Re: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone

2010-06-26 Thread Chris Moore
What reader do you have?  Well this may be a good app for the iPod Touch which 
still works out cheaper then the Victor Stream.
On 26 Jun 2010, at 07:47, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Maybe it's how you read books.
> I read the most when I'm traveling. A book is a great way to pass the time on 
> a plane, in a terminal, or on a bus. I like the entertainment of a book, but 
> would not want to risk draining down my phone, which I'd certainly need 
> during, and more importantly toward the end, of my trip. Some days I spend 8 
> to 10 hours traveling. Even with a battery pack I seriously doubt that an 
> iPhone could read books for that long, and still have enough charge left for 
> important calls, GPS, and e-mail. If you only occasionally read books, and 
> for short periods of time, the app would probably work out great. I read a 
> lot! While traveling, while doing laundry, sometimes when eating, when going 
> to sleep, etc. I'd kill an iPhone battery.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 2:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone
> Hi,
> I personally would find that of little concern.  It would just be 1 less 
> thing to carry and 1 less thing to spend money on.  Those things out way a 15 
> hour battery life in my opinion.  It's kind of silly to compare.  The iPhone 
> does more so should have lower battery time.  And the IOS 4 update has fixed 
> the standby bug so many people are having more than double the battery life 
> than they had pre update. 
> On Jun 25, 2010, at 2:13 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> Well, nice as it is, a Victor stream will play for 15 hours or more on a 
>> single charge. How long do you think that your iPhone will play?
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Chris Moore
>> Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 7:40 AM
>> To:
>> Cc: macvoiceover
>> Subject: Re: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone
>> Sounds great and at such a low price too (don't think I will be buying a 
>> victor stream now).  tHIS ftp thing, is there no way you could add support 
>> for iDisk for those of us who have it?  That might be much easier then 
>> establishing a FTP connection.
>> Seems like this year might be the start of many good accessible apps 
>> for the iPhone
>> Is there anything on the iPhone that reads MS Word documents via VoiceOver?
>> On 24 Jun 2010, at 09:38, Greg Kearney wrote:
>>> I'll try and answer a few questions that have come up about Daisy 
>>> Bookworm for iPhone
>>> Loading Books
>>> Loading books is done via an FTP connection between your computer and the 
>>> iPhone Daisy Bookworm has a built in FTP server which you connect to and 
>>> then upload the book's directory to the phone using any FTP client on any 
>>> computer. Needless to say you need a wireless network to connect the phone 
>>> to. You do not need your own FTP server, Daisy Bookworm has a built in FTP 
>>> server.
>>> Book compatibility
>>> Daisy Bookworm for iPhone will read any audio only and full text full audio 
>>> unencrypted DAISY book. This includes books from Association for the Blind 
>>> of Western Australia, Vision Australia, RNZFB, CNIB, RNIB, TPB and most 
>>> other world talking book libraries. It will not read NLS encrypted books. 
>>> We have asked the NLS about how to have these devices authorised but have 
>>> yet to receive any reply. We are working on RFB&D playback and text only 
>>> DAISY playback (Bookshare) in the next release.
>>> Accessibility
>>> Daisy Bookworm for iPhone is fully accessible with VoiceOver screen reader.
>>> iPad
>>> Daisy Bookworm is compatible with the Apple iPad.
>>> Where do you get Daisy Bookworm
>>> Daisy Bookworm will be available this summer from the iTunes App Store. It 
>>> will cost less than $5 when released.
>>> Is this Voice of Daisy
>>> No. Voice of Daisy or VOD is a different program from a different developer 
>>> in Japan.
>>> Hope this clears things up.
>>> Gregory Kearney | Manager Accessible Media Association for the Blind 
>>> of WA - Guide Dogs WA PO Box 101, Victoria Park WA 6979 | 61 
>>> Kitchener Ave, Victoria Park WA 6100
>>> Tel: 08 9311 8246 | Fax: 08 9361 8696 |
>>> Tel: 307-224-4022 (North America)
>>> Email:
>>> Email:
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options

Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone

2010-06-26 Thread Sarah Alawami
Nope. the ipod touch does not have a camera and i can't use it etehr as the 
iphone 4 has a 5 mp camera dn the 3gs does not. 
On Jun 25, 2010, at 8:26 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:

> Hi,
> Will this work with the Ipod Touch also?
> Courtney
> On Jun 25, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't think it's out yet.
>> I couldn't find it in the app store.
>> hth
>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 9:15 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just got this link from a friend of mine. Apparently, this app is free, 
>>> and it performs OCR using the new IPhone. It's different from the one that 
>>> emails your image to a server and then gives you back text. This one 
>>> actually performs OCR on the phone.
>>> Furthermore, it automatically takes pictures once the camera is aligned 
>>> with the center of the document.
>>> Check out this link for more information.
>>> Can someone let me know how it works?
>>> John
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2010-06-26 Thread Paul Hunt
Good morning. I am a new Mac user and new to this group. I am transitioning
from Microsoft office applications to the IWork suite. My goal is to be able
to do all of my work in the IWork suite but save it in Microsoft compatible
formats so that I can share it with others. My first step is to deal with
pages09. Is it accessible with Voice Over? Is there anything I absolutely
cannot do with Voice Over? I looked for the Voluntary Product Accessible
template for Pages09 but it's not on the Apple web site yet. Any help is
very much appreciated.


Thanks so much.

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The dashboard

2010-06-26 Thread Paul Hunt
Good morning. I would like to access the items in the dash board with Voice
Over. I can get into the calendar but don't know how to move to the other
objects. Any help is appreciated.


Thanks so much.



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Re: The dashboard

2010-06-26 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. go to your window chooser and choose the widgets window. You interact 
with eh dashboard via the window chooser. someoen wrote up a great artical on 
how to do all of this but I can't remember where it was or what list it was on.


On Jun 26, 2010, at 1:11 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Good morning. I would like to access the items in the dash board with Voice 
> Over. I can get into the calendar but don’t know how to move to the other 
> objects. Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks so much.
> -- 
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RE: other voices for the macintosh computers

2010-06-26 Thread Dave Taylor
I've tried those voices. The samples sound great, but they pronounce so many
real words wrong it's untrue. I'd be interested to know how responsive the
computer is when using them on the Mac side as in Jaws it's a problem. I
suppose it's possible also that the Mac version is better than the Windows
version like with the Nuance voices on iPad etc.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Josh
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 11:01 PM
Subject: other voices for the macintosh computers


You can also buy voices for the mac at
also in the very near future cereproc will offer a consumer voice 
creation service that will let youu turn recordings of you, friends, 
favorite readers, or famous people into apple voices or sapi5 voices for 


Josh Kennedy

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Re: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone

2010-06-26 Thread Ricardo Walker
I read books all the time as well.  I just won't devote money to a device 
designed for that purpose alone.  I've never traveled for more than 15 hours at 
a time so a new iPhone with a battery pack would more than do.  It's not just 
an iPhone thing either.  I did the same thing on my windows mobile phone..  
Unless I'm stuck on a glacier, I will find a computer, or electrical outlet to 
plug the thing in.  On Jun 26, 2010, at 2:47 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Maybe it's how you read books.
> I read the most when I'm traveling. A book is a great way to pass the time on 
> a plane, in a terminal, or on a bus. I like the entertainment of a book, but 
> would not want to risk draining down my phone, which I'd certainly need 
> during, and more importantly toward the end, of my trip. Some days I spend 8 
> to 10 hours traveling. Even with a battery pack I seriously doubt that an 
> iPhone could read books for that long, and still have enough charge left for 
> important calls, GPS, and e-mail. If you only occasionally read books, and 
> for short periods of time, the app would probably work out great. I read a 
> lot! While traveling, while doing laundry, sometimes when eating, when going 
> to sleep, etc. I'd kill an iPhone battery.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 2:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone
> Hi,
> I personally would find that of little concern.  It would just be 1 less 
> thing to carry and 1 less thing to spend money on.  Those things out way a 15 
> hour battery life in my opinion.  It's kind of silly to compare.  The iPhone 
> does more so should have lower battery time.  And the IOS 4 update has fixed 
> the standby bug so many people are having more than double the battery life 
> than they had pre update. 
> On Jun 25, 2010, at 2:13 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> Well, nice as it is, a Victor stream will play for 15 hours or more on a 
>> single charge. How long do you think that your iPhone will play?
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Chris Moore
>> Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 7:40 AM
>> To:
>> Cc: macvoiceover
>> Subject: Re: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone
>> Sounds great and at such a low price too (don't think I will be buying a 
>> victor stream now).  tHIS ftp thing, is there no way you could add support 
>> for iDisk for those of us who have it?  That might be much easier then 
>> establishing a FTP connection.
>> Seems like this year might be the start of many good accessible apps 
>> for the iPhone
>> Is there anything on the iPhone that reads MS Word documents via VoiceOver?
>> On 24 Jun 2010, at 09:38, Greg Kearney wrote:
>>> I'll try and answer a few questions that have come up about Daisy 
>>> Bookworm for iPhone
>>> Loading Books
>>> Loading books is done via an FTP connection between your computer and the 
>>> iPhone Daisy Bookworm has a built in FTP server which you connect to and 
>>> then upload the book's directory to the phone using any FTP client on any 
>>> computer. Needless to say you need a wireless network to connect the phone 
>>> to. You do not need your own FTP server, Daisy Bookworm has a built in FTP 
>>> server.
>>> Book compatibility
>>> Daisy Bookworm for iPhone will read any audio only and full text full audio 
>>> unencrypted DAISY book. This includes books from Association for the Blind 
>>> of Western Australia, Vision Australia, RNZFB, CNIB, RNIB, TPB and most 
>>> other world talking book libraries. It will not read NLS encrypted books. 
>>> We have asked the NLS about how to have these devices authorised but have 
>>> yet to receive any reply. We are working on RFB&D playback and text only 
>>> DAISY playback (Bookshare) in the next release.
>>> Accessibility
>>> Daisy Bookworm for iPhone is fully accessible with VoiceOver screen reader.
>>> iPad
>>> Daisy Bookworm is compatible with the Apple iPad.
>>> Where do you get Daisy Bookworm
>>> Daisy Bookworm will be available this summer from the iTunes App Store. It 
>>> will cost less than $5 when released.
>>> Is this Voice of Daisy
>>> No. Voice of Daisy or VOD is a different program from a different developer 
>>> in Japan.
>>> Hope this clears things up.
>>> Gregory Kearney | Manager Accessible Media Association for the Blind 
>>> of WA - Guide Dogs WA PO Box 101, Victoria Park WA 6979 | 61 
>>> Kitchener Ave, Victoria Park WA 6100
>>> Tel: 08 9311 8246 | Fax: 08 9361 8696 |
>>> Tel: 307-224-4022 (North America)
>>> Email:
>>> Email:
>>> --
>>> You receiv

Re: Colun view, how to automatically read file size

2010-06-26 Thread Scott Howell
You can get some of this information by using list view. List view can be set 
with command-3.
On Jun 25, 2010, at 8:13 PM, Alfredo wrote:

> I have a question on the views and the how much information the user
> receives when he navigates folders and files.  I noticed that the icon
> and column view both provide the numbers of files selected and the
> name of the file when you press VO+F6.  While the list and cover flow
> view provide the number of files selected, name of the file, date
> modified, file size and the type of file it is when you press the VO
> +f6.  I have settle and liked the column view because it seems easy to
> navigate around with, and is intuitive, since it is the same method I
> used with windows, except they call it list view.  I have enabled show
> file extensions thanks to the podcasts at blind cool tech so now I gee
> the number of files selected, name of file, and the file extension of
> the file I have selected with VO+F6.  This is great but I would like
> to know the file size of the file without having to press the command
> + I to get the file information in a new dialog box.  Does anyone know
> how I can get the file size information along with the number of files
> selected, name of the file and file extension when using column view?
> I know this is possible in windows and think this should be possible
> in the Mac, but I do not know if it is, or even how to do it.  Any
> suggestion would be greatly appreciated.  On another note, when using
> list view, why do I hear random date, when navigating my hard disk and
> folders?
> Thanks,
> Alfred
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Re: Transferring stuff between Macks

2010-06-26 Thread Scott Howell
Not having followed this thread very closely, there is nothing complex about 
transferring files etc. THe question is what are you trying to accomplish. If 
your goal is to migrate data from one Mac to another, then you simply use the 
Migration tool, which is very efficient and effective. If your goal is to 
simply move some files between two machines, the Migration tool is not going to 
be the best solution. Instead you can use even something as simple as scp, 
which is a part of the ssh package from the Terminal, you can use file sharing 
and simply connect via the Finder from one box to the other, or use ftp. Lots 
of ways to move content and hey, an external drive would work just as well. 
Point is determine what he goal is and then use the appropriate tools.

