RE: France now has an Apple Store

2009-11-09 Thread Dónal Fitzpatrick

Anne I'm jealous that you have acquired an Apple Store in France.  We don't
have one here, so the only way one can be sure of getting the latest
equipment is online.  I happened to be in a retailer on Saturday, and
discovered that they were selling old iMac 20 and 24" at more or less the
same prices as the new machines.  So for anyone based either in Ireland or
the UK, be very very careful when purchasing from the likes of PC world, as
you may not be getting the latest Apple products. 



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Esther
Sent: 07 November 2009 22:50
Subject: Re: France now has an Apple Store

Hi Anne,

Congratulations on the new Paris store opening. I understand you should be
expecting a second store in Paris to open shortly.  Anouk, there are
problems in finding good store locations, so the number of Apple Stores
across Europe is still limited.  For example, it isn't that long ago that
the first Apple Store for Germany opened in Munich, and I think that is
still the only store for that country.  It's really nice to be able to go
into one of these stores to try out the products. It doesn't hurt, either,
that if you want to look up some information on the web, you can simply go
over to one of the computers, turn on VoiceOver, and run your query.



anouk radix wrote:

> Hello, wow I thought apple stores where already everywhere in Europe, 
> apparently not so.
> Greetings, Anouk
> On Nov 7, 2009, at 11:33 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> Today, the first Apple Store opened in France. It's in probably the 
>> most prestigious location you could dream of, on one side of the 
>> square underneath the pyramid at the Louvre.
>> Archie and I went there this morning, got the special-issue T-shirts 
>> and gave a member of staff plenty of useful information about 
>> VoiceOver.
>> Oh, yes, and I bought yet another case for my iPhone. At last, I've 
>> got one that is open at the front.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
> >

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Re: I've done it.

2009-11-09 Thread Jake

The home/end keys on the Mac have different functions than they do on
Windows. To move to the beginning or end of a line on the Mac, use
command+left arrow and command+right arrow respectively. Also, for top
and bottom of a document or text field, it's command+up and command

Daniel Rowe wrote:
> Hi all.
> Yes, I bought an imac last friday.  So far, I love it.  it's amazing how
> fast it is to get things done, and*most* things work fine.
> I have my phone sinced with iCal and address book, been doing a bit of
> web brouzing with safari, used front roe, gotten voice over saving my
> settings on a usb drive, all the usual stuff.
> I still need to add my music to iTunes though.  most of the ID3 tags in
> my mp3s are messed up.  some of them have both the artist and  title
> duplicated in both the artist and title fields.  I'll have to run them
> through mp3 tag studio on windows first as nearly all the file names are
> done as  artist - title.mp3, so that should sort mmost things out. .
> But can itunes fill in all the other tags?
> one thing I can't get to work is e-mail.  I've switched both my phone
> and pc to imap with no problems at all.  but the mac doesn't want to
> know.  the incoming server has an invalid certificate and it can't
> connect to the smtp server.  it's really frustrating.
> I have e-mailed the tech support guys so they should hopefully have an
> answer.
> I still keep forgetting how the cursor works.  I understand what's
> happening, I just keep reverting to windows habbits.  I'll get it
> eventually.  then I'll be expecting windows to behave like the mac.
> While editing text on a webpage, say in a reply on a message board, the
> home and end keys don't seem to do what they're supposed to do.  also,
> if I do vo shift m to bring up the menu of misspelled words, it clicks
> on the wrong word.  do I have to move the vo cursor onto the word I want
> to change?  I was just using the arrow keys before.
> is there a command to read the current time rather than hopping over to
> the status menus?  I know it's possible.
> To whoever it was who uses XMarks on the mac, did you try it on snow
> leopard?  I downloaded the snow leopard package, ran it and it says that
> it requires leopard.  I'm running 10.6.1.
> I'll also need to get it to write to ntfs drives, say if I want to copy
> some music I bought in itunes over to my windows machine,.
> I'm planning on buying superdooper or whatever it's called.  that sounds
> like a fantastic backup solution.
> Finally, has anyone had any luck using the dashboard?  I can bring up
> the different widgets ok, they're just confusing to wirk with.
> particularly the weather one.
> I'm sure I'll come up with more questions to keep you lot busy. :)
> so like I said, if it wasn't for it not playing ball with my e-mail
> provider, I'd be totally happy and for most things, I can see myself
> using the mac exclusively.
> Bye for now,
> Dannie
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Re: France now has an Apple Store

2009-11-09 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Dónal,

On Nov 9, 2009, at 10:45 AM, Dónal Fitzpatrick wrote:
> I'm jealous that you have acquired an Apple Store in France.  We don't
> have one here, so the only way one can be sure of getting the latest
> equipment is online.
No Apple Store in Ireland? But that's where Apple's European  
headquarters is located. The world is even madder than I thought it was.



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RE: France now has an Apple Store

2009-11-09 Thread Dónal Fitzpatrick

Hi Anne,

You wrote:

> No Apple Store in Ireland? But that's where Apple's European headquarters is 
> located. The world is even madder than I thought it was.
 They have one up North (Belfast) but we are still deprived...  *smile*  I'm 
really curious.  What does the 64Gb iTouch cost in Paris?  €369 over here.  I'd 
wager it's cheaper.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: 09 November 2009 10:39
Subject: Re: France now has an Apple Store

Hello Dónal,

On Nov 9, 2009, at 10:45 AM, Dónal Fitzpatrick wrote:
> I'm jealous that you have acquired an Apple Store in France.  We don't 
> have one here, so the only way one can be sure of getting the latest 
> equipment is online.
No Apple Store in Ireland? But that's where Apple's European headquarters is 
located. The world is even madder than I thought it was.



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Re: France now has an Apple Store

2009-11-09 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello again Dónal,

On Nov 9, 2009, at 11:49 AM, Dónal Fitzpatrick wrote:
> I'm really curious.  What does the 64Gb iTouch cost in Paris?  €369  
> over here.  I'd wager it's cheaper.
You've lost your wager! €379 over here. Our VAT is 19.6% which  
probably explains the difference.



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Re: sony sued by visually impaired gamer

2009-11-09 Thread Chris Hofstader

I don't think the government has decided which method to make it  
accessible yet.  I think the legislation has a deadline but I can't  
recall when it is.
On Nov 8, 2009, at 4:22 PM, hank smith wrote:

> speaking of witch
> where is all this accessible money?
> has any one heard?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Maxwell Ivey Jr." 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 5:42 PM
> Subject: Re: sony sued by visually impaired gamer
>> Hello;  Actually;  I think sony might be ok in a law suit.  I say  
>> this
>> because of their recent filings for patents for the development of
>> video games that send the video and audio straight to the brain.  It
>> sounded like the beginning of computer use like something out of the
>> net force novels by tom clansey.  In the news article I read at that
>> time one of their reported goals was to assist people with
>> disabilities namely the blind.  So, while their research would be
>> protected; they are on record as attempting to consider the needs of
>> our community.  And since when one company is doing it most of the
>> others will too, II wouldn't be a bit suprrised if nintendo and
>> microsoft could go to the we are trying card.  Good debate either
>> way.  At least its more senseable in my mind than the law suit about
>> making the u s paper money accessible.  Take care, Max
>> On Nov 8, 2009, at 6:05 AM, Chris Hofstader wrote:
>>> This is going to be a hard one.  They may have a claim under ADA
>>> Restoration Act signed by President Bush in August 2008 which does
>>> address electronic communication but this may be a place where no
>>> accommodation is possible.  I wouldn't sue the Guggenheim Museum for
>>> not having "blind accessible" versions of Edward Hopper (along with
>>> Andy, my favorite 20th century American painter) works beyond a text
>>> description.  In the Hopper case, there would be no way to provide  
>>> the
>>> transcendental effects of the  stark loneliness depicted in his
>>> incredibly powerful work; at the same time, while I have played and
>>> enjoyed David Greenwood's 3D audio games on Windows, they are
>>> specifically designed not to need a visual interface of any kind.
>>> I'm fairly sure that Sony didn't even try to create a non-visual
>>> interface but the building blocks to do so aren't really too  
>>> available
>>> and a lot of trial and error needs to go in to make them work
>>> effectively.
>>> Nintendo did sponsor some guys to make games with non-visual
>>> interfaces for one of its devices.  I don't know what happened to  
>>> them
>>> as I stopped keeping up with the gaming world a couple of years back
>>> do to too many other obligations and a desire to spend more time
>>> fishing and reading things entirely unrelated to technology used by
>>> people with vision impairment.  Sorry for dropping the ball on this
>>> one.
>>> Sometimes, lawsuits by private citizens scare ne.  If NFB, ACB, AFB,
>>> Lighthouse, etc. choose to sue, they will do so with very well
>>> researched legal advice on their side.  If a lawsuit comes out wrong
>>> (Southwest Airlines for instance) it could cause a precedent that
>>> could ruin things for more well considered legal actions in the
>>> future.  Doing a lawsuit right requires the cash to pay lots of big
>>> ticket legal bills which can only really be afforded by the big
>>> advocacy organizations and rarely by individuals not named Gates,
>>> Jobs, etc.
>>> Happy Hacking,
>>> cdh
>>> PS: Only 1 cup so far...
>>> On Nov 8, 2009, at 12:20 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

