dot net
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> -- 
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Re: latest Safari seems to have solved issues

2010-07-28 Thread Andy Lane is down at the moment, I have loads of credits stacked up
from being unable to get on the site, can't wait to use them :)

Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Hi,
> Subject line says it all.  The latest Safari appears to have solved the Voice 
> OVer crashing issues with
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> E-Mail:
> rforetjr at comcast dot net
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray

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Re: screen curtain

2010-07-28 Thread Sarah Alawami
and Plus whenthe screen curtainis on you still see a curser so yeah turnng off 
the desplay is better.

On Jul 25, 2010, at 8:22 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> For saving the battery, rather than using the screen curtain, I would turn 
> the display brightness all the way down to 0, that will totally turn off the 
> screen lighting.
> On Jul 25, 2010, at 4:20 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I enable my screen curtain because A: I don't like people being able to look 
>> over my shoulder while I'm using my computer, and B: I assume that it saves 
>> a bit of battery power.  However, I was under the impression that the screen 
>> curtain would behave like it does on the IPhone and reactivate whenever I 
>> turn on voiceover or my computer. Should this in fact be the case? Or is it 
>> normal to have to restart the screen curtain each time you restart 
>> voiceover/the computer?
>> Thanks again for all the help.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: latest Safari seems to have solved issues

2010-07-28 Thread Carolyn
Excuse me for asking, but when was that update issued?  Don't know if I have it 
yet. Thanks
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kimberly thurman 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:34 AM
  Subject: Re: latest Safari seems to have solved issues

  See, all that panic for nothing.  :)
  On Jul 28, 2010, at 11:06 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

  > Hi,
  > Subject line says it all.  The latest Safari appears to have solved the 
Voice OVer crashing issues with 
  > Sincerely,
  > The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
  > E-Mail:
  > rforetjr at comcast dot net
  > Skype Name:
  > barefootedray
  > -- 
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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  To post to this group, send email to
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  For more options, visit this group at

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RE: screen curtain

2010-07-28 Thread RvR
That would be the ideal solution, however on iMacs it isn't possible to turn
the screen completely off. Unless someone knows otherwise. Please pretty
please... smile

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
[] Namens Sarah Alawami
Verzonden: woensdag 28 juli 2010 19:08
Onderwerp: Re: screen curtain

and Plus whenthe screen curtainis on you still see a curser so yeah turnng
off the desplay is better.

On Jul 25, 2010, at 8:22 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> For saving the battery, rather than using the screen curtain, I would turn
the display brightness all the way down to 0, that will totally turn off the
screen lighting.
> On Jul 25, 2010, at 4:20 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I enable my screen curtain because A: I don't like people being able to
look over my shoulder while I'm using my computer, and B: I assume that it
saves a bit of battery power.  However, I was under the impression that the
screen curtain would behave like it does on the IPhone and reactivate
whenever I turn on voiceover or my computer. Should this in fact be the
case? Or is it normal to have to restart the screen curtain each time you
restart voiceover/the computer?
>> Thanks again for all the help.
>> --
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: latest Safari seems to have solved issues

2010-07-28 Thread Darcy Burnard
Hi.  This update just came out today.  Check your software update, it should be 

On 2010-07-28, at 1:41 PM, Carolyn wrote:

> Excuse me for asking, but when was that update issued?  Don't know if I have 
> it yet. Thanks
> Carolyn
> - Original Message -
> From: Kimberly thurman
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:34 AM
> Subject: Re: latest Safari seems to have solved issues
> See, all that panic for nothing.  :)
> On Jul 28, 2010, at 11:06 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Subject line says it all.  The latest Safari appears to have solved the 
> > Voice OVer crashing issues with 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Sincerely,
> > The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> > 
> > E-Mail:
> > rforetjr at comcast dot net
> > Skype Name:
> > barefootedray
> > 
> > -- 
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> > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
> > 
> -- 
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Re: latest Safari seems to have solved issues

2010-07-28 Thread Ray Foret Jr
This morning.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net
Skype Name:

On Jul 28, 2010, at 12:41 PM, Carolyn wrote:

> Excuse me for asking, but when was that update issued?  Don't know if I have 
> it yet. Thanks
> Carolyn
> - Original Message -
> From: Kimberly thurman
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:34 AM
> Subject: Re: latest Safari seems to have solved issues
> See, all that panic for nothing.  :)
> On Jul 28, 2010, at 11:06 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Subject line says it all.  The latest Safari appears to have solved the 
> > Voice OVer crashing issues with 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Sincerely,
> > The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> > 
> > E-Mail:
> > rforetjr at comcast dot net
> > Skype Name:
> > barefootedray
> > 
> > -- 
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> > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
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> >
> > 
> -- 
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Re: Unzipping Bookshare Books

2010-07-28 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Claire.

I had the same problem.

I am using stuffit expander with that application, I have no problems.