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Re: Transferring stuff between Macks

2010-06-26 Thread Scott Howell
Did you correctly configure the options before starting the migration? I have 
used the MIgration Assistant for many years and have had no problems moving 
files and such from one Mac to another.
On Jun 25, 2010, at 10:48 PM, Cody Hurst wrote:

> oddly enough, migration assistant took over an hour, and none of my files 
> were copied although it did copy my applications and a few settings but non 
> of my files. I didn't care for it
> On Jun 25, 2010, at 7:45 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
>> Hi Courtney,
>> I synced my macbook with my mini by using Migration Assistant found in the 
>> utilities folder. This allowed me to sync my email, address book, iTunes, 
>> files, apps, docs, etc. It was awesome! Alternatively, you could use the 
>> export mailbox function in Mail, and the export contacts in address book if 
>> that's all you're looking to sync. I hope that helps.
>> Friendly,
>> Chris
>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 3:22 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there any way to easily transfer stuff between a Mack Mini and a 
>>> Macbook, or are flash drives the only way?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Courtney
>>> -- 
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Re: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone

2010-06-26 Thread Scott Howell
Personally I would not spend the money on a Victor Stream or any other product, 
if I can get an app for the iPhone. I still have hope that something may be 
done to play NLS content for example on the iPhone and it is still a 
possibility. The point is I could purchase the best possible battery pack and 
still spend less money then if I purchased one of the accessible book reading 
Sure you would not one to drain your communications device down since having it 
always ready to communicate is important, but there are always at least two 
solutions to every problem.
On Jun 26, 2010, at 3:39 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> What reader do you have?  Well this may be a good app for the iPod Touch 
> which still works out cheaper then the Victor Stream.
> On 26 Jun 2010, at 07:47, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> Maybe it's how you read books.
>> I read the most when I'm traveling. A book is a great way to pass the time 
>> on a plane, in a terminal, or on a bus. I like the entertainment of a book, 
>> but would not want to risk draining down my phone, which I'd certainly need 
>> during, and more importantly toward the end, of my trip. Some days I spend 8 
>> to 10 hours traveling. Even with a battery pack I seriously doubt that an 
>> iPhone could read books for that long, and still have enough charge left for 
>> important calls, GPS, and e-mail. If you only occasionally read books, and 
>> for short periods of time, the app would probably work out great. I read a 
>> lot! While traveling, while doing laundry, sometimes when eating, when going 
>> to sleep, etc. I'd kill an iPhone battery.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
>> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 2:59 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone
>> Hi,
>> I personally would find that of little concern.  It would just be 1 less 
>> thing to carry and 1 less thing to spend money on.  Those things out way a 
>> 15 hour battery life in my opinion.  It's kind of silly to compare.  The 
>> iPhone does more so should have lower battery time.  And the IOS 4 update 
>> has fixed the standby bug so many people are having more than double the 
>> battery life than they had pre update. 
>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 2:13 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>>> Well, nice as it is, a Victor stream will play for 15 hours or more on a 
>>> single charge. How long do you think that your iPhone will play?
>>> Bryan
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Chris Moore
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 7:40 AM
>>> To:
>>> Cc: macvoiceover
>>> Subject: Re: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone
>>> Sounds great and at such a low price too (don't think I will be buying a 
>>> victor stream now).  tHIS ftp thing, is there no way you could add support 
>>> for iDisk for those of us who have it?  That might be much easier then 
>>> establishing a FTP connection.
>>> Seems like this year might be the start of many good accessible apps 
>>> for the iPhone
>>> Is there anything on the iPhone that reads MS Word documents via VoiceOver?
>>> On 24 Jun 2010, at 09:38, Greg Kearney wrote:
 I'll try and answer a few questions that have come up about Daisy 
 Bookworm for iPhone
 Loading Books
 Loading books is done via an FTP connection between your computer and the 
 iPhone Daisy Bookworm has a built in FTP server which you connect to and 
 then upload the book's directory to the phone using any FTP client on any 
 computer. Needless to say you need a wireless network to connect the phone 
 to. You do not need your own FTP server, Daisy Bookworm has a built in FTP 
 Book compatibility
 Daisy Bookworm for iPhone will read any audio only and full text full 
 audio unencrypted DAISY book. This includes books from Association for the 
 Blind of Western Australia, Vision Australia, RNZFB, CNIB, RNIB, TPB and 
 most other world talking book libraries. It will not read NLS encrypted 
 books. We have asked the NLS about how to have these devices authorised 
 but have yet to receive any reply. We are working on RFB&D playback and 
 text only DAISY playback (Bookshare) in the next release.
 Daisy Bookworm for iPhone is fully accessible with VoiceOver screen reader.
 Daisy Bookworm is compatible with the Apple iPad.
 Where do you get Daisy Bookworm
 Daisy Bookworm will be available this summer from the iTunes App Store. It 
 will cost less than $5 when released.
 Is this Voice of Daisy
 No. Voice of Daisy or VOD is a different program from a different 
 developer in

Re: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone

2010-06-26 Thread Scott Howell
Hey, I am with you. If I have to travel for more than 5 hours, I am not 
traveling. I refuse to sit on a plane or any other mode of transportation for 
that long. THe best part is my job does not require much travel, I  would have 
to find another job. :)

On Jun 26, 2010, at 5:12 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> I read books all the time as well.  I just won't devote money to a device 
> designed for that purpose alone.  I've never traveled for more than 15 hours 
> at a time so a new iPhone with a battery pack would more than do.  It's not 
> just an iPhone thing either.  I did the same thing on my windows mobile 
> phone..  Unless I'm stuck on a glacier, I will find a computer, or electrical 
> outlet to plug the thing in.  On Jun 26, 2010, at 2:47 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

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Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone

2010-06-26 Thread Scott Howell

>From what I have heard, the 3GS camera will do the job even if it is not as 
>good as the new iPhone 4. I will be very interested in how this application 
>performs despite the limitations of the 3GS.
On Jun 26, 2010, at 2:52 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> The iPhone 4 should do a great job with this app. The 5 megapixel camera 
> provides the level of resolution that assisted KNFB Reader so much. With the 
> lower quality cameras, the DPI of scanned images is too low.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 11:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone
> No,
> The iPod touch doesn't have a camera.
> On Jun 25, 2010, at 11:26 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Will this work with the Ipod Touch also?
>> Courtney
>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I don't think it's out yet.
>>> I couldn't find it in the app store.
>>> hth
>>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 9:15 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
 Hi all,
 I just got this link from a friend of mine. Apparently, this app is free, 
 and it performs OCR using the new IPhone. It's different from the one that 
 emails your image to a server and then gives you back text. This one 
 actually performs OCR on the phone.
 Furthermore, it automatically takes pictures once the camera is aligned 
 with the center of the document.
 Check out this link for more information.
 Can someone let me know how it works?
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help voice over is broke

2010-06-26 Thread chad baker
Hi i ran into a strange problem this morning with vo.
I can't read through lists with my arrow keys.
The only way i can do it is with the tab key.
All i did before this happened was i interacted with an item on safari it was 
html content and it said to interact with it.

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problem with vo resolved

2010-06-26 Thread chad baker
Hi my problem with vo is solved i had to repair disc permissions it it repaired 
java vm.
Also i reset vo.
Everything is back to normal.

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Re: help voice over is broke

2010-06-26 Thread Scott Howell
Have you turn VO off/on, logged out, or even rebooted? Like any computer or 
software program, sometimes something has gotten hosed in some way and one of 
the three steps may solve the issue.
Can you reproduce the problem and if so, please share the URL and I will check 
it out as well. FInally if it is something that can be reproduced, it is worth 
sharing that information with

On Jun 26, 2010, at 6:26 AM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi i ran into a strange problem this morning with vo.
> I can't read through lists with my arrow keys.
> The only way i can do it is with the tab key.
> All i did before this happened was i interacted with an item on safari it was 
> html content and it said to interact with it.
> -- 
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Re: problem with vo resolved

2010-06-26 Thread Scott Howell
Ah, to bad I had not seen this message, but well either way, glad the problem 
has been resolved.
On Jun 26, 2010, at 6:42 AM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi my problem with vo is solved i had to repair disc permissions it it 
> repaired java vm.
> Also i reset vo.
> Everything is back to normal.
> -- 
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Re: Transferring stuff between Macks

2010-06-26 Thread Cody Hurst
migration assistent should be a one time deal for a new mac one just bought. I 
say complex because some people may not want to be botherd with command line 
On Jun 26, 2010, at 5:21 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Not having followed this thread very closely, there is nothing complex about 
> transferring files etc. THe question is what are you trying to accomplish. If 
> your goal is to migrate data from one Mac to another, then you simply use the 
> Migration tool, which is very efficient and effective. If your goal is to 
> simply move some files between two machines, the Migration tool is not going 
> to be the best solution. Instead you can use even something as simple as scp, 
> which is a part of the ssh package from the Terminal, you can use file 
> sharing and simply connect via the Finder from one box to the other, or use 
> ftp. Lots of ways to move content and hey, an external drive would work just 
> as well. Point is determine what he goal is and then use the appropriate 
> tools.
> -- 
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Re: Transferring stuff between Macks

2010-06-26 Thread Cody Hurst
When I"m doing the migration in the wizard there is a table in which I can 
select what I want to copy and I don't fully understand how to read it with 
voiceover. there is a users section in the table which seems to be expandable 
but does nto expand nor does it tell me the users. the same goes for the 
applications, it just says applications expand checked. why have either user or 
application sections in the table if neither can be viewed? I guess my biggest 
issue was unchecking user accounts because that probably would have transfered 
over my account but I didn't want to deal with possibly having 2 user accounts 
with the same name and then having a mess. I hate messes and macs aren't 
supposed to be messy
On Jun 26, 2010, at 5:22 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Did you correctly configure the options before starting the migration? I have 
> used the MIgration Assistant for many years and have had no problems moving 
> files and such from one Mac to another.
> On Jun 25, 2010, at 10:48 PM, Cody Hurst wrote:
>> oddly enough, migration assistant took over an hour, and none of my files 
>> were copied although it did copy my applications and a few settings but non 
>> of my files. I didn't care for it
>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 7:45 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
>>> Hi Courtney,
>>> I synced my macbook with my mini by using Migration Assistant found in the 
>>> utilities folder. This allowed me to sync my email, address book, iTunes, 
>>> files, apps, docs, etc. It was awesome! Alternatively, you could use the 
>>> export mailbox function in Mail, and the export contacts in address book if 
>>> that's all you're looking to sync. I hope that helps.
>>> Friendly,
>>> Chris
>>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 3:22 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
 Is there any way to easily transfer stuff between a Mack Mini and a 
 Macbook, or are flash drives the only way?
 Thanks in advance,
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dvds and the mac

2010-06-26 Thread Josh

If I boot my mac into windows and put a cd in, how do I take the disk 
out or eject the disk while the mac is  running windows7? Is there a 
button that I can press that also ejects disks?

Josh Kennedy

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Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone

2010-06-26 Thread Doug Lawlor
Let's hope when the next generation of the iPod Touch is released, usually 
sometime in September, they include a 5 megapixel camera. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-06-26, at 4:22 AM, Bryan Smart  wrote:

> The iPhone 4 should do a great job with this app. The 5 megapixel camera 
> provides the level of resolution that assisted KNFB Reader so much. With the 
> lower quality cameras, the DPI of scanned images is too low.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 11:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone
> No,
> The iPod touch doesn't have a camera.
> On Jun 25, 2010, at 11:26 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Will this work with the Ipod Touch also?
>> Courtney
>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I don't think it's out yet.
>>> I couldn't find it in the app store.
>>> hth
>>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 9:15 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
 Hi all,
 I just got this link from a friend of mine. Apparently, this app is free, 
 and it performs OCR using the new IPhone. It's different from the one that 
 emails your image to a server and then gives you back text. This one 
 actually performs OCR on the phone.
 Furthermore, it automatically takes pictures once the camera is aligned 
 with the center of the document.
 Check out this link for more information.
 Can someone let me know how it works?
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Re: dvds and the mac

2010-06-26 Thread Chris Moore
The same eject button works on windows too if you are using boot camp or some 
sort of virtual machine, if the disc does not eject just hold the mouse button 
down as you turn the mac on, this will force all drives to eject.
On 26 Jun 2010, at 13:07, Josh wrote:

> Hi
> If I boot my mac into windows and put a cd in, how do I take the disk out or 
> eject the disk while the mac is  running windows7? Is there a button that I 
> can press that also ejects disks?
> -- 
> Josh Kennedy
> -- 
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Re: document app for Ipod touch

2010-06-26 Thread Doug Lawlor
Check out an app called Documents2. I believe there is another app called 
Mobile Studio. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-06-26, at 2:06 AM, Courtney Curran  wrote:

> Hi,
> I know this was mentioned awhile back, but I couldn't find it. But is there 
> an app that can create .txt, .rtf, or other formats of documents on the Ipod 
> Touch? If so, what's it called. I know if I type notes, they'll get sent to 
> my email, but I can see where that may become tedious.
> Thanks in advance and sorry for the repitition,
> Courtney
> -- 
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Re: cubase accsessability?

