browsing the bootcamp drive faster

2010-04-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello I installed bootcamp and windows 7. everything is somewhat fine 
on the windows side of things but on  themac side of things if I am 
browsing the drive using mac fuse  and ntfs3g the thing is as slow as a turtle. 
I have a file here and here is the link.

hopefully this works.

Sarah Alawami

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automatic capitals

2010-04-07 Thread Scott Ballard-RidleyScott Ridley
hi all

Could anyone possibly tell me how i can get my macbook to perform
automatic capitalisation? I have been sending several emails lately
that have contained no caps at all.



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Re: syrinx question

2010-04-07 Thread Lynn Schneider
I started using Twitter about a month ago.  Twitter is very accessible, both 
with the main Twitter web site and with Syrinx.  Yes, when you get new tweets, 
you will hear a sound effect which is nice because it's not too obnoxious but 
just loud enough.  I really like Syrinx very much and use it all the time.  
Here are a few of my favorite keyboard shortcuts that might also help you:
Command-B bookmarks the newest tweet so that when you go back into Syrinx, you 
will start with the newest stuff, and you would arrow up, not down to go 
through your newest things.
Command-shift-l opens a link associated with the tweet you are on.  Remember 
that sometimes, a Safari window will open with the web site, but Syrinx will 
not automatically put the focus there, so you'll have to command-tab over to 
Safari to see the web site.
Command-shift-u shortens a link.  Just select the URL you want to shorten and 
press command-shift-u.
Command-n gives you a new search window where you can type in whatever you're 
interested in and it will bring up a list of relevant tweets on that subject.
Command-shift-R replies to a tweet, already filling in the at sign and username 
of the person to whom you are replying.
Command-1 updates.
Command-2 go to bookmark.
Command-shift-r replies.
Command-shift-p goes to the user profile of the person whose tweet you are on.
Command-shift-d starts a direct message.
Command-shift-t retweets. the tweet you are currently on
Command-control-u unfollows a user whose tweet you are on.
Command-control-u unfollows a user whose tweet you are on.
And there are others, but you can just poke around in the menus and find them.

Hope this helps and happy tweeting.

Lynn, whose username on Twitter is Caneprints
On Apr 5, 2010, at 3:07 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:

> Hey all sorry for the cross posting. 
> I just got Twitter and I am using Syrinx. I have some questions. First, how 
> accessible is Twitter with vo? 
> Second, how do you know when you are getting new tweet or direct message. 
> Are there sounds that play when these events go off? 
> -- 
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Re: automatic capitals

2010-04-07 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I don't understand. Why not just use either CAPS Lock or the Shift key to 
capitalize? Unless you're using Macspeech.

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On Apr 7, 2010, at 11:15 AM, Scott Ballard-RidleyScott Ridley wrote:

> hi all
> Could anyone possibly tell me how i can get my macbook to perform
> automatic capitalisation? I have been sending several emails lately
> that have contained no caps at all.
> Regards
> Scott
> -- 
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RE: Don't know what to do with extracted RAR files

2010-04-07 Thread Simon Fogarty
You need something like winrar or similar product.

Winrar will allow you to unzip these files.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of mani
Sent: Wednesday, 7 April 2010 2:01 a.m.
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: Don't know what to do with extracted RAR files

I tried clicking on each one of them and they are demanding an
application to open with.  QuickTime isn't one of them.

On Apr 6, 2:47 am, "Simon Fogarty"  wrote:
> Mani,
>  Try clicking on the 00 file or if one has a .rar extension,  then click
> that. And it should unzip the files into one main file that you should be
> able to paly
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of mani
> Sent: Tuesday, 6 April 2010 3:16 p.m.
> To: MacVisionaries
> Subject: Don't know what to do with extracted RAR files
> I downloaded a movie which had five .rar  files. I ran the UnRarX app
> to extract the .rar files.  This process created a directory with 28
> files of the kind *.rnn where nn goes from 00 to 27.  Now I have no
> idea what to do with the 28 files to get my movie.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> mani
> --
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Need everyones input

2010-04-07 Thread Dean Adams

Hi All,
I have been using a mac powerbook G4 for spme time plus a 
windows pc and would like to buy a newer macbook and I need to know 
if I can edit word documents or at least view as I need to be able to 
do this I know surfing the net and using skype are not an issue but 
need to be able to do all the things I do on the windows pc on the 
Mac so any input will help me make my final decision whether to buy a 
new pc laptop or go totally with a macbook.

Regards Dean

!!!Thoughts become things so choose the good ones because Life's to 
short to be a grumble bum !!!

   * Email:
   * Phone: 0243206031
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   * Mobile: 0428133758

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VoiceOver and Preview

2010-04-07 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi guys,

I've noticed that, every time I use Preview, it seems as if you have to 
interact with the text area. Which, essentially is fine. Of course, the issue 
is when you exit Preview windows to quickly pay attention to another 
application, then return. VoiceOver seems to lose its focus.

is there any way to remedied this?

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Re: Need everyones input

2010-04-07 Thread Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog

Yes you can.
I believe pages is the word processing app and it has that support.
I think but not sure. I think text edit also has reading word documents 
support in it.

Hope this helps some.

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Re: Need everyones input

2010-04-07 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Yep, Text Edit has it too. It has some basic functions, certainly more than 
Wordpad on Windows. However, if you want to do complicated editing, insertion 
of elements and so-forth, you want to get a hold of Pages. It's a nice 


Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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My Twitter

On Apr 7, 2010, at 12:00 PM, Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog wrote:

> Yes you can.
> I believe pages is the word processing app and it has that support.
> I think but not sure. I think text edit also has reading word documents 
> support in it.
> Hope this helps some.
> Jessica
> -- 
> Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit 
> to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
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Re: iPad Question

2010-04-07 Thread Rich Ring
How much does it cost? And, why would it be better than, say a Mac Book?
  - Original Message - 
  From: olivia norman 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 1:21 AM
  Subject: Re: iPad Question

  I love my iPad.  I have the 32 gig WiFi model, thought about 3G, but decided 
I didn't really need it because I have the iPhone 3gs.  All iPads come with VO 
bult in, as was previously noted.  
  So far my favorite iPad apps are iBooks, and the iPad versions of keynote, 
pages, and numbers.  The iPad also has a significantly better battery life than 
my iPhone.
  On Apr 5, 2010, at 6:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

All iPads have VO no matter the size. The 3g iPhone was last years model. 
What do you think of the iPad?

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Jane Jordan (GMail) 

  Does the 16GB version work with VO, too, or is it limmited, like the 
iPhone to 32GB and 64GB?

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Check out our web site, 

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Re: Need everyones input

2010-04-07 Thread olivia norman
Yes, pages does have support built in for word documents.  It works well for 
editing, etc.
On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:00 AM, Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog wrote:

> Yes you can.
> I believe pages is the word processing app and it has that support.
> I think but not sure. I think text edit also has reading word documents 
> support in it.
> Hope this helps some.
> Jessica
> -- 
> Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit 
> to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
> -- 
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Re: Need everyones input

2010-04-07 Thread olivia norman
You can read word documents and edit them using pages.  I would certainly go 
with the mac, I find it does all that a PC can and more, but this is just my 
biased opinion. :) 
On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:36 AM, Dean Adams wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have been using a mac powerbook G4 for spme time plus a windows pc 
> and would like to buy a newer macbook and I need to know if I can edit word 
> documents or at least view as I need to be able to do this I know surfing the 
> net and using skype are not an issue but need to be able to do all the things 
> I do on the windows pc on the Mac so any input will help me make my final 
> decision whether to buy a new pc laptop or go totally with a macbook.
> Regards Dean
> !!!Thoughts become things so choose the good ones because Life's to short to 
> be a grumble bum !!!
> Email:
> Phone: 0243206031
> Skype: deanadams9
> Mobile: 0428133758
> -- 
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Re: automatic capitals

2010-04-07 Thread Scott Ballard-RidleyScott Ridley

I am a recent windows convert where text input automatically
capitalises text when you type. i guess i got too used to it inserting
capitols automatically.



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Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread Rich Ring
I think it is over priced as well. I can buy a netbook with far greater 
storage capacity for far less, and even if I buy System Access, I'll have a 
lower price, and I am not limited to the Software big brother Apple wants me 
to have.

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Carter" 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: Used an iPad today


I am surprised that you feel that the iPad is over priced. It seems to me 
that Apple has really made a place for themselves in the lower priced 
devices with the introduction of the iPad. I personally think the price is 

Robert Carter

On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Cody wrote:

> I think the idea is awesome in terms of accessibility and apple will 
> certainly get praises for that which they deserve, however I think the 
> product itself is a rip off. sure, it's $499, but then they plan to rape 
> you at the app counter, so yeah it's accessible alright, but is it worth a 
> place in your walet? We sometimes let accessibility over power our budgets 
> because we see something and think, wow, gotta have that one.
> Cody
> - Original Message - From: "Bryan Smart" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:59 PM
> Subject: Used an iPad today
> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, but I 
> had some time to play with a WiFi model today.
> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being 
> increased, the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is 
> certainly using the extra space to expand on what is possible with an 
> iPhone type touch interface.
> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode (which 
> lots of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a blind 
> person. When you're working with two hands, having more horizontal room 
> seems to make more of a difference when navigating. Fortunately, it is a 
> snap to try either way to see what works for you.
> I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the horrible 
> oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost nothing but shiny 
> aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the iPad on a table to use it, 
> but I promise, the first time that you place it on any table that isn't 
> absolutely clear of small dirt particles, you'll pic it up to discover 
> that the slight motion of you pushing and sliding the iPad has ground the 
> dirt particles in to the back, and scratched the hell out of your shiny 
> aluminum back plate. Of course, you can buy the case to fix that. the case 
> is a type of thin and stiff coated particle board that feels a lot like a 
> traditional print notebook. One side snugly holds the iPad, and the other 
> side is a flap that covers the iPad screen when closed. I suppose that 
> most people will want the case to protect the screen when traveling, 
> anyway. If you go without the case, though, you are absolutely asking for 
> it. Apple could have put something on the back to make the iPad more 
> stable. Maybe not rubber feet, but they could have gone with a felt square 
> in the center, a stylized strip of some high friction material, etc. The 
> curved back will insure that the iPad wobbles on the table, and the glossy 
> case will absolutely scratch.
> VoiceOver sounded about the same, and responded with the same speed, 
> pretty much. The speaker was very clear. Didn't get to play music with it, 
> but I hear the bass is poor. Still, speech is pretty good through the 
> built-in speakers.
> However, it seemed to me that iPad programs opened more slowly than on the 
> iPhone. Maybe there is more information to load? However, with more memory 
> and a faster processor, I wasn't expecting that.
> I wasn't dramatically blown away by the applications that were available 
> on it, but working with a big talking touch screen interface started me 
> dreaming about things that *could* be accomplished with a device like 
> that. Many people might not need the iPad for web surfing or checking 
> e-mail, but I think that, eventually, there will be some very unique uses 
> for the iPad.
> Bryan
> -- 
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Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread olivia norman
I agree, Robert.  I don't know how much system access, or the like, would cost, 
but I would guess you'd be looking at a similar price for a netBook, running 
windows, which, in my mind, is the disadvantage of the netBook.  I will take 
out of the box access and apple products over any windows system any day.  The 
iPad is something between a phone and a laptop, so I can use it for basic word 
processing, especially once I get the keyboard doc.  I can also use it as an 
eBook reader, a music player, and a device for watching movies.  
It's size and portability mean it can easily fit in my bag or be carried in my 
hand.  It won't replace your macbook, but at the moment, that's not what it's 
intended to do.  Steve Jobs and apple have done a great job with this product.  
As stated, I wouldn't get a net book myself, because it's running windows 
software, and I already have a macbook, so see no real need for one and don't 
want to pay the premium for a screen reader when apple has great out of the box 
solutions.  Also, I have no desire to deal with windows and all the headaches 
associated with it again.  Just my two cents, but remember I'm a pretty 
unapologetic apple fan girl, so this is by no means an unbiased opinion. :)
On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:22 AM, Rich Ring wrote:

> I think it is over priced as well. I can buy a net book with far greater 
> storage capacity for far less, and even if I buy System Access, I'll have a 
> lower price, and I am not limited to the Software big brother Apple wants me 
> to have.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Robert Carter" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:56 PM
> Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
> Hi,
> I am surprised that you feel that the iPad is over priced. It seems to me 
> that Apple has really made a place for themselves in the lower priced 
> devices with the introduction of the iPad. I personally think the price is 
> impressive.
> Robert Carter
> On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Cody wrote:
>> I think the idea is awesome in terms of accessibility and apple will 
>> certainly get praises for that which they deserve, however I think the 
>> product itself is a rip off. sure, it's $499, but then they plan to rape 
>> you at the app counter, so yeah it's accessible alright, but is it worth a 
>> place in your walet? We sometimes let accessibility over power our budgets 
>> because we see something and think, wow, gotta have that one.
>> Cody
>> - Original Message - From: "Bryan Smart" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:59 PM
>> Subject: Used an iPad today
>> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, but I 
>> had some time to play with a WiFi model today.
>> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being 
>> increased, the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is 
>> certainly using the extra space to expand on what is possible with an 
>> iPhone type touch interface.
>> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode (which 
>> lots of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a blind 
>> person. When you're working with two hands, having more horizontal room 
>> seems to make more of a difference when navigating. Fortunately, it is a 
>> snap to try either way to see what works for you.
>> I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the horrible 
>> oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost nothing but shiny 
>> aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the iPad on a table to use it, 
>> but I promise, the first time that you place it on any table that isn't 
>> absolutely clear of small dirt particles, you'll pic it up to discover 
>> that the slight motion of you pushing and sliding the iPad has ground the 
>> dirt particles in to the back, and scratched the hell out of your shiny 
>> aluminum back plate. Of course, you can buy the case to fix that. the case 
>> is a type of thin and stiff coated particle board that feels a lot like a 
>> traditional print notebook. One side snugly holds the iPad, and the other 
>> side is a flap that covers the iPad screen when closed. I suppose that 
>> most people will want the case to protect the screen when traveling, 
>> anyway. If you go without the case, though, you are absolutely asking for 
>> it. Apple could have put something on the back to make the iPad more 
>> stable. Maybe not rubber feet, but they could have gone with a felt square 
>> in the center, a stylized strip of some high friction material, etc. The 
>> curved back will insure that the iPad wobbles on the table, and the glossy 
>> case will absolutely scratch.
>> VoiceOver sounded about the same, and responded with the same speed, 
>> pretty much. The speaker was very clear. Didn't get to play music with it, 
>> but I hear the bass is poor. Still, speech is pretty good through the 
>> built-in speakers.
>> However, it seemed to me that iPad prog

Re: iPad Question

2010-04-07 Thread Charlie Doremus

The iPad is not better then "say the Macbook" they two different animals. If 
you want information about prices and such, go ti the Apple site. People crying 
about this and that and say that iPad can't do one thing or another are 
becoming quite the bore. This entire message was written while I lay on my back 
in bed. Try that with your Macbook! 

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 7, 2010, at 1:05 AM, "Rich Ring"  wrote:

> How much does it cost? And, why would it be better than, say a Mac Book?
> - Original Message -
> From: olivia norman
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 1:21 AM
> Subject: Re: iPad Question
> I love my iPad.  I have the 32 gig WiFi model, thought about 3G, but decided 
> I didn't really need it because I have the iPhone 3gs.  All iPads come with 
> VO bult in, as was previously noted.  
> So far my favorite iPad apps are iBooks, and the iPad versions of keynote, 
> pages, and numbers.  The iPad also has a significantly better battery life 
> than my iPhone.
> Olivia
> On Apr 5, 2010, at 6:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>> All iPads have VO no matter the size. The 3g iPhone was last years model. 
>> What do you think of the iPad?
>> On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Jane Jordan (GMail) 
>>  wrote:
>> Does the 16GB version work with VO, too, or is it limmited, like the iPhone 
>> to 32GB and 64GB?
>> Jane
>> -- 
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>> -- 
>> Check out our web site, 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: iPad Question

2010-04-07 Thread olivia norman
Agreed, Charely.  I love the larger keyboard for things like typing in bed.
Sent from my iPad
On Apr 7, 2010, at 8:26 AM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

> The iPad is not better then "say the Macbook" they two different animals. If 
> you want information about prices and such, go ti the Apple site. People 
> crying about this and that and say that iPad can't do one thing or another 
> are becoming quite the bore. This entire message was written while I lay on 
> my back in bed. Try that with your Macbook! 
> Sent from my iPad
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 1:05 AM, "Rich Ring"  wrote:
>> How much does it cost? And, why would it be better than, say a Mac Book?
>> - Original Message -
>> From: olivia norman
>> To:
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 1:21 AM
>> Subject: Re: iPad Question
>> I love my iPad.  I have the 32 gig WiFi model, thought about 3G, but decided 
>> I didn't really need it because I have the iPhone 3gs.  All iPads come with 
>> VO bult in, as was previously noted.  
>> So far my favorite iPad apps are iBooks, and the iPad versions of keynote, 
>> pages, and numbers.  The iPad also has a significantly better battery life 
>> than my iPhone.
>> Olivia
>> On Apr 5, 2010, at 6:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>>> All iPads have VO no matter the size. The 3g iPhone was last years model. 
>>> What do you think of the iPad?
>>> On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Jane Jordan (GMail) 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Does the 16GB version work with VO, too, or is it limmited, like the iPhone 
>>> to 32GB and 64GB?
>>> Jane
>>> -- 
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>>> -- 
>>> Check out our web site, 
>>> -- 
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Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread olivia norman
Yes, makes a lot of sense to me.  iWork is indeed a great deal on the iPad.
On Apr 6, 2010, at 5:40 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> And do you have evidence that Apple will "rape" you at the App Counter?  I 
> think offering the iWork suite for the iPad at $10 per app is a very fair 
> price. I am not sure what developers will charge for their apps exactly, but 
> I gather the prices will not be substantially different than what is charged 
> for iPhone/iPod Touch apps. I think you have to put into perspective the cost 
> of the apps for the iPad vs the cost of an app for a typical 
> laptop/netbook/desktop machine. If all the apps for example offered on the 
> iPad were  of the same type you get on the iPhone now, but instead of $.99 or 
> $1.99 the same app cost $25 or $30, then you would have made a very valid 
> argument.
> Does this make sense?
> On Apr 6, 2010, at 3:58 PM, Cody wrote:
>> I enver said it was over priced. what I did say was even though the iPad is 
>> inexpensive at $499, they plan to rape you at the app counter, so you'll 
>> suffer the prices for the apps
> -- 
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Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread Charlie Doremus
Very well stated Olivia I could not have presented the case any better. iPad is 
another device and in, my opinion, has different uses at different times for 
different people of different skill levels.  
Sent from my iPad

