Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog

Hi Carolyn. Finally something I can help on or at least somewhat.
I download nls books all the time.
I have high speed here and it downloads at usually 396kb per second.
It depends really on your internet speed. But generally I think nls  
bard also may have some kind of speed restriction as well.
A 13 hour book will probably download in less than 10 mins if you are 
on high speed internet.
I know this isn't much help. But it sounds like your downloading on 
high speed as me and it sounds like you are getting three hundred and 
90 something kb per second.
That seems to be average. And no as far as I know there is no way to 
speed that up.
You will also find from nls that you can only download three books at a 
time from them.
the time as you know that it takes to download a book is based on the 
size of the file for the book.

I find that 40 hours books take longer to download than 6 hour or less books.
40 hour books seem to take a half hour for me although I never timed it.
But anyway these are pretty big files too in some cases. So I would say 
just let the file dowload and enjoy your book once you have it.
But if it says 3 hundred and 90 something and you are on a high speed 
connection that is actually some of the best downloading I have seen from nls.

Have a wonderful day.

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2010-04-10 Thread chad baker
Hi is virtualbox accessible?
I downloaded it and there is no installer.

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iTunes changing mp3 bitrate

2010-04-10 Thread Shen
For some strange reason, I cannot seem to change the mp3 bitrate for
importing settings in iTunes. If I change it, VoiceOver will say the
bitrate I had changed it to, but when I select OK, and go back, the
change does not stick.
Has anyone encountered this problem before? If so, how can this be
done using VoiceOver?
I have verified that using the track pad works, but using VoiceOver
does not.

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Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-10 Thread olivia norman
I completely agree! No other company has implemented accessibility in the same 
way that apple has, and I love the fact that I pay the same price for my 
products as everyone else does.  I don't feel like my iPad is a rip off because 
of the added productivity it allows me.  I love being able to take it to 
school, read a book on the subway, or work outside with my laptop and iPad on a 
nice day.  This device has already opened up the world of books to me in a way 
I haven't experienced before, and I've only had it a week.
On Apr 10, 2010, at 2:11 AM, tim wrote:

> I think it is nice that we can buy something off the shelf just like everyone 
> else does. The rip off is the price they charge us for making these devices 
> assessable for the blind.
> Personally I'm not into buying a computer and then paying the same price for 
> a screen reader.
> On Apr 6, 2010, at 3:23 PM, Cody wrote:
>> I think the idea is awesome in terms of accessibility and apple will 
>> certainly get praises for that which they deserve, however I think the 
>> product itself is a rip off. sure, it's $499, but then they plan to rape you 
>> at the app counter, so yeah it's accessible alright, but is it worth a place 
>> in your wallet? We sometimes let accessibility over power our budgets 
>> because we see something and think, wow, gotta have that one.
>> Cody
>> - Original Message - From: "Bryan Smart" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:59 PM
>> Subject: Used an iPad today
>> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, but I had 
>> some time to play with a WiFi model today.
>> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being increased, 
>> the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is certainly using 
>> the extra space to expand on what is possible with an iPhone type touch 
>> interface.
>> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode (which lots 
>> of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a blind person. When 
>> you're working with two hands, having more horizontal room seems to make 
>> more of a difference when navigating. Fortunately, it is a snap to try 
>> either way to see what works for you.
>> I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the horrible 
>> oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost nothing but shiny 
>> aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the iPad on a table to use it, 
>> but I promise, the first time that you place it on any table that isn't 
>> absolutely clear of small dirt particles, you'll pic it up to discover that 
>> the slight motion of you pushing and sliding the iPad has ground the dirt 
>> particles in to the back, and scratched the hell out of your shiny aluminum 
>> back plate. Of course, you can buy the case to fix that. the case is a type 
>> of thin and stiff coated particle board that feels a lot like a traditional 
>> print notebook. One side snugly holds the iPad, and the other side is a flap 
>> that covers the iPad screen when closed. I suppose that most people will 
>> want the case to protect the screen when traveling, anyway. If you go 
>> without the case, though, you are absolutely asking for it. Apple could have 
>> put something on the back to make the iPad more stable. Maybe not rubber 
>> feet, but they could have gone with a felt square in the center, a stylized 
>> strip of some high friction material, etc. The curved back will insure that 
>> the iPad wobbles on the table, and the glossy case will absolutely scratch.
>> VoiceOver sounded about the same, and responded with the same speed, pretty 
>> much. The speaker was very clear. Didn't get to play music with it, but I 
>> hear the bass is poor. Still, speech is pretty good through the built-in 
>> speakers.
>> However, it seemed to me that iPad programs opened more slowly than on the 
>> iPhone. Maybe there is more information to load? However, with more memory 
>> and a faster processor, I wasn't expecting that.
>> I wasn't dramatically blown away by the applications that were available on 
>> it, but working with a big talking touch screen interface started me 
>> dreaming about things that *could* be accomplished with a device like that. 
>> Many people might not need the iPad for web surfing or checking e-mail, but 
>> I think that, eventually, there will be some very unique uses for the iPad.
>> Bryan
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Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread olivia norman
How do you work with NLS books? I don't have a specialized player, just my mac 
and iPad, so I am assuming that I won't be able to use them, correct?
On Apr 10, 2010, at 12:42 AM, wrote:

> Hi Mac Family:
> I'm finally downloading my first ever NLS talking book into "downloads" on my 
> macbook Pro.  The download speed is saying something like 39.something kb per 
> second.  The downlad time appears to be nearly an hour, but the book is only 
> a 13 hours long.  This seems particularly slow.  I'm simply working from the 
> Bard website, straight into downloads.  
> Is there something I can/should do to improve this downlad time?  Thanks for 
> any suggestions.
> Carolyn 
> ch:)
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Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog

Hi. do you have the digital player from the library?
Oops. are you a patron of nls? If you are you can get a digital player 
form the library. Or if you have a booksense or victor reader stream 
those will work too.