2010-06-26 Thread Slau Halatyn
This is the only place you'll get information about the accessibility of Pro 
Tools. Again, I'll have more information on Monday.


On Jun 25, 2010, at 4:59 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:

> Wow verry cool sounding.  It will be intersting to see how much of pro tools 
> is excessible.  You wouldn't know where I could atane information on the 
> excessibility of pro tools at all? Just kerius thanks.
> On 2010-06-25, at 3:53 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:
>> One of my contacts at Avid told me today that LE & M-Powered versions are 
>> currently delayed because of driver issues. There's no official word about 
>> exactly when they'll be released. I'll have more information after the 
>> weekend.
>> Slau
>> -- 
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IPod/IPhone and reading text with a braille display.

2010-06-26 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi all.

What is the best app to use for reading on the IPod touch with os4.

Is there any aplications where I can search in the dokument and go
back to a bookmark and maybe add a bookmark. Often I am reading HTML
can I read HTML in the safari app on the IPod, if so how can I
transfer the dokuments to the IPod.

I have tried to use fileapp, it does a great job, but the navigation
is not quiet good.

At last I have to say that apple has done a good job with this os4. I
really like the danish contracted braille, but do anybody know, where
I have to report the bugs in the danish braille, I can not figure it
out how to write capitals, and I can not find out how to make an @.
There they have done a mistake. But I am impressed.

Best regards Annie.

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Re: The dashboard

2010-06-26 Thread Donna Goodin
What is the command for opining the dashboard in SL?
On Jun 26, 2010, at 4:24 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hello. go to your window chooser and choose the widgets window. You interact 
> with eh dashboard via the window chooser. someoen wrote up a great artical on 
> how to do all of this but I can't remember where it was or what list it was 
> on.
> Takecare.
> S
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 1:11 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:
>> Good morning. I would like to access the items in the dash board with Voice 
>> Over. I can get into the calendar but don’t know how to move to the other 
>> objects. Any help is appreciated.
>> Thanks so much.
>> -- 
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Re: cubase accsessability?

2010-06-26 Thread Slau Halatyn
Oops, MacVisionaries mail and PTAccess mail coming into the same folder. I 
meant the PTAccess List is the place specifically for info about Pro Tools 


On Jun 26, 2010, at 2:49 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Please join our Google Group/list and ask questions.
> Bryan 
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Michael Huckabay
> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 4:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: cubase accsessability?
> Wow verry cool sounding.  It will be intersting to see how much of pro tools 
> is excessible.  You wouldn't know where I could atane information on the 
> excessibility of pro tools at all? Just kerius thanks.
> On 2010-06-25, at 3:53 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:
>> One of my contacts at Avid told me today that LE & M-Powered versions are 
>> currently delayed because of driver issues. There's no official word about 
>> exactly when they'll be released. I'll have more information after the 
>> weekend.
>> Slau
>> --
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Re: Transferring stuff between Macks

2010-06-26 Thread Scott Howell
The table does allow you to expand by using VO-shift-\ and if that fails 
because my memory has failed me, try without shift. Either way I have done this 
many times and if you pay close attention to the instructions, you can't mess 
things up at all. It only gets messy if you try to migrate data to a machine 
that you have already established an account on. If you get really jammed, I 
could perhaps discuss with you off list.
On Jun 26, 2010, at 7:21 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:

> When I"m doing the migration in the wizard there is a table in which I can 
> select what I want to copy and I don't fully understand how to read it with 
> voiceover. there is a users section in the table which seems to be expandable 
> but does nto expand nor does it tell me the users. the same goes for the 
> applications, it just says applications expand checked. why have either user 
> or application sections in the table if neither can be viewed? I guess my 
> biggest issue was unchecking user accounts because that probably would have 
> transfered over my account but I didn't want to deal with possibly having 2 
> user accounts with the same name and then having a mess. I hate messes and 
> macs aren't supposed to be messy
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 5:22 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Did you correctly configure the options before starting the migration? I 
>> have used the MIgration Assistant for many years and have had no problems 
>> moving files and such from one Mac to another.
>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 10:48 PM, Cody Hurst wrote:
>>> oddly enough, migration assistant took over an hour, and none of my files 
>>> were copied although it did copy my applications and a few settings but non 
>>> of my files. I didn't care for it
>>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 7:45 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
 Hi Courtney,
 I synced my macbook with my mini by using Migration Assistant found in the 
 utilities folder. This allowed me to sync my email, address book, iTunes, 
 files, apps, docs, etc. It was awesome! Alternatively, you could use the 
 export mailbox function in Mail, and the export contacts in address book 
 if that's all you're looking to sync. I hope that helps.
 On Jun 25, 2010, at 3:22 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way to easily transfer stuff between a Mack Mini and a 
> Macbook, or are flash drives the only way?
> Thanks in advance,
> Courtney
> -- 
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Re: The dashboard

2010-06-26 Thread clarence griffin
I think its f12?


On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:11 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> What is the command for opining the dashboard in SL?
> TIA,
> Donna
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 4:24 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello. go to your window chooser and choose the widgets window. You interact 
>> with eh dashboard via the window chooser. someoen wrote up a great artical 
>> on how to do all of this but I can't remember where it was or what list it 
>> was on.
>> Takecare.
>> S
>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 1:11 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:
>>> Good morning. I would like to access the items in the dash board with Voice 
>>> Over. I can get into the calendar but don’t know how to move to the other 
>>> objects. Any help is appreciated.
>>> Thanks so much.
>>> -- 
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Re: The dashboard

2010-06-26 Thread Donna Goodin
No, F12 turns up the volume.
On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:03 AM, clarence griffin wrote:

> I think its f12?
> GF
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:11 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> What is the command for opining the dashboard in SL?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 4:24 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Hello. go to your window chooser and choose the widgets window. You 
>>> interact with eh dashboard via the window chooser. someoen wrote up a great 
>>> artical on how to do all of this but I can't remember where it was or what 
>>> list it was on.
>>> Takecare.
>>> S
>>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 1:11 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:
 Good morning. I would like to access the items in the dash board with 
 Voice Over. I can get into the calendar but don’t know how to move to the 
 other objects. Any help is appreciated.
 Thanks so much.
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Re: Pages09

2010-06-26 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Paul,

On Jun 26, 2010, at 10:09 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:

> am a new Mac user and new to this group. I am transitioning
> from Microsoft office applications to the IWork suite. My goal is to be able
> to do all of my work in the IWork suite but save it in Microsoft compatible
> formats so that I can share it with others. My first step is to deal with
> pages09. Is it accessible with Voice Over?
Yes, it is accessible with VoiceOver.

> Is there anything I absolutely
> cannot do with Voice Over?
You cannot recognise the presence and colour of background highlighting. 
However, TextEdit will recognise background colour, so if it's a case of 
knowing it's there, TextEdit will solve the problem.

There are other minor irritations, but on the whole, the iWork09 suite works 
well. I use it all the time to work on documents created with MS Office and to 
export them to the Office equivalent.

If you can be more specific about the kinds of documents you need to use, I 
should be able to help you.



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Re: The dashboard

2010-06-26 Thread Chris Moore
It is F12 if you have the keyboard set  as function keys and not media keys.
On 26 Jun 2010, at 14:25, Donna Goodin wrote:

> No, F12 turns up the volume.
> Donna
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:03 AM, clarence griffin wrote:
>> I think its f12?
>> GF
>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:11 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> What is the command for opining the dashboard in SL?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 4:24 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Hello. go to your window chooser and choose the widgets window. You 
 interact with eh dashboard via the window chooser. someoen wrote up a 
 great artical on how to do all of this but I can't remember where it was 
 or what list it was on.
 On Jun 26, 2010, at 1:11 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:
> Good morning. I would like to access the items in the dash board with 
> Voice Over. I can get into the calendar but don’t know how to move to the 
> other objects. Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks so much.
> -- 
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Re: The dashboard

2010-06-26 Thread Donna Goodin
Oh weird.  I didn't know you could do that.
On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:18 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> It is F12 if you have the keyboard set  as function keys and not media keys.
> On 26 Jun 2010, at 14:25, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> No, F12 turns up the volume.
>> Donna
>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:03 AM, clarence griffin wrote:
>>> I think its f12?
>>> GF
>>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:11 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 What is the command for opining the dashboard in SL?
 On Jun 26, 2010, at 4:24 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Hello. go to your window chooser and choose the widgets window. You 
> interact with eh dashboard via the window chooser. someoen wrote up a 
> great artical on how to do all of this but I can't remember where it was 
> or what list it was on.
> Takecare.
> S
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 1:11 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:
>> Good morning. I would like to access the items in the dash board with 
>> Voice Over. I can get into the calendar but don’t know how to move to 
>> the other objects. Any help is appreciated.
>> Thanks so much.
>> -- 
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Re: The dashboard

2010-06-26 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Donna,

F12 has two functions, one is hardware and the other is software. It all 
depends on how you have your FN key set.

So, if F12 controls the volume, then FN-F12 opens the Dashboard.



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RE: other voices for the macintosh computers

2010-06-26 Thread RvR
Hello Josh,
Thanks for the suggestion. Will check them out. The voice creation service
sounds great too. 
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
[] Namens Josh
Verzonden: zaterdag 26 juni 2010 0:01
Onderwerp: other voices for the macintosh computers


You can also buy voices for the mac at also in the very
near future cereproc will offer a consumer voice creation service that will
let youu turn recordings of you, friends, favorite readers, or famous people
into apple voices or sapi5 voices for windows.


Josh Kennedy

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Re: The dashboard

2010-06-26 Thread Donna Goodin
Oh Anne, that's cool.  I was thinking I was going to have to choose one 
keyboard setting over the other.  As usual with me, I like it when I can have 
my cake and eat it too. :)  I liked having the media keys, especially for 
quickly adjusting the volume up and down, so I've just been doing without the 
dashboar since I upgraded to SL.
On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:22 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Donna,
> F12 has two functions, one is hardware and the other is software. It all 
> depends on how you have your FN key set.
> So, if F12 controls the volume, then FN-F12 opens the Dashboard.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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RE: Any additional voice Over voices available?

2010-06-26 Thread RvR
Hey Chris,
Thanks for your reply. The ivox voices from Assistiveware I already know, I
am planning to buy the Dutch ones from them. Its even a Dutch company I
think ;-) 
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
[] Namens Chris Moore
Verzonden: vrijdag 25 juni 2010 21:58
Onderwerp: Re: Any additional voice Over voices available?

There are none for the iPhone, but you can use these on the Mac for 30 days:

On 25 Jun 2010, at 19:59, clarence griffin wrote:

> have you been threw the ones that come with the mac? I don't know of any
extras for the phone, but the computers have several.
> GF
> On Jun 25, 2010, at 2:54 PM, RvR wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Excuse me if this has been asked before, but I was wondering if there 
>> are any (free) additional voices available for Snow Leopard and or IOS 4?
>> Like some funny ones for example.
>> Thanks!
>> Ronald
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Re: The dashboard

2010-06-26 Thread Buddy Brannan
You can bring up the dashboard with F12, assuming you have Expose set up that 
way, which it is by default. If you have a MacBook/Macbook Pro, you might have 
to use FN+F12 instead. Newer Macbooks and macbook Pros (that is, newer than the 
2007 Macbook I replaced with the Pro) use F4 as a sort of dedicated dashboard 
key. Also, you'll find dashboard on your dock.
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:25 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> No, F12 turns up the volume.
> Donna
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:03 AM, clarence griffin wrote:
>> I think its f12?
>> GF
>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:11 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> What is the command for opining the dashboard in SL?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 4:24 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Hello. go to your window chooser and choose the widgets window. You 
 interact with eh dashboard via the window chooser. someoen wrote up a 
 great artical on how to do all of this but I can't remember where it was 
 or what list it was on.
 On Jun 26, 2010, at 1:11 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:
> Good morning. I would like to access the items in the dash board with 
> Voice Over. I can get into the calendar but don’t know how to move to the 
> other objects. Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks so much.
> -- 
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accessing widgets in dashboard

2010-06-26 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I can't do this either.  It looks like you should be pressing Ctrl-Shift F2, 
but that doesn't seem to do anything.  I'd add my appreciation to anyone who 
could post iinstructions for accessing widgets.

