Re: safari acting out

2010-07-15 Thread trahern culver
yes i have when using safire vioce over turns its self on and off and
is randomly bizzy

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audassityaccsesability and tutorial?

2010-07-15 Thread trahern culver
hey all i've audassity for the mac is accsesable.

how accsesable is it? and are there any online guyds or tutorails for
the woodbe blind user?

when i checked the guyds section of the maccsesabilty network there
nuthing about audassity there.

your help with these questions would be most welcome!!

kind regards trahern.

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Re: audassityaccsesability and tutorial?

2010-07-15 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi,  I'm starting to use audacity for simple things.  There are details of the 
program that irritate me.  Like for example I can't get a file slit for CD 
using label tracks, even though I have a good tutorial on it.  One of the steps 
fails and it's a show stopper.  I also had to do a lot of tweaking to get the 
audio recording settings I want.

On the other hand, the tool bars are very useable.  There are all kinds of 
keyboard shortcuts.  It's very stable on my 2.4 ghz mbp.  And if I can make it 
work, that will be one less thing I have to open my poor beleaguered virtual 
machine for.

Give it a try.

Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Toll-free: 888-255-5194

On 2010-07-15, at 7:26 AM, trahern culver wrote:

> hey all i've audassity for the mac is accsesable.
> how accsesable is it? and are there any online guyds or tutorails for
> the woodbe blind user?
> when i checked the guyds section of the maccsesabilty network there
> nuthing about audassity there.
> your help with these questions would be most welcome!!
> kind regards trahern.
> -- 
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Voiceover training manuals

2010-07-15 Thread Scott Ballard-Ridley
Hi all

I am currently in the process of writing a comprehensive database of Voiceover 
for the mac. i am looking to make these manuals freely available through a 
number of outlets. i have already written manuals for the majority of the 
standard Apple apps that come with the OS but i am also looking to write 
manuals for frequently used 3rd party apps. if any of you can think of some 
manuals that you would like for apps that you commonly use, would you be so 
kind as to let me know  either through this list or a direct message. kind 

Scott Ballard-Ridley

Twitter: scottballardrid

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Re: Voiceover training manuals

2010-07-15 Thread Matthew Campbell
I don't know if you've already done this but how about manuals for open office 
or if you are brave iWork 09 apps.

On 2010-07-15, at 8:23 AM, Scott Ballard-Ridley wrote:

> Hi all
> I am currently in the process of writing a comprehensive database of 
> Voiceover for the mac. i am looking to make these manuals freely available 
> through a number of outlets. i have already written manuals for the majority 
> of the standard Apple apps that come with the OS but i am also looking to 
> write manuals for frequently used 3rd party apps. if any of you can think of 
> some manuals that you would like for apps that you commonly use, would you be 
> so kind as to let me know  either through this list or a direct message. kind 
> regards
> Scott Ballard-Ridley
> Twitter: scottballardrid
> -- 
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Re: Voiceover training manuals

2010-07-15 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Have you done one for Imovie?  I can't seem to figure that one out to save my 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net
Skype Name:

On Jul 15, 2010, at 7:23 AM, Scott Ballard-Ridley wrote:

> Hi all
> I am currently in the process of writing a comprehensive database of 
> Voiceover for the mac. i am looking to make these manuals freely available 
> through a number of outlets. i have already written manuals for the majority 
> of the standard Apple apps that come with the OS but i am also looking to 
> write manuals for frequently used 3rd party apps. if any of you can think of 
> some manuals that you would like for apps that you commonly use, would you be 
> so kind as to let me know  either through this list or a direct message. kind 
> regards
> Scott Ballard-Ridley
> Twitter: scottballardrid
> -- 
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Re: Voiceover training manuals

2010-07-15 Thread clarence griffin
Aren't there already said manuals? I seam to remember reading loads os stuff 
before I got my mac and the information is pretty helpful.


On Jul 15, 2010, at 8:23 AM, Scott Ballard-Ridley wrote:

> Hi all
> I am currently in the process of writing a comprehensive database of 
> Voiceover for the mac. i am looking to make these manuals freely available 
> through a number of outlets. i have already written manuals for the majority 
> of the standard Apple apps that come with the OS but i am also looking to 
> write manuals for frequently used 3rd party apps. if any of you can think of 
> some manuals that you would like for apps that you commonly use, would you be 
> so kind as to let me know  either through this list or a direct message. kind 
> regards
> Scott Ballard-Ridley
> Twitter: scottballardrid
> -- 
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Re: audassityaccsesability and tutorial?

2010-07-15 Thread clarence griffin
Spell check!!
Command colon is your best friend.


On Jul 15, 2010, at 7:26 AM, trahern culver wrote:

> hey all i've audassity for the mac is accsesable.
> how accsesable is it? and are there any online guyds or tutorails for
> the woodbe blind user?
> when i checked the guyds section of the maccsesabilty network there
> nuthing about audassity there.
> your help with these questions would be most welcome!!
> kind regards trahern.
> -- 
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RE: Voiceover training manuals

2010-07-15 Thread Linda Adams
How about doing one on Skype?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Scott
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 8:23 AM
Subject: Voiceover training manuals

Hi all

I am currently in the process of writing a comprehensive database of
Voiceover for the mac. i am looking to make these manuals freely
available through a number of outlets. i have already written manuals
for the majority of the standard Apple apps that come with the OS but i
am also looking to write manuals for frequently used 3rd party apps. if
any of you can think of some manuals that you would like for apps that
you commonly use, would you be so kind as to let me know  either through
this list or a direct message. kind regards

Scott Ballard-Ridley

Twitter: scottballardrid

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Re: audassityaccsesability and tutorial?

2010-07-15 Thread Chris Moore
lol @ Clarence 

Audacity is very accessible (now) check out this podcast on the subject.  They 
also talk about the Blue Snow ball mic, I have one of these and can fully 
recommend them..


On 15 Jul 2010, at 15:06, clarence griffin wrote:

> woo!!!
> Spell check!!
> Command colon is your best friend.
> GF
> On Jul 15, 2010, at 7:26 AM, trahern culver wrote:
>> hey all i've audassity for the mac is accsesable.
>> how accsesable is it? and are there any online guyds or tutorails for
>> the woodbe blind user?
>> when i checked the guyds section of the maccsesabilty network there
>> nuthing about audassity there.
>> your help with these questions would be most welcome!!
>> kind regards trahern.
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: safari acting out

2010-07-15 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I'm going to reach the conclusion that my Mac is obviously magical, as I have 
never seen this problem. Like, ever. Or, maybe it's just because I use Webkit. 
GO figure. Or, go try it, rather.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
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AIM: cincinster

On Jul 15, 2010, at 1:21 PM, trahern culver wrote:

> yes i have when using safire vioce over turns its self on and off and
> is randomly bizzy
> -- 
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Re: transferring stuff between pc and mac

2010-07-15 Thread Jonathan Cohn
I believe you don't even need a cross over cable.  Certainly,  I have
connected two Macs with a standard ethernet cable and they recognized
this fact and one side auto-switched the send/transmit pair.  I have
never tried this  with a windows machines, but have done it between
4-5 different Apple lapbooks over the last several years and a eMac.
I am fairly sure I also connected a Tangerine ibook to a MacBookPro
this way.  I would make sure that your wireless is turned off, because
sometimes the wireless will take precedence over this private lan

If you are going to purchase hardware, then get an external drive
(firewire if both systems support it) and then after you finish the
transfers, you will have a drive for "TimeMachine" which is quite
handy.  The cross-over cable will get lost and possibly confused in a
desk once your transfer is complete.

Best regaards,


On 12/07/2010, Simon F  wrote:
> A cross over cable takes away the need for a switch or a hub between two
> machines.
>  You should be able to use a crossover cable so long as you setup your
> network addressing correctly on each machine and also setup your sharing on
> each machine so that you know where to  copy the data across to the second
> machine.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Hypnotic Consulting
> Sent: Sunday, 11 July 2010 9:20 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: transferring stuff between pc and mac
> Josh wrote:
> I heard of something called a network crossover cable. I wonder if it would
> be faster to buy one of those and transfer it that way? Because by doing it
> the other way the 100 gigs of stuff will be transferring over
> Yes, I'm not sure if they all do this or if it's a specific one that you can
> get without having to config anything. It's about twenty bucks.
> You should be able to find it with a google search.
> Otherwise, I transfer over a gig or two and it takes about 10 to 20 mins.
> Jorge
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Re: safari acting out

2010-07-15 Thread Carolyn
Hi Nic:
No, your computer's just being operated by someone who knows what he's 
I installed webkit, but haven't gotten beyond that, and missed my last training 
session.  I'll be giving that a try today.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Nicolai Svendsen 
  Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 9:06 AM
  Subject: Re: safari acting out


  I'm going to reach the conclusion that my Mac is obviously magical, as I have 
never seen this problem. Like, ever. Or, maybe it's just because I use Webkit. 
GO figure. Or, go try it, rather.