But no it wouldn't work just on your mac alone. is the web site used to download books. But you have to 
be a nls patron and you have to have a player that will play the books.
I think that is the website anyway. I have it bookmarked. Not memorized 
like so many other sites.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread olivia norman
Thanks so much! I thought about getting one of the specialized players, but 
opted for the iPad instead (good choice for me) Do the library players work 
with the mac? I have seen someone's player, but don't have one myself.  I am 
pretty sure I have an NLS membership, but will check.
On Apr 10, 2010, at 10:19 AM, Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog wrote:

> Hi. do you have the digital player from the library?
> Oops. are you a patron of nls? If you are you can get a digital player form 
> the library. Or if you have a booksense or victor reader stream those will 
> work too.
> But no it wouldn't work just on your mac alone.
> is the web site used to download books. But you have to be a 
> nls patron and you have to have a player that will play the books.
> I think that is the website anyway. I have it bookmarked. Not memorized like 
> so many other sites.
> Hope this helps.
> Jessica
> -- 
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Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog
You could call you state/local library and see if you are a patron. If 
you are you can ask to have a digital advanced player sent to you.
You can either use a thumb drive in the player that it will not fuss 
at. I hear the kingston datatravelers are good and have a 4 gig. cost 
me 14 dollars.

That is including tax.
Or you can buy a 2 gig cartridge with adaptor to go from the cartridge 
to the computer so you can download the books onto the cartridge and 
then just put the cartridge into the player.

YOu get more for your money if you just by the usb flas/thumb drive.
Basically you download the nls book file (it is zipped) from the web site.
Then you unzip it. And you then copy the files over to the cartridge or 
usb flash/thumb drive.

And then put whatever item you choose to use in the player and away you go.
I find that I can fit about 40 good sized magazones/books on a 4 gig 
usb/flash thumb drive.
It really depends on the sizes of the books. But that seems to be a 
good stimate. MOr if they are smaller. less if they are big books.

The cartridges you can get from american printing house.
I hope this helped.

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Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread Carolyn
No, it seems I'm only getting a speed of 39 kb per second.  The download for a 
13 hour book took 55 minutes or so.  I have high speed internet, and will be 
moving that book to an sd card for the VRS.  But, that was an amazingly bad 
download time compared with my Dell (excuse the expression).

Thanks for any further thoughts.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog 
  Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2010 8:19 AM
  Subject: Re: Downloading nls books

  Hi. do you have the digital player from the library?
  Oops. are you a patron of nls? If you are you can get a digital player 
  form the library. Or if you have a booksense or victor reader stream 
  those will work too.
  But no it wouldn't work just on your mac alone. is the web site used to download books. But you have to 
  be a nls patron and you have to have a player that will play the books.
  I think that is the website anyway. I have it bookmarked. Not memorized 
  like so many other sites.
  Hope this helps.

  Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread olivia norman
Do the adapters show up in the finder?  I am wondering what the advantages of 
these books are if I have an iPad? I asume that the NLS players don't offer 
it's portability and easy access to materials?  As I said, I considered a 
stream or something similar, but opted for the iPad instead for a number of 

On Apr 10, 2010, at 10:41 AM, Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog wrote:

> You could call you state/local library and see if you are a patron. If you 
> are you can ask to have a digital advanced player sent to you.
> You can either use a thumb drive in the player that it will not fuss at. I 
> hear the kingston datatravelers are good and have a 4 gig. cost me 14 dollars.
> That is including tax.
> Or you can buy a 2 gig cartridge with adaptor to go from the cartridge to the 
> computer so you can download the books onto the cartridge and then just put 
> the cartridge into the player.
> YOu get more for your money if you just by the usb flas/thumb drive.
> Basically you download the nls book file (it is zipped) from the web site.
> Then you unzip it. And you then copy the files over to the cartridge or usb 
> flash/thumb drive.
> And then put whatever item you choose to use in the player and away you go.
> I find that I can fit about 40 good sized magazones/books on a 4 gig 
> usb/flash thumb drive.
> It really depends on the sizes of the books. But that seems to be a good 
> stimate. MOr if they are smaller. less if they are big books.
> The cartridges you can get from american printing house.
> I hope this helped.
> Jessica
> -- 
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3 am

2010-04-10 Thread louie

Hi all,
I know that are scripts run at 3 AM every night on our Macs. These  
scripts are maintenance scripts. Is there some way to run these  
scripts manually for those that do not leave our Macs on?


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Re: 3 am

2010-04-10 Thread Slau Halatyn
Do a search for Onyx. It's a free application that allows you to do tons of 
maintenance stuff like running scripts and customizing the system.