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Re: The dashboard

2010-06-26 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Buddy,

I can bring up the Dashboard, I just can't see any widgets.
On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:46 AM, Buddy Brannan wrote:

> You can bring up the dashboard with F12, assuming you have Expose set up that 
> way, which it is by default. If you have a MacBook/Macbook Pro, you might 
> have to use FN+F12 instead. Newer Macbooks and macbook Pros (that is, newer 
> than the 2007 Macbook I replaced with the Pro) use F4 as a sort of dedicated 
> dashboard key. Also, you'll find dashboard on your dock.
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:25 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> No, F12 turns up the volume.
>> Donna
>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:03 AM, clarence griffin wrote:
>>> I think its f12?
>>> GF
>>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:11 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 What is the command for opining the dashboard in SL?
 On Jun 26, 2010, at 4:24 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Hello. go to your window chooser and choose the widgets window. You 
> interact with eh dashboard via the window chooser. someoen wrote up a 
> great artical on how to do all of this but I can't remember where it was 
> or what list it was on.
> Takecare.
> S
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 1:11 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:
>> Good morning. I would like to access the items in the dash board with 
>> Voice Over. I can get into the calendar but don’t know how to move to 
>> the other objects. Any help is appreciated.
>> Thanks so much.
>> -- 
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Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone

2010-06-26 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Bryan and all,

I can say with certainty that the camera on the 3GS works well for the new bar 
code reader that Josh Lioncourt was talking about the other day Digit-Eyes. I 
have downloaded it and it works well. Not having any experience with the Iphone 
4, I can't say about the cameras. I know it has two according to Cara Quin's 
podcast. Have a great day.


On Jun 26, 2010, at 5:41 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Bryan,
> From what I have heard, the 3GS camera will do the job even if it is not as 
> good as the new iPhone 4. I will be very interested in how this application 
> performs despite the limitations of the 3GS.
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 2:52 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> The iPhone 4 should do a great job with this app. The 5 megapixel camera 
>> provides the level of resolution that assisted KNFB Reader so much. With the 
>> lower quality cameras, the DPI of scanned images is too low.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
>> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 11:30 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone
>> No,
>> The iPod touch doesn't have a camera.
>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 11:26 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Will this work with the Ipod Touch also?
>>> Courtney
>>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 I don't think it's out yet.
 I couldn't find it in the app store.
 On Jun 25, 2010, at 9:15 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just got this link from a friend of mine. Apparently, this app is free, 
> and it performs OCR using the new IPhone. It's different from the one 
> that emails your image to a server and then gives you back text. This one 
> actually performs OCR on the phone.
> Furthermore, it automatically takes pictures once the camera is aligned 
> with the center of the document.
> Check out this link for more information.
> Can someone let me know how it works?
> John
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the mac and dvds

2010-06-26 Thread Josh


I'll be getting a macbook pro on tuesday from my state voc rehab agency 
it has a trackpad, not a mouse, so how then do I eject disks?
I'l be interested to see how much they paid for it. I found on amazon I 
can get one for $1150. but I haven't found a lower price on the macbook 
pro. I realy hope my state hires me or the voc rehab tch specialist 
hires me to train people on the use of the mac, and the use of windows 
with NVDA and system access and voiceover for the mac. three more days! 
three more days and my macbook prro will be in my hands! I can't wait! I 
wish it were here right now! I got to play with a mac mini a year and a 
half ago or two years ago. it had leopard on it. But at those training 
centers you only get so much time per class and I didn't have time to 
really sit and learn the mac inside and out. But I knew I wanted to, and 
I had to. So I spent a year or so convincing voc rehab to get me a mac. 
I knew I wanted a macbook because I like the portabiity. Voc rehab of 
pennsylvania never got a mac for a totally blind person before. they 
only have gotten them for large print readers or people with very high 
vision. and then they only got them for people going into art and music 
and that sort o stuff.


Josh Kennedy

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Re: The dashboard

2010-06-26 Thread Buddy Brannan
Oh. Yes. Well, to do that, with the dashboard open, do VO+F2 twice. Or, 
perhaps, VO+FN+F2 twice. To bring up the window chooser menu. One option there 
is the widget menu, which lists all of your installed widgets. 
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Jun 26, 2010, at 10:12 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Buddy,
> I can bring up the Dashboard, I just can't see any widgets.
> Thanks,
> Donna
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:46 AM, Buddy Brannan wrote:
>> You can bring up the dashboard with F12, assuming you have Expose set up 
>> that way, which it is by default. If you have a MacBook/Macbook Pro, you 
>> might have to use FN+F12 instead. Newer Macbooks and macbook Pros (that is, 
>> newer than the 2007 Macbook I replaced with the Pro) use F4 as a sort of 
>> dedicated dashboard key. Also, you'll find dashboard on your dock.
>> --
>> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
>> Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY
>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:25 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> No, F12 turns up the volume.
>>> Donna
>>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:03 AM, clarence griffin wrote:
 I think its f12?
 On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:11 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> What is the command for opining the dashboard in SL?
> TIA,
> Donna
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 4:24 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello. go to your window chooser and choose the widgets window. You 
>> interact with eh dashboard via the window chooser. someoen wrote up a 
>> great artical on how to do all of this but I can't remember where it was 
>> or what list it was on.
>> Takecare.
>> S
>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 1:11 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:
>>> Good morning. I would like to access the items in the dash board with 
>>> Voice Over. I can get into the calendar but don’t know how to move to 
>>> the other objects. Any help is appreciated.
>>> Thanks so much.
>>> -- 
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How to change Voice over utility options?

2010-06-26 Thread Alfredo
I know that you have to press VO + F8 to go tot he utility options.
But do you have to press anything fo rth selections you make take
effect?  I am trying to change so taht the screen is not read
automatically but eerytime I go to either google or gmail, it keeps
reading the web page automatically.  An I doing somehting wrong?  If
so can someone shine some light on this?  Any help would be greatly

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Re: How to change Voice over utility options?

2010-06-26 Thread Cody Hurst
nope, once you have made your changes you just press command W to close the 
window. you need to interact with the table, and arrow down to web and what you 
want might be in therel ARe you talkabout dialog boxes being read automatically
On Jun 26, 2010, at 10:37 AM, Alfredo wrote:

> I know that you have to press VO + F8 to go tot he utility options.
> But do you have to press anything fo rth selections you make take
> effect?  I am trying to change so taht the screen is not read
> automatically but eerytime I go to either google or gmail, it keeps
> reading the web page automatically.  An I doing somehting wrong?  If
> so can someone shine some light on this?  Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Alfredo
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Running Windows

2010-06-26 Thread Chris Moore
I recently bought parallels desktop 5 with the view to run a demo version of 
JAWS.  I already have Windows XP installed via BootCamp.

Anyway I got parallels up and running 9with sighted assistance).  I am finding 
it is not very VoiceOver friendly.  Even the preferences window can't even be 
used with VoiceOver (well you can select tabs)  I noticed there were tabs for 
speech and iPhone, not sure what they do though.

My question is this, have I bought the wrong product? Should I have bought 
Fusion?  Is Fusion more VoiceOver friendly?


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Re: Running Windows

2010-06-26 Thread Cody Hurst
from what I have heard and read, fusion is much more friendly.

On Jun 26, 2010, at 10:37 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> I recently bought parallels desktop 5 with the view to run a demo version of 
> JAWS.  I already have Windows XP installed via BootCamp.
> Anyway I got parallels up and running 9with sighted assistance).  I am 
> finding it is not very VoiceOver friendly.  Even the preferences window can't 
> even be used with VoiceOver (well you can select tabs)  I noticed there were 
> tabs for speech and iPhone, not sure what they do though.
> My question is this, have I bought the wrong product? Should I have bought 
> Fusion?  Is Fusion more VoiceOver friendly?
> cHRIS 
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Re: accessing widgets in dashboard

2010-06-26 Thread Barry Hadder

Vo-f2 twice will access the widgets, and vo-cmd-f2 will close a widget.
Hope that helps.

On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:10 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> I can't do this either.  It looks like you should be pressing Ctrl-Shift F2, 
> but that doesn't seem to do anything.  I'd add my appreciation to anyone who 
> could post iinstructions for accessing widgets.
> Donna
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tv program

2010-06-26 Thread chad baker
Hi does anyone know of any accessible programs to listen to tv or accessible 

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Safari question and first post from Mac

2010-06-26 Thread Alfredo
This is my first post from my mac book pro and have a question on
safari and bookmark folders.  Can you have  a bookmark folder you
create to be on the toolbar?  If so how?  If you cannot then how can I
get tot he bookmark folder I create in the fatest way possible?  Any
suggestions would be greatly appreciated, even those involving the
automater whcih i have never used.

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Re: tv program

2010-06-26 Thread Chris Moore
Well in the UK we have, bit misleading as it is not a tv 
catch up service but in fact live tv for your computer or iphone.  We have 
catch up services at - etc

You could also download an app for your mac called Zattoo which also provides 
live TV
On 26 Jun 2010, at 15:55, chad baker wrote:

> Hi does anyone know of any accessible programs to listen to tv or accessible 
> sites?
> thanks
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Re: Safari question and first post from Mac

2010-06-26 Thread Cody Hurst
the fattest way? hm lol. yeah I could never figure out the bookmarks thing it's 
starting to annoy me but wehatever
On Jun 26, 2010, at 11:27 AM, Alfredo wrote:

> This is my first post from my mac book pro and have a question on
> safari and bookmark folders.  Can you have  a bookmark folder you
> create to be on the toolbar?  If so how?  If you cannot then how can I
> get tot he bookmark folder I create in the fatest way possible?  Any
> suggestions would be greatly appreciated, even those involving the
> automater whcih i have never used.
> Thanks
> -- 
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transferring e-mails

2010-06-26 Thread denise avant
Hello all,

I have some old e-mails on my windows pc that I need to keepp. And so I'm
wanting to transfer my e-mails from ms outlook 2007 to my mac mail account.
Is there a way to do this without forwarding every single e-mail I have?

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speaking of widgets in dashboard...

2010-06-26 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Speaking of widgets, I notice that I have three Google entries in my  
dashboard menus, and about nine "word counter," entries; what's with  
the redundancy, how can I get rid of the redundant ones, and what's  
the difference between the widget bar menu and the dashboard menu; in  
the widget bar menu all the above-mentioned multiple entries are  

Thanks! :)

Mark BurningHawk Baxter

AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: Transferring stuff between Macks

2010-06-26 Thread Courtney Curran
The big problem is, every time I shut down, I have to log in again and that's 
so annoying. Is there any way I can undo this back to the way it was before I 
used Migration assistant. I don't have a backup on Time Machine of this.
On Jun 26, 2010, at 7:18 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:

> migration assistent should be a one time deal for a new mac one just bought. 
> I say complex because some people may not want to be botherd with command 
> line aplications
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 5:21 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Not having followed this thread very closely, there is nothing complex about 
>> transferring files etc. THe question is what are you trying to accomplish. 
>> If your goal is to migrate data from one Mac to another, then you simply use 
>> the Migration tool, which is very efficient and effective. If your goal is 
>> to simply move some files between two machines, the Migration tool is not 
>> going to be the best solution. Instead you can use even something as simple 
>> as scp, which is a part of the ssh package from the Terminal, you can use 
>> file sharing and simply connect via the Finder from one box to the other, or 
>> use ftp. Lots of ways to move content and hey, an external drive would work 
>> just as well. Point is determine what he goal is and then use the 
>> appropriate tools.
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resyncing Iphone

2010-06-26 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all,

I just deleted some music from my Itunes library. I tried to resync it, with 
the new library only to have the Iphone tell me there is not enough room on it. 
I did some serous cleaning up. The original size was 28.5 gigs, and the newly 
cleaned library with all the content I want is 3.9 gigs. How can I resync this? 
Thanks for any help.


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Re: other voices for the macintosh computers

2010-06-26 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

They aren't worth using with VoiceOVer, though. At least, not yet. I got a 
coupon to test them, and I found they always ended up dying on me and were 
pretty slow in the first place. I didn't see a way to update, either. 
Hopefully, they have gotten better, and if so, can anyone tell me how to update?

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On Jun 26, 2010, at 3:33 PM, RvR wrote:

> Hello Josh,
> Thanks for the suggestion. Will check them out. The voice creation service
> sounds great too. 
> Regards,
> Ronald
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van:
> [] Namens Josh
> Verzonden: zaterdag 26 juni 2010 0:01
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: other voices for the macintosh computers
> Hi
> You can also buy voices for the mac at also in the very
> near future cereproc will offer a consumer voice creation service that will
> let youu turn recordings of you, friends, favorite readers, or famous people
> into apple voices or sapi5 voices for windows.
> Josh
> --
> Josh Kennedy
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Is there a shortcut key to rename a fiel or folder?

2010-06-26 Thread Alfredo
i tried looking on the web with no answer,

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Re: Is there a shortcut key to rename a fiel or folder?

2010-06-26 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Just hit enter on a file or folder, and you'll get an edit field. Enter the new 
name and press enter again.

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On Jun 26, 2010, at 7:08 PM, Alfredo wrote:

> i tried looking on the web with no answer,
> alfredo
> -- 
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Re: How to change Voice over utility options?