On Apr 7, 2010, at 1:37 AM, olivia norman  wrote:

> I agree, Robert.  I don't know how much system access, or the like, would 
> cost, but I would guess you'd be looking at a similar price for a netBook, 
> running windows, which, in my mind, is the disadvantage of the netBook.  I 
> will take out of the box access and apple products over any windows system 
> any day.  The iPad is something between a phone and a laptop, so I can use it 
> for basic word processing, especially once I get the keyboard doc.  I can 
> also use it as an eBook reader, a music player, and a device for watching 
> movies.  
> It's size and portability mean it can easily fit in my bag or be carried in 
> my hand.  It won't replace your macbook, but at the moment, that's not what 
> it's intended to do.  Steve Jobs and apple have done a great job with this 
> product.  As stated, I wouldn't get a net book myself, because it's running 
> windows software, and I already have a macbook, so see no real need for one 
> and don't want to pay the premium for a screen reader when apple has great 
> out of the box solutions.  Also, I have no desire to deal with windows and 
> all the headaches associated with it again.  Just my two cents, but remember 
> I'm a pretty unapologetic apple fan girl, so this is by no means an unbiased 
> opinion. :)
> Olivia  
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:22 AM, Rich Ring wrote:
>> I think it is over priced as well. I can buy a net book with far greater 
>> storage capacity for far less, and even if I buy System Access, I'll have a 
>> lower price, and I am not limited to the Software big brother Apple wants me 
>> to have.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Robert Carter" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:56 PM
>> Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
>> Hi,
>> I am surprised that you feel that the iPad is over priced. It seems to me 
>> that Apple has really made a place for themselves in the lower priced 
>> devices with the introduction of the iPad. I personally think the price is 
>> impressive.
>> Robert Carter
>> On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Cody wrote:
>>> I think the idea is awesome in terms of accessibility and apple will 
>>> certainly get praises for that which they deserve, however I think the 
>>> product itself is a rip off. sure, it's $499, but then they plan to rape 
>>> you at the app counter, so yeah it's accessible alright, but is it worth a 
>>> place in your walet? We sometimes let accessibility over power our budgets 
>>> because we see something and think, wow, gotta have that one.
>>> Cody
>>> - Original Message - From: "Bryan Smart" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:59 PM
>>> Subject: Used an iPad today
>>> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, but I 
>>> had some time to play with a WiFi model today.
>>> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being 
>>> increased, the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is 
>>> certainly using the extra space to expand on what is possible with an 
>>> iPhone type touch interface.
>>> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode (which 
>>> lots of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a blind 
>>> person. When you're working with two hands, having more horizontal room 
>>> seems to make more of a difference when navigating. Fortunately, it is a 
>>> snap to try either way to see what works for you.
>>> I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the horrible 
>>> oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost nothing but shiny 
>>> aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the iPad on a table to use it, 
>>> but I promise, the first time that you place it on any table that isn't 
>>> absolutely clear of small dirt particles, you'll pic it up to discover 
>>> that the slight motion of you pushing and sliding the iPad has ground the 
>>> dirt particles in to the back, and scratched the hell out of your shiny 
>>> aluminum back plate. Of course, you can buy the case to fix that. the case 
>>> is a type of thin and stiff coated particle board that feels a lot like a 
>>> traditional print notebook. One side snugly holds the iPad, and the other 
>>> side is a flap that covers the iPad screen when closed. I suppose that 
>>> most people will want the case to protect the screen when traveling, 
>>> anyway. If you go without the case, though, you are absolutely asking for 
>>> it. Apple could have put something on the back to make the iPad more 
>>> stable. Maybe not rubber feet, but they could have gone with a felt square 
>>> in the center, a stylized strip of some high friction material, etc. The 
>>> curved back will i

Re: automatic capitals

2010-04-07 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I've never seen WIndows do that in the time I've been using it, nor have I seen 
the setting. Then again, I don't believe it is actually a native Windows 
feature, but rather a feature that is provided by Microsoft Word.

As for autocapitalization in Mac, it can be done in iWork as well. Mail does 
not have autocorrection at this time, it would seem. I do not know how, as I 
prefer not to have a computer, regardless of its intelligence, decide when I 
want to capitalize. Of course, after punctuation such as periods, you do 
capitalize, but I tend not to want the computer to do it for me as I am 
perfectly capable. I have never explored this avenue, mainly because there has 
been no point. But iWork can do it.

Skype: Kvalme
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AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Apr 7, 2010, at 1:12 PM, Scott Ballard-RidleyScott Ridley wrote:

> Nick
> I am a recent windows convert where text input automatically
> capitalises text when you type. i guess i got too used to it inserting
> capitols automatically.
> Cheers
> Scott
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Re: syrinx question

2010-04-07 Thread Chantel Cuddemi
Hey Lynn thank you so much for these commands. I know some of them already. 
On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:17 AM, Lynn Schneider wrote:

> I started using Twitter about a month ago.  Twitter is very accessible, both 
> with the main Twitter web site and with Syrinx.  Yes, when you get new 
> tweets, you will hear a sound effect which is nice because it's not too 
> obnoxious but just loud enough.  I really like Syrinx very much and use it 
> all the time.  Here are a few of my favorite keyboard shortcuts that might 
> also help you:
> Command-B bookmarks the newest tweet so that when you go back into Syrinx, 
> you will start with the newest stuff, and you would arrow up, not down to go 
> through your newest things.
> Command-shift-l opens a link associated with the tweet you are on.  Remember 
> that sometimes, a Safari window will open with the web site, but Syrinx will 
> not automatically put the focus there, so you'll have to command-tab over to 
> Safari to see the web site.
> Command-shift-u shortens a link.  Just select the URL you want to shorten and 
> press command-shift-u.
> Command-n gives you a new search window where you can type in whatever you're 
> interested in and it will bring up a list of relevant tweets on that subject.
> Command-shift-R replies to a tweet, already filling in the at sign and 
> username of the person to whom you are replying.
> Command-1 updates.
> Command-2 go to bookmark.
> Command-shift-r replies.
> Command-shift-p goes to the user profile of the person whose tweet you are on.
> Command-shift-d starts a direct message.
> Command-shift-t retweets. the tweet you are currently on
> Command-control-u unfollows a user whose tweet you are on.
> Command-control-u unfollows a user whose tweet you are on.
> And there are others, but you can just poke around in the menus and find them.
> Hope this helps and happy tweeting.
> Lynn, whose username on Twitter is Caneprints
> On Apr 5, 2010, at 3:07 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>> Hey all sorry for the cross posting. 
>> I just got Twitter and I am using Syrinx. I have some questions. First, how 
>> accessible is Twitter with vo? 
>> Second, how do you know when you are getting new tweet or direct message. 
>> Are there sounds that play when these events go off? 
>> -- 
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Re: Need everyones input

2010-04-07 Thread Cody
Yes, you should be able to edit word documents just fine barring you own or can 
obtain a copy of iWork. I'm not sure to what extent you can fully edit 
documents as far as using different features of pages and such but I know it 
works because I've done it.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Dean Adams 
  To: macvisionaries list 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:36 AM
  Subject: Need everyones input

  Hi All,
  I have been using a mac powerbook G4 for spme time plus a windows pc 
and would like to buy a newer macbook and I need to know if I can edit word 
documents or at least view as I need to be able to do this I know surfing the 
net and using skype are not an issue but need to be able to do all the things I 
do on the windows pc on the Mac so any input will help me make my final 
decision whether to buy a new pc laptop or go totally with a macbook.
  Regards Dean

  !!!Thoughts become things so choose the good ones because Life's to short to 
be a grumble bum !!! 

a.. Email: 
b.. Phone: 0243206031 
c.. Skype: deanadams9 
d.. Mobile: 0428133758 

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Apple Confirms iPad Wi-Fi Problems; Try These Fixes

2010-04-07 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Everyone.  The following is from PC Magazine.


Apple Confirms iPad Wi-Fi Problems; Try These Fixes

thread entitled "Weak Wifi Pages" already has over 10,000 views - remarkable
since it's only been 48 hours since the official iPad launch. Here are a
couple of user statements: 

I have also noticed very weak wifi signal in my 16GB iPad. Even when
standing in front of the wlan router the signal fluctuates from strong to
very weak. The router has very strong signals as every other computer here
has full signal strength, even 20-30 meters from the route[r]. 


Let me add my voice to the throng. I'm getting one or two bars on my iPad in
rooms where my iPhone, iPod touch, both Macbook Pros, Apple TV and
Playstation all get full service. 

Users are speculating that the weak signal strength may be caused by poor
placement of the Wi-Fi antenna; others ponder if the problems are the
symptoms of a software issue. The latter appears to be the culprit evidenced
by the fact that most users on the forum who are running completely
Apple-based networks are not having the same issue: 

I noticed that this was happening at my mother in law's with the ActionTec
Verizon FiOS router. However, here at my house, where Time Capsule and
Airport Extreme rule the house, I have 0 problems. 

No problem here either, my wireless network is run by apple devices too. 

Yet there are also grumblings about weak signals from those using Apple's
Airport Extreme routers. 

Another issue being reported is the iPad's continuous request for
re-authentication to a secured wireless router, even after a successful,
initial connection to it. 

Apple Weighs In:

On Monday, Apple posted a Knowledge Base article, pertaining to these
issues. Not only does the article make suggestions for a remedy, it gives
legitimacy to the fact that Apple considers this a very real issue. The
article states that having a third-party Wi-Fi router that supports both the
2.4-GHz and 5-GHz bands may be subject to a connectivity problem. It
suggests that users can setup different SSID's for each band's network and
to ensure that each network uses the same security type (WEP, WPA or WPA2.) 

What You Can Do:

If you're an early adopter experiencing connectivity issues there are a few
things you can do to until Apple comes up with a more definitive explanation
and fix for this problem: 

Update Your Router's Firmware. Before attempting to connect an iPad to a
home network, make sure that you have the latest version of the firmware to
ensure that the router is functioning at full capability. This is usually
done within the router's included software. 

Change The Router's Location. Do you have your router positioned in close
proximity to equipment that could be causing interference? Microwaves,
cordless phones, baby monitors, wireless keyboards, and Bluetooth devices
can muddy a W-Fi signal. 

Set Your Router To Operate On One 802.11 Standard. Most current routers
support not only 802.11n, but a, b, and g as well. Set your router to
operate exclusively on the greatest standard available, and do the same with
the wireless devices on your network. The iPad ships with support for
802.11n, so you should have your router match that if possible. 

Change Your Router's Security Encryption. Typically, security isn't
something that should be experimented with, but when attempting to boost
network performance, it may be necessary. There's no question that WPA and
WPA2 encryption is more secure than WEP, but the jury's still out about
which encryption method can slow a network down more (some believe it's WEP
and others WPA). If you have either currently deployed in your home network,
try changing to a different encryption setting and see if that makes any
difference in your connectivity. Apple also recommends that you use the same
security settings across the entire network.

Rename Your Networks. Apple makes the somewhat odd suggestion that users
rename their networks. "Create separate Wi-Fi network names to identify each
band. This can be done easily by appending one or more characters to the
current network name. Example: Add a G to the 802.11b/g network name and an
N to the 802.11n network name."

This is surely the so-called pea in the princess' mattress, at least where
the iPad's launch is concerned. It's hard to know where the blame lies at
this time. While it's understandable that Apple is bearing the brunt of the
complaints for their device's perceived connectivity issues, the problems
could very well be an issue with third-party router vendors not releasing or
pushing out firmware updates in time for the iPad's release. Here's hoping
for a true fix from router vendors and/or Apple in the immediate future. In
the meanwhile, try the tips above, and let us know if they helped you.

In each episode, join Mark, along with invited guests, as he explores the
world in which we live and the world whi

Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread Karen Lewellen

I made no such representation of a person working with "the blind," but I 
will confirm what I did say off list.


On Tue, 6 Apr 2010, Cody wrote:


Can you contact me off list...I believe you were the one who knows that audio 
person who works with the blind here in portland.

Sorry to get off topic
- Original Message - From: "Karen Lewellen" 

Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: Used an iPad today

It does seem like a fine deal.
But, what can you now do with an ipad that you could not do with any other
apple tool you already own?  That is for those who own many.
Not being provocative, just wondering.
When I consider investing in a new technical tool it is because there is
something  I wish to accomplish that I cannot presently with any tool I
Hence the question.

On Tue, 6 Apr 2010, Scott Howell wrote:

 And do you have evidence that Apple will "rape" you at the App Counter?  I
 think offering the iWork suite for the iPad at $10 per app is a very fair
 price. I am not sure what developers will charge for their apps exactly,
 but I gather the prices will not be substantially different than what is
 charged for iPhone/iPod Touch apps. I think you have to put into
 perspective the cost of the apps for the iPad vs the cost of an app for a
 typical laptop/netbook/desktop machine. If all the apps for example
 offered on the iPad were  of the same type you get on the iPhone now, but
 instead of $.99 or $1.99 the same app cost $25 or $30, then you would have
 made a very valid argument.
 Does this make sense?

 On Apr 6, 2010, at 3:58 PM, Cody wrote:

>  I enver said it was over priced. what I did say was even though the iPad 
>  is inexpensive at $499, they plan to rape you at the app counter, so 
>  you'll suffer the prices for the apps

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Re: Apple Confirms iPad Wi-Fi Problems; Try These Fixes

2010-04-07 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
I'm sorry, but the suggestions from apple and the author of the
artical are rediculess.
A few off the top of my head:
The idea of moving your router to a different location implies that
somethings interfearing with it, but if this were the problem,
firstly, its very strange that this has just started happening to lots
of people who have just bought ipads and secondly, as the artical
states, people are still having problems with signal when lots of
other devices in the same room are picking it up just fine.

Make different ssid's. I'm sorry, but how many people have routers
that can do this? Sure, I've scene some consumer routers that have
this capability, but they are *very* expencive.

Lastly, apples statement that most routers support 11n simply isn't
true. The last time I checked (about 2 / 3 weeks ago) there were only
2 routers that supported the final 11n standard and not some draft
that companies are trying to trick people into thinking is the final
version - admitidly, one of them was one of apples airport devices.

I'm not shooting the messenger and I understand that apple had to say
something, but the knolige base artical sounds dreadfully like apple
are just stalling until they can actually figgure out what's wrong.

On 07/04/2010, M. Taylor  wrote:
> Hello Everyone.  The following is from PC Magazine.
> Mark
> Apple Confirms iPad Wi-Fi Problems; Try These Fixes
> thread entitled "Weak Wifi Pages" already has over 10,000 views - remarkable
> since it's only been 48 hours since the official iPad launch. Here are a
> couple of user statements:
> I have also noticed very weak wifi signal in my 16GB iPad. Even when
> standing in front of the wlan router the signal fluctuates from strong to
> very weak. The router has very strong signals as every other computer here
> has full signal strength, even 20-30 meters from the route[r].
> and:
> Let me add my voice to the throng. I'm getting one or two bars on my iPad in
> rooms where my iPhone, iPod touch, both Macbook Pros, Apple TV and
> Playstation all get full service.
> Users are speculating that the weak signal strength may be caused by poor
> placement of the Wi-Fi antenna; others ponder if the problems are the
> symptoms of a software issue. The latter appears to be the culprit evidenced
> by the fact that most users on the forum who are running completely
> Apple-based networks are not having the same issue:
> I noticed that this was happening at my mother in law's with the ActionTec
> Verizon FiOS router. However, here at my house, where Time Capsule and
> Airport Extreme rule the house, I have 0 problems.
> No problem here either, my wireless network is run by apple devices too.
> Yet there are also grumblings about weak signals from those using Apple's
> Airport Extreme routers.
> Another issue being reported is the iPad's continuous request for
> re-authentication to a secured wireless router, even after a successful,
> initial connection to it.
> Apple Weighs In:
> On Monday, Apple posted a Knowledge Base article, pertaining to these
> issues. Not only does the article make suggestions for a remedy, it gives
> legitimacy to the fact that Apple considers this a very real issue. The
> article states that having a third-party Wi-Fi router that supports both the
> 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz bands may be subject to a connectivity problem. It
> suggests that users can setup different SSID's for each band's network and
> to ensure that each network uses the same security type (WEP, WPA or WPA2.)
> What You Can Do:
> If you're an early adopter experiencing connectivity issues there are a few
> things you can do to until Apple comes up with a more definitive explanation
> and fix for this problem:
> Update Your Router's Firmware. Before attempting to connect an iPad to a
> home network, make sure that you have the latest version of the firmware to
> ensure that the router is functioning at full capability. This is usually
> done within the router's included software.
> Change The Router's Location. Do you have your router positioned in close
> proximity to equipment that could be causing interference? Microwaves,
> cordless phones, baby monitors, wireless keyboards, and Bluetooth devices
> can muddy a W-Fi signal.
> Set Your Router To Operate On One 802.11 Standard. Most current routers
> support not only 802.11n, but a, b, and g as well. Set your router to
> operate exclusively on the greatest standard available, and do the same with
> the wireless devices on your network. The iPad ships with support for
> 802.11n, so you should have your router match that if possible.
> Change Your Router's Security Encryption. Typically, security isn't
> something that should be experimented with, but when attempting to boost
> network performance, it may be necessary. There's no question that WPA and
> WPA2 encryption is more secure than WEP, but the jury's still out about
> which encryption method can slow a network down more (some bel