On Apr 10, 2010, at 1:11 PM, louie wrote:

> Hi all,
> I know that are scripts run at 3 AM every night on our Macs. These scripts 
> are maintenance scripts. Is there some way to run these scripts manually for 
> those that do not leave our Macs on?
> louie
> -- 
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exporting emails to a user using windows machine

2010-04-10 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. i luckelly kept 2 years of emails a person lost due to the hacking of 
there email account. How do I exzport these from apple mail to a form they 
canread I don't want to do rich text I want to export them to eml so she can 
open them. i hope she has somethign tht will open them. I believe she has 
windows 7 but not sure.



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Sudo periodic daily maintenance tasks [was Re: 3 am]

2010-04-10 Thread Esther

Hello Louie,

You can run these from terminal at any time, either individually or  
all together at once:

sudo periodic daily weekly monthly
You'll be prompted for your admin password at the first sudo command.   
You won't need to give it again unless it has been some time between  
your first and most recent sudo command.  It's usually the "weekly"  
one that takes a little longer to run and delete old log files, etc.:

sudo periodic weekly
You can run these from a number of maintenance software programs,  
too.  Here's a link to the X Lab pages that describes a bit what these  
scripts do, and different ways to run them manually:
(Running the Mac OS X maintenance scripts)

Somebody also build a dashboard widget so you could check when  
maintenance was last run and enter the password to run the scripts.   
I've not used this myself, but here's the link to the web page for the  
Maintidget widget (should work on any system running VoiceOver, since  
it requires 10.4.3 or above):

Personally, I just periodically type the commands into terminal.  In  
most instances launchd will manage to run these, unless you regularly  
shut down your machine for long periods every day.  You can use OnyX,  
Cocktail, MacJanitor, or any number of programs to handle these  
periodic tasks for you.  For completeness, I'll point you (and other  
users) to this old Mac Attorney site on maintenance and  
troubleshooting.  (Don't balk at its mention of OS X 10.2, 10.3, and  
earlier versions -- the contents and links are updated, and the site  
has been around a long time.)
(OS X Maintenance and Trouble Shooting).

Hope this helps. Cheers,


On 10 Apr 2010, louie wrote:

Hi all,
I know that are scripts run at 3 AM every night on our Macs. These  
scripts are maintenance scripts. Is there some way to run these  
scripts manually for those that do not leave our Macs on?


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Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread Sarah Alawami
actually 've seen about 40 to 50 on my 1.1mbps connection and only on nls 
download site.

Take care.

On Apr 10, 2010, at 9:29 AM, Carolyn wrote:

> Gesica:
> No, it seems I'm only getting a speed of 39 kb per second.  The download for 
> a 13 hour book took 55 minutes or so.  I have high speed internet, and will 
> be moving that book to an sd card for the VRS.  But, that was an amazingly 
> bad download time compared with my Dell (excuse the expression).
> Thanks for any further thoughts.
> Carolyn
> - Original Message -
> From: Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2010 8:19 AM
> Subject: Re: Downloading nls books
> Hi. do you have the digital player from the library?
> Oops. are you a patron of nls? If you are you can get a digital player 
> form the library. Or if you have a booksense or victor reader stream 
> those will work too.
> But no it wouldn't work just on your mac alone.
> is the web site used to download books. But you have to 
> be a nls patron and you have to have a player that will play the books.
> I think that is the website anyway. I have it bookmarked. Not memorized 
> like so many other sites.
> Hope this helps.
> Jessica
> -- 
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Re: Sudo periodic daily maintenance tasks [was Re: 3 am]

2010-04-10 Thread Sarah Alawami
Thanks for the widget.  I jsut used it and hope it will make soem differents.

Take care.

On Apr 10, 2010, at 11:13 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hello Louie,
> You can run these from terminal at any time, either individually or all 
> together at once:
> sudo periodic daily weekly monthly
> You'll be prompted for your admin password at the first sudo command.  You 
> won't need to give it again unless it has been some time between your first 
> and most recent sudo command.  It's usually the "weekly" one that takes a 
> little longer to run and delete old log files, etc.:
> sudo periodic weekly
> You can run these from a number of maintenance software programs, too.  
> Here's a link to the X Lab pages that describes a bit what these scripts do, 
> and different ways to run them manually:
> (Running the Mac OS X maintenance scripts)
> Somebody also build a dashboard widget so you could check when maintenance 
> was last run and enter the password to run the scripts.  I've not used this 
> myself, but here's the link to the web page for the Maintidget widget (should 
> work on any system running VoiceOver, since it requires 10.4.3 or above):
> Personally, I just periodically type the commands into terminal.  In most 
> instances launchd will manage to run these, unless you regularly shut down 
> your machine for long periods every day.  You can use OnyX, Cocktail, 
> MacJanitor, or any number of programs to handle these periodic tasks for you. 
>  For completeness, I'll point you (and other users) to this old Mac Attorney 
> site on maintenance and troubleshooting.  (Don't balk at its mention of OS X 
> 10.2, 10.3, and earlier versions -- the contents and links are updated, and 
> the site has been around a long time.)
> (OS X Maintenance and Trouble Shooting).
> Hope this helps. Cheers,
> Esther
> On 10 Apr 2010, louie wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I know that are scripts run at 3 AM every night on our Macs. These scripts 
>> are maintenance scripts. Is there some way to run these scripts manually for 
>> those that do not leave our Macs on?
>> louie
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using Adium - viewing respnses

2010-04-10 Thread phil stephenson

Prompted by recent discussion on using Adium to do Facebook chat I've 
downloaded it and run it.  it asked me if I wanted to use Growl and I said yes.