  Mobile Me:
  Skype: Kvalme
  MSN Messenger:
  Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
  AIM: cincinster

  On Jul 15, 2010, at 1:21 PM, trahern culver wrote:

yes i have when using safire vioce over turns its self on and off and
is randomly bizzy

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Re: shortcut key for opening documents folder

2010-07-15 Thread Eric Caron
Hi list,

I set up short cut keys for both getting to the desk top and the doc 
with keyboard commander.  When I press the keys I assigned I jump to the desk 
top or doc from any application.  I'm sure you could set this up for the 
Documents folder but I just jump to the desk top then use the built in commands 
from there.  

the bigger question for me is can't we have a single key to operate voice over? 
 I find it very difficult on my Mac Book to hold down option Control and shift 
with my left hand then hunt around with my right hand to find the D key to get 
to the short cut for the desk top.  If for example the caps lock key could be 
the VO keys then I could leave my fingers on the home row and basically reach 
all the keyboard commands.  Anyone know of a way to assign VO to be the caps 
lock key or have another idea?  I suppose one help could be to use VO lock 
keys, that is"Option Control Semi colon."  I find that this also tangles up my 
fingers .


Eric Caron 
On Jul 14, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> command shift D in the finder opens up a window called desktop.  
> I wonder if a keyboard commander key could be created to open up the 
> documents folder (or any folder for that matter) then you would not have to 
> be in the finder to open the docs folder.
> On 14 Jul 2010, at 22:25, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Not that I'm aware of. you have to do it only from with in the finder. 
>> that's where these commands work only from the finder.
>> S
>> On Jul 14, 2010, at 1:51 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>>> Is there a special setting to enable command shift d to go to the desktop? 
>>> It doesn't work here. Of course, command shift d is the "send again" when 
>>> in mail, but I just tried it while in ITunes and while in the doc and it 
>>> didn't do anything.
>>> Mary
>>> Mary Otten
>>> -- 
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Re: safari acting out

2010-07-15 Thread Eric Caron

On Jul 14, 2010, at 11:17 PM, Carolyn wrote:

> Hi:
> Well, safari's gone bonkers this evening.  every time I put in a location on 
> my home page, I get HTML content message, and the voiceover turns itself on 
> and off again and again.  I managed to bring up, but when I clicked 
> on a link, the same thing happened.  Got stuck in "html content", and vo was  
> on/off on/off.
> Ha ven't had any issues like this before, and I've been running the update 
> for several weeks now.  Anyone notice anything like this?
> Carolyn 
> Hi Carolyn, 

I had a very similar thing happen about a week ago.  I finally called 
Apple Care and they eventually had me reset Safari.  I did not know I could 
reset Safari.  I did this and the problem went away and has not returned.  It 
was a very strange thing to go to a web site, in my case Google Groups, press 
the link for MacVisionaries and have Voice Over lock up saying HTML content 
over and over again.  So my recommendation would be that if it keeps up reset 

Hope this helps.

Eric Caron 

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Re: Voiceover training manuals

2010-07-15 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Scot, 

I would find manuals designed for blind users especially helpful with Pages, Or 
other powerful word processor.  But I would also grab up many others such as 
Amadeus Pro, Skype,iTunes,and other tutorials such as using Mobile me Gmail, 
and other web based services.  And Don't forget Face book.

If you are sharing manuals you have all ready completed I'd love to hear them.

Eric Caron 

On Jul 15, 2010, at 8:23 AM, Scott Ballard-Ridley wrote:

> Hi all
> I am currently in the process of writing a comprehensive database of 
> Voiceover for the mac. i am looking to make these manuals freely available 
> through a number of outlets. i have already written manuals for the majority 
> of the standard Apple apps that come with the OS but i am also looking to 
> write manuals for frequently used 3rd party apps. if any of you can think of 
> some manuals that you would like for apps that you commonly use, would you be 
> so kind as to let me know  either through this list or a direct message. kind 
> regards
> Scott Ballard-Ridley
> Twitter: scottballardrid
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Re: audassityaccsesability and tutorial?

2010-07-15 Thread Eric Caron
Chris and others,

I used to use Audacity on the PC and it met my needs pretty well.  Only 
big complaint was occasional crashes.  When I moved to the Mac I tried the 
Audacity program for the Mac and found many things reading out as unlabeled.  I 
was a new Mac user so may have given up too soon.  I downloaded Amadeus Pro and 
after a challenging learning curve found I was able to do all the things I 
could do in Audacity and found it was not crashing. 

So I'm wondering are others finding Audacity for the Mac is working for 
them or are they running the PC version on the Mac? 

Eric Caron  
On Jul 15, 2010, at 10:38 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> lol @ Clarence 
> Audacity is very accessible (now) check out this podcast on the subject.  
> They also talk about the Blue Snow ball mic, I have one of these and can 
> fully recommend them..
> Chris 
> On 15 Jul 2010, at 15:06, clarence griffin wrote:
>> woo!!!
>> Spell check!!
>> Command colon is your best friend.
>> GF
>> On Jul 15, 2010, at 7:26 AM, trahern culver wrote:
>>> hey all i've audassity for the mac is accsesable.
>>> how accsesable is it? and are there any online guyds or tutorails for
>>> the woodbe blind user?
>>> when i checked the guyds section of the maccsesabilty network there
>>> nuthing about audassity there.
>>> your help with these questions would be most welcome!!
>>> kind regards trahern.
>>> -- 
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Re: shortcut key for opening documents folder

2010-07-15 Thread Chris Blouch
I checked mine and documents was already checked. I would think they 
would set spotlight to search documents by default. That seems like the 
primary use case for it.


Ryan Mann wrote:
If you're going to use Spotlight to quickly find documents, make sure 
the "documents" category is checked under Spotlight preferences.  I 
kept wondering why it didn't find my grocery list, then I opened 
Spotlight preferences and saw that the "documents" category was 

On Jul 14, 2010, at 11:11 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Even better, you can do command-space which brings up spotlight and 
just type a few characters of the file you're wanting. It will then, 
more or less instantly, show a list of matches. You can navigate this 
list to get to the specific file. Search on Windows was always 
horribly slow to the point of using it only in desperation. Spotlight 
is fast enough that some even use it as an app launcher by typing in 
Saf and arrowing down to find Safari and launch it.


sister Heather Albright wrote:
I have not received my mac yet but was wondering if you have a run 
command and you can type the drive with the folder and the name of 
the file.  For example: in windows you can do windows run to run and 
c:/folder name / name of file.  I was just wondering because that is 
how I get to my files on the pc.  If you don't, I wrote down the 
command to get to the files folder for the mac.  Thanks Heather
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Re: Voiceover training manuals

2010-07-15 Thread Chris Moore
Perhaps we should create a voice over wiki area where we can all contribute and 
keep them up to date on a variety of apps. 
On 15 Jul 2010, at 17:33, Eric Caron wrote:

> Hi Scot, 
> I would find manuals designed for blind users especially helpful with Pages, 
> Or other powerful word processor.  But I would also grab up many others such 
> as Amadeus Pro, Skype,iTunes,and other tutorials such as using Mobile me 
> Gmail, and other web based services.  And Don't forget Face book.
> If you are sharing manuals you have all ready completed I'd love to hear them.
> Eric Caron 
> On Jul 15, 2010, at 8:23 AM, Scott Ballard-Ridley wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I am currently in the process of writing a comprehensive database of 
>> Voiceover for the mac. i am looking to make these manuals freely available 
>> through a number of outlets. i have already written manuals for the majority 
>> of the standard Apple apps that come with the OS but i am also looking to 
>> write manuals for frequently used 3rd party apps. if any of you can think of 
>> some manuals that you would like for apps that you commonly use, would you 
>> be so kind as to let me know  either through this list or a direct message. 
>> kind regards
>> Scott Ballard-Ridley
>> Twitter: scottballardrid
>> -- 
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Re: audassityaccsesability and tutorial?