You can also use the terminal.

Here is a link for stuffit expander:

If it does not work with this one, go to the archive of this list, and search 
for stuffit expander.

Best regards Annie.
On Jul 28, 2010, at 10:06 AM, Claire wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I can't seem to open Books downloaded on my Mac with the Unarchiver. I
> can download them without any problems, I then press Command+Down
> Arrow a dialog box comes up asking for a password. I type in my
> Bookshare password correctly but then a message comes up saying that
> the file can not be opened because the password is incorrect.
> Has anybody else experienced these problems ?
> Thanks for your help,
> Claire
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Re: using a hard drive for multiple back ups?

2010-07-28 Thread Chris Blouch
A time machine backup will live in the folder Backups.backupdb when 
backups are run locally. When run over a network Time Machine creates a 
disk image called ComputerName.sparseimage which seems to be one giant file.


Jonathan Cohn wrote:

I am fairly certain that Time Machine places all the backup
information into a very specific directory on your back-up  drive.  If
this is the case, and if this directory does not exist on your Primary
disk then you should be OK.

I know that Carbon Copy can co-exist if it is run first.  Perhaps you
want to get a coppy of the take Control book on backups.  Take control
books are 50% off this week.

(Read the instructions in for how to get the discount).

[And no, I get no kickbacks from the Tidbits /  Take Control  group, I
have just found them always to be useful and current]

On 21/07/2010, Chris Blouch  wrote:

I didn't see any replies to this yet. I haven't used carbon copy cloner.
Does it make it's backup into a single file? If so you could probably
store that on the 1TB drive. That said, Time Machine's backup folder
simply stores incremental backups until it fills up the volume and then
starts deleting the oldest backups. So sooner or later that volume will
fill up. I just put a 2TB drive in my other machine for TM backups and
partitioned it into two 500GB volumes and a 1TB volume. The two 500s I
use for two time machine backups, my laptop over the network and the
local machine. Then the 1TB volume is just for general use. That seems
to work well. I haven't done enough re-partitioning to know if you can
resize or  not without losing data. Even if you did, you could just run
another time machine backup after you're done. Chances of failure of
your machine at the same time that you're reconfiguring backups is
pretty small. Because everything should just be files on the backup
volume you shouldn't have anything stepping on anything.


Mary Otten wrote:

Hi all,
I have a 1 tb hard drive which is being used by time machine. But I would
also really like to have a bootable back up, and I know TM does not do
this. I have carbon copy cloneer, which will make bootable back ups.
Question is, and perhaps its a stupid one, are the applications smart
enough not to step on each others data? If the drive were partitioned,
that would be an obvious way to solve the problem. But it isn't, and I've
got several months worth of time machine backups on it already, so should
think partitioning at this time would not be possible without data loss.
is that correct?


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safari 5.01 and braille

2010-07-28 Thread William Windels
Hi all,
I have just installed safari 5.01 and I can't seen any changes about the 
problem with the braille-support in formfields on webpages.

When i Type some text in a formfield, only the first words are shown on my 
brailledisplay. The words after aren't shown while typing.
I can't read also the whole text I have typed.

Is here someone hat has still this bug in safari 5.01?

Thanx for your answer,

best regards,

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Re: using a hard drive for multiple back ups?

2010-07-28 Thread Sarah Alawami
What if you hook your time capsul to someone else's computer and run time 
machine on there's? will you loose your  back up?
On Jul 28, 2010, at 12:16 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> A time machine backup will live in the folder Backups.backupdb when backups 
> are run locally. When run over a network Time Machine creates a disk image 
> called ComputerName.sparseimage which seems to be one giant file.
> CB
> Jonathan Cohn wrote:
>> I am fairly certain that Time Machine places all the backup
>> information into a very specific directory on your back-up  drive.  If
>> this is the case, and if this directory does not exist on your Primary
>> disk then you should be OK.
>> I know that Carbon Copy can co-exist if it is run first.  Perhaps you
>> want to get a coppy of the take Control book on backups.  Take control
>> books are 50% off this week.
>> (Read the instructions in for how to get the discount).
>> Jon
>> [And no, I get no kickbacks from the Tidbits /  Take Control  group, I
>> have just found them always to be useful and current]
>> On 21/07/2010, Chris Blouch 
>>  wrote:
>>> I didn't see any replies to this yet. I haven't used carbon copy cloner.
>>> Does it make it's backup into a single file? If so you could probably
>>> store that on the 1TB drive. That said, Time Machine's backup folder
>>> simply stores incremental backups until it fills up the volume and then
>>> starts deleting the oldest backups. So sooner or later that volume will
>>> fill up. I just put a 2TB drive in my other machine for TM backups and
>>> partitioned it into two 500GB volumes and a 1TB volume. The two 500s I
>>> use for two time machine backups, my laptop over the network and the
>>> local machine. Then the 1TB volume is just for general use. That seems
>>> to work well. I haven't done enough re-partitioning to know if you can
>>> resize or  not without losing data. Even if you did, you could just run
>>> another time machine backup after you're done. Chances of failure of
>>> your machine at the same time that you're reconfiguring backups is
>>> pretty small. Because everything should just be files on the backup
>>> volume you shouldn't have anything stepping on anything.
>>> CB
>>> Mary Otten wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have a 1 tb hard drive which is being used by time machine. But I would
 also really like to have a bootable back up, and I know TM does not do
 this. I have carbon copy cloneer, which will make bootable back ups.
 Question is, and perhaps its a stupid one, are the applications smart
 enough not to step on each others data? If the drive were partitioned,
 that would be an obvious way to solve the problem. But it isn't, and I've
 got several months worth of time machine backups on it already, so should
 think partitioning at this time would not be possible without data loss.
 is that correct?
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to 
>>> .
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> .
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>> .
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Re: latest Safari seems to have solved issues