Logged in yesterday and it found my friends who were online with FB at the 
time.  i started chatting to someone and they could see my messages however I 
couldn't find their replies with VO - my wife who is sighted said they were 
there but I couldn't find it with VO - can anyone who uses Adium please help?

As ever all help gratefully received,



Phil Stephenson
07841 714931
Skype = philstephenson

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Re: using Adium - viewing respnses

2010-04-10 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. vo left to the unknown and interact with it. it is actually an html view 
thingy but  vo can't for some reason recognise it.

Take care.
On Apr 10, 2010, at 11:54 AM, phil stephenson wrote:

> Hi,
> Prompted by recent discussion on using Adium to do Facebook chat I've 
> downloaded it and run it.  it asked me if I wanted to use Growl and I said 
> yes.
> Logged in yesterday and it found my friends who were online with FB at the 
> time.  i started chatting to someone and they could see my messages however I 
> couldn't find their replies with VO - my wife who is sighted said they were 
> there but I couldn't find it with VO - can anyone who uses Adium please help?
> As ever all help gratefully received,
> cheers,
> Phil
> ---
> Phil Stephenson
> 07841 714931
> Skype = philstephenson
> -- 
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Re: using Adium - viewing respnses

2010-04-10 Thread phil stephenson
Hi Sarah,

thanks for that, I did spot the Unknown field but didn't think to interact with 
it - maybe someone should tell the developers so they can look at fixing this 
in an update but thanks for the info anyway.



On 10 Apr 2010, at 19:57, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hello. vo left to the unknown and interact with it. it is actually an html 
> view thingy but  vo can't for some reason recognise it.
> Take care.
> On Apr 10, 2010, at 11:54 AM, phil stephenson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Prompted by recent discussion on using Adium to do Facebook chat I've 
>> downloaded it and run it.  it asked me if I wanted to use Growl and I said 
>> yes.
>> Logged in yesterday and it found my friends who were online with FB at the 
>> time.  i started chatting to someone and they could see my messages however 
>> I couldn't find their replies with VO - my wife who is sighted said they 
>> were there but I couldn't find it with VO - can anyone who uses Adium please 
>> help?
>> As ever all help gratefully received,
>> cheers,
>> Phil
>> ---
>> Phil Stephenson
>> 07841 714931
>> Skype = philstephenson
>> -- 
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Phil Stephenson
07841 714931
Skype = philstephenson

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Re: IPhone 4, and IAds

2010-04-10 Thread Marshall Scott
Hi Jes,
Earlier this week, I expressed the same concerns.  Since then, I've read enough 
to convince me that iAd won't interfere with apps running on the iPhone.  I'm 
still concerned about security.  I'm also concerned about the cost (to me) of 
these ads.  I've expressed my concerns to and on this 
list so I won't say any more.

On Apr 9, 2010, at 8:30 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Goodnight Jes,
> From what I have read, the ads seem like they will be out of the way.  You 
> will only see the entire add by tapping on the banner.  The ads must be 
> approved by Apple so that might eliminate the concerns about spyware.  But I 
> guess nothing is 100% safe.
> hth
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:56 PM, Jess wrote:
>> My question was would Ads lead to spyware or adware, and would it interfere 
>> with what I would be doing on the IPad.
>> Jes
>> On Apr 9, 2010, at 7:50 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>>> I guess you can't handle the truth. If you don' want ads I suggest you just 
>>> disconnect your computer and donate it. 
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Apr 9, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Jess  wrote:
 Charlie wrote:
 "The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under 
 your bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now."
 Apparently you haven't used apps like Syrinx or Twittero, they don't give 
 you any ads from Twitter or facebook. I realize that ads aren't going 
 away, but if I don't want to see an ad, I shouldn't have to be forced to 
 look at it. And by the way, leave the communist crap out of it.
 On Apr 9, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
> The next thing I expect to hear from you is "there's a communist under 
> your bed" grow up! Facebook and twitter are littered with ads now. 
> Developer need an income stream do you want free apps to vanish. Get real.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Apr 9, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Jess  wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I am disappointed with the introduction of IAds in IPhone 4.0. If I'm 
>> browsing the web or looking at facebook and v o starts reading an ad, I 
>> would be annoyed. Also, can we just say, ad ware for the IPhone? As in 
>> spyware?
>> Jes
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Getting encrypted DVD content

2010-04-10 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi guys,

I usually use DVDRemaster for my DVDs, but sadly, it does not have the ability 
to extract encrypted content. Unfortunately, this DVD is encrypted. Metakine 
has software for taking care of this as well. Something called Fairmount. It 
seems as if you need to use VLC, which I did install.

Either it is me, or I cannot figure out how to use Fairmount. it just seems 
like so much trouble just to do that. Any suggestions for either something 
else, or as to how to get Fairmount to work?

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Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog
hmmm that is unusual. Maybe it was just an extremely high volume of 
people downloading from nls. Or maybe your connection at the time was odd.

Hope it goes better next time. I can guarantee it isn't the mac.
At least I am pretty sure it isn't. Unless network settings got goofed 
or something.


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Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog
sorry if this was already addressed. Yes the usb thumb / flash drives 
show up in the finder just like any usb thing generally would unless it 
is linked like the iphone or other device to a particular program.
I do not know about the cartridges. But I am assuming so because 
basically all those are is usb flash drives incased in a cassette sized 
plastic thing.