2010-07-15 Thread Chris Moore
What version were you using? it seems 1.3.12 which came out in April is fairly 
accessible and the shortcut keys are the same as windows except you use command 
instead of control.
On 15 Jul 2010, at 17:41, Eric Caron wrote:

> Chris and others,
>   I used to use Audacity on the PC and it met my needs pretty well.  Only 
> big complaint was occasional crashes.  When I moved to the Mac I tried the 
> Audacity program for the Mac and found many things reading out as unlabeled.  
> I was a new Mac user so may have given up too soon.  I downloaded Amadeus Pro 
> and after a challenging learning curve found I was able to do all the things 
> I could do in Audacity and found it was not crashing. 
>   So I'm wondering are others finding Audacity for the Mac is working for 
> them or are they running the PC version on the Mac? 
> Eric Caron  
> On Jul 15, 2010, at 10:38 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> lol @ Clarence 
>> Audacity is very accessible (now) check out this podcast on the subject.  
>> They also talk about the Blue Snow ball mic, I have one of these and can 
>> fully recommend them..
>> Chris 
>> On 15 Jul 2010, at 15:06, clarence griffin wrote:
>>> woo!!!
>>> Spell check!!
>>> Command colon is your best friend.
>>> GF
>>> On Jul 15, 2010, at 7:26 AM, trahern culver wrote:
 hey all i've audassity for the mac is accsesable.
 how accsesable is it? and are there any online guyds or tutorails for
 the woodbe blind user?
 when i checked the guyds section of the maccsesabilty network there
 nuthing about audassity there.
 your help with these questions would be most welcome!!
 kind regards trahern.
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Re: audassityaccsesability and tutorial?

2010-07-15 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Chris and others,

On Jul 15, 2010, at 12:48 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> What version were you using? it seems 1.3.12 which came out in April is 
> fairly accessible and the shortcut keys are the same as windows except you 
> use command instead of control.

Hi Chris and Others,
  My version of Audacity was downloaded long before this past April. Probably 
December 2009.  I'm glad to hear that there is a option for those who want a 
free sound editor to use Audacity.  
Other then it crashing on my PC occasionally it met my needs as a way of 
recording old vinyl records to CD.  It was a nice program.

Now that I am more familiar with Amadeus Pro I will stick with that but 
I can see how Audacity could be a good option.  

thanks Chris for the update.

eric Caron  

> On 15 Jul 2010, at 17:41, Eric Caron wrote:
>> Chris and others,
>>  I used to use Audacity on the PC and it met my needs pretty well.  Only 
>> big complaint was occasional crashes.  When I moved to the Mac I tried the 
>> Audacity program for the Mac and found many things reading out as unlabeled. 
>>  I was a new Mac user so may have given up too soon.  I downloaded Amadeus 
>> Pro and after a challenging learning curve found I was able to do all the 
>> things I could do in Audacity and found it was not crashing. 
>>  So I'm wondering are others finding Audacity for the Mac is working for 
>> them or are they running the PC version on the Mac? 
>> Eric Caron  
>> On Jul 15, 2010, at 10:38 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> lol @ Clarence 
>>> Audacity is very accessible (now) check out this podcast on the subject.  
>>> They also talk about the Blue Snow ball mic, I have one of these and can 
>>> fully recommend them..
>>> Chris 
>>> On 15 Jul 2010, at 15:06, clarence griffin wrote:
 Spell check!!
 Command colon is your best friend.
 On Jul 15, 2010, at 7:26 AM, trahern culver wrote:
> hey all i've audassity for the mac is accsesable.
> how accsesable is it? and are there any online guyds or tutorails for
> the woodbe blind user?
> when i checked the guyds section of the maccsesabilty network there
> nuthing about audassity there.
> your help with these questions would be most welcome!!
> kind regards trahern.
> -- 
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Pulsar 2.1 released

2010-07-15 Thread Randy Stegall
Here are the release notes for Pulsar 2.1.  It works very well with voiceover.


Pulsar 2.1
Released on 7/15/10
Accessibility - Pulsar now fully supports VoiceOver, for vision-impaired users.
Dock menu - Right-click or Control-click on Pulsar's Dock icon to access handy 
playback controls.
The Controls menu now offers a Jump to Live option, to restart live playback 
(jumping to the end of the pause buffer).
Growl notifications are now coalesced, so only one is on-screen at a time.
Pulsar now properly remembers mini-player or regular window state between 
Now Playing information now updates faster in some situations.
A minor issue when the pause buffer led to a full disk has been resolved.
Pulsar quits faster on Mac OS X 10.6.
A bug where track titles would not display correctly on PowerPC machines has 
been corrected.

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Re: safari acting out

2010-07-15 Thread Michael Thurman
not specifically, but since the updates I have had crashes with several 
programs, including audio hijack pro, to the point that I had to have sighted 
assistance to get my mac working again. and everything i do seems less stable 
and more sluggish... not exactly the mac experience I though this would be  oh 
well at least  if all else fails I can reinstall the os without help. jus thate 
to loose everything when I do guess I should set up time machine.  which brings 
up another qustion  can yu make time machine only kep the last couplebackups 
and not produce a pile of backups until it fills a drive?

On Jul 14, 2010, at 11:17 PM, Carolyn wrote:

> Hi:
> Well, safari's gone bonkers this evening.  every time I put in a location on 
> my home page, I get HTML content message, and the voiceover turns itself on 
> and off again and again.  I managed to bring up, but when I clicked 
> on a link, the same thing happened.  Got stuck in "html content", and vo was  
> on/off on/off.
> Ha ven't had any issues like this before, and I've been running the update 
> for several weeks now.  Anyone notice anything like this?
> Carolyn 
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new Audible App for Iphone

2010-07-15 Thread Kevin Mattingly
It looks to be pretty accessible. nice simple layout.


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Re: Pulsar 2.1 released

2010-07-15 Thread clarence griffin
What's this?
Looks like a media player? What all does it do?



On Jul 15, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Randy Stegall wrote:

> Here are the release notes for Pulsar 2.1.  It works very well with voiceover.
> Randy
> Pulsar 2.1
> Released on 7/15/10
> Accessibility - Pulsar now fully supports VoiceOver, for vision-impaired 
> users.
> Dock menu - Right-click or Control-click on Pulsar's Dock icon to access 
> handy playback controls.
> The Controls menu now offers a Jump to Live option, to restart live playback 
> (jumping to the end of the pause buffer).
> Growl notifications are now coalesced, so only one is on-screen at a time.
> Pulsar now properly remembers mini-player or regular window state between 
> launches.
> Now Playing information now updates faster in some situations.
> A minor issue when the pause buffer led to a full disk has been resolved.
> Pulsar quits faster on Mac OS X 10.6.
> A bug where track titles would not display correctly on PowerPC machines has 
> been corrected.
> -- 
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Re: Pulsar 2.1 released

2010-07-15 Thread Darcy Burnard
It's an app for listening to satellite radio.  You need either an xm or sirius 
account to use it.

On 2010-07-15, at 3:24 PM, clarence griffin wrote:

> What's this?
> Looks like a media player? What all does it do?
> GF
> GF
> On Jul 15, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Randy Stegall wrote:
>> Here are the release notes for Pulsar 2.1.  It works very well with 
>> voiceover.
>> Randy
>> Pulsar 2.1
>> Released on 7/15/10
>> Accessibility - Pulsar now fully supports VoiceOver, for vision-impaired 
>> users.
>> Dock menu - Right-click or Control-click on Pulsar's Dock icon to access 
>> handy playback controls.
>> The Controls menu now offers a Jump to Live option, to restart live playback 
>> (jumping to the end of the pause buffer).
>> Growl notifications are now coalesced, so only one is on-screen at a time.
>> Pulsar now properly remembers mini-player or regular window state between 
>> launches.
>> Now Playing information now updates faster in some situations.
>> A minor issue when the pause buffer led to a full disk has been resolved.
>> Pulsar quits faster on Mac OS X 10.6.
>> A bug where track titles would not display correctly on PowerPC machines has 
>> been corrected.
>> -- 
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Re: Pulsar 2.1 released

2010-07-15 Thread Randy Stegall
It can be used to play xm and/or sirius satellite radio viaa the internet.