2010-06-26 Thread Alfredo

Cody Hurst wrote:
> nope, once you have made your changes you just press command W to close the 
> window. you need to interact with the table, and arrow down to web and what 
> you want might be in therel ARe you talkabout dialog boxes being read 
> automatically
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 10:37 AM, Alfredo wrote:
> > I know that you have to press VO + F8 to go tot he utility options.
> > But do you have to press anything fo rth selections you make take
> > effect?  I am trying to change so taht the screen is not read
> > automatically but eerytime I go to either google or gmail, it keeps
> > reading the web page automatically.  An I doing somehting wrong?  If
> > so can someone shine some light on this?  Any help would be greatly
> > appreciated.
> > Alfredo
> >
> > --
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Re: accessing widgets in dashboard

2010-06-26 Thread Donna Goodin
Hey it worked.  I swear I tried this before, but this time, I did a bit more 
arrowing around and finally the widget bar came up.  Thanks Barry and Buddy for 
your help.
On Jun 26, 2010, at 10:50 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> Hello,
> Vo-f2 twice will access the widgets, and vo-cmd-f2 will close a widget.
> Hope that helps.
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:10 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I can't do this either.  It looks like you should be pressing Ctrl-Shift F2, 
>> but that doesn't seem to do anything.  I'd add my appreciation to anyone who 
>> could post iinstructions for accessing widgets.
>> Donna
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Re: speaking of widgets in dashboard...

2010-06-26 Thread Donna Goodin
Oh, interesting.  I didn't know the widget bar and the dashboard were 
different.  The only place I see widgets is if I go into the widget bar menu.
P.S. Sorry, Mark, I know that didn't answer your question. :)  Since I haven't 
seen either of the things you describe, I'm afraid I can't help.
On Jun 26, 2010, at 11:46 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Speaking of widgets, I notice that I have three Google entries in my 
> dashboard menus, and about nine "word counter," entries; what's with the 
> redundancy, how can I get rid of the redundant ones, and what's the 
> difference between the widget bar menu and the dashboard menu; in the widget 
> bar menu all the above-mentioned multiple entries are corrected.
> Thanks! :)
> Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
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accessibility and usability of stanza

2010-06-26 Thread Mary Otten
Hi all,
I have recently installed the stanza app on my Ipod and subsequently went to 
the website to look at the faq. For whatever reason, the portion of faq having 
to do with transfering files didn't show answers when I clicked on one of the 
questions in that section. Anyway, my questions are these:
Is stanza on the mac usable with vo? Can you read books in the ereader format 
as advertised on the IPhone version? And is there a problem with having your 
place retained? I have a lot of rtf-format books that I have scanned on a pc. 
Someone suggested stanza as an option for reading these on an Iphone/Ipod, but 
if the place is not retained when you close the book, that doesn't seem like a 
worthwhile option. 

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Windows on the mac question

2010-06-26 Thread Kevin Mattingly
I'm running vmware fusion on my mac with windows 7. I'm having an issue getting 
jaws to recognize the caps lock key as the jaws key. When I try and use it in 
windows, it continues to recognize it as the caps lock key. 

Anyone have any ideas for resolution?


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RE: tv program

2010-06-26 Thread Cameron

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of chad baker
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 10:55 AM
Subject: tv program

Hi does anyone know of any accessible programs to listen to tv or accessible

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Re: Windows on the mac question

2010-06-26 Thread Sarah Alawami
Sorry you are out of luck there. Yu will have to either remap it via the 
mapping utility which is bugy at best with voice over or get a keyboard with a 
number pad and use the desktop layout.

Good luck.
On Jun 26, 2010, at 12:25 PM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

> I'm running vmware fusion on my mac with windows 7. I'm having an issue 
> getting jaws to recognize the caps lock key as the jaws key. When I try and 
> use it in windows, it continues to recognize it as the caps lock key. 
> Anyone have any ideas for resolution?
> Thanks,
> Kev
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Re: Transferring stuff between macs

2010-06-26 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Chris.

I have a time machine capsule.  I wish to know of I went half way round the 
world (not that I will) with my Mac Pro, could I access my stuff by logging 
into the time capsule and getting what I wanted?  How would I log in (the 
capsule is attached to our wireless here) but not to the Wireless router.  I'm 
in essence asking would I have to put my name and password in and would I then 
get to a page or file directory or something?

On Jun 26, 2010, at 12:47 AM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Hi again Courtney,
> The Migration Assistant also lets you use an ethernet cable or even wifi to 
> do the transfer.
> Friendly,
> Chris
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Kawal Gucukoglu


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Re: Is there a shortcut key to rename a fiel or folder?

2010-06-26 Thread Alfredo

On Jun 26, 10:13 am, Nicolai Svendsen  wrote:
> Hi,
> Just hit enter on a file or folder, and you'll get an edit field. Enter the 
> new name and press enter again.
> Regards,
> Nic
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> On Jun 26, 2010, at 7:08 PM, Alfredo wrote:
> > i tried looking on the web with no answer,
> > alfredo
> > --
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Re: Windows on the mac question

2010-06-26 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Thank you. I guess a Mac Book would have the same issues then. A new keyboard 
it is.

Thanks for your advice,
On Jun 26, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Sorry you are out of luck there. Yu will have to either remap it via the 
> mapping utility which is bugy at best with voice over or get a keyboard with 
> a number pad and use the desktop layout.
> Good luck.
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 12:25 PM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
>> I'm running vmware fusion on my mac with windows 7. I'm having an issue 
>> getting jaws to recognize the caps lock key as the jaws key. When I try and 
>> use it in windows, it continues to recognize it as the caps lock key. 
>> Anyone have any ideas for resolution?
>> Thanks,
>> Kev
>> -- 
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Re: Windows on the mac question

2010-06-26 Thread Chris Snyder
I too am having an issue with fusion. Every time I start jaws, it wants to 
install the video intercept manager. I tell it to go ahead, and it gives me an 
Also, and most maddening of all, every time I try to rout jaws to pc or even 
simply read a document in notepad, all the blasted thing says is "blank." Is 
there a set of optimum display settings I should use? I really only use Windows 
for two programs for which there is no mac answer, and not being able to use 
them is bloody obnoxious. Thanks for any help or advice.


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iphone4 podcast now up

2010-06-26 Thread Cody Hurst
Hi list,

My iPhone 4 review is now up on my site and soon to be on bct. I talk about the 
design of the phone, and go over some voiceover features. I recorded and edited 
this in amadeus so thanks for all the tips given to me. Note, yes, high voice 
but I'm not a woman/I will slap you if you call me a woman



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Re: Windows on the mac question

2010-06-26 Thread Kevin Mattingly
I actually have nvda installed for anything that gives me problems with jaws. 
When all else fails, NVDA usually works and of course it is free.

On Jun 26, 2010, at 8:32 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Hi,
> I too am having an issue with fusion. Every time I start jaws, it wants to 
> install the video intercept manager. I tell it to go ahead, and it gives me 
> an error. 
> Also, and most maddening of all, every time I try to rout jaws to pc or even 
> simply read a document in notepad, all the blasted thing says is "blank." Is 
> there a set of optimum display settings I should use? I really only use 
> Windows for two programs for which there is no mac answer, and not being able 
> to use them is bloody obnoxious. Thanks for any help or advice.
> Friendly,
> Chris
> -- 
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line in works but can't monitor sound

2010-06-26 Thread Cody Hurst
Hi all,

I've done some googling on this and all replies indicate that I should use a 
play through option in whatever software I might be using at the time. that is 
not an option. I need to be able to hear myself through my line out headphone 
jack on my iMac while I talk through my mixer connected to my line in jack. I 
can record fromt he line in and it sounds ok but the only way i know it sounds 
right is by playing back the recording and I need to know how I sound for 
example, on skype so that I can adjust volumes accordingly otherwise I'll never 
know if I'm too loud or too quiet I need an operating system wide option to let 
me monitor my input, any suggestions?


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Re: line in works but can't monitor sound

2010-06-26 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Cody,

the only thingI can think of is an Imike. THat's how I use Amadeus and monitor 
myself a the same time. It's about $24 from Amazon and is a breeze to install. 
Not to configure, but to just plug in to the USB port smile. I had a bit of 
trouble configuring the Imike, but once I did it worked like a charm. I didn't 
realize I had to go in to System preferences  then to sound and then input and 
select Imike from the table. I hope that helps.


On Jun 27, 2010, at 12:42 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've done some googling on this and all replies indicate that I should use a 
> play through option in whatever software I might be using at the time. that 
> is not an option. I need to be able to hear myself through my line out 
> headphone jack on my iMac while I talk through my mixer connected to my line 
> in jack. I can record fromt he line in and it sounds ok but the only way i 
> know it sounds right is by playing back the recording and I need to know how 
> I sound for example, on skype so that I can adjust volumes accordingly 
> otherwise I'll never know if I'm too loud or too quiet I need an operating 
> system wide option to let me monitor my input, any suggestions?
> Cody
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VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-26 Thread Chris Moore
Well guys now the iPhone 4.0 is out of he way, I think the next thing we should 
start looking forward to is the next Mac OS.  10.7 (lion maybe?). 

so I was wondering what features/ improvements you would like implemented into 
VoiceOver 4.0 and hopefully Apple are listening.

i will get the ball rolling ...

1.  Intelligent number reading.  if voiceover encounters numbers then it 
can only be set to read them as words or numbers.  It would be neat if 
VoiceOver knew when it was more appropriate to say the numbers as digits or 
words.  For example if the word year appeared after 26 (digits) voiceover knew 
in this instance to read two six as twenty six years.  Another example would be 
a phone number, if the word tel: or mobile: etc appears before numbers 
beginning with either + or 0 then to read this out as digits and not some huge 
number containing millions and thousands.  The same could be said for time and 
measurements etc.

2.  In mail it would be more useful if voiceover did not read blank blank 
on every line on the message viewer if there was nothing in that cell.  yes I 
know you can turn buddies off and move columns around etc to get around this, 
but really voiceover should only read out what is relevant unless the user 
wishes to interact with the item in more detail. I think it would also be 
useful to know if the email has an attachment before opening it.

3.  An additional voice.  Alex is wonderful and plays great fast and slow, 
the other voices that come with the mac have been there since the year dot and 
probably sounded impressive in the 80s or 90s but now I wonder why they are 
still there.  I would like to see an additional voice added to complement Alex, 
maybe a female voice.  This would be useful for reading events as some of us 
have to purchase an additional voice for this task.

4.  Portable document image , when using adium or the weather widget I get 
infuriated when I hear the graphic image read out as portable document image.  
Why can't voiceover simply say oh its a picture of the sun or a cloud or its a 
smiley or sad face etc.

5.  The ability to change the speech rate etc within iChat for when you 
have events set up so new messages or buddies online are read out., as 
currently the default is very slow and there is no way to speed them up.

6.  The ability to remember hotspots and web hot spots (by website basis) 
after turning the mac off would be very useful.  Landmarks has been added to 
the iPhone, perhaps this could be added to the Mac too?

7.  JAWS has the ability through scripting to make unaccessible 
applications accessible.  This is not an ideal long term solution but it is a 
temporary fix and the ability to share these scripts with others etc would make 
the likes of Microsoft Office etc accessible until they finally get around to 
following Apple's accessibility guidelines.

8.  A keybaord shortcut to read out battery status when using a laptop.  Or 
even better still, when pressing the battery status button on the side of the 
macbook, enable voiceover to detect  that button press and act on it.

9.  When setting password protection on the Mac, VoiceOver is not set as 
default to alert the user that they need to enter their password.  even though 
VoiceOver might be set as the default to come on once you have successfully 
logged onto the mac, you have to manually set in the accounts preferences to 
enable voiceover to run on the login screen.  

Ok over you to guys now...


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Re: line in works but can't monitor sound

2010-06-26 Thread Cody Hurst
I found a small utility that is accessible and that forwards the audio fromt he 
input to the output there is a very slight delay but I think I can work with 
On Jun 27, 2010, at 12:50 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Cody,
> the only thingI can think of is an Imike. THat's how I use Amadeus and 
> monitor myself a the same time. It's about $24 from Amazon and is a breeze to 
> install. Not to configure, but to just plug in to the USB port smile. I had a 
> bit of trouble configuring the Imike, but once I did it worked like a charm. 
> I didn't realize I had to go in to System preferences  then to sound and then 
> input and select Imike from the table. I hope that helps.
> Allison
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 12:42 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've done some googling on this and all replies indicate that I should use a 
>> play through option in whatever software I might be using at the time. that 
>> is not an option. I need to be able to hear myself through my line out 
>> headphone jack on my iMac while I talk through my mixer connected to my line 
>> in jack. I can record fromt he line in and it sounds ok but the only way i 
>> know it sounds right is by playing back the recording and I need to know how 
>> I sound for example, on skype so that I can adjust volumes accordingly 
>> otherwise I'll never know if I'm too loud or too quiet I need an operating 
>> system wide option to let me monitor my input, any suggestions?
>> Cody
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Re: VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-26 Thread Chris Moore
Sorry I was to quick to hit send before reading that last message through 
first. I also forgot to put my 10th request in.