Re: Apple Confirms iPad Wi-Fi Problems; Try These Fixes

2010-04-07 Thread olivia norman
Interesting. I have had no issues and I'm using an apple based wireless 
network.  Didn't have any issues yesterday, either, when I took my iPad to 
school and used it on their wireless network.
On Apr 7, 2010, at 11:14 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone.  The following is from PC Magazine.
> Mark
> Apple Confirms iPad Wi-Fi Problems; Try These Fixes
> thread entitled "Weak Wifi Pages" already has over 10,000 views - remarkable
> since it's only been 48 hours since the official iPad launch. Here are a
> couple of user statements: 
> I have also noticed very weak wifi signal in my 16GB iPad. Even when
> standing in front of the wlan router the signal fluctuates from strong to
> very weak. The router has very strong signals as every other computer here
> has full signal strength, even 20-30 meters from the route[r]. 
> and: 
> Let me add my voice to the throng. I'm getting one or two bars on my iPad in
> rooms where my iPhone, iPod touch, both Macbook Pros, Apple TV and
> Playstation all get full service. 
> Users are speculating that the weak signal strength may be caused by poor
> placement of the Wi-Fi antenna; others ponder if the problems are the
> symptoms of a software issue. The latter appears to be the culprit evidenced
> by the fact that most users on the forum who are running completely
> Apple-based networks are not having the same issue: 
> I noticed that this was happening at my mother in law's with the ActionTec
> Verizon FiOS router. However, here at my house, where Time Capsule and
> Airport Extreme rule the house, I have 0 problems. 
> No problem here either, my wireless network is run by apple devices too. 
> Yet there are also grumblings about weak signals from those using Apple's
> Airport Extreme routers. 
> Another issue being reported is the iPad's continuous request for
> re-authentication to a secured wireless router, even after a successful,
> initial connection to it. 
> Apple Weighs In:
> On Monday, Apple posted a Knowledge Base article, pertaining to these
> issues. Not only does the article make suggestions for a remedy, it gives
> legitimacy to the fact that Apple considers this a very real issue. The
> article states that having a third-party Wi-Fi router that supports both the
> 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz bands may be subject to a connectivity problem. It
> suggests that users can setup different SSID's for each band's network and
> to ensure that each network uses the same security type (WEP, WPA or WPA2.) 
> What You Can Do:
> If you're an early adopter experiencing connectivity issues there are a few
> things you can do to until Apple comes up with a more definitive explanation
> and fix for this problem: 
> Update Your Router's Firmware. Before attempting to connect an iPad to a
> home network, make sure that you have the latest version of the firmware to
> ensure that the router is functioning at full capability. This is usually
> done within the router's included software. 
> Change The Router's Location. Do you have your router positioned in close
> proximity to equipment that could be causing interference? Microwaves,
> cordless phones, baby monitors, wireless keyboards, and Bluetooth devices
> can muddy a W-Fi signal. 
> Set Your Router To Operate On One 802.11 Standard. Most current routers
> support not only 802.11n, but a, b, and g as well. Set your router to
> operate exclusively on the greatest standard available, and do the same with
> the wireless devices on your network. The iPad ships with support for
> 802.11n, so you should have your router match that if possible. 
> Change Your Router's Security Encryption. Typically, security isn't
> something that should be experimented with, but when attempting to boost
> network performance, it may be necessary. There's no question that WPA and
> WPA2 encryption is more secure than WEP, but the jury's still out about
> which encryption method can slow a network down more (some believe it's WEP
> and others WPA). If you have either currently deployed in your home network,
> try changing to a different encryption setting and see if that makes any
> difference in your connectivity. Apple also recommends that you use the same
> security settings across the entire network.
> Rename Your Networks. Apple makes the somewhat odd suggestion that users
> rename their networks. "Create separate Wi-Fi network names to identify each
> band. This can be done easily by appending one or more characters to the
> current network name. Example: Add a G to the 802.11b/g network name and an
> N to the 802.11n network name."
> This is surely the so-called pea in the princess' mattress, at least where
> the iPad's launch is concerned. It's hard to know where the blame lies at
> this time. While it's understandable that Apple is bearing the brunt of the
> complaints for their device's perceived connectivity issues, the problems
> could very well be an issue with third-party router ven

Flash and a11y

2010-04-07 Thread Chris Blouch

There have been some responses to the initial blog post about this:

but the specific bit from Andrew Kirkpatrick is positive:

"Yes, the plan is to utilize the OSX accessibility API support, 
resulting in the ability to access to Flash content using VoiceOver."

How this gets done is a bit unclear but they did add a bit more about 
the ARIA in Flash stuff:

"ARIA in Flash. The Flash Player does already support a larger number of 
roles and states than are present in plain HTML. Many of the additional 
roles that are available via ARIA are already covered by the existing 
Flash accessibiity support. Not all, and the list of roles in ARIA is 
expected to grow, so being able to add these to the list that the Flash 
Player supports makes sense. Other aspects of ARIA that are of interest 
include the LabeledBy, DescribedBy, and particularly LiveRegion support. 
Using ARIA conventions within ActionScript and MXML will also simplify 
development of accessible applications and take advantage of the ability 
to transfer developer skills with ARIA to Flash and Flex development."

So this could be something good someday. Now whether they get it done 
before HTML5/css3 takes over will be an interesting race.


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Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread John Panarese
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 Actually, as has been said several times, it is not over priced.  For =
those who believe this to be the case, unfortunately, you still are not get=
ting what the iPad is.  It is not a net book nor is it meant to compete wit=
h one.  When you understand that basic point, you will understand the value=
 of it.  The problem is, people are simply trying to categorize it into the=
 same class as net books, and it is not the case at all.  It is a mobile de=
vice that is meant to be more of an appliance than a computer.

 I'd take an iPad over a net book any day, and I could list several rea=
sons why, starting from the basic point that I would rather stay away from =
Windows completely and don't want to bother with linux.  I think you are go=
ing to see more and more people making a similar choice once they experienc=
e an iPad and start to grasp exactly what it is.  I also don't mind being t=
ied to the hundreds of thousands of applications big brother Apple wants me=
 to use because they are just as diverse and comprehensive as Windblows sof=
tware for a net book, but that, of course, is just me.  As third party deve=
lopers continue to create additional software and the flexibility and power=
 of the device is unleashed more and more, you are going to see more and mo=
re of the me too companies trying to duplicate the iPad as MS and HP are al=
ready attempting.  I find it particularly amusing that with so many people =
condemning the iPad as an "over priced net book", there is such a big rush =
for companies to release their iPad clones and try to catch a ride on the w=
ave.  Isn't insanity failing at the same thing over and over again?

Take Care

John Panarese

On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:22 AM, Rich Ring wrote:

> I think it is over priced as well. I can buy a netbook with far greater=
> storage capacity for far less, and even if I buy System Access, I'll have=
> lower price, and I am not limited to the Software big brother Apple wants=
> to have.
> - Original Message -=20
> From: "Robert Carter" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:56 PM
> Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
> Hi,
> I am surprised that you feel that the iPad is over priced. It seems to me=
> that Apple has really made a place for themselves in the lower priced=20
> devices with the introduction of the iPad. I personally think the price i=
> impressive.
> Robert Carter
> On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Cody wrote:
>> I think the idea is awesome in terms of accessibility and apple will=20
>> certainly get praises for that which they deserve, however I think the=
>> product itself is a rip off. sure, it's $499, but then they plan to rape=
>> you at the app counter, so yeah it's accessible alright, but is it worth=
>> place in your walet? We sometimes let accessibility over power our budge=
>> because we see something and think, wow, gotta have that one.
>> Cody
>> - Original Message - From: "Bryan Smart"=20
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:59 PM
>> Subject: Used an iPad today
>> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, but I=
>> had some time to play with a WiFi model today.
>> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being=20
>> increased, the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is=20
>> certainly using the extra space to expand on what is possible with an=20
>> iPhone type touch interface.
>> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode (which=
>> lo

Re: Need everyones input

2010-04-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
I use open office for editing documents. it is doable.
On Apr 7, 2010, at 3:00 AM, Jessica and Trish the Golden Dog wrote:

> Yes you can.
> I believe pages is the word processing app and it has that support.
> I think but not sure. I think text edit also has reading word documents 
> support in it.
> Hope this helps some.
> Jessica
> -- 
> Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit 
> to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
> -- 
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VmWare 3.02, Snowleopard, Voiceover and keyboard intercept problems

2010-04-07 Thread Vic
Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone here is aware of a solutionto  the problem I
When running Voiceover with VMWare Fusion on Snowleopard I seem to
have a lot of difficulties getting VMWare accept my keyboard presses
when focused on its window. I get the message saying "press COMMAND+G
to direct input to this virtual machine". When I do that, nothing
happens. I even tried to perform this action with Voiceover turned off
but no luck. Occasionally, I succeed but the behavior is very erratic.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


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Re: VmWare 3.02, Snowleopard, Voiceover and keyboard intercept problems

2010-04-07 Thread Matthew Campbell
Try putting your VM in to full screen mode with control command enter and then 
turning off VO.
Works for me all of the time.
On 2010-04-07, at 1:09 PM, Vic wrote:

> Hello all,
> I was wondering if anyone here is aware of a solutionto  the problem I
> have.
> When running Voiceover with VMWare Fusion on Snowleopard I seem to
> have a lot of difficulties getting VMWare accept my keyboard presses
> when focused on its window. I get the message saying "press COMMAND+G
> to direct input to this virtual machine". When I do that, nothing
> happens. I even tried to perform this action with Voiceover turned off
> but no luck. Occasionally, I succeed but the behavior is very erratic.
> Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Victor
> -- 
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Re: importing loops in garage band

2010-04-07 Thread Justin Thornton
yes that I believe is accessible
but my question also about garage band is if I can use audio units
I have hypersonic2 and would like to know how to use audio units in GB
On Apr 6, 2010, at 7:49 PM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi not sure if its accessible to us is there a way to import loops in garage 
> band and what file types are supported?
> -- 
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Re: Need everyones input

2010-04-07 Thread Justin Thornton
I suggest you go with a macbook
and if you would also like an SD card reader go with a macbook pro
I love mine and can do lots and lots of things on it
On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:36 AM, Dean Adams wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have been using a mac powerbook G4 for spme time plus a windows pc 
> and would like to buy a newer macbook and I need to know if I can edit word 
> documents or at least view as I need to be able to do this I know surfing the 
> net and using skype are not an issue but need to be able to do all the things 
> I do on the windows pc on the Mac so any input will help me make my final 
> decision whether to buy a new pc laptop or go totally with a macbook.
> Regards Dean
> !!!Thoughts become things so choose the good ones because Life's to short to 
> be a grumble bum !!!
> Email:
> Phone: 0243206031
> Skype: deanadams9
> Mobile: 0428133758
> -- 
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Firefox non-accessibility fail

2010-04-07 Thread Chris Blouch
I stumbled upon a page for Mozilla accessibility which had all kinds of 
nice things to say about working with Apple's accessibility APIs and 
such and mentioned Camino, a Firefox cousin built for OSX.

but after downloading and installing I found it just as inaccessible as 
Firefox. All the chrome and such worked but the actual content was not 
there. So I went back and followed through to the Mozilla Mac 
Accessibility page:

which apparently hasn't been updated since November 2006! But it did 
mention that you could download and build your own Firefox with the 
accessibility stuff turned on. So I thought I'd give it a try.

Long story short, I can't tell any difference as most all of it is 
inaccessible except for the window chrome. For those who want to give it 
a try, detailed recipe follows further down.


First I had to install MacPorts for Leopard (I'm not on Snow yet) from here:

and then fire up the terminal and type

sudo port sync
sudo port install mercurial libidl autoconf213

This proceeded to download, compile and install:

That took a while and I thought they were just going to install the 
entire MacPorts library on my system. As it was it dumped 444MB of stuff 
into an opt folder in the root of my hard drive. The Python install also 
said it needed to install select to work right so I did that

sudo port install python_select

and then use it

sudo python_select python26

With that done I made a Firefox folder on my desktop

cd Desktop
mkdir ff
cd ff

and then started the FF build there. First we had to copy the current 
mozilla code down

hg clone

Which dumped another 560MB of stuff to my drive. Next cd into the new 
mozilla-central folder

cd mozilla-central

Then make a setup file

echo '. $topsrcdir/browser/config/mozconfig' > mozconfig
echo 'mk_add_options moz_objd...@topsrcdir@/objdir-ff-release' >> mozconfig
echo 'mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="-j4"' >> mozconfig

and then add the secret accessibility sauce

echo 'ac_add_options --enable-accessibility' >> mozconfig

This makes the FF config file for the compiler. Then fire things up and 
go have some lunch:

make -f

This pushed my ff folder up from the original 560MB to 1.14GB. The built 
app is buried in the objdir-ff-release/dist folder and is called Just open that and, well, discover how inaccessible it is.


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Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread olivia norman
Well stated, as always, John!

On Apr 7, 2010, at 11:44 AM, John Panarese wrote:

> Actually, as has been said several times, it is not over priced.  For 
> those who believe this to be the case, unfortunately, you still are not 
> getting what the iPad is.  It is not a net book nor is it meant to compete 
> with one.  When you understand that basic point, you will understand the 
> value of it.  The problem is, people are simply trying to categorize it into 
> the same class as net books, and it is not the case at all.  It is a mobile 
> device that is meant to be more of an appliance than a computer.
> I'd take an iPad over a net book any day, and I could list several 
> reasons why, starting from the basic point that I would rather stay away from 
> Windows completely and don't want to bother with linux.  I think you are 
> going to see more and more people making a similar choice once they 
> experience an iPad and start to grasp exactly what it is.  I also don't mind 
> being tied to the hundreds of thousands of applications big brother Apple 
> wants me to use because they are just as diverse and comprehensive as 
> Windblows software for a net book, but that, of course, is just me.  As third 
> party developers continue to create additional software and the flexibility 
> and power of the device is unleashed more and more, you are going to see more 
> and more of the me too companies trying to duplicate the iPad as MS and HP 
> are already attempting.  I find it particularly amusing that with so many 
> people condemning the iPad as an "over priced net book", there is such a big 
> rush for companies to release their iPad clones and try to catch a ride on 
> the wave.  Isn't insanity failing at the same thing over and over again?
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:22 AM, Rich Ring wrote:
>> I think it is over priced as well. I can buy a netbook with far greater 
>> storage capacity for far less, and even if I buy System Access, I'll have a 
>> lower price, and I am not limited to the Software big brother Apple wants me 
>> to have.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Robert Carter" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:56 PM
>> Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
>> Hi,
>> I am surprised that you feel that the iPad is over priced. It seems to me 
>> that Apple has really made a place for themselves in the lower priced 
>> devices with the introduction of the iPad. I personally think the price is 
>> impressive.
>> Robert Carter
>> On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Cody wrote:
>>> I think the idea is awesome in terms of accessibility and apple will 
>>> certainly get praises for that which they deserve, however I think the 
>>> product itself is a rip off. sure, it's $499, but then they plan to rape 
>>> you at the app counter, so yeah it's accessible alright, but is it worth a 
>>> place in your walet? We sometimes let accessibility over power our budgets 
>>> because we see something and think, wow, gotta have that one.
>>> Cody
>>> - Original Message - From: "Bryan Smart" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:59 PM
>>> Subject: Used an iPad today
>>> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, but I 
>>> had some time to play with a WiFi model today.
>>> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being 
>>> increased, the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is 
>>> certainly using the extra space to expand on what is possible with an 
>>> iPhone type touch interface.
>>> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode (which 
>>> lots of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a blind 
>>> person. When you're working with two hands, having more horizontal room 
>>> seems to make more of a difference when navigating. Fortunately, it is a 
>>> snap to try either way to see what works for you.
>>> I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the horrible 
>>> oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost nothing but shiny 
>>> aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the iPad on a table to use it, 
>>> but I promise, the first time that you place it on any table that isn't 
>>> absolutely clear of small dirt particles, you'll pic it up to discover 
>>> that the slight motion of you pushing and sliding the iPad has ground the 
>>> dirt particles in to the back, and scratched the hell out of your shiny 
>>> aluminum back plate. Of course, you can buy the case to fix that. the case 
>>> is a type of thin and stiff coated particle board that feels a lot like a 
>>> traditional print notebook. One side snugly holds the iPad, and the other 
>>> side is a flap that covers the iPad screen when closed. I suppose that 
>>> most people will want the case to protect the screen when traveling, 
>>> anyway. If you go without the case, though, you are absolutely asking for 

RE: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread Bryan Smart
Yep, and your iPhone will have a much smaller screen, and won't be able to run 
the same software the same way with as much power.

Right now, people are making their iPhone apps run on the iPad. Eventually, 
though, the new iPad apps will need to be scaled down in order to be ported 
back to the iPhone.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Cody
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: Used an iPad today

Also consider how often wifi will be available. networks might be all over the 
place, but most of them nowadays are secured, sow aht si the use? 3G is ok, but 
you've got an iPhone for that, so again, it's a mistake for the consumer side.
- Original Message -
From: "Olivia Norman" 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: Used an iPad today

> Interesting. I find portrait mode works better I considered the 3g 
> version, but thought I didn't need both that and an iPhone.
> Olivia
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Bryan Smart 
> wrote:
>> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet,  
>> but I had some time to play with a WiFi model today.
>> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being 
>> increased, the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is 
>> certainly using the extra space to expand on what is possible with  
>> an iPhone type touch interface.
>> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode  
>> (which lots of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a  
>> blind person. When you're working with two hands, having more  
>> horizontal room seems to make more of a difference when navigating.  
>> Fortunately, it is a snap to try either way to see what works for you.
>> I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the  
>> horrible oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost  
>> nothing but shiny aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the  
>> iPad on a table to use it, but I promise, the first time that you  
>> place it on any table that isn't absolutely clear of small dirt  
>> particles, you'll pic it up to discover that the slight motion of  
>> you pushing and sliding the iPad has ground the dirt particles in to  
>> the back, and scratched the hell out of your shiny aluminum back  
>> plate. Of course, you can buy the case to fix that. the case is a  
>> type of thin and stiff coated particle board that feels a lot like a  
>> traditional print notebook. One side snugly holds the iPad, and the  
>> other side is a flap that covers the iPad screen when closed. I  
>> suppose that most people will want the case to protect the screen  
>> when traveling, anyway. If you go without the case, though, you are  
>> absolutely asking for it. Apple could have put something on the back 
>> to make the iPad more stable. Maybe not rubber feet, but they could  
>> have gone with a felt square in the center, a stylized strip of some  
>> high friction material, etc. The curved back will insure that the  iPad 
>> wobbles on the table, and the glossy case will absolutely  scratch.
>> VoiceOver sounded about the same, and responded with the same speed, 
>> pretty much. The speaker was very clear. Didn't get to play music  
>> with it, but I hear the bass is poor. Still, speech is pretty good  
>> through the built-in speakers.
>> However, it seemed to me that iPad programs opened more slowly than  
>> on the iPhone. Maybe there is more information to load? However,  
>> with more memory and a faster processor, I wasn't expecting that.
>> I wasn't dramatically blown away by the applications that were  
>> available on it, but working with a big talking touch screen  
>> interface started me dreaming about things that *could* be  
>> accomplished with a device like that. Many people might not need the  
>> iPad for web surfing or checking e-mail, but I think that,  
>> eventually, there will be some very unique uses for the iPad.
>> Bryan
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> .
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> .
> --
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> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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To po

RE: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread Bryan Smart
How much would you pay for a Pacmate, Braillenote, or VoiceSense? How much 
would those companies "rape" you for the add on software? You really begrudge 
some lone developer with a product in the app store $4 to $10 in exchange for 
hours and hours and hours of his/her/their work?