 Hmmm...kinda of a double edged sword, but in the end, it is right  
 do so if there were no other options.

 This needs following


 Yuma Decaux

 Light has no value without darkness
 Skype: shainobi1
 Tel: +85513623378
 Yuma Antoine Decaux


> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: sony sued by visually impaired gamer

2009-11-09 Thread Chris Hofstader

An advocacy group that I'd never heard of filed suits against  
Southwest  and American Airlines for having inaccessible web sites.   
American settled and said they would fix their site (I haven't checked  
it) but Southwest went to court and, on the grounds that a web site is  
not an actual "place" of public accommodation, it prevailed.   
Southwest did promise to make its site accessible though because they  
decided it was the "right thing to do."

I'm sure you can google using a bunch of related terms and find  
articles from back then (it was quite a while ago).  I would do the  
search for you but I'm slammed with a really long (20,000 word)  
document that I need to complete editing by tomorrow and I'm only  
about half done.  If you find any good stuff, you might repost the  
links to the list for others who may be interested.

Happy Hacking,
On Nov 9, 2009, at 1:01 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> What was the reference to Southwest?  Don't know any lawsuit  
> involving them.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chris Hofstader
> Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 6:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: sony sued by visually impaired gamer
> This is going to be a hard one.  They may have a claim under ADA
> Restoration Act signed by President Bush in August 2008 which does
> address electronic communication but this may be a place where no
> accommodation is possible.  I wouldn't sue the Guggenheim Museum for
> not having "blind accessible" versions of Edward Hopper (along with
> Andy, my favorite 20th century American painter) works beyond a text
> description.  In the Hopper case, there would be no way to provide the
> transcendental effects of the  stark loneliness depicted in his
> incredibly powerful work; at the same time, while I have played and
> enjoyed David Greenwood's 3D audio games on Windows, they are
> specifically designed not to need a visual interface of any kind.
> I'm fairly sure that Sony didn't even try to create a non-visual
> interface but the building blocks to do so aren't really too available
> and a lot of trial and error needs to go in to make them work
> effectively.
> Nintendo did sponsor some guys to make games with non-visual
> interfaces for one of its devices.  I don't know what happened to them
> as I stopped keeping up with the gaming world a couple of years back
> do to too many other obligations and a desire to spend more time
> fishing and reading things entirely unrelated to technology used by
> people with vision impairment.  Sorry for dropping the ball on this  
> one.
> Sometimes, lawsuits by private citizens scare ne.  If NFB, ACB, AFB,
> Lighthouse, etc. choose to sue, they will do so with very well
> researched legal advice on their side.  If a lawsuit comes out wrong
> (Southwest Airlines for instance) it could cause a precedent that
> could ruin things for more well considered legal actions in the
> future.  Doing a lawsuit right requires the cash to pay lots of big
> ticket legal bills which can only really be afforded by the big
> advocacy organizations and rarely by individuals not named Gates,
> Jobs, etc.
> Happy Hacking,
> cdh
> PS: Only 1 cup so far...
> On Nov 8, 2009, at 12:20 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>> Hmmm...kinda of a double edged sword, but in the end, it is right to
>> do so if there were no other options.
>> This needs following
>> best
>> Yuma
>> Yuma Decaux
>> Light has no value without darkness
>> Skype: shainobi1
>> twitter:
>> Tel: +85513623378
>> Yuma Antoine Decaux
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: sony sued by visually impaired gamer

2009-11-09 Thread Chris Hofstader

Sarcasm:  We cannot change our money in any way because American legal  
tender is a religious totem which we admire and praise.  We went so  
far as putting the Lord followed by most of our founding father's name  
on the money.  We love the notion that, "In God we trust, all others  
pay cash."  Any change to our currency means a defamation of the totem  
which is unacceptable in a land where we worship the almighty dollar.

Look at history:  in the past, the most beautiful and majestic  
structures were built to celebrate supreme beings.  Whether the  
pantheon of Hindu gods in India, the beautiful mosques in North Africa  
and the Middle East  and the breath taking cathedrals of Europe, not  
to mention the Egyptian pyramids, Greek and Roman temples and so on
On.  Today, our most incredible buildings celebrate banks,  
corporations and other icons of capitalism and trade.  In a sense, we  
have traded in the old gods for new money.


  Nov 9, 2009, at 1:14 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> What was unsensable about making paper money accessible.  Most other
> industrialized countries do it, many by making their bills of  
> differing
> physical size.  Why can't we?
> Kevin
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
> Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 11:43 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: sony sued by visually impaired gamer
> Hello;  Actually;  I think sony might be ok in a law suit.  I say this
> because of their recent filings for patents for the development of
> video games that send the video and audio straight to the brain.  It
> sounded like the beginning of computer use like something out of the
> net force novels by tom clansey.  In the news article I read at that
> time one of their reported goals was to assist people with
> disabilities namely the blind.  So, while their research would be
> protected; they are on record as attempting to consider the needs of
> our community.  And since when one company is doing it most of the
> others will too, II wouldn't be a bit suprrised if nintendo and
> microsoft could go to the we are trying card.  Good debate either
> way.  At least its more senseable in my mind than the law suit about
> making the u s paper money accessible.  Take care, Max
> On Nov 8, 2009, at 6:05 AM, Chris Hofstader wrote:
>> This is going to be a hard one.  They may have a claim under ADA
>> Restoration Act signed by President Bush in August 2008 which does
>> address electronic communication but this may be a place where no
>> accommodation is possible.  I wouldn't sue the Guggenheim Museum for
>> not having "blind accessible" versions of Edward Hopper (along with
>> Andy, my favorite 20th century American painter) works beyond a text
>> description.  In the Hopper case, there would be no way to provide  
>> the
>> transcendental effects of the  stark loneliness depicted in his
>> incredibly powerful work; at the same time, while I have played and
>> enjoyed David Greenwood's 3D audio games on Windows, they are
>> specifically designed not to need a visual interface of any kind.
>> I'm fairly sure that Sony didn't even try to create a non-visual
>> interface but the building blocks to do so aren't really too  
>> available
>> and a lot of trial and error needs to go in to make them work
>> effectively.
>> Nintendo did sponsor some guys to make games with non-visual
>> interfaces for one of its devices.  I don't know what happened to  
>> them
>> as I stopped keeping up with the gaming world a couple of years back
>> do to too many other obligations and a desire to spend more time
>> fishing and reading things entirely unrelated to technology used by
>> people with vision impairment.  Sorry for dropping the ball on this
>> one.
>> Sometimes, lawsuits by private citizens scare ne.  If NFB, ACB, AFB,
>> Lighthouse, etc. choose to sue, they will do so with very well
>> researched legal advice on their side.  If a lawsuit comes out wrong
>> (Southwest Airlines for instance) it could cause a precedent that
>> could ruin things for more well considered legal actions in the
>> future.  Doing a lawsuit right requires the cash to pay lots of big
>> ticket legal bills which can only really be afforded by the big
>> advocacy organizations and rarely by individuals not named Gates,
>> Jobs, etc.
>> Happy Hacking,
>> cdh
>> PS: Only 1 cup so far...
>> On Nov 8, 2009, at 12:20 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>>> Hmmm...kinda of a double edged sword, but in the end, it is right to
>>> do so if there were no other options.
>>> This needs following
>>> best
>>> Yuma
>>> Yuma Decaux
>>> Light has no value without darkness
>>> Skype: shainobi1
>>> twitter:
>>> Tel: +85513623378
>>> Yuma Antoine Decaux


Re: I've done it.

