Re: Mail too slow

2010-04-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
No idea if it does keep a cache. I know there are some tips on the mail help 
thing but Ill have to see about them when I'm more awake. lol.
On Apr 24, 2010, at 11:57 AM, marie Howarth wrote:

> maybe some cleaning up needs to be done on your systems? I'm assuming mail 
> has cash, not that I pretend to know the ins and outs but I am not seeing the 
> same issues. :)
> On 24 Apr 2010, at 19:42, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> actually in my case It will keep telling me a whole slew of rows are added 
>> and today I just sent out messages meant for yesterday forgetting they were 
>> even there. I wish mail can't quit with items in the outbox. but I do myself 
>> notice the slowness.
>> Take care.
>> On Apr 23, 2010, at 8:25 AM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>>> I've seen this issue as well, and also sometimes you can't quit it without 
>>> it telling you the operation can't be completed.  
>>> Mike
>>> aim screen name: crhchmiker
>>> msn screen name:
>>> yahoo screenname: miker19882001
>>> skype name:miker1988
>>> On Apr 23, 2010, at 10:08 AM, mani wrote:
 Of late, I am finding Mail to be too slow.  When I bring up Mail for
 the first time, it takes more than 10 minutes to get all my new
 messages.  I know it is not my wireless connection because Safari
 works just fine.
 Any ideas why?
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Re: Mail too slow

2010-04-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hmm I notice on mine it is a bit slow on the fetching new data. it is still at 
96 percent.

Hmm odd?
On Apr 24, 2010, at 2:53 PM, Thierry Renoux wrote:

> I was having the same problem at first when I started using mail. In fact, 
> the Mac was downloading all my old gmail messages in the background. You 
> might wanna check the mail activity window with cmd 0. I was surprised to see 
> very old messages coming back to me.  
> On Apr 24, 2010, at 12:40 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm not seeing it either. In fact, I'm perplexed.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
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>> My Twitter
>> On Apr 24, 2010, at 8:57 PM, marie Howarth wrote:
>>> maybe some cleaning up needs to be done on your systems? I'm assuming mail 
>>> has cash, not that I pretend to know the ins and outs but I am not seeing 
>>> the same issues. :)
>>> On 24 Apr 2010, at 19:42, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 actually in my case It will keep telling me a whole slew of rows are added 
 and today I just sent out messages meant for yesterday forgetting they 
 were even there. I wish mail can't quit with items in the outbox. but I do 
 myself notice the slowness.
 Take care.
 On Apr 23, 2010, at 8:25 AM, Mike Reiser wrote:
> I've seen this issue as well, and also sometimes you can't quit it 
> without it telling you the operation can't be completed.  
> Mike
> aim screen name: crhchmiker
> msn screen name:
> yahoo screenname: miker19882001
> skype name:miker1988
> On Apr 23, 2010, at 10:08 AM, mani wrote:
>> Of late, I am finding Mail to be too slow.  When I bring up Mail for
>> the first time, it takes more than 10 minutes to get all my new
>> messages.  I know it is not my wireless connection because Safari
>> works just fine.
>> Any ideas why?
>> Thanks,
>> mani
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problem with the sendspace wizzard

2010-04-25 Thread Lyn & Twinny
Hello listers,

Does anyone use the sendspace wizzard on the mac?  Well I've been having a 
problem recently when trying to go into my folders. Ok...I focus on the folder 
I wish to go into, say for instance the "music folder", hit VO commanf F5 to 
bring the mouse to it but for some reason, this does not work.  The mouse 
cursor stays focussed on the HD on the desktop. I am not sure what is going on 
here as I didn't use to have any issue with this before.  Any ideas as to how 
to solve this problem would be g r  eatly appreciated if anyone can figure out 
what I may be doing wrong?

Thanks and have a nice day=

Lyn & Twinny 
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klango :
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Re: Mail too slow

2010-04-25 Thread James & Nash
Hi Sarah et al, 

I don't know if its a setting i need to change, but I have found that after i 
delete messages from Mail, the Mac keeps a copy of all the messages in the Mail 
folder in my user library You could try deleting these to see if it speeds 
things up. Also, I've found that Mail slows down for some reason occasionally 
when using IMAP with GoogleMail. This may be an issue with GMail's server 

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 25 Apr 2010, at 10:25, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> No idea if it does keep a cache. I know there are some tips on the mail help 
> thing but Ill have to see about them when I'm more awake. lol.
> On Apr 24, 2010, at 11:57 AM, marie Howarth wrote:
>> maybe some cleaning up needs to be done on your systems? I'm assuming mail 
>> has cash, not that I pretend to know the ins and outs but I am not seeing 
>> the same issues. :)
>> On 24 Apr 2010, at 19:42, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> actually in my case It will keep telling me a whole slew of rows are added 
>>> and today I just sent out messages meant for yesterday forgetting they were 
>>> even there. I wish mail can't quit with items in the outbox. but I do 
>>> myself notice the slowness.
>>> Take care.
>>> On Apr 23, 2010, at 8:25 AM, Mike Reiser wrote:
 I've seen this issue as well, and also sometimes you can't quit it without 
 it telling you the operation can't be completed.  
 aim screen name: crhchmiker
 msn screen name:
 yahoo screenname: miker19882001
 skype name:miker1988
 On Apr 23, 2010, at 10:08 AM, mani wrote:
> Of late, I am finding Mail to be too slow.  When I bring up Mail for
> the first time, it takes more than 10 minutes to get all my new
> messages.  I know it is not my wireless connection because Safari
> works just fine.
> Any ideas why?
> Thanks,
> mani
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Re: Where Is Samantha, on the Mac?

2010-04-25 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Definitely. I'd absolutely love this.

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On Apr 25, 2010, at 6:30 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> I'd happily pay $100 for VoiceOver compatible Accapella voices to use on the 
> iPhone/iPad. Hope someone is listening that can make this happen and wants my 
> money. *smile*
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen
> Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2010 11:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Where Is Samantha, on the Mac?
> Hi,
> Well, she's Vicky now. They changed the original Victoria I believe to Vicky, 
> and the female who is now Victoria is different.
> Most of them seem to have the same pronunciation though, even Alex. It's hard 
> to detect, but if you listen carefully, you can easily hear the resemblance 
> between all of them. It's kind of amusing sometimes.
> Regards,
> nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
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> On Apr 24, 2010, at 4:41 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> Ya know, back in the old days, I used to use Victoria on the mac, before 
>> they brought out Alex.  Victoria IIRC didn't have any naturalism to her 
>> voice, but I never heard her mispronounce much, and she does have a nice 
>> English accent imho. YMMV.  I'll have to try her out again, been using alex 
>> so long I've sort of forgot how she sounded.
>> On Apr 24, 2010, at 3:41 AM, marie Howarth wrote:
>>> I have to say I like Samantha better than the British voice on the iPhone 
>>> who cannot say E or R at the speed I have it. I much prefer her to 
>>> eloquence though any day. And after trying Samantha, I think the british 
>>> one is called Cathy and Karen, the Australian one, i have to say I revert 
>>> back to good old Sam. I'm not sure I'd like her on the mac but for the 
>>> iPhone she works great. 
>>> Am I right in thinking there are other voices for the iPod shuffle? 
>>> Wonder if there is if there's any plans to export those voices to the 
>>> iPhone and iPad. :)
>>> On 24 Apr 2010, at 07:11, wrote:
 I'm curious:  Isn't Samantha also synthetic?  What about Alex?
 I kind of think she has a little smile in her voice, but I honestly find 
 Eloquence th e easiest to understand.  The old voice that used to be in 
 the dectalk was pretty good, and I don't think anyone's using that except 
 NOAA all hazards radio.
 I din't think the macbook pro even has Samantha on it as an option.
 Anyhow, interesting topic to me.  Thanks Carolyn On Apr 23, 2010, at 
 7:13 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
> Samantha sounds completely emotionless to me. I know that synthesizer 
> intonation only approximates the change in pitch that happens as a person 
> reads, but Samantha has one of the worst intonation models that I've ever 
> heard. No matter if she is pausing at the end of a clause, making a 
> statement, asking a question, or speaking with exclamation, she always 
> speaks the same way. She starts high, slowly starts to drop in pitch, and 
> has an abrupt drop when she reaches the end of a sentence or a clause 
> boundary. All other modern synths, from Alex, to the old Macintalk 
> voices, to DECtalk, to Eloquence, and even junk stuff like ESpeak can use 
> intonation that changes a little depending on what it is reading. 
> Samantha sounds completely flat and detached. Add to that she sounds like 
> an annoyed person that smokes heavily, and I think she's a crap voice. It 
> really bugs me that she is becoming the default voice for so many 
> blind-people devices. If we had to use a Scansoft voice, Tom would be 
> better. At least Tom modulates. A synthetic voice would be more 
> expressive.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Nicolai 
> Svendsen
> Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 5:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Where Is Samantha, on the Mac?
> Hi,
> I find Samantha a lot nicer on a computer than the iPhone. THis is in 
> part because of the quality, but I for some reason find her a much 
> harsher assistant on the iPhone than I do on a computer.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
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> AIM: cincinster
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> On Apr 23, 2010, at 10:33 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Hell I thought she was one of the better qualit

IMG files

2010-04-25 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi guys,

Well, I know you can do this on Windows. However, I received an IMG file which 
is almost the same as an ISO image. Mac OS X did not recognize it, however, 
even though it could actually classify it as an NDFI disk image.

Can anyone help with this? I don't want to burn it with Disk Utility then 
realize it's not working.

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Re: IMG files

2010-04-25 Thread Rob Lambert
My Mac saw an IMG file earlier this evening, though it would not mount it,
saying it's got no bootable items or something to that extent. This is
making me wonder if OS X is compatible with IMG files.

On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 4:13 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Well, I know you can do this on Windows. However, I received an IMG file
> which is almost the same as an ISO image. Mac OS X did not recognize it,
> however, even though it could actually classify it as an NDFI disk image.
> Can anyone help with this? I don't want to burn it with Disk Utility then
> realize it's not working.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
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> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
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Re: IMG files

2010-04-25 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Mine just said: "Warning: Not Recognized". That's a strange warning as it 
recognized the filetype.

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On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:17 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:

> My Mac saw an IMG file earlier this evening, though it would not mount it, 
> saying it's got no bootable items or something to that extent. This is making 
> me wonder if OS X is compatible with IMG files. 
> On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 4:13 AM, Nicolai Svendsen  
> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Well, I know you can do this on Windows. However, I received an IMG file 
> which is almost the same as an ISO image. Mac OS X did not recognize it, 
> however, even though it could actually classify it as an NDFI disk image.
> Can anyone help with this? I don't want to burn it with Disk Utility then 
> realize it's not working.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
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Re: updating Zoom

2010-04-25 Thread May McDonald
Hey Donna. Is this the right address? I don't see games there, but under 

may and Wyn
On 2010-04-19, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Go to  They have pay-games, but also some free 
> ones.
> Donna
> On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:26 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> How do you get games for the zoom program at all? I haven't figured that 
>> part out yet.
>> May and Wyn
>> On 2010-04-19, at 1:04 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Just downloaded zoom, trying to play the Malinche games.  I keep getting a 
>>> message that a newer version is available.  When I try to install it, the 
>>> install fails, and I get an error message, saying Zoom couldn't update.  
>>> When I click cancel I see a validation Window asking for my name and 
>>> password in order to allow zoom to write to disk.  However, I can only see 
>>> the validation window once I have closed out the install by hitting cancel. 
>>>  Anyone have any suggestions?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
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Re: updating Zoom

2010-04-25 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

You could just click on "Find More" in Zoom, and that'll take you to the game 
library. SImply click on a game you want, or search, and you can download it 

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Skype: Kvalme
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On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:53 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> Hey Donna. Is this the right address? I don't see games there, but under 
> construction.
> may and Wyn
> On 2010-04-19, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Go to  They have pay-games, but also some free 
>> ones.
>> Donna
>> On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:26 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> How do you get games for the zoom program at all? I haven't figured that 
>>> part out yet.
>>> May and Wyn
>>> On 2010-04-19, at 1:04 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi all,
 Just downloaded zoom, trying to play the Malinche games.  I keep getting a 
 message that a newer version is available.  When I try to install it, the 
 install fails, and I get an error message, saying Zoom couldn't update.  
 When I click cancel I see a validation Window asking for my name and 
 password in order to allow zoom to write to disk.  However, I can only see 
 the validation window once I have closed out the install by hitting 
 cancel.  Anyone have any suggestions?
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Re: updating Zoom

2010-04-25 Thread May McDonald
There's nothing on that page or website like that.
On 2010-04-25, at 4:58 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> You could just click on "Find More" in Zoom, and that'll take you to the game 
> library. SImply click on a game you want, or search, and you can download it 
> directly.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
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> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:53 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Hey Donna. Is this the right address? I don't see games there, but under 
>> construction.
>> may and Wyn
>> On 2010-04-19, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Go to  They have pay-games, but also some free 
>>> ones.
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:26 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 How do you get games for the zoom program at all? I haven't figured that 
 part out yet.
 May and Wyn
 On 2010-04-19, at 1:04 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just downloaded zoom, trying to play the Malinche games.  I keep getting 
> a message that a newer version is available.  When I try to install it, 
> the install fails, and I get an error message, saying Zoom couldn't 
> update.  When I click cancel I see a validation Window asking for my name 
> and password in order to allow zoom to write to disk.  However, I can 
> only see the validation window once I have closed out the install by 
> hitting cancel.  Anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Donna
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Re: updating Zoom

2010-04-25 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

That's in the program. I see it on my en at the top.