On Jul 15, 2010, at 3:24 PM, clarence griffin wrote:

> What's this?
> Looks like a media player? What all does it do?
> GF
> GF
> On Jul 15, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Randy Stegall wrote:
>> Here are the release notes for Pulsar 2.1.  It works very well with 
>> voiceover.
>> Randy
>> Pulsar 2.1
>> Released on 7/15/10
>> Accessibility - Pulsar now fully supports VoiceOver, for vision-impaired 
>> users.
>> Dock menu - Right-click or Control-click on Pulsar's Dock icon to access 
>> handy playback controls.
>> The Controls menu now offers a Jump to Live option, to restart live playback 
>> (jumping to the end of the pause buffer).
>> Growl notifications are now coalesced, so only one is on-screen at a time.
>> Pulsar now properly remembers mini-player or regular window state between 
>> launches.
>> Now Playing information now updates faster in some situations.
>> A minor issue when the pause buffer led to a full disk has been resolved.
>> Pulsar quits faster on Mac OS X 10.6.
>> A bug where track titles would not display correctly on PowerPC machines has 
>> been corrected.
>> -- 
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Re: transferring stuff between pc and mac

2010-07-15 Thread Chris Blouch
Yup. Macs for years have had built-in crossover sensing so even if your 
PC doesn't you'll still be fine connecting them directly together. As 
Onathan noted, the Mac has a priority system for which route to take to 
reach another machine so if they are both on the wireless network and 
that is listed first in  the Services table of the Network settings it 
will still go via wireless even though you have a really fast 
peer-to-peer wired connection. How fast depends on the slowest hardware 
in the chain. From my MacBook Pro to my desktop mac I can transfer about 
78MB/second so a GB takes only about 13-14 seconds. On my previous 
MacBook the internal hard drive wasn't all that fast so I could only get 
about 35MB/second. Before that I was using a 100Mb ethernet switch so 
that slowed everything down to a limit of roughly 10MB/second. If your 
PC doesn't have Gbit ethernet then you'll probably be limited to 
10MB/second. Even if they both have Gbit ethernet you might hit 
limitations on the speed of your PC.

All that said, once you're hooked up you can turn on Windows file 
sharing on your Mac and then mount a network drive on your PC and copy 
stuff right to your mac that way. Macs can connect to Windows file 
servers but I found setting up a fileserver on Windows to be non-trivial 
so it's easier to have your Mac be the server. Then from Windows you map 
a netowrk drive using the usual 
\\ip_address_of_your_mac\login_name_on_your_mac and then choose the 
"Connect using a different user name" to enter the name and password 
from your mac. At that point you can click Finish and you should have a 
new drive letter on your PC which is really the desktop of your Mac. 
After that let the file flinging begin.


Jonathan Cohn wrote:

I believe you don't even need a cross over cable.  Certainly,  I have
connected two Macs with a standard ethernet cable and they recognized
this fact and one side auto-switched the send/transmit pair.  I have
never tried this  with a windows machines, but have done it between
4-5 different Apple lapbooks over the last several years and a eMac.
I am fairly sure I also connected a Tangerine ibook to a MacBookPro
this way.  I would make sure that your wireless is turned off, because
sometimes the wireless will take precedence over this private lan

If you are going to purchase hardware, then get an external drive
(firewire if both systems support it) and then after you finish the
transfers, you will have a drive for "TimeMachine" which is quite
handy.  The cross-over cable will get lost and possibly confused in a
desk once your transfer is complete.

Best regaards,


On 12/07/2010, Simon F  wrote:

A cross over cable takes away the need for a switch or a hub between two
 You should be able to use a crossover cable so long as you setup your
network addressing correctly on each machine and also setup your sharing on
each machine so that you know where to  copy the data across to the second

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Hypnotic Consulting
Sent: Sunday, 11 July 2010 9:20 a.m.
Subject: Re: transferring stuff between pc and mac

Josh wrote:
I heard of something called a network crossover cable. I wonder if it would
be faster to buy one of those and transfer it that way? Because by doing it
the other way the 100 gigs of stuff will be transferring over

Yes, I'm not sure if they all do this or if it's a specific one that you can
get without having to config anything. It's about twenty bucks.
You should be able to find it with a google search.
Otherwise, I transfer over a gig or two and it takes about 10 to 20 mins.

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Re: can a mac read miny cds?

2010-07-15 Thread Chris Blouch
More than just lost, it can get stuck. Friend of mine did this and had 
to take his mac to a shop to get the thing out. Why do they still make 
those mini-CDs when a blank CD is something like 5 cents?


Chris Moore wrote:

Sorry no, Macs contain slot loading drives so a mini CD/DVD would get lost in 
there.  You would have to plug in an external drive that has a CD tray instead 
of a slot.
On 8 Jul 2010, at 23:52, Sarah Alawami wrote:


Hey can a mac read miny cds or dvds? I have a mac book pro. I don't know what 
they are called. it is the little thingy that look like full sized cds.


I ahve a manual o none of these little buggers.


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Re: iPhone signal loss

2010-07-15 Thread Chris Blouch
I guess we'll find out at their press conference tomorrow at 10AM 
pacific time. Maybe the lawsuit caught their attention.


Sarah Alawami wrote:

I don't nitice any problems with the left handedness of using the phone. I get 
great signel over all right handed or left handed, in or out of the case and 
this isn with the new phone.

On Jul 13, 2010, at 12:56 AM, Simon F wrote:


Yeah apple have done great things, that's why they don't appear to be
The issue with the loss of signal on the iPhone 4, when it's is held in a

left hand and the signal is lost.

When they fix this issue, they'll sell a lot more. 
-Original Message-

[] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 4:15 p.m.
Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

Maybe an RFID reader will come in the next iPhone or some other idevice. I
think it is just amazing what Apple has done with these devices thus far. I
personally would like to see some sort of haptic feedback so we can get a
tactual sense of icons and controls. I know Apple is working on this.
Patents have been filed by Apple regarding methods for haptic feedback. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-07-12, at 5:40 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:

Doug, I think this was something APple had explored and may eventually 
do. Apple has all sorts of ideas floating about. :) On Jul 12, 2010, at

2:18 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

No RFID reader in iPhone 4 as far as I can tell. My knowledge is limited

on this subject as well. It may depend on the scanner being used. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-07-12, at 6:44 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:

Hey Doug,

We are probably straying a bit off topic for the list, but to answer

your question, I really do not know. It may be for capturing information
about a specific product, you would have to get pretty close. The distances
you refer too is more useful for warehouses, dockyards, and such. I am not
sure if the ability to read is based on the scanner or the RFID tag itself.
So, I think you can pretty much figure my knowledge is quite limited, other
than what I read. I do not know when Apple might put these readers in the
phone, but I thought it was to be included in version 4, but that I believe
did not happen yet.

On Jul 11, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:


That's interesting, RFID would be much better for identifying products

because you would not have to point a device at the product in question to
identify it. Just get a reader in the general direztion of the of the
product and we should be able to identify it. As I understand it, the range
of RFID is quite large, something in the range of 30 feet. How do we
determine a product when we have a number of products in one area, a covert
full of cans and bottles, each presenting a signal that has a 30 foot


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-07-11, at 9:33 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:


I do not know how many products have them now, but I suspect more than

we know. For example, I recently learned that the recycle bins our county
provides us has a RFID chip imbedded in them. Apparently the data collected
from the chips let's the county know how often we put the bins out. RFID
chips are being used more now because of the speed and ability to collect
data on products being shipped and received, etc.