2009-11-09 Thread James & Nash

Hi Dannie,

Congratulations on buying your first Mac. Very happy that you like it. Apple 
really have done a fantastic job with Voice Over and accessibility in 

Which Mail provider do you use? I had a similar problem with GMail. If I can 
help with your E Mail issue please drop me a mesage off list.

You can turn on the shortcut key for telling the time by going into the 
Keyboard commander.

Take care

- Original Message - 
From: "Daniel Rowe" 
Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 10:50 PM
Subject: I've done it.

> Hi all.
> Yes, I bought an imac last friday.  So far, I love it.  it's amazing how
> fast it is to get things done, and*most* things work fine.
> I have my phone sinced with iCal and address book, been doing a bit of
> web brouzing with safari, used front roe, gotten voice over saving my
> settings on a usb drive, all the usual stuff.
> I still need to add my music to iTunes though.  most of the ID3 tags in
> my mp3s are messed up.  some of them have both the artist and  title
> duplicated in both the artist and title fields.  I'll have to run them
> through mp3 tag studio on windows first as nearly all the file names are
> done as  artist - title.mp3, so that should sort mmost things out. .
> But can itunes fill in all the other tags?
> one thing I can't get to work is e-mail.  I've switched both my phone
> and pc to imap with no problems at all.  but the mac doesn't want to
> know.  the incoming server has an invalid certificate and it can't
> connect to the smtp server.  it's really frustrating.
> I have e-mailed the tech support guys so they should hopefully have an
> answer.
> I still keep forgetting how the cursor works.  I understand what's
> happening, I just keep reverting to windows habbits.  I'll get it
> eventually.  then I'll be expecting windows to behave like the mac.
> While editing text on a webpage, say in a reply on a message board, the
> home and end keys don't seem to do what they're supposed to do.  also,
> if I do vo shift m to bring up the menu of misspelled words, it clicks
> on the wrong word.  do I have to move the vo cursor onto the word I want
> to change?  I was just using the arrow keys before.
> is there a command to read the current time rather than hopping over to
> the status menus?  I know it's possible.
> To whoever it was who uses XMarks on the mac, did you try it on snow
> leopard?  I downloaded the snow leopard package, ran it and it says that
> it requires leopard.  I'm running 10.6.1.
> I'll also need to get it to write to ntfs drives, say if I want to copy
> some music I bought in itunes over to my windows machine,.
> I'm planning on buying superdooper or whatever it's called.  that sounds
> like a fantastic backup solution.
> Finally, has anyone had any luck using the dashboard?  I can bring up
> the different widgets ok, they're just confusing to wirk with.
> particularly the weather one.
> I'm sure I'll come up with more questions to keep you lot busy. :)
> so like I said, if it wasn't for it not playing ball with my e-mail
> provider, I'd be totally happy and for most things, I can see myself
> using the mac exclusively.
> Bye for now,
> Dannie
> > 

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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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Re: France now has an Apple Store

2009-11-09 Thread James & Nash

Hi Dóna,

I thought Apple had some stores in Ireland? When I last spoke with the Apple 
guys over the phone, I was put through to Ireland.

Take care
- Original Message - 
From: "Dónal Fitzpatrick" 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 9:45 AM
Subject: RE: France now has an Apple Store

Anne I'm jealous that you have acquired an Apple Store in France.  We don't
have one here, so the only way one can be sure of getting the latest
equipment is online.  I happened to be in a retailer on Saturday, and
discovered that they were selling old iMac 20 and 24" at more or less the
same prices as the new machines.  So for anyone based either in Ireland or
the UK, be very very careful when purchasing from the likes of PC world, as
you may not be getting the latest Apple products.



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Esther
Sent: 07 November 2009 22:50
Subject: Re: France now has an Apple Store

Hi Anne,

Congratulations on the new Paris store opening. I understand you should be
expecting a second store in Paris to open shortly.  Anouk, there are
problems in finding good store locations, so the number of Apple Stores
across Europe is still limited.  For example, it isn't that long ago that
the first Apple Store for Germany opened in Munich, and I think that is
still the only store for that country.  It's really nice to be able to go
into one of these stores to try out the products. It doesn't hurt, either,
that if you want to look up some information on the web, you can simply go
over to one of the computers, turn on VoiceOver, and run your query.



anouk radix wrote:

> Hello, wow I thought apple stores where already everywhere in Europe,
> apparently not so.
> Greetings, Anouk
> On Nov 7, 2009, at 11:33 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> Today, the first Apple Store opened in France. It's in probably the
>> most prestigious location you could dream of, on one side of the
>> square underneath the pyramid at the Louvre.
>> Archie and I went there this morning, got the special-issue T-shirts
>> and gave a member of staff plenty of useful information about
>> VoiceOver.
>> Oh, yes, and I bought yet another case for my iPhone. At last, I've
>> got one that is open at the front.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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RE: France now has an Apple Store

2009-11-09 Thread Dónal Fitzpatrick

Hi James,

Nope their main headquarters is here (Cork) but no stores.  As I mentioned
in a previous post, there is an Apple store in Belfast all right but none in
the Republic.



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of James & Nash
Sent: 09 November 2009 11:53
Subject: Re: France now has an Apple Store

Hi Dóna,

I thought Apple had some stores in Ireland? When I last spoke with the Apple
guys over the phone, I was put through to Ireland.

Take care
- Original Message -
From: "Dónal Fitzpatrick" 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 9:45 AM
Subject: RE: France now has an Apple Store

Anne I'm jealous that you have acquired an Apple Store in France.  We don't
have one here, so the only way one can be sure of getting the latest
equipment is online.  I happened to be in a retailer on Saturday, and
discovered that they were selling old iMac 20 and 24" at more or less the
same prices as the new machines.  So for anyone based either in Ireland or
the UK, be very very careful when purchasing from the likes of PC world, as
you may not be getting the latest Apple products.



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Esther
Sent: 07 November 2009 22:50
Subject: Re: France now has an Apple Store

Hi Anne,

Congratulations on the new Paris store opening. I understand you should be
expecting a second store in Paris to open shortly.  Anouk, there are
problems in finding good store locations, so the number of Apple Stores
across Europe is still limited.  For example, it isn't that long ago that
the first Apple Store for Germany opened in Munich, and I think that is
still the only store for that country.  It's really nice to be able to go
into one of these stores to try out the products. It doesn't hurt, either,
that if you want to look up some information on the web, you can simply go
over to one of the computers, turn on VoiceOver, and run your query.



anouk radix wrote:

> Hello, wow I thought apple stores where already everywhere in Europe,
> apparently not so.
> Greetings, Anouk
> On Nov 7, 2009, at 11:33 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> Today, the first Apple Store opened in France. It's in probably the
>> most prestigious location you could dream of, on one side of the
>> square underneath the pyramid at the Louvre.
>> Archie and I went there this morning, got the special-issue T-shirts
>> and gave a member of staff plenty of useful information about
>> VoiceOver.
>> Oh, yes, and I bought yet another case for my iPhone. At last, I've
>> got one that is open at the front.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

help with second life help

2009-11-09 Thread David Geiger

can anyone tell me if second life works with voice over before i go
join  i know jaws does  but dont use them anymore so please  someone
let me know
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RE: I've done it.