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Skype: Kvalme
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yahoo Messenger: cin368
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On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:02 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> There's nothing on that page or website like that.
> On 2010-04-25, at 4:58 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You could just click on "Find More" in Zoom, and that'll take you to the 
>> game library. SImply click on a game you want, or search, and you can 
>> download it directly.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:53 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> Hey Donna. Is this the right address? I don't see games there, but under 
>>> construction.
>>> may and Wyn
>>> On 2010-04-19, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Go to  They have pay-games, but also some free 
 On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:26 PM, May McDonald wrote:
> How do you get games for the zoom program at all? I haven't figured that 
> part out yet.
> May and Wyn
> On 2010-04-19, at 1:04 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just downloaded zoom, trying to play the Malinche games.  I keep getting 
>> a message that a newer version is available.  When I try to install it, 
>> the install fails, and I get an error message, saying Zoom couldn't 
>> update.  When I click cancel I see a validation Window asking for my 
>> name and password in order to allow zoom to write to disk.  However, I 
>> can only see the validation window once I have closed out the install by 
>> hitting cancel.  Anyone have any suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
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iPad and Braille Display

2010-04-25 Thread James Gallagher
Hello all.

Sorry for my silly question here.

been on the list a for a good time but just keep back and learn from you all on 
the list with the great info that is here.

I am a right Mac fan with three Mac Mini's & a iMac and I hope at the end of 
the year the New version of the MacBook Pro 13inch
when I have saved enough for it.

I would very very much love to buy the iPad when it comes to the UK. But as a 
Deafblind person I have read it is very much not accessible
as I have no useful hearing, and Us Braille as My way in to the Mac format of 

But I read a very interesting e-mail here that just maybe help me, an adaptor 
kit for people that use  headphone
just maybe a way for USB keyboards .

May I ask is there any way that a Braille Display would work on this adaptor 
TOO. so I could use a iPad
like you all here too ?.

I believe that this will not be the case for support for Braille Displays using 
this adaptor but one can HOPE...
so I asking my question with very little hope that this can be done.

For me I just hope that maybe next year when version 2 comes along a USB  
option will be on it
well I can hope cam't I.

Would be great to have one of these ipads , I have done a lot of reading about 
them and very interested in it

 As a Deafblind  Apple mac user I am very much pleased with all the work apple 
have put into making there computers
accessible to Deafblind people like me. 

any way sorry for going on a little,  


The highest result of education is tolerance.
Hellen Keller
James Gallagher

A-Z to Deafblindness 
A Deafblindness Web Resource 
My Guide Dogs 
For the Sighted Hearing my WAP site is at 

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A question about output formats in Abbyy Finereader Express

2010-04-25 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I'm about to purchase Abbyy Finereader Express for the Mac since i'm very 
impressed with its scanning quality and performance. I now only have one 
question left before i take the plunge: Can i somehow decide what program 
should open what type of files? It looks like Abbyy now is set to open .rtf 
files with Openoffice, thereby overriding the default i've set namely that the 
.rtf files should be opened with Textedit. I can not find a way to change 
abbyys behaviour, at least not in the trial version, it looks like the 
preferrences either aren't there at all or are dimmed in the trial version, is 
it so even in the full version?
Any help is appreciated.

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Re: updating Zoom

2010-04-25 Thread May McDonald
Hmm, I think I'm still lost. Help help, lol. I pressed enter on find more and 
nothing happened?
On 2010-04-25, at 5:26 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> That's in the program. I see it on my en at the top.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:02 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> There's nothing on that page or website like that.
>> On 2010-04-25, at 4:58 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> You could just click on "Find More" in Zoom, and that'll take you to the 
>>> game library. SImply click on a game you want, or search, and you can 
>>> download it directly.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:53 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 Hey Donna. Is this the right address? I don't see games there, but under 
 may and Wyn
 On 2010-04-19, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Go to  They have pay-games, but also some free 
> ones.
> Donna
> On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:26 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> How do you get games for the zoom program at all? I haven't figured that 
>> part out yet.
>> May and Wyn
>> On 2010-04-19, at 1:04 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Just downloaded zoom, trying to play the Malinche games.  I keep 
>>> getting a message that a newer version is available.  When I try to 
>>> install it, the install fails, and I get an error message, saying Zoom 
>>> couldn't update.  When I click cancel I see a validation Window asking 
>>> for my name and password in order to allow zoom to write to disk.  
>>> However, I can only see the validation window once I have closed out 
>>> the install by hitting cancel.  Anyone have any suggestions?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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Re: Mail too slow

2010-04-25 Thread Pete Nalda
Personally I wonder if it's not Apple Mail, but Gmail itself?  Last night, I 
checked mail in a 2 hour period, and received none, and usually with all the 
lists I'm on, I'll get at least 10 or so messages in a 2 hr period.  Last 
night, when they did come it was like at the end of the 2 hr period.  I did do 
a connection doctor check, and it did seem a bit slow connecting to Gmail's pop 
server though so I don't really know what could be going on.

On Apr 25, 2010, at 4:27 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hmm I notice on mine it is a bit slow on the fetching new data. it is still 
> at 96 percent.
> Hmm odd?
> On Apr 24, 2010, at 2:53 PM, Thierry Renoux wrote:
>> I was having the same problem at first when I started using mail. In fact, 
>> the Mac was downloading all my old gmail messages in the background. You 
>> might wanna check the mail activity window with cmd 0. I was surprised to 
>> see very old messages coming back to me.  
>> On Apr 24, 2010, at 12:40 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm not seeing it either. In fact, I'm perplexed.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Apr 24, 2010, at 8:57 PM, marie Howarth wrote:
 maybe some cleaning up needs to be done on your systems? I'm assuming mail 
 has cash, not that I pretend to know the ins and outs but I am not seeing 
 the same issues. :)
 On 24 Apr 2010, at 19:42, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> actually in my case It will keep telling me a whole slew of rows are 
> added and today I just sent out messages meant for yesterday forgetting 
> they were even there. I wish mail can't quit with items in the outbox. 
> but I do myself notice the slowness.
> Take care.
> On Apr 23, 2010, at 8:25 AM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>> I've seen this issue as well, and also sometimes you can't quit it 
>> without it telling you the operation can't be completed.  
>> Mike
>> aim screen name: crhchmiker
>> msn screen name:
>> yahoo screenname: miker19882001
>> skype name:miker1988
>> On Apr 23, 2010, at 10:08 AM, mani wrote:
>>> Of late, I am finding Mail to be too slow.  When I bring up Mail for
>>> the first time, it takes more than 10 minutes to get all my new
>>> messages.  I know it is not my wireless connection because Safari
>>> works just fine.
>>> Any ideas why?
>>> Thanks,
>>> mani
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Re: updating Zoom

2010-04-25 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi May,

I think I did give you the wrong address. Sorry. try  
You'll find both pay games, as well as a few free ones.
HTH, and sorry for the misinformation.
On Apr 25, 2010, at 7:58 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> You could just click on "Find More" in Zoom, and that'll take you to the game 
> library. SImply click on a game you want, or search, and you can download it 
> directly.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:53 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Hey Donna. Is this the right address? I don't see games there, but under 
>> construction.
>> may and Wyn
>> On 2010-04-19, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Go to  They have pay-games, but also some free 
>>> ones.
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:26 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 How do you get games for the zoom program at all? I haven't figured that 
 part out yet.
 May and Wyn
 On 2010-04-19, at 1:04 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just downloaded zoom, trying to play the Malinche games.  I keep getting 
> a message that a newer version is available.  When I try to install it, 
> the install fails, and I get an error message, saying Zoom couldn't 
> update.  When I click cancel I see a validation Window asking for my name 
> and password in order to allow zoom to write to disk.  However, I can 
> only see the validation window once I have closed out the install by 
> hitting cancel.  Anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: iPad and Braille Display

2010-04-25 Thread Pete Nalda
It's a good question, but I don't think I've seen a braille settings in the 
iphone/iPad os.   I bet someone here will know if it's possible though!  Good 

On Apr 25, 2010, at 7:32 AM, James Gallagher wrote:

> Hello all.
> Sorry for my silly question here.
> been on the list a for a good time but just keep back and learn from you all 
> on the list with the great info that is here.
> I am a right Mac fan with three Mac Mini's & a iMac and I hope at the end of 
> the year the New version of the MacBook Pro 13inch
> when I have saved enough for it.
> I would very very much love to buy the iPad when it comes to the UK. But as a 
> Deafblind person I have read it is very much not accessible
> as I have no useful hearing, and Us Braille as My way in to the Mac format of 
> computing.
> But I read a very interesting e-mail here that just maybe help me, an adaptor 
> kit for people that use  headphone
> just maybe a way for USB keyboards .
> May I ask is there any way that a Braille Display would work on this adaptor 
> TOO. so I could use a iPad
> like you all here too ?.
> I believe that this will not be the case for support for Braille Displays 
> using this adaptor but one can HOPE...
> so I asking my question with very little hope that this can be done.
> For me I just hope that maybe next year when version 2 comes along a USB  
> option will be on it
> well I can hope cam't I.
> Would be great to have one of these ipads , I have done a lot of reading 
> about them and very interested in it
>  As a Deafblind  Apple mac user I am very much pleased with all the work 
> apple have put into making there computers
> accessible to Deafblind people like me. 
> any way sorry for going on a little,  
> Yours
> James
> The highest result of education is tolerance.
> Hellen Keller
> --
> James Gallagher
> A-Z to Deafblindness 
> A Deafblindness Web Resource 
> My Guide Dogs 
> For the Sighted Hearing my WAP site is at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Pete Nalda

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Re: iPad and Braille Display

2010-04-25 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi James,

What I have red is that brailleterminals via bluetooth  support will be in the 
iphone os 4.0. It will come available for the ipad in fall of this year.
Hope this helps,


Op 25-apr-2010, om 14:32 heeft James Gallagher het volgende geschreven:

> Hello all.
> Sorry for my silly question here.
> been on the list a for a good time but just keep back and learn from you all 
> on the list with the great info that is here.
> I am a right Mac fan with three Mac Mini's & a iMac and I hope at the end of 
> the year the New version of the MacBook Pro 13inch
> when I have saved enough for it.
> I would very very much love to buy the iPad when it comes to the UK. But as a 
> Deafblind person I have read it is very much not accessible
> as I have no useful hearing, and Us Braille as My way in to the Mac format of 
> computing.
> But I read a very interesting e-mail here that just maybe help me, an adaptor 
> kit for people that use  headphone
> just maybe a way for USB keyboards .
> May I ask is there any way that a Braille Display would work on this adaptor 
> TOO. so I could use a iPad
> like you all here too ?.
> I believe that this will not be the case for support for Braille Displays 
> using this adaptor but one can HOPE...
> so I asking my question with very little hope that this can be done.
> For me I just hope that maybe next year when version 2 comes along a USB  
> option will be on it
> well I can hope cam't I.
> Would be great to have one of these ipads , I have done a lot of reading 
> about them and very interested in it
>  As a Deafblind  Apple mac user I am very much pleased with all the work 
> apple have put into making there computers
> accessible to Deafblind people like me. 
> any way sorry for going on a little,  
> Yours
> James
> The highest result of education is tolerance.
> Hellen Keller
> --
> James Gallagher
> A-Z to Deafblindness 
> A Deafblindness Web Resource 
> My Guide Dogs 
> For the Sighted Hearing my WAP site is at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: updating Zoom

2010-04-25 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

DO Vo-Space. An HTML area will pop up in Zoom. You have to VO-right to find it.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:35 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> Hmm, I think I'm still lost. Help help, lol. I pressed enter on find more and 
> nothing happened?
> On 2010-04-25, at 5:26 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> That's in the program. I see it on my en at the top.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:02 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> There's nothing on that page or website like that.
>>> On 2010-04-25, at 4:58 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
 You could just click on "Find More" in Zoom, and that'll take you to the 
 game library. SImply click on a game you want, or search, and you can 
 download it directly.
 Mobile Me:
 Skype: Kvalme
 MSN Messenger:
 AIM: cincinster
 yahoo Messenger: cin368
 Facebook Profile
 My Twitter
 On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:53 PM, May McDonald wrote:
> Hey Donna. Is this the right address? I don't see games there, but under 
> construction.
> may and Wyn
> On 2010-04-19, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Go to  They have pay-games, but also some 
>> free ones.
>> Donna
>> On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:26 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> How do you get games for the zoom program at all? I haven't figured 
>>> that part out yet.
>>> May and Wyn
>>> On 2010-04-19, at 1:04 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi all,
 Just downloaded zoom, trying to play the Malinche games.  I keep 
 getting a message that a newer version is available.  When I try to 
 install it, the install fails, and I get an error message, saying Zoom 
 couldn't update.  When I click cancel I see a validation Window asking 
 for my name and password in order to allow zoom to write to disk.  
 However, I can only see the validation window once I have closed out 
 the install by hitting cancel.  Anyone have any suggestions?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
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Re: updating Zoom

2010-04-25 Thread May McDonald
Ah, this did work, thanks.

May and Wyn
On 2010-04-25, at 6:14 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi May,
> I think I did give you the wrong address. Sorry. try 
>  You'll find both pay games, as well as a few free ones.
> HTH, and sorry for the misinformation.
> Donna
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 7:58 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You could just click on "Find More" in Zoom, and that'll take you to the 
>> game library. SImply click on a game you want, or search, and you can 
>> download it directly.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:53 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> Hey Donna. Is this the right address? I don't see games there, but under 
>>> construction.
>>> may and Wyn
>>> On 2010-04-19, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Go to  They have pay-games, but also some free 
 On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:26 PM, May McDonald wrote:
> How do you get games for the zoom program at all? I haven't figured that 
> part out yet.
> May and Wyn
> On 2010-04-19, at 1:04 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just downloaded zoom, trying to play the Malinche games.  I keep getting 
>> a message that a newer version is available.  When I try to install it, 
>> the install fails, and I get an error message, saying Zoom couldn't 
>> update.  When I click cancel I see a validation Window asking for my 
>> name and password in order to allow zoom to write to disk.  However, I 
>> can only see the validation window once I have closed out the install by 
>> hitting cancel.  Anyone have any suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: updating Zoom

2010-04-25 Thread May McDonald
Ok, I'll try this and see if it likes me this time, lol.