If that's true, then only a free lunch will satisfy you, and you'll be waiting 
a long time for that. lol.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Cody
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: Used an iPad today

I think the idea is awesome in terms of accessibility and apple will certainly 
get praises for that which they deserve, however I think the product itself is 
a rip off. sure, it's $499, but then they plan to rape you at the app counter, 
so yeah it's accessible alright, but is it worth a place in your walet? We 
sometimes let accessibility over power our budgets because we see something and 
think, wow, gotta have that one.

- Original Message - 
From: "Bryan Smart" 
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:59 PM
Subject: Used an iPad today

I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, but I had 
some time to play with a WiFi model today.

Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being increased, 
the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is certainly using 
the extra space to expand on what is possible with an iPhone type touch 

It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode (which lots 
of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a blind person. When 
you're working with two hands, having more horizontal room seems to make 
more of a difference when navigating. Fortunately, it is a snap to try 
either way to see what works for you.

I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the horrible 
oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost nothing but shiny 
aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the iPad on a table to use it, 
but I promise, the first time that you place it on any table that isn't 
absolutely clear of small dirt particles, you'll pic it up to discover that 
the slight motion of you pushing and sliding the iPad has ground the dirt 
particles in to the back, and scratched the hell out of your shiny aluminum 
back plate. Of course, you can buy the case to fix that. the case is a type 
of thin and stiff coated particle board that feels a lot like a traditional 
print notebook. One side snugly holds the iPad, and the other side is a flap 
that covers the iPad screen when closed. I suppose that most people will 
want the case to protect the screen when traveling, anyway. If you go 
without the case, though, you are absolutely asking for it. Apple could have 
put something on the back to make the iPad more stable. Maybe not rubber 
feet, but they could have gone with a felt square in the center, a stylized 
strip of some high friction material, etc. The curved back will insure that 
the iPad wobbles on the table, and the glossy case will absolutely scratch.

VoiceOver sounded about the same, and responded with the same speed, pretty 
much. The speaker was very clear. Didn't get to play music with it, but I 
hear the bass is poor. Still, speech is pretty good through the built-in 

However, it seemed to me that iPad programs opened more slowly than on the 
iPhone. Maybe there is more information to load? However, with more memory 
and a faster processor, I wasn't expecting that.

I wasn't dramatically blown away by the applications that were available on 
it, but working with a big talking touch screen interface started me 
dreaming about things that *could* be accomplished with a device like that. 
Many people might not need the iPad for web surfing or checking e-mail, but 
I think that, eventually, there will be some very unique uses for the iPad.


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Accounting software for the Mac that works with VoiceOver

2010-04-07 Thread John Panarese
Hi Folks,
 Does anyone know if QuickBooks works with VO or if there is an equivalent 
package tat is VO compatible out there?


John D. Panarese
Managing Director
Technologies for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
9 Nolan Court
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Tel/Fax, (631) 724-4479



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Another possible Wi-Fi Work Around for low Signals [was Re: Apple Confirms iPad Wi-Fi Problems; Try These Fixes}

2010-04-07 Thread Esther

Hi Mark and Others,

I've read about the WiFi signal problems, and thought I would respond  
to this with a tip for a way I've worked around a problem with WiFi on  
my iPod Touch, which turns out to be due to bug introduced in the OS  
3.0 or 3.1 firmware, and may be related to some of these problems.  I  
found this in the Just Another iPhone Blog web pages:
("Workaround For One Of The iPhone/iPod Touch WiFi Bugs" by JOE T on  
NOVEMBER 14, 2009)

What seemed to happen for me, was that the iPod Touch would drop its  
connection in locations where the WiFi signal was low, and where I had  
WPA encryption enabled.  If I didn't start using the connection right  
away, the reported signal level would drop, and the connection would  
break.  I tried checking the various recommendations listed in the  
article -- and I was using Apple equipment (AirPort Express) that was  
updated to the latest firmware, etc.  The problems only happened where  
the signal was weak (as reported by WiFiTrak, and other WiFi stumblers  
no longer available in the App Store).

The way I now have my iPod Touch working in these circumstances is  
that I've switched my connection from DHCP to Static IP address by  
simply copying the entries in the five fields for DHCP input to the  
corresponding fields for the Static IP address.  This works for my  
home network, and I don't get dropped connections.  Also, the number  
of bars reported on the status line stays high.

Here's what I think is going on and why the switch to Static IP  
address works.  Apple has set iPhone, iPod Touch, and presumably also  
the iPad to save power, so when a WiFi signal is not  detected, or  
when you're not actively using the internet to transfer data, it turns  
things down or off.  This turns out to be a timing issue -- if it  
takes longer to make a connection because you're going through  
encryption, or if it takes longer to resolve the address of a web page  
through a domain name server, your WiFi gets turned down before you  
can make the connection, and the signal reported drops.  My first work  
around was to play a low bit rate stream in background in Safari with  
ooTunes or WunderRadio.  As long as there was active data flowing, the  
connection wouldn't drop, and I could use other apps (that required an  
internet connection, but didn't use Safari).

The article mentions speculations in the Apple forums that the problem  
was related to the DNS lookup.  When you change  the WiFi connection  
from DHCP to Static IP address, instead of taking longer to look up  
your address and the DNS address, your iPhone or iPod Touch simply  
reads them off the Static setting and saves time. That is, the  
information in the IP address and DNS address fields that are reported  
under the Settings > WiFi menu under the "More Info" button for your  
selected network are "discovered" values under the DHCP setting.   
Since they usually won't change for a home network, you can switch the  
button from "DHCP" to "Static IP" simply copy them into the same  
fields.  Then, the iPhone/iPod Touch/ iPad doesn't spend extra time  
trying to resolve these by looking them up, and doesn't have time to  
drop your signal.

It's a little more complicated than this, because very occasionally  
your DHCP address will change.  In those cases, just set the button  
back to DHCP, make your connection, note the new address, and copy the  
new values into the "Static IP" fields.  This works for home networks,  
but you're more likely to have your addresses change if you connect  
via DHCP to a large network.

There are some accessibility issues, in that the Static IP fields are  
not announced.  Just copy the numbers in order.  (And I don't mean  
copy as in copy and paste -- just type in the values).

This works for me.  Incidentally, I never had problems with low  
signals in networks where there is no encryption, and possibly not  
even WEP encryption.  The other telling feature is that the difference  
in signal is only on the new model devices -- someone who has an older  
model iPod Touch with the same content will, in the same location, not  
see the same level of low signal level.  Also, when the signal is  
dropped, and I was prompted to reconnect I'd be asked to retype my  
network password.  The WiFiTrak app (that is no longer available)  
allowed me to just reconnect with my previously entered password, but  
it would have a timer countdown for how long it would take.  That's  
why I think it is a timing issue, with the antenna set to power down  
too fast in the case of encrypted or low signal networks.

Just my thoughts, and I obviously can't test this on a iPad.  But this  
works for my issues.  I hope Apple fixes this.



On 7 Apr 2010, at 05:13, M. Taylor wrote:

Hello Everyone.  The following is from PC Magazine.



RE: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread Blake Sinnett

Seems like the smart people are making universal apps. This is what everyone 
should do.
> From:
> To:
> Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 14:47:00 -0400
> Subject: RE: Used an iPad today
> Yep, and your iPhone will have a much smaller screen, and won't be able to 
> run the same software the same way with as much power.
> Right now, people are making their iPhone apps run on the iPad. Eventually, 
> though, the new iPad apps will need to be scaled down in order to be ported 
> back to the iPhone.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Cody
> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
> Also consider how often wifi will be available. networks might be all over 
> the place, but most of them nowadays are secured, sow aht si the use? 3G is 
> ok, but you've got an iPhone for that, so again, it's a mistake for the 
> consumer side.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Olivia Norman" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:10 PM
> Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
> > Interesting. I find portrait mode works better I considered the 3g 
> > version, but thought I didn't need both that and an iPhone.
> > Olivia
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> > On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Bryan Smart 
> > wrote:
> >
> >> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, 
> >> but I had some time to play with a WiFi model today.
> >>
> >> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being 
> >> increased, the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is 
> >> certainly using the extra space to expand on what is possible with 
> >> an iPhone type touch interface.
> >>
> >> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode 
> >> (which lots of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a 
> >> blind person. When you're working with two hands, having more 
> >> horizontal room seems to make more of a difference when navigating. 
> >> Fortunately, it is a snap to try either way to see what works for you.
> >>
> >> I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the 
> >> horrible oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost 
> >> nothing but shiny aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the 
> >> iPad on a table to use it, but I promise, the first time that you 
> >> place it on any table that isn't absolutely clear of small dirt 
> >> particles, you'll pic it up to discover that the slight motion of 
> >> you pushing and sliding the iPad has ground the dirt particles in to 
> >> the back, and scratched the hell out of your shiny aluminum back 
> >> plate. Of course, you can buy the case to fix that. the case is a 
> >> type of thin and stiff coated particle board that feels a lot like a 
> >> traditional print notebook. One side snugly holds the iPad, and the 
> >> other side is a flap that covers the iPad screen when closed. I 
> >> suppose that most people will want the case to protect the screen 
> >> when traveling, anyway. If you go without the case, though, you are 
> >> absolutely asking for it. Apple could have put something on the back 
> >> to make the iPad more stable. Maybe not rubber feet, but they could 
> >> have gone with a felt square in the center, a stylized strip of some 
> >> high friction material, etc. The curved back will insure that the iPad 
> >> wobbles on the table, and the glossy case will absolutely scratch.
> >>
> >> VoiceOver sounded about the same, and responded with the same speed, 
> >> pretty much. The speaker was very clear. Didn't get to play music 
> >> with it, but I hear the bass is poor. Still, speech is pretty good 
> >> through the built-in speakers.
> >>
> >> However, it seemed to me that iPad programs opened more slowly than 
> >> on the iPhone. Maybe there is more information to load? However, 
> >> with more memory and a faster processor, I wasn't expecting that.
> >>
> >> I wasn't dramatically blown away by the applications that were 
> >> available on it, but working with a big talking touch screen 
> >> interface started me dreaming about things that *could* be 
> >> accomplished with a device like that. Many people might not need the 
> >> iPad for web surfing or checking e-mail, but I think that, 
> >> eventually, there will be some very unique uses for the iPad.
> >>
> >> Bryan
> >>
> >> --
> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> >> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
> >> To post to this group, send email to
> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >> .
> >> For more options, visit this group at 
> >> .
> >>
> >
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 

Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread Cody
universal apps are smart, but I am just uncomfortable with the low price, a lot 
of the apps are not going to just be given out scott free. sure $10 fr a 
portable iWork suite but $10 is a lot of money for an app. but again I'm jsut 
going by what I read about it and heard aboout it and I think that the iPad 
itself is not an issue but to get anything running on it will cost and amount 
sooner or later to the same as if you were to buy an iMac
  - Original Message - 
  From: Blake Sinnett 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 3:13 PM
  Subject: RE: Used an iPad today

  Seems like the smart people are making universal apps. This is what everyone 
should do.
  > From:
  > To:
  > Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 14:47:00 -0400
  > Subject: RE: Used an iPad today
  > Yep, and your iPhone will have a much smaller screen, and won't be able to 
run the same software the same way with as much power.
  > Right now, people are making their iPhone apps run on the iPad. Eventually, 
though, the new iPad apps will need to be scaled down in order to be ported 
back to the iPhone.
  > Bryan
  > -Original Message-
  > From: 
[] On Behalf Of Cody
  > Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:25 PM
  > To:
  > Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
  > Also consider how often wifi will be available. networks might be all over 
the place, but most of them nowadays are secured, sow aht si the use? 3G is ok, 
but you've got an iPhone for that, so again, it's a mistake for the consumer 
  > - Original Message -
  > From: "Olivia Norman" 
  > To: 
  > Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:10 PM
  > Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
  > > Interesting. I find portrait mode works better I considered the 3g 
  > > version, but thought I didn't need both that and an iPhone.
  > > Olivia
  > >
  > > Sent from my iPhone
  > >
  > > On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Bryan Smart 
  > > wrote:
  > >
  > >> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, 
  > >> but I had some time to play with a WiFi model today.
  > >>
  > >> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being 
  > >> increased, the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is 
  > >> certainly using the extra space to expand on what is possible with 
  > >> an iPhone type touch interface.
  > >>
  > >> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode 
  > >> (which lots of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a 
  > >> blind person. When you're working with two hands, having more 
  > >> horizontal room seems to make more of a difference when navigating. 
  > >> Fortunately, it is a snap to try either way to see what works for you.
  > >>
  > >> I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the 
  > >> horrible oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost 
  > >> nothing but shiny aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the 
  > >> iPad on a table to use it, but I promise, the first time that you 
  > >> place it on any table that isn't absolutely clear of small dirt 
  > >> particles, you'll pic it up to discover that the slight motion of 
  > >> you pushing and sliding the iPad has ground the dirt particles in to 
  > >> the back, and scratched the hell out of your shiny aluminum back 
  > >> plate. Of course, you can buy the case to fix that. the case is a 
  > >> type of thin and stiff coated particle board that feels a lot like a 
  > >> traditional print notebook. One side snugly holds the iPad, and the 
  > >> other side is a flap that covers the iPad screen when closed. I 
  > >> suppose that most people will want the case to protect the screen 
  > >> when traveling, anyway. If you go without the case, though, you are 
  > >> absolutely asking for it. Apple could have put something on the back 
  > >> to make the iPad more stable. Maybe not rubber feet, but they could 
  > >> have gone with a felt square in the center, a stylized strip of some 
  > >> high friction material, etc. The curved back will insure that the iPad 
wobbles on the table, and the glossy case will absolutely scratch.
  > >>
  > >> VoiceOver sounded about the same, and responded with the same speed, 
  > >> pretty much. The speaker was very clear. Didn't get to play music 
  > >> with it, but I hear the bass is poor. Still, speech is pretty good 
  > >> through the built-in speakers.
  > >>
  > >> However, it seemed to me that iPad programs opened more slowly than 
  > >> on the iPhone. Maybe there is more information to load? However, 
  > >> with more memory and a faster processor, I wasn't expecting that.
  > >>
  > >> I wasn't dramatically blown away by the applications that were 
  > >> available on it, but working with a big talking touch screen 
  > >> interface 

add item to doc

2010-04-07 Thread louie

Hi all,
I just got my Mac mini running this past week. On my old Mac I have a  
word flow that would add a item to the doc. This word flow will not  
work on my Mac mini. I havewant to add a folder to the doc on my mini.  
How do I do this?

Thanks for any help.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread Olivia Norman
iWork works well on my iPad and is a great deal at ten dollars an app... 

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 7, 2010, at 3:17 PM, "Cody"  wrote:

> universal apps are smart, but I am just uncomfortable with the low price, a 
> lot of the apps are not going to just be given out scott free. sure $10 fr a 
> portable iWork suite but $10 is a lot of money for an app. but again I'm jsut 
> going by what I read about it and heard aboout it and I think that the iPad 
> itself is not an issue but to get anything running on it will cost and amount 
> sooner or later to the same as if you were to buy an iMac
> - Original Message -
> From: Blake Sinnett
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 3:13 PM
> Subject: RE: Used an iPad today
> Seems like the smart people are making universal apps. This is what everyone 
> should do.
> > From:
> > To:
> > Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 14:47:00 -0400
> > Subject: RE: Used an iPad today
> > 
> > Yep, and your iPhone will have a much smaller screen, and won't be able to 
> > run the same software the same way with as much power.
> > 
> > Right now, people are making their iPhone apps run on the iPad. Eventually, 
> > though, the new iPad apps will need to be scaled down in order to be ported 
> > back to the iPhone.
> > 
> > Bryan
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: 
> > [] On Behalf Of Cody
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:25 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
> > 
> > Also consider how often wifi will be available. networks might be all over 
> > the place, but most of them nowadays are secured, sow aht si the use? 3G is 
> > ok, but you've got an iPhone for that, so again, it's a mistake for the 
> > consumer side.
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Olivia Norman" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:10 PM
> > Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
> > 
> > 
> > > Interesting. I find portrait mode works better I considered the 3g 
> > > version, but thought I didn't need both that and an iPhone.
> > > Olivia
> > >
> > > Sent from my iPhone
> > >
> > > On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Bryan Smart 
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > >> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, 
> > >> but I had some time to play with a WiFi model today.
> > >>
> > >> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being 
> > >> increased, the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is 
> > >> certainly using the extra space to expand on what is possible with 
> > >> an iPhone type touch interface.
> > >>
> > >> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode 
> > >> (which lots of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a 
> > >> blind person. When you're working with two hands, having more 
> > >> horizontal room seems to make more of a difference when navigating. 
> > >> Fortunately, it is a snap to try either way to see what works for you.
> > >>
> > >> I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the 
> > >> horrible oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost 
> > >> nothing but shiny aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the 
> > >> iPad on a table to use it, but I promise, the first time that you 
> > >> place it on any table that isn't absolutely clear of small dirt 
> > >> particles, you'll pic it up to discover that the slight motion of 
> > >> you pushing and sliding the iPad has ground the dirt particles in to 
> > >> the back, and scratched the hell out of your shiny aluminum back 
> > >> plate. Of course, you can buy the case to fix that. the case is a 
> > >> type of thin and stiff coated particle board that feels a lot like a 
> > >> traditional print notebook. One side snugly holds the iPad, and the 
> > >> other side is a flap that covers the iPad screen when closed. I 
> > >> suppose that most people will want the case to protect the screen 
> > >> when traveling, anyway. If you go without the case, though, you are 
> > >> absolutely asking for it. Apple could have put something on the back 
> > >> to make the iPad more stable. Maybe not rubber feet, but they could 
> > >> have gone with a felt square in the center, a stylized strip of some 
> > >> high friction material, etc. The curved back will insure that the iPad 
> > >> wobbles on the table, and the glossy case will absolutely scratch.
> > >>
> > >> VoiceOver sounded about the same, and responded with the same speed, 
> > >> pretty much. The speaker was very clear. Didn't get to play music 
> > >> with it, but I hear the bass is poor. Still, speech is pretty good 
> > >> through the built-in speakers.
> > >>
> > >> However, it seemed to me that iPad programs opened more slowly than 
> > >> on the iPhone. Maybe there is more information to load? However, 
> > >> with more memory and a faster process

Installing unix mail client

2010-04-07 Thread .dan.