2009-11-09 Thread Frank Ventura

Good advice here, what other uses can be had with keyboard commander?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ryan Mann
Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: I've done it.

Hello.  If you have Keyboard commander turned on in Voiceover  
Preferences, you can check the time by hitting the right option key  
and the letter T together.
To enable Keyboard commander do the following:
1.  Hit control+option+f8 to open VoiceOver utility.
2. Interact with the categories table and navigate down to the  
commanders category.
3. Stop interacting with the Categories table and vo+rightarrow a  
couple times and you should hear the keypad and keyboard tabs.  On the  
Keyboard tab, hit vo+space to select the keyboard tab.
4.  Vo+rightarrow again and you should hear a checkbox to enable  
keyboard commander.  Check that box with vo+space.
You should also tell VoiceOver to allow itself to be controled by  
Applescript.  I think you can find in the general category in  
VoiceOver utility.

On Nov 8, 2009, at 5:50 PM, Daniel Rowe wrote:

> Hi all.
> Yes, I bought an imac last friday.  So far, I love it.  it's amazing  
> how
> fast it is to get things done, and*most* things work fine.
> I have my phone sinced with iCal and address book, been doing a bit of
> web brouzing with safari, used front roe, gotten voice over saving my
> settings on a usb drive, all the usual stuff.
> I still need to add my music to iTunes though.  most of the ID3 tags  
> in
> my mp3s are messed up.  some of them have both the artist and  title
> duplicated in both the artist and title fields.  I'll have to run them
> through mp3 tag studio on windows first as nearly all the file names  
> are
> done as  artist - title.mp3, so that should sort mmost things out. .
> But can itunes fill in all the other tags?
> one thing I can't get to work is e-mail.  I've switched both my phone
> and pc to imap with no problems at all.  but the mac doesn't want to
> know.  the incoming server has an invalid certificate and it can't
> connect to the smtp server.  it's really frustrating.
> I have e-mailed the tech support guys so they should hopefully have an
> answer.
> I still keep forgetting how the cursor works.  I understand what's
> happening, I just keep reverting to windows habbits.  I'll get it
> eventually.  then I'll be expecting windows to behave like the mac.
> While editing text on a webpage, say in a reply on a message board,  
> the
> home and end keys don't seem to do what they're supposed to do.  also,
> if I do vo shift m to bring up the menu of misspelled words, it clicks
> on the wrong word.  do I have to move the vo cursor onto the word I  
> want
> to change?  I was just using the arrow keys before.
> is there a command to read the current time rather than hopping over  
> to
> the status menus?  I know it's possible.
> To whoever it was who uses XMarks on the mac, did you try it on snow
> leopard?  I downloaded the snow leopard package, ran it and it says  
> that
> it requires leopard.  I'm running 10.6.1.
> I'll also need to get it to write to ntfs drives, say if I want to  
> copy
> some music I bought in itunes over to my windows machine,.
> I'm planning on buying superdooper or whatever it's called.  that  
> sounds
> like a fantastic backup solution.
> Finally, has anyone had any luck using the dashboard?  I can bring up
> the different widgets ok, they're just confusing to wirk with.
> particularly the weather one.
> I'm sure I'll come up with more questions to keep you lot busy. :)
> so like I said, if it wasn't for it not playing ball with my e-mail
> provider, I'd be totally happy and for most things, I can see myself
> using the mac exclusively.
> Bye for now,
> Dannie
> >

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Re: help with second life help

2009-11-09 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter

It's supposed to, but I've never gotten it to work successfully with  
it, unfortunately.

Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: I've done it.

2009-11-09 Thread Ryan Mann

Hello.  You can use option+s to Open Safari and option+m to open  
Mail.  If you want, you can assign commands for other applications.   
For example, I've assigned option+e to open TextEdit.

On Nov 9, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Frank Ventura wrote:

> Good advice here, what other uses can be had with keyboard commander?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ryan Mann
> Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 7:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: I've done it.
> Hello.  If you have Keyboard commander turned on in Voiceover
> Preferences, you can check the time by hitting the right option key
> and the letter T together.
> To enable Keyboard commander do the following:
> 1.  Hit control+option+f8 to open VoiceOver utility.
> 2. Interact with the categories table and navigate down to the
> commanders category.
> 3. Stop interacting with the Categories table and vo+rightarrow a
> couple times and you should hear the keypad and keyboard tabs.  On the
> Keyboard tab, hit vo+space to select the keyboard tab.
> 4.  Vo+rightarrow again and you should hear a checkbox to enable
> keyboard commander.  Check that box with vo+space.
> You should also tell VoiceOver to allow itself to be controled by
> Applescript.  I think you can find in the general category in
> VoiceOver utility.
> On Nov 8, 2009, at 5:50 PM, Daniel Rowe wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Yes, I bought an imac last friday.  So far, I love it.  it's amazing
>> how
>> fast it is to get things done, and*most* things work fine.
>> I have my phone sinced with iCal and address book, been doing a bit  
>> of
>> web brouzing with safari, used front roe, gotten voice over saving my
>> settings on a usb drive, all the usual stuff.
>> I still need to add my music to iTunes though.  most of the ID3 tags
>> in
>> my mp3s are messed up.  some of them have both the artist and  title
>> duplicated in both the artist and title fields.  I'll have to run  
>> them
>> through mp3 tag studio on windows first as nearly all the file names
>> are
>> done as  artist - title.mp3, so that should sort mmost things out. .
>> But can itunes fill in all the other tags?
>> one thing I can't get to work is e-mail.  I've switched both my phone
>> and pc to imap with no problems at all.  but the mac doesn't want to
>> know.  the incoming server has an invalid certificate and it can't
>> connect to the smtp server.  it's really frustrating.
>> I have e-mailed the tech support guys so they should hopefully have  
>> an
>> answer.
>> I still keep forgetting how the cursor works.  I understand what's
>> happening, I just keep reverting to windows habbits.  I'll get it
>> eventually.  then I'll be expecting windows to behave like the mac.
>> While editing text on a webpage, say in a reply on a message board,
>> the
>> home and end keys don't seem to do what they're supposed to do.   
>> also,
>> if I do vo shift m to bring up the menu of misspelled words, it  
>> clicks
>> on the wrong word.  do I have to move the vo cursor onto the word I
>> want
>> to change?  I was just using the arrow keys before.
>> is there a command to read the current time rather than hopping over
>> to
>> the status menus?  I know it's possible.
>> To whoever it was who uses XMarks on the mac, did you try it on snow
>> leopard?  I downloaded the snow leopard package, ran it and it says
>> that
>> it requires leopard.  I'm running 10.6.1.
>> I'll also need to get it to write to ntfs drives, say if I want to
>> copy
>> some music I bought in itunes over to my windows machine,.
>> I'm planning on buying superdooper or whatever it's called.  that
>> sounds
>> like a fantastic backup solution.
>> Finally, has anyone had any luck using the dashboard?  I can bring up
>> the different widgets ok, they're just confusing to wirk with.
>> particularly the weather one.
>> I'm sure I'll come up with more questions to keep you lot busy. :)
>> so like I said, if it wasn't for it not playing ball with my e-mail
>> provider, I'd be totally happy and for most things, I can see myself
>> using the mac exclusively.
>> Bye for now,
>> Dannie
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 8.5.425 / Virus Database: 270.14.54/2488 - Release Date:
> 11/08/09 19:39:00
> >

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RE: sony sued by visually impaired gamer

2009-11-09 Thread Cameron

Hi.  actually, American paper currency is modified on a regular basis and
has been since the beginning, usually to try to stay ahead of


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Hofstader
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 6:29 AM
Subject: Re: sony sued by visually impaired gamer

Sarcasm:  We cannot change our money in any way because American legal  
tender is a religious totem which we admire and praise.  We went so  
far as putting the Lord followed by most of our founding father's name  
on the money.  We love the notion that, "In God we trust, all others  
pay cash."  Any change to our currency means a defamation of the totem  
which is unacceptable in a land where we worship the almighty dollar.