May and Wyn
On 2010-04-25, at 6:14 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> DO Vo-Space. An HTML area will pop up in Zoom. You have to VO-right to find 
> it.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:35 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Hmm, I think I'm still lost. Help help, lol. I pressed enter on find more 
>> and nothing happened?
>> On 2010-04-25, at 5:26 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> That's in the program. I see it on my en at the top.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:02 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 There's nothing on that page or website like that.
 On 2010-04-25, at 4:58 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> You could just click on "Find More" in Zoom, and that'll take you to the 
> game library. SImply click on a game you want, or search, and you can 
> download it directly.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:53 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Hey Donna. Is this the right address? I don't see games there, but under 
>> construction.
>> may and Wyn
>> On 2010-04-19, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Go to  They have pay-games, but also some 
>>> free ones.
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:26 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 How do you get games for the zoom program at all? I haven't figured 
 that part out yet.
 May and Wyn
 On 2010-04-19, at 1:04 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just downloaded zoom, trying to play the Malinche games.  I keep 
> getting a message that a newer version is available.  When I try to 
> install it, the install fails, and I get an error message, saying 
> Zoom couldn't update.  When I click cancel I see a validation Window 
> asking for my name and password in order to allow zoom to write to 
> disk.  However, I can only see the validation window once I have 
> closed out the install by hitting cancel.  Anyone have any 
> suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: updating Zoom

2010-04-25 Thread May McDonald
Nope, sorry doesn't work. Nothing shows up. I just get a dim image and that's 
On 2010-04-25, at 6:14 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> DO Vo-Space. An HTML area will pop up in Zoom. You have to VO-right to find 
> it.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:35 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Hmm, I think I'm still lost. Help help, lol. I pressed enter on find more 
>> and nothing happened?
>> On 2010-04-25, at 5:26 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> That's in the program. I see it on my en at the top.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:02 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 There's nothing on that page or website like that.
 On 2010-04-25, at 4:58 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> You could just click on "Find More" in Zoom, and that'll take you to the 
> game library. SImply click on a game you want, or search, and you can 
> download it directly.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:53 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Hey Donna. Is this the right address? I don't see games there, but under 
>> construction.
>> may and Wyn
>> On 2010-04-19, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Go to  They have pay-games, but also some 
>>> free ones.
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:26 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 How do you get games for the zoom program at all? I haven't figured 
 that part out yet.
 May and Wyn
 On 2010-04-19, at 1:04 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just downloaded zoom, trying to play the Malinche games.  I keep 
> getting a message that a newer version is available.  When I try to 
> install it, the install fails, and I get an error message, saying 
> Zoom couldn't update.  When I click cancel I see a validation Window 
> asking for my name and password in order to allow zoom to write to 
> disk.  However, I can only see the validation window once I have 
> closed out the install by hitting cancel.  Anyone have any 
> suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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 You recei

odt2daisy project version 2.1 with open office 3.2 with a dutch voice on a mac 10.6.3

2010-04-25 Thread William Windels
Hello all,

I have installed successfully  the daisy pllugin I think and after some litle 
tests, it works.

The only problem I have , is the voice.
I have a dutch voice (jeroen infovox/ivox from acapella) installed as default 
voice on  my system and in my screenreader that's included in every mac: 

When I try to export a full daisybook , the mp3's are generated with a English 

I find no choices to define the voice in the dialogue that appears in open 

Also, the language tag is set to nl/be I think.

Can someone help me please to  switch the voice to the right voice for the 
language of the document?

Unfortunately, I can't contact the developer anymore at:

Thanx for your help,
best regards,

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Re: updating Zoom

2010-04-25 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Yeah, it works. You will have dim images, but you have to interact with the 
"backwards" group, then VO-right to find the contents. Sorry. *grins*

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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My Twitter

On Apr 25, 2010, at 3:24 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> Nope, sorry doesn't work. Nothing shows up. I just get a dim image and that's 
> it.
> On 2010-04-25, at 6:14 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> DO Vo-Space. An HTML area will pop up in Zoom. You have to VO-right to find 
>> it.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:35 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> Hmm, I think I'm still lost. Help help, lol. I pressed enter on find more 
>>> and nothing happened?
>>> On 2010-04-25, at 5:26 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
 That's in the program. I see it on my en at the top.
 Mobile Me:
 Skype: Kvalme
 MSN Messenger:
 AIM: cincinster
 yahoo Messenger: cin368
 Facebook Profile
 My Twitter
 On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:02 PM, May McDonald wrote:
> There's nothing on that page or website like that.
> On 2010-04-25, at 4:58 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You could just click on "Find More" in Zoom, and that'll take you to the 
>> game library. SImply click on a game you want, or search, and you can 
>> download it directly.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:53 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> Hey Donna. Is this the right address? I don't see games there, but 
>>> under construction.
>>> may and Wyn
>>> On 2010-04-19, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Go to  They have pay-games, but also some 
 free ones.
 On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:26 PM, May McDonald wrote:
> How do you get games for the zoom program at all? I haven't figured 
> that part out yet.
> May and Wyn
> On 2010-04-19, at 1:04 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just downloaded zoom, trying to play the Malinche games.  I keep 
>> getting a message that a newer version is available.  When I try to 
>> install it, the install fails, and I get an error message, saying 
>> Zoom couldn't update.  When I click cancel I see a validation Window 
>> asking for my name and password in order to allow zoom to write to 
>> disk.  However, I can only see the validation window once I have 
>> closed out the install by hitting cancel.  Anyone have any 
>> suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: A question about output formats in Abbyy Finereader Express

2010-04-25 Thread William Windels
Hello Krister,
The preferences are always disabled, also in the full version and I don't 
understand also why.
So, I think you can't change the option to open rtf-files from abby finereader 
in another program.

But, perhaps, abby takes for this just the settings of max osx.

So, you can perhaps change this in mac osx with open with.
I think , there you can say to open rtf-files with textedit.
I hope for you that this will also change the way abby finereader is opening 
Hope this helps.

Kind regards,
Op 25-apr-2010, om 14:33 heeft Krister Ekstrom het volgende geschreven:

> Hi,
> I'm about to purchase Abbyy Finereader Express for the Mac since i'm very 
> impressed with its scanning quality and performance. I now only have one 
> question left before i take the plunge: Can i somehow decide what program 
> should open what type of files? It looks like Abbyy now is set to open .rtf 
> files with Openoffice, thereby overriding the default i've set namely that 
> the .rtf files should be opened with Textedit. I can not find a way to change 
> abbyys behaviour, at least not in the trial version, it looks like the 
> preferrences either aren't there at all or are dimmed in the trial version, 
> is it so even in the full version?
> Any help is appreciated.
> /Krister
> -- 
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Re: iPad and Braille Display

2010-04-25 Thread James Gallagher
Hello Peter

> What I have red is that brailleterminals via bluetooth  support will be in 
> the iphone os 4.0. It will come available for the ipad in fall of this year.
> Hope this helps,

I use a Pacmate display, don't have a Display with Bluetooth wish I had I would 
be at the Door at Apple shop on the day it 
comes to UK .

Thanks Peter for your help

the best to you.


The highest result of education is tolerance.
Hellen Keller
James Gallagher

A-Z to Deafblindness 
A Deafblindness Web Resource 
My Guide Dogs 
For the Sighted Hearing my WAP site is at 

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Re: updating Zoom

2010-04-25 Thread May McDonald
Ah, there we go. I finally got it. Thanks so very much. Now why didn't you give 
me that part earlier, smile. JK, I do appreciate the help. Now lets see if I 
can find something to play.

May and Wyn
On 2010-04-25, at 6:51 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> HI,
> Yeah, it works. You will have dim images, but you have to interact with the 
> "backwards" group, then VO-right to find the contents. Sorry. *grins*
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 3:24 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Nope, sorry doesn't work. Nothing shows up. I just get a dim image and 
>> that's it.
>> On 2010-04-25, at 6:14 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> DO Vo-Space. An HTML area will pop up in Zoom. You have to VO-right to find 
>>> it.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:35 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 Hmm, I think I'm still lost. Help help, lol. I pressed enter on find more 
 and nothing happened?
 On 2010-04-25, at 5:26 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> That's in the program. I see it on my en at the top.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:02 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> There's nothing on that page or website like that.
>> On 2010-04-25, at 4:58 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> You could just click on "Find More" in Zoom, and that'll take you to 
>>> the game library. SImply click on a game you want, or search, and you 
>>> can download it directly.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:53 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 Hey Donna. Is this the right address? I don't see games there, but 
 under construction.
 may and Wyn
 On 2010-04-19, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Go to  They have pay-games, but also some 
> free ones.
> Donna
> On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:26 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> How do you get games for the zoom program at all? I haven't figured 
>> that part out yet.
>> May and Wyn
>> On 2010-04-19, at 1:04 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Just downloaded zoom, trying to play the Malinche games.  I keep 
>>> getting a message that a newer version is available.  When I try to 
>>> install it, the install fails, and I get an error message, saying 
>>> Zoom couldn't update.  When I click cancel I see a validation 
>>> Window asking for my name and password in order to allow zoom to 
>>> write to disk.  However, I can only see the validation window once 
>>> I have closed out the install by hitting cancel.  Anyone have any 
>>> suggestions?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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Re: A question about output formats in Abbyy Finereader Express

2010-04-25 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Problem is that it seems that as i wrote earlier, Abby overrides the settings 
set by "Open with". Well it's not a show stopper, since i hardly ever use the 
scanner for other things than snail mail, but would have been helpful anywais.

25 apr 2010 kl. 15.59 skrev William Windels:

> Hello Krister,
> The preferences are always disabled, also in the full version and I don't 
> understand also why.
> So, I think you can't change the option to open rtf-files from abby 
> finereader in another program.
> But, perhaps, abby takes for this just the settings of max osx.
> So, you can perhaps change this in mac osx with open with.
> I think , there you can say to open rtf-files with textedit.
> I hope for you that this will also change the way abby finereader is opening 
> rtf-files.
> Hope this helps.
> Kind regards,
> William
> Op 25-apr-2010, om 14:33 heeft Krister Ekstrom het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi,
>> I'm about to purchase Abbyy Finereader Express for the Mac since i'm very 
>> impressed with its scanning quality and performance. I now only have one 
>> question left before i take the plunge: Can i somehow decide what program 
>> should open what type of files? It looks like Abbyy now is set to open .rtf 
>> files with Openoffice, thereby overriding the default i've set namely that 
>> the .rtf files should be opened with Textedit. I can not find a way to 
>> change abbyys behaviour, at least not in the trial version, it looks like 
>> the preferrences either aren't there at all or are dimmed in the trial 
>> version, is it so even in the full version?
>> Any help is appreciated.
>> /Krister
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Extracting EXE files on the Mac -- URGENT!!!

2010-04-25 Thread Justin Thornton
there is a really good free app call ed the unarchiver
its extracts exe files very well!!

On Apr 24, 2010, at 6:09 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:

> If I have to, I'll use a PC, but I first wanted to know what software there 
> was (preferably free) that will allow me to run EXE files on my Mac without 
> having to get a VM (virtual machine) up and running. I have to have this 
> answer ASAP. 
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Re: updating Zoom

2010-04-25 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I completely forgot about it. Holding a Playstation joystick in your hand while 
writing e-mails does that to you. :)

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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My Twitter

On Apr 25, 2010, at 4:27 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> Ah, there we go. I finally got it. Thanks so very much. Now why didn't you 
> give me that part earlier, smile. JK, I do appreciate the help. Now lets see 
> if I can find something to play.
> May and Wyn
> On 2010-04-25, at 6:51 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> HI,
>> Yeah, it works. You will have dim images, but you have to interact with the 
>> "backwards" group, then VO-right to find the contents. Sorry. *grins*
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 3:24 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> Nope, sorry doesn't work. Nothing shows up. I just get a dim image and 
>>> that's it.
>>> On 2010-04-25, at 6:14 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
 DO Vo-Space. An HTML area will pop up in Zoom. You have to VO-right to 
 find it.
 Mobile Me:
 Skype: Kvalme
 MSN Messenger:
 AIM: cincinster
 yahoo Messenger: cin368
 Facebook Profile
 My Twitter
 On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:35 PM, May McDonald wrote:
> Hmm, I think I'm still lost. Help help, lol. I pressed enter on find more 
> and nothing happened?
> On 2010-04-25, at 5:26 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> That's in the program. I see it on my en at the top.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:02 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> There's nothing on that page or website like that.
>>> On 2010-04-25, at 4:58 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
 You could just click on "Find More" in Zoom, and that'll take you to 
 the game library. SImply click on a game you want, or search, and you 
 can download it directly.
 Mobile Me:
 Skype: Kvalme
 MSN Messenger:
 AIM: cincinster
 yahoo Messenger: cin368
 Facebook Profile
 My Twitter
 On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:53 PM, May McDonald wrote:
> Hey Donna. Is this the right address? I don't see games there, but 
> under construction.
> may and Wyn
> On 2010-04-19, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Go to  They have pay-games, but also some 
>> free ones.
>> Donna
>> On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:26 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> How do you get games for the zoom program at all? I haven't figured 
>>> that part out yet.
>>> May and Wyn
>>> On 2010-04-19, at 1:04 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi all,
 Just downloaded zoom, trying to play the Malinche games.  I keep 
 getting a message that a newer version is available.  When I try 
 to install it, the install fails, and I get an error message, 
 saying Zoom couldn't update.  When I click cancel I see a 
 validation Window asking for my name and password in order to 
 allow zoom to write to disk.  However, I can only see the 
 validation window once I have closed out the install by hitting 
 cancel.  Anyone have any suggestions?
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Re: switching from windows, some questions?