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Re: shortcut key for opening documents folder

2010-07-15 Thread Carolyn
I've tried working with that Vo-lock thing, and found it didn't work with many 
of the keys.  I'm in agreement that while I love what Apple has done, I find 
myself wishing for a 6-fingered hand a lot of times:)
I don't think you can re-assign Vo keys, but I'll enquire of the guys next time 
I go in for a training session.
In the mean time, keep those fingers scramblin':)

  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Caron 
  Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 10:13 AM
  Subject: Re: shortcut key for opening documents folder

  Hi list,

  I set up short cut keys for both getting to the desk top and the doc with 
keyboard commander.  When I press the keys I assigned I jump to the desk top or 
doc from any application.  I'm sure you could set this up for the Documents 
folder but I just jump to the desk top then use the built in commands from 

  the bigger question for me is can't we have a single key to operate voice 
over?  I find it very difficult on my Mac Book to hold down option Control and 
shift with my left hand then hunt around with my right hand to find the D key 
to get to the short cut for the desk top.  If for example the caps lock key 
could be the VO keys then I could leave my fingers on the home row and 
basically reach all the keyboard commands.  Anyone know of a way to assign VO 
to be the caps lock key or have another idea?  I suppose one help could be to 
use VO lock keys, that is"Option Control Semi colon."  I find that this also 
tangles up my fingers .


  Eric Caron 
  On Jul 14, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

  > command shift D in the finder opens up a window called desktop.  
  > I wonder if a keyboard commander key could be created to open up the 
documents folder (or any folder for that matter) then you would not have to be 
in the finder to open the docs folder.
  > On 14 Jul 2010, at 22:25, Sarah Alawami wrote:
  >> Not that I'm aware of. you have to do it only from with in the finder. 
that's where these commands work only from the finder.
  >> S
  >> On Jul 14, 2010, at 1:51 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
  >>> Is there a special setting to enable command shift d to go to the 
desktop? It doesn't work here. Of course, command shift d is the "send again" 
when in mail, but I just tried it while in ITunes and while in the doc and it 
didn't do anything.
  >>> Mary
  >>> Mary Otten
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Re: safari acting out

2010-07-15 Thread Carolyn
Ok excellent.  So, where do I reset Safari?  I did write to Accessibility, but 
haven't heard back from them.  
Anyway, thanks, I'll explore this.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Eric Caron 
  Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 10:21 AM
  Subject: Re: safari acting out

  On Jul 14, 2010, at 11:17 PM, Carolyn wrote:

  > Hi:
  > Well, safari's gone bonkers this evening.  every time I put in a location 
on my home page, I get HTML content message, and the voiceover turns itself on 
and off again and again.  I managed to bring up, but when I clicked 
on a link, the same thing happened.  Got stuck in "html content", and vo was  
on/off on/off.
  > Ha ven't had any issues like this before, and I've been running the update 
for several weeks now.  Anyone notice anything like this?
  > Carolyn 
  > Hi Carolyn, 

  I had a very similar thing happen about a week ago.  I finally called Apple 
Care and they eventually had me reset Safari.  I did not know I could reset 
Safari.  I did this and the problem went away and has not returned.  It was a 
very strange thing to go to a web site, in my case Google Groups, press the 
link for MacVisionaries and have Voice Over lock up saying HTML content over 
and over again.  So my recommendation would be that if it keeps up reset 

  Hope this helps.

  Eric Caron 

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Re: safari acting out

2010-07-15 Thread Carolyn
Ok got a message from Accessibility.  They are recommending webkit based on 
feedback from other users. However, they do not support the software.  

Off to Safari preferences I go.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Michael Thurman 
  Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:37 PM
  Subject: Re: safari acting out

  not specifically, but since the updates I have had crashes with several 
programs, including audio hijack pro, to the point that I had to have sighted 
assistance to get my mac working again. and everything i do seems less stable 
and more sluggish... not exactly the mac experience I though this would be  oh 
well at least  if all else fails I can reinstall the os without help. jus thate 
to loose everything when I do guess I should set up time machine.  which brings 
up another qustion  can yu make time machine only kep the last couplebackups 
and not produce a pile of backups until it fills a drive?

  On Jul 14, 2010, at 11:17 PM, Carolyn wrote:

  > Hi:
  > Well, safari's gone bonkers this evening.  every time I put in a location 
on my home page, I get HTML content message, and the voiceover turns itself on 
and off again and again.  I managed to bring up, but when I clicked 
on a link, the same thing happened.  Got stuck in "html content", and vo was  
on/off on/off.
  > Ha ven't had any issues like this before, and I've been running the update 
for several weeks now.  Anyone notice anything like this?
  > Carolyn 
  > -- 
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Re: Voiceover training manuals

2010-07-15 Thread cathyk
Thanks for doing these manuals - what a great service!  Will there be
a central location where users can find them?

I think a VO wiki is a great idea.

Also, is there any hope of developing a fix so that VO will someday
work with the paid version of MS Word? It's such a key program, so key
that there's a Mac version.  Is VO access an issue to take up with
Apple or with Microsoft?

On Jul 15, 9:43 am, Chris Moore  wrote:
> Perhaps we should create a voice over wiki area where we can all contribute 
> and keep them up to date on a variety of apps.
> On 15 Jul 2010, at 17:33, Eric Caron wrote:> Hi Scot,
> > I would find manuals designed for blind users especially helpful with 
> > Pages, Or other powerful word processor.  But I would also grab up many 
> > others such as Amadeus Pro, Skype,iTunes,and other tutorials such as using 
> > Mobile me Gmail, and other web based services.  And Don't forget Face book.
> > If you are sharing manuals you have all ready completed I'd love to hear 
> > them.
> > Eric Caron
> > On Jul 15, 2010, at 8:23 AM, Scott Ballard-Ridley wrote:
> >> Hi all
> >> I am currently in the process of writing a comprehensive database of 
> >> Voiceover for the mac. i am looking to make these manuals freely available 
> >> through a number of outlets. i have already written manuals for the 
> >> majority of the standard Apple apps that come with the OS but i am also 
> >> looking to write manuals for frequently used 3rd party apps. if any of you 
> >> can think of some manuals that you would like for apps that you commonly 
> >> use, would you be so kind as to let me know  either through this list or a 
> >> direct message. kind regards
> >> Scott Ballard-Ridley
> >> Twitter: scottballardrid
> >> --
> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> >> "MacVisionaries" group.
> >> To post to this group, send email to
> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> >>
> >> For more options, visit this group 
> >> at
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "MacVisionaries" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> >
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > at

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Re: iPhone signal loss

2010-07-15 Thread Carolyn
Now if only someone could get at&t's attention.  I drop more calls than I do 
pounds on a diet!  Ok, so my diet has been afailure lately, but so has at&t in 
my book.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Chris Blouch 
  Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 3:12 PM
  Subject: Re: iPhone signal loss

  I guess we'll find out at their press conference tomorrow at 10AM pacific 
time. Maybe the lawsuit caught their attention.


  Sarah Alawami wrote: 
I don't nitice any problems with the left handedness of using the phone. I get 
great signel over all right handed or left handed, in or out of the case and 
this isn with the new phone.

On Jul 13, 2010, at 12:56 AM, Simon F wrote:

  Yeah apple have done great things, that's why they don't appear to be
The issue with the loss of signal on the iPhone 4, when it's is held in a
left hand and the signal is lost.

When they fix this issue, they'll sell a lot more. 
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 4:15 p.m.
Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes

Maybe an RFID reader will come in the next iPhone or some other idevice. I
think it is just amazing what Apple has done with these devices thus far. I
personally would like to see some sort of haptic feedback so we can get a
tactual sense of icons and controls. I know Apple is working on this.
Patents have been filed by Apple regarding methods for haptic feedback. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-07-12, at 5:40 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:

Doug, I think this was something APple had explored and may eventually 
do. Apple has all sorts of ideas floating about. :) On Jul 12, 2010, at
  2:18 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
No RFID reader in iPhone 4 as far as I can tell. My knowledge is limited
on this subject as well. It may depend on the scanner being used. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-07-12, at 6:44 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:

Hey Doug,

We are probably straying a bit off topic for the list, but to answer
  your question, I really do not know. It may be for capturing 
about a specific product, you would have to get pretty close. The distances
you refer too is more useful for warehouses, dockyards, and such. I am not
sure if the ability to read is based on the scanner or the RFID tag itself.
So, I think you can pretty much figure my knowledge is quite limited, other
than what I read. I do not know when Apple might put these readers in the
phone, but I thought it was to be included in version 4, but that I believe
did not happen yet.
On Jul 11, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

  That's interesting, RFID would be much better for identifying products
because you would not have to point a device at the product in 
question to
identify it. Just get a reader in the general direztion of the of the
product and we should be able to identify it. As I understand it, the range
of RFID is quite large, something in the range of 30 feet. How do we
determine a product when we have a number of products in one area, a covert
full of cans and bottles, each presenting a signal that has a 30 foot

Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-07-11, at 9:33 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:


I do not know how many products have them now, but I suspect more than
  we know. For example, I recently learned that the recycle bins 
our county
provides us has a RFID chip imbedded in them. Apparently the data collected
from the chips let's the county know how often we put the bins out. RFID
chips are being used more now because of the speed and ability to collect
data on products being shipped and received, etc.
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Re: Pulsar 2.1 released

2010-07-15 Thread clarence griffin
oh, ok. Thanks. I take it I need to have an account with xm with the internet 
package? I have an xm subscription, but I am not currently paying the $3.95 for 
internet. streaming.