2010-07-28 Thread Sarah Alawami
I believe it was issued today. Your software update will alert you according to 
yoru schedual or if you check it manually.
On Jul 28, 2010, at 10:41 AM, Carolyn wrote:

> Excuse me for asking, but when was that update issued?  Don't know if I have 
> it yet. Thanks
> Carolyn
> - Original Message -
> From: Kimberly thurman
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:34 AM
> Subject: Re: latest Safari seems to have solved issues
> See, all that panic for nothing.  :)
> On Jul 28, 2010, at 11:06 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Subject line says it all.  The latest Safari appears to have solved the 
> > Voice OVer crashing issues with 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Sincerely,
> > The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> > 
> > E-Mail:
> > rforetjr at comcast dot net
> > Skype Name:
> > barefootedray
> > 
> > -- 
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email 
> >
> > For more options, visit this group at 
> >
> > 
> -- 
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Re: screen curtain

2010-07-28 Thread Sarah Alawami
I don't know anything about the monitors but can you not hit the on off switch 
for your mac mini's monitor? or will that confuse vo?
On Jul 28, 2010, at 10:41 AM, RvR wrote:

> Hi,
> That would be the ideal solution, however on iMacs it isn't possible to turn
> the screen completely off. Unless someone knows otherwise. Please pretty
> please... smile
> Best,
> Ronald
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van:
> [] Namens Sarah Alawami
> Verzonden: woensdag 28 juli 2010 19:08
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: Re: screen curtain
> and Plus whenthe screen curtainis on you still see a curser so yeah turnng
> off the desplay is better.
> S
> On Jul 25, 2010, at 8:22 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> For saving the battery, rather than using the screen curtain, I would turn
> the display brightness all the way down to 0, that will totally turn off the
> screen lighting.
>> On Jul 25, 2010, at 4:20 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> I enable my screen curtain because A: I don't like people being able to
> look over my shoulder while I'm using my computer, and B: I assume that it
> saves a bit of battery power.  However, I was under the impression that the
> screen curtain would behave like it does on the IPhone and reactivate
> whenever I turn on voiceover or my computer. Should this in fact be the
> case? Or is it normal to have to restart the screen curtain each time you
> restart voiceover/the computer?
>>> Thanks again for all the help.
>>> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Accessible iPhone 4 apps

2010-07-28 Thread Michael Thurman
wow it really listens to what you gt on your mic and can tell you what song it 
is and help you find it?  awesome! i be tit doesn't work for classical music

On Jul 28, 2010, at 6:09 AM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

> Never heard of shazim, but shazam is a music search engine. If you have it on 
> your phone you activate the app to search for music you might hear by using 
> your phone's mic.
> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 11:35 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> what is Shazim?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chris Moore
> Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2010 9:13 p.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: Accessible iPhone 4 apps
> Don't get ZanyTouch! It will drive you insane! LOL very addictive! That
> ooTunes is excellent, or there is TuneIn Radio which is free, Units is a
> very good convertor for lengths, time, weight  etc, Facebook is fairly
> accessible, Skype works well, download iBooks, Shazim.
> Actually can anyone recommend a good VO friendly RSS reader?
> On 27 Jul 2010, at 01:27, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> > I enjoy skype, zanytouch and ootunes. I also use echophone, the yello
> pages app and soon to be navagon.
> >
> > S
> > On Jul 26, 2010, at 5:19 PM, Sonnia wrote:
> >
> >> Hello. :) I placed an order for an iPhone 4 this afternoon at my
> >> local at&t store. I plan on loading lots of apps on to my phone when
> >> i receive it. I was just wondering if any of you have any suggestions
> >> for "accessible" apps on the iPhone. I know there are tons of apps
> >> out there and not all of them are blind person friendly. So if anyone
> >> here has used  one that seems to work well with voice over and is one
> >> you enjoy using, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
> >> Sonnia
> >>
> >> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
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> Check out our web site, 
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Re: blue tooth on iPad