2010-04-25 Thread Michael Busboom

Hello Kerie,

While I can't answer your question about instant messaging, perhaps I 
can help out with the others.  Like several people I know, I use both 
Windows as well as Mac OS Snow Leopard.  Please find my answers below 
each question.

On 2010-04-24 21:05, Kerie doyle wrote:

Hi all,

I'm a very new mac and voice over user, I just had some questions.

First, about mail. I have not set up mail yet, as I wanted to ask some 
advice. I have a Gmail account, and know from reading, that you may 
set up Gmail to work in apple mail using either pop or imap, I'm just 
wondering, does it make a difference in terms of voice over, whether I 
use pop or imap?

I don't think it does, Kerie. While I use IMAP with my Gmail account, I 
have never heard anything to the effect that POP wouldn't work.

Next, are the mail boxes which can be created in apple mail meant to 
be used as substitutes for folders like those which can be created in 
outlook using windows, say for lists? And if I'm subscribed to many 
lists, can I, and do I, need to create rules so the messages from 
lists go to the mail boxes, and don't just go to my inbox?

Mail lets you create mailboxes into which you can organize materials.  
You can create rules to automatically have specific messages placed in 
specific mailboxes or, alternatively, you can manually move them to 
these mailboxes from the inbox.

Next, when it comes to instant messaging, can aidium connect to 
windows live, or am I best installing windows live for Mac, which I 
believe, correct me if I'm wrong, is available from Microsoft?

This was the question I couldn't answer.

And lastly, for now, is there a way to find out the title of a window, 
like in jaws for windows?

Kerie, using the Voice Over keys (Command Option) along with F2 tells 
you the title of the window that you are currently in. This command 
works very well in the Mail program.

I hope you all won't mind me asking what could be considered by some 
as silly questions, but like I say, I'm very new to apple and voice 
over, so just thought someone might give me some advice.

Thanks for any help in advance,


Kerie, the more I use the Mac, the more I like it!  I hope that you 
have a similar experience.

Best regards,


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Re: switching from windows, some questions?

2010-04-25 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Adium works well with Windows Live, as well as many other services.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Apr 25, 2010, at 5:02 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello Kerie,
> While I can't answer your question about instant messaging, perhaps I can 
> help out with the others.  Like several people I know, I use both Windows as 
> well as Mac OS Snow Leopard.  Please find my answers below each question.
> On 2010-04-24 21:05, Kerie doyle wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’m a very new mac and voice over user, I just had some questions.
>> First, about mail. I have not set up mail yet, as I wanted to ask some 
>> advice. I have a Gmail account, and know from reading, that you may set up 
>> Gmail to work in apple mail using either pop or imap, I’m just wondering, 
>> does it make a difference in terms of voice over, whether I use pop or imap?
> I don't think it does, Kerie. While I use IMAP with my Gmail account, I have 
> never heard anything to the effect that POP wouldn't work.
>> Next, are the mail boxes which can be created in apple mail meant to be used 
>> as substitutes for folders like those which can be created in outlook using 
>> windows, say for lists? And if I’m subscribed to many lists, can I, and do 
>> I, need to create rules so the messages from lists go to the mail boxes, and 
>> don’t just go to my inbox?
> Mail lets you create mailboxes into which you can organize materials.  You 
> can create rules to automatically have specific messages placed in specific 
> mailboxes or, alternatively, you can manually move them to these mailboxes 
> from the inbox.
>> Next, when it comes to instant messaging, can aidium connect to windows 
>> live, or am I best installing windows live for Mac, which I believe, correct 
>> me if I’m wrong, is available from Microsoft?
> This was the question I couldn't answer.
>> And lastly, for now, is there a way to find out the title of a window, like 
>> in jaws for windows?
> Kerie, using the Voice Over keys (Command Option) along with F2 tells you the 
> title of the window that you are currently in. This command works very well 
> in the Mail program.
>> I hope you all won’t mind me asking what could be considered by some as 
>> silly questions, but like I say, I’m very new to apple and voice over, so 
>> just thought someone might give me some advice.
>> Thanks for any help in advance,
>> Kerie
>> Kerie, the more I use the Mac, the more I like it!  I hope that you have a 
>> similar experience.
> Best regards,
> Mike
>> -- 
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Re: switching from windows, some questions?

2010-04-25 Thread Kaare Dehard
I use a windows live messenger account with adium. It is available onthe 
account types.
On 2010-04-25, at 11:02 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello Kerie,
> While I can't answer your question about instant messaging, perhaps I can 
> help out with the others.  Like several people I know, I use both Windows as 
> well as Mac OS Snow Leopard.  Please find my answers below each question.
> On 2010-04-24 21:05, Kerie doyle wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’m a very new mac and voice over user, I just had some questions.
>> First, about mail. I have not set up mail yet, as I wanted to ask some 
>> advice. I have a Gmail account, and know from reading, that you may set up 
>> Gmail to work in apple mail using either pop or imap, I’m just wondering, 
>> does it make a difference in terms of voice over, whether I use pop or imap?
> I don't think it does, Kerie. While I use IMAP with my Gmail account, I have 
> never heard anything to the effect that POP wouldn't work.
>> Next, are the mail boxes which can be created in apple mail meant to be used 
>> as substitutes for folders like those which can be created in outlook using 
>> windows, say for lists? And if I’m subscribed to many lists, can I, and do 
>> I, need to create rules so the messages from lists go to the mail boxes, and 
>> don’t just go to my inbox?
> Mail lets you create mailboxes into which you can organize materials.  You 
> can create rules to automatically have specific messages placed in specific 
> mailboxes or, alternatively, you can manually move them to these mailboxes 
> from the inbox.
>> Next, when it comes to instant messaging, can aidium connect to windows 
>> live, or am I best installing windows live for Mac, which I believe, correct 
>> me if I’m wrong, is available from Microsoft?
> This was the question I couldn't answer.
>> And lastly, for now, is there a way to find out the title of a window, like 
>> in jaws for windows?
> Kerie, using the Voice Over keys (Command Option) along with F2 tells you the 
> title of the window that you are currently in. This command works very well 
> in the Mail program.
>> I hope you all won’t mind me asking what could be considered by some as 
>> silly questions, but like I say, I’m very new to apple and voice over, so 
>> just thought someone might give me some advice.
>> Thanks for any help in advance,
>> Kerie
>> Kerie, the more I use the Mac, the more I like it!  I hope that you have a 
>> similar experience.
> Best regards,
> Mike
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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ipod shuffle question

2010-04-25 Thread chad baker
Hi a question about my ipod shuffle.
When i press the center of my earbud control it don't speak the song all it 
says all songs and play list.
How do you get it to speak the song name?
I'm new at this.
Also the names of the tracks show up in itunes.

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Re: switching from windows, some questions?

2010-04-25 Thread Lyn & Twinny
I have used pop with Gmail on the mac and it works perfectly fine.  I use imap 
now but no problem with POP so it will be up to you to choose what you prefer.

Lyn & Twinny

On Apr 25, 2010, at 5:02 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello Kerie,
> While I can't answer your question about instant messaging, perhaps I can 
> help out with the others.  Like several people I know, I use both Windows as 
> well as Mac OS Snow Leopard.  Please find my answers below each question.
> On 2010-04-24 21:05, Kerie doyle wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’m a very new mac and voice over user, I just had some questions.
>> First, about mail. I have not set up mail yet, as I wanted to ask some 
>> advice. I have a Gmail account, and know from reading, that you may set up 
>> Gmail to work in apple mail using either pop or imap, I’m just wondering, 
>> does it make a difference in terms of voice over, whether I use pop or imap?
> I don't think it does, Kerie. While I use IMAP with my Gmail account, I have 
> never heard anything to the effect that POP wouldn't work.
>> Next, are the mail boxes which can be created in apple mail meant to be used 
>> as substitutes for folders like those which can be created in outlook using 
>> windows, say for lists? And if I’m subscribed to many lists, can I, and do 
>> I, need to create rules so the messages from lists go to the mail boxes, and 
>> don’t just go to my inbox?
> Mail lets you create mailboxes into which you can organize materials.  You 
> can create rules to automatically have specific messages placed in specific 
> mailboxes or, alternatively, you can manually move them to these mailboxes 
> from the inbox.
>> Next, when it comes to instant messaging, can aidium connect to windows 
>> live, or am I best installing windows live for Mac, which I believe, correct 
>> me if I’m wrong, is available from Microsoft?
> This was the question I couldn't answer.
>> And lastly, for now, is there a way to find out the title of a window, like 
>> in jaws for windows?
> Kerie, using the Voice Over keys (Command Option) along with F2 tells you the 
> title of the window that you are currently in. This command works very well 
> in the Mail program.
>> I hope you all won’t mind me asking what could be considered by some as 
>> silly questions, but like I say, I’m very new to apple and voice over, so 
>> just thought someone might give me some advice.
>> Thanks for any help in advance,
>> Kerie
>> Kerie, the more I use the Mac, the more I like it!  I hope that you have a 
>> similar experience.
> Best regards,
> Mike
>> -- 
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MSN and Email=
klango :
(Please say who you are and where you got my info if asking to share details, 
thank you)

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Re: What are the monitor connections on Mac mini and Mac Book Pro?

2010-04-25 Thread Brett Campbell
Thank you.  I wasn't familiar with the concept of mini display port.  So much 
to learn.

Brett C.

On Apr 24, 2010, at 10:26 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> It isn't Mini DVI.
> Its Apple's own mini display port connector. So, to go to a TV, you need 
> their DVI adaptor, then you need to get an HDMI to DVI cable.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Rob Lambert
> Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2010 3:15 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: What are the monitor connections on Mac mini and Mac Book Pro?
> What you are looking for is something similar to a mini USB port...kind of. 
> LOL It's not easy to describe.
> On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 12:12 AM, Brett Campbell  
> wrote:
>   What are the monitor connections on the Mac mini purchased March 09, 
> and the Mac Book Pro purchased July 09?  I thought they both have mini DVI, 
> but the mini DVI to DVI connector that came with the Mac mini doesn't fit in 
> any of the slots on the Mac Book Pro.  I'm determining if I need to purchase 
> separate accessories to connect them to a TV via HDMI.  Thanks.
>   Brett C.
>   --
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Re: Rearanging columns in Mail?

2010-04-25 Thread Doug Lawlor

Hi Christina,
Thanks for that information. I never thought of doing that before. I  
was thinking I was going to have to do something funky with the mouse.  
I'll check this out and report back.


Sent from my iPhone

On 2010-04-24, at 9:07 PM, Christina  wrote:

I don't know if you got help with this already.  I did it a very  
long time ago so I don't have clear instructions as I don't remember  
the steps exactly but you should be able to figure it out from what  
I tell you.

I went up to the view menu by using vo plus m then moving to teh  
view menu.  Then vo down to columns then press the right arrow.  I  
did something like uncheck some columns except for the first one  
that I wanted to show up.  Then I would just keep going back to  
columns in the view menu and rechecking/selecting the columns in the  
order I wanted them to appear.  If this makes no sense I will try to  
explain again.  Just let me know.

Good Luck,
On Apr 16, 2010, at 7:53 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

Hello all:
How can I rearrange the columns in Mail so that the thread column  
is next to the subject column? Is there a way to do this using  



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Re: switching from windows, some questions?

2010-04-25 Thread chaas
I was wondering what is Adium?  And, Michael did you mean just the VO keys: 
cntl/option, rather than command option?  Thanks.
On Apr 25, 2010, at 9:33 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> I use a windows live messenger account with adium. It is available onthe 
> account types.
> On 2010-04-25, at 11:02 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Kerie,
>> While I can't answer your question about instant messaging, perhaps I can 
>> help out with the others.  Like several people I know, I use both Windows as 
>> well as Mac OS Snow Leopard.  Please find my answers below each question.
>> On 2010-04-24 21:05, Kerie doyle wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I’m a very new mac and voice over user, I just had some questions.
>>> First, about mail. I have not set up mail yet, as I wanted to ask some 
>>> advice. I have a Gmail account, and know from reading, that you may set up 
>>> Gmail to work in apple mail using either pop or imap, I’m just wondering, 
>>> does it make a difference in terms of voice over, whether I use pop or imap?
>> I don't think it does, Kerie. While I use IMAP with my Gmail account, I have 
>> never heard anything to the effect that POP wouldn't work.
>>> Next, are the mail boxes which can be created in apple mail meant to be 
>>> used as substitutes for folders like those which can be created in outlook 
>>> using windows, say for lists? And if I’m subscribed to many lists, can I, 
>>> and do I, need to create rules so the messages from lists go to the mail 
>>> boxes, and don’t just go to my inbox?
>> Mail lets you create mailboxes into which you can organize materials.  You 
>> can create rules to automatically have specific messages placed in specific 
>> mailboxes or, alternatively, you can manually move them to these mailboxes 
>> from the inbox.
>>> Next, when it comes to instant messaging, can aidium connect to windows 
>>> live, or am I best installing windows live for Mac, which I believe, 
>>> correct me if I’m wrong, is available from Microsoft?
>> This was the question I couldn't answer.
>>> And lastly, for now, is there a way to find out the title of a window, like 
>>> in jaws for windows?
>> Kerie, using the Voice Over keys (Command Option) along with F2 tells you 
>> the title of the window that you are currently in. This command works very 
>> well in the Mail program.
>>> I hope you all won’t mind me asking what could be considered by some as 
>>> silly questions, but like I say, I’m very new to apple and voice over, so 
>>> just thought someone might give me some advice.
>>> Thanks for any help in advance,
>>> Kerie
>>> Kerie, the more I use the Mac, the more I like it!  I hope that you have a 
>>> similar experience.
>> Best regards,
>> Mike
>>> -- 
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Re: switching from windows, some questions?