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Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog
This is really odd. I am getting about 390 to 410 kb per sec on this 
end. I don't know why  you others are getting slower readings.
Anyway. yeah the nls downloads are slow. I do not know if it is the 
fact that a bunch of people are downloading stuff at the same time or 
if nls has restricted their speed of upload somethow.


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iTunes server and iPod touch

2010-04-10 Thread Chris G

I have a netgear nas with 3TB in it.  The nas has the ability to be used
as an iTunes server.  All of my media is on the nas.

When I go into iTunes on the Mac I can see the iTunes server and play
the files on the server.

Now heres the 64000 dollar question.

Can I synk the media from the iTunes server with the iPod touch and if
so how?

Chris G 

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RE: considering an iPad but have questions

2010-04-10 Thread Bryan Smart
Wow. Do you realize that you are spending more than 28% of your income on just 
different ways for you to access the Internet? I spend less than 20% of my 
income on my mortgage, and that is my largest liability.

I have broadband at home, a good calling package+unlimited data on my phone, 
and will have a iPad data plan. That is a single percentage portion of my 
monthly income. And all of that is necessary for work/generating income. Most 
of my work requires that I be online most all of the time, or, at least, be 
able to get online at any time. Even still, if I was even spending 10% of my 
income on getting connected to the Internet, even for work, I'd have to give 
myself a serious reality check and re-evaluate my priorities. If my income 
dropped off, then so would my Internet access options, particularly if my 
income dropped off. Internet access can help make money, but it is a liability. 
Every dollar that you put in to it is a dollar lost. If you're throwing most of 
what you make in to it, then you'll never get anywhere financially.

It blows my mind that someone would spend almost a third of what they make on 
Internet access for casual/entertainment use. If I were you, and money was so 
tight, I'd cut/slash most of your plethora of access options out and get your 
liabilities under control. Maybe if you can access the Internet on your cell 
phone, your Air Card, and your iPad, then you don't need $50/month broadband at 
home. Maybe if you can access the Internet through the Air card on your laptop, 
you don't need to be paying for iPad access on top of that. What-ever you do, 
you'll be making a compromise. Do you want an air card or an iPad? Do you want 
broadband or an air card? I can't imagine trying to have it all and giving most 
all of my money to one telecommunications company or another, just so that I 
can check my e-mail and browse the Internet on half a dozen different devices.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Cody
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions

You have a point, but consider the fact that a lot of technically inclined 
people have a cellphone, braudband internet, a 3g air card, and then to put 
this on top of that? that can amount up to $300 or so. alone before the 
adjustment I made with at and t with my iPhone, my phone bill was $169.28, 
after the adjustment it was $135.34. add $65 for an air card, $200.34, then add 
another $20 for the capped bandwidth for iPad, $220 and that last $20 I did not 
figure in tax so all in all $225 about. Then if you dont' watch your bandwidth 
and accidentally go over that 5 cents per meg you go over with vzw, I sure as 
hell don't have $300 to dump on that kind of access to the internet $100 is 
bearly passable on my budget remember the economy isn't all the greatest right 
now. And I forgot to add in $50 for TWC internet with the turbo boost 15 up 2 
down thats another $55 on top of that I'm estimating the tax there it might 
actually be near $60 or over. So say $225 + $60 you are now $285. So while $20 
by itself isn't a lot, you need to consider the many numbers of people who have 
all of the afore mentioned things combined together. and I've got a steady 
income right now of about $1000. figure in bording, food, and those bills and 
what am I left with? not very much if anything. Then pay for the apps for the 
iPad. Apple products might be kick ass, but my walet says otherwise right now.
- Original Message -
From: "Bryan Smart" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 6:26 PM
Subject: RE: considering an iPad but have questions

Really, that is not a lot of money. I suppose that everyone's definition of 
what constitutes "a lot" is different, but, if you're living in a modern 
western country, and you have a job, even a low paying job, you can probably 
afford $30 per month for anywhere, always on Internet, if you really want.

Do you ever order pizza? A large, multi topping pizza, with a side or two, and 
a soda will cost over $20 with tax and tip. Cut out one pizza per month. 
Problem solved.

If you aren't working, then you're probably at home a lot, so Wi-Fi will work 
just fine for you.

I think that some people would be upset with a free lunch, because someone else 
wasn't going to eat it for them. Your cell phone, with a good calling package, 
unlimited texts, and an unlimited data plan can cost well over $100. People pay 
$60 - $80 for broadband at their home. Seriously, if you can't afford an 
average of $20 to access the Internet from anywhere on a futuristic 
touch-controlled tablet computer, then said computer is probably not really in 
your budget in the first place.