2010-07-28 Thread Michael Thurman
ok i am confused  are you talkig about the phone sim card used to authorize the 
phone  or are you talking about an sd data card like you woul duse on an mp3 
On Jul 26, 2010, at 1:59 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Standard 256k sim card,  the circuits on the sims are a lot larger config, 
> but if you cut carefully then you can get them to the same size and it works 
> fine.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
> Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2010 4:53 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: blue tooth on iPad
> you shaved your sd card down to fit the slot? what kind of card IS it 
> supposed to use. I didn't thinkt hat micro or other formats used the same pin 
>  configuration
> On Jul 26, 2010, at 6:39 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
> Hi Mac people,
> I’ve just splashed out and got the iPad,  great toy after shaving a sim card 
> down to fit the micro slot, and being able to get internet access outside of 
> my work and home.
> However, I have a Bluetooth headset, a blue ant V1, but the iPad wont pick up 
> on it when trying to pair them both.
> Is this normal, I would have thought the blue ant devices were pretty common 
> devices.
> If this one wont work, is there anything that is recommended for the 
> Bluetooth connectivity on the iPad?
> I want to be able to skype from it.
> Cheers
> Simon f
> -- 
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Re: screen curtain

2010-07-28 Thread Michael Thurman
now that would be a nice feature   screen curtain shouldjust turn both the 
backlight and the screen off at once you should not have to remember to do both 
lol  we might as well have something in our favor considering how manythigns  
we have set against us lol  like at and t internet tech support people refusing 
to help caus i couldn't do a speed test  cause their service was lousy lol  I 
think I scared them i d\ sid fine Im callng time warnerand hung up on them

On Jul 28, 2010, at 4:15 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I don't know anything about the monitors but can you not hit the on off 
> switch for your mac mini's monitor? or will that confuse vo?
> On Jul 28, 2010, at 10:41 AM, RvR wrote:
>> Hi,
>> That would be the ideal solution, however on iMacs it isn't possible to turn
>> the screen completely off. Unless someone knows otherwise. Please pretty
>> please... smile
>> Best,
>> Ronald
>> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
>> Van:
>> [] Namens Sarah Alawami
>> Verzonden: woensdag 28 juli 2010 19:08
>> Aan:
>> Onderwerp: Re: screen curtain
>> and Plus whenthe screen curtainis on you still see a curser so yeah turnng
>> off the desplay is better.
>> S
>> On Jul 25, 2010, at 8:22 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> For saving the battery, rather than using the screen curtain, I would turn
>> the display brightness all the way down to 0, that will totally turn off the
>> screen lighting.
>>> On Jul 25, 2010, at 4:20 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
 I enable my screen curtain because A: I don't like people being able to
>> look over my shoulder while I'm using my computer, and B: I assume that it
>> saves a bit of battery power.  However, I was under the impression that the
>> screen curtain would behave like it does on the IPhone and reactivate
>> whenever I turn on voiceover or my computer. Should this in fact be the
>> case? Or is it normal to have to restart the screen curtain each time you
>> restart voiceover/the computer?
 Thanks again for all the help.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> --
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Re: screen curtain

2010-07-28 Thread John D. Lipsey
Turning down the brightness doesn't completely turn off the display, but is it 
possible, with a MacBook, to completely turn off the screen including the 
On Jul 28, 2010, at 4:18 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> now that would be a nice feature   screen curtain shouldjust turn both the 
> backlight and the screen off at once you should not have to remember to do 
> both lol  we might as well have something in our favor considering how 
> manythigns  we have set against us lol  like at and t internet tech support 
> people refusing to help caus i couldn't do a speed test  cause their service 
> was lousy lol  I think I scared them i d\ sid fine Im callng time warnerand 
> hung up on them
> On Jul 28, 2010, at 4:15 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I don't know anything about the monitors but can you not hit the on off 
>> switch for your mac mini's monitor? or will that confuse vo?
>> On Jul 28, 2010, at 10:41 AM, RvR wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> That would be the ideal solution, however on iMacs it isn't possible to turn
>>> the screen completely off. Unless someone knows otherwise. Please pretty
>>> please... smile
>>> Best,
>>> Ronald
>>> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
>>> Van:
>>> [] Namens Sarah Alawami
>>> Verzonden: woensdag 28 juli 2010 19:08
>>> Aan:
>>> Onderwerp: Re: screen curtain
>>> and Plus whenthe screen curtainis on you still see a curser so yeah turnng
>>> off the desplay is better.
>>> S
>>> On Jul 25, 2010, at 8:22 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
 For saving the battery, rather than using the screen curtain, I would turn
>>> the display brightness all the way down to 0, that will totally turn off the
>>> screen lighting.
 On Jul 25, 2010, at 4:20 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
> Hello!
> I enable my screen curtain because A: I don't like people being able to
>>> look over my shoulder while I'm using my computer, and B: I assume that it
>>> saves a bit of battery power.  However, I was under the impression that the
>>> screen curtain would behave like it does on the IPhone and reactivate
>>> whenever I turn on voiceover or my computer. Should this in fact be the
>>> case? Or is it normal to have to restart the screen curtain each time you
>>> restart voiceover/the computer?
> Thanks again for all the help.
> --
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Re: screen curtain