Look at history:  in the past, the most beautiful and majestic  
structures were built to celebrate supreme beings.  Whether the  
pantheon of Hindu gods in India, the beautiful mosques in North Africa  
and the Middle East  and the breath taking cathedrals of Europe, not  
to mention the Egyptian pyramids, Greek and Roman temples and so on
On.  Today, our most incredible buildings celebrate banks,  
corporations and other icons of capitalism and trade.  In a sense, we  
have traded in the old gods for new money.


  Nov 9, 2009, at 1:14 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> What was unsensable about making paper money accessible.  Most other
> industrialized countries do it, many by making their bills of  
> differing
> physical size.  Why can't we?
> Kevin
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Maxwell Ivey Jr.
> Sent: Sunday, November 08, 2009 11:43 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: sony sued by visually impaired gamer
> Hello;  Actually;  I think sony might be ok in a law suit.  I say this
> because of their recent filings for patents for the development of
> video games that send the video and audio straight to the brain.  It
> sounded like the beginning of computer use like something out of the
> net force novels by tom clansey.  In the news article I read at that
> time one of their reported goals was to assist people with
> disabilities namely the blind.  So, while their research would be
> protected; they are on record as attempting to consider the needs of
> our community.  And since when one company is doing it most of the
> others will too, II wouldn't be a bit suprrised if nintendo and
> microsoft could go to the we are trying card.  Good debate either
> way.  At least its more senseable in my mind than the law suit about
> making the u s paper money accessible.  Take care, Max
> On Nov 8, 2009, at 6:05 AM, Chris Hofstader wrote:
>> This is going to be a hard one.  They may have a claim under ADA
>> Restoration Act signed by President Bush in August 2008 which does
>> address electronic communication but this may be a place where no
>> accommodation is possible.  I wouldn't sue the Guggenheim Museum for
>> not having "blind accessible" versions of Edward Hopper (along with
>> Andy, my favorite 20th century American painter) works beyond a text
>> description.  In the Hopper case, there would be no way to provide  
>> the
>> transcendental effects of the  stark loneliness depicted in his
>> incredibly powerful work; at the same time, while I have played and
>> enjoyed David Greenwood's 3D audio games on Windows, they are
>> specifically designed not to need a visual interface of any kind.
>> I'm fairly sure that Sony didn't even try to create a non-visual
>> interface but the building blocks to do so aren't really too  
>> available
>> and a lot of trial and error needs to go in to make them work
>> effectively.
>> Nintendo did sponsor some guys to make games with non-visual
>> interfaces for one of its devices.  I don't know what happened to  
>> them
>> as I stopped keeping up with the gaming world a couple of years back
>> do to too many other obligations and a desire to spend more time
>> fishing and reading things entirely unrelated to technology used by
>> people with vision impairment.  Sorry for dropping the ball on this
>> one.
>> Sometimes, lawsuits by private citizens scare ne.  If NFB, ACB, AFB,
>> Lighthouse, etc. choose to sue, they will do so with very well
>> researched legal advice on their side.  If a lawsuit comes out wrong
>> (Southwest Airlines for instance) it could cause a precedent that
>> could ruin things for more well considered legal actions in the
>> future.  Doing a lawsuit right requires the cash to pay lots of big
>> ticket legal bills which can only really be afforded by the big
>> advocacy organizations and rarely by individuals not named Gates,
>> Jobs, etc.
>> Happy Hacking,
>> cdh
>> PS: Only 1 cup so far...
>> On Nov 8, 2009, at 12:20 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>>> http:

Staying in a menu when you have selected something in that menu - can this be done?

2009-11-09 Thread James & Nash

Hi everyone

Let's say that I am in the View menu of an application, and I want to  
change or select a number of options in that menu. Is there a way to  
do all of this without having to constantly return to that particular  
menu please? I have noticed that this is possible under Linux with  
Orca, and wondered if this was possible with Voice Over as this is a  
really nice feature.

If this is not possible, I will happily E-Mail Apple and ask them if  
they can include it.

Thanks for reading



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Voice Over intermittently restarting in Safari

2009-11-09 Thread James & Nash

Hi everyone,

I know I E-Mailed about this previously, but has anyone else noticed  
this occurring with any frequency please? Basically, this happens  
mostly when I first open Safari Voice Over will restart, but today  
within the last hour, I've noticed that this has happened at least  

Has anyone else had this in other applications?

Thanks for reading



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Re: Voice Over intermittently restarting in Safari

2009-11-09 Thread May McDonald

I haven't had it happen in other programs, but in Safari I do get it  
quite often.

On 2009-11-09, at 1:46 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I know I E-Mailed about this previously, but has anyone else noticed
> this occurring with any frequency please? Basically, this happens
> mostly when I first open Safari Voice Over will restart, but today
> within the last hour, I've noticed that this has happened at least
> twice.
> Has anyone else had this in other applications?
> Thanks for reading
> TC
> James
> >

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Re: Voice Over intermittently restarting in Safari

2009-11-09 Thread James & Nash

Hi May,

Thanks for the confirmation. I'm just sending this from here as I'm just 
updating my Mac with the 10.6.2 update.

I wonder why VO does this? Perhaps it will be fixed now or perhaps Mozilla 
will soon release a VO friendly FireFox so that we can have the choice and 
use that wonderful Webvisum plugin and see if VO reacts the same way as it 
does on Safari with the restarts.

Thanks again,


- Original Message - 
From: "May McDonald" 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: Voice Over intermittently restarting in Safari

> I haven't had it happen in other programs, but in Safari I do get it
> quite often.
> On 2009-11-09, at 1:46 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I know I E-Mailed about this previously, but has anyone else noticed
>> this occurring with any frequency please? Basically, this happens
>> mostly when I first open Safari Voice Over will restart, but today
>> within the last hour, I've noticed that this has happened at least
>> twice.
>> Has anyone else had this in other applications?
>> Thanks for reading
>> TC
>> James
>> >
> > 

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Spaces and Mac OS X 10.6.2

2009-11-09 Thread James & Nash

Hi everyone

This might be just my own personal view, but I've just tried the Spaces option 
in Mac OS X 10.6.2 having just updated and I am sad and disappointed to report 
that Spaces is still broken - at least in my humble opinion. 

I have not had enough time with the new update to determine if there is 
anything new, so if anyone else has please share smile. 

Just thought I'd drop this in here. 
Thanks for reading

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Re: Voice Over intermittently restarting in Safari

2009-11-09 Thread Scott Howell

Everyone may want to update to 10.6.2, which is now available. This  
may address some of your issues if not all.
On Nov 9, 2009, at 5:17 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> I haven't had it happen in other programs, but in Safari I do get it
> quite often.
> On 2009-11-09, at 1:46 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I know I E-Mailed about this previously, but has anyone else noticed
>> this occurring with any frequency please? Basically, this happens
>> mostly when I first open Safari Voice Over will restart, but today
>> within the last hour, I've noticed that this has happened at least
>> twice.
>> Has anyone else had this in other applications?
>> Thanks for reading
>> TC
>> James
> >

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Re: Spaces and Mac OS X 10.6.2

2009-11-09 Thread Scott Howell

Don't count on it, but please keep hammering the folks at 
. Eventually we'll get some action. :)
On Nov 9, 2009, at 5:55 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi everyone
> This might be just my own personal view, but I've just tried the  
> Spaces option in Mac OS X 10.6.2 having just updated and I am sad  
> and disappointed to report that Spaces is still broken - at least in  
> my humble opinion.
> I have not had enough time with the new update to determine if there  
> is anything new, so if anyone else has please share smile.
> Just thought I'd drop this in here.
> Thanks for reading
> TC
> James
> >

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Re: Voice Over intermittently restarting in Safari

2009-11-09 Thread James & Nash

Hi Scott

> Everyone may want to update to 10.6.2, which is now available. This  
> may address some of your issues if not all.