10. Double linking.  If you go to you will see on 
there when reading the document through that some links are read out more then 
once.  This is because there could be a graphic link then a text link to the 
same page etc.  VoiceOver should learn that when this happens only read out the 
link once and ignore the second one.

Ok that is my top 10 complete, and before users flame me I love the Mac and 
VoiceOver, I just want to see it grow for our benefit.

On 27 Jun 2010, at 05:57, Chris Moore wrote:

> Well guys now the iPhone 4.0 is out of he way, I think the next thing we 
> should start looking forward to is the next Mac OS.  10.7 (lion maybe?). 
> so I was wondering what features/ improvements you would like implemented 
> into VoiceOver 4.0 and hopefully Apple are listening.
> i will get the ball rolling ...
> 1.Intelligent number reading.  if voiceover encounters numbers then it 
> can only be set to read them as words or numbers.  It would be neat if 
> VoiceOver knew when it was more appropriate to say the numbers as digits or 
> words.  For example if the word year appeared after 26 (digits) voiceover 
> knew in this instance to read two six as twenty six years.  Another example 
> would be a phone number, if the word tel: or mobile: etc appears before 
> numbers beginning with either + or 0 then to read this out as digits and not 
> some huge number containing millions and thousands.  The same could be said 
> for time and measurements etc.
> 2.In mail it would be more useful if voiceover did not read blank blank 
> on every line on the message viewer if there was nothing in that cell.  yes I 
> know you can turn buddies off and move columns around etc to get around this, 
> but really voiceover should only read out what is relevant unless the user 
> wishes to interact with the item in more detail. I think it would also be 
> useful to know if the email has an attachment before opening it.
> 3.An additional voice.  Alex is wonderful and plays great fast and slow, 
> the other voices that come with the mac have been there since the year dot 
> and probably sounded impressive in the 80s or 90s but now I wonder why they 
> are still there.  I would like to see an additional voice added to complement 
> Alex, maybe a female voice.  This would be useful for reading events as some 
> of us have to purchase an additional voice for this task.
> 4.Portable document image , when using adium or the weather widget I get 
> infuriated when I hear the graphic image read out as portable document image. 
>  Why can't voiceover simply say oh its a picture of the sun or a cloud or its 
> a smiley or sad face etc.
> 5.The ability to change the speech rate etc within iChat for when you 
> have events set up so new messages or buddies online are read out., as 
> currently the default is very slow and there is no way to speed them up.
> 6.The ability to remember hotspots and web hot spots (by website basis) 
> after turning the mac off would be very useful.  Landmarks has been added to 
> the iPhone, perhaps this could be added to the Mac too?
> 7.JAWS has the ability through scripting to make unaccessible 
> applications accessible.  This is not an ideal long term solution but it is a 
> temporary fix and the ability to share these scripts with others etc would 
> make the likes of Microsoft Office etc accessible until they finally get 
> around to following Apple's accessibility guidelines.
> 8.A keybaord shortcut to read out battery status when using a laptop.  Or 
> even better still, when pressing the battery status button on the side of the 
> macbook, enable voiceover to detect  that button press and act on it.
> 9.When setting password protection on the Mac, VoiceOver is not set as 
> default to alert the user that they need to enter their password.  even 
> though VoiceOver might be set as the default to come on once you have 
> successfully logged onto the mac, you have to manually set in the accounts 
> preferences to enable voiceover to run on the login screen.  
> Ok over you to guys now...
> Chris 
> -- 
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Re: VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-26 Thread Pete Nalda
1. Language rotor, so I can hear Spanish, French, and Basque spoken like they 
should be.  Alex and Vicki just don't do it for me, it sounds so sterile.
2. Automatic interaction with the text area in Mail.  I wonder if another key 
should be used for stopping speech, as I don't get to use control+2 finger 
flick to change magnification when VO is running with the trackpad commander.

On Jun 26, 2010, at 11:57 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Well guys now the iPhone 4.0 is out of he way, I think the next thing we 
> should start looking forward to is the next Mac OS.  10.7 (lion maybe?). 
> so I was wondering what features/ improvements you would like implemented 
> into VoiceOver 4.0 and hopefully Apple are listening.
> i will get the ball rolling ...
> 1.Intelligent number reading.  if voiceover encounters numbers then it 
> can only be set to read them as words or numbers.  It would be neat if 
> VoiceOver knew when it was more appropriate to say the numbers as digits or 
> words.  For example if the word year appeared after 26 (digits) voiceover 
> knew in this instance to read two six as twenty six years.  Another example 
> would be a phone number, if the word tel: or mobile: etc appears before 
> numbers beginning with either + or 0 then to read this out as digits and not 
> some huge number containing millions and thousands.  The same could be said 
> for time and measurements etc.
> 2.In mail it would be more useful if voiceover did not read blank blank 
> on every line on the message viewer if there was nothing in that cell.  yes I 
> know you can turn buddies off and move columns around etc to get around this, 
> but really voiceover should only read out what is relevant unless the user 
> wishes to interact with the item in more detail. I think it would also be 
> useful to know if the email has an attachment before opening it.
> 3.An additional voice.  Alex is wonderful and plays great fast and slow, 
> the other voices that come with the mac have been there since the year dot 
> and probably sounded impressive in the 80s or 90s but now I wonder why they 
> are still there.  I would like to see an additional voice added to complement 
> Alex, maybe a female voice.  This would be useful for reading events as some 
> of us have to purchase an additional voice for this task.
> 4.Portable document image , when using adium or the weather widget I get 
> infuriated when I hear the graphic image read out as portable document image. 
>  Why can't voiceover simply say oh its a picture of the sun or a cloud or its 
> a smiley or sad face etc.
> 5.The ability to change the speech rate etc within iChat for when you 
> have events set up so new messages or buddies online are read out., as 
> currently the default is very slow and there is no way to speed them up.
> 6.The ability to remember hotspots and web hot spots (by website basis) 
> after turning the mac off would be very useful.  Landmarks has been added to 
> the iPhone, perhaps this could be added to the Mac too?
> 7.JAWS has the ability through scripting to make unaccessible 
> applications accessible.  This is not an ideal long term solution but it is a 
> temporary fix and the ability to share these scripts with others etc would 
> make the likes of Microsoft Office etc accessible until they finally get 
> around to following Apple's accessibility guidelines.
> 8.A keybaord shortcut to read out battery status when using a laptop.  Or 
> even better still, when pressing the battery status button on the side of the 
> macbook, enable voiceover to detect  that button press and act on it.
> 9.When setting password protection on the Mac, VoiceOver is not set as 
> default to alert the user that they need to enter their password.  even 
> though VoiceOver might be set as the default to come on once you have 
> successfully logged onto the mac, you have to manually set in the accounts 
> preferences to enable voiceover to run on the login screen.  
> Ok over you to guys now...
> Chris 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-26 Thread Pete Nalda
Oh, and have speak text under mouse available in Mail also.

On Jun 26, 2010, at 11:57 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Well guys now the iPhone 4.0 is out of he way, I think the next thing we 
> should start looking forward to is the next Mac OS.  10.7 (lion maybe?). 
> so I was wondering what features/ improvements you would like implemented 
> into VoiceOver 4.0 and hopefully Apple are listening.
> i will get the ball rolling ...
> 1.Intelligent number reading.  if voiceover encounters numbers then it 
> can only be set to read them as words or numbers.  It would be neat if 
> VoiceOver knew when it was more appropriate to say the numbers as digits or 
> words.  For example if the word year appeared after 26 (digits) voiceover 
> knew in this instance to read two six as twenty six years.  Another example 
> would be a phone number, if the word tel: or mobile: etc appears before 
> numbers beginning with either + or 0 then to read this out as digits and not 
> some huge number containing millions and thousands.  The same could be said 
> for time and measurements etc.
> 2.In mail it would be more useful if voiceover did not read blank blank 
> on every line on the message viewer if there was nothing in that cell.  yes I 
> know you can turn buddies off and move columns around etc to get around this, 
> but really voiceover should only read out what is relevant unless the user 
> wishes to interact with the item in more detail. I think it would also be 
> useful to know if the email has an attachment before opening it.
> 3.An additional voice.  Alex is wonderful and plays great fast and slow, 
> the other voices that come with the mac have been there since the year dot 
> and probably sounded impressive in the 80s or 90s but now I wonder why they 
> are still there.  I would like to see an additional voice added to complement 
> Alex, maybe a female voice.  This would be useful for reading events as some 
> of us have to purchase an additional voice for this task.
> 4.Portable document image , when using adium or the weather widget I get 
> infuriated when I hear the graphic image read out as portable document image. 
>  Why can't voiceover simply say oh its a picture of the sun or a cloud or its 
> a smiley or sad face etc.
> 5.The ability to change the speech rate etc within iChat for when you 
> have events set up so new messages or buddies online are read out., as 
> currently the default is very slow and there is no way to speed them up.
> 6.The ability to remember hotspots and web hot spots (by website basis) 
> after turning the mac off would be very useful.  Landmarks has been added to 
> the iPhone, perhaps this could be added to the Mac too?
> 7.JAWS has the ability through scripting to make unaccessible 
> applications accessible.  This is not an ideal long term solution but it is a 
> temporary fix and the ability to share these scripts with others etc would 
> make the likes of Microsoft Office etc accessible until they finally get 
> around to following Apple's accessibility guidelines.
> 8.A keybaord shortcut to read out battery status when using a laptop.  Or 
> even better still, when pressing the battery status button on the side of the 
> macbook, enable voiceover to detect  that button press and act on it.
> 9.When setting password protection on the Mac, VoiceOver is not set as 
> default to alert the user that they need to enter their password.  even 
> though VoiceOver might be set as the default to come on once you have 
> successfully logged onto the mac, you have to manually set in the accounts 
> preferences to enable voiceover to run on the login screen.  
> Ok over you to guys now...
> Chris 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> For more options, visit this group at 

Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: IPod/IPhone and reading text with a braille display.

2010-06-26 Thread Georges Zaynoun
Hi I am from Sweden and is using BrailleConnect12 with iPOD Touch. I 
can tell you that when I want to write numbers from my BC12 I braille 
in the number sign # before each digit so for example to write 25 I am 
doing #2#5, I think if you write the dot 6 before the letter you want 
it to be capitalized you will get it as you want. My problem is how to 
find and press the go button in safari to open a web page and to search 
as well in youtube.

Original message:

Hi all.

What is the best app to use for reading on the IPod touch with os4.

Is there any aplications where I can search in the dokument and go
back to a bookmark and maybe add a bookmark. Often I am reading HTML
can I read HTML in the safari app on the IPod, if so how can I
transfer the dokuments to the IPod.

I have tried to use fileapp, it does a great job, but the navigation
is not quiet good.

At last I have to say that apple has done a good job with this os4. I
really like the danish contracted braille, but do anybody know, where
I have to report the bugs in the danish braille, I can not figure it
out how to write capitals, and I can not find out how to make an @.
There they have done a mistake. But I am impressed.

Best regards Annie.

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Groups "MacVisionaries" group.

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Georges Zaynoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
Tel: +46500201623
Mobile: +46707567315

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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RE: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone

2010-06-26 Thread Bryan Smart
Well, a Windows user might say that they can purchase a computer, far more 
powerful than your Mac, and for less money, so why waste money on a Mac? Or 
many people wonder why people bother buying iPhones, when the new Android 
phones far outclass the iPhone in terms of specs and open operation? Cost isn't 
always the point, though.

I don't want to sound like I'm down on them making this program. I might buy 
it. Actually, I wonder why I'm arguing this on a listserv, anyway. I know that 
many blind tech people are rightly down on some of the over-priced specialized 
blindness gadgets. But, seriously, this isn't a $5,000 note taker. Most of the 
book  readers aren't much more than $300. That is damn cheap for a device that 
is optimized to be controlled with buttons and speech feedback, rather than 
using touch-screen gestures to review and control a visually-optimized 
interface. You're waiting for NLS support, which they may never provide. 
Meanwhile, the Stream works with NLS, RFB&D, newsline, practically all other 
major talking book libraries in the world, DVS movies from places like SamNet, 
plays Daisy audio books in both MP3 and 3GP audio formats (which this probably 
won't ever play, so probably no NLS support), plays commercial audio books 
(including Audible), plays books that you rip from CD yourself as books with 
all book features (bookmarks, notes, highlighting, etc) still in effect (not 
just loading MP3s in to a media player), reads Daisy books in text format, 
reads HTML and plane text with full book navigation and note taking features, 
plays MP3, OGG, and uncompressed music, and a bunch of other stuff, for 15+ 
hours at a stretch (no add-on battery pack required), for $300. And it operates 
so simply that you don't need hardly any sort of instruction to use it, and, 
without even using this app, I can state with certainty that no iPhone app is 
ever going to allow me to zip through menus like I can on a dedicated device. I 
can work it half asleep, which I often do. These little devices are really 
something for $300. So, just like getting a Mac instead of Windows, or an 
iPhone instead of a Droid, you're buying it not because it's the rock-bottom 
option in terms of cost, but because of the optimized user experience, and the 
fact that it just works.