2010-07-28 Thread Sarah Alawami
Not that i'm aware. Someoen correct me if I'm wrong.
On Jul 28, 2010, at 3:32 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:

> Turning down the brightness doesn't completely turn off the display, but is 
> it possible, with a MacBook, to completely turn off the screen including the 
> backlight?
> On Jul 28, 2010, at 4:18 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:
>> now that would be a nice feature   screen curtain shouldjust turn both the 
>> backlight and the screen off at once you should not have to remember to do 
>> both lol  we might as well have something in our favor considering how 
>> manythigns  we have set against us lol  like at and t internet tech support 
>> people refusing to help caus i couldn't do a speed test  cause their service 
>> was lousy lol  I think I scared them i d\ sid fine Im callng time warnerand 
>> hung up on them
>> On Jul 28, 2010, at 4:15 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> I don't know anything about the monitors but can you not hit the on off 
>>> switch for your mac mini's monitor? or will that confuse vo?
>>> On Jul 28, 2010, at 10:41 AM, RvR wrote:
 That would be the ideal solution, however on iMacs it isn't possible to 
 the screen completely off. Unless someone knows otherwise. Please pretty
 please... smile
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 [] Namens Sarah Alawami
 Verzonden: woensdag 28 juli 2010 19:08
 Onderwerp: Re: screen curtain
 and Plus whenthe screen curtainis on you still see a curser so yeah turnng
 off the desplay is better.
 On Jul 25, 2010, at 8:22 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> For saving the battery, rather than using the screen curtain, I would turn
 the display brightness all the way down to 0, that will totally turn off 
 screen lighting.
> On Jul 25, 2010, at 4:20 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I enable my screen curtain because A: I don't like people being able to
 look over my shoulder while I'm using my computer, and B: I assume that it
 saves a bit of battery power.  However, I was under the impression that the
 screen curtain would behave like it does on the IPhone and reactivate
 whenever I turn on voiceover or my computer. Should this in fact be the
 case? Or is it normal to have to restart the screen curtain each time you
 restart voiceover/the computer?
>> Thanks again for all the help.
>> --
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Accessible iPhone 4 apps

2010-07-28 Thread Sarah Alawami
Probably not, and I can't sing well eather so it would not help at all anyways. 
On Jul 28, 2010, at 2:33 PM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> wow it really listens to what you gt on your mic and can tell you what song 
> it is and help you find it?  awesome! i be tit doesn't work for classical 
> music
> On Jul 28, 2010, at 6:09 AM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>> Never heard of shazim, but shazam is a music search engine. If you have it 
>> on your phone you activate the app to search for music you might hear by 
>> using your phone's mic.
>> HTH
>> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 11:35 PM, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
>> what is Shazim?
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Chris Moore
>> Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2010 9:13 p.m.
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Accessible iPhone 4 apps
>> Don't get ZanyTouch! It will drive you insane! LOL very addictive! That
>> ooTunes is excellent, or there is TuneIn Radio which is free, Units is a
>> very good convertor for lengths, time, weight  etc, Facebook is fairly
>> accessible, Skype works well, download iBooks, Shazim.
>> Actually can anyone recommend a good VO friendly RSS reader?
>> On 27 Jul 2010, at 01:27, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> > I enjoy skype, zanytouch and ootunes. I also use echophone, the yello
>> pages app and soon to be navagon.
>> >
>> > S
>> > On Jul 26, 2010, at 5:19 PM, Sonnia wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hello. :) I placed an order for an iPhone 4 this afternoon at my
>> >> local at&t store. I plan on loading lots of apps on to my phone when
>> >> i receive it. I was just wondering if any of you have any suggestions
>> >> for "accessible" apps on the iPhone. I know there are tons of apps
>> >> out there and not all of them are blind person friendly. So if anyone
>> >> here has used  one that seems to work well with voice over and is one
>> >> you enjoy using, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
>> >> Sonnia
>> >>
>> >> --
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>> >
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>> Check out our web site, 
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Tornado warning! (get away from windows)

2010-07-28 Thread Samuel
I have a state-issue pc running windows 7, but I switched to the mac
this January so I could stop worrying about upgrading jaws, but I
can't seem to get away from windows completely. This is disappointing.
I really just want one computer. I know I can run windows on a  mac,
but that would completely defeat the purpose of me buying one. I'm
having two major problems

1) I occasionally use kurzweil 1000, and I really wish i could find a
suitable replacement for mac that does all the stuff the the K1000

2) My internet experience with safari (as well as other browsers on
the Mac) has, upon reflection, been rather poor. I realize that flash
doesn't work as well on a mac, and that's ok. My problem is that sites
simply don't load very fast. I have other computers in my home that
load sites very quickly. Sometimes I will wait 30 seconds only for the
"safari can't load website" message, but when I try again, the page
loads. One site in particular ( won't load AT ALL, no
matter if I clear the cache, reset safari, or even use other browsers
on the mac. This same site loads problem free on my pc using the same
connection. When I try to get there on my mac, I just get the search
suggestions page from my ISP. accessing this site is indispensable for
my education.