Well having updated to the latest update, it seems to have fixed this 
particular issue so that's cool. I am going to E-Mail Apple tomorrow and tell 
them thanks.


On 9 Nov 2009, at 23:18, Scott Howell wrote:


> Everyone may want to update to 10.6.2, which is now available. This  
> may address some of your issues if not all.
> On Nov 9, 2009, at 5:17 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> I haven't had it happen in other programs, but in Safari I do get it
>> quite often.
>> On 2009-11-09, at 1:46 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I know I E-Mailed about this previously, but has anyone else noticed
>>> this occurring with any frequency please? Basically, this happens
>>> mostly when I first open Safari Voice Over will restart, but today
>>> within the last hour, I've noticed that this has happened at least
>>> twice.
>>> Has anyone else had this in other applications?
>>> Thanks for reading
>>> TC
>>> James
> > 

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Re: Spaces and Mac OS X 10.6.2

2009-11-09 Thread James & Nash

Hi Scott,

> Don't count on it, but please keep hammering the folks at 
> . Eventually we'll get some action. :)

I have been doing this smile for a long time sigh. I am not sure that they are 
that interested or that they even agree with my assertion. I have explained to 
them how I believe it should work, if I explain it here again, I would like to 
know if you agree with me.

So... Spaces provides virtual desktops, and as such, when you switch from one 
desktop to another, the Cmd Tab command which cycles through applications, 
should, if Spaces is on only cycle through the applications on the current 
desktop. Instead, Cmd Tab defaults to its normal behaviour which for me 
completely breaks the concept of multiple desktops. I am told that there are 
work arounds, but they should not be necessary. Spaces has been with us since 
Leopard, so Apple have  had a long time to take our comments on board and fix 
it. As yet, they've not done this, but perhaps they might do in the future. 

Thanks for reading


On 9 Nov 2009, at 23:19, Scott Howell wrote:

> Don't count on it, but please keep hammering the folks at 
> . Eventually we'll get some action. :)
> On Nov 9, 2009, at 5:55 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi everyone
>> This might be just my own personal view, but I've just tried the  
>> Spaces option in Mac OS X 10.6.2 having just updated and I am sad  
>> and disappointed to report that Spaces is still broken - at least in  
>> my humble opinion.
>> I have not had enough time with the new update to determine if there  
>> is anything new, so if anyone else has please share smile.
>> Just thought I'd drop this in here.
>> Thanks for reading
>> TC
>> James
> > 

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Re: Voice Over intermittently restarting in Safari

2009-11-09 Thread kaare dehard

For those canadians who use the cnib's visunet services, I notice this  
just after login, and it is intermitant.
On 2009-11-09, at 5:17 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> I haven't had it happen in other programs, but in Safari I do get it
> quite often.
> On 2009-11-09, at 1:46 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I know I E-Mailed about this previously, but has anyone else noticed
>> this occurring with any frequency please? Basically, this happens
>> mostly when I first open Safari Voice Over will restart, but today
>> within the last hour, I've noticed that this has happened at least
>> twice.
>> Has anyone else had this in other applications?
>> Thanks for reading
>> TC
>> James
> >

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Importing podcasts into ITunes

2009-11-09 Thread James & Nash

Hi everyone

I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I can't figure this out. I have 
scoured the internet and thought I'd found a solution, but apparently not. 

I am trying to import some podcasts in an OPML file and from my searches, I 
have found that ITunes can do this. However, when I tried to import it as a 
playlist as was suggested on one of the Mac forums, it does not appear in the 
podcast listing or in any other list.

Have I done something wrong?

Thanks for any help and thanks for reading.

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Decent Torrent Client?

2009-11-09 Thread Christopher Gilland

Remember guies, regretfully I'm a po little dude.  LOL!  I only have the 
growling Tiger.  NOt cool, I know, it sucks, but what can I do being I can't 
afford a Mac.  Anyway, does anyone know a torrent client that'll run on 
Tiger, or, at least, that most likely? will run?

Just installed Twitterrific, and I gotta say: I, frickin, love it!  I would 
have installed Sirynx, but, I don't think it's compatible with anything 
below 10.5.  BTW:  Speaking a which, I tried to put Twitter Pod on this 
thing, but every time I hit command+O on it from my applications folder in 
the finder, it just sits there and does nothing.  I don't see it in my VO+F1 
list, and it's not another opened window in the finder either with VO+F2. 
When I hit VO+F2 once, it says Finder, so I know it's not opened.  And, vo+D 
won't help matters.  It's not in the Doc either.


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Re: Voice Over intermittently restarting in Safari

2009-11-09 Thread James & Nash

Hi Kaare,

> For those canadians who use the cnib's visunet services, I notice this  
> just after login, and it is intermitant.

I cannot tell you if this has been  fixed in the latest update (10.6.2), but it 
has at least for the moment stopped misbehaving in Safari. Perhaps updating 
will help you if you have not already done so. 

Thanks for reading


On 9 Nov 2009, at 22:54, kaare dehard wrote:

> For those canadians who use the cnib's visunet services, I notice this  
> just after login, and it is intermitant.
> On 2009-11-09, at 5:17 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> I haven't had it happen in other programs, but in Safari I do get it
>> quite often.
>> On 2009-11-09, at 1:46 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I know I E-Mailed about this previously, but has anyone else noticed
>>> this occurring with any frequency please? Basically, this happens
>>> mostly when I first open Safari Voice Over will restart, but today
>>> within the last hour, I've noticed that this has happened at least
>>> twice.
>>> Has anyone else had this in other applications?
>>> Thanks for reading
>>> TC
>>> James
> > 

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Re: Spaces and Mac OS X 10.6.2

2009-11-09 Thread Scott Howell

You are absolutely correct and that is how many of us have explained  
it to Apple. Apparently even sighted users have wanted this fix as  
well. I don't know if Apple just feels this isn't something they are  
really that interested in after all or what. Maybe they don't feel  
Spaces is quite that important based on the fact maybe not many users  
use it? I really don't know, but we'll just keep after them. I  
personally see a lot of uses for it myself.

On Nov 9, 2009, at 6:38 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Scott,
>> Don't count on it, but please keep hammering the folks at 
>> . Eventually we'll get some action. :)
> I have been doing this smile for a long time sigh. I am not sure  
> that they are that interested or that they even agree with my  
> assertion. I have explained to them how I believe it should work, if  
> I explain it here again, I would like to know if you agree with me.
> So... Spaces provides virtual desktops, and as such, when you switch  
> from one desktop to another, the Cmd Tab command which cycles  
> through applications, should, if Spaces is on only cycle through the  
> applications on the current desktop. Instead, Cmd Tab defaults to  
> its normal behaviour which for me completely breaks the concept of  
> multiple desktops. I am told that there are work arounds, but they  
> should not be necessary. Spaces has been with us since Leopard, so  
> Apple have  had a long time to take our comments on board and fix  
> it. As yet, they've not done this, but perhaps they might do in the  
> future.
> Thanks for reading
> TC
> James
> On 9 Nov 2009, at 23:19, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Don't count on it, but please keep hammering the folks at 
>> . Eventually we'll get some action. :)
>> On Nov 9, 2009, at 5:55 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi everyone
>>> This might be just my own personal view, but I've just tried the
>>> Spaces option in Mac OS X 10.6.2 having just updated and I am sad
>>> and disappointed to report that Spaces is still broken - at least in
>>> my humble opinion.
>>> I have not had enough time with the new update to determine if there
>>> is anything new, so if anyone else has please share smile.
>>> Just thought I'd drop this in here.
>>> Thanks for reading
>>> TC
>>> James

> >

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Re: Decent Torrent Client?

2009-11-09 Thread James & Nash

Hi Chris

> Remember guies, regretfully I'm a po little dude.  LOL!  I only have the 
> growling Tiger...

I remember it well and liked it very much.

> BTW:  Speaking a which, I tried to put Twitter Pod on this 
> thing, but every time I hit command+O on it from my applications folder in 
> the finder, it just sits there and does nothing.  I don't see it in my VO+F1 
> list, and it's not another opened window in the finder either with VO+F2. 
> When I hit VO+F2 once, it says Finder, so I know it's not opened.  And, vo+D 
> won't help matters.  It's not in the Doc either.