Has anyone had experience installing pine or alpine as a mail client on a 

After the software is secured aren't there additional steps to be taken to 
allow one to send and recieve mail?

What then becomes ones email address?


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Re: add item to doc

2010-04-07 Thread Esther

Hi Louie,

If you're running Snow Leopard, there's a Command-Shift-T shortcut for  
Finder that will let you add things to the dock.  If you want to run  
the old work flow, or for older operating systems, go to Tim Kilburn's  
VoiceOver downloads page and grab the item to Put Items in Dock under  

Tim gives full instructions.  You need both the program that actually  
puts things in the dock and the Automator workflow that's written to  
use it from the GUI.  Should work even in Tiger, since I tested it out  
there before sending it to Tim.



louie wrote:

Hi all,
I just got my Mac mini running this past week. On my old Mac I have  
a word flow that would add a item to the doc. This word flow will  
not work on my Mac mini. I havewant to add a folder to the doc on my  
mini. How do I do this?

Thanks for any help.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: originator of the my mac mini thread

2010-04-07 Thread Chris Blouch
I haven't gone the fully ripped library route yet but I hope to someday. 
I've been interested in the Drobo RAIDs which are pretty much 
freestanding self-healing RAID arrays with eSATA, USB and Firewire 
connections. So I just plop one of those onto the Mini and have crazy 
amounts of storage.


Scott Howell wrote:

Yeah, I am considering a Mini at some point as a media center as well. I first 
have to rip every DVD we own to a central storage location to make this really 
work. Yeah, all the DVDs go into storage and I gain space and instant access to 
all the movies. So, when we're all bored and want to watch something, we could 
without having to sit in front of the shelf trying to find that damn title 
buried back in the M section. Better yet, if we're bored and everyone wants to 
watch something different, they can go to their respective computers and do 
that as well.
Ah, all these grand ideas. :)


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Re: add item to doc

2010-04-07 Thread louie

Hi Esther,
The command shift t was what I was look for.
As always thank you very much.
On Apr 7, 2010, at 1:36 PM, Esther wrote:

Hi Louie,

If you're running Snow Leopard, there's a Command-Shift-T shortcut  
for Finder that will let you add things to the dock.  If you want to  
run the old work flow, or for older operating systems, go to Tim  
Kilburn's VoiceOver downloads page and grab the item to Put Items in  
Dock under Finder:

Tim gives full instructions.  You need both the program that  
actually puts things in the dock and the Automator workflow that's  
written to use it from the GUI.  Should work even in Tiger, since I  
tested it out there before sending it to Tim.



louie wrote:

Hi all,
I just got my Mac mini running this past week. On my old Mac I have  
a word flow that would add a item to the doc. This word flow will  
not work on my Mac mini. I havewant to add a folder to the doc on  
my mini. How do I do this?

Thanks for any help.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
Groups "MacVisionaries" group.

To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

considering an iPad but have questions

2010-04-07 Thread Larry Wanger

So, I think I'm going to get an iPad but have data related questions. While
wifi is probably a good option, the fact is that free and reliable wifi is
not as available as we might hope. I often find myself on the train, a bus,
waiting at a business, Etc. where wifi is not available. Both the iPhone and
iPad are very data centric devices and most of the apps I use require an
Internet connection. Therefore, I can easily see situations where the lack
of Internet access is going to be a problem. Yet, I absolutely hate the idea
of paying for a data plan with AT&T when I'm already doing so with the
iPhone. My iPhone is not jail broken so tethering really isn't a good option
for me.

I've looked at purchasing a mifi from Verizon as another option. The cost is
$50 after a rebate and either $40 or $60 per month on a 2 year agreement
depending on the data plan I want. I'm finding that I'm very mobile and not
at home much of the time now days and am considering canceling or sharply
cutting back on my broadband costs there so that would offset the cost of
the access through a mifi. 

For those who don't know, the mifi is a device a bit larger than a credit
card that provides Internet access via the Verizon 3G network. 

Ultimately, there is a question here which relates to the requirement of
having a data plan on the iPhone. Is a data plan required? Does AT&T offer a
limited data plan at a lower cost or is the $30 unlimited plan my only
choice. I really don't want to pay for multiple data plans if I can get out
of it.

Thanks for any thoughts.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: considering an iPad but have questions

2010-04-07 Thread Ricardo Walker

The data plans for the iPad are pay as you go.  There is no contract.  You can 
get the $15 250MB plan as well as the $30 umlimited plan.

On Apr 7, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:

> Hi,
> So, I think I'm going to get an iPad but have data related questions. While
> wifi is probably a good option, the fact is that free and reliable wifi is
> not as available as we might hope. I often find myself on the train, a bus,
> waiting at a business, Etc. where wifi is not available. Both the iPhone and
> iPad are very data centric devices and most of the apps I use require an
> Internet connection. Therefore, I can easily see situations where the lack
> of Internet access is going to be a problem. Yet, I absolutely hate the idea
> of paying for a data plan with AT&T when I'm already doing so with the
> iPhone. My iPhone is not jail broken so tethering really isn't a good option
> for me.
> I've looked at purchasing a mifi from Verizon as another option. The cost is
> $50 after a rebate and either $40 or $60 per month on a 2 year agreement
> depending on the data plan I want. I'm finding that I'm very mobile and not
> at home much of the time now days and am considering canceling or sharply
> cutting back on my broadband costs there so that would offset the cost of
> the access through a mifi. 
> For those who don't know, the mifi is a device a bit larger than a credit
> card that provides Internet access via the Verizon 3G network. 
> Ultimately, there is a question here which relates to the requirement of
> having a data plan on the iPhone. Is a data plan required? Does AT&T offer a
> limited data plan at a lower cost or is the $30 unlimited plan my only
> choice. I really don't want to pay for multiple data plans if I can get out
> of it.
> Thanks for any thoughts.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Accounting software for the Mac that works with VoiceOver

2010-04-07 Thread mani
You can try Microsoft Money!  Just kidding. :)


On Apr 7, 2:48 pm, John Panarese  wrote:
> Hi Folks,
>      Does anyone know if QuickBooks works with VO or if there is an 
> equivalent package tat is VO compatible out there?
> Thanks
> John D. Panarese
> Managing Director
> Technologies for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
> 9 Nolan Court
> Hauppauge, NY 11788
> Tel/Fax, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Internet,

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RE: considering an iPad but have questions

2010-04-07 Thread Larry Wanger
I understand the iPad data plans and their costs. However, I'm not a fan of
AT&T, I have found places with terrible 3G access and I don't want to pay
them for 2 data plans. I'd ultimately like to cancel the iPhone data plan if
it is possible and just have the Verizon Mifi for data. However, my question
is whether or not the data plans are required for the iPhone and or if they
have a lower priced option even if it has data limits.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions


The data plans for the iPad are pay as you go.  There is no contract.  You
can get the $15 250MB plan as well as the $30 umlimited plan.

On Apr 7, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:

> Hi,
> So, I think I'm going to get an iPad but have data related questions.
> wifi is probably a good option, the fact is that free and reliable wifi is
> not as available as we might hope. I often find myself on the train, a
> waiting at a business, Etc. where wifi is not available. Both the iPhone
> iPad are very data centric devices and most of the apps I use require an
> Internet connection. Therefore, I can easily see situations where the lack
> of Internet access is going to be a problem. Yet, I absolutely hate the
> of paying for a data plan with AT&T when I'm already doing so with the
> iPhone. My iPhone is not jail broken so tethering really isn't a good
> for me.
> I've looked at purchasing a mifi from Verizon as another option. The cost
> $50 after a rebate and either $40 or $60 per month on a 2 year agreement
> depending on the data plan I want. I'm finding that I'm very mobile and
> at home much of the time now days and am considering canceling or sharply
> cutting back on my broadband costs there so that would offset the cost of
> the access through a mifi. 
> For those who don't know, the mifi is a device a bit larger than a credit
> card that provides Internet access via the Verizon 3G network. 
> Ultimately, there is a question here which relates to the requirement of
> having a data plan on the iPhone. Is a data plan required? Does AT&T offer
> limited data plan at a lower cost or is the $30 unlimited plan my only
> choice. I really don't want to pay for multiple data plans if I can get
> of it.
> Thanks for any thoughts.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at

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Re: considering an iPad but have questions

2010-04-07 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
out of curiousity is that unlimited or the new standard 5 gb a month?  
thanks, Max

On Apr 7, 2010, at 4:04 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:


The data plans for the iPad are pay as you go.  There is no  
contract.  You can get the $15 250MB plan as well as the $30  
umlimited plan.

On Apr 7, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:


So, I think I'm going to get an iPad but have data related  
questions. While
wifi is probably a good option, the fact is that free and reliable  
wifi is
not as available as we might hope. I often find myself on the  
train, a bus,
waiting at a business, Etc. where wifi is not available. Both the  
iPhone and
iPad are very data centric devices and most of the apps I use  
require an
Internet connection. Therefore, I can easily see situations where  
the lack
of Internet access is going to be a problem. Yet, I absolutely hate  
the idea
of paying for a data plan with AT&T when I'm already doing so with  
iPhone. My iPhone is not jail broken so tethering really isn't a  
good option

for me.

I've looked at purchasing a mifi from Verizon as another option.  
The cost is
$50 after a rebate and either $40 or $60 per month on a 2 year  
depending on the data plan I want. I'm finding that I'm very mobile  
and not
at home much of the time now days and am considering canceling or  
cutting back on my broadband costs there so that would offset the  
cost of

the access through a mifi.

For those who don't know, the mifi is a device a bit larger than a  

card that provides Internet access via the Verizon 3G network.

Ultimately, there is a question here which relates to the  
requirement of
having a data plan on the iPhone. Is a data plan required? Does  
AT&T offer a
limited data plan at a lower cost or is the $30 unlimited plan my  
choice. I really don't want to pay for multiple data plans if I can  
get out

of it.

Thanks for any thoughts.

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Groups "MacVisionaries" group.

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For more options, visit this group at 

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RE: considering an iPad but have questions

2010-04-07 Thread Larry Wanger
It is 5G. They are not offering a true unlimited data plan. But, I'd be
surprised if I consume anything close to 5GB of data per month. I might
because I download several video podcasts but even then I highly doubt it.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions

out of curiousity is that unlimited or the new standard 5 gb a month?  
thanks, Max
On Apr 7, 2010, at 4:04 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> The data plans for the iPad are pay as you go.  There is no  
> contract.  You can get the $15 250MB plan as well as the $30  
> umlimited plan.
> hth
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> So, I think I'm going to get an iPad but have data related  
>> questions. While
>> wifi is probably a good option, the fact is that free and reliable  
>> wifi is
>> not as available as we might hope. I often find myself on the  
>> train, a bus,
>> waiting at a business, Etc. where wifi is not available. Both the  
>> iPhone and
>> iPad are very data centric devices and most of the apps I use  
>> require an
>> Internet connection. Therefore, I can easily see situations where  
>> the lack
>> of Internet access is going to be a problem. Yet, I absolutely hate  
>> the idea
>> of paying for a data plan with AT&T when I'm already doing so with  
>> the
>> iPhone. My iPhone is not jail broken so tethering really isn't a  
>> good option
>> for me.
>> I've looked at purchasing a mifi from Verizon as another option.  
>> The cost is
>> $50 after a rebate and either $40 or $60 per month on a 2 year  
>> agreement
>> depending on the data plan I want. I'm finding that I'm very mobile  
>> and not
>> at home much of the time now days and am considering canceling or  
>> sharply
>> cutting back on my broadband costs there so that would offset the  
>> cost of
>> the access through a mifi.
>> For those who don't know, the mifi is a device a bit larger than a  
>> credit
>> card that provides Internet access via the Verizon 3G network.
>> Ultimately, there is a question here which relates to the  
>> requirement of
>> having a data plan on the iPhone. Is a data plan required? Does  
>> AT&T offer a
>> limited data plan at a lower cost or is the $30 unlimited plan my  
>> only
>> choice. I really don't want to pay for multiple data plans if I can  
>> get out
>> of it.
>> Thanks for any thoughts.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> .
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> .
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> .
> For more options, visit this group at 
> .

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For more options, visit this group at

Re: considering an iPad but have questions

2010-04-07 Thread Chris Blouch
Data plans are required for the iPhone. It's only the iPad that lets you 
go ala carte with ATT. Must be pretty bad service if you're willing to 
pay 2-4x for Verizon to avoid ATT. Not unsurprising though. I know one 
person that used to have to leave their apartment and go to a nearby 
shopping center before she got service, and that was just for phone 
calls, not to mention any 3G data service.


Larry Wanger wrote:

I understand the iPad data plans and their costs. However, I'm not a fan of
AT&T, I have found places with terrible 3G access and I don't want to pay
them for 2 data plans. I'd ultimately like to cancel the iPhone data plan if
it is possible and just have the Verizon Mifi for data. However, my question
is whether or not the data plans are required for the iPhone and or if they
have a lower priced option even if it has data limits.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions


The data plans for the iPad are pay as you go.  There is no contract.  You
can get the $15 250MB plan as well as the $30 umlimited plan.

On Apr 7, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:



So, I think I'm going to get an iPad but have data related questions.


wifi is probably a good option, the fact is that free and reliable wifi is
not as available as we might hope. I often find myself on the train, a


waiting at a business, Etc. where wifi is not available. Both the iPhone


iPad are very data centric devices and most of the apps I use require an
Internet connection. Therefore, I can easily see situations where the lack
of Internet access is going to be a problem. Yet, I absolutely hate the


of paying for a data plan with AT&T when I'm already doing so with the
iPhone. My iPhone is not jail broken so tethering really isn't a good


for me.

I've looked at purchasing a mifi from Verizon as another option. The cost


$50 after a rebate and either $40 or $60 per month on a 2 year agreement
depending on the data plan I want. I'm finding that I'm very mobile and


at home much of the time now days and am considering canceling or sharply
cutting back on my broadband costs there so that would offset the cost of
the access through a mifi. 

For those who don't know, the mifi is a device a bit larger than a credit
card that provides Internet access via the Verizon 3G network. 

Ultimately, there is a question here which relates to the requirement of
having a data plan on the iPhone. Is a data plan required? Does AT&T offer


limited data plan at a lower cost or is the $30 unlimited plan my only
choice. I really don't want to pay for multiple data plans if I can get


of it.

Thanks for any thoughts.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

"MacVisionaries" group.

To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

For more options, visit this group at


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"MacVisionaries" group.
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To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: considering an iPad but have questions

2010-04-07 Thread Cody
Do you realize how big your bill would be if you did a pay as you go? as I 
said, the iPad will bring many other things e.g. apps, 3g service and other 
things that might cost you more than the device
  - Original Message - 
  From: Chris Blouch 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:15 PM
  Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions

  Data plans are required for the iPhone. It's only the iPad that lets you go 
ala carte with ATT. Must be pretty bad service if you're willing to pay 2-4x 
for Verizon to avoid ATT. Not unsurprising though. I know one person that used 
to have to leave their apartment and go to a nearby shopping center before she 
got service, and that was just for phone calls, not to mention any 3G data 


  Larry Wanger wrote: 
I understand the iPad data plans and their costs. However, I'm not a fan of
AT&T, I have found places with terrible 3G access and I don't want to pay
them for 2 data plans. I'd ultimately like to cancel the iPhone data plan if
it is possible and just have the Verizon Mifi for data. However, my question
is whether or not the data plans are required for the iPhone and or if they
have a lower priced option even if it has data limits.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions


The data plans for the iPad are pay as you go.  There is no contract.  You
can get the $15 250MB plan as well as the $30 umlimited plan.

On Apr 7, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:


So, I think I'm going to get an iPad but have data related questions.
  wifi is probably a good option, the fact is that free and reliable wifi is
not as available as we might hope. I often find myself on the train, a
  waiting at a business, Etc. where wifi is not available. Both the iPhone
  iPad are very data centric devices and most of the apps I use require an
Internet connection. Therefore, I can easily see situations where the lack
of Internet access is going to be a problem. Yet, I absolutely hate the
  of paying for a data plan with AT&T when I'm already doing so with the
iPhone. My iPhone is not jail broken so tethering really isn't a good
  for me.

I've looked at purchasing a mifi from Verizon as another option. The cost
  $50 after a rebate and either $40 or $60 per month on a 2 year agreement
depending on the data plan I want. I'm finding that I'm very mobile and
  at home much of the time now days and am considering canceling or sharply
cutting back on my broadband costs there so that would offset the cost of
the access through a mifi. 

For those who don't know, the mifi is a device a bit larger than a credit
card that provides Internet access via the Verizon 3G network. 

Ultimately, there is a question here which relates to the requirement of
having a data plan on the iPhone. Is a data plan required? Does AT&T offer
  limited data plan at a lower cost or is the $30 unlimited plan my only
choice. I really don't want to pay for multiple data plans if I can get
  of it.

Thanks for any thoughts.

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"MacVisionaries" group.
  To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  For more options, visit this group at
  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
  To post to this group, send email to
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  For more options, visit this group at

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: considering an iPad but have questions

2010-04-07 Thread Cody
5 gigs goes faster than you realize. I had a vzw aircard and  I used it up 
in 1 week simply by doing web browsing and email.
- Original Message - 
From: "Larry Wanger" 

Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:15 PM
Subject: RE: considering an iPad but have questions

It is 5G. They are not offering a true unlimited data plan. But, I'd be
surprised if I consume anything close to 5GB of data per month. I might
because I download several video podcasts but even then I highly doubt it.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions

out of curiousity is that unlimited or the new standard 5 gb a month?
thanks, Max
On Apr 7, 2010, at 4:04 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:


The data plans for the iPad are pay as you go.  There is no
contract.  You can get the $15 250MB plan as well as the $30
umlimited plan.