I'm also having trouble finding high-quality, cheap Spanish voices. I
know Cepstral makes some, but I don't like them.

any suggestions.

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Re: Tornado warning! (get away from windows)

2010-07-28 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi Samuel,

Running Windows on a Mac doesn't defeat the purpose of buying a Mac. Apple 
encourages, albeit in a round-about way, people to run Windows on their Macs. 
This is why Apple made BootCamp in the first place.

Having said that, I'm not aware of any comparable product to K-1000 running on 
a Mac. I used to have two computers until my PC died recently. Once my iMac is 
set-up, I'll be installing Windows on it so I can run K-1000 and a few other PC 
specific programs for my work.

I tried the website in my Safari and it loaded in about 2 seconds. Perhaps 
you've got some type of DNS resolving issue, but this is speculation on my part 
as I'm not familiar with how your system is set-up.

Someone else can speak to the quality of Spanish voices, I'm sure.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Tornado warning! (get away from windows)

2010-07-28 Thread William Windels
Hi Samuel,

about K1000, I don't know what it is exactly but I think it's something to ocr 
, convert text to mp3 baseically.
To ocr text or a image, you have abby finereader express on the mac (not very 
advanced , only 70 euro) but it scans books for me.
You have also readers as alternative ocr-software but I think it's more 
expensive and I am not sure if it's better then abby finereader express.

With itunes you can convert text into mp3 or another format with itunes.
It's easy , fast and, if you have the right voice for the specific language, 
it's free (Itunes is included in the mac for free).
I don't know if you want also some other features of K1000 on your mac but for 
that, you should specify further.

About your internet problems: I agree with you that safari isn't the best 
browser for all kind of websites and, on my situation here, I agree also that 
safari is sometimes very slow.
Unfortunately: safari is nearly the onlyone browser that is good accessible.
Opera is accessible in some situations and firefox isn't accessible at all at 
this moment.

Hope this helps,
best regards,
Op 29-jul-2010, om 02:13 heeft Samuel het volgende geschreven:

> I have a state-issue pc running windows 7, but I switched to the mac
> this January so I could stop worrying about upgrading jaws, but I
> can't seem to get away from windows completely. This is disappointing.
> I really just want one computer. I know I can run windows on a  mac,
> but that would completely defeat the purpose of me buying one. I'm
> having two major problems
> 1) I occasionally use kurzweil 1000, and I really wish i could find a
> suitable replacement for mac that does all the stuff the the K1000
> does.
> 2) My internet experience with safari (as well as other browsers on
> the Mac) has, upon reflection, been rather poor. I realize that flash
> doesn't work as well on a mac, and that's ok. My problem is that sites
> simply don't load very fast. I have other computers in my home that
> load sites very quickly. Sometimes I will wait 30 seconds only for the
> "safari can't load website" message, but when I try again, the page
> loads. One site in particular ( won't load AT ALL, no
> matter if I clear the cache, reset safari, or even use other browsers
> on the mac. This same site loads problem free on my pc using the same
> connection. When I try to get there on my mac, I just get the search
> suggestions page from my ISP. accessing this site is indispensable for
> my education.
> I'm also having trouble finding high-quality, cheap Spanish voices. I
> know Cepstral makes some, but I don't like them.
> any suggestions.
> -- 
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Re: Tornado warning! (get away from windows)

2010-07-28 Thread William Windels
He Samuel again,
the site you are speaking about is loading fast here.
Perhaps there are some local/national problems with the internet/network over 

good luck!
Op 29-jul-2010, om 02:13 heeft Samuel het volgende geschreven:

> I have a state-issue pc running windows 7, but I switched to the mac
> this January so I could stop worrying about upgrading jaws, but I
> can't seem to get away from windows completely. This is disappointing.
> I really just want one computer. I know I can run windows on a  mac,
> but that would completely defeat the purpose of me buying one. I'm
> having two major problems
> 1) I occasionally use kurzweil 1000, and I really wish i could find a
> suitable replacement for mac that does all the stuff the the K1000
> does.
> 2) My internet experience with safari (as well as other browsers on
> the Mac) has, upon reflection, been rather poor. I realize that flash
> doesn't work as well on a mac, and that's ok. My problem is that sites
> simply don't load very fast. I have other computers in my home that
> load sites very quickly. Sometimes I will wait 30 seconds only for the
> "safari can't load website" message, but when I try again, the page
> loads. One site in particular ( won't load AT ALL, no
> matter if I clear the cache, reset safari, or even use other browsers
> on the mac. This same site loads problem free on my pc using the same
> connection. When I try to get there on my mac, I just get the search
> suggestions page from my ISP. accessing this site is indispensable for
> my education.
> I'm also having trouble finding high-quality, cheap Spanish voices. I
> know Cepstral makes some, but I don't like them.
> any suggestions.
> -- 
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Converting text to Mp3 with Itunes was Re: Tornado warning! (get away from windows)

2010-07-28 Thread Courtney Curran
You mentioned converting text to Mp3 with Itunes, how can this be done? 

On Jul 28, 2010, at 8:45 PM, William Windels wrote:

> Hi Samuel,
> about K1000, I don't know what it is exactly but I think it's something to 
> ocr text?
> , convert text to mp3 baseically.
> To ocr text or a image, you have abby finereader express on the mac (not very 
> advanced , only 70 euro) but it scans books for me.
> You have also readers as alternative ocr-software but I think it's more 
> expensive and I am not sure if it's better then abby finereader express.
> With itunes you can convert text into mp3 or another format with itunes.
> It's easy , fast and, if you have the right voice for the specific language, 
> it's free (Itunes is included in the mac for free).
> I don't know if you want also some other features of K1000 on your mac but 
> for that, you should specify further.
> About your internet problems: I agree with you that safari isn't the best 
> browser for all kind of websites and, on my situation here, I agree also that 
> safari is sometimes very slow.
> Unfortunately: safari is nearly the onlyone browser that is good accessible.
> Opera is accessible in some situations and firefox isn't accessible at all at 
> this moment.
> Hope this helps,
> best regards,
> William 
> Op 29-jul-2010, om 02:13 heeft Samuel het volgende geschreven:
>> I have a state-issue pc running windows 7, but I switched to the mac
>> this January so I could stop worrying about upgrading jaws, but I
>> can't seem to get away from windows completely. This is disappointing.
>> I really just want one computer. I know I can run windows on a  mac,
>> but that would completely defeat the purpose of me buying one. I'm
>> having two major problems
>> 1) I occasionally use kurzweil 1000, and I really wish i could find a
>> suitable replacement for mac that does all the stuff the the K1000
>> does.
>> 2) My internet experience with safari (as well as other browsers on
>> the Mac) has, upon reflection, been rather poor. I realize that flash
>> doesn't work as well on a mac, and that's ok. My problem is that sites
>> simply don't load very fast. I have other computers in my home that
>> load sites very quickly. Sometimes I will wait 30 seconds only for the
>> "safari can't load website" message, but when I try again, the page
>> loads. One site in particular ( won't load AT ALL, no
>> matter if I clear the cache, reset safari, or even use other browsers
>> on the mac. This same site loads problem free on my pc using the same
>> connection. When I try to get there on my mac, I just get the search
>> suggestions page from my ISP. accessing this site is indispensable for
>> my education.
>> I'm also having trouble finding high-quality, cheap Spanish voices. I
>> know Cepstral makes some, but I don't like them.
>> any suggestions.
>> -- 
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Re: Tornado warning! (get away from windows)

2010-07-28 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I just tried to load:

and it came up for me very quickly.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net
Skype Name:

On Jul 28, 2010, at 7:13 PM, Samuel wrote:

> I have a state-issue pc running windows 7, but I switched to the mac
> this January so I could stop worrying about upgrading jaws, but I
> can't seem to get away from windows completely. This is disappointing.
> I really just want one computer. I know I can run windows on a  mac,
> but that would completely defeat the purpose of me buying one. I'm
> having two major problems
> 1) I occasionally use kurzweil 1000, and I really wish i could find a
> suitable replacement for mac that does all the stuff the the K1000
> does.
> 2) My internet experience with safari (as well as other browsers on
> the Mac) has, upon reflection, been rather poor. I realize that flash
> doesn't work as well on a mac, and that's ok. My problem is that sites
> simply don't load very fast. I have other computers in my home that
> load sites very quickly. Sometimes I will wait 30 seconds only for the
> "safari can't load website" message, but when I try again, the page
> loads. One site in particular ( won't load AT ALL, no
> matter if I clear the cache, reset safari, or even use other browsers
> on the mac. This same site loads problem free on my pc using the same
> connection. When I try to get there on my mac, I just get the search
> suggestions page from my ISP. accessing this site is indispensable for
> my education.
> I'm also having trouble finding high-quality, cheap Spanish voices. I
> know Cepstral makes some, but I don't like them.
> any suggestions.
> -- 
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Re: Tornado warning! (get away from windows)