2010-04-25 Thread olivia norman
I find iMap is easier, because it lets me keep my iPhone, iPad, and macs in 
easy sync with each other, though as was previously mentioned, pop works fine, 
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower",  Steve Jobs

On Apr 25, 2010, at 11:55 AM, Lyn & Twinny wrote:

> I have used pop with Gmail on the mac and it works perfectly fine.  I use 
> imap now but no problem with POP so it will be up to you to choose what you 
> prefer.
> Lyn & Twinny
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 5:02 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Kerie,
>> While I can't answer your question about instant messaging, perhaps I can 
>> help out with the others.  Like several people I know, I use both Windows as 
>> well as Mac OS Snow Leopard.  Please find my answers below each question.
>> On 2010-04-24 21:05, Kerie doyle wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I’m a very new mac and voice over user, I just had some questions.
>>> First, about mail. I have not set up mail yet, as I wanted to ask some 
>>> advice. I have a Gmail account, and know from reading, that you may set up 
>>> Gmail to work in apple mail using either pop or imap, I’m just wondering, 
>>> does it make a difference in terms of voice over, whether I use pop or imap?
>> I don't think it does, Kerie. While I use IMAP with my Gmail account, I have 
>> never heard anything to the effect that POP wouldn't work.
>>> Next, are the mail boxes which can be created in apple mail meant to be 
>>> used as substitutes for folders like those which can be created in outlook 
>>> using windows, say for lists? And if I’m subscribed to many lists, can I, 
>>> and do I, need to create rules so the messages from lists go to the mail 
>>> boxes, and don’t just go to my inbox?
>> Mail lets you create mailboxes into which you can organize materials.  You 
>> can create rules to automatically have specific messages placed in specific 
>> mailboxes or, alternatively, you can manually move them to these mailboxes 
>> from the inbox.
>>> Next, when it comes to instant messaging, can aidium connect to windows 
>>> live, or am I best installing windows live for Mac, which I believe, 
>>> correct me if I’m wrong, is available from Microsoft?
>> This was the question I couldn't answer.
>>> And lastly, for now, is there a way to find out the title of a window, like 
>>> in jaws for windows?
>> Kerie, using the Voice Over keys (Command Option) along with F2 tells you 
>> the title of the window that you are currently in. This command works very 
>> well in the Mail program.
>>> I hope you all won’t mind me asking what could be considered by some as 
>>> silly questions, but like I say, I’m very new to apple and voice over, so 
>>> just thought someone might give me some advice.
>>> Thanks for any help in advance,
>>> Kerie
>>> Kerie, the more I use the Mac, the more I like it!  I hope that you have a 
>>> similar experience.
>> Best regards,
>> Mike
>>> -- 
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> ***
> MSN and Email=
> skype=
> keanemaniac
> klango :
> keanemaniac
> facebook
> (Please say who you are and where you got my info if asking to share details, 
> thank you)
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Re: updating Zoom

2010-04-25 Thread May McDonald
Lol, not a problem.
On 2010-04-25, at 7:41 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> I completely forgot about it. Holding a Playstation joystick in your hand 
> while writing e-mails does that to you. :)
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 4:27 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Ah, there we go. I finally got it. Thanks so very much. Now why didn't you 
>> give me that part earlier, smile. JK, I do appreciate the help. Now lets see 
>> if I can find something to play.
>> May and Wyn
>> On 2010-04-25, at 6:51 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> HI,
>>> Yeah, it works. You will have dim images, but you have to interact with the 
>>> "backwards" group, then VO-right to find the contents. Sorry. *grins*
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 3:24 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 Nope, sorry doesn't work. Nothing shows up. I just get a dim image and 
 that's it.
 On 2010-04-25, at 6:14 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> DO Vo-Space. An HTML area will pop up in Zoom. You have to VO-right to 
> find it.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:35 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Hmm, I think I'm still lost. Help help, lol. I pressed enter on find 
>> more and nothing happened?
>> On 2010-04-25, at 5:26 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> That's in the program. I see it on my en at the top.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:02 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 There's nothing on that page or website like that.
 On 2010-04-25, at 4:58 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> You could just click on "Find More" in Zoom, and that'll take you to 
> the game library. SImply click on a game you want, or search, and you 
> can download it directly.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:53 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Hey Donna. Is this the right address? I don't see games there, but 
>> under construction.
>> may and Wyn
>> On 2010-04-19, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Go to  They have pay-games, but also 
>>> some free ones.
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:26 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 How do you get games for the zoom program at all? I haven't 
 figured that part out yet.
 May and Wyn
 On 2010-04-19, at 1:04 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just downloaded zoom, trying to play the Malinche games.  I keep 
> getting a message that a newer version is available.  When I try 
> to install it, the install fails, and I get an error message, 
> saying Zoom couldn't update.  When I click cancel I see a 
> validation Window asking for my name and password in order to 
> allow zoom to write to disk.  However, I can only see the 
> validation window once I have closed out the install by hitting 
> cancel.  Anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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RE: switching from windows, some questions?

2010-04-25 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, and it does not matter what email client you use or what OS you use. It
works on them all. But you have to have a mail service that will support
IMAP. Not all mail services will support IMAP. Not all ISP supports it in
their mail client . Just some thoughts.

Joe Plummer ( JP )
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of olivia norman
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 12:33 PM
To: list voiceover
Subject: Re: switching from windows, some questions?

I find iMap is easier, because it lets me keep my iPhone, iPad, and macs in
easy sync with each other, though as was previously mentioned, pop works
fine, too.

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower",  Steve Jobs

On Apr 25, 2010, at 11:55 AM, Lyn & Twinny wrote:

I have used pop with Gmail on the mac and it works perfectly fine.
I use imap now but no problem with POP so it will be up to you to choose
what you prefer.

Lyn & Twinny

On Apr 25, 2010, at 5:02 PM, Michael Busboom wrote:

Hello Kerie,

While I can't answer your question about instant messaging,
perhaps I can help out with the others.  Like several people I know, I use
both Windows as well as Mac OS Snow Leopard.  Please find my answers below
each question.

On 2010-04-24 21:05, Kerie doyle wrote: 

Hi all, 

I'm a very new mac and voice over user, I just had
some questions. 

First, about mail. I have not set up mail yet, as I
wanted to ask some advice. I have a Gmail account, and know from reading,
that you may set up Gmail to work in apple mail using either pop or imap,
I'm just wondering, does it make a difference in terms of voice over,
whether I use pop or imap?

I don't think it does, Kerie. While I use IMAP with my Gmail
account, I have never heard anything to the effect that POP wouldn't work.

Next, are the mail boxes which can be created in
apple mail meant to be used as substitutes for folders like those which can
be created in outlook using windows, say for lists? And if I'm subscribed to
many lists, can I, and do I, need to create rules so the messages from lists
go to the mail boxes, and don't just go to my inbox?

Mail lets you create mailboxes into which you can organize
materials.  You can create rules to automatically have specific messages
placed in specific mailboxes or, alternatively, you can manually move them
to these mailboxes from the inbox.

Next, when it comes to instant messaging, can aidium
connect to windows live, or am I best installing windows live for Mac, which
I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, is available from Microsoft?

This was the question I couldn't answer.


And lastly, for now, is there a way to find out the
title of a window, like in jaws for windows?

Kerie, using the Voice Over keys (Command Option) along with
F2 tells you the title of the window that you are currently in. This command
works very well in the Mail program.


I hope you all won't mind me asking what could be
considered by some as silly questions, but like I say, I'm very new to apple
and voice over, so just thought someone might give me some advice. 

Thanks for any help in advance, 


Kerie, the more I use the Mac, the more I like it!
I hope that you have a similar experience.

Best regards,


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Re: updating Zoom

2010-04-25 Thread May McDonald
Ok, one more question. I have figured out how to find the games and how to 
start them, yay me. Are the old infocom games in here as well? If so, what's 
the best way to find them?
On 2010-04-25, at 7:41 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> I completely forgot about it. Holding a Playstation joystick in your hand 
> while writing e-mails does that to you. :)
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 4:27 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Ah, there we go. I finally got it. Thanks so very much. Now why didn't you 
>> give me that part earlier, smile. JK, I do appreciate the help. Now lets see 
>> if I can find something to play.
>> May and Wyn
>> On 2010-04-25, at 6:51 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> HI,
>>> Yeah, it works. You will have dim images, but you have to interact with the 
>>> "backwards" group, then VO-right to find the contents. Sorry. *grins*
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 3:24 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 Nope, sorry doesn't work. Nothing shows up. I just get a dim image and 
 that's it.
 On 2010-04-25, at 6:14 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> DO Vo-Space. An HTML area will pop up in Zoom. You have to VO-right to 
> find it.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:35 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Hmm, I think I'm still lost. Help help, lol. I pressed enter on find 
>> more and nothing happened?
>> On 2010-04-25, at 5:26 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> That's in the program. I see it on my en at the top.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:02 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 There's nothing on that page or website like that.
 On 2010-04-25, at 4:58 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> You could just click on "Find More" in Zoom, and that'll take you to 
> the game library. SImply click on a game you want, or search, and you 
> can download it directly.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 1:53 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Hey Donna. Is this the right address? I don't see games there, but 
>> under construction.
>> may and Wyn
>> On 2010-04-19, at 2:03 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Go to  They have pay-games, but also 
>>> some free ones.
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 19, 2010, at 4:26 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 How do you get games for the zoom program at all? I haven't 
 figured that part out yet.
 May and Wyn
 On 2010-04-19, at 1:04 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just downloaded zoom, trying to play the Malinche games.  I keep 
> getting a message that a newer version is available.  When I try 
> to install it, the install fails, and I get an error message, 
> saying Zoom couldn't update.  When I click cancel I see a 
> validation Window asking for my name and password in order to 
> allow zoom to write to disk.  However, I can only see the 
> validation window once I have closed out the install by hitting 
> cancel.  Anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Donna
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Re: Where Is Samantha, on the Mac?

2010-04-25 Thread Ricardo Walker
I have Heather on my windows mobile phone using mobile speak.  That is one of 
the best voices I've ever heard. 
On Apr 25, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> I'd happily pay $100 for VoiceOver compatible Accapella voices to use on the 
> iPhone/iPad. Hope someone is listening that can make this happen and wants my 
> money. *smile*
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen
> Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2010 11:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Where Is Samantha, on the Mac?
> Hi,
> Well, she's Vicky now. They changed the original Victoria I believe to Vicky, 
> and the female who is now Victoria is different.
> Most of them seem to have the same pronunciation though, even Alex. It's hard 
> to detect, but if you listen carefully, you can easily hear the resemblance 
> between all of them. It's kind of amusing sometimes.
> Regards,
> nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 24, 2010, at 4:41 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
>> Ya know, back in the old days, I used to use Victoria on the mac, before 
>> they brought out Alex.  Victoria IIRC didn't have any naturalism to her 
>> voice, but I never heard her mispronounce much, and she does have a nice 
>> English accent imho. YMMV.  I'll have to try her out again, been using alex 
>> so long I've sort of forgot how she sounded.
>> On Apr 24, 2010, at 3:41 AM, marie Howarth wrote:
>>> I have to say I like Samantha better than the British voice on the iPhone 
>>> who cannot say E or R at the speed I have it. I much prefer her to 
>>> eloquence though any day. And after trying Samantha, I think the british 
>>> one is called Cathy and Karen, the Australian one, i have to say I revert 
>>> back to good old Sam. I'm not sure I'd like her on the mac but for the 
>>> iPhone she works great. 
>>> Am I right in thinking there are other voices for the iPod shuffle? 
>>> Wonder if there is if there's any plans to export those voices to the 
>>> iPhone and iPad. :)
>>> On 24 Apr 2010, at 07:11, wrote:
 I'm curious:  Isn't Samantha also synthetic?  What about Alex?
 I kind of think she has a little smile in her voice, but I honestly find 
 Eloquence th e easiest to understand.  The old voice that used to be in 
 the dectalk was pretty good, and I don't think anyone's using that except 
 NOAA all hazards radio.
 I din't think the macbook pro even has Samantha on it as an option.
 Anyhow, interesting topic to me.  Thanks Carolyn On Apr 23, 2010, at 
 7:13 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:
> Samantha sounds completely emotionless to me. I know that synthesizer 
> intonation only approximates the change in pitch that happens as a person 
> reads, but Samantha has one of the worst intonation models that I've ever 
> heard. No matter if she is pausing at the end of a clause, making a 
> statement, asking a question, or speaking with exclamation, she always 
> speaks the same way. She starts high, slowly starts to drop in pitch, and 
> has an abrupt drop when she reaches the end of a sentence or a clause 
> boundary. All other modern synths, from Alex, to the old Macintalk 
> voices, to DECtalk, to Eloquence, and even junk stuff like ESpeak can use 
> intonation that changes a little depending on what it is reading. 
> Samantha sounds completely flat and detached. Add to that she sounds like 
> an annoyed person that smokes heavily, and I think she's a crap voice. It 
> really bugs me that she is becoming the default voice for so many 
> blind-people devices. If we had to use a Scansoft voice, Tom would be 
> better. At least Tom modulates. A synthetic voice would be more 
> expressive.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Nicolai 
> Svendsen
> Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 5:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Where Is Samantha, on the Mac?
> Hi,
> I find Samantha a lot nicer on a computer than the iPhone. THis is in 
> part because of the quality, but I for some reason find her a much 
> harsher assistant on the iPhone than I do on a computer.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 23, 2010, at 10:33 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Hell I thought she was one of the better quality voices out there.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 

Macvisionaries list and Gmail

2010-04-25 Thread Linda Adams
Regarding Williams message below, I had also been confused when I would
reply to a message on this list but my reply did not show up in my
regular inbox.   So, is this how it is for everyone?  