I'd prefer to be able to tether, but I understand why I can't. Further, why 
would I want to? I have a Nokia phone, and it has an app that will run it as a 
mobile hot sp

Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread Kimberly thurman
The NLS players are pretty cool.  They are about the size of a hard backed 
book, run for 35 hours on a single charge, and have a kick butt speaker on 
them.  If you want to listen while you do things around the room, you can turn 
it up loud and it sounds great.  You download the books to your computer, 
transfer them to a thumb drive and put the thumb drive into your digital 
player.  It's great for the price, which is free.
On Apr 10, 2010, at 10:26 AM, olivia norman wrote:

> Thanks so much! I thought about getting one of the specialized players, but 
> opted for the iPad instead (good choice for me) Do the library players work 
> with the mac? I have seen someone's player, but don't have one myself.  I am 
> pretty sure I have an NLS membership, but will check.
> Olivia
> On Apr 10, 2010, at 10:19 AM, Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog wrote:
>> Hi. do you have the digital player from the library?
>> Oops. are you a patron of nls? If you are you can get a digital player form 
>> the library. Or if you have a booksense or victor reader stream those will 
>> work too.
>> But no it wouldn't work just on your mac alone.
>> is the web site used to download books. But you have to be a 
>> nls patron and you have to have a player that will play the books.
>> I think that is the website anyway. I have it bookmarked. Not memorized like 
>> so many other sites.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Jessica
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Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread Kimberly thurman
If you are an NLS patron, call and request a digital player.  You can use your 
Mac to download the material which you can then transfer to a thumb drive to 
play in the digital player.  The NLS players are not as small as the VRS or the 
Book Sense, but the NLS players do sound great without headphones.  Of course, 
you can use headphones with them as well.  It will fit in a backpack or bag 
very easily.  It probably weighs about 2 pounds.  Ask for the advanced model if 
you want to have the functionality to be able to jump from chapter to chapter, 
which is sometimes the preferred manner for reading nonfiction books.  
On Apr 10, 2010, at 12:48 PM, olivia norman wrote:

> Do the adapters show up in the finder?  I am wondering what the advantages of 
> these books are if I have an iPad? I asume that the NLS players don't offer 
> it's portability and easy access to materials?  As I said, I considered a 
> stream or something similar, but opted for the iPad instead for a number of 
> reasons.
> Olivia
> Olivia
> On Apr 10, 2010, at 10:41 AM, Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog wrote:
>> You could call you state/local library and see if you are a patron. If you 
>> are you can ask to have a digital advanced player sent to you.
>> You can either use a thumb drive in the player that it will not fuss at. I 
>> hear the kingston datatravelers are good and have a 4 gig. cost me 14 
>> dollars.
>> That is including tax.
>> Or you can buy a 2 gig cartridge with adaptor to go from the cartridge to 
>> the computer so you can download the books onto the cartridge and then just 
>> put the cartridge into the player.
>> YOu get more for your money if you just by the usb flas/thumb drive.
>> Basically you download the nls book file (it is zipped) from the web site.
>> Then you unzip it. And you then copy the files over to the cartridge or usb 
>> flash/thumb drive.
>> And then put whatever item you choose to use in the player and away you go.
>> I find that I can fit about 40 good sized magazones/books on a 4 gig 
>> usb/flash thumb drive.
>> It really depends on the sizes of the books. But that seems to be a good 
>> stimate. MOr if they are smaller. less if they are big books.
>> The cartridges you can get from american printing house.
>> I hope this helped.
>> Jessica
>> -- 
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RE: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread M. Taylor
It's interesting that this subject has recently come up as I received the
advanced model of the NLS digital reader this past week and only a few days
ago signed up for the download site.  I used my Mac to download a book a few
hours ago.  

Now, if only there was a convenient way to read NFB newsline newspapers on
my iPhone, life would be perfect---well, almost perfect.  (Smile)  


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-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kimberly thurman
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2010 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: Downloading nls books

If you are an NLS patron, call and request a digital player.  You can use
your Mac to download the material which you can then transfer to a thumb
drive to play in the digital player.  The NLS players are not as small as
the VRS or the Book Sense, but the NLS players do sound great without
headphones.  Of course, you can use headphones with them as well.  It will
fit in a backpack or bag very easily.  It probably weighs about 2 pounds.
Ask for the advanced model if you want to have the functionality to be able
to jump from chapter to chapter, which is sometimes the preferred manner for
reading nonfiction books.  
On Apr 10, 2010, at 12:48 PM, olivia norman wrote:

> Do the adapters show up in the finder?  I am wondering what the advantages
of these books are if I have an iPad? I asume that the NLS players don't
offer it's portability and easy access to materials?  As I said, I
considered a stream or something similar, but opted for the iPad instead for
a number of reasons.
> Olivia
> Olivia
> On Apr 10, 2010, at 10:41 AM, Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog wrote:
>> You could call you state/local library and see if you are a patron. If
you are you can ask to have a digital advanced player sent to you.
>> You can either use a thumb drive in the player that it will not fuss at.
I hear the kingston datatravelers are good and have a 4 gig. cost me 14
>> That is including tax.
>> Or you can buy a 2 gig cartridge with adaptor to go from the cartridge to
the computer so you can download the books onto the cartridge and then just
put the cartridge into the player.
>> YOu get more for your money if you just by the usb flas/thumb drive.
>> Basically you download the nls book file (it is zipped) from the web
>> Then you unzip it. And you then copy the files over to the cartridge or
usb flash/thumb drive.
>> And then put whatever item you choose to use in the player and away you
>> I find that I can fit about 40 good sized magazones/books on a 4 gig
usb/flash thumb drive.
>> It really depends on the sizes of the books. But that seems to be a good
stimate. MOr if they are smaller. less if they are big books.
>> The cartridges you can get from american printing house.
>> I hope this helped.
>> Jessica
>> -- 
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Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread Kimberly thurman
If you get one that will fit, you can stick a regular flash drive into the NLS 
player where the cartridges go.  Mine is a little short though, so I have to 
insert a butter knife under it and gently pry up when I want to get it out, 
because there isn't enough sticking out of the cartridge compartment for me to 
get my fingers around.  Of course, you can always use the USB port on the side 
of the NLS player, but then it is kind of awkward with the drive sticking out 
of the side of your player.  
On Apr 10, 2010, at 6:38 PM, Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog wrote:

> sorry if this was already addressed. Yes the usb thumb / flash drives show up 
> in the finder just like any usb thing generally would unless it is linked 
> like the iphone or other device to a particular program.
> I do not know about the cartridges. But I am assuming so because basically 
> all those are is usb flash drives incased in a cassette sized plastic thing.
> Jessica
> -- 
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NLS DTB players, usb flash drives, formating on a mac, cartrage errors Help?