On Apr 7, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:


So, I think I'm going to get an iPad but have data related
questions. While
wifi is probably a good option, the fact is that free and reliable
wifi is
not as available as we might hope. I often find myself on the
train, a bus,
waiting at a business, Etc. where wifi is not available. Both the
iPhone and
iPad are very data centric devices and most of the apps I use
require an
Internet connection. Therefore, I can easily see situations where
the lack
of Internet access is going to be a problem. Yet, I absolutely hate
the idea
of paying for a data plan with AT&T when I'm already doing so with
iPhone. My iPhone is not jail broken so tethering really isn't a
good option
for me.

I've looked at purchasing a mifi from Verizon as another option.
The cost is
$50 after a rebate and either $40 or $60 per month on a 2 year
depending on the data plan I want. I'm finding that I'm very mobile
and not
at home much of the time now days and am considering canceling or
cutting back on my broadband costs there so that would offset the
cost of
the access through a mifi.

For those who don't know, the mifi is a device a bit larger than a
card that provides Internet access via the Verizon 3G network.

Ultimately, there is a question here which relates to the
requirement of
having a data plan on the iPhone. Is a data plan required? Does
AT&T offer a
limited data plan at a lower cost or is the $30 unlimited plan my
choice. I really don't want to pay for multiple data plans if I can
get out
of it.

Thanks for any thoughts.

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Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at


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Re: considering an iPad but have questions

2010-04-07 Thread Ricardo Walker
This might not be true. 
On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:15 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:

> It is 5G. They are not offering a true unlimited data plan. But, I'd be
> surprised if I consume anything close to 5GB of data per month. I might
> because I download several video podcasts but even then I highly doubt it.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
> Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 2:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions
> out of curiousity is that unlimited or the new standard 5 gb a month?  
> thanks, Max
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 4:04 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The data plans for the iPad are pay as you go.  There is no  
>> contract.  You can get the $15 250MB plan as well as the $30  
>> umlimited plan.
>> hth
>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> So, I think I'm going to get an iPad but have data related  
>>> questions. While
>>> wifi is probably a good option, the fact is that free and reliable  
>>> wifi is
>>> not as available as we might hope. I often find myself on the  
>>> train, a bus,
>>> waiting at a business, Etc. where wifi is not available. Both the  
>>> iPhone and
>>> iPad are very data centric devices and most of the apps I use  
>>> require an
>>> Internet connection. Therefore, I can easily see situations where  
>>> the lack
>>> of Internet access is going to be a problem. Yet, I absolutely hate  
>>> the idea
>>> of paying for a data plan with AT&T when I'm already doing so with  
>>> the
>>> iPhone. My iPhone is not jail broken so tethering really isn't a  
>>> good option
>>> for me.
>>> I've looked at purchasing a mifi from Verizon as another option.  
>>> The cost is
>>> $50 after a rebate and either $40 or $60 per month on a 2 year  
>>> agreement
>>> depending on the data plan I want. I'm finding that I'm very mobile  
>>> and not
>>> at home much of the time now days and am considering canceling or  
>>> sharply
>>> cutting back on my broadband costs there so that would offset the  
>>> cost of
>>> the access through a mifi.
>>> For those who don't know, the mifi is a device a bit larger than a  
>>> credit
>>> card that provides Internet access via the Verizon 3G network.
>>> Ultimately, there is a question here which relates to the  
>>> requirement of
>>> having a data plan on the iPhone. Is a data plan required? Does  
>>> AT&T offer a
>>> limited data plan at a lower cost or is the $30 unlimited plan my  
>>> only
>>> choice. I really don't want to pay for multiple data plans if I can  
>>> get out
>>> of it.
>>> Thanks for any thoughts.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> .
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>> .
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> .
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> .
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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RE: considering an iPad but have questions

2010-04-07 Thread Bryan Smart
Really, that is not a lot of money. I suppose that everyone's definition of 
what constitutes "a lot" is different, but, if you're living in a modern 
western country, and you have a job, even a low paying job, you can probably 
afford $30 per month for anywhere, always on Internet, if you really want.

Do you ever order pizza? A large, multi topping pizza, with a side or two, and 
a soda will cost over $20 with tax and tip. Cut out one pizza per month. 
Problem solved.

If you aren't working, then you're probably at home a lot, so Wi-Fi will work 
just fine for you.

I think that some people would be upset with a free lunch, because someone else 
wasn't going to eat it for them. Your cell phone, with a good calling package, 
unlimited texts, and an unlimited data plan can cost well over $100. People pay 
$60 - $80 for broadband at their home. Seriously, if you can't afford an 
average of $20 to access the Internet from anywhere on a futuristic 
touch-controlled tablet computer, then said computer is probably not really in 
your budget in the first place.

I'd prefer to be able to tether, but I understand why I can't. Further, why 
would I want to? I have a Nokia phone, and it has an app that will run it as a 
mobile hot spot for its 3G data connection. I could use that with the iPad's 
Wi-Fi, but I won't do that. There is a huge battery in the iPad. Browsing via 
my phone's 3G connection would suck up that little phone battery before the 
iPad had barely begun to drain. And my phone has a really good battery. The 
number one problem with the iPhone is the poor battery. How long do you really 
think that your iPhone would last as a wireless hot spot?

Besides, who wants to bother with starting up phone hot spot apps or getting 
some cell company hot spot setup and connected every time they need to check 
something quickly on their iPad? I'd rather just take it out, turn it on, do 
what I have to do, and put it away. Unlike a laptop, the iPad doesn't need to 
waste time going in to, or coming out of, hibernate. It is immediately on and 
immediately connected. Messing around with tethering solutions takes all of 
that quick and easy on/off advantage away. It isn't always worth saving a 
dollar to waste your time.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Cody
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions

Do you realize how big your bill would be if you did a pay as you go? as I 
said, the iPad will bring many other things e.g. apps, 3g service and other 
things that might cost you more than the device

- Original Message - 
From: Chris Blouch   
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions

Data plans are required for the iPhone. It's only the iPad that lets 
you go ala carte with ATT. Must be pretty bad service if you're willing to pay 
2-4x for Verizon to avoid ATT. Not unsurprising though. I know one person that 
used to have to leave their apartment and go to a nearby shopping center before 
she got service, and that was just for phone calls, not to mention any 3G data 


Larry Wanger wrote: 

I understand the iPad data plans and their costs. However, I'm 
not a fan of
AT&T, I have found places with terrible 3G access and I don't 
want to pay
them for 2 data plans. I'd ultimately like to cancel the iPhone 
data plan if
it is possible and just have the Verizon Mifi for data. 
However, my question
is whether or not the data plans are required for the iPhone 
and or if they
have a lower priced option even if it has data limits.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ricardo 
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions


The data plans for the iPad are pay as you go.  There is no 
contract.  You
can get the $15 250MB plan as well as the $30 umlimited plan.

On Apr 7, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:



So, I think I'm going to get an iPad but have data 
related questions.



RE: considering an iPad but have questions

2010-04-07 Thread Bryan Smart
Actually, the $30 unlimited data plan for the iPad really is unlimited.

Can't find the original source, but you can Google it.


- Original Message -
From: "Larry Wanger" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:15 PM
Subject: RE: considering an iPad but have questions

> It is 5G. They are not offering a true unlimited data plan. But, I'd 
> be surprised if I consume anything close to 5GB of data per month. I 
> might because I download several video podcasts but even then I highly doubt 
> it.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
> Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 2:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions
> out of curiousity is that unlimited or the new standard 5 gb a month?
> thanks, Max
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 4:04 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The data plans for the iPad are pay as you go.  There is no contract.  
>> You can get the $15 250MB plan as well as the $30 umlimited plan.
>> hth
>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> So, I think I'm going to get an iPad but have data related 
>>> questions. While wifi is probably a good option, the fact is that 
>>> free and reliable wifi is not as available as we might hope. I often 
>>> find myself on the train, a bus, waiting at a business, Etc. where 
>>> wifi is not available. Both the iPhone and iPad are very data 
>>> centric devices and most of the apps I use require an Internet 
>>> connection. Therefore, I can easily see situations where the lack of 
>>> Internet access is going to be a problem. Yet, I absolutely hate the 
>>> idea of paying for a data plan with AT&T when I'm already doing so 
>>> with the iPhone. My iPhone is not jail broken so tethering really 
>>> isn't a good option for me.
>>> I've looked at purchasing a mifi from Verizon as another option.
>>> The cost is
>>> $50 after a rebate and either $40 or $60 per month on a 2 year 
>>> agreement depending on the data plan I want. I'm finding that I'm 
>>> very mobile and not at home much of the time now days and am 
>>> considering canceling or sharply cutting back on my broadband costs 
>>> there so that would offset the cost of the access through a mifi.
>>> For those who don't know, the mifi is a device a bit larger than a 
>>> credit card that provides Internet access via the Verizon 3G 
>>> network.
>>> Ultimately, there is a question here which relates to the 
>>> requirement of having a data plan on the iPhone. Is a data plan 
>>> required? Does AT&T offer a limited data plan at a lower cost or is 
>>> the $30 unlimited plan my only choice. I really don't want to pay 
>>> for multiple data plans if I can get out of it.
>>> Thanks for any thoughts.
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> .
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>> .
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> .
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> .
> --
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Re: considering an iPad but have questions

2010-04-07 Thread Cody
You have a point, but consider the fact that a lot of technically inclined 
people have a cellphone, braudband internet, a 3g air card, and then to put 
this on top of that? that can amount up to $300 or so. alone before the 
adjustment I made with at and t with my iPhone, my phone bill was $169.28, 
after the adjustment it was $135.34. add $65 for an air card, $200.34, then 
add another $20 for the capped bandwidth for iPad, $220 and that last $20 I 
did not figure in tax so all in all $225 about. Then if you dont' watch your 
bandwidth and accidentally go over that 5 cents per meg you go over with 
vzw, I sure as hell don't have $300 to dump on that kind of access to the 
internet $100 is bearly passable on my budget remember the economy isn't all 
the greatest right now. And I forgot to add in $50 for TWC internet with the 
turbo boost 15 up 2 down thats another $55 on top of that I'm estimating the 
tax there it might actually be near $60 or over. So say $225 + $60 you are 
now $285. So while $20 by itself isn't a lot, you need to consider the many 
numbers of people who have all of the afore mentioned things combined 
together. and I've got a steady income right now of about $1000. figure in 
bording, food, and those bills and what am I left with? not very much if 
anything. Then pay for the apps for the iPad. Apple products might be kick 
ass, but my walet says otherwise right now.
- Original Message - 
From: "Bryan Smart" 

Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 6:26 PM
Subject: RE: considering an iPad but have questions

Really, that is not a lot of money. I suppose that everyone's definition of 
what constitutes "a lot" is different, but, if you're living in a modern 
western country, and you have a job, even a low paying job, you can probably 
afford $30 per month for anywhere, always on Internet, if you really want.

Do you ever order pizza? A large, multi topping pizza, with a side or two, 
and a soda will cost over $20 with tax and tip. Cut out one pizza per month. 
Problem solved.

If you aren't working, then you're probably at home a lot, so Wi-Fi will 
work just fine for you.

I think that some people would be upset with a free lunch, because someone 
else wasn't going to eat it for them. Your cell phone, with a good calling 
package, unlimited texts, and an unlimited data plan can cost well over 
$100. People pay $60 - $80 for broadband at their home. Seriously, if you 
can't afford an average of $20 to access the Internet from anywhere on a 
futuristic touch-controlled tablet computer, then said computer is probably 
not really in your budget in the first place.

I'd prefer to be able to tether, but I understand why I can't. Further, why 
would I want to? I have a Nokia phone, and it has an app that will run it as 
a mobile hot spot for its 3G data connection. I could use that with the 
iPad's Wi-Fi, but I won't do that. There is a huge battery in the iPad. 
Browsing via my phone's 3G connection would suck up that little phone 
battery before the iPad had barely begun to drain. And my phone has a really 
good battery. The number one problem with the iPhone is the poor battery. 
How long do you really think that your iPhone would last as a wireless hot 

Besides, who wants to bother with starting up phone hot spot apps or getting 
some cell company hot spot setup and connected every time they need to check 
something quickly on their iPad? I'd rather just take it out, turn it on, do 
what I have to do, and put it away. Unlike a laptop, the iPad doesn't need 
to waste time going in to, or coming out of, hibernate. It is immediately on 
and immediately connected. Messing around with tethering solutions takes all 
of that quick and easy on/off advantage away. It isn't always worth saving a 
dollar to waste your time.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Cody

Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions

Do you realize how big your bill would be if you did a pay as you go? as I 
said, the iPad will bring many other things e.g. apps, 3g service and other 
things that might cost you more than the device

- Original Message - 
From: Chris Blouch 

Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions

Data plans are required for the iPhone. It's only the iPad that lets you go 
ala carte with ATT. Must be pretty bad service if you're willing to pay 2-4x 
for Verizon to avoid ATT. Not unsurprising though. I know one person that 
used to have to leave their apartment and go to a nearby shopping center 
before she got service, and that was just for phone calls, not to mention 
any 3G data service.


Larry Wanger wrote:

I understand the iPad data plans and their costs. However, I'm not a fan of

Re: considering an iPad but have questions

2010-04-07 Thread Rich Ring
I am an AT&T subscriber, but I must say they have the worst service there 
is. I was at a friend's home last evening, and his Verizon phone worked just 
fine, I had zero bars. AT&T is fine if you live in a city and never have to 
travel to any rural areas, but if you do, they are the pits, and they don't 
seem to be making any improvements.  I really hope the iPhone goes Verizon.
- Original Message - 
From: "Cody" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions

You have a point, but consider the fact that a lot of technically inclined
people have a cellphone, braudband internet, a 3g air card, and then to put
this on top of that? that can amount up to $300 or so. alone before the
adjustment I made with at and t with my iPhone, my phone bill was $169.28,
after the adjustment it was $135.34. add $65 for an air card, $200.34, then
add another $20 for the capped bandwidth for iPad, $220 and that last $20 I
did not figure in tax so all in all $225 about. Then if you dont' watch your
bandwidth and accidentally go over that 5 cents per meg you go over with
vzw, I sure as hell don't have $300 to dump on that kind of access to the
internet $100 is bearly passable on my budget remember the economy isn't all
the greatest right now. And I forgot to add in $50 for TWC internet with the
turbo boost 15 up 2 down thats another $55 on top of that I'm estimating the
tax there it might actually be near $60 or over. So say $225 + $60 you are
now $285. So while $20 by itself isn't a lot, you need to consider the many
numbers of people who have all of the afore mentioned things combined
together. and I've got a steady income right now of about $1000. figure in
bording, food, and those bills and what am I left with? not very much if
anything. Then pay for the apps for the iPad. Apple products might be kick
ass, but my walet says otherwise right now.
- Original Message - 
From: "Bryan Smart" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 6:26 PM
Subject: RE: considering an iPad but have questions

Really, that is not a lot of money. I suppose that everyone's definition of
what constitutes "a lot" is different, but, if you're living in a modern
western country, and you have a job, even a low paying job, you can probably
afford $30 per month for anywhere, always on Internet, if you really want.

Do you ever order pizza? A large, multi topping pizza, with a side or two,
and a soda will cost over $20 with tax and tip. Cut out one pizza per month.
Problem solved.

If you aren't working, then you're probably at home a lot, so Wi-Fi will
work just fine for you.

I think that some people would be upset with a free lunch, because someone
else wasn't going to eat it for them. Your cell phone, with a good calling
package, unlimited texts, and an unlimited data plan can cost well over
$100. People pay $60 - $80 for broadband at their home. Seriously, if you
can't afford an average of $20 to access the Internet from anywhere on a
futuristic touch-controlled tablet computer, then said computer is probably
not really in your budget in the first place.

I'd prefer to be able to tether, but I understand why I can't. Further, why
would I want to? I have a Nokia phone, and it has an app that will run it as
a mobile hot spot for its 3G data connection. I could use that with the
iPad's Wi-Fi, but I won't do that. There is a huge battery in the iPad.
Browsing via my phone's 3G connection would suck up that little phone
battery before the iPad had barely begun to drain. And my phone has a really
good battery. The number one problem with the iPhone is the poor battery.
How long do you really think that your iPhone would last as a wireless hot

Besides, who wants to bother with starting up phone hot spot apps or getting
some cell company hot spot setup and connected every time they need to check
something quickly on their iPad? I'd rather just take it out, turn it on, do
what I have to do, and put it away. Unlike a laptop, the iPad doesn't need
to waste time going in to, or coming out of, hibernate. It is immediately on
and immediately connected. Messing around with tethering solutions takes all
of that quick and easy on/off advantage away. It isn't always worth saving a
dollar to waste your time.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Cody
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions

Do you realize how big your bill would be if you did a pay as you go? as I
said, the iPad will bring many other things e.g. apps, 3g service and other
things that might cost you more than the device

- Original Message - 
From: Chris Blouch 
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: considering an iPad but have questions

Data plans are required for the iPhone. I

making batch scripts

2010-04-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello to all.

I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very close but it 
would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. here is the 
script omiting the address usernamd and password.

Take  Am I doing something wrong here?

ftp ftpaddressstring
user: usernamestring
password passwordstring
lcd desktop

am I missing something here? sory about the odd info I filled in there places 
but yeah.

Thanks. and I am close I just don't know what I'm doing wring.


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Re: making batch scripts

2010-04-07 Thread mani
It has a been while since I used ftp.  But try user userstring/
passwordstring and get rid of the password command.  I think the
password is part of the user information.

On Apr 7, 7:24 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> Hello to all.
> I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very close but it 
> would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. here is the 
> script omiting the address usernamd and password.
> Take  Am I doing something wrong here?
> ftp ftpaddressstring
> user: usernamestring
> password passwordstring
> bin
> lcd desktop
> am I missing something here? sory about the odd info I filled in there places 
> but yeah.
> Thanks. and I am close I just don't know what I'm doing wring.
> Thanks.

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Re: making batch scripts

2010-04-07 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
Just a stab in the dark, but where you have
ftp ftpstring
have you tryed
ftp user:passw...@url

Someone correct me if I've got the syntax wrong, its been a while.