Another question please, in my inbox on the Gmail web site.  I pressed
VO space bar on the  
check box immediately before the conversation I want to delete.  I then
move up to where it says delete, but pressing enter or VO space bar
doesn't delete it from the Gmail inbox.
I noticed that it doesn't say "delete button" just "delete."  So how do
I delete a conversation from the Gmail inbox?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of William Windels
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 8:29 AM
Cc:; Keith Reedy
Subject: for admins

Hi , moderators of the lists: macvoiceover and macvisionaries: It would
be nice if posted mails should be visible also for the senders of the
mails. I mean: in the macvisionaries list, the mails that I am sending,
are not shown for me in the inbox of the mails from macvisionaries. On
the macvoiceover list, I see my mails sometimes but sometimes , I don't.

so, I can't determinate if they are received.

Keith, I send this mail also to you in case this message shouldn't be
shown on the macvoiceover list.

Thanx for your attention

best regards,

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Re: switching from windows, some questions?

2010-04-25 Thread Kerie Doyle
Hi all, 
Mike, thanks so much for answering my questions, i'm yet to get to grips with 
mail completely, but actually just found your reply by accident while doing a 
spotlight search for something else, so i'm replying to you on the mac! I'm 
really starting to like voice over, and today did some surfing of some sites 
which i would use regularly, and with relative success two, so thinking it 
won't be that difficult to get to grips with safari after all, i've now found 
the tab bar, so happy i can go to addresses like i can in windows, but is there 
a shortcut like in windows for this action? 
Also, i am trying to install adium, but it doesn't seem to be working very 
well, there doesn't seem to be a set up assistant, should there be? 
Thanks so much for all your help so far, 
On 25 Apr 2010, at 17:29, wrote:

> Hi:
> I was wondering what is Adium?  And, Michael did you mean just the VO keys: 
> cntl/option, rather than command option?  Thanks.
> Carolyn
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 9:33 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>> I use a windows live messenger account with adium. It is available onthe 
>> account types.
>> On 2010-04-25, at 11:02 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>> Hello Kerie,
>>> While I can't answer your question about instant messaging, perhaps I can 
>>> help out with the others.  Like several people I know, I use both Windows 
>>> as well as Mac OS Snow Leopard.  Please find my answers below each question.
>>> On 2010-04-24 21:05, Kerie doyle wrote:
 Hi all,
 I’m a very new mac and voice over user, I just had some questions.
 First, about mail. I have not set up mail yet, as I wanted to ask some 
 advice. I have a Gmail account, and know from reading, that you may set up 
 Gmail to work in apple mail using either pop or imap, I’m just wondering, 
 does it make a difference in terms of voice over, whether I use pop or 
>>> I don't think it does, Kerie. While I use IMAP with my Gmail account, I 
>>> have never heard anything to the effect that POP wouldn't work.
 Next, are the mail boxes which can be created in apple mail meant to be 
 used as substitutes for folders like those which can be created in outlook 
 using windows, say for lists? And if I’m subscribed to many lists, can I, 
 and do I, need to create rules so the messages from lists go to the mail 
 boxes, and don’t just go to my inbox?
>>> Mail lets you create mailboxes into which you can organize materials.  You 
>>> can create rules to automatically have specific messages placed in specific 
>>> mailboxes or, alternatively, you can manually move them to these mailboxes 
>>> from the inbox.
 Next, when it comes to instant messaging, can aidium connect to windows 
 live, or am I best installing windows live for Mac, which I believe, 
 correct me if I’m wrong, is available from Microsoft?
>>> This was the question I couldn't answer.
 And lastly, for now, is there a way to find out the title of a window, 
 like in jaws for windows?
>>> Kerie, using the Voice Over keys (Command Option) along with F2 tells you 
>>> the title of the window that you are currently in. This command works very 
>>> well in the Mail program.
 I hope you all won’t mind me asking what could be considered by some as 
 silly questions, but like I say, I’m very new to apple and voice over, so 
 just thought someone might give me some advice.
 Thanks for any help in advance,
 Kerie, the more I use the Mac, the more I like it!  I hope that you have a 
 similar experience.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Mike
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Re: switching from windows, some questions?

2010-04-25 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

The first time you run Adium, you do get a setup assistant.

To go to the address bar, use COmmand-L.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Apr 25, 2010, at 8:01 PM, Kerie Doyle wrote:

> Hi all, 
> Mike, thanks so much for answering my questions, i'm yet to get to grips with 
> mail completely, but actually just found your reply by accident while doing a 
> spotlight search for something else, so i'm replying to you on the mac! I'm 
> really starting to like voice over, and today did some surfing of some sites 
> which i would use regularly, and with relative success two, so thinking it 
> won't be that difficult to get to grips with safari after all, i've now found 
> the tab bar, so happy i can go to addresses like i can in windows, but is 
> there a shortcut like in windows for this action? 
> Also, i am trying to install adium, but it doesn't seem to be working very 
> well, there doesn't seem to be a set up assistant, should there be? 
> Thanks so much for all your help so far, 
> Kerie   
> On 25 Apr 2010, at 17:29, wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I was wondering what is Adium?  And, Michael did you mean just the VO keys: 
>> cntl/option, rather than command option?  Thanks.
>> Carolyn
>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 9:33 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>>> I use a windows live messenger account with adium. It is available onthe 
>>> account types.
>>> On 2010-04-25, at 11:02 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
 Hello Kerie,
 While I can't answer your question about instant messaging, perhaps I can 
 help out with the others.  Like several people I know, I use both Windows 
 as well as Mac OS Snow Leopard.  Please find my answers below each 
 On 2010-04-24 21:05, Kerie doyle wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m a very new mac and voice over user, I just had some questions.
> First, about mail. I have not set up mail yet, as I wanted to ask some 
> advice. I have a Gmail account, and know from reading, that you may set 
> up Gmail to work in apple mail using either pop or imap, I’m just 
> wondering, does it make a difference in terms of voice over, whether I 
> use pop or imap?
 I don't think it does, Kerie. While I use IMAP with my Gmail account, I 
 have never heard anything to the effect that POP wouldn't work.
> Next, are the mail boxes which can be created in apple mail meant to be 
> used as substitutes for folders like those which can be created in 
> outlook using windows, say for lists? And if I’m subscribed to many 
> lists, can I, and do I, need to create rules so the messages from lists 
> go to the mail boxes, and don’t just go to my inbox?
 Mail lets you create mailboxes into which you can organize materials.  You 
 can create rules to automatically have specific messages placed in 
 specific mailboxes or, alternatively, you can manually move them to these 
 mailboxes from the inbox.
> Next, when it comes to instant messaging, can aidium connect to windows 
> live, or am I best installing windows live for Mac, which I believe, 
> correct me if I’m wrong, is available from Microsoft?
 This was the question I couldn't answer.
> And lastly, for now, is there a way to find out the title of a window, 
> like in jaws for windows?
 Kerie, using the Voice Over keys (Command Option) along with F2 tells you 
 the title of the window that you are currently in. This command works very 
 well in the Mail program.
> I hope you all won’t mind me asking what could be considered by some as 
> silly questions, but like I say, I’m very new to apple and voice over, so 
> just thought someone might give me some advice.
> Thanks for any help in advance,
> Kerie
> Kerie, the more I use the Mac, the more I like it!  I hope that you have 
> a similar experience.
 Best regards,
> -- 
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RE: odt2daisy project version 2.1 with open office 3.2 with a dutch voice on a mac 10.6.3

2010-04-25 Thread Bejarano, Rafael P.

Can you give me more information about the Daisy plug-in? What does it do?

Rafael Bejarano

From: [] On 
Behalf Of William Windels []
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 8:35 AM
Subject: odt2daisy project version 2.1 with open office 3.2 with a dutch voice 
on a mac 10.6.3

Hello all,

I have installed successfully  the daisy pllugin I think and after some litle 
tests, it works.

The only problem I have , is the voice.
I have a dutch voice (jeroen infovox/ivox from acapella) installed as default 
voice on  my system and in my screenreader that's included in every mac: 

When I try to export a full daisybook , the mp3's are generated with a English 

I find no choices to define the voice in the dialogue that appears in open 

Also, the language tag is set to nl/be I think.

Can someone help me please to  switch the voice to the right voice for the 
language of the document?

Unfortunately, I can't contact the developer anymore at:

Thanx for your help,
best regards,

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Re: Mail too slow

2010-04-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yeah it took 120 minutes for it to sincronise. with  imap and the all mail 
folder. I don't know what it was doing but there ya go. 
On Apr 25, 2010, at 3:09 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Sarah et al, 
> I don't know if its a setting i need to change, but I have found that after i 
> delete messages from Mail, the Mac keeps a copy of all the messages in the 
> Mail folder in my user library You could try deleting these to see if it 
> speeds things up. Also, I've found that Mail slows down for some reason 
> occasionally when using IMAP with GoogleMail. This may be an issue with 
> GMail's server though.
> TC
> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> On 25 Apr 2010, at 10:25, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> No idea if it does keep a cache. I know there are some tips on the mail help 
>> thing but Ill have to see about them when I'm more awake. lol.
>> On Apr 24, 2010, at 11:57 AM, marie Howarth wrote:
>>> maybe some cleaning up needs to be done on your systems? I'm assuming mail 
>>> has cash, not that I pretend to know the ins and outs but I am not seeing 
>>> the same issues. :)
>>> On 24 Apr 2010, at 19:42, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 actually in my case It will keep telling me a whole slew of rows are added 
 and today I just sent out messages meant for yesterday forgetting they 
 were even there. I wish mail can't quit with items in the outbox. but I do 
 myself notice the slowness.
 Take care.
 On Apr 23, 2010, at 8:25 AM, Mike Reiser wrote:
> I've seen this issue as well, and also sometimes you can't quit it 
> without it telling you the operation can't be completed.  
> Mike
> aim screen name: crhchmiker
> msn screen name:
> yahoo screenname: miker19882001
> skype name:miker1988
> On Apr 23, 2010, at 10:08 AM, mani wrote:
>> Of late, I am finding Mail to be too slow.  When I bring up Mail for
>> the first time, it takes more than 10 minutes to get all my new
>> messages.  I know it is not my wireless connection because Safari
>> works just fine.
>> Any ideas why?
>> Thanks,
>> mani
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Re: problem with the sendspace wizzard

2010-04-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
it is an inconsistency. let the devs know. I have the same trouble the right 
click is not consistant at all.
On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:58 AM, Lyn & Twinny wrote:

> Hello listers,
> Does anyone use the sendspace wizzard on the mac?  Well I've been having a 
> problem recently when trying to go into my folders. Ok...I focus on the 
> folder I wish to go into, say for instance the "music folder", hit VO commanf 
> F5 to bring the mouse to it but for some reason, this does not work.  The 
> mouse cursor stays focussed on the HD on the desktop. I am not sure what is 
> going on here as I didn't use to have any issue with this before.  Any ideas 
> as to how to solve this problem would be g r  eatly appreciated if anyone can 
> figure out what I may be doing wrong?
> Thanks and have a nice day=
> Lyn & Twinny 
> ***
> MSN and Email=
> skype=
> keanemaniac
> klango :
> keanemaniac
> facebook
> (Please say who you are and where you got my info if asking to share details, 
> thank you)
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Re: problem with the sendspace wizzard

2010-04-25 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I find it very consistent. I have no idea what you guys are doing. heh. I use 
it constantly and it always works for me.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
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AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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On Apr 25, 2010, at 8:52 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> it is an inconsistency. let the devs know. I have the same trouble the right 
> click is not consistant at all.
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:58 AM, Lyn & Twinny wrote:
>> Hello listers,
>> Does anyone use the sendspace wizzard on the mac?  Well I've been having a 
>> problem recently when trying to go into my folders. Ok...I focus on the 
>> folder I wish to go into, say for instance the "music folder", hit VO 
>> commanf F5 to bring the mouse to it but for some reason, this does not work. 
>>  The mouse cursor stays focussed on the HD on the desktop. I am not sure 
>> what is going on here as I didn't use to have any issue with this before.  
>> Any ideas as to how to solve this problem would be g r  eatly appreciated if 
>> anyone can figure out what I may be doing wrong?
>> Thanks and have a nice day=
>> Lyn & Twinny 
>> ***
>> MSN and Email=
>> skype=
>> keanemaniac
>> klango :
>> keanemaniac
>> facebook
>> (Please say who you are and where you got my info if asking to share 
>> details, thank you)
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Re: problem with the sendspace wizzard

2010-04-25 Thread Lyn & Twinny
well i don't think i am doing anything wrong, it used to work, this just does 
not work anymore for some reason.  I thought that's what the list was for but 
if all I'm going to get is that kind of answr, I might as well not ask any 

Lyn & Twinny

On Apr 25, 2010, at 8:59 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> I find it very consistent. I have no idea what you guys are doing. heh. I use 
> it constantly and it always works for me.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 25, 2010, at 8:52 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> it is an inconsistency. let the devs know. I have the same trouble the right 
>> click is not consistant at all.
>> On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:58 AM, Lyn & Twinny wrote:
>>> Hello listers,
>>> Does anyone use the sendspace wizzard on the mac?  Well I've been having a 
>>> problem recently when trying to go into my folders. Ok...I focus on the 
>>> folder I wish to go into, say for instance the "music folder", hit VO 
>>> commanf F5 to bring the mouse to it but for some reason, this does not 
>>> work.  The mouse cursor stays focussed on the HD on the desktop. I am not 
>>> sure what is going on here as I didn't use to have any issue with this 
>>> before.  Any ideas as to how to solve this problem would be g r  eatly 
>>> appreciated if anyone can figure out what I may be doing wrong?
>>> Thanks and have a nice day=
>>> Lyn & Twinny 
>>> ***
>>> MSN and Email=
>>> skype=
>>> keanemaniac
>>> klango :
>>> keanemaniac
>>> facebook
>>> (Please say who you are and where you got my info if asking to share 
>>> details, thank you)
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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MSN and Email=
klango :
(Please say who you are and where you got my info if asking to share details, 
thank you)

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Software Update hanging in Leopard

2010-04-25 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Every time I manually run Software Update, or whenever it comes up on  
its own, It goes "busy," and stays that way forever.  I'm running  
Leopard still.  What's up with this?