On Jul 15, 2010, at 4:13 PM, Randy Stegall wrote:

> It can be used to play xm and/or sirius satellite radio viaa the internet.
> Randy
> On Jul 15, 2010, at 3:24 PM, clarence griffin wrote:
>> What's this?
>> Looks like a media player? What all does it do?
>> GF
>> GF
>> On Jul 15, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Randy Stegall wrote:
>>> Here are the release notes for Pulsar 2.1.  It works very well with 
>>> voiceover.
>>> Randy
>>> Pulsar 2.1
>>> Released on 7/15/10
>>> Accessibility - Pulsar now fully supports VoiceOver, for vision-impaired 
>>> users.
>>> Dock menu - Right-click or Control-click on Pulsar's Dock icon to access 
>>> handy playback controls.
>>> The Controls menu now offers a Jump to Live option, to restart live 
>>> playback (jumping to the end of the pause buffer).
>>> Growl notifications are now coalesced, so only one is on-screen at a time.
>>> Pulsar now properly remembers mini-player or regular window state between 
>>> launches.
>>> Now Playing information now updates faster in some situations.
>>> A minor issue when the pause buffer led to a full disk has been resolved.
>>> Pulsar quits faster on Mac OS X 10.6.
>>> A bug where track titles would not display correctly on PowerPC machines 
>>> has been corrected.
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Voiceover training manuals

2010-07-15 Thread Scott Ballard-Ridley
Yes they will all be freely available. I will most probably give them to 
maccessibility website as it's a fantistic resource. 
With regards to ms office the new version being released zoo so fingers 


Sent from my iPhone

On 15/07/2010, at 10:30 PM, cathyk  wrote:

> Thanks for doing these manuals - what a great service!  Will there be
> a central location where users can find them?
> I think a VO wiki is a great idea.
> Also, is there any hope of developing a fix so that VO will someday
> work with the paid version of MS Word? It's such a key program, so key
> that there's a Mac version.  Is VO access an issue to take up with
> Apple or with Microsoft?
> Cathyk
> On Jul 15, 9:43 am, Chris Moore  wrote:
>> Perhaps we should create a voice over wiki area where we can all contribute 
>> and keep them up to date on a variety of apps.
>> On 15 Jul 2010, at 17:33, Eric Caron wrote:> Hi Scot,
>>> I would find manuals designed for blind users especially helpful with 
>>> Pages, Or other powerful word processor.  But I would also grab up many 
>>> others such as Amadeus Pro, Skype,iTunes,and other tutorials such as using 
>>> Mobile me Gmail, and other web based services.  And Don't forget Face book.
>>> If you are sharing manuals you have all ready completed I'd love to hear 
>>> them.
>>> Eric Caron
>>> On Jul 15, 2010, at 8:23 AM, Scott Ballard-Ridley wrote:
 Hi all
 I am currently in the process of writing a comprehensive database of 
 Voiceover for the mac. i am looking to make these manuals freely available 
 through a number of outlets. i have already written manuals for the 
 majority of the standard Apple apps that come with the OS but i am also 
 looking to write manuals for frequently used 3rd party apps. if any of you 
 can think of some manuals that you would like for apps that you commonly 
 use, would you be so kind as to let me know  either through this list or a 
 direct message. kind regards
 Scott Ballard-Ridley
 Twitter: scottballardrid
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group 
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group 
>>> at
> -- 
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Freebie version of Digit-Eyes text label reader available

2010-07-15 Thread Nancy M
We've just released a version of the Digit-Eyes label reader that will
read the text labels created on the Digit-Eyes website.

This software lets people who do not need the functionality of UPC
scanning or audio labels to create or read the text labels that are
created by the full version of the product.

Thus, if you are using the full version, but your sighted office mate
or someone in your household needs to be able to read the Digit-Eyes
bar code labels you've put on the files, they can simply download the
free version and read the labels you've created.

Since creating the labels is a free service on the Digit-Eyes website,
they can also create text labels that you can read.  Users can type up
to 100 characters into a label field on our website, creating as many
different ones as wished, print them off, and put them on anything and
everything they can think of to label.

Likewise, if you are wondering whether you'll be able to read labels
with your phone, this is a great way to find out at no cost.

To get a free copy, search 'Digit-Eyes' on the iTunes store and select
the Lite version.


Nancy Miracle

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Re: iPhone signal loss

2010-07-15 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
The feedback from the software update will be interesting to say the least.
People will appear to be getting less signal all the time, regardless
of if they are left handed or not. The issue of signal los will still
be present, but since everyone will appear to be getting less signal
all the time, it won't be as noticeable.

On 15/07/2010, Carolyn  wrote:
> Now if only someone could get at&t's attention.  I drop more calls than I do
> pounds on a diet!  Ok, so my diet has been afailure lately, but so has at&t
> in my book.
> Carolyn
>   - Original Message -
>   From: Chris Blouch
>   To:
>   Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 3:12 PM
>   Subject: Re: iPhone signal loss
>   I guess we'll find out at their press conference tomorrow at 10AM pacific
> time. Maybe the lawsuit caught their attention.
>   CB
>   Sarah Alawami wrote:
> I don't nitice any problems with the left handedness of using the phone. I
> get great signel over all right handed or left handed, in or out of the case
> and this isn with the new phone.
> S
> On Jul 13, 2010, at 12:56 AM, Simon F wrote:
>   Yeah apple have done great things, that's why they don't appear to be
> correcting
> The issue with the loss of signal on the iPhone 4, when it's is held in a
> left hand and the signal is lost.
> When they fix this issue, they'll sell a lot more.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
> Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 4:15 p.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes
> Maybe an RFID reader will come in the next iPhone or some other idevice. I
> think it is just amazing what Apple has done with these devices thus far. I
> personally would like to see some sort of haptic feedback so we can get a
> tactual sense of icons and controls. I know Apple is working on this.
> Patents have been filed by Apple regarding methods for haptic feedback.
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-07-12, at 5:40 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
> Doug, I think this was something APple had explored and may eventually
> do. Apple has all sorts of ideas floating about. :) On Jul 12, 2010, at
>   2:18 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
> No RFID reader in iPhone 4 as far as I can tell. My knowledge is limited
> on this subject as well. It may depend on the scanner being used.
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-07-12, at 6:44 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:
> Hey Doug,
> We are probably straying a bit off topic for the list, but to answer
>   your question, I really do not know. It may be for capturing
> information
> about a specific product, you would have to get pretty close. The distances
> you refer too is more useful for warehouses, dockyards, and such. I am not
> sure if the ability to read is based on the scanner or the RFID tag itself.
> So, I think you can pretty much figure my knowledge is quite limited, other
> than what I read. I do not know when Apple might put these readers in the
> phone, but I thought it was to be included in version 4, but that I believe
> did not happen yet.
> On Jul 11, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>   That's interesting, RFID would be much better for identifying
> products
> because you would not have to point a device at the product in
> question to
> identify it. Just get a reader in the general direztion of the of the
> product and we should be able to identify it. As I understand it, the range
> of RFID is quite large, something in the range of 30 feet. How do we
> determine a product when we have a number of products in one area, a covert
> full of cans and bottles, each presenting a signal that has a 30 foot
> radius?
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-07-11, at 9:33 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
> Doug,
> I do not know how many products have them now, but I suspect more than
>   we know. For example, I recently learned that the recycle bins
> our county
> provides us has a RFID chip imbedded in them. Apparently the data collected
> from the chips let's the county know how often we put the bins out. RFID
> chips are being used more now because of the speed and ability to collect
> data on products being shipped and received, etc.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>   Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at

Re: making Amadeus Pro fade down to -9DB

2010-07-15 Thread Sarah Alawami
I tried it actually with some disastrous results.