Does it appear in the System Activity Monitor or whatever Apple calls it - 
that's what  i call it. If so, It might be stuck? Are your sure that Twitter 
Pod works with Tiger?

On 10 Nov 2009, at 00:07, Christopher Gilland wrote:

> Remember guies, regretfully I'm a po little dude.  LOL!  I only have the 
> growling Tiger.  NOt cool, I know, it sucks, but what can I do being I can't 
> afford a Mac.  Anyway, does anyone know a torrent client that'll run on 
> Tiger, or, at least, that most likely? will run?
> Just installed Twitterrific, and I gotta say: I, frickin, love it!  I would 
> have installed Sirynx, but, I don't think it's compatible with anything 
> below 10.5.  BTW:  Speaking a which, I tried to put Twitter Pod on this 
> thing, but every time I hit command+O on it from my applications folder in 
> the finder, it just sits there and does nothing.  I don't see it in my VO+F1 
> list, and it's not another opened window in the finder either with VO+F2. 
> When I hit VO+F2 once, it says Finder, so I know it's not opened.  And, vo+D 
> won't help matters.  It's not in the Doc either.
> Chris. 
> > 

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Re: Spaces and Mac OS X 10.6.2

2009-11-09 Thread James & Nash

Hi Scott, 

Thanks for the confirmation.

I'm glad I'm not the only blind user who would use this function. If Apple 
aren't interested then why don't they just remove it?

On 10 Nov 2009, at 00:38, Scott Howell wrote:

> You are absolutely correct and that is how many of us have explained  
> it to Apple. Apparently even sighted users have wanted this fix as  
> well. I don't know if Apple just feels this isn't something they are  
> really that interested in after all or what. Maybe they don't feel  
> Spaces is quite that important based on the fact maybe not many users  
> use it? I really don't know, but we'll just keep after them. I  
> personally see a lot of uses for it myself.
> On Nov 9, 2009, at 6:38 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>>> Don't count on it, but please keep hammering the folks at 
>>> . Eventually we'll get some action. :)
>> I have been doing this smile for a long time sigh. I am not sure  
>> that they are that interested or that they even agree with my  
>> assertion. I have explained to them how I believe it should work, if  
>> I explain it here again, I would like to know if you agree with me.
>> So... Spaces provides virtual desktops, and as such, when you switch  
>> from one desktop to another, the Cmd Tab command which cycles  
>> through applications, should, if Spaces is on only cycle through the  
>> applications on the current desktop. Instead, Cmd Tab defaults to  
>> its normal behaviour which for me completely breaks the concept of  
>> multiple desktops. I am told that there are work arounds, but they  
>> should not be necessary. Spaces has been with us since Leopard, so  
>> Apple have  had a long time to take our comments on board and fix  
>> it. As yet, they've not done this, but perhaps they might do in the  
>> future.
>> Thanks for reading
>> TC
>> James
>> On 9 Nov 2009, at 23:19, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Don't count on it, but please keep hammering the folks at 
>>> . Eventually we'll get some action. :)
>>> On Nov 9, 2009, at 5:55 PM, James & Nash wrote:
 Hi everyone
 This might be just my own personal view, but I've just tried the
 Spaces option in Mac OS X 10.6.2 having just updated and I am sad
 and disappointed to report that Spaces is still broken - at least in
 my humble opinion.
 I have not had enough time with the new update to determine if there
 is anything new, so if anyone else has please share smile.
 Just thought I'd drop this in here.
 Thanks for reading
> > 

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Re: Decent Torrent Client?

2009-11-09 Thread Christopher Gilland

You said:

Does it appear in the System Activity Monitor or whatever Apple calls it - 
that's what  i call it. If so, It might be stuck? Are your sure that Twitter 
Pod works with Tiger?

NOt sure, how would I get to it to find out, and yeah, according to the web 
site, it does work with Tiger, according to what my friend told me.


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is the busy, ready, busy, ready, bug gone?

2009-11-09 Thread John J Herzog

Hi listers, 
I have just installed the latest mac update on my system. One thing I have 
noticed immediately is that safari seems much more stable. I have not been 
getting the safari busy nonsense as I navigate through web pages. Can anybody 
else confirm that this bug has been squashed? Or have other users still 
experienced it with 10.6.2? 

Interestingly, safari does seem to load a bit slower on this version, but it is 
still quite quick. 

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Re: Decent Torrent Client?

2009-11-09 Thread James & Nash

Hi again Chris, 

> NOt sure, how would I get to it to find out,

Press Cmd Space to open Spotlight and type activity or act et this should bring 
up Activity Monitor. You can then look through and hopefully find your 
misbehaving application. 



On 10 Nov 2009, at 01:04, Christopher Gilland wrote:

> You said:
> Does it appear in the System Activity Monitor or whatever Apple calls it - 
> that's what  i call it. If so, It might be stuck? Are your sure that Twitter 
> Pod works with Tiger?

> NOt sure, how would I get to it to find out, and yeah, according to the web 
> site, it does work with Tiger, according to what my friend told me.
> Chris. 
> > 

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Re: is the busy, ready, busy, ready, bug gone?

2009-11-09 Thread James & Nash

Hi John, 

> I have just installed the latest mac update on my system. One thing I have 
> noticed immediately

> is that safari seems much more stable. I have not been getting the safari 
> busy nonsense as I navigate through web pages. Can anybody else confirm that 
> this bug has been squashed? Or have other users still experienced it with 
> 10.6.2? 
I have had this on some websites, but then that is to be expected. Overall, 
Safari does seem to be more stable though.

> Interestingly, safari does seem to load a bit slower on this version, but it 
> is still quite quick. 

Yes it does and yes it is. Have you tried repairing permisions? This may speed 
you up a bit.


On 10 Nov 2009, at 01:07, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi listers, 
> I have just installed the latest mac update on my system. One thing I have 
> noticed immediately

> is that safari seems much more stable. I have not been getting the safari 
> busy nonsense as I navigate through web pages. Can anybody else confirm that 
> this bug has been squashed? Or have other users still experienced it with 
> 10.6.2? 
> Interestingly, safari does seem to load a bit slower on this version, but it 
> is still quite quick. 
> John 
> > 

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Time capsule configuration

2009-11-09 Thread Frank Ventura

Hi all, cleaning house I found a 512Gb time capsule. Does anyone know
how to configure it? Can it be done through a web interface or does it
require a special utility?

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Re: Importing podcasts into ITunes

2009-11-09 Thread Esther

Hi James,

Try using Command-O (shortcut for "Add to Library" under the iTunes File Menu), 
and then selecting your OPML file in the resulting dialog window.  iTunes 9 has 
removed some options in the File menu -- I assume in attempts to simplify 
things since most people seemed to be confused about the distinction between 
"importing" and "adding to library".  There is now no shortcut for "import" 
(used to be Command-Shift-O), and the only importing option is to import as a 
playlist.  Also, another question: when you tried importing your OPML file as a 
playlist, did it have a file type extension of .opml?  

You realize that the OPML file only provides the information about where 
podcasts are on the feed, so it's a good way to transfer over your podcast 
subscriptions.  It's not a good way to transfer over the actual podcasts, if 
you have are trying to get the actual episodes transferred, and these are no 
longer up on the podcast feeds.  For example, many of the BBC podcasts only 
keep the last week's episode available on the feed.  So exporting an OPML file 
from iTunes on one machine and importing it to iTunes on another machine is a 
good way to transfer podcast subscriptions.  It isn't a good way to transfer 
the podcasts themselves, except for the ability to pull down whatever podcasts 
are still on those feeds once the new feeds are identified to iTunes.  If I 
wanted to move over the many weeks of podcast episodes from BBC Radio 4's "In 
Out Time with Melvyn Bragg" I'd have to add them to the new iTunes library.  
Importing an OPML file would let me start subscribing to the same podcast sites 
on a new computer, but wouldn't help me at all to get episodes that are no 
longer available at the podcast feeds -- at best I will only get the latest 
episode of "In Out Time".  If you want the actual episodes, select all podcasts 
in your (old) iTunes library and add them to your (new) iTunes library.  They 
will show up in the correct locations under Podcasts. But you'd still have to 
turn on your subscriptions.