2010-04-10 Thread Ms. Jenny Kennedy
Hi all,

Could somebody please tell me how to format the usb flash drives on my Mac so 
the NLS DTB player will read them?  All I get is "Cartrage error and I don't 
know what to do about it.  I do not have access to a windows PC and would like 
to read some books. can anybody help me?

I've gone to disk utilities and eraced the drive, formated it to fat ms dos and 
still it won't work.  At one point about a month ago I could format drives on 
here and they'd work just fine, however, now it isn't working again. so any 
help would be most welcome.  Thanks...

Ps. the drives I'm working with are 4 gb and 2 gb and will work if I format 
them on windows... Tho like I said I haven't access to a windows computer so 
I'm kind of stuck. Thanks much

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Re: NLS DTB players, usb flash drives, formating on a mac, cartrage errors Help?

2010-04-10 Thread Kimberly thurman
I had this problem also with two Sandisk drives, which had U3 capability on 
them.  I even tried using the U3 removal tool on them and they wouldn't work.  
I believe that if there is any extraneous software at all on the drive it will 
not work in the player.  I bought an HP trouble free drive.  I cannot remember 
the exact model number, but problem free was definitely written on the package. 
 It is a 16 gig drive.  All the other drives at Staples had different types of 
software installed on them.  Sorry I can't help more, but I certainly went 
through this frustration already myself.
On Apr 10, 2010, at 9:17 PM, Ms. Jenny Kennedy wrote:

> Hi all,
> Could somebody please tell me how to format the usb flash drives on my Mac so 
> the NLS DTB player will read them?  All I get is "Cartrage error and I don't 
> know what to do about it.  I do not have access to a windows PC and would 
> like to read some books. can anybody help me?
> I've gone to disk utilities and eraced the drive, formated it to fat ms dos 
> and still it won't work.  At one point about a month ago I could format 
> drives on here and they'd work just fine, however, now it isn't working 
> again. so any help would be most welcome.  Thanks...
> Ps. the drives I'm working with are 4 gb and 2 gb and will work if I format 
> them on windows... Tho like I said I haven't access to a windows computer so 
> I'm kind of stuck. Thanks much
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Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread olivia norman
Thanks so much! I don't have much experience with NLS, though I m a member.  I 
just couldn't justify buying an adaptive player and an iPad, so I opted for the 
iPad because it's good mainstream technology, and because it affords me more 
productivity options for my money.
On Apr 10, 2010, at 8:28 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> If you are an NLS patron, call and request a digital player.  You can use 
> your Mac to download the material which you can then transfer to a thumb 
> drive to play in the digital player.  The NLS players are not as small as the 
> VRS or the Book Sense, but the NLS players do sound great without headphones. 
>  Of course, you can use headphones with them as well.  It will fit in a 
> backpack or bag very easily.  It probably weighs about 2 pounds.  Ask for the 
> advanced model if you want to have the functionality to be able to jump from 
> chapter to chapter, which is sometimes the preferred manner for reading 
> nonfiction books.  
> On Apr 10, 2010, at 12:48 PM, olivia norman wrote:
>> Do the adapters show up in the finder?  I am wondering what the advantages 
>> of these books are if I have an iPad? I asume that the NLS players don't 
>> offer it's portability and easy access to materials?  As I said, I 
>> considered a stream or something similar, but opted for the iPad instead for 
>> a number of reasons.
>> Olivia
>> Olivia
>> On Apr 10, 2010, at 10:41 AM, Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog wrote:
>>> You could call you state/local library and see if you are a patron. If you 
>>> are you can ask to have a digital advanced player sent to you.
>>> You can either use a thumb drive in the player that it will not fuss at. I 
>>> hear the kingston datatravelers are good and have a 4 gig. cost me 14 
>>> dollars.
>>> That is including tax.
>>> Or you can buy a 2 gig cartridge with adaptor to go from the cartridge to 
>>> the computer so you can download the books onto the cartridge and then just 
>>> put the cartridge into the player.
>>> YOu get more for your money if you just by the usb flas/thumb drive.
>>> Basically you download the nls book file (it is zipped) from the web site.
>>> Then you unzip it. And you then copy the files over to the cartridge or usb 
>>> flash/thumb drive.
>>> And then put whatever item you choose to use in the player and away you go.
>>> I find that I can fit about 40 good sized magazones/books on a 4 gig 
>>> usb/flash thumb drive.
>>> It really depends on the sizes of the books. But that seems to be a good 
>>> stimate. MOr if they are smaller. less if they are big books.
>>> The cartridges you can get from american printing house.
>>> I hope this helped.
>>> Jessica
>>> -- 
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Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread olivia norman
I had no idea they were free! Wow, I'll get on it.
On Apr 10, 2010, at 8:21 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> The NLS players are pretty cool.  They are about the size of a hard backed 
> book, run for 35 hours on a single charge, and have a kick butt speaker on 
> them.  If you want to listen while you do things around the room, you can 
> turn it up loud and it sounds great.  You download the books to your 
> computer, transfer them to a thumb drive and put the thumb drive into your 
> digital player.  It's great for the price, which is free.
> On Apr 10, 2010, at 10:26 AM, olivia norman wrote:
>> Thanks so much! I thought about getting one of the specialized players, but 
>> opted for the iPad instead (good choice for me) Do the library players work 
>> with the mac? I have seen someone's player, but don't have one myself.  I am 
>> pretty sure I have an NLS membership, but will check.
>> Olivia
>> On Apr 10, 2010, at 10:19 AM, Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog wrote:
>>> Hi. do you have the digital player from the library?
>>> Oops. are you a patron of nls? If you are you can get a digital player form 
>>> the library. Or if you have a booksense or victor reader stream those will 
>>> work too.
>>> But no it wouldn't work just on your mac alone.
>>> is the web site used to download books. But you have to be 
>>> a nls patron and you have to have a player that will play the books.
>>> I think that is the website anyway. I have it bookmarked. Not memorized 
>>> like so many other sites.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> Jessica
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transfering documents through iTunes?