Check it out and let me know what I missed.
On Jul 14, 2010, at 12:31 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> No, not if you go to effects/amplify.  IF you type -9 and check the fade box, 
> it will in fact fade up from -9 rather than fade down to it.  However, I 
> found the solution.  Here's what I did.
> 1.  Make a selection.
> 2.  Go to effects/fade submenu/ramp...
> 3.  Choose your beginning percentage.  100 percent is the 0DB normal default 
> audio.
> 4.  Now, choose your ending percentage.  25 percent is usually good.
> 5.  Press okay.
> 6.  Now, move out to the end of the selection by pressing right arrow and set 
> a marker by pressing p.
> 7.  Next, paste over what you want your voice over to say.  This, of course, 
> assumes that you've recorded your voice over and put it on the clip board 
> before you went to ramp for the first time.
> 8.  Now, undo that paste over.  This will take out the actual voice over but 
> keep the selection which that paste made.
> 9.  Now, go back to effects/fade submenu/ramp...and make sure that your 
> beginning percentage is equal to your ending percentage.  This will have the 
> effect of keeping your level down for the selection.
> 10.  Now, repeat the paste over.
> 11.  Now, go back to ramp...and this time, choose your beginning percentage 
> as your lowest level but set your ending percentage back to 100.  Press Okay.
> That will do it.
>   That sounds like a lot of work when you read it like that, but, 
> actually, it's really not that hard.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> E-Mail:
> rforetjr at comcast dot net
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> On Jul 14, 2010, at 2:10 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I got it to faid down actually. Just type -9 and it will drop. Now I think 
>> if you select a portion it will fade down using that selection.
>> S
>> On Jul 14, 2010, at 7:10 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Anybody know how to cause Amadeus pro to fade signal down to say -9DB 
>>> instead of abruptly cutting down to that level?  The fading in the amplify 
>>> function only fades up and not down.  Thanks.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> E-Mail:
>>> rforetjr at comcast dot net
>>> Skype Name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: iPhone signal loss

2010-07-15 Thread Sarah Alawami
No issues here. I have droped no calls since I switched to at&t. I was even in 
a hall with a lot of phones and electronics and no dropped calls.

On Jul 15, 2010, at 2:45 PM, Carolyn wrote:

> Now if only someone could get at&t's attention.  I drop more calls than I do 
> pounds on a diet!  Ok, so my diet has been afailure lately, but so has at&t 
> in my book.
> Carolyn
> - Original Message -
> From: Chris Blouch
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 3:12 PM
> Subject: Re: iPhone signal loss
> I guess we'll find out at their press conference tomorrow at 10AM pacific 
> time. Maybe the lawsuit caught their attention.
> CB
> Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I don't nitice any problems with the left handedness of using the phone. I 
>> get great signel over all right handed or left handed, in or out of the case 
>> and this isn with the new phone.
>> S
>> On Jul 13, 2010, at 12:56 AM, Simon F wrote:
>>> Yeah apple have done great things, that's why they don't appear to be
>>> correcting 
>>> The issue with the loss of signal on the iPhone 4, when it's is held in a
>>> left hand and the signal is lost.
>>> When they fix this issue, they'll sell a lot more. 
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [
>>> ] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 4:15 p.m.
>>> To: 
>>> Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes
>>> Maybe an RFID reader will come in the next iPhone or some other idevice. I
>>> think it is just amazing what Apple has done with these devices thus far. I
>>> personally would like to see some sort of haptic feedback so we can get a
>>> tactual sense of icons and controls. I know Apple is working on this.
>>> Patents have been filed by Apple regarding methods for haptic feedback. 
>>> Doug
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 2010-07-12, at 5:40 PM, Scott Howell 
>>>  wrote:
 Doug, I think this was something APple had explored and may eventually 
 do. Apple has all sorts of ideas floating about. :) On Jul 12, 2010, at
>>> 2:18 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
> No RFID reader in iPhone 4 as far as I can tell. My knowledge is limited
>>> on this subject as well. It may depend on the scanner being used. 
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-07-12, at 6:44 AM, Scott Howell 
>  wrote:
>> Hey Doug,
>> We are probably straying a bit off topic for the list, but to answer
>>> your question, I really do not know. It may be for capturing information
>>> about a specific product, you would have to get pretty close. The distances
>>> you refer too is more useful for warehouses, dockyards, and such. I am not
>>> sure if the ability to read is based on the scanner or the RFID tag itself.
>>> So, I think you can pretty much figure my knowledge is quite limited, other
>>> than what I read. I do not know when Apple might put these readers in the
>>> phone, but I thought it was to be included in version 4, but that I believe
>>> did not happen yet.
>> On Jul 11, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>>> That's interesting, RFID would be much better for identifying products
>>> because you would not have to point a device at the product in question to
>>> identify it. Just get a reader in the general direztion of the of the
>>> product and we should be able to identify it. As I understand it, the range
>>> of RFID is quite large, something in the range of 30 feet. How do we
>>> determine a product when we have a number of products in one area, a covert
>>> full of cans and bottles, each presenting a signal that has a 30 foot
>>> radius? 
>>> Doug
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 2010-07-11, at 9:33 PM, Scott Howell 
>>>  wrote:
 I do not know how many products have them now, but I suspect more than
>>> we know. For example, I recently learned that the recycle bins our county
>>> provides us has a RFID chip imbedded in them. Apparently the data collected
>>> from the chips let's the county know how often we put the bins out. RFID
>>> chips are being used more now because of the speed and ability to collect
>>> data on products being shipped and received, etc.
 You received this message because you are subscribed t

Re: can a mac read miny cds?

2010-07-15 Thread Sarah Alawami
That's what I want to know. I hate them. I had to go to my brothers computer 
and copy it over using dropbox. it worked but I still wish I had not done that. 
On Jul 15, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> More than just lost, it can get stuck. Friend of mine did this and had to 
> take his mac to a shop to get the thing out. Why do they still make those 
> mini-CDs when a blank CD is something like 5 cents?
> CB
> Chris Moore wrote:
>> Sorry no, Macs contain slot loading drives so a mini CD/DVD would get lost 
>> in there.  You would have to plug in an external drive that has a CD tray 
>> instead of a slot.
>> On 8 Jul 2010, at 23:52, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Hey can a mac read miny cds or dvds? I have a mac book pro. I don't know 
>>> what they are called. it is the little thingy that look like full sized cds.
>>> Thanks.
>>> I ahve a manual o none of these little buggers.
>>> S
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Top ten things

2010-07-15 Thread 504 area

I am interested in knowing anyones top ten things I should know or do
before I open the boxes with the new Mac Book Pro in it and begin the
journey into changing from my PC life into a Mac style of computing.
I figure reading the manual of voice over is a good place to start -
but you are old hands at this.  What are your suggestions?


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Re: Top ten things

2010-07-15 Thread Sarah Alawami
Just do wht I did. use it and use it all the time. Thats how you will learn 
what th emac can do.

Take care.

On Jul 15, 2010, at 4:57 PM, 504 area wrote:

> Hello,
> I am interested in knowing anyones top ten things I should know or do
> before I open the boxes with the new Mac Book Pro in it and begin the
> journey into changing from my PC life into a Mac style of computing.
> I figure reading the manual of voice over is a good place to start -
> but you are old hands at this.  What are your suggestions?
> Thanks
> -- 
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Re: Top ten things

2010-07-15 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Actually before I bought one, I downloaded the podcasts that Mike Arrigo did on 
the use of the mac with voice over. His first couple of podcasts were a great 
place to start. Then once I got the Mac, I joined this list and its been smooth 
sailing ever since.

As sarah said, practice, practice, practice is great too.

Checkout the podcasts at

On Jul 15, 2010, at 7:57 PM, 504 area wrote:

> Hello,
> I am interested in knowing anyones top ten things I should know or do
> before I open the boxes with the new Mac Book Pro in it and begin the
> journey into changing from my PC life into a Mac style of computing.
> I figure reading the manual of voice over is a good place to start -
> but you are old hands at this.  What are your suggestions?
> Thanks
> -- 
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Re: Top ten things

2010-07-15 Thread Sarah Alawami
and i'm also putting together a not so good series myself but I'm learning a 
lot in the process. is your link.