On 08/04/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> Hello to all.
> I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very close but it
> would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. here is the
> script omiting the address usernamd and password.
> Take  Am I doing something wrong here?
> ftp ftpaddressstring
> user: usernamestring
> password passwordstring
> bin
> lcd desktop
> am I missing something here? sory about the odd info I filled in there
> places but yeah.
> Thanks. and I am close I just don't know what I'm doing wring.
> Thanks.
> --
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Re: making batch scripts

2010-04-07 Thread mani
I think you have to do:

ftp ftpaddressstring
user: usernamestring


On Apr 7, 8:02 pm, Ben Mustill-Rose  wrote:
> Just a stab in the dark, but where you have
> ftp ftpstring
> have you tryed
> ftp user:passw...@url
> Someone correct me if I've got the syntax wrong, its been a while.
> On 08/04/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> > Hello to all.
> > I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very close but it
> > would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. here is the
> > script omiting the address usernamd and password.
> > Take  Am I doing something wrong here?
> > ftp ftpaddressstring
> > user: usernamestring
> > password passwordstring
> > bin
> > lcd desktop
> > am I missing something here? sory about the odd info I filled in there
> > places but yeah.
> > Thanks. and I am close I just don't know what I'm doing wring.
> > Thanks.
> > --
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Re: making batch scripts

2010-04-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
I'll try it.  and see. like I said I know I'm very very close.

On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:16 PM, mani wrote:

> Sarah:
> I think you have to do:
> ftp ftpaddressstring
> user: usernamestring
> passwordstring
> ...
> ...
> HTH,
> Thanks,
> mani
> On Apr 7, 8:02 pm, Ben Mustill-Rose  wrote:
>> Just a stab in the dark, but where you have
>> ftp ftpstring
>> have you tryed
>> ftp user:passw...@url
>> Someone correct me if I've got the syntax wrong, its been a while.
>> On 08/04/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>>> Hello to all.
>>> I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very close but it
>>> would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. here is the
>>> script omiting the address usernamd and password.
>>> Take  Am I doing something wrong here?
>>> ftp ftpaddressstring
>>> user: usernamestring
>>> password passwordstring
>>> bin
>>> lcd desktop
>>> am I missing something here? sory about the odd info I filled in there
>>> places but yeah.
>>> Thanks. and I am close I just don't know what I'm doing wring.
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Re: making batch scripts

2010-04-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
Ok I tried everything I could think of and this comes up on the terminal.

Connected to ftphost
220 "welcome to ftphostFTP service"
Name ( 

I left the last thing in tact as it looked very odd.

I think I'm close but I can't put my finger on what oculd be worng.

Take care.

On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:16 PM, mani wrote:

> Sarah:
> I think you have to do:
> ftp ftpaddressstring
> user: usernamestring
> passwordstring
> ...
> ...
> HTH,
> Thanks,
> mani
> On Apr 7, 8:02 pm, Ben Mustill-Rose  wrote:
>> Just a stab in the dark, but where you have
>> ftp ftpstring
>> have you tryed
>> ftp user:passw...@url
>> Someone correct me if I've got the syntax wrong, its been a while.
>> On 08/04/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>>> Hello to all.
>>> I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very close but it
>>> would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. here is the
>>> script omiting the address usernamd and password.
>>> Take  Am I doing something wrong here?
>>> ftp ftpaddressstring
>>> user: usernamestring
>>> password passwordstring
>>> bin
>>> lcd desktop
>>> am I missing something here? sory about the odd info I filled in there
>>> places but yeah.
>>> Thanks. and I am close I just don't know what I'm doing wring.
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: making batch scripts

2010-04-07 Thread mani
Can you try

user userstring passwordstring


On Apr 7, 8:45 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> Ok I tried everything I could think of and this comes up on the terminal.
> ftp.podbean
> Connected to ftphost
> 220 "welcome to ftphostFTP service"
> Name (
> I left the last thing in tact as it looked very odd.
> I think I'm close but I can't put my finger on what oculd be worng.
> Take care.
> S
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:16 PM, mani wrote:
> > Sarah:
> > I think you have to do:
> > ftp ftpaddressstring
> > user: usernamestring
> > passwordstring
> > ...
> > ...
> > HTH,
> > Thanks,
> > mani
> > On Apr 7, 8:02 pm, Ben Mustill-Rose  wrote:
> >> Just a stab in the dark, but where you have
> >> ftp ftpstring
> >> have you tryed
> >> ftp user:passw...@url
> >> Someone correct me if I've got the syntax wrong, its been a while.
> >> On 08/04/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> >>> Hello to all.
> >>> I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very close but 
> >>> it
> >>> would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. here is 
> >>> the
> >>> script omiting the address usernamd and password.
> >>> Take  Am I doing something wrong here?
> >>> ftp ftpaddressstring
> >>> user: usernamestring
> >>> password passwordstring
> >>> bin
> >>> lcd desktop
> >>> am I missing something here? sory about the odd info I filled in there
> >>> places but yeah.
> >>> Thanks. and I am close I just don't know what I'm doing wring.
> >>> Thanks.
> >>> --
> >>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> >>> "MacVisionaries" group.
> >>> To post to this group, send email to
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> >>>
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> >>>
> > --
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Re: making batch scripts

2010-04-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
still no go. I still got tha todd message. it is like it is not seeing the 
username or pasword strings I type in. I don't want ot type them in by hand 
each time hence why I'm trying to make the batch file. It is saved right 
according to the google article I found. it was a post on a blog.

Take care.
On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:11 PM, mani wrote:

> Sarah:
> Can you try
> user userstring passwordstring
> bin
> ...
> Thanks,
> mani
> On Apr 7, 8:45 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>> Ok I tried everything I could think of and this comes up on the terminal.
>> ftp.podbean
>> Connected to ftphost
>> 220 "welcome to ftphostFTP service"
>> Name (
>> I left the last thing in tact as it looked very odd.
>> I think I'm close but I can't put my finger on what oculd be worng.
>> Take care.
>> S
>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:16 PM, mani wrote:
>>> Sarah:
>>> I think you have to do:
>>> ftp ftpaddressstring
>>> user: usernamestring
>>> passwordstring
>>> ...
>>> ...
>>> HTH,
>>> Thanks,
>>> mani
>>> On Apr 7, 8:02 pm, Ben Mustill-Rose  wrote:
 Just a stab in the dark, but where you have
 ftp ftpstring
 have you tryed
 ftp user:passw...@url
 Someone correct me if I've got the syntax wrong, its been a while.
 On 08/04/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> Hello to all.
> I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very close but 
> it
> would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. here is 
> the
> script omiting the address usernamd and password.
> Take  Am I doing something wrong here?
> ftp ftpaddressstring
> user: usernamestring
> password passwordstring
> bin
> lcd desktop
> am I missing something here? sory about the odd info I filled in there
> places but yeah.
> Thanks. and I am close I just don't know what I'm doing wring.
> Thanks.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group 
>>> at
> -- 
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Re: making batch scripts

2010-04-07 Thread mani

I am assuming you don't have the colon character after the user in all
the solutions I proposed.

On Apr 7, 9:36 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> still no go. I still got tha todd message. it is like it is not seeing the 
> username or pasword strings I type in. I don't want ot type them in by hand 
> each time hence why I'm trying to make the batch file. It is saved right 
> according to the google article I found. it was a post on a blog.
> Take care.
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:11 PM, mani wrote:
> > Sarah:
> > Can you try
> > user userstring passwordstring
> > bin
> > ...
> > Thanks,
> > mani
> > On Apr 7, 8:45 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> >> Ok I tried everything I could think of and this comes up on the terminal.
> >> ftp.podbean
> >> Connected to ftphost
> >> 220 "welcome to ftphostFTP service"
> >> Name (
> >> I left the last thing in tact as it looked very odd.
> >> I think I'm close but I can't put my finger on what oculd be worng.
> >> Take care.
> >> S
> >> On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:16 PM, mani wrote:
> >>> Sarah:
> >>> I think you have to do:
> >>> ftp ftpaddressstring
> >>> user: usernamestring
> >>> passwordstring
> >>> ...
> >>> ...
> >>> HTH,
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> mani
> >>> On Apr 7, 8:02 pm, Ben Mustill-Rose  wrote:
>  Just a stab in the dark, but where you have
>  ftp ftpstring
>  have you tryed
>  ftp user:passw...@url
>  Someone correct me if I've got the syntax wrong, its been a while.
>  On 08/04/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> > Hello to all.
> > I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very close 
> > but it
> > would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. here is 
> > the
> > script omiting the address usernamd and password.
> > Take  Am I doing something wrong here?
> > ftp ftpaddressstring
> > user: usernamestring
> > password passwordstring
> > bin
> > lcd desktop
> > am I missing something here? sory about the odd info I filled in there
> > places but yeah.
> > Thanks. and I am close I just don't know what I'm doing wring.
> > Thanks.
> > --
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> > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >
> >>> --
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> >>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >>>
> >>> For more options, visit this group 
> >>> at
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Re: making batch scripts

2010-04-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
I tried both ways with and with out the colen, even an equals sign between 
things and still no go.
On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:44 PM, mani wrote:

> I am assuming you don't have the colon character after the user in all
> the solutions I proposed.
> mani
> On Apr 7, 9:36 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>> still no go. I still got tha todd message. it is like it is not seeing the 
>> username or pasword strings I type in. I don't want ot type them in by hand 
>> each time hence why I'm trying to make the batch file. It is saved right 
>> according to the google article I found. it was a post on a blog.
>> Take care.
>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:11 PM, mani wrote:
>>> Sarah:
>>> Can you try
>>> user userstring passwordstring
>>> bin
>>> ...
>>> Thanks,
>>> mani
>>> On Apr 7, 8:45 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
 Ok I tried everything I could think of and this comes up on the terminal.
 Connected to ftphost
 220 "welcome to ftphostFTP service"
 Name (
 I left the last thing in tact as it looked very odd.
 I think I'm close but I can't put my finger on what oculd be worng.
 Take care.
 On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:16 PM, mani wrote:
> Sarah:
> I think you have to do:
> ftp ftpaddressstring
> user: usernamestring
> passwordstring
> ...
> ...
> HTH,
> Thanks,
> mani
> On Apr 7, 8:02 pm, Ben Mustill-Rose  wrote:
>> Just a stab in the dark, but where you have
>> ftp ftpstring
>> have you tryed
>> ftp user:passw...@url
>> Someone correct me if I've got the syntax wrong, its been a while.
>> On 08/04/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>>> Hello to all.
>>> I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very close 
>>> but it
>>> would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. here is 
>>> the
>>> script omiting the address usernamd and password.
>>> Take  Am I doing something wrong here?
>>> ftp ftpaddressstring
>>> user: usernamestring
>>> password passwordstring
>>> bin
>>> lcd desktop
>>> am I missing something here? sory about the odd info I filled in there
>>> places but yeah.
>>> Thanks. and I am close I just don't know what I'm doing wring.
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
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Re: making batch scripts

2010-04-07 Thread mani
Oh no!  I know this is frustrating but can you try one last thing:

open ftpstring
user userstring passwordstring

I hope this works.  Once you solve this, can you tell me what the fix
was?  :)


On Apr 7, 9:55 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> I tried both ways with and with out the colen, even an equals sign between 
> things and still no go.
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:44 PM, mani wrote:
> > I am assuming you don't have the colon character after the user in all
> > the solutions I proposed.
> > mani
> > On Apr 7, 9:36 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> >> still no go. I still got tha todd message. it is like it is not seeing the 
> >> username or pasword strings I type in. I don't want ot type them in by 
> >> hand each time hence why I'm trying to make the batch file. It is saved 
> >> right according to the google article I found. it was a post on a blog.
> >> Take care.
> >> On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:11 PM, mani wrote:
> >>> Sarah:
> >>> Can you try
> >>> user userstring passwordstring
> >>> bin
> >>> ...
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> mani
> >>> On Apr 7, 8:45 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>  Ok I tried everything I could think of and this comes up on the terminal.
>  ftp.podbean
>  Connected to ftphost
>  220 "welcome to ftphostFTP service"
>  Name (
>  I left the last thing in tact as it looked very odd.
>  I think I'm close but I can't put my finger on what oculd be worng.
>  Take care.
>  S
>  On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:16 PM, mani wrote:
> > Sarah:
> > I think you have to do:
> > ftp ftpaddressstring
> > user: usernamestring
> > passwordstring
> > ...
> > ...
> > HTH,
> > Thanks,
> > mani
> > On Apr 7, 8:02 pm, Ben Mustill-Rose  wrote:
> >> Just a stab in the dark, but where you have
> >> ftp ftpstring
> >> have you tryed
> >> ftp user:passw...@url
> >> Someone correct me if I've got the syntax wrong, its been a while.
> >> On 08/04/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> >>> Hello to all.
> >>> I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very close 
> >>> but it
> >>> would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. here 
> >>> is the
> >>> script omiting the address usernamd and password.
> >>> Take  Am I doing something wrong here?
> >>> ftp ftpaddressstring
> >>> user: usernamestring
> >>> password passwordstring
> >>> bin
> >>> lcd desktop
> >>> am I missing something here? sory about the odd info I filled in there
> >>> places but yeah.
> >>> Thanks. and I am close I just don't know what I'm doing wring.
> >>> Thanks.
> >>> --
> >>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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> >>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >>>
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Re: making batch scripts

2010-04-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
no go. I did not even connect this time.

On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:03 PM, mani wrote:

> Oh no!  I know this is frustrating but can you try one last thing:
> ftp
> open ftpstring
> user userstring passwordstring
> ...
> ...
> I hope this works.  Once you solve this, can you tell me what the fix
> was?  :)
> mani
> On Apr 7, 9:55 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>> I tried both ways with and with out the colen, even an equals sign between 
>> things and still no go.
>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:44 PM, mani wrote:
>>> I am assuming you don't have the colon character after the user in all
>>> the solutions I proposed.
>>> mani
>>> On Apr 7, 9:36 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
 still no go. I still got tha todd message. it is like it is not seeing the 
 username or pasword strings I type in. I don't want ot type them in by 
 hand each time hence why I'm trying to make the batch file. It is saved 
 right according to the google article I found. it was a post on a blog.
 Take care.
 On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:11 PM, mani wrote:
> Sarah:
> Can you try
> user userstring passwordstring
> bin
> ...
> Thanks,
> mani
> On Apr 7, 8:45 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>> Ok I tried everything I could think of and this comes up on the terminal.
>> ftp.podbean
>> Connected to ftphost
>> 220 "welcome to ftphostFTP service"
>> Name (
>> I left the last thing in tact as it looked very odd.
>> I think I'm close but I can't put my finger on what oculd be worng.
>> Take care.
>> S
>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:16 PM, mani wrote:
>>> Sarah:
>>> I think you have to do:
>>> ftp ftpaddressstring
>>> user: usernamestring
>>> passwordstring
>>> ...
>>> ...
>>> HTH,
>>> Thanks,
>>> mani
>>> On Apr 7, 8:02 pm, Ben Mustill-Rose  wrote:
 Just a stab in the dark, but where you have
 ftp ftpstring
 have you tryed
 ftp user:passw...@url
 Someone correct me if I've got the syntax wrong, its been a while.
 On 08/04/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> Hello to all.
> I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very close 
> but it
> would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. here 
> is the
> script omiting the address usernamd and password.
> Take  Am I doing something wrong here?
> ftp ftpaddressstring
> user: usernamestring
> password passwordstring
> bin
> lcd desktop
> am I missing something here? sory about the odd info I filled in there
> places but yeah.
> Thanks. and I am close I just don't know what I'm doing wring.
> Thanks.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> --
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>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: making batch scripts

2010-04-07 Thread mani
If you don't mind, can you send me the script, as is, again?  Of
course without the original userid and  password.
You can send it to me offline if you wish.

On Apr 7, 10:13 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> no go. I did not even connect this time.
> Growl!
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 7:03 PM, mani wrote:
> > Oh no!  I know this is frustrating but can you try one last thing:
> > ftp
> > open ftpstring
> > user userstring passwordstring
> > ...
> > ...
> > I hope this works.  Once you solve this, can you tell me what the fix
> > was?  :)
> > mani
> > On Apr 7, 9:55 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> >> I tried both ways with and with out the colen, even an equals sign between 
> >> things and still no go.
> >> On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:44 PM, mani wrote:
> >>> I am assuming you don't have the colon character after the user in all
> >>> the solutions I proposed.
> >>> mani
> >>> On Apr 7, 9:36 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
>  still no go. I still got tha todd message. it is like it is not seeing 
>  the username or pasword strings I type in. I don't want ot type them in 
>  by hand each time hence why I'm trying to make the batch file. It is 
>  saved right according to the google article I found. it was a post on a 
>  blog.
>  Take care.
>  On Apr 7, 2010, at 6:11 PM, mani wrote:
> > Sarah:
> > Can you try
> > user userstring passwordstring
> > bin
> > ...
> > Thanks,
> > mani
> > On Apr 7, 8:45 pm, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> >> Ok I tried everything I could think of and this comes up on the 
> >> terminal.
> >> ftp.podbean
> >> Connected to ftphost
> >> 220 "welcome to ftphostFTP service"
> >> Name (
> >> I left the last thing in tact as it looked very odd.
> >> I think I'm close but I can't put my finger on what oculd be worng.
> >> Take care.
> >> S
> >> On Apr 7, 2010, at 5:16 PM, mani wrote:
> >>> Sarah:
> >>> I think you have to do:
> >>> ftp ftpaddressstring
> >>> user: usernamestring
> >>> passwordstring
> >>> ...
> >>> ...
> >>> HTH,
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> mani
> >>> On Apr 7, 8:02 pm, Ben Mustill-Rose  wrote:
>  Just a stab in the dark, but where you have
>  ftp ftpstring
>  have you tryed
>  ftp user:passw...@url
>  Someone correct me if I've got the syntax wrong, its been a while.
>  On 08/04/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> > Hello to all.
> > I'm making a btch script to connect ot an ftp server. I'm very 
> > close but it
> > would not type in the username and pass even thoug it is there. 
> > here is the
> > script omiting the address usernamd and password.
> > Take  Am I doing something wrong here?
> > ftp ftpaddressstring
> > user: usernamestring
> > password passwordstring
> > bin
> > lcd desktop
> > am I missing something here? sory about the odd info I filled in 
> > there
> > places but yeah.
> > Thanks. and I am close I just don't know what I'm doing wring.
> > Thanks.
> > --
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> > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
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> >
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >
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> > --
> > 

another syrinx question

2010-04-07 Thread Chantel Cuddemi
Hey all I have another syrinx question. Is there to delete your tweets that 
you've written from Syrinx itself? 