Anyway, all this to make the point that, regardless of software, my prediction 
is that, with no dedicated hardware for decrypting books, and no hardware 
support for decoding the audio formats that some of them use, all of that will 
be running in software, constantly running the CPU at max, sucking down battery 
power, and you'll be lucky to get 4 hours out of a stock battery before the 
phone goes from full charge to fully dead. Maybe a battery pack could stretch 
it to 8. Even so, it will support far less content, and the interface will be 
far slower to operate. I don't think that translates in to a good book player. 
I hope that they can prove me wrong.

I'd probably be willing to trade off some of the stream's long run-time and 
sacrifice its great interface, if the iPhone app would actually do more than a 
digital book player. Right now it does less in every regard. What I'd like to 
see is this app become a blind version of Netflix, offering content on demand. 
If you could start this reader app, and browse/stream content from various 
providers like the talking book libraries, Bookshare, etc, then I'd consider it 
superior. That would also get rid of the whole overhead of having to make sure 
your phone and computer are on the same Wi-Fi network (this isn't always 
possible), and upload books to your phone over FTP. Basically, these guys 
should stop trying to think about how to port a desktop Daisy book reader to 
the iPhone, which is what they've done so far, and start thinking of this like 
a rich client, which is how most all of the other media apps on the iPhone 
operate. Just imagine how not fun Netflix would be if you had to log on from 
your PC, find and download a movie, get your phone and PC on the same hotspot, 
and upload the movie to your phone. There is no way most people would bother 
with that. They want to have an impulse like "hey, I'd sure like to watch an 
episode of Family Guy or see what new documentaries are out from the Discovery 
Channel", bring up the app, type in a search query, and tap play. All of that 
stuff with using a PC and re-uploading files takes all of the spontaneousness 
out of finding something entertaining to enjoy while you have some down time, 
and turns it in to a project.

Anyway, here's hoping we get a BlindFlix, or AudioZone, or something for audio 
what Netflix is for video and the general population. The person that makes 
that will have my money for sure!


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 5:34 AM
Subject: Re: 

Bookmarks Bar in Safari [was Re: Safari question and first post from Mac]

2010-06-26 Thread Esther

Hello Alfredo,

Yes, you can have a bookmark folder that you create appear on the  
Safari bookmarks bar, if you have your browser set to display this.   
The fastest way to create a folder on the Bookmarks Bar, assuming you  
start with a completely empty setup, would be to press Command-Option- 
B to "Show All Bookmarks", then to navigate to the "Bookmarks Bar".   
You can use item chooser (VO-I) to go to "Bookmarks Bar" in the table  
of bookmark collections. (Note: there's both a "Bookmarks Bar" and a  
"Bookmarks Menu" in the table.) Then, tab past the "search text field"  
to the table that lists contents of your selected bookmark collection  
and interact.  Create a new folder with Command-Shift-N. After you've  
created your folders and bookmarks, use Command-Option-B again to  
"Hide All Bookmarks" -- that key sequence is a toggle. It's also the  
first command in the "Bookmarks" menu on the menu bar, if you use the  
menu bar instead of keyboard shortcuts.  You'll also find the commands  
to "Add Bookmark" (Command-D) and "Add Bookmark Folder" (Command-Shift- 
N) if you arrow down through the Bookmarks menu on the Safari menu  
bar.  To add the present page as a bookmark, use Command-D, and then  
type in a name (or use the default) in the dialog window. VO-Space on  
the pop up button for where to save the bookmark, and select the  
"Bookmarks Bar".  General bookmarks management, searching, etc. is  
done by toggling on "Show All Bookmarks", which shows you a special  
web page for managing your bookmarks.  The reason for not simply using  
Command-Shift-N to create a new folder is that it creates a new folder  
of bookmarks in your bookmark collections -- it does NOT create a  
folder under the Bookmarks bar, which is what you were asking for.   
You have to navigate to select the folder you want in the bookmarks  
collection in order to create subfolders there.

To read more about bookmarks and there organization, you can read my  
post from last month in response to a question about moving and  
deleting bookmarks:
(Re: moving and deleting bookmarks).



On Jun 26, 2010, Cody Hurst wrote:

the fattest way? hm lol. yeah I could never figure out the bookmarks  
thing it's starting to annoy me but wehatever

On Jun 26, 2010, Alfredo wrote:

This is my first post from my mac book pro and have a question on
safari and bookmark folders.  Can you have  a bookmark folder you
create to be on the toolbar?  If so how?  If you cannot then how  
can I

get tot he bookmark folder I create in the fatest way possible?  Any
suggestions would be greatly appreciated, even those involving the
automater whcih i have never used.

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Re: IPod/IPhone and reading text with a braille display.

2010-06-26 Thread Deb Lewis

D1-D5-Space as a chord should do it.
- Original Message - 
From: "Georges Zaynoun" 

Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: IPod/IPhone and reading text with a braille display.

Hi I am from Sweden and is using BrailleConnect12 with iPOD Touch. I
can tell you that when I want to write numbers from my BC12 I braille
in the number sign # before each digit so for example to write 25 I am
doing #2#5, I think if you write the dot 6 before the letter you want
it to be capitalized you will get it as you want. My problem is how to
find and press the go button in safari to open a web page and to search
as well in youtube.
Original message:

Hi all.

What is the best app to use for reading on the IPod touch with os4.

Is there any aplications where I can search in the dokument and go
back to a bookmark and maybe add a bookmark. Often I am reading HTML
can I read HTML in the safari app on the IPod, if so how can I
transfer the dokuments to the IPod.

I have tried to use fileapp, it does a great job, but the navigation
is not quiet good.

At last I have to say that apple has done a good job with this os4. I
really like the danish contracted braille, but do anybody know, where
I have to report the bugs in the danish braille, I can not figure it
out how to write capitals, and I can not find out how to make an @.
There they have done a mistake. But I am impressed.

Best regards Annie.

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"MacVisionaries" group.

To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

Georges Zaynoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
Tel: +46500201623
Mobile: +46707567315

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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"MacVisionaries" group.

To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

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Re: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone

2010-06-26 Thread Chris Moore
I could not agree more.  I am just starting to look into talking books and all 
these different formats and libraries is  confusing..

I don't want FTP I just want something I can drag and drop files to in any 
format or have a built in store where I can buy or rent books similar 
experience to the iTunes store.  Maybe iBooks will be the way forward?  But I 
was also thinking about the user interface, they do need to make it slick and 
easy and take advantage of gestures too.

Mind you in respect of Android phones, it might be open source but personally I 
found the device inferior to the iPhone and even worse on accessiblity, just 
feels clumsy and a bit like a jig saw.
On 27 Jun 2010, at 06:36, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Well, a Windows user might say that they can purchase a computer, far more 
> powerful than your Mac, and for less money, so why waste money on a Mac? Or 
> many people wonder why people bother buying iPhones, when the new Android 
> phones far outclass the iPhone in terms of specs and open operation? Cost 
> isn't always the point, though.
> I don't want to sound like I'm down on them making this program. I might buy 
> it. Actually, I wonder why I'm arguing this on a listserv, anyway. I know 
> that many blind tech people are rightly down on some of the over-priced 
> specialized blindness gadgets. But, seriously, this isn't a $5,000 note 
> taker. Most of the book  readers aren't much more than $300. That is damn 
> cheap for a device that is optimized to be controlled with buttons and speech 
> feedback, rather than using touch-screen gestures to review and control a 
> visually-optimized interface. You're waiting for NLS support, which they may 
> never provide. Meanwhile, the Stream works with NLS, RFB&D, newsline, 
> practically all other major talking book libraries in the world, DVS movies 
> from places like SamNet, plays Daisy audio books in both MP3 and 3GP audio 
> formats (which this probably won't ever play, so probably no NLS support), 
> plays commercial audio books (including Audible), plays books that you rip 
> from CD yourself as books with all book features (bookmarks, notes, 
> highlighting, etc) still in effect (not just loading MP3s in to a media 
> player), reads Daisy books in text format, reads HTML and plane text with 
> full book navigation and note taking features, plays MP3, OGG, and 
> uncompressed music, and a bunch of other stuff, for 15+ hours at a stretch 
> (no add-on battery pack required), for $300. And it operates so simply that 
> you don't need hardly any sort of instruction to use it, and, without even 
> using this app, I can state with certainty that no iPhone app is ever going 
> to allow me to zip through menus like I can on a dedicated device. I can work 
> it half asleep, which I often do. These little devices are really something 
> for $300. So, just like getting a Mac instead of Windows, or an iPhone 
> instead of a Droid, you're buying it not because it's the rock-bottom option 
> in terms of cost, but because of the optimized user experience, and the fact 
> that it just works.
> Anyway, all this to make the point that, regardless of software, my 
> prediction is that, with no dedicated hardware for decrypting books, and no 
> hardware support for decoding the audio formats that some of them use, all of 
> that will be running in software, constantly running the CPU at max, sucking 
> down battery power, and you'll be lucky to get 4 hours out of a stock battery 
> before the phone goes from full charge to fully dead. Maybe a battery pack 
> could stretch it to 8. Even so, it will support far less content, and the 
> interface will be far slower to operate. I don't think that translates in to 
> a good book player. I hope that they can prove me wrong.
> I'd probably be willing to trade off some of the stream's long run-time and 
> sacrifice its great interface, if the iPhone app would actually do more than 
> a digital book player. Right now it does less in every regard. What I'd like 
> to see is this app become a blind version of Netflix, offering content on 
> demand. If you could start this reader app, and browse/stream content from 
> various providers like the talking book libraries, Bookshare, etc, then I'd 
> consider it superior. That would also get rid of the whole overhead of having 
> to make sure your phone and computer are on the same Wi-Fi network (this 
> isn't always possible), and upload books to your phone over FTP. Basically, 
> these guys should stop trying to think about how to port a desktop Daisy book 
> reader to the iPhone, which is what they've done so far, and start thinking 
> of this like a rich client, which is how most all of the other media apps on 
> the iPhone operate. Just imagine how not fun Netflix would be if you had to 
> log on from your PC, find and download a movie, get your phone and PC on the 
> same hotspot, and upload the movie to your phone. There is no way most people 
> would bothe

RE: iphone4 podcast now up

2010-06-26 Thread Bryan Smart
Hi Cody. . I enjoyed your podcast. Good job on it.

One bit that I'm not clear about with iOS 4 and folders, though, is how the 
dragging behavior to create folders affects the way that VO users rearrange 
apps on a single screen. For example, , before iOS 4, you would tap and hold on 
the app to move, drag to a new position, and release your finger. your app 
would drop in to that position, and the other apps would be pushed over to make 
room. If you did that now, though, you'd create a folder that contained both 
the app that you were dragging, and the app that was located at the point where 
you released your finger.

So, how do you move apps now without creating folders?


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Cody Hurst
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 9:53 PM
Subject: iphone4 podcast now up

Hi list,

My iPhone 4 review is now up on my site and soon to be on bct. I talk about the 
design of the phone, and go over some voiceover features. I recorded and edited 
this in amadeus so thanks for all the tips given to me. Note, yes, high voice 
but I'm not a woman/I will slap you if you call me a woman



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RE: Running Windows

2010-06-26 Thread Bryan Smart
Yep. VMWare Fusion is the only virtual machine software that works. Parallels 
and Virtual Box aren't accessible at all. Fusion costs about $80, unless 
they're running one of their frequent specials.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Cody Hurst
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: Running Windows

from what I have heard and read, fusion is much more friendly.

On Jun 26, 2010, at 10:37 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> I recently bought parallels desktop 5 with the view to run a demo version of 
> JAWS.  I already have Windows XP installed via BootCamp.
> Anyway I got parallels up and running 9with sighted assistance).  I am 
> finding it is not very VoiceOver friendly.  Even the preferences window can't 
> even be used with VoiceOver (well you can select tabs)  I noticed there were 
> tabs for speech and iPhone, not sure what they do though.
> My question is this, have I bought the wrong product? Should I have bought 
> Fusion?  Is Fusion more VoiceOver friendly?
> --
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RE: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone

2010-06-26 Thread Bryan Smart
With Digit-Eyes, how do you find the bar code? When I was involved with the 
development of an accessible bar code system a few years back, cameras didn't 
do a good job. For the bar code recognition to work, the camera couldn't face 
the bar code at an angle, at it had to be right-side-up. Of course, a blind 
person doesn't necessarily know where on the box, can, or bottle the bar code 
is to be found, so that creates a challenge. That's partly why the ID Mate is 
so expensive. They must use a 3D laser scanner, like is used in the check-out 
line at a grocery store. Those perform an active scan, and can register bar 
codes at any angle, and even on curved surfaces. You can basically hold up the 
scanner and turn the container in front of the camera, and it will 
automatically scan the bar code as soon as it's visible, regardless of the bar 
code's orientation.