On Jul 15, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

> Actually before I bought one, I downloaded the podcasts that Mike Arrigo did 
> on the use of the mac with voice over. His first couple of podcasts were a 
> great place to start. Then once I got the Mac, I joined this list and its 
> been smooth sailing ever since.
> As sarah said, practice, practice, practice is great too.
> Checkout the podcasts at
> Kev
> On Jul 15, 2010, at 7:57 PM, 504 area wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am interested in knowing anyones top ten things I should know or do
>> before I open the boxes with the new Mac Book Pro in it and begin the
>> journey into changing from my PC life into a Mac style of computing.
>> I figure reading the manual of voice over is a good place to start -
>> but you are old hands at this.  What are your suggestions?
>> Thanks
>> -- 
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list question

2010-07-15 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi all:
How can I contact a member off list. For example, I saw a message from Sara, 
and if I wanted to contact  her, I tried vo shift m, but didn't see how to 
reply to her only.

Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal Come join me on

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Re: list question

2010-07-15 Thread Kevin Mattingly
I usually turn on long headers by using command-shift-H and then VO-LeftArrow 
to the header to look at the e-mail address. There might be an easier way but 
thats how I've done it so far.

On Jul 15, 2010, at 10:15 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi all:
> How can I contact a member off list. For example, I saw a message from Sara, 
> and if I wanted to contact  her, I tried vo shift m, but didn't see how to 
> reply to her only.
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal Come join me on
> -- 
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Re: list question

2010-07-15 Thread Carolyn
Usually you can find a "send mail link" under the header.  Or, in the original 
message.  Copy with command C and paste with command V into a new message 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Sarai Bucciarelli 
  Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 8:15 PM
  Subject: list question

  Hi all:
  How can I contact a member off list. For example, I saw a message from Sara, 
and if I wanted to contact  her, I tried vo shift m, but didn't see how to 
reply to her only.

  Sarai Bucciarelli
  Personal Come join me on

  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
  To post to this group, send email to
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  For more options, visit this group at

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Re: list question

2010-07-15 Thread Sarah Alawami
The wy i do it is cmd shift h and then interact with th etet go to the email 
and hit vo shift space.

There should be an option to reply to sender.

On Jul 15, 2010, at 7:50 PM, Carolyn wrote:

> Sarai:
> Usually you can find a "send mail link" under the header.  Or, in the 
> original message.  Copy with command C and paste with command V into a new 
> message window.
> Carolyn
> - Original Message -
> From: Sarai Bucciarelli
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 8:15 PM
> Subject: list question
> Hi all:
> How can I contact a member off list. For example, I saw a message from Sara, 
> and if I wanted to contact  her, I tried vo shift m, but didn't see how to 
> reply to her only.
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal Come join me on
> -- 
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Re: iPhone signal loss

2010-07-15 Thread Ricardo Walker
I think that law suit is a waste of tax payer money.  You have 30 days to 
return the iPhone and get your money back.  What's the problem?
On Jul 15, 2010, at 5:45 PM, Carolyn wrote:

> Now if only someone could get at&t's attention.  I drop more calls than I do 
> pounds on a diet!  Ok, so my diet has been afailure lately, but so has at&t 
> in my book.
> Carolyn
> - Original Message -
> From: Chris Blouch
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 3:12 PM
> Subject: Re: iPhone signal loss
> I guess we'll find out at their press conference tomorrow at 10AM pacific 
> time. Maybe the lawsuit caught their attention.
> CB
> Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I don't nitice any problems with the left handedness of using the phone. I 
>> get great signel over all right handed or left handed, in or out of the case 
>> and this isn with the new phone.
>> S
>> On Jul 13, 2010, at 12:56 AM, Simon F wrote:
>>> Yeah apple have done great things, that's why they don't appear to be
>>> correcting 
>>> The issue with the loss of signal on the iPhone 4, when it's is held in a
>>> left hand and the signal is lost.
>>> When they fix this issue, they'll sell a lot more. 
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 13 July 2010 4:15 p.m.
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: A warning about Digit-Eyes
>>> Maybe an RFID reader will come in the next iPhone or some other idevice. I
>>> think it is just amazing what Apple has done with these devices thus far. I
>>> personally would like to see some sort of haptic feedback so we can get a
>>> tactual sense of icons and controls. I know Apple is working on this.
>>> Patents have been filed by Apple regarding methods for haptic feedback. 
>>> Doug
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 2010-07-12, at 5:40 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
 Doug, I think this was something APple had explored and may eventually 
 do. Apple has all sorts of ideas floating about. :) On Jul 12, 2010, at
>>> 2:18 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
> No RFID reader in iPhone 4 as far as I can tell. My knowledge is limited
>>> on this subject as well. It may depend on the scanner being used. 
> Doug
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 2010-07-12, at 6:44 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> Hey Doug,
>> We are probably straying a bit off topic for the list, but to answer
>>> your question, I really do not know. It may be for capturing information
>>> about a specific product, you would have to get pretty close. The distances
>>> you refer too is more useful for warehouses, dockyards, and such. I am not
>>> sure if the ability to read is based on the scanner or the RFID tag itself.
>>> So, I think you can pretty much figure my knowledge is quite limited, other
>>> than what I read. I do not know when Apple might put these readers in the
>>> phone, but I thought it was to be included in version 4, but that I believe
>>> did not happen yet.
>> On Jul 11, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>>> That's interesting, RFID would be much better for identifying products
>>> because you would not have to point a device at the product in question to
>>> identify it. Just get a reader in the general direztion of the of the
>>> product and we should be able to identify it. As I understand it, the range
>>> of RFID is quite large, something in the range of 30 feet. How do we
>>> determine a product when we have a number of products in one area, a covert
>>> full of cans and bottles, each presenting a signal that has a 30 foot
>>> radius? 
>>> Doug
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 2010-07-11, at 9:33 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:
 I do not know how many products have them now, but I suspect more than
>>> we know. For example, I recently learned that the recycle bins our county
>>> provides us has a RFID chip imbedded in them. Apparently the data collected
>>> from the chips let's the county know how often we put the bins out. RFID
>>> chips are being used more now because of the speed and ability to collect
>>> data on products being shipped and received, etc.
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replying off list

2010-07-15 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi Sara and Carolyn:
I sent each of you off list messages... I think. LOL

Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal Come join me on

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Re: replying off list

2010-07-15 Thread Ricardo Walker

Still on list. :).  I suggest going to the message header and interacting with 
it.  Then highlight the senders e-mail address then press VO shift M.

On Jul 15, 2010, at 11:58 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi Sara and Carolyn:
> I sent each of you off list messages... I think. LOL
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal Come join me on
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Re: shortcut key for opening documents folder

2010-07-15 Thread Ricardo Walker

why don't you just press control F3 to go to the doc?

On Jul 15, 2010, at 12:13 PM, Eric Caron wrote:

> Hi list,
>   I set up short cut keys for both getting to the desk top and the doc 
> with keyboard commander.  When I press the keys I assigned I jump to the desk 
> top or doc from any application.  I'm sure you could set this up for the 
> Documents folder but I just jump to the desk top then use the built in 
> commands from there.  
> the bigger question for me is can't we have a single key to operate voice 
> over?  I find it very difficult on my Mac Book to hold down option Control 
> and shift with my left hand then hunt around with my right hand to find the D 
> key to get to the short cut for the desk top.  If for example the caps lock 
> key could be the VO keys then I could leave my fingers on the home row and 
> basically reach all the keyboard commands.  Anyone know of a way to assign VO 
> to be the caps lock key or have another idea?  I suppose one help could be to 
> use VO lock keys, that is"Option Control Semi colon."  I find that this also 
> tangles up my fingers .
> Best
> Eric Caron 
> On Jul 14, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> command shift D in the finder opens up a window called desktop.  
>> I wonder if a keyboard commander key could be created to open up the 
>> documents folder (or any folder for that matter) then you would not have to 
>> be in the finder to open the docs folder.
>> On 14 Jul 2010, at 22:25, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Not that I'm aware of. you have to do it only from with in the finder. 
>>> that's where these commands work only from the finder.
>>> S
>>> On Jul 14, 2010, at 1:51 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
 Is there a special setting to enable command shift d to go to the desktop? 
 It doesn't work here. Of course, command shift d is the "send again" when 
 in mail, but I just tried it while in ITunes and while in the doc and it 
 didn't do anything.
 Mary Otten
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