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problem syncing music to IPod

2010-04-25 Thread Amber Pearcy
Hi list,

I am experiencing a really frustrating issue with ITunes.  I can't sync any of 
my songs or playlists to my IPhone.  

I do have the most recent version of ITunes, and my IPhone software is also up 
to date.  I have my IPhone set to sync selected artists, songs, or playlists.  
I have a suspicion that maybe some setting got changed in ITunes so I'm really 
hoping that someone can point me in the right direction.


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Re: Software Update hanging in Leopard

2010-04-25 Thread James & Nash
Have you tried repairing the permissions?

James lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 25 Apr 2010, at 20:15, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Every time I manually run Software Update, or whenever it comes up on its 
> own, It goes "busy," and stays that way forever.  I'm running Leopard still.  
> What's up with this?
> -- 
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Helping each other

2010-04-25 Thread James & Nash
Hi gang,

Recently, it seems as if the MV list has not been as helpful or supportive as 
it might be. It's a real shame to see this happen to such a great resource. 
Hopefully, this is just a minor glitch and things will get back to the way they 
used to be. 

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny

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RE: Macvisionaries list and Gmail

2010-04-25 Thread Joe Plummer
As far as getting a copy of what you sent to the list if you are using
Google email you will not get a copy. This is not just this list It is all
email list. It is something with Google don't know exactly what it is.  

Joe Plummer ( JP )
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Linda Adams
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 1:35 PM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Macvisionaries list and Gmail

Regarding Williams message below, I had also been confused when I would
reply to a message on this list but my reply did not show up in my
regular inbox.   So, is this how it is for everyone?  

Another question please, in my inbox on the Gmail web site.  I pressed VO
space bar on the check box immediately before the conversation I want to
delete.  I then move up to where it says delete, but pressing enter or VO
space bar doesn't delete it from the Gmail inbox.
I noticed that it doesn't say "delete button" just "delete."  So how do I
delete a conversation from the Gmail inbox?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of William Windels
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 8:29 AM
Cc:; Keith Reedy
Subject: for admins

Hi , moderators of the lists: macvoiceover and macvisionaries: It would be
nice if posted mails should be visible also for the senders of the mails. I
mean: in the macvisionaries list, the mails that I am sending, are not shown
for me in the inbox of the mails from macvisionaries. On the macvoiceover
list, I see my mails sometimes but sometimes , I don't.

so, I can't determinate if they are received.

Keith, I send this mail also to you in case this message shouldn't be shown
on the macvoiceover list.

Thanx for your attention

best regards,

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RE: Macvisionaries list and Gmail

2010-04-25 Thread Linda Adams

Thanks for your response.  I am on a neighborhood Yahoo list and those
messages show up so I'll consider it to be strictly a Google thing.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Joe Plummer
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 3:41 PM
Subject: RE: Macvisionaries list and Gmail

As far as getting a copy of what you sent to the list if you are using
Google email you will not get a copy. This is not just this list It is
all email list. It is something with Google don't know exactly what it

Joe Plummer ( JP )
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Linda Adams
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 1:35 PM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Macvisionaries list and Gmail

Regarding Williams message below, I had also been confused when I would
reply to a message on this list but my reply did not show up in my
regular inbox.   So, is this how it is for everyone?  

Another question please, in my inbox on the Gmail web site.  I pressed
VO space bar on the check box immediately before the conversation I want
to delete.  I then move up to where it says delete, but pressing enter
or VO space bar doesn't delete it from the Gmail inbox. I noticed that
it doesn't say "delete button" just "delete."  So how do I delete a
conversation from the Gmail inbox?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of William Windels
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 8:29 AM
Cc:; Keith Reedy
Subject: for admins

Hi , moderators of the lists: macvoiceover and macvisionaries: It would
be nice if posted mails should be visible also for the senders of the
mails. I
mean: in the macvisionaries list, the mails that I am sending, are not
shown for me in the inbox of the mails from macvisionaries. On the
macvoiceover list, I see my mails sometimes but sometimes , I don't.

so, I can't determinate if they are received.

Keith, I send this mail also to you in case this message shouldn't be
shown on the macvoiceover list.

Thanx for your attention

best regards,

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Re: Software Update hanging in Leopard

2010-04-25 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I've repaired permission, but a LOT of them say "Cannot repair." I've  
lost my system disks, too, so can't do a reinstall.

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Re: Software Update hanging in Leopard

2010-04-25 Thread James & Nash
Hmm, that does make things a little more awkward . I'll have a little think and 
see what I can come up with. But perhaps other folks here will have some more 
immediate solutions for you.

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 25 Apr 2010, at 20:48, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> I've repaired permission, but a LOT of them say "Cannot repair." I've lost my 
> system disks, too, so can't do a reinstall.
> -- 
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Re: problem syncing music to IPod

2010-04-25 Thread olivia norman
If Nothing else works, restore your settings back to their defaults and start 
On Apr 25, 2010, at 3:18 PM, Amber Pearcy wrote:

> Hi list,
> I am experiencing a really frustrating issue with ITunes.  I can't sync any 
> of my songs or playlists to my IPhone.  
> I do have the most recent version of ITunes, and my IPhone software is also 
> up to date.  I have my IPhone set to sync selected artists, songs, or 
> playlists.  I have a suspicion that maybe some setting got changed in ITunes 
> so I'm really hoping that someone can point me in the right direction.
> Thanks,
> Amber 
> -- 
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Re: Extracting EXE files on the Mac -- URGENT!!!

2010-04-25 Thread Rob Lambert
I have the Unarchiver, and I'm pretty sure that's the default, but it said
"the contents of (an eBook from the ETS).exe could not be extracted with
this program."

On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 7:44 AM, Justin Thornton wrote:

> there is a really good free app call ed the unarchiver
> its extracts exe files very well!!
> On Apr 24, 2010, at 6:09 PM, Rob Lambert wrote:
> > If I have to, I'll use a PC, but I first wanted to know what software
> there was (preferably free) that will allow me to run EXE files on my Mac
> without having to get a VM (virtual machine) up and running. I have to have
> this answer ASAP.
> >
> > --
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Re: Software Update hanging in Leopard

2010-04-25 Thread Anne Robertson

You could try contacting Apple to see if they will supply you with another set 
of install disks. You'll probably have to pay for them. Alternatively, you 
could try eBay, but they're going for a lot more than the original price, so 
apple is likely to be more affordable.

Yet another alternative is to migrate to Snow Leopard, as long as your machine 
has an Intel processor.



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switching to Mac

2010-04-25 Thread chaas
Hi everyoneI've ben challenging myself to use the Mac all weekend, to discover 
what I can through the "getting started" manual, and I'm only trying to ask 
questions when I can't locate answers with the resources I have.  :I am 
wondering if there is a parallel process to the windows version of selecting to 
end of document and deleting, or to the beginning of document and deleting.  On 
the pc, if I wanted to selet and delete such a chunk, I did so with 
ctl/home/delete, or ctl/end/deleteI could select words using ctl/shift/arrows.
Today I had to delete a bunch of stuff letter by lettr because I couldn't find 
the parallel way to do it with the Mac.  
Any hlep would be much appreciated.  I am still also having difficulty getting 
links to open up in email.  Sometimes the data dector will work, but the 
choices are then only "new to do", or "copy link".  Can someone clarify these 
choices and how to use them.
I thank you for your continuing patience with me.


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Re: switching to Mac

2010-04-25 Thread marie Howarth
Hi Carolyn,
selection you can use shift--end and shift-home for selecting I believe. to 
select words you can use option-shift-right or left arrow. Note, option and the 
left or right arrows will also move you word to word. You must be interacting 
with a text area to do this though. 
are you wanting to open links from mail? to do this, move with voice over to 
the link and hit vo-space on it.

On 25 Apr 2010, at 23:00, wrote:

> Hi everyoneI've ben challenging myself to use the Mac all weekend, to 
> discover what I can through the "getting started" manual, and I'm only trying 
> to ask questions when I can't locate answers with the resources I have.  :I 
> am wondering if there is a parallel process to the windows version of 
> selecting to end of document and deleting, or to the beginning of document 
> and deleting.  On the pc, if I wanted to selet and delete such a chunk, I did 
> so with ctl/home/delete, or ctl/end/deleteI could select words using 
> ctl/shift/arrows.
> Today I had to delete a bunch of stuff letter by lettr because I couldn't 
> find the parallel way to do it with the Mac.  
> Any hlep would be much appreciated.  I am still also having difficulty 
> getting links to open up in email.  Sometimes the data dector will work, but 
> the choices are then only "new to do", or "copy link".  Can someone clarify 
> these choices and how to use them.
> I thank you for your continuing patience with me.
> Carolyn
> -- 
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Re: switching from windows, some questions?

2010-04-25 Thread Dyer Matthew
Hi,  Addium connects with msn, yahoo, google talk and AIM.  You can also use fb 
with it as well.


Contact info.

yahoo:  md1616
Skype contact:  graduater2004

From: Michael Busboom 
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: switching from windows, some questions?

Hello Kerie,

While I can't answer your question about instant messaging, perhaps I can help 
out with the others.  Like several people I know, I use both Windows as well as 
Mac OS Snow Leopard.  Please find my answers below each question.

On 2010-04-24 21:05, Kerie doyle wrote: 
  Hi all, 

  I'm a very new mac and voice over user, I just had some questions. 

  First, about mail. I have not set up mail yet, as I wanted to ask some 
advice. I have a Gmail account, and know from reading, that you may set up 
Gmail to work in apple mail using either pop or imap, I'm just wondering, does 
it make a difference in terms of voice over, whether I use pop or imap?

I don't think it does, Kerie. While I use IMAP with my Gmail account, I have 
never heard anything to the effect that POP wouldn't work.

  Next, are the mail boxes which can be created in apple mail meant to be used 
as substitutes for folders like those which can be created in outlook using 
windows, say for lists? And if I'm subscribed to many lists, can I, and do I, 
need to create rules so the messages from lists go to the mail boxes, and don't 
just go to my inbox?

Mail lets you create mailboxes into which you can organize materials.  You can 
create rules to automatically have specific messages placed in specific 
mailboxes or, alternatively, you can manually move them to these mailboxes from 
the inbox.

  Next, when it comes to instant messaging, can aidium connect to windows live, 
or am I best installing windows live for Mac, which I believe, correct me if 
I'm wrong, is available from Microsoft?

This was the question I couldn't answer.


  And lastly, for now, is there a way to find out the title of a window, like 
in jaws for windows?

Kerie, using the Voice Over keys (Command Option) along with F2 tells you the 
title of the window that you are currently in. This command works very well in 
the Mail program.


  I hope you all won't mind me asking what could be considered by some as silly 
questions, but like I say, I'm very new to apple and voice over, so just 
thought someone might give me some advice. 

  Thanks for any help in advance, 


  Kerie, the more I use the Mac, the more I like it!  I hope that you have a 
similar experience.

Best regards,


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Re: Software Update hanging in Leopard

2010-04-25 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Yeah, I'm more likely to upgrade to SL than pay for Leopard disks.   

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A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac

2010-04-25 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Everyone,  

In a couple of days I am going to the Apple store in hopes of purchasing
Office for the Mac.  

I know there has been much discussion on this subject but I cannot remember
the finer points so I ask the following:

Is MS Office for the Mac VoiceOver accessible?  

What is the current version of Office for the Mac?

Thank you all,


In each episode, join Mark, along with invited guests, as he explores the
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go far.  He who tries to shine dims his own light.  She who defines herself
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Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac

2010-04-25 Thread James & Nash
No it isn't. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Apparently, Microsoft will be 
releasing their latest version at some point this year, which is reportedly 
going to be VO accessible, but who knows.