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Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread carlene knight
I think that what Cody is referring too is the price of the apps and games for 
the IPad..  They arre outrageous compared to the IPhone and IPod apps and could 
easily shrink the pocketbook making the prospect of having an IPad with all of 
the apps you want quite expensive.

On Apr 6, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi,
> I am surprised that you feel that the iPad is over priced. It seems to me 
> that Apple has really made a place for themselves in the lower priced devices 
> with the introduction of the iPad. I personally think the price is impressive.
> Robert Carter
> On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Cody wrote:
>> I think the idea is awesome in terms of accessibility and apple will 
>> certainly get praises for that which they deserve, however I think the 
>> product itself is a rip off. sure, it's $499, but then they plan to rape you 
>> at the app counter, so yeah it's accessible alright, but is it worth a place 
>> in your walet? We sometimes let accessibility over power our budgets because 
>> we see something and think, wow, gotta have that one.
>> Cody
>> - Original Message - From: "Bryan Smart" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:59 PM
>> Subject: Used an iPad today
>> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, but I had 
>> some time to play with a WiFi model today.
>> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being increased, 
>> the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is certainly using 
>> the extra space to expand on what is possible with an iPhone type touch 
>> interface.
>> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode (which lots 
>> of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a blind person. When 
>> you're working with two hands, having more horizontal room seems to make 
>> more of a difference when navigating. Fortunately, it is a snap to try 
>> either way to see what works for you.
>> I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the horrible 
>> oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost nothing but shiny 
>> aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the iPad on a table to use it, 
>> but I promise, the first time that you place it on any table that isn't 
>> absolutely clear of small dirt particles, you'll pic it up to discover that 
>> the slight motion of you pushing and sliding the iPad has ground the dirt 
>> particles in to the back, and scratched the hell out of your shiny aluminum 
>> back plate. Of course, you can buy the case to fix that. the case is a type 
>> of thin and stiff coated particle board that feels a lot like a traditional 
>> print notebook. One side snugly holds the iPad, and the other side is a flap 
>> that covers the iPad screen when closed. I suppose that most people will 
>> want the case to protect the screen when traveling, anyway. If you go 
>> without the case, though, you are absolutely asking for it. Apple could have 
>> put something on the back to make the iPad more stable. Maybe not rubber 
>> feet, but they could have gone with a felt square in the center, a stylized 
>> strip of some high friction material, etc. The curved back will insure that 
>> the iPad wobbles on the table, and the glossy case will absolutely scratch.
>> VoiceOver sounded about the same, and responded with the same speed, pretty 
>> much. The speaker was very clear. Didn't get to play music with it, but I 
>> hear the bass is poor. Still, speech is pretty good through the built-in 
>> speakers.
>> However, it seemed to me that iPad programs opened more slowly than on the 
>> iPhone. Maybe there is more information to load? However, with more memory 
>> and a faster processor, I wasn't expecting that.
>> I wasn't dramatically blown away by the applications that were available on 
>> it, but working with a big talking touch screen interface started me 
>> dreaming about things that *could* be accomplished with a device like that. 
>> Many people might not need the iPad for web surfing or checking e-mail, but 
>> I think that, eventually, there will be some very unique uses for the iPad.
>> Bryan
>> -- 
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> You received

Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread Cody

That is exactly what I'm saying.
- Original Message - 
From: "carlene knight" 

Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 12:23 AM
Subject: Re: Used an iPad today

I think that what Cody is referring too is the price of the apps and games 
for the IPad..  They arre outrageous compared to the IPhone and IPod apps 
and could easily shrink the pocketbook making the prospect of having an IPad 
with all of the apps you want quite expensive.

On Apr 6, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Robert Carter wrote:


I am surprised that you feel that the iPad is over priced. It seems to me 
that Apple has really made a place for themselves in the lower priced 
devices with the introduction of the iPad. I personally think the price is 

Robert Carter

On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:23 PM, Cody wrote:

I think the idea is awesome in terms of accessibility and apple will 
certainly get praises for that which they deserve, however I think the 
product itself is a rip off. sure, it's $499, but then they plan to rape 
you at the app counter, so yeah it's accessible alright, but is it worth 
a place in your walet? We sometimes let accessibility over power our 
budgets because we see something and think, wow, gotta have that one.

- Original Message - From: "Bryan Smart" 

Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 2:59 PM
Subject: Used an iPad today

I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet, but I 
had some time to play with a WiFi model today.

Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being 
increased, the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is 
certainly using the extra space to expand on what is possible with an 
iPhone type touch interface.

It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode (which 
lots of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a blind 
person. When you're working with two hands, having more horizontal room 
seems to make more of a difference when navigating. Fortunately, it is a 
snap to try either way to see what works for you.

I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the horrible 
oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost nothing but 
shiny aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the iPad on a table to 
use it, but I promise, the first time that you place it on any table that 
isn't absolutely clear of small dirt particles, you'll pic it up to 
discover that the slight motion of you pushing and sliding the iPad has 
ground the dirt particles in to the back, and scratched the hell out of 
your shiny aluminum back plate. Of course, you can buy the case to fix 
that. the case is a type of thin and stiff coated particle board that 
feels a lot like a traditional print notebook. One side snugly holds the 
iPad, and the other side is a flap that covers the iPad screen when 
closed. I suppose that most people will want the case to protect the 
screen when traveling, anyway. If you go without the case, though, you 
are absolutely asking for it. Apple could have put something on the back 
to make the iPad more stable. Maybe not rubber feet, but they could have 
gone with a felt square in the center, a stylized strip of some high 
friction material, etc. The curved back will insure that the iPad wobbles 
on the table, and the glossy case will absolutely scratch.

VoiceOver sounded about the same, and responded with the same speed, 
pretty much. The speaker was very clear. Didn't get to play music with 
it, but I hear the bass is poor. Still, speech is pretty good through the 
built-in speakers.

However, it seemed to me that iPad programs opened more slowly than on 
the iPhone. Maybe there is more information to load? However, with more 
memory and a faster processor, I wasn't expecting that.

I wasn't dramatically blown away by the applications that were available 
on it, but working with a big talking touch screen interface started me 
dreaming about things that *could* be accomplished with a device like 
that. Many people might not need the iPad for web surfing or checking 
e-mail, but I think that, eventually, there will be some very unique uses 
for the iPad.


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TIP: How To Convert PDF Files To ePub Files To Read On Your iPad With iBooks

2010-04-07 Thread M. Taylor
[The Following appears on the Candle Shore BLOG on Thursday, April 8, 2010
at 12:05am (PDT)]


TIP:  How To Convert PDF Files To ePub Files To Read On Your iPad With


Hello Everyone,


The following is courtesy of Simple Help.






This tutorial will guide you through the process of converting PDF files so
that they can be read in iBooks, the iPad application. 


iBooks uses an ebook format called ePub. Using a free converter application
(and ebook manager) called Calibre, you can quickly convert PDF (and other
file formats) to .epub files, which you can then transfer to your iPad for
reading in iBooks. This tutorial will take you step by step through the
entire process. 



Start out by finding a PDF you want to convert. In this example I used The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer (which by the way is free in the iTunes Book Store
- but it's a PDF I had handy, so that's why I'm using it). 



  Download and install calibre. It comes
in versions for Windows, OS X and Linux. The interface is very slightly
different in each version (not much). The screenshots in this tutorial are
from the OS X version - but Windows users should have no problem at all
following along. 



Once installed, open calibre. The first time you run calibre it will take
you through a quick setup. The first thing you'll want to do is specify your
'ebooks' folder. This is the location you'll save your .epub files. Click
the Change button. 



Select the folder you want to save all of your ePub files in. 



Back at the Welcome screen, click the Continue button. 



Select Apple from the Manufacturers list, and iPhone/iTouch + Stanza from
the Devices list. 



Click Continue. 



You can ignore the information on this screen and click Continue. Or if
you're interested, give it a read. With that said, enabling Turn on the
content server will not help us out. 



Now you're at the main calibre interface. Click the Add books button in the
top-left corner of the window. 



Navigate to a PDF file that you want to convert to an .epub file. Select it
and click Open. 



Now click the small 'arrow' next to the Edit meta information and select
Download metadata and cover files. Calibre will now download additional
information about your PDF/ebook - if it can find it. If it's an eBook (as a
.pdf), you may need to manually enter the book title and author name if it
isn't present when you load it into calibre initially. When it finds the
additional meta data and a book cover, it will appear in the bottom pane of
the calibre window. 



Now we'll start the actual conversion process. Make sure your PDF file is
selected in the main list of books, and then click the small arrow next to
the Convert E-books button. From the list that will appear, select Convert



You'll be prompted with a "summary" window prior to calibre making the final
conversion. Click the OK button. Depending on the size of your PDF/eBook the
conversion process will vary. It took less than 10 seconds to convert my 200
page PDF. If you're using a Mac and have growl installed, you'll get a
window notifying you that the conversion has finished. And now in the folder
you specified earlier will contain an .epub version of your PDF. This is the
file we'll upload to your iPad. 



Connect your iPad to your Mac or PC, and launch iTunes. 



>From the iTunes menu select File -> Add to Library. 



Navigate to your newly created .epub file, select it and click Choose. The
new .epub file will now appear in the Books section of iTunes. 



If you sync all your Books to your iPad, select your iPad in iTunes and
select the Books tab. After confirming your new .epub book is listed, click
the Sync button. 



Now launch iBooks on your iPad. There it is! From PDF to ePub and into




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Re: another syrinx question

2010-04-07 Thread Sarah Alawami
I believe the command is comand del but I'm not positige  on that as I rarely 
nbeed to do it.
On Apr 7, 2010, at 9:15 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:

> Hey all I have another syrinx question. Is there to delete your tweets that 
> you've written from Syrinx itself? 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: TIP: How To Convert PDF Files To ePub Files To Read On Your iPad With iBooks

2010-04-07 Thread olivia norman
Is this accessible with Vo? Are there keyboard commands to help us out?
On Apr 8, 2010, at 1:32 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> [The Following appears on the Candle Shore BLOG on Thursday, April 8, 2010 at 
> 12:05am (PDT)]
> TIP:  How To Convert PDF Files To ePub Files To Read On Your iPad With iBooks
> Hello Everyone,
> The following is courtesy of Simple Help.
> Mark
> This tutorial will guide you through the process of converting PDF files so 
> that they can be read in iBooks, the iPad application.
> iBooks uses an ebook format called ePub. Using a free converter application 
> (and ebook manager) called Calibre, you can quickly convert PDF (and other 
> file formats) to .epub files, which you can then transfer to your iPad for 
> reading in iBooks. This tutorial will take you step by step through the 
> entire process. 
> 1.
> Start out by finding a PDF you want to convert. In this example I used The 
> Adventures of Tom Sawyer (which by the way is free in the iTunes Book Store – 
> but it’s a PDF I had handy, so that’s why I’m using it).
> 2.
> Download and install calibre. It comes in versions for Windows, OS X and 
> Linux. The interface is very slightly different in each version (not much). 
> The screenshots in this tutorial are from the OS X version – but Windows 
> users should have no problem at all following along.
> 3.
> Once installed, open calibre. The first time you run calibre it will take you 
> through a quick setup. The first thing you’ll want to do is specify your 
> ‘ebooks’ folder. This is the location you’ll save your .epub files. Click the 
> Change button. 
> 4.
> Select the folder you want to save all of your ePub files in.
> 5.
> Back at the Welcome screen, click the Continue button.
> 6.
> Select Apple from the Manufacturers list, and iPhone/iTouch + Stanza from the 
> Devices list.
> 7.
> Click Continue.
> 8.
> You can ignore the information on this screen and click Continue. Or if 
> you’re interested, give it a read. With that said, enabling Turn on the 
> content server will not help us out. 
> 9.
> Now you’re at the main calibre interface. Click the Add books button in the 
> top-left corner of the window.
> 10.
> Navigate to a PDF file that you want to convert to an .epub file. Select it 
> and click Open.
> 11.
> Now click the small ‘arrow’ next to the Edit meta information and select 
> Download metadata and cover files. Calibre will now download additional 
> information about your PDF/ebook – if it can find it. If it’s an eBook (as a 
> .pdf), you may need to manually enter the book title and author name if it 
> isn’t present when you load it into calibre initially. When it finds the 
> additional meta data and a book cover, it will appear in the bottom pane of 
> the calibre window.
> 12.
> Now we’ll start the actual conversion process. Make sure your PDF file is 
> selected in the main list of books, and then click the small arrow next to 
> the Convert E-books button. From the list that will appear, select Convert 
> individually
> 13.
> You’ll be prompted with a “summary” window prior to calibre making the final 
> conversion. Click the OK button. Depending on the size of your PDF/eBook the 
> conversion process will vary. It took less than 10 seconds to convert my 200 
> page PDF. If you’re using a Mac and have growl installed, you’ll get a window 
> notifying you that the conversion has finished. And now in the folder you 
> specified earlier will contain an .epub version of your PDF. This is the file 
> we’ll upload to your iPad.
> 14.
> Connect your iPad to your Mac or PC, and launch iTunes.
> 15.
> From the iTunes menu select File -> Add to Library…
> 16.
> Navigate to your newly created .epub file, select it and click Choose. The 
> new .epub file will now appear in the Books section of iTunes.
> 17.
> If you sync all your Books to your iPad, select your iPad in iTunes and 
> select the Books tab. After confirming your new .epub book is listed, click 
> the Sync button.
> 18.
> Now launch iBooks on your iPad. There it is! From PDF to ePub and into iBooks.
> In each episode, join Mark, along with invited guests, as he explores the 
> world in which we live and the world which lives within us.  As you listen or 
> participate in a family-friendly, no-holds-barred discussion, you will find 
> yourself being drawn deeper and deeper into the mystery, majesty, and wonder 
> that is The Secret Life of Mark Marcus.
> You can listen and participate via telephone, an Internet-enabled computer, 
> or Smartphone application.  No need to sign up on a website or be required to 
> enter any pin codes.  Just join in and let your voice be heard around the 
> world.  To listen or participate via phone just dial (7

Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread Vic
We have an iPad "in the house".  I have a good chance to play a
fair bit with it. I think this is a great device and gives you a sneak
peek into the assistive technology of the future.
In some ways Apple is challenging us, blind folks, by pushing the
envelope farther and farther as far as the user interface and
interaction are concerned. When you start interactign with the iPad
for the first time, you will realize a lot of difficulties with
finding things and orienting yourself because
1. the layout for various screens is different from those on the
2. You will be dealing with a much larger screen estate, and this is
no small joke, believe me.
3. While Apple generally maintains a fairly consistent user interface
in their own apps, i.e. with panes being on the left and on the right,
you will quickly find that 3rd-party apps will be less consistent and
offer much more customized layouts (more scrolling and touching for
the blind user).
4. It is a problem on the iPhone, and it is also observed on the iPad,
that Voiceover is not very good at alerting the user about the changes
on the screen. Yes, you do get beeps and such, but you still do not
know whether the new content appeared on the left, right, top, bottom
or in the middle of the screen. So you end up "fingering around" a lot
to figure out what actually happened.
5. ...And the most painful issue for me personally. Browsing o neither
iPhone or iPad is just not up to the task compared to Snow Leopard,
for example. Since one of the primary uses for the iPad is browsing
the web, this is actually the big show-stopper for me personally. In
fact, as far as the web support is concerned, nothing much has changed
since the iPhone days and that saddens me.

These are just some of my thoughts.

Blake Sinnett wrote:
> Seems like the smart people are making universal apps. This is what everyone 
> should do.
> > From:
> > To:
> > Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 14:47:00 -0400
> > Subject: RE: Used an iPad today
> >
> > Yep, and your iPhone will have a much smaller screen, and won't be able to 
> > run the same software the same way with as much power.
> >
> > Right now, people are making their iPhone apps run on the iPad. Eventually, 
> > though, the new iPad apps will need to be scaled down in order to be ported 
> > back to the iPhone.
> >
> > Bryan
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: 
> > [] On Behalf Of Cody
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:25 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
> >
> > Also consider how often wifi will be available. networks might be all over 
> > the place, but most of them nowadays are secured, sow aht si the use? 3G is 
> > ok, but you've got an iPhone for that, so again, it's a mistake for the 
> > consumer side.
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Olivia Norman" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:10 PM
> > Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
> >
> >
> > > Interesting. I find portrait mode works better I considered the 3g
> > > version, but thought I didn't need both that and an iPhone.
> > > Olivia
> > >
> > > Sent from my iPhone
> > >
> > > On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Bryan Smart 
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > >> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet,
> > >> but I had some time to play with a WiFi model today.
> > >>
> > >> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being
> > >> increased, the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is
> > >> certainly using the extra space to expand on what is possible with
> > >> an iPhone type touch interface.
> > >>
> > >> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode
> > >> (which lots of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a
> > >> blind person. When you're working with two hands, having more
> > >> horizontal room seems to make more of a difference when navigating.
> > >> Fortunately, it is a snap to try either way to see what works for you.
> > >>
> > >> I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the
> > >> horrible oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost
> > >> nothing but shiny aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the
> > >> iPad on a table to use it, but I promise, the first time that you
> > >> place it on any table that isn't absolutely clear of small dirt
> > >> particles, you'll pic it up to discover that the slight motion of
> > >> you pushing and sliding the iPad has ground the dirt particles in to
> > >> the back, and scratched the hell out of your shiny aluminum back
> > >> plate. Of course, you can buy the case to fix that. the case is a
> > >> type of thin and stiff coated particle board that feels a lot like a
> > >> traditional print notebook. One side snugly holds the iPad, and the
> > >> other side is a flap that covers the iPad screen when closed. I
> > >

Re: another syrinx question

2010-04-07 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

That's the command that works for me, though it doesn't always seem to work 
right for me. Sometimes, nothing happens. If anyone knows why, that'd be nice.

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On Apr 8, 2010, at 7:38 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I believe the command is comand del but I'm not positige  on that as I rarely 
> nbeed to do it.
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 9:15 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>> Hey all I have another syrinx question. Is there to delete your tweets that 
>> you've written from Syrinx itself? 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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