2010-07-28 Thread Chris Moore
Are the infovox voices no good?  Also iPal from Humanware is coming to the Mac 
in September if it is a OCR reading solution you are after.
On 29 Jul 2010, at 01:43, Kevin Shaw wrote:

> Hi Samuel,
> Running Windows on a Mac doesn't defeat the purpose of buying a Mac. Apple 
> encourages, albeit in a round-about way, people to run Windows on their Macs. 
> This is why Apple made BootCamp in the first place.
> Having said that, I'm not aware of any comparable product to K-1000 running 
> on a Mac. I used to have two computers until my PC died recently. Once my 
> iMac is set-up, I'll be installing Windows on it so I can run K-1000 and a 
> few other PC specific programs for my work.
> I tried the website in my Safari and it loaded in about 2 seconds. Perhaps 
> you've got some type of DNS resolving issue, but this is speculation on my 
> part as I'm not familiar with how your system is set-up.
> Someone else can speak to the quality of Spanish voices, I'm sure.
> Hope this helps.
> Kevin
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Re: Accessible piano apps for iPhone

2010-07-28 Thread Sonnia
Wow thumbjam sounds amazing! I have to try this one out. Plus there's
an app called cosmobox or something like that. its a synthesizer that
you can adjust tempo and the scale for. I've read that's accessible
but thumbjam looks more like what i was looking for.

Sonnia wrote:
> I enjoy playing musical instruments, like the piano. Has anyone
> experimented with any of the musical instrument apps to see if any of
> them are voice over friendly?

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Re: Is numbers as good as excel?

2010-07-28 Thread Mike Arrigo
Yes it is, haven't used it a whole lot, but it seems to work well.
On Jul 28, 2010, at 4:15 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> So numbers is accessible with vo? At least to a point.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Paul Hunt
> Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2010 12:05 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: RE: Is numbers as good as excel?
> Hello. I agree that numbers is accessible for basic spreadsheet work anyway.
> To use it though, the user needs to be familiar with interaction because you
> have to interact with several items to get down to where the table becomes
> accessible. Formulas work fine and numbers seems to be compatible with
> Excel.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chantel Cuddemi
> Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 7:53 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Is numbers as good as excel?
> Iwork is accessible with vo. Numbes is the best spreadsheet ap out there. 
> Hth,
> Chantel. 
> On Jul 24, 2010, at 5:37 AM, darren westlake wrote:
>> Hi all
 I'm a new member so be gentle
 I am wanting to buy a mac book pro. It seems ms office for macs  is 
> accessible with vo, does Iworks work with vo?  anyone know if numbers is as
> functional as excel? My job role requires me to be able to use the analysis
> tool pack and write visual basic. Currently using  ms office 2003 and  would
> rally like to get away from supernova
 Hope someone can advice.
>> --
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2010-07-28 Thread joseph
hi listers,

how to make a podcast using imac?

thank you in advance


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RE: Is numbers as good as excel?

2010-07-28 Thread Scott E. Ford
Hi, Scott here, I recently returned to the list.  The last time that I
worked with numbers, all be it this was long ago.  I thought that there was
a big fundamental difference between numbers and excel.  I may be wrong, but
when you start numbers you do not land in a cell grid, do you?  I ask
because I need to use a spreadsheet and I am proficient with excel and I am
considering Iwork or Open office, which one is the most simple to migrate
from when versed with MS office?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mike Arrigo
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: Is numbers as good as excel?

Yes it is, haven't used it a whole lot, but it seems to work well.
On Jul 28, 2010, at 4:15 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> So numbers is accessible with vo? At least to a point.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Paul Hunt
> Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2010 12:05 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: RE: Is numbers as good as excel?
> Hello. I agree that numbers is accessible for basic spreadsheet work
> To use it though, the user needs to be familiar with interaction because
> have to interact with several items to get down to where the table becomes
> accessible. Formulas work fine and numbers seems to be compatible with
> Excel.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chantel Cuddemi
> Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 7:53 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Is numbers as good as excel?
> Iwork is accessible with vo. Numbes is the best spreadsheet ap out there. 
> Hth,
> Chantel. 
> On Jul 24, 2010, at 5:37 AM, darren westlake wrote:
>> Hi all
 I'm a new member so be gentle
 I am wanting to buy a mac book pro. It seems ms office for macs  is 
> accessible with vo, does Iworks work with vo?  anyone know if numbers is
> functional as excel? My job role requires me to be able to use the
> tool pack and write visual basic. Currently using  ms office 2003 and
> rally like to get away from supernova
 Hope someone can advice.
>> --
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Re: podcast

2010-07-28 Thread Sarah Alawami
You will need a recorder like audio hijack pro or amadeus, an ftp client and a 
place to upload it like

Take care.
On Jul 28, 2010, at 7:30 PM, joseph wrote:

> hi listers,
> how to make a podcast using imac?
> thank you in advance
> best
> -- 
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