James & Nash wrote:
>Hi everyone
>I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I can't figure this out. I have 
>scoured the internet and thought I'd found a solution, but apparently not. 
>I am trying to import some podcasts in an OPML file and from my searches, I 
>have found that ITunes can do this. However, when I tried to import it as a 
>playlist as was suggested on one of the Mac forums, it does not appear in the 
>podcast listing or in any other list.
>Have I done something wrong?
>Thanks for any help and thanks for reading.

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Re: Decent Torrent Client?

2009-11-09 Thread Christopher Gilland

ok, but once I find it, then what do I do with it?  I mean, what will the 
monitor show me etc.


? ? t?? Te?? µe sa?.
- Original Message - 
From: "James & Nash" 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: Decent Torrent Client?

Hi again Chris,

> NOt sure, how would I get to it to find out,

Press Cmd Space to open Spotlight and type activity or act et this should 
bring up Activity Monitor. You can then look through and hopefully find your 
misbehaving application.



On 10 Nov 2009, at 01:04, Christopher Gilland wrote:

> You said:
> Does it appear in the System Activity Monitor or whatever Apple calls it -
> that's what  i call it. If so, It might be stuck? Are your sure that 
> Twitter
> Pod works with Tiger?

> NOt sure, how would I get to it to find out, and yeah, according to the 
> web
> site, it does work with Tiger, according to what my friend told me.
> Chris.
> >

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Re: Time capsule configuration

2009-11-09 Thread Dan Eickmeier

Hi Frank, time capsules, or any airport base station for that matter, are 
configured through the airport utility application, which you'll find in 
/applications/utilities.  Hope this helps.  THis is what I like about them, as 
I've found some routers' web interfaces to be accessibility challenges.  This 
is what I really like about the airport routers, no web interface to deal with. 
On Nov 9, 2009, at 8:18 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:

> Hi all, cleaning house I found a 512Gb time capsule. Does anyone know
> how to configure it? Can it be done through a web interface or does it
> require a special utility?
> Thanks
> > 

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RE: Time capsule configuration

2009-11-09 Thread Frank Ventura

Thanks that is good information.Is there a configuration utility that
can be run a PC as well?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dan Eickmeier
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 9:01 PM
Subject: Re: Time capsule configuration

Hi Frank, time capsules, or any airport base station for that matter,
are configured through the airport utility application, which you'll
find in /applications/utilities.  Hope this helps.  THis is what I like
about them, as I've found some routers' web interfaces to be
accessibility challenges.  This is what I really like about the airport
routers, no web interface to deal with.  
On Nov 9, 2009, at 8:18 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:

> Hi all, cleaning house I found a 512Gb time capsule. Does anyone know
> how to configure it? Can it be done through a web interface or does it
> require a special utility?
> Thanks
> > 

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This is down right annoying! Problem with Twitterrific

2009-11-09 Thread Christopher Gilland

Does anyone know how to clear the tweets out of the tweets table?  This list 
is becoming very populated, and is getting more and more annoying and harder 
to manage by the minute.  Command+K is supposed! to mark all as red, which 
it did do, btw, but then when I refreshed, those tweets were still there.  I 
tried hitting command+Delete, which is supposed! to delete the current 
tweet, but my Mac just sits there and bwonks at me, when I do it.

There has got! to be a way!


? ? t?? Te?? µe sa?. 

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about the 10.6.2 update

2009-11-09 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi List,

I've just dled the update manually to deploy over all my macs, and found 
something interesting to note, for those who want detail on what has been 

I use x-slimer to reduce filesizes and rid myself of non64 bit code. It saves 
me about 2 GB of space in all, which is an even smaller footprint, and faster 
at loading apps.

If you want to know what has been changed, just reopen xslim, and you will see 
those who had code added in the drop list.

The boot camp assistant has had an overhaul, meaning that perhaps the boot.efi 
has changed, for the better of previously non 64 bit kext drivers on older 
macs. All this is quite good, as apple allows one to check his system if he 
wants to, and its pretty straight forward.


Yuma Decaux

Light has no value without darkness
Skype: shainobi1
Tel: +85513623378
Yuma Antoine Decaux

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a brief word of introduction

2009-11-09 Thread Ray Foret jr


To come directly to the point, my name is Ray.  Perhaps some of y'all may 
have seen me on other lists.

Anyhow, I'm thinking that I'm going to get a Mac very soon; perhaps by March 
or April or something.

I've been studying Mike's podcasts on:
and have learned a lot from them.

Part of my new consideration for the Mac has to do with the unethical 
practices of Freedom Scientific; but, I will not bore y'all with that here. 
Let's just say this.  While I have nothing against GW Micro, the Mac seems 
to me to be the more flexible option.

I'll be working mainly with noise reduction, such as click and pop 
suppression.  I'm stsill deciding just what Audio software I'll be using. 
Maybe Pro Tools with the Wave Restoration bundle; but, not yet sure.  Any 


The Constantly BAREFOOTED Ray

"Old friend, what are you looking for?  After those many years abroad you 
come With images you tended Under foreign skies Far away from your own land"
George Seferis

Phone or Fax::
+1 (985) 360-3614
+1 (985) 791-2938
Skype Name:

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RE: Spaces and Mac OS X 10.6.2

2009-11-09 Thread Kevin Gibbs

What is Spaces?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: Spaces and Mac OS X 10.6.2

Don't count on it, but please keep hammering the folks at 
. Eventually we'll get some action. :)
On Nov 9, 2009, at 5:55 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi everyone
> This might be just my own personal view, but I've just tried the
> Spaces option in Mac OS X 10.6.2 having just updated and I am sad  
> and disappointed to report that Spaces is still broken - at least in  
> my humble opinion.
> I have not had enough time with the new update to determine if there
> is anything new, so if anyone else has please share smile.
> Just thought I'd drop this in here.
> Thanks for reading
> TC
> James
> >

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Re: Voice Over intermittently restarting in Safari

2009-11-09 Thread Nicolai Svendsen


I'm pretty sure that WebVisum is only a Windows add-on, though.

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On Nov 9, 2009, at 11:35 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi May,
> Thanks for the confirmation. I'm just sending this from here as I'm  
> just
> updating my Mac with the 10.6.2 update.
> I wonder why VO does this? Perhaps it will be fixed now or perhaps  
> Mozilla
> will soon release a VO friendly FireFox so that we can have the  
> choice and
> use that wonderful Webvisum plugin and see if VO reacts the same way  
> as it
> does on Safari with the restarts.
> Thanks again,
> TC
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: "May McDonald" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 10:17 PM
> Subject: Re: Voice Over intermittently restarting in Safari
>> I haven't had it happen in other programs, but in Safari I do get it
>> quite often.
>> On 2009-11-09, at 1:46 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I know I E-Mailed about this previously, but has anyone else noticed
>>> this occurring with any frequency please? Basically, this happens
>>> mostly when I first open Safari Voice Over will restart, but today
>>> within the last hour, I've noticed that this has happened at least
>>> twice.
>>> Has anyone else had this in other applications?
>>> Thanks for reading
>>> TC
>>> James

> >

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2009-11-09 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi List, 


 I'm not receiving any email from here, I was just wondering if any traffic
was moving?

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Re: Staying in a menu when you have selected something in that menu - can this be done?

2009-11-09 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello James,

On Nov 9, 2009, at 10:14 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> Let's say that I am in the View menu of an application, and I want to
> change or select a number of options in that menu. Is there a way to
> do all of this without having to constantly return to that particular
> menu please?
Unfortunately, no. At least first letter navigation speeds things up a  
bit, but it would be handy not to have to go through all that each time.



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