2010-04-10 Thread olivia norman
Has anyone successfully transfered text files to their iPhone, or iPad using 
iTunes? If so, how is this done?
Thanks, Olivia

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Re: Downloading nls books

2010-04-10 Thread Kimberly thurman
It's free and you're entitled to it.  It's just another entertainment and 
educational piece of technology to add to your electronic arsinal.  (Smilie!)
On Apr 10, 2010, at 11:36 PM, olivia norman wrote:

> Thanks so much! I don't have much experience with NLS, though I m a member.  
> I just couldn't justify buying an adaptive player and an iPad, so I opted for 
> the iPad because it's good mainstream technology, and because it affords me 
> more productivity options for my money.
> Olivia
> On Apr 10, 2010, at 8:28 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> If you are an NLS patron, call and request a digital player.  You can use 
>> your Mac to download the material which you can then transfer to a thumb 
>> drive to play in the digital player.  The NLS players are not as small as 
>> the VRS or the Book Sense, but the NLS players do sound great without 
>> headphones.  Of course, you can use headphones with them as well.  It will 
>> fit in a backpack or bag very easily.  It probably weighs about 2 pounds.  
>> Ask for the advanced model if you want to have the functionality to be able 
>> to jump from chapter to chapter, which is sometimes the preferred manner for 
>> reading nonfiction books.  
>> On Apr 10, 2010, at 12:48 PM, olivia norman wrote:
>>> Do the adapters show up in the finder?  I am wondering what the advantages 
>>> of these books are if I have an iPad? I asume that the NLS players don't 
>>> offer it's portability and easy access to materials?  As I said, I 
>>> considered a stream or something similar, but opted for the iPad instead 
>>> for a number of reasons.
>>> Olivia
>>> Olivia
>>> On Apr 10, 2010, at 10:41 AM, Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog wrote:
 You could call you state/local library and see if you are a patron. If you 
 are you can ask to have a digital advanced player sent to you.
 You can either use a thumb drive in the player that it will not fuss at. I 
 hear the kingston datatravelers are good and have a 4 gig. cost me 14 
 That is including tax.
 Or you can buy a 2 gig cartridge with adaptor to go from the cartridge to 
 the computer so you can download the books onto the cartridge and then 
 just put the cartridge into the player.
 YOu get more for your money if you just by the usb flas/thumb drive.
 Basically you download the nls book file (it is zipped) from the web site.
 Then you unzip it. And you then copy the files over to the cartridge or 
 usb flash/thumb drive.
 And then put whatever item you choose to use in the player and away you go.
 I find that I can fit about 40 good sized magazones/books on a 4 gig 
 usb/flash thumb drive.
 It really depends on the sizes of the books. But that seems to be a good 
 stimate. MOr if they are smaller. less if they are big books.
 The cartridges you can get from american printing house.
 I hope this helped.
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Re: NLS DTB players, usb flash drives, formating on a mac, cartrage errors Help?

2010-04-10 Thread Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog
Not advertising. but I heard the kingston datatravelers work well. I 
have one and so far have had no problems with it. Except one. I don't 
know why but it will not update its amount of bytes being used when I 
delete stuff off of it. I have seen this oddity before and I realy 
don't know how to fix it except reformat the drive really quick when it 
is all the way full. I don't know why it doesn't upgrade itself.
Maybe some of you know? This is mac related as I too use the mac to 
format and put things on and take things off the drive.


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RE: transfering documents through iTunes?

2010-04-10 Thread Joe Plummer
You suppose to be able to use notes on your iphone and sync them. I don't
remember right where in iTunes but notes are in there and all you have to do
is check the note box. I don't know about ipad but willing to say there is
and probley better than in the iphone.

Joe Plummer ( JP )
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of olivia norman
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2010 11:41 PM
Subject: transfering documents through iTunes?

Has anyone successfully transfered text files to their iPhone, or iPad using
iTunes? If so, how is this done?
Thanks, Olivia

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