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 26 Apr 2010, at 01:56, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,  
> In a couple of days I am going to the Apple store in hopes of purchasing
> Office for the Mac.  
> I know there has been much discussion on this subject but I cannot remember
> the finer points so I ask the following:
> Is MS Office for the Mac VoiceOver accessible?  
> What is the current version of Office for the Mac?
> Thank you all,
> Mark
> In each episode, join Mark, along with invited guests, as he explores the
> world in which we live and the world which lives within us.  As you listen
> or participate in a family-friendly, no-holds-barred discussion, you will
> find yourself being drawn deeper and deeper into the mystery, majesty, and
> wonder that is The Secret Life of Mark Marcus.
> You can listen and participate via telephone, an Internet-enabled computer,
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> Let's Make A Joyful Noise, Together!!!
> "Express yourself completely, then keep quiet."
> "He who stands on tiptoe doesn't stand firm.  She who rushes ahead doesn't
> go far.  He who tries to shine dims his own light.  She who defines herself
> can't know who she really is.  He who has power over others can't empower
> himself.  She who clings to her work will create nothing that endures."
> (Lao Tzu)
> For infinite knowledge, go to:
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Re: Macvisionaries list and Gmail

2010-04-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
and as for the del button. try using the basic html view. it is less clunky and 
limited but it works.

Good luck.
On Apr 25, 2010, at 12:41 PM, Joe Plummer wrote:

> As far as getting a copy of what you sent to the list if you are using
> Google email you will not get a copy. This is not just this list It is all
> email list. It is something with Google don't know exactly what it is.  
> Sign,
> Joe Plummer ( JP )
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Linda Adams
> Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 1:35 PM
> To: MacVisionaries
> Subject: Macvisionaries list and Gmail
> Regarding Williams message below, I had also been confused when I would
> reply to a message on this list but my reply did not show up in my
> regular inbox.   So, is this how it is for everyone?  
> Another question please, in my inbox on the Gmail web site.  I pressed VO
> space bar on the check box immediately before the conversation I want to
> delete.  I then move up to where it says delete, but pressing enter or VO
> space bar doesn't delete it from the Gmail inbox.
> I noticed that it doesn't say "delete button" just "delete."  So how do I
> delete a conversation from the Gmail inbox?
> Linda
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of William Windels
> Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 8:29 AM
> To:
> Cc:; Keith Reedy
> Subject: for admins
> Hi , moderators of the lists: macvoiceover and macvisionaries: It would be
> nice if posted mails should be visible also for the senders of the mails. I
> mean: in the macvisionaries list, the mails that I am sending, are not shown
> for me in the inbox of the mails from macvisionaries. On the macvoiceover
> list, I see my mails sometimes but sometimes , I don't.
> so, I can't determinate if they are received.
> Keith, I send this mail also to you in case this message shouldn't be shown
> on the macvoiceover list.
> Thanx for your attention
> best regards,
> William
> --
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> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 8.5.437 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2830 - Release Date: 04/23/10
> 06:31:00
> --
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Re: switching from windows, some questions?

2010-04-25 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

It connects to AOL Instant Messenger, Jabber, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, 
Bonjour, Facebook, Gadu-Gadu-, Google Talk, ICQ, IRC, Live Journal, Lotus 
Sametime, Mobile Me, MySpaceIM, Novell GroupWise, QQ, SIP / SIMPLE, StatusNet, 
Twitter, and finally, Yahoo! Japan.

You choose! ;)

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Apr 26, 2010, at 2:40 AM, Dyer Matthew wrote:

> Hi,  Addium connects with msn, yahoo, google talk and AIM.  You can also use 
> fb with it as well.
> Matthew
> Contact info.
> MSN/e-mail:
> yahoo:  md1616
> Skype contact:  graduater2004
> From: Michael Busboom
> Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 11:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: switching from windows, some questions?
> Hello Kerie,
> While I can't answer your question about instant messaging, perhaps I can 
> help out with the others.  Like several people I know, I use both Windows as 
> well as Mac OS Snow Leopard.  Please find my answers below each question.
> On 2010-04-24 21:05, Kerie doyle wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’m a very new mac and voice over user, I just had some questions.
>> First, about mail. I have not set up mail yet, as I wanted to ask some 
>> advice. I have a Gmail account, and know from reading, that you may set up 
>> Gmail to work in apple mail using either pop or imap, I’m just wondering, 
>> does it make a difference in terms of voice over, whether I use pop or imap?
> I don't think it does, Kerie. While I use IMAP with my Gmail account, I have 
> never heard anything to the effect that POP wouldn't work.
>> Next, are the mail boxes which can be created in apple mail meant to be used 
>> as substitutes for folders like those which can be created in outlook using 
>> windows, say for lists? And if I’m subscribed to many lists, can I, and do 
>> I, need to create rules so the messages from lists go to the mail boxes, and 
>> don’t just go to my inbox?
> Mail lets you create mailboxes into which you can organize materials.  You 
> can create rules to automatically have specific messages placed in specific 
> mailboxes or, alternatively, you can manually move them to these mailboxes 
> from the inbox.
>> Next, when it comes to instant messaging, can aidium connect to windows 
>> live, or am I best installing windows live for Mac, which I believe, correct 
>> me if I’m wrong, is available from Microsoft?
> This was the question I couldn't answer.
>> And lastly, for now, is there a way to find out the title of a window, like 
>> in jaws for windows?
> Kerie, using the Voice Over keys (Command Option) along with F2 tells you the 
> title of the window that you are currently in. This command works very well 
> in the Mail program.
>> I hope you all won’t mind me asking what could be considered by some as 
>> silly questions, but like I say, I’m very new to apple and voice over, so 
>> just thought someone might give me some advice.
>> Thanks for any help in advance,
>> Kerie
>> Kerie, the more I use the Mac, the more I like it!  I hope that you have a 
>> similar experience.
> Best regards,
> Mike
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> For more options, visit this group at 

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at

RE: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac

2010-04-25 Thread M. Taylor

Thank you for the feedback.

That's the breaks.  I am going into purchase the software for a friend's
child who needs it so she can work with Office for Windows which is the
standard at her college.  Surprising as I thought most schools used Macs for
everything educational.  

Fortunately the college student is sighted so she won't have any issues.

Again, thank you.


Get to know yourself as you get to know me on The Secret Life of Mark Marcus
Live Talk Show
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of James & Nash
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac

No it isn't. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Apparently, Microsoft will
be releasing their latest version at some point this year, which is
reportedly going to be VO accessible, but who knows.

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
On 26 Apr 2010, at 01:56, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,  
> In a couple of days I am going to the Apple store in hopes of purchasing
> Office for the Mac.  
> I know there has been much discussion on this subject but I cannot
> the finer points so I ask the following:
> Is MS Office for the Mac VoiceOver accessible?  
> What is the current version of Office for the Mac?
> Thank you all,
> Mark
> In each episode, join Mark, along with invited guests, as he explores the
> world in which we live and the world which lives within us.  As you listen
> or participate in a family-friendly, no-holds-barred discussion, you will
> find yourself being drawn deeper and deeper into the mystery, majesty, and
> wonder that is The Secret Life of Mark Marcus.
> You can listen and participate via telephone, an Internet-enabled
> or Smartphone application.  No need to sign up on a website or be required
> to enter any pin codes.  Just join in and let your voice be heard around
> world.  To listen or participate via phone just dial (724-898-1193 during
> the show's scheduled time.  That's all there is to it.  
> Sign Up To Receive Text-Message Alerts When The Show Is Live!!
> Can't listen live?  No problem, download/listen to past episodes on
> at your convenience.  For more information including an audio PROMO for
> next scheduled episode, show times, the ability to listen or participate
> computer and more, go to:
> Let's Make A Joyful Noise, Together!!!
> "Express yourself completely, then keep quiet."
> "He who stands on tiptoe doesn't stand firm.  She who rushes ahead doesn't
> go far.  He who tries to shine dims his own light.  She who defines
> can't know who she really is.  He who has power over others can't empower
> himself.  She who clings to her work will create nothing that endures."
> (Lao Tzu)
> For infinite knowledge, go to:
> -- 
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was Re: switching from windows, some questions?

2010-04-25 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I completely forgot. My Adium actually connects to Skype as well as the plugin 
is installed. Go to Adium's extras website, and search for Skype. You'll find 
it easily enough. The plugin will enable you to accept and reject incoming 
calls, send Skype chats using your Adium settings such as speech, and so-forth. 
It will simply be treated like a regular account. Of course, the downside to 
this is that Skype has to running in order for Adium to communicate with the 
SkypeAPI, and not a separate account system.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Apr 26, 2010, at 8:17 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> It connects to AOL Instant Messenger, Jabber, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! 
> Messenger, Bonjour, Facebook, Gadu-Gadu-, Google Talk, ICQ, IRC, Live 
> Journal, Lotus Sametime, Mobile Me, MySpaceIM, Novell GroupWise, QQ, SIP / 
> SIMPLE, StatusNet, Twitter, and finally, Yahoo! Japan.
> You choose! ;)
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Apr 26, 2010, at 2:40 AM, Dyer Matthew wrote:
>> Hi,  Addium connects with msn, yahoo, google talk and AIM.  You can also use 
>> fb with it as well.
>> Matthew
>> Contact info.
>> MSN/e-mail:
>> yahoo:  md1616
>> Skype contact:  graduater2004
>> From: Michael Busboom
>> Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 11:02 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: switching from windows, some questions?
>> Hello Kerie,
>> While I can't answer your question about instant messaging, perhaps I can 
>> help out with the others.  Like several people I know, I use both Windows as 
>> well as Mac OS Snow Leopard.  Please find my answers below each question.
>> On 2010-04-24 21:05, Kerie doyle wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I’m a very new mac and voice over user, I just had some questions.
>>> First, about mail. I have not set up mail yet, as I wanted to ask some 
>>> advice. I have a Gmail account, and know from reading, that you may set up 
>>> Gmail to work in apple mail using either pop or imap, I’m just wondering, 
>>> does it make a difference in terms of voice over, whether I use pop or imap?
>> I don't think it does, Kerie. While I use IMAP with my Gmail account, I have 
>> never heard anything to the effect that POP wouldn't work.
>>> Next, are the mail boxes which can be created in apple mail meant to be 
>>> used as substitutes for folders like those which can be created in outlook 
>>> using windows, say for lists? And if I’m subscribed to many lists, can I, 
>>> and do I, need to createrules so the messages from lists go to the mail 
>>> boxes, and don’t just go to my inbox?
>> Mail lets you create mailboxes into which you can organize materials.  You 
>> can create rules to automatically have specific messages placed in specific 
>> mailboxes or, alternatively, you can manually move them to these mailboxes 
>> from the inbox.
>>> Next, when it comes to instant messaging, can aidium connect to windows 
>>> live, or am I best installing windows live for Mac, which I believe, 
>>> correct me if I’m wrong, is available from Microsoft?
>> This was the question I couldn't answer.
>>> And lastly, for now, is there a way to find out the title of a window, like 
>>> in jaws forwindows?
>> Kerie, using the Voice Over keys (Command Option) along with F2 tells you 
>> the title of the window that you are currently in. This command works very 
>> well in the Mail program.
>>> I hope you all won’t mind me asking what could be considered by some as 
>>> silly questions, but like I say, I’m very new to apple and voice over, so 
>>> just thought someone might give me some advice.
>>> Thanks for any help in advance,
>>> Kerie
>>> Kerie, the more I use the Mac, the more I like it!  I hope that you have a 
>>> similar experience.
>> Best regards,
>> Mike
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac

2010-04-25 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Why buy MS Office for Macs? I'm still personally trying to justify the purchase 
of iWork. it doesn't seem like MS Office has more than iWork does. I never 
really liked Office because it always felt sluggish to me as opposed to iWork.

I'm sure someone a lot smarter than me can tell me why.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Apr 26, 2010, at 8:20 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> James, 
> Thank you for the feedback.
> That's the breaks.  I am going into purchase the software for a friend's
> child who needs it so she can work with Office for Windows which is the
> standard at her college.  Surprising as I thought most schools used Macs for
> everything educational.  
> Fortunately the college student is sighted so she won't have any issues.
> Again, thank you.
> Mark
> Get to know yourself as you get to know me on The Secret Life of Mark Marcus
> Live Talk Show
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of James & Nash
> Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 9:11 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: A Question Regarding MS Office for Mac
> No it isn't. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Apparently, Microsoft will
> be releasing their latest version at some point this year, which is
> reportedly going to be VO accessible, but who knows.
> TC
> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> On 26 Apr 2010, at 01:56, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,  
>> In a couple of days I am going to the Apple store in hopes of purchasing
>> Office for the Mac.  
>> I know there has been much discussion on this subject but I cannot
> remember
>> the finer points so I ask the following:
>> Is MS Office for the Mac VoiceOver accessible?  
>> What is the current version of Office for the Mac?
>> Thank you all,
>> Mark
>> In each episode, join Mark, along with invited guests, as he explores the
>> world in which we live and the world which lives within us.  As you listen
>> or participate in a family-friendly, no-holds-barred discussion, you will
>> find yourself being drawn deeper and deeper into the mystery, majesty, and
>> wonder that is The Secret Life of Mark Marcus.
>> You can listen and participate via telephone, an Internet-enabled
> computer,
>> or Smartphone application.  No need to sign up on a website or be required
>> to enter any pin codes.  Just join in and let your voice be heard around
> the
>> world.  To listen or participate via phone just dial (724-898-1193 during
>> the show's scheduled time.  That's all there is to it.  
>> Sign Up To Receive Text-Message Alerts When The Show Is Live!!
>> Can't listen live?  No problem, download/listen to past episodes on
> demand,
>> at your convenience.  For more information including an audio PROMO for
> the
>> next scheduled episode, show times, the ability to listen or participate
> via
>> computer and more, go to:
>> Let's Make A Joyful Noise, Together!!!
>> "Express yourself completely, then keep quiet."
>> "He who stands on tiptoe doesn't stand firm.  She who rushes ahead doesn't
>> go far.  He who tries to shine dims his own light.  She who defines
> herself
>> can't know who she really is.  He who has power over others can't empower
>> himself.  She who clings to her work will create nothing that endures."
>> (Lao Tzu)
>> For infinite knowledge, go to:
>> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at
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