My thoughts were that the iPhone app would be like trying to read a bar code 
with a CCD scanner. Yes, it would work but only if you knew where to find the 
bar code, which way was right-side-up, and only if the bar code was on a flat 
surface. Is it better than that?


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Allison Manzino
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone

Hi Bryan and all,

I can say with certainty that the camera on the 3GS works well for the new bar 
code reader that Josh Lioncourt was talking about the other day Digit-Eyes. I 
have downloaded it and it works well. Not having any experience with the Iphone 
4, I can't say about the cameras. I know it has two according to Cara Quin's 
podcast. Have a great day.


On Jun 26, 2010, at 5:41 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Bryan,
> From what I have heard, the 3GS camera will do the job even if it is not as 
> good as the new iPhone 4. I will be very interested in how this application 
> performs despite the limitations of the 3GS.
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 2:52 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> The iPhone 4 should do a great job with this app. The 5 megapixel camera 
>> provides the level of resolution that assisted KNFB Reader so much. With the 
>> lower quality cameras, the DPI of scanned images is too low.
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
>> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 11:30 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone
>> No,
>> The iPod touch doesn't have a camera.
>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 11:26 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Will this work with the Ipod Touch also?
>>> Courtney
>>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 I don't think it's out yet.
 I couldn't find it in the app store.
 On Jun 25, 2010, at 9:15 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just got this link from a friend of mine. Apparently, this app is free, 
> and it performs OCR using the new IPhone. It's different from the one 
> that emails your image to a server and then gives you back text. This one 
> actually performs OCR on the phone.
> Furthermore, it automatically takes pictures once the camera is aligned 
> with the center of the document.
> Check out this link for more information.
> Can someone let me know how it works?
> John
> --
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone

2010-06-26 Thread Chris Moore
No not really, it is tricky, if you have a enough sight to see where the 
barcode is then you have a bit more success. It has been hit and miss with me 
and to be honest by the time I have managed to get it to read a barcode I have 
placed the item under my iPal Solo to have it read instead.  I I have not used 
the ID mate in person, but I guess the 3D camera would explain its hight price. 

If you have no vision at all it is very difficult to locate the barcode, so 
this solution is not ideal, unless there was a ruling to say where barcodes can 
always be found.  Let's hope the OCR solutions for the iPhone are more 
successful.  But the barcode reader is not totally useless as I did manage to 
scan some things.
On 27 Jun 2010, at 07:16, Bryan Smart wrote:

> With Digit-Eyes, how do you find the bar code? When I was involved with the 
> development of an accessible bar code system a few years back, cameras didn't 
> do a good job. For the bar code recognition to work, the camera couldn't face 
> the bar code at an angle, at it had to be right-side-up. Of course, a blind 
> person doesn't necessarily know where on the box, can, or bottle the bar code 
> is to be found, so that creates a challenge. That's partly why the ID Mate is 
> so expensive. They must use a 3D laser scanner, like is used in the check-out 
> line at a grocery store. Those perform an active scan, and can register bar 
> codes at any angle, and even on curved surfaces. You can basically hold up 
> the scanner and turn the container in front of the camera, and it will 
> automatically scan the bar code as soon as it's visible, regardless of the 
> bar code's orientation.
> My thoughts were that the iPhone app would be like trying to read a bar code 
> with a CCD scanner. Yes, it would work but only if you knew where to find the 
> bar code, which way was right-side-up, and only if the bar code was on a flat 
> surface. Is it better than that?
> Bryan 
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Allison Manzino
> Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 10:03 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone
> Hi Bryan and all,
> I can say with certainty that the camera on the 3GS works well for the new 
> bar code reader that Josh Lioncourt was talking about the other day 
> Digit-Eyes. I have downloaded it and it works well. Not having any experience 
> with the Iphone 4, I can't say about the cameras. I know it has two according 
> to Cara Quin's podcast. Have a great day.
> Allison
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 5:41 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Bryan,
>> From what I have heard, the 3GS camera will do the job even if it is not as 
>> good as the new iPhone 4. I will be very interested in how this application 
>> performs despite the limitations of the 3GS.
>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 2:52 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>>> The iPhone 4 should do a great job with this app. The 5 megapixel camera 
>>> provides the level of resolution that assisted KNFB Reader so much. With 
>>> the lower quality cameras, the DPI of scanned images is too low.
>>> Bryan
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
>>> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 11:30 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone
>>> No,
>>> The iPod touch doesn't have a camera.
>>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 11:26 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
 Will this work with the Ipod Touch also?
 On Jun 25, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't think it's out yet.
> I couldn't find it in the app store.
> hth
> On Jun 25, 2010, at 9:15 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just got this link from a friend of mine. Apparently, this app is 
>> free, and it performs OCR using the new IPhone. It's different from the 
>> one that emails your image to a server and then gives you back text. 
>> This one actually performs OCR on the phone.
>> Furthermore, it automatically takes pictures once the camera is aligned 
>> with the center of the document.
>> Check out this link for more information.
>> Can someone let me know how it works?
>> John
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> --
> You received this message because you are subscr

RE: VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-26 Thread Bryan Smart
1. I agree, scripts are great, and can help speed up many tasks. However, as it 
is right now, they aren't easy to share. That's a large reason why there aren't 
more people using them. When I made a move file script for VO, which I could 
explain how to operate in a single paragraph, I had to spend several more 
paragraphs trying to explain where the file should be placed, how to move it 
there, how to enable the keyboard commander, and how to assign the script to a 
shortcut key. Something is messed up with this process. Not exactly sure what 
the solution should be, but this needs work. Perhaps some sort of import VO 
script assistant?

2. busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, makes me angry, angry, angry, 
angry, angry! If an app is busy, and VO needs to tell me that, I appreciate it. 
However, I don't need to be reminded at such a rapid rate. How about spacing 
these messages further apart. How about playing a soft looping audio cue while 
an app is busy, so that we know, when we hear that sound, the app is still too 
involved to respond to user input.

3. Hot spots are great, but it would be good if we could have hot spots that 
were app-specific. For example, I could set a hot spot to the first item in a 
toolbar in Mail, or to the song name in the LCD area of iTunes. When I later 
returned to those programs, my hot spots would still be set.

4. VO needs to do a better job at shutting up speech when the user starts 
typing. VO commands interrupt speech just fine, but, frequently, I'll press an 
arrow key in a Finder window, and VO will keep on talking.

5. Why is it that, if VO sounds are enabled, the speech often waits until a 
sound has finished playing before speaking? This doesn't happen on the iPhone. 
The result is that VO users must decide between the benefits of the audio cues, 
or the increased responsiveness gained by turning them off. A compromise 
shouldn't be necessary. The cue and the speech can play at the same time, like 
what happens on the iPhone.

This isn't VoiceOver specifically, but many of us are still waiting for some 
accessible way to select material for editing in GarageBand, as well as 
resolutions for the accessibility problems in Logic.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Chris Moore
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:57 AM
Subject: VoiceOver 4.0

Well guys now the iPhone 4.0 is out of he way, I think the next thing we should 
start looking forward to is the next Mac OS.  10.7 (lion maybe?). 

so I was wondering what features/ improvements you would like implemented into 
VoiceOver 4.0 and hopefully Apple are listening.

i will get the ball rolling ...

1.  Intelligent number reading.  if voiceover encounters numbers then it 
can only be set to read them as words or numbers.  It would be neat if 
VoiceOver knew when it was more appropriate to say the numbers as digits or 
words.  For example if the word year appeared after 26 (digits) voiceover knew 
in this instance to read two six as twenty six years.  Another example would be 
a phone number, if the word tel: or mobile: etc appears before numbers 
beginning with either + or 0 then to read this out as digits and not some huge 
number containing millions and thousands.  The same could be said for time and 
measurements etc.

2.  In mail it would be more useful if voiceover did not read blank blank 
on every line on the message viewer if there was nothing in that cell.  yes I 
know you can turn buddies off and move columns around etc to get around this, 
but really voiceover should only read out what is relevant unless the user 
wishes to interact with the item in more detail. I think it would also be 
useful to know if the email has an attachment before opening it.

3.  An additional voice.  Alex is wonderful and plays great fast and slow, 
the other voices that come with the mac have been there since the year dot and 
probably sounded impressive in the 80s or 90s but now I wonder why they are 
still there.  I would like to see an additional voice added to complement Alex, 
maybe a female voice.  This would be useful for reading events as some of us 
have to purchase an additional voice for this task.

4.  Portable document image , when using adium or the weather widget I get 
infuriated when I hear the graphic image read out as portable document image.  
Why can't voiceover simply say oh its a picture of the sun or a cloud or its a 
smiley or sad face etc.

5.  The ability to change the speech rate etc within iChat for when you 
have events set up so new messages or buddies online are read out., as 
currently the default is very slow and there is no way to speed them up.

6.  The ability to remember hotspots and web hot spots (by website basis) 
after turning the mac off would be very useful.  Landmarks has been added to 
the iPhone, perhaps this could be added to the 

Re: VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-26 Thread Chris Moore
I am totally with you there, I am so frustrated that I can no longer use my 
music apps, Looks like I will be buying FUsion so I can do this!  All that 
money I spent on Logic last year.  Maybe we all need  to formulate a list of 
new features we would like to see added to Voiceover, once its been agreed we 
all (all members of the group and anyone else who wants to) send the lsit to 
Apple.  If they get over 500 emails with our requests, then hopefully they will 
be implemented in the next update.
On 27 Jun 2010, at 07:32, Bryan Smart wrote:

> 1. I agree, scripts are great, and can help speed up many tasks. However, as 
> it is right now, they aren't easy to share. That's a large reason why there 
> aren't more people using them. When I made a move file script for VO, which I 
> could explain how to operate in a single paragraph, I had to spend several 
> more paragraphs trying to explain where the file should be placed, how to 
> move it there, how to enable the keyboard commander, and how to assign the 
> script to a shortcut key. Something is messed up with this process. Not 
> exactly sure what the solution should be, but this needs work. Perhaps some 
> sort of import VO script assistant?
> 2. busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, makes me angry, angry, angry, 
> angry, angry! If an app is busy, and VO needs to tell me that, I appreciate 
> it. However, I don't need to be reminded at such a rapid rate. How about 
> spacing these messages further apart. How about playing a soft looping audio 
> cue while an app is busy, so that we know, when we hear that sound, the app 
> is still too involved to respond to user input.
> 3. Hot spots are great, but it would be good if we could have hot spots that 
> were app-specific. For example, I could set a hot spot to the first item in a 
> toolbar in Mail, or to the song name in the LCD area of iTunes. When I later 
> returned to those programs, my hot spots would still be set.
> 4. VO needs to do a better job at shutting up speech when the user starts 
> typing. VO commands interrupt speech just fine, but, frequently, I'll press 
> an arrow key in a Finder window, and VO will keep on talking.
> 5. Why is it that, if VO sounds are enabled, the speech often waits until a 
> sound has finished playing before speaking? This doesn't happen on the 
> iPhone. The result is that VO users must decide between the benefits of the 
> audio cues, or the increased responsiveness gained by turning them off. A 
> compromise shouldn't be necessary. The cue and the speech can play at the 
> same time, like what happens on the iPhone.
> This isn't VoiceOver specifically, but many of us are still waiting for some 
> accessible way to select material for editing in GarageBand, as well as 
> resolutions for the accessibility problems in Logic.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Chris Moore
> Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:57 AM
> To:
> Subject: VoiceOver 4.0
> Well guys now the iPhone 4.0 is out of he way, I think the next thing we 
> should start looking forward to is the next Mac OS.  10.7 (lion maybe?). 
> so I was wondering what features/ improvements you would like implemented 
> into VoiceOver 4.0 and hopefully Apple are listening.
> i will get the ball rolling ...
> 1.Intelligent number reading.  if voiceover encounters numbers then it 
> can only be set to read them as words or numbers.  It would be neat if 
> VoiceOver knew when it was more appropriate to say the numbers as digits or 
> words.  For example if the word year appeared after 26 (digits) voiceover 
> knew in this instance to read two six as twenty six years.  Another example 
> would be a phone number, if the word tel: or mobile: etc appears before 
> numbers beginning with either + or 0 then to read this out as digits and not 
> some huge number containing millions and thousands.  The same could be said 
> for time and measurements etc.
> 2.In mail it would be more useful if voiceover did not read blank blank 
> on every line on the message viewer if there was nothing in that cell.  yes I 
> know you can turn buddies off and move columns around etc to get around this, 
> but really voiceover should only read out what is relevant unless the user 
> wishes to interact with the item in more detail. I think it would also be 
> useful to know if the email has an attachment before opening it.
> 3.An additional voice.  Alex is wonderful and plays great fast and slow, 
> the other voices that come with the mac have been there since the year dot 
> and probably sounded impressive in the 80s or 90s but now I wonder why they 
> are still there.  I would like to see an additional voice added to complement 
> Alex, maybe a female voice.  This would be useful for reading events as some 
> of us have to purchase an additional voice for this t